The Final Revival The Bride Makes Herself Ready Dennis Griffith http://redeemedsaints.com [email protected] Published 2018

The Final Revival - storage.googleapis.com · on this next revival, we will see this rise to new levels. This will make the Azusa Street revival seem small in comparison. This will

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Page 1: The Final Revival - storage.googleapis.com · on this next revival, we will see this rise to new levels. This will make the Azusa Street revival seem small in comparison. This will

The Final Revival The Bride Makes Herself Ready

Dennis Griffith


[email protected]

Published 2018

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Why Revival

There is going to be one more revival before Yeshua

returns. This revival will restore the true followers of Yeshua all the

way back to “the faith that was once and for all given to the saints.”

That faith is known as “Law” in “English” and Torah in Hebrew. It

has been the goal of YEHOVAH to establish His Divine Law on the

earth since Adam and Eve rejected it and fell from grace in the

Garden. Over the past twenty years or so, we have seen a

movement of believers moving back to the Law. As the spirit falls

on this next revival, we will see this rise to new levels. This will

make the Azusa Street revival seem small in comparison. This will

be when the Bride makes herself ready.

Revival was made necessary when Adam and Eve sinned in

the garden, rejecting the Divine Law of Elohim. YAH had to sacrifice

animals and cover Adam and Eve with the skins. This temporary

covering pointed forward to the ultimate sacrifice when Yeshua

was to be sacrificed on the cross saving humanity. Through Yeshua,

who is a quickening spirit, revival will ultimately take place bringing

forth Divine Law and restoring us to the covenants, promises and

safety of Torah/Law.

Now that humanity had rejected Divine Law, becoming

dead in their sin, YEHOVAH had to bring revival. He started by

bringing judgment, flooding the world saving only Noah. After

Noah and his sons began to replenish the earth, YEHOVAH chose

Abraham to establish His covenant. Through Abraham’s seed and

through this covenant, YEHOVAH is going to establish His Law on

the earth.

Over time, Abraham’s offspring found themselves in

bondage to the Egyptians. “On the wings of an eagle,” YEHOVAH

brought the tribes of Israel out of Egypt and took them to Mt Sinai.

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He brought Israel to this place because they were going to have the

wedding supper of Moses. Moses was the mediator of this

wedding, and in the same way, Yeshua will be the mediator of the

wedding supper of the Lamb.

Before Israel could be married to YEHOVAH, they had to

agree to keep His Divine Law. All of Israel agreed to this and they

then had a ceremony where they were married to YEHOVAH

making Him their Elohim. If all had gone well Divine Law would be

established through His newly betrothed and it would spread to the

rest of the nations.

There are many purposes for the Law:

To instruct us how to worship YEHOVAH.

To perfect a people and make them righteous, as YEHOVAH

is righteous, through the sacrificial system.

To give us a set of statutes for the orderly conduct of


To make us Holy or that is to set us apart as a people for


The problem was that Israel did not keep the Law, and they

fell into a constant cycle of backsliding and judgment. Eventually

YAH cast them out of the Promised Land and scattered them

through the nations. Initially He cast the northern Tribes (the House

of Israel) out of the Land and gave them a writ of divorce. (Jer 3:8)

Then he cast the southern tribes (the House of Judah) out, but He

did not divorce them. He brought Judah back into the Land for a

period, but overall they still refused to keep the Law and they

rejected the Messiah, so He cast them out again in AD70.

YEHOVAH’s Divine Law still had not been established on earth and

the people who were to establish the Law were scattered through

the nations

The problem was that the hearts of the people were hard

so the Spirit could not enter. Man has not been able to return to

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the Law on his own. Animal sacrifices were being performed, but

the sacrifice of animals was not effective for changing man’s heart.

Also, the Priesthood, who were making atonement for sin, was not

effective at changing man’s heart. Revival up to this point had given

man the Law, but the Law, in and of itself, was not bringing change

to man’s heart, so man was not able to end his rebellion and keep

the Law. In order for this to happen, the Law needed to become

flesh and walk the earth so that man’s heart would be quickened.

The next step in YAH’s plan to revive His people was to bring

forth His first begotten son. Yeshua was born and finally a man was

able to keep the Law. By keeping the Law, Yeshua gave us a

demonstration of YEHOVAH’s character so that we could see who

YEHOVAH is. You cannot separate YEHOVAH from the Law; they are

of the same spirit. Since Yeshua was able to keep the Law it made

Him one with YEHOVAH making Yeshua Elohim as YEHOVAH is

Elohim. As a result, YEHOVAH’s spirit entered into Yeshua when He

was baptized by John:

Joh 14:5-12 Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know

where you are going; how can we know the

way?" (6) Yeshua said to him, "I am the way, and the truth,

and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me. (7) If

you had known me, you would have known my Father also;

henceforth you know him and have seen him." (8) Philip

said to him, "Lord, show us the Father, and we shall be

satisfied." (9) Yeshua said to him, "Have I been with you so

long, and yet you do not know me, Philip? He who has seen

me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the

Father'? (10) Do you not believe that I am in the Father and

the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak

on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does

his works. (11) Believe me that I am in the Father and the

Father in me; or else believe me for the sake of the works

themselves. (12) "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes

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in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works

than these will he do, because I go to the Father.

What are the works that Yeshua did? He did the works of

keeping the Law, which demonstrated the nature of YEHOVAH.

These works resulted the manifestation of miracles. YEHOVAH is a

merciful Elohim who wants the best for His people. The Law

expresses His mercies with the sacrificial system, which allows for

the forgiveness of sin and the restoration or revival of His people.

It was YAH’s good pleasure to offer Yeshua as a sacrifice to

pay for our sins. Through Yeshua’s death, burial and resurrection

we now have a sacrifice that can penetrate our hearts. Were the

sacrifice of animals was not able to take away sin, Yeshua who is a

“quickening spirit,” is able to enter our heart and bring forth

change. As High Priest, Yeshua’s atonement is now effective for

changing our hearts so that the spirit may enter, bringing with it

Divine Law. Revival would now start to be an internal revival

instead of an external one as it was under the Old Covenant.

Initially this happened at Pentecost. This hand full of Jews

who accepted the Messiah had their hearts softened by the love

that YAH showed when He gave his only Begotten for us. This

allowed the Holy Spirit to enter them and they were begotten of

the spirit as Yeshua was. This hand full of believers went to the ends

of the world to spread the gospel, to the Jew first and then to the

gentile. The faith that was “once and for all given to the Saints” on

Mt. Sinai had now spread throughout the world. The only

difference is that instead of the sons of Aaron being the High Priest

Yeshua was now both King and Priest.

Initially those who went out to the world had great power

and authority. This is because they were continuing to demonstrate

YAH’s Law to the people. Unfortunately the message of the Law

started to become watered down so the miracles started to


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The problem was the Roman Empire was determined to

dominate the faith. Initially they attempted to kill all of the

followers of Yeshua. When this did not work, and the faith

continued to grow, under the leadership of Constantine they made

the faith the state religion. This gave the Romans full control of the

faith. Now in control, they turned the faith into a Roman form of

paganism. They created a savior of their own who eventually came

to be known as Jesus. They wrapped all of their pagan festivals

around this false savior, such as Christmas, Easter and the

Venerable Day of the Sun (Sunday). There was very little resistance

to this because the persecutions had killed off many of the true

believers and had driven the rest of them underground. From the

fourth century until the sixteenth century, this pagan form of

Christianity dominated the world. This is known as the dark ages.

In the fourteenth century, a spark of change was lit when

John Wycliff translated the Bible into the language of the common

people. Later Jan Hus protested the Catholic Eucharist tradition. He

was burned at the stake for heresy by the Catholic hierarchy.

In the fifteenth century of the printing press was invented.

This was the catalyst for the coming revials. Because of this, the

Bible began to be circulated to the common people who could now

read and study the word for themselves. In spite of Rome’s brutal

attempts kill the word of Elohim the two witnesses of the Old and

New Testaments began stand on their feet and witness to the

world. They will witness until the three and a half year period when

Yeshua returns to take His Kingdom away from Rome. (Rev 11)

In the sixteenth century, revival really took off. The reason

is because a people started to break away from the false religion of

the Roman Empire and started to move back to the truths of the

Torah. In 1517, Martin Luther published his 95 theses and posted

them at the Castle Church on the campus of the University of

Wittenberg in Germany. Then John Calvin (Presbyterian) restored

the truth that Christ is the mediator between man and God and not

a priest.

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In the sixteenth century, John Smyth (Baptist) restored the

truth of Baptism by Immersion. Also, a denomination known as the

Anabaptists rose up and rejected the Catholic practice of infant


Seventh Day Baptists date their origin with the mid-17th

century separatist movement in England. The first separate church

of record was the Mill Yard church founded about 1650 in London.

A group of these believers established the first Seventh Day Baptist

Church in America in December 1671.

In the eighteenth century, John Wesley (Methodist)

restored the importance of witnessing.

Every one of these truths being restored is very important,

but further truths kept being discovered so just using one of these

truths to base a religious doctrine on is not good enough when it

comes to following YAH’s word in the Bible. Pride can affect very

well educated people and closes the minds of people to the point

that they are not willing to accept further truth.

In nineteenth century was the rise of the Adventist

Movement (Seventh-day Adventist) who restores message of Law

and the Heavenly Sanctuary ministry found in Hebrews 8. They also

presented the Sabbath as a sign of obedience in a covenant

relationship with God.

There have been many other movements as well. Each

move of restoration sadly followed a similar pattern. The

movement would start because a few people got a new revelation

for restoration. A spring of living water would come forth from this.

The movement would grow accompanied by miraculous power of

the Holy Spirit until it became large and popular. After a while, the

people would get comfortable where they were, thinking that they

were in need of nothing else, and they would refuse to continue

the process of restoration. Soon the people would replace the Holy

Spirit with a spirit of religiosity. Then the spring would dry up and

the Holy Spirit would move out. Eventually the Church would

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deteriorate until it was in the same miserable state as in the


Yeshua would find some new people to carry on the process

of restoration. They would be persecuted by the people who were

part of the last movement. The people of the last movement had

become rich and secure where they were and they were no longer

willing to go with the flow of the Spirit. Therefore, the new

movement would break away from the old to be free to follow the

Spirit, and this would start another denomination. This is why the

Church is such a fractured mess, because this happened

repeatedly. Each movement eventually dried up because they

would never really go back to the true source of water, and that is

the Torah. Lawlessness continued to be the norm.

Part of the reason for this lawlessness of the Gentile Church

is the curse that Yehovah put on Israel. YAH told Israel that if they

were not faithful He would sift them through the nations, and as

part of their punishment, they would serve the false gods of those

nations. They were not faithful and they were scattered through

the nations. Because of this, all nations have become one nation,

the gentile nation. The outcast of Israel became gentiles. This is

who we are today. We are gentiles who have been removed from

the covenants and promises of the Torah and the Common Wealth

of Israel.

There is good news! YEHOVAH promised that in the end, He would revive us and restore us to the Land:

Jer 31:31-40 "Behold, the days are coming, says YEHOVAH,

when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel

and the house of Judah, (32) not like the covenant which I

made with their fathers when I took them by the hand to

bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant which

they broke, though I was their husband, says

YEHOVAH. (33) But this is the covenant which I will make

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with the house of Israel after those days, says YEHOVAH: I

will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their

hearts; and I will be their Elohim and they shall be my

people. (34) And no longer shall each man teach his

neighbor and each his brother, saying, 'Know YEHOVAH,' for

they shall all know me, from the least of them to the

greatest, says YEHOVAH; for I will forgive their iniquity, and

I will remember their sin no more." (35) Thus says

YEHOVAH, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed

order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs

up the sea so that its waves roar—the LORD of hosts is his

name: (36) "If this fixed order departs from before me,

says YEHOVAH, then shall the descendants of Israel cease

from being a nation before me forever." (37) Thus says

YEHOVAH: "If the heavens above can be measured, and the

foundations of the earth below can be explored, then I will

cast off all the descendants of Israel for all that they have

done, says YEHOVAH." (38) "Behold, the days are coming

says YEHOVAH, when the city shall be rebuilt for YEHOVAH

from the tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate. (39) And

the measuring line shall go out farther, straight to the hill

Gareb, and shall then turn to Goah. (40) The whole valley

of the dead bodies and the ashes, and all the fields as far as

the brook Kidron, to the corner of the Horse Gate toward

the east, shall be sacred to YEHOVAH. It shall not be

uprooted or overthrown any more forever."

The house of Israel, which is now the gentile nation, and the house of Judah will be revived and restored. Yeshua our sacrifice will quicken our spirits so that we can return to the Law and have it written on our hearts.

In spite of the Protestant’s history of reformation, it

continues to fall into the trap of the Catholic Church, and is still

governed by the same spirit of antichrist. It has never fully broken

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away and fully reformed! The evidence of this is the fact that it still

calls our Makers most important holy day by the name of a false

deity, Easter, who is the bare breasted goddess of fertility and

sexual desire. It still worships on the day of the sun god, and it still

keeps a holiday called Christmas instead of Sukkot as Yehovah

commanded us to do. The god of the Protestants is still the same

as the Catholics. This is because the Church has never gone back to

its “first love.” As a result, there is an old dried up church of

religiosity on every corner.

Yeshua told us, if we love Him, we will keep His

commandments. Since Yeshua and the Father are one, then

Yeshua’s commandments are the Fathers commandments. They

are the commandments of Torah:

Joh 14:15-25 "If you love me, you will keep my

commandments. (16) And I will pray the Father, and he will

give you another Counselor, to be with you for

ever, (17) even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot

receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him; you

know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you. (18) "I

will not leave you desolate; I will come to you. (19) Yet a

little while, and the world will see me no more, but you will

see me; because I live, you will live also. (20) In that day

you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I

in you. (21) He who has my commandments and keeps

them, he it is who loves me; and he who loves me will be

loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself

to him." (22) Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, "Lord, how is

it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the

world?" (23) Jesus answered him, "If a man loves me, he

will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will

come to him and make our home with him. (24) He who

does not love me does not keep my words; and the word

which you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent

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me. (25) "These things I have spoken to you, while I am still

with you.

We are rewarded for keeping the commandment and

punished when we do not. We should also not allow anyone to

judge us when we are keeping the commandments.

Isa 51:7, "Hearken to me, you who know righteousness, the people

in whose heart is my law; fear not the reproach of men, and be not

dismayed at their revilings. Also in Col 2:16, “Therefore let no one

pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink or with regard

to a festival or a new moon or a sabbath.”

When we try to keep the commandments, the world reviles

us, but we should put this aside and continue to follow YAH. When

we will not eat pork and other unclean foods the world judges us

and tells us we are being legalistic. When we follow the Hebrew

calendar, which uses the new moon to determine the beginning of

the months, we are looked at with suspicion. The thing is, if we are

in tune with the Almighty and what He is doing, we need to know

His calendar so that we know when His assigned times and seasons


All revivals up until now have been for the purpose of slowly

and gently moving humanity to the place where we can accept and

live by YAH’s Law. In the next chapter, we will see that the Law

makes us Holy, as YAH is Holy.

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Be Holy

What does it mean to be holy? Of course, Elohim is Holy,

but in every religion, the deity is considered holy and there are holy

men in every religion, so what does the word holy really mean? In

the Bible Elohim told us, “For I am YEHOVAH your Elohim.

Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy; for I am Holy…”

(Lev 11:44) How do we make ourselves holy?

To start with, let us define the word holy. Our word comes

from the Hebrew root kădăsh, which the Brown, Driver, Briggs

Lexicon (BDB) says comes from the "poss. orig. idea of separation,

withdrawal." BDB goes on to further to describe our word:

vd;Q' vb. denom. be set apart, consecrated

vd,qoñ n. m. apartness, sacredness

vAdq' adj. sacred, holy; separate from human infirmity,

impurity, and sin

As you can see, the word holy has the core meaning of "to be set

apart, apartness, separate." So to be holy is to be set apart for the

god that you serve.

If you are a Buddhist you set yourself apart for Buda, if you

are a Muslim you set yourself apart for Allah, and so forth. When

you make yourself holy to the religion of your choice, you do those

things that distinguish you for that religion. You follow the customs

rules and regulations of that religion. Because you do these things,

everyone knows that you have set yourself aside for the god of your

religion. It becomes obvious because of your actions.

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When we make YEHOVAH our Elohim, then we should do

those things that set us apart for Him. In Exodus 19:5-6 YEHOVAH

said, “Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My

covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the

peoples, for all the earth is Mine; and you shall be to Me a kingdom

of priests and a holy (set apart) nation.” After this, YEHOVAH gave

Moses the Law/Torah. In the Law, the theme of holiness is very

large. It was very important to YEHOVAH to have a people who

cared enough about Him that they would be willing to distinguish

themselves from the other people of the earth. He wanted people

who would set themselves apart so that they could be His

representative to the nations of the earth.

The way that we make ourselves holy is that we do things

that are holy as described by Torah. An example of this is in Exodus

31:13-14, “But as for you, speaks to the sons of Israel, saying, 'You

shall surely observe My sabbaths; for this is a sign between Me and

you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am

YEHOVAH who sanctifies you. 'Therefore you are to observe the

sabbath, for it is holy to you.” When this scripture says that the

Sabbaths are “holy to us,” it is saying that by keeping the Sabbaths

we are setting ourselves apart by keeping them. By keeping the

Sabbaths, we set ourselves apart for YEHOVAH.

Notice that YAH told us to keep His Sabbaths – plural. YAH

considers each of His assigned feasts to be a Sabbath. So when we

keep the weekly Sabbath we are setting ourselves apart, when we

keep Passover we are setting ourselves apart, when we keep

Tabernacles we are setting ourselves apart, and so forth.

Yeshua is called, “the Holy One of Elohim.” He is not holy by

virtue of His divine nature. He is holy by the fact that he set Himself

apart by keeping YEHOVAH’s Law. Because He chose to completely

set Himself apart for YAH, He became the Eternal Word of Elohim,

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the very essence of Elohim. In this respect, He is utterly unique,

utterly different, utterly set apart, and utterly holy.

Now look at Christianity, does it keep these Sabbaths to

make itself holy and set apart for YEHOVAH? The answer is no!

Christianity is set apart for whoever the god of Easter, Christmas

and the venerable day of the sun god is. As explained previously,

Easter and Christmas have their origins back to the rebellion that

took place at the Tower of Babel. Christianity has set itself apart for

a false god and for a false messiah, not for YEHOVAH and Yeshua.

1 Peter 2:9-11 tells us, But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A ROYAL


POSSESSION, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who

has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once

were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF Elohim; you


Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly

lusts, which wage war against the soul.” The capitalization means

that Peter is quoting from the Old Testament. This harkens back to

the time when YAH divorces the House of Israel, the ten northern

tribes. We were cut off from being a nation and from the covenants

of Torah. We were not given mercy because we were a stiff-necked

people who would not keep the commandments. The good news is

that YAH is going to give us another chance. For those who will turn

away from their false gods and return to the One True Elohim, and

His commandments, He will allow us back into His Kingdom.

Through the blood of Yeshua, we get one last chance.

What Peter is telling us is that if we cling to YEHOVAH and

to His Messiah then we are the Royal Priesthood spoken of in the

Torah. It means that we become part of Israel. He tells us to abstain

from fleshly lust, or in other words, abstain from doing the will of

Satan by following false religious practices. In 1 Peter 2:25, Peter

goes on to say, “For you were continually straying like sheep, but

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now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your

souls.” When we stray we are not doing those things that make us

holy and set apart, instead we are doing the things that make us

profane. Now if we will keep the commandments we have a

Shepherd named Yeshua who can see us through so that we can be

holy onto Him.

One must understand that Yeshua does not make you holy

or set apart. Only you can set yourself apart. Once you make the

commitment to set yourself apart for YEHOVAH, then and only

then, can Yeshua deliver you and make you clean from your sin. We

have a part to play in this and a decision to make. We can follow

the pattern of the world or we can set ourselves apart for


Can we be perfect in our attempt to follow the Law and

make ourselves holy, as Yeshua was perfect and holy? No! This is

why we need a covenant providing for forgiveness of sin. The Law

provides a Passover Lamb and a sin offering. Because we are not

able to be perfect, the covenant provides the promise that Elohim

can make us perfect at some point in time through the circumcision

of the heart. Because we are not perfect is not a reason to throw

out the Law. It is through the law of the sacrifice that we have the

hope that someday a perfect Elohim will transform us from this

sinful flesh to our glorified body, from corruption to incorruption.

If we seek to embrace His covenants then YEHOVAH will do this for


As the Bride of Messiah, we make ourselves ready when we

strive to make ourselves holy and set apart for YEHOVAH.

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Prayer for Deliverance

Father YEHOVAH, this day I renounce my previous religion

of ___________, and from now on, I consider myself an Israelite,

grafted in by the blood of the Lamb, Yeshua Messiah. I accept the

covenants set forth by the Common Wealth of Israel. I willfully

come under You and these covenants as my covering. I accept the

faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints, which is your

Torah given through Moses, which has now been transferred to

Yeshua Messiah our King and Priest forever more.

I renounce all of the pagan practices that I have participated

in through my old religion and through the culture where I have

been. I renounce all false sabbaths such as; “the venerable day of

the sun god” (Sunday); Easter, the bare breasted goddess of fertility

and sexual desire; Christmas the worship of Nimrod and his

rebellion; and all others. I ask you to take the sword of your spirit

and sever all ties to these old practices. From this day forward, I

commit to keeping your Law and your Law only. YEHOVAH I commit

to keeping your Sabbaths because You are the GOD who sanctifies


YEHOVAH GOD, I ask that you would deliver me from all evil

so that in thought and in deed I will be righteous in Your eyes. I ask

you to Passover my sins in the Day of Judgment. I ask you to

circumcise my heart and write Your Law upon it so that I will have

the ability to do Your will at all times.
