«TJ3IL*DElC3r-IlJÍ3Ll»33:XO » ? « rorclgn AffAlrs. MADIUD, April 6.-Tho elections for electoral colleges in the town of San Lorenzo Catalonia were accompanied with serions disorder. The mob at- taoked the building wherein the voting was in progross, and completely stopped the election. The urns containing the ballots were demolished, and the poll lista were scattered throughout tho town. Several persons were injured during the attaok, but no fatal results are reported. There was also considerable excitement in the town of Santiago AndiluBia, caused by a priest appearing at the polls, and attempting to vote, with a revolver in his hand. He was arrested, and the excitement subsided. Senors Bivero and Moret, who wero candidates for the Cortes, were defeated. PARIS, April 6.-The connoil of war sitting at Versailles has sentenced the Vioar of St. Eloi to two months' imptl- sonmentfor causing the arrest of a num¬ ber of persons by illegal means. Henri Boohefort, Pasohol Gronsset and Assi sailed to-day for the penal colony of New Caledonia. American Intelligence. WASHINGTON, April 6.-Indian advioes state that Bed Cloud, Chief of Sioux, had a talk at tho agency. Ho is peace¬ ful, but bis young warriors canuot be kept from the path. SAN FRANCISCO, April 6.-The Govern¬ ment buildings at Camp Independence were entirely destroyed by the earth¬ quake of tho 26th ult. JACKSON, MISS., April 6.-Tho Legis¬ lature has nd j our neel .sine die. The ap¬ propriations were reduced over $500,000 from estimates. The negro equality bill was defeated. A subsidy to the Mo¬ bile and North-western, with a land grant to that road, secures its rapid com¬ pletion. NORFOLK, April 6.-Tho steamer City of Houston, from Galveston for New York, put in short of coal. Sho expe¬ rienced head winds. She sails at noon to-day. NEW YORK, April 6.-Last night, n large number of influential citizens of Long Island city took preliminaries to indict the Mayor of that place, on the ground that he was guilty of bribery at the elections. The District Attorney says that it will be some time yet, owing to the pressure of his business, before he can be ready to bring in Stokes' case to trial. The voluminous bill of exceptions put in by counsel for tho prisoner has hardly yet been digested by the District Attorney. Miss Mansfield has not visited Stokes since his arrest, but will appear as a wit¬ ness on the trial. Stokes is said to bo anxious to have his caso brought np, when, it is said, startling revelations will be made in Erie rascality and mat¬ ters connected therewith. At a meeting of the central committee of the German reform organizations, last night, resolutions were adopted favoring joint action with the Council for political reform in the selection oi candidates in the forthcoming munioipal election. They also decided to have the praotioal work of the campaign co od net ed in conjunction with the committee ol seventy. HAMILTON, CANADA, April G.-Hon, Wm. MoDongal, lecturing upon the re lotions between Great Britain and Ca nada, after consultation with high partiel iu England, said he had been forced tc the conolusiou that tue policy was no1 to abandon the colonies, nor to aot so a: lo drive them away from their allegiance but to preparo them for maintaininj their own position by means of thoi: own right hands, and make them con scious that if an attack was levolec against them, they must depend mainly if not altogether, upon their own re sources to resist it; failing in which they must bo prepared to accept tho cou sequences, whatever they might be which followed invasion and conquest Speaking for himself, and ppoalÜD, freely, frankly and truthfully, ho was o opinion that a union of these province was a preliminary step for the establish ment of a system of government in Bri tish America which would euablo u.< when tho moment arrived when neces sity pressed upon us, to maintain a sc parate and independent existence arnon the nations of the earth. ALBANY, N. Y., April G-A bill pro hibiting appropriations from thu Stat, Treasury to schools or institutions uudc sectarian religious control was dofeatc in tho Assembly to-day. NEW YOBK, April G-Evening.-A fir occurred in tho basement of tho five story iron front building, G57 Broadwn] Damage from fire, $10,000; incident! damages, 8150,000; fully insured. NEW ORLEANS, April 5.-Arietido d la Vigue, a cotton merchaut, a native t France, was drowned to-day. Tho races have again boen postpouc on account of rain. WASHINGTON, April 5-Evening.- Probabilities-Tho lowest barometc will move North-eastwardly over lowe Michigan, as quite a severe Btorm, pn ceded by a diminishing pressure thone to the lukes and Atlantic coast. TL area of rain will extend Eastward ovi tho Middle States and Southern Ne England by Sunday morning, and ov< Northern New England during Sunda; Easterly winds are probable for tl upper lake region to-night, gradual backing to North-westerly, and inores ing to brisk South-easterly for the low lake region, gradually veering to Sont westerly. Hising barometer, with Nort westerly winds and clearing weathe will prevail throughout the Mississip Valley by Sunday morning, and extei Eastward to Lake Michigan, Indian Tennessee, Kentucky and Georgia 1 Sunday evening. Tho eommerco of the world wi Chinais rapidly becoming an Americi monopoly. South Carolina ia oick-financially. [Boston Glob': Finuncial »ml Commercial. LONDON, April C-Noon.-COQBOIS 92%. Bonds 92%. FRANKFORT, April 6.-Bonds 95%. PARIS, April 6.-BenteB f>6f. 67o. LIVERPOOL, April 6-Evening.- Cotton closed dull-uplands llj¿(a>ll>£; Orleans ll}4'> sales 10,000 bales; specu¬ lation and export 3,000. NEW YORK, April 6-Noon.-Stocks Arm. Gold firm, at 10^. Money tight, at 7. Exchange-long 9>¿; short 10. Governments dull but steady. Cotton dull; sales 580 bales-uplands 23>£; Or¬ leans 23 J ó- Flour a shade firmer. Wheat quiet and firm. Corn a shade firmer. Pork steady-new mess 13.00@ 13.05. Lard quiet-steam 8?4@8%. Freights dall. 7 P. M.-Bank statement-loans in¬ creased over $1,250,000; specie decreased over 01,500,0.-0; deposits decreased nearly $2,000.000; legal tenders de¬ creased nearly $3,000,000; circulation decreased nearly $500,000. Cotton dull; soles 1,061 bales-uplands 23)¿; Or- 23%. Flour a shade firmer. Wheat inaetivcr-winter red Western 1.70(a. 1.75. Corn closed dull and heavy, ut 73@73J¿. Pork 13 [email protected]. Lard steudy-kettle 9} Ú. Groceries quiet and firm. Freights quiet and stoady. Sales of futures to-day 7,350 bales, as follows: April 22%, 23 1-lG;May 23^. 23.%; Juno 23^, 23%; July 23%, 23%; Au¬ gust 23 5-16; September 21 }¿. Strin¬ gency in money continued to tho closo; after bank hours >.<c. commission was poid. Sterling dnlC at 9}i®9}¿. Gold firm, at 10}4®^^s- Uovernments steady, with little business. TennesseeB firm; old and new 67; other Southerns dull. PHILADELPHIA, April 6.-Cotton quiet -middling 23)£. NORFOLK, April G.-Cotton quiet-low middling 22; receipts 33 bales; soles 100; stock 3,080. BALTIMORE, April 6.-Cotton dull and lower -middling 22; receipts 227 bales; solos 130; stock 10,740. AUGUSTA, April 6.-Cotton quiet- middling 21)^; receipts 300 bales; sales 425. SAVANNAH, April 5.-Cotton quiet- holders firm-middling 22; receipts 848 bales; sales 450; stock 37,373. WILMINGTON, April 5.-Cotton firm- middling 22^; receipts 82 boles; soles 57; stock 3,394. NEW ORLEANS, April 6.-Pork od- vauoed 25o.-mess 13.50. Bacon firmer, at 5?¿(<&73£; sugar-cured hams 11%. Coffee quiet and easier-ordinary 18;i ; fair 19@19)¿ ; good 19%@20; primo 20>¿. Others unchanged. Cotton dull- middling 22%; receipts 2,155 bolus; sales 830; stock 134,696. MOBILE, April 6.-Cotton dall-mid¬ dling 22j¿@22%. receipts 206 bales; sr.les 400; stock 35,885. BOSTON, April 6.-Cotton quiet-mid¬ dling 23^; receipts 509 bales; eales 400; stock 15,500. CHARLESTON, April G.-Cotton dull and little doing-middling 22; receipts OGG bales; sales 50; stock 18,464. Wanted. FIRST MORTGAGES on good and eligible Real Estate, bought at a discount. Apply to SEIBELS & EZELL. April 7_1_ J. H. KINARD. OPENING OF SPRING GOODS. A N elegant assortment ol choice gum cms Q CRETONNES, SW, CS PERCALES. IP *~1 ' JAPANESE CLOTHS, Ld «S CANTON CLOTHS, -J ii AS TILE CLOTnS.W a GRENADINES, M ^ LENCH, J* FLOWERED VERSALS, Q 04 STRIPED VERSALS,Mt . «I Buff and White MARIPOSAS, 5fJ W DOLLY VARDEN PRINTS. Ö J DOLLY VARDEN MUSLINS. ¡T 5 DOLLY VARDEN PIQUES, " W DOLLY VARDEN SILKS. ÖDOLLY VARDEN GRENADINES, ALPACAS. DAREQES. LINENS. DELAINES, WASH POPLINS, Ac, Ac, And a general lino of POPULAR aud ATTRACTIVE GOODS, of every de¬ scription, Bolocted by myself, and ofloring at tho lowoet figures for cash. J. H. KINARD, Main street, ono door South Columbia Hotel. _April 7 J. H. El NAR D, MAIN STREET, One Door Souffl Columbia Hotel. I AM daily rocuiving and opening a largo aud carefully selected stock of DRESS GOODS. This stock orubracos everything dosirablo in DREdS GOODS, LINENS. DOMESTICS. FANCY GOODS, Ac. With a full assortment of CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, MATTINGS, OILCLOTH, And CARPETINGS. T would rcqncBtacall from mj numerous customers, feeling aasnrod that I can prosont onu of tho moBt attractive SPRING STOCKS Ever offered in Columbia, and will sparo no effort in affording satisfaction to all. My personal supervision has boen given to tho selection of this stock. J. H. KINARD. April 7 G Wo extrnot the following letters from the Washington Globe. They wore pre¬ sented and read in Congress n few days ago, and were snbjeots of the discussion between Messrs. Blair, Edmunds, und others, a synopsis of which was fur¬ nished through our telegraphic columns: Mr. Robertson-Some time sinoo, on tho Otb of February last, pending tho discussion of the amnesty bill, un as¬ sault was mudo on tho character of three citizens of South Carolina. Not long afterward, I received a communication from them, whioh I desire to have put upon the records, und I ask tu have it read. Tho Chief Clerk rend as follows: WASHINGTON, February 19, 1872. GENTLEMEN: lu tho report of tho do¬ nato in tho Somite on tho amnesty bill, wo obsorvo with surprise and indigna¬ tion that wo have been charged directly and indirectly with being connected with tho Ku Klux organization iu South Carolina. It bas been declarad on the floor of tho Seiiuto, that there is now iu tho pos¬ session of tho Executive Department of the Government of tho United States evidence which shows that wo are at this moment, or woro a month ugo, thc ad¬ visory board of the Ku Klux Klan. Theso are gravo charges, emanating, us they do, from a Senator of tho United States, and promulgntod, ns they were, before tho highest legislative tribunal of tho countrj'. Apprehending that our silence un tho subject, which so nearly touches our honor and reputation, may bo construed into au admission of guilt, we huve repaired to the capital to meet these charges, and seek through you, tho representatives of South Carolina in tho Seunto, our vindication from these degrading imputations, by the presenta¬ tion, in some proper way, of this com- muuicatiou betöre the same tribunal in which they were announced. Any charge that we, or either of us, have at any timo uided, abetted, coun¬ selled, countenanced or apprgved the Ku Klux or any unlawful association in South Carolina, in any violation of law or the rights of citizens of any class, is utterly and entirely false, whatever be tho evidence on which tho samo is based. If tho Executive Department has in itt possession, as is alleged, the evidence ol our complicity with these offences, wt can only say that wo hold overaelves iu readiness, at all times", to establish om innocence boforo the proper legal tribu nal and tho enlightened public opiniou of tho couutry. Very respectfully, youl obedieut servan ts, WADE HAMPTON, J. B. KERSHAW, M. C. BUTLER. To Hon. T. J. Robertson and Hon. F A. Sawyer, United States Senate. Mr. Robertson-Mr. Presidout, thii lotter has been in my hands for Nomi time, bnt on accouut of indisposition and on account of other matters interfer ing, I have not presented it at an earlie period. I had hoped to bring up th amnesty hill, on whioh matters pertain ing to my State would como up, aud would have the letter read at thut time I kuow these gentlemen, as I said before und I think them incapable of being en gaged in any way us members of the Ki Klux Klan. I merely wish tho lette read to put them on tho record as the desire to be pnt. Mr. Blair-lu connection with th letter which has just been read, and th statement mado by tho Senator froi South Carolina, I desire to say to th Senato that npon tho samo occasion wu9 announced hero in tho debuto whic occurred then, that Hon. Roverdy Jobi son and Mr. Stunbery, who wero contisi for the prisouers charged with being K Klux in South Carolina, hud abandone their case; that they were BO disguste with tho atrocities proven that they hu abandoned tho caso. I have in my hat a letter from Mr. Johnson, which I d sire in this connection to have road. The Chief Clerk road as follows: BAIJTIMOKE, February 19, 1872. MY DEAU GEN*EliAn : Your lotter of tl lSth instant ha» just reached mo. given mo the first information I have lu that Hon. Mr. Edmunds, of Vernier: made tho statement in thc Senate whi< you tpiotc us reported in tho Globe, tho 10th instant. It is utterly unfouud> und untrue. Neither my colleague, M Stunbery, nor myself, abandoned thought of abandoning tho cases which the Senator reforred for tho rc sous assigned by him or for any otb reasons. So far from having dono c we remained in Columbia, taking part tho trials, until wo had accomplished that wo had hoped for or endeavored accomplish, which was to get thc cons tutional questions arising under tho At of 1870 '71 before tho Supreme Court tho United States. This wo did, aud t questions aro to bo argued in that tril nal on the 18th of March next. Sinco tho receipt of your letter havo understood that in tho debate which you refer, the samo Senator a others rando imputations against y and Generals Kershaw and Butler. Tin certainly was no proof givon or pr fcrod, whilo I was in Columbia, whi implicated either of you; and ulthoug saw thero persons of every political o nion, and conversed freely with thom never heard tho least intimation tl eithor of you had any connection wh ever with tho Ku Klux organization. From my knowledge of Mr. Edmun I am satisfied ho has received his inf mation from a source which ho thou; ho might co ii fulo in; but, whatever may bavo been, ho was greedy deceiv and induced to make charges which utterly untrue. I romain, with mt regard, your obodicut servant, REVERDY JOHNSON Major-Gcnoral Wado Hampton. During tho personal explanati which followed tho reading of these tors, Senator Edmuuds said: As to Kershaw, I did not Ht ato that appeared on these trials; that Kersl or any of these people were connected with tho klan. Kershaw was not on trial, neither was Butler. What I 6 tnt ed was that the jndioial officers of the United States in that distriot had, as I was credibly informed, in their posses¬ sion the evidence which would go to convict these persons of being, I be¬ lieve, the advisory board of this klan, whatever that may be. That was what I stated; and if it is necessary, I repeat that I am thus credibly informed. And when the United States will furnish that curse-ridden people with thc judicial means of carrying on those trials, with force enough, with judges and marshals, and the other appliances of justice to go through with tho trials, I havo very good reason to believe that evidence of that kind will bo produced. ******* I do not undertake to say that that evidence upon trial would turn out to be sufficient to couvict them, or would not turn out to bo pnrjured; I only say, in discussing n public question that hud re¬ lation to that subject, that wo onght to bo careful how we took stops when wo had such information. Th.it is all. I hopo as much as tho Senator that theso people when they are tried will bo found lo be entirely innocent, but I do not undertake to pronouueo any opinion, and I havo not undertaken to pronounce any opiniou either upen their gnilt or iuuoccuce. Nothing would make me moro happy than to Hud them perfectly innocent. Senator ItuberUon, of South Caro¬ lina, had tho lust word, lie said: I said nt thu time these gentlemen wero assailed, that, in my opinion, they wero inunccut; that they were geul lemou of character, and position, and educa¬ tion. 1 still think so. In n personal con vet cation with myself, they told mo that they held themselves in readiness to answer to the laws of their country, and it is very hard that they should be assailed for an act which they them¬ selves claim to disdain. I repeat my as¬ sertion, that I think the}' are entitled at leaßt to bo deemed innocent until they aro proved guilty by tho laws of the country. Gas-Light Bills for Month of March. CON.SU M EUS will please attend to tho pay¬ ment of tho above without delay. Tho new works are expected to ho put in operation carly next moutli, wheu the price to consum¬ ers will bo much reduced; ami no cousumer, wno is in arrears, will bo supplied until their bills aro paid np. .TACOS LEVIN, Secrctarv Columbia O&S-Light Company. _April 7 " U GRAND OPENING IN SPRING GOODS, CN Thursday and Friday, April 4 and 5. SIRS. A. McCJORMICK would roapcctfully inform her friend*, and the public generally, that sho has returned from tho North with one of tho mest elegant and varied stocks in the Millinery Hue over presented in this mar¬ ket, consisting of MILLINERY 00ODS of every character and description, of tho latest and most approved stylus, embracing Straw and Fancy LIAl'S and DONNETS, LACES, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, HOOP SKIRTS, otc, with a iiiie assortment of Ladies' and Missen' Suits, which she will tell at tho lowest figures for oath. | Please call ai the store ct J. H. Kiuard, where sho will bo gratified in displaying tho stock, aud will guarantee satisfaction in overy I instance. MUS. A. MCCORMICK, At J. H. Kinard's, Main street, | April 7 ii Columbia, s. 0. Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! i'}f\f\ CORDS of best ipiilitvof I'.LACK ¿l\J\J JACK and OAK WOOD, n>r salo cheap, at tho South Carolina Railroad. Or¬ dern may bu loft at this Office. April .0+ P. KI'S TIN. Just Received, 1 rjiWn kegs Extra Gmund COFFEE, _L Twenty-Jive canes TOMATOES, Fwouty-fivu cases fresh Peaches, Ten cases Green Corn, Five cases tireen Peas, Five cases Succotash, Ton caM-s 2 lb. Canned Oysti rs, Fivo half barn ls Fulton Markot Reef. ALSO. Ah assortment nf Quo FRE^U CRACKERS, of everv varlet V, ut April ti« ' HARDY SOLOMON'S. K. D. SENN & SON, WIIOT.KS.U.K A:;I> ntvr.ut, GROCERS, Main and Bridge Sírcete, Columbia, S. C., ARE constantly adding to their slock of choice Family Groceries, Which they ofter at LOW PRICES, and all articles warranted as wo represent. Wo have how a choice selected stock of all kinds of SUGARS, Rio, Laguvra and the best Java COFFEE, prime LEAF LARD, and rhoico GOSHEN RUTTER. A frosh supply of thu best Hyson, Imperial and Oolong TEAS, put up expressiv for ourselves. All kinds of CANNED GOODS- Oysters, Lobsters, Tomatoes, English Condensed Milk, Ac, Ac. A choice assortment ol PICKLES in variety. A splendid assortment of CRACKERS. best brands of Hug ir-Oured HAMS, Rest I'EAIIL GRIST always on hand. FLOUR OF ALL GRADES. Our FAMILY FLOUR very choice, aud se¬ cond to none. Wo havo also a lino selection of SEGARS, and would call particular attention to our "LITTLE GEM," In bountiful sm ll boxes of twenty-five each. All (tonds delivered in the olly it desired. April li '1 IL D. SENN .* SDN. Seegers' Beer is Pure. II" don't contain Cococnlu« Indiens Fish Rerricc tn make sleep;, or headache, Fresh Biscuits and Crackers. ALi'iHGF.assortment an! choice variety, just in and for sale low !.. HOPE. Ladies, Attention I FULL STOCK of DRESS GOODS, now ready for inspection, from 15 cents to $1.60 per yard; White Peques, from 15 cents to $1 per yard; Linen Dress Goods, at all prices. Large stock of Lace and Linen Col¬ lars and Cuffs, Parasols and Fans. _ C. F. JACKSON. Choice Selection OF SPRINO DRY GOODS FOR 1 8 7 2 ! W. D. LOVE & CO. NOW opening daily all the nowost styles in DRY GOODS, comprising new and hand¬ some designs in DRESS GOODS. PIQUE«, FROI8SETTE STRIPES, VIENNA SATINS, Ac. In our stock will ho fouud tho liueut, largest and most varied stock of EMBROlDERIEh.Laccs,Puffings, Standard Cambric and Swiss Trimmiugs, Snow-Drop Trimmings, Ribbone, Ac. New Styles CAMBRICS and PRINTS. Ladies'READY-MADE GARMENTS, in all tho now styles. New Spriug CASS1MERES, Cloths, Linens and Cottons los. Fnll lin'j of HOUSE KEEPING CÍOODS. CARPETS, Mattings and Window Shades- a full .ino. A determined effort has hoon made to ele¬ vate the character of our ii tock, tn alt respects, to a point of excellence beyond comparison. OUR PRICES aro not only LOW, but do- cidedlv so, and often much below those, of other houses. WE AIM AT POPULAR TRICES. W. D. LOVI2. B. B. McCREERY. JUST TQ HAND, A. choice assortment of Spring Cassimeres, for men and boys, from the Charlottesville, Virginia, Woolen Fac¬ tory. These goods we war¬ rant to be No. 1. No¬ thing shoddy about them. Call and ex¬ amine. PORTER & STESLH. March 27_ The Annual Meeting of the South Ca¬ rolina Medical Association for 1872 WI LI, bo held in Columbia, on tho third TUESDAY (Kith) of April. Where no County Society is organized, tho physicians will sand delegates. Arrangements will be niaile with tho railroads to pass members and delegates for one fare. T. GRANGE SIMONS, M. D., March '27 wm5 Recording Secrotary. Kotice to Capitalists-Sale of City of] Columbia Seven Per Gent. Bonds. OFFICE CITY TREASURER, COLUMBIA, S. C., April 3,1872. I)UU8UANT to authority delegated by fol-j lowing resolution, adopted by City Coun- uti M ireh '¿ii, lh72.1 will nell at public auction, on WEDNESDAY, Mav 15, 1872, TWO HUN¬ DRED AN I) FIFTY THOUSAND (Î250.000) DOLLARS eily of Columbia seven percent, twenty year bonds: "Jietolted, That the City Treasurer bo in¬ structed to ad vor t iso f<u- sale before thu Court House, in the city of Columbia, on tho 15th day of May next, the bonds of the city of Co¬ lumbia authorized to ho issued by Ibo said city, under the Act of the General Assembly j ut adjourned; that tho advertisement bo published in om; newspaper in the eily of Co- lumbla, ono in theeity of Charleston,aid two newspapers in the city of New York, at least thirty days before the day uf sale; that thc bonds to ho sohl ho signed us prescribed by ¡the said Act, on the day of sate, or as soon thereafter as practicable, ami delivered to tho purchaser as soon nu the purchase money has been paid and the bonds registered; and that the proceeds (d' salo bo applied strictly in conformity with the said Act, and in mi oilier way." Said bonds will be of thc denominations of $250, f5U'J and 11,000. The proceeds of the sale to be used for the erection of new City Hall, new Market and other public improve¬ ments. The right is reserved to dispose of a part of the saul bonds in lots or in whole, as tho Mayor anil Treasurer may determine. Anv further information dec ired can bc ob- taine'd by addressing WM. J. ETTER, City Treasurer, Columbia, S. C. 1 ««r Charleston Courier, Now Y'ork Journal <>f Commerce, New York Financial Chronicle eopv aud send bill to City Treasurer, Colum¬ bia.* April 5 ö.OUO Livo Indians Just Arrived. THEY aro pitted against John Seegern' lt) tiOO K. K.'s, at thu odds. But all may end in smoke._GEO. SYMMERS. j Corn and Oats. \ f\i^,f\ BUSHELS WHI TE CORN, LUV/U WO bushels FEEDING OATS, for Male low for cash. E. HOl'K. Mutilated Currency BOUGHT at a moderato discount, at THE CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK. WT MIICBll $50,000 W0ETH OF SPRINt OPEN fer inspection, consisting of tho lal Dov.' wear, HATS, CAPS and Gents' FU1I elb r the above at the lowest \ rict-9 fer cash, ii clothing bon*c in Columbia. April 5 ^Lüotlon Sales. Valuable Property in Pickens County for Bale. IN nursuanoe ol a decretal order of tho Cir¬ cuit Court for Pickens County, I will soil to tho highest bidder, for cash, on sale-day lu May, at Plokena Court House, That desirablo Heal Estate known as the "CRUIKSHANK TAN-YAItD," situated on Brushy Crook, waters of Saluda, near the Air Lino Railroad, and about eleven miles from Ur convido aud ten miles from New Pickens. Tho tract contains 717 aeres, of which Bomo 450 acres aro splendid virgin fo- roBt. Of tho remainder, about 200 acres have boen cleared elnco tho war and aro in a high stato of cultivation. On tho preniiees is ono of tho best Tan-yards in the State, and in good condition. ALSO, A comfortable DWELLING and all neces¬ sary out buildings, in good repair. This is a raro opportunity lor purchasing good Real Estate, in a County as distin¬ guished for tho good order of its society SB for thc salubrity of itu climate and the purity of its water. ALSO, On tho abovo promises, on tho Wednesday following, a large lot of FARM STOCK, con¬ sisting of Horses, Cows, Oxen and Hogs, and Plantation Tools, Cotton Oin and Screw, Sugar Mill, McWrigbf* Mill and a Copper Boiler; a lot Lime, Tan-bark, Tannera' Tools, «Sec., ¿LC. Tho abovo is sold as the property of Gillam and Aiken for the payment of thc debts. " , JOAB MAULDIN. March 31 Sheriff of Pickens County. JUT Oroenvillo Enterprise and Pickens ¿en- fíriei copy until day or sale. ON MONDAY NEXT, WILL BE OPENED THE "FINEST STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS Ever Seen Outside of New York. QUH effort in this Department laet Fall has convinced us that, with our present addi¬ tion of expel ii need help, wc shall ho able to build np a butintss secend to none in thia conutrv. H. C. SHIVER & CO. April s Millinery Opening. ON ANO AFTEU THURSDAY, APRIL 4. TO THE LADIES: fMRS. C. E. REED will have her opening of tho latest and most fashionable styles of MILLINERY, Ac, consisting of Straw and Leghorn HATS and BONNETS. Also, LACES, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, BUS¬ TLES, with an elegant assort¬ ment of Ladies' and Miases' SUITS, just selected in New York ard elsewhere, ail of which will ho eold at the lowest prices. Ladies and tho public in genoral will please call and be convinced, that tho above aro real facts. Iufauto' CLOAKS, CAPS and DRESSES. N. B. Mrs. C. E. Reed ha- taken the firßt prize, silver modal, at the State Fair, for tho bent Millinery. April 2 C SPRING 1872. SELECT GOODS. » - «aarj. UNDOUBTEDLY, we havo thia P**tlBiB%season tho best selection of SILK [ ^5R.HG00DS. Straw Goods, White Goods, |L**j|*wReal and Imitation Hair Goods, Sf? (£S| Ribh ns, Laces, Embroideries, La- s&*t* JL dies' Uuder-wear, Made-up Suits, Ac, Ac, ever aeon in any ono retail store in South Carolina. Our pride is not in keeping tho largest stock, in having "stacks" of goode, as some express it, (.for gonerally, where you lind "etacks," you will find the poorest assortroout.) hut our pride is in keep¬ ing a pelect stock of all goods belonging to a dry goods, millinery and dress-making huei- nt-nu. Everything is bought with a strict re¬ gard for combining style and tatto with pries to suit our people. Samples of Dress Goods, Ac, will he st ut by mail to all apply¬ ing. Our business is organized in three depart¬ ments, viz: Dry Guods, Millinery and Dress¬ making. Millinery and Dress-making depart¬ ments in chargo of ladies of the best skill and tasto to bc had in the city of Baltimore. Or¬ der your Spring Hut or Bonnet, which eau ho returned, if von arc nut ph ased. JAMES W. FOWLER A CO., Proprietors I'mporium of Fashion, April 2 12 Abbeville, C^ MIK MU. THE "Indian Giri" has the above in tho moat magnificent style, and is determined to be as fashionable as any "Girl of tho Pe¬ riod," and, like them, wants the atfontion of gentlemen, even if they hava to smoke for it afterwards. PERIQUE SMOKING TOBACCO just re¬ ceived. _April 5 Groceries, Wines and Liquors. AFULL SUPPLY of CHOICE FAMILY OROCERIES, in all thoir varieties. Best brands Champagnos, Wines, LiquorB. Ac, suitable for Christmas, on hand and for salo uVw.hy JOHN AGNEW A SON. IT TO THE } AND SUMMER CLOTHING lost and moat approved etyloe of Men's and iNISHING GOODS of every description. Wo i order to establish our house as tho cheapest S. STRAUS & BRO., Under Columbia Hotel.

The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1872-04-07. · innocence boforo the proper legal tribu nal and tho enlightened public opiniou of thocouutry. Very respectfully, youl obedieut servants,

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«TJ3IL*DElC3r-IlJÍ3Ll»33:XO» ? «

rorclgn AffAlrs.

MADIUD, April 6.-Tho elections forelectoral colleges in the town of SanLorenzo Catalonia were accompaniedwith serions disorder. The mob at-taoked the building wherein the votingwas in progross, and completely stoppedthe election. The urns containing theballots were demolished, and the polllista were scattered throughout tho town.Several persons were injured during theattaok, but no fatal results are reported.There was also considerable excitementin the town of Santiago AndiluBia,caused by a priest appearing at the polls,and attempting to vote, with a revolverin his hand. He was arrested, and theexcitement subsided. Senors Biveroand Moret, who wero candidates for theCortes, were defeated.

PARIS, April 6.-The connoil of warsitting at Versailles has sentenced theVioar of St. Eloi to two months' imptl-sonmentfor causing the arrest of a num¬ber of persons by illegal means.Henri Boohefort, Pasohol Gronsset

and Assi sailed to-day for the penalcolony of New Caledonia.

American Intelligence.WASHINGTON, April 6.-Indian advioes

state that Bed Cloud, Chief of Sioux,had a talk at tho agency. Ho is peace¬ful, but bis young warriors canuot bekept from the path.SAN FRANCISCO, April 6.-The Govern¬

ment buildings at Camp Independencewere entirely destroyed by the earth¬quake of tho 26th ult.JACKSON, MISS., April 6.-Tho Legis¬lature has nd j our neel .sine die. The ap¬propriations were reduced over $500,000

from estimates. The negro equalitybill was defeated. A subsidy to the Mo¬bile and North-western, with a landgrant to that road, secures its rapid com¬pletion.NORFOLK, April 6.-Tho steamer Cityof Houston, from Galveston for New

York, put in short of coal. Sho expe¬rienced head winds. She sails at noonto-day.NEW YORK, April 6.-Last night, n

large number of influential citizens ofLong Island city took preliminaries toindict the Mayor of that place, on theground that he was guilty of bribery atthe elections.The District Attorney says that it will

be some time yet, owing to the pressureof his business, before he can be readyto bring in Stokes' case to trial. Thevoluminous bill of exceptions put in bycounsel for tho prisoner has hardly yetbeen digested by the District Attorney.Miss Mansfield has not visited Stokessince his arrest, but will appear as a wit¬ness on the trial. Stokes is said to boanxious to have his caso brought np,when, it is said, startling revelationswill be made in Erie rascality and mat¬ters connected therewith.At a meeting of the central committee

of the German reform organizations,last night, resolutions were adoptedfavoring joint action with the Councilfor political reform in the selection oicandidates in the forthcoming munioipalelection. They also decided to have thepraotioal work of the campaign co od neted in conjunction with the committee olseventy.HAMILTON, CANADA, April G.-Hon,

Wm. MoDongal, lecturing upon the relotions between Great Britain and Canada, after consultation with high partieliu England, said he had been forced tcthe conolusiou that tue policy was no1to abandon the colonies, nor to aot so a:lo drive them away from their allegiancebut to preparo them for maintaininjtheir own position by means of thoi:own right hands, and make them conscious that if an attack was levolecagainst them, they must depend mainlyif not altogether, upon their own resources to resist it; failing in whichthey must bo prepared to accept tho cousequences, whatever they might bewhich followed invasion and conquestSpeaking for himself, and ppoalÜD,freely, frankly and truthfully, ho was oopinion that a union of these provincewas a preliminary step for the establishment of a system of government in British America which would euablo u.<when tho moment arrived when necessity pressed upon us, to maintain a scparate and independent existence arnonthe nations of the earth.ALBANY, N. Y., April G-A bill prohibiting appropriations from thu Stat,

Treasury to schools or institutions uudcsectarian religious control was dofeatcin tho Assembly to-day.NEW YOBK, April G-Evening.-A firoccurred in tho basement of tho fivestory iron front building, G57 Broadwn]Damage from fire, $10,000; incident!damages, 8150,000; fully insured.NEW ORLEANS, April 5.-Arietido d

la Vigue, a cotton merchaut, a native tFrance, was drowned to-day.Tho races have again boen postpoucon account of rain.WASHINGTON, April 5-Evening.-Probabilities-Tho lowest barometc

will move North-eastwardly over loweMichigan, as quite a severe Btorm, pnceded by a diminishing pressure thoneto the lukes and Atlantic coast. TLarea of rain will extend Eastward ovitho Middle States and Southern NeEngland by Sunday morning, and ov<Northern New England during Sunda;Easterly winds are probable for tlupper lake region to-night, gradualbacking to North-westerly, and inoresing to brisk South-easterly for the lowlake region, gradually veering to Sontwesterly. Hising barometer, with Nortwesterly winds and clearing weathewill prevail throughout the MississipValley by Sunday morning, and exteiEastward to Lake Michigan, IndianTennessee, Kentucky and Georgia 1Sunday evening.Tho eommerco of the world wi

Chinais rapidly becoming an Americimonopoly.South Carolina ia oick-financially.

[Boston Glob':

Finuncial »ml Commercial.

LONDON, April C-Noon.-COQBOIS92%. Bonds 92%.FRANKFORT, April 6.-Bonds 95%.PARIS, April 6.-BenteB f>6f. 67o.LIVERPOOL, April 6-Evening.-

Cotton closed dull-uplands llj¿(a>ll>£;Orleans ll}4'> sales 10,000 bales; specu¬lation and export 3,000.NEW YORK, April 6-Noon.-Stocks

Arm. Gold firm, at 10^. Money tight,at 7. Exchange-long 9>¿; short 10.Governments dull but steady. Cottondull; sales 580 bales-uplands 23>£; Or¬leans 23J ó- Flour a shade firmer.Wheat quiet and firm. Corn a shadefirmer. Pork steady-new mess [email protected]. Lard quiet-steam 8?4@8%.Freights dall.

7 P. M.-Bank statement-loans in¬creased over $1,250,000; specie decreasedover 01,500,0.-0; deposits decreasednearly $2,000.000; legal tenders de¬creased nearly $3,000,000; circulationdecreased nearly $500,000. Cotton dull;soles 1,061 bales-uplands 23)¿; Or-23%. Flour a shade firmer. Wheatinaetivcr-winter red Western 1.70(a.1.75. Corn closed dull and heavy, ut73@73J¿. Pork 13 [email protected]. Lardsteudy-kettle 9} Ú. Groceries quiet andfirm. Freights quiet and stoady. Salesof futures to-day 7,350 bales, as follows:April 22%, 23 1-lG;May 23^. 23.%;Juno 23^, 23%; July 23%, 23%; Au¬gust 23 5-16; September 21 }¿. Strin¬gency in money continued to tho closo;after bank hours >.<c. commission waspoid. Sterling dnlC at 9}i®9}¿. Goldfirm, at 10}4®^^s- Uovernmentssteady, with little business. TennesseeBfirm; old and new 67; other Southernsdull.PHILADELPHIA, April 6.-Cotton quiet-middling 23)£.NORFOLK, April G.-Cotton quiet-lowmiddling 22; receipts 33 bales; soles 100;stock 3,080.BALTIMORE, April 6.-Cotton dull and

lower -middling 22; receipts 227 bales;solos 130; stock 10,740.AUGUSTA, April 6.-Cotton quiet-middling 21)^; receipts 300 bales; sales

425.SAVANNAH, April 5.-Cotton quiet-holders firm-middling 22; receipts 848

bales; sales 450; stock 37,373.WILMINGTON, April 5.-Cotton firm-

middling 22^; receipts 82 boles; soles57; stock 3,394.NEW ORLEANS, April 6.-Pork od-

vauoed 25o.-mess 13.50. Bacon firmer,at 5?¿(<&73£; sugar-cured hams11%. Coffee quiet and easier-ordinary18;i ; fair 19@19)¿ ; good 19%@20; primo20>¿. Others unchanged. Cotton dull-middling 22%; receipts 2,155 bolus;sales 830; stock 134,696.MOBILE, April 6.-Cotton dall-mid¬

dling 22j¿@22%. receipts 206 bales;sr.les 400; stock 35,885.BOSTON, April 6.-Cotton quiet-mid¬dling 23^; receipts 509 bales; eales 400;stock 15,500.CHARLESTON, April G.-Cotton dull and

little doing-middling 22; receipts OGGbales; sales 50; stock 18,464.

Wanted.FIRST MORTGAGES on good and eligibleReal Estate, bought at a discount.Apply to SEIBELS & EZELL.April 7_1_J. H. KINARD.


SPRING GOODS.A N elegant assortment ol choice





DELAINES,WASH POPLINS, Ac, Ac,And a general lino of POPULAR audATTRACTIVE GOODS, of every de¬scription, Bolocted by myself, andofloring at tho lowoet figures for cash.

J. H. KINARD,Main street, ono door South ColumbiaHotel. _April 7


One Door Souffl Columbia Hotel.

I AM daily rocuiving and opening a largoaud carefully selected stock of

DRESS GOODS.This stock orubracos everything dosirabloin


DOMESTICS.FANCY GOODS, Ac.With a full assortment ofCURTAINS,


And CARPETINGS.T would rcqncBtacall from mj numerouscustomers, feeling aasnrod that I can prosontonu of tho moBt attractive

SPRING STOCKSEver offered in Columbia, and will sparo noeffort in affording satisfaction to all.My personal supervision has boen given totho selection of this stock.

J. H. KINARD.April 7 G

Wo extrnot the following letters fromthe Washington Globe. They wore pre¬sented and read in Congress n few daysago, and were snbjeots of the discussionbetween Messrs. Blair, Edmunds, undothers, a synopsis of which was fur¬nished through our telegraphic columns:Mr. Robertson-Some time sinoo, on

tho Otb of February last, pending thodiscussion of the amnesty bill, un as¬sault was mudo on tho character of threecitizens of South Carolina. Not longafterward, I received a communicationfrom them, whioh I desire to have putupon the records, und I ask tu have itread.Tho Chief Clerk rend as follows:

WASHINGTON, February 19, 1872.GENTLEMEN: lu tho report of tho do¬

nato in tho Somite on tho amnesty bill,wo obsorvo with surprise and indigna¬tion that wo have been charged directlyand indirectly with being connectedwith tho Ku Klux organization iu SouthCarolina.

It bas been declarad on the floor oftho Seiiuto, that there is now iu tho pos¬session of tho Executive Department ofthe Government of tho United Statesevidence which shows that wo are at thismoment, or woro a month ugo, thc ad¬visory board of the Ku Klux Klan.Theso are gravo charges, emanating, usthey do, from a Senator of tho UnitedStates, and promulgntod, ns they were,before tho highest legislative tribunal oftho countrj'. Apprehending that oursilence un tho subject, which so nearlytouches our honor and reputation, maybo construed into au admission of guilt,we huve repaired to the capital to meetthese charges, and seek through you,tho representatives of South Carolina intho Seunto, our vindication from thesedegrading imputations, by the presenta¬tion, in some proper way, of this com-muuicatiou betöre the same tribunal inwhich they were announced.Any charge that we, or either of us,have at any timo uided, abetted, coun¬

selled, countenanced or apprgved theKu Klux or any unlawful association inSouth Carolina, in any violation of lawor the rights of citizens of any class, isutterly and entirely false, whatever betho evidence on which tho samo is based.

If tho Executive Department has in ittpossession, as is alleged, the evidence olour complicity with these offences, wtcan only say that wo hold overaelves iureadiness, at all times", to establish ominnocence boforo the proper legal tribunal and tho enlightened public opiniouof tho couutry. Very respectfully, youlobedieut servan ts,


To Hon. T. J. Robertson and Hon. FA. Sawyer, United States Senate.Mr. Robertson-Mr. Presidout, thii

lotter has been in my hands for Nomitime, bnt on accouut of indispositionand on account of other matters interfering, I have not presented it at an earlieperiod. I had hoped to bring up thamnesty hill, on whioh matters pertaining to my State would como up, audwould have the letter read at thut timeI kuow these gentlemen, as I said beforeund I think them incapable of being engaged in any way us members of the KiKlux Klan. I merely wish tho letteread to put them on tho record as thedesire to be pnt.Mr. Blair-lu connection with th

letter which has just been read, and thstatement mado by tho Senator froiSouth Carolina, I desire to say to thSenato that npon tho samo occasionwu9 announced hero in tho debuto whicoccurred then, that Hon. Roverdy Jobison and Mr. Stunbery, who wero contisifor the prisouers charged with being KKlux in South Carolina, hud abandonetheir case; that they were BO disgustewith tho atrocities proven that they huabandoned tho caso. I have in my hata letter from Mr. Johnson, which I dsire in this connection to have road.The Chief Clerk road as follows:

BAIJTIMOKE, February 19, 1872.MY DEAU GEN*EliAn : Your lotter of tl

lSth instant ha» just reached mo.given mo the first information I have luthat Hon. Mr. Edmunds, of Vernier:made tho statement in thc Senate whi<you tpiotc us reported in tho Globe,tho 10th instant. It is utterly unfouud>und untrue. Neither my colleague, MStunbery, nor myself, abandonedthought of abandoning tho caseswhich the Senator reforred for tho rcsous assigned by him or for any otbreasons. So far from having dono cwe remained in Columbia, taking parttho trials, until wo had accomplishedthat wo had hoped for or endeavoredaccomplish, which was to get thc constutional questions arising under tho Atof 1870 '71 before tho Supreme Courttho United States. This wo did, aud tquestions aro to bo argued in that trilnal on the 18th of March next.Sinco tho receipt of your letter

havo understood that in tho debatewhich you refer, the samo Senator aothers rando imputations against yand Generals Kershaw and Butler. Tincertainly was no proof givon or prfcrod, whilo I was in Columbia, whiimplicated either of you; and ulthougsaw thero persons of every political onion, and conversed freely with thomnever heard tho least intimation tleithor of you had any connection whever with tho Ku Klux organization.From my knowledge of Mr. EdmunI am satisfied ho has received his infmation from a source which ho thou;ho might co ii fulo in; but, whatevermay bavo been, ho was greedy deceivand induced to make charges whichutterly untrue. I romain, with mtregard, your obodicut servant,

REVERDY JOHNSONMajor-Gcnoral Wado Hampton.During tho personal explanati

which followed tho reading of thesetors, Senator Edmuuds said:As to Kershaw, I did not Htato that

appeared on these trials; that Kersl

or any of these people were connectedwith tho klan. Kershaw was not ontrial, neither was Butler. What I 6 tntedwas that the jndioial officers of theUnited States in that distriot had, as Iwas credibly informed, in their posses¬sion the evidence which would go toconvict these persons of being, I be¬lieve, the advisory board of this klan,whatever that may be. That was whatI stated; and if it is necessary, I repeatthat I am thus credibly informed. Andwhen the United States will furnish thatcurse-ridden people with thc judicialmeans of carrying on those trials, withforce enough, with judges and marshals,and the other appliances of justice to gothrough with tho trials, I havo very goodreason to believe that evidence of thatkind will bo produced.*******

I do not undertake to say that thatevidence upon trial would turn out to besufficient to couvict them, or would notturn out to bo pnrjured; I only say, indiscussing n public question that hud re¬lation to that subject, that wo onght tobo careful how we took stops when wohad such information. Th.it is all. Ihopo as much as tho Senator that thesopeople when they are tried will bo foundlo be entirely innocent, but I do notundertake to pronouueo any opinion,and I havo not undertaken to pronounceany opiniou either upen their gnilt oriuuoccuce. Nothing would make memoro happy than to Hud them perfectlyinnocent.Senator ItuberUon, of South Caro¬

lina, had tho lust word, lie said:I said nt thu time these gentlemen

wero assailed, that, in my opinion, theywero inunccut; that they were geul lemouof character, and position, and educa¬tion. 1 still think so. In n personalconvet cation with myself, they told mothat they held themselves in readinessto answer to the laws of their country,and it is very hard that they should beassailed for an act which they them¬selves claim to disdain. I repeat my as¬sertion, that I think the}' are entitled atleaßt to bo deemed innocent until theyaro proved guilty by tho laws of thecountry.

Gas-Light Bills for Month of March.CON.SUMEUS will please attend to tho pay¬ment of tho above without delay. Thonew works are expected to ho put in operationcarly next moutli, wheu the price to consum¬ers will bo much reduced; ami no cousumer,wno is in arrears, will bo supplied until theirbills aro paid np. .TACOS LEVIN,Secrctarv Columbia O&S-Light Company._April 7





Thursday and Friday, April 4 and 5.

SIRS. A. McCJORMICK would roapcctfullyinform her friend*, and the public generally,that sho has returned from tho North withone of tho mest elegant and varied stocks inthe Millinery Hue over presented in this mar¬ket, consisting of MILLINERY 00ODS ofevery character and description, of tho latestand most approved stylus, embracing Strawand Fancy LIAl'S and DONNETS, LACES,KID GLOVES, CORSETS, HOOP SKIRTS,otc, with a iiiie assortment of Ladies' andMissen' Suits, which she will tell at tho lowestfigures for oath. |Please call ai the store ct J. H. Kiuard,where sho will bo gratified in displaying thostock, aud will guarantee satisfaction in overy Iinstance. MUS. A. MCCORMICK,

At J. H. Kinard's, Main street, |April 7ii Columbia, s. 0.

Wood! Wood!! Wood!!!i'}f\f\ CORDS of best ipiilitvof I'.LACK¿l\J\J JACK and OAK WOOD, n>r salocheap, at tho South Carolina Railroad. Or¬dern may bu loft at this Office.

April.0+ P. KI'S TIN.Just Received, 1

rjiWn kegs Extra Gmund COFFEE,_L Twenty-Jive canes TOMATOES,Fwouty-fivu cases fresh Peaches,Ten cases Green Corn,Five cases tireen Peas,Five cases Succotash,Ton caM-s 2 lb. Canned Oysti rs,Fivo half barn ls Fulton Markot Reef.

ALSO.Ah assortment nf Quo FRE^U CRACKERS,of everv varlet V, utApril ti«



WIIOT.KS.U.K A:;I> ntvr.ut,

GROCERS,Main and Bridge Sírcete, Columbia, S. C.,ARE constantly adding to their slock of


Family Groceries,Which they ofter at LOW PRICES, and allarticles warranted as wo represent.Wo have how a choice selected stock of allkinds ofSUGARS, Rio, Laguvra and the bestJava COFFEE, prime LEAF LARD, andrhoico GOSHEN RUTTER. A frosh supplyof thu best Hyson, Imperial and OolongTEAS, put up expressiv for ourselves.All kinds of CANNED GOODS- Oysters,Lobsters, Tomatoes, English CondensedMilk, Ac, Ac.A choice assortment ol PICKLES in variety.A splendid assortment of CRACKERS.best brands of Hug ir-Oured HAMS,Rest I'EAIIL GRIST always on hand.

FLOUR OF ALL GRADES.Our FAMILY FLOUR very choice, aud se¬cond to none.Wo havo also a lino selection of SEGARS,and would call particular attention to our

"LITTLE GEM,"In bountiful sm ll boxes of twenty-five each.

All (tonds delivered in the olly it desired.April li '1 IL D. SENN .* SDN.

Seegers' Beer is Pure.II" don't contain Cococnlu« Indiens Fish

Rerricc tn make sleep;, or headache,Fresh Biscuits and Crackers.

ALi'iHGF.assortment an! choice variety,just in and for sale low !.. HOPE.

Ladies, Attention I

FULL STOCK of DRESS GOODS,nowready for inspection, from 15 cents to$1.60 per yard; White Peques, from15 cents to $1 per yard; Linen DressGoods, at all prices.Large stock of Lace and Linen Col¬

lars and Cuffs, Parasols and Fans._ C. F. JACKSON.

Choice SelectionOF SPRINO


1 8 7 2 !

W. D. LOVE & CO.NOW opening daily all the nowost styles inDRY GOODS, comprising new and hand¬some designs inDRESS GOODS. PIQUE«, FROI8SETTESTRIPES, VIENNA SATINS, Ac.In our stock will ho fouud tho liueut, largestand most varied stock ofEMBROlDERIEh.Laccs,Puffings, StandardCambric and Swiss Trimmiugs, Snow-DropTrimmings, Ribbone, Ac.New Styles CAMBRICS and PRINTS.Ladies'READY-MADE GARMENTS, in alltho now styles.New Spriug CASS1MERES, Cloths, Linensand Cottons los.Fnll lin'j of HOUSE KEEPING CÍOODS.CARPETS, Mattings and Window Shades-

a full .ino.A determined effort has hoon made to ele¬

vate the character of our ii tock, tn alt respects,to a point of excellence beyond comparison.OUR PRICES aro not only LOW, but do-cidedlv so, and often much below those, ofother houses.WE AIM AT POPULAR TRICES.W. D. LOVI2. B. B. McCREERY.


A. choice assortmentof Spring Cassimeres,for men and boys, fromthe Charlottesville,Virginia, WoolenFac¬tory.These goods we war¬

rant to be No. 1. No¬thing shoddy aboutthem. Call and ex¬



The Annual Meeting of the South Ca¬rolina Medical Association for 1872WI LI, bo held in Columbia, on tho thirdTUESDAY (Kith) of April. Where noCounty Society is organized, tho physicianswill sand delegates. Arrangements will beniaile with tho railroads to pass membersand delegates for one fare.

T. GRANGE SIMONS, M. D.,March '27 wm5 Recording Secrotary.Kotice to Capitalists-Sale of City of]Columbia Seven Per Gent. Bonds.

OFFICE CITY TREASURER,COLUMBIA, S. C., April 3,1872.I)UU8UANT to authority delegated by fol-jlowing resolution, adopted by City Coun-uti M ireh '¿ii, lh72.1 will nell at public auction,on WEDNESDAY, Mav 15, 1872, TWO HUN¬DRED AN I) FIFTY THOUSAND (Î250.000)DOLLARS eily of Columbia seven percent,twenty year bonds:

"Jietolted, That the City Treasurer bo in¬structed to advort iso f<u- sale before thu CourtHouse, in the city of Columbia, on tho 15thday of May next, the bonds of the city of Co¬lumbia authorized to ho issued by Ibo saidcity, under the Act of the General Assemblyj ut adjourned; that tho advertisement bopublished in om; newspaper in the eily of Co-lumbla, ono in theeity of Charleston,aid twonewspapers in the city of New York, at leastthirty days before the day uf sale; that thcbonds to ho sohl ho signed us prescribed by¡the said Act, on the day of sate, or as soonthereafter as practicable, ami delivered to thopurchaser as soon nu the purchase money hasbeen paid and the bonds registered; and thatthe proceeds (d' salo bo applied strictly inconformity with the said Act, and in mi oilierway."Said bonds will be of thc denominations of

$250, f5U'J and 11,000. The proceeds of thesale to be used for the erection of new CityHall, new Market and other public improve¬ments.The right is reserved to dispose of a part of

the saul bonds in lots or in whole, as thoMayor anil Treasurer may determine.Anv further information decired can bc ob-taine'd by addressing WM. J. ETTER,

City Treasurer, Columbia, S. C. 1««r Charleston Courier, Now Y'ork Journal

<>f Commerce, New York Financial Chronicleeopv aud send bill to City Treasurer, Colum¬bia.* April 5

ö.OUO Livo Indians Just Arrived.THEY aro pitted against John Seegern'

lt) tiOO K. K.'s, at thu odds. But all mayend in smoke._GEO. SYMMERS.j Corn and Oats.

\ f\i^,f\ BUSHELS WHI TE CORN,LUV/U WO bushels FEEDING OATS,for Male low for cash. E. HOl'K.Mutilated Currency

BOUGHT at a moderato discount, atTHE CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK.

WT MIICBll$50,000 W0ETH OF SPRINtOPEN fer inspection, consisting of tho lal

Dov.' wear, HATS, CAPS and Gents' FU1Ielb r the above at the lowest \ rict-9 fer cash, iiclothing bon*c in Columbia.

April 5

^Lüotlon Sales.Valuable Property in Pickens Countyfor Bale.IN nursuanoe ol a decretal order of tho Cir¬cuit Court for Pickens County, I will soilto tho highest bidder, for cash, on sale-daylu May, at Plokena Court House,That desirablo Heal Estate known as the"CRUIKSHANK TAN-YAItD," situated onBrushy Crook, waters of Saluda, near theAir Lino Railroad, and about eleven milesfrom Urconvido aud ten miles from NewPickens. Tho tract contains 717 aeres, ofwhich Bomo 450 acres aro splendid virgin fo-roBt. Of tho remainder, about 200 acres haveboen cleared elnco tho war and aro in a highstato of cultivation. On tho preniiees is onoof tho best Tan-yards in the State, and ingood condition.

ALSO,A comfortable DWELLING and all neces¬sary out buildings, in good repair.This is a raro opportunity lor purchasinggood Real Estate, in a County as distin¬guished for tho good order of its society SBfor thc salubrity of itu climate and the purityof its water.ALSO,On tho abovo promises, on tho Wednesdayfollowing, a large lot of FARM STOCK, con¬sisting of Horses, Cows, Oxen and Hogs, andPlantation Tools, Cotton Oin and Screw,Sugar Mill, McWrigbf* Mill and a CopperBoiler; a lot oí Lime, Tan-bark, Tannera'Tools, «Sec., ¿LC.

Tho abovo is sold as the property of Gillamand Aiken for the payment of thc debts." , JOAB MAULDIN.March 31 Sheriff of Pickens County.JUT Oroenvillo Enterprise and Pickens ¿en-fíriei copy until day or sale.






Ever Seen Outside of

New York.

QUH effort in this Department laet Fallhas convinced us that, with our present addi¬tion of expel ii need help, wc shall ho able tobuild np a butintss secend to none in thiaconutrv.

H. C. SHIVER & CO.April s

Millinery Opening.ON ANO AFTEU


TO THE LADIES:fMRS. C. E. REED will haveher opening of tho latest andmost fashionable styles ofMILLINERY, Ac, consisting ofStraw and Leghorn HATS andBONNETS. Also, LACES,KID GLOVES, CORSETS, BUS¬TLES, with an elegant assort¬ment of Ladies' and Miases'SUITS, just selected in NewYork ard elsewhere, ail of which will ho eoldat the lowest prices.

Ladies and tho public in genoral will pleasecall and be convinced, that tho above aroreal facts. Iufauto' CLOAKS, CAPS andDRESSES.N. B. Mrs. C. E. Reed ha- taken the firßt

prize, silver modal, at the State Fair, for thobent Millinery. April 2 C


» -

«aarj. UNDOUBTEDLY, we havo thiaP**tlBiB%season tho best selection of SILK[ ^5R.HG00DS. Straw Goods, White Goods,|L**j|*wReal and Imitation Hair Goods,Sf? (£S| Ribh ns, Laces, Embroideries, La-s&*t* JL dies' Uuder-wear, Made-up Suits,Ac, Ac, ever aeon in any ono retail store inSouth Carolina. Our pride is not in keepingtho largest stock, in having "stacks" ofgoode, as some express it, (.for gonerally,where you lind "etacks," you will find thepoorest assortroout.) hut our pride is in keep¬ing a pelect stock of all goods belonging to adry goods, millinery and dress-making huei-nt-nu. Everything is bought with a strict re¬gard for combining style and tatto withpries to suit our people. Samples of DressGoods, Ac, will he st ut by mail to all apply¬ing.Our business is organized in three depart¬

ments, viz: Dry Guods, Millinery and Dress¬making. Millinery and Dress-making depart¬ments in chargo of ladies of the best skill andtasto to bc had in the city of Baltimore. Or¬der your Spring Hut or Bonnet, which eau horeturned, if von arc nut ph ased.

JAMES W. FOWLER A CO.,Proprietors I'mporium of Fashion,April 2 12 Abbeville, C^

MIK MU.THE "Indian Giri" has the above in tho

moat magnificent style, and is determined tobe as fashionable as any "Girl of tho Pe¬riod," and, like them, wants the atfontion ofgentlemen, even if they hava to smoke for itafterwards.


ceived. _April 5

Groceries, Wines and Liquors.AFULL SUPPLY of CHOICE FAMILY

OROCERIES, in all thoir varieties. Bestbrands Champagnos, Wines, LiquorB. Ac,suitable for Christmas, on hand and for salouVw.hy JOHN AGNEW A SON.

IT TO THE} AND SUMMER CLOTHINGlost and moat approved etyloe of Men's andiNISHING GOODS of every description. Woi order to establish our house as tho cheapest

S. STRAUS & BRO.,Under Columbia Hotel.