The Epic Saga of Rose Farrington (Complete)

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This is a story I made about my friends at WCA. It's loaded with ACTION, ACTION, and MORE ACTION! Taking a cue from director Michael Bay, I've removed almost all the plot to to make plenty of room for EXPLOSIVE ACTION! It helps to know most of the people involved, but if you don't I think it'll still be enjoyable. (Please note that I mean no harm in the making of this - I do not intend to offend anyone. If you were, well, I apologize.)

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Copyright 2014All rights reserved.

Publishing Company: Lulz INC.

A Tribute to All the Adventures I had with You People at WCA.

Chapter 1: In Which We Meet Our Protagonist

She looked across the bar, taking occasional draws on her cigarette. Rose was not happy.

“Yo! Git me another drink!” she screamed at the bartender.The bartender looked up in disgust. He didn’t like this one – unfortunately she

was a regular.“Always the highlight of my day,” Sam Mims muttered to himself, pouring the

strong liquor into a shot glass. As aforementioned, Rose was not happy. In fact, she was mad. Rent was due

this week, and she wasn’t even close to paying it. After losing her job at the Hardees down the road, she had no other source of income beside the profit she received from selling marijuana – a meager amount due to the fact she couldn’t help but use it herself. She was mad at the bartender (for being rude to her), the landlord (for making her pay for her crummy apartment), and herself. She was mad at herself for being such a terrible person.

She was so lost in self hate that she hardly noticed the man that sat down in the seat next to her.

“You okay there?”She turned, startled. Her eyes locked into his two deep brown pools. She

couldn’t help but be irresistibly attracted to him – her and any other person who had ever laid eyes on this man.

“Uh… h- hello…” She stammered.He gave a light, relaxed laugh. He was the kind of man that women wanted to

meet and men wanted to be. He was…“My name’s Jacob Mahafsa, and could I have the pleasure of knowing yours?”However, right before she could say anything, a hand grabbed her shoulder

and yanked her backward and onto the ground. Shocked, she staggered up, coming face to face with the hated apartment landlord – the feared El Michael Shipma!

“Soy un mexicano ¿qué estás haciendo aquí creo que eres raro!” Michael said.- Translated using Google Translate

Jacob decided this had gone far enough.

“This has gone far enough!”“Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la luz! Venido en mí bro!” Michael taunted. Jacob jumped up out of his seat and ripped off his shirt. Michael did the same.

Those present at the bar at the time looked on in shock. To this day they continue to argue whose skin was more tan. Regardless of tanness, everyone definitely agrees that Mike’s thighs neared the girth of a telephone pole and were utmostly impressive.

Rose looked on in horror as the suave gentleman she had just met turned into a fighting animal. As Jacob and her landlord doled out most impressive punches upon one another, she took the opportunity to slip out of the bar, unnoticed by everyone but 23 people.

Outside, she stumbled to the nearby alley. It was dead quiet, except for the soft patter of rain, the distant murmur of traffic, and the earsplitting explosions thundering from the bar fight raging nearby. She stumbled into a pile of soggy cardboard boxes. Lying in the trash, beneath the lone, flickering light fixture in the dark and dreary alley, she contemplated one thing: what could possibly add plot to this short and miserable story? Suddenly, she sat straight up in the trash pile. Her drug dropoff was due by midnight! If she didn’t get the marijuana to the client, the evil crime lord - “Ironcage” Matthewsung – would punish her terribly!

Resolutely, yet hesitantly, she jumped up from the pile reluctantly. Most importantly she would need allies. Without loyal, trustworthy, and courageous companions, she would stand no chance of completing her quest to deliver the drugs. Having smoked her entire stash of marijuana, she would also need to steal some more; with the help of her loyal, faithful, and courageous companions!

Chapter 2: Dual Personalities

It continued to pour down rain. Soggier than a bowl of three day old cereal, Rose walked under the flickering neon of the trashy nightclub.

“Excuse me ma’am.” The bouncer said. “We don’t allow any piece of walking trash in here.”

“Get out of the way JC. You know me. I’m here for…” ,she lowered her voice, “…Tayla Jones.”

The bouncer darted his eyes left and right. “Not so loud, Mrs. Rose. Follow me. Trai?”

Another bouncer looked up.“Cover for me.”The bouncer gave a curt nod.Rose followed JC through another trashy, nondescript alley to the back of the

club. After climbing a rickety fire escape, Rose found herself in a darkened room reeking of cigarette smoke. A deep chair was silhouetted in front of a window, pulsing with the party of the club. The chair swiveled around, a face barely visible in the glow from the end of a cigarette holder. The figure spoke.

“Vho are you? What do vou vant?”“I’m Rose! Your daughter, remember?”“I van’t vemember having a vaughter. I have neever veen vou.”“Since when were you Russian?”“Seence time of vy birth!”“When I came last week you didn’t speak like a Russian.”“You veedn’t come last veek.”“Yes I did. And you knew that I’m your daughter.”“How can I be vour mother if vou are not my vaughter.”“You remembered when you didn’t speak like a Russian.”“I have always been a Russian!”JC had quietly made his way to the door. “I’m going to leave you two together

and go if you don’t mind.”“Go.” Tayla said. Then she turned back to Rose. “Vaht vo vou vant?”“I can’t even understand what you are saying now.”Tayla stared into space for a few moments.“I said what do you want?” Tayla said.“Hey! You’re not talking in a Russian accent anymore!”“What are you talking about? I’ve never had a Russian accent.”“But- But-““Oh Rose, you’re such a silly daughter.”Rose broke down into tears.“Ah Rose, don’t cry. I know why you are here.”“You do?” Rose sobbed in frustration.

“I have assembled a team of loyal, trustworthy, and courageous companions for you. With these loyal, faithful, and courageous companions you will be able to accomplish your mission.”

Several people walked into the room.“This is Faith.” Tayla said, motioning to the first one. “Of your loyal, faithful,

and courageous companions, she will be the faithful one. Say ‘hello’ Faith.”Faith said nothing.“Hello Faith. Glad to meet you.” Rose said.Faith said nothing.“So the other champions are named Loyal and Courageous?”“Ha!” Tayla gave an amused chuckle. “Don’t be stupid.”An attractive, agile looking boy stepped forward.“Meet Avery. He carries around a sword, is a master at ancient Japanese

fighting techniques, and can disappear into the shadows in an instant. Not many have seen his face and lived to tell about it.”

“How come he hasn’t killed you then?”“Because he is your father.” Tayla said.“Oh…” Rose trailed off. “That’s kinda awkward.”“It’s only awkward if you make it awkward. Now – moving on.” She

continued. “This is Harper. I don’t know what she does, but whatever it is, she’s the best.”

Harper walked over and stood with Avery and Faith.“Good. We’re almost done. These last two are the blond and the ginger.”“What are they good at?”“Nothing. They are completely expendable characters that will die during the

climatic finale to add seriousness to the situation.”“Do they have names?”“Julie and Kathryn, but you don’t need to learn them. Kathryn would serve as

your romantic love interest if…” She sighed and looked over at Avery. “…If you had been a boy. If only you had been a boy…”

“I’m sorry mother.”“You should be. You were always a disappointment dear…”Tayla took another long draw from the end of her cigarette holder.

“But we're wasting time. You’re all set. Now all you need to do is find some marijuana so you can deliver it by midnight.”

“You have a huge stash mom. Can’t a have just a pound of marijuana?”“Ungrateful girl!” Tayla slapped her. “I give you an elite team to track down a

pound of marijuana, and you’re still unsatisfied!”Rose backed away. “Sorry mom. I’ll be going now…”Tayla stared forward into space. Then she reached for the bottle of Vodka and

took a deep dreg.“Oh. Mom’s drinking Vodka. This explains things.” Rose muttered to herself.“Vaht? Vho are vou calling mother? I’ve neever veen bevore in vy life.”Rose quickly exited the door, her elite team close behind her.

Chapter 3: Foreign Affairs

“Dummkopf!” Janik said, slamming his fist down on the table. Jana winced as she sat in her cheap office chair. Above them the words Schnitzel CO. Inc. – home of Chef Ino’s Famous Canned Schnitzel were spelled out in black lettering.

“I told them to make 3000 kilograms of Schnitzel, and they make only 2997! Lazy Americans! Why, if this was the BMW plant back in Berlin-“

“But it isn’t!” Jana interrupted. “We’re in America now. You must accept that these people are deeply inferior to the citizens of the motherland.”

“Ah yes, you’re always right Jana.” Janik sighed. “It’s just – being a CEO of a multimillion dollar German food company is hard…”

“I know.”Suddenly, the door of the room burst open, black smoke pouring up to the

ceiling.“What the-?” Janik and Jana exclaimed in unison.A tall, blond German (aren’t they all) stumbled into the room wearing

blackened chef’s clothing.“Ino! My good friend! What happened! Are you hurt? More importantly, is

schnitzel production on schedule?”“Cough- cough- no, the schnitzel is – cough –““Out with it! I’m not paying you to breath!”

“The Americans are rioting! They’re demanding – cough – minimum wage!”“But I don’t pay them anything! How could they possibly demand less?”“And retirement funds as well!”“A lifetime supply of canned schnitzel isn’t good enough for them? Never!”“And safety regulations!”“How can we regulate something we don’t have?!”“They want change, Mr. Janik, and-“ Ino was cut off by Janik.“Enough! I’ll give them change all right! From now on, they must pay me to

work here! 7.25 an hour, in American dollars!”Ino walked out of the room, closing the door. The smell of burnt Schnitzel

lingered in the air.“Does he know?” Jana asked.“Know what?” Janik replied.“That we manufacture large amounts of marijuana on the side?”“Of course not… no one knows about our marijuana stash… no one but you,

me, and-“The door burst open again.“Rose Failington!” Janik screamed in disbelief.“Farrington!” Rose screamed in reply as black smoke from the burning cancer-

inducing schnitzel refilled the room. It became apparent that Rose was not alone. Behind her were her friends: Faith the Faithful of Athens, Harper the Happy of Seattle, Katharine the Dispensable of Nowhere, Julie the Extra of Stockcharactersupply, and Avery the Destroy of Ofrina, which lies in the province of Vaunger, between the borders of Murkwaggle and the Forest of Drank’s Despair (Which was named after the great epic of Drank the Valiant), which is more commonly known as the Realm of Luddledank, within the kingdom of Wervour, under the reign of the Steward Edward the Great of the Jamesian Dynasty, who lords over his kingdom from a small apartment on the eastern side of Tennessee.

“Why are you here?!” Janik asked, having gotten control of himself.“I have come to take back what is rightfully mine!” Rose said.“Are you saying you have come to steal my marijuana stash?”“I won it far and square in that poker game!”“I can’t prove anything,” Janik said, lowering his voice to a growl, “but

somehow you rigged that game. I’ve never seen a five ace hand in my life!”

“It doesn’t matter. The marijuana stash is mine.” Rose spat.“Never!”“Attack!” Rose ordered, and her elite team of loyal, faithful, and courageous

companions jumped into action.Janik whipped out double Uzis and pumped lead into the air.Harper was hit with the first volley of bullets. Her sweater (a Christmas

present from her grandmother) was riddled with holes, making it holy, but not in a sacrilegious way, but more in a slice of Swiss cheese kind of way, but unlike a piece of delicious cheese, Harper was not a dairy product.

However, Harper was hardly bothered. The bullets sparked off of her dense, bullet proof armor like bullets hitting a dense, bullet proof material. She charged at Janik, sharp cleats extending from her brown army boots. She jumped into the air, jabbing her knee forward to meet Janik’s face.

But the crafty German (aren’t they all) was too fast for her. He did some totally sick flips to evade her knee, and then took the opportunity to fire a barrage at Faith. His aim was right on, but Faith kept a calm face as the wall of air born death rushed at her.

“Watch out Faith!” Rose yelled.Faith didn’t say anything.“You’re going to get hit!”Faith didn’t say anything.The bullets hit the wall of impenetrable silence around the girl. One by one,

they fell to the ground – the silence had been too intense to handle.“Dangit!” Janik said, frustrated that his sweet double Uzis had proven to be

completely useless. Throwing them aside, he pressed a small button on the interior of his suit, then gripped the handle of his dagger…

Avery, who had been waiting in the shadows for an opportunity, saw his chance. Drawing forth his glimmering blades, he charged forth to bestow upon Janik’s mortal body some serious ownage. Suddenly, Avery dodged out of the way of a cleaver hurdling through the air inches from his face. A blur of culinary garments and Caucasian skin flew through the air to retrieve the cleaver; the cleaver that had firmly implanted itself in the wall.

“Chef Ino!” Janik shouted, “It took you long enough!”

“My apologies, Mr. Janik.” Ino said, plucking the cleaver from the wall with his left hand. In his right he held a massive kitchen knife.

“Aaahhhh!” Avery screamed, swinging his blades toward Ino.“Huyahhh!” Ino replied, blocking both swords with his clever and knife.“Haayyyeah!” Avery exclaimed, blocking a fury of swipes from Ino.“Huuumphhh!” Ino blocked!“Aaaaeeehhh!” Avery swung!“Jeeeeyyyyaahh!” Ino stabbed!

“Aaaagggghhhhh!” Avery jabbed!“Hooyyyeeeaaahhhhh!” The fight continued!






Ino and Avery froze, only the sparks skipping away from their locked blades dared to move. In the center of the room stood Jana, holding up a heavy bag.

“Janik.” She said, turned to the German who had frozen his dagger inches away from Harper’s face. “It’s not worth it. Let’s just give them what they need.”

The room was dead quiet. Avery quivered with the temptation to turn Ino’s face into diced salami.

“Okay. Whatever.” Janik said, sighing as he sheathed his dagger. “Give her what she wants.”

“Wow.” Rose looked at Jana. “Thank you. I’ll hopefully be able to deliver the drugs now.”

“To whom?”

“Ironcage Matthewsung.” We have to have it by-” Rose glanced at her wrist watch, one of her finer clothing accessories which she received free as part of a Happy Meal. “Oh D*RN!” (Everyone gasped at her use of such strong language) “It’s 12:01! I’m late for the delivery!”

“Matthewsung?” Yanik twitched with anger. “Matthewsung…”“What?”“I will help you. Pack your bags Chef Ino and warm up the BMW Jana, because

we’re going on a road trip.”“Yay!” Jana said in an obnoxiously high voice.*Camera zooms out and pans for a dramatic lineup of all characters standing

in a line. Some have arms crossed and others brandish heroic weapons as unrealistically perfect lighting illuminates their figures, perfectly edited to appear completely flawless. A snare drum rattles away and a set of violins make it blatantly obvious the viewer should be sensing that morale and determination is higher than a hippie during Woodstock. The camera focuses on Rose, the music pauses, and she says:*

“Let’s do this.”*Several members of the audience spontaneously combust*

Chapter 4: It’s not a trap.

He was not the cigarette type, but a connoisseur of cigars. Seated on a crate of explosives, he thought back to the time when he had tried his first smoke. He could just barely remember it – his mom couldn’t find a pacifier and just stuck a joint in his mouth instead. He liked it so much that he had been smoking ever since. Right now he was smoking two at the same time; he was a real man.

Growling with impatience, he reached for his Walkie-Talkie (he always referred to it as a ‘communication radio’) and uttered in a resonating, deep, deliciously manly voice, “Where are you mugs!?”

“We haven’t found them yet, sir.” A manly, but not quite as manly, voice said on the other end.

“If you don’t find ‘em soon then you better hope I don’t find you, Will Carroll.” He grumbled through the little plastic device, adding shortly afterwards, “That’s a

joke – if I want to find you, I will, and there’s no hope for escaping the great… Ironcage Matthewsung!” He gave a maniacal grin at the way his own name sounded. Saying it was one of the few things he truly enjoyed in his life.

Ironcage finished his cigars – at the same time – and threw them on the floor of his massive seaside warehouse. Stacks of wooden crates with strange, Chinese labels hinted that his goods were significantly less legal than walking in the park on a Tuesday.

The faint sound of a footstep alerted Ironcage. The smell of low quality Schnitzel wafted into his nostrils. “I thought I’d be saved the painful task of having to look at your ugly mug again… Janik.” He said, his voice reaching a depth usually reserved for subwoofers.

Ironcage turned and laid his eyes on the party of loyal, faithful, and courageous companions before him. “Just act like a normal person.” Harper whispered to Rose. “He won’t be expecting that.”

“I’ve come to NOT deliver the drugs!” Rose shouted in a threatening-but-not-too-threatening-voice. “And get revenge for something you did! I don’t remember what! In fact, I don’t even really know why I need to be here, but I’m sure there’s a really good reason!”

“That is okay. Killing you is a good and significantly evil enough reason for me.” He produced a deep chortle.

“It appears we have the advantage…” Avery astutely observed. “We have nine and he is alone.”

Among the group there were murmurs of appreciation and amazement at Avery’s advanced elementary mathematical mental computation skills.

“Ah, but I bet you didn’t count on this!” Ironcage said, pushing a button on his walkie-talkie. Suddenly, a side of the warehouse exploded and dust flew in every direction. A jeep roared through the smoke, smashing through crates as it went forward. It then came to a stop after doing three quarters of a donut.

“Cameron!” Will Carroll shouted, stepping out of the vehicle.“Yeah!” Cameron replied.“You just ran over that Subaru with your Jeep!”“Subaru is a low quality car company that produces horribly over-rated cars.

Jeeps are the best!” – Quote approved by Cameron Sullivan with his complete foreknowledge and consent.

“I agree.” Will Carroll concurred.Eric and Sean both jumped out of the back seats of the quality vehicle.

Nudging Janik on the shoulder, Jana whispered, “I can’t believe their shirts can be that tight without ripping!” Janik said nothing – he was also noticing the tightness of their shirts.

“Tell us what to do, sir.” Eric said.“Git ‘em” Ironcage growled.“It would be our pleasure.” Eric said and, with the slightest flex of their

muscles, he and Sean’s shirts tore into a thousand shreds.Kathrin and Julie spontaneously died for no reason. It got very serious.“No!” Rose screamed as the expendable characters vanished from the plot.

“We’re already losing! Attack!”The loyal, faithful, and courageous companions flew into action. Avery drew

his swords, Ino his knives, Janik his Uzis, Harper her boots, Faith her silence, and Jana her diplomatic personality. And then the loyal, faithful, and – “SHUT UP!” Peter Lott yells at me. “This is dumb.” *exit Peter Lott*. And then the heroes clashed against the powerful might of Ironcage and his thugs.

But the might of the heroes was not enough. One by one they were knocked unconscious by the thugs. Swords swinging, Avery was the last to go down, defending Rose’s unconscious body until the bitter end.

Chapter 5: The Cliff Hanger

Rose rose to find herself in a cold, dark place. She stood up and assessed the situation around her. Walking forward, she hit something hard and fell backward in an awkward stumble. The noise from her fall caused all those around her to wake up.

“Where are we?” Jana said.“I’d say…” Harper said, “We’re in a cage.”“Indeed, I agree.” Avery said.“An… iron cage.” Ino noted.“Like it?” A baritone voice vibrated the air.“Not really.” Rose criticized.

“Well good. I didn’t design it for comfort.” Ironcage said, swirling the think cigar smoke filled air as he stepped forward.

“Why didn’t you just finish us off?” Janik demanded.“He likes to monologue.” Will said.Ironcage glared at Will. “No! I just want them to know the full reason why I am

going to kill them before I do. That is why I’ve put them in this giant iron cage in this warehouse. See, when I was a boy my mother…bleh bleh bleh, backstory, stuff, things, bleh, plot, bleh, no action…”

Rose sunk to the ground in boredom. Several minutes passed.“…and so there I was, all my clothes gone and covered in honey. I swore

revenge! Which is why I’m about to blow up the whole city of Huntsville with this missile!” Right after Ironcage had finished, all the lights in the warehouse turned on and right before the heroes was a very pointy and explosive looking missile.

“You monster!” Rose screamed in anguish while banging the bars of the cage. “If I could get out of here - why - I would do something not very nice to you!”

“Rose!” Harper loudly whispered.“What?!”“I got out!” Harper said. She was indeed out of the cage.“How did you do that?!”“You’re looking at just the front, the whole back side is missing! It’s only a

half-cage!”Leaping to her feet, Rose and the other heroes rushed out of the half of the

cage that was not a cage.“How did you escape?!” Ironcage Matthewsung bellowed.“If I had a dime for every time he put someone in that cage and they…” Will

Carroll muttered.“Attack!” Ironcage ordered.His thugs charged forward. Avery and the others grabbed their weapons from

beside the cage and charged into the fray as well. Swords struck, guns fired, and Faith was as quiet as ever as the battle raged. Ironcage shouted into his radio for backup. Suddenly, a very economical minivan puttered up to the battle! Chris Thompson jumped out. He was wearing several casts, which proved to be very effective ways to block objects swung at him. He raised his right arm as Ino stabbed forward with his knife; but the knife’s point became as ineffective as metaphysical

poetry on inexperienced freshmen literary students. A single swing from Chris' left arm was enough to badly bruise the German. Under the barrage of fire from the thugs’ guns, Avery and Harper were forced to retreat back. Not having a weapon, Rose was as useless as ever.

“Very deadly weapon firing in 10… 9… 8…” An automated voice said.

“What do we do?!” Rose said.“7… 6… 5…”The missile was pointed upwards by very complicated looking machinery.“4… 3… 2…”Another explosion shook the warehouse walls. There was a tall figure in the

bright daylight.“1…”The figure leaped forward and punched the missile right as it lifted off, altering

its course to the northwest. Once the missile was gone, the figure stood up.“Jacob Mahafza! You’re back!” Rose said.“Si.” Said El Michael Shipma, who had just landed beside him. Both were not

wearing shirts.“But what about the missile? You let it get away!”“Nonsense! I calculate that my punch will alter the missile’s trajectory just

enough to send it in a northwestern direction. It will mostly likely safely land in North Dakota!”

Meanwhile, not so far away, a school named Westminster Christian Academy was pulverized by a massive explosion. Many lives were lost. (No names will be mentioned but half of them deserved it, especially Zachary Hayes who still owes me five bucks that he never paid back.)

With their excellent physiques and even more excellent tans, Jacob and Michael jumped into action. They confronted Sean and Eric, both of whom were also not wearing shirts. A brawl ensued, and dirt, dust, and occasional explosions were thrown into the air.

Will grabbed an AK and fired into the fray, assisted by Cam who had gotten his hands on a conveniently placed missile launcher. Faith put up a shield of silence around Janik as he pumped out lead. Taking cover behind a crate, Will Carroll yelled, "As I was saying Cam! At least I don't have height issues like her!"

"Hey!" Faith shouted, quickly followed by "Ah snap."Will Carroll whirled around and fired at Faith. But moments before the bullets

hit, there was Harper! Bullets snapping off her vest, she shielded Faith as Ino and Avery charged forward...

"Rose Failington!" Ironcage slyly chuckled, high above the fight below."Farrington!" Rose corrected in desperation. She also high above the fight

below on a walkway near the top of the warehouse. Cornered by Ironcage, she had fled up the stairs and found herself trapped away from her friends.

"I have you now!" Ironcage laughed, charging forward. Rose had nowhere to hide. Ironcage grabbed her and pushed her over the railing. Rose screamed.

However, she had not completely fallen off. She held on to the walkway with a single hand. As soon as she glanced down at the battle raging far below, she instantly regretted her decision to not insure herself with medical coverage that indemnified expenses relating to falls of over 400 feet.

"Don't even think about it Rose. Unlike State Farm, I am not on your side." He pressed his foot down on her fingers.

"Please..." Rose begged. "There's something you should know...""Oh yeah?" Ironcage lit up a cigar and chomped down with satisfaction. "Go

ahead. Unlike you, I have all day.""Everyone else in the room can see it... Everyone else but you!""And what is that? And why did you sing that sentence?" Ironcage hesitated,

but did not expect what followed.

Chapter 6: A Sobering Realization

Rose, in a move completely unprecedented over her unathletic life, swung her body up onto the walkway. A guitar fell from the ceiling. Ironcage's cigar fell from his gaping mouth.

"You don't know-o-o, you don't know you're beautiful!" Rose sang as she sang out the lyrics to One Direction's really popular and not hipster song. "If only you saw what I could see! You'd understand why I want you so desperately! Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe! You don't know-o-o, you don't know you're beu-"

"-What the mess are you doing!" Ironcage exclaimed, staring at her with wide eyes. "Are you trying to use the power of music to - wait, you said you wanted me

desperately? That's so weird! This is lame! This is supposed to be a serious and epic final climatic scene, that's what I read in the contract! It said I would sign on to an 'Epic Saga'! And here you are with some dumb song!"

"Well..." Rose stopped strumming."Explain yourself!""Um...""Araghhhhhh!" Ironcage growled in anger.Rose promptly smashed the guitar over his face, knocking him out cold. Down

below, the battle came to a conclusion as Eric Farmer succumbed to the El Michael Shipma's superior manliness. They all applauded.

Jacob jumped several hundred feet up to the walkway."Are you okay Rose?" He said."Yes... I think so. "I don't think you could say the same for that guitar.""That's okay. " Rose said. "I don't really like guitar anyway. In fact, I don't

really like music. Except for pop music, like One Direction.""I see." Jacob said, judgment saturating his words. "Well, the battle is over

down below. We better get down there." Jacob picked Rose up in his left arm and Ironcage in his right. He jumped down to the ground, his legs being able to withstand the impact with the ground. Stepping out of the miniature crater he had made, he put Rose and the unconscious Ironcage down. Rose noted that such close contact with Jacob's sweaty body had made him unsuitable as a love interest.

"Here's the last one, officer Teitge." Jacob said to the young, blond police officer.

"Thank ya." David Teitge said. Two attractive female cops dragged the man to the back of a police car. "Oh, and while y'all are over there, Rachel or Malia, get me a donut."

"Is everyone okay?" Rose said, looking to each of her friends."Estoy bien" El Michael Shipma said, chomping down on a taco."Jeeps rule!" Cameron yelled defiantly as he was pushed into a cop car.

Christopher was put into an EMS van; he would need several more casts."We did it!" Jana said in that same obnoxious voice. "What now?""It's time to celebrate!" Rose said.

And so the heroes went to the nearby bar to get drinks. As Sam Mims whipped up the refreshments, the prison bus halted outside. Maddi Gill, the prison warden, had stopped by to allow Ironcage and his thugs one last drink before they were thrown into the slammer for good. And the party went long into the night, with much joking about Faith's height problem, Rose's uselessness, and the Germans. Everyone remembered that night for the rest of their lives, particularly Ironcage and his thugs, who were already a few states away by the time everyone was sober in the morning.

The End... or is it?

Story and cover arrangement by Bradley EvansJacob drawing and plot consultation by Avery Wilson

For a more plot thickening story, read the sequel!

A Story About a Man Who Wrote a Story About Rose Farrington

by Avery Wilson

And if you survive that, go for the complete trilogy!

A Story About a Man Who Wrote a Story About Man Who Wrote a Story About Rose Farrington

by Earl Wells

Disclaimer: This story was written in the name of clean fun. No offense should be taken for any and all descriptions and actions regarding any characters involved. Questions regarding legal suits should be

forwarded to my lawyer, Michelle Story.