“The Effectiveness of McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention” Crystal Cummings CPSC 6126 Columbus State University Columbus, United States [email protected] 1

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“The Effectiveness of McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention”

Crystal CummingsCPSC 6126

Columbus State UniversityColumbus, United States

[email protected]

Submitted November 9, 2009


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Abstract— The purpose of this paper is to select

an intrusion detection system and suggest ways to

possibly improve it. In order to this, we need to

understand the purpose of intrusion detection

systems and know how to measure them. The

paper we chose to critique does just that, it

examines how to measure the performance of the

various types of intrusion systems. IT groups in

corporations are tasked every day to keep their

network safe and secure. Meanwhile, malware

attackers are working everyday to find a loophole

in the security of “secure networks”. The damage

could be catastrophic if the proper research was

not done by a corporation to choose the correct

intrusion detection system for their specific needs.

We will evaluate McAfee Host Intrusion

Prevention according to the proposed

measurement matrix. Lastly, we will comment on

what is next for McAfee Host Intrusion

Prevention, whether it is worth it to suggest

improvements or choose the latest technology

currently available.

Keywords- networks, intrusion systems, data

security, malware, performance.


Intrusion detection systems are on the rise.

Technology is barely keeping up because of the

many malware attackers that are in existence today.

This is why corporations are desperately seeking a

“cure all” intrusion detection system. Does one

exist? If not, who comes close? Before we can

answer the questions we need to clearly define

what intrusion detection is and decide how to

measure it. The problem we will attempt to solve

is to identify one meaning of intrusion detection of

the many that are out there and to decide if McAfee

Host Intrusion Prevention is strong enough to

thrive in the virus prone networks of today. My

contribution will be to apply an intrusion detection

system to the measurement matrix proposed and to

identify if it can be improved to meet the changing

needs of a corporation or if a new way to secure

the network needs to be explored.

The measurement matrix proposed takes the

various types of outputs an intrusion system can

have and correlates it to the types of architecture in

which the intrusion system could potentially be

operating. The architectures are file, host, network,

and enterprise. As stated in our textbook, the

primary focus of computer security is intrusion

prevention, where the goal is to keep the bad guys

out of your system or network. The purpose of an

intrusion detection system is to detect attacks

before, during, and after they have occurred [1].

We will create a fictitious corporation to illustrate

the use of an intrusion detection system.

Corporation C uses McAfee Host Intrusion

Prevention as its intrusion detection system of

choice. Corporation C uses it to defend against any

unauthorized intrusion and zero-day attacks. To

improve the total cost of ownership, the company

decides to install it on every laptop along with

McAfee anti-virus software. The installation was

not customized; we just followed the defaulted

prompts. How does this corporation fit into the

intrusion systems model?


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The main limitation of the chosen article is

that it does not mention any specific intrusion

system or software. It is very general and only

names the types of intrusion systems. It also does

not provide any real life examples as to the

application of the proposed solution. It also seems

to need additional work in relation to enterprise –

based networks.

The remainder of this paper is structured

as follows: Section 2 is an overview of my related

work. Section 3 details my proposed solution.

Section 4 concludes this paper.


We first have to decide what definition of

intrusion detection we would like to go with since

there are so many. One of the first definitions was

from Amoroso. His definition states intrusion

detection is, “the process of identifying and

responding to malicious activity targeted at

computing and networking resources” [2]. Ptacek

and Newsham defined intrusion as, “unauthorized

usage of or misuse of a computer system” [3].

Alessandri et al. defined intrusion as, “a malicious

activity threatening the security policy that leads

to a security failure, that is to a security policy

violation” [4]. Lastly, Bace and Mell defined

intrusion as, “attempts to compromise the

confidentiality, integrity, availability, or to bypass

the security mechanisms of a computer or

network” [5]. We will use a definition inspired by

Alessandri et al. Intrusion will be defined as an

activity that leads to the violation of the security

policy of a computer system. Since we have our

definition, analysis can begin. The types of outputs received from an

intrusion system are based on the work of Johnson

[6]. The article goes on to extend Johnson’s work

and define the “types of output” as the following:

Detection – indicates the occurrence of a

possible intrusion.

Recognition – indicates the type of attack.

Identification – indicates declaring the

exploits used to achieve the intrusion.

Confirmation – indicates that an attack

plan is deduced.

Prosecution – indicates the identity of the

originator of the intrusion [7].

We also need to take into account the types

of techniques that could potential correlate the type

of outputs to the type of architectures. Figure 1

shows a view of all the types discussed above. For

example, file hashes can be used in intrusion

detection systems operating at the file data level.

In Figure 2, we see that McAfee, which would fall

into the host-based category, would only protect

against recognition and detection outputs. It is

assumed that anomaly techniques were applied and

we know that confirmation and identification are

not achievable with any reasonable confidence

levels in an anomaly-based system. However,

host-based system using signature techniques are

expected to work at the confirmation and

identification level depending on the

discrimination abilities of the signatures [1]. We

will now look at what an actual customer of


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McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention had to say along

with other case studies done on McAfee.

Figure 1. – Intrusion System Matrix

Figure 2. – Intrusion System Footprint

In a McAfee Study, TeliaSonera AB - The

largest telecommunications provider in Sweden

and Finland, offering mobile and fixed network

services to the Nordic and Baltic countries

commented, “We think McAfee best meets our

need for central managing, and we agreed with

their future views on anti-virus technologies and

policies,” adds Larsson. “We knew we could

evolve easily with McAfee over time.” “The Host

Intrusion Prevention solution was one of our main

reasons for choosing McAfee,” adds Stenlund.

“From the beginning, we used it as a desktop

firewall product. Now that it has more

functionality, it integrates better with our Windows

and Microsoft applications and helps us secure our

patch update process” [8].

The Tolly Group conducted a study where

they found that McAfee provides lower Total Cost

of Ownership when compared to Symantec and

Trend Micro. It offered increased reliability and

availability by alleviating the need for in-house IT

infrastructure and resources. It is easy to deploy

and offers flexibility for company growth [9].

Lastly, Cascadian Labs also conducted a

study comparing McAfee, Symantec and Sophos.

They concluded McAfee is a comprehensive suite

targeted at very large enterprises. It has flexible

Active Directory support, a robust reporting

engine, and multi-server database roll-up features

that are useful for companies with thousands of

users and with multiple locations. The most recent

version includes a significant change to the

management console. However, as with previous

versions, McAfee’s installation, deployment, and

basic usability and management features are clearly

more complicated than those of Sophos and

Symantec. In testing, they used the default

configurations. McAfee had decent signature-





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based detection rates but its day-zero protection

was very poor. Some of this poor performance can

be attributed to the need to configure rules when

using its run-time HIPS configuration, a difficult

and time-consuming task for even a seasoned

security administrator [10].

There are challenges faced by all intrusion

systems. For example, the prosecution output type

requires that information be gathered with high

integrity and totally secured from change.

Although, this is a common requirement in secure

systems, it requires levels necessary to allow

criminal prosecution, within a system that has

intruders present [11]. For an enterprise system,

the technology challenge appears to be the

development of discriminates that will separate

intrusion and non-intrusion events in mixed-trust

data flows. These data flows will often be

occurring on equipments not owned by the

enterprise and therefore the ability to provide local

monitoring of the network will be limited. A view

of these interactions is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. – Challenging Areas


We have already proposed a solution to the

first problem, which was to identify and adopt one

definition of an intrusion detection system. We

concluded that we would use the following

definition: “an activity that leads to the violation

of the security policy of a computer system”. The

second problem was to apply McAfee to the

measurement matrix proposed. It was determined

that since McAfee is a host- based system, but

uses signature and behavioral intrusion prevention,

it would be able to measure recognition, detection,

identification, and confirmation abilities. An

updated view of Figure 2 is shown below to

include the coverage of having signature based

host system. Lastly, we were tasked with

determining any potential improvements McAfee

could make to be more beneficial to a corporation

or to simply have it replaced.

Figure 2a. – Updated Intrusion System




Host Intrusion Systems

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Three areas provide insight into the

performance of intrusion systems. They are the

number of outputs covered by the system, the

types of architecture supported by the intrusion

system, and any areas that overlap each other. We

can conclude that McAfee covers four out of five

outputs, two out of four architectures and produces

no overlap.

While this may be suitable for some

organizations, we doubt that it is suitable for most

given the current technological advancements

today with the various attacks and viruses. For

example, many corporations require some of their

employees to be mobile. It may be for

telecommuting or business related travel. The

employees, at some point, may need to work off-

the-network, in which case, they would need

access to a laptop that is not on the corporations’

network. When these remote employees log on to

the company network, it may be via VPN from a

Wi-Fi hotspot. Still, laptops issued by corporations

require a good intrusion detection system whether

out or in the network. We do not recommend

improving this software to make it more robust.

We will opt for a more advanced technology that

would give greater scalability. Desktop

virtualization is the latest technology that

practically eliminates the use of host intrusion

software at the endpoint or any other point on the

network except at the server level. Desktop

virtualization creates a virtual image on a desktop

or laptop. No data physically resides on the hard

drive; it resides on the server, so if someone were

to physically steal the end device it would be a

waste of time because there is no data to steal.

There are many desktop virtualization

vendors. The major players are VMware, Cisco,

Sun Microsystems, Citrix, and Microsoft. As of

now, no one vendor beats the other, it all depends

on the level of comfort and familiarity the IT

professionals in the corporation have with a

specific vendor. This is a subject area for further

research and next steps.

As for an ideal endpoint security suite, we

believe it should take ownership of the endpoint

security problem and not overly complicate the life

of the security administrator or end-user. It should

be simple, which means it should provide complete

protection with minimal management. It should

also be seamless to the end user and administrators

until it is actually needed and even then, it should

not affect the performance of the system. The

administrators would need to be able to maintain

the security policies through a user-friendly

interface. Every threat should be handled through

the signature database or by other protection

designed to handle outliers and new threats based

on their patterns or behaviors. Lastly, a good

notification system should be in place to alert

administrators about computers that need attention

and the threats it has uncovered [10].


The most important impact of the proposed

solutions is the realization that corporations have to

stay ever vigilant in protecting their networks

regardless of the type of network or system chosen.


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We can safely say that large footprints represent

intrusion systems that provide a broad range of

applicability, thus a wider range of output

information is gained during an intrusion. Smaller

footprints, however, are very specific in their

application. We can also conclude that McAfee is

good at what it does, but that is it, it does not lend

itself for much growth. As a result, removing local

desktops and using virtual hosts with their own

intrusion detection systems provides intruders with

a smaller, more closely-guarded target. However,

this particular solution may not be cost-effective or

reasonable in all cases.

The challenge in security is in keeping

pace with changing threats, as malware attackers

adapt to stay ahead of defenses. Signatures have

demonstrated their worth, but also their limitations

and other approaches have moved antivirus on

significantly. Using anti-malware experts’

experience to define easy to use behavioral

controls based on common threat behavior allows

antivirus tools to block malware proactively.

Signatures provide the ability to define the threat

and clear the damage. For the signature piece, time

remains a challenge when dealing with the

creation, testing and deployment of the system.

Most recently, in-the-cloud security linked the

customer and vendor. It uses the concept of

behavioral heuristics to identify potential threats,

allowing an informational fingerprint to be sent to

the security vendor and, if recognized, blocking the


Blending reactive and proactive controls

provides the best of both worlds: proactive

behavioral detection that can be easily

implemented to defend against the unknown and

signature-based detection to give an understanding

of the attack and its implications. In-the-cloud

security has continued the progress along this

evolutionary path, virtually closing the gap

between discovery and signature defense [12].

Future work includes but not limited to a

deeper comparison of the measurement matrix,

which includes an examination of all the

performance metrics at all points of overlap on the

intrusion footprint. Likewise, it would be

beneficial to understand the additional benefits that

could be realized at points where there is no



[1] Stamp, M. (2005). Information Security:

Principles and Practice. Wiley-Interscience.

[2] Amoroso, E.G. (1998), Intrusion Detection:

An Introduction to Internet Surveillance,

Correlation, Traps, Trace Back, and

Response, Intrusion.Net Books, Sparta, NJ.

[3] Ptacek, T.H. and Newsham, T.N. (1998),

Insertion, Evasion, and Denial of Service:

Eluding Network Intrusion Detection, Secure

Networks Inc., Syracuse, NY.

[4] Alessandri, D., Cachin, C., Dacier, M., Deak,

O., Julisch, K., Randell, B. and Riordan, J.

(2001), Towards a Taxonomy of Intrusion

Detection Systems and Attacks, IBM Research,

Zurich Research Laboratory, Zurich.


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[5] Bace, R. and Mell, P. (2001), Intrusion

Detection Systems, NIST Special Publication

on Intrusion Detection System, NIST,

Gaithersburg, MD.

[6] Johnson, J. (1958), “Analysis of image

forming systems”, Proceedings of the Image

Intensifier Symposium, US Army Engineering

Research Development Laboratories, Fort

Belvoir, VI

[7] Tucker, C., Fumell, S., Ghita, B., & Brooke, P.

(2007). A new taxonomy for comparing

intrusion detection systems. Internet Research,

17(1), 88-98. http://search.ebscohost.com,


[8] http://www.mcafee.com/us/local_content/


[9] Tolly Group, The. (2008, February 27). TCO

Evaluation of McAfee Total Protection

Service vs. Symantec Endpoint Protection

Small Business Edition 11.0 and Trend Micro

Client Sever Messaging Security for SMB.

McAfee, Inc. Retrieved from



[10] Cascadia Labs. ( 2007, November). Endpoint

Securities for Enterprise. Sophos. Retrieved




[11] Sommer, P. (1999), “Intrusion detection

systems as evidence”, Computer Networks –

TheInternational Journal of Computer and

Telecommunications Networking, Vol. 31, pp.


[12] Potter, B., & Day, G. (2009). The

effectiveness of anti-malware tools. Computer

Fraud & Security, 2009(3), 12-13.




Figure 1. Intrusion System Matrix. Source:

Article by Tucker, C., Fumell, S., Ghita, B., &

Brooke, P. in Internet Research (2007).





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Figure 2. Intrusion System Footprint. Source:

Article by Tucker, C., Fumell, S., Ghita, B., &

Brooke, P. in Internet Research (2007).

Figure 2a. Updated Intrusion System Footprint.

Source: Article by Tucker, C., Fumell, S., Ghita,

B., & Brooke, P. in Internet Research (2007).

Figure 3. Challenging Areas. Source: Article by

Tucker, C., Fumell, S., Ghita, B., & Brooke, P. in

Internet Research (2007).



Host Intrusion Systems