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The Electric ESP Handbook

The Electric ESP Handbook

A Guide to Pacific Gas &Electric Companys Direct Access Procedures for Electric Energy Service Providers

Pacific Gas and Electric Company - ESP Services

October 5, 2005

Table of Contents


About This Guide1


Disclaimer and Warning1

Summary of Chapters and Contents2

Chapter Organization2



Checklist of Key Steps3

The [Chapter Topic] Process Illustrated3


Chapter 11

Electric ESP Direct Access Preliminary Procedures1



Checklist of key steps2

Electric ESP Direct Access Preliminary Procedures Illustrated3


1. Electric ESP obtains required documentation for Direct Access (DA) signup with PG&E4

ESP Service Agreement6

About Section 22, Billing Options6

About Section 23, Metering and Meter Reading Options7

Energy Service Provider Information Form7

ESP Credit Application and Financial Statements8

ESP creditworthiness requirements9

Credit evaluation parameters9

Primary credit requirements9

Alternate credit requirements9

Direct access consolidated billing options worksheet11

Instructions for completing the Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet12

Required format for the PG&E bill detail page included on Consolidated Electric ESP bills12

EDI Trading Partner Agreement12

Main Agreement12


EDI Setup Form15

Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) qualification/approval16

2. Electric ESP submits completed DA startup documentation to ESP Services16

3. ESP Services Representative contacts Electric ESP upon receipt of DA startup documents16

4. PG&E reviews all submitted DA startup documentation16

DA startup Documentation Review Timeline17

ESP Service Agreement Processing17

ESP Credit Application processing17

Credit Acceptance18

Credit Denial18

Direct Access Consolidated Billing Options Worksheet18

EDI Trading Partner Agreement processing18

EDI Setup Form18

MDMA Application and Checklist18

5. ESP Services Representative informs the Electric ESP of the type of DA participation for which it is eligible18

Information Websites20

Chapter 221

Direct Access Setup21



Checklist of key steps22

Direct Access Setup Illustrated22


Electronic data exchange synopsis23

1. Prepare systems setup for electronic data exchange23

2. Review electronic transfer procedures and rules as designated by PG&E for DES and EDI (if applicable).23

Data transfer specifics: How DES is used to exchange DA information24

DES implementation24

Key DES contacts24

DES Web site25

EDI data transfer25

EDI contacts26

For more information26

EDI Direct Access transaction sets26

Transaction set 810 - Billing26

Transaction set 814 - Direct Access Service Request (DASR)26

Transaction set 820 - Payment and Remittance Order27

867 - Meter Usage27

997 - Functional Acknowledgment27

Test the viability and accuracy of data transferred to PG&E using DES27

Chapter 329

Processing Direct Access Service Requests (DASRs)29


Definition of Terms29


Checklist of key steps31

Processing DASRs Illustrated31


1. Electric ESP obtains customer authorization to submit a DASR on its behalf33

2. Electric ESP obtains customer CTC Agreement, if required33

3. Electric ESP evaluates customer DA elections and obtains customer information required to complete DASR33

5. Electric ESP submits DASR to PG&E through DES34

6. PG&E processes DASR35

Electronic Validation35

DASR Validation35

Account Validation35

7. PG&E sends a confirmation, rejection, or pending notification to Electric ESP36

Acceptance notices36

Rejection DASR37

Additional DASR procedures performed by PG&E37

DASR for New Premises37

Additional setup transaction procedures37

Additional transaction procedures for newly established PG&E account numbers38

Additional Shut Off (S/O) and Shut-off Non-Payment (SONP) transaction procedures39

Additional Cancellation transaction procedures39

Additional Customer Account Data Change transaction procedures39

Additional procedures for Initial Customer Historical Usage Information39

Seamless Move40

Seamless Move Procedures40

Canceling a Seamless Move41

Limits to a Seamless Move Option41

Chapter 443

DA Electronic Data Exchange Contingency Plans43


Behind the scenes look at the DASR process43

DASR Server Communication Illustrated44


Event Scenario Back-up Plans44

Electric ESP unable to communicate with DES45


Back-up Plan45

Failure of PG&E equipment (DASR Interface & CIS)46


Back-up Plan46

Chapter 547



Metering Services47

Meter Service Provider Responsibilities48

Meter Installation Standards48

Effective Direct Access Date48

Meter Maintenance48

Meter Equipment Specifications48

Obtaining Meter Equipment Information for Existing Customer Accounts49

Web Site Test49

Selection of the Meter Installer49

Scheduling Meter Removal and Installations - PG&E as Meter Installer49

Meters Supplied by PG&E50

Meters Supplied by Electric ESP50

DA Ready Meter50

Phone Service Notification - PG&E as Meter Installer50

Completed Meter Installs51

Re-scheduling Meter Installations51

Scheduling Meter Removals and Installations - Electric ESP as Meter Installer51

Meter Installation/Removal Notification *52

Return of PG&E Meters52

Service Upgrades52

Return to Bundled Service from Direct Access and Meter Ownership52

Electric ESP Inquiries54

Wired Phone Line Requirements55

Wireless Phone Installation Requirements56

Responsibility - Phone Service Account Payment57

Responsibility - Phone Service Operability and Maintenance57

Retention of Rights58

Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Requirements58

MDMA Approval Process and Requirements58

Application and Checklist59

Written Requirements59

Server Acceptance Test60

Back-up Reading Process60

Data Format60

Security and Confidentiality60

Help Desk61

Validating and Editing Data61

Interval Data61

Estimating Data62

Interval Data Estimation Rules62

Accuracy and Timeliness of Usage Data63

Interval Data63

Monthly Data63

Data retention period63

Electronic exchange of metering data64

Interval and Time-Of-Use (TOU) data64

Meter Reading65

Meter reading data obligations65

PG&E meter reading66

Electric ESP meter reading66

Metered Usage Rates66

Life Support Customers and Medical Baseline Quantities66

Chapter 669

DASR Processes for Metering Data Adjustments and Changes69


DA Account Commodity Status Changes70

DA Account Commodity Shut-Offs70


Matrix of PG&E-initiated Records Related to Shut-offs by Meter Type70


Meter Change73

Matrix of PG&E-initiated Records Related to Meter Change73


New Meter Sets Which are not Concurrent with Old Meter Removals76

Meter Configuration Data77

Usage Adjustments77

Usage Adjustments to Monthly Meter Data Due to Additional Validation Checking of Data when PG&E is the MDMA78

Matrix of PG&E-initiated Records Related to Usage Adjustments78


Stand Alone Rebate transactions (reversal only adjustment)81

Chapter 783

Electric ESP Account Billing83


Bill Components and Billing Options83

Summary of bill components83

About the California Energy Commission Tax84

Billing options85

Consolidated UDC billing85

Consolidated ESP billing85

Partial Consolidated ESP Billing85

Full Consolidated ESP Billing85

Separate billing86

Read and Bill Serial Dates86

Consolidated UDC Billing86

Pricing options87

Flat ($/month)88

Single-tiered ($/kWh)88

Double-Tiered ($/kWh, Electric ESP designates tiers)88

Time-of-Use - TOU ($/kWh, based on PG&Es tiers)88

Custom pricing89

Submitting Rate-ready data to PG&E89

Deadlines for the submission of rate-ready data89

Bill format89

Bill preparation and processing89

Bill Printing and Delivery90

Reports generated by PG&E90

Utility User Tax Application90

How PG&E calculates Electric ESP payments91

When PG&E pays the Electric ESP91

I. PG&E payments to Electric ESP and supporting reports:91

II. When PG&E makes payment to Electric ESP91

III. Reserve against collections91

Payments from Electric ESP to PG&E91
