'WM Misfit Mit ? JAN. 1 15 4 ll 18 25 1 .fe8 14TÎ5 ai aa 28 4 Jill 117'18! 2435 fl 10 17 23124 80'31 ' '' '_ _ _ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^Pl _ "Lot our Just Censure «rnfSSi^Sl^ *M:»pH. tho Trne Event." BY J. A. SELBY 0OLÜMBIA. 8. C~WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 4. 1871. ^OL. VI-NO. 24G. ..? ? '-.urv.l.--J?? T«-J ? Avoio Q,U,VCK5,~A via tim of early In- JHaorOttpn, caya.inp nervoua debility; pre¬ maturo decay, A*:j-Having triod In tain eveiy ndvertieed remedy, baa a aimpto means ff Balf-fjorp", which fas ïiU-*cnd free to Ids f<dî«Wr Bufferers. Address J. H. i'll I f LE, 78 Naaaau Btreet. New York. ,'. ,Dee 23 tOmo TJUSiAli r.OTlcE-1 hereby givp notico F that I will apply to Ifbii. William Hntaon Wiffg, Jndge of Probato, at his, ol)lep, in Co¬ lumbia, ou 4:h Januaiy, 1871, at 10 A. M., for final dbicbargo as Administrator, With Will annexed,of nutate ol' Harriet E. Turnipsccd, docoaaod. JAMES M. BEARD. Doc 4 fl8 ?j^rOTIOK-rho undersigned have formed a a 41 MAT 7 1 14 21 28 JOH. 4 ll 18 2d 81 4 10,11 12118 19120 26127 4 5 6 ll 12il3 18119 20 26 26|27 21 3 0 10 16 17 22128 24 20 S0| 27 SEP. 3 10 17 24 OCT. 1 8 15 22 20 NOV 5 12 19 26 DEO S 10 17 24 31 28129130 31 30 31 Cl 7| 8 18ll4,15 20 21 22 27¡28¡29|30| 4! Bl o| 7 ll'12.13 14 18;i9^20:21 25 2G,27128 i '.?(' .. New Tear Carol. Ooma with na and a greeting give To every aoal we meet- Up and down, wheie tho wealthy live, And through thc meanest etrcet. Give God-speed to both high and low, SAPPY Nsw YEAR I far and near; a by no door, as on we go, With holy words of oheer. Once every year, in winter time, When e'en the enn looka wan, Th* spirit hears a heavonly chime, Which winter's breath wafta on. Through many hundred years 'twas heard, Sustaining hopea sublimo; And 'mid the centuries boro the word Whioh conquere woe and crime. Thia ocho of the angePa song, Who bailed tho Prince of Peuce, By myriad minstrels borne along Through time, shall never cease. But. aa it floats on tireless wings, Through all the coming years, Arid still tho glorious tidings brings To bim who willing hears. The haughty kingdoms of this world To Christ shall bend the knee; And when their banners low arc furled, Shall float his banner free. But ahl not yet has como the timo Of such milli'nial bliss; Wo only listen to the chimo Which ushers days liko this; And Btrive, aa life goes on. to win, 'Mid daily caree, some gleams Of restful happiness, akin To beatific dreams. Yet happinee* ie not for those Who labor to be gay- Who, seeking pleasure, lack reposo, To strengthen on the way; And When temptation beckons them To acte of doubtful worth. Tlinv, unresisting, ceaso to Btem Tue tide of lawless mirth, To float away, amid tho foam Of wild oxcitenjeht'e waves, Forgetful of the o'nims of home. And,ell the pure heart craves. Suob cannot feel the noble glow, -. (Har ouch delight[< betray, ) A? makes tho NEW YEAR'S soul o'ei How With wholesome mirth to-day. Then let ns hasten to enjoy, m Sfriri Pnlae« bounding freo, Each momént that wo may employ Mi fresh and honest glee, For though tho holy Sabbath next, With solemn tread stops in, Through needful reut, for spirits vex'd, Aaoured content to win; 'I he working days will follow fast, '.With duties for us all, When each,in io n bis tread-mill cast, Must bravely stand or fall. So, comrades with tho wish sincere For life-long happiness, To each and all oui' patrons dear, Whom we to-day nddrceu. Away! to fields whore glory waits, On base ball's gay delights; Or, whore the yo ung tor's éoill dilates, Beneath the sailing kites; Till.marbles win to lower joys, Or topa with happy hum. Unite in band thc smaller boys, Who followed lalo tho drum. Away! Away 1 'tho minutes fly, The day ia oura for luol But 'mi.d out* pastimes let us try To hurt- or injure none. Executive Department, STATE TREASURY OFFICE, COLUMBIA, 8. C., December 1, 1870. IVIE Internst falling due on the Coupon Umida nf the State of South Carolina to Ibu 1st i f January. 1871, will bo paid in GOLD, un «nd H ft er that date, at the office of Hi H KI UP I ON, Financial Agent of thc State, No. 'j Nassau street, New Yoi k, and at this office. The interest falling duo on tho Registered Stock of the State to January 1, 1871, will ho paid in GOLD, on and after that date, at tho Treasury office only. NILES G. PARKER, Dec 7 Treasurer Stato South Carolina Grand Toy Emporium. MCKENZIE'S, Main Street, Columbia, S. C., WHERE if offered tho largest and thant selected stock of TOYS ever Ibrought to this market. Deniers and ot bern can be. accommodated, Whole- sauTnr Retail. Old and young, grave and gay can bo a lited from iliii- varied collection. CANDIES of Puro Sugar manufactured daily. Also, CAKES AND PIES. A line assortment of CANNED GOODS jost receiving from the best manufactories. Frch DATES. Now Crop RAISINS, CITRON and CURRANTS. ALMONDS, and a full lino or ASSORTED NUTS London RISOUITT and Prince Albert CRACKERS, (imported articles,) pare and of gn ni bent-fli to thoaick and oonvalesent. JELLIES of pare fruit manufactured and poid at reasonable price*. Oct 26 JOHN MoKENZIE. Special Notices. SPREAD THE TRUTH.-Some medical mon inBiet that it ie undignified to advertise a remedy, however valuable it may be. Queer reasoning this. It ie like Baying that an arti¬ cle which tho world needs should bo bid in a corner-that benefits and blessings maybe too widely diflueed-- that tho mcanB of pro¬ tecting and restoring health should be a closo monopoly, and not accessible to all. Tho argument is bad. It is worse than that; it is inhuman. SuppoaeHOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS-an absolute specific for dyspepsia, bilioaBnnss and nervous debility-had never been known beyond the repertoire ot tho faculty, what would have been the conse¬ quence? Instead of curing and invigorating millions, the good effectB of tho preparation would have boen confined to a comparative few. There is tho highest authority for say¬ ing that light should not be hid under a bushel; that whatever is excellent should bo placed as a city on a hill, whoro all men can take cognizance of it. It is upon tide princi¬ ple that tho Bitters have been advertised and continno to bo advertised in every newspaper of any prominence in tho Western hemis¬ phere, and that tho spontaneous testimonials in its' favor have boen translated into nil written languages. Thousands enjoy perfect health to-day, who would} bo languishing ou beds of sickness if tho newspapers had not spread the truth with regard to this unequaled invigoront andcorrcctive far and wide. Sup¬ pose profit has been reaped from this pub¬ licity. IB that any argument again.it it? If the public health bas been protected; if lives have been saved; if the feeble have beon strengthened and the sick restored, great goodhasbecn accomplished; and who BO mean as to grudge to exertions il;us directed their fair reward? Jan 1 +6 "THE BRIDAL. CHAMBER."-Ks say s for Young Men, on great SOCIAL EVILS and ABUSES, which interfere with MABBIAOB- with suro means of relief for tho Erring and Unfortunate, diseased and debilitated. Sent free of charge, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 S. Ninth St., .Philadelphia, Fa. Nnv5 3mo Chewing Tobacco-Just Received. AFINE lot of tho best Pan-cake and Fig Chewing TOBACCO. Nov 3 JOHN C. SEEGEBS Ho for the Race! jggL THE Bubscrihpr respectfully -ranaàÈOllâ invitee his friends and public iii ?BrilHlj nj g""n-°' to call and see l 'j stock m ¡Jt-at home-made SADDLES and MHHTST*»HARNES8E8, which I can sell twenty-five nor cent, cheaper than any Northern made goods, and will challenge any merchant in the South for 11,000 to compare with me in homo-made work. Nov(5 3rao lt. HANNAN. Main street. Extra Cheese. ?|/~V/v BOXES Goshen. English Dairy and lA/l t Pine Apple CHEESE, for Bain low. _Oct30 E. HOPE. Notice. TUE (TITZENS' SAVINGS BANK would call the attention of thc pnhlie to the fact that they are tran.-ac tine, a GENERAL BANK¬ ING BUSINESS, and extend the U:-ual accom¬ modait ms to business men and others, who favor them with their accounts. Oct ¿3 A. G. BRENIZER. Cashier. Mutilated Currency. TORN and defaced GREENBACKS. NA¬ TIONAL HANK MONEY and FRAC- TONAL CURRENCY bought at a email dia- connt al TUE CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK. Oct 23 A; G. BBEN1ZEB, Caabier BAZ^rS ^ScA'ERY ! For useful things and things for sport, The curious people here resort. ENTIRELY new stock of TOYS and FANCY ARTICLES for the Holidays. Varieties too numerous to mention. CANDIES manufactured daily. CAKES of nil kinds, plain and ornamented. Also, full stock French CONFECTIONERY. Canned Goods. Jolly, Raisins, Citron, Almonds, and./nll line of assorted Nuta Lemons. Orauge«, Cocoauuta, Ac. Fruit of all kinds during tho season. Nov IO Heise's Dining Saloon, IN rear of the Confectionery, ia fitted np nith everything pertaining to a ii rut class establishment. Norfolk OYSTERS, FISH and GABIE of all kinda during the eeason. Nf?*!? CAROLINA HOUSE ßTUE subscriber, in view of tho ap¬ proaching close of the present year, de- aires to state that he proposes to cloee his books, and earnestly requests such friends and patrons of his establishment, aa may bo in arrears, to liquidate their accounts, BO that he may sturt in thc year 1871 with an entirely new set ot books, iud a record of the psst completely obliterated. The proprietor of this well-known bouse desires to assure the public of his disposition and capacitv to supply, at all times, the best of WINES, LIQUORS arid CIGARS. Ho guarantees tho best material and the prompt« bt attendance. Dec 1 R. MARRY. OYSTERS AND GAME. /~\ OUR SALOON isinor- ^^iLf/di-.r, and OYSTERS, Hf^L ^SJSir GAME, FISH, etc ,c»n JA bo obtained ut nil honra. Dinner« <c ? »'V and Suppers furnished nt tuart notice, and n the Li si sl\ le. Givens a trial. PAYSINGER A FRANKLIN. Ort ll Exchange Restaurant. The Pollock House /_~~\ HAS been overhauled JL^k^m v$NflJ ?y lll'd ntted np tor the \vin-<4flftgfa£ ^¡jf¿/ ter season. O V STE US, Qg"^* FISH and GAME servi d up in the usual stylo. The Private LUNCH ROOM has been refit ted, and guests mn> expect proper attention. Oct 12 T. M. POLLOCK, Proprietor. 1ME. S. .fc*iilRRY'is Furniture Ware-room Flam Street, near Main. -^A/^L*^ NOW on hand and daily re- ¿¿¡¡7?'¿~r¿r%á¡3c< iving from Ibo manufac- je^Qi^nQy tories of New York, Boston, wbgjgSBIBSfÉúaf Cincinnati and louisville, the M J& largest assortment of FUR¬ NITURE ever kept in this market, consisting in part of Walnut Parlor, Chamber and Din- ing-Room Butte; 900 Bedsteads of different patterns, in Walnut and Imitation; also, the celebrated Georgia Split-bottom Chairé. All kinds of MATTRESSES made to order. UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING done at shortest notice and in the beet manner. Terms cash and Gooda cheap. Oct 80 CHRISTMAS COMES BIT ONCE 1 YUM; THEREFORE, LET IS DO ALL THE GOOD WE CAN DUBING The Festive Season. Wo propobo to do oar part, by giving oar friends and cnidomeru an opportunity of selecting from our LARGE STOCK, (To winch we aro making additions almost daily,) at a considerable rodnction from rul¬ ing prices. Partios withing to GIVE PRESENTS, can¬ not rnako » better invest incut of their money than by buying A CARPET, A RUO, A SILK DRESS, A SET OE FURS, A CLOAK, A SHAWL, A DOZEN HANDKER¬ CHIEFS, A DOZEN STOCKINGS, A SUIT OF BROAD CLOTH, OR CASSIMERE, or any arl ide they may wish. The above named gooda, or any part or por¬ tion of onr »tock, wc offer dui ing the Holidays at so much btdow tho rrgnlur price*, au wül induce buy«ra to purchase freely from us. We hare several counters ftllod with SPE¬ CIAL BARGAINS, to which we call particular attention. Several novelties io CLOAKS sad SHAWLS just opened. J.H. A M.L. KINABD. DM 16 EVERY vario! v ol FANCY and USEFUL GOODS, from 10 coule to $50.00, now »pened. «Inst received, a lot of GOOD CLOAKS, )ought ut balf price. Will bu sold as bought. ALSO, A lol of FURS, to ho Bold without regard to tost. It will ho to your interest to give UH a call >eforc purchasing elsewhere. C. F. JACKSON. Special Notice No. 2. TUE Entiro8took of CLOTHING, GENT'S BURNISHING GOODS, HATS, OArs, VALISES, 3AarET-BAOB, SHAWLS, ROBES, ETC., with a full ine of Water-Proof CIRCULARS, CAPES, )VER-COATSfLEGGIN8, AND CAPS, will be old from THIS DAY, AT COST FOR CASH. Tho Stock must bo sold to close up the buei- less. All wishing groat bargains, will And it o their advantage to call at the Store of tho ate W. J. Hoke. M. HOKE. Bia JZKEt.XTTEl ! 100 Arab Shawls, OP NEWEST STYLE, AT $8.00 Sacia. We are showing something new, at a "price ciihin Ike reach of all," in DRESS GOODS, ?UHS, CLOAKH and NEEDLE WORKS. Dee 2:1 W. D. LOVE A CO._ OK Jourvoisurs and Alexandre Kid Gloves For Ladies. Renyier Dog Skin Gloves, For Gents, all colors and sizes. HES! KID GLOVES IMPORTED. With many other u-eful aud durable Goode, it LOWEST PRICES. W. 1>. LOVE Ai CO., Columbia Hotel Building. W. D. LOVE, R. B. McOREEBY. Deo 18 CXsOSING- OUT. The undersigned, de¬ sirous of devoting him¬ self entirely to the CLOTHING Business, offers for sale his entire stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY ARTICLES SHOES, etc., at and BELOW OOST. JACOB aunan. One door South Phoenix Office. 49~City Money taken at par. ta Nov 8 Tlie Mammotli HOOT, SHOE, HAT AXD TRUNK EMPORIUM mu IIAS now opened and igfeO^'VïN jHHgB ready for inspection the Rg^fxfTCT JBBM largest and moct u"l<"1' J fcll ^^SBk ttoek of GOODS, in its bue, ever offered hi this market. 'Ibis Block ba*« boen selected with great care from tho heal manu¬ facturers in beeton. N.ew York, Philadelphia and other noted shoe markets. Persons visi¬ ting our cb y during our approaching Fair, will ûnd it great Iv to their advantago to call at tho Sign of tho BIG ROOT and HAT, one door North of tho Columbia Hotel. Every article sold in thin House is warranted as re¬ presented In point of stylo, quality and prico we cannot be surpassed. Oct 30 A. SMYTHE. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. REYNOLDS' IMPROVEMENT. riMIOSE who have lobt several Natural X Teeth, and have been advi.-ed to part with remaining sound ones, as I h * tirft step towards obtaining artificial substitutif, are requested, before submit ling lo a practice, cruel in itself and often unnecessarily per- formed, to convince themselves of it» fallacy, by looking clon Iv into a matter cf en much j importance. j The above improvement wa» designed to re- \ eist so deplorable a practice, and aller a tho- rough test ot more than three yt ms, is found capable of accomplishing what no nthei syn- ! tem of Artitieial Dentistry has heretoforedoiie. lt is now possible to obtain partial eiser, which will eave for years Natur. I Teeth, and be at tho same time reliable in every respect, An invitation is hereby given lo such as j feel interested to call at our Operating Rooms, and examine duplicate specimens of ¡ cases now in actual nae. Nov Ot REYNOLDS A REYNOLDS Dentistry. THE undersigned would In¬ form his friend« and patrons that he is prepared to execute scientifically and satisfactorily all operations Mid work of whatsoever kind hia profeBBion demande. Terms accommodating. Office over Messrs. Porter A Co.'s Dry Goods Store, on Main street, Columbia, S. C. Office boora ft om 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and h-op? 2 to 4 p. m. NOT 20 D. L. BOOZER, P. D. 8. Epionres, call at Pontvoox'a. GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES IS COX8T.QTJF.KCK OF TEK FALL OF GOLD! TMMENSE stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS JL and JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WAKE; tho largest stock in thc Stato; BKLL- INO AT LOW KIO O n EH. In consequence of the low prices nf Gold, the snbecriber has concluded to soil his Btock accordingly, and would call tho attention ol the visitors to tho Fair to call and examine boforo purchasing elsewhere, na it is a duty you owo to yonraelvos. AU he aaka is a fair trial. Call and br con¬ vinced. Wo also havoon hand a Hue stock of CUT¬ LERY, both for pocket ami table use, with a largo as-ortmont of SPOUTING IMPLE¬ MENTS. Givo me a call and examine my stock. Agent for FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. ISA AO 8ULZDACHER, Nov B_UndorColumbia Hotel. NORTH CAROLINA. BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION ! GLASS B-SINGLE NUMBER SCHEME. TO be drawn in tho Theatro, at Wilmington, N. C., Monday, January 10, 1871. E. J. KnKns, Manager. 10,000 Numborn put in the Wheel-110 Prizes drawn. Capital Prize, $5,000 ! WEA T TEE CITY PRESS SA Y. PBIZK DRAWING.-Quito a crowd assembled at tho Theatro, yoBlerday nooD, to witneaa thc Grand Drawing of the North Carolina Bene¬ ficial Association. There wore 100 prizes in all, and little rolls of paper separating these wero placed in a wheel on ono aida, while thc ticket a wero in another wheel opposite to thc former. Dctween the two waa a table, at which sat the Judges and Mr. John London, Commissioner. Tho wboolB woro mado with glass sides, so that everything within them could bo eeeu, and wi ro securely locked, until tho drawing beean. Thin was dono bv meant of two little boys, who wero accurcly blind folded, ono drawing a number from one of thc wheolu and the other the prizo to correspond with it. There ia no question but that thc drawing waa done in a perfectly fair and just manner.- Wilmington Baily Journal, Bec. 2. THE GRAND DRAWINQ YESTERDAY. Thc grand single number distribution of tho Korti: Carolina Beneficial Association, which tool placo at the Theatre yeaterday, at 1 o'clock, wan tho all-absorbing themo during thc day, The drawing took place in publie, a commit¬ tee having been selected from the andienet to act with the Commifisioner in keeping ar account of the samo, and to see that it wat conducted fairly. Quite a respectable crowe waB present to witneBB the drawing. Tho fol¬ lowing numbers drew the principal prizes No. 3310, $5.000; No. 6005, $2,500; No. 577G $2.500; HO. 2842, $2,000; No. 1407, $2,000; No 4412, $1,000; No. 1486, $500. The Certifient* No. 1407 was Bold to a citizen of Wilmington N. C.- Wtit ni tiglon Morning Star, Rec. 2. IN III IS POI EUE, 110 PRIZES WILL BE DRAWN t Capital Prlxe,.85,00( Two Prizes.$2.500 ead Two " . 2,000 " Two " . 1,000 *4 Two ". 500 «« Ten " . 250 Niuo " . 200 Fifteen " . 100 " Fifty-six " . 50 *. Eleven " . 20 M Whole TickeU, §».00; Halve». S'á.50 Quarters, SI.ar». »3-Send money by Post Office Order oi Kogistered Letter. Eor information and orders, address W. H. GERKEN, General Agent. P. O. Pox 50. Principal Office, ll Second street. JOHN LONDON. Comminsiou» r. Dec 13 Imo CLOTHING AND IEEE ATS , ft, & W. C, SWAFFIELD'S t^, WE have now on baud tin ilargoet Btock we have- evei offered to the public. Owing to the warn weall er, our stock is unbroken. We arc aux ¡nus to soil, and will sell L O W FOR CA S fl ! lt is too well known to need repetition, that we keep the LARGEST AND REST STOCK IN THE STATE, and warrant all om Good«, both in price and quality. Our KCCNISIIING GOOPS rt..ck cuni plet«, embracing SlIIItT.S that *i!l lit, TIES and CRAVATS, of «ll palten.», CLOVES, in cndle-ss variety, UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, THUNES, VALISES, SHAWLS, Ac , Over seventy live CAPE OVER- ICOATH and CAPES now on band. HATS, of ali qualities and styles. Nov 9 R A W. C. SWAFFIELD. Downer's Mineral Sperm Oil. ANEW OIL, ichica will not light under SOO degrees Farenheit; never gums; is almost od rles« and fl* soft as Sperm or Lard Oil for family use, and when burned in the MINERAL SPERM LAUF-, tho light ia equal to the beat Kerosene, at a cont not exceeding one-half a cout. per hour. It requires bot little atten¬ tion, no trimming, and the chimney never breaks from boat. A supply of thia safety oil, and a mr ell assortment o? Lampa, just received and for aale by J. & T. R. AGNEW. I 1.1 uo-partnersnip, ana win be known UH K. W. 8KID ELS A CD. They reprosont some of tho best FIRE and LIFE INSÜHANCE COMPANIES in thc United States.- Wo propose to bo general Laud Agents, and will neil or pnrcbaae Iteal Estato anywhere in South Carolina, especially in Columbia. We will prosccuto claims before the Legislature, and tho renewal of lost honda or other papera. I Persons wishing to sell or buy Beal Estate will do woll to communicate with ns at Colum¬ bia. Wo have soveral handsome places for salo. Oflice at Mike Hoke's Clothing Store. E. W. SEIBELB. Dec 2 J. B. Eg ELL. AVE HAVE THIS DAY APPOINTED Mr. JOHN C. SEEQEBS the solo Agent for thc Bale our WHISKIES in Columbia, 8. C. JOHN GIBSON'S SON A CO. PniT..\nF.i.pniA, November 19, 1870. Deo 1 QPECIAL ATTENTION given to tho COl- 0 Icotion of Commercial Taper, Interest on st at c and Railroad Bonds and Stocks, and Convoreion of State Seonnties, by Nov 23 Gmo D. QAMBBILL, Broker. Tvro ricK.-i have asaooiated Col. JOHN S. LLA BLACK with me in the General Agency of the Carolina Life Insurance Company for tho State or South Carolina. The firm will bo known as BUTLEB & BLACK. M. 0. BUTLER, Deo 4 fl8 Gen. Agent for South Carolina. X^INA1, DI8CH AUGE-ESTATE MBS. J? MARGARET McDOWELL.-Notico la given that F. W. MoMaetor has flied his peti¬ tion for final discharge as Administrator of estate Margaret McDowoll; and that a hear¬ ing for said potition has been set for January 17, at 10 a. m.. at offioe of Conrt of Probate for Richland County. J. W. HOGAN, Decl8fl3_Clerk Court of Probate. Novelties-Special Attractions. "VT O W oponing and showing, the largest and X\ most elegant assortment of French and English FANCY GOODS ever brought to this market, selected especially for tho Holidays. I Elegaut Perfumery, Colognes and Extracts, Now and superior Toilot Soaps, Perfumo Boxes, Toilot Boxes, Glovo and Handkerchief Boxes, I German, French and English Toilet Water.-, II Atkineon's Extract White Roses, Labia's Perfumes, Extracts, Suchet, i Low's new Perl innes and Extracts, I Coud ray V Fashionable Cologne, i Coudray's Lavender Water, ; Ocrman Farina Cologne, Superior Bay Rum, II A large and tine assortment of Hair Uiush- cs, Tooth BrushCB, ; Engtiah and French Dressing Combs, Ivory Fine-tooth Couihs. Elegant Pomade for tlio Hair, Eau Lustral, Circassian Lustre, 1 Cloth Brushes, Turkish Rubber, Turkish Towels, Tooth Picks, i Elegant Soaps, tho largest assortment in tho city, . I A beantifnl selection of Fancy Perfume : Sachets. For sale by > Bec 18 E. H. HEINIT8H, Drnggist. ; For Sale, , I Q ß/iA ACRES of LAND in Barnwell, O.OUU on tho Ediato. 750 ACHES in Kershaw-in lots to snit. HOUSE and LOT in Columbia-*12,000. > 1 House in this city, $5,CO0. i HOUSE and thirteen aores LAND, near tho city-ttf.OOO. Apply to JOHN BAUBKETT, Attorney at Law and Real Eotato Agent. Sept 25_,_ly Good Things. T> AMSAY'S Islay Malt Scotch Whiskey, Sir JL\i Robert Burnett's Old Tom Gin, Otard, Dupuy, Cognac Brandy. Duff Gordon's Pale ; Sherry, South-side Madeira Wine, London Dock Port Wino, Hibbert's London Porter, r McEwen's Scotch Ale. The above direot from the importers and warranted puro. For sale by_EDWARD HOPE. GRAIN ! GRAIN! GRAUS ! W.JT. WIIITMIRE, GIIKENVTLLK, B. C.. DEALER in (¡KAIN and COUNTRY PRO¬ DUCE of all kinds. Will pay prompt attention to all orders entrusted to his care. This is a rare opportunity for Planters and i others living along the line of the Greenville j and Columbia Itatlroad, to procure theil sup- plies at tirst cost. I only ask a fair trial, and guarantee satisfaction. Nov 21 3mo Nectar Whiskey. 1080N Vi OLD FAMILY NECTOR ami O' Eve WHISKEYS "thepurest and best ii market " Also, a full stock or RECTIFIED WHISKEYS, of all grades, always on hand , and for Bale by J. A T. B. AGNEW. Carolina Manufacturing Company, HAVING opened a Branch House ii ' jSBjfr thc city of Columbia, offer for sale th« IMM latest patented and beat made STOVES ^5Cuho most improved patterns and regn lar sixes of all kinds of TIN-WAKE, an( i everything in these particular lines, witt confidence of their merit. GUTTERING, ROOFING and all kinds o job work dont with despatch, by supe rio workmen dumbing, in all it« branches, ex ecuted. ll yon want Water carried to a) convenient points ab nit your premises, w< will do von' work at snch prices os willeuabl all lo afr -l d it Tin- public are invited to ca». Store it Ehrlich's building, four doors below Bryce' I corner Aug 18 t Foreign Exchange. r nnilE CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK is noi I prepared tn draw directly on all thc pro minent places in Engined, Scotland and Ireland, . Germany, '.'rance. Holland. . Belgium, Italy, and the Orien and »vPI fnrnifh draft* at New York ratea. ' '''' *2:{ A_ G_ H BEN 1 ZEB. Cashier. j EM KU Y'S UNIVERSA!* ; Cotton Gins and Condensers. mil ESE GINS, HO well known thronghoi J. the South, need no comment. In stylo < workmanship, und for efficiency of worl ! their tum ont, with the same amount < power, is nm qnuled. lt. TOZEIL Agent, j Annual 2 Columbia. 8. C. Hardy Solomon & Co., HAVING entered into tho manufacture BUICK and QUARRYING of GBANITJ and purchased of Messrs. Wright A Vinn, or of their new patent Brick Machines, capab or turning out from 40.000 to 60,000 bricks pi day, are now pruparod to make contracto ai furuhdi parties with any quantities of brid desired Apply to H AH DY SOLOMON, at h etore, or at the South Carolina Bank ai Trust Company. _ Sept 8 Champagne. 5CASE8 GOLDEN EAGLE, 5 cases RED GROSS, 1 cask Catawba WINE. These wines are made of the Seodli: Grapes, and are very delicious. Dec 7 JOHN 0.8EEGEB8.

The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1871-01-04. · 'WMMisfitMit JAN. 1 15 4 ll 18 25 1 14TÎ5.fe8 ai aa 28 4 Jill 117'18! 2435 fl 10 17 23124 80'31 ' '_' '_ _^^^^^r^^^^^Pl _ "Lot our

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Page 1: The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1871-01-04. · 'WMMisfitMit JAN. 1 15 4 ll 18 25 1 14TÎ5.fe8 ai aa 28 4 Jill 117'18! 2435 fl 10 17 23124 80'31 ' '_' '_ _^^^^^r^^^^^Pl _ "Lot our

'WMMisfit Mit?

JAN. 1




ai aa28





' ' ' '__ _ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^Pl _"Lot our Just Censure «rnfSSi^Sl^ *M:»pH. tho Trne Event."


..? ? '-.urv.l.--J?? T«-J ?

Avoio Q,U,VCK5,~A via tim of early In-JHaorOttpn, caya.inp nervoua debility; pre¬

maturo decay, A*:j-Having triod In tain eveiyndvertieed remedy, baa a aimpto means ffBalf-fjorp", which fas ïiU-*cnd free to Ids f<dî«WrBufferers. Address J. H. i'll I fLE, 78 NaaaauBtreet. New York. ,¡ ,'. ,Dee 23 tOmoTJUSiAli r.OTlcE-1 hereby givp noticoF that I will apply to Ifbii. William HntaonWiffg, Jndge of Probato, at his, ol)lep, in Co¬lumbia, ou 4:h Januaiy, 1871, at 10 A. M., forfinal dbicbargo as Administrator, With Willannexed,of nutate ol' Harriet E. Turnipsccd,docoaaod. JAMES M. BEARD.Doc 4 fl8?j^rOTIOK-rho undersigned have formed a



71 142128



81 410,11


4 5 6ll 12il318119 2026 26|27

21 30 1016 17

22128 2420 S0|



OCT. 18152220



28129130 31

30 31

Cl 7| 818ll4,1520 21 2227¡28¡29|30|4! Bl o| 7ll'12.13 1418;i9^20:2125 2G,27128i

'.?(' .. New Tear Carol.Ooma with na and a greeting giveTo every aoal we meet-Up and down, wheie tho wealthy live,And through thc meanest etrcet.

Give God-speed to both high and low,SAPPY Nsw YEAR I far and near;

a by no door, as on we go,With holy words of oheer.Once every year, in winter time,When e'en the enn looka wan,Th* spirit hears a heavonly chime,Which winter's breath wafta on.

Through many hundred years 'twas heard,Sustaining hopea sublimo;And 'mid the centuries boro the wordWhioh conquere woe and crime.

Thia ocho of the angePa song,Who bailed tho Prince of Peuce,By myriad minstrels borne alongThrough time, shall never cease.

But. aa it floats on tireless wings,Through all the coming years,Arid still tho glorious tidings bringsTo bim who willing hears.The haughty kingdoms of this worldTo Christ shall bend the knee;And when their banners low arc furled,Shall float his banner free.

But ahl not yet has como the timoOf such milli'nial bliss;Wo only listen to the chimoWhich ushers days liko this;

And Btrive, aa life goes on. to win,'Mid daily caree, some gleamsOf restful happiness, akinTo beatific dreams.

Yet happinee* ie not for thoseWho labor to be gay-Who, seeking pleasure, lack reposo,To strengthen on the way;

And When temptation beckons themTo acte of doubtful worth.

Tlinv, unresisting, ceaso to BtemTue tide of lawless mirth,

To float away, amid tho foamOf wild oxcitenjeht'e waves,

Forgetful of the o'nims of home.And,ell the pure heart craves.

Suob cannot feel the noble glow,-. (Har ouch delight[< betray, )A? makes tho NEW YEAR'S soul o'ei HowWith wholesome mirth to-day.

Then let ns hasten to enjoy,mSfriri Pnlae« bounding freo,Each momént that wo may employMi fresh and honest glee,

For though tho holy Sabbath next,With solemn tread stops in,Through needful reut, for spirits vex'd,Aaoured content to win;'I he working days will follow fast,'.With duties for us all,When each,in io n bis tread-mill cast,Must bravely stand or fall.So, comrades with tho wish sincereFor life-long happiness,To each and all oui' patrons dear,Whom we to-day nddrceu.

Away! to fields whore glory waits,On base ball's gay delights;Or, whore the yo ung tor's éoill dilates,Beneath the sailing kites;Till.marbles win to lower joys,Or topa with happy hum.Unite in band thc smaller boys,Who followed lalo tho drum.Away! Away 1 'tho minutes fly,The day ia oura for luolBut 'mi.d out* pastimes let us tryTo hurt- or injure none.

Executive Department,


IVIE Internst falling due on the CouponUmida nf the State of South Carolinato Ibu 1st i f January. 1871, will bo paid inGOLD, un «nd H ft er that date, at the office ofHi H KI UP I ON, Financial Agent of thcState, No. 'j Nassau street, New Yoi k, and atthis office.The interest falling duo on tho RegisteredStock of the State to January 1, 1871, will ho

paid in GOLD, on and after that date, at thoTreasury office only. NILES G. PARKER,Dec 7 Treasurer Stato South Carolina

Grand Toy Emporium.MCKENZIE'S,Main Street, Columbia, S. C.,WHERE if offered tho largest andthant selected stock of TOYS everIbrought to this market. Deniers and

ot bern can be. accommodated, Whole-sauTnr Retail.Old and young, grave and gay can bo a litedfrom iliii- varied collection.CANDIES of Puro Sugar manufactureddaily. Also,CAKES AND PIES.

A line assortment of CANNED GOODS jostreceiving from the best manufactories.Frch DATES. Now Crop RAISINS, CITRONand CURRANTS. ALMONDS, and a full linoor ASSORTED NUTSLondon RISOUITT and Prince AlbertCRACKERS, (imported articles,) pare and of

gn ni bent-fli to thoaick and oonvalesent.JELLIES of pare fruit manufactured andpoid at reasonable price*.Oct 26 JOHN MoKENZIE.

Special Notices.SPREAD THE TRUTH.-Some medical

mon inBiet that it ie undignified to advertise a

remedy, however valuable it may be. Queerreasoning this. It ie like Baying that an arti¬cle which tho world needs should bo bid in acorner-that benefits and blessings maybetoo widely diflueed-- that tho mcanB of pro¬tecting and restoring health should be a closomonopoly, and not accessible to all. Thoargument is bad. It is worse than that; it isinhuman. SuppoaeHOSTETTER'S STOMACHBITTERS-an absolute specific for dyspepsia,bilioaBnnss and nervous debility-had neverbeen known beyond the repertoire ot thofaculty, what would have been the conse¬quence? Instead of curing and invigoratingmillions, the good effectB of tho preparationwould have boen confined to a comparativefew. There is tho highest authority for say¬ing that light should not be hid under abushel; that whatever is excellent should boplaced as a city on a hill, whoro all men cantake cognizance of it. It is upon tide princi¬ple that tho Bitters have been advertised andcontinno to bo advertised in every newspaperof any prominence in tho Western hemis¬phere, and that tho spontaneous testimonialsin its' favor have boen translated into nilwritten languages. Thousands enjoy perfecthealth to-day, who would} bo languishing oubeds of sickness if tho newspapers had notspread the truth with regard to this unequaledinvigoront andcorrcctive far and wide. Sup¬pose profit has been reaped from this pub¬licity. IB that any argument again.it it? Ifthe public health bas been protected; if liveshave been saved; if the feeble have beonstrengthened and the sick restored, greatgoodhasbecn accomplished; and who BO meanas to grudge to exertions il;us directed theirfair reward? Jan 1 +6"THE BRIDAL. CHAMBER."-Ks say s

for Young Men, on great SOCIAL EVILS andABUSES, which interfere with MABBIAOB-with suro means of relief for tho Erring andUnfortunate, diseased and debilitated. Sentfree of charge, in sealed envelopes. Address,HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 S. Ninth St.,.Philadelphia, Fa. Nnv53mo

Chewing Tobacco-Just Received.AFINE lot of tho best Pan-cake and FigChewing TOBACCO.Nov 3 JOHN C. SEEGEBS

Ho for the Race!jggL THE Bubscrihpr respectfully-ranaàÈOllâ invitee his friends and public iii

?BrilHlj nj g""n-°' to call and see l 'j stockm ¡Jt-at home-made SADDLES andMHHTST*»HARNES8E8, which I can sell

twenty-five nor cent, cheaper than anyNorthern made goods, and will challenge anymerchant in the South for 11,000 to comparewith me in homo-made work.Nov(5 3rao lt. HANNAN. Main street.

Extra Cheese.?|/~V/v BOXES Goshen. English Dairy andlA/l t Pine Apple CHEESE, for Bain low._Oct30 E. HOPE.


call the attention of thc pnhlie to the factthat they are tran.-ac tine, a GENERAL BANK¬ING BUSINESS, and extend the U:-ual accom¬modait ms to business men and others, whofavor them with their accounts.Oct ¿3 A. G. BRENIZER. Cashier.

Mutilated Currency.TORN and defaced GREENBACKS. NA¬

TIONAL HANK MONEY and FRAC-TONAL CURRENCY bought at a email dia-connt al TUE CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK.Oct 23 A; G. BBEN1ZEB, Caabier

BAZ^rS^ScA'ERY !For useful things and things for sport,The curious people here resort.

ENTIRELY new stock ofTOYS and FANCYARTICLES for the Holidays. Varieties

too numerous to mention.CANDIES manufactured daily.CAKES of nil kinds, plain and ornamented.

Also, full stock French CONFECTIONERY.Canned Goods. Jolly, Raisins, Citron,Almonds, and./nll line of assorted NutaLemons. Orauge«, Cocoauuta, Ac. Fruit of

all kinds during tho season. Nov IOHeise's Dining Saloon,

IN rear of the Confectionery, ia fitted npnith everything pertaining to a ii rut classestablishment. Norfolk OYSTERS, FISHand GABIE of all kinda during the eeason.Nf?*!?

CAROLINA HOUSEßTUE subscriber, in view of tho ap¬proaching close of the present year, de-

aires to state that he proposes to cloeehis books, and earnestly requests such friendsand patrons of his establishment, aa may boin arrears, to liquidate their accounts, BOthat he may sturt in thc year 1871 with anentirely new set ot books, iud a record of thepsst completely obliterated. The proprietorof this well-known bouse desires to assurethe public of his disposition and capacitv tosupply, at all times, the best of WINES,LIQUORS arid CIGARS. Ho guarantees thobest material and the prompt« bt attendance.Dec 1 R. MARRY.

OYSTERS AND GAME./~\ OUR SALOON isinor-^^iLf/di-.r, and OYSTERS, Hf^L^SJSir GAME, FISH, etc ,c»nJAbo obtained ut nil honra. Dinner« <c ? »'V

and Suppers furnished nt tuart notice, andn the Li si sl\ le. Givens a trial.

PAYSINGER A FRANKLIN.Ortll Exchange Restaurant.The Pollock House

/_~~\ HAS been overhauled JL^k^mv$NflJ ?y lll'd ntted np tor the \vin-<4flftgfa£^¡jf¿/ ter season. O V STE US, Qg"^*FISH and GAME servi d up in the usual stylo.The Private LUNCH ROOM has been refitted, and guests mn> expect proper attention.Oct 12 T. M. POLLOCK, Proprietor.1ME. S. .fc*iilRRY'isFurniture Ware-room

Flam Street, near Main.-^A/^L*^ NOW on hand and daily re-¿¿¡¡7?'¿~r¿r%á¡3c< iving from Ibo manufac-je^Qi^nQy tories of New York, Boston,wbgjgSBIBSfÉúaf Cincinnati and louisville, theM J& largest assortment of FUR¬NITURE ever kept in this market, consistingin part of Walnut Parlor, Chamber and Din-ing-Room Butte; 900 Bedsteads of differentpatterns, in Walnut and Imitation; also, thecelebrated Georgia Split-bottom Chairé.All kinds of MATTRESSES made to order.UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING done atshortest notice and in the beet manner.Terms cash and Gooda cheap. Oct 80







The Festive Season.

Wo propobo to do oar part, by giving oar

friends and cnidomeru an opportunity of

selecting from our


(To winch we aro making additions almost

daily,) at a considerable rodnction from rul¬

ing prices.

Partios withing to GIVE PRESENTS, can¬

not rnako » better invest incut of their money

than by buying






CASSIMERE, or any arlide they may


The above named gooda, or any part or por¬

tion of onr »tock, wc offer dui ing the Holidaysat so much btdow tho rrgnlur price*, au wül

induce buy«ra to purchase freely from us.

We hare several counters ftllod with SPE¬

CIAL BARGAINS, to which we call particularattention.

Several novelties io CLOAKS sad SHAWLS

just opened.


EVERY vario!v ol FANCY and USEFULGOODS, from 10 coule to $50.00, now

»pened.«Inst received, a lot of GOOD CLOAKS,)ought ut balf price. Will bu sold as bought.

ALSO,A lol of FURS, to ho Bold without regard totost.It will ho to your interest to give UH a call

>eforc purchasing elsewhere.

C. F. JACKSON.Special Notice No. 2.TUE Entiro8took of CLOTHING, GENT'SBURNISHING GOODS, HATS, OArs, VALISES,3AarET-BAOB, SHAWLS, ROBES, ETC., with a fulline of Water-Proof CIRCULARS, CAPES,)VER-COATSfLEGGIN8, AND CAPS, will beold from THIS DAY, AT COST FOR CASH.Tho Stock must bo sold to close up the buei-less. All wishing groat bargains, will And ito their advantage to call at the Store of thoate W. J. Hoke. M. HOKE.


100 Arab Shawls,OP


$8.00 Sacia.We are showing something new, at a "price

ciihin Ike reach of all," in DRESS GOODS,?UHS, CLOAKH and NEEDLE WORKS.Dee 2:1 W. D. LOVE A CO._


Jourvoisurs and Alexandre Kid GlovesFor Ladies.

Renyier Dog Skin Gloves,For Gents, all colors and sizes.

HES! KID GLOVES IMPORTED.With many other u-eful aud durable Goode,


Columbia Hotel Building.W. D. LOVE,R. B. McOREEBY. Deo 18

CXsOSING- OUT.The undersigned, de¬

sirous ofdevoting him¬self entirely to theCLOTHING Business,offers for sale his entirestock of DRY GOODS,FANCY ARTICLESSHOES, etc., at andBELOW OOST.

JACOB aunan.One door South Phoenix Office.49~City Money taken at par.ta Nov 8

Tlie Mammotli


mu IIAS now opened and igfeO^'VïNjHHgB ready for inspection the Rg^fxfTCTJBBM largest and moct u"l<"1' J fcll^^SBk ttoek of GOODS, in its bue, everoffered hi this market. 'Ibis Block ba*« boenselected with great care from tho heal manu¬facturers in beeton. N.ew York, Philadelphiaand other noted shoe markets. Persons visi¬ting our cb y during our approaching Fair,will ûnd it great Iv to their advantago to callat tho Sign of tho BIG ROOT and HAT, onedoor North of tho Columbia Hotel. Everyarticle sold in thin House is warranted as re¬presented In point of stylo, quality andprico we cannot be surpassed.Oct 30 A. SMYTHE.


riMIOSE who have lobt several NaturalX Teeth, and have been advi.-ed to partwith remaining sound ones, as I h * tirft steptowards obtaining artificial substitutif, arerequested, before submit ling lo a practice,cruel in itself and often unnecessarily per-formed, to convince themselves of it» fallacy,by looking clon Iv into a matter cf en much jimportance. jThe above improvement wa» designed to re- \eist so deplorable a practice, and aller a tho-rough test ot more than three yt ms, is foundcapable of accomplishing what no nthei syn- !tem of Artitieial Dentistry has heretoforedoiie.lt is now possible to obtain partial eiser,which will eave for years Natur. I Teeth, andbe at tho same time reliable in every respect,An invitation is hereby given lo such as jfeel interested to call at our OperatingRooms, and examine duplicate specimens of ¡cases now in actual nae.Nov Ot REYNOLDS A REYNOLDS

Dentistry.THE undersigned would In¬

form his friend« and patronsthat he is prepared to executescientifically and satisfactorily all operationsMid work of whatsoever kind hia profeBBiondemande. Terms accommodating.Office over Messrs. Porter A Co.'s Dry GoodsStore, on Main street, Columbia, S. C.Office boora ft om 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., andh-op? 2 to 4 p. m.NOT 20 D. L. BOOZER, P. D. 8.Epionres, call at Pontvoox'a.


FALL OF GOLD!TMMENSE stock of WATCHES, CLOCKSJL and JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATEDWAKE; tho largest stock in thc Stato; BKLL-INO AT LOW KIO O n EH.In consequence of the low prices nf Gold,the snbecriber has concluded to soil his Btock

accordingly, and would call tho attention olthe visitors to tho Fair to call and examineboforo purchasing elsewhere, na it is a dutyyou owo to yonraelvos.AU he aaka is a fair trial. Call and br con¬

vinced.Wo also havoon hand a Hue stock of CUT¬

LERY, both for pocket ami table use, with alargo as-ortmont of SPOUTING IMPLE¬MENTS.Givo me a call and examine my stock.Agent for FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE.



TO be drawn in tho Theatro, at Wilmington,N. C., Monday, January 10, 1871. E. J.KnKns, Manager. 10,000 Numborn put in theWheel-110 Prizes drawn.

Capital Prize, $5,000 !WEA T TEE CITY PRESS SA Y.

PBIZK DRAWING.-Quito a crowd assembledat tho Theatro, yoBlerday nooD, to witneaa thcGrand Drawing of the North Carolina Bene¬ficial Association. There wore 100 prizes inall, and little rolls of paper separating thesewero placed in a wheel on ono aida, while thcticket a wero in another wheel opposite to thcformer. Dctween the two waa a table, atwhich sat the Judges and Mr. John London,Commissioner. Tho wboolB woro mado withglass sides, so that everything within themcould bo eeeu, and wi ro securely locked, untiltho drawing beean. Thin was dono bv meantof two little boys, who wero accurcly blindfolded, ono drawing a number from one of thcwheolu and the other the prizo to correspondwith it. There ia no question but that thcdrawing waa done in a perfectly fair and justmanner.- Wilmington Baily Journal, Bec. 2.THE GRAND DRAWINQ YESTERDAY. Thc

grand single number distribution of tho Korti:Carolina Beneficial Association, which toolplaco at the Theatre yeaterday, at 1 o'clock,wan tho all-absorbing themo during thc day,The drawing took place in publie, a commit¬tee having been selected from the andienetto act with the Commifisioner in keeping araccount of the samo, and to see that it watconducted fairly. Quite a respectable crowewaB present to witneBB the drawing. Tho fol¬lowing numbers drew the principal prizesNo. 3310, $5.000; No. 6005, $2,500; No. 577G$2.500; HO. 2842, $2,000; No. 1407, $2,000; No4412, $1,000; No. 1486, $500. The Certifient*No. 1407 was Bold to a citizen of WilmingtonN. C.- Wtitni tiglon Morning Star, Rec. 2.


Capital Prlxe,.85,00(Two Prizes.$2.500 eadTwo "

. 2,000 "

Two ". 1,000 *4

Two ". 500 ««

Ten ". 250

Niuo ". 200 .«

Fifteen ". 100 "

Fifty-six ". 50 *.

Eleven ". 20 M

Whole TickeU, §».00; Halve». S'á.50Quarters, SI.ar».

»3-Send money by Post Office Order oiKogistered Letter.Eor information and orders, address

W. H. GERKEN, General Agent.P. O. Pox 50.

Principal Office, ll Second street.JOHN LONDON. Comminsiou» r.

Dec 13 Imo



ft, & W. C, SWAFFIELD'St^, WE have now on baud tin

ilargoet Btock we have- evei

offered to the public. Owing to the warn

weall er, our stock is unbroken. We arc aux

¡nus to soil, and will sell

L O W FOR CA S fl !

lt is too well known to need repetition,that we keep the LARGEST AND RESTSTOCK IN THE STATE, and warrant all om

Good«, both in price and quality.Our KCCNISIIING GOOPS rt..ck i« cuni

plet«, embracingSlIIItT.S that *i!l lit,TIES and CRAVATS, of «ll palten.»,

CLOVES, in cndle-ss variety,UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS,


Over seventy live CAPE OVER-

ICOATH and CAPES now on band.HATS, of ali qualities and styles.Nov 9 R A W. C. SWAFFIELD.

Downer's Mineral Sperm Oil.ANEW OIL, ichica will not light under SOO

degrees Farenheit; never gums; is almostod rles« and fl* soft as Sperm or Lard Oilforfamily use, and when burned in the MINERALSPERM LAUF-, tho light ia equal to the beatKerosene, at a cont not exceeding one-half acout. per hour. It requires bot little atten¬tion, no trimming, and the chimney neverbreaks from boat.A supply of thia safety oil, and a mr ell

assortment o? Lampa, just received and foraale by J. & T. R. AGNEW.

I 1.1 uo-partnersnip, ana win be known UHK. W. 8KIDELS A CD. They reprosont someof tho best FIRE and LIFE INSÜHANCECOMPANIES in thc United States.-Wo propose to bo general Laud Agents, andwill neil or pnrcbaae Iteal Estato anywhere inSouth Carolina, especially in Columbia. Wewill prosccuto claims before the Legislature,and tho renewal of lost honda or other papera.I Persons wishing to sell or buy Beal Estatewill do woll to communicate with ns at Colum¬bia. Wo have soveral handsome places forsalo. Oflice at Mike Hoke's Clothing Store.


Mr. JOHN C. SEEQEBS the solo Agent forthc Bale oí our WHISKIES in Columbia, 8. C.

JOHN GIBSON'S SON A CO.PniT..\nF.i.pniA, November 19, 1870. Deo 1

QPECIAL ATTENTION given to tho COl-0 Icotion of Commercial Taper, Intereston st at c and Railroad Bonds and Stocks, andConvoreion of State Seonnties, byNov 23 Gmo D. QAMBBILL, Broker.Tvro ricK.-i have asaooiated Col. JOHN S.LLA BLACK with me in the General Agency ofthe Carolina Life Insurance Company for thoState or South Carolina. The firm will boknown as BUTLEB & BLACK.

M. 0. BUTLER,Deo 4 fl8 Gen. Agent for South Carolina.X^INA1, DI8CHAUGE-ESTATE MBS.J? MARGARET McDOWELL.-Notico lagiven that F. W. MoMaetor has flied his peti¬tion for final discharge as Administrator ofestate Margaret McDowoll; and that a hear¬ing for said potition has been set for January17, at 10 a. m.. at offioe of Conrt of Probatefor Richland County. J. W. HOGAN,Decl8fl3_Clerk Court of Probate.

Novelties-Special Attractions."VTOW oponing and showing, the largest andX\ most elegant assortment of French andEnglish FANCY GOODS ever brought to thismarket, selected especially for tho Holidays.I Elegaut Perfumery, Colognes and Extracts,Now and superior Toilot Soaps,Perfumo Boxes, Toilot Boxes,Glovo and Handkerchief Boxes,I German, French and English Toilet Water.-,II Atkineon's Extract White Roses,Labia's Perfumes, Extracts, Suchet,

i Low's new Perl innes and Extracts,I CoudrayV Fashionable Cologne,i Coudray's Lavender Water,; Ocrman Farina Cologne,Superior Bay Rum,II A large and tine assortment of Hair Uiush-

cs, Tooth BrushCB,; Engtiah and French Dressing Combs,Ivory Fine-tooth Couihs.

Elegant Pomade for tlio Hair,Eau Lustral, Circassian Lustre,1 Cloth Brushes, Turkish Rubber,Turkish Towels, Tooth Picks,i Elegant Soaps, tho largest assortment intho city,. I A beantifnl selection of Fancy Perfume: Sachets. For sale by> Bec 18 E. H. HEINIT8H, Drnggist.

; For Sale,, I Q ß/iA ACRES of LAND in Barnwell,O.OUU on tho Ediato.

750 ACHES in Kershaw-in lots to snit.HOUSE and LOT in Columbia-*12,000.> 1 House in this city, $5,CO0.i HOUSE and thirteen aores LAND, near thocity-ttf.OOO. Apply to JOHN BAUBKETT,Attorney atLaw and Real Eotato Agent.Sept 25_,_ly

Good Things.T> AMSAY'S Islay Malt Scotch Whiskey, SirJL\i Robert Burnett's Old Tom Gin, Otard,Dupuy, Cognac Brandy. Duff Gordon's Pale

; Sherry, South-side Madeira Wine, LondonDock Port Wino, Hibbert's London Porter,r McEwen's Scotch Ale. The above direot fromthe importers and warranted puro.For saleby_EDWARD HOPE.GRAIN ! GRAIN! GRAUS !


DEALER in (¡KAIN and COUNTRY PRO¬DUCE of all kinds. Will pay promptattention to all orders entrusted to his care.This is a rare opportunity for Planters andi others living along the line of the Greenvillej and Columbia Itatlroad, to procure theil sup-plies at tirst cost. I only ask a fair trial, and

guarantee satisfaction. Nov 21 3moNectar Whiskey.

1080NVi OLD FAMILY NECTOR amiO' Eve WHISKEYS "thepurest and best iimarket " Also, a full stock or RECTIFIEDWHISKEYS, of all grades, always on hand, and for Bale by J. A T. B. AGNEW.

Carolina Manufacturing Company,HAVING opened a Branch House ii' jSBjfr thc city of Columbia, offer for sale th«IMM latest patented and beat made STOVES^5Cuho most improved patterns and regnlar sixes of all kinds of TIN-WAKE, an(i everything in these particular lines, wittconfidence of their merit.

GUTTERING, ROOFING and all kinds ojob work dont with despatch, by supe rioworkmen dumbing, in all it« branches, executed. ll yon want Water carried to a)convenient points ab nit your premises, w<will do von' work at snch prices os willeuablall lo afr -l d itTin- public are invited to ca». Store it

Ehrlich's building, four doors below Bryce'I corner Aug 18 tForeign Exchange.r nnilE CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK is noiI prepared tn draw directly on all thc prominent places in

Engined, Scotland and Ireland,. Germany,


. Belgium,Italy,

and the Orienand »vPI fnrnifh draft* at New York ratea.' '''' *2:{ A_ G_ HBEN 1ZEB. Cashier.

j EMKUY'S UNIVERSA!*; Cotton Gins and Condensers.mil ESE GINS, HO well known thronghoiJ. the South, need no comment. In stylo <workmanship, und for efficiency of worl! their tum ont, with the same amount <power, is nm qnuled. lt. TOZEIL Agent,j Annual 2 Columbia. 8. C.

Hardy Solomon & Co.,HAVING entered into tho manufactureBUICK and QUARRYING of GBANITJand purchased of Messrs. Wright A Vinn, orof their new patent Brick Machines, capabor turning out from 40.000 to 60,000 bricks piday, are now pruparod to make contracto aifuruhdi parties with any quantities of briddesired Apply to H AH DY SOLOMON, at hetore, or at the South Carolina Bank aiTrust Company.

_ Sept 8Champagne.

5CASE8 GOLDEN EAGLE,5 cases RED GROSS,1 cask Catawba WINE.These wines are made of the Seodli:Grapes, and are very delicious.Dec 7 JOHN 0.8EEGEB8.