The Effects of Shoplifting on the Community

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  • 7/25/2019 The Effects of Shoplifting on the Community


    The Efects oShopliting on the

    CommunityBy Kyrana Jones

    eHow Contributor


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    Shopliftin may seem a vi!timless!rime to the one performin it" but therami#!ations of it are more far
  • 7/25/2019 The Effects of Shoplifting on the Community


    rea!hin than the perpetrator reali$es%The reasons for shopliftin !an vary

    from !ompulsive isorer to followinthrouh on a are% 'earless of thereason" the results are always thesame an always on the neative sieof the e(uation%

    Other People Are


    )eative E*e!ts ofShopliftin

    Shopliftin Conse(uen!es

    for +inors

    The Individual , person who steals an item is

    !ommittin a !rime% The a!t" unernormal !ir!umstan!es" shoul prou!e
  • 7/25/2019 The Effects of Shoplifting on the Community


    a loss of self-esteem an a lowerin ofthe iniviual.s self worth in her own

    eyes% /hen the eyes of friens anfamily members view the a!t"embarrassment an istrust enter thes!ene% So!iety frowns on those whobrea0 the law" espe!ially those whoaunt their bra$en attitue an almost

    are the system to try to !at!h them%

    The Retailer The loss to the retailer !omes in

    many forms" the #rst of whi!h is thelost revenue for the stolen item% ,s aresult" the loss must be passe onto!onsumers by in!reasin the pri!e ofoos in eneral to !ompensate%Costly anti-theft prorams must beprepare an publi!i$e to try to eterthe a!t from happenin% Se!uritymeasures must be put into pla!e aseterrents an in!lue surveillan!e

  • 7/25/2019 The Effects of Shoplifting on the Community


    !ameras" se!urity uars an evenele!troni! arti!le surveillan!e tas an

    their asso!iate alarme ete!tors%

    The Consumer Shoppers pay hiher pri!es

    be!ause the losses are passe alon

    to payin !ustomers by the retailer%The stolen items are no loner on theshelf for the !onsumer to pur!hase" sotheir sele!tion has been impa!te%Hih-ti!0et items are pla!e behin

    !ounters uner lo!0 an 0ey" whi!h!ompli!ates the shoppin eperien!eust enouh for some !onsumers tonot even bother see0in them out%Honest shoppers now fall into thesame mistrust !ateory as shopliftersbe!ause they !annot be istinuishefrom one another easily by theretailer%

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    The Community

    To !ombat shopliftin" the retailerhas in!rease pri!es" whi!h may!ause !onsumers to shop elsewhereto pur!hase !omparable items at a!heaper rate% Time spent urin thattravel" plus the as an wear an tear

    on the vehi!le or simply an in!reasevolume on the publi! transportationsystem" are all real e*e!ts that !an beseen% 4oss of shoppers !an for!e somestores to !lose" whi!h eprives the

    !ommunity of a retail sour!e as wellas a part of its so!ial an e!onomi!fabri!% ,reas with a hih per!entae ofshopliftin !an also for!e stores toleave the area an resettle in a saferenvironment% 5n!e aain" the

    !ommunity su*ers from the sel#sh a!tof a few%

  • 7/25/2019 The Effects of Shoplifting on the Community


    Community Awareness

    6inally" shopliftin !auses!ommunity time to be spent tryin toresolve issues surrounin it" ratherthan the plannin of !ivi! proe!ts thatwill ma0e a positive !ontribution tothe !ommunity% !ity !oun!il meetins"

    poli!e an !ommunity relationmeetins an !ivi! orani$ationalmeetins nee to spen their time ina more prou!tive way instea ofbein for!e to !ombat a bliht that

    !osts our nation more than 738 billionannually% Parents shoul eu!ate their!hilren that shopliftin is stealin"an that stealin is a !rime aainstone.s own family an the !ommunity%

    Shopliting Statistics ,!!orin to the )ational

    ,sso!iation for Shopliftin Prevention"

  • 7/25/2019 The Effects of Shoplifting on the Community


    there are approimately 29 millionshoplifters in the :nite States alone"

    whi!h e(uates to 1 person in 11% +orethan 18 million have been !auhtwithin the past ; years% Kis ma0e up2; per!ent of the shoplifters< aults"9; per!ent% =t seems to be a lifelonpra!ti!e as well be!ause ;; per!ent of

    aults !laim they bean to shoplift asteenaers% /hen as0e" 93 per!ent ofaults an 92 per!ent of uveniles onot plan to steal" they ust a!timpulsively% ,n astonishin >? per!ent

    of 0is say they 0now of other 0iswho shoplift an @@ per!ent say theyasso!iate with them%5nly 3 per!ent of shoplifters areprofessionals" but they ma0e up 18per!ent of the total ollar losses% Even

    after bein !auht in the a!t" ;9per!ent of aults an 33 per!ent ofuveniles say it is iA!ult to stop evenafter bein !auht% Habitual thieves

  • 7/25/2019 The Effects of Shoplifting on the Community


    shoplift on an averae of 1%@ times awee0%