Title sequen ce The four types of title sequence. The first of the four is a discrete title sequence. This sort of sequence gives the watcher a good idea of what the film is going to be about and what sort of things will be happening without revealing too much. A good example of this is the se7en title sequence which involves many distorted and disturbing images. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k2gsEI34CE The second type of title sequence is a narrative opening where the credits come along with the start of the film. This is effective as it gets the watcher enticed in the film from an early stage. A good example of this is ‘the shining’. In this opening there is an erey feel due to the fact they are in a very quiet and almost abandoned place.

The Four Types of Title Sequence

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Title sequence

The four types of title sequence.The first of the four is a discrete title sequence. This sort of sequence gives the watcher a good idea of what the film is going to be about and what sort of things will be happening without revealing too much. A good example of this is the se7en title sequence which involves many distorted and disturbing images.


The second type of title sequence is a narrative opening where the credits come along with the start of the film. This is effective as it gets the watcher enticed in the film from an early stage. A good example of this is the shining. In this opening there is an erey feel due to the fact they are in a very quiet and almost abandoned place.


Another type of title sequence is a high budgeted title sequence. An example of this is the opening of Casino Royal. This is normal for a film like James bond which is very well known and therefore well-funded. With an opening like what ours will be this will not be possible as we do not have the funds to produce it.


The last type of title sequence is stylized editing. An example of this is stylized editing Mesrine where editing is used to show split screens and create the feeling of someone being watched and followed.
