The Effects of Domestic Violence on Latino Children

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  • 8/2/2019 The Effects of Domestic Violence on Latino Children


    The effects of Domestic Violence on Latino Children

  • 8/2/2019 The Effects of Domestic Violence on Latino Children


    The effects of Domestic Violence on Latino ChildrenJorge Yeshayahu Gonzales-Lara

    Sociologist, MA; CASAC-T

    "Families under stress produce children under stress. If a spouse is being abused and there are children in the home, the

    children are affected by the abuse."(Ackerman and Pickering, 1989)

    Domestic violence in the Latino community must be understood within the context occurs. A legacy of multiple

    oppression; some dating back to centuries, such as poverty, discrimination, racism, colonization, classism, and

    homophobia. Require that domestic violence is not seen as a uni-dimensional phenomenon. This important social

    problem that requires research, policy, advocacy and services are implemented with an understanding of how to weave the

    social forces that underlie domestic violence in the family and Latino community. It is estimated that between 40 and 60% of

    men who abuse women also abuse children

    Domestic violence affects all family members, especially children. Family violence creates a home environment where

    children live in constant fear. Children who witness family violence are affected in ways similar to children who are physically

    abused Family violence creates a home environment

    where children live in constant fear. Children who witness

    domestic violence are affected similarly to children who

    are abused physically, sexually and emotionally. Parents

    are often unable to establish links with raising children,

    unable to establish nurturing bonds and have a greater

    risk of abuse and neglect if they live in a violent home.

    Recently studies show that more than 3 million children

    witness violence in their homes each year. Those who

    see and hear violence in the home suffer physically and

    emotionally. Families with children living in stress product

    of domestic violence and creates insecurity and live in

    constant fear that children are affected that extends

    throughout the home.

    The abuser violates the space of a spouse physically andemotionally. Children witnesses of domestic violence and

    is reflected in their behavior as low self-esteem, violent

    games and develops self-defense mechanisms that


    Statistics show that over 3 million children witness violence in their home each year. Those who see and hear violence in the

    home suffer shame, guilt, self blame, confusion about conflicting feelings toward parents, fear of abandonment, or

    expressing emotions, the unknown or personal injury, anger and depression, feelings of helplessness and powerlessness. In

    2010, approximately 695,000 children were victims of maltreatment. Children in the age group of birth to 1 year had the

    highest rate of victimization at 20.6 per 1,000 children of the same age group in the national population. More than one-half

    of the child victims were girls 51.2% and 48.5 percent were boys; and nearly one-half of all victims were White (44.8%), 21.9

    percent were African-American, and 21.4 percent were Latino.

    Dynamics of domestic violence are unhealthy for children: Control of family by one dominant member.

    Abuse of a parent.


    Protecting the "family secret".

    Children react to their environment in different ways, and reactions can vary depending on the child's gender and age.
  • 8/2/2019 The Effects of Domestic Violence on Latino Children


    Children exposed to family violence are more likely to develop social, emotional, psychological and or behavioral problems

    than those who are not. Recent research indicates that children who witness domestic violence show more anxiety, low self

    esteem, depression, anger and temperament problems than children who do not witness violence in the home. The trauma

    they experience can show up in emotional, behavioral, social and physical disturbances that effect their development and

    can continue into adulthood.

    Emotional effects.

    Grief for family and personal losses.

    Shame, guilt, and self blame.

    Confusion about conflicting feelings toward parents.

    Fear of abandonment, or expressing emotions, the unknown or personal injury.


    Depression and feelings of helplessness and powerlessness.



    Acting out or withdrawing.

    Aggressive or passive.

    Refusing to go to school.

    Care taking; acting as a parent substitute.

    Lying to avoid confrontation.

    Rigid defenses.

    Excessive attention seeking.

    Bedwetting and nightmares.

    Out of control behavior.

    Reduced intellectual competency.

    Manipulation, dependency, mood swings.

    Social Isolation from friends and relatives

    Stormy relationships.

    Difficulty in trusting, especially adults.

    Poor anger management and problem solving skills.

    Excessive social involvement to avoid home.

    Passivity with peers or bullying.

    Engaged in exploitative relationships as perpetrator or victim.


    Somatic complaints, headaches and stomachaches.

    Nervous, anxious, short attention span.

    Tired and lethargic.

    Frequently ill.

    Poor personal hygiene.

    Regression in development.

    High risk play.

    Self abuse

    Abusers are very good at controlling and manipulating

    their victims. People who have been emotionally abused

    or battered are depressed, drained, scared, ashamed,

    and confused. They need help to get out, yet theyve

    often been isolated from their family and friends. By

    picking up on the warning signs and offering support, you
  • 8/2/2019 The Effects of Domestic Violence on Latino Children


    can help them escape an abusive situation and begin healing.

    Update April 04, 2012.

    Long Island, New York

    Bibliography and References

    Red Flags for Abusive Relationships Checklist of warning signs and red flags that youre in an abusive relationship.(Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance)

    Symptoms of Emotional Abuse (for women) and Symptoms of Emotional Abuse (for men) Guide to emotional abuse andthe warning signs, including common characteristics of abusers. (Lilac Lane)

    What Does Love Got to Do With It? Why People Stay in Relationships with Angry People Discusses codependency inabusive relationships, how to evaluate the health of your relationship, and tips for getting out. (Get Your Angries Out)

    Emotional Abuse In-depth discussion of emotional abuse, including types of emotional abuse and signs of abusive,authority-based relationships. (