ti46 St. Antoine Street, Corner Columbia—CLifford 2924 Stage {JUMPIN' JIVE by ulysses boykin The Amusement Front Goes To War t Producers are working overtime turning out produc- tion? for a growing war-conscious public. This week finds 11 of t ho throe top clubs with new revues. m ßroad’s Club Zombie present* that lovely firat lady of song, Miss Billie Holiday aa the featured atar in Itn Reed’s swank floor ahow called “Travelin* Light'* after the title of Miaa Holiday’s latest recording. Baby Lawrence is being held over and so are tho Brown Twins. Warren Banka takes over the M. C. Berth and the 12 Len Reed Girls have worked out aome very clever routines. Two new acta will be an- nounced later. CONGO COMESONs Featured in the Congo show is Gladys Palmer, new awing sensation: Red and Curley, novel dancers; Lillian Fitzperald. comedienne; Lester Squires, symphonic taps- ter Lovely Lane, Caritha Harbert and the Steelettes.. Larrv Steele has worked out a good revue and we hope by this printing that his chorus is back on the job and keep- ing thine 5; jumping. The name of the new show’ which opened last Saturday night is “KEEPING UP THE GOOD MORALE” Sixes Jumps The Club Three 666 comes on with a Betty Taylor production that has the critics raving. .Rita Grena, former Club Zombie singer, is the singing star of the current floor show and Tina (Pushout) Dixon is doing her share to keep Mr. Patron well satisfied. The Sixes’ Richard King has asked a certain young lady that great question and she has accepted. We will keep you posted on the latest developments. Henry’s Is On Time Henry's Swing Club has a smart little show called “Fighting Fire With Rhythm." The bill includes Geetche Palmer, Billy Esquire, Katie Brown and Pau- la Paula. Coiy Corner Flashes George E. Lee has something new for Cozy Corner patron?. .Here is a place where the entertainment never let? up. B & C Has Something New There is anew swing singer at the B Sc C, Paradise Valley's original Theater-bar. She is lovely Sue Coop- er, who opens in Detroit for the first time after a long engagement at the Club Plantation in St. Louis. Mo. Another new face in George Mongo’s new “HARLEM EXPRESS’’ is Bill Day. He replaces Bobby Keyes as M. C. Ash Can Laßue continues as star laugh-maker. AlbertA Adams cornea on with the blues aa usual and Chryitanna Buckner with the unusual interpretations in dancing. The sun-kissed chorus breaks up the show with some grand dance numbers. .The B & C is the spot where there is always plenty of activity. Whit’s New? Detroiters will get a chance to see that great produc- tion “PORGY and BESS” again. The show is booked for the Ca« beginning Monday, February 22. The return en- gagement will play for six days. Todd Duncan and Etta Moten will have the leads, .we will be seeing you there. March 22 will be the date of Marian Anderson’s concert at the Masonic Temple. A great American and a grand singer. Earl Hines is going over big at the Paradise theatre ..The Hine? fwingsters really hit the groove with plenty of jam and jive. Madeline Greene and Eckstein, are the featured singers. Two new’ artists are Julie Gardiner, accordionist, and Sarah Vaughn, singer. Received a card from our old pal “BUNGALOW." He’» with the U.S. Coast guard and at present is in New Orleans, La. He stated that the fine weather and lovely girl* made a terrific combination. His address will be Box 175, Swickley, Pa. Drop the boy a line His real name is M. D. Wilson, .(which very few of us really know.) Roy Johnson, man-about-town and a number one me- chanic. who enlisted in Uncle Sam’s Navy, is doing all nght for himself. After a few weeks training at Hamp- ton, Roy ended up in San Diego. Calif., where he is chief jnochanic on a PT boat. .He reports that he is living the . Johnson, Sr., owner of Johnson's Service sta- don, and a party including Herman (Fats) Anderson, John (Hornet) Evans and Theodore Johnson of Ink- ,lfr * re ft ving this week for Hot Springs, Ark., to P'*y it a while The boys usually motor it. .But this ** a * 0n they will have to take to the rails. Patrolman Bill Watson, the Olympic star, is at home the mumps.. Andy Smith of Prosecutor Wm. E. staff is hack on the job after several days with e flu. .The tilt did not knock out his smlie. They tell us that the "chorus" had something to do "•th Sugar’s upset. Just received a note that Eddie (Rochester) Ander- is sending a stable of eight horses to Hot Springs race r etm K• Outstanding is Burnt Cork, w’hich won six races f '7«r and which the radio comedian has nominated ...[l Arkansas and Kentucky derbies if there is a Ken- tucky derby. Uma Horne took a heating financially on that Sa- appearance, but hit the jack-pot on pub- 1 ,C, * y n'** 1 *P r *«ds in Life, Time, Newsweek and Har- * Bazaar which is par for the course. " hen we were in Columbus, Ohio last the only down- L 0 n theatres that we could go to were the legitimate j Now comes word that Columbus houses have hn color line. In other words the well-known ,c ® doesn't draw the color line any more. For the j irne in half a century colored folks are admitted to saiwaa’P aa as suburban houses. This opened up ? ' ooft new customers. The color line was a head- faJ* or nianagers and owners before equality tendency u a n f* Lawsuits, raising of prices and all usually tricks were resorted to. The town had its colored ° n eas * side. Compromise at one time gave ha i before the local downtowm white houses ro H a ! a '' a hility. Pome theatres settled lawsuits out of mrr,r ,n larße f'Rures. Columbus newspapers have not "mod the dropping of the color line but the public trt.'u 10 aware thru presence of colored folks. No overt ' »a\e been reported. Negr 0 participation in war has baen the big factor 0 curb such acts. Colored patronaga at movie* has **«n very big. THE DETROIT TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1913 CAPTIVATES HOLLYWOOD r 3®. *f 4^ ;; v> f *fw- Lena Home, heautlfnl and tal. ented Metro.Goldwyn.Majer *tar, who completed one of the most successful engagements In the history of gny Manhattan at the Natoy.Plaza hotel last week. The first colored performer ever contracted to appear tn the swank (ate I.onnge of the Illy white hotel. Miss Horne sang herself Into a Sew York sensH. tlon. Plctnre featnred In Life Magazine recently, she was call- ed the most sensational dlscov. ery of the year. I'nder a seven, jear contract to Metro, she will he one of the main star* of M.G.M’a all-star all.eolored flicker, “Cabin In the Sky," which Is srhednled for release at the turn of the season. Set to appear In “Meet the People." a contemplated Metro production. Miss Horne Is helng loaned out to star In ‘JOth < entury.Fox’s “Thanks Pal." another all-col. ored major picture. Bama State Collegians At Paradise Witk Doc’ Clayton, Willie Bryant Week starting Friday. Feb. 12 Taradise theatre will present the greatest stage presentation ever witnessed In any theatre in De- troit. Three great attractions on one stage; stage hit No. 1 Claude troit a galaxy of stars Including State Collegians, the sensational new band that Is setting records with every engagement they play. Clauds Trenter will bring to De- troit a galaxy of stars Including the beautiful Thelma Lowe. sing- er of blues songs that made her the hit of Harlem; Clifton Tren- ler. romantic vocalist and De- troit’s own “Lucky Thompson, sensational saxaphone ace. Big Welcome For Lucky Local friends of Detroit s own Lucky Thompson are planning a great reception for him. The com- mittee Ja planning to give Thomp- son the key to the city when he opens his weeks enagement at ♦ne Paradise Iheatre as a mem- ber of Treniers combination. •*l*oe" Clayton Hit No. S “Doc Clayton. the nation's leading bluea singer, will sinß thoae hot hlues songs that made h'm favorite. His latest record- ing Is the sensational “Honey Ftcalln* Blues’’ and other popu- lar hits. Millie Bryant In Person Willie Bryant th# nations out- standing MC. who will co-star at the Paradise, Is the recent rage of Washington. D. C Willie is cele- brating his twentieth season in show business Fans throughout the country are familiar with the exploits of the debonair “Master of the Mike.” Plus 6rest Stage Show In addition to the three atsge attractions on one stage this week at the Paradise theatre, there will be a great stage re- vue. supported by Spir.sle and Willie, hilled a" the “Gruesome Twosome" and th# 3 Toms three shapely lasses In a sensational new dance. “Ladr from Chungking" “The First Lady of Chins.* as Anna May Wong has been ap- r ropriately named, la teen starr- ing In a tensely dramatic and poignant drama of China flthttnc for her existence. In th* t mely “Lady from Chungking*, will he the screen feature at the Para- dise theatre. Miss W’ong la cast as a fsmoua aristocrat# from Chungking who 1* the secret leader of a guerrilla hand working In the rice field* In occupied territory under a Jap cverseer. Here she Is tnstrument- sl in spiriting away an American Hying Tiger, played by Paul Tlryar. who Is wounded In a dog fight with Jap plan#*. «" Rick Tallin is taken prisoner. There la a tenaelv dramatic and poignant finale, a* Miss Wong In placed before a firing anuad ar- tcr mortally wounding the Jap general and with her states limply and beautifully the fact that China la Immortal *n<l will go on forever In spite of an Lauk Hpl AM latarti MfUM rr\ C 0 D I.MIW UK U H u •wst. i*•***< «■;»• till Matin* H, Dept. W-L Cleveland, Okie aggression. Supporting Miss Wong Is the beautiful Mae Clarke and Harold Humber. WILLIE AT PARADISE ll v vs IjJ V* a., v T v?l ■* jnWT > * k Nik S HD Wl H|L. Y f.y v. Willie Bryant, reputed, world’s greatest master of ceremonies will celebrate his *0 yours In show business at the Paradise theatre. Bryant appears on stage with Clande Trenler and his Hama Mate Collegians and “Doc'* ( layton, famous record, lag star. PLAN FIRST MARINE BAND WASHINGTON’ (AXP) A crackerjack band, unusual in units the aizo of tha 61»t Composite De- fense battalion. I’.S. Marin# corps is being organized at the New River Traihing haee in North Car. ollna. The musical unit will soon be ready for public appearance, it is announced A T*ried program Is being planned for the first Negro Marine hand. “Doc" Clayton, famous record. Ing star and hlncs singer will appear on stage nt the Pam. dUe theatre with Maude Trenler and his ’llama State Collegians and Willie Bryant, world’s greatest W. C. “Doe" Clinton latest recording. “Honey Steal. JI’ST BKEN INFORMED THAI ' ..“T hey Stand Accused". .Is the title of anew serie* being tran- scribed by the OW l iOffice of War ; Information) to replace the tran- scribed program..“ You Cant Do. Business With Hitler. EDDIE ANDERSON (Roches. | ten o n »he Jack. Benny program was given an unprecedented midi probably the most momentous cele- bration ever accorded a radio star, of our race in Columbus. Ohio last | week. Rochester stopped at the State t'apttal and greeted he Gov. of the Buckeye state, ft cm there Rochester was ushered itU‘> i the House of Representatives, and , escorted to the speaker*' platform | at the reqtieet of colored members of the legislature. The s .ir of screen and radio was greeted w'th a deafening applause, .from th* House members. The speaker pre- sented Rochester with the gavel of preside. loiter. Eddie (Rochester. Ander- son visited the offices of several i high state officials, .all employees dropped their work to pay tribute to him. DO YOC REMEMBER the radio team of “Tom. Dick and Harry* Well .Tom and Dick may carry on ..but Harry died of a h‘“ t, 't attack in a broadcasting studio last Wed- nesday night Juet as the program was ready to go on the air. The show was carried on just as noth- ing had happened. DON'T FORGET THAT Abbott and Costello have switched to NBC . and arc heard Thursday night at | 10 p.m. “The Duncan" program, former- ,y peal'd over CBS Monday through Friday at 6:15 p.m...is now heard only once a week. .Fridays o\c: the'same network..at the same, time. “ITS GOOD TO KNOW YOC’.... ] Is the title of a radio program tint hit the airlines Feb. # . the pro- gram will come from England aud the rntted States..it la the first reciprocal eichange series aimed at Mr. and Mrs. Public of the t vo nations. The series of broaden#’ will tell the English people things about the American people tn a manner that will not only be in- teresting to them, hut to us as well. The programs originating in Fng- , bind will have the same purpose# Watch your newspaper for the stationa in this area which may j carry this program. Some Programs For Your Listening Pleasure Saturday. S .* m . Musical Match . . . station CBL . . To- ronto. Canada (7(0 on your dial* Sunday 12 Midnight. .“Songs of the Peep South." Stutlon WCAE, Pitts. IH E Champion THEATRE-BAR Oakland, Cor. Holbrook J TRinity 2-8655 Meet Your Friend* at the Northend * Mott Popular Spot Get Th# Habit and Visit the champion Bar lha F.arly Part of the Week—No Waiting—Prompt Service Sunday Cocktail Hour 4:30 to 7:30 P-M. FINE DRINKS—TASTY FOOD—ENTERTAINMENT r RECORDING BLUES SINGER COMES TO TOWN W x-WM > : ggm Mmu JT-kM ' * JM). ii l >m 1 Bwii?) v Isl rts\* ImßSm I If In’ Tllue*’' nil! he the (m»rltr miiic hit hi thi' I'arndUe thru. Ire. **|lor" other hit tilin’* In- elude. •*( hrntin' h n and lying Hlur*," **|’m Gonna Murder My lifthr,** Pearl Harbor Bine*,** and many other top hit*. TOURIN’ THE RADIO WORLD ... Br ISAAC JONES burgh.. 1 12.10 on y«>ur dial). .Mon- day.l’ihi etui Valley." Station KDKA.. Pittsburgh. .ftl l<Cf.u p.m. [ . .(lOi’o on jour dia i. .Tuesday.. lu.3n p m. “Tixcts Rangers. .sta- tion WAIK’. .Akron. Ohio. 1 13f>0 on your dial) Wednesday. l'» p m ..Religious New,. Reporter.’, sta- tion WCR •. Huff ilo. N V...« r.r.rt on your dial i Thursday., 11p.m. . .station. . W(.\. .Chicago, .••Chica- go At Night.<73o on jour dial *, Friday... I trust tli.it you will enjoy some of the above mentioned program* and until neat week..’GOOD I.IS- TKNINt!” \ thrllilnr «ri>n* frnm th*» h **l.ad> fr»mi ( hiinttkini:" *tnr. line Anna Mm Honir anil !♦•«- tnrinir Mm* I larK«* mid Hnrnld Hulirr »t lhi* I’nruditi' (heatri*. GLADYS KEEPS UP MORALE AT CONGO A fast and colorful f o r show featunnst Gladys Palme' n p v swine sensation. o|»enrd Club Congo last Friday nighy The name of the ehow is “Keep!ns ! p Tbe «;o rl Morale." and producer !#avry .S'eeie has dedicated the show t< the war worker* of Amerc i Miss Palmer, who comes directly from Chicago. scores heavily wph "Slender. Tender and Tall." and “St Louis Rlue*- and encores wrh “1 (Jo* L Rad" In between the sons:* she gi\«* a pood pc- formance on the piano keyboard featuring in boogie w ogio. The lovely pianis* and «,nger adds to her performance wi’h a captivating sn. le and a wiliing- iifs;s jo perform lore as the patron* demand Then *her. , Lillian F t/pera and a fine comedienne who t patrons roarinc with laugr.’er with her aingir.c ar.d rih.splitt tie an- tis on the floor. She * ex ptgri a'ly com! Red and Cm y are \ el en- performers, both Sr dancer* an: thumper* on the drum* ala i.enc Krupa. Word* arc nadequate ' a accurate’ v describe these, •« young felon*. One will h*' o to s< < theni to appreciate their ftr.e , ability. I.ovev Lane a pret’y lit'!,- 'a*- sie with flam.nc it and hot . * a : holdover front the previous -‘.ow ! She contributes an exotic danie tha’ w.ns wide applause. I.es er | Squires I* a fine fip*te r and fi’.'e in creditably ’he *pio* made \a<3H‘ when Slim Thomas failed to keep his engagement However, Squire- does a mas’erful job and Thom a- L B. P. 0. E. of W. VICTORY BALL DEFENSE bOND RALLY FEATURING JIMMY DAVENPORTS Orch. MARKING CLOSE OF Membership Drive Presenting Grand Exalted Ruler J. Finley Wilson And Other Grand Lodge Officers Mirror Ballroom 2940 WOODWARD MON., FEB. 22 9 O’clock Until Morn TICKETS sl.lO Motor City Lodge Heart of Detroit Pride of Michigan FLYING TIGERS IN ACTION iar?jr>‘ Th*» Oorr d«*nl« Ith tlio ox- pl«l|» oi » h** 4nurir.ui Hjinf TUrer* In ( hinn mu! the *lruf- cln f<>r fh*. »«*rr rtktfflrf of < hin» hor^rlf. BOJANGLES WORKING IN NEW FILM HOLM U ODD Bil' Robinson, •I.** *:ea;e*t '.an.fr of them all, u.il rfturn to t:> «• r en *h rtl.v a n atisfn< e <>f »f. eral y*ar« n the bi«fs; r- > of hi* ion* i at» r ! -arri Lt H<i on, prod iff at ofh 1 <“n:ury-l'.\. welcomed Rob. inat n bai k to Hollywood - h;a '• o* k for a Icev j r]o m 'Stormy Weather" a caiairad* l of Negro ntu‘ r an enre: tammenr rover. i; c h A * ht r■;r fa century. *“ V- r nt :oj« musical. Robins n w il ro>nn'c dan. r but a so will p'.av : c contra! rnai- *r,t< . boß.nmnc " a young man :* ( fit ln*r hr- <! narge from th* .':niv iii 'ho .a*' war an: cor. tit umtr to th- p: os nt Aim- *• ovr-\ be name in ’ha tr.d f Negro* rt , ontcrtain- nent and a-: n h<- a*t yrar« *11! he pre*>n<ed :n ‘Stormy Weather." whl'U Ar.d'ew Stora eil! and: n v *hi audio ilaimcd t.ni- Hv Kraf. prepared the «r‘Mn tla' f-om an o ri gfna! by Jerry linen an 1 Seymour R Rohinnon. Storn.v Weather 1 is « to cr> into production early to 1:m ' * I not be missed Carithu Harbert :n f-oct of three p* oduo’;on< « h tj-.* Amber S’*<•'<•,••• and i:ti< sombre"* explode* pjen’> ol fie ar.d action. The muei.- is f•:rt: "he 1 r y Jamea Martin'" Club foiic . band FuMiths*'* (ftvVj| tkif itici \Abi|wV ~,r ,f tM rr.-y nM »er »» n •’Random Harvest” Just Keeps On + # Rolling Along' * * v Wherever this A A\ Hall of Fame Picture plays, 'j n it settles down for a /*> w^sA v long, long stay' , , r Citio* where "Random Harvest i* be- coming an American Institution inc.ude New V>rk. .where this entertaining motion picture has been seen he more than a tril- lion people and is now pome into it« ‘»th week at Radio City Music Hall. * * * * Chicago,... where it tust opened to enthusiastic audiences. w * * * Los Angeles where it opened IVcem- her 31 and where audi- ences continue to Hock ia great numbers each day. * * * Philadelphia. Cincinnati and San Fran- cisco w here happy crow ds are also giving this hne Him a rousing reception. * * * * Ronald Col man and Greer Carson who make James Hilton's poignant and moving love story come alive are due much of the credit for the popularity of Random Harvest!’* Credit likewise due to the tine sup- porting cast' And to MGM’s masterly production which includes George Cukor's splendid direction! * * * * Octavus Rov Cohen, creator of the Finnan Siappy stones in the Saturday F.vming Post called Random Harvest : "One of the finest pictures 1 have | ever seen." a ** * * Lincoln's Birthday will see •’Random Harvest bnngtng great American en- tertainment to patriots everywhere. « * * * And see patriots \ I # ever> where working and playing in the Amencan way! You 11 feel better for the relaxation a good movie give*. & * 1 Xm Screen PAGE NINE

The Detroit tribune. (Detroit, Mich.) 1943-02-13 [p PAGE NINE]

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ti46 St. Antoine Street, Corner Columbia—CLifford 2924


{JUMPIN' JIVEby ulysses boykin

The Amusement Front Goes To War tProducers are working overtime turning out produc-

tion? for a growing war-conscious public. This week finds11 of t ho throe top clubs with new revues.

mßroad’s Club Zombie present* that lovely firat lady

of song, Miss Billie Holiday aa the featured atar in

Itn Reed’s swank floor ahow called “Travelin* Light'*after the title of Miaa Holiday’s latest recording.

Baby Lawrence is being held over and so are thoBrown Twins. Warren Banka takes over the M. C.

Berth and the 12 Len Reed Girls have worked out

aome very clever routines. Two new acta will be an-nounced later.

CONGO COMESONsFeatured in the Congo show is Gladys Palmer, new

awing sensation: Red and Curley, novel dancers; LillianFitzperald. comedienne; Lester Squires, symphonic taps-ter Lovely Lane, Caritha Harbert and the Steelettes..Larrv Steele has worked out a good revue and we hope bythis printing that his chorus is back on the job and keep-ing thine 5; jumping. The name of the new show’ whichopened last Saturday night is “KEEPING UP THE GOODMORALE”Sixes Jumps

• The Club Three 666 comes on with a Betty Taylorproduction that has the critics raving. .Rita Grena,former Club Zombie singer, is the singing star of thecurrent floor show and Tina (Pushout) Dixon is doingher share to keep Mr. Patron well satisfied.

The Sixes’ Richard King has asked a certain younglady that great question and she has accepted. We willkeep you posted on the latest developments.Henry’s Is On Time

Henry's Swing Club has a smart little show called“Fighting Fire With Rhythm." The bill includesGeetche Palmer, Billy Esquire, Katie Brown and Pau-la Paula.

Coiy Corner FlashesGeorge E. Lee has something new for Cozy Corner

patron?. .Here is a place where the entertainment neverlet? up.B & C Has Something New

There is anew swing singer at the B Sc C, ParadiseValley's original Theater-bar. She is lovely Sue Coop-er, who opens in Detroit for the first time after a longengagement at the Club Plantation in St. Louis. Mo.Another new face in George Mongo’s new “HARLEMEXPRESS’’ is Bill Day. He replaces Bobby Keyes asM. C. Ash Can Laßue continues as star laugh-maker.AlbertA Adams cornea on with the blues aa usual andChryitanna Buckner with the unusual interpretationsin dancing. The sun-kissed chorus breaks up the showwith some grand dance numbers. .The B & C is thespot where there is always plenty of activity.

Whit’s New?Detroiters will get a chance to see that great produc-

tion “PORGY and BESS” again. The show is booked forthe Ca« beginning Monday, February 22. The return en-gagement will play for six days. Todd Duncan and EttaMoten will have the leads, .we will be seeing you there.

March 22 will be the date of Marian Anderson’sconcert at the Masonic Temple. A great Americanand a grand singer.

Earl Hines is going over big at the Paradise theatre..The Hine? fwingsters really hit the groove with plentyof jam and jive. Madeline Greene and Eckstein, are thefeatured singers. Two new’ artists are Julie Gardiner,accordionist, and Sarah Vaughn, singer.

Received a card from our old pal “BUNGALOW."He’» with the U.S. Coast guard and at present is inNew Orleans, La. He stated that the fine weather andlovely girl* made a terrific combination. His addresswill be Box 175, Swickley, Pa. Drop the boy a lineHis real name is M. D. Wilson, .(which very few ofus really know.)

Roy Johnson, man-about-town and a number one me-chanic. who enlisted in Uncle Sam’s Navy, is doing allnght for himself. After a few weeks training at Hamp-ton, Roy ended up in San Diego. Calif., where he is chiefjnochanic on a PT boat. .He reports that he is living the

.Johnson, Sr., owner of Johnson's Service sta-

don, and a party including Herman (Fats) Anderson,John (Hornet) Evans and Theodore Johnson of Ink-,lfr *re ft ving this week for Hot Springs, Ark., toP'*y it a while The boys usually motor it. .But this**a *0n they will have to take to the rails.Patrolman Bill Watson, the Olympic star, is at home

the mumps.. Andy Smith of Prosecutor Wm. E.staff is hack on the job after several days with

e flu. .The tilt did not knock out his smlie.They tell us that the "chorus" had something to do

"•th Sugar’s upset.Just received a note that Eddie (Rochester) Ander-is sending a stable of eight horses to Hot Springs race

r etmK• Outstanding is Burnt Cork, w’hich won six racesf '7«r and which the radio comedian has nominated...[l Arkansas and Kentucky derbies if there is a Ken-tucky derby.

Uma Horne took a heating financially on that Sa-appearance, but hit the jack-pot on pub- 1

,C,*y n'**1 *Pr *«ds in Life, Time, Newsweek and Har-* Bazaar which is par for the course.

" hen we were in Columbus, Ohio last the only down-L 0 n theatres that we could go to were the legitimatej Now comes word that Columbus houses havehn color line. In other words the well-known

,c ® doesn't draw the color line any more. For thej

irne in half a century colored folks are admitted tosaiwaa’P aa as suburban houses. This opened up

? 'ooft new customers. The color line was a head-faJ* or nianagers and owners before equality tendencyu a !°nf* Lawsuits, raising of prices and all usually

tricks were resorted to. The town had its colored°n eas* side. Compromise at one time gave

ha i before the local downtowm white housesro H

a ! a '' ahility. Pome theatres settled lawsuits out ofmrr,r

,n larße f'Rures. Columbus newspapers have not. "mod the dropping of the color line but the publictrt.'u 10 aware thru presence of colored folks. No overt

' »a\e been reported.Negr0 participation in war has baen the big factor

0 curb such acts. Colored patronaga at movie* has**«n very big.



r 3®.

*f 4^;;v> f *fw-

Lena Home, heautlfnl and tal.ented Metro.Goldwyn.Majer *tar,who completed one of the mostsuccessful engagements In thehistory of gny Manhattan at theNatoy.Plaza hotel last week.The first colored performer evercontracted to appear tn theswank (ate I.onnge of the Illywhite hotel. Miss Horne sangherself Into a Sew York sensH.

tlon. Plctnre featnred In LifeMagazine recently, she was call-ed the most sensational dlscov.

ery of the year. I'nder a seven,jear contract to Metro, she willhe one of the main star* ofM.G.M’a all-star all.eoloredflicker, “Cabin In the Sky,"which Is srhednled for release atthe turn of the season. Set toappear In “Meet the People." a

contemplated Metro production.Miss Horne Is helng loaned outto star In ‘JOth < entury.Fox’s“Thanks Pal." another all-col.ored major picture.

Bama State Collegians At ParadiseWitk Doc’ Clayton, Willie Bryant

Week starting Friday. Feb. 12Taradise theatre will present thegreatest stage presentation everwitnessed In any theatre in De-troit. Three great attractions onone stage; stage hit No. 1 Claudetroit a galaxy of stars IncludingState Collegians, the sensationalnew band that Is setting recordswith every engagement they play.Clauds Trenter will bring to De-troit a galaxy of stars Includingthe beautiful Thelma Lowe. sing-er of blues songs that made herthe hit of Harlem; Clifton Tren-ler. romantic vocalist and De-troit’s own “Lucky Thompson,sensational saxaphone ace.Big Welcome For Lucky

Local friends of Detroit s ownLucky Thompson are planning agreat reception for him. The com-mittee Ja planning to give Thomp-

son the key to the city when heopens his weeks enagement at♦ne Paradise Iheatre as a mem-ber of Treniers combination.•*l*oe" Clayton Hit No. S

“Doc Clayton. the nation'sleading bluea singer, will sinßthoae hot hlues songs that madeh'm favorite. His latest record-ing Is the sensational “Honey

Ftcalln* Blues’’ and other popu-lar hits.Millie Bryant In Person

Willie Bryant th# nations out-standing MC. who will co-star atthe Paradise, Is the recent rage ofWashington. D. C Willie is cele-brating his twentieth season inshow business

Fans throughout the country

are familiar with the exploits ofthe debonair “Master of theMike.”Plus • 6rest Stage Show

In addition to the three atsge

attractions on one stage thisweek at the Paradise theatre,there will be a great stage re-vue. supported by Spir.sle andWillie, hilled a" the “GruesomeTwosome" and th# 3 Toms threeshapely lasses In a sensationalnew dance.“Ladr from Chungking"

“The First Lady of Chins.* asAnna May Wong has been ap-r ropriately named, la teen starr-ing In a tensely dramatic andpoignant drama of China flthttncfor her existence. In th* t mely

“Lady from Chungking*, will he

the screen feature at the Para-

dise theatre.Miss W’ong la cast as a fsmoua

aristocrat# from Chungking who

1* the secret leader of a guerrillahand working In the rice field*In occupied territory under a Jap

cverseer. Here she Is tnstrument-sl in spiriting away an AmericanHying Tiger, played by PaulTlryar. who Is wounded In a dog

fight with Jap plan#*. «"

Rick Tallin is taken prisoner.There la a tenaelv dramatic and

poignant finale, a* Miss Wong In

placed before a firing anuad ar-tcr mortally wounding the Jap

general and with herstates limply and beautifully the

fact that China la Immortal *n<lwill go on forever In spite of an

Lauk Hpl AM latarti MfUMrr\

C 0 D I.MIW UK U Hu •wst. i*•***< «■;»•

till Matin* H, Dept. W-LCleveland, Okie

aggression.Supporting Miss Wong Is the

beautiful Mae Clarke and HaroldHumber.


V* a., v T v?l■* jnWT > *

k Nik



H|L. Y f.y v.

Willie Bryant, reputed, world’sgreatest master of ceremonieswill celebrate his *0 yours Inshow business at the Paradisetheatre. Bryant appears onstage with Clande Trenler andhis Hama Mate Collegians and“Doc'* ( layton, famous record,lag star.


crackerjack band, unusual in unitsthe aizo of tha 61»t Composite De-fense battalion. I’.S. Marin# corpsis being organized at the NewRiver Traihing haee in North Car.ollna. The musical unit will soonbe ready for public appearance, itis announced A T*ried program Isbeing planned for the first Negro

Marine hand.

“Doc" Clayton, famous record.Ing star and hlncs singer willappear on stage nt the Pam.dUe theatre with Maude Trenlerand his ’llama State Collegiansand Willie Bryant, world’sgreatest W. C. “Doe" Clintonlatest recording. “Honey Steal.

JI’ST BKEN INFORMED THAI '..“T hey Stand Accused". .Is thetitle of anew serie* being tran-scribed by the OW l iOffice of War ;Information) to replace the tran-scribed program..“You Cant Do.Business With Hitler.

EDDIE ANDERSON (Roches. |ten on »he Jack. Benny programwas given an unprecedented midiprobably the most momentous cele-bration ever accorded a radio star,

of our race in Columbus. Ohio last |week. Rochester stopped at theState t'apttal and greeted heGov. of the Buckeye state, ft cmthere Rochester was ushered itU‘> ithe House of Representatives, and ,escorted to the speaker*' platform |at the reqtieet of colored membersof the legislature. The s .ir of

screen and radio was greeted w'th

a deafening applause, .from th*House members. The speaker pre-sented Rochester with the gavelof preside.

loiter. Eddie (Rochester. Ander-son visited the offices of several ihigh state officials, .all employeesdropped their work to pay tributeto him.

DO YOC REMEMBER the radioteam of “Tom. Dick and Harry*

Well .Tom and Dick may carry on..but Harry died of a h‘“ t,'t attackin a broadcasting studio last Wed-nesday night Juet as the programwas ready to go on the air. Theshow was carried on just as noth-ing had happened.

DON'T FORGET THAT Abbottand Costello have switched to NBC. and arc heard Thursday night at |10 p.m.

“The Duncan" program, former-,y peal'd over CBS Monday throughFriday at 6:15 p.m...is now heardonly once a week. .Fridays o\c:

the'same network..at the same,time.

“ITS GOOD TO KNOW YOC’.... ]Is the title of a radio program tint

hit the airlines Feb. #. the pro-

gram will come from England audthe rntted States..it la the firstreciprocal eichange series aimedat Mr. and Mrs. Public of the t vonations. The series of broaden#’will tell the English people things

about the American people tn a

manner that will not only be in-teresting to them, hut to us as well.The programs originating in Fng- ,bind will have the same purpose#Watch your newspaper for thestationa in this area which may jcarry this program.Some Programs For Your Listening

PleasureSaturday. S .* m . Musical

Match ..

. station CBL .. . To-

ronto. Canada (7(0 on your dial*Sunday 12 Midnight. .“Songs of thePeep South." Stutlon WCAE, Pitts.

IHE Champion THEATRE-BAROakland, Cor. Holbrook J TRinity 2-8655

Meet Your Friend* at the Northend *

Mott Popular SpotGet Th# Habit and Visit the champion Bar lha F.arly Part of the

Week—No Waiting—Prompt Service

Sunday Cocktail Hour 4:30 to 7:30 P-M.FINE DRINKS—TASTY FOOD—ENTERTAINMENT


W x-WM

‘ > : ■ ggm Mmu'

JT-kM ' *

JM). ii l >m

1 Bwii?)v Isl ■

rts\* ImßSm

I If

In’ Tllue*’' nil! he the (m»rltrmiiic hit hi thi' I'arndUe thru.Ire. **|lor" other hit tilin’* In-elude. •*( hrntin' h n and lyingHlur*," **|’m Gonna Murder Mylifthr,** Pearl Harbor Bine*,**and many other top hit*.



burgh.. 1 12.10 on y«>ur dial). .Mon-day.l’ihi etui Valley." StationKDKA.. Pittsburgh. .ftl l<Cf.u p.m.

[ . .(lOi’o on jour dia i. .Tuesday..lu.3n p m. “Tixcts Rangers. .sta-tion WAIK’. .Akron. Ohio. 1 13f>0 onyour dial) Wednesday. l'» p m..Religious New,. Reporter.’, sta-tion WCR •. Huff ilo. N V...« r.r.rt onyour dial i Thursday., 11p.m.. .station. . W(.\. .Chicago, .••Chica-go At Night.<73o on jour dial *,Friday...

I trust tli.it you will enjoy someof the above mentioned program*

and until neat week..’GOOD I.IS-TKNINt!”

\ thrllilnr «ri>n* frnm th*»h **l.ad> fr»mi ( hiinttkini:" *tnr.line Anna Mm Honir anil !♦•«-tnrinir Mm* I larK«* mid HnrnldHulirr »t lhi* I’nruditi' (heatri*.


A fast and colorful f o r showfeatunnst Gladys Palme' np v

swine sensation. o|»enrd ClubCongo last Friday nighy The nameof the ehow is “Keep!ns ! p Tbe«;o rl Morale." and producer !#avry.S'eeie has dedicated the show t<the war worker* of Amerc i

Miss Palmer, who comes directly

from Chicago. scores heavily wph

"Slender. Tender and Tall." and“St Louis Rlue*- and encoreswrh “1 (Jo* L Rad" In betweenthe sons:* she gi\«* a pood pc-formance on the piano keyboardfeaturing in boogie w ogio.

The lovely pianis* and «,ngeradds to her performance wi’h a

captivating sn. le and a wiliing-

iifs;s jo perform a« lore as thepatron* demand

Then *her. , Lillian F t/pera anda fine comedienne who t •

patrons roarinc with laugr.’er withher aingir.c ar.d rih.splitt tie an-tis on the floor. She * ex • ptgri -

a'ly com!Red and Cm y are \ el en-

performers, both Sr dancer* an:thumper* on the drum* ala i.encKrupa. Word* arc nadequate ' a

accurate’ v describe these, •«

young felon*. One will h*' o to s< <

theni to appreciate their ftr.e, ability.

I.ovev Lane a pret’y lit'!,- 'a*-sie with flam.nc it and hot . * a

: holdover front the previous -‘.ow

! She contributes an exotic danietha’ w.ns wide applause. I.es er

| Squires I* a fine fip*ter and fi’.'ein creditably ’he *pio* made \a<3H‘when Slim Thomas failed to keep

his engagement However, Squire-does a mas’erful job and Thom a-





Membership DrivePresenting Grand Exalted Ruler

J. Finley WilsonAnd Other Grand Lodge Officers

Mirror Ballroom2940 WOODWARD

MON., FEB. 229 O’clock Until Morn

TICKETS sl.lOMotor City Lodge Heart of Detroit

Pride of Michigan



Th*» Oorr d«*nl« Ith tlio ox-pl«l|» oi » h** 4nurir.ui HjinfTUrer* In ( hinn mu! the *lruf-cln f<>r fh*. »«*rr rtktfflrf of< hin» hor^rlf.


HOLM U ODD Bil' Robinson,•I.** *:ea;e*t '.an.fr of them all,u.il rfturn to t:> «• r en *h rtl.v

an atisfn< e <>f »f. eral y*ar«n the bi«fs; r- > of hi*


ion*i at»r

• ! -arri Lt H<i on, prod iff at- ofh 1 <“n:ury-l'.\. welcomed Rob.inat n bai k to Hollywood - h;a'• o* k for a Icev j r]o m 'StormyWeather" a caiairad*l of Negrontu‘ r an enre: tammenr rover.i; c h A * ht r■;r fa century.1° *“ V- “ r nt :oj« musical.Robins n w il ro>nn'c dan. r buta so will p'.av : c contra! rnai-*r,t< . boß.nmnc " a young man:* (fit ln*r hr- <! - narge from th*.':niv iii 'ho .a*' war an: cor.tit umtr to th- p: os nt

Aim- *• ovr-\ be name in ’hatr.d f Negro* rt , - ontcrtain-nent and a-: n • h<- a*t yrar«*11! he pre*>n<ed :n ‘StormyWeather." whl'U Ar.d'ew Storaeil! and: n v *hi audio ilaimcdt.ni-

Hv Kraf. prepared the «r‘Mntla' f-om an origfna! by Jerrylinen an 1 Seymour R Rohinnon.

Storn.v Weather 1 is «

to cr> into production early to1:m '

* I not be missedCarithu Harbert i« :n f-oct of

three p* oduo’;on< « h tj-.* AmberS’*<•'<•,••• * and i:ti< sombre"*explode* pjen’> ol fie ar.d action.The muei.- is f•:rt: "he 1 r y JameaMartin'" Club foiic . band

FuMiths*'* (ftvVj|tkif itici \Abi|wV ~,r ,f tMrr.-y nM »er»»n

•’Random Harvest” Just Keeps On+ # Rolling Along' * *

v Wherever this AA\ Hall of Fame Picture plays,'jn it settles down for a /*>w^sA v long, long stay' ,

, r

Citio* where "Random Harvest i* be-coming an American Institution inc.ude

New V>rk. .where this entertaining

motion picture has beenseen he more than a tril-lion people and is nowpome into it« ‘»th week atRadio City Music Hall.

* * * *

Chicago,... where it tust opened toenthusiastic audiences.

w * * *

Los Angeles where it opened IVcem-her 31 and where audi-ences continue to Hock iagreat numbers each day.

♦ * * *

Philadelphia. Cincinnati and San Fran-cisco w here happy crow dsare also giving

this hne Him a rousing reception.* * * *

Ronald Colman and Greer Carson whomake James Hilton's poignant andmoving love story come alive are duemuch of the credit for the popularity of• Random Harvest!’*

Credit i« likewise due to the tine sup-porting cast' And to MGM’s masterlyproduction which includes GeorgeCukor's splendid direction!

* * * *

Octavus Rov Cohen, creator of theFinnan Siappy stones in the SaturdayF.vming Post called Random Harvest :

"One of the finest pictures 1 have| ever seen."a** * *

Lincoln's Birthday will see •’RandomHarvest bnngtng great American en-tertainment to patriots everywhere.

« * * *

And see patriots \ I #

ever> where workingand playing in theAmencan way!

You 11 feel better forthe relaxation agood movie give*. & *

1 Xm
