tS3S -■ r-r*f......... THE EVENING J^ijknaL, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1919. I with (tin conduct of negotiations and I ' onlldcnoe In their leaders were adopt- ! cd by the actors, offer they had list- ened to an address by Wilton Lackaye In which ho declared managers now ! must reckon with "the great organlza- j lion of the American Federation of Officially Ring Dcwi Cur- "Hun t allow others lo sow seeds of . , . , \ dissension among us," he urged. "The lain Oil Last Act of managers are licked, hut I am not so . * ,Tnr*r.: Ior,or Conm,r- formerly *taQO «»rile mjm v,atrthey.ar" rpenfla,u,;'l;r^ •-läge OtriKMarte Dressier, president Of tin . «-lie arr Kemingly healthy are suffering f"'" Chorus GirlsFoully Association, slated ! from progressive organic ailments Thou f'11 ,.h"< y , ' » i . -»»«laotirm snnd» of (hem would uv\rr finvp horn sif- «|met your ncrvps. you arr» a sla that (hiring the strike her (•.ganiz<iljoli hail jf not fwr f|„. vxr0Shtrc. Ilsr tolumo hslur. nnd arc positively poisoning Irtid the support of Mrs. John D, Hockr ' of tobacco, and tlmu^iiils would toon get yourself with rhe deadly drug, nicotine, in feller Jr When Mr« Hockcfcller re- ! «ell If they would only «top the u»«* of u». either case you have Just two alternative«ra l i at r i i i #-* #* t imr itf I « * » n ■» . * bacco. The chief hnhit fonniiiir principle keep on with the self-poisoning process, f r- raillieu at ameeting of turns lo the city WCarcgoing In gel . ,,f ,„ÜMru i, ni,..„in" a deadly p.Ilaon rc»|Wtlw of the dangers and suffer the wie Adorn' EquityAssoc.atioc. a cluhhouscfrom her,*said Miss Dress- which, when absorbed by the »y»tem,*Hlow eonsequences : or Rive up the habit and , . . if... I ly effect« the nerven, membranes tissues escape the danger«. You can overcome the Tlicse term*providing for recogn; r* nn.i rlial orjrars of ti» body Tlie n.trm' erarlog and atop the habit in a very shore ful effect of tobacco varies aud depends on time by using the following Inexpensive elreuinslaiiee«. One will he afAirfed with D»mnilji : Go to any drug store and ask LONDON spul i()__The oldest huiel in general debility, other» with catarrh of the f,,r Vi(*otol tablet« take one table after ilemni.find l.v . ». .. » . !*-.»*. 1 i tbroal. Indigestion. constipa Hon. extreme •'*«•»• raeal. and in a comparatively short icinamh d*nt l*ut as |Northhampton, built in 1 has lusl nerrouasesa. aleepleasneaa lois .-r memory lime you n ibeenconverted Into a movietheater. Ilack of will power, uieutal confusion, etc! Ihe craving It U Ihelienrirp ifrilel which the British ' Other« ni ay Buffer from heart dtw- » txleotltte poison II l,,f ,C: ' ,,,( n V ; I ease, bronchial trouble. hardenInc off «funeral health will quickly Improve, government had taken over during the the arteries, tubereuloBi«, blindness orj Note When asked about Nicotol tablet«,* war. * ven cancer or the common affliction known > one of our leading druggist* said: __**lt is ns tobacco heart If you um> tobacco In any fPulv a wonderful remedy for the tobacco ! form you can easily detect the harmful ef- habit: awayahead of anything we have I feet« by making the following simple tests ever sold before. Weare authorized by the I Head aloud one ful* page from a book If manufacturers to refund the money to {In the ff reading your voice be- every dissatisfied customer, anti we would come# muffled, hoarse and indistinct, and not permit the use of our name unless the ! you*must frequently clear your throat, the remedy possessed unusual merit.Nicotol j chances are that your throat is affecte«! by. tablets are sold In this city under an Iron- ien tarrh oml it may be the beginning of clad, money-back guarantee by vail up-to- erloti« trouble. Next, in the .morning date druggists, including taking your usual smoke, walk up The Dauforth. KckerU and Spruanct flights of stairs at a. regular pa«k*. cross RïïIFlf PLACE AMENDMENT Doctor Tells Hoir to Detect Harmjut Effects of Tobacco Try These SIMPLE TESTS Z-\ ' 9HI0 SORTS limn tiniN llllill I'KII.iS vÿ^omâneep cfiïmmer Qr/ ^ZoeT5&c£/e/ >0/0 mr -v.y a 3 ÜT V-: Recommendations ciGrand Jury to Result in Speedy ction by State f : f lion stop If yon find that too are oot of breath, your heart brat hi forced, trem tiling or irregular von may bo a victim of Tlonal or organic heart trouble. . -Vj ■:«* If roll must smoke. chew or smiff to Oic WftSc ■■ WNEW YORK. S'.iit. 10.—Terms on vwili-h the recent theatrical strike was settled were s< pt. 10 -Action lias . , bren taken by public and civic official» ' lending- to brin« »eneflei : «nils from My dear Dolly: ;...vi of the I Your appeal is nattering, but aw. county grand Jury ! fully hard lo respond to. know about marriageespecially be-I i tween the sort of people you arc wor- rying over? We bave simple, old-fash- ioned ideas here in BentsvJlle. We love report which look|ant* marr>'- Wo build our little home j ; and put into !l all vve have of love, »er- j vice and hope for the future. When the family comes, we work a Plate ! little harder, and draw together a lit- Ct.FVFI.AM», Oentsvllle, ^Saturday. t ree-omraendalioii n tin What do 1 ; special Cayaho- under Foreman Cud econemlsl. hlch : ist w-e< k re- I m Its investigation into high tlon of the Equity, with Increased sal- 1 aries and favorable working .conditions David Gibson, writer wi n:\ r Ho rn \ movie hoi si: &M ' ill Lave no dealre for tobacco, will have left you With the ut of your «y«tern your \ Xorled priées suring an "iipen shop"were incorpor- atwl In an agreement drawn by repi »entalive» of Ihe actors and the 1»! dicing .ManagersProtective Associa- tion. Heading of the peace pact" was i greeted with cheers, as John Finer- 11 son, who presided, translated each le- 11 gal clause into matter-of-fact English. |j None of the dissatisfaction manifested j i it the Equity» "celebration meeting" I] ptn o the reading. KKiL,'- After the meeting the thesplansij crowded around Ihe table on which the il pact" was laid and studied with In- j teresl the signatures, which Included i those of Samuel Harris and Arthur I Hopkins, for Ihe managers; Francis I Wilson and Frank Glllmore for lh*j Equity^ and officials of the Musicians' 1 and StagehandsUnions anil the Atnerl- ! can Federation of Labor. Hesolnlions expressing satisfaction •f living necessities. v i \ m This constructive up problems similar to most com- -1 ■/. S of the country, is being muniljcs ■sought in other cHies and Slates, The recommendation -that a commission be named t(T »ludy food I He closer, sharing trouble» as well as ! production costs In a typical agrleul- i Joys, and making new plans, tural county and the cost of dlstrlhu-1 '4km and prices to consumers in a typi- cal industrial center Is expected soon 4o bo followed by Governor James \l Uox. Legislative, leaders have Indi- cated support for a State bureau of coss, one feature of which will |>, |h f JL 11 ;i fkS In Itentsvliie. vve dont have such ; franlic times deciding whether vve are' f-f 'W Drug < in love nr not. Or whether "pity and1 gratitude are enough to marry on." We j arent so analytical, dear. We feel,! more than vve think. Yet we dont go wrong cm very often. You are right in saying these prob- lems are absolutely individual. What Ills someone In Rentsvllle doesn't 111 v i ÈK *< EAGLE'MIKADOPENCIL No. 174 a \ public posting of food prices. The Chamber of ComlRbrce is to re- double its efforts In extend trolley freight servir» on Interurban Hues en- toring the city from most counties of >'0,,r ^ln,J o fc'.plc at all Doll,. When northern Ohio. The Jury» report in- > our kind of people I mean peo-. flica ted that such steps would bring I Ple"J «"'T .,h; l,f? blsi lo the Oily quantities of fruits and f*ultasle f"r I,laln,,onl,>-! vegetables now going to waste fur lack j1' 1 1 *,"**• . j of marketing facilities L n,on1n1 offe^?d. 1 *■ «Implr | Cleveland, like many other cities, ^ big cdic everything is pro- now has a service by interurban, but #•»<«•»■*- ^u have your profosTlonal the extensive development of this Is M'ei*. musicians, painters, rooks, viewed as one important means of re-1»»«useworkers actors, homes even, for, during food costs Especially in ex- «'*••» «re hole!« hul profession* homes? tending the area from which the milk J**k ".8" vo,"r "Tan>»upph: obtained is this additional ;lh'"»ry,a,;V1lr0f<*9lTlli . i servie- to receive ea.lv attention. , There might he « perfectly lovely Dr n c Houcehe. chairman of the 1 fnm.il f,,r rvan.plc living in the very fair food price committee, oporalli.c nrxl house to day-In your huge New P . * s|op: \ orkvvlio would entertain you of an I j it .ri.»* Hat f'vrnin* Jn the nicest sort of way. Bui 1 into elrcol Drlce Ii*l^ wiium . . _ ... . ,, ' ,11«-,mnls for those vvlio nav ",,t ** Jn" 'Vlrn 10 «II on ear dt.cum . t them you would probably say, "oh, no. , I let's go liear Caruso sing instead.I . vh, - ,.3ee what -1 mean. Dolly? Always the j ami that a "i * Prr,fl*ss|onal against Hie simple. 1 So thoroughly has this got Into your night organized a branch post at Mar- blood that you even think prnfcwslouai- jlalllnn Del j j ly. You dont Just trust lo the natural! 'tilings that lead lo marriage. You1 agonize and antyze - and argue and j" ; weigh and fuss and fume and doubt ; Slough, H. A. Blickte and J. t-. H»>. "land fear. Probably you've even read "'ho assisted ill tile organization of up on It to sec what Anatole France and Ihe sub-post. Bernard «haw and G, K. Chesterton and E. Harry Clouser, #of Marsfialllon, Bobcrl f.oiil« Stevenson liavo said on the faeled as chairman of Hie meeting and subject of love and marriage! ill bet a "as elected post commander, while I home-made cookie you havei;-;';'; ; Captain Wallis and Mrs. Kymbat j »haillon Post are as follows; : t out and feel It out hy them-! Swartz, vice-post commander ; Norman s. You have done alt you can,! A. Groves, post secretary, and George and Fm proud of your unselfish j H. McDougall, post treasurer. The altitude toward Captain Wallis. Can-| meeting "»» held in the Knights of dldly. I think you are wasting too much I pyttflas Hall, and by a vote it was rte- re««rd on him He dashing and hand-1 dded to call the a hero and a llterarv Hon and i 1 that, but I d stark Randy Lew is j S«5\ nf Regular Length, 7 tache» For SaU at jour Dealer» 5c Each» Conceded to be tho Finest Pencil made for general Made in firo grades 1 use. i A Soothing, Cooling Magnesia Bath for Your which Included William Kenimorc, Harry Clouser, Samuel F. EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK and Harvey Norman A. Groves. F. George H. McDougall, Gordon, Daniel A. Derry, Henr.y Staekwcll, Stanford Payne and Frank Swartz. Tlie next meeting will be held in Marshallton in the Knights of Pythias Hall, Monday evening, September 15. at T.,'10 o'clock. ACID STOMACH E f#i -------s We liuilt our llllle home nml pul Into IIlove, service «ml hope for the future.THE This pl#n«ant Msgnrsls drink makes your acid stomach feel tine In tlv»* inlnules. It Boothe« the «our. hurniug. Irritated* stomach linings and neutralizes the eures« arid, which causes stomach misery. It is as pleasant, harmless and easy to take as a glass of milk, yet It gires instant relief from sourness, gas, belching, heartburn, bloating, water- brash. nansea and indigestion. It sweetens, tones and neutralizes the stomach contents. Soothes, cools and heals the stomach morning, immediately .after break- fast. It puts you in fine fettle for the days work I to your stomach trouble. A lea spoonful of Hisursted Magnesia mixed with ono-quarter glass of water has often saved an hour of after-eating misery. WARNING:The ordinary Car- Milk <»f Mag Citrate of Magnesia will Be sure and ask your drug- Baynard Optical Co. SAYNARD BUILDING, MARKET AND FIFTH STREETS Prescription Opticians J, Wales Davis Vice-Pres.-Mgr. HAKSHALLTON HAS LEGION POST I Vitolyn is Different fédéra: yo limJ'T lh> ; When Vitolyn. Natures Tonie of Herbs appeared. It was so radically different in composition and result, as to really revota- : lionize the entire theory on Herbal Tonics. ( Ft differs from other« lu thin way. It aets on the entire system by first j toning the liver by removing tho excessive- ' ness of bile. IV If helps the Stomaeh digest all the i i food you eat, separating the good fr« had. the O pu scies, which gives us our Strength and Vitality, the Bad being eliminated through the bowels X It acts as a Mild. Positiva Laxative' and In a short time will insure perfect ' regularity. 4. It purifies the Blood and gives the! Strength wh!c* puts the Lifeand Pep" ! in you that Nature intended. ■•VITO mrau* T.IFS Start taking Vitolyn today and eujoy I Everlasting Health. Put up in convenient Tablet Form only,! and sold by Eckerd aud all other drug- I gists. A delegation 0f Delaware Post, No. of tli« American Leg.on. beaded hy T. K. Carpenter, Statu organizer, last Ji and carry purchases, ommended that a .> per mt be made I" ir goofte from -I rent iL»count t. Irritated and inflamed ils and If taken In the Nettie B. Davit, Scc.-Treas. S. H. Baynard, President. / ' I. d should soon put »wed for cash 1 Tlie delegation consisted :i li lit Is given, »ervtatoti «Ko Is t< is pitfrtlc markets •ason wh the making Hod Blood Tor- i of T. K. Carpenter, M. J. Samuel, (J. N DaVis, Dr. 1 Voter D. Washburn, E. T. ■t marl id n in biwiH r axâll in Tit4 boost« «f Magnesia, nesia or not do. gist for (II- L-onsunwr Inb br-ng •nt m doting of i Priced $W to $12.20 U»e » Thl BISURATED MAGNESIA \ .f pi i- I ads the other officers elected fidHie Mar- Frank ■. A com- food food 1h v >\h i shift me *. rOLYM dear \S s to re- nt jdate » NatutkTmkUfHariii, organization new WE WILL CLEAN IT OR DYE.STEVENS MEDIUM. EOMPANY, lor., \ anderbill Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. i Alan makers, nf Slovens i nlarrh (Am. pound, n «lire Preventive of Hnv Fever Quick relief for Catarrh, Cold in the Head and Inflamed condition of the uoso aud throat. new oi . îe=- une ■me Marshaltlpn Post. No. à. A committee on membersnlj ip vsain«! him any day for true worth \ nubllolty was made, up of all present., f and abilltv. CLEN-O and V? ap- l opemae eais that he he Gihsrm d of a te Palm Rearh Suits Our Specialty. CJcaneps, Dyers, Srourrrs. 310 Delaware Ave. Auto Dely Servir». ' \ »>\ vdi * ■■'T»r a formidahie r pr .fiteerjng landlord ~T?ie rentals of dwelling places i We went to « beautiful party the; ! other night, Rsndy and I. j compare in professional elegance. Ill | adm t. with the musicale« and things; «» of so- 1 hat take place Saturday nights at IheJ ir In the c|jv er.and Arm« ion EX-CIRCUS STAR IS FULL OF PEP hold xer It didnt li rt:iw FINE STATIONERY AND BOX PAPERS from Drapers Drug Store Seventh and Jackson St«. tiisti as to hf I uiT'prt and a i ,rge f.< We havent any pro- rost of living.| fe«stonaI dancers or actresses or noted andiords continue j authors In Bentesdlle. But we had lots •e of rals ng rent* of music and dancing and delicious can they will dc- . things lo eal( home-made, out of real if th* community, stuff!! and Randys new car Is a smooth! ; runner and mighty comfortable. t tax By the way, dear, Randy says give to encourage you his loxe and tell you hes been lower rents as a result 1 promoted to contraet manager, what- ----------------------ever that I». He travels qulle a bit. and is terribly prosperous, but lies Hie Htr.E PI I P St PPIA same old démocratie Rand' He han 10Airmen ' given me a wonderful electric perco- tc| « survey of l.ffon.iski latnr to make pas coffee in. and I,«brader J Take my advice, Dolly put in Hie md In live weeks, the first tim rest ..f your summer enjoying yourself, vey from the air ever made not trying to untangle every............. Ises ' O If (rofas AlWalker, 1333 Reno streef. Phlla- star aerohat ctii delphla, for many years a in Barnum and Baileys circus, tells nf a j recent discovery which brought him __ i happiness. For some lime,lie began, JT had been felling mighty miserable, have an ounce of energy. Even foods upset my stomach, form after eating, causing pain and ills- | tress. I tried several so-called tonics. hul continued lo feel rocky until I hit //ft \Tr ,/ fi ± upon Tanlao. Tanlac was Just what j If. I j 1^1] III St ICCt my poor run-down system needed. My | 0. & A. phone 6120W. appetite has increased, tlie heaviest | meal digests perfectly and I am gaining j weight every day. Tanlac sure puts Ihe old pephack in a fellow. Flu j mighty (Mad I found It.Tanlac Is sold | here by N. B. Dan forth. COBnoVANS ll ancC' -/ n. E»(ahli>ihfd 19IS. iings w k Premier Tailor. S Didnt ! light Gas would 0 s Vj Our genuine shell cordovans will he the talk of Wilmington not only because we have the styles in sizes from 5 to 11 and A A to D with plump, overweight white oak soles, hut be- cause you cant touch their equal anywhere else at anything like our price. -, Best Service S L»r^»( Slack in D#U»»r, «wehr Piano Co., f(h Sf.» Witmlngêmo Latest style Suits. Joseph Balascio, Prop. M rim nt \m snows JOHNS. N. F.. b omp of Newfoundland Tf limatc 2.vm »quarr miles of pulp problem«. Youve only a yield SO to 100 per cent better more ; > land that husband. ••«I pulp arras In Ihe Amerl- rr wood w than the | continent Always yours lo count i n Jii.W, c F O K S T E It Harpers Ferry Excursion * \adhr St.F.Nir POINT OF THREE STATES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 $3.00 Round Trip * SHOE COMPANY 728 Market Street A 9 (INTI.t OING TAX) SPECIAL TRAIN l.c.ncs Wilmington, 8.1» X. XL, Newark. R.35 X. M. Brturiiinn. Special Train will leme Hnrnrrs Ecrrv 5.30 P. XI. \ r .x. # # I Over Plaza Restaurant. I L^l BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. ATCH vour husband hrishtm up when he pels his first taste of that golden brown rich coffee you have made for him with such No wonder it tastes better, havent changed the coffeehut have learned a great secretyou have changed and improved the milk. iou have added Every Day Milk to the coffee to make it richer and to give it a far better flavor instead of thinning and xveakening it xvith dairv milk. milk which has in it all the cream of twice its quantity of rich milk! Because it tastes so good, because It Is so rich, nourishing, and yet co.»ts so little__because it makes you independent of iee man and milk Every day use Every Day. w »> 1 * WHITES DE LUXE JUNIOR mil Rum care. mm HITES De Lux Jr. Washer is built along the same careful lines as all White Line Washers, and gives to the user a cylinder washer for but little more than the ordinary' dolly type |Ga washer, but at the same time with a larger ca- pacity. The cylinder of this washer reverses auto- matically at each complete revolution. This reverse I6«» motion prevents the cloth- * ing from rolling up and at the same time agitates the clothes more freely, com- _ pieting the washing in less time with the minimum of wear on the clothing. This machine is equipped with an eleven-inch roll wringer of the highest grade, also with an elec- tric motor of special de- sign. Is the Careful Womans Selection . Washes Ciean-Won't lear The Finest Fabrics W You you Save vour Every Day Labels »U j wtrt.Kit.un Dont Bother With Baking in Hot Weather, Let the Diamond State Pie and Baking Co. Do It For You ■H uu 8 mfmSm 5 j You ran grt valuable prrmiaraa FREE by onr plan n sharing profils with you. Write for inlrr- ealinu illustrated book, A Thou- sand and One Free Premiums.* Every Day Premium Dept., SO Franklin Street, New York. » .7 ■»* rTt.5; î»Jn Cakes Wf ; : A on have added the nourishment of a Y wv * Vv JP™' COCOANUT WHITE MARBLE CHOCOLATE VANILLA ç FW I. tht OTHER FLAVORS [< BO É0M IIBRAND We are makers of MOTHERS PIES, ?11 known in Wilmington for their taste and quality. Phone 158W and our auto wagon will serve you without delay. r man we i R f « »uae I MiK Every Day milk »0» y\( lOfSp*»' \ •UNßOAV »»'DAY PAT. ftff* UrusDAT [pt«O The Diamond Stale Pie & Bakery COMPANY U.» GARRETT, MILLER & CO, 1 fei/ w- 939 Vandever Avenue. Fourth and Orange Sts. j! mniiiiiii, n sv-. Ml «

THE EVENING J^ijknaL, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1919. vÿ ...€¦ · be named t(T»ludy foodI He closer, sharing trouble» aswell ! production costs In a typical agrleul- i Joys,

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Page 1: THE EVENING J^ijknaL, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1919. vÿ ...€¦ · be named t(T»ludy foodI He closer, sharing trouble» aswell ! production costs In a typical agrleul- i Joys,

tS3S-■ •



I with (tin conduct of negotiations and

I ' onlldcnoe In their leaders were adopt- ! cd by the actors, offer they had list­

ened to an address by Wilton Lackaye

In which ho declared managers now! must reckon with "the great organlza- j lion of the American Federation of

Officially Ring Dcwi Cur- "Hun t allow others lo sow seeds of

. • , . , \ dissension among us," he urged. "Thelain Oil Last Act of managers are licked, hut I am not so . * ,Tnr*r.: I’or,or Conm,r- formerly

*taQO «»rile • mjm v,atrthey.ar" rpenfla,u,;'l;r^

•-läge OtriK’ Marte Dressier, president Of tin . «-lie arr Kemingly healthy are suffering f"'"Chorus Girls’ Foully Association, slated ! from progressive organic ailments Thou f'’1’1 ,.h"< y ,a» ' » i . -»»«laotirm snnd» of (hem would uv\rr finvp horn sif- 1° «|met your ncrvps. you arr» a slathat (hiring the strike her (•.ganiz<iljoli hail jf not fwr f|„. vxr0Shtrc. Ilsr tolumo hslur. nnd arc positively poisoningIrtid the support of Mrs. John D, Hockr ' of tobacco, and tlmu^iiils would toon get yourself with rhe deadly drug, nicotine, infeller Jr “When Mr« Hockcfcller re- ! «’ell If they would only «top the u»«* of u». either case you have Just two alternative«—

ra l i at r i i i #-* # * t imr itf I « * » n ■» . * ■ bacco. The chief hnhit fonniiiir principle keep on with the self-poisoning process, f r-raillieu at a meeting of turns lo the city WC arc going In gel . ,,f ,„ÜMru i, ni,..„in" a deadly p.Ilaon rc»|Wtlw of the dangers and suffer the

wie Adorn' Equity Assoc.atioc. a cluhhousc from her,*’ said Miss Dress- which, when absorbed by the »y»tem,*Hlow eonsequences : or Rive up the habit and, . . if... I ly effect« the nerven, membranes tissues escape the danger«. You can overcome the

Tlicse term*—providing for recogn; r* nn.i rlial orjrars of ti» body Tlie n.trm' erarlog and atop the habit in a very shore

ful effect of tobacco varies aud depends on time by using the following Inexpensive elreuinslaiiee«. One will he afAirfed with D»mnilji : Go to any drug store and ask

LONDON spul i()__The oldest huiel in general debility, other» with catarrh of the f,,r Vi(*otol tablet« take one table afterilemni.find l.v . ». .. » . !*-.»*. 1 i tbroal. Indigestion. constipa Hon. extreme •'*«•»• raeal. and in a comparatively shorticinamh d*nt l*ut as |Northhampton, built in 1 has lusl nerrouasesa. aleepleasneaa lois .-r memory lime you n

ibeen converted Into a movie theater. I lack of will power, uieutal confusion, etc! Ihe cravingIt U Ihe lienrirp ifrilel which the British ' Other« ni ay Buffer from heart dtw- » txleotltte poisonII l,,f ,C: ' ,,,( n V ; I ease, bronchial trouble. harden Inc off «funeral health will quickly Improve,government had taken over during the the arteries, tubereuloBi«, blindness orj Note When asked about Nicotol tablet«,* war. * ven cancer or the common affliction known > one of our leading druggist* said: __**lt is

ns tobacco heart If you um> tobacco In any fPulv a wonderful remedy for the tobacco! form you can easily detect the harmful ef- habit: away ahead of anything we haveI feet« by making the following simple tests ever sold before. We are authorized by theI Head aloud one ful* page from a book If manufacturers to refund the money to{In the f’f reading your voice be- every dissatisfied customer, anti we wouldcome# muffled, hoarse and indistinct, and not permit the use of our name unless the

! you*must frequently clear your throat, the remedy possessed unusual merit.” Nicotol j chances are that your throat is affecte«! by. tablets are sold In this city under an Iron­ien tarrh oml it may be the beginning of clad, money-back guarantee by vail up-to-

erloti« trouble. Next, in the .morning date druggists, including taking your usual smoke, walk up The Dauforth. KckerU and Spruanct

flights of stairs at a. regular pa«k*.


Doctor Tells Hoir to Detect

Harm jut Effects of Tobacco



' 9HI0 SORTS limntiniN llllill I'KII.iS

vÿ^omâneepcfiïmmer Qr/^ZoeT5&c£/e/

>0/0 mr -v.y a




Recommendations ciGrand

Jury to Result in Speedy

ction by State

f : f lion stop If yon find that too are oot of breath, your heart brat hi forced, trem tiling or irregular von may bo a victim of

Tlonal or organic heart trouble.. -Vj ■:«*

If rollmust smoke. chew or smiff

to OicWftSc■■

W“ NEW YORK. S'.’iit. 10.—Terms on vwili-h the recent theatrical strike was

settled were

s< pt. 10 -Action lias .

, bren taken by public and civic official»

' lending- to brin« »eneflei : ■ ’«nils from My dear Dolly:;...vi of the I Your appeal is nattering, but aw.

county grand Jury ! fully hard lo respond to.

■ know about marriage— especially be-I i tween the sort of people you arc wor­

rying over? We bave simple, old-fash­

ioned ideas here in BentsvJlle. We love report which look|ant* marr>'- Wo build our little home j

; and put into !l all vve have of love, »er- j

vice and hope for the future.

When the family comes, we work a

Plate ! little harder, and draw together a lit-

Ct.FVFI.AM»,Oentsvllle, ^Saturday.


ree-omraendalioii n tinWhat do 1 ;special Cayaho-

under ForemanCud econemlsl. hlch : ist w-e< k re- I

m Its investigation into high

tlon of the Equity, with Increased sal- 1

aries and favorable working .conditionsDavid Gibson, writer wi n:\ r Ho rn \ movie hoi si:

&M 'ill Lave no dealre for tobacco, will have left you With the

• ut of your «y«tern your


priéessuring an "iipen shop"—were incorpor- atwl In an agreement drawn by repi »entalive» of Ihe actors and the 1»! dicing .Managers’ Protective Associa­tion.

Heading of the “peace pact" was i greeted with cheers, as John Finer- 11 son, who presided, translated each le- 11 gal clause into matter-of-fact English. |j

None of the dissatisfaction manifested j i it the Equity’» "celebration meeting" I]

ptn othe reading. KKiL,'-

After the meeting the thespla’nsij crowded around Ihe table on which the il ‘‘pact" was laid and studied with In- j

teresl the signatures, which Included i those of Samuel Harris and Arthur I Hopkins, for Ihe managers; Francis I Wilson and Frank Glllmore for lh*‘ j

Equity^ and officials of the Musicians' 1 and Stagehands’ Unions anil the Atnerl- !

can Federation of Labor.Hesolnlions expressing satisfaction

•f living necessities. v i \

mThis constructive

up problems similar to most com- -1■/.Sof the country, is beingmuniljcs

■sought in other cHies and Slates,■ The recommendation -that a commission be named t(T »ludy food I He closer, sharing trouble» as well as ! production costs In a typical agrleul- i Joys, and making new plans, tural county and the cost of dlstrlhu-1 '4km and prices to consumers in a typi­cal industrial center Is expected soon 4o bo followed by Governor James \l Uox. Legislative, leaders have Indi­cated support for a State bureau of cos’s, one feature of which will |>, |h



;ifkSIn Itentsvliie. vve don’t have such ;

franlic times deciding whether vve are' 'À f-f'W Drug <

in love nr not. Or whether "pity and1 gratitude are enough to marry on." We j

aren’t so analytical, dear. We feel,! more than vve think. Yet we don’t go wrong cm very often.

You are right in saying these prob­lems are absolutely individual. What Ills someone In Rentsvllle doesn't 111

v iÈK *<

EAGLE'MIKADO” PENCIL No. 174a \public posting of food prices.The Chamber of ComlRbrce is to re­

double its efforts In extend trolley freight servir» on Interurban Hues en-toring the city from most counties of >'0,,r ^ln,J o fc'.plc at all Doll,. When northern Ohio. The Jury’» report in- > our kind of people I mean peo-.flic a ted that such steps would bring I Ple„ "J «"'T .,h; l,f? blsi lo the Oily quantities of fruits and f*ultasle f"r I,laln’ ,,onl,>-!vegetables now going to waste fur lack j1' 1 1 *,"**• . jof marketing facilities L n,on‘ 1’n1 offe^?d’ . 1 *■ «Implr |

Cleveland, like many other cities, ^ big cdic everything is pro- now has a service by interurban, but #•»<«•»■*- ^u have your profosTlonal the extensive development of this Is M'ei’*. musicians, painters, rooks, viewed as one important means of re-1»»«useworkers actors, homes even, for, during food costs Especially in ex- «'*••» «re hole!« hul profession* homes? tending the area from which the milk J**” k ".8" •vo,"r "’T“ an>’»upph: 1» obtained is this additional ;lh'"»ry,a‘,;V1l’r0f<*9lTlli . iservie- to receive ea.lv attention. , There might he « perfectly lovely• Dr n c Houcehe. chairman of the 1 fnm.il ’ f,,r rvan.plc living in the very fair food price committee, oporalli.c nrxl house to day-In your huge New

P . * s|op: \ ork—vvlio would entertain you of an

I j • it .» .ri.»* Hat • f'vrnin* Jn the nicest sort of way. Bui1 into elrcol Drlce Ii*l^ wiium . . _ ... . ,,' ,11«-,mnls for those vvlio nav ",,’t ** Jn" 'Vl’rn 10 «II onear dt.cum . t • them you would probably say, "oh, no.

, ’ I —let's go liear Caruso sing instead.” I .vh’, - ,.3ee what -1 mean. Dolly? Always the j

ami that a "i * Prr,fl*ss|onal against Hie simple.1 So thoroughly has this got Into your night organized a branch post at Mar- blood that you even think prnfcwslouai- jlalllnn Del

j j ly. You don’t Just trust lo the natural!'tilings that lead lo marriage. You1

agonize and antyze - and argue and „j" ; weigh and fuss and fume and doubt ; Slough, H. A. Blickte and J. t-. H»>. "land fear. Probably you've even read "'ho assisted ill tile organization of

up on It to sec what Anatole France and Ihe sub-post.Bernard «haw and G, K. Chesterton and • E. Harry Clouser, #of Marsfialllon, Bobcrl f.oiil« Stevenson liavo said on the faeled as chairman of Hie meeting and

subject of love and marriage! i’ll bet a "as elected post commander, while I home-made cookie you havei’;-;';';

; Captain Wallis and Mrs. Kymbat j »haillon Post are as follows;: ’t out and feel It out hy them-! Swartz, vice-post commander ; Norman

s. You have done alt you can,! A. Groves, post secretary, and George and Fm proud of your unselfish j H. McDougall, post treasurer. The

altitude toward Captain Wallis. Can-| meeting "»» held in the Knights of dldly. I think you are wasting too much I pyttflas Hall, and by a vote it was rte- re««rd on him He I» dashing and hand-1 dded to call the

a hero and a llterarv Hon and i

1 that, but I d stark Randy Lew is j



Regular Length, 7 tache»

For SaU at jour Dealer» 5c Each»Conceded to be tho Finest Pencil made for general

Made in firo grades 1 use.i A Soothing, Cooling

Magnesia Bath for Yourwhich Included WilliamKenimorc,Harry Clouser,Samuel F.

EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORKand Harvey Norman A. Groves. F.

George H. McDougall, Gordon, Daniel A. Derry,

Henr.y Staekwcll, Stanford Payne and Frank Swartz.

Tlie next meeting will be held in Marshallton in the Knights of Pythias Hall, Monday evening, September 15. at T.,'10 o'clock.

ACID STOMACHE f#i-------s

“We liuilt our llllle home nml pul Into II—love, service «ml hope for the future.’’

THEThis pl#n«ant Msgnrsls drink

makes your acid stomach feel tine In tlv»* inlnules. It Boothe« the «our. hurniug. Irritated* stomach linings and neutralizes the eures« arid, which causes stomach misery. It is as pleasant, harmless and easy to

• take as a glass of milk, yet It gires instant relief from sourness, gas, belching, heartburn, bloating, water- brash. nansea and indigestion. It sweetens, tones and neutralizes the stomach contents. Soothes, cools and heals the stomachmorning, immediately .after break­fast. It puts you in fine fettle for the day’s work

I to your stomach trouble. A lea spoonful of Hisursted Magnesia mixed with ono-quarter glass of water has often saved an hour of after-eating misery.

WARNING:—The ordinary Car- Milk <»f Mag

Citrate of Magnesia will Be sure and ask your drug-

Baynard Optical Co.SAYNARD BUILDING,


Prescription OpticiansJ, Wales Davis Vice-Pres.-Mgr.



Vitolyn is Differentfédéra:yo limJ'Tl h> ;

When Vitolyn. Natures Tonie of Herbs appeared. It was so radically different in • composition and result, as to really revota- : lionize the entire theory on Herbal Tonics. (

Ft differs from other« lu thin way.It aets on the entire system by first j

toning the liver by removing tho excessive- ' ness of bile.

IV If helps the Stomaeh digest all the i i food you eat, separating the good fr« had. the O pu scies, which gives us our Strength and Vitality, the Bad being eliminated through the bowels

X It acts as a Mild. Positiva Laxative' and In a short time will insure perfect ' regularity.

4. It purifies the Blood and gives the! Strength wh!c’* puts the “Life” and “Pep" ! in you that Nature intended.

■•VITO mrau* ’T.IFS ”Start taking Vitolyn today and eujoy ’ I

Everlasting Health.Put up in convenient Tablet Form only,!

and I« sold by Eckerd aud all other drug- I gists.

A delegation 0f Delaware Post, No.

of tli« American Leg.on. beaded hy

T. K. Carpenter, Statu organizer, last

Ji and carry purchases, ommended that a .’> per mt be made I" ir goofte from -I rent iL»count t.

Irritated and inflamed ils and If taken In the Nettie B. Davit,

Scc.-Treas.S. H. Baynard,

President./ 'I.

d should soon put»wed for cash 1Tlie delegation consisted :i lilit Is given,

»ervtatoti «Ko Is t< is pitfrtlc markets



making Hod Blood Tor- iof T. K. Carpenter, M. J. Samuel, (J. N DaVis, Dr. 1 Voter D. Washburn, E. T.

■tmarl id n

inbiwiH r axâll

inTit4 boost« «’f Magnesia,

nesia or not do. gist for

(II-L-onsunwr Inbbr-ng•nt i» mdoting of i Priced

$W to $12.20


MAGNESIA\.f pi i- Iads the other officers elected fid’ Hie Mar-

Frank ■. • ■


1h• • v>\h i

shift me *. rOLYMdear

\Ss to re­nt jdate


organizationnew “WE WILL CLEAN IT OR DYE.”STEVENS MEDIUM. EOMPANY, lor.,\ anderbill Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. i

Alan makers, nf Slovens i nlarrh (’Am. pound, n «lire Preventive of Hnv Fever Quick relief for Catarrh, Cold in the Head and Inflamed condition of the uoso aud throat.

new oi. îe=’-

une■me Marshaltlpn Post. No. à.

A committee on membersnljip vsain«! him any day for true worth \ nubllolty was made, up of all present.,

f and abilltv.CLEN-Oand V?ap-l opemae

eais that he heGihsrm

d of a tePalm Rearh Suits Our Specialty.

CJcaneps, Dyers, Srourrrs.

310 Delaware Ave.Auto Del’y Servir».

’ ' \ »>\vdi

* ■■'T»r a formidahie r pr .fiteerjng landlord

~T?ie rentals of dwelling places i

We went to « beautiful party the; ! other night, Rsndy and I.

j compare in professional elegance. I’ll | adm t. with the musicale« and things;

«» of so- ■ 1 hat take place Saturday nights at IheJ ir In the c|jv er.and Arm«



hold xer It didn’t li



Draper’s Drug StoreSeventh and Jackson St«.

■tiisti as to hf I uiT'prt and a i,rge f.< We haven’t any pro-

rost of living.” | fe«stonaI dancers or actresses or noted andiords continue j authors In Bentesdlle. But we had lots

•e of rals ng rent* of music and dancing and delicious can they will dc- . things lo eal( home-made, out of real if th* community, ‘stuff!! and Randy’s new car Is a smooth!

; runner and mighty comfortable. t tax By the way, dear, Randy says give

to encourage you his loxe and tell you he’s been lower rents as a result 1 promoted to contraet manager, what-----------------------— ever that I». He travels qulle a bit. and

is terribly prosperous, but lie’s Hie Htr.E PI I P St PPIA same old démocratie Rand' He han

10—Airmen ' given me a wonderful electric perco- tc| « survey of l.ffon.iski latnr to make pa’s coffee in.

and I,«brader J Take my advice, Dolly put in Hie md In live weeks, the first tim rest ..f your summer enjoying yourself, vey from the air ever made not trying to untangle every’............. Ise’s

' OIf (rofas“Al” Walker, 1333 Reno streef. Phlla-

star aerohatctiidelphla, for many years a in Barnum and Bailey’s circus, tells nf a

j recent discovery which brought him __i happiness.

“For some lime,” lie began, JT had been felling mighty miserable, have an ounce of energy. Even foods upset my stomach, form after eating, causing pain and ills- | tress. I tried several so-called tonics.hul continued lo feel rocky until I hit //ft \Tr ,/ fi ±upon Tanlao. Tanlac was Just what j If. I j 1^1] III St I’CCtmy poor run-down system needed. My | 0. & A. phone 6120W. appetite has increased, tlie heaviest | meal digests perfectly and I am gaining j

weight every day. Tanlac sure puts Ihe old ‘pep’ hack in a fellow. Flu j mighty (Mad I found It.” Tanlac Is sold | here by N. B. Dan forth.


ancC' -/n.E»(ahli>ihfd 19IS.

iings w kPremier Tailor. SDidn’t ! light

Gas would

0s VjOur genuine shell cordovans will he the talk

of Wilmington not only because we have the

styles in sizes from 5 to 11 and A A to D with

plump, overweight white oak soles, hut be­

cause you can’t touch their equal anywhere

else at anything like our price.

-, Best ServiceSI» L»r^»( Slack in D#U»»r,

«wehr Piano Co.,f(h Sf.» Witmlngêmo

Latest style Suits. Joseph Balascio, Prop.

M rim nt \m snows

JOHNS. N. F..b omp

of NewfoundlandTf

limatc 2.vm »quarr miles of pulp problem«. Youve only ayield SO to 100 per cent better more ; > land that husband. ••«I pulp arras In Ihe Amerl-

rrwood w than the |

continentAlways yours lo count i n


F O K S T E ItHarper’s Ferry Excursion* \adhr


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14$3.00 Round Trip


728 Market StreetA


SPECIAL TRAINl.c.ncs Wilmington, 8.1» X. XL, Newark. R.35 X. M.

Brturiiinn. Special Train will leme Hnrnrrs Ecrrv5.30 P. XI. ’ ’


■ .x.

# # IOver Plaza Restaurant.I L^’l


ATCH vour husband hrishtm up when he pels his first taste

of that golden brown rich coffee you have made for him with such

No wonder it tastes better, haven’t changed the coffee—hut have learned a great secret—you have changed and improved the milk.

’iou have added Every Day Milk to the coffee to make it richer and to give it a far better flavor instead of thinning and xveakening it xvith dairv milk.milk which has in it all the cream of twice its quantity of rich milk!

Because it tastes so good, because It Is so rich,

nourishing, and yet co.»ts so little__because itmakes you independent of iee man and milk —Every day use Every Day.

w ■ »>■’1 *


care. mm HITE’S De LuxJr. Washer is built along the same

careful lines as all White Line Washers, and gives to the user a cylinder washer for but little more than the ordinary' dolly type

|Ga washer, but at the same time with a larger ca­pacity. The cylinder of this washer reverses auto­matically at each complete revolution. This reverse

I6«» motion prevents the cloth- * ing from rolling up and at

the same time agitates the clothes more freely, com-

_ pieting the washing in less time with the minimum of wear on the clothing.

This machine is equipped with an eleven-inch roll wringer of the highest grade, also with an elec­tric motor of special de­sign.

Is the Careful Woman’s Selection .

Washes Ciean-Won't lear The Finest Fabrics


vour Every Day Labels



Don’t Bother With Baking in Hot

Weather, Let the Diamond State Pie

and Baking Co. Do It For You

■H uu

8mfmSm5 jYou ran grt valuable prrmiaraa

FREE by onr plan n sharing profils with you. Write for inlrr- ealinu illustrated book, “A Thou­sand and One Free Premiums.’* Every Day Premium Dept., SO Franklin Street, New York.

» .7



Cakes Wf ; :

A on have added the nourishment of a Y

wv * Vv



çFW■” I.tht



We are makers of MOTHER’S PIES, ?11 known in Wilmington for their taste

and quality.

Phone 158—W and our auto wagon will serve you without delay.

rman we iR■f «

»uae IMiK

Every Daymilk


y\(lOfSp*»' \


»»'DAY PAT. ftff* Ur us DAT


The Diamond Stale Pie & BakeryCOMPANY



fei/ w- 939 Vandever Avenue.

Fourth and Orange Sts.j!

mniiiiiii, nsv-.Ml
