The District Management Council 70 Franklin Street Boston MA, 02110 Tel: 877.DMC.3500 www.dmcouncil.org Springfield Public Schools Springfield Effective Educator Development System (SEEDS) March 2013

The District Management Council 70 Franklin Street Boston MA, 02110 Tel: 877.DMC.3500 Springfield Public Schools Springfield Effective

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Page 1: The District Management Council 70 Franklin Street Boston MA, 02110 Tel: 877.DMC.3500  Springfield Public Schools Springfield Effective

The District Management Council

70 Franklin Street

Boston MA, 02110

Tel: 877.DMC.3500


Springfield Public Schools

Springfield Effective Educator Development System (SEEDS)

March 2013

Page 2: The District Management Council 70 Franklin Street Boston MA, 02110 Tel: 877.DMC.3500  Springfield Public Schools Springfield Effective

2© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org


Context, purpose and overview

Summative evaluation overview

Getting started in summative evaluations



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3© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Strengthening educator effectiveness is a critical piece of a district-wide effort to improve learning for students

Coach, develop and evaluate educators based on a clear vision of strong instruction

Implement a consistent, rigorous curriculum built on common standards with common unit assessments

Deploy data that is timely, accurate and accessible to make decisions for students, schools and the district

Strengthen social, emotional and academic safety nets and supports for all students

The work

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4© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Self Assessment

Analysis, Goal-Setting, & Plan Development

Implementation of the Plan

Formative Assessment /


Summative Evaluation

Continuous Learning

Today’s focus

Today’s focus is on the summative evaluation

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Context, purpose and overview

Summative evaluation overview

Getting started in summative evaluations



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Recommended deadlines

Activity Completed by

Self-assessment October 1st

Goal setting and educator plan November 1st

1st observation of non-PTS educator November 30th

Educators submits evidence January 18th

Formative assessment February 15th

Non-PTS educators submit evidence March 11th

PTS educators submits evidence April 20th

Summative evaluation for non-PTS educators April 22nd

Summative evaluation for PTS educators June 1st

Formative evaluation June 21th (end of school year)

Required deadline; included in the contract as a firm date

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Overview of summative evaluations

What is the purpose? (1) to determine the summative rating for educators (2) to determine the educator’s plan moving forward

How can you get ready? Gather sufficient evaluator-collected evidence (e.g., classroom

observations) Request sufficient educator-collected evidence (especially on

Standards III and IV)

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How are ratings determined?

Steps Action Resources

Step 1 Determine ratings on:1. Standard I2. Standard II3. Standard III4. Standard IV

• Teacher rubric• Observation records• Educator collection of evidence• Other evidence

Step 2 Determine attainment of:1. Professional Practice Goal(s)*2. Student Learning Goal(s)*

• Educator’s Attainment of Goals Guidance

• Observation records• Educator collection of evidence• Other evidence

Step 3 Determine the overall summative rating • Professional judgment• Ratings on all four Standards**

(step 1)• Assessment of attainment of

goals (step 2)

*Note: Summative evaluations will need to be in compliance with TIF regulations**Note: to be rated Proficient overall, an educator must be rated at least Proficient on Standard I and Standard II.

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Exercise: Determine the educator’s attainment of goals

Step 1: Take out the handout “Exercise: Goal Attainment”

Step 2: Review the educator’s goal and data.

Step 3: Using the guidance, determine a rating on the educator’s attainment of goal. Provide a rationale for your rating.

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10© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Determination of Educator Plan Moving Forward

Overall Rating Educator plans



Needs Improvement


Self-Directed Growth Plan

(2-year or 1-year)

Directed Growth Plan

Improvement Plan

Developing Educator


Obtain PTS


PTS educators Non-PTS educators

Continue on a Developing


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11© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

The process you should expect for the Summative Assessment

Step Action Recommended Timeline

Step 1 Request educator’s collection of evidence Evidence should be submitted by:• March 11 for NPTS• April 20 for PTS

(at least 4 weeks prior to report due date)

Step 2 Review and analyze collection of evidence for each standard, and goal

Do not wait until the last minute

Step 3 Complete and submit the Summative Evaluation Report.

Budget time appropriately, because:• Any conferences (required* or

requested) must also be held by June 1.• Any educator’s response (made within

5 days or report submission) must also be received by June 1.

(*required for Needs Improvement/Unsatisfactory)

• April 22 for NPTS• June 1 for PTS (contractual)

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12© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org


Context, purpose and overview

Summative evaluation overview

Getting started in summative evaluations



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13© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Getting started in Summative Evaluations (1 of 2)

Plan ahead Do not wait until the deadlines to finalize reports: reports must be

completed, shared and signed, and conferences must be held all by 6/1. An earlier due date (before the contractual deadline) can ensure all necessary steps are completed in time

Regularly collect evidence: ensure you have sufficient evidence by conducting observations regularly throughout the year

Use available resources Use the Educator or SISP Rubric Use the Educator’s Attainment of Goals Guidance to assess progress

towards goals

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14© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Getting started in Summative Evaluations (2 of 2)

Be strategic and efficient Group the educators by timeline and by required levels of support.

Priority should be given to those who need “more support”

NPTS Summative(April 22nd)

PTS Summative (June 1st)

PTS Formative(June 21th)

“Minimal Support”

• Recommend for PTS• Proficient Educators

• Proficient• Exemplary

• Proficient• Exemplary

“More Support”

• Downward change in rating

• Possible Non-renewals

• Downward change in rating

• Improvement plan

• Downward change in plan

• Improvement plan

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15© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org


Context, purpose and overview

Summative evaluation overview

Getting started in summative evaluations



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Exercise 1: Compare the “Minimal Support” vs. “More Support” Summative Evaluations

The level of detail that is required in the Summative Evaluation will depend on the type of teacher (Minimal vs. More Support)

Compare the two evaluations. What is similar? What is different?









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Exercise 2: Review the Summative Evaluations

Review both the “Minimal Support” and “More Support” Summative Evaluations.

Independently: find three strong practices in these sample evaluations that you will also use as you write your evaluations:

Group discussion: Exchange ideas with others at your table.

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18© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Starting your Summative Evaluation

Before you begin your Summative Evaluation, you should review the following for each educator:

Formative assessment

Self-assessment and goals

Observation records

Educator’s collection of evidence

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Exercise 3: Build on the Formative Assessment

Start with the formative assessments: refer to the formative assessments you’ve already written; you shouldn’t have to write summative evaluations from scratchUnless dramatic changes have occurred since the Formative, you can re-use much of the language in the Formative to write your Summative.

Independently: Compare the Formative Assessment and the Summative Evaluation. What are the carryovers as well as the changes?

Group discussion: Discuss with your table what you found.









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20© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Exercise 4: Review the Self-Assessment & Goals Form

Before starting your evaluation, you should refresh your memory on the educator’s goals and plans.

Review the self-assessment/goal form. List five potential pieces of evidence you would need to appropriately assess the educator’s progress on these goals

1. 4.

2. 5.


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Exercise 5: Review the observation records

For the Summative Evaluation, you must synthesize your observation records for brief feedback.

Review all observation records. Synthesize all three observations by identifying just 2-3 “highest leverage” areas for the educator to focus on. Write below the feedback you would put in the “Overall Performance Rating” section.






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22© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Exercise 6a: Review educator’s collection of evidence

Large group exercise: Analyze the Parent call and email log in your packet by completing the following table.


indicators related to evidence

Analysis (How strong/weak is

the evidence?)

Feedback (How can he/she

continue to develop?)

Parent call and email logPages 5-7

• III-A-1: Parent/Family engagement

• III-C-1: Two-Way Communication

• III-C-2: Culturally Proficient Communication

• Shows consistent success in two-way communication

• Uses a variety of methods (e.g., conference, calls, and events)

• Contact is for both positive and negative information

• Work with the district interpreters to create two-way communication in multiple languages (where applicable)

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Exercise 6b: Review educator’s collection of evidence

Small group exercise: Split into three groups. Each group will be assigned a piece of evidence to analyze. Be prepared to share.


indicators related to evidence

Analysis (How strong/weak is

the evidence?)

Feedback (How can he/she

continue to develop?)

Syllabus and welcome letterPages 7-9

Email about Mentor ProgramPages 3-4

Team Lesson Study / RoundsPages 1-2

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24© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org


Context, purpose and overview

Summative evaluation overview

Best practices in summative evaluations



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Any questions?

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26© 2012 І District Management Council І www.dmcouncil.org

Upcoming April Events

April 2 Principal Meeting: Truenorthlogic Training Moved to Duggan Room 10 Bring Charged Laptop

Assistant Principal Training for Elementary and Secondary April 3rd from 3:30-5:30pm

Non-PTS Summative Evaluations are to be complete and finalized by April 22, 2013