1 THE ELITE: WHO THEY ARE, THEIR MENTALITY AND RELIGION So who are ‘the elite’, and there are many terms for ‘them’; ‘the power elite’, ‘the internationalists’, ‘the globalists’, ‘the establishment’, ‘the new world order crime syndicate’, ‘the illuminati’ ect. ect. They are the most powerful and wealthy people on the planet. They are involved in banking, in oil, gas and other energy sectors, in the military, in pharmaceuticals, in the media, in land, in fact all the high bastions of industry and power, and include the royal families and other dictatorships of the world. It is my belief that these very powerful groups are virtually all one at the top, i.e. they are all members of the same club. The term illuminati is a short term to describe the top elements of this secret society. However there may be some differences between some of them and there are certainly some powerful people at the top of their societies and world who are not aligned to this power elite club or illuminati. The strongest sector is undoubtedly the Anglo - American elite, along with the elites of Europe, Israel, Japan, Canada and Australia. It seems to me that most other countries in the world show allegiance to this main group, for instance the Arab nations and Central and South American elites all seem to be in league with them. Along with these countries we can also see alliances with African leaders, India and even Russia and to a lesser extent China. The countries where the main power block appears to have little control are Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and some other Asian countries, which are more in the grip of China and Russia. The situation is indeed very complicated. As mentioned in a previous article I do see the situation in today’s world as similar to that depicted in George Orwell’s 1984; where the big power blocks may squabble or fight one another but this is only to improve their own standings in the world and maintain domestic control.

The ELITE (Who They Are, Their Mentality and Religion)

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Page 1: The ELITE (Who They Are, Their Mentality and Religion)



So who are ‘the elite’, and there are many terms for ‘them’; ‘the power elite’, ‘the internationalists’, ‘the globalists’, ‘the establishment’, ‘the new world order crime syndicate’, ‘the illuminati’ ect. ect. They are the most powerful and wealthy people on the planet. They are involved in banking, in oil, gas and other energy sectors, in the military, in pharmaceuticals, in the media, in land, in fact all the high bastions of industry and power, and include the royal families and other dictatorships of the world. It is my belief that these very powerful groups are virtually all one at the top, i.e. they are all members of the same club. The term illuminati is a short term to describe the top elements of this secret society. However there may be some differences between some of them and there are certainly some powerful people at the top of their societies and world who are not aligned to this power elite club or illuminati. The strongest sector is undoubtedly the Anglo - American elite, along with the elites of Europe, Israel, Japan, Canada and Australia. It seems to me that most other countries in the world show allegiance to this main group, for instance the Arab nations and Central and South American elites all seem to be in league with them. Along with these countries we can also see alliances with African leaders, India and even Russia and to a lesser extent China. The countries where the main power block appears to have little control are Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and some other Asian countries, which are more in the grip of China and Russia. The situation is indeed very complicated. As mentioned in a previous article I do see the situation in today’s world as similar to that depicted in George Orwell’s 1984; where the big power blocks may squabble or fight one another but this is only to improve their own standings in the world and maintain domestic control.

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Examples I can give to support this idea include; the fact that the internationalists supported and sponsored Communism in Russia and China. The fact that they wanted to destroy the western manufacturing industry by supporting the growth of China, and also that the western nations have relatively good diplomatic relationships with Russia and China. (Incidentally whenever the Chinese head of state comes to London, they firstly go for dinner at Buckingham palace, which should tell everyone where the power base lies in this country). I may be wrong about the extent of collusion; it is possible that there is one big secret society at the top, which is in a total alliance permeating through all the elites in the world. It is also possible that there are splinter groups and factions such as in the world of the mafia. This may be a more realistic stance to take, but if you look at the mafia, although they may squabble amongst themselves, they certainly never blow the whistle on their game. They certainly will not outright stop their activities and come out in the light of day from behind their veils of secrecy. So in a way, although I may not hold the exact truth about the world situation, it hardly makes a difference. We do know there is great power and great collusion. As well as this there are definitely many prevalent secret societies. SECRET SOCIETIES Even talking about secret societies would have been a very alien thing for me to do a few years ago. I had of course heard mention of the Freemasons but had never given them or any other society much thought. The Freemasons indeed do exist and there are many members. It was a society given to the poor and middle class so as to filter up added helpful hands that could aid the aristocracy and elitists at the top. At it’s lowest levels the members are taught to do charitable work and are bonded together in secrecy. Often members speak of it 'just being a club to meet people and to get help in the world if needed’. The classic idea of the plumber springs to mind; lets say you need a plumber, you call your freemasonic group and a fellow mason comes to your house and does the work needed for a very cheap reasonable price. Indeed I believe all these stories to be true at the societies lowest levels. However as people progress up to the highest levels of the society, the situation gets more sinister. At the top of these societies such as the

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Freemasons, we find top politicians secret service and power elitists. You may only reach the top if you agree and follow their agenda. Another famous secret society is the Skull and Bones society in Yale University. This has been made famous by the membership of both Bush’s amongst other high profile figures. Reputedly they elect only 15 members from prominent families each year. During the initiation ceremony it is said that members most sleep in a closed coffin clutching the bones of a famous dead person. What we do know for sure is that both presidential candidates in the 2004 election, Bush and Kerry are both members and links to the interviews can be found at the bottom of this article. Another famous club is the Bohemian Grove club in California, where many presidents and chiefs of staff have congregated over the years. The pinnacle of this destination is a sacrificial ceremony where ‘druids’ burn an effigy of a human in front of a giant statue of an owl or the God Moloch. This ceremony is called the ‘cremation of care’ where the elite believe they rid themselves of their conscience so that they can perform their tasks in the world without any cares. Other secret societies include the Order of Malta, which some secret service members belong to from the Mi5, Mi6 and CIA. Other established societies include The Bullingdon club at Oxford University and the Apostles club at Cambridge University. ELITE RELIGION I’m not best placed to discuss the elite religions whatever they may be, however it does seem that they like occult practices, and forms of devil worship, as bizarre as it sounds. The film eyes wide shut shows us a masked ceremony and sexual debauchery and I believe events like this do occur in some circles. Secret societies and occult religions serve another purpose. Partaking in illegal drug activities or cavorting with prostitutes, instantly taints the member and would allow the elite to have a hold on this person later on in life.

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For instance my friend who went to Cambridge University said that there are many societies there and that the members do allot of binge drinking, drugs, and debaucherous sexual activities. With Oxford and Cambridge being the two most respected and funded Universities in the UK, if not the world, many students of these institutions go on to work in the higher echelons of business and politics and it is clear that having some ‘dirt’ on them would be very useful to the ruling power elite. Another example might be a masked ceremony where the chief of police or mayor could attend and frolic with prostitutes in an ‘occult ceremony’, thereby enslaving themselves to their brotherhood, with the possibility of their wives or the mainstream media hearing of these revelations if they didn’t play along with their rulers game. On top of this I would like to add that the elite love the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution not only gave humanity an understanding of how it had ascended to a position above the animals, it also gave the elite a philosophy for how they had risen to a position above the rest of humanity. The establishment believes that if humans aren’t wise or strong enough to claw their way to the top as they and their forefathers had then we don’t deserve to be there. It is for this reason also that they see us as their cattle, to be used as they please. Unfortunately it gets worse; for instead of trying to raise everyone up and try to improve things for all, the elite have then gone out of their way to dumb everyone down and make life more difficult through techniques used in the media, by military spending and wars, through debt, in education, by rewriting history and law, ect. ect. The tables are tilted; the despicableness of these people knows no bounds. ELITE THINK TANKS Another area which is much more easy to research and reveal is the elite think tanks which do a lot of the policy setting for the power elite and our societies.

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The Bilderberg group founded in 1954 in the Bilderberg hotel in Holland, meets yearly for three days in a five star hotel in Europe or North America. The members are all European or from the USA or Canada. The members, numbering around one hundred and fifty each year are the heads of banking, media, politics and other industries. The lists of each meeting have been acquired through insiders and through daring reporters. As well as this these few dedicated reporters attend each year and photograph the members as they arrive. The meetings are held in secret however information has been released through these insiders. In 2002, it was claimed afterwards that the allies would invade Iraq in March 2003, which of course happened. On top of this both Tony Blair and Bill Clinton attended meetings before being elected to head their governments. Obama and Hilary Clinton were in Virginia last year during the Bilderberg conference but both deny going or meeting with anyone. Other important think tanks include the Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations or CFR, the Royal Institute for International Affairs or RIIA, the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, and the Rand Corporation amongst others. In these organizations, which are often non-governmental, big decisions are made and policy set and the public and the mainstream media are not informed about it. These think tanks have a huge hand in shaping the world and allow the power elite to dictate to governments, promote our politicians, and write our laws. NAMING THE ELITE Again I’m not best placed to adequately name all the people in the ‘power elite’, in fact if my research has taught me anything it is that the people we don’t know possibly have more power than the people we do. There would certainly be different scales to the power in this region at the top of the pyramid, so the order of power is difficult to ascertain, hence the fact it is convenient to label them with these terms such as ‘the globalists’ or ‘illuminati’. Perhaps one day I will have more time to properly research an adequate long list of names.

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However we can say that the big banking families such as the Rothschild’s, Rockefellers, Warburg’s, Morgan’s, ect. hold huge power in the world. As well as these people the Royal families of the world hold huge power such as the House of Windsor in the UK and the House of Orange in Holland. Other notable families would be ones such as the Murdoch’s, Walmart's and Bushes, to name a few, although I believe these well known names are more likely to be found below the banking families at the top. Other players such as Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tony Blair, Brown, Sarkosy ect would all be captains of the agenda. These characters would be known as ‘grey men’ who move between the ‘white’ and ‘black’. ‘white’ is a term used to describe the members who are in plain sight, people we can see and ‘black’ is a term for the hidden individuals who we are not familiar with in mainstream media. Like all spheres of life, the agenda does not require that ‘everyone is in on it’. Many high ranking officials who cause large effects on society and the world may not understand the full picture or have complete understanding of their orders and actions. ELITE MENTALITY I will close with some words on the mentality of the elite, as this is a very important topic for people to understand. The power elite, these people that have striven and strived to reach the top of our society, these people who appear to hold evil in their hearts, and have no conscience towards their actions, are psychopaths. It is true that psychopaths can be found at all levels of society, at the bottom we may read of the psycho who cut off children’s heads, or murdered and raped people. In the middle they may be found as the despotic office manager who tyrannically reigns over their brood and only gives respect to the people in positions above them. What has been found is that the humans most likely to fill positions at the top of society have many psychopathic traits. These are the people, now or in the past who have been willing to club and claw their way to the top,

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willing to commit wars and murder if necessary to improve or consolidate their position. They are drawn to power. It is their only love and guide. You and I dear reader are not built like that. We have a conscience. We care for the weak and needy. We fight to repeal injustice and improve society for all. Until we all understand this fact and make maneuvers to correct the situation we will never be able to enact proper changes. It’s no doubt true that if the current power elite were to be removed, more like-minded psychopaths will fill their shoes. I feel sorry for these tyrants. They are sick. They have defunct genes. They are like rabid dogs, we can’t blame the dog but we must beware of it, we must protect ourselves from it. One solution could be to give psychopathic testing to all people in politics or in high public service positions. If the tests proved successful then hopefully we could wean out these humans who have this mentality and prevent them from ruling over us. God Bless Everyone. LINKS: Bush and Kerry interviewed, Skull and Bones, Yale University: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPh7sUvhZ3E The Bohemian Grove Club, an introduction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_PAqT2JZOw John F Kennedy on Secret Societies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WSGwnz7XpY Bilderberg 2006 exposed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moX9BH5dtCo

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Lots of love, think freely, spread the word, and take action. Olly. www.freehumanity.co.uk