PAGE FOOT THE DAILY GATE CITY HPH0B6DAY, MAT lf lOT irHETJXTE CTEt j PUBLISHED BT ' •THE GATE CITY COMPANY p. F. Sklrvin ...Manager* -• BJLH.Y BY MAIU ^ J /On# rear H-OOjFour months... Entered In Keokuk poatotflc* aa «eo- sod claaa matter. i Postase prepaid; twtwi to ' All aubaoriptlon °* de F" t the P. O. address and atata wM««r " la a new or renewal order. If cf addree* Is desire atata both the old money order,, registered letter,. of* •no new address. __ Kemlt jy poatofflce express raoney order, or draft, at our rlBk. i„ T ,r»5S :=£&»«. » ~sr~?» papers promptly will confer a (Ivlns notice or tne fa°t. ' Address aU oommunlcatJaM to , l THB GATE CITY COMFAJ*». IJJO. IS. North ai»th at.. Keokuk. Iowa. THB OATB cmr 1* on sale at the 'SKKSS ST™g sirSSS s - js ssrrf Depot. N«wa SUumL _ ' £&\:: 'Keokuk, low* .May 14, 1914 THE 8ECRET OF THE BIRD. iWhy does the bird sing over there, "iA feathered minstrel of the air? •Why should his little heart pour song Of beauty all the spring day long? He wins no plaudits In the race; aie is not rich—I don't suppose He owns a thing except his clothes— And they are only feathers, Axst, Stained with -weathery rims and rust. "Why does he sing, why does he lift His little soul as If the gift Of singing were some praise he sent Unto the far bine firmament 1-V>r graces granted him in life. Victories in some stupendous strife, Emoluments of wine and wealth, Estates by conquest won, or sealth, The lordship of an empire vast And no dark, shadowy, bloody past? Why does he sing if not for these? Sorely it cannot b& to please The selfish humans that around •Look up attracted by the sound iAnd some in reverence, some in scorn 'Walk off related to the mora sAs they have never haen before Since <5oty shut them In the door Away from all the sweetness they Knew once in childhood's yesterday. He has so little, yet he rings, ;A bubbling music, as if spring's iDtvlnest message were heard 'in the clear-throated, silver word Of one whose only dear possession A prominent railway official on a recent visit to Saskatoon, Sask., said that so far as he could see, the rail- way business of the west was brisker and better than that of tbi» east. "Things generally," he added, "are picking up wonderfully, and the out. look, to my mind, is entirely encour- aging." . w > < r;: v r; v 'v< Some base ball ferret, rooting be- low the surface for cause far effects, notes that in four-fifths of the cities whose mayors inaugurated the leagues' season, the respective local clubs are bumping along at the bot- tom of the percentage column. The suggestion that mayors are base ball hoodoes deserves earnest considera- tion. Consuela Vanderbilt's husband 1 , the duke of Marborough. harked back to the ancient profession of auctioneer and disposed of quite a bunch of cor- ner and inside lots to high 'bidders. Hie Job was well dona and brought considerable coin to the duke's treas- ury. Despite reports to the contrary even a duke can do some plain work when taxes force him to it. On the recommendation of Secre- tary Franklin K. Lane of the Interior department, the government has set aside 4,600 acres of lang along the Pend Oreille river in the state of Washington, about 70 mllse north of Spokane, as a reservation for the use of the Kalispell Indians. Owing to the gradual encroachment of white settlers on their lands, it became necessary to sit aside the lands as a reservation for them. Thomas A- Edison expresses him- self as follows in regard to cigarettes: "The injurious agent in cigarette3 comes principally from the burning paper wrapper. The substance there- by formed is called 'acrolein.' It has a violent action on the nerve centers, producing degeneration of the cells of the brain, which is quite rapii | among boys. Unlike most narcotics, this degeneration is permanent and uncontrollable. I employ no person who smokes cigarettes." JOHN BULL NEVER WAITS. The British watch but they never wait. The dispatches tell of the visit of HEAD COVERED WITH DRY SCALE Hair Came Out. Head Itched and Bled. Could Not Attend School. ! Two Cakes of Cuticura Soap and ^ < One Box Cuticura Ointment Cured. X 27flo Tamm Ave.. St. Louis. Mo. "My little daughter's bead began with a dry harsh scale covering it. First it got a white scale over the top and then It got a dirty brown scab with pus under It. Her hair came out in less than a week and her head itched and bled. She had no rest. I had her wear a scarf all the time. It looked so badly, f ' She was so sore and had such big brown scabs on her head that the teacher would not let her attend school. "We took and had her treated for three months with no relief. She kept getting worce until I tried Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment. I used the Cuticura Soap every third day and the Cuticura Ointment at night. After three days the scabs began to come off and new hair to coma In. In three weeks her head was well of sores. Two cakes of Cuticura Soap and ooe box of Cuticura Ointment completely cored her." (Signed) Mrs. Walter Rogers. Nov. 2S, 1912. Why not have a clear skin, soft white hands, a clean scalp and good hair? It is your birthright. Cuticura Soap with an occasional use of Cuticura Ointment will bring about these coveted conditions ia most cases when all else fails. A single set is often sufficient. Sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston." WMtn who shave and shampoo with C a- tkrura Soap will find it best for skin and scalp. Thfe Nauvoo Gate City Nauvoo, 111., May 14, 1914 The Keokuk water power company)!gency will be relieved this month, has a gang of foreigners at work above ' May having five pay days. Mr. Chas. Laubershelmer and fam- ily autoed to Nauvoo last Sunday and ^ Je ^calmly j spent a faw hours very pleasantly of prosperity among friends. Nauvoo, building the river road lead ing to NIota$?' While the most of are calmly j spent a faw hours waiting for the wave thsre are stfll a few who insist on trying to rock the boat. The Nauvoo Woman's Civic league are planning a lawn social to be held at the home of Mrs. Anna Jackson. Nauvoo's high school pupils went to Hamilton last Saturday to attend a track meet and oratorical contest. Several auto loads went down. They Mrs. Win. Hertel and little daugh- ter are visiting the lady's parents Ih Davenport, Iowa. The reveren® has a sad look which is noticed 1>y soms of his parishioners. Mrs. S. E. Sailer of Menden, 111., has arrived in Nauvoo to Join her husband to maket their future home. Geo. Boegaer took several car loads of oattle and hogs to Chicago recent- returned with but one Insignificant to fee<j the hungry of that place. honor attached to their belt. Miss Nellie Williams sent a num- ber of invitations to her friends in Nau- voo, announcing her graduation as a trained nurse from Proctor hospital in Peoria, 111. There will be just as much Fourth of July spirit. this year as there waa last and Just aa much drank up. Nearly every high school in Han- cock county has graduates for this spring but Nauvoo. What is the mat- ter with Nauvoo's pupils? Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Schneider and their daughter-in-law and grandson, Mr*. Arthur Sahn aider and son (Rich- ard, visited with relatives in Fountain Green, IIL, during the week. Mrs. A. J. Beger and children have returned from their Dyewville, Iowa, visit. A few days ago one of our farmers took a load of hogs to NIota, arriv- ing at the stock yards very early. On going to the back of his wagon he discovered a hen sitting on the hog Facts in Nature TTflff t •ntiiiTas't hn limn Imnirn thst TTstrs's inst tiIiisMs linsllli gli . 1 ing agents for the cure of ills—s are found ia oar «—t f areata. Over forty years ago Dr. B. V. Pierce, chief connlHng physician to the Invalids* Hotel and Suisical Institute at Buffalo, N.Y., aaad therowdarad attracts m M the liquid extracts of native medicinal plants, rash as Bloodroot aad Quaan'a root. Golden Seal aad Stone root. Cherry back aad Maadtake, for thl MM at Meed dfasasss. This prweriptioass put up In liquid form wis csllsd DR. PIERCE'S . Qolden Medical Discovery and has eojoyAl a land. You can now roar medicine dealer, afattfeaalafor all these yean ia every drag etore la . >w obtain the powdered extract ia sngar-eoatea tablet foot e( "your medicine dealer, or send aOe in ooe oent iirtsgs slamps for trial box < Dr. Flaw's Invalids' Hotel. Boifalo,N.Y^ aad tablets wfli be mailed, V The "Golden Medical Dlsoif sty** malrss rich. red blood. Invigorates the : stomach, liver and bowels and through thaa the whole ayatam. ***» affections, blotches, boils, pimples and eruptions result ot bad blood eradicated by thia alterative extract—as thousands have testified. MLK.v.rmc*BurrAU>bi«.Y. Mr Job. Batin, an inmate of the rack. had been a couple of hours Soldier's home in Quincy, 111., died j on the way, and biddie had been sit- last Friday at the a£e of 72 years. I ting there as contented as if on her He was a resident of Nauvoo for many j perch at home. The farmer took her years and entered the home about; to Ft. Madison and sold her for 71 eighteen years ago. One daughter, BUCK-REINER CO. Wholosmlm Qroomrm . dap Coffoo Rtomsters •-DIRECTORS' •*"*'" T&>«. mm. #• mVmm wmO* m* 91 KEOKUK. iOWA rv< W,-' cants. Mr. Bar] Laubersheimer of Nauvoo and Miss Grace Pitt of near Powell- ton will soon he united in marriage. Earl is one of Nauvoo's popular young men and is sure going to rise in the a few; at Memphis, Mo.. Mr. and Mrs. John , " . - " | while now. Sorter Corsble arrived at Salem to reside' . an English cruiser to Haiti, days ago. j It carried an ultimatum: "Pay the ; with their daughter Mrs. Lucy Frary $$2,000 you owe our worthy subject, | during the summer. Peters." j Mrs. Fred Garret son and little son Haiti paid. {Jim returned to Hamilton, 111., Friday. Peters owned a sawmill in Haiti. They were guests of the former's | In the Jjb Compte revolution It was sister Mrs. C. H. Cook and other rela- burned. Ha demanded indemnity. Thejtives. j Haiti government couldn't pay. He ; Thursday Mrs. Frank De Lashmutt i will convene at Muncie, In-, rIe(J h{g a good many against the younger generation an< diana, on May 7 and continue to the| a CUTe-aJcomplatnt in the shape; some of the "old girls and boys" 12th, inclusive. . ' of a buckeye. The other day an in-; would no dfcwbt "spell down" all the Following the winter spent wit ^Uimate friend asked: "You've been' young girls and boys who have studied their daughter Mrs. Nathan Hockett j carrylng that buckeye around a long: orthography instead of Just plain for a cure I guess, heh? Xow, honest, has it ever done you any good to speak of?" Then he replied: "I don't know what you might call <ft>ing any good, but I am still alive and around, ain't I?" The new officers tor Nauvoo's vol- unteer fire company recently selected j are: Jos. Nelson, chief; Art Schnel-1 feated by the team of that place by Carl Blum, sec- i a snore of 4 to 2. This makes a game spelling. Wonder how many of them would miss the word phthisis? Edward Argast, Sr., went to Dav- enport, Iowa, and will return r.ith his wife who has (been visiting her daugh- ter there for some time. iNauvoo's base ball team went down to Hamilton last Sunday and were d> in all thte great wfld-llfe procession-jto3d^ trovMes John Bull. John left for her brnne at La Plata, Mo. j ^ treasure* The'for each club and the oOd one may with her! From earth bekrw.or sky above. Is lore, divine, immortal love— The thing he sings for till his breast Haitr ••Borrow it," said John. Haiti Swells so it almost burst his vest? —The Bentztown Bard. {sent"a cruiser to Port-au-Prince. "Weiafter spending some time have no money in our treasury,"" said ; father Algern Masden, who is quite THOUGHT FOR TODAY. The history of Mexico ia a history of gold and crime, splsndor and cruel- ty ; a history of the prodigality of - nature and the wickedness of man.—• Newell Dwight Hfllis. borrowed. England watches. . but it neither watts nor permits anybory who out- rages oni of its subjects, to wait, says the Des Moines Tribune. YORK'S MAMMOTH BILL. In the recent request for bids volving 640,000,000 lbs. of COAL boys ar» gip* that they will soon be' be pulled off in Nauvoo in ths near in- poorly. Dr. and Mrs. Edwards and daughter and Mrs. Judith Boyce of Mt. Plea- sant were Tuesday guests at the Gree- ly Frary home. Following a visit with her son George Judd and wife, Mrs. J. E.. . . _ . Judd returned to her home at Angus-1 Me y er .°* Colma - e!bout 'east of Nauvoo. •Riis story is told on a callow young He has been making able to fight fires with the aid of our municipal water works plant. William Gullliam has again secured employment in Ellis Daugherty's meat market. The Nauvoo Auto conqf>any has sold a Cadillac touring car to Chaa. a dozen miles [ ta. Illinois. Mrs. Ralph Ford and little daughter i future. Next Sunday the Way land, Mo., team will be here for a game with our club on the Kimball dia- mond and a red-hot contest is expect- ed. Game will be called at 2:30 o'clock and the fans will out in large numbers. ' t *. rami! Marzolf had an automobile accident last Sunday night with hffl machine which he would not like to repeat again. He and Morlse Selgle- lntends handing out; buying, .eold medals for heroes of fiction, sown Initiative without expert advice I for Indiana's fiction colony. During April there were forty-five deaths due to street accidents in New (York City. This puts the Vera Cruz record of seventeen in the lower boxes of the score board. Dr. J. W. Bolotin, who was born i ;!blind twenty-six years ago, has pass- Mrs. Adda Harris of Nauvoo. survives him. Also three brothers, John of Nauvoo, Sebastian and Dennis of So- nora township. - Mrs. John Kaufman, for many years •! a resident of Nauvoo, died at the! commercial world, whil* Miss Grace, SALEM. •jhom* of one of her daughters in J is c>ne of the most + - * - s. | Seattle, Wash., last Sunday afternoon j ladies in this section of Imnols. Con- ••••••••••••••*•! at the age of seventy-five yaars; her \ gratulatlons In advance, E)arl. gg|j; I son John of this city received a tele-! Nauvoo's high school pupils ought Miss Viola Smith, pastor of the (gram to effect. Sha has made j to have an old-fashioned spelling bee Friends church, departed Wednesday home iQ ^ above city for aland the old blue-backed speller used to attend as delegate from the ^number of years She leaves a num-1 in "giving out" words and invite the, M. S. of Iowa yearly meeting, the tri-, ^ of cMldren to mourn. ! town. Those who learned to spell by > ennial missionary conferenca of worn- i Qne 0j Nauvoo's citizens has car-! the old-time method should be pitted en which will convene at Muncie, In- i r™- 0 tntn manv i asainat the vounirer iceneration and recently nearly fifty were In Nauvoo | and on any Sunday you can see more than doable fifteen in Nauvoo. Hamilton's band gives concerts on the business strest every week and ls drawing many farmers within a, radius of four miles of Nauvoo who go down to hear the music. What ara Nauvoo's merchants going to do about attracting our rural <brethren to the city this summer? 'jf'i Nauvoo will sdon have a picture show. The new lsssees of the opera house will install a fine movie when ftijy tike possession. •Mrs. Ijdu Argast entertained the Nauvoo Ladles' : Pripcilla dab this Thursday afternoon fUld the members enjoyed the meeting as only ladies can. Fancy needle work with consid- erable gossip mixed in between was the afternoon's pastime and excellent culinary art viands graced the tables, to which the ladles did ample justice. Nauvoo's fruit prospects at the present time could not be better and if nothing interferes from now until ripening time, we will surely have a banner crop. You may talk about Nauvoo being, a beautiful dead town but nearly j every man In business herb is get- ting rich. However, we can say that Nauvoo is a rather <9md town as far as increasing her (population and boosting her to the front as she de- serves on account of its 1 beautiful locations, but the latter tloes not make a town boom. It's the* business msn who retard its growth. r There isn't anything we don't eat, or feel, or sit around and think about that hasn't been In some way adver- tised for us. A surprise is about the only thing shy on publicity. ' The Nauvoo promoters for a Moose 1 lodge here now have the promise ol about eighty membercs. It looks like a Moose lodge will be organised here. If th9 Eagle members In Nkuvoo had. got bus7 they ooold have succeeded In establishing an order here tn this' beautiful town %'•; •! Once there w«ls a time and but a short time ago when the fanners SOME ELECTRICAL DONT*S. j Dflts last week ! creek here and why the knocaers; to St. Louis In 1870. Mark Twain; complained about the automobiles Don't fail to replace cracked inso- Mt- -cr-ril aimntin from sat-' should knock him Is beyond our peo-j called this "the greatest race ever j tearing along th» country roads and ^ iron in America." This man says the frightening their KEOKUK NATIONAL BANK affords every facility for do- ing your banking business 5•rr that any bank can. A A7; v r.-. coal per .Helen came from Mt. Pleaasnt Friday. 8 on one of onr papular i m»ler were in the car and while go- The Pltsburgh, Pa.. Railways com-;annum to eupfly the state of NewJWhUe here they are gueste of Mrs., lar> {n fact, that! mg at a high rate of speed, the driver pany has ordered 400 new motors of; York with fuel, a new and commend- j Ford s parents Mr. and Mrs. John }^T f he qalt it W8s notlceable to his! cramped the car to some manner, cans- •the General Electric company for new;able precedent in coal purchasing has Long. j f l "ds Qne of them Btopped htm and ! ing it to upset, throwing the latter street car eqnipmenU In that city. been established. Mrs Esther Joy spentseveral days , £^^dde^rceased hisjo^ unhurtTut ©nil was pinioned in L Z tf 7 "Z. j? $ i «Icampaign He replied: "Couldn't stand ! the car with the top mashed down on If congress intends handing out bnying. each institation _acta onjta j Grant CorsWe famUy at Winfl^d. j ™^\f nser ^ Qther wh?01 hIm. when released he was uncon- ciass 01 tne uo grega-. ^ arrJved about a half hour late she j sclous * —» -*" mrnr " C. L. I. O.'s A doctor was summoned and me I would have to return home and was not badly Injured. Th®, car was get an excuse, signed by my mother." badly damaged. medical officers at the state institu-! sale at the Huxley store Saturday, tlons are called upon to decide their j Sunday school class No. 6 held a pie, E. Mr. J. N. Daugherty of Warsaw died own fuel problems, while in general j social in the basement of the M . the question is seldom or never band- Schurcii Saturday evening. jSome say she wbs a s ms .. . t led by really competent men. Mrs. Hogle cine from ML Pleasant The Nauvoo KusUer says Nauvoo, last Tuesday night at hi, home at Under the new arrangement, the; and visited - with her daughter Mrs. a c!tiz - n wh ° Ss ^ donate; that place, with paralysis **ew*3 state will derive ihe benefit naturally Mno Fenn and family. $100 a year towards purchasing and: years of age. His son Ellis who ©on- to be expected from the best services j Mrs J. W. Youn« entertained her! operating a ferry between Nauvoo and ; ducts a meat market in Nauvoo, and By way of showing their regard for ava j lab,e - / , 8P f^, Mrs. Dorson from La Crew. Txnuiom ! mad ® »P entirely of fuel experts, will j Prof. John Parish and famUy came Montrose; and further says that there! jjfs wife were called to the family never waa a time in Nauvoo's history 1 homs and went down Wednesday when we needed better connections j morning. The deceased leaves a wife, ^ between th?se towns. We can state j two sons and five daughters to mourn. ! fuel best adapted to the requirements! Qgg Keller went to Keokuk Satur- j right here without fear of contradio- j The Bible is the best seller, but | of the Individual plants. It may even 5^ and returned Monday. jtion, that Nauvoo's ferry schedule and j suspect the news from Mexico la fthe great American detective, William j * * .. . ' _ !j Burns, the people of Marietta, Ga.. i^ u f r the (^ff, rent pro " ems . ** Morning Sun and spsnt last week 'last Friday escorted him out of town j *f| r J!ff _™.!!L-?.!! wltt relatiTe3 - with a shower of eggs. in consumption this commission is' at xauvoo 111. |able to effect will be of even greater* Miss Lenore Collins is "a guest of 1 accommodations ere as good now as j attracting more attention just now. mt vanmn ni iit ever was in Nauvoo's history and, There is a man who lives down In that the business; Missouri who claims he was the only £nr i thf txaSnaUon^for Ending i ' m rtance than the amoHn - lD ! thf^ j Justifies 011 Capt. John Ratmbold isone j passenger on the steamboat Robt. M. (physician of the tuberculosis hospital! j Dr. W. A. Dilts of Indlanola visited ; of the most k>t the Oak Park Infirmary in Chicago. accommodating ferry, Lee when that craft made its rac» Where one person gets rich through specu- lation, hundreds get poor. P# Ctissss ths better way and dspalH your mon- ey whtri It will be' safe and pay you a liberal Intsrsst rats. This la net speculation. Keokuk payings Bank •f* Pays 3% p«r uam on Mvinp Accounts 'hi* parsnts Mr and Mrs Thomas owners who ever sailed across the big; with the Natches from New Orleans | TTrtj, w#_k * j creek here and why the knockers | to St. Louis in 1S70. Mark Twain j §9«i George Thompson of Atchison, Kan.,, - —.— . lhas sworn off voting for presidents.! latora - iwoken switches and worn out nrday nntn Monday with her mother [Pl»» comprehension _ SHe has voted at every election since! laia P sockets. » |l848 and, with the exception of Frank- j Don't hang clothing, ' Sin Pierce, has never yet "won his' vote." He says that either his judg- * . '^ment ls poor or he Is a hoodoo. long Now-, horses and raising Mrs Lewis at ML Pleasant. A Nauvoo mother was credited as j Lee won, the Natches having tied up j Cain with their new and old vehicles or anything ' j*. S. Bell of Twin F&ais, Idaho, is I siying that eighteen is the right. the last night because of fog. | and seeking damages. It ls r Sin Pierce, has never yet "won his else - on the electric light wires, or relatives here. ' j *se for a girl to begin crying again. Nothing has been done yet to ob- j road that hasn't a turn to it. lamp cords, in the bom3. Mrs Sough, accompanied by I when she wants something she cant .flerve Memorial day in Nauvoo. There | adays, wherever we look, it Don't attempt to improve the elec-.'jjg- daughters Mrs. Mark Kirkpatrick' get in any other way. The lady has j jg a movement on foot to attempts that it Is the fanners who appear to trie wiring in the house unless ^ Mary Gs*igk went to Fairfield several daughters. ' j some sort of celebration in honor ofjbe buying all the buss wagons. They Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson, are an electrician. Friday Whsr^ Mrs. Gough underwent i The steamboat landing near the, the hero dead. I are not finding any more complaint jfh® president's eldest daughter, will, Don't meddle with the electric wir-: a operation at the hospital; Welter old mill site will make an Something Is being #>ne to straight-; about the city cousins. &be one of the editors of a new maga-! ln S. If you want it changed consult j m Saturday. She is doing as well: Ideal place when everything is put in, en out mattera of the Benedictine Sis- sine to* be launched In June for pro- J an electrician. ' as can be expected. ; ship-shape. Iters buildingB difficulty which Kleran moting the use of public school houses j Don't run electric motors and fans; | The. young ladies sodality of the caused them when he planned great ms centers of co-operative enterprises | without proper oiling. 1 China Becoming Civilized. ' Natrroo Catholic church gave a de- things for this noble order and Nau- a.nd recreation, forums of common j uon't attempt to adjust electric SAN FRANCISCO. May 14.—Speak-: lightful picnic in Moffitt's timber too a number of years ago. If every- "counsel and as public polling places. I lamps with the current on. fag here before a meeting of Metho-" southeast of the city last Sunday. It thing cannot be arranged in the cir- Don't use screw drivers, pliers and I ^Ist ministers, Dr. N. W Brewster, a: was an ideal day for an outing and cult court satisfactorily, the Sisters The Confidence -r*- ^ Tie Public placed In the State Central Savings Bank C«r. Mi Sc. Main Sto. simply because the policies un- der wfckfe it does business are consistent with all the prin- ciples of aoand banking Capital $200,000.00 $200,000.00 Captain Hugh Rodman, U. S. N., who will have charge-of all the details of putting shipping through the Pan- master switch in the attic. other iron or steel tools about eiec- missionary of Hing-Wha, Fukien pro- the young ladles enjoyed themselves j may seek a location elsewhere. trie lamp sockets without opening the rince, southern China, asserted that as only young ladies can. They took; Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Argast observ- Nauvoo people are still waiting to see one of those three lnterurban lines to begin construction work through our city. It looks like Nau- voo will get one of the lines. A Nauvoo bachelor was heard «ay- Ing that he believed to get net re- sults nowadays, it won't make much difference whether you weigh the ' China Is rapidly advancing toward a. iwith than tons of good 'eats" andied their 29th marriage anniversary j girl in her stocking fset or diked up One condition,, but business in Xa* TOO suffers on account of the absence of our rural brethren who are no* too busy to come to town. Prospect* for all kinds of crops look promising in Nauvoo and vicinity. ^ Rheumatism Quickly Cured. "My sister's husband bad an attae* of rheumatism in his arm," writes well known resident of Newton. Iowa "I gave him a bottle of Chamber Iain's Liniment which he applied to to® ama canal, graduated from Annapolis j Don't handle electric meters rough- prominent position among°the highly! their appetites did justice to the! last Tuesday with a family reunion.! in her best ready-to-go-somewheres. jhls arm aad on the next morning in 1880, and with the exception of six ly. 'civilized nations of the world. He spread They want to repeat the ven-|Only one more year and then this' Nauvoo's jfnblic school will close j rheumatism was gone." For chrontt years has been at sea ever since. He} Don't fail to treat every loose elec- sai<? ffrtw | s taking ambitiously to-ture and take the boys along next; popular couple will be welcomed, to.[ next week, but St. Mary's academy., muscular rheumatism you will A" has been around the world five times {trie wire as though it were alive, world movements, has gained an un- tim?. ; observe their pearl wedding. ! Spalding institute and the high school rand has commanded ships in nearly j Handl 3 it with care. You can't tell der standing of the necessity of re-? If all those young people will join J Art Schneidsr bad a stag party' at | will trot along until next moath. jM J every big port in the world. by looking at a wire whether it is | ppecticg modern <~ommerclai values of IhancJs at the matrimonial altar so I his beautiful residence last Tuesday j Nowadays it don't look like sport gfel? | alive or not. credit* and men of modern < gossips have it. There sre six couples i night. His wife and little son areiunlsss somebody gets killed, bruised Back In New England <5an<*eMons j Don't replace burned fuses with thought and education are directing to be united In the holy bonds before j away on a visit and Art felt so lone- j or the automobile busts in. s are quoted at 18 cents a peck, with a j bits of wire. The fuss is designed to jtu development. The change in the ! many moons and ell are Nauvoo boys; ly that be could not resist the temp- j The house cleaning season in Nan nothing better than Chamberlain^ Liniment Sold by all ealars.—A* vertisement Mr«- Vice President Quest of Honor. PITTSBURGH, May 14. —Vice Pre*'' limited supply. Out in Omaha dan-j protect you as wpli as the circuit. press of the people, Improvement in and girls. Th» wedding bells will bejtation to have Just only one good time j TOO is about at an end and the hue- dent Thomas R. Marshall and delions can bs had for the asking, j Don't forget that 500 volts, or less, foods and in other conditions of living j kept ringing for some time and the j by inviting a number of men friends.. hand can liv® in pe&db ottte more. ^—-* •- •with the cost of digging thrown in. j is sometimes fatal. emphasised by the speaker as j band will play when one of its mem- There was plenty of eats and musio What this country needs, next to Don't touch the electric lamps while 1 evidence In support of his contention, 1 bers takes his first ward belle to the j to entertain. Huerta's scalp, is an adequate means standing in a bath tub of water. |acd hesa'd that the adoption of these - altar. j The Warsaw coiT^ponaeht of The of moving the western crop of dande- J Don't attempt to put in new sock- j modern methods Ch ? na was becoming Financial note: One of Nauvoo's ! Keokuk Gate City brags about lift sen famishing Interiors of jets, now switches, buzzers, etc., with-jam important factor ia the world's j workmen wish?* to inform financiers autoombiles being seen on ttH bnsi- out turning off the current^ market*. lof the country that the money strin- ness streets at ooe time. A Sali lions to the New. England. Saturday | Marshall arrived In *-Ws city todsy The wheat crop about Nauvoo is {attend the banquet of the Plttsburf looking splendid snd tha pea crop for j Publicity association, which our canning factory, which consists j held tonight at the Hotel ^ rhe °' ' of nearly 100 acres. Is going to be «; This is the first visit of the bummer. The fanners are aH busyj preslf planting corn. Country road* ars in the first visit 01 uw. X j to the Sted.Ctty siwspp

The daily Gate City (Keokuk, Iowa). 1914-05-14 [p ]. · hands, a clean scalp and good hair? It is your birthright. Cuticura Soap with an occasional use of Cuticura Ointment will bring

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Page 1: The daily Gate City (Keokuk, Iowa). 1914-05-14 [p ]. · hands, a clean scalp and good hair? It is your birthright. Cuticura Soap with an occasional use of Cuticura Ointment will bring




p. F. Sklrvin ...Manager* -•

BJLH.Y BY MAIU „ J /On# rear H-OOjFour months...

Entered In Keokuk poatotflc* aa «eo-sod claaa matter. i

Postase prepaid; twtwi to ' All aubaoriptlon °*deF"t

the P. O. address and atata wM««r " la a new or renewal order. If cf addree* Is desire atata both the old

„ money order,, registered letter,.


•no new address. __ Kemlt jy poatofflce

express raoney order, or draft, at our rlBk. i„T,r»5S :=£&»«. » ~sr~?» papers promptly will confer a (Ivlns notice or tne fa°t. ' Address aU oommunlcatJaM to , l THB GATE CITY COMFAJ*». IJJO. IS. North ai»th at.. Keokuk. Iowa.

THB OATB cmr 1* on sale at the

'SKKSS ST™g sirSSS s-js ssrrf Depot. N«wa SUumL _

' £&\::

'Keokuk, low* .May 14, 1914

THE 8ECRET OF THE BIRD. iWhy does the bird sing over there, "iA feathered minstrel of the air? •Why should his little heart pour song Of beauty all the spring day long? He wins no plaudits In the race; aie is not rich—I don't suppose He owns a thing except his clothes— And they are only feathers, Axst, Stained with -weathery rims and rust.

"Why does he sing, why does he lift His little soul as If the gift Of singing were some praise he sent Unto the far bine firmament 1-V>r graces granted him in life. Victories in some stupendous strife, Emoluments of wine and wealth, Estates by conquest won, or sealth, The lordship of an empire vast And no dark, shadowy, bloody past?

Why does he sing if not for these? Sorely it cannot b& to please The selfish humans that around •Look up attracted by the sound iAnd some in reverence, some in scorn 'Walk off related to the mora sAs they have never haen before Since <5oty shut them In the door Away from all the sweetness they Knew once in childhood's yesterday.

He has so little, yet he rings, ;A bubbling music, as if spring's iDtvlnest message were heard 'in the clear-throated, silver word Of one whose only dear possession

A prominent railway official on a recent visit to Saskatoon, Sask., said that so far as he could see, the rail­way business of the west was brisker and better than that of tbi» east. "Things generally," he added, "are picking up wonderfully, and the out. look, to my mind, is entirely encour-aging." . w > < r;:

v r;v 'v<

Some base ball ferret, rooting be­low the surface for cause far effects, notes that in four-fifths of the cities whose mayors inaugurated the leagues' season, the respective local clubs are bumping along at the bot­tom of the percentage column. The suggestion that mayors are base ball hoodoes deserves earnest considera­tion.

Consuela Vanderbilt's husband1, the duke of Marborough. harked back to the ancient profession of auctioneer and disposed of quite a bunch of cor­ner and inside lots to high 'bidders. Hie Job was well dona and brought considerable coin to the duke's treas­ury. Despite reports to the contrary even a duke can do some plain work when taxes force him to it.

On the recommendation of Secre­tary Franklin K. Lane of the Interior department, the government has set aside 4,600 acres of lang along the Pend Oreille river in the state of Washington, about 70 mllse north of Spokane, as a reservation for the use of the Kalispell Indians. Owing to the gradual encroachment of white settlers on their lands, it became necessary to sit aside the lands as a reservation for them.

Thomas A- Edison expresses him­self as follows in regard to cigarettes: "The injurious agent in cigarette3 comes principally from the burning paper wrapper. The substance there­by formed is called 'acrolein.' It has a violent action on the nerve centers, producing degeneration of the cells of the brain, which is quite rapii | among boys. Unlike most narcotics, this degeneration is permanent and uncontrollable. I employ no person who smokes cigarettes."

JOHN BULL NEVER WAITS. The British watch but they never

wait. The dispatches tell of the visit of


Hair Came Out. Head Itched and Bled. Could Not Attend School.

! Two Cakes of Cuticura Soap and ^ < One Box Cuticura Ointment Cured.

X 27flo Tamm Ave.. St. Louis. Mo. — "My little daughter's bead began with a dry harsh scale covering it. First it got a white

scale over the top and then It got a dirty brown scab with pus under It. Her hair came out in less than a week and her head itched and bled. She had no rest. I had her wear a scarf all the time. It looked so badly,

f ' She was so sore and had such big brown scabs on her

head that the teacher would not let her attend school.

"We took and had her treated for three months with no relief. She kept getting worce until I tried Cuticura Soap and Oint­ment. I used the Cuticura Soap every third day and the Cuticura Ointment at night. After three days the scabs began to come off and new hair to coma In. In three weeks her head was well of sores. Two cakes of Cuticura Soap and ooe box of Cuticura Ointment completely cored her." (Signed) Mrs. Walter Rogers. Nov. 2S, 1912.

Why not have a clear skin, soft white hands, a clean scalp and good hair? It is your birthright. Cuticura Soap with an occasional use of Cuticura Ointment will bring about these coveted conditions ia most cases when all else fails. A single set is often sufficient. Sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston."

WMtn who shave and shampoo with C a-tkrura Soap will find it best for skin and scalp.

Thfe Nauvoo Gate City Nauvoo, 111., May 14, 1914

The Keokuk water power company)!gency will be relieved this month, has a gang of foreigners at work above ' May having five pay days.

Mr. Chas. Laubershelmer and fam­ily autoed to Nauvoo last Sunday and

^ Je ^calmly j spent a faw hours very pleasantly of prosperity among friends.

Nauvoo, building the river road lead ing to NIota$?'

While the most of are calmly j spent a faw hours waiting for the wave thsre are stfll a few who insist on trying to rock the boat.

The Nauvoo Woman's Civic league are planning a lawn social to be held at the home of Mrs. Anna Jackson.

Nauvoo's high school pupils went to Hamilton last Saturday to attend a track meet and oratorical contest. Several auto loads went down. They

Mrs. Win. Hertel and little daugh­ter are visiting the lady's parents Ih Davenport, Iowa. The reveren® has a sad look which is noticed 1>y soms of his parishioners.

Mrs. S. E. Sailer of Menden, 111., has arrived in Nauvoo to Join her husband to maket their future home.

Geo. Boegaer took several car loads of oattle and hogs to Chicago recent-

returned with but one Insignificant to fee<j the hungry of that place. honor attached to their belt.

Miss Nellie Williams sent a num­ber of invitations to her friends in Nau­voo, announcing her graduation as a trained nurse from Proctor hospital in Peoria, 111.

There will be just as much Fourth of July spirit. this year as there waa last and Just aa much drank up.

Nearly every high school in Han­cock county has graduates for this spring but Nauvoo. What is the mat­ter with Nauvoo's pupils?

Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Schneider and their daughter-in-law and grandson, Mr*. Arthur Sahn aider and son (Rich­ard, visited with relatives in Fountain Green, IIL, during the week.

Mrs. A. J. Beger and children have returned from their Dyewville, Iowa, visit.

A few days ago one of our farmers took a load of hogs to NIota, arriv­ing at the stock yards very early. On going to the back of his wagon he discovered a hen sitting on the hog

Facts in Nature TTflff t •ntiiiTas't hn limn Imnirn thst TTstrs's inst tiIiisMs linsllli gli . 1 ing agents for the cure of ills—s are found ia oar «—t f areata.

Over forty years ago Dr. B. V. Pierce, chief connlHng physician to the Invalids* Hotel and Suisical Institute at Buffalo, N.Y., aaad therowdarad attracts m M the liquid extracts of native medicinal plants, rash as Bloodroot aad Quaan'a root. Golden Seal aad Stone root. Cherry back aad Maadtake, for thl MM at Meed dfasasss. This prweriptioass put up In liquid form wis csllsd


Qolden Medical Discovery and has eojoyAl a

land. You can now roar medicine dealer,

afattfeaalafor all these yean ia every drag etore la . >w obtain the powdered extract ia sngar-eoatea tablet foot e(

"your medicine dealer, or send aOe in ooe oent iirtsgs slamps for trial box < Dr. Flaw's Invalids' Hotel. Boifalo,N.Y aad tablets wfli be mailed,

V The "Golden Medical Dlsoif sty** malrss rich. red blood. Invigorates the : stomach, liver and bowels and through thaa the whole ayatam. ***» affections, blotches, boils, pimples and eruptions result ot bad blood

eradicated by thia alterative extract—as thousands have testified.


Mr Job. Batin, an inmate of the rack. had been a couple of hours Soldier's home in Quincy, 111., died j on the way, and biddie had been sit-last Friday at the a£e of 72 years. I ting there as contented as if on her He was a resident of Nauvoo for many j perch at home. The farmer took her years and entered the home about; to Ft. Madison and sold her for 71 eighteen years ago. One daughter,

BUCK-REINER CO. Wholosmlm Qroomrm .

dap Coffoo Rtomsters


•*"*'" T&>«. mm. #• mVmm wmO* m* 91


rv< W,-'

cants. • Mr. Bar] Laubersheimer of Nauvoo

and Miss Grace Pitt of near Powell-ton will soon he united in marriage. Earl is one of Nauvoo's popular young men and is sure going to rise in the

a few; at Memphis, Mo.. Mr. and Mrs. John , " . - " | while now. Sorter Corsble arrived at Salem to reside' . an English cruiser to Haiti, days ago. j

It carried an ultimatum: "Pay the ; with their daughter Mrs. Lucy Frary $$2,000 you owe our worthy subject, | during the summer. Peters." j Mrs. Fred Garret son and little son

Haiti paid. {Jim returned to Hamilton, 111., Friday. Peters owned a sawmill in Haiti. • They were guests of the former's |

In the Jjb Compte revolution It was • sister Mrs. C. H. Cook and other rela-burned. Ha demanded indemnity. Thejtives. j Haiti government couldn't pay. He ; Thursday Mrs. Frank De Lashmutt i

will convene at Muncie, In-, rIe(J h{g a good many against the younger generation an< diana, on May 7 and continue to the|a CUTe-aJcomplatnt in the shape; some of the "old girls and boys" 12th, inclusive. . ' of a buckeye. The other day an in-; would no dfcwbt "spell down" all the

Following the winter spent wit^Uimate friend asked: "You've been' young girls and boys who have studied their daughter Mrs. Nathan Hockett j carrylng that buckeye around a long: orthography instead of Just plain

for a cure • I guess, heh? Xow, honest, has it ever done you any good to speak of?" Then he replied: "I don't know what you might call <ft>ing any good, but I am still alive and around, ain't I?"

The new officers tor Nauvoo's vol­unteer fire company recently selected j are: Jos. Nelson, chief; Art Schnel-1 feated by the team of that place by

Carl Blum, sec- i a snore of 4 to 2. This makes a game

spelling. Wonder how many of them would miss the word phthisis?

Edward Argast, Sr., went to Dav­enport, Iowa, and will return r.ith his wife who has (been visiting her daugh­ter there for some time.

iNauvoo's base ball team went down to Hamilton last Sunday and were d>

in all thte great wfld-llfe procession-jto3d^ trovMes John Bull. John left for her brnne at La Plata, Mo. j treasure* The'for each club and the oOd one may with her! From earth bekrw.or sky above.

Is lore, divine, immortal love— The thing he sings for till his breast Haitr ••Borrow it," said John. Haiti Swells so it almost burst his vest?

—The Bentztown Bard.

{sent"a cruiser to Port-au-Prince. "Weiafter spending some time have no money in our treasury,"" said ; father Algern Masden, who is quite

THOUGHT FOR TODAY. The history of Mexico ia a history

of gold and crime, splsndor and cruel­ty ; a history of the prodigality of

- nature and the wickedness of man.—• Newell Dwight Hfllis.

borrowed. England watches. . but it neither

watts nor permits anybory who out­rages oni of its subjects, to wait, says the Des Moines Tribune.


In the recent request for bids volving 640,000,000 lbs. of


boys ar» gip* that they will soon be' be pulled off in Nauvoo in ths near


poorly. Dr. and Mrs. Edwards and daughter

and Mrs. Judith Boyce of Mt. Plea­sant were Tuesday guests at the Gree-ly Frary home.

Following a visit with her son George Judd and wife, Mrs. J. E.. . . _ . Judd returned to her home at Angus-1 Meyer.°* Colma- e!bout

'east of Nauvoo. •Riis story is told on a callow young

He has been making

able to fight fires with the aid of our municipal water works plant.

William Gullliam has again secured employment in Ellis Daugherty's meat market.

The Nauvoo Auto conqf>any has sold a Cadillac touring car to Chaa.

a dozen miles

[ ta. Illinois. Mrs. Ralph Ford and little daughter i

future. Next Sunday the Way land, Mo., team will be here for a game with our club on the Kimball dia­mond and a red-hot contest is expect­ed. Game will be called at 2:30 o'clock and the fans will out in large numbers. ' t *.

rami! Marzolf had an automobile accident last Sunday night with hffl machine which he would not like to repeat again. He and Morlse Selgle-

lntends handing out; buying, .eold medals for heroes of fiction, sown Initiative without expert advice I

for Indiana's fiction colony.

During April there were forty-five deaths due to street accidents in New (York City. This puts the Vera Cruz

• record of seventeen in the lower boxes of the score board.

Dr. J. W. Bolotin, who was born i ;!blind twenty-six years ago, has pass-

Mrs. Adda Harris of Nauvoo. survives him. Also three brothers, John of Nauvoo, Sebastian and Dennis of So-nora township.

- Mrs. John Kaufman, for many years • •! a resident of Nauvoo, died at the! commercial world, whil* Miss Grace, • SALEM. •jhom* of one of her daughters in J is c>ne of the most + - • * - s. • | Seattle, Wash., last Sunday afternoon j ladies in this section of Imnols. Con-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • ! a t t h e a g e o f s e v e n t y - f i v e y a a r s ; h e r \ g r a t u l a t l o n s I n a d v a n c e , E ) a r l . gg|j;

I son John of this city received a tele-! Nauvoo's high school pupils ought Miss Viola Smith, pastor of the (gram to effect. Sha has made j to have an old-fashioned spelling bee

Friends church, departed Wednesday home iQ ^ above city for aland the old blue-backed speller used to attend as delegate from the ^number of years She leaves a num-1 in "giving out" words and invite the, M. S. of Iowa yearly meeting, the tri-, of cMldren to mourn. ! town. Those who learned to spell by > ennial missionary conferenca of worn- i Qne 0j Nauvoo's citizens has car-! the old-time method should be pitted en which will convene at Muncie, In- i r™- 0 tntn manv i asainat the vounirer iceneration and

recently nearly fifty were In Nauvoo | and on any Sunday you can see more than doable fifteen in Nauvoo.

Hamilton's band gives concerts on the business strest every week and ls drawing many farmers within a, radius of four miles of Nauvoo who go down to hear the music. What ara Nauvoo's merchants going to do about attracting our rural <brethren to the city this summer? 'jf'i

Nauvoo will sdon have a picture show. The new lsssees of the opera house will install a fine movie when ftijy tike possession.

•Mrs. Ijdu Argast entertained the Nauvoo Ladles': Pripcilla dab this Thursday afternoon fUld the members enjoyed the meeting as only ladies can. Fancy needle work with consid­erable gossip mixed in between was the afternoon's pastime and excellent culinary art viands graced the tables, to which the ladles did ample justice.

Nauvoo's fruit prospects at the present time could not be better and if nothing interferes from now until ripening time, we will surely have a banner crop.

You may talk about Nauvoo being, a beautiful dead town but nearly j every man In business herb is get- • ting rich. However, we can say that Nauvoo is a rather <9md town as far as increasing her (population and boosting her to the front as she de­serves on account of its 1 beautiful locations, but the latter tloes not make a town boom. It's the* business msn who retard its growth. r

There isn't anything we don't eat, or feel, or sit around and think about that hasn't been In some way adver­tised for us. A surprise is about the only thing shy on publicity. '

The Nauvoo promoters for a Moose1

lodge here now have the promise ol about eighty membercs. It looks like a Moose lodge will be organised here. If th9 Eagle members In Nkuvoo had. got bus7 they ooold have succeeded In establishing an order here tn this' beautiful town %'•; •!

Once there w«ls a time and but a short time ago when the fanners

SOME ELECTRICAL DONT*S. j Dflts last week ! creek here and why the knocaers; to St. Louis In 1870. Mark Twain; complained about the automobiles Don't fail to replace cracked inso- Mt- -cr-ril aimntin from sat-' should knock him Is beyond our peo-j called this "the greatest race ever j tearing along th» country roads and

^ iron in America." This man says the frightening their


affords every facility for do­ing your banking business


that any bank can.

A A7; v r.-.

coal per .Helen came from Mt. Pleaasnt Friday. 8 on one of onr papular i m»ler were in the car and while go-The Pltsburgh, Pa.. Railways com-;annum to eupfly the state of NewJWhUe here they are gueste of Mrs., lar> {n fact, that! mg at a high rate of speed, the driver

pany has ordered 400 new motors of; York with fuel, a new and commend- j Ford s parents Mr. and Mrs. John}^Tfhe qalt it W8s notlceable to his! cramped the car to some manner, cans-

•the General Electric company for new;able precedent in coal purchasing has Long. j f l "ds Qne of them Btopped htm and ! ing it to upset, throwing the latter street car eqnipmenU In that city. been established. Mrs Esther Joy spentseveral days , £^^dde^rceased hisjo^ unhurtTut ©nil was pinioned in

L Z tf7 "Z. j? $ i «Icampaign He replied: "Couldn't stand ! the car with the top mashed down on If congress intends handing out bnying. each institation _acta onjta j Grant CorsWe famUy at Winfl^d. j ™ \fnser Qther wh?01 hIm. when released he was uncon-

ciass 01 tne uo grega-. ^ arrJved about a half hour late she j sclous * —» -*"mrnr" C. L. I. O.'s A doctor was summoned and

me I would have to return home and was not badly Injured. Th®, car was get an excuse, signed by my mother." badly damaged.

medical officers at the state institu-! sale at the Huxley store Saturday, tlons are called upon to decide their j Sunday school class No. 6 held a pie,

E. Mr. J. N. Daugherty of Warsaw died own fuel problems, while in general j social in the basement of the M . the question is seldom or never band- Schurcii Saturday evening. jSome say she wbs a s ms • .. . t led by really competent men. Mrs. Hogle cine from ML Pleasant The Nauvoo KusUer says Nauvoo, last Tuesday night at hi, home at

Under the new arrangement, the; and visited - with her daughter Mrs. U« a c!tiz-n wh° Ss ^ donate; that place, with paralysis **ew*3 5» state will derive ihe benefit naturally Mno Fenn and family. $100 a year towards purchasing and: years of age. His son Ellis who ©on­to be expected from the best services j Mrs J. W. Youn« entertained her! operating a ferry between Nauvoo and ; ducts a meat market in Nauvoo, and

By way of showing their regard for avajlab,e- / , 8Pf^, Mrs. Dorson from La Crew. Txnuiom !mad® »P entirely of fuel experts, will j Prof. John Parish and famUy came

Montrose; and further says that there! jjfs wife were called to the family never waa a time in Nauvoo's history 1 homs and went down Wednesday when we needed better connections j morning. The deceased leaves a wife,

^ between th?se towns. We can state j two sons and five daughters to mourn. ! fuel best adapted to the requirements! Qgg Keller went to Keokuk Satur- j right here without fear of contradio- j The Bible is the best seller, but | of the Individual plants. It may even 5^ and returned Monday. jtion, that Nauvoo's ferry schedule and j suspect the news from Mexico la

fthe great American detective, William j * * .. . ' _ !j Burns, the people of Marietta, Ga.. i^ufr the

(^ff,rent pro"ems. ** Morning Sun and spsnt last week 'last Friday escorted him out of town j * f | r J ! f f _ ™ . ! ! L - ? . ! ! w l t t r e l a t i T e 3 -with a shower of eggs.

in consumption this commission is' at xauvoo 111. |able to effect will be of even greater*

Miss Lenore Collins is "a guest of 1 accommodations ere as good now as j attracting more attention just now. mt vanmn ni iit ever was in Nauvoo's history and, There is a man who lives down In

that the business; Missouri who claims he was the only £nrithf txaSnaUon^for Ending i 'mP«rtance than the amoHn- lD ! thf^ j Justifies011 Capt. John Ratmbold isone j passenger on the steamboat Robt. M. (physician of the tuberculosis hospital! j Dr. W. A. Dilts of Indlanola visited ; of the most k>t the Oak Park Infirmary in Chicago.

accommodating ferry, Lee when that craft made its rac»

Where one person gets rich through specu­lation, hundreds get poor. P#

Ctissss ths better way and dspalH your mon­ey whtri It will be' safe and pay you a liberal Intsrsst rats. This la net speculation.

Keokuk payings Bank •f*

Pays 3% p«r uam on

Mvinp Accounts

'hi* parsnts Mr and Mrs Thomas owners who ever sailed across the big; with the Natches from New Orleans | TTrtj, w#_k * j creek here and why the knockers | to St. Louis in 1S70. Mark Twain j

§9«i George Thompson of Atchison, Kan.,, - —.— — — . lhas sworn off voting for presidents.!latora- iwoken switches and worn out nrday nntn Monday with her mother [Pl»» comprehension

_ SHe has voted at every election since! laiaP sockets. » |l848 and, with the exception of Frank- j Don't hang clothing,

' Sin Pierce, has never yet "won his' vote." He says that either his judg-

* . '^ment ls poor or he Is a hoodoo.

long Now-,

horses and raising • Mrs Lewis at ML Pleasant. A Nauvoo mother was credited as j Lee won, the Natches having tied up j Cain with their new and old vehicles

or anything ' j*. S. Bell of Twin F&ais, Idaho, is I siying that eighteen is the right. the last night because of fog. | and seeking damages. It ls r Sin Pierce, has never yet "won his else- on the electric light wires, or relatives here. ' j *se for a girl to begin crying again. Nothing has been done yet to ob- j road that hasn't a turn to it.

lamp cords, in the bom3. Mrs Sough, accompanied by I when she wants something she cant .flerve Memorial day in Nauvoo. There | adays, wherever we look, it Don't attempt to improve the elec-.'jjg- daughters Mrs. Mark Kirkpatrick' get in any other way. The lady has j jg a movement on foot to attempts that it Is the fanners who appear to

trie wiring in the house unless ^ Mary Gs*igk went to Fairfield several daughters. ' j some sort of celebration in honor ofjbe buying all the buss wagons. They Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson, are an electrician. Friday Whsr^ Mrs. Gough underwent i The steamboat landing near the, the hero dead. I are not finding any more complaint

jfh® president's eldest daughter, will, Don't meddle with the electric wir-: a operation at the hospital; Welter old mill site will make an Something Is being #>ne to straight-; about the city cousins. &be one of the editors of a new maga-! lnS. If you want it changed consult j m Saturday. She is doing as well: Ideal place when everything is put in, en out mattera of the Benedictine Sis-sine to* be launched In June for pro- J an electrician. ' as can be expected. ; ship-shape. Iters buildingB difficulty which Kleran moting the use of public school houses j Don't run electric motors and fans; | The. young ladies sodality of the caused them when he planned great ms centers of co-operative enterprises | without proper oiling. 1 China Becoming Civilized. ' Natrroo Catholic church gave a de- • things for this noble order and Nau-a.nd recreation, forums of common j uon't attempt to adjust electric SAN FRANCISCO. May 14.—Speak-: lightful picnic in Moffitt's timber too a number of years ago. If every-"counsel and as public polling places. I lamps with the current on. fag here before a meeting of Metho-" southeast of the city last Sunday. It thing cannot be arranged in the cir-

Don't use screw drivers, pliers and I ^Ist ministers, Dr. N. W Brewster, a: was an ideal day for an outing and cult court satisfactorily, the Sisters

The Confidence -r*-

Tie Public placed In the

State Central

Savings Bank C«r. Mi Sc. Main Sto.

simply because the policies un­der wfckfe it does business are consistent with all the prin­ciples of aoand banking

Capital $200,000.00 $200,000.00

Captain Hugh Rodman, U. S. N., who will have charge-of all the details of putting shipping through the Pan- master switch in the attic.

other iron or steel tools about eiec- missionary of Hing-Wha, Fukien pro- the young ladles enjoyed themselves j may seek a location elsewhere. trie lamp sockets without opening the rince, southern China, asserted that as only young ladies can. They took; Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Argast observ-

Nauvoo people are still waiting to see one of those three lnterurban lines to begin construction work through our city. It looks like Nau-voo will get one of the lines.

A Nauvoo bachelor was heard «ay-Ing that he believed to get net re­sults nowadays, it won't make much difference whether you weigh the

' China Is rapidly advancing toward a. iwith than tons of good 'eats" andied their 29th marriage anniversary j girl in her stocking fset or diked up

One condition,, but business in Xa* TOO suffers on account of the absence

of our rural brethren who are no* too busy to come to town. Prospect* for all kinds of crops look promising in Nauvoo and vicinity.

Rheumatism Quickly Cured. "My sister's husband bad an attae*

of rheumatism in his arm," writes • well known resident of Newton. Iowa "I gave him a bottle of Chamber Iain's Liniment which he applied to

to® ama canal, graduated from Annapolis j Don't handle electric meters rough- prominent position among°the highly! their appetites did justice to the! last Tuesday with a family reunion.! in her best ready-to-go-somewheres. jhls arm aad on the next morning in 1880, and with the exception of six ly. 'civilized nations of the world. He spread They want to repeat the ven-|Only one more year and then this' Nauvoo's jfnblic school will close j rheumatism was gone." For chrontt years has been at sea ever since. He} Don't fail to treat every loose elec- sai<? ffrtw |s taking ambitiously to-ture and take the boys along next; popular couple will be welcomed, to.[ next week, but St. Mary's academy., muscular rheumatism you will A" has been around the world five times {trie wire as though it were alive, world movements, has gained an un- tim?. ; observe their pearl wedding. ! Spalding institute and the high school

rand has commanded ships in nearly j Handl 3 it with care. You can't tell der standing of the necessity of re-? If all those young people will join J Art Schneidsr bad a stag party' at | will trot along until next moath. jM J every big port in the world. by looking at a wire whether it is | ppecticg modern <~ommerclai values of IhancJs at the matrimonial altar so I his beautiful residence last Tuesday j Nowadays it don't look like sport gfel? | alive or not. credit* and men of modern < gossips have it. There sre six couples i night. His wife and little son areiunlsss somebody gets killed, bruised

Back In New England <5an<*eMons j Don't replace burned fuses with thought and education are directing • to be united In the holy bonds before j away on a visit and Art felt so lone- j or the automobile busts in. s are quoted at 18 cents a peck, with a j bits of wire. The fuss is designed to jtu development. The change in the ! many moons and ell are Nauvoo boys; ly that be could not resist the temp- j The house cleaning season in Nan

nothing better than Chamberlain^ Liniment Sold by all ealars.—A* vertisement


Vice President Quest of Honor. PITTSBURGH, May 14.—Vice Pre*''

limited supply. Out in Omaha dan-j protect you as wpli as the circuit. press of the people, Improvement in and girls. Th» wedding bells will bejtation to have Just only one good time j TOO is about at an end and the hue- dent Thomas R. Marshall and delions can bs had for the asking, j Don't forget that 500 volts, or less, foods and in other conditions of living j kept ringing for some time and the j by inviting a number of men friends.. hand can liv® in pe&db ottte more. ^—-* •-•with the cost of digging thrown in. j is sometimes fatal. • emphasised by the speaker as j band will play when one of its mem- • There was plenty of eats and musio What this country needs, next to Don't touch the electric lamps while 1 evidence In support of his contention, 1 bers takes his first ward belle to the j to entertain. Huerta's scalp, is an adequate means standing in a bath tub of water. |acd hesa'd that the adoption of these - altar. j The Warsaw coiT^ponaeht of The of moving the western crop of dande- J Don't attempt to put in new sock- j modern methods Ch?na was becoming Financial note: One of Nauvoo's! Keokuk Gate City brags about lift sen

famishing Interiors of jets, now switches, buzzers, etc., with-jam important factor ia the world's j workmen wish?* to inform financiers autoombiles being seen on ttH bnsi-out turning off the current^ market*. lof the country that the money strin- ness streets at ooe time. A Sali

lions to the New. England. Saturday

| Marshall arrived In *-Ws city todsy The wheat crop about Nauvoo is {attend the banquet of the Plttsburf

looking splendid snd tha pea crop for j Publicity association, which our canning factory, which consists j held tonight at the Hotel ^rhe°' ' of nearly 100 acres. Is going to be «; This is the first visit of the bummer. The fanners are aH busyj preslf planting corn. Country road* ars in

the first visit 01 uw.Xj to the Sted.Ctty siwspp