-i WT IKK J v.. aoae XXXT CONSOLIDATED 1882.' I HE DA LI FS. OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1896. NO 7 ROFES8IONAL. , c. o.ji.',.srtiK, O Phyxician and Surgeon, Room) s National Bank. Office noora, 10 t.gtifiD, fto-- rroin I w IP m. luai-- i 'CO We t Bud of Third timet, , .'."'A a. b..i -'- ir4-' . " Attorney, at Law ' i i" i? . Oiflee ir Sa.lnn Vi lum.dini "upt lra The Dalles i -- ir: 4 : v rVUETK MEKEr'EF, 7 r. Attorneys at Law r Roms43and 43 Chapman Block, The Unl!a. Or.. SOCIETIES. TEMPLE LODGE, NO. 3.. A. O. V t W. n .Meets in Keller's Hall ev-- r 'ITiursrtay evening at 730 o'clock. AS. NE SMITH POST. NO. S3 O. A, R. J ' Meets every Saturday evening at.7:3t in K. of P. Hall. COURT THE DALLES. A. O. F. NO. every Friday evening at their hall at 8 o'clock. - ; T5 OFL.E. Meets every Fdgay nfternopo 1 m a. ui ziaii attasco tribe! no. IS. I. O. R. M. Meets tt every Wednesday evening. in K, of P Hall. VEREIN HARMONIE. Meets GESANG Sudday evening at Baldwin ppera izouse. TV OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 197. Meets in L K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. .' AirASCO LOEGE. NO. 15, A. F. A A. M. ' IT Meets first and third Monday of each month at s p. m. fTVHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER J NO. ft Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 5. I. O. O r 1 Meets everv Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. ' In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court ' sheets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. TlRieIOSHIP LODGE, NO. 9 K. of P. r every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. )i Scop pro's building, corner of Court and ' Second sheets- - Sojourning brothers are in- - ITTOMBN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE VV UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock u the reading room, ; . - i H I ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD tTl Mt. Hood Camp. No. 59. meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be present. , , COLUMBIA CHAPTER, ' NO. 33, E. S.- r- j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of eaci month. V isitors cor- - dial! invited. THE CHURCHES. i fT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. t'te-Fift- Sunday school at 0:30 A. M. E ling pyer on Fiiday at 7:30. ' WA.IC iHCAC, LUTHERAN CHURCH JJi j. uiey. vas-'- . service in tne Eng- - JTsj l,v(i'a-- e at Fitst Baptist Church every uuury 8:jc A. m. and 7:30 P. M. - E. CHURH l'ev.; J. H. Wood. Pastor. M Services eve- - j Sunday irorninx and eve- - " tog. - Scoday school at-12- o'clock P. II. A .coidiai i ivi tion e.eaded hy boui pastor and v ; people to all, -- inNORBR A.TIOXATL, HtTRCH Rev. W. C. Curiis- - f. stoi-- . Services every Suuday at II A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after moiuing se'-vi- ; , ; tt- -- . t .- pi, PETECS CHURCH Rev. A. IT3- - Pastor. Lo7 miss eveiy siioobvb i a. n. ' High mass at 10:30 A.M. ve,n at :. P. M. - YtfTiSr BAPTIST CHURCH T:ev. O. D. Tnjr- - J Pastor. Co. aei- - Firsj0. st"eH. jservtces n70itv-.-a- . o'clock.- - Suoday So ool and Biolecl?sTt K:ln. Prsuo.-'- s resilience co.1. of Wasxui-- . ton and Seventh suel3. . j W.TTKfiST CHRISTIAN CHtJRCH-Re- v. I H. Sunday i ft I H Mil fJl.M kU - evey lno-.vn- tf p.t II and la tbe evening at 7 o'clock Sund..v so ooi a- - 1 A M. Prayer meeting every even:03. Y. P. S..C. E. meets ,;every Sunday at 6:50 P. M. . . . BAPTIST CHURCH Corner CAVALRY and Dn on. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M- and 7:S0 P. 11. Prayer meeting oa Wednesday evening. Sunday school at 9:15 A-"- All are cordially welcomed. .;: V Chiidren Cry , ; J f n c CASTORIA vCastorli ism wen adapted to children that Ireanuini-n,- ! itaJaupen. ,r tu any prescription fcoown t. me." - - 11. A; Archvr, M. D.. 1U booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N 'T ' ' i rie' rastor'a'lir my praorlce, and ftnd tt peciatly limited to affections of children. " ,,,. , : Alex. Robirtsom, M. D.. 1057 Sd Avm New Yorf i Irom rrsn'1 knowledge I can say th:a iastoria is a excellent medicine for chil - Iren." i .h . IJM. S. U. Oaoooo, . Lowell, Mass. Cantoria promote IMgstloa, and M orercotuea Flatulency, Consai ntion. Sour , Btomaeh, Dian noea, and Feverishnesa - Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contaica no '" Morphine or other, narcotio property, - ; ; z 4 REV ; v - vv UNDERTAKINQ ESTABLISHMENT Prihz & Nitsctilce FURNITURE AND CARPET5 i We have added to our Munnese a complete Under taking EsUb and as we are in no way ' connected with the UndeTlaers' Trust, our : :r''Ce will he kt. accurdiiigly. ! 1 A Latest Style j Lowest v'Profits ; : In Mens and Boys . .A- - lotliipg.' Dry' Goods. KENS F08MSKISG5. : ! HONEST VALUES IN : : . -- Root wl Si.) : C F. STEPHENS i l"' 134 Second Street. : Next door to tbe Dalle National Bank ; : DAN BAKER, j '. HEOPBISTOB OF tUZ .Wool - Exchange - Saloon. BEST IMPORTED AID DOMESTIC - t ine3, Liauor3 Cigar.s Kan End, Second Street . NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION, i Land Office at VAscouvEn, Wash., I '. - September 16; lt96. f To Irvine H. Ballard, and all others whom it may concern : Notice is heretrv e!rea that the foll.winr- - nameu settler ha. 8 ied notice of his i'ltenlio:) to make Haul of hi . claim, uud tafet .said uroof will be m ide before VV. R Dunbar, Commissioner TJ. S. Circuit Court for District of Wasninytun. at i is n.Tice in Golden- - dele, U'iiHliing tun, on Novusabe? 5. UOoV viz. : -i JOSEPH JAI"i"RO;.i H. I' No. VM for the .Si: tj Sea. SI T. 4 N I: 12 st Will. Mcr. He nano the (oilnivkiz v. Bis lont- iiwu-- i resell s-- c i:j;r.n s:iti cuiliVuticn of "! jal, vi.: ' .Jnnic.sKl:!-'J,Jo- H. rr--:ythe- . 11 mn-a- James i .'.a., all oi J.vi-- i P. O... V..b imiton.. KO. H. IJ4VENKON. bept. 19 K'xitcr NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Tallek. Obkuon. August 2. ima Notice w herot.y t)..tl tbe folkuvln named .setilcr lias llit.1 notice tif !;Ls i.itcnUvi. to maKc naal ;:o.' m suptvu-- t of ats claim, urn tbat s.dd moot will bo made bi tuw I(eifi,lt- - nnd Receiver, at The Dalles. on Octobt 40,. 'IMS. viz.: . - . . ANNA M-- - WKBERG, "cord Dame"AjTna E. Webenri. H E No Siftfor the SEj, Nfflt, See. 6. Tp. 1 N.. li. She names tte followine witnesses to ftrov . her continuous resiuence upon and cultivation oi saia lana. viz: Albert Jordan. William Jordan. Ernest Jor dan and Louis P. Oslund. all of The Dalles. Oregon. r : : JAS. F. MOORE, Aug. 29. . Register ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby givea that the undersigned. administrator of the estate of Sarah Staes, de- ceased, villonSati'tctay, the 17th day of Octooer Ih96, at U-- hour of 3 o'clock P. M of said day. at t ie .'rent door of the county court house in Dalies Ciiy, Wasco Ccunty, Oregon, sell to the Bigoest oiorer, or cash in hand, the following r'esc.; jed teal estate, belonging to the estate of soin aeceaseo. towit: 'jlie S of the NWX, and the NWM of NWM of Section 6. in Township one (1) North of e in East vv. M., in wasco county, uregon. Said sa'e will be made in pursuance of the foraie? Older of tbe Hon. County Court of the SiAie of Oregon, for Wasco county, and subject to by said court. Dated this 15U day of September: TK96.- . J. P. McINERNY. Adm'r of the estate of Sarah Staes. deceased. , Sept. IUwS . NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT; To wfcm rr mat concern: Notice is here by given Oat Thomas W. G'avey bas filed his fiDal recount as adpFistrator of tbe estate of Patrick Dorris, deceased, and that said lioal account wi'l come on for hea-in- on Monday. toe M day of November. 1896. at tbe hour of 3 o'clock P. M of said day. at which line a bear- ing be had as to any and ail object'oDS to 8atf naai account and the settleznerib-t-icreor- . Tbisnot'-- e is given ov order of Honoiable Robert Mays, County Judge of Wasco County. Oregon. .: . ,. Dated this 7th day of Septembe', 1806. . inuraao . kx iiA v r. I . Adm'r of the estate of Patrick DorrLA. deed. Sept.l2w5. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Noilce is rrebv given that the undesigned has bee-- i t uly a)xtoted by te Poj. County-Cour- t of State biO-eRo- Tor Wrsco County, ns the adnv-Ms- . atcr o;- Peter Jate of VVpsco Coap-.y- , Oreryo,. ood now e'ecersed. Al ;oesops bpv? ciai.ns against sat't estate are neieijv oot:3ed to j.eseatLae.sameioine ftt my once Oi business in Cascade Locks, Wasco Coi'oty Oir-fco- p'operiy verfiled, with- - msjt moo.'s unm tneoate oi tbls aot(ce. . Dated this 1st day of September. I H98. ' T. C. BENSON.. Administrator of the estate of Peter Sher- - ringer, deceased.. sepS-d,w- "ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is berebv'ilvea that the undesigned h?.s jeen anoouid ad nii ist-t-t- oi ute estate oi Cpi:st'na"r.i:''!os. lvte.of V'aiscO county, and now- oeceaseo. a.h 'oesors Davtjy claims Ka!nst said es.ae prese'ot-tb- e same, duly ver'Beu o roe atvl, 'Osiey. Oregon, or to my UiT-- & .jQe.icce, o& iaues i:ity. Wse coa,rjvCrcji'BJ. wit-jii- u montt-- s from tlie date bei-eo- ' Dated, at Dalles City, this 19Lh day of July, lVO . li. Plj l.L.IIPS. Administrator cf the esinie of Chiitina Phil lips, deceased. J5w5 Ad ministrator's Final Notice. Notice is hereby gWen that the undersigned, administrator of U'e estate of Cart Ba. ken'.ine, decerse'. lias flied la t ae County Court of the Loudly of asco. a &ue or Oreion. ops final ac count rssucn wmir:.strarfr oi said es.aie. and that Moooav, toe 2d 'ay of November, 18WI. at the hour Oi 3 o'clocK P. M., Uas been fixed by said court rs the time fo tiearin; of objections to saia report, ana i.:e settlement tiwreor. PAUL BA RKENTINE. Administrator of the estate of Carl Baiken tiue. deceased. Sinnott & Sinnott, Attorneys for the estate. sep5w5t SI ilf TO EXCHANGE for Oregon M) IMilr property. 158 acres near Colfax, Placer coumv.Califoraia. at acres (IH.T.tii vines) 10 year Tokay grapes; 1900 9 year Craw.'ord peaches; WW Baillelt pears, 7 year; fluil 3 and 6 year Kelsey plums: H acres plums: balance un- cleared but all tlUable; new tiM.0 house; all out buildings; two gold mines on uncleared, one assaying Oupon surface roek; land roll- ing. A. O. CARS WELL. ...... 628 Montgomery street. San Francisco LITIN and GERMAN Taught In This City. . ; . GERMAN. . t. : : The undersi.'rned desires to organize a class in German. Eve y citizen wi'O con 'kCi t aie aod exoense ocght to be master of Kt least two ipouages. The Cerman lan- guage has mauv at vaatages' over modern on account of ber.profouod literature in all tranches of onc:eot aau modem science pro- duced in jerwoi'ii-jenowoe- d universities. Those who would Vi ;om these inexhaustible aDd yet undultei-nbe- foootaiusof knowledge, mus. master the ir diiad whicu contains the key .o tjeoj. The uodersigned will organize a class in Germad, and will begin with actual work on e a.-s- t t ay o" September. The class wiil oeet two or varee times a week in the evenii'3 or when most coavenient to the oimlls. Rapid irosiss guaranteed to toose wbo will get down to earnest laoor. All wbo desire to participate in tnis work will please announce tbeir intention to t'oe undersigned at an early date, as tbe class will be limited to a certain number. Charges will be very reasonable. t LATIN. . . ' Tbe undersigned will also organize a class in Latin. Taerevre so many leasons why thos wbo de!e to advance tbeir knowledge beyond a common scboo! education should takeat letst a course in Lali". tbat piobaoly everyoody is familiar witn at least some of them. I will net take 3oace here to speak of the beauties of tbe Latin language no," of tbe many advantages in life possessed by those wao 'nave mastered it. I will i'ere omy announce mv intention to organ- ize a ciavi iu Latin. Rapid pro.Tress g aran-tee- d to otiose woo will work hard. Charges very reasonable. A'l desitinK instruction in L.'.tin are kindly requested to anDouute tbeir iiiujation to the undersigned before September, if possible. Awaiting yonr application, I am very respect- fully yours, -v -- L. GREY," Augliml . Evaneolical Lutheran Pastor 1 ICh KOR PUBLIC ATION. Land Ofhcb at Thb Dalles. Obb., , ; : October 14,; 1886. Notice is hereby given that the following-name- d settler has filed notice of his intention to commute ana make fiual pi oof in support of his claim, and that sat'i pioof will oe made before Register and Receiver at The Dalies, Oregon, on November 21, lt: .. .. GEORGE LANDIS. ! Hd. E. No. 54ii9, for the Lot 1 or NWJ NWM See. 31. Tp. 3N R. 13 H. W. M r i ; - He names tne following witnesses to prove Bis- contianous rtdenze upon aad cultivation of said land, viz: A. J. Brown. 1. W Johnston. C. V. Champ-li- n. and G. W. Stewart, all of The Dalles. Oregon. . IAS.T. MOORE.1 Oct. 17 Register. : The Sun The first of American Newspapers. Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, . The American Idea, , The American Spirit These first, last, and all tbe time, . forever. Daily, by mail. . ; .'. ..... . . .$6.00 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8.00 a year The Sunday 3un Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper ! in the world. ! Bj mail, $2 a year. 5c a copy Address THS Sun, New York. oiiiniiranimniiiiiniiiniEniiiiiiHiiiiiiHHMiiii::iiiiiHiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiM i-s- . A very H",k 4 lt 1 Don t Ax' 1 g with low J Ax " with the best on j g the and you "will find you 1 H get for JO cents twice as 1 ; 1 much Axf as you do of 1 g other high g i f I:m 11 r 1 1 nn 1 1 11 n 11 i 111 : 1 1 j 1 1 1 11 u r 1 1 w n i n 11 ; r ij fi i f n r 1 1 j r i n 11 1 f j r nn 1 11 f : n 11 THE :m,m smooth article' compare "Battle grade tobaccos compare 'Battle market, almost "Battle grade brands. GLfSHANoBUSlMESS PORTLAND , Full English BUSINESS (M) mm ': OREGON Course; FRENCH AND GERMAN. BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. DEPARTMENT" LACIES GERMAN U 94 Second Street. : ...... ... ; - f OTTO Propri6tor. Fine Wines, Liq 10 rs and Cigar Agent f or the Gambrinus Brewing Co., Portland1 :: j : Families supplied with Keg and Bottled Beer. ; : : mm Remember that we have V the choicest lot of Cord Wood in town, and the are the MA1ER & BENTON 167 Second Street TiHiiiimimfiifrffiirriiirirfrnTrffirmfirirffrff ifrifffrnri VWWVWWVWKW GEORGE RUCH. PIONEER GROCER (Successor to Chnsman & Corson. 1 A FULL LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Again at the old stand I former patrons. Free delivery to Z. F. and Paid: to. Those Who linn would De pleased to see all my any part of the city. . . ' Favor. Me With Their Patronage 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE9T. (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Coiisiirnmeiits Prompt Attention m BIRGFELD, prices lowest. MOODY Forwarding Meirhant Solicited iTW N!Y-"HR- KIi TliJItS Bryan Broke His Record for Number of Speeches. THE WHEAI CHOP The Shortage in Europe Will Cause Heavy Shipments From the United States. Senator Butler is Confident of Bryan' Success Sarah 'Ancle Wants Part Of The Could Estate-Sw- ift Vengeance in Georgia Lansing, Mi3h.,Oct., 17. Michigan outdid itseif today in welcoming' Wil liam J. Bryan, and the nominee ack nowledged the compliment by break; iner his own as well as all other cam paign records. He spoke to 23 meet ings, beginning at 7 o'clock this morn ing at .Muskegon and endiog at Lan sing close to midnight. The aggre gate number of his hearers probably surpassed all previous figures, consid ering the size of the cities where he spoke. Except in one or two minor instances, the enthusiasm was marked Most of the candidate's hearers today belong u to the farming class, and at nearly every town vehicles which bad carried the farmers in lined the side streets for blocks. Mrs. Bryan accompanied her hus band to every platform from which he spoke, and when his ' addresses were made from the rear of the car she stood by his side. Floral tributes were lit erally showered upon er, and one eud of the private car was nearly filled with the fragrant offerings. At many sta tions she gratified tbe crowds by dis- tributing flowers from the car. Lansing was reached at 7:30 o'clock. and a- - torchlight procession - three blocks in length was- - waiting. Excursion trains from adjacent towns had been carrying visitors to the city early all the afternoon, and ' the principal streets were crowded.' Three meetings bad been arranged here, one in a large clothing establishment to an audience of women, the second in the S.ar theater, and the third on the stand in front of the capiiol. It doesn't matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion, and constipation are caused by neglect or bv unavoidable circumstances: Dey ltt s Little Earlv Risers will speedily cure them all. Snipes & Kinersly Drug o TUB WHEAT CHOP OF 1806. A Considerable Shortage In All the f European Countries. Washington; Oct. 16. The Euro pean crop report of the agricultural department issued by the cbief statis tician says: Fifty million 4ushels would6e a. libera? estimate lor the wheat crop of Great Britain.; The barley , crop bas been shortened and seriously injured in quality by rains. Hay and oats &re short, not only there, but on the Baltic. In France there is a material loea in wheat from bad weather. In Germany the wheat crop is poor in average. It may be expected that tbe wheat import of 1896-9-7 will ex- ceed the. average and that a larger proportion than usual will come from the United States. In Denmark wheat is a good aver age.,. In bpain the deficit of the year is estimated to exceed 34,000,000 bushels, more than double that of last year. - ..: In Austria-Hungar- y wheat ia under the average. ' In Russia there is a big deficiency in the wheat crop.' The. highest esti mate puts the crop at 374,000,000 bush els, the lowest 300,000,000. General opinion inclines toward tbe lower Russian shippers are now holding per sistently above the market; Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians but the sufferers want quick relief; and One Minute Cough Lure will give it to them. ' A sale cure for children. ' It is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results' Snipes At Kineislv Drug Uo. . .BUTLER IS CONFIDENT. in The Populist chairman Expects Fusion to Accomplish Much. Washington, Oct.' 16. Senator at Butler, chairman of the populist na- tional committee, returned from Chi cago this morning. He expressed himself as satisfied with the general outlook. 'There are only four states," said he, in which fusion has not been ar- - ranged. Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee. An adjust- ment will be reached in Florida and Tennessee without a dbubtv": Georgia Of will be either for Bryan and Watson or Bryan and Sewall. : Kegarding the middle. Western states, Ohio can be classed as doubtful,' Indiana with fu- sion arranged is safe for Bryan, . I1H nois, Michigan : and .. Iowa in the balance. I regard ft safe to assume that the chances are even in those states, that is, two of the four will' go for Bryan and silver.' Kentucky is safe, but West Virginia and" Mary- land ' a.'edoubtful, w:",h chances strong ly in favor of Bryan in the . former. In Maryland and the result will de pend upon the republican farmers. If there is enough defection among them to offset tne gold democratic defection by in Baltimore, Bryan will carry the state. - : A Great Germans Prescription. ..' Diseased blood constipation and an kidney,' liver ana bowel troubles are cured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by M. Z. Donnell. .. . . WHEAT TOOK. A JUMP. TJprecedented ' Blse in the Chicago Ex change Wild Excitement Prevailed.' ' Chicago, Oct. 19 Wheat made a record-breakin- g jump' today.- December-- option which closed Saturday at 751 c,"opehed this morning at .7Si79ic steadying at the latter figure, an ad- vance of 3ic. The wildest excitement characterized the trading. There was talk of possible failures. After a mo- mentary reaction to 79c, - December wheat soon went beyond the top n- - by ures, touching 79ic several times with- - in the-fir- st aiinutes of -- business. by Just before 10 A. M. tbe market took a sudden plunge downward to 78, re- acting Liter to 7cSc. ' Shortly after 10 the price receded to 78ie, then within a few minutes it ad- vanced a full cent. Durinsr the frenrv at the opening a few trades were made as high as 7!Hc, while sales at the sam'o; moment in other parts of tbe pit were at different figures, ranging all the way to 78ic. About 10:30 the price was "8c for December. Almoot before the tickers could place the figures on tbe tape in the brokers' offices the quotation had leaped to 79c. only an eighth of a cent short of 4 cents advance within a sin- gle hour. Before 11 o'clock the pit witnessed a notable example of whip saw. r rom ii)ic tbe market fell as rapidly as it had risen to 7Sc Scat tering sales were made at 783c. Then once more the market rebounded, tbe ruling price at 11 A. M. being 79 cents for December. The Best Cough Cure. fs SiloV Cure. A cougb is dangerous. Sto it at once witi Shiloh's dre. tor sale by M. Z. Don neii. ; EI.UDl) l UTTERS. Steamer Dauntless Carries More 8npplles to Cuba. Jacksonville. Fla., Oct. 19. While ' federal officials . have been searching for the Dauntless since she landed the munitions in Cuba, which were taken on Palm beach about ' 10 days ago, that vessel has been busily engaged in landing more arms and ammunition and men for tbe insur gents. : She made her second landing on Tuesday of last week, and it is said that she is now on her third trip to the island.- - ;" ', ' The Dauntless got th arms from a small island at the lower end of Turtle harbor, where the Cubans have es- tablished a storehouse for supplies. The munitions of war,' medicines and stores are taken to the islands by sail- ing vessels, and as the place is 50 miles south of here, there bas been little danger of detection. A supply of coal in sacks has been landed on the island and this accounts for' the length of time the Dauntless has been away from any port where she could have obtained fuel. The Dauntless is now under bond because of a former trip, and will attempt to ayoid being placed again in custody until a contract for five trips to Cuba is completed. - Farmers should bear in mind that W. A. Johnston is sole agent in The Dalles for McSherry drills and seed ers, which are recognized by all to be tbe best , . In Signt of Liberty. New Yoek, Oct. 19 One hundred and sixty-sev- en Armenians who em barked from Boulogne arrived on the steamship Obdam today and . were transferred to Ellis island, where they were examined by the health author ities and inspector, of immigration. There was one family of sixteen,' In cluding tbe husband, wife, children, uncle, aunt and cousins. The Armen- ians, as a rule are well dressed, intelli- gent and did not appear to have suf- fered privations. ; The: refugees were met at Ellis island by representatives of the Salvation Army, delegates of the W. C. T. U. and several charitably dis- posed persons. They were grouped and photographed and then inter- viewed by representatives of the Chris- tian Herald. - The Oajr at Canton. Canton, O., Oct. 19. The week's visits to cKtnley began ' with the ar rival at about noou of several carloads of people from Sewickley. Pa.Mn the party were a number of ladies, and the McKinley and Hobart Sound-Mone- y Club of that city. ' They were escorted to to the McKinley home, - headed by a to drum corps, and gave McKinley tbree rousing cheers when be appeared upon the porch. ; The visitors were happily introduced by Attorney George R of Wallace. an address,1 Mrs. Mc Kinley received the ladies, and tbe whole party was photographed, with McKinley in the center of the group. Banks to Discontinue. TACOMAi Oct. 16. J. Simon, acting manager of the local branch of tbe Bank of British Columbia, says a cable it has been received from the London headquarters to withdraw the branches this city and Seattle, and wind up the business on the sound. Customers are notified to withdraw their accounts once. When asked if the political situation had.aoyib.ing to do with the - withdrawal from business, Mr. Simon said be was. not in a position to know. The London office alone settled the policy of the bank's business. ' ' Wants Her ltower Bights. An Albany, N. Y., Oct. 16. Interest- ing developments have arisen in the lawsuit of 'Mrs. Sarah Ann Angel!, Champlain, who sues to recover her alleged dower rights in the vast estate left bv Jay Gould. Counsel for the claimant assert tbat evidence bas been found that will prove beyond, question tbat Jay Gould in 1853 married the claimant, and that he told of his mar- riage and lived 'with' her as her hus- band for a. year and a half in and around Champlain. lin Terrell Makes a Claim. ; Constantinople, Oct. J7, United It States Minister Terrell has lodged with the Turkish government a claim for $10,000 indemnity on behalf of Mrs. Lenz, mother ol .Frank -- Lenz, the Pittsburg bicyclist who was murdered Kurds . while traveling through Asiatic Turkey In 1895. . , . E N. Emonill Found Dead. Wasco, Or., Oct. 16. E. N. Emonds, old man living alone on a farm near " here, was found dead in his cabin today. He was 76 years old. The examination on resulted in finding tbat he died a nat- ural death.' He was reasonably well-to-d- o. ' Penalty Swiftly Executed.- - Atlanta, Oct. 16. Miss Blanche Gray, a young lady of fine family, was going from a friend's house to her sis- ters, in the north part of Spalding county, late yesterday," when a negro assaulted her. About 1 o'clock this morning the negro, Henry-Milner- , was caught and hanged by a mob. ' ' rA Baby's Life Saved. At "My baby had croup and was saved Shiloh's Cure." writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale to M. Z. DonnelL r , - - , ( , TlIK CARNEY HOLD-U- P Particulars of the Raid on the a . . .. . Little Town. WHEAT GOES UP Rapidiv Advancing: in Price Both in This Country and Also England. Burglars Make a Raid on Oregon City An English Paper Fears Bayard Will Not Help McKluley Iraln Wracked. Guthrie, Oct. 18. Further particu lars were received today of the raid on the little town of Carney, about 20 miles east of here, yesterday. About 9 o'clock at night, six masked and armed outlaws, supposed to have been headed by tbe notorious "Dynamite Dick," one of the associates of the Daltons, rode into the place and held up tbe town. Carney is a town of about 300 people. The robbers entered the village from the north with a great show of fire arms. Two of the outlaws entered the general store of U. Fouts and com pelled him and his son to open the safe. After securing about $800 from them, they bound both the father and sod, threw them ' upon ' horses and carried tbetn about two miles out of town and tied them to a tree. ' In the meantime, the rest of the gang had entered the postoffice, but,' falling to secure anything of yalue, they raided the hotel, compelling the proprietor and several- - traveling men who were stopping there to turn over their money, watehfes- and jewelry. Several smaller stores were also ridded. Before entering Carney, the out laws had taken the precaution to cut the telephone wires leading to Cand- - eler, so that there might be no chance of a failure. During the raid, the bandits kept up a fusillade of bullets In all directions, terrorizing the inhabitants so tbat very little effort ' was made to resist the raiders. It was some time after tbe bandits had left before order could be restored and an organized pursuit be- gun.'- Finally, after considerable de- lay, about 100 armed men began the chase.: The pursuers ' were divided into three bands, and went in different directions.' - At dark tonight, the ban- dits bad not been been overtaken. '.' ' Pills Do Not Cure. - Pills do pot cure constipation. They only aggravate. Karl's Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels, For sale by M. Z. Donnell. . - 1 FIRE. IN WOUDBCltX.j - A Whole Business Block Destroyed at that Place. ( Woodburn, Or., Oc.t 19. One whole business block burned here to- night, and several large buildings near by are threatened at a late hour. Tho fire so far has been confined to tbe block ' bounded by ' Front .and First streets and Garfield ani Fillmore on the north and south The block of wooden buildings is totally wiped out. The fire started by the explosion of benzine in tbe drugstore of L. W. Guise, in the center of the Monk. A customer came in for a: small vial of benzine, and in some way the benzine expladed and ran on the floor, at once catching an fire and soon the whole room was in- flames. The fire soon communicated the poetoffice adjoining, spreading F..M. Cammack's hotel, next to tbe drug store of A. L. Cornwall, to W. A. Fashe's furniture store, to Louis Pre vost's grocery and the hardware store Louis Waldman-3- . Tbe contents of tbe postofHce were nearly ' all saved. The hotel is a total loss. The fire spread slowly, owing to the absence of wind, and thus everyone was able to save most of his goods. Tbe fir commenced at 8:30 o'clock and raged until 10:30 o'clock P. M. , As this city has po fire department, was hard work to fight the flames, but great credit is due tbe citizens that the fire was confined to one block. . : The total loss is estimated at $26,000i with only about $7,000 insurance., .. ' Are Ton Made Miserable by indigestion, constipa- tion dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? , Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by M. Z. DonnelL WHEAT GOES STILL HIGHER: Adyaneeof 3 3-- 4 Cents on the Chicago .. . .Board. Chicago. Oct. 17. After a session seldom equalled for excitement and the : heaviness of its transactions. December closed today at 75 cents, an advance of a clean 3 cents since the closing of yesterday's market. And the closing figures were not the top ones, for shortly before tbe noon hour 761 cents was bid for December option The advance is attributable to the re- markable strength of Liverpool, Ber and Paris markets. Foreigners undoubtedly have long lines of wheat. was the general impression tbat there would be no reaction until they unloaded and in view of the fact of the failure of the India crop and the short ness in Russia and Argentine, this was deemed to be a rather remote contin- gency.' Every offer of wheat made to Europe today was accepted. Liver- pool closed with an advance of 2 Id per cental. London reported an equival- ent advance. '. The Dalles City and Moro stage line Douglas Allen proprietor, leaves More Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; leaves The Dalles Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Office in Umatilla bouse. Passenger ratee one way l.ou: All round trip $2.50, Engllah Grain Market. London, Oct. 18 The weather ' has been wet ' during the past week.' The grain market, which has been firm throughout, ia strong and rather ex cited, influenced by the continuous ad- vance in the price of wheat in Amer- ica, the drought In India and Aus- tralia, and purchases reported thence SaaTrancisco. . There is very little offering? now. White wheats were 3s 4s, and red 2s 4d to 3s dearer. I Dr. Walla Walla, October and November, Highest of all in Leavening ABSOLUTELY PURE was sold at 32s 6d, and Northern, No vember and December, was sold at 32s. Parcels were active at 2e 6d to 3s ad vance. Flour was Strom? at Is to 2s advance, Jiaize was aoout is up. Oats were 9d to Is up. In barley, there were large English deliveries of low grades at barely steady prices. Made a Rich Haul. San Francisco, Oct. 19. Diamonds to the value of $4000 and gold coin amounting to tliO were stolen from the residence of Hermann Braund schwelger, the liquor merchant, 1600 McAllister street, between the' hours of 9 o'clock in the morning and 5 at night Monday a week ago. ' Wreck on the Big Four. Cleveland, Oct 18. Twenty-fiv- e freight cars, with their contents, were destroyed in a wreck on tbe Big-Fo- ur near Wellington, O., last night. ..The loss will reach $100,000. .The track has been completely blockaded all day, and trains are running around tbe wreck over other roads. The Times on Itayard's Letter London, Oct. 18. In an editorial on the campaign in the United Statesi the Times expresses the fear tbat the efforts of Ambassador Bayard in behalf of Palmer and Buckner, however well intended, will be less successful than they deserve to be.; ...... , ' ' Thieves Made a Valuable Haul. San Francisco, Oct. 20. The burglary in the Braunschweiger resi- dence was the biggest in any private residence in San Francisco in many years. Careful estimates by tbe mem bers of the family of the goods stolen, bassed on their actual cost, places It at $9000.- - '! -- ::: - ' REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. . , Hon. Binger Hermann will speak at The Dalles Friday, October 30th at 8 p. m. . - ; Hon. Rufus ' Mallory- will speak at The Dalles Monday evening, Novem- ber 2nd at 8 o'clock. , Hon. T. T. Geer will speak in Wasco county on the 21st and 22d of 'this' moatn. Times and places will be given at a later date. ' Economy. The air-tig- ht beater will pay for itself in one winter in the saving of wood. It will give better satisfaction with less fuel than any other stove made. . See them at " Maier & Benton's. Bedsetma la Wood, v The Dalles Lumber Co. will cloew out their stock of h stove wood cut ready for the stove, at $2.00 por cord in order to obtain room for fall stock. . .... i flsmli as jb -- "CITHB U AND ITS To thi Editor s 4 have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positi- am I of its power that I consider it my duty to stud two bottles fret totnose oi your reaaers wbo have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me then express and postomce address. Mncereiy. T. A. SLOdTM, K. C IU Peart St Bew Turk, B9 Tbe Editorial aad Badness Maaaawaent el tola raper tinarantet uua generous rropQeiuea. D W. VAIISE (Suoceewoe o P. XBK'T a CO.) DasletiB Artists' Material and Painters' Sup-pUe- s. Agent for MASURY'S LIQUID PAINT. ; All orders for painting, pap- - enng and kalsomlnlng promptly at-- tended to. Portland ; UnlYersity. ' ; "''! i The Leading Institution of the Northwest. - Students attending from Oregon, Washington and luano. nave free transportation to ana irom tbe DDtvendty if tbey accept the best accom modations oi the ecnooi. Expenses from $100 to $200 a Year ' ' School opens September 15. ' sent free. Address THOS. VAN SCOY, D. D., Doan, Univers ity Park .Oregon HENKY LKUCK, . . . -- Mannfactorar of aad dealer ia . . Harness and Saddlery, ' Second St.,! t stood! Warehouse, THB DALLES, . OBBOOH Work Guaranteed to erlyo Satisfaction Job Printing Of all. kinds done on short notice and at reasonable rates at this office. ... .... Price' Cream Baking Powder Vorid Fair Hlgbt Award. . Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' COMPLETE mi BOTH -- LOCAX. . AND IXTERXJlL. Tbe enly remedy guaranteed ta aWeiatdr ' care catarrh and completely eraaUcala ta IUum from th. bleed and System. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 23c. Escb fuR all. pack.n contains ens full anala'a local tnainat, on. fuU Boalb'. supply M Catanti nailing Balm and ona rub awath't supply ef Catarrh. Bloo4 aa4 Stoaiacn Pills. If vnu h.v. nT of in. fotlowlnf ayptoia. DrO. W. Shorn' CobbM. Catarrh C .a will give yea rH.f and coaplcMy sad psrataaesuycur feu. I the aos. .toppJ r-- - Doaa your bom dlchrr Is lh aos. sm and tend.! " ' li tbi pain la front of haadT ' ' Do you hawk to dearth. thnalT Is your throat dry la lb. storalncr Do you simp with your swath aaeaT Is your haarlnr failing? Do your ears discharger Is tha wax dry Is your ears Do you l..ar totter son days than odMrar Is your hearing won. whm you hav. a coMf ' Dr. Q. W. Shores' Cearh Cars com alt coarse. colds and bronchial iff actions. One dosa will slop spasmodic croup. Ka.p a bnttk la tha house. Large sli. boll In ZSc. If you bar the. symptosM am M as directed on the bonis sad H will curs you. Haya you a cough? Do you take cold easily? Hay. you s pain la Ih. .14.? " Do you raise frothy auMerlal? Do yoa cough la tha Bkornlngs? Do yoa .pit ap little cheesy maps? ' Dr. a Shares' Tsalc sad Bleed Purifier cleea- - m and purifies the blood, gives strength and yiroa, ures dyspepsis and all nervous aiseaaea. rnce, (1 per botiie. II persuuieBuy caret tbe foUowlag tymptoBs: is mere nausea r . Do yoa belcb up gas? Are yoa constipated? ' ': ls,your ton rue coated? Do yoa bloat up after eating? Do you fMl you are growing weaker? Is them constant bad taste la tbe arouth? Dr. a. W. Shores Kidney aad Urer Cars cures all diseases of lb. sMaeya, liver sad Madde Price. $1 per bottle. Uo you get uigzyr - Have you cold teet? Do you feel Miserable? Do you get tired easily? Do you have hot flashes? Are your spirits low at tiaies? Do you have rumbllBg la bowels? . Do your hand and teet swell? ' l this noticed Mora at night? Is there pain In snail of back? Has the perapirauoa a bad Oder? Is there puttiness under tbe .yes? Do vnu have 10 eat an ottea at alrht? ' Is then a deposit la urine If left standing? Don't narlect these slrns and risk Bright a i kiilmr vou. Dr. Shorts Kidney and liver cars mm cure you tt used as directed oa tb kotue. Dr. O. W. Shares' Meantala Sage Oil stops res worst pais hi one Minute. For headache, toodudae. neuralgia, cramps or colic use It eiteraelly and u tern lily. Prevents and curee diphtheria Iff used SB time. Keep a bottle bandy. Price, Kc a bottle. Dr. G. W. Shares' PeDSIa Vermifuge at -- troy. intestinal worms and removes the Intl. roaad seat where they batch sad breed. U aever fails. Pries Jftc a bona. . Dr. U. W. Shores' Wlataigieea BaJve earn ia f Iseases of the akta. Reanvee re spots ead Maca) pies froa the face. Meals eM sera la saya Price, a bos. Dr Q. W. Shares' Pilta cunt chronic constipation, sick headache aad bill sat attacks. Price. JSC a bottle. In an cases. If the bowels are ronstliiated take eaa ef Dr. G.W. Shores' Pills at bedtime. If your trouble Is chronic and deep-se-a tea. write ur. s . Shore, personally for his ne--e symptom list end have your case diagnosed and get Bis expert aeV vice free. . These famous remedies are prepered only by Doe tor G. W . Shores, Zioa's MedicaJloraltute, Salt Laa Oty. Utah. For sale by all Drucrists, ar saal b any silrlrssi as) receipt of tries. FOR SALE BY '', BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON THE DALLES, OREGON. PABFC v R U N S PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS MINNEAPOLIS BT. PAUL GRAND FORKS . DTJLTJTH . TO FARGO CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BCTTE. THROUGH TICKETS s. to ;' ' CHICAGO WaSHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. Wot information, time cards, marm and tickets. sail on or write. W. C. ALL A WAY. Agent Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas-se- n oer Agent. No. 236 Morrison Street, Cor- ner f Tb'rd Street, Portland, Oregon, ARE Till: BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS wlto care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Mads, from the highest cost Cold Leal grorn in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE For Sale. Lots well situated. No ex. pense for grading or sewer. Inquire of , AVm. SHACKELFORD, I: r" re V

The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.). (The ... · PDF filenTEMPLE LODGE, NO. 3.. ... ESTABLISHMENT Prihz & Nitsctilce ... Adm'rof the estate of Patrick DorrLA. deed. Sept.l2w5

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Page 1: The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.). (The ... · PDF filenTEMPLE LODGE, NO. 3.. ... ESTABLISHMENT Prihz & Nitsctilce ... Adm'rof the estate of Patrick DorrLA. deed. Sept.l2w5




c. o.ji.',.srtiK,OPhyxician and Surgeon,

Room) s National Bank. Office noora, 10t.gtifiD, fto-- rroin I w IP m. luai-- i

'CO We t Bud of Third timet,,.'."'A a. b..i -'- ir4-'


" Attorney, at Law' i i" i? .

Oiflee ir Sa.lnn Vi lum.dini "upt lra The Dalles

i -- ir: 4:v rVUETK MEKEr'EF,

7 r. Attorneys at Law r

Roms43and 43 Chapman Block, The Unl!a. Or..


TEMPLE LODGE, NO. 3.. A. O. V t W.n .Meets in Keller's Hall ev-- r 'ITiursrtayevening at 730 o'clock.

AS. NESMITH POST. NO. S3 O. A, R.J ' Meets every Saturday evening at.7:3t inK. of P. Hall.

COURT THE DALLES. A. O. F. NO.every Friday evening at their

hall at 8 o'clock. - ;

T5 OFL.E. Meets every Fdgay nfternopo1 m a. ui ziaii

attasco tribe! no. IS. I. O. R. M. Meetstt every Wednesday evening. in K, of P


VEREIN HARMONIE. MeetsGESANGSudday evening at Baldwin pperaizouse.

TV OF L. F. DIVISION, NO. 197. Meets inL K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P. M.

.' AirASCO LOEGE. NO. 15, A. F. A A. M.' IT Meets first and third Monday of each

month at s p. m.

fTVHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERJ NO. ft Meets in Masonic Hall the thirdWednesday of each month at 8 P, M.

COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 5. I. O. Or 1 Meets everv Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock.' In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court' sheets. Sojourning brothers are welcome.

TlRieIOSHIP LODGE, NO. 9 K. of P.r every Monday evening at 8 o'clock.)i Scop pro's building, corner of Court and

' Second sheets- - Sojourning brothers are in- -

ITTOMBN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCEVV UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clocku the reading room, ; . -

i H I ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLDtTl Mt. Hood Camp. No. 59. meets every

Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller'sHall. All sojourning brothers are invited to bepresent. ,



j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second andfourth Tuesday of eaci month. V isitors cor- -dial! invited.


i fT. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo.t'te-Fift- Sunday school at 0:30 A. M.

E ling pyer on Fiiday at 7:30.

' WA.IC iHCAC, LUTHERAN CHURCHJJi j. uiey. vas-'- . service in tne Eng- -JTsj l,v(i'a-- e at Fitst Baptist Church every

uuury 8:jc A. m. and 7:30 P. M. -

E. CHURH l'ev.; J. H. Wood. Pastor.M Services eve- - j Sunday irorninx and eve- -" tog. - Scoday school at-12- o'clock P. II. A.coidiai i ivi tion e.eaded hy boui pastor and

v ; people to all,--inNORBR A.TIOXATL, HtTRCH Rev. W. C.

Curiis- - f. stoi-- . Services every Suuday atII A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school aftermoiuing se'-vi- ; , ; tt- --

. t

. - pi, PETECS CHURCH Rev. A.IT3- - Pastor. Lo7 miss eveiy siioobvb i a. n.' High mass at 10:30 A.M. ve,n at :. P. M.

- YtfTiSr BAPTIST CHURCH T:ev. O. D. Tnjr- -J Pastor. Co. aei-- Firsj0.st"eH. jservtces n70itv-.-a-

. o'clock.- - Suoday So ool and Biolecl?sTt K:ln.Prsuo.-'- s resilience co.1. of Wasxui-- .ton and Seventh suel3. . j

W.TTKfiST CHRISTIAN CHtJRCH-Re- v. I H.Sunday ift I H Mil fJl.M kU - evey

lno-.vn- tf p.t II and la tbe evening at 7 o'clockSund..v so ooi a- - 1 A M. Prayer meetingevery even:03. Y. P. S..C. E. meets

,;every Sunday at 6:50 P. M. . . .

BAPTIST CHURCH CornerCAVALRY and Dn on. Elder J. H. Miller,pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M- and7:S0 P. 11. Prayer meeting oa Wednesdayevening. Sunday school at 9:15 A-"- All arecordially welcomed. .;:

V Chiidren Cry ,; J f n c

CASTORIAvCastorli ism wen adapted to children that

Ireanuini-n,- ! itaJaupen. ,r tu any prescriptionfcoown t. me." - - 11. A; Archvr, M. D..

1U booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N 'T' ' i rie' rastor'a'lir my praorlce, and ftnd tt

peciatly limited to affections of children. ",,,. , : Alex. Robirtsom, M. D..1057 Sd Avm New Yorf i

Irom rrsn'1 knowledge I can say th:aiastoria is a excellent medicine for chil

- Iren." i .h . IJM. S. U. Oaoooo, .

Lowell, Mass.

Cantoria promote IMgstloa, andM orercotuea Flatulency, Consai ntion. Sour, Btomaeh, Dian noea, and Feverishnesa- Thus the child is rendered healthy and its

sleep natural. Castoria contaica no'" Morphine or other, narcotio property, - ; ;

z 4 REV ; v -




We have added to our Munnese a complete Undertaking EsUb and as we are in no way' connected with the UndeTlaers' Trust, our :

:r''Ce will he kt. accurdiiigly.! 1 A

Latest Style j

Lowest v'Profits ;

: In Mens and Boys ..A-


lotliipg.' Dry' Goods.



--Root wl Si.)


l"' 134 Second Street. :

Next door to tbe Dalle National Bank ;



.Wool - Exchange - Saloon.


ine3, Liauor3 Cigar.sKan End, Second Street .


Land Office at VAscouvEn, Wash., I

'. - September 16; lt96. fTo Irvine H. Ballard, and all others whom it

may concern :

Notice is heretrv e!rea that the foll.winr- -nameu settler ha. 8 ied notice of his i'ltenlio:)to make Haul of hi . claim, uudtafet .said uroof will be m ide before VV. RDunbar, Commissioner TJ. S. Circuit Court forDistrict of Wasninytun. at i is n.Tice in Golden- -dele, U'iiHliing tun, on Novusabe? 5. UOoV viz. :

-i JOSEPH JAI"i"RO;.iH. I' No. VM for the .Si: tj Sea. SI T. 4 N I:

12 st Will. Mcr.He nano the (oilnivkiz v.

Bis lont- iiwu-- i resell s-- c i:j;r.n s:iti cuiliVuticnof "! jal, vi.: '

.Jnnic.sKl:!-'J,Jo- H. rr--:ythe-. 11mn-a- James i .'.a., all oi J.vi-- i P. O... V..bimiton.. KO. H. IJ4VENKON.

bept. 19 K'xitcr

NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION.Land Office at The Tallek. Obkuon.

August 2. imaNotice w herot.y t)..tl tbe folkuvln

named .setilcr lias llit.1 notice tif !;Ls i.itcnUvi.to maKc naal ;:o.' m suptvu-- t of ats claim, urntbat s.dd moot will bo made bi tuw I(eifi,lt- -

nnd Receiver, at The Dalles. on Octobt40,. 'IMS. viz.: . - .

. ANNA M-- - WKBERG,"cord Dame"AjTna E. Webenri. H E NoSiftfor the SEj, Nfflt, See. 6. Tp. 1 N.. li.

She names tte followine witnesses to ftrov. her continuous resiuence upon and cultivationoi saia lana. viz:

Albert Jordan. William Jordan. Ernest Jordan and Louis P. Oslund. all of The Dalles.Oregon.

r : : JAS. F. MOORE,Aug. 29. . Register

ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.Notice is hereby givea that the undersigned.

administrator of the estate of Sarah Staes, de-ceased, villonSati'tctay, the 17th day of OctooerIh96, at U-- hour of 3 o'clock P. M of said day.at t ie .'rent door of the county court house inDalies Ciiy, Wasco Ccunty, Oregon, sell to theBigoest oiorer, or cash in hand, the followingr'esc.; jed teal estate, belonging to the estate ofsoin aeceaseo. towit:'jlie S of the NWX, and the NWM of NWMof Section 6. in Township one (1) North of

e in East vv. M., in wasco county, uregon.Said sa'e will be made in pursuance of theforaie? Older of tbe Hon. County Court of theSiAie of Oregon, for Wasco county, and subjectto by said court.

Dated this 15U day of September: TK96.-

. J. P. McINERNY.Adm'r of the estate of Sarah Staes. deceased.

, Sept. IUwS .


To wfcm rr mat concern: Notice is hereby given Oat Thomas W. G'avey bas filed hisfiDal recount as adpFistrator of tbe estate ofPatrick Dorris, deceased, and that said lioalaccount wi'l come on for hea-in- on Monday.toe M day of November. 1896. at tbe hour of 3o'clock P. M of said day. at which line a bear-ing be had as to any and ail object'oDS to8atf naai account and the settleznerib-t-icreor- .

Tbisnot'-- e is given ov order of HonoiableRobert Mays, County Judge of Wasco County.Oregon. .: .

,. Dated this 7th day of Septembe', 1806. .

inuraao . kx iiA v r. I .Adm'r of the estate of Patrick DorrLA. deed.



Noilce is rrebv given that the undesignedhas bee-- i t uly a)xtoted by te Poj. County-Cour-t

of State biO-eRo- Tor Wrsco County,ns the adnv-Ms- . atcr o;- Peter Jateof VVpsco Coap-.y- , Oreryo,. ood now e'ecersed.Al ;oesops bpv? ciai.ns against sat't estateare neieijv oot:3ed to j.eseatLae.sameioineftt my once Oi business in Cascade Locks,Wasco Coi'oty Oir-fco- p'operiy verfiled, with- -msjt moo.'s unm tneoate oi tbls aot(ce. .

Dated this 1st day of September. I H98. 'T. C. BENSON..

Administrator of the estate of Peter Sher- -

ringer, deceased.. sepS-d,w-


Notice is berebv'ilvea that the undesignedh?.s jeen anoouid ad nii ist-t-t- oi ute estateoi Cpi:st'na"r.i:''!os. lvte.of V'aiscO county, andnow- oeceaseo. a.h 'oesors Davtjy claimsKa!nst said es.ae prese'ot-tb- e same, duly

ver'Beu o roe atvl, 'Osiey. Oregon, or to myUiT-- & .jQe.icce, o& iaues i:ity.

Wse coa,rjvCrcji'BJ. wit-jii-u montt-- s fromtlie date bei-eo-

' Dated, at Dalles City, this 19Lh day of July,lVO . li. Plj l.L.IIPS.Administrator cf the esinie of Chiitina Phil

lips, deceased. J5w5

Ad ministrator's Final Notice.

Notice is hereby gWen that the undersigned,administrator of U'e estate of Cart Ba. ken'.ine,decerse'. lias flied la t ae County Court of theLoudly of asco. a &ue or Oreion. ops final account rssucn wmir:.strarfr oi said es.aie. andthat Moooav, toe 2d 'ay of November, 18WI. atthe hour Oi 3 o'clocK P. M., Uas been fixed bysaid court rs the time fo tiearin; of objectionsto saia report, ana i.:e settlement tiwreor.

PAUL BA RKENTINE.Administrator of the estate of Carl Baiken

tiue. deceased.Sinnott & Sinnott, Attorneys for the estate.


SI ilf TO EXCHANGE for OregonM) IMilr property. 158 acres near Colfax,

Placer coumv.Califoraia. at acres (IH.T.tii vines)10 year Tokay grapes; 1900 9 year Craw.'ordpeaches; WW Baillelt pears, 7 year; fluil 3 and 6year Kelsey plums: H acres plums: balance un-cleared but all tlUable; new tiM.0 house; allout buildings; two gold mines on uncleared,one assaying Oupon surface roek; land roll-ing. A. O. CARS WELL....... 628 Montgomery street. San Francisco

LITIN and GERMANTaught In This City.

. ; . GERMAN. . t.: :

The undersi.'rned desires to organize a class inGerman. Eve y citizen wi'O con

'kCi t aie aod exoense ocght to be masterof Kt least two ipouages. The Cerman lan-guage has mauv at vaatages' over modern

on account of ber.profouod literature inall tranches of onc:eot aau modem science pro-duced in jerwoi'ii-jenowoe- d universities.Those who would Vi ;om these inexhaustibleaDd yet undultei-nbe- foootaiusof knowledge,mus. master the ir diiad whicu contains thekey .o tjeoj. The uodersigned will organize aclass in Germad, and will begin with actualwork on e a.-s- t t ay o" September. The classwiil oeet two or varee times a week in theevenii'3 or when most coavenient to the oimlls.Rapid irosiss guaranteed to toose wbo willget down to earnest laoor. All wbo desire toparticipate in tnis work will please announcetbeir intention to t'oe undersigned at an earlydate, as tbe class will be limited to a certainnumber. Charges will be very reasonable. t

LATIN. . .'

Tbe undersigned will also organize a class inLatin. Taerevre so many leasons why thoswbo de!e to advance tbeir knowledge beyonda common scboo! education should takeat letsta course in Lali". tbat piobaoly everyoody isfamiliar witn at least some of them. I will nettake 3oace here to speak of the beauties of tbeLatin language no," of tbe many advantages inlife possessed by those wao 'nave mastered it. Iwill i'ere omy announce mv intention to organ-ize a ciavi iu Latin. Rapid pro.Tress g aran-tee- d

to otiose woo will work hard. Chargesvery reasonable. A'l desitinK instruction inL.'.tin are kindly requested to anDouute tbeiriiiujation to the undersigned before September,if possible.

Awaiting yonr application, I am very respect-fully yours, -v --L. GREY,"

Augliml . Evaneolical Lutheran Pastor


Land Ofhcb at Thb Dalles. Obb., , ;

: October 14,; 1886.Notice is hereby given that the following-name- d

settler has filed notice of his intentionto commute ana make fiual pi oof in support ofhis claim, and that sat'i pioof will oe madebefore Register and Receiver at The Dalies,Oregon, on November 21, lt:


Hd. E. No. 54ii9, for the Lot 1 or NWJ NWMSee. 31. Tp. 3 N R. 13 H. W. M r i ;

- He names tne following witnesses to proveBis- contianous rtdenze upon aad cultivationof said land, viz:

A. J. Brown. 1. W Johnston. C. V. Champ-li- n.

and G. W. Stewart, all of The Dalles.Oregon.

. IAS.T. MOORE.1Oct. 17 Register. :

The SunThe first of American Newspapers.

Charles A. Dana, Editor.

The American Constitution,. The American Idea, ,

The American SpiritThese first, last, and all tbe time, .

forever.Daily, by mail. . ; .'. ..... . . .$6.00 a yearDaily and Sunday, by mail, $8.00 a year

The Sunday 3unIs the greatest Sunday Newspaper !

in the world. !

Bj mail, $2 a year. 5c a copyAddress THS Sun, New York.


i-s- .

A veryH",k 4 lt

1 Don t Ax' 1g with low J

Ax " with the best on jg the and you "will find you 1

H get for JO cents twice as 1; 1 much Axf as you do of 1g other high g

i f I : m 1 1 r 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 i 1 1 1 : 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 u r 1 1 w n i n 1 1 ; r i j f i i fn r 1 1 j r i n 1 1 1 f j rn n 1 1 1 f : n 1 1



smooth article'

compare "Battlegrade tobaccos compare



grade brands.



Full English









GERMAN U94 Second Street. :

...... ... ; -

f OTTO Propri6tor.

Fine Wines, Liq 10 rs and CigarAgent for the Gambrinus Brewing Co., Portland1

::j : Families supplied with Keg and Bottled Beer. ; : :


Remember that we haveV the choicest lot of Cord

Wood in town, and theare the

MA1ER & BENTON167 Second Street

TiHiiiimimfiifrffiirriiirirfrnTrffirmfirirffrff ifrifffrnri



PIONEER GROCER(Successor to Chnsman & Corson. 1


Again at the old stand Iformer patrons. Free delivery to

Z. F.and

Paid: to. Those Who


would De pleased to see all myany part of the city. . .

'Favor. Me With Their Patronage

391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE9T.(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)

CoiisiirnmeiitsPrompt Attention



prices lowest.

MOODYForwarding Meirhant



Bryan Broke His Record forNumber of Speeches.


The Shortage in Europe Will Cause

Heavy Shipments From theUnited States.

Senator Butler is Confident of Bryan'Success Sarah 'Ancle Wants Part

Of The Could Estate-Sw- ift

Vengeance in Georgia

Lansing, Mi3h.,Oct., 17. Michiganoutdid itseif today in welcoming' William J. Bryan, and the nominee acknowledged the compliment by break;iner his own as well as all other campaign records. He spoke to 23 meetings, beginning at 7 o'clock this morning at .Muskegon and endiog at Lansing close to midnight. The aggregate number of his hearers probablysurpassed all previous figures, considering the size of the cities where hespoke. Except in one or two minorinstances, the enthusiasm was markedMost of the candidate's hearers todaybelong u to the farming class, and atnearly every town vehicles which badcarried the farmers in lined the sidestreets for blocks.

Mrs. Bryan accompanied her husband to every platform from which hespoke, and when his ' addresses weremade from the rear of the car she stoodby his side. Floral tributes were literally showered upon er, and one eudof the private car was nearly filled withthe fragrant offerings. At many stations she gratified tbe crowds by dis-

tributing flowers from the car.Lansing was reached at 7:30 o'clock.

and a- - torchlight procession - threeblocks in length was- - waiting.Excursion trains from adjacent townshad been carrying visitors to the cityearly all the afternoon, and ' the

principal streets were crowded.' Threemeetings bad been arranged here,one in a large clothing establishmentto an audience of women, the secondin the S.ar theater, and the third onthe stand in front of the capiiol.

It doesn't matter much whether sickheadache, biliousness, indigestion, andconstipation are caused by neglect orbv unavoidable circumstances: Dey ltt sLittle Earlv Risers will speedily curethem all. Snipes & Kinersly Drug o


A Considerable Shortage In All thef

European Countries.

Washington; Oct. 16. The European crop report of the agriculturaldepartment issued by the cbief statistician says: Fifty million 4ushelswould6e a. libera? estimate lor thewheat crop of Great Britain.; Thebarley , crop bas been shortened andseriously injured in quality by rains.Hay and oats &re short, not onlythere, but on the Baltic.

In France there is a material loeain wheat from bad weather.

In Germany the wheat crop is poorin average. It may be expected thattbe wheat import of 1896-9-7 will ex-

ceed the. average and that a largerproportion than usual will come fromthe United States.

In Denmark wheat is a good average.,. In bpain the deficit of the yearis estimated to exceed 34,000,000bushels, more than double that of lastyear. - ..:

In Austria-Hungar- y wheat ia underthe average. '

In Russia there is a big deficiencyin the wheat crop.' The. highest estimate puts the crop at 374,000,000 bushels, the lowest 300,000,000. Generalopinion inclines toward tbe lowerRussian shippers are now holding persistently above the market;

Theories of cure may be discussed atlength by physicians but the suffererswant quick relief; and One Minute CoughLure will give it to them. ' A sale curefor children. ' It is "the only harmlessremedy that produces immediate results'Snipes At Kineislv Drug Uo. .


inThe Populist chairman Expects Fusionto Accomplish Much.

Washington, Oct.' 16. Senator atButler, chairman of the populist na-

tional committee, returned from Chicago this morning. He expressedhimself as satisfied with the generaloutlook.

'There are only four states," saidhe, in which fusion has not been ar--ranged. Georgia, Florida, NorthCarolina and Tennessee. An adjust-ment will be reached in Florida andTennessee without a dbubtv": Georgia Of

will be either for Bryan and Watsonor Bryan and Sewall. : Kegarding themiddle. Western states, Ohio can beclassed as doubtful,' Indiana with fu-

sion arranged is safe for Bryan, . I1H

nois, Michigan : and .. Iowa in thebalance. I regard ft safe to assumethat the chances are even in thosestates, that is, two of the four will' gofor Bryan and silver.' Kentucky issafe, but West Virginia and" Mary-land


a.'edoubtful, w:",h chances strongly in favor of Bryan in the . former.In Maryland and the result will depend upon the republican farmers. Ifthere is enough defection among themto offset tne gold democratic defection byin Baltimore, Bryan will carry thestate. - :

A Great Germans Prescription. ..'

Diseased blood constipation and ankidney,' liver ana bowel troubles arecured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea. Forsale by M. Z. Donnell. .. . .


TJprecedented ' Blse in the Chicago Exchange Wild Excitement Prevailed.' '

Chicago, Oct. 19 Wheat made arecord-breakin- g jump' today.- December--

option which closed Saturday at751 c,"opehed this morning at .7Si79icsteadying at the latter figure, an ad-

vance of 3ic. The wildest excitementcharacterized the trading. There wastalk of possible failures. After a mo-

mentary reaction to 79c, - Decemberwheat soon went beyond the top n- -

byures, touching 79ic several times with--in the-fir- st aiinutes of -- business. by

Just before 10 A. M. tbe market tooka sudden plunge downward to 78, re-

acting Liter to 7cSc. '

Shortly after 10 the price receded to78ie, then within a few minutes it ad-

vanced a full cent. Durinsr the frenrvat the opening a few trades were madeas high as 7!Hc, while sales at the sam'o;moment in other parts of tbe pit wereat different figures, ranging all theway to 78ic.

About 10:30 the price was "8c forDecember. Almoot before the tickerscould place the figures on tbe tape inthe brokers' offices the quotation hadleaped to 79c. only an eighth of a centshort of 4 cents advance within a sin-

gle hour. Before 11 o'clock the pitwitnessed a notable example of whipsaw. r rom ii)ic tbe market fell asrapidly as it had risen to 7Sc Scattering sales were made at 783c. Thenonce more the market rebounded, tberuling price at 11 A. M. being 79 centsfor December.

The Best Cough Cure.fs SiloV Cure. A cougb

is dangerous. Sto it at once witiShiloh's dre. tor sale by M. Z. Donneii. ;


Steamer Dauntless Carries More 8nppllesto Cuba.

Jacksonville. Fla., Oct. 19.

While ' federal officials . have beensearching for the Dauntless since shelanded the munitions in Cuba, whichwere taken on Palm beach about ' 10days ago, that vessel has been busilyengaged in landing more arms andammunition and men for tbe insurgents. : She made her second landingon Tuesday of last week, and it is saidthat she is now on her third trip to theisland.- - ;" ', '

The Dauntless got th arms from asmall island at the lower end of Turtleharbor, where the Cubans have es-

tablished a storehouse for supplies.The munitions of war,' medicines andstores are taken to the islands by sail-

ing vessels, and as the place is 50 milessouth of here, there bas been littledanger of detection. A supply of coalin sacks has been landed on the islandand this accounts for' the length oftime the Dauntless has been awayfrom any port where she could haveobtained fuel. The Dauntless is nowunder bond because of a former trip,and will attempt to ayoid being placedagain in custody until a contract forfive trips to Cuba is completed. -

Farmers should bear in mind thatW. A. Johnston is sole agent in TheDalles for McSherry drills and seeders, which are recognized by all to betbe best

, . In Signt of Liberty.New Yoek, Oct. 19 One hundred

and sixty-sev- en Armenians who embarked from Boulogne arrived on thesteamship Obdam today and . weretransferred to Ellis island, where theywere examined by the health authorities and inspector, of immigration.There was one family of sixteen,' Including tbe husband, wife, children,uncle, aunt and cousins. The Armen-ians, as a rule are well dressed, intelli-gent and did not appear to have suf-

fered privations. ; The: refugees weremet at Ellis island by representativesof the Salvation Army, delegates of theW. C. T. U. and several charitably dis-

posed persons. They were groupedand photographed and then inter-viewed by representatives of the Chris-tian Herald. -

The Oajr at Canton.

Canton, O., Oct. 19. The week'svisits to cKtnley began ' with the arrival at about noou of several carloadsof people from Sewickley. Pa.Mn theparty were a number of ladies, and theMcKinley and Hobart Sound-Mone- y

Club of that city. ' They were escorted toto the McKinley home, - headed by a todrum corps, and gave McKinley tbreerousing cheers when be appeared uponthe porch. ; The visitors were happilyintroduced by Attorney George R ofWallace. an address,1 Mrs. McKinley received the ladies, and tbewhole party was photographed, withMcKinley in the center of the group.

Banks to Discontinue.

TACOMAi Oct. 16. J. Simon, actingmanager of the local branch of tbeBank of British Columbia, says a cable

ithas been received from the Londonheadquarters to withdraw the branches

this city and Seattle, and wind upthe business on the sound. Customersare notified to withdraw their accounts

once. When asked if the politicalsituation had.aoyib.ing to do with the -

withdrawal from business, Mr. Simonsaid be was.not in a position to know.The London office alone settled thepolicy of the bank's business. ' '

Wants Her ltower Bights.AnAlbany, N. Y., Oct. 16. Interest-

ing developments have arisen in thelawsuit of 'Mrs. Sarah Ann Angel!,

Champlain, who sues to recover heralleged dower rights in the vast estateleft bv Jay Gould. Counsel for theclaimant assert tbat evidence bas beenfound that will prove beyond, questiontbat Jay Gould in 1853 married theclaimant, and that he told of his mar-

riage and lived 'with' her as her hus-

band for a. year and a half in andaround Champlain. lin

Terrell Makes a Claim. ;

Constantinople, Oct. J7, United ItStates Minister Terrell has lodgedwith the Turkish government a claimfor $10,000 indemnity on behalf of Mrs.Lenz, mother ol .Frank -- Lenz, thePittsburg bicyclist who was murdered

Kurds . while traveling throughAsiatic Turkey In 1895. . , .

E N. Emonill Found Dead.

Wasco, Or., Oct. 16. E. N. Emonds,old man living alone on a farm near "

here, was found dead in his cabin today.He was 76 years old. The examination onresulted in finding tbat he died a nat-

ural death.' He was reasonably well-to-d- o.


Penalty Swiftly Executed.- -

Atlanta, Oct. 16. Miss BlancheGray, a young lady of fine family, wasgoing from a friend's house to her sis-

ters, in the north part of Spaldingcounty, late yesterday," when a negroassaulted her. About 1 o'clock thismorning the negro, Henry-Milner- , wascaught and hanged by a mob.

'' rA Baby's Life Saved.

At"My baby had croup and was savedShiloh's Cure." writes Mrs. J. B.

Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale toM. Z. DonnelL r , - - , ( ,


Particulars of the Raid on thea . .

.. . Little Town.


Rapidiv Advancing: in Price Both

in This Country and Also


Burglars Make a Raid on Oregon CityAn English Paper Fears Bayard

Will Not Help McKluley

Iraln Wracked.

Guthrie, Oct. 18. Further particulars were received today of the raid onthe little town of Carney, about 20miles east of here, yesterday. About9 o'clock at night, six masked andarmed outlaws, supposed to have beenheaded by tbe notorious "DynamiteDick," one of the associates of theDaltons, rode into the place and heldup tbe town. Carney is a town ofabout 300 people.

The robbers entered the village fromthe north with a great show of firearms. Two of the outlaws entered thegeneral store of U. Fouts and compelled him and his son to open thesafe. After securing about $800 fromthem, they bound both the father andsod, threw them ' upon ' horses andcarried tbetn about two miles out oftown and tied them to a tree. '

In the meantime, the rest of thegang had entered the postoffice, but,'falling to secure anything of yalue,they raided the hotel, compelling theproprietor and several- - traveling menwho were stopping there to turn overtheir money, watehfes- and jewelry.Several smaller stores were also ridded.

Before entering Carney, the outlaws had taken the precaution to cutthe telephone wires leading to Cand- -

eler, so that there might be no chanceof a failure.

During the raid, the bandits kept upa fusillade of bullets In all directions,terrorizing the inhabitants so tbat verylittle effort ' was made to resist theraiders. It was some time after tbebandits had left before order could berestored and an organized pursuit be-

gun.'- Finally, after considerable de-

lay, about 100 armed men began thechase.: The pursuers ' were dividedinto three bands, and went in differentdirections.' - At dark tonight, the ban-

dits bad not been been overtaken.

'.'' Pills Do Not Cure. -

Pills do pot cure constipation. Theyonly aggravate. Karl's Clover RootTea gives perfect regularity of thebowels, For sale by M. Z. Donnell.

. - 1 FIRE. IN WOUDBCltX.j -

A Whole Business Block Destroyed atthat Place.


Woodburn, Or., Oc.t 19. Onewhole business block burned here to-

night, and several large buildings nearby are threatened at a late hour. Thofire so far has been confined to tbeblock ' bounded by ' Front .and Firststreets and Garfield ani Fillmore onthe north and south The block ofwooden buildings is totally wiped out.

The fire started by the explosion ofbenzine in tbe drugstore of L. W. Guise,in the center of the Monk. A customercame in for a: small vial of benzine,and in some way the benzine expladedand ran on the floor, at once catchingan fire and soon the whole room was in-

flames. The fire soon communicatedthe poetoffice adjoining, spreading

F..M. Cammack's hotel, next to tbedrug store of A. L. Cornwall, to W. A.Fashe's furniture store, to Louis Prevost's grocery and the hardware store

Louis Waldman-3- . Tbe contents oftbe postofHce were nearly ' all saved.The hotel is a total loss.

The fire spread slowly, owing to theabsence of wind, and thus everyonewas able to save most of his goods.Tbe fir commenced at 8:30 o'clock andraged until 10:30 o'clock P. M. ,

As this city has po fire department,was hard work to fight the flames,

but great credit is due tbe citizens thatthe fire was confined to one block. . :

The total loss is estimated at $26,000iwith only about $7,000 insurance., ..

' Are Ton MadeMiserable by indigestion, constipa-

tion dizziness, loss of appetite, yellowskin? , Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positivecure. For sale by M. Z. DonnelL


Adyaneeof 3 3-- 4 Cents on the Chicago.. . .Board.

Chicago. Oct. 17. After a sessionseldom equalled for excitement andthe : heaviness of its transactions.December closed today at 75 cents, anadvance of a clean 3 cents since theclosing of yesterday's market. Andthe closing figures were not the topones, for shortly before tbe noon hour761 cents was bid for December optionThe advance is attributable to the re-

markable strength of Liverpool, Berand Paris markets. Foreigners

undoubtedly have long lines of wheat.was the general impression tbat

there would be no reaction until theyunloaded and in view of the fact of thefailure of the India crop and the shortness in Russia and Argentine, this wasdeemed to be a rather remote contin-gency.' Every offer of wheat made toEurope today was accepted. Liver-pool closed with an advance of 2 Id percental. London reported an equival-ent advance. '.

The Dalles City and Moro stage lineDouglas Allen proprietor, leaves More

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays;leaves The Dalles Tuesdays, Thursdaysand Saturdays. Office in Umatillabouse. Passenger ratee one way l.ou: Allround trip $2.50,

Engllah Grain Market.

London, Oct. 18 The weather ' hasbeen wet ' during the past week.' Thegrain market, which has been firmthroughout, ia strong and rather excited, influenced by the continuous ad-

vance in the price of wheat in Amer-ica, the drought In India and Aus-tralia, and purchases reported thence

SaaTrancisco. . There is very littleoffering? now. White wheats were 3s

4s, and red 2s 4d to 3s dearer. I Dr.Walla Walla, October and November,

Highest of all in Leavening


was sold at 32s 6d, and Northern, November and December, was sold at 32s.

Parcels were active at 2e 6d to 3s advance.

Flour was Strom? at Is to 2s advance,Jiaize was aoout is up.

Oats were 9d to Is up.In barley, there were large English

deliveries of low grades at barelysteady prices.

Made a Rich Haul.

San Francisco, Oct. 19. Diamondsto the value of $4000 and gold coinamounting to tliO were stolen fromthe residence of Hermann Braundschwelger, the liquor merchant, 1600

McAllister street, between the' hoursof 9 o'clock in the morning and 5 atnight Monday a week ago. '

Wreck on the Big Four.Cleveland, Oct 18. Twenty-fiv- e

freight cars, with their contents, weredestroyed in a wreck on tbe Big-Fo- ur

near Wellington, O., last night. ..Theloss will reach $100,000. .The trackhas been completely blockaded all day,and trains are running around tbewreck over other roads.

The Times on Itayard's LetterLondon, Oct. 18. In an editorial on

the campaign in the United Statesithe Times expresses the fear tbat theefforts of Ambassador Bayard in behalfof Palmer and Buckner, however wellintended, will be less successful thanthey deserve to be.; ...... ,

' '

Thieves Made a Valuable Haul.San Francisco, Oct. 20. The

burglary in the Braunschweiger resi-dence was the biggest in any privateresidence in San Francisco in manyyears. Careful estimates by tbe members of the family of the goods stolen,bassed on their actual cost, places It at$9000.- - '! -- ::: -


Hon. Binger Hermann will speak atThe Dalles Friday, October 30th at8 p. m. . -


Hon. Rufus ' Mallory- will speak atThe Dalles Monday evening, Novem-ber 2nd at 8 o'clock. ,

Hon. T. T. Geer will speak in Wascocounty on the 21st and 22d of 'this'moatn. Times and places will be givenat a later date. '


The air-tig- ht beater will pay foritself in one winter in the saving ofwood. It will give better satisfactionwith less fuel than any other stovemade. . See them at "

Maier & Benton's.Bedsetma la Wood, v

The Dalles Lumber Co. will cloewout their stock of h stove woodcut ready for the stove, at $2.00 porcord in order to obtain room for fallstock. . .... i

flsmlias jb --"CITHBU AND ITS

To thi Editor s 4 have an absoluteremedy for Consumption. By its timely usethousands of hopeless cases have been alreadypermanently cured. So proof-positi- am Iof its power that I consider it my duty tostud two bottles fret totnose oi your reaaerswbo have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial orLung Trouble, if they will write me thenexpress and postomce address. Mncereiy.T. A. SLOdTM, K. C IU Peart St Bew Turk,

B9 Tbe Editorial aad Badness Maaaawaent eltola raper tinarantet uua generous rropQeiuea.

D W. VAIISE(Suoceewoe o P. XBK'T a CO.)


Artists' Material and Painters' Sup-pUe- s.


PAINT. ; All orders for painting, pap- -

enng and kalsomlnlng promptly at--

tended to.

Portland ;



"''! i

The Leading Institution of theNorthwest. -

Students attending from Oregon, Washingtonand luano. nave free transportation to ana iromtbe DDtvendty if tbey accept the best accommodations oi the ecnooi.

Expenses from $100 to $200 a Year' ' School opens September 15. '

sent free. AddressTHOS. VAN SCOY, D. D., Doan,

Univers ity Park .Oregon

HENKY LKUCK,. . . -- Mannfactorar of aad dealer ia . .

Harness and Saddlery, '

Second St.,! t stood! Warehouse,


Work Guaranteed to erlyo Satisfaction


Of all. kinds done on shortnotice and at reasonablerates at this office. ... ....

Price' Cream Baking PowderVorid Fair Hlgbt Award. .

Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report




mi BOTH --


Tbe enly remedy guaranteed ta aWeiatdr 'care catarrh and completely eraaUcala taIUum from th. bleed and System.FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 23c.

Escb fuR all. pack.n contains ens full anala'alocal tnainat, on. fuU Boalb'. supply M Catantinailing Balm and ona rub awath't supply ef Catarrh.Bloo4 aa4 Stoaiacn Pills.

If vnu h.v. nT of in. fotlowlnf ayptoia. DrO.W. Shorn' CobbM. Catarrh C .a will give yea

rH.f and coaplcMy sad psrataaesuycur feu.I the aos. .toppJ r-- -Doaa your bom dlchrrIs lh aos. sm and tend.! " 'li tbi pain la front of haadT '

' Do you hawk to dearth. thnalTIs your throat dry la lb. storalncrDo you simp with your swath aaeaTIs your haarlnr failing?Do your ears dischargerIs tha wax dry Is your earsDo you l..ar totter son days than odMrarIs your hearing won. whm you hav. a coMf '

Dr. Q. W. Shores' Cearh Cars com alt coarse.colds and bronchial iffactions. One dosa will slopspasmodic croup. Ka.p a bnttk la tha house. Largesli. boll In ZSc. If you bar the. symptosM am M

as directed on the bonis sad H will curs you.Haya you a cough?Do you take cold easily?Hay. you s pain la Ih. .14.? "Do you raise frothy auMerlal?Do yoa cough la tha Bkornlngs?Do yoa .pit ap little cheesy maps? '

Dr. a Shares' Tsalc sad Bleed Purifier cleea--m and purifies the blood, gives strength and yiroa,ures dyspepsis and all nervous aiseaaea. rnce,

(1 per botiie. II persuuieBuy caret tbe foUowlagtymptoBs:

is mere nausea r .Do yoa belcb up gas?Are yoa constipated? ' ':ls,your ton rue coated?Do yoa bloat up after eating?Do you fMl you are growing weaker?Is them constant bad taste la tbe arouth?Dr. a. W. Shores Kidney aad Urer Cars

cures all diseases of lb. sMaeya, liver sad MaddePrice. $1 per bottle.

Uo you get uigzyr -

Have you cold teet?Do you feel Miserable?Do you get tired easily?Do you have hot flashes?Are your spirits low at tiaies?Do you have rumbllBg la bowels? .

Do your hand and teet swell? '

l this noticed Mora at night?Is there pain In snail of back?Has the perapirauoa a bad Oder?Is there puttiness under tbe .yes?Do vnu have 10 eat an ottea at alrht? '

Is then a deposit la urine If left standing?Don't narlect these slrns and risk Bright a i

kiilmr vou. Dr. Shorts Kidney and liver cars mmcure you tt used as directed oa tb kotue.

Dr. O. W. Shares' Meantala Sage Oil stops resworst pais hi one Minute. For headache, toodudae.neuralgia, cramps or colic use It eiteraelly and utern lily. Prevents and curee diphtheria Iff used SBtime. Keep a bottle bandy. Price, Kc a bottle.

Dr. G. W. Shares' PeDSIa Vermifuge at --troy.intestinal worms and removes the Intl. roaad seatwhere they batch sad breed. U aever fails. PriesJftc a bona. .

Dr. U. W. Shores' Wlataigieea BaJve earn iafIseases of the akta. Reanvee re spots ead Maca)

pies froa the face. Meals eM sera la sayaPrice, a bos.

Dr Q. W. Shares' Piltacunt chronic constipation, sick headache aad bill satattacks. Price. JSC a bottle.

In an cases. If the bowels are ronstliiated take eaa efDr. G.W. Shores' Pills at bedtime.If your trouble Is chronic and deep-se-a tea. write ur.

s . Shore, personally for his ne--e symptom listend have your case diagnosed and get Bis expert aeV

vice free. .

These famous remedies are prepered only by Doetor G. W . Shores, Zioa's MedicaJloraltute, Salt LaaOty. Utah.

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