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The educational value of swimming for health

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The educational value of swimming for health

Petru Baniaş Marcel Răsădean*


Specialty studies which have analyzed the phenomenon “sport for health”, have demonstrated the positive influence of sports upon a healthy development of the organism. What brought about this success was a series of factors and the educational one has a significant role. In order to take benefit from the positive effects of regular physical activity, a nation must be educated and formed in this way, and the preoccupation for the citizen’s health has to be primordial. In this context, the positive effects of swimming upon health have been demonstrated since antiquity, when baths and swimming were used for the care and strengthening of the body and the Japanese considered activities which took place in the water as “the source of the entire wisdom”. Due to the multiple effects of swimming viewed from a prophylactic point of view, it can be stated that practicing swimming has a special educational value, contributing at the forming of a series of skills, knowledge and habitualness for keeping and caring for the health, having at the same time a positive effect on social relationships. Key words: swimming, health, adults, sports, education

Development and progress made by the society heavily influence our thinking, living and the accelerated rhythm and the tumult of everyday life permanently alters the way of life and work. These have profound repercussions upon the educational sphere and upon the mentality of the individual to organize and live his of her life. The benefits of civilization, of modern technique, the computerization and the data system have consequences and negative effects upon the physical and mental development, upon health in general; a high intellectual usage takes place and overstress occurs; moreover, a continuous and frequent inactivity, an alienation form the natural resources and from the nature and an estrangement from a real physical activity which ensures the development of a healthy life occur.

The individual permanently feels the need to be active, to interact with the world, to be in contact with the others or to express his or her feelings in an original manner. “The practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental right of each and every individual” (The International Charter for Physical Education and Sports) offers a favourable frame from an educational point of view for the development of various skills and abilities, such as discipline, confidence, acquirement of some basic principles as tolerance, cooperation, respect, knowing the value of effort, dealing with failure, victory and the joys which are triggered by a regular physical activity. From this point of view, physical activity is among the most important social phenomena, its positive contribution being reflected upon the wellbeing and upon the quality of the individual’s life and at the same time helping the individual achieve a balanced life.

Based on these benefits of the physical activity, the individual can lead to the progress of society and to social integration; the positive results of physical activity are influenced by sanogenetic, educational and social factors. The sanogenetic factor has a preventive, an invigorating, a therapeutical and a regenerating role, which raises the average age and improves the physical and mental state of the family . The educational factor has a role in achieving an adequate behavior, consistency, solidarity, creativity, discipline, Reader Phd. West University of Timisoara * Assisstant prof. West University of Timisoara

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interest for one’s body, self improvement, respecting rules, exploring the nature etc. The social factor contributes at spending free time in an enjoyable way; it is a mean for making social contacts, knowing each other, building friendships and of improving the quality of the family life and of the society. Purpose The present study aims to highlight the educational and formational values of physical activity, especially the importance and the positive effects of swimming viewed from a physical, mental, social and educational point of view, irregardless of the age of the persons involved in this pleasant activity. Why swimming? Due to the fact that a great number of specialists consider swimming as being the ideal activity, perfect for improving the aerobe shape, gracefulness, the muscles, coordination, practicing it has become a major preoccupation and it has spread widely. Swimming represents the best way of improving the physical shape; it gives the individual a sense of physical wellbeing, it strenghtens and tonifies the muscles and the skin, at the same time being a pleasant activity which can take care of the health during the entire life. The educational values of this activity, the fact that it can be practiced at any age, irregardless of the physical shape possessed, explains the wide interest shown by people of all ages towards it; this fact also gives swimming a universal character with a great influence in the educational domain.

Due to its multiple effects, swimming has become a very important social activity with positive effects upon the general wellbeing, these effects being obvious at any age irregardless of the education or of the mental state of the person involved in this activity. In addition to the effects which help improving the functions of the organism, the process of growing, the normal evolution and the process of maintaining a mental equilibrium, the influence of swimming can be found in the pedagogical framework which contributes to the education of the participants, at forming a set of essential skills and abilities, at the same time stimulating the will, the way of thinking, the discipline and the will of self improvement.

The beneficial link between swimming and health is not a contemporary phenomenon; a quick look back upon history shows that baths and swimming have been considered since antiquity and throughout the whole modern era, important components which sustain the corporal harmony, the maintaining of health and which also have an essential role for recreation and relaxation. The existence of the famous hot baths in the towns and provinces of Antique Rome, the saunas, the special places for oiling and embalming the body and the libraries proves the formation of a concept with special educational implications for those times in which the bond between man and nature was indestructible.

In 1798 the first manual in which the art of swimming for auto education is presented, is published; here, it is mentioned that swimming has a role in formation, that it is a special exercise for “promoting health”, being considered useful because of the fact that it strengthens the muscles, the organs and it can save persons from drowning

The notions education and health are very complex ones; the educational opportunities offered by practicing swimming, as a therapeutical and prophilactical activity, are to be found in the positive influences and results which reflect themselves upon the education, formation and advertisement of health among citizens. One of the most important tasks of the society is oriented towards educating the population on understanding the prophilactical action and avoidance of diseases, through a balanced life style; in this way, an action for promoting health with positive effects on social achievements, would take place. An immediate effect related to education for health (from a prophilactical and a therapeutical point of view), is undoubtedly attributed to swimming, so as it is to the other disciplines which contribute to the development of aerobe resistance (walking, running, cycling, tennis, ski etc.); this fact has been proven by the numerous studies concerning the effects of swimming in diminishing certain risks, as follows:

Swimming avoids the risk of coronarian diseases of the heart and increases the performances of the circulatory system of the heart;

Swimming strengthens the muscles in case of rehabilitation after immobilization of joints; Swimming protects the joints in resistance training;

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Swimming mobilizes the spine Swimming favors reducing weight; Swimming ameliorates the respiratory functions; Swimming strengthens the immunitary system, raising the resistance of the organism against diseases; Swimming reduces the loss of performances caused by aging.

The active and central role in the dynamic process of behaviour in education and promoting health has been

demonstrated through regular swimming, through the realization of programmes with an educational effect, with a precise role, important for the realization of the educational scope, which guides and contributes at the general advertising of development; moreover, it contributes at forming the personality, the will, the self improvement, the diligence, the power to decide, the courage, the resistance, a balanced life, at increasing the independence and at strengthening the ego.

Based on the multiple effects that swimming has in the educational line directed towards maintaining and developing health, it can be gradually introduced at new-born children for the psychomotrical education, development through movement in water of some innate mechanisms and a general harmonious development. Learning how to swim during school represents, from a pedagogical point of view, a central educational objective, but the educational value of swimming is not to be found in the student’s capacity to achieve performance, and the quality of the execution must not be established or compared according to the technique of the best performer’s in the world. In this sense, the objectives of a sportive education oriented towards the development of health, were:

- Individual achievement of swimming techniques for crossing various distances, as well as achieving aplicational skills regarding the diving capacity, transport in case of need (objects and persons), saving persons from drowning, sailing with existent boats.

- Achieving swimming techniques that allow the individual to cross longer swimming distances, for ameliorating the functions of the organism in the training for ameliorating the cardio-respiratory resistance.

- The achievement of skills which allow making specific gym-elements under water for improving the index that shows the general state of functioning of the organism, of recovery in case of orthopedic affections, invalidity, etc.

- The achievement of swimming skills, diving skills, the formation of a motrical baggage useful for recreation and a useful and pleasant spending of the free time. From the information presented above, one can clearly notice the importance of swimming in the education and formation of a person’s health, of it’s universal character for entertainment and recreation for people of all ages; at the same time, swimming has a special role, being like an event with many chances to trigger an interaction between people of all ages, children, youth, adults and especially, seniors. The study realized for the traditional event dedicated to swimming for health, held annually in Hungary, at Balaton Lake, is extremely relevant in this sense:

General information Balaton Lake, also known as “The Sea of Hungary”, is the largest lake with sweet water from Central

Europe; it is situated in the south-western part of Hungary, at almost 150 km from Budapest and it separates the Vesprem and Szomogy counties. The lake is of tectonic origin and it is situated at 108 meters above the sea level. It spreads on a surface of 592km2, the length of the banks having 236 km. The length of the lake is 77 km, its width varying between 1, 5 km (Tihany) and 12, 7 km (Balatonaliga). Balaton is not a very deep lake, its maximum depth being 12, 2 meters, while its average depth is 3,25 meters. Situated in a region with temperate climate, the tourist high season is from the beginning of June until the end of August. The average temperature of the water in the high season is approximately 25 Celsius degrees. Balaton is visited annually by more than 2 millions tourists, being the most important Hungarian sight in what the number of persons and the income from tourism are concerned (almost a third of Hungary’s incomes are from tourism). Swimming and nautical sports have a central place among the touristic attractions of Balaton.

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Crossing Lake Balaton – a depiction of the event Besides the tourist programmes, in the high season, in the region of the lake, there are organized a series of

events, among which the sports events have a central place. Such an event is the crossing of Lake Balaton, an event organized by the Sportive Club Aranyhid Balaton-atuszo, which has reached the 28th edition in 2009. The crossing of the lake is done between Revfulop (on the northern coast) and Balatonboglar (the southern coast) and the swimming distance between the two points is 5, 2 km. The competition is destined to every person who is eligible from a medical point of view and there is no age limit. Registration is made on the spot, along with the medical check and with the payment of the registration fee (3800 ft – approximately 16 euros). Registrations are made between 7:00 and 13:30, the start of the competition being between 8:00 and 14:00. The medical check consists of checking the blood pressure and the pulse. After checking each participant, every individual is handed a waterproof bracelet, with a bar code on it; the bracelet is read at the beginning and at the end of the competition, thus every participant being timed.

The safety of the event is ensured by approximately 200 motorboats which are aligned at each 20-30 meters along the swimming distance. The contestants can halt at these boats in order to hydrate themselves or to rest.

In order to prevent troubles caused by the temperature of the water, swimming time, etc., the organizers of the events offer, on the site of the competition, a set of practical advices.

At arrival, on a field prepared for this event and for the contestants, each of them, irregardless of the time obtained, receives the T-shirt of the event and various promotional objects offered by the sponsors. Medical help can be offered in case of need.

For returning to the town from where the competition began, the organizers offer free transport. Statistics regarding the competition “Crossing of Balation” (2002 until present, with an exception, the 2005

edition which has not held because of improper weather conditions).

1. Number of participants

The 2003 edition is the edition with most participants: 10685. The average number of participants of the seven editions is: Average no. of participants = 8020 The increasing number of participants in the last three years can also be noticed.

2. The gender distribution of the number of participants

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At the 2004 edition, the weight of the male participants was the greatest, 75, 24%. At the 2006 edition, the weight of the female participants was the greatest: 29, 78%. The average of the weight of male participants: 71, 53%. The average of the weight of female participants: 28, 47%.

3. The limit of age of the participants The oldest participants

In the 2007 edition, the oldest male participant was 87. In the 2008 edition the oldest female participants was 74.

The average of the oldest participants: - Male participants = 79, 5 years old - Female participants = 71 years old The youngest participants

In the male category, in the 2002 and 2004 editions, the youngest participants were 4. In the female category, in the 2002 edition the youngest participant was 5. The average of the youngest participants:

- Male participants = 6, 7 years old - Female participants = 7, 4 years old

4. Number of participant countries

At the 2003 and 2009 editions, there were present participants from 29 countries. The average number of participants countries is 23, 8

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The weight of the foreign participants at the 27th edition (2008)

In the graphic below, the countries with less than 5 participans have been noted written under the category

other countries. It can be observes the Slovakia has the greatest number of participants, 75, Germany being on the second place with 50 participants and Romania, on the third, with 24.

5. Number of Romanian participants

At the 2009 edition, the greatest number of Romanian participants has been registered: 29. The average of the Romanian participants = 19, 2

6. The weight of the participants on group ages

The greatest weight of the minor participants (under 18 years old) was in the 2009 edition: 6,27%. The weighted average of minor participants: 2, 43%. From year to year, there can be observed an increase from

year to year of the weighted average of minor participants. The greatest weight of participants between 18 and 34 years has been registered in the 2003 edition: 40, 61%. The weighted average of participants between 18 and 34 de years: 39, 07%. The greatest weight of participants between 35 and 59 years has been registered in the 2002 edition: 51, 47%.

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The weighted average of the participants between 35 and 59 years: 47, 66%. The greatest weight of participants with more than 60 years has been registered in the 2002 edition: 6, 66%. The weighted average of the participants with more than 60 years: 4, 69%.

Conclusions Crossing Lake Balaton is a very important competition (one of the greatest in Europe, of this kind) where

thousands of participants compete annually. The competition is destined to persons who love swimming, those persons being allowed to compete without specialized training; the small number (1, 20 % at the 2008 edition) of the people who manage to swim the respective distance in less than an hour and 30 minutes being relevant. “Competition” is an improper term for this event because the organizers do not discriminate the persons who are not winners.

The mentality of the participants is also admirable, age or specialized training not being an obstacle for participating at the event. The main objective of the participants is practicing swimming in its purest and healthiest way, this competition combining some of the basic activities of swimming; sport, play, recreation and maintaining.

The importance of the educational value of swimming is again emphasized; from a social point of view, it helps to a better social integration, it helps at organizing the free time and it involves children, youth, adults and seniors. Swimming can lead at the same time at a positive attitude which can promote positive strategies for overcoming conflicts and which can develop self-respect and self-restraint.

From a medical point of view, swimming ensures a healthy life-style, an optimal physical condition, being an ideal activity for strengthening the heart, the muscles, the respiration and for increasing resistance.

The present study proves the importance that swimming has for practicing physical activities in society, and the involvement of authorities is obvious, in what health, education, culture and the environment are concerned.

This event is a part of the society, producing positive economic effects, having an influence on consumes, income jobs, efficiency at the workplace, economical development of local and regional services, investments, decoration and the protection of the environment.


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