The Forgotten Realties - Amazon S3 · of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined

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Page 1: The Forgotten Realties - Amazon S3 · of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined
Page 2: The Forgotten Realties - Amazon S3 · of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined


The Forgotten Realties of the New Covenant

The New Covenant was the end-all, be-all solution to every is-sue between God and man. It was so complete, in fact, that it made every provision for everything that would occur for man throughout eternity. Through the New Cove-nant Jesus Himself would become the focal point for all that exists. In Him, by Him, through Him, and with Him all reality would realize its ultimate destiny.

For the first time since fall of man in the Garden of Eden there would be peace between God and man. Man would be able to ap-proach God without fear or dread of punishment. Most amazing, man would never have to come to God in the vain hopes that his personal best would be enough to make him measure up to a Holy God.

The New Covenant was not an addendum to the Old Covenant nor was it an afterthought necessi-tated by the failure of God’s first plan. The New Covenant was the predetermined fulfillment of God’s eternal plan to have a family of people created in His image, capa-ble of giving and receiving divine love!

The New Covenant was God’s plan for man from the begin-ning. God never had any intention of man coming to Him through his own works or his own righteous-ness. According to Romans 8:29 it was predestined that we would be in Jesus and be conformed to His image by the power of God’s grace lest any man should boast! (Eph. 2:8-9) This eternal work was not going to be about man and his ac-complishments. No! It was going to be about the Son and His finished work!

By the works of the flesh,

no man has ever been justified. (Gal. 2:16) To the surprise of most believers God never intended that man come to Him through any means other than Jesus! The apostle Paul said of Jesus, as he hath cho-sen us in him before the foundation of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined that we would come to the fullness of who we are unto God, in Him! Jesus was the plan all along!

The law was never actually meant to bring us to God, but it did serve some crucial services on the journey to God. …The law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. (Gal. 3:24) The law could never bring us to God; it was sim-ply the process that was used to cause us to see how desperately loved we were through God’s will-ingness to offer His own Son!

The law also revealed sin! Sin is not about what we are doing wrong; sin is about what we are missing. When we “sin” we are in-volved in believing or doing some-thing that causes us to “miss the mark” of how life should be (righteousness.) Because the death of sin is a process we seldom recog-nize that we are destroying our lives when we participate in destructive beliefs that lead to destructive be-havior. In fact, we usually think the short cut is an easy way to get the happiness or security we desire. The law identified what types of behavior, beliefs, and attitudes would destroy us. If we trusted God we could accept the wisdom of His word and avoid the pain.

The apostle Paul said it like this; I would not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless

the law had said, "You shall not covet." (Rom. 7:7-8) The law has no capacity to make us righteous. It has no power to help us overcome sin. At the end of the day, the best it can do is help us identify some of the definable aspects of sin. …by the law is the knowledge of sin. (Rom 3:20)

But this New Covenant would bring to fruition the realities of which the Old Covenant was only a type. The shadows of right-eousness and spirituality would be the experience of the New Cove-nant believer. We would have in real life what the Old Covenant be-lievers only saw in types, rituals, and ceremonies. Ritualism and ceremony would end when we found their reality in the person of Jesus through the provision of the New Covenant!

But the Church, like the children of Israel, are not steadfast in their heart with God; therefore, they are not faithful to the Cove-nant. (Ps. 78:37) Unbelief results in the abandonment of the realities we have in Christ! The subsequent ten-dencies are to mix law and grace, the Old and the New, return to ritu-alism and ceremony, place unscrip-tural stipulations on the promises of God, and minimize the finished work of Jesus.

Religion, which is man’s attempt to come to God on his own terms, has so watered down the message of the cross that we have rendered the promises powerless. We have forgotten the realities of this Covenant. We have reverted back to the type instead of the real-ity. We have run back to works and abandoned grace. We have rejected the blood of Christ for the sweat of our own brow. The promises have been buried under the deceptive guise of “works righteousness” to such an extent con’t on page 6

Page 3: The Forgotten Realties - Amazon S3 · of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined


Identity your core beliefs about prosperity Find and eradicate your fears Begin renewal exercises immediately Create a financial formula your heart will accept

Bypass your controlling lifetime logic Receive proven tools that work Participate in “hands on’ exercises to determine

and adjust beliefs. (Huntsville attendees)

Advanced Heart Physics II

Creating Wealth October 8-10, 2010

Registration for Huntsville attendees: $300 per person (+$75/spouse) Registration for online seminar: $449 single or couple


800.284.9402 ext. 301 or impactministries.com

Identify your core beliefs about prosperity Find and eradicate your fears Begin renewal exercises immediately Create a financial formula your heart will accept

Jesus taught that the way you view money is a direct link to your life of wholeness. In fact, in the original lan-guage He said if your eye is single in the issue of money you can grasp and master the world! Whether you struggle with greed, lack, or a poverty mentality, your life is being controlled by your perspective on money. Money, marriage, and health are the top three things that will determine whether or not you pursue you goals and fulfill your destiny. Money is the number one cause of divorce. Lack of money may be the top cause of stress, leading to sickness and disease! It’s easy to see the wisdom in Jesus’ teaching!

This will be an interactive seminar where you won’t just obtain knowledge; you’ll get the keys to wisdom, the ability to apply God’s Word in a practical setting while opening a new door to your future! You’ll begin to see personal changes before lunch on Saturday! On Sunday your transition will have begun. By Monday you’ll be on a new journey to your financial goals and dreams!

Join me in Huntsville, AL or On Demand via the internet for this life-changing event.

You’ve heard me talk about it, now you can do it! Creating wealth without corrupting your soul, destroying your health, or abandoning your family is one of the most critical challenges we face. The key is the beliefs of the heart! If you believe any of the following statements about wealth they will come true: I have to be a workaholic. I can’t be honest and be wealthy. I have to put work first. I can’t have a life and success. If I do what it takes to succeed I’ll lose my family!

Even more crucial to the times we face, if you believe wealth and success are dependent on the economy your beliefs are self-fulfilling prophesies of doom! More millionaires are made during difficult financial times than any other time!

Whether your goal is to double your income or just reach a place of financial stability, Advanced Heart Physics II is for you. Here are some things you will do during this life-altering weekend:

Bypass your controlling lifetime logic Receive proven tools that work Participate in hands-on exercises to determine and adjust beliefs. (Huntsville attendees)

*** Each attendee will receive free bonus downloads valued at over $150! *** Check out impactministries.com and watch your emails for more details.

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Page 4: The Forgotten Realties - Amazon S3 · of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined


Dear Impact Ministries, Thank you all for those wonderful articles in the e-letter each month. My heart is challenged every time I read them. I know these principles and tools will help me further my own ministry efforts. Keep up the good work.

- New Zealand -

I first came into contact with your ministry through the IT'S A NEW DAY program in Canada. I was saved through their program. Shortly thereafter you were a guest on the show and though I didn't understand every-thing you taught, it was ministering to me. Since that time God called me into the ministry, kicking and screaming. But I want to tell you that your teachings affected what I teach. I was an Assistant Pastor at a church in Canada, when I got a call to come to Germany. When I packed my bag to go to Europe the only two books I took were my Bi-ble and your book on Grace. I used your book to preach from many times, I also met some other mis-sionaries from America who wanted to borrow your book, they devoured it , took notes from it and I know they were also preaching from it. So there are alot of people in Europe being blessed by your ministry, without ever seeing you, or for that matter knew it was you that had uncovered so much truth for them. I'm sure they are thankful to you even as I'm thankful to you for teaching me. God bless you and thank you.

- Germany -

TESTIMONIESTESTIMONIES From Around the World!From Around the World!

Dear Dr Richards – God Bless You! I stumbled onto your book about Grace: The Power to Change. The truths you expounded on makes me understand what true Chris-tianity is all about after more than 40 years of being a Christian on my own strength. I had become discouraged, condemned and almost given up ex-cept for believing I am saved. Some-thing didn’t connect between what the bible said and my reality experience UNTIL I read your book! I can see the light clearly now. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! - Singapore -

After 15 years of service as full time missionaries we came home to an American church scene that was more foreign and hostile than anything we'd faced on the mission field. We could-n't adapt to the power politics, polished professionalism, control, manipulation, and type of formula faith that seemed to be everywhere we looked. That's when I received a copy of "Escape From Codependent Christianity" by James Richards. God used Bro. Jim's teaching to guide us out of the reli-gious jungle and back to the vibrant, happy, and fervent love relationship we had with the Lord as new believers. - Missouri -

The "Anatomy of a Miracle" book in-credibly inspired, confirmed and ex-panded my ministry. Thank you Jim for the magnum spiritual leap in my life.



Dear Dr. Richards, I have gained so much out of your teaching! The gospel has been opened to me in a whole new way - and your teaching has also con-firmed what I've believed in my heart, but been holding back be-cause of wrong teaching before. I have just finished my Heart Physics program. It's been an exciting jour-ney! - And I know there are more to come! This program has given me a much deeper understanding of Christ in me - the power in me! And that it's all up to me to make that power work - it's all in my con-trol - I have to choose!! God HAS done EVERYTHING! Also, I've realized more of the power in medi-tating - how powerful the imagina-tion is - and how the church has un-derestimated what abilities God cre-ated us with. My whole life with God is becoming more and more REAL to me - and all the religios-ness and pretending things are disappearing from my life. Another great thing is that after doing this program I trust my inner voice - and I don't underestimate it, be-cause I know now for sure that God is IN me and He is speaking to me ALL the time. I have a much greater courage to BE ME - to do what God wants me to do - and be what He wants me to be. I have also gained so much more control of my

Page 5: The Forgotten Realties - Amazon S3 · of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined



life, and the negativity in my mind. The revelation I've got on Christ in me, has made me able to remove the negative thoughts - which also takes away the negative feelings. I feel so free - free to enjoy the life God has given me. Free to receive love and give love! God is a good God who ALWAYS loves me and NEVER leaves me! He is IN me!! And I choose to daily make His power work in me! I have no limits!! Thank you so much Dr. Richards for obeying your inner voice and sharing this key with the rest of the world. You are a blessing! God bless you abundantly! – Australia -

The New Covenant was established because the Old Covenant didn’t work. It had several inherent flaws, all based on man’s inability to keep the covenant! When God made a New Covenant the Old was finished; it no longer provided a basis for man to relate to God!

The New Covenant is a better covenant with better promises, new qualifica-tion, a new priesthood, and completely new provisions. Through ignorance and unbe-lief the Church has clung to the Old Covenant making the New Covenant and its promises void through unbelief! A little leaven leavens the whole lump! But now you can return to the realities the Church has abandoned. You can find the power the Gospel promised. You can live the life in Him that you’ve always wanted!

Discover the forgotten Gospel that will win the world. Understand how we violate the Priesthood of Jesus and what to do about it! Learn why we can’t find God in the place we look for Him, but where He can

always be found! Realize why our attempts to keep the Covenant actually violate it. Connect with God in the new Holy Place and meet Him face to face. Learn the secret power of living in the promises. And much, much more!

According to Hebrews, the word “new” means “the former is passed away!” In the New Covenant everything has changed. This covenant will work when we ap-proach God on His terms; then, and only then, can we live in the finished work of the Lord Jesus! Thousands have found the power of living in the New Covenant when they discovered the forgotten realities! Returning to the truth has never been so easy and rewarding!

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The day I started IISOM, every lecture I listened to I cried and I cried during every homework assignment. I feel like a piece of antique furniture that had been stained, varnished, and fi-nally painted with a hundred different coats of whatever color was trendy in church circles. And this experience has removed layer after layer and I feel like I’m finally me for the first time in my life – bare, exposed, known and loved by God. And loved by so many people.

- Canada -

Dear Dr. Richards, Thank you for this ministry. I am re-reading The Gospel of Peace “very slowly” and am now ordering Grace: The Power to Change. After many years a child of God, in some ways it feels like I’m starting over. I think there was a crack in my foundation, and God is healing thru this ministry. My walk with Him seems more real than ever before.

- North Carolina -

Page 6: The Forgotten Realties - Amazon S3 · of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined


Expanding Your Financial Boundaries

No matter how much money a person is able to make, each individual has personal financial boundaries. Proverbs tells us that the heart is the seat of all boundaries; therefore, to move the boundaries we must address the beliefs of our heart. Keep in mind that beliefs of the heart are always directly connected to our sense of self. Every other belief is filtered through how we see our-selves.; therefore, even though beliefs can cause limitations in our life, they are also protecting us. When we experience any level of success that exceeds our sense of self it causes stress. The Chinese character that most closely relates to stress has a compound meaning: opportunity and danger. What we realize from this word is that stress occurs when we are faced with situations that we will turn into success or trouble, all based on the beliefs of our heart. There is no static definition of opportunity. That which threatens one man stimulates an entrepreneurial motivation in another. What looks like the end for one, looks like the beginning for another. When faced with stress created by exceeding our sense of self we tend to get into the survival mode, which means our decisions often lack the ethics and values that define our sense of self. The result of making decisions that violate our values is always more conflict, guilt, and yes… more stress! It would be like a man who marries a woman that he believes is way out of his league. Because this is beyond his sense of self he could become jeal-ous, controlling, possessive, of even abusive; yet another man would ex-pand his boundaries and feel safe in the same situation. Whether we realize it or not, all forward advancement causes us to con-tinually encounter the boundaries of our sense of self. Those who have a heart for it grow with the opportunities. Those who do not grow subcon-sciously sabotage their success so they can remain within the bounds of their current comfort zone i.e., how they see themselves! Regardless of how well adjusted we are or how entrepreneurial we think, we will all, at one time or another, hit a “stuck state.” A stuck state is that place where we just cannot move forward no matter how hard we try. A stuck state is nothing more than a boundary of the heart. Creating Wealth is a part of the Abundant Living Heart Physics® module that equips you with simple-to-use Heart Tools that make it possible for you to expand the boundaries of your heart. This is not a program to teach peo-ple how to make money, this is a program for people on every plain of the financial scale who want to move past where they are. Go to any bookstore and you will find hundreds of books on success. Some are considered Christian and some are considered secular. Some are nothing more than “get rich” schemes, while others are filled with great ad-vice. However, the frustration of a person who studies success is not in his or her inability to learn and even apply the information. The struggle is in the inability to move the boundaries so that a new level of success can be sustainable. Those who create sustaining wealth without stress are not the ones who become the masters of finance, they are the one’s who become the masters of change. Join me for Creating Wealth and learn to move past your boundaries!

Creating Wealth Online - On Demand

If you are unable to attend the live Creating Wealth seminar you can attend in the comfort of your own home on a schedule that fits into your life’s demands. For On Demand pricing see the ad on page 3. All ses-sions will be recorded live to give you the classroom feel. Each On Demand participant will receive the same infor-mation as live participants!


con’t from page 2 that they are no longer promises, but payments for our own efforts!

This New Covenant requires one thing of the participant: to be-lieve in his heart what Jesus accom-plished through his death, burial, and resurrection! To believe on the resurrected Lord is to believe God’s full account of all He faced, en-dured, accomplished, and obtained. Instead, we have mixed law with grace to such an extent that we per-ceive a distorted view of the cross through the veil of legalism. That veil will remain, continuing to blind us to the realities of the New Cove-nant, until we fully turn to Christ as the be-all, end-all of every aspect of our salvation. (2 Cor. 3:12-18)

(If your heart longs for the simplicity of knowing God in a per-sonal intimate way or if you are hungry for God without the trap-pings of religion, your soul will sing praises to God as you get back in touch with the Forgotten Reali-ties of the New Covenant! For more information see the special ad on page 5.)

Page 7: The Forgotten Realties - Amazon S3 · of the world. (Eph. 1:4) Before the world was created, before man breathed his first breath, and before sin came into the equation, it was predestined


Wired For Success—Programmed For Failure Release Date: October 8, 2010

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Everyone has all of the undeveloped potential needed for incredible success; it was hardwired into your DNA at creation! Despite our massive potential for success, few people will even come close to being all they could be! Each of us has had more than enough inspirational ideas to solve all the problems in our lives and create substantial wealth. The problem is, we were wired for success at creation, but we’ve been programmed for failure by the world around us. In this hard-hitting, innovative “how to” book you’ll discover the secrets to moving past the limitations of your family, environment, past track record, and personal beliefs. You’ll learn how to actualize the success you were meant to have as you break past the success you’ve settled for.

Learn how to yield to your inherent ability to succeed Get a new look at success without trouble Break the limitations that have held you back Move the barriers to unlimited success Discover how you were meant to live

This is your chance to end what may have been generation of limitations. Wired For Success Programmed for Failure is your key to a life of success, abundance, and happiness.


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