The Elements of Style: III. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION William Strunk, Jr.


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Page 1: The Elements of Style: III. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION William Strunk, Jr

The Elements of Style:


William Strunk, Jr.

Page 2: The Elements of Style: III. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION William Strunk, Jr

Make the Paragraph the Unit of Composition:

One Paragraph to Each Topic.

• The beginning of each paragraph is a signal to the reader that a new step in the development of the subject has been reached.o Careful that a two chunk still has one main idea or focus

• Allow your ideas to dictate the paragraph structure, do not force your ideas into a structure o More on this later…

• Always outline before writing AP timed essays.o At least get your thesis, evidence, and organization prepped

Page 3: The Elements of Style: III. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION William Strunk, Jr

As a Rule, Begin Each Paragraph with a

Topic Sentence; End it in Conformity with

the Beginning.

• The practice here recommended enables him to discover the purpose of each paragraph as he begins to read it, and to retain the purpose in mind as he ends it.

• A continuous and cohesive paper will take and use one part or idea from the previous sentence or paragraph and incorporate the idea in the next.o Ex.

• Harker relies on the new, modern notions of the Victorian Era that everything has an explanation and science can provide proof for the unknown. Because he is a modern thinker, Harker does not fear what he cannot see, making it easier to fall into Dracula’s trap.

Page 4: The Elements of Style: III. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION William Strunk, Jr

Use the Active Voice.

• Verbs are also said to be either active (The executive committee approved the new policy) or passive (The new policy was approved by the executive committee) in voice.

• As a rule of thumb, write in active voice (the subject is doing the action)

Page 5: The Elements of Style: III. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION William Strunk, Jr

Put Statements in Positive Form.

• Make definite assertions. o The reader is dissatisfied with being told only what is not;

he wishes to be told what is.• Ex: “He was not very often on time” Vs. “He usually

came late”• Ex: “He did not think that studying Latin was much

use” Vs. “He thought the study of Latin useless”

• Use positive phrasingo Positive phrasing and active voice are more concise than

negative phrasing and passive voice.• Ex: “not honest” Vs. “dishonest”• Ex: “Did not pay attention to” Vs. “Ignored”

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Omit Needless Words.

• Just say it! o Ex: “He is a man who” Vs. “He”o Ex: “The evidence proves…”

• A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, and a paragraph no unnecessary sentences.o Don’t write all simple sentences, just try and only include what is

necessary. You voice shines through when you are direct.

• A common violation of conciseness is the presentation of a single complex idea, step by step, in a series of sentences which might to advantage be combined into one.

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Avoid a Succession of Loose


• Vary your sentence structure= stylistic maturity

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Express Co-ordinate Ideas in

Similar Form.

• This principle, that of parallel construction, requires that expressions of similar content and function should be outwardly similar.o Ex: “Formerly, Lormerin saw himself as a young,

handsome man, but now, the image he sees is different” Vs. “Formerly, Lormerin saw himself as a young, handsome man; now he sees himself differently”

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Keep Related Words Together.

• Make sure pronouns fit with antecedent (subject that precedes the pronoun)

• Rules of thumb:o Use the male gender: “Each person is entitled to his opinion.”o Use the female gender when all possible referents are women:

“Each nun is entitled to her opinion.”o Use both male and female genders: “Each person is entitled to his

or her (or his/her) opinion.”o Alternate gender references in repeated usage: “Each person is

entitled to his opinion. However, she should also be receptive to those of others.”

o Use an indefinite article in place of a pronoun: “Each person is entitled to an opinion.”

o Recast the sentence to plural form: “All people are entitled to their own opinions.”

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In Summaries, Keep to One Tense.

• In summarizing the action of a drama, the writer should always use the present tense.

• In summarizing a poem, story, or novel, he

should preferably use the present, though he may use the past if he prefers.

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Place the Emphatic Words of a

Sentence at the End.

• The proper place for the word, or group of words, which the writer desires to make most prominent is usually the end of the sentence.

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What Can You Use for Evidence?

• Direct Quote: Quote directly pulled from the text.

• Indirect Quote: Paraphrase your evidence. You must still cite!o Ex: Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of

powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263).o Ex: Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative

process (Wordsworth 263).

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Taboo Words• things, a lot, very, good, bad, that, this,

something, shows etc.

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No Thesaurus

• Just say what you want to say and be direct.

• Try not to skirt around the major ideas with an overuse of big words to make your essay “sound pretty”.o You will often use a word with

the wrong context AND you will just sound pretentious!

And it won’t save you from not knowing

what you are writing about.

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No Contractions or “Text” Speak

• In formal essays you are NEVER to use contractions (unless they are used in the quote of course!)