to\\'D k; cn- In;I'le 11 r c h 8.00 p.m.- Richard DTamond 8.30 p.m.·-8ishop Fulton J. Sheen. 9.00 p.m.-Room 25. 10.00 p.m.-Liberace. THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles Hutton & Sons Vol. 62. No. 275 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 (Price 5 cents) NEARING .SOLUTION1Russia Of CYPRUS PROBLEM . '.' '. . ' Burma Renew Appeal Predict Britain And Gree<e ,F or Ban Soon To Announce Agreement· Hydrogen Weapons Khrushchev . Again Flays West Powers '>llllSt.\, Cyprus (Reuters) - .0\ I riot auxUlary policeman in a main ,:. "" IJ l'ypru! problem is street of Llmassol while bomb, quarter! said were tossed at three British Army T;od;.y ni::ht. . patrol jeeps In the eentre of Fam· nc' predicled B rita In and agusta. CCadeis At Memorial U.-_I r:";;c'c \\ ill announce an agree· The policeman, Mushrim Ibra· ::1" \\ilhin " frll' and added him, was wounded seriously. Sev· ::: :"it ".11 hr to Greek era I arrests were made after the ,d11X (' II 11 r c II Archbishop attack. Ilritbh The British soldiers escaped In. RANGOON-Reuters - The prime ministers of Bus- . j h b h 'onl' Ilith ttreCcr. ury w en tW(l ombs were t rown dB·' d T d' d 1 f e"The imprndmg was at their jeeps travelling down a Sla an urma Jome ues ay In a renewe appea or d Induclr arknoll'ledgemer,t Famagusta m a I n street. The an unconditional ban on alomic and hydrogen weapOll1 Britain or the right of C)'prlots bombs exploded In a yard and after a day in which Soviet' Communist party boss Nikita t; ;c:f .. lctrrmination in the un· damaged a building. Troops Imme· Khrnschev again lashed out sharpl.Y at the Western 'Irriftcd future. . dlately cordoned off the area • . The ",luti(llI \\olIld pro"ldc for Five hundred Famagusta work. nations. .' i why certain organs of the Enllish (".0;'l'r. tillll by on a sys. crs walked off the job and demo Khrushc.hev, prcss responded with irritation to 1'"1 n! for the Is. onstrated In the streets against Burma WIth· Premier NIkolai BIII-\ my speeches and to speeches made and plk; on Cyprlls' e\'enllnl Monday night's statement by Brit. b!amed the "ruling by Comrade Bulganin in India. \\i::11n tho "f Foreign Secretary Harold Mac. of Britain and. France for "The)' especially did not 11k. tl'e;:c:n E.bt securlly re. mlllan which opposed the. 1938 Mumch Pact whIch he I that item in one of my speeches ill \J:rement;. seIC _ determination for C)'pru5. claImed paved the way for the I which I said certain cirdes untied Thc pliltic.' quartcr. said the Pollce and troops watched· tne Second World. War and Hitler's at· \ Hitler's hands to launch the war I:intipa\ a.g ree . peaceful demonstrations but took tack on RUSSIa. . against the Soviet Union. far I; Tllrkc) s \ le\\ that no action. Nevertheless, the "But this is a historical fact. acb)\\':cd,ment of the right nf In the west coast port of party boss, Could Hitler have started the war . !t:!. dmrmination is completely the first whipping sentence of a statements durmg the Indla·Burma if he had been confronted with the under new emergency laWS has stirred up resentment, united forces of England, France, !"Ilrm ,aid Amrriean dip. was passed Tuesda)'. Six strokes said the war proved that the Brit· the Soviet Union and other coun- are t;!kin; an act!l'e palt were ordered for Nlcolaos Demeo ish. }o'reneh and tries7 .. to eonl'inec Turke)' lrlous, 15, II'ho was found guilty of could be. the bcst .of friends, ?ot "If the ruling circles o[ England .: imp,'rtancr of the taking part in an unlawful assem only dunng good urnes. but durmg and France of that time had wish!!d "::ition Il!:dcr of the Dlr. the timc of a most severe and I to hold Hiller back and to prc"ent ;.:l:; of Ihe :0.000 TUl'ks \\'ho arc In the village of Lefkonlco. male . ,war. thcy would ha\'e ; _ :11Inor:ty the prcdominantl)· adults were taken to the police sta. fhe Jomt by BI!I;:anln the occupation of Austria by HItler tion to their share of a collec. d LI d L' k 2 a.nd T the B.urmese p.rlme .mlnlster, I. "nd could not ha"e a"oreed ti the f. '.c •. 0" t' f" d th ill PICTURED ABOVE (Icrt to rlgh!) from Memorial Unh'crslly are. Flight Cadet Paul Lisk, son of Sgt. an Mrs. oy IS, 03 n' lillt ", • , " .' I\'e inC Impose on e \. U. Nu, whIch was slsned In a spe·: shameful Munich agreements. t';hi:e d:pll1ll1atic actil'it)' con. after demonstrators burned down Whlteway; Cadet Delores O'Toolc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Toole, Renews, and Flight Cadet James Major, clal ccremo.nv at the of Bur· i "Finall)', you should reco\leet the :\;c<l, Iherr \la' no Ictup to vi. Ihe local post ofIlce. son oC 1>lr. and Mrs. James Major, 196 Empire A,'enue, who have \Jecn accepted by the RCM' to Irain under the Unh'ersity Reserve 1 mese Presldcnt Ba U. also notorious directive gh'en by 1111'. on t'lr i,land. :\ terrorist A curlew \\'as put on the villalle Training Plan. The students will be transfcrred to nCAF s:ntions on the mainland (or Officer Training during tbe summer of 1956 . pressed dccp concern oyer the Chul'chill at the end o[ thc Second !h,)t <I,lII'n a Turkish.Cyp. until the £2.000 fine Is paid. tcrnational nrmaments race and I' World War to his commander in . ____ . ___ . said the problem of a political set· chief on the European battlefront. " D d I K Sf t CI t1cment in Indochina called for an, HITS AT CHURCHILL Nl 1e,liSpl--lnt eman, eep. ree 5 ear: * immediate "in accordance: "At that time Churchiit ordered , with the deCISion of the Geneva I (his commander) to collect and I · I'· confcrencc." keep arms which were throwft Beats P r 0 du C tl ' 0 n! l Ifayor Asks C; t;zens' A Jd I World News i on the dar! JIO:\TnEAL-CP-Booming demand Cor newsprint j:a; oU::itl'ippccl production, the newsprint association of Canada l'Cpol'tccl Tuesday. ''('urrent demand appears to . - , (:c.j 'lIppl;- :i1'.lilablc from all would be eut per ecnti '·l::CC'. and llli, lill1ation seems, beginning In January and possibly 10 rrcI ail until capacity tx·: continuing through April. I 13n,:Jn, no\\' IIr;!cr wa)' come Into: There was no Indications P:Oduclion," tite J>soeialion said. \ tile cutback would become general, I: 1':3; the 1.llr,l de\,elopment in but an association spokesman said l ;(1:(; th.t has kept the news· I carlier he knew of no £uch plan. in the ncll's during I The price Increases brought a ,Mn week, in 11 Canadian· storm of protest and a threat ay (cmp"nie' r.noounccd price In· i Premier Duplessis that price can· r.ngm; from to $:i. ! troIs would be Imposed unless Que· Ir. a report enliiled "newsprint. province newspapers received Dm: the sald I special conskieration as tn thc !it';! ninc months of I of the l'n:tr<! Stales nCII'sprint con. SPRE,\D WAS S4 '::np::nn mma5cd by j,8 per cent The New York price before the ,jl(r 19.il. comparcd with an in. i Incrcase was $126 a ton and the c:cm of only one.third of one per Canadian basic was S122. The trn· I!;: thc prc\'illu, year. I ditional difference betwecn the NelV OtTrn .\BSORRED York and Canadian bases was $4. nine. month increase Quebec and Ontario paper, get an lm,untcd :0 mnre than 330,000 I additional concession of $5 ton, all additional pro- 01 chief practical \'nlue In Quebec, UUtll.1D Immcdialcly available plus depending on their location In reo a ';:b,tankl rClluction in consum. speet to newsprlnt.mllt towns. e:! ,totk,. Total Cunadian prod'lc' Unofficial sources said they are t.)n 1"1 : 1':a\ ncarly 6,000,000 confident no Quebec price controls l:n:. wl!1 be necessary following the pre· ('PHi::. In the indus·, mier's blast. Arrangements he· not expected to o\'ertakc I tween newsprint companies and tn· ,:.e demand {lnti! "some I dlvldual Quebec were t:mt next ;'car," the association I not known. It was considered likely, !l:d however, that the current price in· Thr sta\rmrnt earlier \ creases would not necessarily be rep;,t; tlla: nrodllcer; were hard I extended to provincial p:e;,cd t'J fill orders. One pra- l i who pick up their own supplies at 1 Jll j " " " . before the end of the Russian 10a'1· In because they 1 ___ Brl·e''''8 i ers' goodwill visit, said that rcpre· pOSSIbly. be of. some usc . p J i sentatives of the two countrIes SO\'let at at S OW should continue on the tIme Union \\as an al\1 n WASH DAY conclusion of speclflc agreements \ of En"land.. . . . BIRMINGHAM, England (CP)- in economic, scientific, technical Noy .. 23, 19J4, ,churchIll, then I Municipal authorities granted a and cultural fields. . I prime mInister, saId .tbat before self.scrvice laundry a licence to Khrushche,', in his spcech at a the war ended he .orders to Mayor In a con- fcrence yesterday morning ask- ed that the cilizens of st. John's give every co-operation thlF com· Ing season In helping the city's snolV clearing operations. The equipml!Dt, graders truck plows, caterpillar tractors, one sicewalk plow, one blower, snow loaders, and trueb, arc ready Cor the winter work. and the clty oWce keeps In touch wilh the we other 10 that men who are operatlng the snow clearing equipment are standing by r'lady lor emergen· cles, lIIa)'or !\Iews said. As soon as Ihe streets become slipper), sanders arc placed In operation, Each sander has a specific route. and each one Is rcsponsible (or the main bus routes and other main arteries at first, and then what· e\'er secondary streets ('an be dDne. Sanding and salting opel'· allons In St. John's are becom· Ing Increasingly coslly and last year this operation cost the city over $40,000. Thirty . sand boxes, painted rcd, and .filled with a mixturp of sand and salt, about hall and half, ha\'e been placed In stra- tegic plades in the city. These boxes have heen distributed for usc of motori&ts who find their cars having difficulty to make slippery incUnes. Some 01 these boxes have already been tam· pered wilh by vandals, City En· gineer Ron Martin sai'l, and some of the wooden scoops placed in the boxes hav .. been stolen or thrown away. TbI! lIIayor asked that citizens report any signs of vandalism to these boxes. The chief problem in snow clearing, Mayor Mews said, is not equipment but to have the streets free for the operators to get to work. snow clearilJg op· eratlons are continued Ir"m the beginning of the storm, after sand and salt are no loncer ef· Cectlve and are carried on un· til all streets are opened. Some sections within the City control, such as Signal Hill and Quidl Vidi Road Extension. can not be handled by ordinary snow plowing equipment after heavy snow [ails but must be cleared by the Sicard SnolV blower. Comparisons made with othcr cities in Canada and U.S.A. show that equipmcnt used by the City of .St. is on a par with many and better than some. See ftlA YOR, Page 5 i have a juke.box on the premise" public rally hcre. rcplied to West· Lord Brlttsh com· I "to give ihe housewives some en- ern criticisms of the speeches he I mander In German)·. that Gcrman tertainment" while thcy do the! and Bulganin have been making. arms sho.uld collected i washing. He said "certain persons strongly and. so dislikc[1 0 11 1' "isit to India. and casily be.I;5uc? agatn to tile ,.,r CHILD APPETITES d' d t like our sincere frank man soldlcrs WIth whom we CAI1lTERBURY, England (CP1- 'I t l I no t-" 'I ha\'e to work if the Sodet ad"ance A hi' thO K t·t d' s a cmen ,. I . d ") .sc In IS en . CI Y gra cs \ "That" 11C "is the . .:..-______ _ 'child dmers as: fussles, overeat· ers and normals. I roy.ll! Dull es Ace use 5 I portrail plaque, set with a bis· I Reds GOA I euit medallion of Louis VX madp. f. ,in 1774, was sold Cor £2,300 at Inter erlng I auction. A Sevres dinner·servlce In with turquoise ground, decorated , with paintings of flowers and fruit, brought £1,800. MRS. NORW.\Y Tryillg Provohe Illdi(t Into Using Force OSLO (CP5-Mrs. Edel Martha Inielsen of Oslo, 42, chosen by the '\ S . t • - D 11 . Tues- Norwegian Broadcasting Corpora., WASHINGTON-AP-State eCIC u es Uon as "Mrs. Nor:-vay," \\'75 I da\' accused Russian leaders of trying to provoke Indla a 10.day trIp to Callf.; into using force in its quarrel with portugal over the . LOST CUTI..ERY Portuguese colony of Goa. 1II0NTREAL (CP) "T Cooperl N S DULWI H E I "'oday's I h N' ew erum C, .ng and - A I Dulles told a press conference .I t Smeaton, former referee n t e. a-' check In the hospItal of i that SOl'iet Premier Bulganin and tlonal Hockey League and a Stall' thIS Kent town that 150 \ Nikit Khrushchcv . th Commu· m Ii C t t h b lect d F C knives, 100 Corks and spoons . a . ' e. eat ler ley up rus ee, as een e e 0' oncer were missin". party boss, appear to be usmg a director of the Canadian Arena , a theIr tour of IndIa, Burma and Company, which owns the Montreal Afghanistan for the purpose of Clearing and colder. Snow- Forum, It was learned Tuesday. Preparine. To sprcadin.g and prejudice. fl 'es' this afternoon. High T t t v He saId It was to clear such a Url'l M M ., rea men Cl M I threatening atmosphere that he day ;10. t g ose - ontrea joined Portugal's Foreign Minister . Y s ery lSSln 'l'ORONTO-CP-A serum . . Paulo Cunha last Friday in decry. T p ratllres for the treatment of intest- (CP) - WIth ICC ing what Khrushchcv and Bulganm em e . . 1 . b . d d formmg the of thc St. have been saying. I' had advised customers thaI the milts. Court Studies W I C ff ' M d 'R' rna caneerts emg pro uce Lawrence river, Port of I Dulles he still stands behind Dawson ............ 21b 2Gb eapon n 0 In ur er eVlew afOnrmd etedstedpearetytheGanredwl'nlYer- o[£icials began Tues· that which has caused I .......... 36 -4:; day'!? close harbor fncih t .1es for \'ehemrnt Indian protests. But he Wmnlpeg .. ........ 0 5 . Medical Foundation. the wmter. th£' in no I Toronto ............ 20 32 011.\\\,\ fCP)-Thc mystery ofl anlmously upheld by the Quebec \ Eagle's rifle was aaid to be II . A ':T.hc port actually nevcl' closes \ ways takes sides betwcen India ........... 18 20 '4hlt happened to the murder Court of Appeals and Mr. Justice .3Z,40 calibre Marlln.style rifle. n source says the offICIally but we ha"e to set some and Portunal o,'er Goa the litHe I Hahfax ............. 28 33 used in the killing of three I' Douglas Abbott of the Supreme Expert evidence was that, a hole sertu i m t has lbeen hlUrtusti e on human date shipping facilities India's wc;t coa.t. Sydney., ............ ·30 33 'tne I i h Lind I th pa en s on I' a some cease, saId POrt Man&gcr Guy Dulles said Friday that untler I St. John s ......... 35 39 G , flcan hunter; 21.:' years ago In I Court later rejected Coffin's all' found nRc ard sey s co· Dr. Murray famous for hi' "blu the Portuguesc constitution 'I Prtmc Court of Canada Tuesday However, the case now Is before nitrate. I opera ns a e d' . . d' d .1.. '11 I . I Que" was before the I. plication for leave to appeal. Ina. showed no trace of polasalum baby" heart' tlo Ole OffiCIals said that freeztng can· and other enclave, on the Indian The lIeapon hal never the Suprcme Court In an unusuRI A provincial police ballistics ,e'" deve opment of an artificial kid· tn Icate .. oe port WI e o.\e, sub·continent arc Portuguese provo However, cv'idcnce was ad. review. The court was asked In pert testified that cartridges fired n[ eY'bannotUnced serdum earher than season when tne I inces and the inhabitants Portuifl' :Ited kt Wilbert Coffin's murder! order.ln.eounell to advise the fed. from such a gun leave no trace uf or reas cancer. IS 5 un er· ocean shIp left Dce. 15. In I esc citiz£'ns. I abOllt a rille that was loaned eral cabinet what decision it would putasslum ntrate. All other typea t th the date was Dce. 21. I AlUlUSITION FOR REDS ! Gllpe prospector by an ae. have made if the appeal had been dld M III I Id h ti said e ' S S ! Many Western observers in India I 'n i?CC. Jack Eagle. Eaole 5 granted, r. a one), sa t Is tes mony . It'.. Ith' h'D M i' I' ea erpent I believe Dunc rna" have <liveD the I 5 counsel, Arthur Maloney binding, presumably will be Impression that the Eagle rlUe HEIRLOOM-That's what you! F d' 0 B 'h I' nue is missing. The opinion, while it wll\ not be could create In the Jury's .mlnd the1 5 a DUg . r. urray . S J •• 0 . Of Onto, argued before the SUo by the cabinet in deciding whether which was loaned to Coffin might call this working TV reo OnD D eac ment. Goa is a sore point w!th Prtllle COUrt Tuesday that the ev- to order a new trial, commute the was the murder wellpon. Thel'e The action of :both serums celver with a three·inch screcn. I most Indians and one influential about Eaale's rUle was ir. death sentence to life Imprison: was no direct evidence that It WAS. Is t It's . owned by tile Howard VENlc:;E, Calif. (AP) - An American businessman commented I Ind Inadmissible. ment or let the execution be car. Pollee traced to Coffin's posses· tPh a en Sym t p tmh s b no eu Squires. family In Cleveland, unidentified sea monster is \ in Calcutta T u e s day: "Dull'!s . r. Malone), said th f th I d' t . sion a gasoline pump a pair of em. nee es s, ave een mnae beached here. It is 16 Ceet long Itldence e act ere 011. bl I r h ti k' If d only on cancer patients for wholm Ohio. They keep it as a reminder has a head resembling a snake", h.ave done anYthing more " 11'15 admitted and wu Before the court writes an opin' noeu a s, a un ng n e an a U h h b b d d effecltve f he wanted t push the In the crOWn prosee- Ion It must first decide whether'l\ valise containing clothing Identified "old days ld " of fteltehvleWingll' a fin tall, and, when it was I Indians Iurther away Of rom the tht trllddress \0 the jury and in has Jurlldlctlon to henr the case. as belongnl the huntcrs. fectlveness are difficult to makp, you nn ea a e sma· alive, perhaps a week ago, West." I charge possibly Quebec attorney.general has the source added.. ' ness of the screen Is five·year-old weighed about 800 India deniands that Portugal TO e jury. moved for dismillal of the fedenl Report. Clash It has been found, however, the Jerry who says he has to I Old.time mariners and life. give up Goa but Portugal thus Iar Peopl. h.v. b .. n ch.wllIlI IUM'. C.U' BE BANGED request on tha ,round the cabinet serum would dissolve cancer cells up close to recognize his guards say tliey think It 15 a .hns refused to do so. :: Ian In, 4., I C bed u led to be had no to make it and the CAIRO (Reuters) _ Two Israell In a test tube. The next step is to f"'orlte cowboy heroes. scn serpent. Khrushchev Hulganin, in of A ... rI" _II plraHln ..... rill ... at Montreal's Bordeaux jail court no jurisdiction to hear It. soldiers were k I II e d and four make it work In,lde the body. "I've lived around the ocean speeches in IndIa last week, sa!d A monk In M.xlco fint borrond Que i' Jwas conVicted at Perce, SAYS TRIAL JUDGE ERRED E'YPtlans were Injured In an ex The cells are Gontained In flUid which Is' a very severe test of the for 18 years," said Norman Portugal's retention of Goa Was a chlcl. lum, which _now u .. , flDOll 0/ of the murder Mr. Maloney argued Tuesday ehange of lire in the GUa area drained from cancerous growths:n use of any such serum." Bishop, Cormer Jlfeguard, "and "shame toward civilized people.': .... A:decs. He noticed thlt th. w .. d1nbu p n sey, 17, of Holli. that the trial judge, Mr. Justice Tuesday afternoon, an Egyptlan advanced stages.' . Dr. Murray· reviewed . several I've never seen anything likE' They said India has a "rigiat to lI\.n· .... d lonl unlfDrm tilth IIId ... a. Gerard Lacroix, erred In admlUing Army spokllman laid here. In announcing development of the cases and said some had shown this thing, whatever it is." oust" the Portuguese. trlbut.d It to the f.ct that they ch •• hUDter! 'h lI'as 0ine of three bear crown evldenee concerning Eagle's The spokesman earlier reported breast 'serum to tl)e Toronto Acad. "strlklng Improvement" and wl're India's Minister Nehru L" td chlcl., f_ tr ... whIdi III. fO\l ose d smembered bones rifle. a clasb In the Gaza zone which emy of Mcdielne last March, Dr able to carryon normal activities, N . AId understood to be Iravely upset lIIarily. IlUs nd In the wlld, mountain. Tbe evidence, he said, should not ended at nooni in which Eayptl.n Murray said the was But he emphasized: Is no earo erlnan about Dulles joining In the atate·: . - •. -_ .. -.------- bush in July, have be«n admitted because It wa, and brae! forcos fouaht a two. by Injecting hor.sc, with human proof we have cured any of I ment with Cunha. What- the Inti-, fuClllay was not the cue. l!Ionth elrul entered the bush a baled on hear,a),. hour battle. cancers then drawing off the blood. :anccr." I SYDNEY· (CP) - Stcelwol'krr iAns primarily objeeted to was the Tha secretary I aid Friday', olhtrl We er to hunt bear. The Mr. Malone), 11111' that from the The laraell forcea opened fire "Naturally," Dr; )lurray said, He added, however: "To date,' Tom Miller Tucsday became the statement's reference to "PorWgu- Itatement was care f ul 'lit Linch re Richard's fllber, Eu ... evdence II lve n .the crown loullht with mortars and automatic "we selected only DaUen!! in whom the effect of this (breast) ser'Jm first Negro -Ic\erman in the history ese provinces." Their reaction ill sldered. All It does, he dec:larecJ. and a companion, to prove theoiy that the Coffin ani In the earlier clash And thel all other of treatment had! treatment· has been' equal to the o[ Sydncy.·He anothl'r was thAt this seemed to is restate the·traditioDal CoUlD'. t ur, f' brothers conspired to deltroy the E,ypUans returned tbe fire, he been tried and who were In t.helother forms of treatment if notl 'Frank Orkish, in ward! - some· oppositioD to the use of foree ill o D vel! on was ua. murder wnpon, .. Id, final and late slaaes of cancer .•• ;1 surpass,lng n,"· S by Slil voles. . thing whicb .Dulles cmphuized scttllD& c:on!lict1nJ dalmL - ,. , <

THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

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Page 1: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

~ to\\'D

k; cn­In;I'le "~'Jr

11 r c h ~ an~

8.00 p.m.- Richard DTamond

8.30 p.m.·-8ishop Fulton J. Sheen.

9.00 p.m.-Room 25.

10.00 p.m.-Liberace.


Charles Hutton & Sons Vol. 62. No. 275 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 (Price 5 cents)


Burma Renew Appeal Predict Britain And Gree<e ,F or Ban

Soon To Announce Agreement· Hydrogen Weapons

Khrushchev . Again Flays West Powers

'>llllSt.\, Cyprus (Reuters) - .0\ I riot auxUlary policeman in a main ,:. "" IJ th~ l'ypru! problem is street of Llmassol while bomb,

:;'~i~~nt. pohtjc~l quarter! said were tossed at three British Army T;od;.y ni::ht. . patrol jeeps In the eentre of Fam· nc' predicled B rita In and agusta.

CCadeis At Memorial U.-_I r:";;c'c \\ ill announce an agree· The policeman, Mushrim Ibra· ::1" \\ilhin " frll' d~)'s and added him, was wounded seriously. Sev· ::: :"it ".11 hr ~~rrptable to Greek era I arrests were made after the o~; ,d11X (' II 11 r c II Archbishop attack. ':;;~'. t~iJ Ilritbh ~Iediterranenn The British soldiers escaped In. RANGOON-Reuters - The prime ministers of Bus-~""'" . j h b h 'onl' Ilith ttreCcr. ury w en tW(l ombs were t rown • dB·' d T d' d 1 f e"The imprndmg a~reement was at their jeeps travelling down a Sla an urma Jome ues ay In a renewe appea or d t~ Induclr arknoll'ledgemer,t Famagusta m a I n street. The an unconditional ban on alomic and hydrogen weapOll1

~\.' Britain or the right of C)'prlots bombs exploded In a yard and after a day in which Soviet' Communist party boss Nikita t; ;c:f .. lctrrmination in the un· damaged a building. Troops Imme· Khrnschev again lashed out sharpl.Y at the Western 'Irriftcd future. . dlately cordoned off the area • . The ",luti(llI \\olIld pro"ldc for Five hundred Famagusta work. nations. . ' i why certain organs of the Enllish (".0;'l'r. tillll by ~takarlos on a sys. crs walked off the job and demo Khrushc.hev, w~o I~ t~rmg: prcss responded with irritation to 1'"1 n! 'd!.~o\'frnment for the Is. onstrated In the streets against Burma WIth· Premier NIkolai BIII-\ my speeches and to speeches made '~;d and plk; on Cyprlls' e\'enllnl Monday night's statement by Brit. ganin~ b!amed the "ruling ci~cl~s' by Comrade Bulganin in India. i~:'J:e \\i::11n tho frame\\'~rk "f Is~ Foreign Secretary Harold Mac. of Britain and. France for ~lgRlng "The)' especially did not 11k. tl'e;:c:n ~Ildille E.bt securlly re. mlllan which opposed immedlll~e the. 1938 Mumch Pact whIch he I that item in one of my speeches ill \J:rement;. seIC _ determination for C)'pru5. claImed paved the way for the I which I said certain cirdes untied

Thc pliltic.' quartcr. said the Pollce and troops watched· tne Second World. War and Hitler's at· \ Hitler's hands to launch the war I:intipa\ ;:1I~1hling .hl~:k ~~ a.gree. peaceful demonstrations but took tack on RUSSIa. . against the Soviet Union. t:11~t !~ far I; Tllrkc) s \ le\\ that no action. Nevertheless, the C~mmum.t "But this is a historical fact. acb)\\':cd,ment of the right nf In the west coast port of Papho~, party boss, ~I'hose ant~.Weslern Could Hitler have started the war

. !t:!. dmrmination is completely the first whipping sentence of a statements durmg the Indla·Burma if he had been confronted with the "~1CCrptao:r. ~tlldent under new emergency laWS vi~it has stirred up resentment, united forces of England, France, T1~ !"Ilrm ,aid Amrriean dip. was passed Tuesda)'. Six strokes said the war proved that the Brit· the Soviet Union and other coun-

:~r.l:; are t;!kin; an act!l'e palt were ordered for Nlcolaos Demeo ish. }o'reneh and Ameri~an pe,~ple tries7 .. ,::emr:in~ to eonl'inec Turke)' lrlous, 15, II'ho was found guilty of could be. the bcst .of friends, ?ot "If the ruling circles o[ England .: :~e imp,'rtancr of acceptin~ the taking part in an unlawful assem only dunng good urnes. but durmg and France of that time had wish!!d "::ition Il!:dcr ~lIarantccs of the Dlr. the timc of a most severe and I to hold Hiller back and to prc"ent ;.:l:; of Ihe :0.000 TUl'ks \\'ho arc In the village of Lefkonlco. male h~rd o~~ea\." ~ . ,war. thcy would ha\'e preve~ted ; _ :11Inor:ty ~n the prcdominantl)· adults were taken to the police sta. fhe Jomt statemcn~ by BI!I;:anln the occupation of Austria by HItler ';:rek'r,'p~::l\rd i~land. tion to pa~' their share of a collec. d LI d L' k 2 a.nd T the B.urmese p.rlme .mlnlster, I. "nd could not ha"e a"oreed ti the

f.'.c •. ('OE~ 0" t' f" d th ill PICTURED ABOVE (Icrt to rlgh!) from Memorial Unh'crslly are. Flight Cadet Paul Lisk, son of Sgt. an Mrs. oy IS, 03 n' lillt ", • , " .' I\'e inC Impose on e \. a~c U. Nu, whIch was slsned In a spe·: shameful Munich agreements.

t';hi:e d:pll1ll1atic actil'it)' con. after demonstrators burned down Whlteway; Fllgh~ Cadet Delores O'Toolc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Toole, Renews, and Flight Cadet James Major, clal ccremo.nv at the h~me of Bur· i "Finall)', you should reco\leet the :\;c<l, Iherr \la' no Ictup to vi. Ihe local post ofIlce. son oC 1>lr. and Mrs. James Major, 196 Empire A,'enue, who have \Jecn accepted by the RCM' to Irain under the Unh'ersity Reserve 1 mese Presldcnt Ba U. also ~x·1 notorious directive gh'en by 1111'. ~:t~ct on t'lr i,land. :\ terrorist A curlew \\'as put on the villalle Training Plan. The students will be transfcrred to nCAF s:ntions on the mainland (or Officer Training during tbe summer of 1956 . pressed dccp concern oyer the m· Chul'chill at the end o[ thc Second :.~m,n !h,)t <I,lII'n a Turkish.Cyp. until the £2.000 fine Is paid. tcrnational nrmaments race and I' World War to his commander in . ____ . ___ • . said the problem of a political set· chief on the European battlefront.

~ " D d I K Sf t CI t1cment in Indochina called for an, HITS AT CHURCHILL


1e,liSpl--lnt eman, eep. ree 5 ear: * immediate sol.u~ion "in accordance: "At that time Churchiit ordered , with the deCISion of the Geneva I (his commander) to collect and

I · I'· confcrencc." keep arms which were throwft

Beats P r 0 du C tl' 0 n! l Ifayor Asks C; t;zens' A Jd I World News i A~~~~~~:nt:~~!~ued on the dar! ;r~~;s ~~ ~~ps~~~~~~~I~~i~i~~~: JIO:\TnEAL-CP-Booming demand Cor newsprint

j:a; oU::itl'ippccl production, the newsprint association of Canada l'Cpol'tccl Tuesday.

''('urrent demand appears to ~)(. . - , (:c.j 'lIppl;- :i1'.lilablc from all dcli\·el'ie.~ would be eut 1.1/~ per ecnti '·l::CC'. and llli, lill1ation seems, beginning In January and possibly :.~e:)' 10 rrcI ail until capacity tx·: continuing through April. I 13n,:Jn, no\\' IIr;!cr wa)' come Into: There was no Indications wheth~r P:Oduclion," tite J>soeialion said. \ tile cutback would become general,

I: 1':3; the 1.llr,l de\,elopment in but an association spokesman said l ;(1:(; th.t has kept the news· I carlier he knew of no £uch plan. i:i~t i",\JJ.,tl·~· in the ncll's during I The price Increases brought a ,Mn week, in \l'hi~h 11 Canadian· storm of protest and a threat ay (cmp"nie' r.noounccd price In· i Premier Duplessis that price can· trta<c~ r.ngm; from ~3 to $:i. ! troIs would be Imposed unless Que·

Ir. a report enliiled "newsprint. b~c province newspapers received Dm: I~;j:' the a~sociation sald I special conskieration as "co·owncr~ I:~I tn thc !it';! ninc months of I of the fore5t~." J~j.) l'n:tr<! Stales nCII'sprint con. SPRE,\D WAS S4 '::np::nn mma5cd by j,8 per cent The New York price before the ,jl(r 19.il. comparcd with an in. i Incrcase was $126 a ton and the c:cm of only one.third of one per Canadian basic was S122. The trn· I!;: thc prc\'illu, year. I ditional difference betwecn the NelV OtTrn .\BSORRED York and Canadian bases was $4. Th~ nine. month increase Quebec and Ontario paper, get an

lm,untcd :0 mnre than 330,000 I additional concession of $5 ton, :.'~". ab'orhin~ all additional pro- 01 chief practical \'nlue In Quebec, UUtll.1D Immcdialcly available plus depending on their location In reo a ';:b,tankl rClluction in consum. speet to newsprlnt.mllt towns. e:! ,totk,. Total Cunadian prod'lc' Unofficial sources said they are t.)n 1"1 : c~r 1':a\ ncarly 6,000,000 confident no Quebec price controls l:n:. wl!1 be necessary following the pre· ('PHi::. ~\pan,il1n In the indus·, mier's blast. Arrangements he·

~~: "\~rc not expected to o\'ertakc I tween newsprint companies and tn· ,:.e n'ln~ demand {lnti! "some I dlvldual Quebec newspaper~ were t:mt next ;'car," the association I not known. It was considered likely, !l:d however, that the current price in·

Thr sta\rmrnt ~onlirmed earlier \ creases would not necessarily be rep;,t; tlla: nrodllcer; were hard I extended to provincial newspap~r.', p:e;,cd t'J fill orders. One pra- l

i who pick up their own supplies at

1 Jll j " " " . before the end of the Russian 10a'1· In r~admess, because they \1i~uld 1 ___ Brl·e''''8 i ers' goodwill visit, said that rcpre· pOSSIbly. be of. some usc agathm~t . p J i sentatives of the two countrIes t~e SO\'let l!mon-.thou~h at at

S OW Clea~~nce ~og~~m should continue neg~~iations on the tIme t~e So~!et Union \\as an al\1

n WASH • DAY ~1USIC conclusion of speclflc agreements \ of En"land.. . . . BIRMINGHAM, England (CP)- in economic, scientific, technical ~On Noy .. 23, 19J4, ,churchIll, then

I Municipal authorities granted a and cultural fields. . I prime mInister, saId .tbat before self.scrvice laundry a licence to Khrushche,', in his spcech at a the war ended he ga,~ .orders to

Mayor Mcw~ In a p\'cs~ con­fcrence yesterday morning ask­ed that the cilizens of st. John's give every co-operation thlF com· Ing season In helping the city's snolV clearing operations.

The equipml!Dt, graders truck plows, caterpillar tractors, one sicewalk plow, one ~now blower, snow loaders, and trueb, arc ready Cor the winter work. and the clty oWce keeps In touch wilh the we other foreea~t 10 that men who are operatlng the snow clearing equipment are standing by r'lady lor emergen· cles, lIIa)'or !\Iews said.

As soon as Ihe streets become slipper), sanders arc placed In operation, Each sander has a specific route. and each one Is rcsponsible (or sandkl~ the main bus routes and other main arteries at first, and then what·

e\'er secondary streets ('an be dDne. Sanding and salting opel'· allons In St. John's are becom· Ing Increasingly coslly and last year this operation cost the city over $40,000.

Thirty . sand boxes, painted rcd, and .filled with a mixturp of sand and salt, about hall and half, ha\'e been placed In stra­tegic plades in the city. These boxes have heen distributed for usc of motori&ts who find their cars having difficulty to make slippery incUnes. Some 01 these boxes have already been tam· pered wilh by vandals, City En· gineer Ron Martin sai'l, and some of the wooden scoops placed in the boxes hav .. been stolen or thrown away. TbI! lIIayor asked that citizens report any signs of vandalism to these boxes.

The chief problem in snow clearing, Mayor Mews said, is not equipment but to have the streets free for the operators to get to work. snow clearilJg op· eratlons are continued Ir"m the beginning of the storm, after sand and salt are no loncer ef· Cectlve and are carried on un· til all streets are opened.

Some sections within the City control, such as Signal Hill and Quidl Vidi Road Extension. can not be handled by ordinary snow plowing equipment after heavy snow [ails but must be cleared by the Sicard SnolV blower.

Comparisons made with othcr cities in Canada and U.S.A. show that th~ equipmcnt used by the City of .St. John'~ is on a par with many and better than some.

See ftlA YOR, Page 5

i have a juke.box on the premise" public rally hcre. rcplied to West· Lord ~f~nt2omery. Brlttsh com· I "to give ihe housewives some en- ern criticisms of the speeches he I mander In German)·. that Gcrman

tertainment" while thcy do the! and Bulganin have been making. arms sho.uld ~~ collected c~re~llt~ i washing. He said "certain persons strongly and. staek~d so th~t the~ CGI~_

dislikc[1 0111' "isit to India. and the~' casily be.I;5uc? agatn to tile ,.,r CHILD APPETITES d' d t like our sincere frank man soldlcrs WIth whom we ~ho.l.d

CAI1lTERBURY, England (CP1- 'I tl I no t-" 'I ha\'e to work if the Sodet ad"ance A hi' thO K t·t d' s a cmen ,. I . d ") .sc o~ In IS en . CI Y gra cs \ "That" 11C ~aid, "is the reas:::\l!1:...:c~o.:.:nt:.m::.:l.:.::le.::... . .:..-______ _

'child dmers as: fussles, overeat· ;_..::.='-~:"-'-:"----ers and normals. • I LOND~~E~~~f~lT:~~~s roy.ll! Dull es Ace use 5

I portrail plaque, set with a bis· I

Reds GOA I euit medallion of Louis VX madp. f.

,in 1774, was sold Cor £2,300 at Inter erlng I

auction. A Sevres dinner·servlce In with turquoise ground, decorated

, with paintings of flowers and fruit, brought £1,800.


Tryillg Provohe Illdi(t Into Using Force

OSLO (CP5-Mrs. Edel Martha Inielsen of Oslo, 42, chosen by the '\ S . t • - D 11 . Tues-Norwegian Broadcasting Corpora., WASHINGTON-AP-State eCIC al~ u es • Uon as "Mrs. Nor:-vay," \\'75 I da\' accused Russian leaders of trying to provoke Indla !~~~~~ed a 10.day trIp to Callf.; into using force in its quarrel with portugal over the

. LOST CUTI..ERY I· Portuguese colony of Goa. 1II0NTREAL (CP) "T Cooperl N S DULWI H E I "'oday's

I h N' ew erum C, .ng and (CP~ - A I Dulles told a press conference .I t

Smeaton, former referee n t e. a-' cu.t1er~ check In the hospItal of i that SOl'iet Premier Bulganin and tlonal Hockey League and a Stall' thIS Kent town reve~led that 150 \ Nikit Khrushchcv . th Commu· m Ii

C t t h b lect d F C knives, 100 Corks and ~7 spoons . a . ' e. eat ler ley up rus ee, as een e e 0' oncer were missin". nls~ party boss, appear to be usmg a director of the Canadian Arena , a theIr tour of IndIa, Burma and Company, which owns the Montreal Afghanistan for the purpose of Clearing and colder. Snow-Forum, It was learned Tuesday. Preparine. To sprcadin.g ~atred and prejudice. fl 'es' this afternoon. High ~o-

T t t v He saId It was to clear such a Url'l

M M ., rea men Cl M I threatening atmosphere that he day ;10.

t g ose - ontrea joined Portugal's Foreign Minister .

Ys ery lSSln 'l'ORONTO-CP-A serum . . Paulo Cunha last Friday in decry. T p ratllres for the treatment of intest- \II~NTREAL (CP) - WIth ICC ing what Khrushchcv and Bulganm em e . . 1 . b . d d formmg alo~g the ~hores of thc St. have been saying. I'

d~tcr had advised customers thaI the milts.

Court Studies W I C ff

' M d 'R' rna caneerts emg pro uce Lawrence river, Port of l\lontre~J I Dulles s~id he still stands behind Dawson ............ 21b 2Gb

eapon n 0 In ur er eVlew afOnrmd etedstedpearetytheGanredwl'nlYer- o[£icials began preparati?~~ Tues· that ~tatement, which has caused I V~nc~u\'er .......... 36 -4:; day'!? close harbor fncih t.1es for \'ehemrnt Indian protests. But he Wmnlpeg .. ........ 0 5

. Medical Foundation. the wmter. empha~i7.cd th£' ~tatcmcnt in no I Toronto ............ 20 32 011.\\\,\ fCP)-Thc mystery ofl anlmously upheld by the Quebec \ Eagle's rifle was aaid to be II . A ':T.hc port actually nevcl' closes \ ways takes sides betwcen India :\Io~treal ........... 18 20

'4hlt happened to the murder Court of Appeals and Mr. Justice .3Z,40 calibre Marlln.style rifle. n authorltativ~ source says the offICIally but we ha"e to set some and Portunal o,'er Goa the litHe I Hahfax ............. 28 33 ~elpo.n used in the killing of three I' Douglas Abbott of the Supreme Expert evidence was that, a hole sertuim

thas lbeen hlUrtustie on human date ~,n w~ich shipping facilities ~~l'ritory o~ India's wc;t coa.t. Sydney., ............ ·30 33 'tne I i h Lind I th pa en s on I' a some cease, saId POrt Man&gcr Guy Dulles said Friday that untler I St. John s ......... 35 39

G , flcan hunter; 21.:' years ago In I Court later rejected Coffin's all' found nRc ard sey s co· Dr. Murray famous for hi' "blu Beau~~t... the Portuguesc constitution G~a 'I

Prtmc Court of Canada Tuesday However, the case now Is before nitrate. I opera ns a e d' . . d' d .1.. '11 I . I ~.pt, Que" was 1~ld before the I. plication for leave to appeal. Ina. showed no trace of polasalum baby" heart' tlo ~d Ole OffiCIals said that freeztng can· and other enclave, on the Indian The lIeapon hal never be~~ the Suprcme Court In an unusuRI A provincial police ballistics ,e'" deve opment of an artificial kid· ItI~ns tn Icate .. oe port WI e o.\e, sub·continent arc Portuguese provo

!1!I~~nd. However, cv'idcnce was ad. review. The court was asked In ~n pert testified that cartridges fired n[ eY'bannotUnced lastlts~rlntgllal serdum earher than I~st season when tne I inces and the inhabitants Portuifl' :Ited kt Wilbert Coffin's murder! order.ln.eounell to advise the fed. from such a gun leave no trace uf or reas cancer. IS 5 un er· la~t ocean shIp left Dce. 15. In I esc citiz£'ns. I ~III abOllt a rille that was loaned eral cabinet what decision it would putasslum ntrate. All other typea g~K t~s~s. t th 119~3 the date was Dce. 21. I AlUlUSITION FOR REDS !

q~l;~ Gllpe prospector by an ae. have made if the appeal had been dldM• III I Id h ti said e ha~ e~hO~e:u~prom~si:~ur:e: ' S S ! Many Western observers in India I

'n i?CC. Jack Eagle. Eaole 5 granted, r. a one), sa t Is tes mony . It'.. Ith' h'D M i' I' ea erpent I believe Dunc rna" have <liveD the I o!C~frtn 5 counsel, Arthur Maloney binding, presumably will be us~d Impression that the Eagle rlUe ~Y~:~~8~~laJ~~~ure. HEIRLOOM-That's what you! F d' 0 B 'h I' ~r~s;~~~~J~cs~':rnt~~~lttllie fO~~:~~ nue ~\I!I is missing. • The opinion, while it wll\ not be could create In the Jury's .mlnd the1 ~u 5 a DUg . r. urray ~ • . S J •• 0

. Of Onto, argued before the SUo by the cabinet in deciding whether which was loaned to Coffin might call this working TV reo OnD D eac ment. Goa is a sore point w!th Prtllle COUrt Tuesday that the ev- to order a new trial, commute the was the murder wellpon. Thel'e The action of :both serums s~ celver with a three·inch screcn. I most Indians and one influential ~nce about Eaale's rUle was ir. death sentence to life Imprison: was no direct evidence that It WAS. fa~i Is t ~emisal~~~t a!1~Vla~n~ It's . owned by tile Howard VENlc:;E, Calif. (AP) - An American businessman commented I I~Tlnt Ind Inadmissible. ment or let the execution be car. Pollee traced to Coffin's posses· tPha en ~I Symt

p tmhs bno eu ~a Squires. family In Cleveland, unidentified sea monster is \ in Calcutta T u e s day: "Dull'!s . r. Malone), said th f th I d' t . sion a gasoline pump a pair of em. nee es s, ave een mnae beached here. It is 16 Ceet long Itldence e act ere 011. bl I r h ti k' If d only on cancer patients for wholm Ohio. They keep it as a reminder has a head resembling a snake", eould~'t h.ave done anYthing more

" 11'15 admitted and wu Before the court writes an opin' noeu a s, a un ng n e an a U h h b b d d effecltve f he wanted t push the ~~~~oned In the crOWn prosee- Ion It must first decide whether'l\ valise containing clothing Identified ~ur'at~P~ore~Sast:e~f ~h:~e~~~ls ~~: ~IV~~eg "old daysld" of fteltehvleWingll' a fin tall, and, when it was I Indians Iurther away Of rom the tht trllddress \0 the jury and in has Jurlldlctlon to henr the case. as belongnl ~ the huntcrs. fectlveness are difficult to makp, you nn ea a e sma· alive, perhaps a week ago, West." Ir!jUdi~~juthdae I charge possibly Th~ Quebec attorney.general has the source added.. ' ness of the screen Is five·year-old :a~~d~ave weighed about 800 India deniands that Portugal _~ TO e jury. moved for dismillal of the fedenl Report. Clash It has been found, however, the Jerry Squire~, who says he has to I Old.time mariners and life. give up Goa but Portugal thus Iar Peopl. h.v. b .. n ch.wllIlI IUM'.

C.U' BE BANGED request on tha ,round the cabinet serum would dissolve cancer cells s~and up close to recognize his guards say tliey think It 15 a .hns refused to do so. :.!::'ICI:u'::!".;.~: :: ::V~ Ian In, 4., I C bed u led to be had no pow~r to make it and the CAIRO (Reuters) _ Two Israell In a test tube. The next step is to f"'orlte cowboy heroes. scn serpent. Khrushchev ~nd Hulganin, in of A ... rI" _II plraHln ..... rill ... ftb~t~o at Montreal's Bordeaux jail court no jurisdiction to hear It. soldiers were k I II e d and four make it work In,lde the body. "I've lived around the ocean speeches in IndIa last week, sa!d A monk In M.xlco fint borrond Que i' Jwas conVicted at Perce, SAYS TRIAL JUDGE ERRED E'YPtlans were Injured In an ex The cells are Gontained In flUid which Is' a very severe test of the for 18 years," said Norman Portugal's retention of Goa Was a chlcl. lum, which _now u .. , flDOll 0/ iilt~ar~IYu 1~. of the murder Mr. Maloney argued Tuesday ehange of lire in the GUa area drained from cancerous growths:n use of any such serum." Bishop, Cormer Jlfeguard, "and "shame toward civilized people.': .... A:decs. He noticed thlt th. w .. d1nbu p n sey, 17, of Holli. that the trial judge, Mr. Justice Tuesday afternoon, an Egyptlan advanced stages.' . Dr. Murray· reviewed . several I've never seen anything likE' They said India has a "rigiat to lI\.n· .... d lonl unlfDrm tilth IIId ... UDds~' a. Gerard Lacroix, erred In admlUing Army spokllman laid here. In announcing development of the cases and said some had shown this thing, whatever it is." oust" the Portuguese. trlbut.d It to the f.ct that they ch •• hUDter! 'h lI'as 0ine of three bear crown evldenee concerning Eagle's The spokesman earlier reported breast 'serum to tl)e Toronto Acad. "strlklng Improvement" and wl're India's ~rime Minister Nehru L" td chlcl., f_ tr ... whIdi III. ~'rt fO\l ose d smembered bones rifle. a clasb In the Gaza zone which emy of Mcdielne last March, Dr able to carryon normal activities, N . AId understood to be Iravely upset lIIarily. IlUs GI~ nd In the wlld, mountain. Tbe evidence, he said, should not ended at nooni in which Eayptl.n Murray said the ~erum was mad~ But he emphasized: '''Ther~ Is no earo erlnan about Dulles joining In the atate·: . - •. -_ .. -.-------I~, Th~ r~lnsula. bush in July, have be«n admitted because It wa, and brae! forcos fouaht a two. by Injecting hor.sc, with human proof we have cured any patl~nt of I ~ ment with Cunha. What- the Inti-, fuClllay was not the cue. l!Ionth elrul entered the bush a baled on hear,a),. hour battle. cancers then drawing off the blood. :anccr." I SYDNEY· (CP) - Stcelwol'krr iAns primarily objeeted to was the Tha secretary I aid Friday', olhtrl We er to hunt bear. The Mr. Malone), 11111' that from the The laraell forcea opened fire "Naturally," Dr; )lurray said, He added, however: "To date,' Tom Miller Tucsday became the statement's reference to "PorWgu- Itatement was care f ul c~ 'lit Linch re Richard's fllber, Eu ... evdence IIlven .the crown loullht with mortars and automatic we~p. "we selected only DaUen!! in whom the effect of this (breast) ser'Jm first Negro -Ic\erman in the history ese provinces." Their reaction ill sldered. All It does, he dec:larecJ. .'rederieke~'141, and a companion, to prove th~ theoiy that the Coffin ani In the earlier clash And thel all other form~ of treatment had! treatment· has been' equal to the o[ Sydncy.·He de~e~terl anothl'r ~eneral was thAt this seemed to is restate the·traditioDal Ameri~aD

CoUlD'. t ur, f' brothers conspired to deltroy the E,ypUans returned tbe fire, he been tried and who were In t.helother forms of treatment if notl ~tr.ehl'o¥1cr!· 'Frank Orkish, in ward! h~lster P.lrt'l~d'~ ~J,jm~ - some· oppositioD to the use of foree ill o D vel! on was ua. murder wnpon, .. Id, final and late slaaes of cancer .•• ;1 surpass,lng n,"· S by Slil voles. . thing whicb .Dulles cmphuized scttllD& c:on!lict1nJ dalmL - ,.

• f· , <

Page 2: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles



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J 2===' "=="'-===~=====================~~~~ d :1 THE DAay NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, '955

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..... . , .. .. .• I ..



1'2c up






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Page 3: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

\ ,

Represents Tr"de' IIr r. s. '\' rrecman represented Ihe Nfld. Boa" T' It al Ihe recent meetlnl In Ottawa wh ..

ffl. r"~'~lcmcn\5 wcre presented to the Canadl ..

pl'lr",· 'ItTh II rilll'C )(inislrr and his cab ne . e po cy Itate-

. The Third Page Cars Damaged .

Two cars were considerably damaged after collld· ing at the junction 01 Cookstown and Freshwater roads at 1.10 this morning. Ligbt snow wal bep ning when the two vehicles, driven by Gordo •. Meaney and Howard Crotls, collidcd. No one wa. Injured.

~rnl! wert Ihose Rdopted last month by the Can· ,dian Chamber of Commerce. _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~JOHWtNEWFOUND~N~ WEDN~DA~~~_E~_B_ER~~_1_9_55~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Court Hears story' Of Germain~ Plante As "Old ill" anager Gives Evidence Court :Adjourns When I Captain Swain Describes Loss "Seneff" Accused Gir I Collapses ' , '. Time Receives Proceeds Tells O~ AnXIOUS Trial Continues

This Afternoon ~

~lb~ GC11nainc Plante, Montreal woman who was retclltly cmplo;"ed as a waitress at the Old Mill night dub, \1'015 dlal'gcd in Magistrate's Court yesterday after. noon with attempting to extort, by means of threats; the rum of S:!OO.OO from Jerry Stevens, manager of the Old

Holidays For Govt. Workers

j!ill. . r bl k dress I where he WOI ked from 1950 to Provincial civil servants Drc"rd 111. ~ ~ 11~1 BCd black: 1954 In the Pavilion Room of the are to have one of the long·

bl'rk hat II'II!! "CI all '11 tid L '1\ H I '., . II . tres and 11 I 0 e e a:;J e. av n/l come I est Xmas holidav periods on !,rrmg~ IIllh.r (ell. from Germa:lY Mr. Stevells . '. i,'~ rape 11\1','1\'11 O\'C'r her arm. changed his ntme from Gerard I record, It was disclosed Jast )!i'! rlante I1lcaded not guilty; Stefan to th,. Anglasl5ed name! night by Provincial Affairs I

h "1a' Oft wnl'l1 asked by. . ' I I' I, r ro< .• , . how she I he now carrier. Mimster Myles Murray. ~ \Ia~:~lra\r 0 \clli I :\Ir. Stevens who Is the mana· During the IO·day period ,,;'hcd 10 plc .. d. . . I ger, R director and financially

'Ir, JaIllC~ D. Il1ggm!!. coun· Interested In the Old Mill, said between December 23rd and 1 ~rl lor Ihe rinfClldant drew ~~ that he has kn'Jwn' Mbs Plante January 3rd, the GQvcrn· I

lr:lliln or Ill<' )Iaglstrate .to tnd ~lnce July 1953 He went .to Mon· employees will have a total llumhrr or ('rm and ra~~o RUb- tll'eal, he said lonklng fl?r help of seven full holidays. !UW;lcd lha: as a resu P 1 such as waltre~se1l and put an Th h d I' f I lid)',' c;pcl'iall)' an)' sensational I advertisement In the Montreal e sc e u e IS as o· publicil),. II' ,uld und?ubtedly Star. lIIlss P!Imte was one of lows:-;Tart 10 thc dc(chdnnt 5 delrl· the people who allswered the (Christmas) mrr.1. Q C fo the advertisement. When· she ap- Close Friday'. December

~Ir. r. II Callcr, j' li r d I plied. he said, she told him that 23rd. return' to work on Croll n made I 0 ob ee ons an she had been emp,oyed as a reo ' l:,:. R. 5. FlIIlong. Q.C., repre·lporter on a ntlwspa.pl'll' and was Wednesday, December 28th. !rnling anolhc:' pall)' concerned at the time "I tbe application (New Year) \ In thi! ~a!e. !r .• d that he had no working at Mor,an's 'in Mon· Close Friday. December' !nstrur\lon! on Ihls point and al treal, as a laIC', dady. She told '30th.. return to work rar II he \\'a~ rI· ncerncd the presl him she had M previous experl· T d J d

b .' d t rt • ues ay anuary 3r •

un P pc, ml'.Ie 0 repa ae-: ence as a waltrelS but wanted to ' ruralel)' any Jl'occedings In the, learn. . ------me , . . . I He M'rangcd to give her $18 i Make ProO'ress

llapl;;.t~ \) ~cll1 agreed and. a week with tt., •. arid to pay her 1 e uid thaI he thought the press passage to St. John's, lie thought 0 H JI · 1 .ould nol gil C R coloured IC· of signing a =~lltract for a year. \ n uge OSPJ ta rounl o! the proceedings. and he laid, and I~ .he stayed she Iny hilt ~II ~cclll'ate account would not hare te repay the' At Harmon would be unr~,r and unjust. passage money but did not do

'I 1"" th 0 at the tlm~ A hospital cosllng more than . r. . c~:)' ,,,C\'cn, was en s" 2 000 d d bb d ' f th

ulkd 10 the ~Iand and sworn. !Ills. Plant a arrived In SI. $, ,000 an u c 'onc o. C

)1:. CarleI' by questions estab- John's at the beginning of Au. finest o~ Its kln,~ in the Umted I:!hc~ lhat )11. Sle\'ens has been gust, 1955. a.ld began to work; States Air Force, Is scheduled for \ In 51. Jllhn's ,in~ :'.tarch, 19M. as I waitress at tbe Old Mill. I completion this month, and its,100 lrod rame hc~(' from 1'lontreal, See TRIAL Page 5 beds should be ready when need·

Of Fall Fair CARBONEAB. !~~e Awaiti~~," .. ~~t~~~ Captain William Swain, engineer Halifax. In a hurricane. He IW

0-- -" . Charles Swain. second engineer Eli " refers to it as a miracle-a mlrael.

.;;)!'.:;;;!( . ~~~ee;. ~~~~a~~a~:o::;.rt~nh;~!~ I : ::s~~;e :l;yt~~£~: a:~l:~~ o~! Dowden and George Swain. of the I" ilI.faled MV "Senef". arrIved home I't'" ' i cident. That was the nearest tim.

d f 1, th : he has even been to being "lost at

Tues ay, ee mg non.e e worse, l. for their trying experlCnce. : !' '1 sea."

Captain Swain related the follow. ' Asked il he would be gh'ln, up ing exclusive story, of the loss of i ' . sea·faring, he ~aid"No, the com his ship, to the Daily News: I I : pany will no doubt be getting I

The Sener, owned by the North! i ship to replacc the Sencf and 1 East Fisheries Industries Ltd. or,' I ,hopc to be going in her as skip Harbour Grace and registered in \1 per." However. he feels that it II the port of st. John's. left Harbour I I not wise to have so many mem-Grace on November 23, with a I' bers of his Camily on the one ship, ~ cargo of frozen fish fillets, blue. ! but I judgc there is little he can • berrics, etc., bound for Gloucester, I do about It, for they all seem tl . • USA I! want to be in his creW. We are in· '

;\las5., .. . Everything w.ent O.K. and every. I : deed glad that Captain Swain and thing was working O.K. On Nov. ! CAPT. SWAIN his gallant crew are safe and· w. 26 there was a heavy wind and trust that their little respite from sea, at times gale force winds, and beilbuoy. hazardous work wiJI result in them at about 1100 hours the wind mod. I did everything in mJ' power to all having a very Merry ChrlstmaL erated to about twenty.five miles save my ship and crew; I saved from W.N.W. Canso lighthouse was my crew but not my ship. I was abeam at this time, five and a the last person to 'Ieave the strick· half miles oU, with the ship mak. en ship and I stood by and watch· Ing about 8 mph and with the sea cd her go down. At this point In calming down. his narrative tbe good Captain

We passed White Point belJbuoy showed deep emotion, saying: "It and then steered course west one. seemed as If part of me had dis­half south; soon after we struck appeared beneath the surface." something like an old wreck under Questioned as to whether he had water, about four feet below water lost any other ship, or had had any line o.n starboard side and In cen. trying experiences, he said, "yes." tre of engine room. Then he related how he had spent

Courteen 'hours alone on the "Ruby It went through the plate, strik· ~t" back in 1933. The vessel ran

ing the propellor. The exact spot was Latitude .5 degrees. 11 min. into trouble oCf Flamborough Head

and the other two men of the crew utes and 30 seconds north, Longl· left to go 10 Bay de Verde for as· tude 61 degrees, 03 minutes west. . sistance. They made sale port but I Immediately stopped the ship and went to the engine room to were unable to get back and. so he make an Investigation to find the was alone. Capt. Art Dean m the water was running in; it certainly ll.S. "Lin~oln" ~escued the vessel looked as if tbe object struck had 1 and ~aPtam Swam, and to s~y that

. him must be putting It mildly. He

Magistrate's Court Two w.rmen, Patricia MulliDl

and Sheila Conran were charged and convicted in Magistrate'. Court on Tuesday morning of breaking and entering tbe butcher shop of Raymond Chaytor with In· tent to commit a larceny. They were sentenced to serve 3 monthl each in the Penitentiary.

_______ ..:-______ ' ____ ed In early 1956. I • The Harmon Air Force Base hes· : HARBOUR GRACE.-A presentation of a cheque covering the

PI F matlon pltal. sporting tbe most modern nett proceeds of the ~'ail Fair held recen!I)" was made to His an or lutglcal units and suites in the Excellency Bishop O'Neill at a social gathering In the K. of C. whole Northeast Air Command, Is Club Rooms, Academy Hall, Harbour Grace, Sunday. November eompletely air conditioned. has a 20th. The above photo shows Mr. K. J. Lawlor, General Com·

ripped off the plate. . I her lights were ~ ha~py Sight to

I radioed Canso for assistance signalled and Capt. Dean and his and the "Golden Nugget". owned erew rendered all the assistance by Captain Clayton Munro of that that was needed to bring the Ruby

Constable Stapleton said that b. received a call at •. 40 yesterday morning. and In company with three other constables went to th. shop at 143 New Gower St., found the window In the front door brok· en and the two women Inside the building. He searched the place to sec. if anyone else was there but I

found only the two women, who were standing in tbe shop when , the police arrived. Some meat and sausages, valued at about $4 to $5, were found on the floor of the shop. he said.

town, came to our assistance, ,as 1oI. to port.

A th 'Ass'n dental clinic, delivery rooms, and mlttee Chairman, presenting the ehequc to His Excellency Most

U 0 r S wlIJ account for an Increase In the Rev. J. M. O'Neill, D.D., Bishop of Harbour Grace. The money . number of medical personnel at will be mcd In the repair and re-decoration of the Cathedral in

tbTe hbase. bill b bl I preparation for cclebrl\tions to lIlArk the 1ooth. year since the

did other sbips. By the time ihe Then in 1943 the M.S. Lincoln "Golden Nugget" reached us the was cut down by the "Shumite" after part of the "Senef" was off 5t. John's Narrows. The vessel awash. We got a tow·line aboard, sank in seven minutes and the in hopes of baving her towed to crew was taken off by the Shumite Canso; after about ten minutes the and taken into St. John's. His son tow.lIne parted. Another attempt Charles was only sixteen years or was made, the tow·llne secured, age at the time and he was second but to no avail, and the ship sank engineer. The Captain's adopted a few minutes later in Lat. 45 de· son, Joseph, was the chief.

The Town Council of Mount Pearl sued five of its citizens for non payment of taxes including dog tax, car tax and municipal services. AI! five. charges came to $65. Judgment was gIven for the Town Council.

"Alter Ihc !<iew Year" a meet­inz will be called amonllst the wrilm in SI. John's to ascertain Iheir reelings loward becomlnll af· liIiiled with the Canadian Authors' AUl)(iation, L. W. Janes told the Dally Sews last night.

Western Ontario - was .due here e num er w pro a y n· erection of the Diocese. An American sen'iceman charg· cd with stealing a car belonging to another serviceman had has ca •• transferred to the Base. He WaJ

allowed to go on $200 baiL

lome time ago but due to the crease from Its complement of 60 IIrOundlng of his plane in the (excludlna dental clinic tech· Maritimes, he could not make It nlclans, etc.) to ."proxlmately 175.\ since "time ran out." That Includes doctors, nurses, and

Had he come here 'lie would have airmen.

. The managing editor and pub. li!htr or Ihe ~ewroundland Quar­Itrl)' uid Ihat Ihe association'. presidenl .• ·rank Stirling, bas sent

addressed, in Memorial University, During the peak work seasons, those people Interested In writing. approximately 8,000 Canadians

10 him and to Dean Hunter of llemorial t'ni\'ersily a copy of the II'ocialion', ronslilullon.

Quiet Day In Police Circles

from Newfoundland, the Maritimes and other provinces were employ· ed In Harmon'l building program this yen, It II understood.

':1 hale n,alle tnquiries of local But for the antic. of one man, Issue Baby Bonus Dec. 12

"TI1~r!, and Ihere seem~ to be a the city of SI. John's would have lI.ide intmsl in the possibility of worn a halo all day yesterday and ~e\\'llIundland ha\'ing I branch of up. until sometime last night. . Ihe CM," ~Ir. Janes said, addl", According to pollee station guard lhal he and Dean Hunter would Hiscock, not one arreat was made, Newfoundland mothers will reo help organize it, should an express. not one accident occurred. until celve a total of approximately ed desire be made at the !ortheom. one particular fellow took It upon $1,000.000 on or about December In~ meelin~. himself aUelledly to overimbibe. 12, In lime for the Christmas trade,

~Ir. Janes said that not evcry. He It was who gave station police it WIS disclosed by federal govern-•• J their fl t d I I f ment offlclals hcre last night. UV1ly Who II'riles can become a rs an on y p ece .0 membcr: Iherc are certain 11m Ita· "active duty" for the day. The Administrator of the Fam· II H '11 I 'I Itt' Ill' Allowance seheme stated that ~nl, mlain qualifications even e WI ,appear n ~ IIg S ra e s

,monill Ihose d I J' I Court this mornlne. baJJy bonus cheques will be In the is engage n ourna· mails on Dctember' 12 instead of

m. ' lie did the usual date of Deccmber 20. J not elaborate. 'The wood preserving Industry I

Slir~~nes, himsell a writer. said that I of the United !:Itatcs empl~Ys 14, There are more E5klmo~ than _ g - o( thc University of 000 people. Indians In Alaska.

~t Ferryland:

Erect Statue To Baltimore Effort. are to be undertaien too, in A ulult. ,

lOon to bave custody of the lite Present for tbe event, In add~ ~! Lord Baltimore'. house. Ferry. tlOII to local church' and lIovern· lI?d, transferred to tbe National ment dla:nltlrle. Ind repreuntl· A~tOric Sites Dlvlalon. 10 tbat next tlve. of indu.1r)' Ind the trade, wufbelt a statue to that Il'eat man may be the Dean' of the University

unveiled there. of Maryllnd, Ind tbe Governor of C that State.

rep; E. A. Jeffery. Newfoundland I uentatlve of the Dlvllion. "Maryland," said Mr. Jeffery. :erl~ known as the National "hal I .taie in Baltimore'. fame. lha I alld Monuments Board,' old .inee Lord Baltimore went to a rl on Bois Island, off Ferryland, Maryland, and, made I naine for t4 talored sel of IUDI which help- himself there, aUer he left New· 1110 IUlrd tbat Important IDuthern foundllnd,"

re leltlement, may he unveiled, Mr. Jeffery wlll be 1I0lni to


Ferryland loon In an attempt to get a transfer of tltJe to the site of Baltimore'l house. He bas lIIade leveral attempta, but poor weather and bad roads proved too' much an obstacle. '

Mr. JeUery' added that had not Ottawa approved the statue·and· gun.restoratlon measure In 1953, It II "more than probable" that the people-rather, the government­of Maryland would have gone ahead with the project.

"The Dean of Maryland. Unl· versity, ,who was here some lime 1110, laid this." Mr. Jeffery said.

New Local M.ovie NoW' Completed

grees, 13 minutes N. Longitude 60 However, it Is of the year 1953 degrees, 58 minutes W. or ahout that he spoke of with, to use an one.half mile west of White' Point old saying, bated breath. The Senef


Written nuw is a full·lenglh Hollywood movie on Newfound· land, whieh may be released to United States and Canadian thea· tres In 1956. It is about the pot· head whale Industry at South Dildo, with a fiction story based on the adventurous and death·defylng life of Captain Ivor Iverson of that place.

and the mammals were wild due to great hunger. "We were all afraid we'd be turned over, the wMIes were so wild with their thrashing," Hull said.

America, he continued, Is crying for outdoor adventure movies, and many producers are trying to get away from the routine of western movie·making.

Written by Frank Han of Pacific Coast Ellms, the movie may be E PI financed In part with Canadian rect aque capital. "We hope to capt.ure the To The llast fog and the whales tearing up the surf, and the small,boatmen chas· Ing the whales In behind thea white Of Beothllcks seine with their shouts of Ho! Ho!, ' just like those oC a matador urging It has now been established; on the bull," Hall told a Dally where a tablet commemorating News reporter after he'd returned Shanadithit, the last of Beothuck from South Dildo three months Indians, will be placed. I

ago. C, E. A. Jeffery, local representa· I Word from' California yestcrday live of the National Historic Sites

said that cameramen from that Division, said last night the tablet place likely will be In Newfound· will be attached to a pillar at the land during tbe next pothead drive entrance to the new museum. to take some "on tbe spot" shots. The bronze plaque has not arrlv· Most of the movie, ho'wever,· will ed here yet. be made In the United States. It has been promised by the

Word was not received 88 to National Historic Sites Division, whether actor Sterling Hayden formerly known as ·the Hlstorlr would take the leading role, Sites and Monuments Board. i though thll question was asked by Mr. Jeffery. who had a look a' the News III a letter wrUten the museum some four weeks ago : September ~1. said that It Is "looldng up, 'and ; i

Hall said earlier he wanted Hay· have no doubt It Is going to be i

den to take the part, since Hayden good thing." has light hair and Is something of Booths, etc., were being reo Iverson's build. arranged ,when he was there.

While In South Dildo, Hall was I In one o( the small boats used for In Worid War II, the Japan driving the whales into shore ese lost 130 submarines dnd th( I where men lance them.' Germans 782, while the United I

However, the sea was too high States lost only 52. I ,

DRAPERY Good ~uality for Windows, Day Beds, etc.

97c and 1.45 yard

TABLE COVERS PLASTIC " .......... " ............ " ................................. ·4Sc yard, up

DAMASK .............................. : ......................... ~ ... 97c ;ard up

OILCLOTH .......................................................... ,.·40' yard up

FLOOR .COVERS CANVAS MATS, 18 x 36 ...................................................... 29c CANVAS MATS, 27 x 54 .................................................... 79c JUTE MATS, 22 x 13 ...................................................... 1.10


Page 4: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

r • I

I 'I

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.... " ___________________________________________________ T~H:.::.E.:D;;AILY N.EWS, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1955


The Daily News I'll. UAI1.Y Ni:WlI t. a mwalna PIpes

IIl.IbUllltd ta lllN. Ino ClubUlhed at &b. t· ..... ·~lIdilll, ~ Uuawurtlt ill'etl. '1. Job'e, Newloundlllld, bJ Rublnaol • ComplQ Ltmlted.

, • iMBER n. rUE CANADIAN rRBSb Tb, CuldilD l'rlll II exclullVLly en

\II led t" the lilt fur republication 01 a!1 !leW1 dl.p.lc"e~ III tbia paper ertdlted to " QI to Til. AallCllted Pl... or Reuter. ud allO lbe IlICal new. punlllbUd tberetn

AU Preu aervlCI' and feature .rti~leI ID tllli papel are ~'\Ip,r1lbt IDd their reDro 4ueti0ll It Ilroblblted.

Autburlzed I. lecond clau mall PO.I OUice o.partatu\, Ottl ••.

• Membel Audit Bureau at CIr~ulatlon'

DAJL \' SVB8CaII'TIO~ UTES; . canada "...... ...... I 11.00 pel anlum United ItinadllDl IIld aU

Foretlla Coun'rlet '" 1,\2,00 1111' an!lu.

In The News • . is evidence' of Britain's anxiety that the policies of the English-speaking countries s\1a1l be properly concerted that the British statesmen should undertake the journey By WAYFARER at the arranged time. . 'ItILUDI TO COLLA'SI

It \fill give Sir Anthony an opportun. In the last 01 the artlclt's In this ity to talk with President Eisenhower on column on the events leading up tn many matters of vast importance, among the loss of self·govcmmenl, we thcm the Middle East question on which dlscussed Ihe r.erlod bel\\cen the

1 B " d h sprin, of 11132 and th~ election 01

rltam an t e United States are not yet the AlderdIce Government In the i fully agreed. summer or the lame I'car 'l'he new I It is also a measure of the increasin/1 I government found its~Jr ra~"d with importance of Canada's prestige in world a desperate situation. Revenue wa, I aUairs that Eden and Macmillan will go . running at the rate of barely eight

I fr~m Washington to Qttawa fOI' di5CUssio\l~ I ~llJions a yc~r. Dp~t Interest aloM . with Mr. St. Laurent' and Mr. Pearson. . lIa5 costing five millions. That leH i 'fhe abominable behaviour of Molotov i three millions lIn which t~· Iry 10

II at Geneva and the sordid exhibitions or'l run the country. Ont of that hud . h" to come all the seTl'lce~ that HI: I

i Bulganln and KI'us chev In IndIa and Independent nallon had to supph. I Burma have given a new aspect to the • • • ' I internati?nal problem and the .British \'~sit. The one thinl! Ihe gOl'clmmenl I(

i to America and Canada may help to find I was not prepared 10 accept was the ' ; the necessary responses to the new direc· stigma of derault. An~·thinl1 rather I tion of Russian propaganda. titan that seem~d to be the motto,

But to meet debt interest In thp

Police Action Needed ---------------------------

province the prt'vious two )'cars th~ Squires lo~ernment had !irst to raise the so-called Imperial 011 loan and then 10 get a special loan rrom

The movement of traffic 011 Water tlte chartered banks which was to . .

Wh'DNESDAY. DECEMBER 7,1955 Street and on some other city streets at be a first charge on Ihe revenue •. certain hours of the day is gravely impair- There were no new resourm. Dole ed by the inconsiderate actions of many was being paid out at the rate 01 drivers . ' I about fh'e cents per person a day.

Speak Up Mr Jackl Th~re is no good reason why traffic An individual on dole had to livt I ' • • . I on $1.40 a month. Food was cheap. . ,... , .. • should .not ?e able to move freely .on a It is true. but nnt that cheap. I

The Pubhc U lIhUcs CommISSion has I green light In Water Street. There IS no ,. Flour was abollt 5:l.40 a fack len latch: made a dccil'io~, which. it" ~hc opini.on : more I eason wh.~·. at the juncU.ons of Du~k. about 40 c~nts n pound and cu~kcd I of thlli newspapcl', IS not consistent WIt), : work stl'eet WIth Church HIll and \vlth I corned beef abuut 12 cenh R lin. : ·the c\'idence and "iolate~ ou\' concepts of : Theatl'e HiJ1, e"el'ything should depcnd on : But no family oj five could live on ! what i~ fail' and just. II the willingness of some dl'ivcrs to gh'e the ,. sCI'cn dollar~ ~ month ar.d. thp I

We ha\'e demanded thai the Commis· c,ther fellow a chance. dletm was Inadequale ~.nri I.ed to I

sinn vre5~nt in clear n.nd u,:c~uivocal: No\' is it good enough that. pe.l·sons ,a great outbr::,k. Of. berl·berl. I ! language Its rc'lsons rol' Its decIsIon .. So : should double·pal·k on trafflc·rldden I The gOl'crnment fOil d !'ttl. i far, thel'c has ~een no reply.. ., ! streelt; 011 a long·term basis, l~a\'ing ~ars help b~' postp~ning p~ymeAnt I ()~ I

Docs t~c sllencc oC the Comn'ISSlOll I 0\' tJ'ucks untended, and causlllg serious dole bl1l~ for a year. A grocery illlpl~' that It has no dcfcnce, no I'easons I and unnecessary congestion. . order was Issued by a reliel'ing I 110 I(lgi~al. explanation .for its finding? i The only temedy is to have the police' officer Rnd ca1lted by the .Iocal I

ThIS IS not a questIOn of whethcr onr • instructed that they must inter\'ene when. shopkecp~r. H.~ sent the signed! fen), is better tlum anothel·. ~l' whet~el' I e\'Cr a traffic delay' of an unusual character relle! bl~1 to ~is supplier In Sl.: Bell Is land will NCt a mol'c effICient sen'lcc ,occurs That is done elsewhere: Is there John! II ho pa.sed It over 10 the from the Elmel' jones than it has had from I any g~od reason why it cannot be done ~~:~~=m~:~t~:rl rsymen~. T~n ,()~

. the i\Janeco. It is rathcr a matter of fund- here? received .a er. pa)men lias amental rights under the British constitu- . ••• tion.· In the face of the shocking [i

It is our conviction that thc findin:~ Wh 0 h A. _ S · nanelal predlc~ment that con· represents a shocking error of judgment. at t ers /"\Ie aymg fronted it, the government decideJ

'We contend that its effect Is to do a gra\'e to take stern measures to cut down injustice to the Bel! Island Steamship Com. expenses. The tlrst step was 1(' ·pany. We beJie\'e it is eontrar.y to the A PUZZLE cut eertain costs by one·half. Edu

(St. Catharine, Standard) cation was reduced from a million elementary conditions of fair play and we . to a hal!.mllllon. The salal'I'es 01 thl'nk that on I'eflectl'on bv th" Comml·ssl·on. In the light of the news from the sreat. frpp .. td d hits I 't tl I d civil servants were cut on the

.it should be re,·ersed. We demand, at the wor . we \\'on er w y conv c n peru en ar es an reformatories are so desperately anxious to let out. same basis. Evcn the pen-ions of i yery least, that if the deciSion must stand. _:0:-- war veterans were halved. Thous I .it has to be supported with better reasons ' CONTINlIO\lS ands of people had their standard I than those that have yet been given. (Charlel Baudelaire) of IIvlns cut In two overnight.

h h h" • I T . e .c ai.rman of t e Public Ut!liti~s I There are In enry man, at cnry hour, two . On a purely personal nole. this i ComnusSlOn IS Mr. Grant Jack. It IS hiS i tlmultancous postulations, onl towards God, tbe IVI! the first occasion on which solemn duty to defend the finding of the other towards Satan. we \I'm confronted with the con. ~ommission ill the matter of the appli~a·1 -:0:- mct between !:arty loyally and tlon of the New foundlal1? Tl'anspo~tatJon I ,WHEN SHOULD A MAN RETIRE? what we thought to be right. II i Company for an exc1usl\'e franchIse to (From the Minneapolis Tribune) was not easy to condemn tbe policy I operate a ferr~' sel'\'ice bctween Bell Island I Whcn should a man retire? Fl!t)··nve~ Sixty? i of a KO\'ernmcnt one h~d sup· I

and Portugal Core. • Slxty·fil-e? Sevent)·? American business and in· i ported In good faitlt IInll II itlt en· I . It is not enough that th" Commission I dustl;al firms ,enerally say 65, [or reasons that are I thusiasm. Ilut we could not s~e should pass sentence of death on the Bcll I arbitrary but have their roots In the ll1th centun'. I justification !or pulling the co~I' Island Steamship Company and 011 the I Yet one of the human phenomena most onen noted 10f all essential economlc~ on t.he competith'e system in the Bell Island fem' I is the "aryln, rate at Individual a,ln,. One. man people who were to be the .chlC~t

. It .' I t' I th t th t t' seems old and without much drive or ~el\ for I1le 111 I sufferers. We came out WIth a servIce. IS a so c~sen la a a .s~m . I his 50'!' another is viaorous and productive In strong condemnation of this' ence be supportcd With good and suffiCient r hl~ 70·s.' f\ome people sllow distinct sl,ns of bodily 'course claiming that it would be I reason. . old age at 50, but remain youn, mentally, and far beller to allow our bonds to

That has ~'ct to be done and so, tn the I emotionally for yean beyond that· "then are ment· ,0 Into default than to cut the I name of public opinion and the public ally and emotionally old In thei~ 50'.. And now salaries of school teachers and I interest, we say: Speak up, Mr. Jack. and then a ChurchUl or Shaw, or Adenaun or war veterans by 50 per cent. w~ I

A Mainlander's View Grandma Moses crops up to make retirement It 115 still think in retrospect that we seem absurd. Selentlsls at tbe University of were right. e~cn If the co~t on a Chicago are undertaking a study of thl. problem r~~::6~IP. baSIS came hIgh in and hope to emerge with a way of measurtn, a hu· • • •

Mr. Murdo McKinnon is a mainland man belng's a,e In terms of actual maturtty rather univerSity professor who spent some time than mere years. If they are suecessful re~lrement

plan. c:an be made flexible so that lome workers in many parts of Newfoundland during the will be retired, not when tbey reach an arbitrary war and has lately talked about us on the age limit. but when their minds and bodies sho" C.B.C. from a friendly and discerning point definite signs of wearing out. The United S~ates of view. public ilealth service regards the study as Important

He detected here some of that funda· enough to justify a grant of S8Q,OOO. Actually, if j' mental charm which is part of our way of the experts do e~:abllsh workable criteria for i. life and like many of us who live in this measuring the rate of aging, then Ihe ,Iudy will

Bllt having done this. the gov· ernment was FUll In a perllou.1 state. No! enough was being saved. No mont'y was available lor any· thIng more than a barebones oper alion of the public services. The Land Development Association was formed 10 persuade peopll' 10 tsk!' up allotments and grow some oi their own lood. But thm. was ~ lImlt even to desperate rtmedics. The government saw no nelp fo\' lt but to·appeal to the BrItish Gov· ernmeni.

',. island, he seems a little fearful that it may have been worth many times $80.000. For our be affected to its detriment by the impacts population Is aglna. Thls is a larger and larger of a changin,:t economy. percentage of the total population Is past middle ale.

We doubt that there is immediatll By reUrln, the majority of workers IS they reactl



, , , , .

, ,

• • • f I I . I h age 85. the nation Is cheating Itself of much .killed, cause or a arm. t IS true t 1at t e pattcI'n steady and resourceful manpower. We cannot aC. The United Kingdom II'~~ thpn of living has altered in many ways. We ford that kind of waste, Iny lI!ore than we can In difficulties or its own. A year but'n coal instead of wood. More and more aCford 10 waste other reaources. before It had been foun" neccs· people are discovering such amenities as my to meet R Ilrsve Itnanclal electricity and running water. Marc in. --:0:--- and economic ~ri5!~ by fOl'mlng a tensh'e competition is making some inroads I' .-------........ ------'. coalition government lI'ilh Ramsay upon our leisurely wa~'s. S h F T d Macdonald, one of the mOlt over·

But the basic kindliJlcss and hospitality trengt or o· ay rated men who ever held power In and easy going manners of the Newfound- England. al pl'ime minis'er. An· , By EARL L. DOUGLASS other overralel1 statesman ruled lander have been too well and too long .with him. Stanley Bdldwin. leader

, I engrained to allow them to disappear under of the Con~ervaUve party. Their ~ ~ the influence of the first winds of economic WEEDS AND FLOWBIS repl), to Newfoundland was that


and social change. Someone once told tbe EnlUsh writer and poet, the first step must be the setUng We shall continue to be hospitable, we Samuel Taylor Colerld,e, that chUdren should DOt be up of • Royal Commission tn

shall not easily lose our taste for fish and prejudiced in favor of reU,loD. Tbelr minds should "examine the future of Newfound· brewis and porK sCl'unchings or for flippers be kept open and when they reacbed the a,e of lind Ind, In pMr~leul"r, to report

d on the financl.l situation and 01' cod tongues 01' pork and cabbage, we Iscretlon the), Ihould have all reUl!ona present.~ t I th tb prospects thereIn." On Monda,. are likely to I'ctain our idiosyncl'asics oC 0 tlCnt 50 at ey could make I rational cholet. Marcb 13, 1933. thl. Royal Commls-speech, and we are certain to adhere to This sounds fine; the treat trouble with It, slon assembled In st . .Tolin's to that insular indepcndence which J'iRhtly. however. I~ that It does not work. Coleridge on bel!n I task which was tn deter. 01' wrongly has been our badge throughout bein'.lo~d that It would work, took the person wbo mIne the future of Newfoundland the centuries since settlement first began' titus 1Il5l5ted into a larden {ull of weed. and d. on a constitutional basis for the

. . ' , . . dared that here WIS a garden not prejudiced hi real f tim It IS comfol'hng to k,now tl!at a mam- layor of flowers ilnd Iruill. Colerld,e tiIen declar.d 0 __ e_. ____ _

lander can sce these tlllngs wIth a sym· ~hal so lar al he WII toncned, be pnferred to lit pathetic eye and we al'e grateful for his prejudIced in favor of rolel and Ifl'awberr!e .. .1iorts to educate his fellow maiulanders U we are ,olna to work the "handl ott" theol7 to his point of view. In matten of rtllaloD, then let UI 14VOOltiit 1114

put 'It . into' operatloll with reference to etiquette

. Visit To America and ,enml deportment. Let UI allow our children to II'OW up without any trainln, In tbe lOCial amenitle. and then let them decide later wheth'r

M h · h . 'h luch custom. are ,nlCelA1')' or luperlluoUi. KeI1I uc Importance attac es to t e de· hands off a. re,arda dlahonesty. Let children U.

cision of Sir Anthony Eden to go with Ind sleal If they want to Ind let ~helll liter decide his F~relgn Secretary, Mr. Macmillan, to whether this Ia rlabt or wrona. Washmgton and Ottawa at the end of Bllt If we put .uch tbeorles Into practice, let January. UI aet ready til build biller jails-and for that

There is much to be discUssed and it matter, biller 1.......IYlwa. for the par.aIi. .


ST. FELlCIEN, Que. (CP)-Mrs: Thom.S Lapointe, nearing her 98th birthday, believes anyone ean have • long life by working hard but takln, thlnas calmly. A widow since 'W, Mr •. Lapointe said she haa always had to work hard, but has not sutfered as a result.


LONDON (CPl-The .public ac· counts noncommittee reports Ih 3 t £11.000,000, Is ',pent annually on milk In Ichools In En,land aDd Wale ••

If. he smokes· ... you'll find his, gift at Ayre's . Smoker's Dept.

lh'e Perfect Gift

Buy Christmas Sealt

Fight T ubcrcwosis

Ayre's not only have the

finest and biggest selection of pipes .••

they have all the other smokers'

requisites as well •• , the popular tobaccos, cigars,

cigarettes, tobacco jars, pouches, ash trays .. ,

in fact everything, including pipe cleaners

and matches'

PIPES Briar ......... ,,"""'"'' " ... " "."'" .... " .. ,,,.49c, 75c. 1.00. 1.50 "Kool.Smoke" with aluminum stem ............... , ...... ,,' ." ........... ",,,,,.1.95 "Yello·Bole" ..................................... , .. ' .. ' ..... '" .... 1.25. 1.85, 2.50, 3.75 "B.B.B." .......................................... , ............. ,,,.,',......... .'." ... " ..... 5.00 "Kaywoodie" ... ; .................................... 5.00, 6.50, 11.00, 15.00, i 7.95

Set of 2 in c05e ....................................... , ........ , .. ,13.oo, 25.00, 32.00 "Dunhill ........................................................ 15.00, 17.50, 18.75,20.00

CIGARETTE HOLDERS ....................... ' .................. ,39c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.35 "Dunhill" Black Shell, ivory, red, with 10 filters ................ , ......... 3.50

TOBACCO HUMIDOR and PIPE RACK ........................ 9.00, 10.00, 15.00

CIGAR HUMIDOR, Mahogany ........................................................ 20.00

I'SPIN" ASH, TRAYS Green, gold, silver, red, ................................................................ 7.00 Silver and gold .......................................................................... ,8.20

TOBACCO POUCHES Leather .................................................... 1.20, 2.50, 3.00, 3.75, 4.65 Rubber ............................................................................... " .. ' , 1.20 PI t' as Ie .......................................................................... 50c, 75c, 1.20

HEDGEHOG PIPE REAMERS ....... , .......................................... " 35c

PIPE and CIGARETTE HOLDERS SWEETENER .. , .. , ............ 35c. 40c

ENGLISH CIGARETTE BOXES Chrome ·· ...... · .... , .... , ........ , ........... ; ................. .5.75, 7.70, 10.00 Silver · .... · .. · ........ ·" .. ,· ........... , ............ , .. , .......... 7.50, 9.50, 12.00

ONSON 4.50, 5.50, 5.95, 6.25, 6.95, ;7.95, 8,95,

9.95, 10.95, 11.95.

"BEATTIE' LIGHTERS 6.85,8.00, 10.00,27.50

Other LlGHTERS ........ 59c, 1.00, 1.98, 2.50, 2.98, 3.50.




A "Yello·Bole" Premier Pipe and a pair of Vinyl Alligator top ~lippers with airy sponge rubber soJes ·f' •••• , .................................. 11 •••••• ., ................... 4.00


"I . I mpena .. , .................... " .. , .......................... 26.95 "Regal" Gift Set: Shaver, Pre and After Shave Lotions, in leather covered gift case." ........... 29.~O

S1: JOHN'8, NIWTDtAlDL,f".,


(c ihe ~ ,Dth, I a sick SO p~ dress ' l\lougl ~resse: gone f ",rote was 51 II mtl lelegr .ayinll ~y pll that I airpDf

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Page 5: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

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TRIAL morals chal'a~" "I told hcr," Mr. Stevens llai'd, "you mUll be

3) CL'BZY, how CIlll you aay things MAYOR Get Skating Sessions MemOlial To \Windso~ ~Iayol'

(Continued from palle 1) \\,'"nlinurd rrom pagc like that you kr.ow are DoL true." ,,"('11 {N' iea\'c Oil Oc(ober

il:c .';A ~II 10 ~lollt\'eal to lee :MIss Pllnte Ilso told him, he ~Ih'k ~'rlali\'C' ~1iss Plante al· IBid ,that he' Montrell llwyer ~ !,r cd " ReI a wbulesale advised her t'l make things bet· ", plal,ln I" st. John's as she ter for her 1.0 produce Ind In· l C" hlle o. od volve more n~:nes In the prosti· ,r " II SI JI,i<II'S nccded go Id had Iho"& I '~ile laid she would be tullon. Her lawyer. she sa , ~I'\';srl" r'I!JI" bul n week later told her that there II usually a ~onc IIlI '. mon behilld tilln.s like that and "'\'llle a ll'!t~; sa~'lng Idll."r autnt a man facing ~ jUry would usual·

'I'" nnd ,!,e wanlc 10 s ay • 'i q. , Idly take the b'E me. l" lil~IC IOllgCI lit' rcccve a She also a,ked that If he

Thi accurale cosll of .now· plowing alone are not readily available as tney are Included III the overall cost of tile de· partment for 1 he winter months. However, It Is estimated tbat this service Is presently l'Osting the City In the vicinity rJ $60,. 000.00 whcn ~qulpment operat· Inl eosts are Included and the labour colh Ire' based upon •

Citizens A Broade,aster \ Tbr~ate~s , "Good afternoon!" was ~he s!m.\ ReSlgnahon .'

I~~~;;;;;;;;;rir~:--';;i;;=;;;t-, pie greeting that C. H. Ahddle.on . ' : 800 d r ari his own and which Due In town t~IS week is lIle

nla e peeu \ Y C man who wlll resign as mayor or thousands of listeners to BB Newfoundland's oldest mUlllclpal. gardening broadcasts through~ljt ity outside St John's should that the thirties and forties heard WIth town have no' water ~nd seweraae

Orphans To From Public Spirited



I grea! pleasure. Mid?leton, always by 19116 which year beglna III jUit known as "Mr." MIddleton and 25 d .' ~ardlr ever referred. to by his int· c:~t· EI'ans of Windsor Is eom. bals, died suddenly In the autumn ing here to confer' with the IP­of 1943 and a few weeks ago.a propriate authorities on the matter mcmorial gate presented by hIS of water and sewerage for thlt [riends was placed at.'he cntra~ce town: "I will resl::n, and my COUll­to a BBC garden ID CavendISh cll will resign-as a body," he sald Placc In the West End o[ Lon, earlier. "unless we get that which

',clc;:~1l\ (III lIIoI ember IdOth WOUldn't give her the money to " \"111" 111~1 ~Ii;! Plante was ue h F t P , • d kl get her R job at t e or ep. ~,: pi~ne (III fl'ldil~, nn as ng f,errell O(!ICCI_ Club, under an .;~I hc \\'0\1,;, nlcel her at the assumed nam~ 11 he wouldn't lirp(l:'l. F ddl give her the ':1loney or aet her

lie a!kcrl 11I.\ brother re e, the job, M,r. I'tevelll said, Ihe " • \l'ail~1 at Ihc Old Mill I h t • ~hO .,,, , • said she woui,1 g ve t e s ory .0

10 pkk ~\i~s Plante UJl at the the papers amI have It printed lirporl. ~II'. Slel'ells ~ald. which would give tile club bid

Frida~' at I 15 p,m. he heard publicity. III orCler to make orC!' Ihe ,Joc!"l'Y Ciub ncll's the time, Mr. Stevens sald, he prom· SIOi)' about ;\1155 Plante being Ised to call "er back the next a!1C,ted in :-.Iolllrcal on a mor· morning anD asked her how ',Is char;:l', aliI told Frcddle not much money sht wanted and she ;" pick he'. up 8ml to tell her laid $200. -hC W~, 110 10;'l<er nccded at the She told hlro I[ he gave her ;lld ~li1I bel'a:l~c of the bad pub· $200 she woui,l leave town and l:cil)' ,hr ~a\'C Ib~ place. would live 1\ signed statement

lie dial no. heat {rom !\lIas that the Old !\llll and the em­I'lanle 011 }', 'dRY or Soturday )110yees had r.othlnl to do with bul !all' hrr n,l Sunday between Immorality. ' ~ .nd 6 p,m, h, hi. oHice at the When he caJ!ed again he found Old ~liIl, lie arl'aaged for her out that Min Plllnte was at the 10 come M (hat lillie. he said. General HOtlHlal under the bmU~C hr k:1CW thcre would name o[ 1I1Iss Nolan, and prom· bt fcll' pC('I'Ip. al'l'ul1d. She IIr· Ised to go to liee her during the rilTI1 111c:'r hy In~1 In company afternoon belwt'cn 2 and 4 p.m. ~il~ 'Ir. ~I':lanrl 0':,\e11l, Rnd lie had no In,l'lIUOII of going to "rnl 10 hi, \lltke. lie asked the hospital 1I1,r. Stevens said Iler 10 Icll hlill her ~ide o[ the but said that hj> would to q~leten !:,'r, anr! ~hc ~:dd she was [ranl· Miss Plante wbo was In a ncr· rd :n 'lenll'e,,! hceallsc of her vous stale. rclal;on~hip l\'ItI, l'aciCique That same morning he callcd I'J.nlr. Ihe \1l'1I knowlI prosc· Inspector CaMI as he wanted [~kr, ~hr ai,<, told him, he to make a statement and went ;,id, Ihal ;Ill' thought It was to the C.1.D. olflre at 3 p.m. l:l ~ mixup II jth Ihe police for and made • lull statement. I:rr only illt',":I;OI1 was 10 start The next tllln, Mr. O'Nelll ~rr drr,~ hUSI!ICSS and ror that went to his office with a note ~:IC ""'!1ld h~'t bl'l,ught ol'cr a [rom MIlS 1'IIonte &ealed In a Ir.()de\ 10 ~Iylr the dresses. plain envelop!. Ht' opened the

She a~krd lor her joh bark letter and rear! It out loud to and "a, rr[\o;rtl, ~IC'. Stevens Mr. O'Nelll.' The letter which !31d until he ('oul6 satisfy him· was exhibited III the court, said !el! wilh uilicial statements that she needad help either from !:om thc ~I"lItrt'nl police nnd Mr. Stevens 01 the other way, lilt ClD, ill !'I, John·s. At this and that she "ould get It. He p,,;n: ~Ir. O':'\cill WCllt 11110 the, understood by the note, tbat his o:f:tr and ~aill Ihat Ile would was a threat, Mr. Stevena said, ~tl lIJlfmtlll; and bl'ing them and that she wanted money and tu 'Ir, ~tr\'CII> Ihe nest day. would give a ,Iatement to the

Brfo,r ~li" PIJnte Icft for papel'S . ""lllrral h~ ~"\'C IIC" some negn· lItls~ Plant~ called him, he :;.,~~ \II h:;\" dc, elopcd alld said. artcor she was placed under I\'ir~ ;Dr rr ,ul'llcd ~he pas~ed arrest and a.:kl'd him to drop r.'.rr Ihe liui.:hed pictures to Mr. the charges lind she would ~:mll! nnei II' p~ld Ihe bill of, make evcr)·thini smooth. Ir not $;6, , • she would mnke a scandal and

11~ hrml !I,: hillg from :l1I!>S III\'oh'e the whole crowd. lie P:ar.lr ('II ~IOIHI;I~' ilild 011 Tues· t Id her if silP had an)·thlng 10 0")' ~~\I .\Jr. O':';clli during the 1 s:y to tell th,' police. IfiwH'I!IO. ami f,~ a result or the Arter a rCC~61 o! ten minutes <OIlIf'I',OIlitJII, oblalnt'd her JIll'. .1. D. 1l1~lIln~, counsel for tr!cp;wuc lIumhc\' and house the derenee err,ss questioned the .rldrr,s ano l\'Ied III get in lauch witness. :'.11'. Stevens laid duro '.Jlh ht·l'. Ilf a!kcd ror her by 'ing this perlr.d that ~f Miss ramr ~lId lI'a~ lolrl that lIhe did Plante had asltp.d for money and r,ot 'tl)' thrre :1\11 a W~s Nolan stopped at that he probably ~!' lill!l~ Ihi.rr, would have gwen It to her but

thai ramr ""rnillg at 6.30 when she sa~c! If there was no ',Ii;~ PI,nle r,:ll'd him from the J:loney she would Involve the :O;cwfoundland liolci and left a Old Mill, he IVas astounded. He mwage i!lr 1:111\ to call her recorded one conversation on Which he dill ~t about 7 p,m. At tape he lIald. . th:1 Umt hI' had a witness Just as the witness stepped p:~~nt to Ii~;en ill on the con· from the stanll Misl Plante ask, lemtlon !l\,cr rltrphoncs which ed for a glass Clf water, and fell h~ had s~1 u~ Into a faint. She quickly re-

~liss I'lantl' raid to him over lovered when taken outside and Ih~ lelephonc Ihat she needed ;returned shortly aiter to the hplp and waned to get but of penitentiary. town because !he didn't knoW ______ _ anybody herp. tny more and told him he must hel p her or "you know ~lr. 811'HmS 1 can make Ihin~, bad I('r you." "You 1I0n't 1I'3nt allY bad publicity for )lIur dub ami ,I'OU gil'c mc sume mOlley and I will I~a\'e town," Il'hclI JII'. SI' Yl'IIS asked ~lI~s I'lal:lc w\ta t sh' lIll'unt by mak. In~ il had fo:' him he said she I<:d. "she hM Ilrounds for a -----

STARTED "RED CAPS" Railway atation portera have

been known I" "red caps" since Labor Day 1890, when I porter tied a piece o~ rerl cloth on hi. cap 110 he could be Identified In the crowd.

Saturday Is tile most dangC4"ous day of the wt'.'k 10 drh'e 'your car: TUeliday IS the safest.



H •• vy wool nil" liftlot for wormlh. Rlol SIa • .,II_g 1",ld. IIIIW t.dud.r. $".p wlih .tlf.roc.i •• buc.l. 'Dr 10.Y fCHIIIII"g, "Row. 'or ./lorIl.n •• IIY. H •• ¥)' d~robl. rubb.r lor long.r w'ar.

Child's .izea 1\·12 (Brown, Bed)

MllSea' Ilzes 13·3 (Brown, Red) youths' slzea

11-13 BoY'll' sizes 1·15 Men's sizes 8-13


4 months operatlnll perl!ld, I.e., December, January, Fpbruary and J\[arch.

It mlaht be pointed Ollt here that the Str~ets Depllrtmenl does not employ ~p.re opera· tors but there Is one mal: only lor each machine, whlcb often means thlt thelt men ha\'e to work extremely Ion, hours, par, ticularly In the event of I heavy snow fall.

This work, tl'gether with other snow clearing work, Is under the Immediate direction of Mr. Max Whelan, the Streela Sup. erlntendent, who, together with the Streets 'Department staff, hll done I very credlhlJle job during this last Inow storm.

Considerable difficulty was experienced !luring tilt Jut few days with parked cars and It Is Increasingly evident that In order to plow streets effectively no, cars must be left parked on any street at nllhl.

It Is also a\lparent that as the Irafflc density Increases It will be' necessary to allow "Itkin. on one side cnly of tht main arteries during the winter months. This was starl pd last year Ind It wlU be necessary to extend the list of streets wherfl this one-slde plrklng Is allowed thla winter.

SNOW REMOVAL Immediately following the

Itorm, the snow removal crews are engaged In removln.: snow from Duckworth, New Gower, and Water Streets. I! pl/sslble, the Sicard Snow Blower Is used al well as one of the Barber Green Loaders. Generally lome 17 or 18 city truck. (dep~ndlng on the need for sanding opera· tlons) are aVAilable for this work. It Is orten neces~ry to hire additional trueks.

On the completion of Duck· worth, New Gower, and Water Streets, a secondary pro~~am of snow removal Is started on other streets In the city to eliminate traffic congeslions Rnd precludc flooding conditions In the fl'ent of a quick thaw.

"We attempt to clear the fol· lowing strefts after Durkworth. New (;o\\,cr pnd Water streets are finished: Queen's Road, Prescott Street, Long'a HI11, Har· ny Road, Military Road, LeMar· chant Road, Casey Street, Pat rick Strcet, lower part of Him· ilton A\'enue, Job Street. Bond Street, Cochrane Street, and other streets nbove LeM3rcbant Road If conditions permit

In vIew of traffie conditions, It Is becomln" evident that It is Impracticable for snow re­moval to be performpd on Duckwortb, New Gower, and Water Streets before midnight.

In the event of heavy snow falls when It Is considered 1m· possl ble to clear the snow from these streets within an 8 hour period thus moklnl It necessary to work before mldnlghL, Le., from 6 p.m. to II a.m. the fol· lowing day, It w111 be necessary to completely close off these streets."


Last wlntt'r the Council Instl· tuted a limited sidewalk clear· Ing program cnnfined to a few ot the main bills In the City and around the varillus Hehools, chtll'ehl'~, and Instltullon~. 'The matter of clearing ~now [rom sldewalka Is a very contentious



300 I don. Montague AUII'l)od" a fam· is so necessary for health-water ous horticulturist, ~elong friend and sewerage." I of Mr. Mlddlet?n's and one o{ Mr. Evans has had draughtsmell

I the three orgaDlzers of the memo working on a proposed systelll, and • 200 I orial appeal, presented the kcy it is anticipated he will take the i o[ the gate to the BBC's DirecLor· plans to SI. John's with him. General, Sir Ian Jacob. Sir Ian It is not known if he will be took it on behalf of the Corpora· accompanied by other councillor .. tlon (the first time that the BBC


1l.y"ar-old pupil of England Orphanage, growth of the fund.

Church of watches • 12')'ear.old Iludent of Moullt has accepted a memorial to a

Cashel Orphanage, looks [orward broadcaster) and opened the gate Welfare Council to completion of the fund. officially In the presence of Mrs.

, Middleton, many oC her la~e hus, Iii T· h .. ____________________________ .. \band'S friends and members o{ thc If. eels orug t

Climbing past the five hundred donated $10,00 and five dollars \ hours at the Stadlu~ sP~ial tic· B~C ~taff who wcre connected The Iregular monthly meetin, dollar mark yesterday the fund C\IIch came from Mn. C. R. Bell kets will be prlnte~ to cn.~Ue the With hIm [or so many years. 10f the St. John's WeUare Coun· to put the orphans on their skates and Mr. 11. G. Dustan. youngsters to skating sessions on The gate, a handsome wrou"hl. eil will be heiri In the Audltorl· aees It goal In sight. Yesterday Less than three hundred dollars Saturday aUernoons. iron affair designed by a member urn o[ the Kial!: George V Instf. publlc'splrlted citizens donated I remains to be coll~cted from the You can lend your donations to of the BBC's Building Department. tute tonight, Dec('mbcr 7, at further for:y dollars to make the .ports·mlnded public who are an· the Orphans SkatinaFund, c/o and a commemorative plaque have 8.15. The muin item on the total to date ~tand at $~14.00. xlous to .ee the cit~ orphans get Miss Joan Critch, Treasurer, Daily been fixed to a pillar at the en. agenda wlll be a panel dlscu.

Contributions yesterday came t.helr ska:ing leSSlons at the News. trance to the little s:arden that sion, "The Iml'ort&nce of .. De-. I Stadium. opens on Cavendish Place and velD ping Pla9ground Fal'lhtle.

from Mr, R. E. InnIS who sent I .'01' the orphans whose sCh?ol Your donation will mean a lo~ there could be no more fitting in the City." The panel wl11 along $20.00. Mrs. B. D. Parson. hours conflict with the skating to an orphan. tribute 10 a man whose conn t. consist of Mrs A. G. Goslin"

Ions with both horticulture :~d Mr. P. E. Ou.e~biidge, Mr. C.

Hold Annual Xmas Musicale

G ld W· t P ul' H • P broadcasting were so strong The Scott, Mr. S. PICkett and Mr. era 10 er a enrl aquet kind of flowers tha~ Mr. M'iddle- Don Jamieson will act as Chair-

A d M N ton 10l'ed were glowing in tbe thin· man for the discussion.

tten S oocton ew Organizer ning sunshine on thc fine autumn Members ot the public Ire morning when the Director.Gen. cordially invited.

The University Women's Club T M The Trades and Labor Congress I ransport eel era and JIll'. Allwood took part held their annual Chrlatmas mu,x, of Canada Is happy to atnounce I h n t e little ceremony which was cale on Monday evening, Decem, The Nfld. Buard of Tra~ was the appointment of Brotber Paul botb broadcast and televised for ber 11th., at the Memorial Unlver· represented at thl! meeting of ·Henri P,aquet of the ~Ity of Que- Mr. J\liddleton, besides being the slly Annex. The President, Mrs the Marltim,' Transportation bee as Its representatIve for the H. D. Roberts, welcomed Lady C I I 'hi t dealt prln. city and district of Quebec. BBC's gardening expert for so Outerbrldge and the large number ornm as on, ... e, Born in Quebec City, Brother many years, was also the Inaugur, of guests, Bnd called on Mr. S!uart clpally with ~~bmISSions .to the Paquet Is 29 years old and b single., ator of gardening on television, Godfrey to act as chairman for Gordon c?mli.lsslon delvmg In· He studied at the St. Malt High the delightful musical programme, to Canada s '!~onomlc prospects. School and attcnded the Quebec which was arranged by the spec. Mr. Gerald Willter attended t~e Technical School for a period' of

All early BBC viewers kne~ that rather solemn·looklng figure in glasses, topped by ,a somewhat spreading Trilby hat, and liked the calm, unhurried voice wi!h its slight London accent.

meetings at 11".0ncton which, It one year. He also took a course lal convenor, Mrs. F. G. Wylie. was felt, provided an excellent in industrial relations from the

Programme was as follows:- opportunity to present the facts University of Ottawa. Song (a) Beautiful Night, Carl of the economir plrlure of Marl., Brother Paquet has been in the

Earn; (bl Take My Love, from the ' time Canada, Including New· I labor movcment since 1943, having motion picture "The Glass Slip· roundland, w III rcgard to Can· beeD president for three years of

1\[r. lIfiddleton was a first-class broadcaster, a man to whom many people who had no gardens as pcr"-(Jlt)iBpS '~'ynaBnn pO'DrulscObl1: ada's F'.-clght Hate system. I Local No.1 o[ Ihe Tobacco Work·

song a asslng y, urce; ( ! ' s 'h' h " {f'I' t d I

° H I NI ht G d 'I 111' h ' cr., II Ie lIa. a I la e 0 the l1'el1 as orthodox horticulturists o y g, ouno -a rs. IC· T N C,C.L. This lo~al late '0' d th ..,

ael Harrington; plano R?ndo Capl· erra ova ranks of Ihe 1 obaec~ J ~~l~ ke P; used to ~Istell ~I.h. pleasure. He cc1o$o, Mendelssohn-MISS Dorecn I I t' I U·' r [51 had a frarndly, IIltlmatc approach Pollltl; sonll (a) Ladv Bird, Schu· C 'I H ld Bnroclrhna lopna tnlbon

III 1914hfi, f~D1 and his advice to a young broad· , . OUnCI 0 S er aque ecame e Irst, ' , manll, (bl HarlequJD, Sanderson·- 'd t f" I 261 d I caster of hiS time holds equally presl en 0 ..,ICa an reo • • Miss Joan Rooncv; song (a) 0 M hI M' . d' th' ff' t'll . true tod~y: 'Ncrer forget when Thou That Tellest Good Tidings, r ont V eetIll 0' ~a:~e In ~~ ~ , I~e;n I 115t~m. I that you are iO\'ading the privacy Handeli (b) Child's Lulla&y !Heb. .. b IDa Ion as IS rIc eprcsen a Ive you are facing the micropbone

It's Tough On Top "It'g the heat of the fumes we ,

have to watch out for, and where they are depends on the direction of the wind. You have to ladder on one of the cold sides, and you !hen work around the top from there, going round the cold way, to hang your bosun's chair on the opposite side. It's only nine inches in width, the average chimney, and you have to walk that nine inches from there. You can't put your leg across and s!raddie it, because the leg on the inside would just frizzle away, you'd be On firc."-Bill Parrish, a stccple­jack, describing in a BBC pro­gramme what they have to COli·

tend with when climbing a fac· tory chimney which is still in use.

rcdlan Air) Kenllcdy.Frascr _ The regular monthly meeting for the Tradcs alld Labor Congre\s of a man's homc-rcspec' it II IIi" Msr. AllanOld' CcUo Andan. or Tefl'a No\a Council 1452., of Canada., adhOr"nee 10 th'ls max"I'm' mad'e , , • • Knights DC Cc'umbu wa h Id I He was also bUSiness a;:cnt of ' • his death by many people who te.Concerto, No 1 in E minor. 's S c L!K:al 261 Textile Workers' Inter, him widely popular and he is still ncver met him but to whom b. Goltc' Ilann Traum'l'cl Schu. In the Club r :')ms at st. CIBtI'c . '., II m mb d t . ft seenled a personal fn'end. " ., . national, Umon for SIX years and we re e ere en ~ ears a cr mann-Mrs Willis Hackman Avenue last en'nlng WIth Grand f th C· P -----------..:...----------accompanied by Mrs. Robert Knight N. J. Wadden In the r~~:em::sagee!p~cyeSe d:I;~ck ci~; Cole, both fro~n Pepperrell Air ch~lr.. Tobacco Limited since 1948. Force Base. ~ong \a) I wonder 1 he .genda lIlcluded reports The new office of the Congress as I Wonder, John Jacob Niles, of commltteel alld other 1m· for Quebec and district Is '6ltuated (b) Alleluia, JlIozart-Mrs. Ed· portant busilleu. in the Edifice du Marche, Marche ward M. Schl;r'ter, accompanied Tbe Grand Knight extended st. Roch, due de la Couronne, by Mrs. Cole. Song (a) To the the eongratulltlons of the Coun· Quebec 2, Quebec. Queen of H~nven, Dunhlll, (b) ell to BIro. rjr. M. F. Hogan, Sheep May SHfely Graze, J, S. D.D.S., on till.' recent honour their work. Bach-Mr. Stuart Godfrey. conferred on 111m by the New· Chaplain of the Council, Very

At the cont':uslon of the pro- foundland D~ntal Association. Rev. Father W, V. Sullivan, P.P., gramme Mrs. Robprts announ". Past Grand Knight Bro. W, J. then briefly audreS\ed the meet· pd that the special evening plan, Ashley, Chairman of the Christ· Ing. ned for December at Atlantic mas Dinner FIJlld, reported that Before adjoumment was taken Films has beer. postponed. the relpome to circular Issued Grand Knight Wadden on behalf

Supper was served by the to member. was up to the pres- of himseU and his executive ex· special eomm~ttee, Mrs. C. M. ent satisfactory. He urged upon tended Chrlst,nas greetings to Pope, Miss MAory Hollett and all the neceS1lty of forwarding members and their families, and Mr5. N. Stroufs. their contribution at the corllest best wishes +,0 Bro. Wm. W.

Ncarly 40 per cent of !\llehl· gan's total pO!lulalion resides In Wayne county

possible opportunity to aUow Howlett, a e!mter member and thc commitlee in charge of this Master oC the Fourth Degree, mo~t wOl'thw1lile Council en· who leaves S!iortly on an ex· dcavoul' amp!p Ilm~ to complete tended visit 10 Florida. j


When you fly-no tipplna­no extru - your air 1are gets you there.

See HARVEY & CO., General Alent. tor

TeA or 'Phone TCA '1121

one and Is handled In many· clUes by makmg the fr(lntagers responsible lor clearlna the snow from hll own walk, VIC EROY Cigarettes Give You BOTH ... Histadrut Commends TLC-eeL Merger

The Planning Conference of -Iha Central Canada Israel Histadrut Campailln held In Hamllt"n, Onto lrio, recently, passed the followinl resolution commendlnl Cl!nadlan labor on the Impending amal'lm .. tlon:

"To the two great COllgresses of Canadian labor, we expreu our amaillamation of Canadn two Ilrgest labor bodleai we WIsh alSJI 10 expms the earnest hope tbat the hiltory making Joint Conven, tlon of The Trades and Labol Con· .ress of Canada Ind tile Canadian Congresl of Lnbbur, scheduled til be held In Toronto In April, 1956. will see the, realization at this (/l'eat dream ot free wllrkl'rs every· wlirre:

"Therefore be It resolvpd, thnt the dt'lclIDles gathered at this Provo lifce.wlde Planning Confer~nce of the Central Canada Israel Hialadrul Campaign do confidently exp\'l's~ the 'hope that the combined Con, gress of Canadian Labor will allll Its voice to thl! el'er·growlng role of labor In establishing social justlee, equ.lIl~ and lecurity In : ~very part of the free world." I

~ tl,1

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Page 6: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles



Social Personal

. '

Bell Island· Comment On New Ferry Service

Democracy Is said to be a truly an example that can easily hap­remarkable form of Government, pen. The boat that has been plae· found to be most suItable for use ed on tht. new ferry service Is in governing the dl{ferent nations one that the peoplo concerned call of the world. Ills a government of "a fine weather boat," the other the peoplc; by the people, for the of that same company is one that people. It Is a form of Govern· docs operate when ever posslblc. mcnt whereby the majorlly rules, Yet the new faIr whetl1cr boat irrt'/:lIardlcs5 o( course whether either cannot or will not operate that majority is right 01' wrong. wl1tn weather conditions do not

Let us ktrp this pa8t In mInd meet tile right requirements. IC then, as II'C consider tile plight of now that the franel1ise have been t \1'('11'(' Iholl5~nd pcople iMng in granted had weather scts In on on(' (II the mo.t Important and Monday mornIng and there may be major industrial towns in this; a vilal need for a boat to transport country of Ollr~. \ tile member of some miners lam·

Only yesterday was the finai an· II)· to 110spllal, the new boat will Munrcmcnt made In regal'd to a I not operate or cannot, the rc· matttr o( I·ital Interest tn the mainin!: boat l1as not yet return· people o( Belt Islanel. ' cd from 115 trip around Conception

The (ranchise to operate a Bay, the results might easily be Ferry lorl·ice between Bell Island tragic. and Portugal COI'e hal'c been The excusc has o(ten been given IIranted to a company newly or· tl1at due to weather the new boat ganizcd for that purpose. was unable to operate to tile

It is a known fact that this ser· temporary wl1arf. Yet since worio. vice which has bccn carried on has becn completed on the new lor a goodly number 01 years has wbar( this so eaUed New yet di5' nel.er prol'en too satls(actory. Yet eardcd ferry haa on marc then o~e it II one that has becn proven occuslon been unable to operate. dependable at lea~t If not the best So It b that many people on Bell that could be arranged. Island are wondering what the ex·


Murphy-Kent· 'Nuptials Town Hall News The regular weekly meeting of ous garbagc collec:lon WIiS belnll

the Wabana Town Council was helel carried on with one truck it was on Thursday past with Aetin~ impossible to handle all the gar· Mayor Templeman presiding, and bage and asked iliat another truck the following COllneillors presen~: be put on temporary to relieve the S. Neary, B. Murpl1y, G. Martin and conl(cstion. The Town dump which M. Boone, Town Manager Cox· had concerned the Council far worthy was also in attendance. some time was completely cleaned

An application from a resident up recently and 15 nolV in cxcellent of Quigley's Line to install a scpo condition. It is hoped that resl· tic tank was considered and in dents will co·operate in keepinll keeping with policy reecn:ly adopt· this dump in a litlle more respect. ed by the Council was ordered reo I able condi~ion than in the past. 'f~rred 10 the Department of Public \' The revised estimates statement Health. (or the current ycar was discussed

Outgoin!! correspondence for thc and approved at Ibis meeting and week consisted of leiters ~o Hawk· I notice was given that the budge~ ers nnd peddlers who arc selling lor 1956 would be brought down in the municipality but so far (ailed. 111 the very ncar future. 10 comply with Council regulation. The peace officer's rcport for the

Three warninlZs to residents on week showed that indiscriminate the Town ~ql1are area, and alsu violation of various Council regula· a resident o( the Green, for creat· tions had been curled somewha~ ing n nuisance delermental to the and that dog owners had co­health of the community were sent operated extremely good In pa, out and a limited peri~d of time the dog tax for Ihis year. The granled to remedy the sitllatlon report also stated (hat an inventory or further action would full ow. of all owners of juke boxes, slo!

The Town ~[anager rrporletl tha: ,machines, pin ball machines and work on Mercer Street was pro· \ pool tables in the municipality, gressing favourably and should bl' will be available (or tile nel(t meet· completed. for this year, within I ing as reqllested by tbe Council. . another week or so. He slated The meeting adjourned at al~o that cven though a continuo 11.45 p.m.

But now this dependability has cuse will be next time or when . been carelessly thrown aside by drift Ice enters tile Bay. p "f I pcr50ns who do not appear to fully I This Is not the IIrst tlmc on mat. asslng 0 I Cur/inn ~;!~~:~cne~ ~~~r~~~~\~~n:h:n:li~~~ I ~~~u~!nvdtal ~:rrta~ce that twelve Mrs Jame~ R,rall \: of twell'e thousand people. I th d t p e, s x or seven The wedding o( Miss Rita Mary I Scoop neck line was encrused I Lorella Button, and bridesmaid, '\ Tiley cach carried bouquels o[ I " '..

Democracl' Olav be the best form no~~~n ax P:y~~8 h~~e be:~hlg. i Kent, daugl1ter of Mr .and Mrs. with seed pearls and Irrldescent was lIiss Lena Kent, also sistcr of pale ycllow and pale pink carna· There passed away at Waballa .. of GOI.er~ment: )'ct when the rna. were ~r :as~e 0 as oug e:' I Peter F. Kent of Bell Island, to sequins, and full length sleeves the bride, botl1 wore matching i tions. Bell Island on Wednesday. 1'\O\'c'n' jority ol'er rule the rights of the a 0 mportance. . Mr. Joseph Fitzpatrick Murphy, ending In a lily point at the wrist,: gowns of soft pastel tones of: The Groom's men were l[r. ber 30th, after a lingering ilIn2ss I

minority Rnd make matters worse Tile people of Bell Island have I son of Martin and the late llrs, The snug fitting bodice flowed Into I Orchid and maise lace and silk 1\ Douglas Jackman and Mr. Eugene patiently borne, ~Irs. James Ryrn Activities


Club instean of bettel' a great mlscar. been silent far to Ion,. It Is about I Murphy, Bell Island. a fabulously full crinolined skirl, I tulle over tafella. The beautiful Button. Mcssrs Ronald and Wal· The deceased lady was a ·daughter • riage o( faimeS! and justice l1as I tIme tl1at Democracy In this coun. Th falling into a small graceful train. \ moulded slrapless bodice o( lace \ ter Jackman acted as ushers. The of :he late Alfred and Carol~n: be~n done. try: whether Liberal or no, began P trle k-:ve~~lng ~o~k It~et Rts s~. Her silk Illusion lace edged veil I was edged in a band of shirred reception was beld at Palvetsiar's George and was born at Harbour 11 ___________ -'

To prol'c this point let us site' to exert Itself. 2:th c 1~5 ~c Fa th nSh lep k was caught to a mate hint lace tulie, The diaphanolls full length i Hall. Grace 71 years ago. \ Openin" Event-Won hv J. C. ffI 'j t d Th ev. dd~ er ~ DC coronet, which lVas trimmed with erinolined skirt IVas a comblna·· The Bride's going away out fit \ ;llrs. R~'an's happy plcasant man· Lyons 12.10 in ~n extra entl' agairn-t

TIle Bell public Ind tl1elr famllJes tills prom. :ea~t~f~UY :e~v:ere;g ~:rc SI=:; pearl, rhinestone! and Irridescent i tlon of lace, banded with shirred w.as a F~ench. novelty tweed three 1 ner and the sincerity of her Iifl' \ G. Inl'pen. J. C. Lyons. skip; C. Ised reduction. Estelle. sequins. She carried a bouquet of \ tulle 'skirt and app\iqued to the pIece SUIt, With gold blouse, gold held for her the admiration of: Moakler, vies: G. Connor., 2nd.;

I am showln~ tile reductions, 81 I bridal cascade, pink roses and step· I tll1le skirt. The neckline was grac. \ headd~ess, gioves and brown ac· many warm friends, She shared I R. Taylor, lead. G. (nkpcn, skip; Island F errv I see them, below, so as the readt'r The bride was given In marriage bonotes. ed with a softly crushed tulle stole. cessones. She wore a corsage of fully in the life of her church with! M. Stoyles, vice: 111, heid. 2nd., R. ~ can note that tne residents of Bell I by her brother, Mr. Frank Kent, . yellow roses Brown leaves. Honey· a faith that commended her reo I Butt. lead.

The Editor, Beil Island PAge, Island haven't been' gh'en the, and wore an exquisite 'OWI1 of em· Attending the bride as matron They wore matching gloves, ~nd! moon was spent at Niagara Falls, !igion. She had no fear of death \ PLAY IN TilE JOY TROPHY Dear Sir,-Slnce writing you sligl1test consideration. . broidered silk tulle over satin; the lof honour was her sister, Mrs. seed pearl embroidered lace trams. I New York. and was ready at any momen~ til· SectionA endl!d in a 4 "'ay tie

last. the reduction r~tes ~n tile I'YOII can note there Is quite a' meet her maker. After receivin: i bet~een the H. P. Dirke~', .T. ~ell Island T~ckle ha\e be.n pub- ,rr.l .. ~tlon on heavy ma~hlnery, A Tribute To I the last rites of Holy Church, she I ~odm, J. C,. L~ons, and B Wl1lte l1shed throu .. !! tile medIUm of: whlcl1 as we al\ know I~ trans. B' th d passed peacefully to her cternal nnks each WIth 3 wms and 2 losses. ~'our paper. ported to Bell Island 'mo,Uy b~' M P I I Th N I r ay reward on the above mentionet:: In the plnydo\\'n Godin defeated

~Ir. C. F. ~1~Lelian, 11'110 Is a the Dosco boats direct from syd. emory of eop e n e ews· date. Her earthlv career has [Dickey 8·6. Lpns has yet to play stranger in our midst,. h~~ been • '" . .' .; Whitc. elven the c' omplete fran'blse on ne3· The l1aJf ton and one ton M G C G t' ended and like all other faIthful I .' be,,· • C t kId d d d b I • . . . . Sec han B 11'35 won y.. ar· the Tickle, but tills /joes not glvp rue s, oa e , Bre re ure, u rs. eo. ase ' r ee In gs and .rue ehrlSllans, she has lome'! ren's rink with 5 wins ·.nd no him the right to complntel . Ignor" then again, thpse trucks 6re sel1- the noble armv o( those, who af·. '11 • . k ~.' • f th I d t t th B I The day ha. m n t g I ..' "losses .• J. D. Talon s rl(l' came the miners and their families. tr d e r ~o tUC s d ~ t f ~~ The un h ~o e, ~ ~ne, Reverend L. A. J. Ludlow, reo who passed away at the Grace Hos· I ter a hf~ tIme of guod wor.ks "rest. a close second with 4 win~ and 1 (known to th~ Premier 15 .·the I san merc an s an n urn pa I as sen, no ~c ttor of St. Paul's Anglican pital last wep.I,. returned to the I Happy birthday .... eetings to Mrs. ! (rom thclr·labours, and theIr works· I '

'1 " I d for by tile consumers. Thy life Is now beyond b' I d f 11 II Of o's. tOling masses , on Bell Is an. I Th h f d th h Church Harb~ur Grace, spellt Mainland of t.:3nada Tuesday a(· . Charles F. Palmer, Corner Brook, I 0 0 ow lem. I Section C is as vct Incomplete The Hon. llr Smallwood 1115 \ Come now,Mr, McLellan as )'ou N ~ rea: d °b t e~ or c ange the weekend on the Island a~ ternoon. I who celebrated her birthday on Left to mourn their sad loss is I due to two po~tr.on;d "amps.

promised Ille ,·eduetlon of 20'7. now own the Bell Island Tickle, 0 en e u egun. guest of Mr. al1d Ilks. Fred Rees, Mr. Charles Murphy the well I December 3rd. I a loving husband. live son~, James. I Play in the Turkey "draw began would come Into effect wilen tile I and as you also mentioned. tile reo 1 The community of Bell Island Davidson Avenue. known travellillg salseman spent I -- G~orge, Edward, B~endan and: on llonday cv~ning: Elmer Jones went on the Tickle. ductlon a few l.lgl1ts ago In your I learned with profound regret of Mr. Fred Cl9rke wl10 was herc ·the week with his family In St., A very l1appy birthday to llrs. Rlvlyn, Bell Island: SIX daughtcrs, I it P. Dickey <'efeated B Murphy This has not been done, and I talk to tile Kiwanis on Bell Island. the death of Mrs. George H. Case from Toronto for the funeral of John·s. Jack Davis Harbour Grace who Mrs. Frank White, "Irs. Gus Bowd·, C. Warren defeated B White. would now asl( tile Premier til I give the Bell. Island re~idents'I' at the Grace Huspital on TI1ursday his fatl1e<!' the Irate George Clarke Mr. A. P. H~wco was a II'ccent I celebrated her birthday on Decem· ring, Bell Island; ?t[rs. Gordon I T. Godin defeated H. Rose. Inlcn'ene on their behalf !O force wh.om you are now serving, their December lit. Tile deceased lady business visitor to the city. ber ~rd. Special greetings from Laing, Carbon ear: Mrs. Nathan I B. Egan der~ated D. Taillon. Mr. llcLellan to gll'e tile travelling promised reduction. l1ad been sufftrln, from an In· Mrs. Case has passed from this Magistrate F J. White made Aunt Peari and Uncle Mal(. Brown, S:. John's; lIfrs. John A.

abl I d f th t I vale of teams, but we feel better S I . Old New Percentage o( cur e ma a y or e pas s X a businen trip to St John's on __ creven, Alanta, Georgia. IIlrs. I Yaars d die th t tl d for having known her, fllr shl'! J h Decrease '" an ur n. a me un er Monday morning. Congratulations and best wishes a n R. Desmond, Boston, lIIass. Off" W k

t b f I was east In her own mould and or ers wen a num or 0 ser ous oper· gifted with much common sense. Miss Diane Neary who was [to Mrs. Harry Earle, Portulal Three brothers, :\Ir. George George ICe Passengers:

(Adult) ........ ",.. .60 .50 .25


111,7 No cl1ange


ations, All til at modern medical The gap made by her death In tile l1ere on a visit to her mother, 1 Cove, who celebrated l1er birthDay Bell Island IIlr William Georgc' science could do was Invoked, bul family circle can never be filled; Mrs, Sarah Neary, left for Green· on Dec. 3rd. Greetings Irom all Corner Bro~k; ~lr. Alfred George:· Beo-in Talks (Children under 12 yealS) " .25 He who w1l1s all thin,s had de· land Monday. her Bell Island friends. Sydney, N.S.: one sister, lIlrs. John I \0'\ creed and l1er g tl splrll winged but memories Gf a good wife and U Car and Driver ....... , , , ...... 2,50

en e motl1er 11'111 lessen the gde! In Mr. and Mn. James Fleming -- Kitchcn, Bell Island; forty.five W"tl C any Licensed Truck • • • .. . .. .. .. .. 15.00 14.00 2.25 4.00 3.00 8.00

6.7 10.0 200

its way home to the throne of Him went to st. John's Sunday on a A very happy bl·rthda" to Mr". grandchildren It' I' [I 1 omp who ,ave It shortly before mid their hour of !Urrow. ' . 0 • anI II e I e great., Half Ton Van (Empty) ...... 2.50 I 11 I d Left to sustatn tile bcrt'avemenl visit to their sen who Is a patient 1 Raymond CostellD who celebrates grandchildren. Half Ton Van (Loaded) ..... , G.oo

No change n g t on the above ment one S CI 'r' H It I I d Th fit k I date are a loving l1usband, twr. son~, at t. arc s .. ercy osp a. her birthday today We nes4ay e unera 00 p ace by mOlor Empty Truck ................ 3,00 200

9.1 100 11.1 ,125

The late Mrs Case was born at Clive at home, Edgar who IS witn IIIrs. Harvey' Flight was a re'l Dec. 7. Greetings from her l1us· he.arse ?n Friday morning 10 SI.. Ncgotiations between Dominion

Wabana Ore Limited and O.E.I.U. Local 264 commenced yesterda, afternoon. Representing the union wcre the executive, President Stepben A. Neary and W. Franlr Chafe, President of the Newfound· land Federation off Labour.

One Ton Van or Truck (Lo.ded) 10.00 Noddy Bay, St. Barbe Dist., 59 tile American Army at Fort Ben cent visitor to the Capllal. band and all friends. RlIlelChu~el s Church, where Solemn Packages (Sm~lI) .... ,....... .11 .10

9,00 years ago, and was tile daughter nlng, Georgia, came by air for thp IlIir, and l\1r~. Edward Corbett . q Icm Mass. was celebrated by Bu!es •...••• I •••••••• , •••••• , 10.00 of the late Lorenzo and Susanna obsequies. His wife whose home were in the cit) Monday on a 1- --'--:--. .. RI. Revd. MonSIgnor Bar!lett, witb Special Trips ............... , 18,00 16,00

3.50 1.lIO 2.50

Bartlett. She was the onlS' child Is In Sawdust, Mass" also flt'w here visit to their Ion Don who Is a 1 day WIth fnend3 and relatll'es In Fr, O'Dwyer, deacon and Fr. Pur· Heavy Machinery ••.•••. ,',., 4,00 No chanse No change

of that union, pn adopted brother for the (uner31. Three· daughters patient III a city hospital. st. John:s. . ~ell, ~ub·deacon. Interment was Harbour Grace. (One Way\ ",. 1.lIO predeceased some years ago also survive, Geraldine, Eblne anti Miss Daphlll' Neary spent the 1I1r. Phody O'Toole Jr., made a In the R.C. cemetery. Harbour Grace. (Return) ...... 2,50

She possessed a I'ery att;actlve Eleanor. weekend on .he is1and visiting trip to St. Joim's Sunday aIter· lIIr. Bert Rideout acted as. under· Overall Decrease 10.112<;0.· and kindly personality, A great A short service was held at the her mother. Mrs. Sarah Neary. noon. taker and the following compriserl

No announcement has been made of the outcome, but, It I. understood that the union is leek· ing a general increase, plus a number of benefits.

Red Cross Annual Meeting

The annual meetlni of the Bell Island Branch of Red Cron will be held on Thursday Decembe~ Btl1, at 8 p.m. at tile C.L.B. Arm· oury. Mr, D. G. Decker, tile Com· mllslon for Newfoundland 1185 con­sented to attend and conduct the election of officers.

Red Cross offers plenty of op­portunities to those who feel tl1ey

. would like to do sometl1ln, for those lell fortunate then them· • elve.. They lIeed more officers Ind more wor\cen. Pleaae make a lpeelal eUort ~ attend.

'church worker she was always tn 110me on Sunday afternoon. Durinl( She was accompanied by Miss Mr. James ]llillllf went to the tbe Pall·bearers: Messrs. Don Yours truly,

. ELMER. the front readv to do her part which the minister, Rev F. G. Maureen Holden. clly Sunday ["In a brief holiday Tucker, r,eo Ezckiel, Charles Tay·

ddin Even wilen she was severely handl· Weir, paid a very touehln'l1 trlbllle Miss Minnie Kelloway who is visit. lor. Gerald Ezekiel, Leo Hamilton, Golden We g capped through IUness, shp carrier) to the memory of tile dpceased wOO'klng In St John's spent the Misses Mal'garet and Carmel James Murphy. on witl10ut a murmer . and was Tell l1ymns, "The Lord is My Shep weekend here visiting her par·, Ezekiel were II"cektlld visitors to Deepest sympalhy is cx!ended to

Anniversary never heard to eomplaln, The smile herd", and "Now the Day Is Over" ents, Mr. and I\lrs. Joseph Kello- the local mainland. the bereal'cd family. of kindness and gradoulneSi In l1er were sling. way, The Frollt. JIlrs. Ron Penney made a bus· Bill I d Club

_ face was always ma,netic. A lad~ Tile funeral whlcl1 was In charge Mr. Herbert Harney crossed ien trip to SI. John's last week W dd e s an !tIr. and Mrs. Waller W. Par· of exceptional good nature she was of Rideout's Funeral Horre took over to St. John's Monday morn· end. She was accompanied by e ing C d P

sonl, Wabana Mines, Bell bland, ever ready to lond a helpln, ,hand place by motdor l1earlse tolthe IUt . Cd' Ing. He was accompanied by his hl1r daughter Genevieve. A" " I ar arty

are recelvln, tile congratulations I A truly lood 'woman, a christian cemetery an was arge y a en . son Wallace. !\Ir. and JIIr.; Frank Hunt spent nm o( tl1elr many friends on the at· In tbe Mgl1esl acception of tile ed. The minister conducted the Miss Madona Boiand spent. the I Sunday with friends and relati· VerSarleS --talnment of the GOtb anniversary term, was Mn. Cue, all wl10 knew servIce at the graveside, lind the weekelld vislll'lS friends In the I ves In St. John's. Mr. and lI[rs. Robcrt llartin, Jr .• I A card game was l1eld by the of theIr wedding whIch they are her loved her. Yes she carried l1ymn, "Abide with Me" was sung C it I I celebrated the 3rd anniversary of [ladies' Branch of the Bell Island

I t f 11 gl ap a. Mr. A, E. Boone o( the Joy celebratln" today Wednesday, DeCo I peace with her; tl1at sooth D' res· very ee n y. TIll glen Ha ry I their wedding on Thursda.I·, Dec. Club recently, consisting of Bridge • hi h I Mr Bert Rineout was under ra,'e n sa esm r Manufacturing Company was a ~~~:rU~I\~d ~~·;o~~ ::~!~~~~~ ~~IC~e!:n~o o~I1:C~:ar; ~u(!:r:: taker: and the (ollowlng acted as lIIaundctl', Har,'~ Soper, Ted Po., recent business visitor to the Is- 1. CDngrals. ~~~e ~~c:!~~w;he prize. winners'

the Methodist Church, Pilley'. Is. Her relatlonsl1lp with everybod:\ pall bearers: M~ssrs. WI11I~ Jarvis. wer and Jim Murphy are' pre· I land. C I I t· tl h bi itl b I ongra t1 a Ions arc also in or· Bridge - 1st., Doris Bennell', I I: t Fred C. Lodge, Walter S. Sellals, sen y ere ~o c ng us ness land, N.D.B., by tile late Rev'd was alway. harmon ous, .U op I . for thel'r res'.".rtlve firms, Jl1Jr. E. A. !Seymour, editor of der for AIr .and :\[rs. Richard I 2nd., L. Costigan, Cons. L. Young .

I d b" d nt spirit Harold ·S. Butlel, P. T. lIIurpl1y, J. t". I E. C. Frencl1. mist c nature an "r ar e Nell Gillis. - Mr. Gus Co'nllors Jr., spent the the Observer. Weekly came to Dwyer on the attainment of Ibe Auction-1st., Mrs. L. Buller; The Dall, News joins with all left an Indelible ImpreSSion on To the bereaved ·famlly we ex. weekend on tr.e lo~al mainland: the Island yesterday morning on 19t11 anniversary o( their wedding I 2nd., Mrs. B. Tucker: COOL Mrs .

their frl,nds In wiahln, tl1ia grand those she met and endeared ber Mr. Willis 'Clarke spent' Sun. an official bl:~jness trip. on December 3rd. N. Alcock. , couple mlDY more year. of wedded to her many friends. tend deepest sympatl1y. -----------------------------------

Bring us your suit before 10 a. m., and we'll . hiv~ it ready, looking· like new, at 5 p. m • • Yes Sir that's the deal on all garments brought to our Plant

on ALEXANDER STREET. , •• you get them in before 10 a,m. and we'll see that they're ready by 5 p,m" perfectly pressed, looking like new. Of course If speed is not that important to you we stili offer you the convenience of our Pick.up and delivery service~ So call or drop in to-day,





__ -..:::= .. ,--,-~.~ ___ o....._ __________________ ...... __________ ...:.. __________ ...;._ ......

Page 7: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles



~~IC:\L EHXIXG [BIIDA)' SHOWEIt . ~I~. ~~mbrrs of St. ~Iargaret'. Ails. Iren. Mercer was the

r:~ held a most enjoyable luest of honour at I bridal shower GUI. I crrning on TuesdlY, 1'10\'. given at her home on Hamilton ~~II!I~a Canon Wood lIall. The hall Avenue last Thursday. Aliases ~: I atlrsctll'cl)' decorated with Bertha Hodder and Lois Strickland, ~.I anti H l~rGr crowd was who will be bridesmaids for the .---.------.-.:..:~=--..:..:-----------------'-----------.----Ilo\\tr~ I ddl h d d I ncr. )Ir. Dal' rs was we na, were oltellel In rea I "P I " J ' . - Jumper Favorite P:;~~l~n lor the mning, and Rev. the cardl and opened the IIlfts fllr rlnCeSS umper'l Silicone Product Protects Han· ds r" I'on Jlowitt was also present. the .hower. MISI Mercer will be I I l.' lollowing provided the pro· married to Mr. Fred Plk. of War· \ -The . ~11'5es Pats" Harnum, Judy bury Street at Wuley United: 'r3n!·· , • • _ EI'lz-beth Ruby, S)'lvla Ruby, Church on December 14th. },rc'), ~ .' Ilar.aret D.II·ies, J. Bartlett, Shlr· -· I Uuflctt. (iail Duffett, J, Web- FROM EASTPORT . It. and a )kit and dance In C05-1 Mr. Swifton Jacobs, general ~~~c bl ~II s. Willard. A Streeter, dealer at Eastport, arrived In the r. '(,(lok, ~1. Squires. )1. Summers, city by the expre!l yesterday on a ~. Bemilter, E. Dul£ett, ~1. Cook. buslnell trip and Is regist2red at

l. the Brownsdale Hotel,

\nRlnD n:STERD.\Y · llr. Ross Bartlett. well known i CONGRATULATIONS ~'I,inc;, llIan 11'0111 I,a Sclr. arrh'· i ~fr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, of cd in Ihe rit~· yesterday and Is I WhUeway Street, are receiving the rr~i!terrd at the Brownsdale Jlotcl .. congratulations of their friends on :

· , Ihe birth of a daughter lalt week. I

II't:UJ)ISli 8~:l.LS i -, --, . ! The wcddll1~ 1~I;es plm this! ST. ANDREW S AUXILIARY ,

rlCnin~ at 8 o'd~k al the Church I On Friday e\,enlng, Dec, 2, the I (II I:ngland Cathcciral oC Miss I Ladles' Auxlllary oC St, Andrew's I

r.,e:! n illlll\'n to ~Ir, Chesler: Society met at the home of Mr. I lIa~lilh'n. Tht recrpt;on will be· and ~Irs, Sandy Elton, Hamilton 1

tr!d at Halchlllwn, Roblnson's Hill. ; A\'enue, for· their regular month-

I __ Ily meeting, The members were l'lIRISTESISI; 'pleased to welcome back some of .


I-UA-S-T-RO-.-S-U-IO-E'-· --B-y-C-.'-...... n' .~ For Weclnesday, Deoomber 7

Present-For You and Yours .. , The pendu lum swings back and today's OUI·

100); is again optimistic and en· couragin. for whatever you alltmpl. If you have been think· in, of makin, a ne: business connection, now is a lood time for such an undertaking. Glt work out of way early if pos. sible so that you can do lall· minute Christmas shoppiltl while radiations are favorable. Future . . . ExperlS predict . lhat before this century Is ended, Past ... It WI! jusl Sil years one American worker will be allO loday Ihat Ihe C II i 11111 able 10 produce in a seven·hour Nationalisl lovemmcnt fled to working day as much as he now Formosa. Th. coun,,')". 11 It produces in a five-day work mainland province fill to till week.' Communists four days later.

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (BorR Mmh 21 to Aprlt 20\ LlIRA 11., •. 2J to Oct.221 V,. rour "ti.li, Ibitllr ,. til 'ulftlt Wo,k off. f .. li., .f ratlt_ III Id .. nlag. by pbnnin" ori,inll hoIid., ,"01<. from w~i,~ 1,Ou < ..... him wortIIo dteorationl {at )'our bonIt. whilr rHulft. Don , witte tI_

TAURUS (Aplll 21 10 M.y 201 SCORPIO lOot. n to H ... 22L Limil Ir ... lin" ,. I .. inlmum 1,>01 lTOId T.k, the <luldttn Ihoppi., wlI """ ...... , h .. ,il,<ong.lltd .. am. .'1'" 'IU' don't tri •• in ,. t~ci. pIudIIIj ..

I c1.n, during 'al ••• min, hours. bur Wln ... l ... , htstt •• IPI -. : GEt.ltNI It.I.y 21 to Jun. 211 . SAGITTARIUS INIY, 2J f. Dee. '" ! t In,itatiOl'l you nlend il liktt( .. 1>e Pfrlislent awJicalion to JOlt werk .... I, r.r •• .". IJ .. ·I ' .... , .bou, il M.ld .,..r",i .. ,1 .nli .. bri.,a ,OU doHt • I' n«dlm worf)' 0/ .. n"«.II'ion" ,h. ICC.rlty ,... ...... '1 -'I CANCER !Ju •• 22 to July 221 CA'RICORN 10K. 22 f. J ... It, '1 I'/.molt am!.i'io •• plan •• commerdlt.n.! Thn. ma, be • posaibililJ' .1 capi!lliu !I finlntial dtat. with your UJual diKfimi· on your !'frlOnllit)' .rk1 aeati,. taJab. !I nil,"" .bilily. O.tlook pod. Hobb7 .. n be ",o/llIbI"

: LEO (Jul, 21 f. Au9. 211 AQUARIUS (J ••• 20 f. F .... II' , A lot .", to. rxl~<ltd ., fOIl. ,ust d. Indi .. li ... potnl .J'I'" noccuilJ ., ... ;1 fOur he'l and n. on. un hu. ca.1< I., inl "''I"i ... II, dl!'lomalic aft~ COIlII4o 1 rrHld ... or ,-uu, .Ho/". <fal, 01 or •• ,,' fttlln,L . I VIRGO IAU9.2) t. SIp'. 2%1 PISCES lfob. It" Milch 201 I Cur_ oItrmttd mood_ K"I' I .milt on rlun •• InlO ,.,., ... ,k .. it~ ~ .04 .. ! ~r f:Cf, enn IllOulh YOll don', ftd trrminltton Co ma"t It par what 701 I til:c IL A.,...t, h,.rablt. de,I/ •• Re.I/. wm come ,. ,.... 1: elUl, ,itl4 !IIlttpriItI, t ...

· .. 1._ I ;'; , '. I '. · '. I

I :,. .' ': , ~ I "

· , ~

't'_ .

l'aJcric ,\gIlCs ~Iaria, inlant: the older members and to greet I rl.ughtcr ni ~II'. and ~lr5, Kenneth I !e\'eral new members. A most en· . Siern (If Dell Island. was Christen· i JO)'able evening was spent and at ;d lalt \\wk. ~Irs. I'eddl~, of Lana I the e10se IIlrl, Sandy Elton and . t l'I'11' "r·ntlmother 01 the '. Mrs. Gordon Elton serl'ed a de-

,-----------. wanting to Impress her auests and

~Ircc , .' ~" f b bl' attended the Christening. I lIaht ul cup of tea. The next meet· I " Ing will be held early in January. Between Us


)Ir. Ch3rlr~ Winsor left here on Sgt. and Mrs. R, S. Eldridge,


just aims to make them comfort­able. And if sbe gives enouilb thougbt to selecting the persons

I she invites to her house for anr

A day wIth the washlll, machine Is no treat for anyone, but It's I W I particular occasion, : especially hard en cbap.prone ha nds. A new produet containing omen So my advice to this shy wo-IlUtone II protection for a home makor's hands. Favorite jumper . - fashion 1 man wluJ has been dreading an,. 5~ndl)' by the express to connect

a: Galldrr \\'Ith TWA for New Kenna's Hili, left here last week by RlIS Newfoundland on a hall·

York. He will also visit Denver, day with relatives in HalIfax. IIIrs, colorado, and i~ planninR to Ipend

"must" for winter! Iron.on flow, 1 By RUTH MILLETr kind of entertaining is to plunge ill BY ALICIA HART can protect hands against s0811, ers-take just seconds to spark the -- and plan a party.

A very famous manufacturer of water, fioapless. detergents and necklina with gay color! SHY HOSTESS FINDS PLANSING Relax-Parly's SeU-BtarilD, (hri!tmas with his daughter, 1I1ra. Eldridge is well known for her \Y. J. Scutt in Seattle, Washington, work with thie St. John'. Theatre

men's and babies' tOiletries h~5 most of the necessary products Pattern 7309: lIIisses Sizes 12, IS KEY' TO PARTY'S SUCCESS If It is well.planned and evert' Fashion headlines the "prlncess" just gone into the woman's cos· used fOr eradicating dirt in the 14, 16, 18, 20. Tissue pattern, wash· thing is done in advance that can

jumper-because it' smooth fitted mellc field. home. able iron·on transfers in combina· A woman who is so shy she 58)'5 be done-and it she has cho~en RETrR~EII HO~fE • ' FR01\1 TACK'S BEACH and flaring lines are so flalterlng this will be no surprise at all This is a real boon to most 11'0, tlon of llink. green. State size. she keeps putting off enterlaining her guest list with but one thought


~Ir;. (,forge ~Iarshall, Queen., 111 II B f T k' B h to every figure! Easy sewing to many· of the women who use this men, Even though she may do Send TWE:oITY·FIVE CENTS m guests in her oWn home wants to in mind, "I want people will enjOT flc,rl, IIho hAl been I'i6iting rela. . r. ax rown 0 ac s cac too: make this newest version in manufacturer', 10Uon {or babies. her laundry In a machine, the coins for this pattern (stamps can· know how to o\'crcome her shy· I being together [or an evenlng'!'­lilt, on the nwinland for the past 15 at present visltlng the cit)' on deep black wlnter.cotton or tweedy This particular infant product Is average homemaker finds her not be accepted) to ST. JOIIN'S ness. she can relax and forget about · II- turn d to the cit,. business Rnd Is registered at the wool- have the companion blouse quite a' f3\'orlte with mothers who hands and wrists aren't Improved DJUI,Y NEWS (Housebold Art s It may take time-but she should hcr shyness. .

,.1 mon L, re e • Brownsdale Hotel. In sparkling contrast! have to cope wllh a recurring diap.! by the bouts with the washer boutsl Dept.) 60 FROST STREET WES'f, not wait unlil she gains poise tal It won't be noticed by the peo,P1. 1;;1 i'rirl_). __ I Pattern 4805: lIIlIses' Sizes 12, er rash. lIIany of Ihe wom~n who that are daily for man)' mothers, I TOROSTO, ONT. Print plainly starting entertaining. I who are enjoying her hospitallt~.

I'.-\R"\\'I'.I.I.I'.\IIT\' FROM HODGE'S CO"I:' \14, 16, 18 .. 20. Size 16 jumper 4~, foun~ it worked well for their b~b.: This, plus the potency of mllst·1 N A ~I E " .ADDRESS .PATfERN Saxe extremely .shy and quiet· They'll be too busy talkiPl them.

L ' yards 3S'lOCh; blouse 2!~ yards. les \I rote the man.ufacturer askIng i cleaning compounds and soaps, the NU:\JBER and SIZE. women are wonderful hostesses. sclves to notice that their hostel. 111;; Shirlry (hmond was Gil'en' llr. R, Rideout of Hodge's CO\'e I This pattern easy to use slm. that It be made In an adult vcr· i drving effect os steam heat and Order our A L ICE BROOKS How do the)' manage? Why, they Is a little on the shy side. :

~ ImwcJi part)' at brl' home, 134 1 nrh'ed in the city last Salurday I pie to sew, Is 'tested for fit: HnR slon. ! the chili or winter, makes a 11'0. Needleeraft Catalogue •. ~ n joy provide all the necessities for a It's actually much easier to Iiid. 'r .. ;mi!lcr Alcnuc. on ~Iond.y on a busineBs trip. II complete U1ustrated Instructions. Now It Is. The adult version· I man's hands pretty raw most of pages and pages of exclhng new good party, tben choose their guest your shyness when you are the hii .. Nn'in~ whcn a large number of I __ . Send T1DRTY.FIVE CENT~ (SS 01 this popular lotion ComeR in the the t'lme. designs -knitting, crochet, em· list carefully sO as to have guests tess, busy making guests comfort· Ilcnd' met to sur rloe her and 1 FROM LONG BEAClI I cents) In coins (stamps cannot be same plastic squeese bottle and \ . broidery, Iron-ons, toyS Bnd novel· they know will enjoy each other. able, than when you are the gum · h "\1' P'i f I :\Ir G BarIltt from Lo B h I accepted) Cor this pattern, Print contains the ~ame Ingredlenls, pillS ThiS skin protection, according tics! Send 25 c~nts for your copy And they alwa)'5 include several who is expected to sparkle. .' rn.cnt. lr ".1 1 ~ gl t. 0 mone)' . ,'" , ng , ~ac , i plainly SIZE, NAlIlE, ADDRESIt, another. Bill cone, I to the results of the manuractur· of this wonder!ul book nOW, You'll guests who can be counted on to "d "ftrr thclr br.-t wl~hes. lUss 1 Trlnlt~ Ba), Is at present Ilslting STYLE NUMBER, The addition of the ~l1lcone gives I er's lab tests. does the job of keeo· want to order every design in II! keep a party from drooping or NICER LEG S '1,:nonil\\i\I Ir~\'e here next week I the city on business. Sen order to ANNE ADAMSS, the product a quality that many1lng out the skin-<lestruetive parts growlnl/ dull. OLDHAM, England (CP) - Am· :0 he In lIolton. _ care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS, homemak~s will appre~late, 11 of housework, Fellowship Club All th~ hostess has 1.0 do under' erlcan \\:omen have nicer legs than

__ PROGRAMME (Pa'tern Dept.) 80 .FRONT . ST. these conditions is to greet her any othcrs, the Marchioness 'ttf IUT rOil TEX.\S !, Mr, Stuart. Godfre", tenor, \I'ho WEST, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Natl.o.nal Church. guests warmly when they' arriv/!, Reading told a womrn's mcetinr , Christmas plnns highlighted the look afler the serving or the ex· "But they hal'en't the e\"es ol-'~

SSgl. :n,1 ~Irs. T. l'ilompson I· Is glviPl a seriel of seven $ona Tod~ , Many other centres will be hav· November 30 meeting of the cellent food she ha~ carefully pre· British woman. There is 'depth'Jn ;r.d their iniant son, Cornwall recitals over CBN, wUl ling COD. ay s Recipe £11...:.... Ing the Vesper Service. Plans are Wednesday Fellowship Club oC pared and listen with real attention the eyes 0 four women because .hcnue. left here last Friday for I temporary longs In English OD his. UU'lstmas under way to hold a service in Cochrane Street United Church. to her guests' talk. they have seen sufferin,," said the I:i~ir home in Tcxas after spend. I programme on Friday eVening at V s. each of the following places: Gathering at 8 p.m. In the A shy woman can always shine Marcbloness, who has just reo :0. t!~rr.1.eal~ tour of duty with 18.1l!. \' DESS


ld esper ervlce Bona\'ista, ClarenviJIe, Elliston, League Room of the Church, the as a hostess Irlhe rorgets about turned from a visit to the U. S.

I)t l3Af In z.;c\\,[oundland'.-I -- ,~ ~~~ b~lII~rg ~~t!~ant s e Hillview, Govertown and Glover. group agreed unanimously to pack I ___ ! AT GENERAL I'J cup flour . town South, Little Catalina, Little a basket of toys, clothing and Road, on December 14. !

P( \\,om:s . Miss Shirley Andrews, Robin. 2 egg. In big city churches and In smal· Heart's Ease, Lumsden North MUR' Christmas dinner for a needy fam· The meeting, under tbe chair·. The nlt'lIth!) mcrlinll DI Iht PC son's Hill, Is at present a patient 1 Raspberry. ~trawberry Jam or Icr centres to.o. this month, groups gra\'etown, Newton, Portland, ill'. manship o[ the president, began:

\",mcn \1\11 br hrld thi~ c\'enlng I' at the Gen~ral Hospital, conyalesc'l or marmalade of tren·age girls are. getting ready Sunnyside Fortune Grand Bank :lJuch discussion rcnlred around with a devotional period conduct·! .' Inll from an em rgcncy pp Cor the IInnual ChrIStmas Vesper " ed by Mrs. J. B. Edgar, assisted by ! ,. Ihe hontt or ~Ir. and )lrA. W, J, e . 0 en· 'I Put butter and waler in fr)'ing I St!rvice r th C d' G' I I Burnt PoInt, Uant's Harhour, a Chrislmas party for the nursery :lfrs. F. G.Rowe, Other buslnes~' ~"o\\'~r. Itrnnir's ~liII Road. All, dectomy last week, ,pan and when boiling add flour, I Tr8lnln~ °It I c an~. I8n 'h·lrhsh n I Whltcwa)', Brll Island, Brigus, class thnt meets eacb Sunday lI"'mhm arc ukcd 10 attend and' -- 1 rast, stirring continually until mix e' s a sentce \I IC, as Clarke's Beach, Cupids, Pouch morning from 11 to 12, As a result matters, including a p~oposed Nell" ; ~:., mcmhm will be welcomed. lOUT OF HOSPITAL ture leaves the sides or the pan ~t~come a symbol. of the nah.onal Cove, Swift Current., Badger. Bot. on ?ecember ~8 there will be a !::~'s d:;:~e wi~~r d~~~g ~~~b::~: I nc meeting hegin~ Rt 8,1l!. I Her many friends ",111 be glad and sticks to the Bpoon, Remove uoength and umty of the CGlT wood, Buchans, Corner Brook, ChflStmas tree In the nursery class. I b f t d d I h

__ to know that Mrs, C. W1l1lams, from heat and add eggs.unbeaten, '" vemenl. . " Howley, Humbcrmouth, Windsor, room bearing a gift for each child n ng e o~e ca an s~n II' c c> n:~rl:R Sl·Rl'll'f. , Allandale Road who was a patient one at a time, beating the I!'lxture Groups ever) \I here tn all the N I A S th D k In attendance, This tiny tots' w_er~_ serve .

. , ' . , thoroughly between addlhon of ten provinces'wlll take part in this orr s rm ou, ar Cove ------- ... Sundl), eHnlng at 7 o'clock a ~ at the Grace Hospital, returned each egg, Drop by spoonfuls Into rededication to the Ide I d • Gambo, Gander, LewIsportc, Rob· group is for children in the two to

:prml Ic,prr ~erl'lce of the CGlT I home last week. deep hot fat and fry until weil poscs 01 the movement a ~ an ~~r erts Arm, St. Anthony, Seldom four year age bracket, A Christ· ~III be held at the Queen'~ Road puffed and golden, Drain, Make the white mlddi ii' b{cssekl tn Come·By, Springdale, Durrell's, mas party for the dub members Presb)terian Church, This special an opening and fill with jam or of th C G I T es l~n u: 5 r s Twlllinsate. was also planned, this to constitute, Chri;tmas Vesper Service which Is Creamed cheese softened with marmalade. Dust with powdered e, " • un arm, t e girls the CJnal meeting for 1955. It wlJl held yearl), Is \'er)' Impresslvo and tomato juice and spiced with sugar, ~~st when served hot, If w~lI sing the familiar Christmas In most of Ihese places the ser· be held at the home of the presi· . lIiII be attended by the girls from chili powder makes a dellclou5 deslr~d these, fritters may be servo h) mns and join In the readIngs vice wlll be held December 18th. dent, lIIrs. David M. Baird, Torbay the \'arioU5 CGIT I St d II b d ed \lith the jam. If this is the and prayers. -------John's groups n . canape sprea on sma rea. case pour some maple syrup over In most churches, the climax _~ ___ .. _____ . ___ ~uare~. them, of the service comes with the

lighting of five candles to sym· bolize the meaning of the COlT Purpose, Sometimes the proces· ! sian Is also In candlelight. Many groups are assisted by a choir with special Christmas musIc, and I some, have a Ipeaker. ,


Medica I facts prove that no ordinary la).ative gives such complete relief as Milk of Magnesia I Milk of Magnesia does mora for you because ifs more than I laxative, , , Ifs an antacid, too. Not only relieves constipation but the frequenlly accompanying acid Indigestion as well, Yes, Phllnps'MllkofMagnesialsthebest II~~~:.~ laxalite·antacld money can buy. II.


."""'mll"'" iii "'I I I" "'iii ill hi"''' "",a, "'. ~ GERALD s. DOYl ·


But, all of them follow the same order of service-which is t>repared by, the National C.G.!.T. Committee to gIve thousands of members this opportunity of war. shipping together during the Christmas season.

Canadian Girls In Training is an Interdenominational movement un· der the Canadian Council of Churches. Its activities are many and varied, but Ita chief purpose is to present the Christian way oC Hle to teen·age girls.

Th. Christmas Vesper Service I

I. Dot for members, alone. In every community where this beautUul .ervlce will be held, the public Is invited to attend and take part.

"In St. John'. all the· eGIT groups are sponsoring the one service. It wlll be held next Sun· day, December 11th, at 7 p,m, at Que. D '1 R a a d Presbyterian

GIFT 11ispirations


These over-the·sock, romea style LEATHER SNOW BOOTS are obtainable with shearling trim and lining • • • side Zipper or StraJ~ closure. Foam Rubber soles. Red, Tan, Black. Sizes 4 up. ZIPPER STYLE ............... $6.25

STRAP STYLE ............ ·$7.50


~Clr.c'1 .


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Page 8: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

. , ,

, , I '


SHIPPING and FINANCE Canadian Drivers ----------------\-A-ct-iv-eT-r-a-&-!-~~.~?~~~

:;1"[------------II: Steamship Movements; I':' ,URNISI W.RRIN .. ,NI Brook and New Yorle). , ,I Newloundland leaving Halilax Fort Hamilton Icaving New

.. ,


Dec. 10, due St. John's Dec. 12. York Dec. 3D, Halifax Jan. 3,: due '. Sailing for Ljverpool D~. 13. St. Jqhn's 5. sailing again Jan. 7.

Nova Scotia leavlna lal'·erpool Fort Avalon leaving New York Dee. 7, due 51 Jobn. DC(' 13 Dec. 29, St. John NB., D~. 31, Leaving lor Haillax and 80.1011 Halilax J\n. 3, due SI. John's 5, Dec, 14. due Hallin Dec. Lfi 1M I.alllng Jan. 7, (CortTCr Bronk and Boston Dee. 19. Lea\lnl 1.<,,1\on New York). Dec. 20, due Halifax Ilee. n SHU NFLD., CAN. STEAMSHIPS Ing from Halifax 101 L.1~erpool Belle Isle 11 duc St. John's Dec. DfC. 24. 8, sailing Dec. 9.

NewfoundlandlcavlnR Liverpool Bedford 11 leaving Halifax Dec. Dcc. 24, due 51. John's Dcc. 30. 7, duc SI. .John's Dcc. 9, saJllng I Lcavlng lor Halifax alld Boston Uee. 12. Dec. 31, due HalUax Jan. 2 and Bcllc Me II Icllvlng HaliCax I

Buston Jan. II. Leaving Boston Dec. 13, due SI, John's Dec. 111,' Jan. 6 and Halifax Jan. 10, due SI. sailing Dec. 17. John', Jan. 12. Salllna: again same Bedford II Icavlng Halifax Dec. day for Liverpool. 16, due St. John'5 Dec. 19, salling

Nova ScoUa leaving Lh'crpool Dec. 20. ~3n. 7, due St. John'. Jan. 13. Bclle Isle llienving Halifax Dec. Leaving for Halifax and Boslon 21, due St. John's Dec. 23, salling Jan. 14. due Halifax Jan. 16 and Dec. 24. Boslon Jan. 19. Leaving Boslon Bedford II leaving Halila" Dec. Jan. 20 and na\if~x Jan. 24, due 24, due St. John's Dec. 27, sailing Sl. John" Jan. 26. Sailina for Dec. 28. I Livcrpool Jan. 27. CLARKI STEAMrHIP CO.

FURNISS R3D CROSS Novaport salling Dec. 7. I }'ort Hamilton lea\'lnll Halifax North Pioneer leavinG St. John,

Dec. 8, due St. John's ·Dec. 10, N.B., Dcc. 13, Hnli!ax Dec. 18, duc Jailing D('c. 12 (Corncr Brook and SI. John's Dcc. 19, sallina: ·Dec. 20, Ncw York). North Coa~ter leaving St. John,

u cords are won.e than tbose of In the same year 2.586 pc~

P A d B their U.S. cOdl,lerparts. II'ere kllled .. l highway and 11\ aper n ase This fact Is born out In statls- ban \ltaffic ae !idents. And all II, tics released by Canadian High· ,that many mon: were to:ally el~

~letaI Tuesday way Safety Cl)nfe~nce which 19ipcrm.anently. t11~abled. meallln~ .' ! currently pronlotmg Safe Drlv·


oss In earnm ~ pov.cr and I Ii I MONTREAL (CP) - Buoyant I i~!g Day in an .!ffort to cut down anclal burden (Cn familv and ~

pulP. and paper a nd base mel ~l on the annual toll oC wasted lives ,munity whicll I uns int ' COt sectIons featured moderately Be I 0 m11U1IlI1 tive trading on the stock market and destroyed property. . of dollar~ .a yt al. Tuesday. Other sections of the in. ~Vlth POPul.dllOn and mlles.pe;. 'The Hlg,lWS)I Safety Confcr, dustrial !lst were steady to frac· drIVen taken !nto effeet, Canada s I cnce has hot-cs, and C~fi Itt tional improved. Low·priced mine traffic acciden' record Is. tragical. ; plans, for CUlling this 1011 f; stocks were active, the majority Iy higher than that In the United I Its prcsent height dOwn to a b IliI1

adva~eing a few cents. States, W. M. V. Ash, chairman ,minimum. are Gams of a point or more wcre of the Canadi&n Highway Safety I To shoW thlt a t la' d

scored by Algoma Sleel, Alumm3 1.0 • I an cOn; ium, Noranda, Powll River a'ld C~,nfere~cc sa~d. .' plete end to t"a[[lc accldenh b BA Oil: Allhough U.S. casuaUy flgu· i possible, allho\Jllh admittedly

SI. Lawrence Corporation went i res always dwad those of Can I' probable the Lonfcrcl1ce is s: against the upward trend in the I ada, \\'he~ figUl ed on a populat· soring the !lrst cro.'S.cana~ pulp and .paper seclion, slinping lion baSIS,. Canacia's record comes safety dln·c. dOWn 2 POints. out a poor 30 per cent higher,,,, The dr" .. , Safe Drh-in" D. ~mong the mines, Bouzan I~'as Mr. Ash said. will be linked with s.n Ii 'j,

2',. cents stronger after lradtn~ ., I h I aYin more than 150,000 shares. Ne; Dur ng t ~ pas 20 yea'rs, oo~e Ithe United Stales and will apPt!\ Iloyran mOl'cd up 10 cents while 30.000 Canadla ·IS have been kill· to each perSO'l who ventures on" Arcfidia Nickel and Bonneyville ed In accident,. And the record, a street or t.ighwa~·. whether were eac.h 4 cents firmer. i~ gelling wnrfe. Unless prevcn. pcdes~rain or motorist, to kEf:

Industnal v,olume. II' as 71,300 tlve steps are taken, the next 20,· out of aceidc'lt for thai rlal", sh:r~s and mmes 63~,100. Of thc 000 will be klllrd In 10 years." If· accidents ran be C\ilni;attd ~I' Issued ~~4ded, ~5 wedre 'up, 66 Prime victims of auto aecid· . or even cut <!raslitally for th ; (nOelllv'nhl.a:h d u3nnc wanglc Wllht b5 ents, the figUl e: show, are young I day alone, it Will llro,'~ that':

o s an c OlrS es a . 1 La 't ff' I ' .~ Fort A\'alon lenlng New York N.B., Dec, 20, HuJilax Dec. 23) due Dec. 8 51. John, N.B" Dez. 10. St. John's Dec. 26, sailing Dec. 27. Halifax Dec. 13, due St. John's N ~orDth Pioneer leaving St. John, Dec. III, sailing Dee. 17 (Col1!er si J h ef· j7, Halifax Dec. au, due

. ,I lished for the year. The stock eX. pcop e.. st year, ra Ie acc· program can oe rCllcated On In

LA "''E'ST S",£lCrv , 711 ~RKET RE'PO' DT banks up 0,23 at 49.26, utilities of dents killed more people In the individual ba.ll: for 365 dan 1 .I. , .I. V n 1'.1/"1. :It change's clOsing averages show 340 age group than all other ye21r.

' ..

. ;

i :,1

i'I' , ,

" '

J , :,. I; :

J.: '1r I

• ._.___ • 0 n san. 2, salling Jan. 3. By ne C.nodlln P ..... xL Sh .... xLI LUI xLomoqu. xLovoUe xLencourt W ATER.'RONT

DIRECTORY Kromhout, Churchill, master, I." dl'lIdennd. Ex.rl,ht •. EX·"'lrronll. .." x·Q.lOled In centl, ,·Odd Jot, xd·}!x·

~~Ing on dock on Werlnesllay, Dcc. Sioek

. Lydia ~Ial'ie. Spurrell. master. dIscharged a cargo of flsl!. .,\.od Uron

H.~I.C. DOCKYARD ,Akallcho G. S. Cutlcr, Rogers, mr.~ter 15 ,Alba Expl

,Flretug 3. and the t\\'o leng lin i taking freight {or Ihe USUdl T~ln Allom CIS ,Bamcrang and ,Bamerfa~t; also, Ity Bay ports. Sailing toda) Wed ~~~~l~r';~ ll. \. Parr and Lad) Anderson, and I nesday ~~:::.n~~Pbe ~l.\,. Seabeacon. A. E. HICKMON CO. LTD .Anocon

STEERS LTD. M.V. Pay Off Is moored up' for ~~~~ 1ll'!,Yn , Hazel Blackwood is discharging the season. ~~~: nu

fl;h at t~e east end. preml~es. wlll M.V. Thomas and Robert has .ArJon takc frclght at Baine Johnstons been successfully refloaled and :~~~\I' today. 'b will cventually have further reo ~~~~:~~: · Lindy Bar ollr is discharginG pairs. xAvmobono

II~h at thc cast end premises; \\'iII ON DOCK ~B;t~~:~kenn take freight tods)' at norwoo~: S.S. Burgeo, Finback, David ~~:~~!\"d Lumbcr Co. I Watts, NcbaUa and Bantina com. xllo .. u_

~Ial(wc~l Cor~um, Embcrl~)'. ing off today, Wednesday, Oct. 7. ~~:~~r:rr m.astcr, IS moormg up for the. BAINE, JOHNSON Ii: CO. ::::1 Metal. \\,In~e,r. ! Sid and Sam, is taking frcl .... t for ,Bolh Mlnln.

L I Ri I d 1 I Ii" x"Olb A \II-· I I~n c lar S Ins a cargo 0 ,thc usual BonH\'ist8 Bay ports, .Bolh B wto

fIsh d:sehargin~ aUhe cast end. Cl!o\·ertown, liare Bay. Trinity. ~g~~~~I" premil e~. Balrrl ~ CO\'c. I B.B., Indian Bny and Bor,81·lsta. :~~he:r Lod"

T. H.\LLETT LTD, AnneHa Lavetta took freight Blbll M.~' .. Supertradcr, is moorcd up' lor Burln. Sailetl fo'rlday a.m. ~m~~:~

Indc[ulllcly. Rita and Blanche Plcott mas ::l~~k &.; Allnes J. ~·I:n. J?hnson. mas· ter, loaded freight' for !'h~ fol. xBobjo

ler, has a car"o of h~h dlseharged lowing ports Hare Bay D ~::::'~~~~lIt .. pt • S,tec~s East End IJremises Trinity, B.B.: Indian BaY' and 0;:[ ~~~::. Baird s CO\'c; ~·altlng for charter Island. Sailed friday 8.m. .Brllund

Maxine JOIlnsoll' Is taking Catherine Hann, Hann, master ~:~:hu~:~' freight for Eas:port and. other took freight for Burin and St ~:~:::::n north ports. Lawrence Sailed Friday a m Bru •• wleM

. BOWRING BROS. LTD. Ruby "'Iscombe, Wagg, ~a~ter. ~::ar~~:.. Silver Jubilee, Parsons, Master, took freight for lIIarystown, salling ::::: ~tn

loaded freight for Bonavlsta Bay Wednesday p.m., Dec. 7, xBUlldo, stormbound, re3dy to sail. H0.RWOOD LUMBER CO L TD ~~~8r:n 11111

Wesley and Ralph, Cul!. master. CANADA PACKERS LTD. ' Camp CUb t~ taking freight for Gander Bay, !II.V. Dingo Is ready to $Iii for ~~:I~I~II wU Carmandlle, Fogo, Change Islands. Bay Roberts. ~~~~~I'lcopper Herring Neek and Twllllnljate. Sblrley Goodyear 2nd, t. takilll ~g:!:I~al

Philip Wayne discharged at the freight for Badger's Quay Indian "Chem Rei liouthslde premises. taking freight Bay, Wesleyville, Greenspond, =g:::~~~lIe at the north premises on Wednes- Pound Cove. Cape Freels to Lums xChlb·Klynnd day for Bonavlsta, Happy Ad\·ell· den. ~~'hrt:....f:J:.1 ture and Greenspond. Shirlcy Good)'ear 1st, Is also ~g~:I\YI11 freight at the norlh preDlis~s on taking frcight. xClln Like Wcdnesday for Bonavista Happy I A, H, MURRAY & CO. L TD, ~~l:::~om Adventure and Greensp,ond. , 'I V·d 18:"11

AYBE " SONS LTD. .n •• Manvl, Tucker, master ~co~~~::. James Strong ~aiIed Friday I sailed on Wednesday, but had to xl' DenlIDn '111,

Dec 2 return to port owing to heavy ~g ~!~i::::,!: E~rl· Keith and Eugene ROY" seas. Sailed Friday B.m., Dec. 2. ~fo:~IIl!' wtl

both from the Labrador, linish~ci l CROSBlE " CO., LTD. x CG Arrow sur\'eylng and are moorcd up for 1 M. y. Carnell 2nd, from Labr3· (.:. Il~:~; the winter. : dor IS moored up Cor thc winter, C.n ,.melt

. i xC )r.rrlil. Samuel II. Ware 15 moored up I D" ,(, Mo.b.r

d d x('on Nehol for Ihe wfnler. : IVl en s xC ~ortblond · Robert Knlckle took (re~ght for I I ~~O~Wl~:plor

La Scle, Bale Vertl! and Fleur By THE CANADIAN PRESS .g sO:"3~ d'I.1e and the other usual nOlth· Niagara Wire Weaving Co. Ltd., ~.~nn~r em porfs. aSlled Friday. Dec. 3. 50 cents plus 50 cents year end ~g~~;::1 cllfr

Jan, 3, record Dec. 8. xCopper orp Biltmore Hats Ltd com In xC.poor·Mon

t 'I .... ~Coulee cents; A 25 cents Jan, 15, record .Cu.co

Sol ... Hllh Low COil ,Lo.lndi. xLL Loc :d..omel' "Lorado

MINE! 3111 14 II 14 ,Louvlc'l 500" U 51 xLyndhursl

81 m ~l 49'" l.l xLynx 1180 17 IG!. 17 dlac .... 210 123 m 1::3 xM~edonald

lOOO 1m IIIi \4li xMoelle 3200 2! ~ 26 "Mockeno

1500 11 1~4 101M IOdIJ t, 1400:IN 3M 30' "Mod.en 220 131t l3\~ 13'" x~lol'.1

5100 150 143 I "Molortle :Z7~OO n\4, 13 17\11 xMnnellt Urn

1000 $2 $1 32 ,Maroleo 3312 111'1 m II ,Marillm.

3&00 4~ 41 4,1 .~Iorlt A ~1' 2000 ~ ~ I ,Mini B Wi'

~'G7Da 3a 85 33 ,Mal1ln P2'l11 I~ 14 H 3b5"· 1"0 ch.wo. 2000 I!I I'~ 8'\ xMaybrun 1000 10\; 10!; 10!; M"",I)'«

.10 031 31 31 x~r.~lormoc 1100 11 ... 4 10 10 .McWalle" 1400 112 101 1"1 ,~Ientor new 3100010 ]40 HI x)l.rrm. 360 18 I~ IB "Moll VrA.

9tIOO 2~O 2'3 2t8 ,Minda., .. Inoo. 1m .• , a. lR, ~lInlnJ Corp 11110 30 2~ )n .~I;n·\lle 200 1119 I~l I~l .~I.,;ul 300 ~I 31 :II .~lultl·~ln

2 0 l~ 51 $8 .:'ama C .... k • ,ZII ,ll ,:~ 133 xN.1 ExplDI

701 230 ~.\o 230 ..... e. Lobin. 6Il00 3.1 51 .13 xN.w AI •• r 3032 Pllt R ~B .New Bid

moo 11 10 1G" xXew C,I 107 210 23.1 233 .X.w Dolh I

2500 121\ 12 12 .Sew Dicken 3300cI:<l liB liS xX Fortunf

. .'l1li ~o.l 300 303 ,S Gold,·uo ';47 49 411 4ft .1'1 Harrlco.1 1300 13 101~ 13 xXew H •• cn 3100 32 31 31 ,New Jleultt 2000 10 '0 10 xNow Juon

400 $90 SI:\ 590 xN Lillie ... Mil 139 IR~ 1 3 .Sewlund

11000 117 177 cl77 ,N ~I.rlon 41111 11 \I. 11 xN )Und 50011 4.110 121U12 12\. xN Mylamoqut

'300 39 36 38 ,Sownorth 400 1 n I~ "Now Rouyn

1tiOO 4' 42 U xNw Royrl I 1000 R ~ I .N So .. lor 3080]4 1 m II ,S.w nurb '000 I 1\\ I .~Ickel Rill (000 12 11 12 "NI".

8300311 12'" 12,,7 I •• on. 3 new 2100:13 2.1 25 xN ••• ld

2001 Imm~ 1511 xNormltol 500 7 8u j;/ .No",ox

1300 42 42 4Z .N Bonlda 1100 121 120 10 .N.rtb Trl.

4700 239 ~I :2.l4 .Nudullmo 130 liS 115 115 xObOlka

3100 111 17 /17 ,0·BrI.n 107 r30 140 410 ,Oko RI" M,t· llIQO 71>3 7 7 mTVWLury

1101 31 31 31 "Omnllrons 1100 II 14 U ,Opemlkl

900e103 1~13 102 "O.llko LIS I~I IPI 19' .Or ••• do

IIiN 10 10 10 xfoc Eul 1510 11 7 7S "Pom.ur 1000 II 12 12 kxPorbte

PIOO 703 6 8 "Pller Unn 2500 081,. 9 "PIck Crow

• OA. xPtoneer n~ 3~;'·' 3M. 303 xflteh·Ore ," 900 115 000 Pla .. r

S411 l40 3~0 )20 "P ... m Bord 300 330 31l 350 .Prllto. 11119 lu 162 167 .Pronl. tlron

SO 01 I I ,Pro.lo wi. ~ooo 11 II 1\ .Pro. Air

22300 4S IS 45 xPurdy MCI IV DC II 00011 Gal 4: "QueChlb

1\f1J 41S 41S 41.1 ,uo Cop 2117 38 37\~ Jft Que Lllh 15OOO341~ 43 4R bue )\on 719 14 74 71 "QMellllur.

'000)4 ~, ~. XUI Nltkel 3040 I~ 12ft III xQue,n.t •• 11100 II" 13 Il ulmDnl

11104 51 ~7 57 xRadiore :SOO J5\~ 15 J5 xRoevlI 762.1 170 46~ 470 mR,D-DINB • 1200 U 0 4l .wrenobl. 2800 30 &~ 130 "R. Alhob ~'Il1 310 ~'t 300 xR."

4100 til 10 11l ,R.ebe .7000 17 17 17 xRoekwllL

11100 120 1I3 II xRowan CODI 1000 13 13 13 .Rlo Rupu.un

Dee. 23. ID·Ar.,on D I I F d · .De Cour :a ... wll

om n on oun Tle5 and Stcel ID'Etdono Rem81ll"er~ 1000 2'1 27 27 "SOlI AnI 1100 12 ao 80 x~ond RIver 5IIB I5I!i t51~ lS\~ xShl,,1Ie, 3100 90 to 90 ,Sherrill

YOUR Ch,l.tma, Seal . COntribution • IS

important! fight TB • ..

Ltd., com. 20 eents Jan. 3, record Dtil~il' Dec. 13j ptd. $1.12!-ii, Jan. 16, ruc. ~.:. .. 0 ord Dec. 22.c ' xDom .. be,lo.

S P I xDildom upertest etro eum Corp. Ltd., ,Do,mont pfd. $1.25j com. 40 cents; ordlna.·y 'Dn~n'ldl x ",a" 40 cents Jan. 15, reeord Dec. 16. .Dyno

U.S. Dollar MONTREAL (CP)-The U. S.

dollar closed Tuesday a t par with

I Canadian funds, unchanged. It took 100 cenl.~ Canadian to buy S1 Am· erlean. Pound sterling $2.80¥4, un· cballged. -----

.E.,t Alal,r! xF..1I sun xEo.1 Met.l. ,F.n'l Sm,1I .E1drleb xEI Sol xEm Gtoder xEurtkl .Eurekl war F.tcon~rldl' .ForadlY x'WHt Tun. "Francoeur xFrobloh,r xOltt",\n OeC!o 1\ 1M.

Canadian Dollar ~g:i~t"· xGod'1 L xGolde ... 1 ,001d Man NEW YORK (CP) - The Cana·

dian dollar was up 1-64 of a cent at a premium 01 1·(14 per cent in terms of U. S. funds 'l'uesday. Pound sternng unchanged at $UO 7032.

,G F Vronlum .c:oldoro ,Grah Bou'q • Orandlne. ,Grlneloc xOr.,holk ,Gulch ,Gull Lud Gunnar

moo 151.\ 15 15 'SlloncD 300 141, 14~ 11~ xS I ~nttr

7900 15 15 15 'Sl .... 171l!l flo,\, 45 45 "Sloc •• V 1101

v:!1l0 so 50 SO xSto,,"1I 8000 t1 . 39 39 xSloel.y 3_ 57 50 54 Sleep Roell lUll 115 102 lnl xSlllr,eln 1'-10 210 230 230 ,w,ud eo.1 100 600 590 590 ,Sullll·ln

2000 It 18 If x~1Ivlnt.. .100 TIl 100 7l1li ,-random 100 17 I IS xTeck.Hu,b :000 10 10 10 "Temo,aml

l.Ioo:a 2:1 2.1 .nom Luad 11710 153 H~ III "Tlor.

2000 5 5. BO xowa.moe 1334 291\ 21" 2!1I,\ "V Mlnln.

tl700 201 190 205 xUn E.lelll 100 31 31 31 xli. Keno

111f1O I 7~' I .lI Monloubo. B21 42.1 '25 42.1 Upp CI.

2600 41 47 41 V •• lu ... 310 17 17 J7 "Vlcour

1II~4 I~I 12.1 UI xVI.lomo.· ~SOO 13 12\. 13 Waite Am

.:000 35 34 31 "Weodon fyr 4200 SI 60 0 .Wlllro1

21700 28~ 2 21 "Wlllle1 1300 31 360 360 .Wnehest.r

1000 44 40 41 ,Windward 7000 l51t 11 15R xWr Ho .. 2000 2t 28 21 "Yk Bur

lIIno 21 261. ZG1I .zenmo • 500 7Z3 10 723 Car.·

'70 1150 49 51 .Bul.lo 4900 145 ao 111 "eolll Cop

"00 13 13~ 15 GIIPt eopper . 310 111m 19 .Polo

1500 1m 101\ 11" xPeod Ore 7000 11 1~ 11

.Ia~ m 410 440 xChRrtcr 011 ZIOO 180 m 105 0.6 at 130.7; industrials up 0.8 at causes combll1ed. I Prime l\fini~tcr St. laurent h ~ if~ fi: fi~ .~nr·Ot ~c 0011 12920 ~l~'.PJ!~3l~xI293.2' combined up 0.3 at 239.0,' During 1954, traf,fie accidents: proclaimed D:cemlJer' 1 a. s"

6100 7 m 7 x.n Peak 2000 1m 12 I~ papers of! 3.11 at 1401.2\1 and golds. cost $100 mUllon, That's far mcore I Day In Canad~ and 1"0 I • D 1330 27 '!I 27 un! Loduc I~~. m ~~, ~15,· , • lhan we lost as the result of nities across the Counlry h' 2000 13\~ \lis Ill> .C.n Mlc Mac 9173 ~O m m lip 027 at 7450 3 I' 5 coml'll'l-

::'12Im I2 112~ ~g '.':g~:n.'t ~igu~~ ~4~ ~~ I L P " Hurricane Ha~('1 or the Winnipeg I joined In the one da\" dril~ ·If 10400<131 130 133 .Del Rio 1:00 140 ItO HO, OlVer rices i . ,

1000 23 25 23 xDoE mI· Expl I~~ 58.\8 ~08 ~7~ , . I, Ed I ! .----5900 223 222 2:!5 •• 1 'en·Rey '.~ • 1000 m m m .Fcd f.!e 745 4Il 410. m Of A . M · I' son n' ! Escapees Are 1300 200 200 :!(IoJ I xGen Pe!e A 600 490 485 481 ustln or 1000 10 I I Gr Plain. Dev m 2j ·'2i~. mi "rIS I

fiGO 21 23 21 .C:r Sw.el G •• " ,.\10 3110 175 360 • W h' 1:~oo~Jlo :41: 2:i

Ol ' ~N~~~~~'I ~~ Bif Bft\, 8f~ Cars In Canada as Ingtoll Resentenced 43~ I~ I~; I~~ ~u~:~ 011 :.~ :i~ :;g ~~~ TORO~TO (CP)-British Mal By PETER EDSON SUDBURYN Ont. CI'-TIIO!;

Y.J() 33 33 33 xllulKv ,,', 98" 37" aG,1 370 COI'PO a·t·"'" d ·T or WASHINGTON-(NEAl - The, capees from Burw3,h indu·''''1 1~223 IS 14 131\ xlly.Charl .:00 8 8 ~ I r Iv" ann 0 u n c e lies·. I • h· h b I ,'".,

:I{ltlcl!l'l mI':; x.luplter ~"'I ~t8 21R 2t8 '!la\' reductions a yca~n~$lri27" ~hdd e East s oolmg as cen I [arm. Ifccaptured Wcdne~da\· I!. 900 33 30 33 ,Kro)· 01 -000 H\8 10:; lOS I . " " ." I d I ht f th G t th • :'75 55 55 3j xl.iberal POI. ..~~~ :8~. ~:;~ . 28.1" dar reductions averaging $127.1'1, m,ove. r g r~m ~ .aza 0 e Iternoon. wcre each sentenced tl

1~00 I:R 11",$.19 Ii ,Mfrrln Pele IR'O":07 81-112 l:I' 102 ' in the Canadian price.1 DC Ausli~ ',' "ashlDgton strip. ,\ Ithm one re· lonc "cor in Kingslon Pcnl·tu. ~oo 103 103 103 ,~ridcnn ... " I '"

33100 140 120 139 xSal f.,. I~OO ~~G 290 29; I and Morris automobile~, effCC!i,·ej cent week, the Washington press I tiary Thursda •• T!!~ ~Cl1lcnce It 150 81\; 82". R~'; xS IIrl-\IoI 8\10 113 137 13 I·mmediatell" h h d ·t f m b th b .. 51DO II 161, 17 xSe"· II \lom 4':" 21l !~; ~!.1 I .. •.• . ~~ •. i corps as a I ro 0 ar· i cOnscultre on thc terms Itt! 1500 l7 36 3 .S Clnlinonlnl 39.,0 38 ::r ~~,' Rcu..lct.'ons In the bl~?cst selle,·. rels. I were scn·jng ill Burw3!h,

120& 91 91 91 ,1'1 C;" ",pi ~~.1' ('2; .,. • Ihc Austm A 50 Cambrl3 and the Imoo 2! 23li ~ .1'1 C (In. Ifl!I m 43" 4'0 ,~Inrns Oxford. are S146 each. • . . ,. . ': . orman r.c. 0 ~n Ull.

.,"" 02 r n:;Q :30 xN Sllpcrior ;33 221 z::; 2:3 . ' ..• n I· First it wa~ Eg,·pt's Ambassador, X K ; k r L· h ' 1300 10 ~; '0 ,Pnn 11'.,1 l~O" ::~'i ~~ 2~'.; " Louis Michelin. vice. president Dr. Ahm. c~ Hussein, . gl\lng hiS I and Charles Hiltz, oC lIaliCII,

:i5 21 ,;!In. 2:1',( I xOkalta loa 1"1 19 I!h U t d f th d I Th , ,m 38 J5 33 '1I'Re Pote :m il ·I~:i ·1·2'.! and mana~ing director o[ British co n!'y s Sl ~ 0 ~ .ISpU e. en both 22, spent Tucsday night ~ ~;~ m ~~ m ~~:~~~n'~~r 2rii 9~l 9~~ ~;l )lot~I's Corporation. s3id the ~c. i Israel S FO~elg~ MIDIsier ~!oshe the bush. Krick is serving ~nt

m 161 \.13 10 "Peru\' 011. 1!\lO 290 FI 21.; dllchon~ resulted from economl~~ I· Sharelt mo\cd m. And to sa~ that year on six thrft lharge!, H~II 3800 72 7" 70 sP.lrol rolll90 2! 1"0 1M b· I'd' I ll·d f·' t' t t· 1330 11 III 1.0 : ,Ponder lon> R~ ~1 R' elll:! .ac \Iel"c In t I~ w?r ( .1\'I.e con uSlon 15 rampan IS 0 pu It was sen·ing six months on Ihr!! 211QO 23 ,3 ~3 xProlr'. Oil .. 300 ~Ij. 4GO,. 400 •. I con,ol.lda!lon of .thc Au,;lIn·)!orm mildly. counts of breal.ing clltering 1:1 ~~ I~ I~ Ii; ~~r:fJ'~~er J~~i2 ii8~' 17~" 17~'1 orga~lzat!on. w~lch has been pro· To begin, both sides claim 10 be thcft. ' 2~~nol;: l~~ l~ n~~:I~~·1 2~: cg;; iii, g,,1 eeedlllg Since 19,2, peace·loving states. i

3r8OO 30 ~'7 lO xSappbil' :'I\.'~~ 319:,01 :1'91.'1' 3191°1. 1Ft] Ad "The policy of Israel is nCI'er ,. More than thret·{ourths 0: t:! .4~ 25 !?3 ~~ "Seurry·nill'nb(lw vu 4350 2! 27 ~1 ,S.cu' Free :!:I\O 27.; 2Jr..· ,6. I ur ler vance to start a war or launch an offen· I' world's passenr.tr ca, s and C'~ 110 30 ~o 30 ,Spoon.. 1000 m'. lftI. lB'i .,,, . Sh tt . '.' 4090 22 20\. 21 ,51.n"'en 4nl3 37 53 31' ,51\ e, Sa) s arc. half of Its trucks and bum III

1= ~i!i \~ l~" ~~~:~:.E~J'ory :~: 1~1 16:1• l~~ On Toronto Market! . "The Egyptians ~ave no. aggrcs· I in the United Stales. mOO'7 5. ;'j ,Tron. Era 400 31 33 l.l I slve plans, and It IS not In their 1---· .-.. 1~~ I~;~ ~"3 i~ ~Rr:~ ~t7 '~~ 5~l l~~ l~~ TORONTO (CP) _ The stock! interest to attack anyone," sal's ~urnish her .a~ms, E~y~t bad II-

1300:0 20 20 xU. 011. 3'0' I~"! 1'0 1.0 ,market followed up .?ionda'·'s gains Hussein. I Jorcd a deflDlte supertorilY GI·rr 4000 10 10 10 xWeJOpac 12' .) 25 21 J I I· II I f h IKIOO 15 II 14 xW.O<\ M.,·.ill • i:()(J.'6.\ .Il 13 I with a further, though quieter, ad· THAT BEISG THE CASE, who srae \P a c asses ° earyar::\ 7: 2~ 19~!1 2~ :~1I~~~0 "Is 41~ cg ;1 i.~w 1 vancc Tucsd.ay. Ba~ metals clisp.? started thc fighting? Ion land, ~n ~ea and in the au,

:IDOO 21 ~ 21 ,Van Canuok 17;;GO 20 19 19 I?n the UPSlVlng, adding almost 21" Each accuses the other of break. And thiS IS holV Ambamdif u: 11~,.; 10:~. 10:" n,\SK~ Index ~oints. Grandue addcd a jng the 1949 armistice. 1 Hussein analyzes it: 871 ~3 51\. 5J I 3,\0 '7".'7 '7' sharp 6, cents. at $7.25. Nw Roy. "We were gil·en to understand 1 "E\·en in the American prell,

a .7ilOO:r.l :!"J 2111 l.',., • • • I ran traded actlvelv for a 16·cent II I I d·t d .. h h ,. 10$0 67S b70 73 ,N c: '012.1"1~_.. 603 ~o,' . t $2 N d·1 d th . by the Western powers that Israel srae s cre Ie \'11 allnl' 13000;0 48 m lImp ., II .,1, I gam a .• oran a e e seniors ·I·t . ·t [ . (

:1300 7l 1~ 73 I Ropl ~jO 58 m, ~~ forward, firming Hil .• 'aleonbridge had no intention of attacking us," ml I ary su~eflofl y ar In e.\~ .. , I~~~: 5~ s: I Tor·D.m INDl.STRJ.\~1 s .. 7 4 I· moved up 75 cents. Steep Rock says thc Egyptian Ambassador. of. thc .combln~d. Arab fOrC~!'bll~

500. m 1'.1 1\, touched a high of $15 and closed "But this hope was soon dashed being In a posItion to mob:.1 ! I. 5::2 ~r : I r n",,. 500 30 :9'. lO ,at $14.;5, up 50 cents. when Israel launched its unpro. her forces within 48 hourI, It!

2300 32 31 31 D ~hl 22.1 19 18', 181\: \' t 'd ,. b I Itt ·1 th th ;,' 73110 m 41,34', 0 S:-r1 J~.\ 18l:8'. 18',/ en ures game. .", u ~ se· voked assault on the Gazo strip on, 0 cap ure easl y cree ne .• " mO'15 92.\ 910' I N.r Slor 163 II!, w\ w, whel'e in the mimng section prices I Feh 28" ; boring Arab capitals in six ~·ceb' ,700 53 50 l.l I S,mp.u", ~49 18 17'" 1.,.\ moved lu~gishl" . . I h' b· . v 2000 31 lO 31 ~Ierlman 1:0 ~I :r.l,~ 2m . s ~ ,. 1. h I' "Enypt has systcmaticall" ,.iolat T IS emg the situallon. U\I~ 1·00 12 II 12 Wan;c,· 12ll "8'; 61 ai" Merrill Pete went to a 1Ig (If'' '··d I· h' h . ·000 0 TOlal sal ... n Tor •• lo Siock Exchange. S12·0 '·th a' d . I ed the armistice agreement by arm. Sl es calm t e~ must ale m'fI 3 60 fiO Dee B9000 O.hare. .., \11 a ,R a vanCe 10 a nar· d· I f If ~ [ d I m~· 21~:!6 1;~'0 14 1~~ i . ....:.' ,ro\\'l)" mixed wcstern oil group. e tn~ursio~s into Israel," says the ar.ms- or se ... e en~e an o. •. 2000 131 mill' SFo\\' 1·0RK CLOSISG PRICES I Sapphire traded 165 000 shares for Ilsraeh Foreign Minister. 1 talll peace, of cour~c.

31>0 lU 19.~ 193 i a,th St •• 1 .. " "., ." .. ,,' ",. , .. 16B . , 5.cent adl'ance 'at $3,40. The EACH SIDE CLAIlIIS th th I' AND WHAT DO \'Ol: SrPPQS£ IlI)I) 13 l:cl 13 I Borg Wa, n.. . .. '. , ." ... , ..... " 4",· a . I coer . I' 1~~0037 3~ 37 ~h .. ~nd Ohl. "" .,.. .•... .,. ~Ii! co~panY announc~d I.t has a~· Is militarily stronger. This is I the sugge~ted solution for 17 .600 70l 90 ,x i ~:?n~uf.d~~ .. , .. , E :: ~ •. ::: .. ::. ".,: :;:: qUired a s~bstantlal .lnterest. In, something of a novclty. In most stalemate IS? Well, each 'Ide "ltJ 1119 170.10 ~3 ,(:en Elo •. ' ...... , .... ", .'. SI>'! ,ome compames a ssoclaled WI'~I wars cach side c1a·m·t I tbe Unitcd States to >ICp in ltd

I=:~~ 19~ 19~' ~~~~~!~~ors ........ , ...... hE "~r' the Venture:; Ltd. organization. knock the p t ff ~t s I . ean I make the other beharc 1100 22 20 ~o GI ~.r R1 ',': .. ::: .• ::: .. ::: .. :: .... ,:: 42'~ Petrol lost 29 cents at $1.99.andl Th. . tSh 0 SOl S .cnemle~. , Israel wants a new Irrall· ',I:::

moo 1~ 16g I7g ~ennCCO!I .. " ............. , .. ,. II',' American Leduc 17 cents at 8.3. IS IS e way Foreign lim., . . 4~~1 ·13\.~l3 3lm :Jyn~~on'rr· .. r'::· .. :::·.:,·,·' .. ::·:.:.",· m:. Index changes: Golds up .21 to ister Sharctt puts it: th~~ eo~~try. , .. , ~oo 13.1 \30 I~ Ilodl. co!!, ..................... " 4<'.' 84.89. base metals up 2.45 to 214.i, I "Even before the Czech deal to Addllional arms and a !C(un,. 3.116 U 410 41. ,.51 011 NJ ...• ••• •••• ••• ••• 1'8'. 1 ' g t b th hi b 17850240 232 ~ll, Utd A/·malt ,., .... ' .. " .... ;.:,.: 68 ,and western oils down .01 to 113,92., uaran ce are 0 'ou. .

1010 lSo\; I~I 191, Vanod uill ., .... ' ... ,. '.' ,., 41'. ' . Israel as bulwarks a;:.1imt a~;m 310. ..,' 26 We.t UVN Tel ...••..••.......•. ' 22',' agc, and occur· lOr, While thc em. .

3100 142 140 H. W"II"Rho"'e .. " .......... ,. "" lB~'1 M k t At ployment rei t'o h· . slon in the absence o[ a pelt! 600:!U 2t, 23 AMERICAN I ar e s a I ns IP CXISts ttl t " F· ~I r,'.'!"

VSI\11 14 13 14 III·Z.c I.E . ' J. comprchendlnll' Hos It I D II' se emen, says orelgn. 1.1>1' :I08n 0 2.10 c230 I .... P a a y Sh eU .100 11 11 11 : A GI Benefit; Othcr Hospital Charges' ar. ,

7000 15 I~ 15 ,ance SW'glcal Co t . M ·1 IE' Egypt's Ambassador Humin. (: 3100 31 3.1\~ 37 L S II" I . s s. ell ca xpenses the other hand sal's that 1'(1 ~3.l0 II UI, 16 ate e In!! ,By THE C~N,\I)lAS PRES~ ~enefits; .AI.lowanee for Physi. a large section ~f A;ab public be-I~ I;~ 1~\O I~~~~ u; Toronto: Pnces moderately 1m· cmns Vlslt~, X·ray and Labora· lIe\'es Israel so dependent upV'

;;:: l~ 1~~1 I:". Causes Losses ,proved; Loplaw B !eat~red. . tory Service';. Pplio Expense I the U ·t d SI I th t "I'rill 5320170 155 m New York: Stocks higher; air· Benefits; Weekly Pay for Sick. Id III c d a es . a,. ~ r'

22030 2' 21 21 crafls In strong recover~·. ness a d A l t wou not are dlsobr~ ,,/, 11000 VI 95 95 0 S k M k .. n eCIl.en S. , E Is I· t [ "10. 00 51 'S, n toc ar et Montreal: Prices higher; pulp Th U I k· very rae I ac 0 aggre .. Moo 20~ ~o 201; 1 and papers strong. e n ons a~e as I?g that all says Hussein, con\'lnces the Anil ~so 13 13 13 NEW YORK (APl-Late selling employees s~al. be gwen cight that the United States i~ ··iedl·

i:m l: ~i"' 1m spelled trouble for the stock mar. R iI U' st~tutory h.ohd~ys off with pay. ferentn to the welfare of Iheir II ~: 15mu~ I~ ket Tuesday, and it was able to a way nlons Fnday, Victoria Day, Dominion million people.

109 ,3fQ3 $90 S90 hold to only a shred of its eariy . Day, Labor ~ay, Thanksgiving These final argument; seem tl 31J: 1~ lffl 13

:;\ advantage. Seek Increases I Day: Rememl;'erance Day and reduce the whole business to til I~: ~ ~ ~~ Steels, motors and oilS were in I Christmas Day.. ultimate absurdity. Both Arabs' 1f1~~ 5 1732 Il: the forefront of the early advance In accordance with the proce· The ~nlons request that In a I and Israelis themsel\'es inn(IC!D!. ~ but at the close motors were lowcr dure of the Industrial Relations pay period dun I . h '

1000 14 14 Ir and the other two divisions were ng w lie one of blame their troubles on Ihe rail· ~ 421~ 4~~ '?wr mixed, and Disputes, .Investlgation ~ct .the foregoin l hoiidays occurs, I ed Slatcs for not furnishing thl~ ri~ 3:0 ~~ ~ In the late afternoon there \ns and the prov·:,Jons of the eXIst· monthly rated employces shall both wjth more arms-to kelP 15751M 104 105 a rally in aircralts that sent hem Ing agreement. Brother Frank receive an extra day's pay. 'them from fighting each other. 2f~ 'k~ ':"' :~!i ahead strongly. Hail, Chairmali·· of the negolla. 2~ 3~V; 2~~ ~~ All gains, however, were eut by lion committee of the non-opel ~ooo 45 4! 45 profit·taking. ating Railway IJnlons has served 3:O~~mm 2~~ The Associated Press avcrage ofl notice on the Canadian Railways lOOO 1\0 Iii m 60 stocks II!8S unchanged at $181.50. U I I h I 7000:!l 27 28 General Motors tOPped the most that the n Oil W! cs to rev se 3=-m m m active list off % at m. on 35 100 and supplement their agreement '/200 50 28 21 shares. It was followed by W~.t. to make effe~!ive the following 559 515 500 .100 Inghouse Electric up ~B at 58'. proposals: 200 275 :ISS 26.\ and U. S. Steel up 1/2 at 59%. Effective with commencement ITS 2~\0 3;0 ~~ Canadian issues wcre mixed. of the calendur year 19511, all '-10 410 410 m International Nlccel added ¥.I and l'atesrates of pay shall be Inareas-

USED CARS . Furness,' Withy a Company L"1.

U"'JI)CIJ lit Jlb.'1 Beall lIaI1t.a .1 J.b"

GUM .. wll xGwllllm ,Hlrd Rock bHor·Mllllrlll xH 01 £Ok,. xH,"dw., xHoatll Ronlll",r xHoYI.

200'3 U~ 12 l:!~ 7100 107 10 106

1100 15 15 15 .AelM GI' xAlbormo.1 xAlbtrmonl '1111 xA PC.DI

Dome Mines was up ;~. Hira 111 <". OILS Walker sUpped ~ and Canadian ed by 18, ••

SlOO II 11 It Pacific and Distillers Seagram An ad\."!L!onol amount of Be. IN. DOOR~

DISPLAY .. IOBlLa... It Ie 11\ I.... IIIIttD 111111.11 S& J.b,,'· Llv,,...1

, 'Newfoundland" Dec. 10 Dec. 1S "Nova Seotl." Dee. 'I Dee. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 24' · "Newfoundland" Dec. 24 Dec, 31 Jan. 8 Jan. 10 Jan, III "Nova Scotia Jan. 'I Jan. 14 Jan. 20, Jan, 24, Jan. 27 "Newfoundland" Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 'I Feb. 11 Feb, 14

· "Nova Scotia" Feb, 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Mar.: . "(for Liverpool) Penon. COJItemplaUna pal'BI' to lurope .bould makl booltlll"

• .IU In advanci. , :-.,.,' 1 I ;'Ak. Puaal .... rr.nlt!d b, B.O.A.C. - K.L.M. - SClIlIdlnavlan Air. · . ~: Unes - Pan American AIJ'WIY. - 1.W.A. and COJIJIIlCUn, Air·

:.;.~~: Un.. • · : ~!Coa.ult UI reaar"lnI your anvel prol!lema.

· , ;.~~ . FURNESS fRA VJL 'OFFICE . ~roI!ND1.AND 801... ' 'PHONI Un > '!I,;'!':~; •

, L c.::;.~~

~ I ~i!;~

Hud Bo, xlnd Lak. xl.,pItIUoa Inl Nekel Int Nle.t pr xlnl BVlnwlck xlra. BOY . xJoloWall. xJ.re Eypl ",,11.1 xJOIImIlh xKlnvlll. Kerr Add xKt,bo1'CO. mKrII Lak. sKUlmbo wtl mKtrlc Lak. ,Kirk To ... drilina Llbrodor xLlk. ClIIeh xL Dufault xLIIIe LIaI

3SOO It lIZ 113 ,4000 t'" I .~

I 00 U II Uli 1000 190 715 715

320 a 66" 55 • 11000 lil3 13\\ 13

2500 150 140 ISO 3220 801\ 10 lOll .sUI 134 134

300 12. 12 121 3200 32t m m 1000 23 2J 23

1'1600 10 18 71 14300 lin 103 101 3000 21~ 21 2a~ 2000. 11 614 14:t5 11 II IB MOO II 1m \I ItoOli 3210 170 In I~O

ltoO 31 31 39 3000 171\ 17 17 13" 13 12 U NO 1ft m. 13

6430 350 140 31' ~ 250 210 !48

'2000 12* 1214 1214

xAm IAduc Anal.·Am Exp xBll101 611 A xBlnll xBltl xBrlllll1 sCllolto 'ele Col 1,4 Ed "Cllnorlb xC 011 Ll.d. xC 01 Lon wli xCon S Peto .CKDN Ad Oll xCdt! All 01 I xC Brll Emp xC DecIUI 1; xC Dtcill. .C De.lltl '1111 xCd. Dov Pet. .C 1I0mesl •• d "Cda 0 on4 G Ru xedn P L fol. C Pro ..... , xChlmb"lll.

1500.71 11 71 h bib d 010 20 20 20 both feU ~. Mcintyre remained un. per our sa! e pal by the

5~~: 1~~:t :~ changed. Railway, effective January 1st, 200 14" 141' lf~ On the American stock exchange 1956, to cover the cost thc cost I~ m ;~:' ~~: Giant Yellowknife and Royallte 011 1956, to cover !he cost of a health :: J:~ !l~" 2~" remained unchanged and Lake and weUaer plan which shall'

2000 6S 14 4 Shore gained "... ( ) P Id I· . 1151 1I1i IIIl I'I~ What stocks did: a rov e Ife Insurance for ~: J7 ~, J: . TueM"n each employee, to pay upon his :!OIl 120 120 120 Advances 535 S731 death, an amount between

, 2'I:OOl~ I;~ I~: Declines 411 395 ~2,OOO.OO and S3,OOO.00 based on 1"1 f$ 25 25 Unchanged 256 227 his scale of plI!vlous earnlngsj.

2'100. 0 51 • Total issues 1202 1195 (b) Providc carc Incident 10 'any onlJ,f1J37& s.~ ,., ------ sickness, injulY, or otber dis-•• ~1~1Z'i0'0 •• !5 J.', r.biJity of any emplOYee, spouse, --. .... - Saint John. New Brunswick. ~ m J~ 3~ chartered In 17~, Is th~ oldest and/or other dependents Includ. Ii: ~ ~& ~~ incorporated city in Canada. in~ children under .1B ;ears of

Terra Nova. Molors LIMITED

c ..

Khr UK~


kita Kllru JIlost vlgOfj

tour Saturc ain oC "silt Bur!l1ese p , British c

The Sovl retarY, spe Burma'S in the front!e out Brltah in an attal

Followln lai Bulgan speech a· friendship ,te", Khru paper con ing party to hear hI!

The rep outside. ~ somewhat KhrtJshch[ Burmese I

pleased W the Comm "colonlalis

STIRII The rer

in Rangol the subjec

Russian present ( partee wi cnts hal'! words "b!

The w, notes shl these WOI

Russian I \\"hat he c toward tI

The Ii .. they cou

B; Co

Page 9: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

55 ....


~rcr. inllt Irorn bare I



Khrushchev Accuses UK Setting On Burm.ese

bl' HAIIOLD K, !lIILKS words had beel) uttered by anyone r'''GG\'I, Burma (AP) - Ni· during the Interlude at Rangoon's

T,I KhrnshchcI' dclll'ered the greatest golden pagoda, the Shwe ~:Il \i~or~Uj speech of his Asian Dagon. ~,~,I iurc!al' night. accusing Brit- Khrushchev referred indirectly lo~ro~:"itlin'g 110 the nccks" of tM to this controveny Saturday night. 31 ; peoplc when Burma was He said: SjrrnCl "There are lome correspondents Brl',h c(llon)', I Th'C'S{Wict Communist party sec· here who are' not quite satisfied , ' .pellking before lenders of with what I said In India, nor

f",J?,;,: imporlant Shan state near what I said yesterday. They are not ~~,r;;:~lim III lied Chino, singled going to like what I am going to ":: Bnain fur hi;; special target say now, But ( am not speakinG OJ, ' I'" for their satisfaction. Why are I~ In attaek (l11"CO oOlze,rs, Nlk

r,'II~\<in~ Slll'lel Prcmlc,r o· they not satisfied with my " nul:.nin, IIho made hIS usual speeches? "J 'ch ' abo 111 Russia's "sreat "Because I am going to say that ;~,t'n{; hin f"r Ihc Burmese peo· the British wcre here Sitting on lilt ., " k d I .. Khru~hrhcI' summoned news- )'our nee s an were robbing YDU r ~;r ctlrre~pon(lcnt~ in the tour· people. And because this was done r.~~' pari), intn thc banquet room not for the bene!!t of raising the tJ ~car hll rcmarks. ,standards of clvlllzation of your


, (NEA Telephoto) TRA~EDY IN ALASKA-Firemen spray watcr on a burning eight·family, apartmcnt house at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, after the building was str uck by an F-84F jct fightcr plane shorU)' after it had ~ken off. Ten persons are known dead and furee are unaccounted for. Eight other persons were Injured.

-------Success Norman

Of Story Hartwell

wheel of fortune made him eire ... maker to the Queen, when the Duke of York ~ucceeded King Ed· ward VllI as King George VI.

Jo'rom that time, Hartnell becamt more and, more firmly established as' the royal dressmaker, deslgtl·

By MURIEL PENN began to make any conSiderable ing gowns for' state visits, royal LONDON, Reuters _ The story financial profit. tours and all important events It

of Norman Hartnel1 Is • success After the announceme~f, of the home. . '. . engagement of Lady Allee Mon·

stor~, mixed ~I, h queens and prm, tagu.Douglas.Scolt to the Duke 01 When his design for Princess cesses and ,falry.tale dresses, Gloucester, Hartnell wrote to Lady Elizabeth's wedding dress was ae:-

Hartnel1 IS dressmaker to Queen AI' k' b 11 d t b eepted he thounght he had reaehed Elizabeth, Queen Mother ~ Eliza, ,Ice a~ Ing to e a owe, 0 su· the z~nith of his career But beth Princess Margaret Ihe Duch, mIt deSigns for her weddll1g dress, ' •

, 'TURNOUT POINT I greater was to come, To HartneU ess of Gloucester, the Duchess of , d I' fell the task of submitting de~lgna Kent and Princess Alexandra RecordlDg that La y A ICC prom, ' .

I h' I bl' hi ' b' ised to visit hi~ salon on her re· for the Queen'r coronation dress. n h IS n~w y pUd ~ I~II aulo 10- , turn to London' he adds' "I did not The Queen chose, embroidered

grap y, "SI ver an 0 Evan~ I realize at the'time 'that Lady with the emblems of the countrleJ Brothers, London, Hartnell tells of 1 ' , ' , I of the Commonwealth a magnlfi. his rise from a ctruggling unknown Altce s promised VISit was to mark I ' . ., d 1'_ , • , th t' , t • .. ccnt drcss WhlCIl sparkle and g qo deSIgner to the top rank he holds e urnlDg POIn m my Cdreer. , . toda 1 Hartnell received the order for I tened ID the ltght. , A SrCKLY CfIILD i the wedding dress-and with it

He tells how his own interest in that for the drtsses of the brides-fashion "bc~an with a box of maids who inciuded the bride's WINS LlnRARY PRIZE crayons," And explains: "Because young nieces:to,be, Princess Eliza,

The rrporlH> h;,d heen waiting people. They were slttinll In your .. :I,;oe, They Iwl'c been kept colonies to bring civilization to I GI ','llcllh"l "I a distance from backward countries, they say, But amour ~hr~;hche\' ,iDl'c friday when we say dIHerently."


I was a sickly child, forced to re. belh and ,PrlDce~s Margaret. PARtS (AP) - The Pm COlI' main in bed lor long periods, I ,That bridesmaId's dress was t~e court, France's top liteTCH'II prill, would sit propped up with pillows, first he made for the young prtn· 1VM awarded 10 Rooer IkoT Mon-

ts solcly concerned with diseases with a drawing block agamst my cess who was to become Queen, I day for his l1~vel "LesEaw: MI-of the dog and it was In its mod. Explosion In knees, drawing crude but fantastic Other royal orders followcd, fronl I lees" (The MIIIglcd Waters), Tile

I dcsigns • • • • the Duchess of York. the Duchess 'I prize carries a pIl,rse ?f 0tI11I 5.0~ S'Jrnlc,e ~ulhurilic~ became dis· lie then amplified his remarks F D . "(l;cd wilh Iheir questioning of by saying that the British were or ogs ;~e l'"mnlllni>1 le;([ler aboul SOl'iet "sitting In your country to rob the 'c,,)nni,1Ii,m" in the Ballic slales. last piece of bread from the peo·

cm laboratories, which were once [K t d Q M f ($14) L t t b th· .*_. Ch . I PI "Soon I was gil'en a box of 0 en an ueen I ary. I ranes ,"U t nnOl ~ w ....

Army workshops "'1d later prison· emlca, ant water color paints; and with it SUDDEN FORTUNE neT an est!1II4ted 5~,OOO,OOG fTtmCl er,of·war camps, that the new sketched my first dress design." An unexpected turn of the 1 ($14,857) III royalties.

sTtnRl:il rOSTRO\'ERSY pic, and that Is what th('y, the The remark, Khurshchel' made I correspondents don't like because

i, nan~ord Friday hal'e become I the truth hurts them," t~,! !ubjrct nl a c\lulrol'crs)'. India's biggest dally newspaper,

r.~"j;,n journali,ts who were I thc Indian Exprcss of Bomba)', In ,:.-;cnt dllrtn~ Khru~hche\"s re· an edllorial for today's edition, p::rr n:lh \l'c~tcrll correspond, says Khrushchc\' and Bulganln are (':' hale denied hr used the causing "embarrassment" to their ,or~; 'h,rhari.ns am! ~al·ages." hosts in India and Burma by some

T\c \\ e, I ern cOl'rl'~pondents' I of their specches. It says: ' :'\(; ;ho\\(,1 Khrushchcv used I "The people of India are mature I:Ci( Ilord,-a, Iranslated by a enough to discriminate between 1,;"i,n interpreler - 10 descdbe i truth and propaganda, I~hether ':J\ he (~lIed Ihe British attitude i they come from colonialists or :"w:,f,1 the Burma people, I Communists. There may be pro.

T.\r RUiiinn writers dcclared vocation enough for them, Kbrush. I'C! ("u;t!n': recall that those chev and Bulganin, to sa)' what -,-- -- -- ------ they feel about others, but the

place and time to sa)' It might be chosen with a little more circum· spection,"

OSTRICH CROP Ostrich eathers are taken

exery 10 month. Each plucking )'Iclds several ounces of leathers, The best plumes are obtained Iro mthe wings and tall of the male.

1111 dog lovers who buy a new methods of treatment and protec- EDMONTON (CP)-Elght mcn That design, made up at the be:- -----------d d it tl dl t II h b dl d An wcrc taken to hospital follow In " puppy rea 5 get ng semper on ave een scovere, 0 hest of • cousin, won the first

h d d t dl h tl .. b d I an explosion Monday at the $~~,. or ar pa, wo seases t at rav· an ,scrum lias een usc aga nst prize at a New Year's Eve fancy dl t f 000,000 Canadian Chemical Co. age the canine world, Anythln~ semper or more than twen!y dress ball.

b ' plant on Edmonton's eastern out· that can be done to combat them years ut this Is not much usc As he grew older, his school I b I t I skirts. Three other persons were ~ 0 I'lou.ly of great Importance, aga ns certa n \'Iruses and the books wcre cO\'cred with "doodled treated at the site.

not only to the thousands of peo, ncw product, Immune Gammag· ,The blast rocked Ihe area for designs" of dresses and 1ikencsse~ pic who keep dogs as pets, but lobulln nlcknamcd the "Glamour miles around and shrouded the of all the leading actresses of the also to the greyhounds kept for Girl", \l'lu treat sevcral different day, racing, the Army dogs, police dogs, kinds of viruses at the same time, ~:~~,lng plant In a hcavy pall of WON PRAISE

guide dogs for the blind, foxhounds Mr, John Hodgman, the Station's A company spokesman said the The theatre soon became his pas-and many others, A new treat· Director, told Scott that !he pro- blast occurred in the acid recov. slon and it was the praise of a ment for the protection 'elf dogs duct Is more concentrated than ery section of 1he plant but the woman journalist for the dresses against distemper and other dis. the ordlna"' inje-tlon 50 that he designcd for a musical play .,' cause had not yet been determln· eases caused by a virus has been smaler doses can be given, It can d while at CaJ'llbridge University diseovered at the Canine Research be slored at room temperature e The roof and part of a wall which launched him upon a career Station of the Animal Health Trust almost indefinitely provided it is crumpled, Several of the injured destined to put London on the at Kennett, near Newmarket and kept in the c:'rk. There Is no were members of the plant's fire world fashion map, . Hardiman Scott described It in the smaller doses can be given. It can department who fought the blaze After some months of working BBC's "Radio Newsreel", The pre- be given In any way, either under which followed the explosion, for others. he decided In 1923 Ito Paration, Which 11'111 shortly be the skin or Into a "ein, without H It I h I I 'd h start out on his own, Gradual y, osp a aut or t es sal t e In· women who had always looked to available for tile gElleral use, marks causing trOUble, Last of all, it jured men were not in serious Paris to dress 'them well for I

a pronounced advance in the contains an antl·body to there dis, condition. All suffered burns. I ~pecial occasions, began to turn to treatment of distemper and Brit· eases, distemper, hard pad, and J'k G t d aln is the first countrv In the continue as antl.body ',0 thclr dis. f' f h :'Iartnell. Actr~sses, leer ru e i -, suf erlng from anyone 0 t. em Lawrence, Glatlys Cooper, Vivicn I' world to make use of the discovery ease which chiefly affects the ne will stand a good chance of Leigh, Margaret Lockwood-el'en Cor l'eterlnary purposes, The Re- liver. The early stages elf these recovery, Once the "Glamour M' I' gu It and a host of others I

search Station, ~n the borders of three diseases are often d"'lcult ' IS In C - I " Ul Girl" can be produced morc ceo- were dressed by him both on and i SU£iolk and Cambridge, Is the elnly to diagnose but this Injection hits nomically, it is sure to be very off the stage, I

fOR A liGHT SMOKE with a

PlEASING TASTE make friends with



one of its kind In the world and all three so that if the dog is widely used. But It was 11 years before he ~ ---------.:......:.....:...:.....:.::=-=:::..:.:.:...::.:.::...:::-=--=:.-=-..=.::....:.:.::....::::.:...::......::.:.:.:::...::::=------------------_ .. _- - .... -.- ---_ ... _- -------.-

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Page 10: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles


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,Prince Of Wales Champs \ S.A. ~ollege Top .. In Junior Basketba/fCurt)8~ns 70-32

In ~emor Hoop Prille. 01 Wllel awept their aee I Caines 4, Simpson 2 and Noel 2. (tnd .tn.llht victory In th. eham. Congratulatlona are extended to plo!lllllp filii .. In th. JunIor dlvt. the following member. os the Salvation Army Collele romped .• Ion Millor Bulletball Lea,ue ye.. Prince of Wllet aquad on their to a ?0.32 victory over CurUs ttrda, . bJ wlUppln. Bllbop Felld ~hamplonlblp victory: David But- Academy yesterday afternoon in 11.tl to win the 1955 champion- ler, Jack Drover, Don Cullman, the senior dlvillon of Minor Lea·

. IIllp. Dive Morrll, Johl\ Moor~, Doull lUe Basketblll It Prine. of Wales In tilt Dpenllll lime of thl beat Robert., Dave Cqllmore, Robert gymnulum.

., thne playoffa tbe C"Uealanl Foney, Clyde Lake, Ian Campbell. The S,A. Colle.. quintet were won by • 66-23 mlrlill. They held In control all tbe way In the big a m lead at the half tim!' of tht' Lef O'D I I victory as they held I 43-28 haJ[ .ecolld '1m. at Salvation Army Y 00 S tim. lead on the Curtlsanl and Colle,. ,YIII ye5terdny. ran wild In the second half for I

Prine. of W,les hit tbe net con- Vancouver Mgr :7·8 mal'lln llatently In ,vt'ry 'qUlrter of the • Top leore~ for Salvation Army blillmi while Fe1l41a1l, had their OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) - Clar- College were Rideout with 25 .bI. olltput In the first frame In ence (Brick) Laws, president of point., Gill with 20 and Davis whleh th.y held PWC to I 13.8 mil" the Vancouver Mounties, newest with 18. Curtis leorlng was netted lin. By the end of the thlrcl quar. ~neth~ holder In te lacdl1lC by Morgan with 8, Coombs wltb 7 t.r the Red and Blues were In IS ague, announced uel oy Ind Wallace with & polnu. the lead with I 117.12 bulle h~ has Ippolnted Frink (Lefty)

. . • 0 Doul to manlle the team. Top )!OInt collector for the Col· I As 1935 manlser of the Oakland

THE DAM NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DEC 7 1 • I '55 --....,.

MINOR B.\SKETBALJ~ CHAMPIONS-Prince of Wales ~\\'ept to the championship in the junior dh'ision of the

Dodgers In Trade'

'!!!~(AP~,"~.b8 Tuesday traded their IODg.baull\ Hng thIrd baseman, Rand)' S i$ son, to Brooklyn DOd"eri (0 ~ baseman Don. Hoak :nd otJ~ ~i Walt Moryn ID the lirst ol ~ part deal. l tIt

OHicials of both clubs Slid other exchange 01 players will I~ low next week, but \llere !t!­. dl Uo' h WIS .. ~n ca n w at players wow'" Involved. -It

The I!ade came at the clo the major league winter m~~ and marked !he only deal i--lt pUshed at the seSSions al~ several 0 the rs wefe rul1l~ strongly'. ~q

Buzz Bavasi, Dodger vice-p ident, predicted !hat Jack'on r~ hit 21 homers for the C~b; ~ season, would hit qUite a lew m'.lf. in the BrooklYn bal! park wbid IJ:t tailored .for hard belting ri"~ handed hItters. ... UP AND DOWN WIlli DODGEli

leglans was Da\'ld l\torrll with. club owned by Laws, O'Doul Wal City Comrnercl"al 28 point perfol·mance. Doul Rob- .reported to have been paid $18000 • rls awlshed III, Da\'e l'ullmorc a year. The Oakland club has dls- Knockout ~erl.es I Minor Basketball League ~'e!:terda~' afternoon with their sel'ond straight pla:,off victory oycr Bishop Feild. Mem-•• Ian Clmpbell 4, Robert Forsey banrlerl. ~ .' 2. Jlthn Moore 2 for tbe Ternaindel O'Doul, 51, mana,ed San Fran. •• I bel'S of the team are, front )'0\\', lcft to l'ight:-John l\!ool'e Doug Roberts, Da\'e Cullmore, Bob Forsey_ Clyde

Moryn, 29 a mUScular lefthltdej hitter, has been Up and dolo") . the Dodger system [or !mr~ years. Last season he plaTed' only 11 Dqdger games, batti~g ~ But at St. PaUl in the Amentll Association where he played II!~ of the year, AlorYn stroked II homers and drove aCf(lI! 18 f'.q while batting .248 .

lIlanager Stan Haek o[ the C,. said !hat !he 27·year-old lIoak ;~ hit .240 in 94 gam~, lor the kt ers, provided extra ,peed [or ", Cub infield and und~,ubtedl!, ,;il take over J ae k~on ~ third- b;~ post.

of Prine. 01 "'lies Icorln,. rllco ~eals ror Ilmltst 20 yearl,! TRtJRS[)A:, DEC 8 ',. .. The lCorer~ lor the TWin BIlI~.~ then Ilent. to San Di.,o where, in: 7.I~G. E. ~IJ IS. Hub Salt'~. I Lakc. Ian Campbell. Bark l'ow:-Gc1'I'f V~ ttlSOl' (coach) , David Butler, Jack Dl'O\'er, Don Culhnore, Dave Morri~,

, ''II",rl Hltme with 4. Erlr Bu 4 1954, he "on the coul league pen·I8.30-Mammy ~ V~. Royal Storrs. . • . • lit , nut. - AVIlon Telephnne dl'~w the b~·f. : Earl Howell (mana~l'r). • ----------------------- However, Bavasi said that ~itl

... :

:,. ..




MEN'S COATS 100 Only Men s W inter Coats



51z11 35 t. 46. WERE $39,50 to $95.00




, •

• .. tn, storcz s1yl~ begins


B b II W Id M • son, who had hot and coid streib

ase a or Durning . during his five years with t', ~ubs,_ might have to battle Ie! I

W ' Job wltb the world champion Dr.1

Mr. Shortstop· Honus agner erTo some obsmm. the ~'tlf . old Jackson, who batted .205·j·1

PlTI'SBURGH (APl-Time ran ma~ic .300 mark ID 17 sueecssh'e drove In 10 runs last ;ea!on, il;l-

lout for Honus Wagner and the maJor league seasons. . . peeted to ease J aekie Robinson ~l baseball world Tuesday mourned gh played 100 or mo~e games I considerable inaetil'ity_ one of its all-tJme great stars. for 19 years in ~uccesslOn, owns Cub personnel director Wid Ya;

The bandy-legged, broad-shoul· league records WI!h 2,185 games, thews, who announced the tn" dered honus died quietly In his 10,m times at ba.t, 1,7(0 runs said that a bigger de'!lIould h;'; sleep In his sl!lJurban carneiie scored, 3,.30 base hilS, US8 total been announced at this timl.l: home where he had been confined bases. that Bavasi requested mOTI ti:t for months by the illnessu of old BATl'ED BALIli.. to check "his peoplc." That is J:' age. He was 81. Great batter, great fielder, great the second instalment olt~ d!~

Commissioner Ford Frick said: runner, great competitor, Wagner won't be announced until t~ "His feats will live forever. His had all that was needed on every week, he said.

death Is a great loss to the game." score in hls_ playing days. Matthews also disclosed thai r~ The g rat Pittsburgh Pirate New testimony to that came eran catcher Walker CooPtl

shortstop Indeed had left his mark Tuesday from another baseball placed on the waiver Jist. on the sport that was his love and immortal,. and one of Honus' play· all his life. Still written in the re· ing·day rivals. cord books are many of his ae· "Honus pagner was the greatest Te Po with a Icngth o[ I~ complishments, I1kelyelft)'and for bali player 1 ever knew," said Ty miles is ihe 10:Jgest rirer in Iti' years or maybe so long as base- Cobb. , .• ball Is played.

Honus, who ended his career as a major league batter and fielder in 1911, was one of the first choices for the sport' 5 Hal! of Fame 19 years later. LED NATIONAL LEAGUE

Playing In the era of a "dead" ball and great pitchers who threw delh'eries now barred, he led the spitballs, "shine" balls ando the National League in batting eight years, compiled a lifetime .329 average and never fell below f.he



Hiscock 8, Stirllng 10. A. Boyde 8, Conroy II. Hickman 8, Stentaford II. Ayr! 7, Moyse 13. Foster 11, Pratt 8. Kl'n nedy 9, ChleverJ 17_ Clark 5, Mainwaring 10.


r. G. Wylie N. Rockwell W. A. Reid J. Herrick R. J. Kent 11. J. Duder

9.0D-11.00 C. P'. Horwood F. A_ J. LIWi L. Taylor T. A. Lynrh J. J. Strang L. J. Brett C, W. Mainwaring H. Angel

Baker vs. Valdez Fig}lt Tonight

CLEVELAND {AP)-Bob Baker and NIno Valdes, second and third· ranked heavyweight contenders, meet here tonight in a 10r.ound scrap for Ute chance of getUng a match with Rocky Marciano for thp heavyweIght crown next year.

Their managers report Baker will weigh in today at about 211 and Valdes at· about 201. Baker has beed ! high as 230 pounds for It fight in Ute last ~ear, and Valdes has been up to 218.

Both boxers have been sheddIng excess poundage to get in .halle for the contest, which headlines !he annual Christmas fund boxing ahow of the Cleveland New5.

Baker, ranked second behind ArchIe Moore, II eoJIsldered the favorite. He has won his lasf 13 matches snd two years ago took II spl1t declslon,from Valdes. Baker hails from Piltsburgh and Valdes Is a Cuball •

HeadguardsF or National Leaguers

CHICAGO (AP - The National League voted Tuesday to require all players to wear protective hea:!· gear While batUng.

Hig hest Efficiency

Of Any Unit In Ca1lada!










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WATER ST • . DIAL 4183 'nIere W85 conslcltrabl, ~u,· sion of the proposal and .ithough the ,'ole was' not announced, se·:· 1 eral officJals raised objections. '-___ ,..; ____________ --



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st. Joh committe lion mee' lasl nigh of top a In each 5

In sum diCficulty three pal ers, rado secretaril five play

The y~

to the a' c1ent in gentlema !he field make hh winner I

athlele. Five

. were dil committ« gue secr statistica ors in tI Pre~er

Jack Ho man: Jit gram) \ combe j

er: Bill Mack I

jeBN), News). cd Joe' Rabbitts track a ~kelb; ing secl

At its Ice 11'111 ing. ten fore na

Track (Guardl Dunc S mentiol o[ SI. :

. points I



Page 11: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles




WorkProgressing_OJI Prince I. Of Wales Rink


Workmen started weldmg the, of the rink.


pipes at the Prince of Wales Construction workers af.: pres­Arena yesterday In anticipal ion 01 ently erecting IIressing rotms, of· a Christmas week opening of the fices, canteens and equipment second artificial ice hocltey rink rooms In the 120 by 220 buildilli in the city. I LightiDg has already been switch·

Manager Ralph Colyer said yes· ,ed on and the building has been

Athlete Of The Year terday that larill! numbers 01 weld I illuminated. ers, carpenters, masons, rlectric . . ians and plumbers are busily en I The same scheduling h.adache gaged getting the rink In shape ,~'hle~ has pre~ailed at the Slad· for the yuletide opening. cere. J IUm IS also bemg experieLced .t mony. the Arcna. The rink will be open Candidates Are Picked The new arena wlll contain an I fr~m B.30 a.m. until mldnlfibt .nd ' ice surface of 85 by 185 and will I already most of the available )lave the only I'ounded corners in hours hav! been booked by ~nited th~ city. Corners hal'e already I Church schools Ind Commercl~J been finished on the northern side and Civil Service hocke)' IUiue.

~I. JI1hn', Alhlrtl' of +ne Year Island sports. I fommitt~~ hl'll\ their first selee· Basketball - Ed Manning (St FIGHT tion mceting (ur the 19151' season Bon's), Boyd Butler (Curtis), Johl; I FOR LEAD b't night and narrowed Ihe Ih: Galway (Holy Crols). I ~I top athletes to the tOil three Footb.lI - Matt Foster (Felld· I IN TONIGHT'S in each !port lans), Frank O'Keefe (Holy Cross), I

In some cam where thl're was Reg Ash (Guards), 1 JUNIOR HOCKEY something like In exceptionally I PI R d dillicull)' In l'liminating all but Baseball _ Jed Gamberg (St. beautiful white leghorn. ans to e. uce


thltt participa;lls. the spo,·ts writ. Bon's), Ted Gillies (St Bon's) Nowadays, she practically com· . . fr'. radol broa,le3!ters aM league Bill Rahal (St. Pat's). Harvey The battle for league lendershlp muting between coasts. Her work 1 Red Tape In.

,t(retarlc; name a u I ar e (e ans). is out West, her beloved New York . d maxnn m of CI k F Iidl In the junior hockey series con,

jife players.. oe ey - Hugh. Fardy. (St. lans and St. Pat's, with three sue is back East. I A' T I H II tinues tonight with unbeaten Feild

The ycarl)' ~\\'ard. IS p'e~ented: Bon's), Ted Gillies (St. Bon's), I I Gordon Wallace Ottalva Gets Ready I Th' . M "It's a very unsettled life," .he' Ir rave hi t h i moct profl J k" i h cess ve w ns to their credit, clash e arquee I 10 the at e Cli"O S • ae .v t era (St. Pat's), TIm Shea . says. She'd like to ha\'e homes. in., -

dent in ~port and combines th,' (St. Pat's), Len Cuughl.ln (St. for the top rung. D f ~ d I ~tnt!cmanl)' qualities on and oft Bon',), It Is the second last game of e eats Murphy For WI'nter Spo.rts By DICK KLEINER both.1l es but fin s that I lilt e! MANILA-Plan. to reduct red Ihr field o( athletics whir,! would the regular schedule for both A few fast facts: Ernie Kovacs I too rleh for her purse. \ tape in international air travel lIIike him a mr.MI Iur youth. The The committee will meet again teams, Feild has to phiy Guards In London Bout O'M'AWA, CP _ When winter and company are coming back to \ "It's too expensive to keep apart. slill further have been worked lilt winnrr nrl''' not be an all.round next Tuesday to narrow down the on FrIday before buckling down comes, skiing ran't be far behind TV doing a daytime five·a·week ments on each coast," she says. at I 23·natlon meetlni organized "hi'" h.,.",. ,. th, lop ~. I. "" ,. R". ",,,;,,,IoM ,,, 00.. LONDON (R"",,, _ G ... " ,,, ., I .. " t1 ... of "'" 'ou .. ri .. "" NB~TV, .hl., • tho '" h,d to ,<1M' m, N.w Y"k d. "'"' '" tho ,,"""""'" CIdI

fil'r nJOjor ~pl'ctator ~ports sport and set the stage for Ihp members of the squad. St. Pat's Wallace of Brantrord, Ont., Tues. Ottawa resident~. nicest thing to happen to house· ~artment 10 three days when the Aviation Organization (lCAO). , ~rrr rli'cu;.,~d in detail b~' sub- !inal meetings at which thp merlu play St. Bon's in their finlll game. day night won a lO.round decision Among the 200,000 population or wives since the Invention of the time came to leave. It meant ha,,· It also recommended tbat. a I

.",,,,,. "' ", .""'" L .. , " •• tho 'op .'hI.,,, wi" h' T,,""'I', " •• , tho .oo. I~ "" TO'"" .",h, "Loodoo, tho .. pl.' ." " •• 'm ••• d 7,000 .,,,1,,, ... "P , , ,>In LI.b- I', ,to ". "m. " m, P<'" .~ ",.M , •• " h. m,d. "-",, I ~ur ~wetarir! wcre. pre~rnt with considered for the coveted Tom portant of the reason to datc. will contender for the British light. skners. Evidence to support this man's "Babes In Toyland'" a big seSSIons, but 1 put some other installations to lee if tbe time , "";.,,.1 "'" " ,.,,1 th' ~I", D .. " , • .,d, ""~ ". , ...... I,,, .. ,I" h"" .. "h! 'Ito, •• I~I. '" '" ,,,,d .oy wi, .... 11, '!hI'" ; •• ,,,.g<-' h.d !h •• ~. _hl,h .... " .. n _d _oftJaj, w in tllrir d,',ihcration~. Stadium as twu well balanced The verdict Was ~npopular with weekend on the slopes of the Gat. hit last year, will be repcated on specially bUilt for me, some paint· on the ground can be reducecl. i

rrr'rni fOll" thr nwrUng wrre- teams fight It out. ~0;e~r!'";;~gth~r~~~!~7an. out some ine~u hills north of here In neigh the dav before Christmas, making Ings and my hats." Jt did so in view of the Impend- i Jatl; 1I,,"leti mail)' Xew~). chall. F tb II I Probable llneups are as follows; Wallace, who six weeks ago boring Quebec. . it the first spectacular to be given Her TV series-which is a t)'}li. ing use of jet aircralt, whlch.,eu' ' "" " .. "m"" ""~I" T'I~', 00 a .eague ,EILDIAN ........ I. G, """ .. , k'''''' "I '"d, T .. "", ~,." Th. , .. ,"" '" h. hn,hI " ....... ,.rl,,=''', LI.hm .. <;'1 " .... " ~.d", ,,, .. gbt to d._ " ..... , .".. .... , ... ' "rlmi \'ICr rh~lrman: Xorl Vim. . . defence: H. Mt:ws, L. Cnok, B. world middleweight eh amp Ion dull, temperatules 40 above or 20 would like to make it an annual !Ife mostly by her vn'acltr-wIJl the use of helicopter. whlcb r. I ;~:nhr 11"(0);. >rcrrtar\'.~rrasur. Dance Toni,,).t Steele, G. Pre~s, B. B~ien; for opened in workmanlike style. He below; the only thing that stops event ••• Harry Joe Brown, whl) be through in January. At least, duce travel time between alrportl rr: Bill ("~II;lhJn Il'JONl Aubrey . e wards: D. Squires, S. Breen, B. scored with left and right swin.ls tha skiiers is lock o£ snow And turns out the "Crossroads" series, that', when the first batch will, and air terminals. lllrk I("B:O;I. John pueldester Duffett, C. Hoskins, H. Young, H. to the he'ael and ope~en up a sliJ!ht there's ~cncrallY plenty of it. has bought the rights to the Ernest all be "in the can." After that, Forms (or rallleDlel'll ,(8Xl. Xix Waelelen (fInn'ey', i Annual dance ann presentalior. Ryan, J. Piercey, D. Hollctt. c.ut over Murphy's rIght eye In the The less fortunate or the overly Haycox western stories for next her plans are slightly up in the Proposals for easing red tape In· ~r".I. I.r~;:lIr 'rcrctarie~ inclu!:. i ~ prizes of the St. Juhn's l'ootb311 ST, PAT'S-Goal: E. Denlef; d()o rlrAh~~II~(\lllggish start. Murph)' daring, arc ~~m~times ~ound season. , • NBC hopes to sign air. elude elimination of passenger lilt. t'! Jor \l"adMn. ba~chRlI; John V. ague will take place tOlolllht at fencei E. DeBourke, B. 8nl)w, P. took command from the fourth ~tr~wn on the hillSides. Th~lr in· Jayne Mansfield of "Will Succcss "I'll either do a movie," she ("manifests") and, ultimately, of Rahhitt'. lootb:llI: \\' R. ('annlnl/, 9.00 at the Old Colony Club. Murphy, S. Phelan: forwards: J. round to the seventh. He began 10 Juries, if any, dull' appear In thll Spoil Rock Hunter?" for a spec· said, starling to tick the alterna· embarkation/disembarkation cards. IrICk ~nfl lirlr): GI aham Snow, Each player In thp. league wlli I Kenn)', J. Quirk, F. Murphy, C. outbox Wallace and sleadied him list of weekend ski casualties reg· tacular.· Miss Mansfield is pretty lives off on her fingers, "or I'll For the immediate future, it " .. h<'kctball: Tor B)rnc-. past record be the guest of the soccer league I' Walsh, L. Dillon, J. Abbot1, J. with stiff left jabs and hard rights. ularly printed in the local news· much of a spectacular all by her· rest or I'll do nightclubs or I'll suggested that the number 01 m: ,rmlar)" ~"ckc)' leaglle. tonlg~t with standout pCIJ(lrmers Constantine, D. Bowe, B. Dobbin. Wallace tried to retaliate but papers. self. do TV guest shots or maybe I'll questions to be answered on these

,II :1\ next mrclin~ thc commit. and champIon teams of the past: found Murphy a difficult target. MOUNTING RANKS • • • do some of each. I'm definitely cards be reduced from 20 to 10. Ite will hear Icports from bowl.' year receiving trophies. I CI' C ",'d The last three rounds provided Despite the numerous discom· Skitch Henderson finally con· committed to Las Vegas club in Also recommended was accept· in!. lenn:' and rr~at\a ~ources be. aIr on~l ers a tough ba.ttle of punch and c~un' forts Ottawa's ski enthusiasts In· lessed the' real reason for his April or May. And maybe I'll do ance of oral instead ot written ~r! ~mOWI , . , . finishing stronger, Pllt In some crease every \\~n!er. beard. Seems he's a great admirer records, if I get the time." passenger baggage declarations for '

1 'n" the 11',t- further ter.punch In whleh the Canadian, .'

TOI' THE POLL C "} D Offer From good work In the last round. The O~tawa ;:,kl Club, largest of of the bearded British batoncer One of the record companies customs purposes. Track and t'ltld-George Hillier ommercu.. arts several In the area, moved last Sir Thomas Beecham, and figure~ wants her to do an album of the Another proposal was tbat the

1\;Uild,). ~likc Hogan (St. Bon'~), _ . Rough Riders AIl.Stars summer to expand its facilities for that may be a beard witl give songs she salts into "It'! Alwa)'s practice at some international air-Dunc Sh~rpr tSt. Bon's). SpeCIal Commercial Darts g I the growing demands being made him a headstart toward his ambi· Jan." ports of collecting passports of ~rn\lon: )~,"IO.r ! ar Mea night resulted In the following TORONTO CP-Frank Cia r, " 0 em. lis m~mbers IP now s tion. Skitcb would dearly love to In between all this, she will un· transit passengers be done away . " t' D . B rrett ames an I I f th h' I . ol.SI. Bon:' 111:0 .rack~ up 25 scores: U. N. Foundry 2. Standard former coach of Toronto Argo· Get $350,00 ncar 3,000 and the club expects t(l devote his later years to serious doubtedly buy a few hals. with. pomtl of hi; tf~m l 8z.in the Bell Mfg. 1i Ayre's 2, Nfld. Br!~wery 1. nauts returned to his home In, see It rise by 50 per cent In the music; In fact, he's hoping he can • , • Before the various recommenda-

Pepperrell 3, Hickman's O. Cincinnati Sur.day to consider a TORONTO CP-AII players In next season or two. go to Europe and study. That's CBS·TV's soap opera, "Valiant tions of the Manila meeting can Games were finished by J coaching offer from Ottawa the East·West all·star football The club's operations are centred Skitch's itch. 1 Lady," has a new polic), - guest come into effect, they must first

Ryall, E. Dawe, J. Hollohall in thp. Rough Riders. game Saturda.v received $3150.00. In Camp Fortune, a tranquil but • , , : ~tars !Ige Signr Hasso, She'ky I be approved by the ICAO Council. first match. Seeond match game~ Eddie Emerion, dilleetor of the The member~ of the winnIng rugged vnHey in the Gatineau hills The first thing Janis Page did Winll!rf and Charlton Heston. I were finished by F. BearDS, C; Ottawa club, said' club o!!lclals team were originally slated to get about 10 miles north of here. It when she hit New York for a Th~y'l! ha\'! to cali a soap oper~ I STRONG MAN RESIGNS Hillier and C. Morrissey. Third talked with Clair Saturday night. $400 and the losers $300. offers slopes to almost every week's vacation was 'to go see "The With gUfst stars "extrasudsr. ' I QUITO, ECl!ddo[ AP~Defenee match games were finlshcD by P. "We're consi:lerlili each others A spokesman f04' the Toronto skier's type. There are six rope Pajama Game." This is sort oC • • • I Minister Pedr.) Mendenezb Gil· Madden who wrapped up all three offer" he SBld and added that Stnr Weekly, which sponsored tows to assist lhe skiers on uphill like I discharged GI going back Eln~!'Ie Malbin, starring in Nl.lC· i bert, one of lhe strong men In for Pepperreli. . Clair' asslstan' coach at the Unl. the game with the net proceeds journeys. to the scene of his basic train· TV's (,prra version or "Madam'I'the government, reSIgned Sunday

High scorers were: J. Blllgs 106: verslty of Cln~innall, has promls. going to Canadian Shriner!, hos- NEW STEEL LIFT ing, because Janis was the star Butter!ly" is no shy little butter in a dispute IJver the handling J. FUlier 118, R. Young 100, M. ed to get in touch with the club pltals for crippled children In During the !Ummer the clull of "The Pajama Game" In 478 ~IY 1I'!1 :ell. Her lile·long ambitiun 10f a counbry·wide student strike. Hillier 112, in "two Dr threp days." Winnipeg and Montreal, said It put up a T·bar lift that will carry performances. IS to ~lPg at the Met, and she The strike, which has been un-

__________________ ~___ No detalts of the offer were was decided to give the 55 player~ skliers to a PJint from where "But that was the first time I'd says, lIankly, "After many year. der way for 11 days, has become Buy Christmas Seals dl I d and equal amount after the they can ski down any of four ever really seen the show," she of sturl)'!ng and learning, I bclic~c a major political issue. President

Fight Tuberculosis

1Ul§®([}l t({)) lllriv® m®-(C~f9 !'Every year it was the lame: Presents to buy and

vu ge , t ti d 6 6 trails. The lift is 1,700 feet long, , I d It was reported In Ottawa la~t cams e '. . I . II 34 f t d says. 'It was really a lot of fun." am nuw rea y for the Met." Jose Marla Vl'lasco Ibarra fav· rlS ng vertlca y 0 ee, an can The second thing she did w~s • • • Drs sbrong-arm tactics while ott

week that Clair, who left Argos handel 800 skiers an hour It cost to go buy five hats. She's a hat. DICK'S QUICKIE: Red SkeltJ:1. hers seek ml'ldation. The stud· . this year after five seasons as C d' W' $50,000. ., wearing gal but doesn't have is a Mit·yourself bug. "When· I ents became aroused over the f

head coach, O!'lglnally .ought a ana lens In I ~ne of the pr~blems In bUlldmg much chance to wear them In ever my wire asks me to fix some, , transfer of 1I/!veral university three.year contract and that the thIS 11ft was hauling 50 tons of con· California, where she's filming her thing," Red says, "I teU her, 'Do I professors to' new assignments . . club Insisted 011 one for two At Grand FaIls I crete ~or the tower bases. Clifford I neW TV series, "It's Always Jan." it rourself.''' I years. and hIS .partner, St.eve Saunder.5. She was wearing one of the five- Crushed cer~al lakes often can

Rough Rlderb fired coach Chan I GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (CP) _ soh'cd thIS by attaching thl' chaSSIS a feathery white job like an In· 1\[ost stullenrs, unable to talk' be substituted for bread crumb. Caldwell last month. Caldwell,. ,Montreal's junior Canadiens de. of a light tru~k to o~e of the nearby verted flowcr pot-and with her I except with difficulty, can sing Il'in a meat loaf or casserole main who had 13 meuths to go on his: feated the Grand FaUs hockey tow ropes, With whIch they hauled startlil1g red hair she looked I with ease. dish. two.year con',lad has started team 7·2 here Monday night to con· 1,000 pounds of cement at a time. court action lor breach of con. tin~e their string of exhibition "Ie· A new parking lot is being c~n.

torles. Period scores were 2.IJ and structed ncar the foot of the !Ill 3.1. to accommodate 1500 cars, boosting

-------------------- the parking capacity to about 1,200 tract,

cars. With an eye to attracting out·of·

town skiers, the club has provision for visitors to take out associate memberships at $2 a year. Officials would like to see competitors In the Quebec downhill, slalom and giant slalom r3ces at Camp For tune In February coming back again for pleasure skiing.

The Inevita'bIe Commentator

cash at low ebb. Running up bille • ,. then I got emart, . .

"There are quite a few of us in the merry·go·round of journal· Ism who will not really believp. In ~he Last Trump unless Vernon Bartlett Is there, to Interpret Its nuances and explain its potential effect on the political sl~uation." -James Cameron giving a per· ~onal portrait of Vernon Bartlett, the well·known journalist and commentator, In the BBC pro­gramme. "This Day and Age" broadcast In ~he General Over­seas Service.

I started a Ipecial Christmae account. at the Royal Bank, adding IOmething each pay day •• • and leaving it there. Thie year I'm all ready . for Christmas, with cub to'pay for all the things that mean 10 much at this aeaIOD of the'year."

Restrict Visits To Pitcher's Hill

• Y oa CIII biTe FUh next CbrIItmM, too. Declae now to opeD I 'peel" ChriItmM accouat earl; In 1956. It PlY' to do your CbrI.tmu .aTine early.

CHICAGO (APi-The American League acted Tuesday to reduce the time of games by permitting only one visit to the piteher's mound by a manager, coach or non·player.

In attractive

boxes of fifty


Earl Hi III ga n, head of the league's service bureau, said a vi· . olation of tile rule will result in a pitchers atuomatic removal from the game. ------

Mauna Loa, 13.680·£00t volcanic peak In HawaII. Is said to be the •. world's la'rgcst mountain In total I \·olume. . I


'" ., , .; • I

I : , !


Page 12: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

I ~ , f , , . , .

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12 THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY,_ DEC. 7, 1'55 -.. line."

~·Shows To 'See white min'. attempll to deUver ----S-T-1\-R-----2,000 barrell of. lIIiaIal fit, two toni of Ivory and IIvenl hundred lion ,kinl In In operation which ----------

CAPITOL . D.y oJ th. Outlaw "An outlaw and Phil snapped. renf&ldl'

take. them to In 1I01ated aectlon To-morr01v To-mon'ow By Let Well. Starrett chuckled dr)ly 'W never yet roped a bteer O!J: 'em alone and Bruhn ~iil ~ his promise." "I

. \ of deepest AlrIca. Tarzan kJIcny. that If their commercial elldeavon are .uccellful the,. will declmate ''THI DESERT HAWK" MICKEY SPILLAN'~IS THE STORY: Nine outlaws, l.d

1 com.ALL PARAMOUNT th~~:~Ir~:r~~ ~fl:~ale tribe Too lonl absent, the exotic ro- "KISS ME.~EADL~" ~:Y:'~~O:~~nb:~~p:~eB:!:; l~· whlch worship. InimaJl, Tanaa'. manci of the ancient East once '''Kiss Me Deadly," opening during a chinook thaw. On.

, l Tomorrow Not.D PlaYin" cunnlnl and knowledll. 01 thl a,aln returns tt. the screen at the tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre townsman has alreadll bBell killed . . j 'i; J - '"' junlle and III Inbailitanli enable. Star Theatre with ravl5hlng through Unltt!d Artists release, and several manhandled. The out.

': ,: I him to stampedl t1ll herdl acrOiI Yvonne De Carlo 'and Stalwart Is the third· of Mickey Spillane's laws have seized tile atock 01 gUIill " 1l0.IIlT TAYLOIl, IN "TARZAN'S HIDDEN a river to .. fel1 In lOme ef thl Rlcbard Greene starrlnl In Unl· blood·guts·and·~l!x novels oC the and ammunition ill the atore, and

!! :. OIIlOGUI 'COP" J.UNGU" mOlt thrll1lnl wild animal "Inll "enal.Internatlonal's Technieolor adventures DC Mike Hammer to sea~ched the townspeopi, and ,::: I _ ever shown in I Tarzan fUm. melodrama, "The Desert Hawk," be broulht to the screen. In It, theIr homea for. gun!. Dan Mur·

',' , eclivi Chrl. Kelvaney (Ro- Introduclnl a new Tarzan In Co-starred with Gortloll Seett In In the type oi .role that made Ralph Meekei' star oC the pum. dock fears for :he latelll at Dlt h 11 11k the penon of nilledly hand.oml "Tarzan', Hlddln Junlle" Irl Vera her famoul I.lI.s De Carlo slnlS ren Prize.wlnnlng play "Panic" Pallia Preston, WIth WhOl/l lie I!

I bert Tlylor) tllul al na s, el Go d S tt. "T • Hldel " '. I D f I til 51 ' Mia b th Eddl r on co anln I en Miles Ind Petl!' Vln Eyck, while dancel and emotes ber' way palys the role of the utra-tough In ave. all, oremall 0 II ar , ' : e.,)' mO;~at a ro ::rolma:' Junale" come· to the Paramount Jack EJlam, Charlea Frederichs, throullh thll fa~t.actlon film In a and beslstab;(.~to.\\omen Mike ranch, also. hal. ?een stranded ill ~.. (Steve ), d P r t Theatre tomorrow as the 30th of Madle Norman and !\ex Inlrlm manner to sabuy the most exact. Hammer town and IS dining at her place

. ~ , pllY. It ttrallh: I:ha:ee ule:ve~ the Internltlonally famoul serle. have feature roles. Portn),lna Inll entertalnment.seeker. Not The f~rees I.e villalny-maseu. wit'~ her latllcr, Phil Preston, and : ' drop I murdt I I h' of features centered around Ed. Cheta for the' lint time I. Zippy only has Desl"ner' Bill Thomas line dlvlslon-'Ire headed up by BIOlse Starrett, owner of the Star.

thou,b Chrla warns h m t at Iyn- gar Rice Bur..'uah'$ mighty ape a rare pllmy ehlmpal1llee f~atured exceeded fond:st expectations In an assortment of tough cookil's WilD also love$ Paula. I • dlclte operlltal'a Beaumonte h • • •

R I) d A k (Ro man era. on TV's "Howd)' Dood)''' and Ed oreatlng provo,'atlvp. costumes for that Includes Paui Stewart. AI· <Geor,e a t an c erman .' In this new Sol Leiser Produc· Sul\lvan) showi. The picture wa. Yvonne but the studio has given bert Dekker, .Juano Hernandez XII


, . I. ,

III :iP . , II; !I, I

~ I

bert Simonl, mean b~8Iness. ~~. tron for RKO, as fits al1 Ihe Tar· directed by Harold SchUlter from him thr'ee othcl lovely handmaid. ,and Wesley Arldy, The sex and Pau~a come to tt.e table with a die proffe~ed urlde!o-Oand Is • zan pictures, aclion speak. louder an original Icreenpla), by WIlliam ens, Lois Andl ews, Ann Pearce lomanee depjlrtmcnt Is handled steammg bo~1 of potatoes. Star· ed. Eddie. Ilrl friend, Karen, than words. Aclloll Is strelsed Lively. and Lucille B~(kley, on which to by such toothsome bundles as reU ,felt Dan s gaze a~d he looked (Janet Lelah), a night club en· alonll with Tarzan', 10\'e of ani· SPECIAL ADDED ATTIIACTION, work his Imaginative wonders. Marian Car.', Maxine Cooper, hastily around. Their eyr.s met tertainer once Im'ol\'ed with a mals and the lengths to which lie I "QUEST FOIt THE LOST CITY" 'l'he only time the star Is leCt Clores Leacho:an, Gaby Rogers I and locked. TI!ere was ch~lIenge racketeer, helps, Chl'is In his will go to protect them from the I Unbelievable, yet absolutely true. without these maids Is In lovc and Leigh Sncwden I and th~~ a slight narrowing or search for Ed.ile! slayer. Unex· guns of ruthless white men, 'were the experiences 01 Dana and scenes with hc' eo.st8ll', Greene, A Parklnne picture. "Kiss Me S~arr~tt s eyes, B. tightenlnl of pected help !llso eomes Crom . The jungle strug~le involves the I Glilser Lamb, noted husband.and. In whlcb she brings sOlJle ever. , Deadly" was p'l'Oduccd and dir.1 hl.~ Jaw. So tbl~I' Dan thought Nancy (~nne Francis) Beau· I I , '. With a ~uddcn slock IS how • .' " ,-- '. b wUe explorer team. In the r learch to·be-remembeJ ed moments of I ected by RODert Aldl'lCh A, I. 1 f iend~hi dies ui~t1v In the monte s dlslllu-Ioned eX'alrl Crl' will IncI'lmlnIlIL' lumsclf,. e sets (or the last stronghold of the an·. d 11 t I h' d ion to the Bezzerides ad"lIted the screen.' r . p , .. q ,,' . end. But Nanry knows too much out single·hal1l'ed to crack the clent Ma"ans In the uncharted rain e ca e y ~ aae pass I play from the Spillane best.sell. w,ay St~rrett ~lo\\'ly sat nick In did d <':h I'd \I t d t Eddl' kill • • ,ecrllen. " hiS chair '

an s mUI' ert'. r s ea illllS i case all cap t're, h e S cr. forest of the Guatemal.n junille I Greene is evrl'ythlllg a man, or er. and t:rncst L~~zlo was chief '''HolY 'Ion" .... ill It last'" Phil 'With the unde! world now br illS lin a sun batllc WII Beaumonte as Ihown In "Quest For The Lost uld x e t 'f a desert I camerman TI'c musical 'Score .. 'd demands fron, reSignation from and Ackctrman, ehrl! evenle. bie 'Cllv" which op.ns at the Para. wh omolllt'slclo dar,t Pllacndsoonle dasll I was l'omp~s('d ~11c1 conducted by 'llcmIRllded

d, sdl.lrrctt m

t ove f rest·

h f Th b I rib th . dr' , er; ,A. " eS5 ~. an ma P. B ges ure 0 easy t e orce. (lI'K Ie rea IZCS Ie I ro en ca II. mount Theatre tomorrow. inK. full of h'Jmor Ind a tendcr Frank DeVol 11'110 also wl'ole a eonfirlencc.



IIEII H-.M81 --------



--'--~--~~~~~~~~-LAST TIMES TO·DA Y "MARTY "


"'gllan, python.' Lurking killlni S",ag, lungt, torturlll

'aiii_' _III'IIGU CI."."I ••

GORDON Icon VIM Milil • PnU 'Allfell wllh JACK ILAM ••• Z""





Armed only with maeh,te.,. or lo\·er. His l'1llllrn to American new s?ns, "I'? Ra~hel' lla~e the "So thry'\'e laken over lor a over·Jlzed knlveI, but with klnl· film. Ifter 1:1 absence of two Blues filan W hat I vc Got. sling ___ . _____ . lized nerVeI, the Lambs penetr~t· yelil'S In Engl~nd I~ a welcome in thc mm bi Nat King Coo and the violent privatE. eye. Jlfike ed the trackless wilds of a coun· one. In the title Tole he IIlves a :\tadl Comfort Hammer, a good deal of honest try Into wblch no camera had ever vblle and cre~llve performance. 'fo date, Mlrkcy Spillallc's and swcaly lhought went Into the been before on foot and with only The Itory had to do with an nOl'clislic eXCLC'lses in ~cx and choiel'! of an actor to play tbe the .upplles Ind eamera eqUIp- Arabian Robin liool! who, to pro. sadism have so'ld the stagg~ring role. He had to be not only a ment tbey eould c.tT7 on their tect the poor a~8lnst the tax col. total DC ol'er 60 million c[)ples. good actor, but someone eytrem· back.. lecttil's of the wIcked Prince Mu. Since the dOJlllniant figure in ely virile and attractive to wo­

No w1l4 tale el fiction can Gam· rad, leaves his blasksmlth shop In "Kiss I\le DemilY"-as with all men. That nal'.lowed the choice pare with theIr true adventurea. Teher.n to bp.come The Desert of the Spillane novels-I.s that oC down consider&bly-In fact, to a

They Uved on IIzardl to avald Hawk, scuoag. of his enemies. field of one, Ralph Meeker. .tarvatlon, ,uenched their bUrning How he'marri(!~ Princess Shadar. gegous. TechnlcolO1 which has Vi1lalny-alw~ys prominent In thlnt with drop. of water coaxed uada by trirkory to keep ber now become f' De Crurlo trade· a Spillane opus-has strong re­from a vine, bllilt their lIvlna from .. falllni mto the hands of mark. presentation III "Kiss Me Dead· qu¢ers on plaUorm. on .tilll to Maurad lives her from the tor. Directed b~' Frederick do Cor· Iy" In the penons of Paul Ste­evade armle. of crawlllll in.lell ture ch~mber~ and finally brings dova and produced by Leonard wart, Albert Dtkker and Wesley and man ... tlna anll Ind walked peac and jU3t ice to his eountJry Goldstein, "Trc Desert Hawk" is Addy, Importc,!. from the Broad· more than 1000 miles before m.k· e replete with lush production val· way stage, and such well.known Ing the discovery the)' were seek. are 81\ part or an excltlnl ro- ues and enjoys in Its 5upporting movie heels as Juano Hernande.z, Ing. The fact that tbey emeraed manee backgrounded by Near cast the well known screen vi· Jack Lambert, Jack Elam and alive to writ. of their quest In the Eastern atmosphere In the gor· lalns Marc La\\ rence and George Percy Helton. belt,"l1Inl book, "QUilt For The responsible for the earlier strange MacreadY w;th popular Jackie More tha~ se\·enty·r!ve percent Lost City," .nd with proof oe mo- adVenture film, "Kon·Tlkl." It is Gleason and ,rite Besser tU!l'ning of "Kiss Me I)eadly" was filmed tllln plctur. film i. almo.t •• In- an RKO Radio feature which i nhilarious jobr oe comedy relief on location In and a!l'ound Los credible as the scene. they reveal cornel to Paramount Theatre with Angeles, ranging all the way In colour on the sareen. the enthusiastic endorsement of I SPECIAL ADlJED ATTRACTION rom lu~h beaches and rich estates

"Quest For The LOlt City" Is adventure clubs, beller film coni'l Bud Abbott. LOll Costello, In to skidrow alleys and dingy tene. prc~ented by Sol Lesaar, who was mlttees and critics everywhere. "Lost In Aluka" ment hotels, -

• • • •

CIN WEDNESDAY, Deetllliler 'tho

?SO-Slln On CDC NewL 'l.35-Top of fhe Mornlnl. 8.00-CBC News and Weatbu. 8.IS-Muslcal Clock, 9.00-Momlnl Devotlou. 9.1S-Program Pr.vI.w. . 9.20-0r~an s~Unis.

111g:~~:0~y Yo:,·Pr.~loundland. lO.1O-Hlt ef the Da,.. '


IO.lS-Iris Power. 10.2S-CDC New •• 10.3O-Trlple Treuurl. IUS-BBC Variety.'

. l1.16-School Broadcasu, IU5-Sacred H.art Proaram. 12.00-Annoullcer', Cholc •. 12.1S-Bllly O'Connor Show. IUO-Farm Broadmt. 12.45-Mullcale. .. 1.00-Doyle Bulletin. U5-Laura Limited. UO-CBC N.wI Ind Weather. loti-Aunt Lucy. 2.00-Your Good Nel,hbour. US-Words and Mullc. 2.30-School Broadcast. U5-The Happy Gang. 3.15--Man Around the HOUle. 3,30-Tran. Canada Matinee. 4.30-CBC Newa. 4.35-Tlmely Tune •• U5-Chlldren'. StOl')', 5.15-Mualc of the Weal. a.SO-Flsberies Broadca.t. I5.4S-Klndlrgarten of the Air. 6.Cl()-Intermezzo. 6.25-Proil'lm Prevl,,,, 6.BO-Supper Guest. U5-Mullcal Prosram. 'l.ClO-CBC News and Weather. ?lS-Curuln Calli, 7.3Il-To~ Todt}'. U6-Do),le BuneUn. 8.l&-:-A Newfoulldl.nd St01')'. 8.SO-It whid •• ·· " 8.ti-ll1~oduct1on to Wedlle.day . NI ht.' .. '. '.OD-1'J~. Century Muaje. '.30-Le\'l for Love, ' lU~CBC NaUonal Neya, New.

'loUlldll" ,lid T.~. 1,.000Clo'l ' DOWII,

"VOCM WBDNII,.y, becelllller ,th.

'T.OO-Br.alifllt Club, NewL 8.SIl-Hltol tb, Da),. 8.35-Newt. 8.oI0-N,tme the Newfoundlander. 9.00-A Dett with Denys. 9.15-No Lullaby lor Liza. 9.30-A D,te with Denys. UII-Bllrtona of Blnller St.

III.DO-News, 1o.a~A4optCd Son, 10.lI5-News. 1l.0~Club 590 and NewL 12.15-Barik tlf. Happiness. 12.30-Newl. 12.35-Muslcal Menu. 12.4S-Fishermen's Forecalt. 12.IlO-Musical Menu. 1.aO-New.s. • l.45-Tunei for Todu. 2.ClO-Cbriltma. Shoppiili lal. 2.30-Hatlnee. :,!.D&-Newi, . 3.00-Dollar. 011 Parade. 4.00-NI"L . 4.05-NewfQtJndland Parade, • ,ao-Bank of Happlnes •• '.I55-NewL . l5.oc-Junlor J.mboree, /I,30-Aunt Anll". StoryUmt. 1I.40-Supper S.r •• a.l.

II,OO-Newl .nd Weather. U5-Lost and Found, 6.45-NewI, 7,01l-The Barrelman. U5-Dr. Paul. . 7,SIl-RendeZ\·ous with Records, B.OO-Rlehar~ Diamond, 8.3Il-Blshop Fulton J. Sheen. 9.00-Room 25. &.SII-Come A·CallInl. 9.45-News.

IG,OO-Llberace, 10,SO-One NI,ht Stand, 10,45-Newl. 11,OO-Sportsmt. 11.15-Clubt 590 and News. 1.911-New. In a MInute and


CJON WEDNESDAY, Decembtr ,th.

7,OO-Wake up and Live. News. 7.15-Strength for the DR~·. 7,30-Ncws, Bob Lewis Show, II.05-Dukc Box Review. P.30-Final Year. 9.4:>-Women·s New!.

10.Ot-Paradc of Hit~, 10.15-Whal's on .IIY ~tinrl, 10.30-Whn Am I?

, 10.45-.10an Blanchard Sh~\\'. IO.5D-Parade oC Hits,

111.0D-Ne\l'~. , IIl.Oh-BiII Ring Show, 1I.15-BiiI Ring Show,

--------------~- ... -----

CJON -TV Tonight WEDNESDAY, December 'Ith.

Ut-Kid. Show. I.18-Uowd, Dood,.. '.OIl-BlOoldleld Ranch Time, 1.38-1Iowrlnl'. • Rlckm.n',

Show. 'J.OO-Indla Beer Show.

7.3O-Ayre's·Balne Johnston· Steer's Early Show.

8.00-Vlc Obeek. 9.00-CrolS Canada. 9.3O-Jackle Rae,

10.O()-Drama. lO.3Il-Forum. • ll.OO-News. 11.10-1'he l.~le Show.

:1--_______ ,.J1· Anlwer to Previous Pun'e' ~ Bandleader .

ACIOS8 &1 Scottlsb 1 Blndleader. .heepfold _ K,nton 18 Pice

I lie , .. tu.... DOWN =~.mht. 1 BIGW with .-.. 011 II open btnd • r::~~ 01\ 2 Anel.llt lrlah • TV prol\'am upltal

11 W,JII 3 Alleveratt 11 1:11:1 ill ' C10feat U Indian as Church

¢lklahom. • Sman peatrlu 25 Tatters omeill • 14 ' .. 1111 prince I Poem 2' Son tit Se~h 39 Courtesy title 1I1uJeD 7Cloth mtll4en (Bib.) 41 Shop a. Ito{ In 117 I Demllocl. 27 Palm fruit 42 Lichen • IXPOIUI'I t Perilla poet 28 Sea eagle 43 Poker stake "UDUJUal 10 Foretetller 29 Observance 4U'roster '18 Talldni 1IIr4 11 VIr1 (Fr.) 3Q Kite part 46 Tidy 10 Odd .ollt l' Worthle.. 52 Liquor veasel 41 Completed IIlItttt vetch table acrap 3$ Dirk 48 Fillip '* Garden 21 Stocklnp 38 1. present III Native metal · Implement IIW,ve top 17 Dlnillf 'Wttt ................ -4 11 Rave 32 Chillen., 33 Narrow Inlet .. .-II-i-...... !"'f.-!o, It Self-esteem a& Harc1eDl IIApWt a'1P.rlume ae Stiultb.1I 'I Mtldow 41Pereh 42 Youn, I\rl .. Teall .. ellS 410Dttimt

"Al" aGutolll · l1,,*,t .. Oft-I\o

..I:::l lnIItike

ts Movie .tar,

11.30-Impl'isoned Heart. 11.45-My Other Love.

I 12,()O-Newl and Bob Lewis Sho". 12.1S-Billy O'Connor Show.

I 12,30-NeIVs, Bob Lewis Show. 1.Ol-Frank Parker Show. US-News. t30-Behind the Scenel, 1,3:>-Sports Parade. I.4O-Bargain Hour. 1.4:>-Manto\'ani Melodies. 2.00-News. 2,OI-Perry lIIa80n, 2.lS-Road of Life. 2,3()-?IIatinee. 3,O()-New5 and Housewives Club. 4.00-News and SPlit the Star •. , 4.lS-Ranch Parly. 5.00-Newl and Record Shllp. 6,OO-New5 and Bulletin Board. 6.1S-Sports Parade. 6.2S-News . 6.3()-Hospitallty Tim •• ' 6.4S-Record Shop. 7.DO-News. 7.01"':'Courtshlp and M.rrl'le. 7.1S-Program Report. 'l.3()-News. 7.4S-The Right to Happine ... 8.0D-News. B.Ol-SpoUight on Stan. 8.15-Echoes (rom Yesterday. B,3()-Eddie Cantor. II,OU-NewB. II.OI-Album of .'avourlte •. 1I.15-lIull o( .·ant~sy. 9,45-Dosco News.

IO,OI-'fhrougb the Sports Parade, lO.IS-Strictly Private. 10.45-Barry Wood. 'l1.00-National New •. l1.15-Sports Parade, 11.30-1 Was a Communist for the

F,B.I. 12,0()-News, Houseparty. 12,55-Praycr. tOO-Queen and sign \Iff.


6.30-518n On Ind Sunlll,l. 6,55-Sundl~1 News: . B,30-Today'. the Du. 8,45-Rex Koury. 9,0()-1t H,ppened Lut NI.ht.

lO.OO-Coffee Time. 1l.00-Turn Back the Clock. 1l,30-Pepperrell Juke Box. 12,OO-The D,B. I2,30-HlIlbllly Matinee. l.OO-Mldweek Devotions. l.30-The ChoraUers, US-Bob Crosby. 2,OO-Matinec. 2.30-Martin Bloc~. :1.00-Hawaii Calls, :1.30-Ncll's. 3,35-VOUS Record Roon.. 4,30-Ncws, 4.45-Sporls Editor Speaks. il.OO-Panel Discussion. 5,3D-New •. 5,35-The MUOO QUI.lIon? 6,OO-Pro Balhtbalf Spotliahl. 6.l5-It's Time .. O,30-Record Room. 6.55-Sporls Pial. 7.DO-News. • 7.15-Pepperrell Sporn Dllk. 7.45-Muslc off the Record. 8.00-Groueho Marx. B,30-Dragnet. • II,OO-Music from America. 1I,30-The $64,000 QuestlDn?

10.tIO-News and Forecast . 10.l5-1IIarch III Events.

-Andrew. "'4-~""-I "W.I~ta el .. ladle

! 10,3D-Syncopation Plecl' .

- ---_._. __ .. '-' - --.---.~-----~~ I· J LOU-Music 'Till Midnlghl. 12,00-N.w •• nd SlID Off,

• --...;;""l1lI4111 ...... .---..... --------...... ------....., ..... ----..... ----------...... --------------- ----.-----.--- •

while. It won't be lonl. They "If he can keep Ihe re'l ahven't done an), looting." line," Dan added. "SOmethl it

Phil lifted a launt fir:ger In bothering that bunch. I dl(1

wamiRg. "But don't be so sure know what it is, but tht~ :' what they'll do. You cap't pre- be elawlng at nne anoth~~ II t~ diet that kind." drop of a hat. ..

"Odium kill! for the love of it," Phil twisted about. I kon 50?" Dan said soberly. "Tex Dalrow s

a man who takes what he wants. Dan shrugged. "Just a IDtl\. Juarez Smith is sneaky and dan· But one way or the other We gerou. Egan and Vause are coy· to keep our eyes open for 'the r: otea, Denver has a sens!' of hu· 1Itlle slip. They're boundlo mah mor but I figure he could crack one sooner or later." I joke while he robbed his grand. "Like drawing to In Inn! mother." straight," Starrett sneered. DI1r/

"You're forgetting Shorty Rat. head snapped up. I

ner," Starrett said In df)' sar' "What's wr'l(lg with You Blabt casm. You act like you Want that

"Good chance he'll die. That's renegades in tr;wn~" one less sidewinder with a gun "You're er~z~'," Slarreit ItO!!\, in our backs." Dan toyed with :I ed. "I'm sayin;: play Ilone wllk bread crumb. "There's the kid. 'em until they lea\'e" Hiatt. I don't know. about him," IT was actu3ily a relief to M

"The nice-looking boy?" Paula low Phil Int.; onp. of the ro\~ asked. "He kept watching Ern· (Continued on page 18)




M·G-M'. ''''ill.r 1'0//1 Ihe besl·,eII." •. slorring

Hobert TAYWR Janet LEIGH George RAFT









. Yvonne De CARLO • Richard GREENE willi Jackie GLEASON • lois ANDREWS

Special Added AHraction



MAmD I • .H.

..- __ ----.---------------~--_-----~d~ LA.ST TIMES TO·DA Y



,- -----.:.-------------


and el, out 0

charge Schlesi \I'Cal , he agr

Schl' Cabulol Mona £100,00 hand, ,e di.,

Dlst gan. \ had b

i ger', ;/ Jone : ~ Chil -! ombia

. ,~ Chile; .: • Lisbol ,: and I -: Hamil

':; HOI . ~ Sehle ~,; wherl :J .,

'l an al 10 1II1 frontl

. HOI to re plane £\'oid

.'1 \Ion ~ Hi! , I ,:. lIdw! ·1 Ihis

1 I~~-,'[\


,~Wf . ?i

'.' t OJ

Page 13: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

l~E DAilY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1955 -This Page Is. Presented

with the 'Compliments 0/

The Great Eastern Oil Company Limited -==~------------------------------~-----

--S~vindler Returns v.s. Prices . Jacoby On Bridge

M th Continue Trend After Six on S Upwards ~&\I' '(OIlK ,API-Six months STOCK PROMOTION By SAM DAWSON d clcht cou .. u'les aCter he ran Schlesinger i. charged with , NEW YORK, AP-Prlcel In the

In I on a $3:l0,OOO swlndlln. Iwlndllnl tW'.l reUred Mllwau· United States eontlnue their up· o~ gr Illav boy Robert 111. kee departme~t Itofe own81's, ward trend. TIl. Incream are ~L'~;rji'n~rl' \\ ~r. located !n Mon· and a Los Angeles Illtomoblie slight and 10 'ar consumera have

I Sunday ,\uthm'llIes said dealer. scarcely noted Ihem. The touch of ~L:a.;;rcd In' 1~lurn I'oluntarily. UNo;an sal1 he took them in Inflatlon, In fact, tends to add to ~rhlc'!Il,rr !~ I h~ son of the by speaking of the oll alack deal the glow of thc business boom by

IlbuloU•1y l\t'nll hy Countess In glowing lerms and lBylna hi' swelJln, the dollar volume of pro·

ll '"a Bi'1I1~r!k, whn Inherited mothel' had Investl!d $~OO,OOO in ducllon Ind sales. .'" d I It and was going to put in The consumer hasn't minded

; 1(i),I)I)I.l,Il()O In'lll h~r _~rcon lUS' allol110r "500,000. much becaule the on eprlce he h'11rl, lI~n i~n.l \\ Ilh~I11~. whcll" I

]n fact. Hognn IQld, the Louis· ",orr fS mO,st abDul-the price of :r rilrd iLl \n,j,1 i~na 011 deal ,\'U a risky specu· fo~d-hasn t been touched yet. Bllt ~chlt"';L::rr. :17, Ihr rhUd of Iialion, and not all Investment in meat prices may have about hit

'"r lir~1 mar- ;a,c III it l\lIlwa\l' an existing 1II1.f1eid IS Schle· bottom now. Government forecasts l.cr indmldah,l. i, charged with singer had re.)reaented it. stress that rising prlcea. of 11\'.' '"Ik'lLg Ihrce U,S. businessmen The victim. of the alleled stock Ire 10 be ex peeled IS the 'i ~o 000 ill • fLlIOI1Y oil deal. swindle ]-Ioga.l said, were two lealon of heavy marketinl ends.


NOBTH .UU 'IA • QT8:; .H32


EAST .Je '1109133 +K 101 ",964

SOUTH 10) .AK7 '12 .AJUl .AKQT

Neltber .Ide vul. South WHt Ntrih I .. t 1+ 1'12+ Pili • + PIIS PISS Pill

Openlnlle~d-'I K

r, • h • RI d d John M Price advances hIVe jUFt bien JEWELS FOR ACTRESS brot ers, cl1~r an each' announced for shoe. and carpets By OSWALD JACOBY

lIe allcllf(,lIy mrd one o[ the He~Z:I~,:~ ~~:~~~~~Of L~ for cement and .0108 plastic., fo; Wrlttln fo,' NEA S,rvlle rhrqurl In Ihe de::; to finance a an 0 e h . d ed $120000 some ateel products, topper, tin South con.ldered an opening jtlfclQ·,buying coortship of IC' Angeles, Wid a M ~p~ h h d'IIV: and .11ver. Transit fares rise here bid of two dlamollds In today's

Linda C!lristian. Hogan sa c u oc a and there. IrUS en Schlesinger another cheque STUDY PRICE RISE hand but derided againlt it since

Oi!lrlll atlorney lo'l·allk Ho- for $150,000 more, but .topped The 011 Industry, although' It has both of his .ults were minors, I,n, II'ho allll(,l)nlcd Schlesinger payment on It when he became unused capacity, I. debating whet. He didn't want to puh ~he tad been loialed, said Schlesln· sUlpiclou.. her I price rise In erude 011 bidding to the ll·trlck level un· Itr', trial shIre hill Indictment SchleslnNier allegedly used would be wise. A number of .teel less his partner could respond Jone 1 led Ihfl,10gh these places: that cheque t,l promote jewelry men .tress that further rises In witbout being forced.

Chiugo, :\Imml. Bogota, Col· worth about· $132,000 from the tbat ba.ie commodity are In order. When North waa able .to mu .. ombla: Lima, Peru; Santiago, firm of Van Cleef and Arpelll in In almost all instances the price ler up a free response, South Chile: Buenos Airc~, Argentina; Manhattan. He lave the jewe1!ry Increasel have been blamed on ril' changed his attitude toward the Lilbon. Portugal: Genoa, Italy; to Linda ChrisUan, former wife Ing cosh of materials or labor or hand. There "ould probably be ind lIalilalC. :Ilonlreal. Toronto, of actor Tyrl'ne Power. distribution, or of al1 three. The a reasonable play lor 51am If Ibmillon and ~cw Brunswick. Van Cleet .md Arpell then steel Industry also talks of the need North had practlchlly nothing

lIogan said hi~ mcn traced pressed 1IIIs5 Christian for the of higher prices to furnish the but strong diamond support. S!'hle;!nger 10 } ... ·oblsher, Sask., jewels, but she declared they funds it seeks .0 It eln increase West opened ';he k.ing of hearts, ,,11m he had I.ken a job with had been Ilvon to her. caplclty of III faclUUes. and dummy 'ldtural1y won the ):1 ~i1ine. Tht'l1 he wa~ followed Misl Christinn (lnaUy allreed Allttle Inflation actuilly has first trick witn the ace. Declarer 10 'Iormal, "'here he was con- t oreturn the gems to Van Cleef widespread popular appeal. It'~ properly led a low trump from (ronted by lIe;;an'! 8ulstants. and Arpels. Llwyers' .ald .he Ilkel), to make times look I little dummy at thp. second trick Ind

1\oKan !aid :;rhir!inller agreed was paid an "undisclosed lum" better than they Ire. Deflation, on successful1y finessed the jack. 10 rt!urn I'oll'l1tanly today b, by the compallY for her incon- the other hand, brlnls out Immedl· Incidentally It's wortb noUc· rhne 10 :\CI1' Ymk, This would venlenee. ate complalntL' Ing that it w,)uld have been a noid the red lalle of extradi· Schlesinger whCl maintained Price Inere,'eI on loods and mistake to lead the queen of dla· lion Irum \.'.I'ada homes In MIl\\8ukee and New .erv~e. /aven't ~fed conRUmers monds from the dummy fOJ; the

11i~ mnlhrr married COllnt York, was I!',dleted on eilht mue. or one nl, the price finesse. This play would not help 1,"lI"ard Alhert ~Iimllmk .. rly counts of ,nad larc,ny by a gllns .tarted at the manuf,ctur. If Ea5t bad tllI'ee diamonds.

Ih:! year,

Label Buying Week Is Success

New York ar?lld jwy. Inllevel. An Increase In the price sln~e East would then cover with of ft ton of .trel leaves cODJumers • cold. It's only after the prlrt In bis king to make sUfe of a trump

I P I B ttl crea.. hal added to the cost of lIrick. The Ifld of tbe queen roress n a e makin, a tar, and the lutO manu would be unlleclllary If East i Le f.cll1rer, nl.e prices on the new bail only two dlamonda he,ded . A!ainst ,prosy mod.ll, that the public takes note. by the king. To lead tbe queen

~I No wthat p~lce rilel .re begin. would be Cat,l if East had tbe NELSON. B.C. CP - Modern nln, to appear It the finished ,oods singleton klml, ,Ince then West

Om a~itll1. a5 In prel'loliS medicine "is wlnnln, the battle level eonsumers .tlll lren't much would make a trump trick. If 'tlf! Ihe \'am'ouI'er Union La· I,ainst leprolY in Afric.. Dr. moved, because retail competition the low diamond II led, • lingle­~I Tradrs Council 'had a bootb Waltlr E. Strangway &tId In In 1 •• 0 keen that the ,ood shopper ton kin I in the East band can In til! P~cific :\a!iunal Exhibit· addrels here. feell he can alwaYI fin da bar,aln. be won with the ace, after whleh ion. This year Ille display took The Canadian phYllclan who Is tbe jack and queen will draw Ihe form of A decol'ated Itore superintendent of the United Afrlcallt are Itructed by the dl.· the rest of tho! trumps without ~Induw. Thp I~hricatlon, paint. Church Mission ho.pltalat Anlola ,,'e, Anlola haa 4,000,000 people, losi. in, lnd elec\!l',c lighting were.ll in PortulUe.' West Africa .. Id: which Mean. 80,000 leperl." All ot this Wei "ult, academic,

d "Our worle is .preadlnl rapldl, The AD,ola hOlpital wa ••• tab·, .. done by volu'lteer labor provi· to natives In the early Ita,e. of Il hed I • Alri I of COU1'le, linc, EJlt actually rd by affiliated unions and tbtlr • n a camp 0., cenl n the had a nltural trump trick. South

leprosy and these can be IUCC .. S· lat •• ta,ll of l,prolY and one proil-employer.. The settinl was a re- fully treated 10 that the dls .. se lem wu to persuade tbo .. In the succeufully flJlmed the jack of gular modern kitchen showlnl will be reduced In thll,eneraUon. earl), ltal'l to acc.pt treatment diamond. at the second trick I relrllcrator, carrying a union "While less than two per cent ot with the more advanced calPs. and then bop .. rully led the ace J:.bel, lilled wilh union label Their objection. were hein, Iradu. of diamonds. West dlscarl\ed a bread. cakrs, car. good~, Ice large glalK wIndow. and a llrle aUy broken down. heart, and It was clear tbat East mam, hillier. !'lr, The other fur· sl,n to draw attntion to the New treatmenll cl,ar up skin WQS bound to win a trick later rilurt in the kilrht'n such II whole display, Iymplom. with rellltrkable speed on wllh his king of diamonds. Ihe I~blr 811(\ Ihe chllh'll also clr· The attendailt, at th. bootb PaUentl are abl. to work In their NIlW SOllth had to avoid the tied lhr 1II1io~ IlIhfl. The mllster were kept bu.y handlnl out, for fields and .ardens Ind attend the loss or a spade kick. 'I'he best "~I Ihe IlUlI~e I\'n~ n lIellt'~ dummy kee, tbousands of ,hoppinl bais clinics twice weekly. l'hllilce was tn ratct. East with a ~caring clothes hC:lring A.F. of kiddie.' hat.. penny matehe., "The Afrlean church haa liven doubleton IIp.lde. I.. label!, lie "as wearlnl a un· blotters, pencil. lnd puules. Of &5 workers for these clinIcs, Ind With this object In mInd, de­ion label suil, tic ~hirt hat, cte~ course these nrUcle! all carried we have 1,500 leper. under treal' clarer cashed Ihe ace and kind Ind was wcaring a union service a union label and I meSlBle on ment In the hospital," he laid. of apadel and then began to run button In his Inpcl. He was allo behalf of the union label. his good clubb. East discarded !t.dlnl • newspaper on which Tbe hlgbllgh: of tile show wa, D Id f a heart on th~ fourth round of arpemd Ihr. Allied I'trintlna provided by In airplane trailing rop ea 0 clubs, but Sotlth then led a third Trade, lab~1. Hi~ wiCc was drell&- a huge "Union Buylnl Week" R • Old trump, forcing 'East to win with ,~ in I IInion l~b~1 tlress, coat ,lin. 'fhis pll:\1! wa. In evidence evivlng his kinl. -In~ ~Iole~ a!1tl their young son over the' EX!l'bitlon tnd the hn~)' "'~:. drt~~etl in llIlion Greater Vanc/)uver area durinl C 'R At this )lolnL East had nothing zar estaurant ljoft bllt hfarts, When he led a ml~' ~lmll~ T·~hirt And hat the afternoon . • n4 IIU nl-,\'I'L",< 1\'1'111 union label Tile booth \I'as manned daily bear!. South dlstarded the seven

" r _ MO~COW, AP~T~e Ktemlln'~ of spades fl'onl hi! hand while m~'I, ~f • rrfrh:er~tor truck. by n(£jcera alld delegates who are pos,I·Gene\'a experiment In • re, trump!n, In the dummy. This Illi ar.4 tlllmr trurk. Also on di&- I to he eOlllmenaed for dolnQ a VIVAI. of the ~.me and fame of Corsed ruff alld disell'rd pl,y play was a m1nlalure model lood job of pubiLc relations and Cz,rlJt Runl •• mOlt l,vl5b nllbt live declarer hi Itt bunulow hra~inll the label of for selling the Idea of buyinl un· .pot has come to an abrupt end. S !.lD con r,c . Iht UnlterJ BflJtherhood of Car. Ion nlade 1I00d, and services. We The "New Yar" nil~t club Pe!1lm Ind J~lner:., To complete are happy to reptn't that "Mr. Ind restaurant on Leninl1'ad high· Runla, hal resumed tbe nama flf lht picture the lolowinll pro- Union Label," Brothe, Ed. Smltb, way, so chrl.tened only a few "Sovietsklya", cill advertlslai far ~uelJ 01 union, labor were in evl. WI. able to a!Si.t around the months alO In honour of thl old the establishment has been drop-I\tllte: set of l.Ir.ntules, tiled noor booth from the mto time. Yar reataurant til pr.revolat!onary ped . ... _ ..... --.-,;-;.-. ....;;;;;..:.:-~-~-.;;.--~-~-;.._--=;;;==-===~-iiiiiiiiii=ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-I TbroDls packed, the place after

It wa. labelled the "New- Yer." But now only a handful, monly trom Western embassies, Is at­tracted by the Idea of a flollr show of smalltown standards.


MEN'S ROMEOS Men', soft cCilf Romeos with elCl,tic side Inllrllon. Black or Brown. Sizes 6 up.

S3.00 Up

,The Idea has apparenti)' perc", I,ted .mona MuscoviteS Ihllt it', smarter not to take part 'In thl. Isolated example of whit used til be called Weslern dec.dence.


Palace offlclals .tartlng nelt Fob. 1 wUl charls admission fees into the Royal ){lIws-the place white the royal coaches and horses are kept. The Royal Mews are open 10 the Dublle on Wednesdays, and

! fees will be 15, (or adults and 'd. i for children, proceeds to go to ________ ....... ______ ..;._...;. __________ ..:.'. charities.

~ ;8 !~ ~~ t= 8~



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Page 14: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles


. . ~

, 'j , ; j ;;


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'MONTREAL CP - A home· made coffin containing the body of an infant was discovered near an open trench in a suburban ceme· tery, Montreal police reported Mall day. Pollee said the body had been placed in a rough.hewn coffin shaped box. The inCant was fully clothed. An autopsy will be con· ducted to determine the cause of teh infant's death.

, '. 19~ MAN MISSING '"

NEW YORK, CP - Andre Fer· ret, 110, former Air France statiol' manager at Gander, New(oundland, from 1946 to 1950, died Monday Since 1950 Fernet has been chle!

VENEZEULA IMPORTANT mentl from Canada are up 4 per Iklll if the)' are to rctaln their call on these customers can soon of operations for the North.Central IIARKET FOR CANADIAN cent over the same period In 19M. Ibare of the bUllnels. report whether any Canadian offer American an dCarlbbean divisions nova Clnadlallexporters, however, Ie- '. • • for pharmaceuUcal materials has of Air France at Idlewild inter· Venezeull wal Canada'. 'thlrd cured a Imaller proportion of the' mGR AVSTRALIAN WOOL any sales potential. Infant food national airport here,

moat important market· fo," wheat total market.-M per cent, com· raoDucnoN FORECAST formulae mlllht be a Canadian ----------flour III 19M say. the latest iuue pared with DIl per ~ent for the Wool accounts for about 110 ptr specialty and vitamin preparations quantities of commercially low-of "Forelln Trade", official pub- same montha of 19M, and 80 per cent of Australia', export ·Incom., may well be worth registering for grade pine. UcaUon of the Department of cent for the whole year. Mlln' rei· reporta "Foreign Trade." Produc· sale. Other products with. sales • • • Trade and Commerce. Our flour IOn for tbla decUne w" increaaed tlon In 19Ma relched the record potential are' bandages hospital DOLLARS FOR SCENTS lIlel, accordlnl to the Dolljlnioa competition from United States flpre of In elUmated 1294 million Ind surgical supplies, ~eterlnary The \IIy has replaced tbe onion Bureau of StatiltiC., totalled In'l,. auppller.. Local a.entl of Cana. ibs. Ind 10recaatl are that next medicines Ind medical containerl as Bermuda's principal domestic 235 barrell worth f10,M0,'l'l'l-a dian firms report difficulties In aealon'. output will be .1111 higher of all types. export, Bays C. R. Gallow, writing record for Canadian sale. to thl. meetinl U.s. qUlltallon., partlcu. .t 1311 mll1lon Ibs., greasy. Groll Sales Opportunities In Central In "Foreign Trade" after a recen~ market. Flour ahIpmenti alone ae- larly 0Ji .oft wheat Ind low protein vilue of wool production In 19M- America visit to Bermuda. Eaen year the counted for over one-third of Can· flllUf. &11 totalled approximately £ AS74 Tbe six Imall countries of Cen. crop hal bcen growing and last ada'. total trade with Venezeull Flour Imports enter Venezeula million, almost 10 per cent below tral America IIffer interesting year it covered about 26 acres, durinl the ),ear. under lice nco but Importers have lalt year'. figure of £A4111 mUlion. prospects for Canadian manufac. The main varletlcs grown commer·

Figures for the flrat Ilx montha no difficulty In aecurlng licences Canada bought 1,248,5&1 lbs. of turera of pharmaceuticals. Per cially are the Howardii, Longl· of th~ year Indicate that total Ihlp. for any quantity. All lale. are for AUltrallan rlw woo~ Ireuy, In tapita Imports are low but the norum, Croft, Harissll and Creolc.

dollar. Or bollvars whlch are free. 19M and 1,103,818 Ibl. In the first area I. becoming more health. Planting starts in July and can· ly converUble. In .pite of the very leven monthl of 1955, conscious and the market should tlnues for about three months, favourable term I wbich Importers The Bureau of AlI1'lcultural grow. Virtually anythlng can be shipments, usually made by air, demand (and receive-from 110 to Economics expects 111'011 value of sold In these countries because begin in mld.December and carry 120 days to pay after dellvery- wool production In Australia this there Is almost no local manufac. on until June. Usually harvestmg. drafts) often run past their due leason· to be about the same as last turing. Competition is extremely packing and shipping all take place

MUL.TI.T .. AN ••• TO ..


Dramallcally comp'IC" llah,w,lrh,. ,CClcl,nl! Zenllh I ClneSl qlla ity

. Ihroulhollll It muhl.lratulstor hear· In. aid with all 1M !!Ower and ~r·

. rorman" oC 10Il10 al~llwlt' ILl 1110 and many .. lIIn. for 4 timcaiLs price! Super.unsltive Perm_phon", smoolh·ftow Volume Conlrol, nobe­limilln. anodlud CUt. CO$ls only _boIIl 101 a week 10 operat ••

See it ... try it .. . today! 10·0.1 M ... yo .... 0..,.., ... 00.· y.., Will •• . lItotoy.., St,., ""'

date. There are a surprising num. year, with demand and lupply In keen. within 24 hours. . ber of refusals to accept ahlp. fairly close balance. World' wool Canada's sales of medicinal pre- As. rule, each grower raises ments, and there II always a cer. luppUes are expected to be laraer paratlons to Central America In and markets his own lIliesj about taln amount 01 dlltress flour on tbia year but a rile In consumption 19&3 were worth only .,7,000 and one third of the crop is sold iocally the market. One of the main rea. is allo forecast. It appears likely In 1954 only $88,000. They Improv. and the remainder Is exported. sons why Canadian exporters con· that prices. will continue at the ed In the first six months of this The selling season begins toward tlnue to dominate the market de- lower but more stable levels of year to $69,000. Some of the rca. tbe end of October bccause the spite these dl[flcult trading con. the latter month. of the 19M.55 sons for Canada's poor showing growers seldom ,know before that dltlons II that many of them are season. which would put the aver. are, - first, where a Canadian time how the plants are going to represented by experienced, first. age price for 1955.De slightly be. pharmaceutical Cactory Is owned or shape up. Sales are made under clus local agents, But because of low that of the previous season. controlled by a United States firm, tbree classifications-heads, flo,," the strong competition, good agents The Bureau II)'. that the 1m. Central America is usually part of ers, blubs-and complete Instruc· are reluctant to take on new proved trend In wool Ilonsumption the territory allotted to the parent tions for proper handling accom· brands now unless they are fully Is based on high and stable levels company. Second, Canadian prices pany each shipment. _ . ____ I competltlye. of economic activity and Income and sales terms havc often bcen

A flour mill has been projected in all the main consuming coun· out of line with those of the com· UN WA N TED H A I R i I for some time In Venezeula but tries, Unless these arc upset' by petition, particularly In penicillin no decision 'haa been made so far. some unexpected development, a and antlbiotlcs. Third, thcre Is no GUARANTEED OR MONlY REfUNDED I

d k t f II II "I I dl t hi I I • S,nlltlonal dll(OVCrr Even with the flour mill project rea y mar e or a ava ay e woo ree s pp ng connect on between Introduced for thl I unsettled, it seems likely that during IM5·M seems assured. Eastern Canada and Central Am. rlrst lilli' In canda. • New d It P 11 & t D 1'1

Venezeula will continue to be an • • • erican ports outside Panama and cream for thl mo.. interesting flour market for Can.. CANADA COULD SELL this creates serious delivery pro. ~~~.bO", unwlnled, I

ItIlllo -AppUa.te dian exporters. It Is clear also that DRUGS IN LATIN AMERICA I blcms. Canadian salcs could be • ~r~~~:~r':tho o,:;.~~ 11 Fundture Department the Venezeulan market will remain C dla h tl I Improl'ed bllt Canadian drug ex· do .. no' C"''' DICk. 'I '

PRONE 10021 • keenly competitive Rnd Canadian . ana n p armaceu ca manu· porters must be prcpared to un· • Zn~I~P~I:~~!~~;~~ ; Water Stre" &TEJ~S Jt~~. exporters will ha··e to call on all £acturers anxious to Increase their I dertake adl'ertising campaigns and "iilW .. ? ~""u,;IY d,~~;:.~t:.~ 'I' dec'l,tO,t4,l0,21. • their productlor. and marketing foreign sales might well Invesll· to gil'e their representatives ade- U"d In ho'P'U\. I

gate markets In Central and South quate stocks of Crec samples and .11 am E'IroPi. ,

America reports the latest Issue of descriptive literature I LES PRODUITS I "Foreign Trade." In Venezeula" • • .. I ESTELLE DE GRENELLE i: [or example, the best possibilities I PINE PULP TESTED FOR 2112 F,ontonlc 5t .. Room 12, Mont, .. 1 ! I' for Canadian manufacturers lie In I SULPHITE NEWSPRINT fA. 1525 i the sale of primary materials. This ~=~' ",,:,~~~: :' !:~~:I:~,;":rm$~~;; I : business will grow because local 'I Pine pulR is .being used to make I pl •• '". 11"'1101< ,.,41 ., ( ) C.o.D. ; : .1u. ,Ollta,.. ' : processing facilities are improving sulphite newsprint In experiments NSJ-230 I'

and expanding. The only strictly I by a Norwegian pulp and papcr I' Venezuelan Ingredients used by com pan)·, the Olson office 01 thc I -~-----ovcr 70 Venezeulan laboratories Canadian Trade Commissioner Ser· Services are water, alcohol and sugar coat· vIce rcports. Thc company Is using N t did ing for the pills. All other basic' a process based on a Swedish: ew OUh an elements for pharmaceutical manu· I patent which It has dCl'cloped fur· i __

facture-talc or glycerine, sulfa or thcr. 1£ the tests arc successrul'j FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES vitamins, and hundreds oC olhcrs- the Norwegian pulp and paper In· FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S.LEWIS. are imported. Qualillod agents who, dustry will bc able to usc large I PORTE SERVICE I

Freight for Jegular points 51. i John's·Lewisorl", :t!f\'ice pcr I

LILLOOET, B.C. CP - One m~n is b~\jeved to have burned to death in a $75,000 fire that ripped through the Royal hotel at Gold Bridge, 59 miles west 01 here. Sunday night. Llllooet is about 120 miles northeast of ·Vancouver. The missing man, not yet idpntified. I was bclieved to havc been aslce;) i in his room when the fire broke out.

Maids CLOTHES make the man if CHAFE

makes the clothes

WM. l. CHAFE, Tailor'

-Maids fJl'C reqUired Gander Hospllul, Gander al Ilo Is $80.00 per month Cro~ ~ $30.00 Is deductible [or bo ~ IDdgings. Unifoms are ar~,~

New addresS! 4 HOLDSWORTH ST. . Application5 litating ~ro~

expEU'!ence, If any, IhoUld(ebe IlJj dressed to tht Nurse In Ch aj Gander HD1Iplta'" Glnd.r IIJI

New Receiving Office

We wish to advise our many friends and customers that we no longer operate the receiving office at 347 Water Street •


(next fo Toofon's The Kodak Store) will be opened just as ~oon as

alterations are comple.ted.

In the meantime we ask you to pleose leave your order at our plant on Alexander Street or DIAL 5155 and have our driver call.





.puty Mlnllter .f H . 1111\ --.

! T. A. MacNAB & CO, lTD. Agents

; P.O. Box 785 Dial 24«

; Statutory- N~t;


, the matter of the IItllt ~ MlXlmilllan Lawrence ~","_." I1ln9. late of St. John's in lit Province ot Newfoundill/, Salesman, deceased.

i All. peu"son3 claiming to ~


creditors of I'r who have claims or demands [ecting the ESI'ltc 01 . La wrencc Chdi.ning. late of John's aforesaid. Salc!man, ceased. are nquc5ted to

I plllrtieulars of the same in m ing. duly attested to the ullle·

The New S.S. Glenco.' dccepted Dock Coastal Shcd Friday, Dccembeu" 9th 9 a.m. 10 5 p.m. and Satur· I day. Decemher lOlh 9 am. to i


~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ signed solicit.:rs for the Adm '!' istratrix of ,ne Estate of t!:I


said deceased on or before 13 5th day oC J~'luary A.D. 11$

. after which date th~ !lid AI minisioratrix \l'iil proceed to diI tribute the sal:! Estate baviJII f! gard only to tnc claims of wb:ll she then shall ha\'e notice.



Is Ai::

BEAUTY! The new GURNEY is a delight to the eye

and a delight to work with too. It will

completely change the atmosphere In your

home. You won't have to spend nearly' so

much ti:n~ ceoklng meals for your family,

What's mor., the meal, will taste b.tt.r too, because th.y will b. more scl.~tlfical­Iy cooked. The name GURNEY stands' for

dep.ndabillty in stoves. There's a lif.tlm.

of 'cooking satisfaction built into .very

GURNEY range.



.. _~.1_8_M_o_nt_hS......o-to~Pa_y_· _..;"..\~ ~ 10% Down I , . Buy Christmas Seals . , ..

. F~g~t .. r u~t'cu1osis' .. , .

.,' .. . . \ . , .

. . .

' ..




DIVIDENDS More di.idends have

been paid by

lban by any olber mutual fund iD ClDada


..... II , ...... d., 1I.1oIoJ'I



MR. ADVERTISER! If you are interested in the Provincial Market you will want to advertise in the

Observer's Weekly

Nowfull·sized paper, it contains the week's news, exclusive news, complete Week's Radio Programs, New Serial Story, Book Reviews, etc.

Telephone 2178 and Representative will caJl.·

. OBSERVER'S WEEKLY bringing the news to every community outside Avanon Pensinula.

Dated at St. John's this I:i day oC December A. D. 1955.

MERCER & MIFFLIN. Solicitors for AdmlnblrMril

ADDRESS: . 365 Duckworth SIIl'cet, St. John's.

dec7.14.21.28 ---A GOOD



4 Door Sedan Brown in color radio. heale and defroster and ,cat COf~ Low mileage Would makl able taxi 0: family car.

$715.00 Down. Balance 24 ~(onths rIoll

Price $21ir'

1955 PONTIAC 4 Door Sedan. 'r.

Brown in c~lor. radiO. MI . and defrostt'.· anG !cat. CO\·rf!. Low mileal/I:. Good \lre~

$715.00 Down Balance 24 Mo~th! 41'

Price $. 1954 PONTIAC

. 2 Door DeLuxe Dark I§l"ey in cDlor. lled and defrost!!: and seat COf.~ Would make an ideal IJI1:" car. Driven mo,t1y on J¢ land.

$600.00 Down Balance 24 MontilS .... ~

Price $IDI""

1950 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sedan rrA

Light grey '.:1 color. heater ,rj . deliroster seat covers.\It snow tires. PrivatelY d~ by one cal'pful owner. mileage.

$330.00 Down. Balance 12 Monlhs·MII,

. pricc$Slwo

Auto Service CO. '.IMITED

See these Cars To·nshl 115 .119 nucKWORTH 51;1"

'ur Hudson \!olkswag.n PI T .l.phon. 7421 or 4 .. 7


TH Reser dec7,8

All ra equip

I 1955,



sal at fbI StJ

Page 15: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles





. Junior Hockey

Montreal Canadlens. Juniors VI.

Bell Island AII·Stars STADIUM

THURSDAY NIGHT, AT 8.30 Reserve ............... ,'5c G.neraL .............. 5Oc dec7.8

166 (NFLD.) F.D. REGIMENT R.C.A. (M) ""1

MUSlER PARADE '" All ranks will parade In full kit at 1930 hours •


All ranh are reminded that all Items of clothing and equipment must be accounted for at this Parade.

Unit Christmas Party follows Kit Inspection.

Pay Porod. 1930 hours Monday, 12 December, 1955.


dec7,8 LT. COL. E. A. HARVEY.

NOTICE TO MEMBERS Reservations for tickets for the New Years Eve 8011 will be taken by 'PHONE only on MONDAY, December 12th. These tickets must be picked up by SATURDAY, Decem­ber 17th, Reservations will b. taken for paid up members only. Music for the Ball will be supplied by the Prince's· Orchestra.

Pric. $12.00 Doubl.

DIAL 5786



. K.lIIgr.ws 7:30 p,m, Return 11:00 p.m.


s750.00 AT THE







Starts 8:30 p.m.




Curtis Acade1ny

Annual Open. House Thursday, Dec. 8th

.3.6 P.M.

• The following Displays 'will be featur~d:

• Art, Handwork, Home Cookery

• A Pictorial Record of the year's


• Trophies won in Inter-School and· Intra-Mural competition.

All classrooms will be open for inspection and

decorated for the C;hristmas season. Afternoon

Teas will be served. All parents and friends

are cordially invited.




Thursday, December 8th at 8:15 p.m.

St.lohn '8 Comeback Club JUMBLE SALE


MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 7.30 p.rn ..

For information please call 7491, 2006, 7701A, ~936A

Admission 10c . dec7,12

770IA. No Children Al10wed

C\rercome Loss of Manhood, Male Weakness or Prostate Gland Trouble with our ex­clusive New Treatments. Vital 1======::============= Energy and Virility restored. Taxi Baby Chicks 7 ~ liars, half 4 dollars. Send mCKEY'S TAXI lelvlu, Ter· W. ar. now booking orders for '


Music by "The Rhythm King's


Covet 50c


Furnished ground floor Flat, Apartment or Bungalow.


Solicitors, Royal Bank Charnberl


Crystal Palace NOW PLA.YING

Irish Billy long . direct from the

EI Morocco, Montreal. Two Shows Nightly­

Dancing to the Music of Johnny Lawrence and

His Band. Food Served.

For reservations Dial 7240. After 6 p.m. Toll


Ground floor Flat Apartment or Bungalow.,' Furnished or unfurnished.


Solicitors Royal Bank Chambers



Your local Bank Draft Address: rencevllle Wednesdays, SL day·old Chkks. Breeds avail· / John's on Thursdays. Connect· able this year Rhode Island' , 0

AC:rIVITIESj (ONC) KINGSWAY. Ina with mall boat. Contact Reds, White Leghol'ns, White ,: r.. D.ln! 9, Indll. ,Mr. HIckey It Terrenceville Leghorns Rnd Rhode Island

nov18,we(\s,tf or dial Gl()'F at St. Jobo's. Reds, Rhode Island Reds and A R Merce aep7,lm Barred Rock~. Apply HlJlcrest I •• r

Venetian Blinds

ONLY COMPLETE BLIND Service. Manufacture, Laun­dry Repair Worlr SU8ll'anteed. One da, service. Fre" quota-

. tlon.. Kearney! Limited, Manufacturers. 454 Water st.


IF NECESSARY you cln RISE WITH THE SUN. In any event why nDt drive with the

Under and by virtue 01 the pow. SUN behind you. Young and ers conferred by Section ~ of The new driver applications given

Published By Authority

I h f I every consIderation-based

Farm Ltd., Mount Sclo Road, authortzed riistributors :for /' HAS RESUMED Hy·line ChICks, Dial 2038.

_no_v_21_,m_o_n,_w_l'd_,f_rl_,lm_.______ I PRACTICE.

Musical Instruments.

GIBSON GUITARS - Horner .. Button Stop AccDrdeons and

Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­phDnes, Boosey Clarlnets.­Charles Hutton & Sons. P.O. feb3.eod.tf.

Au'lo Accessories

TO LET premises suitable for club meeting place or profes­sional offices, including living quarters.



H g way Tra f c Act, chapter 94 on .merlt. W. F. CALDWELL, of the Revlaed Statute. of New. Inaurance Agent, P.O. Box foundland, 19:12, and of all other 138, Phone 2465. Address -

WINTER TIRES New shIpment Nov. 19th, ~Ized {lrom 550 x 15/16 to 710 x 15. $16,50. Used Tire Sales, 86 Hamilton st. nov19,lm ======================= power. enabling me In thl. bebaU Temple Bldg.. DuckwOll'th

~~:.~e made tbe followlnl resula' ~!P:,f~~~~~~. 11. Miscellaneous dec,3l






NOTICE Is hereby given that the Avalon. Telephone Company, Limited, has made application to the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities for ptrmlS$lon to Issue 66,670 _ Ordinary Shares of $5.00 each -$333,350. .

Proceeds from the sale of the above mentioned shares will be used to partially finance the Capital Expenditure submitted to the Board. .

This application will be heard at a sitting of the said Boord an Friday, the 9th day of December, 19~5,.' Qh' 10:30 O'clock In the forenoon, In the Board Room of I e 'd Bo . S sal ard, King George V Institute, 115 Water I'eel, St. John's.

the All persons Interest.d take notice and govern nutlvlS accordingly. . '

Oaled cit St. John's this 6th day of December, 1955



- .

Dated this 30tb day of November. INSURANCE-Bowrlnll Broth. FLOORS cleaned and polished, 1955 ' .r Limited Insurance Depa"· no job too big or too small. , • ment-Fh'e, I\utomoblle, Mar-

E. S. SPENCER, Ine and aIJ Casualty Unes. Apply by .E'ttel· to Mr. W. . Minister of Public Work.. Telephone 3131. Harding, St. Phillip's, C.B.

Contact STAN FOWLER, R.. ALL WOOL MATTR'SSSES are REGULATIONS noul building, for Fire Auto- pIcked, re-covered: springs

1. Theae RelUIatlonl may be mobile and Plate Glass Insur. da1 beds rewIred; inner cited II the Hllhway Traffic ance. Claims promptly setti· spring mattresses recondition· (Snow C.learlnr.. St. Jobn's) Relf... ed. 'Phone :l531-P.0. BOll ed. Write, Phone 3891, wire

D DM 83 H. J. Keats, 16 Mount Royal latlons,1955. . ' ~:-:-'~. -:------.-- Avenue.

2. During the period between .URNISli WITHY INSUR· ---------tb h I 1 d 6 l ANCE Department offering. IF YOUR CHIMNEY'S DIRTY

e ours 0 a.m. an a.m. n dependable lnsurancD--'-Aut~ t k d t hi ~ ~ a e no limp to weep. Just

any ay no mo or ve cle Ihall mobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate call Edward Carberry the remain ill a stationary position on Glasl, Tourist Baillale, Camous Chimney Sweep, Hall any highway within the limit. of Tranllportation. Travel Accl· Stoves, Furnaces, 011 Stoves the City of St. John's set out In dent, Liablllly. Phone 2073. and Ranges cleaned the elec· Section 8. of the St. John's Munl. ROBERT D~WI & SON, Fir. trlcaJ way, ~lso Carpels and clpal Act, 11121, and to the extent and, Autumoblle InSllll'anee. Chesterfleld~. Drycleaned. of one mile oUillde thereof In Be safe. be sure, Insure. Tele: Phone 443IJ.F. llov.23,1m.

dl U phone 2882, P.O. Box 811 every rec on unless such molor Royal Bank Chambers. St. SKATES, SCISSORS, KNIVES, vehlcl, lain charlie of a competent John's. Saws,. sharpened by preciSion operator; Provided that tbls C~O::N-::T:":'A-=C~T-:A-. -E-,-H-IC-K-MA-N- machinery. Open evenings. relUlatlon lball nol apply to a Co. Ltd. Insurolnce Agents. P. J. Hagerty. 53 Casey St. motor veblc;e of a medical prac· 'Phones 41~2·3+~-6 P.O.B GET THE FACTS! Write Inwr. tltloner when It II outside hll lUI'- '984, for ,'our Insurance re- •• national Correspondence lery or residence Dr any buDding qulrementl. Schools. Canadian . Ltd., 20P In whlcb he I. present on medical D=:E~P~E:-:-ND~A~B--L--I!-F-I-RB-I-NS-U-R-' Argyle St .. Sydney. N.S. business; ANCB-Don't risk your valu-

3. The owner or operator of any abIes to "save" • few dollan. WANTED-Old firearms, pIstols Our fair t II bl 11 and revolvers. Flintlock 'or motor vehicle shall move his lives ~:e~lal! apr~tlc~o~ percussion /lOp shoulder arms vehicle on request to such position 'Phone 8921 or write I. J. -Flintlock o:lly. Kindly give and for lucb Ume 88 may reason. Lacey. P.O. 801506. repl,tf full particulars, condition, b'" bid b h . makers name and any other a '1 e requ re y t e agent I)J' markings. Quote prIce In flrll

repreaentatlve of any pubJlc au· letter. F.. G. Kennedy. ChSl" tborlty enlaled in Inow clearln,. ;:j~~~if~~~~~ lottt;ltown, '!\.R. No. I, P.E.I. oct22,wed,sal.U

The Deputm,nt of Health

I Rcknow,ledges the receipt of tar1 All modern GET quick "Ii.f, IlItlnll com· equipment barbers. The fort. Wllder'S Stomach Pow·

1On! Dollar. ($1.00) Conlci. leut poul},le walUnl. ~ New der.. Everv druggist In ence, I ' Gower. Street, . opp; ~~Adelalde' Canada sells Wilder's-in the

Motors Ltd. 'my4,lm bluc checkered can.



. I Apply tal -


F. M. O'LEARY LTD. Dial 2119


Price $2500.00 Apply



. 15

Junior' Hockey



To-Night, Wednesday, at 8.30 Reserve ............. 15c GeneraL ........... 5Oc dec6,7

FOR RENT At 63 LeMARCHANT ROAD, second floor, a self contained, furnace heated, Apartment of four rooms, suitable for two adults only. All modern conveniences.

Rental $110.00 per mont"


TO LET . .

Doctor's Residence INCLUDING



Further particulars may be obtained

by writing­



, dec7,9


210 feet frontage by 320 feet rtarag'. PRICE $600.00


Dial 6149 Star Hall, Henry St,", dee3,5,7

. Avalon Telephone Preferred Stock


AVALON 7% at $35.00 per shaN AVALON 6% at $30.00 per share AVALON 5% at $25.00 plr share


'Phone 3131 or 2069 St. John'l, N~'d. dec7,B .







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Page 16: THE' DAILY NEWS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · THE' DAILY NEWS PRESENTS I PURITANI avaUa"e II Charles

. , j , . 1


. · : · ~ ~ . · ,



. ;




No-Co-Rode' Drainage Pipe

No Short Cut .. "I have no illusions about th~

difficulty of human nature. You see, Freud was always a bit im· patient. be always hoped to find some short cut. And I knew that Is just the thing we shall not find, because anything that Is good Is expensive.· It takes time, it ex· peets your patience and no end of It. 1 can't say I am dlssaUs. fied."-Dr. Carl Jung, the famous psYchologist, speaking in 'Per. sonal Call' In the BBC's "London Call1ng Asia" programme.


GREENVILLE, S.C. AP-The. Beyond Desire Southern Railway's passenger Pierre LaMure .......... 3.95 1'

train, the CreilCent, rammed an h automobile at a grade crossing T e Proud Man j near here at dusk Sunday killing EIi~abeth Lin;ngton .... 4.50 I six persons. N{lne of the passen· There Comes A T'me I gers on the train was Injured. En. I. glneer G. F. London sa;d the Charles Mercer .......... 4.00 I northbound train was gomg 75 i Maybe I'm Dead miles an hour when It smashed Jo KI . 4 50 Into the car, dragging It a half. e aas. . . ............... . mile down the tr!\ck. Of the seven My Brother's Keeper passengers in the car, Bermy Sut·1 Marcia Daveport ...... 4.95 I ton, I lO·month-old baby. was the I· The S I't A b h . , only surl·ivor. He suffered only. u~ I m us ,

THE DAR.Y NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DEC 7 19 . , ss -....


POULTRY and DAI.RYMEN BON FIX -TONIC CONDITIONER • .A Special Poultry Tune· up and

intestinal medicine to promote health and vigor and alleviate unthrifty symptoms. , "simply give it in water",

IMPROV~D NUTRI·TABS •• Nutritional scours control for young calves,

ROTENONE INSECTICIDE • • For all livestock, poultry and fur bearing a~ma~ .

HOG DEWORMER , • EFFECTIVE in the control of worms in swine.


SALT LICKS •• 5 lb. blocks, • 6 blocks to the ·case.


COPPER AND BRASS FITTINGS minor Injuries. i Mark Derby ................ 2.00 :

)IARRIED. Major Thompson I


Lives In France ' , HARMON·O'MARA - Married P

Thursday, November 24th, 1955 ;erre Daninos .............. 7 .90 : 'PHONE 5143 - 5144 QUEEN STREEl

A. H. MURRAY & CO. Ltd. I at SI. Patrick's Church, Mary Fast-en Your Lapst I III ~;;;;;;=;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Josephine, daughter of Peter and raps, . ": Margaret O'~lara, SI. John's, to Geoffrey W,lla"ns ........ 7. 90; 1-Jerry Marvin, son of Charies and R h. D Of answer?" about range war." Nettle Harmon, Brownsvlllc, eac F~r T.he Sky av "The same." I but you would,,·t hal'e 10 ~'O""

After Fiftv " Centuries

Leonard Cottrell oC the BBe who has recently re\'lslted Saqqara In Egypt, where work is continuing on the excavation of a buried pyramid bum nearly (ive thousanll years ago, presented a programme of on·the·spot recordings in which

Machinery Department


: )Ir. Mobammed Zakarla Gonelm, tho Egyptian 'archaeologlst in charge o( the excavallons, describ· ed the season's work.

~Ir. Gonelm told 01 some of their successes and disappointments, and of their bopes (or nex: year. He len a vivid picture in the mlnds.of listeners of what it Is like to explore the dangerous under· ground galleries. "N 0 one," be said, "who has not crawled alone

Oregon, by the Rt. Rev. Mons. Pa I B kh II 3 00 "mh t' h .. / Murphy. u riC , .... .......... • 01 Dan expected anger but the "a s c anged YOII;"

Everest '. The Outlaw only sign ",as I faint colouring "!lIe. .. Nothing. r still lim DEATH F th f' on Starrett's lean cheeks tD ha\'e that r~ngc. But Crane'l

' rom. e ~rst attempt to (Continued from page 12) "I figured as much. But you held hel'e in town ju'l like 1~1 WHELAN _ Passed peacefully the fmal victory. . upper bedrooms. Phil placed the. hal'cn't a chance." He leaned the rest of us. His man has betl

away a: the Gcneral Hospital at Micheline Morin ......... 2.65 lamp on I marble·topped table i forward. "She'll be mlslress of i S?ot up; and he's Iclt Darrow'l 9.20 a.m. on Dccember 6, Agnes Iinto The Water B' and went to the window. bent to StaiT. Can you oCfer as much?" fiSt. He s mad, bound to be."

mid. and experleneed the sUence Marr, beloved wife ~( James J. arner peer out. "SI'"ICOne stirring at "No," Dan ndmilted. "I drew I ~on't blame him:' and ~hc darkness can fuJI .. • an. 'tn _an 1Db hsledr 7~h )hcarb' ledavind

g Donald Campbell ...... 2.50 Doc Langer's," "our pa" and I havcnl' got an It must come to mr D3n \1', OJ .. a mourn e es lIer us an an , . ."'.,.' .. "

preclatc the sensation which at (our sons and one daughter. Fun. Land of the Long Day 'Nursmg S!lorly," Dan said i acre of range to my name.' ~e there s anulher way ot brinl' times overwhelms one. You worm' eral on Thursday morning from her Doug Wilkinson 500 . shortly. I "See!" Dan admitted and smil· mg Crane to terms ... or geltin, your way along some darlr . ""Idor I late residence; 120 Prowse Ave~ue , • . .......... I Phil went to the door, paused cd. "She will get an ambitious man, that range." on hands and kneos, past ~lls of tOr St. TthgeT3cOsaSIPtarish fotr Rtellq1u emt : Kathleen Ferner "First time in my life I eve! one who's going to makt a big "You mean .Jack Bruhn nnd h:!

11 ass a . . n ermen a oun I N '/1 d . h d . h" '11 ' gang You'd h d rock. The llght oC the lamp Carmel cemetery. ev, e Car us ............ 2.50 i WIS e a man wouid die ..•. mark m t IS Territory. Star WI i ". ~re mur crw." gleams on minute en'stals in j Gift From Th 5 I Good night." be the biggest spread in all this I Starrett s l'Olce 1\'3S dry l~j stratified walls. Beyond the corri. ~ ea "Good night." Dan and Star. country, Dan." le\'o\' "There's no rca,on lor m dor disappears into blackness. Annn Morrow Lmdbergh 3.00 Ii rett echoed ami Phil softly closed Starrett opel!ed his mouth to! to wo~ry ab?ut. me, or Star cithl!.

Old St, Poul's Cathedral the door. make some hot retort but i You Just \\en. off the pay:o:L You turn corners feeling your way : "Starrett sauk on the pdge of changed his mind. The t\\O men I You "don't wurk for n~e !D.' with your hands. The workmen " G, H. Cook.. .......... " .... B.50 : the bcd, leaned back, hooking crawled into the bed, blicks to I more. have been leCt behind, and sud i House and Gardens ! his knee with his clasped hands. one another, each carefu1ly seeing (To Be Continued) denly you realize that you are I Book of Gardens ........ 12.00 ' "Dan, you keep w ate h i n g to It that he r.layed well on his alone In a place which bas not I Paula all the limc and \'ou acted own side. heard a footfall for nearly fifty, i like I had nO";ght to tail: to her. Starrett rolled O\'er on his eenturles. Above you Is more i why?" back. "Awake, Dan?'" than one hundred rcet of !olld' Dan saw a rhair against thc 11 "Yes."

k \\'all and sat down. "I could' ask "You've been worrying about roe and above that again, rests )IEN'S 5 49 . • ..... ,..................... • you the same question." I Crane and me." i tlie mighty bulk of the pyramid. BOYS' ................................ 4.79 : Starrett rocked slowly back "I don·t ljk~ gun wages." I N 'th I I I CHILD'S .......................... 3.50 , . I

o one W! mag nat on can hav(' I\IISSES' ........................... 3.75 THE BOOKSELLERS and forth, watching Dan narrow~ Starrett was Silent a ong mo· such an cxperlence Ind not bc I AReA DEIlY. ment. "Maybe there won't be any i profoundly stirred." 'Phone 3191 • 44~5 "I'll answer It, Dan. I Intend need to worry. Of course, it willi

to marry her. What" yOU[ make no difference about Paula, I



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