The Effect of Ionizing Gamma and Beta Radiation on Phaseolus vulgaris Growth and Aerogel Optical Properties Abstract: Radiation affects human life in disparately subtle and dramatic ways. For instance, nuclear reactions in the Sun produce light and heat that are essential for human existence, while recent research implies that the flux of cosmic ray particles may also have an impact on humans’ daily lives. According to the EPA the average American receives 3100 micro Sieverts (μ Sv) of radiation per year, well under a total dose of 500,000 (μ Sv) and higher doses that cause symptoms ranging from nausea to death. However, scientists hypothesize that exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation (< 10,000 μ Sv) may produce beneficial effects in organisms. Thus the effect of low doses of beta, and gamma radiation (8 doses ranging from total dosages of 95 (μSv) ±10% gamma radiation to 1820 (μSv) ±10% beta radiation.) on Phaseolus vulgaris was tested. Results from this experiment showed a hormetic curve when analyzing the height of the plant, but because of a large amount of uncertainty made these results inconclusive. The same radiation was also tested on the performance of aerogel, a material used in particle detectors. Aerogel will be used in experiments at the 12 GeV Jefferson Laboratory and has been previously observed to change its optical characteristics after being used in experiments. Results from this experiment showed a significant decrease in percent transmittance when exposed to beta radiation, but not gamma radiation. To determine the level of cosmic ray flux and possible contribution to our experiments a detector was created using scintillator material and 2-inch phototubes. Results from our experiments will be presented. Results from this experiment show that more calculations and tests must be completed before verifying random coincidences.

The Effect of Ionizing Gamma and Beta Radiation on ... affects human ... requires more energy than non-ionizing and ... University in Japan found absorbed dosages in the 1 cGy to 10

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The Effect of Ionizing Gamma and Beta Radiation on Phaseolus vulgaris Growth and

Aerogel Optical Properties


Radiation affects human life in disparately subtle and dramatic ways. For instance,

nuclear reactions in the Sun produce light and heat that are essential for human existence, while

recent research implies that the flux of cosmic ray particles may also have an impact on humans’

daily lives. According to the EPA the average American receives 3100 micro Sieverts (μ Sv) of

radiation per year, well under a total dose of 500,000 (μ Sv) and higher doses that cause

symptoms ranging from nausea to death. However, scientists hypothesize that exposure to low

doses of ionizing radiation (< 10,000 μ Sv) may produce beneficial effects in organisms. Thus

the effect of low doses of beta, and gamma radiation (8 doses ranging from total dosages of 95

(μSv) ±10% gamma radiation to 1820 (μSv) ±10% beta radiation.) on Phaseolus vulgaris was

tested. Results from this experiment showed a hormetic curve when analyzing the height of the

plant, but because of a large amount of uncertainty made these results inconclusive. The same

radiation was also tested on the performance of aerogel, a material used in particle detectors.

Aerogel will be used in experiments at the 12 GeV Jefferson Laboratory and has been previously

observed to change its optical characteristics after being used in experiments. Results from this

experiment showed a significant decrease in percent transmittance when exposed to beta

radiation, but not gamma radiation. To determine the level of cosmic ray flux and possible

contribution to our experiments a detector was created using scintillator material and 2-inch

phototubes. Results from our experiments will be presented. Results from this experiment show

that more calculations and tests must be completed before verifying random coincidences.


This project was conducted to investigate the effect of low dosages of gamma and beta

radiation on life, in this specific case, Phaseolus vulgaris, also known as bush beans. Radiation is

the energy from waves or particles travelling at high speeds. This project tested ionizing

radiation, which is characterized by the ability to strip atoms of electrons. Ionizing radiation

requires more energy than non-ionizing and therefore only waves and particles in the ultraviolet

to gamma ray portion of the electromagnetic spectrum are considered ionizing. When an atom is

ionized two ions are formed and occasionally a chemical bond is broken. The body attempts to

rectify these problems, but sometimes the damage is beyond repair and other times mistakes are

made in the natural repairing process, which can in turn lead to cancerous cells. Therefore,

ionizing particles are particularly more dangerous than non-ionizing because their ability to alter

atomic structure offers the chance of damaging DNA, which, in turn, increases the chance of

cancer [1]. Radiation originates from a myriad of different sources. Most however, comes in the

form of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation from radionuclides (decaying radioactive elements or

isotopes). These radionuclides are naturally unstable – the forces holding the protons and

neutrons in the nucleus are unequal – and due to this fact, they attempt to reach stability by either

banishing neutrons and protons from the nucleus, altering a neutron to a proton or vice versa by

removing a beta particle from the nucleus, or by releasing excess energy within the nucleus in

the form of a photon/gamma ray [1]. The last two forms of compensation are beta and gamma

radiation respectively. These two types of radiation were tested on plant growth because alpha

radiation (ejection of neutrons and protons) is very weak and has low energy compared to the

others, making it trivial for such an experiment.

Humans and other life forms are exposed to radiation almost constantly, receiving an

average of 3100 μSv of ionizing radiation from the environment alone. The sources of this

natural background radiation comes from cosmic ray radiation, terrestrial radiation, internal

radiation in the organisms themselves as well as radon and Thoron gas emitted from the Earth’s

crust into the atmosphere. In addition to these background sources of radiation, even more

radiation is received through medical procedures, consumer products and nuclear medicine,

raising the average annual dose to approximately 6200 μSv [2].

Cosmic rays, one type of radiation humans are exposed to, originates from unknown

sources in space, emitting high energy leptons such as electrons and muons that decay in seconds

upon reaching Earth. Muons in particular are very easy to detect because of their relatively high

mass and high energy, making them ideal particles for triggering detector equipment. Berkeley

cosmic ray detectors are one such device that utilizes two or more scintillator paddles attached to

photomultiplier tubes (PMT), which in turn lead to electronic modules. The scintillators

effectively transform the energy of the muon into photons, which are then picked up by an array

of dynodes in the PMT which transfer that photon into a cascade of electrons, or in essence,

electric current. Since muons generally come from an angle relatively close to 90° (π), the

detectors are set some distance away directly lined up vertically. This ensures that most, but not

all, of the particles being detected by a Berkeley particle detector are indeed muons, and not

some other particle. Trigger efficiency and delay tests utilizing three or more paddles can be

conducted to quantify the number of particles being detected that are not muons. While all life is

exposed to cosmic rays, recent research hints at the fact that there are slight health effects gained

from too much exposure from cosmic rays, which differ based on altitude and other factors [3]


Since all life on Earth is, and always has been exposed to low dosages of radiation, low

levels of radiation on Earth are not completely lethal to organisms. This occurs because cells that

make up any and all organisms have adapted to almost constant radiation and counter its

negative influences, occasionally even reaping benefits from low dosages of radiation, a

phenomenon called hormesis. While the definitive reason and motives by which hormesis occurs

are unclear, many scientists hypothesize that an overcompensating response to the radiation by

cells actually improves factors such as growth or life span. However, in order to fit any sort of

data to a hormetic model, the intervals of dosages must be of the same scale as the expected dose

to produce a hormetic response [5]. Therefore, this project utilized a myriad of low dosages with

a couple higher dosages to try to fit a hormetic curve to the variables of leaf diameter, height of

plants, and number of leaves.

Extensive research has been conducted already on the effect of irradiation on plants, but

very few have been conducted on hormetic responses. Research shows that with high dosages of

gamma radiation, most plants will completely die, resulting in a high mortality rate [6]. In

intermediate dosages, abnormalities such as stimulated excessive growth, and misconstrued

leaves occur [6]. However, very few experiments are conducted at low dosages, which means

very few witness any sort of hormetic or beneficial effect on the plants. In fact, modern

toxicology tests only 3 or 4 very high dosages of any chemical carcinogen before extrapolating

down linearly to meet the moderately low dosages of radiation, etc. that humans are exposed to

[5]. Since the dose-response curve is most likely not linear and instead U or hill-shaped, this

means that the extrapolated data is incorrect or at least some degree off from the actual response.

Some experiments conducted by the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Osaka

University in Japan found absorbed dosages in the 1 cGy to 10 Gy say beneficial effects on both

the stem and root height of Raphanus sativus (radishes). This experiment utilized D-T neutron

radiation (reaction of deuterium and tritium to produce a neutron and 4He) to achieve this result,

and gamma ray radiation Co-60 used in the same experiment saw no positive effects [7].

Plants, as with other living organisms, respond to their environment in a myriad of ways,

and it is difficult to discern and limit all the variables affecting them. For instance, plants go

through a process called etiolation when growing in the absence of light, characterized by a pale,

long, and thin stem, and a smaller leaves [8]. Therefore, when experimenting with plants, it is

very important to attempt to limit the number of random variables, especially with variables

essential to the plants, such as light, water, and temperature.

In addition to testing the effect of radiation on bean plants, this project also tested the

effect of beta and gamma radiation on Aerogel, a product made from silica gel that has rather

unique innate properties, making it ideal for the detection of particles in Cherenkov detectors that

detect pions and kaons. Jefferson Laboratory in Newport News, Virginia uses Aerogel in

Cherenkov detectors in Hall C, some of which have been found to become discolored upon

staying in the detector for extended periods of time. Scientists at Jefferson Laboratory have

hypothesized that radiation from the high-energy particles causes the discoloration.

Materials & Methods:

Since this project encompassed three smaller, albeit related experiments, the three

experimental material and methods will be separated by bolded subtitles with the project title.

The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Phaseolus vulgaris Growth and Development

For the effect of radiation on the growth and development of Phaseolus vulgaris, there

were two separate experiments were conducted: one tested different levels of radiation of beta

and gamma radiation on bean plants that began germination all on the same day, while the other

tested the same level of gamma radiation on plants in different stages of their development.

For the experiment of different dosages of gamma and beta radiation, Stringless Blue

Lake, FM1K (Pole) garden beans from Ferry Moss Co. were used. To germinate the beans, they

were placed individually into dampened paper towels and then placed into a paper bag taped to a

window on July 9th

, 2013. These beans germinated quickly, and were transplanted into five

boxes on Tuesday, July 16th

. The boxes dimensions were 320 mm x 270 mm by 200 mm, and

they were filled with 4.25 liters of Miracle Gro® Potting Soil, which amounted to a spoil depth

of approximately 5 cm. Each box had a plastic bag lining its bottom in order for the box not to

deteriorate. The plants were planted 3 cm deep in an

arrangement of a 3x3 square without the one plant in the

middle (that is where the source was placed). The

dimensions of said square were either 10.0 cm x 10.0

cm or 16.0 cm x 16.0 cm with the plants equally spaced

at 5cm and 8cm respectively. By arranging the plants in

this way, two distances from the center of the square are

created, effectively making two levels of independent

variable, since the absorbed dose of a radioactive source

decreases at a rate of

. Each box was exposed to

radiation for three hours Monday through Friday.

Figure 1: Shielding for beta and gamma radiation. The box exposed to beta is on the right while the one exposed to gamma is under the lead shielding.

Plastic shielding was utilized to protect from Beta radiation while lead shielding was used to

counter gamma radiation. The control box was put under a desk so as to be in the shade, and

receive approximately the same amount of light as the irradiated boxes. See Figure 1 for an

image of the shielding used for the experiment. See Table 1 below for a complete list of the

equivalent dosages each level of independent variable was exposed to.

Levels of Radiation Dose used as Independent Variable


from Source






through soil

(μSv/h) ±10%

Total gamma

Dose per day

(μSv) ±10%

Total gamma

dose for time

period (μSv)



(μSv/h) ±10%

Total Beta

dose (μSv)


Total beta dose

for time period

(μSv) ±10%

5.00 6.7 1.8 20. 95 22 130 266

5.59 5.4 1.3 16 121 18 53 338

8.00 2.6 0.23 8.6 224 80. 24 748

8.94 2.1 0.16 6.8 281 63 19 1820

Table 1: Values calculated using online calculator [9] with initial activity and dates from Catholic University records.

Calculations through soil were completed using the Beer-Lambert Law. Beta penetration through soil is negligible and

therefore not included. The 10% uncertainty was assigned due to the variability in the placement of the radioactive

source each time the boxes were exposed. Each time, the source could have been put in a slightly different location,

accounting for a change in the dose each plant received.

Every weekday, the plants’ height (from ground to top of plant), number of leaves, and

diameter of leaves (from the largest leaf tip to leaf tip measurement) were recorded in an Excel

spreadsheet in addition to qualitative observations about the plants such as color of individual

parts and overall appearance (stem shape, condition of leaves, etc.). In addition to these

observations, cross-sections of the plants’ stems for appearance changes from control as well as

number of cells per view. A human hair of 0.071 ±0.001 mm length was utilized to estimate

approximate size of each objective lens as well as size of cells.

In addition to this project, an experiment was conducted testing the effect of radiation on

different stages of growth of Top Notch Golden Wax Bush Beans from Ferry-Morse®. Sets of

10 beans were germinated the same way as in the previous experiment (in wet paper towels in

plastic bags) one week apart from each other with five weeks total. The initial batch began

germination July 9th

, 2013, and the final batch began germination August 6th

, 2013. On that same

day, August 6th

, all five batches of plants were planted in pairs into pots with a diameter of 8.5 ±

0.5 cm in a soil depth of approximately 8 cm. One pot was set as a control while the other was

set as an experimental trial, making four plants for each separate age group. The plants that

began germination four weeks prior to the initiation of the experiment only had one plant in the

control group because poor germination results yielded only three plants usable in

experimentation. Exposure to Cs-137 gamma radiation began on Wednesday, August 7th

. The

dose rate of the radiation was 168 μSv ± 10%. These plants were analyzed daily much the same

way as the other experiments with the height, leaf diameter, number of leaves, and additionally

stem diameter recorded in excel for a period of one week. No qualitative observations were made

on this experiment due to the shorter time period of observation. These plants did not have their

cells analyzed. This experiment was conducted more to determine whether radiation had a more

significant effect on the plants’ on a specific stage of their growth.

Investigating Trigger Efficiency and Cosmic Ray Flux in a Berkeley Cosmic Ray Detector

Though this experiment tested the effect of radiation from radioactive isotopes on plant

growth, there are numerous other types of radiation discussed earlier that come in contact with

the plants as well. One of these types of radiation is cosmic ray radiation. In order to formulate a

numerical value for the radiation affecting the plants that originated from cosmic rays, a

Berkeley cosmic ray detector was utilized. The cosmic ray detector previously constructed at

Catholic University contained two Lucite scintillators each attached to a PMT. The constructed

scintillators had dimensions of 4.5 ± 0.1 cm x 14.4 ± 0.2 cm x 0.97 ± 0.01 cm with a 44 ± 1 cm

space between the two of them [3]. Each PMT was connected to a Phillips Scientific octal

discriminator which converted the PMT signal to an analog one [10]. Each discriminator had an

output hooked up to a Phillips Scientific quad four-fold logic unit, set to two-fold coincidences,

which output a signal when two signals arrived at the logic unit at the same time [11]. The signal

from the logic unit was output to either a counting module or a computer, which both counted the

number of coincidences [12]. This setup, including measurements, was created by Nathaniel

Hlavin, an undergraduate at Catholic University [3].

While this apparatus operated accordingly with some amount of troubleshooting dealing

with outside levels of noise approaching the threshold of the discriminator, many of the counts

going into the counter could have been attributed to random coincidences that just happened to

occur in the same time period in both scintillators. In order to account for this uncertainty and

remove it from the measurement of cosmic muons a trigger efficiency test was conducted which

utilized three paddles in a process outlined by Catholic University physics professor Dr. Tanja

Horn. However, only two paddles of the same dimensions were already constructed, and an

additional one would have to be made in order to run the trigger efficiency test. Instructions to

create an additional paddle and how to glue it properly to a PMT were found in the Berkeley Lab

assembly manual for a Berkeley cosmic ray detector, as well as from Tanja Horn [13]. The

scintillator was cut to the same size as the others, sanded through increasingly fine sandpaper and

eventually alumina powder, and then glued to the PMT glass face using a 7.5:1 ratio of Sylgard®

184 silicone elastomer base and Sylgard® 184 silicone elastomer curing agent [14]. The PMT

and scintillator were glued vertically using a ring stand ring, with a small mass placed on the top

of the scintillator to add some force to the connection between the two. Once glued, the PMT

was placed 44 cm under the current apparatus attached to a ring stand. The placement of the new

scintillator was calibrated using meter sticks so as to be directly underneath the other two

coincident scintillators. Once the apparatus was completely set up, four tests were conducted in

order to determine the trigger efficiency of random coincidences of the detector. Each set of two

paddles (top and middle, middle and bottom, top and bottom) was tested simultaneously as well

as a three-fold coincidence run. The equations, and

, was used to

calculate the trigger efficiency of the apparatus, where equals the rate of two-fold

coincidence, equals the pulse width, equals the individual detector rate, and equals three-

fold coincidence rate. Using a system of equations with all four of these equations yields the

random coincidences evident in two-fold coincidence runs.

The Effect of Radiation on Aerogel Characteristics

The third experiment dealt with testing beta and gamma radiation from Sr-90 and Cs-137

sources on the percent transmittance (%T) of aerogel. The aerogel used was silica SP-30 aerogel

from Matsushita Electric Works. Since this is a very fragile substance, it breaks often, and

because most of the aerogel used by Catholic University is eventually used at Jefferson Lab for

Cherenkov detectors, the aerogel used for this experiment was slightly broken and smaller than a

full 11x11x1 cm tile. The Sr-90 (at an activity of 0.1 μCi) and the Cs-137 (at an activity of 1.3

μCi) were each placed directly on separate aerogel tiles and then housed under a castle of lead

bricks. While radiation from both sources affected both tiles, the radiation actually touching the

tile definitely irradiated the respective tile more than the other source. At time periods of about a

week, the tiles were taken out of the lead housing and taken for a %T test, comparing the tiles to

a control of another SP-30 tile that was also broken. A PerkinElmer® was used for the %T

transmission tests, which were taken from wavelengths of 200 nm to 900 nm in increments of 10

nm. While under the lead housing, a significant amount of dirt and dust accumulated on the tiles,

making their transmittance lower. In order to combat this, a makeup brush was used to remove

dust and debris from the tiles. While the brush may have scratched the tiles, the multiple tests

across the extended time period would show if the radiation had any effect on the %T of the tiles.


Figure 2: The x axis represents total dose the plants were exposed to across the 20 days, which included 14 exposures. The y axis represents the average change in the number of leaves from the first day of measurement to the last. The vertical uncertainty represents 1 standard deviation from the set of four or less plants. The horizontal uncertainty represents the 10% accounting for changes in the placement of the source day to day. The R

2 value represents the coefficient of determination, a

statistical value used to show the goodness of fit of the line. A value of 0 would have no statistical correlation while a value of 1 would be a perfect fit.

The x axis represents total dose the plants were exposed to across the 20 days, which included 14 exposures.

y = 2E-06x2 - 0.0039x + 5.8 R² = 0.10








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500Ave




in n





es o







Total Dose (μSv)

Average Change in Number of Leaves vs. Radiation Dose




Figure 3: Time in days is displayed on the x axis while the average number of leaves for each level of independent variable at that day is displayed along the y axis. Error is derived from the standard deviation from the set of multiple repeated trials for each level of independent variable.










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13







Time (days)

Number of Leaves vs Time


95 Gamma

121 Gamma

224 Gamma

281 Gamma

266 Beta

339 Beta

748 Beta

1820 Beta

Figure 5: The x axis represents the total dose the plants were exposed to across the 20 days, which included 14 exposures. The y axis represents the average change in the leaf diameter (from leaf tip to leaf tip) from the last day of measurements to the first day. Uncertainty was calculated the same as the previous graph.

y = -3E-05x2 + 0.076x + 12 R² = 0.10









0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500





in le

af d



r o







Total Dose (μSv)

Average Change in Leaf Diameter vs. Radiation Dose




Figure 4: Error bars removed so as to see the lines clearer.









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13







Time (days)

Number of Leaves vs Time


95 Gamma

121 Gamma

224 Gamma

281 Gamma

266 Beta

339 Beta

748 Beta

1820 Beta

Figure 6: Time in days is displayed on the x axis while the average leaf diameter for each level of independent variable at that day is displayed along the y axis. Error is derived from the standard deviation from the set of multiple repeated trials for each level of independent variable.






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13







Time (days)

Diameter vs Time


95 Gamma

121 Gamma

224 Gamma

281 gamma

266 Beta

339 Beta

748 Beta

1820 Beta

Figure 7: Error bars removed for better viewing of data.






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13







Time (days)

Diameter vs Time


95 Gamma

121 Gamma

224 Gamma

281 Gamma

266 Beta

339 Beta

747 Beta

1820 Beta

Figure 8: The x axis represents total dose the plants were exposed to across the 20 days, which included 14 exposures. The y axis represents the average change in height of the plants (from ground to the top of their stem or leaf) in mm from the first day of measurements to the last day.

y = 0.0003x2 - 0.50x + 298 R² = 0.85











0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500





in h


t o




s (m


Total Dose (μSv)

Average Change in Height of Plants vs. Radiation Dose




Figure 9: Time in days is displayed on the x axis while the average height for each level of independent variable at that day is displayed along the y axis. Error is derived from the standard deviation from the set of multiple repeated trials for each level of independent variable.








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



t o

f P


ts (



Time (days)

Height vs Time Control

95 Gamma

121 Gamma

224 Gamma

281 Gamma

266 Beta

339 Beta

748 Beta

1820 Beta

Figure 10: Error bars removed for better viewing.








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



t o

f P


ts (



Time (days)

Height vs Time Control

95 Gamma

121 Gamma

224 Gamma

281 Gamma

266 Beta

339 Beta

748 Beta

1820 Beta

Figure 11: These are the average of the change in height from one day to the next for each level of the independent variable. The y values are essentially the derivative of the slopes of Figure 10. This gives a good representation of the average growth rate of the plants, rather than just where they started and where they ended.











0 500 1000 1500 2000





r d

ay (



Total Dose (μSv)

Average Change in Height of Plants per Day




Figure 12: The number of cells for each level of radiation is displayed for both the cortex (nearer to the outside of the cell) and the pith (close to the inside with larger cells). Error is from standard deviation from the repeated trials.











0 500 1000 1500 2000Nu





in o



e v


Total Radiation Dose (μSv)

Number of Cells in Cortex and Pith

Gamma Cortex

Gamma Pith

Beta Cortex

Beta Pith

Control Cortex

Control Pith

Figure 13: This data comes from the stage Growth Experiment. The x axis represents how many weeks the plant had been germinated since the radiation began (so the one at 0 was planted the same day it began radiation treatment. Error bars come from standard deviation from each individual change, which makes them rather large as some days have little to no growth while others have a large amount of growth due to growth spurts in the plants.







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5







r d

ay (



Time since germination when radiation exposure began (weeks)

Average Change in Height Per Day



Hellow there

How is it going? You can’t see this.

Isn’t that funny?

Figure 14: The x axis represents how many weeks prior to radiation exposure the plants had been germinated. The y axis representes average change in stem diameter per day. Error comes from standard deviation.







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5









r d


Time since Germination when first exposed to radiation (weeks)

Average Change in Stem Diameter Per Day



Figure 15: The x axis represents how many weeks prior to radiation exposure the plants had been germinated. The y axis representes average change in leaf diameter per day. Error comes from standard deviation.






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5




af D



r p



Time since germination when radiation exposure began (weeks)

Average Change in Leaf Diameter Per Day



Figure 16: The x axis represents how many weeks prior to radiation exposure the plants had been germinated. The y axis representes average change in number of leaves per day. Error comes from standard deviation.









0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5





in n



r o

f le


s p



Time since germination when first exposed to radiation

Average Number Of Leaves Change per day



Cosmic Ray Detector Trigger Efficiency Results

Figure 17: The x axis represents the wavelength of the beam passing through the Aerogel. The y axis represents the percent transmitted through the material and received at the detector across from the beam. This tile was exposed to Beta radiation, and the hours listed in the series key demonstrate the time exposed to the radiation. The vertical error represents the standard deviation between 5 trials of the control tile, since the control was tested each time that the other tiles were tested.








0 200 400 600 800 1000

% T





Wavelength (nm)

%Transmission of Beta-Irradiatied Aerogel Tiles at Different Wavelengths


Sr-90 336HoursSr-90 532HoursSr-90 744Hours

Computer Module Mean

Signals Time (h)

Count Count/

min Count

Count/ min

Count Count/

min STDEV %Error

Dead Time

1,2 18.0 1469 1.36 1486 1.37 1478 1.37 8.5 0% 1%

2,3 24.7 NA NA 1720 1.16 1720 1.16 0 15% NA

1,3 65.0 NA NA 1876 0.48 1876 0.48 0 65% NA

1,2,3 65.5 NA NA 1388 0.35 1388 0.35 0 74% NA

Table 2: Signal 1 represents the top scintillator and PMT; 2 the middle scintillator-PMT, and 3 the bottom. The 1, 2, 3 signal represents the three-fold coincidence test. Each counter’s counts and counts per minute are displayed when available. The mean for both values between the two is displayed in purple. The standard deviation (abbreviated STDEV) between the two counters is displayed next to the mean values. The percent error (%Error) displayed here represents the percent error where the value of the top and middle counter (1, 2) is the expected value, since this was the original setup. In orange, the dead time of the computer is displayed when available (the percent of counts that the computer missed that the module picked up.


In the experiment testing radiation on plants Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 depict data

recorded regarding the number of leaves. This measurement, if high could demonstrate healthy

growing, or if too high abnormal growth. In some cases, leaves actually fell off of the plants, as

demonstrated in the 224 µSv Gamma dose in Figure 3, and Figure 4. This occurred either

because the leaves shriveled to the point where they could not be identified as leaves any longer,

or because during a measurement the stem actually snapped due to experimenter error or an

extremely thin stem. A couple plants experienced an abnormally high amount of leaves, even

though they weren’t growing them in bolts like in the other plants. In these plants, upwards of 8

Figure 18: The x axis here represents the wavelength of the beam. The y axis represents the percent transmitted through the tiles. The vertical uncertainty represents the standard deviation of the 5 trials of the control tile which was tested every time the other tiles were tested as well.








0 200 400 600 800 1000




%Transmission of Aerogel Tiles at Different Wavelengths


Cs-137 192HoursCs-137 360HoursCs-137 576Hours

leaves were sprouting where usually only 2 sprout. This could possibly be attributed to the

gamma radiation that this plant was exposed to, but it also could be due to random change.

Overall, very little correlation between radiation dose and number of leaves existed. The

line of best firs, which happened to be parabolic, had an R2 value of only 0.10, much lower than

the 0.85 usually accepted as a good fit. The R2 value is the coefficient of determination. In

addition to this test, a Chi squared test was conducted on the fit of the line as well. The Chi

squared test, from the =chitest function in Microsoft Excel, produced a p value of 0.8, which is

higher than the a value of 0.05 used to determine whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis

that there is no relationship (the line does not fit). Since it is higher, the null hypothesis should be

accepted, meaning that the line does fit. However, this occurred most likely because of the low

values for the number of leaves, meaning that it isn’t too difficult to get high numbers with the

Chi squared test. Therefore, no intrinsic relationship between radiation dose and number of

leaves was found in this experiment.

Figures Figure 5Figure 6, and Figure 7 depict the data collected regarding the leaf

diameter of the plants. This measurement was somewhat inaccurate because of the fluctuations

day to day. Based on how the plant becomes orientated when the box is moved back into the sun

after being exposed, the leaves will move themselves to position themselves where they will

receive the most sunlight. In addition, the leaves of the plants consistently shriveled up as the

experiment’s duration increased, which also resulted in a loss of diameter. Basically, this

measurement was somewhat inaccurate because it didn’t correlate to plant growth as much as say

stem diameter, which was used in the stage growth experiment. Therefore, no correlation

between dose and leaf diameter were found in an R2 or Chi squared test. In addition, no

correlation between leaf diameter and number of leaves and height was found.

Figure 8Figure 9Figure 10 depict the data collected from measuring the height of the

plants. Figure 8 shows the effect of total radiation dose on the average change in heights of the

plants. This graph had the best R2 value at 0.85, just at the level accepted as a good fit. However,

a Chi squared test in excel produced a p value of 0.0002, much lower than the a value of 0.05

needed to accept the null hypothesis and accept the line as a good fit. The trend here is

interesting because it is a positive parabola shape, something somewhat expected due to the

research into hormesis, and yet, it should be a negative parabola. Since the yield being tested was

a positive effect (height growth of plant), the plants, if any hormetic effect occurred, should have

experienced slight positive effects at lower dosages, and then increasingly negative effects as the

dose increased from there. Instead, at lower dosages the negative impacts were seen on the

growth of the plant, until the highest beta dose, which was only 30 mm less than the control.

However, if this parabolic line of best fit were extended, it would mean that at the vertex of the

parabola (about 1000 µSv) every dose after that would see increasingly significant increases in

the height change of the plant, even though it is already common fact that very high dosages of

radiation will kill plants [6]. Therefore, this line of best fit intrinsically does not make sense, and

rather the fact that it fit the data well is more of chance. It is interesting to note that the 121 µSv

gamma dose had a change in height greater than that of the control, the only level of independent

variable to do so. This could show possible signs of a hormetic effect, and the rest of the data

would support this sign except for the 1820 µSv Beta dose, which should be a significant amount

lower or have higher uncertainty for this claim to be true.

Signs of etiolation including pale and long, thin stems were evident in some of the boxes

exposed to gamma radiation, which was somewhat expected due to the fact that these had to be

covered in lead shielding and were not exposed to the same amount of artificial light as the beta

or control boxes which received some light through the plastic, or from other means, as the

control was put under a desk in semi-darkness.

However, when viewing Figure 11: These are the average of the change in height from one

day to the next for each level of the independent variable. The y values are essentially the derivative of

the slopes of Figure 10. This gives a good representation of the average growth rate of the plants, rather

than just where they started and where they ended. the trend expected, with a slight increase in

growth, followed by decrease, is more apparent. These values represent the growth rate of the

plants, in mm, each day, and are the average of all four plants across all recorded days of growth.

The reason the error, coming from standard deviation, is so immense is because plants grow in

growth spurts. Some days they will grow 50 mm, others only 1 or 2. Therefore, there was a wide

range of values going into this average, but overall, it shows a good representation of healthiness

and overall growth of the plant, as it is essentially the growth rate.

In the experiment on the different stages of plant development, Figure 13,Figure 14Figure

15Figure 16 show the average change in height, stem diameter, number of leaves, and leaf

diameter, respectively per day. The data was analyzed and displayed in this way because of gaps

in the data which made overall changes in these variables from day one to the last day of

recorded measurements impossible to display. Instead, by taking each day of growth, the average

growth rate can be calculated which is what is displayed on these figures. The greatest change in

height, number of leaves, stem diameter, and leaf diameter occurred in the oldest generation of

plants, germinated four weeks prior to the first radiation exposure. The results for this data were

somewhat questionable because of only two repeated trials. However, overall, the radiation

usually proved to promote growth more than a lack of radiation, enforcing the idea that low

dosages of radiation are beneficial to the plants. The level of independent variable which was

planted the same day that it began being exposed to radiation also experienced significant

changes between the irradiated sample, and the non-irradiated one. In the irradiated sample, the

plants grew to heights of 84 mm and 176 mm, while the non-irradiated sample’s plants only

grew only 10 and 3 mm. This shows that the radiation could have possibly expedited the time

needed for the plants to begin growing above soil.

For the trigger efficiency test, the equation was used to calculate the

individual detector rates by setting up a system of equations using the three two-fold coincidence

tests. Then the equation, was used to calculate the expected rate of three-fold

coincidence. The value calculated was 6.27 x 10-7


. The experimental value was 5.83 x 10-6


, which means that the experimental was higher than the calculated, which is expected

because the experimental rate still had real counts in it as well. The paddlel efficiency was

calculated using the equation ( ) ( )

( ) , which gave the value of 0.999, an exceptional paddle efficiency.

For the experiment of radiation on aerogel transmittance, no effect outside of the

calculated standard deviation of the five control tiles was to be found in the tile exposed to

gamma radiation by Cs-137. Moreover, the transmittance did not change significantly the

different times it was tested, meaning that the transmittance did not change as the duration of

exposure increased. The most recent beta Sr-90 exposed tile however, where it was exposed for

774 hours, did see noticeable changes outside of one standard deviation from the control, and

even the other Sr-90 trials. This occurred especially at higher wavelengths. Therefore, the results

support the statement that as exposure to beta radiation increases, percent transmittance in

aerogel decreases. This possibly occurred in beta and not gamma radiation because gamma

would pass through the aerogel with more ease as it has higher energy particles, but the beta

radiation, having lower energy would be stopped more easily by the aerogel, which could cause

it to damage the tile.


In this experiment, different levels of ionizing beta and gamma radiation were applied to

Phaseolus vulgaris, and the results on the plants’ height, number of leaves, and leaf diameter

were recorded. Results showed some amount of a hormetic effect occurring in the lower gamma

dosages with regards to height, but overall the data proved to be rather imprecise due to not

enough trials. In the future, many more trials would have to be conducted for truly conclusive

results to be found, but nonetheless, the data does hint that some level of hormesis occurred.

With more trials, a true Gaussian curve could be used to model the plants different traits, which

in turn could lead to more interesting statistical calculations such as T-tests that could not be

used with the current test because of a lack of trials.

In addition, the effects of gamma radiation on stage growth experiment supported that

idea of a hormetic response to radiation as almost all of the stages of growth from 0 to 4 weeks

old had healthier and faster growing plants in the irradiated samples. It is especially interesting

that the irradiated plants that were planted the same day as the first radiation dose was applied

broke the soil line and began growing at a much faster rate than the plants not exposed to gamma


Overall, there are many ways that both these experiments could have been conducted to

yield more precise and conclusive results. Besides simply more trials, the plants were grown in a

way that hindered their growth rather than allowed them to burgeon. Bean plants generally

require some sort of post in order to grow as they grow up it in vine-like spiral patterns. In fact,

some of the plants actually latched on to other plants in attempts to grow further, and these plants

did significantly better than plants with no supports. Therefore, if this experiment were done

again, some sort of stalk would be used in order for the bean plants to grow upwards, instead of

curving around looking for a support. Moreover, the boxes used for the initial dose vs. growth

experiment had plastic bags on the bottom so that the cardboard boxes wouldn’t disintegrate

from the water. However, this caused the water to stay in the box, sometimes even above soil

level, for days at a time. This caused the watering cycle to be somewhat sporadic and varied as

too much water was given to the plants in the beginning. However the amount of water each box

received stayed the same, so even though the excess water could have hurt the plants, it was a

controlled variable. In terms of controlling other variables however, the light each box received

could have been controlled in a more accurate way. The plants were exposed to radiation from

either 10:00 am to 1:00 pm or 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, which just so happen to be the hours when

sunlight is the strongest in the geographic area the beans were planted in. Therefore, the plants

missed the light when it was the most essential for them. Furthermore, the boxes exposed to

gamma radiation required lead shielding, which made them lose even more light than the control

box or the beta box. In the future, more light should be given to the plants in order for them to

grow better, and the same amount of light should be given to each level. In addition the stem

diameter was not measured in the dose vs. growth experiment, while it was measured in the

stages of growth experiment. In the future, this measurement should be included in both as it

links to the amount of nutrients the plant is receiving from the soil.

The cosmic ray trigger efficiency, which attempted to determine the number of random

coincidences that are not muons, yielded strange results as the final trigger efficiency

calculations supported the claim that the random coincidences were occurring more frequently in

the three-fold coincidence test rather than the two fold-coincidence ones. This seems rather

unlikely as with a third detector, the solid angle of the detectors decreases and therefore the

number of random coincidences should be declining as well. It is possible that a low two-fold

coincidence rate caused this problem.

In the future, besides fixing the one two-fold coincidence count, longer trials could be

used to ensure a more accurate rate. In addition, delay tests where the discriminator or the cables

are altered so that the signals are not going into the logic unit at the same time could be

conducted in order to see if any coincidences still occur. If any coincidences do occur, these

would be purely random coincidences, not caused by muons .This value could be compared to

the calculated random coincidence rate using the paddle efficiency equation listed in the


The effect of beta and gamma radiation on aerogel tested those two types of radiation on

aerogel tiles’ percent transmittance using a photo spectrometer. Although the results from the

gamma radiation test showed no definitive change in transmittance over time, or varying from

the control, the beta tiles’ percent transmission actually decreased significantly as exposure time

increased, and in fact varied from the control over one standard deviation. Therefore, the results

support the claim that beta radiation causes percent transmittance to decrease in aerogel tiles.

If the experiment were to be done again, further safeguards should be used to ensure that

dust and debris do not infect the tiles while they are under lead shielding exposed to radiation.

This could have skewed the data to have lower percent transmittances than expected. In fact, it is

possible that this problem is what caused the most recent beta percent transmittance test to differ

significantly from the other trials, however, it differs by such a significant amount, that this is not


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