_- Foreign new«. BARLS, January 10.-Tho report of the Pope hue been received. He «iii allow no discussion of his infallibility, unless ho is sore of a favorable result. MADRID, January 10.-The crisis is over. Jinero is President of the Cortes, and has accepted the Ministry of the In¬ terior^ TOpete is Miuister of Marino; Sagosto is Minister of State. Domestic Newa. CHARLESTON, January 10.-Arrivod- schooner George Pantano, Baltimore. The steamer Anna, which was arrested on last Wednesday, by the United Statos Marshal; at the instance of the Spanish Consul, was released this morning-a motion to that effect having been mado by the counsel for the steamer, with tho concurrence of the United States Dis¬ trict Attorney, as nothing was found to substantiate tho oharge of violation of the neutrality laws. Tho Anna leaves for Nassau to-night. NASHVILLE:, Jaunary 10.-The Constitu¬ tional Conventiou orgauizsd. John C. Brown, a Confederate General, was elected Chairman unanimously. SAN FBANOISCO, January 10.-Deery boat Dion for tho diamond cue and $1,000. Dion mado 1,192 points. -. ?- '.Vasnlngion New». WASHINGDON, January 10.-In the House, many bills woro introduced, in¬ cluding one from Payne, to reconstruct Virginia. In tho Senato, various petitions were presented; among them, ouo for recog¬ nizing Cuba. Sawyer is confirmed for tho Ninth Ju¬ dicial Circuit. The San Domingo treaty was received by the Senate and referred to the Com¬ mittee on Foreign Relations. Internal revenue receipts to-day $672,- 000. In the House, Bluiu's vote, ordering a vote on the main question, is considered important. The bill iu question is Bingham's, and admits Virginia without additional conditions. The President hos nominated Thomas Biddle Consul-General ut Havana, and Hólmés H. Emmons, of Michigan, Judge, vice Withey, who declined. Major-General Charles H. Smith, com¬ manding the 19th Infantry, succeeds General Mower in Louisiana. General Ayres succeeds Smith iu the command of the 19th Infantry, ut Little Kock. General Reynolds assumes commuud of the25th Infantry, vice Mower-still, how¬ ever, retuining command in Texas. Virginia and tho general condition of affairs South was discussed in both Houses. In the Senate, Stewart, Wor¬ ner, Sawyer and Fowler advocated Vir¬ ginia's admission; while Sumner, Wil¬ son, Howard and Pomeroy suggested obstacles. Warner wanted io go into Alabama with the amnesty in one hand and the halter iu tho other; he would pardon rebels, but hang murderers. Fowler would substitute tho Biblo for the halter. Fowler defended Tennessee against the alleged slanders of her Con¬ gressional delegation and Brownlow. In the House, tho bill admittiug Virginia was discussed. Bingham demanded tho previous question; tho demand was sus¬ tained, and a reconsideration of the vote ordering the main question was moved, by a voto of 76 to 7G; the Speaker voted no. The main question was up, but, the morning hour expiring, the matter weut over. An error was found in tho vote on or¬ dering tho main question on Virginia's admission. Thc Speaker withdrew his vote, and on tho subsequent voto shall the main question bo or dered? the vote stood: yens G6, nays80, and tho bill went over. MESSAGE OF GOVERNOR BOWIE TO THE MARYLAND LEGISLATURE.-It was read Thursday. It is very long. Thc aggre¬ gate of receipts into tho Treasury for the fiscal year oudiug September 30th (in¬ cluding a balance of $182,551.01 left over) was $3,484,641.59. Tho total disburse¬ ments for tho same year were $3.039,- 301.18, leaving a balance of $445,840.41. The State debt for which interest has to be provided was on the 30th September $12,692,938.90. Tho productive assets of tho State (bonds and stocks on which interest and dividends aro promptly paid) amount to $7,228,413.13, Of impro¬ ductive assets tho State owns $19,676,- \ 632.08. Governor Bowie denounces tho fifteenth amendment, and opposes its ratification. Ho promises n separate message concerning tho Chesapeake and Ohio canal. He discusses at great length the refusal of tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to pay n bonus due the State on passengers between Wash¬ ington and Baltimore, and recommends the taxing of all that compauv's $50,- 000,000 worth of property. Ashley is like Jemmy Twitoher sus-1 pended by his nether integuments, hung upon a spike on tho top of a wall, in his efforts to escape in a thieving expedition. He was charged with an attempt nt affili¬ ation with tho Democrats, and was about to be removed from tho office of (lover- nor of Montana Territory. Dangling by the wall, ho protests his innocence, and inveighs against his eviction for so un- just an "impeachment"-a kind of as¬ sault he is well acquainted with. Thus stands the case. It is said ho is not absolutely removed, his case being under advisement, but ho still hangs upon the walli We suspect that Ashley, under tho impression that a great convulsion of parties was ot baud, had r-Ash ley "over¬ tured" tho Denis., but found, too soon that his strategy was about to placo him, instead, among tho "dams," and wailed aloud. Baron Hnussman, Prefect of tho Seine, was removed, says a Paris despatch, on account of tho extravagance of, his ad¬ ministration and tho unnecessary sums expended in enlarging and beautifying the city; the Emporor has complied with the/leniantL /M. Chorrean has been ap- UW^r^gaos sAy 'position will go far towards lg the dynasty. -«..«- MAKE.-A colored Senator [h Carolina, named Wright, »ted an action against the and Danville Railroad Com- msoquonce of his recent exclu- [the ladies' car by one of the on that line. He estimates los" at $6,000, und hus em- Biddle, Esq., of Washing. Ícover that sum from the" [ ho can.-Richmond Whiy. jong and healthy, yet lo pro- [good condition," I uso Soul¬ less. N'21 FINANCIA!., AND ooMüngnoiAii. CoiiVMuiA, S. C., January 10.-Sales of cotton to-day only about 40 bales- middlings 23c.. ClNCINKATI PBOpUCB AND PßOVJÄON MARKET-Report by Morris & Reid, Pro¬ duce and. Provision Brokers.-CINCIN¬ NATI, O., January 5, 1870.-Provision market very dull and unsettled, with sales of all hog product at lower prices, and no demand at the decline. The re¬ ceipts of hogs to-day G.9G4; markot dull and a further decline established by sales of live at [email protected] gross for fair to extra heavy averages. Total packed to dato at this point 298,610; total packed to same time last season 322.022. Green meats offered at 10, 12@14J¿ for best averages of shoulders, sides and hams, but buyers aro holding off, anticipating lower fig¬ ures. Bulk meats-sales of partly eared shoulders nt ll; fully cured nominal, at Uli, 14;¿@15 for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides packed. Bacon-no sales; but purchases could profitably be made at 13, 16(ñ)16}-¿ for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides; hams, canvassed, 20(a) 21. Lard nominal, at 17; but purchases might be made .;(»),'.jo. less for city kettled leaf; primo Btcam sold at 15j>"'. Mess pork-sales 1,050 barrels, inside city, at 2G.50. Corn-no old offered; new shelled 80o. in elevator and OOo. sacked, including bags. Oats 53o. in elevator; 58c. including bags. Flour unchanged; super [email protected]; extra 4.85 065.10; family [email protected]. Whiskey- highwincs 94c. sharp cash. NEW YORK, January 10-Noon.-Stocks unsettled, but firm. Money 7. Ex¬ change-long 8-%; short 9j¡£. Gold 22*£. G2's, coupon, 15%; Tennessee's, ex coupon, 53>¿; now 50; Virginia's, ex ooupons, 50>é; new 57¿¿; Louisiana's, old, G8; new G9; levee G's 65}¿; 8's G0>¿; Alabama 8's 93; 6'a 63; Georgia G's 80; 7's 89; North Carolina's, old, 43; now 2SXí; South Carolina's, new, 72>¿. Flour dull and drooping. Wheat dull and a shado lower. Corn dull and declining. Pork firmer, nt 28.50. Cotton heavy, ot 25J£. Freights dull. 7 P. M.-Cotton a shade easier; sales 2,100 bales, at 25>"'. Flour dull and heavy-superfine State [email protected]; com¬ mon to fair extra Southern 5.50(Ä6.00. Wheat heavy ond lower-winter red Western [email protected]. Corn dall and de¬ clining. Pork steadv, at 28.0U(7i.28.87. Lard tirm. Whiskey firm at [email protected]. Freights on cotton-steam Money very easy nt G(5}7. Sterling 8-?«@8?4. Gold 22^'. The Government sold $1,600,000 in gold, at 22 1-1G. LOUISVILLE, January 10.-Pork 28.50; shoulders 13"'..'; clear sides 17. Whiskey 93. CHARLESTON, January 10.-Cotton firm, but quiot, for want of offering stock; sales 200 bales-middlings 24JJ"'@, 24J4'; receipts 1,100 bales. AUGCSTA, January 10.-Cotton mar¬ ket firmer; sales 532 bales; receipts 711 -middling 23»¿. SAVANNAH, January 10.-Sales of cot¬ ton, to-duy, 800 bales-middling 24 Vj J market firm. LONDON, January 10-3 P. M.-Mo¬ ney 92%. Bonds tinner, at 8G%. PARIS, January 10.-Rentes firm, at 74 @70. HAVRE, January 10.-Cotton quiet- on spot 137. LIVERPOOL, January 10-3 P. M.- Cotton steady-uplands ll%(alll>¿; Or¬ leans LIVERPOOL, January 10-Evening.- Cotton quiet-uplands ll %(&ll1.Or¬ leans U%@11&¿; sales 10.000 bales; spe¬ culation and export 2,000. Just .Received A T HARDY SOLOMON'8,1 case BON TON £\_ SURPRISE CANDY. Jan H_ Wanted. A N intelligent OIRL, well recommended, ¿\_ can get a good situation as house ser¬ vant. JAKES O. OIBRES. Jan ll 1 Wanted, AFURNISHED ROOM, by a siuglo gentle¬ man. Address, "S. C. Q.." Jan ll 1 * PnotNTX Office._ Special Notice. rj"MIE annual meeting of Ibo Stockholders of .JL tho Carolina National Dank, will be held THIS DAY, at 12 o'clock M , at thu Ranking House. Jan ll 1 True Brotherhoo d Lodge No 84, A. F. M AN extra communication of this 'Lodge will he held at Masonic Hall, /mid EVENING, st 7 o'clock. Tho Second Degree will he conferred. Jan ll 1 F. A. PRAY, Scnrotary. WON'T BE UNDER-SOLD ! ! CULVER THIMBLES, best in thecitv, FIFTY O CENTS. WA I'CH O LASSES, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, at I. 8ÜLZ CACHE R'S, Jan ll (J Colnmbia Hotel Row. The Executive Committee OF the South Carolina Kt at o Agricultural and Mechanical Society will meet in Co¬ lumbia, at the Columbia Hotel, at 7 o'clock p. m., on TUESDAY, 25th instant. All tbo mem- bors aro requested to bo présent. By order ol tho Président. D. WYATT AIKEN, Secretary South Curoliua Btato Agricultural mid Mechanical Society. Jan ll HUIHT For Sale. '2 FINE BILLIARD TABLES, Sharpe's mike, slate bedding. Tables are in good order, willi Cues, Calla and Countora com- plme. Will bo sold very low. Apply to Jail ll Ci. DIERCKS. Seed Potatoes. 1 Fifi BARRELS Irifh Planting Potatoes, l.*J\J e.insisting ol Earlv Rose, Goodrich, Tink-evo, Peach Blow, Monitor, A'c.. For sale to arrive, low for cash. Ordeis from the country addressed to mo will receive prompt attention. P. CANTWELL, Jan ll 1 Colombia,8. C. Academy of Music, Charleston, S. C. During tho week commencing MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1H70, rpiIlS mugnillccnt Templo of tho Drama and JL Music will bo occupied by the eminent Shakspenan Scholar and Comedian, MR. JAMES H. HACKETT, Who will appoar as ?^Pr^WWrnLl 1 JJ ."r»J.B-S."fflWrWas at BOOTH'S THRATRK, NEW YORK, Ending on Christmas Evo. It was a success that compelled this f imous icholar to appear aa Sir John Falstaff continnnnsly fir over one month. ... Mr. JOHN T. FORD, tho Charleston Ma¬ nager, formerly of Ford's Theatre, Washing¬ ton, D. C., has secured Mr. HACKETT'S next Appearance.after Booth's Theatre, for Charles¬ ton, S. C. Jan 111» Dental Notice. At Columbus, Obio, they had a bap¬ tizing not loug ainco. lt didn't turn ont to be a success, because the minister took in a darkey first, and after sloshing bim around in the tank, asked several young ladies to step in who wore all pre¬ pared. They wouldn't go in unless he changed the water, and he told them he would see them d-arned first. That's the way the matter rested at last accounts. SUBLIME HÏTOCBISY.-A few days ago, Secretary Boutwell, in the oourso of a lecture, pathetically dwelt upon the folly of attempting to govern a people without their oonsent. Bootwell is determined to believe that the Sonth is not BO gov¬ erned, and some of the Southern people are anxious that he should oontinne to think so. MURDERED.-Mr. Dan Lee, doing business in Cochran, waa killed in that place last Saturday night. He was be¬ hind the counter, selling goods, when some unknown person outside shot him through the open door, lodging a load of buckshot in his breast. He fell back and died instantly. [Hawkinsville Dispatch, 30th ult. % One of Massachusetts' new Mayors, in his inaugural address on Monday, gave utterance to this sentiment: "As the east¬ ern horizon of the present is made glori¬ ous with its beaming rays of opportunity, so may the sun-set hour of the future, by the refractive influences of faithful duty greet us with its gorgeous panoply of prismatic light." The great land tenure conference of nobility and lat.d-holders of Ireland will shortly assemble in Dublin. Its pro¬ ceedings are expected to have great in¬ fluence in arranging the difficulties which now exist between landlord aod tenant, and the public press unite in ad¬ vising a lib« ral and progressive policy. A PRODIGY.-Missouri rejoices in a mathematical genius who, through very little rute, squared, in three minutes, the following figures : 145,145.145,145. As the result is 21,007,113,159,163,117,071, 025, wo leave tho reader to judge whether it was an eusy performance or uot. The man called .Tomes Logan No. 2, who was recently shot in New York by Jerry Dunn, died Thursday night. He signed a paper declaring himself inno¬ cent of the Bogers mordor, somo months ago, and that ho had uo kuowledge of | who committed the deed. A store clerk in Fond du Lao, Wis., got even with some boys who Rat on the door-step ut, nights and told obsceno stories to keep bim uwake. He poured sulphuric acid on tho step, and when they left, tho seat of their pants romained. They thought it would have been a good joko on any one else. An exchange paper says that a delegate from a territory, in Congress, is a sort of Cougressioual tadpole. He can swim and dive, but he cannot croak. He has no vote upon what he has been talking about. The last case of modesty is that of a j young lady who discarded her lover, a. sea captain, because in speaking of ono i of4his voyages, ho said thatjhe "hogged" the shore. A young lady being charged by a gen- t Ie mun with having trifled with his feel¬ ings, very lunnilv, as sho thought, ex¬ claimed, "Well, I plead jilty." The safe of tho Adams Express Com¬ pany was robbed of 830,000 between Washington and New York, on the 7th. No cine to tho robbers. Tho trigonometrical survey of the kingdom of Qreat Britain, which was commenced in 1783 by General Boy, was ended last week, with the completion of surveys in Scotland. The Now York Herald says "General Grant regurds tho law with contempt." But it is hardly truo. How can he re¬ gard with contempt a thing he knows nothing about. The firemen of Waverley, N. Y., are going to resign. They have waited thir¬ teen years for a fire, and none has oc¬ curred. Their red shirts aro ont of fashion, and they are disgusted. Two young ladies, named Cnrtiss, ex¬ hibited tho premium balo of cotton at tho fair in Bronham, Texas. It was not worn about their persons. Tho World's Japan correspondent writes that Russia has seized some of the northern islands of the Japanese Empire, and the belief prevails that it is the in¬ tention of the Czar to ultimately absorb the entire country. An armed body of men stopped the United States mail coaches on Tuesday, between Denver and Cheyenne City, and rifled them cf their contents. This is tho second time tho mails on this route have been robbed since Christmas. We like cheek, but the young woman who asked the photographer to take her a pioture with an expression as if com¬ posing a poem, had more than enough for one person. A telegram from Salt Lake announces that the excitement among the Mormons, caused by schism and the proposed con¬ gressional legislation, continues. A despatch from Troy, N. Y., says that the Glenn Falls National Bank was en¬ tered by burglars yesterday morning, at an early hour. The safe was blown opon and $20,000 stolen. The Indians blamed for recent mur¬ ders, near Fort Shaw, Montana, were innocent, the white men were the perpe¬ trators. "Ohl what an excellent Tonio," is the language of the invalid who uses SOLO¬ MONS' BITTERS. N21 Notice. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA, January 10,1670. The following Sections of the "Ordinance, concerning Streets, Pavements and Shade Trees," are published for general information: Kee. 13. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful to drive any wagon, cart, or other carriage, or to ride or lead any horse across or npon any open brick drain, within the corpora* .) Umita of the city of Columbi a: except, at the bridgea or other placea provided for crossing said) drains, under a penalty not exceeding fwentyX dollars for #tch and every i milli ' ii^ii iiwiiTt ^i!^XortorIuT^5Íw or mule, or suffer them to aft$d npon any pavement, ex- copt ia casos of absolute necessity; and any Sarson offending herein, ahaU be subject tn a ne of not less than one, nor more than fifty dollars. By order of tho City Council. Jan ll 6 _£. 8. MCMAHON, City Clork. A Good Pinner CAN boobtaiued any day, at 3 o'clock, at tbs EXCHANOE HOUSE. Also, FREE LUNCH from ll until 1 o'clock, daily. Jan t; Just Rooeived AT HARDY SOLOMON'S. BARRELS Pink-oye Planting POTA¬ TO TOKH. 25 bbls. Poach Blow Planting Potatore, i 25 bbls. Goodrich Planting Pot atoes. Jan 0 A Yankee ono day a«ked his lawyer how an heiress might be carried off. "Yon oanuot do it with safety," said the counsellor, "but I'll tell yon what you may do. Let her mount a horse and hold a bridle-whip; do you then mount behind her, and you aro safe, for she rons away with you." The next day the lawyer fonnd that it was his own daugh¬ ter who bad rou away with his olient. The rebel Mozioan State of Han Luis is to be reconstructed. The Governor and most of the members of the Legis¬ lature have been put in prison, a new election has been ordered, and a forced loan of $100,000 hus been levied on the people. j An Omaha despatch says that the Mormon schism is increasing rapidly. There are over two thousand apostates now in Utah, and they are about to have a daily newspaper. I The Captain-General of Porto Rico j met with a narrow escape from death by I, poisoning recently. The poison was verdigris, which had accumnlated on meat, kept in a metal box. Henry Ward Beecher is for instant Onban recognition, right or wrong. He looks at Cuba as he did at Mts. McFar¬ land, simply as a suffering sister. The Dnho or Devonshire is about to construct, ab his own cost, a line of rail¬ way from Fermoy to Lismore, in Ireland. The estimated cost is £120,000. Tho weak and emaciated mother says: "My health and strength is restored by j the nse of" SOLOMONS' BITTEP». N21 j Louisville is going to post the names of oommon drunkards in the saloons, und forbid the sale of liquor to them. Why are lovers like turnips? Because they are often pured (paired.) CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR,! ou Blood Cleanser. THIS medicino is kuon n tn tho faculty as being tho concentrate 1 fluid extraot or ;1 Sarsaparilla, u itod with ot lier valuable medi- oinal herbs, and ia guaranteed as chemically puro. For tho cure of SCROFULA ANO CONSUltlPTfOK. j This remedy in compounded expressly for purifying and cleansing tho blood of all in- drmitios, going at once to the fountain-head ofdiaoa.ie. It extinguishes Tumors, Consumption, Syphilis, Skin F.rup- tions Scut Rheum, Roils, Rheumatism, Waste of Vitality, Scrofula. Wo all know tbat the promiscuous vaccina- J tion indulged in during tho lato war brod tho j moat villainous diaeaaea. Vaccination pus was taken from tho arms of many persona foll of scrofulous sores. j Then of course tho impurities of the acrofu- lous patient were absorbed in the blood of men i otherwise without diseases, and both became infected aliko. Men, women and children throughout all tho Weat are most wofully diacasod from this cause, and know not, until j a few months ago, the origin of it. Henry's Constitution Renovator Relieves tho entire system ot pains and aches, enlivens tho spirits, and sends new blood BOUNDING THROUGH EVERY VEIN. It imparts a SPARKLING BRIGHTNESS TO THE EVR, A ROSY GLOW TO TUE CnEEK, A RUBY TINOE TO THE LIPS, A Cr.EAHNi.sH TO THE HEAD, BRIGHTNESS TO TUE COMPLEXION, BUOYANCY TO TUE SPIRITS, ANO HAPPINESS ON ALL binns. For all affections of tho kidnoys it is unsur- passed. People havo been rescued, as it wore, from the very Jaws of death, by a timely uso of this great remedy. EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTERS. "Doctor, I was vaccinated in the hospital. Before that I had no akin disease. Until I had a bottlo of your 'Constitution Renovator,' sont mo by Mr. Roper, of Columbia, Mo., I suffered tortures with running sores. Since I usod two bottles I am woll, oxcopta small sore on tho calf of my loft leg, and that is getting well fast." This from a lady: "And now my skin is as oloar and fair as a babe's. My complexion, thanks to yonr 'Renovator,' is beautiful." "Yes, yes, I may well say such reliof waa unknown to mo boforo. Enclosed find five dollars for six bottles; two families here want to try it." "I was very much troubled with syphilis. Your remedy seoma to bo curing me fast. Send I fonr bottlea per Express." "No moro rheumatism. Throe bottles of Constitution Renovator havo made me a new man." "Doctor, oncloaed find $5. Ploaso sond me a supply. Two families hero want to try yonr Constitution Renovator." Wo havo not space for moro of tho above ex¬ tracts, but you can ask yonr noighbor abont the remedy. Every one has something good to say, as it cures every timo. For all diseases of tho KIDNEY'S, RETENTION OF THE URINE, fte., Ac. And for Female Diseases, Nervous Prostra¬ tion, Weakness, General Lassitude and Want of Appetite, it is unsurpassed. CAUTION.-In ordering our remedy, always place tho number of our Post Office Box on your letters. The new law in our New York Post Onice compels this. Address, DR. AI. K. HENRY di CO.. Director-Ooneral Berlin Hospital, Prussia, j Agency of the United States, Laboratory, 276 Pearl street, Post Office Box 5.272, New York. SO- CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR is ll per bottle, six bottles for $6. Bent anywhere on reoeipt of prioe. Patients are requested to correspond confidentially, and reply will ba made by following mail. Bold by all respectable Druggists. A I BX A R . 8 SARRACENIA BITTERS, A sovereign remedy for DTSPHP IS XA, And diseases arising from a disordered con¬ dition of the Stomach and Liver. Prepared by G. W. AIMA lt, Chemist and Druggist, 169 King, corner Vanderhorat street, Charleston, South Carolina. tm- SOLD DY ALL D RUO GISTS. -&y Jan ll_ -i -Hy Gas Bills for Month of December. CONSUMERS are respectfully requested to maku prompt pay meat» of the above. The Compauy has pressing dcmatidB and muet be met-do not permit yourselves to bo deprived of tho light. Thc regulation regarding it, will bo enforced without any distinction. Jan 9 JACOB LEVIN, 8eo'y_Gas Co. Pocket-Book Found. APOCKET-BOOK, containing eevoral valu¬ able notes and other papers, eupposod to belong to lt. \V. Bates, of Orangoburg, has been found and placed in tho hands of Police¬ man Börry, who will return it to tho owner, on payment of the ueoeBsary expenses. Jan 91_ Just Received. 1BARREL puro mountain dow CORN WHISKEY, from tho mountains of this ataie. CAMPBELL A JONES. Jan 8 _ _3_ Notice. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. COLUMBIA, January 5, 1870. TAXES on salea of merchandize, wales at auction, and ou commission, insurance agencies, receipts of hotula, boarding-houses, Baloons, Ac. for tho quarter ondiug January 1, aro duo, and prompt payment of the the same is required. J. S. McMAHON, Jan J! fi City Clerk. Fresh Drugs. CHLOROFORM, Soluble Glaan. Sago. Composition Powder, at Jan 6_ _E. E. JACKSON'8. FANCY ARTICLES, AT REDUCED PRICES, at _Ja_!' ÍL_ 5; E. JACKSON'S. Reduoed Rate« of Passage and Freight. GENERAL AGENT'S OFFICE, GREENVILLE AND COLUMBIA R. R. CO., COLUMIIIA, S. C., January ft, 1870. THE reduced "Rates of Passage" adopted by the Board of Directors of this Compa¬ ny, will go into effect on MONDAY, Jannary 10. 1870. W. ALLSTON GIBBES, Jan 9 3 General Agent. 0W Papera publishing by agreement with tho Company, will pnblish throe times, tri¬ weekly. Pocket Diaries for 1870. PLA IN A ND SELF- CL OSlNG. C)f\ DIFFERENT sizes and pricea. Miller's South Carolina Almanac. Also, Lon- doa. American, Kural, Church and Pictoi Ul Almanacs, tor 1870 For eulo by Jan 6_BRYAN X MoCARTER. White Corn. C\f\f\ BUSHELS primo White CORN, for ÜUU salo low for CASH. J*n8_K.I)WARD HOPE. Jewelry, otc. /~o I havo just received another lot ol Vyv linc DIAMOND RINGS, fino WATCHED JK.Aand GULP THIMBLES. Call at WM. LÍL,AZIE'S, next door to Mesara. Scott, Wil¬ liams A Co.'a Ranking House Jan 8 12 Expected Daily T7IRESH ONION SETS, and GARDEN SEED, r at E. E. JACKSON'S. Jan 5 _ _ THIS DAY. Gc. I) I E E C K S y¡¿. gra RESPECTFULLY in foi ins hil (¡fggSjkWm friends and customers that ho hat I nfl removed to his new establishment I ll S tUmm formerly Kinalor's building, onthi L'StSBLIlBhcornor of Richardaon and Tayloi Btrebta, wuern ho will constantly keep on hanc a caretnlly selected assortment of GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, Hams, Su^ar-cured Shoulders, Plantation Bacon, Faltón Market Beef, Mackerel, Salmón, Herring and Codfish. ALSO, Flour, Meal, Rice, etc. Canned Lobsters and Oysters, Sardines, otc Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Canned Fruits Jollies and Pickles. His stock of Liquors and Winei ^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^^^"'ch-i^JSLI:ne cte all of well-known branda, both WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ho will always have in bia Now Storo a fn supply of Tobacco. SMOKING TOBACCO of Richmond, Lynd burg and Baltimore manufactures, in hal quarter and one-eighth pound packagea. SEGARS-both homo manufacture and in ported. And CHEWING TOBACCO of différai qualities. Besidoa every artielo belonging to a fin class oatabliahmont. Grateful for vast favors, and determined leave no honorable means untried to rctai the good will of all who have favored n hitherto, ami who may hereafter favor n with their custom, I will bo happy to reccb tho kind pa t ron u); e, both of my old friends at of tho public in general. O. DIEKCK8. Jan 7_ Administrator's Notice. THE undersigned gives notico that on tl 7th day of February next, ho will apply W. H. Wigg, Esq., Judge of Probate for Ric land County, at bis office, at 10 a. m., foi- final discharge aa Administrator of Mary turner, deceased. Jan 8 113_SAMUEL B.^HOSIPSON. For Salo. M^. JUSTroceivcd from Ken- Q3A tucky a large and soled -»tock of young MULES and JfHA tiuuor.S. which can be seen at Lo- \ À / gan's Stables, rear of State House. Dec_29 12_ _ W 8. A J. M. TALPOTT. Annual Meeting-Dividend. CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK OF COLUMBIA, S. C., December 20. 1869, TUE annual mooting of the Stockholders this Bank will be hold at its banki: Lou- e, in Columbia, on the second TUEbDj of January 1870. being the 11th prox. The Board of Directors have declared semi-annual dividend for tho six months eu ing December 21,1869. at the rato or SIX TEI PER CENT, por annum, being Eight Per Cet for tho period named, free of Uuitod Stab state and County Tuxes, payable on and aft the 5th dav of January m xt. Pee 81 tnf W. B O ULICK, Cashier GEO. W. WILLIAMS * CO. WHOLESALE « ROC EUS, WILLIAMS, BIRNIE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANT, C5 Bearer afreet and 20 Exchange Place, Jan5_NEW YOKK._+3i Upholstering and Mattress-making THE undersigned baa opened work-shops Washington street, a few doora West the Masonic Hall, for tho purpose of earryi on tho abovo business in all its branches. work entrusted to him will havo his poreoi attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. I long experience and boat efforts shall bo nt to please all who favor him with orders. Dec 19 timo I. ORIESHABER Executor's Notice. ALL persona having demanda against I estato of Mrs. S. H. HOWELL, docoas will present thtrm, properly attested; and persona indebted, will mako payment, witl threo months from dato of this publication JAMES R. HOWELL, Adminietratoi ijec 30 th Ornamenta* Hair Work. THE undersigned respectfully informs the ladies of Columbia, thitt ho is prepared to attend to all kinds ot artiUcial HAIR WORK. WIGS, COILS, CURLS, RSA IDS, etc., repair¬ ed and rejuvenated. Ladies' Hair drceuod in latent stylos. Oflicu over the Savings Hank, corner Main and Tavlor streets. JanO _LEON BOUJA8SON. $1 GREENBACK EQUAL TO A GOLD ©OLLAR! Prices reduced to Gold Value and Greenback« accepted at par. C. F. JACKSON HAS REDUCED the price of his entire ?took of DEY GOODS, And until the FIRST OF FEBRUAR NEXT.Y I will sell off my large and varied stock of DRY G00D8. without regard to profits. All extra Fine Goods, such as: CLOAKS, ARABS, SILK DRE8S GOODS, ¡ HIGH PLAIDS, OASSIMERES, Will bo aold I AT COST. Jan 9 Fashionable Dress-making. jOtfT^ MRS. M. J. CURRY wlehos to an- £QHaL%nounce to the ladiea of Columbia v s^VfH*nd vicinity, that ehe is located on iL» JLÄ Main street, opposite Mr. 8. Por- BP Wp* ter's Dry Goods Store. She gua- A. rantees a good flt and moderate prices to all who may favor her with a call. A Bhare of publio patronage is earnestly soil- pited._Jan 4 12 Large Assortment OF Ladies'and Gent's Ono GOLD WATCHES and CHAINS, for sale at ISAAC SULZBACHER'S, Columbia Hotel Row. Large Assortment OF new atylea Ladiea' Half SETS, (some¬ thing elegant.) at ISAAC SULZBACHER'S, Columbia Hotel Row. O Immense 8tock F Hohd Silver and Plated Wares, selling cheap, at ISAAC SULZBACHER'S, Columbia Hotel Itow. The Finest Assortment OF Table and Pooket CUTLERY In the city, at reduced prices. ISAAC 6ULZBACHER, Columbia Hotel Row. Large Assortment OF French and American CLOCKS. Also, a small assortment of GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Ac, Ac. at ISAAC SULZBACHER'S, Jan 5 Columbia Hotel Row. Dissolution of Copartnership, THE firm of E. A G. D. HOPE ia thia day dissolved by mutual consent. All in¬ debted by note or account are requested to settle tlie same as early as practicable. EDWARD HOPE, Jan 110 G. D. HOPE. A CARD. THE firm of E. & G. D. HOPE having been dissolved, the business will be continued on the cash principio-indefinite credit is abo¬ lished, so far as concerns the undersigned. Jan 4 10_EDWARD HOPE. Estate of John Stork. NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 31st day of January, 1870, tho undersigned will apply to Hon. Wm. Hutson Wigg, Judgo of Probate for Richland County, for a final discharge as Administrator of the estato of John Stork, deceasod. W. H. STORK, Jan 1 tig_ Administrator._ TECH STOO K. OF TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS C A 1'll ET UV(1! JOHN CROSSLEY SONS' MAKES AND SELECT PATTERNS, WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT COST FROM THIS DATE. W. 1). LOVE & CO., Columbia Hotel Building. W. D. LOVE, B. B. MCCREEBY. Dec 28_ Watches and Jewelry Repaired IN tho boat manner, by first class workmen, and warranted. ENGRAVING finclv execnted. DeclC_WILLIAM GLAZE. Fine Gold Watches -. ^traJfi OF all descriptions, for Ladlee JSxr^Sff and Gentlemen, for sale at CSUM WILLIAM GLAZE'S, ssaasaanasasaTaa Qne door North of Messrs. Scott A Williams* Banking House. _ Dec 16 Guns and Ammunition. rUST received by William Glaze, fine Eng¬ lish BREECH-LOADING GUNS, fine Eng- llith Powder, in Canisters, Shot and Caps, of all kind. Ono door North of Messrs. Scott, Wil¬ liams A Cn.'» Ranking House. _Dec 16 Cow Feed ! Cow Feed ! JLS'S1 roceived, a fresh lot of COW FEED, at the Columbia leo Hoose, which will be sold It-v for cash. J.D. BATEMAN. N&-. 2d _ 3mo Fine Gold Watch Chains OF all tho latest stvles, for Ladios and Gen¬ tlemen, Tor sale by WILLIAM GLAZE. Dec 1«_ Diamonds. IHAVE Just received by Espie** a fine as¬ sortment of DIAMOND JEWELRY-Ring» trom $10 to $250. WILLIAM GLAZE. _Dec 10 New Goods. I HAVE Just roceived another supply of tine English and French 0A&8I- fflul M Kit KN, or tho lAteat styles, which are Hat offered low for oaah. C. D. EBERHARDT, Washington street, opposite Law Range. Nova»_ Tum mgMiP3SJite4fe&t-~m.* viwir common. Pare Cream Tartar. Choioe Spicea. Flavoring Extraots. For aale low by Nov 25 E. E. JACKSON, Drängle*. The Purest Spices AND beHt FLAVORING EXTRACTS, at the lowest prices, at Finhot Heinitsh'a DruK Store._ _ Dec 21_ Fire CrackersItfFire Crackers! 1 f\i\ BOXES first quality FIRE CRACK- lUU ESS, just received and for sale low by J. A T.JL AGNEW. To the Public in General. IHAVE better COTTON SEED than any man who advertises Seed for sale. Mino is tho improved BOYD PROLIFIC, which ex- eels any other. The price ia $2.60 nor buahel. Aa examination of my proofs will be convinc¬ ing. 1 refer to Jooob H. Wells and J. D. Hilt. Call and look at tho growth, in butcher Town. Dec 3 N. POPE. Auction Salo?. Sugar and Molasse». BY F. F. SALAS. Auctioneer. On THURSDAY next, the 13th instant, at half ptst ll o'clock a. m., will be sold, on Central Wharf, Charleston, 8. C., alongside tho bri« Castilian, inst arrived from Matanzas, 60 hhds. OOOD GROCERY SUGAR 50 boxes prime Grocery Sugar 100 hhds. superior New Crop Clayed Molasses 150 bbls. superior Now Crop Clayed Molasses 75 hhds. Prime Muscovado Molasses 18 bbls. prime Muscovado Molasses 50 hhds. «Juba Molasses 100 bbls. Cuba Molasses. TUMS.-All sums under $1,000 cash, above that amount thirty days, with approved city endorsed notes._ Jan ll 2 Watches and Jewelry. Richardson aud Tavlor streets. Gold and Silvor WATCH EB, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wares, Knives, Forks, Spoons and everything belonging to a well-selected as¬ sortment, alwavs to bo had or furnished on the moat favorable terms. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. Music Boxes, Surgical Instruments by an ex perienced workman from Europe Jan 7_ft. DIKROKS. Administrator's Notice. THE undersigned gives notico that on th» 28th day of January next, he will apply to W. Hutson Wigg, Esq.." Judge of Probate, for Richland County, at bis office, at 10 o'clock A. M., for a final discharge as Administrator of William H n s sung, deceased. Deo 80 tl3_W>1. K. BACHMAN. Final DIB ch ar ge. THE undersigned gives notice that be will apply to Hon. Wdliam Huta«n Wigg, J migo of Probate for Richland County, at lue office, in Columbia, on MONDAY. January 24, 1870, at 10 a m., for a final discharge Guar- dun or Hallie H. Belton. J. P. HOUTHEKN. COLUMBIA. Deoember 22. 1869. Dec 23 1 DEY GOODS! \E\¥ STORE A\D SEW GOODS. WE take pleasure in announcing to tba public, that we have thia day openod a fluostook of DRY GOODS, of evory deaoriD- tion, and shall always have ou hand a fine assortment of all the various Goods appertain¬ ing to onr trade. Our Dress Goods Department Shall always be replete, with the latest styles ¡of Silks, Satins, Poplins, Plaids, Empress Cloths. Merinos. Delaines and Operas, in all colors. Prints of all grades and makes. TABLE LINENS, in all styles, Damasks, Towels, Napkins, Doylies and Diapers of every description. In JEANS, OASSIMERES, BROADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, wo shall always have a complote assortment. In BLEACHED GOODS, BHEETINGB and SHIRTINGS, and in BROWN COTTON8, we shall offer great inducements. In GLOVE8, HOSIERY, GENTS WEAR. Collars, Merino Drawers and Shirts, a fine se- lection and bargains. A fine assortment of NOTIONS on band. Call and see us, at tho New Stor", in Diercka' new building, under tho old Kinalcr Hall. Deo2 3mo S. W. PORTER A CO. Dissolution of Copartnership. THE Firm or FISHER. LOWRANCE A FISHER is dissolved by the death of tho senior partner. All those indebted to thia concern are ear neatly requested to como forward and settle their accounts wlthonnt delay. R. N. LOWRANCE, I "M^"" J. FISHER, (Survivors. COLUMBIA, 8. C., December 1,1869. New Firm. RN. LOWRANCE, W. B. LOWRANCE ANO » P. C. LÖRICK having purchased tho stock ot Fisher, Lowranco A Fiaher, have united under tho firm of LOWRANCE A CO., and beg leave to offer their cervices to, and ask a continuance of, the favors of tho friends of tho old concorn. They will rcceivo payment from all parties indebted to Fisher, Lowranco j <5- Fisher: and those having claims against the same, will present them for liquidation. Deo a.i j_LOWRANCE g du."- Fresh Goods RECEIVED to-day: 90 Barrels Western FLOUR, aimer, ex- tra and family. 2,000 poonda Fine Feed, Best Orango County Butter, Dairy and Fao- tory Cheese, Saur Kraut, Mineo Meat, («mie- /;un<7 nice,) Brandy Fruits. JollieB-aasortod- Canned Tomatoes, Peaches, Salmon, Cove Oysters, Lobsters. Sardines, Desicated Cod Fish, Fulton Market Beof, Pickles, Salmon Bav Mackerel, etc., etc. _jlov^íí_LEAPHART A SLOANS. Empire Shuttle Machine. WHY 18 IT THE BEBT! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unatarched. ^ H sew* the most dolicate. thin, aolt tabrio wit h ont drawing. It sews a Bias Boam as well as any other. W. D. LOVE & CO.. Columbia Hotel Building, No* al 4mn_8*j0 Ag-nta. Family Supplies. i* WE take pleasure <$JE?jSfc*T4^a\. no,ifyiug onr '^?^^isaR^*^ frienda a ii d the '-^aAMfiSK&O: public that wo have y^^^S^ÊÊSS^tÇ^^.- removed our Stock, hf^^^SiSr^ to Old FXYHÀNÔV. ^' 3>r^^mW^^' IUNK co KN FR, ^^^SyataBsSC: nearly opposite Co- wAyreiS^V lumbla ll o t o I , ^f 'v##Sl--4|Jf^i^*' whoro we will bo pleased to see and offer them fixtra inducement a in all articles usu.illy kept in the GROCERY. HARDWARE and LIQUOR lina. T. J a H. M. C1BSON, Oct 15 Old 1* chineo Bank Corner. Fresh Norfolk Oyster», RECEIVED EVERY DAY, and families eau be »applied in any quantity, at Nov24 J. E. HEIR. '8 Ut-HTAURANT. Baking Powders. BETTER than Preston's, warranted. Only twonty-five cents a box, at A PHHBK A H EIN ITS H'S Drug Store. Ti iwiin P -Trisar, «? _> Kfk BOXES Mixed CANDY, just received ZJ\J and tor sal« low br the box. Dee 10 J. AT. R. AONEW. Limburgher Cheese. 1 f\f \ LBS. of thia celebrated CHEESE 1UVJ just to hand. Also, 10 boxes prime Cutting Cheese. 0 boxes Young America Cheese. For sale bv_G KO. WYMMFPS Kerosene ! Kerosene ! ! PURE KEROSENE OIL, warranted 110, Aro teat, for salo low by the barrel and at ro- tail; alHo in five gallon tin cana, at f>0 cents per gallon-no charge for cans-which ls very oonreniont tor country purchasers. Nov 24 3L.&-m 'L AGNEW. Fresh Norfolk Oysters. 0gx S~\ IF vou want fresh Norfolk OYS ^SiLVTHUS*, call at tho Columbia leo ^BflÉ"' House, whore they are kept con- stanily ou hand, and sold low for cash. All orders from tho country promptly attended to Nov 10 Sino* JOHN D. BATEMAN

The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1870-01-10. · 2017. 12. 15. · _-Foreign new«. BARLS, January 10.-Thoreportof the Pope hue been received. He«iii allow nodiscussion of his infallibility,

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Page 1: The Daily Phoenix.(Columbia, S.C.) 1870-01-10. · 2017. 12. 15. · _-Foreign new«. BARLS, January 10.-Thoreportof the Pope hue been received. He«iii allow nodiscussion of his infallibility,


Foreign new«.

BARLS, January 10.-Tho report of thePope hue been received. He «iii allowno discussion of his infallibility, unlessho is sore of a favorable result.MADRID, January 10.-The crisis is

over. Jinero is President of the Cortes,and has accepted the Ministry of the In¬terior^ TOpete is Miuister of Marino;Sagosto is Minister of State.

Domestic Newa.

CHARLESTON, January 10.-Arrivod-schooner George Pantano, Baltimore.The steamer Anna, which was arrested

on last Wednesday, by the United StatosMarshal; at the instance of the SpanishConsul, was released this morning-amotion to that effect having been madoby the counsel for the steamer, with thoconcurrence of the United States Dis¬trict Attorney, as nothing was found tosubstantiate tho oharge of violation ofthe neutrality laws. Tho Anna leavesfor Nassau to-night.NASHVILLE:, Jaunary 10.-The Constitu¬

tional Conventiou orgauizsd. John C.Brown, a Confederate General, waselected Chairman unanimously.SAN FBANOISCO, January 10.-Deery

boat Dion for tho diamond cue and$1,000. Dion mado 1,192 points.


'.Vasnlngion New».

WASHINGDON, January 10.-In theHouse, many bills woro introduced, in¬cluding one from Payne, to reconstructVirginia.In tho Senato, various petitions were

presented; among them, ouo for recog¬nizing Cuba.Sawyer is confirmed for tho Ninth Ju¬

dicial Circuit.The San Domingo treaty was received

by the Senate and referred to the Com¬mittee on Foreign Relations.Internal revenue receipts to-day $672,-

000.In the House, Bluiu's vote, ordering a

vote on the main question, is consideredimportant. The bill iu question isBingham's, and admits Virginia withoutadditional conditions.The President hos nominated Thomas

Biddle Consul-General ut Havana, andHólmés H. Emmons, of Michigan,Judge, vice Withey, who declined.Major-General Charles H. Smith, com¬

manding the 19th Infantry, succeedsGeneral Mower in Louisiana. GeneralAyres succeeds Smith iu the commandof the 19th Infantry, ut Little Kock.General Reynolds assumes commuud ofthe25th Infantry, vice Mower-still, how¬ever, retuining command in Texas.

Virginia and tho general condition ofaffairs South was discussed in bothHouses. In the Senate, Stewart, Wor¬ner, Sawyer and Fowler advocated Vir¬ginia's admission; while Sumner, Wil¬son, Howard and Pomeroy suggestedobstacles. Warner wanted io go intoAlabama with the amnesty in one handand the halter iu tho other; he wouldpardon rebels, but hang murderers.Fowler would substitute tho Biblo forthe halter. Fowler defended Tennesseeagainst the alleged slanders of her Con¬gressional delegation and Brownlow. Inthe House, tho bill admittiug Virginiawas discussed. Bingham demanded thoprevious question; tho demand was sus¬tained, and a reconsideration of the voteordering the main question was moved,by a voto of 76 to 7G; the Speaker votedno. The main question was up, but, themorning hour expiring, the matter weutover.An error was found in tho vote on or¬

dering tho main question on Virginia'sadmission. Thc Speaker withdrew hisvote, and on tho subsequent voto shallthe main question bo or dered? the votestood: yens G6, nays80, and tho bill wentover.

MESSAGE OF GOVERNOR BOWIE TO THEMARYLAND LEGISLATURE.-It was readThursday. It is very long. Thc aggre¬gate of receipts into tho Treasury for thefiscal year oudiug September 30th (in¬cluding a balance of $182,551.01 left over)was $3,484,641.59. Tho total disburse¬ments for tho same year were $3.039,-301.18, leaving a balance of $445,840.41.The State debt for which interest has tobe provided was on the 30th September$12,692,938.90. Tho productive assetsof tho State (bonds and stocks on whichinterest and dividends aro promptly paid)amount to $7,228,413.13, Of impro¬ductive assets tho State owns $19,676,- \632.08. Governor Bowie denounces thofifteenth amendment, and opposes itsratification. Ho promises n separatemessage concerning tho Chesapeake andOhio canal. He discusses at great lengththe refusal of tho Baltimore and OhioRailroad Company to pay n bonus duethe State on passengers between Wash¬ington and Baltimore, and recommendsthe taxing of all that compauv's $50,-000,000 worth of property.

Ashley is like Jemmy Twitoher sus-1pended by his nether integuments, hungupon a spike on tho top of a wall, in hisefforts to escape in a thieving expedition.He was charged with an attempt nt affili¬ation with tho Democrats, and was aboutto be removed from tho office of (lover-nor of Montana Territory. Dangling bythe wall, ho protests his innocence, andinveighs against his eviction for so un-just an "impeachment"-a kind of as¬sault he is well acquainted with. Thusstands the case. It is said ho is notabsolutely removed, his case being underadvisement, but ho still hangs upon thewalli We suspect that Ashley, undertho impression that a great convulsion ofparties was ot baud, had r-Ashley "over¬tured" tho Denis., but found, too soonthat his strategy was about to placo him,instead, among tho "dams," and wailedaloud.

Baron Hnussman, Prefect of tho Seine,was removed, says a Paris despatch, onaccount of tho extravagance of, his ad¬ministration and tho unnecessary sumsexpended in enlarging and beautifyingthe city; the Emporor has complied withthe/leniantL /M. Chorrean has been ap-

UW^r^gaos sAy'position will go far towardslg the dynasty.-«..«-MAKE.-A colored Senator

[h Carolina, named Wright,»ted an action against theand Danville Railroad Com-msoquonce of his recent exclu-[the ladies' car by one of theon that line. He estimateslos" at $6,000, und hus em-

Biddle, Esq., of Washing.Ícover that sum from the"[ ho can.-Richmond Whiy.jong and healthy, yet lo pro-[good condition," I uso Soul¬less. N'21

FINANCIA!., AND ooMüngnoiAii.

CoiiVMuiA, S. C., January 10.-Salesof cotton to-day only about 40 bales-middlings 23c..ClNCINKATI PBOpUCB AND PßOVJÄON

MARKET-Report by Morris & Reid, Pro¬duce and. Provision Brokers.-CINCIN¬NATI, O., January 5, 1870.-Provisionmarket very dull and unsettled, withsales of all hog product at lower prices,and no demand at the decline. The re¬ceipts of hogs to-day G.9G4; markot dulland a further decline established by salesof live at [email protected] gross for fair to extraheavy averages. Total packed to dato atthis point 298,610; total packed to sametime last season 322.022. Green meatsoffered at 10, 12@14J¿ for best averagesof shoulders, sides and hams, but buyersaro holding off, anticipating lower fig¬ures. Bulk meats-sales of partly earedshoulders nt ll; fully cured nominal, atUli, 14;¿@15 for shoulders, clear riband clear sides packed. Bacon-nosales; but purchases could profitably bemade at 13, 16(ñ)16}-¿ for shoulders, clearrib and clear sides; hams, canvassed, 20(a)21. Lard nominal, at 17; but purchasesmight be made .;(»),'.jo. less for citykettled leaf; primo Btcam sold at 15j>"'.Mess pork-sales 1,050 barrels, insidecity, at 2G.50. Corn-no old offered;new shelled 80o. in elevator and OOo.sacked, including bags. Oats 53o. inelevator; 58c. including bags. Flourunchanged; super [email protected]; extra 4.85065.10; family [email protected]. Whiskey-highwincs 94c. sharp cash.NEWYORK, January 10-Noon.-Stocks

unsettled, but firm. Money 7. Ex¬change-long 8-%; short 9j¡£. Gold22*£. G2's, coupon, 15%; Tennessee's,ex coupon, 53>¿; now 50; Virginia's, exooupons, 50>é; new 57¿¿; Louisiana's,old, G8; new G9; levee G's 65}¿; 8's G0>¿;Alabama 8's 93; 6'a 63; Georgia G's 80;7's 89; North Carolina's, old, 43; now2SXí; South Carolina's, new, 72>¿. Flourdull and drooping. Wheat dull anda shado lower. Corn dull and declining.Pork firmer, nt 28.50. Cotton heavy, ot25J£. Freights dull.

7 P. M.-Cotton a shade easier; sales2,100 bales, at 25>"'. Flour dull andheavy-superfine State [email protected]; com¬mon to fair extra Southern 5.50(Ä6.00.Wheat heavy ond lower-winter redWestern [email protected]. Corn dall and de¬clining. Pork steadv, at 28.0U(7i.28.87.Lard tirm. Whiskey firm at [email protected] on cotton-steam Moneyvery easy nt G(5}7. Sterling 8-?«@8?4.Gold 22^'. The Government sold$1,600,000 in gold, at 22 1-1G.

LOUISVILLE, January 10.-Pork 28.50;shoulders 13"'..'; clear sides 17. Whiskey93.CHARLESTON, January 10.-Cotton

firm, but quiot, for want of offeringstock; sales 200 bales-middlings 24JJ"'@,24J4'; receipts 1,100 bales.AUGCSTA, January 10.-Cotton mar¬

ket firmer; sales 532 bales; receipts 711-middling 23»¿.SAVANNAH, January 10.-Sales of cot¬

ton, to-duy, 800 bales-middling 24 Vj Jmarket firm.LONDON, January 10-3 P. M.-Mo¬

ney 92%. Bonds tinner, at 8G%.PARIS, January 10.-Rentes firm, at [email protected], January 10.-Cotton quiet-

on spot 137.LIVERPOOL, January 10-3 P. M.-

Cotton steady-uplands ll%(alll>¿; Or¬leansLIVERPOOL, January 10-Evening.-Cotton quiet-uplands ll %(&ll1.Or¬

leans U%@11&¿; sales 10.000 bales; spe¬culation and export 2,000.

Just .ReceivedA T HARDY SOLOMON'8,1 case BON TON£\_ SURPRISE CANDY. Jan H_

Wanted.A N intelligent OIRL, well recommended,¿\_ can get a good situation as house ser¬vant. JAKES O. OIBRES.Jan ll 1

Wanted,AFURNISHED ROOM, by a siuglo gentle¬

man. Address, "S. C. Q.."Jan ll 1 * PnotNTX Office._Special Notice.

rj"MIE annual meeting of Ibo Stockholders of.JL tho Carolina National Dank, will be heldTHIS DAY, at 12 o'clock M , at thu RankingHouse. Jan ll 1True Brotherhoo d Lodge No 84, A. F.M

AN extra communication of this'Lodge will he held at Masonic Hall,/mid EVENING, st 7 o'clock. Tho

Second Degree will he conferred.Jan ll 1 F. A. PRAY, Scnrotary.



The Executive CommitteeOF the South Carolina Kt at o Agriculturaland Mechanical Society will meet in Co¬lumbia, at the Columbia Hotel, at 7 o'clock p.m., on TUESDAY, 25th instant. All tbo mem-bors aro requested to bo présent. By order oltho Président. D. WYATT AIKEN,Secretary South Curoliua Btato Agriculturalmid Mechanical Society. Jan ll HUIHT

For Sale.'2 FINE BILLIARD TABLES,Sharpe's mike, slate bedding.Tables are in good order, willi

Cues, Calla and Countora com-plme. Will bo sold very low. Apply toJail ll Ci. DIERCKS.

Seed Potatoes.1 Fifi BARRELS Irifh Planting Potatoes,l.*J\J e.insisting ol

Earlv Rose,Goodrich,Tink-evo,Peach Blow,Monitor, A'c..

For sale to arrive, low for cash. Ordeisfrom the country addressed to mo will receiveprompt attention. P. CANTWELL,Jan ll 1 Colombia,8. C.Academy of Music, Charleston, S. C.

During tho week commencingMONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1H70,

rpiIlS mugnillccnt Templo of tho Drama andJL Music will bo occupied by the eminentShakspenan Scholar and Comedian,MR. JAMES H. HACKETT,

Who will appoar as

?^Pr^WWrnLl 1 JJ ."r»J.B-S."fflWrWas at

BOOTH'S THRATRK, NEW YORK,Ending on Christmas Evo. It was a successthat compelled this fimous icholar to appearaa Sir John Falstaff continnnnsly fir over onemonth.

...m»Mr. JOHN T. FORD, tho Charleston Ma¬nager, formerly of Ford's Theatre, Washing¬ton, D. C., has secured Mr. HACKETT'S nextAppearance.after Booth's Theatre, for Charles¬ton, S.C. Jan 111»

Dental Notice.

At Columbus, Obio, they had a bap¬tizing not loug ainco. lt didn't turn ontto be a success, because the ministertook in a darkey first, and after sloshingbim around in the tank, asked severalyoung ladies to step in who wore all pre¬pared. They wouldn't go in unless hechanged the water, and he told them hewould see them d-arned first. That's theway the matter rested at last accounts.SUBLIME HÏTOCBISY.-A few days ago,Secretary Boutwell, in the oourso of a

lecture, pathetically dwelt upon the follyof attempting to govern a people withouttheir oonsent. Bootwell is determinedto believe that the Sonth is not BO gov¬erned, and some of the Southern peopleare anxious that he should oontinne tothink so.MURDERED.-Mr. Dan Lee, doingbusiness in Cochran, waa killed in that

place last Saturday night. He was be¬hind the counter, selling goods, whensome unknown person outside shot himthrough the open door, lodging a load ofbuckshot in his breast. He fell backand died instantly.

[Hawkinsville Dispatch, 30th ult.% One of Massachusetts' new Mayors, inhis inaugural address on Monday, gaveutterance to this sentiment: "As the east¬ern horizon of the present is made glori¬ous with its beaming rays of opportunity,so may the sun-set hour of the future, bythe refractive influences of faithful dutygreet us with its gorgeous panoply ofprismatic light."The great land tenure conference of

nobility and lat.d-holders of Ireland willshortly assemble in Dublin. Its pro¬ceedings are expected to have great in¬fluence in arranging the difficultieswhich now exist between landlord aodtenant, and the public press unite in ad¬vising a lib« ral and progressive policy.A PRODIGY.-Missouri rejoices in a

mathematical genius who, through verylittle rute, squared, in three minutes, thefollowing figures : 145,145.145,145. Asthe result is 21,007,113,159,163,117,071,025, wo leave tho reader to judge whetherit was an eusy performance or uot.The man called .Tomes Logan No. 2,who was recently shot in New York byJerry Dunn, died Thursday night. He

signed a paper declaring himself inno¬cent of the Bogers mordor, somo monthsago, and that ho had uo kuowledge of |who committed the deed.A store clerk in Fond du Lao, Wis.,

got even with some boys who Rat on thedoor-step ut, nights and told obscenostories to keep bim uwake. He pouredsulphuric acid on tho step, and whenthey left, tho seat of their pants romained.They thought it would have been a goodjoko on any one else.An exchange paper says that a delegatefrom a territory, in Congress, is a sort of

Cougressioual tadpole. He can swimand dive, but he cannot croak. He hasno vote upon what he has been talkingabout.The last case of modesty is that of a jyoung lady who discarded her lover, a.

sea captain, because in speaking of ono iof4his voyages, ho said thatjhe "hogged"the shore.A young lady being charged by a gen-

t Iemun with having trifled with his feel¬ings, very lunnilv, as sho thought, ex¬claimed, "Well, I plead jilty."The safe of tho Adams Express Com¬

pany was robbed of 830,000 betweenWashington and New York, on the 7th.No cine to tho robbers.Tho trigonometrical survey of the

kingdom of Qreat Britain, which wascommenced in 1783 by General Boy, wasended last week, with the completion ofsurveys in Scotland.The Now York Herald says "General

Grant regurds tho law with contempt."But it is hardly truo. How can he re¬gard with contempt a thing he knowsnothing about.The firemen of Waverley, N. Y., are

going to resign. They have waited thir¬teen years for a fire, and none has oc¬curred. Their red shirts aro ont offashion, and they are disgusted.Two young ladies, named Cnrtiss, ex¬

hibited tho premium balo of cotton attho fair in Bronham, Texas. It was notworn about their persons.Tho World's Japan correspondent

writes that Russia has seized some of thenorthern islands of the Japanese Empire,and the belief prevails that it is the in¬tention of the Czar to ultimately absorbthe entire country.An armed body of men stopped the

United States mail coaches on Tuesday,between Denver and Cheyenne City, andrifled them cf their contents. This istho second time tho mails on this routehave been robbed since Christmas.We like cheek, but the young woman

who asked the photographer to take hera pioture with an expression as if com¬posing a poem, had more than enoughfor one person.A telegram from Salt Lake announces

that the excitement among the Mormons,caused by schism and the proposed con¬gressional legislation, continues.A despatch from Troy, N. Y., says that

the Glenn Falls National Bank was en¬tered by burglars yesterday morning, atan early hour. The safe was blownopon and $20,000 stolen.The Indians blamed for recent mur¬

ders, near Fort Shaw, Montana, wereinnocent, the white men were the perpe¬trators."Ohl what an excellent Tonio," is the

language of the invalid who uses SOLO¬MONS' BITTERS. N21

Notice.CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,COLUMBIA, January 10,1670.

The following Sections of the "Ordinance,concerning Streets, Pavements and ShadeTrees," are published for general information:

Kee. 13. Be itfurther ordained, That it shallnot be lawful to drive any wagon, cart, orother carriage, or to ride or lead any horseacross or npon any open brick drain, withinthe corpora* .) Umita of the city of Columbi a:except, at the bridgea or other placea providedfor crossing said) drains, under a penalty notexceeding fwentyX dollars for #tch and every

i milli ' ii^ii iiwiiTt^i!^XortorIuT^5Íw or mule, orsuffer them to aft$d npon any pavement, ex-copt ia casos of absolute necessity; and any

Sarson offending herein, ahaU be subject tn ane of not less than one, nor more than fifty

dollars.By order of tho City Council.Jan ll 6 _£. 8. MCMAHON, City Clork.

A Good Pinner

CAN boobtaiued any day, at 3 o'clock, attbs EXCHANOE HOUSE. Also, FREE

LUNCH from ll until 1 o'clock, daily. Jan t;

Just RooeivedAT


25 bbls. Poach Blow Planting Potatore,i 25 bbls. Goodrich Planting Pot atoes.

Jan 0

A Yankee ono day a«ked his lawyerhow an heiress might be carried off."Yon oanuot do it with safety," said thecounsellor, "but I'll tell yon what youmay do. Let her mount a horse andhold a bridle-whip; do you then mountbehind her, and you aro safe, for sherons away with you." The next day thelawyer fonnd that it was his own daugh¬ter who bad rou away with his olient.The rebel Mozioan State of Han Luis

is to be reconstructed. The Governorand most of the members of the Legis¬lature have been put in prison, a newelection has been ordered, and a forcedloan of $100,000 hus been levied on thepeople. jAn Omaha despatch says that the

Mormon schism is increasing rapidly.There are over two thousand apostatesnow in Utah, and they are about to havea daily newspaper. IThe Captain-General of Porto Rico jmet with a narrow escape from death by I,

poisoning recently. The poison wasverdigris,which had accumnlated on meat,kept in a metal box.Henry Ward Beecher is for instant

Onban recognition, right or wrong. Helooks at Cuba as he did at Mts. McFar¬land, simply as a suffering sister.The Dnho or Devonshire is about to

construct, ab his own cost, a line of rail¬way from Fermoy to Lismore, in Ireland.The estimated cost is £120,000.Tho weak and emaciated mother says:"My health and strength is restored by jthe nse of" SOLOMONS' BITTEP». N21 jLouisville is going to post the names

of oommon drunkards in the saloons,und forbid the sale of liquor to them.Why are lovers like turnips? Because

they are often pured (paired.)


Blood Cleanser.THIS medicino is kuon n tn tho faculty as

being tho concentrate 1 fluid extraot or ;1Sarsaparilla, u itod with ot lier valuable medi-oinal herbs, and ia guaranteed as chemicallypuro. For tho cure ofSCROFULA ANO CONSUltlPTfOK. jThis remedy in compounded expressly for

purifying and cleansing tho blood of all in-drmitios, going at once to the fountain-headofdiaoa.ie. It extinguishesTumors, Consumption, Syphilis, Skin F.rup-tions Scut Rheum, Roils, Rheumatism,Waste of Vitality, Scrofula.Wo all know tbat the promiscuous vaccina- Jtion indulged in during tho lato war brod tho jmoat villainous diaeaaea. Vaccination pus wastaken from tho arms of many persona foll ofscrofulous sores. jThen of course tho impurities of the acrofu-lous patient were absorbed in the blood of men iotherwise without diseases, and both becameinfected aliko. Men, women and childrenthroughout all tho Weat are most wofullydiacasod from this cause, and know not, until ja few months ago, the origin of it.

Henry's Constitution RenovatorRelieves tho entire system ot pains and aches,enlivens tho spirits, and sends new bloodBOUNDING THROUGH EVERY VEIN.


For all affections of tho kidnoys it is unsur-passed.People havo been rescued, as it wore, fromthe very Jaws of death, by a timely uso of thisgreat remedy.

EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTERS."Doctor, I was vaccinated in the hospital.Before that I had no akin disease. Until I had

a bottlo of your 'Constitution Renovator,'sont mo by Mr. Roper, of Columbia, Mo., Isuffered tortures with running sores. Since Iusod two bottles I am woll, oxcopta small soreon tho calf of my loft leg, and that is gettingwell fast."This from a lady: "And now my skin is asoloar and fair as a babe's. My complexion,thanks to yonr 'Renovator,' is beautiful.""Yes, yes, I may well say such reliof waaunknown to mo boforo. Enclosed find fivedollars for six bottles; two families here want

to try it.""I was very much troubled with syphilis.Your remedy seoma to bo curing me fast. Send Ifonr bottlea per Express.""No moro rheumatism. Throe bottles ofConstitution Renovator havo made me a new

man.""Doctor, oncloaed find $5. Ploaso sond me

a supply. Two families hero want to try yonrConstitution Renovator."

Wo havo not space for moro of tho above ex¬tracts, but you can ask yonr noighbor abontthe remedy. Every one has something goodto say, as it cures every timo.

For all diseases of thoKIDNEY'S, RETENTION OF THE URINE, fte., Ac.And for Female Diseases, Nervous Prostra¬tion, Weakness, General Lassitude and Wantof Appetite, it is unsurpassed.CAUTION.-In ordering our remedy, alwaysplace tho number of our Post Office Box onyour letters. The new law in our New YorkPost Onice compels this. Address,

DR. AI. K. HENRY di CO..Director-Ooneral Berlin Hospital, Prussia, jAgency of the United States,Laboratory, 276 Pearl street,Post Office Box 5.272, New York.SO- CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR is ll

per bottle, six bottles for $6. Bent anywhereon reoeipt of prioe. Patients are requested tocorrespond confidentially, and reply will bamade by following mail.Bold by all respectable Druggists.

A I BX A R . 8

SARRACENIA BITTERS,A sovereign remedy for

DTSPHP ISXA,And diseases arising from a disordered con¬

dition of the Stomach and Liver. Prepared byG. W. AIMA lt, Chemist and Druggist,169 King, corner Vanderhorat street,Charleston, South Carolina.

tm- SOLD DY ALL DRUO GISTS. -&yJanll_ -i -Hy

Gas Bills for Month of December.

CONSUMERS are respectfully requested tomaku prompt paymeat» of the above. The

Compauy has pressing dcmatidB and muet bemet-do not permit yourselves to bo deprivedof tho light. Thc regulation regarding it,will bo enforced without any distinction.Jan 9 :» JACOB LEVIN, 8eo'y_Gas Co.

Pocket-Book Found.

APOCKET-BOOK, containing eevoral valu¬able notes and other papers, eupposod to

belong to lt. \V. Bates, of Orangoburg, hasbeen found and placed in tho hands of Police¬man Börry, who will return it to tho owner, onpayment of the ueoeBsary expenses. Jan 91_

Just Received.1BARREL puro mountain dow CORN

WHISKEY, from tho mountains of thisataie. CAMPBELL A JONES.Jan 8

_ _3_Notice.


TAXES on salea of merchandize, wales atauction, and ou commission, insurance

agencies, receipts of hotula, boarding-houses,Baloons, Ac. for tho quarter ondiug January 1,aro duo, and prompt payment of the the sameis required. !» J. S. McMAHON,JanJ! fi City Clerk.

Fresh Drugs.CHLOROFORM,Soluble Glaan.Sago.Composition Powder, at



Reduoed Rate« of Passage and Freight.


THE reduced "Rates of Passage" adoptedby the Board of Directors of this Compa¬ny, will go into effect on MONDAY, Jannary10. 1870. W. ALLSTON GIBBES,Jan 9 3 General Agent.0W Papera publishing by agreement with

tho Company, will pnblish throe times, tri¬weekly.

Pocket Diaries for 1870.PLA IN AND SELF-CLOSlNG.

C)f\ DIFFERENT sizes and pricea. Miller'sSouth Carolina Almanac. Also, Lon-doa. American, Kural, Church and Pictoi Ul

Almanacs, tor 1870 For eulo byJan6_BRYAN X MoCARTER.White Corn.

C\f\f\ BUSHELS primo White CORN, forÜUU salo low for CASH.J*n8_K.I)WARD HOPE.

Jewelry, otc./~o I havo just received another lot olVyv linc DIAMOND RINGS, fino WATCHEDJK.Aand GULP THIMBLES. Call at WM.LÍL,AZIE'S, next door to Mesara. Scott, Wil¬liams A Co.'a Ranking House Jan 8 12

Expected DailyT7IRESH ONION SETS, and GARDEN SEED,r at E. E. JACKSON'S.Jan 5__


Gc. I) I E E C K Sy¡¿. gra RESPECTFULLY in foi ins hil(¡fggSjkWm friends and customers that ho hat

I nfl removed to his new establishmentI ll S tUmm formerly Kinalor's building, onthiL'StSBLIlBhcornor of Richardaon and TayloiBtrebta, wuern ho will constantly keep on hanca caretnlly selected assortment of

GROCERIES,COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA,Hams, Su^ar-cured Shoulders,Plantation Bacon,Faltón Market Beef,Mackerel, Salmón,

Herring and Codfish.ALSO,Flour, Meal, Rice, etc.

Canned Lobsters and Oysters, Sardines, otcRaisins, Currants, Prunes, Canned FruitsJollies and Pickles.

His stock of Liquors andWinei

^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^^^"'ch-i^JSLI:ne cteall of well-known branda, both


Ho will always have in bia Now Storo a fnsupply of

Tobacco.SMOKING TOBACCO of Richmond, Lyndburg and Baltimore manufactures, in hal

quarter and one-eighth pound packagea.SEGARS-both homo manufacture and inported.And CHEWING TOBACCO of différai

qualities.Besidoa every artielo belonging to a fin

class oatabliahmont.Grateful for vast favors, and determined

leave no honorable means untried to rctaithe good will of all who have favored nhitherto, ami who may hereafter favor nwith their custom, I will bo happy to reccbtho kind pa t ron u); e, both of my old friends atof tho public in general. O. DIEKCK8.Jan 7_

Administrator's Notice.THE undersigned gives notico that on tl

7th day of February next, ho will applyW. H. Wigg, Esq., Judge of Probate for Ricland County, at bis office, at 10 a. m., foi-final discharge aa Administrator of Maryturner, deceased.Jan 8 113_SAMUEL B.^HOSIPSON.

For Salo.M^. JUSTroceivcd from Ken-Q3A tucky a large and soled-»tock of young MULES and JfHAtiuuor.S. which can be seen at Lo- \ À /gan's Stables, rear of State House.Dec_29 12_ _

W 8. A J. M. TALPOTT.Annual Meeting-Dividend.


TUE annual mooting of the Stockholdersthis Bank will be hold at its banki:

Lou- e, in Columbia, on the second TUEbDjof January 1870. being the 11th prox.The Board of Directors have declaredsemi-annual dividend for tho six months euing December 21,1869. at the rato or SIX TEIPER CENT, por annum, being Eight Per Cetfor tho period named, free of Uuitod Stabstate and County Tuxes, payable on and aftthe 5th dav of January m xt.Pee 81 tnf W. B OULICK, CashierGEO. W. WILLIAMS * CO.



C5 Bearer afreet and 20 Exchange Place,Jan5_NEW YOKK._+3iUpholstering and Mattress-makingTHE undersigned baa opened work-shopsWashington street, a few doora Westthe Masonic Hall, for tho purpose of earryion tho abovo business in all its branches.work entrusted to him will havo his poreoiattention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ilong experience and boat efforts shall bo ntto please all who favor him with orders.Dec 19 timo I. ORIESHABER

Executor's Notice.ALL persona having demanda against I

estato of Mrs. S. H. HOWELL, docoaswill present thtrm, properly attested; andpersona indebted, will mako payment, witlthreo months from dato of this publicationJAMES R. HOWELL, Adminietratoi

ijec 30 th

Ornamenta* Hair Work.THE undersigned respectfully informs the

ladies of Columbia, thitt ho is preparedto attend to all kinds ot artiUcial HAIR WORK.WIGS, COILS, CURLS, RSA IDS, etc., repair¬ed and rejuvenated. Ladies' Hair drceuod inlatent stylos. Oflicu over the Savings Hank,corner Main and Tavlor streets.JanO 6» _LEON BOUJA8SON.


GOLD ©OLLAR!Prices reduced to Gold Value and Greenback«

accepted at par.

C. F. JACKSONHAS REDUCED the price of his entire

?took of

DEY GOODS,And until the FIRST OF FEBRUAR NEXT.YI will sell off my large and varied stock of

DRY G00D8. without regard to profits.All extra Fine Goods, such as:



Will bo aold IAT COST. Jan 9

Fashionable Dress-making.jOtfT^ MRS. M. J. CURRY wlehos to an-£QHaL%nounce to the ladiea of Columbiav s^VfH*nd vicinity, that ehe is located oniL» JLÄ Main street, opposite Mr. 8. Por-BP Wp* ter's Dry Goods Store. She gua-A. rantees a good flt and moderateprices to all who may favor her with a call.A Bhare of publio patronage is earnestly soil-pited._Jan 4 12

Large Assortment

OF Ladies'and Gent's Ono GOLDWATCHESand CHAINS, for sale at

ISAAC SULZBACHER'S,Columbia Hotel Row.

Large AssortmentOF new atylea Ladiea' Half SETS, (some¬

thing elegant.) atISAAC SULZBACHER'S,

Columbia Hotel Row.

OImmense 8tock

F Hohd Silver and Plated Wares, sellingcheap, at ISAAC SULZBACHER'S,Columbia Hotel Itow.

The Finest AssortmentOF Table and Pooket CUTLERY In the city,at reduced prices.

ISAAC 6ULZBACHER,Columbia Hotel Row.

Large AssortmentOF French and American CLOCKS. Also, a

small assortment of GUNS, PISTOLS,AMMUNITION, Ac, Ac. atISAAC SULZBACHER'S,Jan 5 Columbia Hotel Row.

Dissolution of Copartnership,THE firm of E. A G. D. HOPE ia thia daydissolved by mutual consent. All in¬debted by note or account are requested tosettle tlie same as early as practicable.


A CARD.THE firm of E. & G. D. HOPE having been

dissolved, the business will be continuedon the cash principio-indefinite credit is abo¬lished, so far as concerns the undersigned.Jan 410_EDWARD HOPE.

Estate of John Stork.

NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 31stday of January, 1870, tho undersignedwill apply to Hon. Wm. Hutson Wigg, Judgoof Probate for Richland County, for a final

discharge as Administrator of the estato ofJohn Stork, deceasod. W. H. STORK,Jan 1tig_ Administrator._TECH STOO K.







W. 1). LOVE & CO.,Columbia Hotel Building.

W. D. LOVE,B. B. MCCREEBY.Dec 28_Watches and Jewelry Repaired

IN tho boat manner, by first class workmen,and warranted.ENGRAVING finclv execnted.DeclC_WILLIAM GLAZE.

Fine Gold Watches-. ^traJfi OF all descriptions, for LadleeJSxr^Sff and Gentlemen, for sale atCSUM WILLIAM GLAZE'S,ssaasaanasasaTaa Qne door North of Messrs.

Scott A Williams* Banking House._Dec 16

Guns and Ammunition.rUST received by William Glaze, fine Eng¬lish BREECH-LOADING GUNS, fine Eng-llith Powder, in Canisters, Shot and Caps, of allkind. Ono door North of Messrs. Scott, Wil¬liams A Cn.'» Ranking House. _Dec 16

Cow Feed ! Cow Feed !

JLS'S1 roceived, a fresh lot of COW FEED, atthe Columbia leo Hoose, which will be

sold It-v for cash. J.D. BATEMAN.N&-. 2d



Fine Gold Watch Chains

OF all tho latest stvles, for Ladios and Gen¬tlemen, Tor sale by WILLIAM GLAZE.

Dec 1«_Diamonds.

IHAVE Just received by Espie** a fine as¬sortment of DIAMOND JEWELRY-Ring»

trom $10 to $250. WILLIAM GLAZE._Dec 10

New Goods.I HAVE Just roceived another supply

of tine English and French 0A&8I-fflul M Kit KN, or tho lAteat styles, which areHat offered low for oaah.C. D. EBERHARDT,

Washington street, opposite Law Range.Nova»_Tum mgMiP3SJite4fe&t-~m.* viwir

common.Pare Cream Tartar.Choioe Spicea.Flavoring Extraots.

For aale low byNov 25 E. E. JACKSON, Drängle*.The Purest Spices

AND beHt FLAVORING EXTRACTS, at thelowest prices, at Finhot '» Heinitsh'a

DruK Store._ _

Dec 21_Fire CrackersItfFire Crackers!

1 f\i\ BOXES first quality FIRE CRACK-lUU ESS, just received and for sale lowby J. A T.JL AGNEW.

To the Public in General.IHAVE better COTTON SEED than any

man who advertises Seed for sale. Minois tho improved BOYD PROLIFIC, which ex-eels any other. The price ia $2.60 nor buahel.Aa examination of my proofs will be convinc¬ing. 1 refer to Jooob H. Wells and J. D. Hilt.Call and look at tho growth, in butcher Town.Dec 3 N. POPE.

Auction Salo?.Sugar and Molasse».

BY F. F. SALAS. Auctioneer.On THURSDAY next, the 13th instant, at half

ptst ll o'clock a. m., will be sold, on CentralWharf, Charleston, 8. C., alongside tho bri«Castilian, inst arrived from Matanzas,60 hhds. OOOD GROCERY SUGAR50 boxes prime Grocery Sugar100 hhds. superior New Crop Clayed Molasses150 bbls. superior Now Crop Clayed Molasses75 hhds. Prime Muscovado Molasses18 bbls. prime Muscovado Molasses50 hhds. «Juba Molasses100 bbls. Cuba Molasses.TUMS.-All sums under $1,000 cash, above

that amount thirty days, with approved cityendorsed notes._ Jan ll 2

Watches and Jewelry.

Richardson aud Tavlor streets.Gold and Silvor WATCH EB, Jewelry, Silver

and Plated Wares, Knives, Forks, Spoons andeverything belonging to a well-selected as¬sortment, alwavs to bo had or furnished onthe moat favorable terms.Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry.

Music Boxes, Surgical Instruments by an experienced workman from EuropeJan 7_ft. DIKROKS.

Administrator's Notice.THE undersigned gives notico that on th»

28th day of January next, he will apply toW. Hutson Wigg, Esq.." Judge of Probate, forRichland County, at bis office, at 10 o'clock A.M., for a final discharge as Administrator ofWilliam H n ssung, deceased.Deo 80tl3_W>1. K. BACHMAN.

Final DIBcharge.THE undersigned gives notice that be will

apply to Hon. Wdliam Huta«n Wigg,J migo of Probate for Richland County, at lueoffice, in Columbia, on MONDAY. January 24,1870, at 10 a m., for a final discharge a« Guar-dun or Hallie H. Belton. J. P. HOUTHEKN.COLUMBIA. Deoember 22. 1869. Dec 23 1



WE take pleasure in announcing to tbapublic, that we have thia day openod a

fluostook of DRY GOODS, of evory deaoriD-tion, and shall always have ou hand a fineassortment of all the various Goods appertain¬ing to onr trade.

Our Dress Goods DepartmentShall always be replete, with the latest styles¡of Silks, Satins, Poplins, Plaids, EmpressCloths. Merinos. Delaines and Operas, in allcolors. Prints of all grades and makes.TABLE LINENS, in all styles, Damasks,

Towels, Napkins, Doylies and Diapers ofevery description.

In JEANS, OASSIMERES, BROADCLOTHS,DOESKINS, wo shall always have a comploteassortment.In BLEACHED GOODS, BHEETINGB and

SHIRTINGS, and in BROWN COTTON8, weshall offer great inducements.

In GLOVE8, HOSIERY, GENTS WEAR.Collars, Merino Drawers and Shirts, a fine se-lection and bargains.A fine assortment of NOTIONS on band.Call and see us, at tho New Stor", in Diercka'

new building, under tho old Kinalcr Hall.Deo2 3mo S. W. PORTER A CO.

Dissolution of Copartnership.THE Firm or FISHER. LOWRANCE A

FISHER is dissolved by the death of thosenior partner.

All those indebted to thia concern are earneatly requested to como forward and settletheir accounts wlthonnt delay.

R. N. LOWRANCE, I "M^""J. FISHER, (Survivors.COLUMBIA, 8. C., December 1,1869.


» P. C. LÖRICK having purchased thostock ot Fisher, Lowranco A Fiaher, haveunited under tho firm of LOWRANCE A CO.,and beg leave to offer their cervices to, andask a continuance of, the favors of tho friendsof tho old concorn. They will rcceivo paymentfrom all parties indebted to Fisher, Lowrancoj <5- Fisher: and those having claims against thesame, will present them for liquidation.Deo a.i j_LOWRANCE g du."-

Fresh GoodsRECEIVED to-day:90 Barrels Western FLOUR, aimer, ex-tra and family.

2,000 poonda Fine Feed,Best Orango County Butter, Dairy and Fao-tory Cheese, Saur Kraut, Mineo Meat, («mie-/;un<7 nice,) Brandy Fruits. JollieB-aasortod-Canned Tomatoes, Peaches, Salmon, CoveOysters, Lobsters. Sardines, Desicated CodFish, Fulton Market Beof, Pickles, SalmonBav Mackerel, etc., etc.

_jlov^íí_LEAPHART A SLOANS.Empire Shuttle Machine.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unatarched. ^ Hsew* the most dolicate. thin, aolt tabrio wit hont drawing. It sews a Bias Boam as well asany other. W. D. LOVE & CO..Columbia Hotel Building,No* al4mn_8*j0 Ag-nta.

Family Supplies.i* WE take pleasure<$JE?jSfc*T4^a\. no,ifyiug onr'^?^^isaR^*^ frienda a ii d the

'-^aAMfiSK&O: public that wo havey^^^S^ÊÊSS^tÇ^^.- removed our Stock,

hf^^^SiSr^ to Old FXYHÀNÔV.^'3>r^^mW^^' IUNK co KN FR,^^^SyataBsSC: nearly opposite Co-wAyreiS^V lumbla ll o t o I ,^f 'v##Sl--4|Jf^i^*' whoro we will bo

pleased to see andoffer them fixtra inducement a in all articlesusu.illy kept in the GROCERY. HARDWAREand LIQUOR lina. T. J a H. M. C1BSON,Oct 15 Old 1* chineo Bank Corner.

Fresh Norfolk Oyster»,RECEIVED EVERY DAY, and families eau

be »applied in any quantity, atNov24 J. E. HEIR. '8 Ut-HTAURANT.

Baking Powders.BETTER than Preston's, warranted. Onlytwonty-five cents a box, at

A PHHBK A HEINITSH'S Drug Store.Ti iwiinP -Trisar, «? _>Kfk BOXES Mixed CANDY, just receivedZJ\J and tor sal« low br the box.

Dee 10 J. AT. R. AONEW.

Limburgher Cheese.1 f\f\ LBS. of thia celebrated CHEESE1UVJ just to hand.Also, 10 boxes prime Cutting Cheese.0 boxes Young America Cheese.For salebv_G KO. WYMMFPS

Kerosene ! Kerosene ! !

PURE KEROSENE OIL, warranted 110, Aroteat, for salo low by the barrel and at ro-

tail; alHo in five gallon tin cana, at f>0 centsper gallon-no charge for cans-which ls veryoonreniont tor country purchasers.Nov 24 3L.&-m 'L AGNEW.

Fresh Norfolk Oysters.0gx S~\ IF vou want fresh Norfolk OYS^SiLVTHUS*, call at tho Columbia leo^BflÉ"' House, whore they are kept con-

stanily ou hand, and sold low for cash. Allorders from tho country promptly attended toNov 10 Sino* JOHN D. BATEMAN