The English Reformation

The English Reformation. Remember Henry VII? His two sons… Arthur and Henry

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Page 1: The English Reformation. Remember Henry VII? His two sons… Arthur and Henry

The English Reformation

Page 2: The English Reformation. Remember Henry VII? His two sons… Arthur and Henry

Remember Henry VII?• His two sons… Arthur and Henry

Page 3: The English Reformation. Remember Henry VII? His two sons… Arthur and Henry

The Next Tudor king?• Arthur groomed to be king;

even named after Arthurian legend

• Two year old Arthur bethrothed to Catherine of Aragon; alliance and huge dowry

• Catherine came to England, married in 1501

• Catherine’s misery…• Fifteen year old Arthur died

of “consumption”, or the “sweating sickness”




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The Next Tudor King: Henry VIII• Took the throne in 1509 (18 yrs.

old)• It’s good to be king…tamed

nobles, full treasury, good ministers

• Transformed navy; broadside firing canons on ships; coastal defenses

• Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon in 1509 (yes, previously his sister-in-law)

• England went to war against France (1512-1514) because Pope Julius II was being threatened by French King Louis XII (think back to the end of Italian Renaissance flow chart)

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Francis I (Fr)

b. 1494

r. 1515-1547

Emperor Charles V

(HRE)b. 1500

r. 1519-1556

Henry VIII (Eng)b. 1491

r. 1509-1547

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“Field of Cloth of Gold”1520: celebration between Henry VIII and Francis I to solidify their new alliance

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“Defender of the Faith”• 1521: Henry wrote

“Declaration of the Seven Sacraments Against Martin Luther”

• Pope Leo bestowed Henry with the title “Defender of the Faith”

• Early sign of Henry’s religious conservatism…

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William Tyndale

• translated the New Testament into English

• 1525 it was mass printed and smuggled into England

• profoundly influenced the written English language

• hunted, incarcerated, then burned at the stake for “heresy.”

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Henry’s Wife and Affair…• Catherine of Aragon

• Coronated Queen in June 1509 after marriage to Henry VIII

• Stillborn daughter 1510

• Prince Henry born 1511…

• …died 52 days later…

• 1516, daughter Mary born…

• …survives (will become Queen Mary I, Tudor, “Bloody Mary”)

• Becoming increasingly religious


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Anne Boleyn• Love letters from Henry• Queen or nothing…• Influenced by Protestantism• Lord Chancellor Wolsey is not

able to procure an annulment from the pope and was dismissed in 1529

• New Minister, Thomas Cromwell set out to find a way to deal with the problem…

• Anne gave in to Henry, pregnant by late 1532

• Secretly married to Henry 1533• By summer of 1533 royal plans

being made for the birth of Henry’s long awaited heir…

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OOOOPPPSS!!!• Elizabeth I, daughter of

Anne Boleyn

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The Reformation Parliament 1529-1536

• Parliament passed a series of Acts to officially break from Roman Papacy and make Henry VIII the head of the church of England

• 1532: Act of Annates: prevented the payment of money to the Pope

• 1533: Act of Restraint of Appeals: forbid appeals from being taken to Rome, preventing Catherine from appealing her divorce to the Pope

• 1534: Act of Supremacy: declared Henry, not the Pope, head of the Church of England

• Dissolution of the Monasteries

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• Maintained church structure, but replaced pope with king

• Six Articles of 1539 • Latin Mass• Reaffirmed clerical celibacy• Reaffirmed need for confession• Reaffirmed transubstantiation

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Wives of Henry VIII

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1. Catherine of Aragon• m. 1509-1533• First married

Arthur• Had a daughter

Mary• Henry cheated on

her w/ Bessie Blount

• Divorced

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2. Anne Boleyn• m. 1533-1536• Six fingers and a goiter?• Not popular with people• Secretly married 1533

Had a daughter, Elizabeth

• Executed for adultery, incest and treason, Elizabeth declared illigitimate

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3. Jane Seymour• m. 1536-1537

• Had a son, Edward (King Edward VI)

• Died in 1537 after giving birth

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4. Anne of Cleves• M. 1540 (Jan-July)• Married to form an

alliance• Married sight unseen• Really not too

pretty: “Flander Mare”

• Marriage never consumated, annulled

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5. Catherine Howard• m. 1540-1542

• Henry fat and smelly at this point (49 yrs old)

• Who can blame her?

• Beheaded for adultery in 1542

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6. Catherine Parr

• m. 1543-1547• Survived!• Mother figure

for Elizabeth and Edward

• Protestant influence…

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All’s well that ends well….?

• Henry died in 1547 (an obese, smelly, festering, gangrenous man)

• The people of England were increasingly supportive of the continental reformers

• Remember…. The monarch is now the head of the Church…. The next monarch?

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The Consolidation of the English Reformation

Henry’s three heirs… Edward, Mary, Elizabeth

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Edward VI takes the throne at age 10• Heavily influenced by powerful

advisor, John Dudley , Duke of Northumberland

• Corresponded directly with John Calvin

• Clerical marriage and communion with cup were sanctioned

• Imposed Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer on all church services

• Images and altars removed from churches

• Influx of Protestantsr.1547-1553

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The Second Act of Uniformity 1552

• Cranmer’s confession of faith adopted (moderate Protestant doctrine)

• Required church attendance

• Justification by faith, supremacy of Holy Scripture

• Denied transubstantiation

• Recognized two sacraments

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The next English monarch?

• Lady Jane Grey

• “The Nine Day Queen”

• John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland

• Why not a Tudor?

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The Next Tudor monarch....• Queen Mary I (Mary

Tudor)• r. 1553-1558• Restored Catholic

doctrine• Married Philip II of

Spain• Cranmer, Dudley and

many other Protestants burned at the stake

• “Bloody Mary”• Did not produce an


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Finally… • A religious settlement

will come about thanks to …

• Elizabeth I (r. 1558-1603) established the Anglican Church

• Moderate Protestantism, Protestant doctrine with Catholic ritual

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