1 p v,: WEEK. A CENTS FIFTEEN NEW 102 ORLEANS, 1848. Flu DAY JUNE 1 NUMBER MORNING, VOLUME J \V U1BB(>NS, Genend broker. No. 2S Customhouse street;oprtaii». _ mylU i.ri'i'll R. BH i£D< ( 'wntuerciaLand Marine Notary* J flo'j« lUnka -, Arc.uie, JNew OrJeaiu. inlä ly / iH \ KLliS IMjAKK &l * ' Comnuseion Merchants I . aH(i ^tUj, ttroki r < v ' ^ L'oniriiou »t. inlia » VV. 1'KlT* HARD, Gaurailiro/icr, No. b*7 Gra- (j i.'-» trêel, flewUrieans. inaiöm ß II \ hi., .S7 .RGEON '/> ENTIST. So.'H \S , ChttohUKbKT STKJCKT« (herweeu Common ail(l , , v , •iiiyJjihiii EN •*" Or/.s....w. «- WEICHT,( indnndti. JUJUIU. äiüKUijb « WKIttüT, ,. EMISSION AN 1UKWAKÜIiNG MERU1IANTÖ ill ,No. IVI.()<;;.-I , N.Orls. o. vvonDUl lr. JAMKft K. Wl Ill-Ill IK »i»üJV O. VVU< >ÖKl/Ff & CO., Commission Merchant# J and^tfenls jurtiie Louisiana und New Orleans hint „I fotliru, lNo.tWC'a|^» streut. rnJiä a l) (ilUKKK. S. A. KINOSLAND, i 0 i.tuht'FIsHA)., Wholesale Dealers in Butter and A. fHeese, and Agents for Taylor's Albany Aie and lorltr und Ncwarli Lider, Nos.ü», Jb aud 40 Old Levee, ;V-w Une&an. mltiiy J..WKBÖTEK Äl CO., Wholesale and Retaü Dealers |i. in iron, Nails, »spikes, Tin Plate, Copper, Cordage, nus, <ind a general stock of articles connected to ft, h the iron ,nil MW chandleru Trade, Üti Gravier btreet, New Or- i-HW. _ . *i OHESCE1MT FOUNDRY, No. Girod .st., New Orleans. ^TEAMand F1KK ENGINES, Printing rressesand Ma- J5cfli* r y »nßeueiul, made and repaired in a «atal'adory BiAunet. 1 tfrass Castings and l'attiras made to order. miiia A. 0. JONES. STORAGE. At lite Fire-i'rool Warehouse.-, Orleans Nos. 1 Jd| and J, cornersol'Julia and Magazine, i\.^ /A and Magazine and DeJord streets, aud^yUyy I Julia btreet, i'or all kinds of jnerchau-aSsSB Uuv*«» * «uduce, at the lowest raies. OKU. R. IU'jARI) K 1 M TT A LL— HO ÜSESMl TJU and HE I. L J. HJNUER, J,ajayette st. near Camp, New Or.MH, HibING, LOCK SM ITH IN G, etc. i/ BelUlanging done in the liest manner, on lernu». Siore Door Bolts and B&is made to 4 older. , ~ OIL PAINTINGS. 'PilKODORB A. GUÜLD, Portrait Artist, L No. <$44 U amp, near Julia street. Patron' «erespectnilly solicited. ay'J) ti t i.i II A RXN litT, BOUT JJJVJJ SHOE. 1. MANUFACTURKR. No. 70 at. Charles street. Mill'.t>ni Ney Orleans. M il. ÉfifËK, No. 100 CAMP street, Watch-, , maker and dealer in JEWELRY, GOL1M Vuvl, J?AWCV AKT1CLEÖ, una WATCHJEÖ. Mlkwtry artrclea repaired at moderate prices, mill ).?UCRSON. J. A. BONNEVAL. nWHBON U BONNEVAL, A UCTIOJfEERS, No67 I Gravier street, will attend lo the purchase and saleot Eatale. Negroes and iYlerchandifce ; also, to the saieot l'uxoe»,riiiccesàioiii», Furniture, und ad out-door sales ; soh- (iiironi üieir lneads and the public a portion of their pa ifvaage. mil B OTANIC DRUG STORE, NO. SO FOYDN* st., N«w Orleans, by ]>R. A. A. JONES. ty*ALEX'R CAMPBELL'S PUBLICATION^" uipatNo. W Poydras »treet. New Orleans, by Dr. A. A. huts, ton agent lor thf city: mhl4 K O#**. WORTJ91NGTON, General Jigenl and Collector, Rodney, Jeflërson county, Mississippi, will Ht-nil unnctually to the Collection ol Notes, Drafts, Ac- cotinis, olc., m I his and the southern part of Claiborne county. Hrfrr.i to— Drake & Evans, Broughton & Murdock, Pi nur ird. Warren & Co, Rodney, Miss; John Goodin, Jhciiard Beck, K. H. & G. M- Bayly, New Orleans; W. K.Henry, T. A S. Doniphan, Natchez; James Goodin, l.mcinuati; Jas. liand, Philadelphia ; J. G. James, Lexing- w Thus, I reeJand, Claiborne county, Miss. apjy PUMPS AND BATHING APPARATUS &c. jOHN McCARTY, Plumbery No. 134 Camp street <1 N«w Orleans, has just received a new and large inonmentof Brass Cocks, various sizes ; Force and Lilt 1'urays : Beer Pumps, &c. &c, Cooking Ranges: BalhiaK Tubs and Shower Baths. Also, laying and repair- head Pipes, Sheet Lead work of every description. Ship lud Hteamboat work promptly pat up and repaired. All or- der; promptly attended to. (. uarge» moderate. mh24 ly A C. AINSWORTIJ, Marine and Commercial Notary, Nq.f 38 CAMP street, holding Commissions from the hiatal OT TK x A S, M L s S I s sippi, KKNT u c K v. FLO RID A , N K w VORK. MISSUIJKI, ILLINOIS. INDIANA, TUNNKHHKK, PKNN- HLVAKU, RllODK INLAND, VKRMONT, NKWHAMPHHIRIC, !|IUWAUK, ALABAMA, MAINE, NORTHCAROLINA, SOUTH ('AKUUMA, GEORGIA, NKWJKRSKY, OHIO, MICHIGAN, ARÏASHAS, VIRGINIA, MASSACHUSETTH, MARYLAND, and 1 '»MiK« TU i'T, is prepared to take depositions, and execute MMllfcd'eot all kinds of legal êistru menu to be used or recorded -'a wad States, and the Territory of WISCONSIN. The usual P-uaptituile at ins orfice is continued in all Notarial busi- mh5 Ü , . GILT AND SILVER PLATING. LAMHhRT, ST. CHARLES Street, opposite the Theatre, respectfully informs the public that ^ fie is prepaid to (îild and Silver Plate Wares in a iuperior and durable manner, by the galvanic pro- cess and on tlie most, reasonable terms. «»mu», Pistols aud Knives repaired and put cellent order, at short notice; and all work pertaining to liouae «ml ijuuk»ni!thing don ?in a workmanlike manner. apÜ6 f( ( . VINE OAR ESTABLISHMENT^ 'I'lIK I udersigned is constantly manufucturing and has I lorsalea very superior article of VINEGAR, whicli lie will guarantee to improve by age, and «ni deliver it, free of charge^, in any part ot uâ&ÈsâÊH wie city or Lafayette, at tiie ibllowiug reduced d9HHHK to suit I In* times, viz: Butts, 60 gallons, $4; Barrels. 3u S alloua, ; Barrels, 40 gallons, 7 cents ty gallon. A libe- i'illiiacouiii made t^> wholesale customers. fcr A line dropped in the Postotlice will he punctaally «teHdwIto. [apJlUfj JOHN 11. WEBB. toner Common and Marais sts., opposite Charity Hospital. posue me A 50D w LARD. KKGS aad JU barrels Prime Leaf, in store, for sale by STURGËS &: WRIGHT, ••> 86 Tchoupitoulas street. WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS, &c. are prepared to lurui>h, at short notice, from the d Aim-irong it l»anai;]i, Pi.'^-hiirg. all descrip- '"'"«niauiiiiered Pieces, WR( »IJGHT IRON, viz : 'Shaft ^earners, and Sui'ar Mills, Piston Kods, VVrisIs, Pitman Jl ' A .< otion Pre« Screw Moulds, and every variety of lorg- fromiXi H»-, lotHJOOlbs. L. J. WEBSTER, at> Gravie» st. SPICE AND COFFEE MILLS, A»». 130 Magazine ft., cornef of JLafayetteSt. I «' llOLI'N would respectfully inform the community «• of New Urlean> that he is at all times prepared at the "»vp Mdl> lo furnish roa-.t and ground t otVee, ground Spices ^ wl kind-, tn-Hbei with Corn meal. Hominy and G ritz, ^niiilioa^. Gioui-nes and Restaurants sui»plied at the «*»••-.! notice. ap4 6m FORT AELE SHOWER EATHS. Plil-.F.N'S IMP«»»\ KD PORTABLi; KXTENSfoN VI SlloWFiH BA HIS have received the diploma at the AIIWIIC,m Institute, N«nv Vork, ami Mechanics' Fair, Bos- sthe IK>I Shower Baths ever o tiered tothe public. The r il M r ;i "\ tliat lli.-y liavc Iki'ii upiioinlcd ,W n*;tll) H.vooll. lit bath, ami are iiuw |.re- belli at wliole-al« or.mlail, a_| iiuxU-r.il.- pri- >«fuu for Wed to I LAMPSON Ü K NOTICE. pHK sn|»s«-riber, having purchased the inten \NDKKW OLIVER, in the VV ULt t AMI It I. I All. Ilm Ii Ks I'AIII.ISIIMKNT, torn: r S =frtn rt ris „11,1 liiniri.'U strut*. A Wo f<ite»,AlA L iiiiiiilirr ui veitr* pa»i l oiulintuil jointly by tlwiii«"4»«» lor «nder tlie style of A ii drew Oliver^ Co hi> arrangements foi ;i more extended business than at hit iit rto done by the old house. My stock ot ^7 liHI'GS. M Kill Cl M KS AND <"11 EM I CA LS, J *J SI KUK'AL INS TKI MENS AND PERHTMKRY, "inlirneing. a- I intend it shall, every article needful '"Uie Heads of Familk-, Planters and Country Dealers, will wot hi t xewiind in excellence of quality or reasonableness of pffccliy any other house in the trad«-: while as a GEXÉRAL PATENT MEDIC! \B AGENT. ori 'rscan l>»- addressetl to me w ith a confidence and certainty ot bavin;; them properly and faithfully attended to, not pie- Miiisii- .'Vjieru-ü.-ed in iLi> plate»*. The uatial credits and facilities of trade extended to ctHoifur- 8-r' To the following, among other articles embraced in n,v »'resell 11 \ tensive lock, i would especially direct attention liK> ft Tartaric Acid; 1Ô0.. Seidlitz Mixture; ;*I0 .. Cream Tartar; . 5!x.i.. (Juin Arabic; löü .. Gum « »pinm. Turkey: ».la: ' 5D0 .. Extract Licorice. i HEMIC A LS. if; LtWoz. Iodine; nie; JO .. Iodide Mercury; IV .. Oil /Egot : 10 .. Strychnine; i: 5 .. Veratrine; ii"» .. Piperine; 1.^1 lb Blue Massf liH) .. Corrosive Sublimate; .Tipitate: JO.. Lunar Caustic; PATENT MEDICINES. „ „ , "KNOWLES & NOEL, /' R AC T i CA L W A TC II M. i A E R s, No. 35 1 Y ANAL street, lk-,1 door wTh wiowCamp, J\icm Orleans, k^i.«fe==j3 ri e£5^ «^ (Ull ^ l:ttl, iy on hand a lar^o una .veil &etecte<l a^-orimenc of .-WJ -, aud English LEVER WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Pocket Cutlery .Gold l'en». Spectacles, and i*ancy Goods. Our personal attention will be devoted to repairing every description ol Fink Wah IIKS, t Mu ts, ami Ji.wki.tw ; whicli shall peiloiiji s-atkiiattorjiy, or no enara my-tl WATCHES JEWELRY, ETC. j ^DVVARD A. TYLER, 39 (;«/«/; street, would rcni>ect- --i fully invite the aUenuou ol i:i» iiicnds und Hie , ^ puldic to his line and well selected stock oi JEW- ELRY, etc., comprising Watches oi tlie most ap- proved manniactnre, in Gold and Silver, Hunting and Open-laced cases ; Silver Wme ol every Uescn^ 'uu, consisting in part of Tea, Table, Sutfar, San and iVlustaru Spoons, Torits, Lailles, Castors, Cups, Pitciiers, Toast- Racks, e!c. A great variety of Jeweiry, Cutlery, Rich Fancy Goods, Perlumery, etc. PIANO FORTES. Just received Irom the maun Victories ol Messrs. xNuuns û: Fiscner, and A. ii. Gale U Co., a large supply ol tiicir auperioi PIANOS, in new style cases—a lew with tXAuiau Attaciiiucul, and Ives's Tuneable Reeds. Please call and examine. apt» ti FX.OWJEH UAHDEN AND SEED ôïOJiE. '1M1E FREtiHJKlST GAKDliN «iJEUS caa be X obl.iiueil al tlie Ii l K> Ii, al the cur ««ort »tute ol MA miBW S&ß er of S'J\ CHAULES ana U Ii.'1 y I Ell Streets; warranted to h«.? the Iine^i collection now in the city. Also—F Ulli T AND ORN AM E N TAL T REES, oi wwl tlie choicest kind ; logetuer vvi :n m l>eai. codection o : nilRUBBER 1L lo be iound in the market. iioU- «c^uETö put up to order at thealiortebtnotice. apii4 Jin " Persons (lurcnasing Plaut» or deeds', andliuuing tliem not lo l»e a-> tliej arereiucoented, will be relumed tiieir money. CilliE-SE. BOXES Prime Western, in dort, lor sale by S I l UG E^ VV ivltjîilT, ti»j Tchoupnpuias st. 100 inly lm SOLDIERS AliD VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! SOLDIERS AND VOLUNTEERS' CLAIMS bought O andsoid by JOHN E. HOLLAND, Notary Public, No. W E coud lloor. 1 aud sold by 1ST Office, No. 4, î . - NEV/ CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, 91 4'93 CaroiuLeict al., Oeticeeu Gracier ana btuor lauulactured ito order, ans nip warranted. Also, Repairing done at all tlie branches. miusi twiii&W AKEN c CARRIAGES V_> and worKmai WB.f'ampiior; »Sadi; ».Jalan; 'J. RotlioÜHSi s»il(i. OOPPxiR AND SHEATHING METAL. I CaSES Sheathing Copper, assorted to ^0 oz.; tß\ß 50 Cases Vcbovv Siieatmng Metal, assorted 14 toz£oz 40,00b Jbs. Braziers' Copper, assorted 10 u> 1^0 lbs.. Copper and Composition Sheathing Nails, and Boit Copper assorted. 1? or sale by , SLARK, DAY, STACFFER.k CO., my4 -mdiiW corner Ca. d and xVJagazine sts. STORAGE TOR COFFEE. W E can take on storage on one lloor, second story, in a dry and dark place, 15,000 bag». Also, in auotiu store, from LU.Ovib i,o oU,000 bags. iVletchants having coliee to store will Und it to their advantage to call and examine out warehouses. EMERöON, TOE RNE 6l < a ). apliO IdS Tc.ioupnouiai street. SUM MER iiOASDING At the FLOR AN CE HOUSE, Comer of Camp and South struts, Lafayette Square—Decidedly tlie .coolest and most airy public house in the city.—For two successive Summers this House has been well Idled by those wno appreciated. 011 mal, its extraordinary merits as a Summer Residence—unconnected, as it is, Witn any adjoin- ing building, and surrounded by the Square aud wide open space. IMP''' Libéral arrangements made for the entire season. myll bw SUMMER RESIDENCE AT MANDE VILLE. A delightful SI M MER RESIDENCE at Man- devdle, measuring two arpents fronting the Lake by twelve arpents 111 depth—all fenced in. The int- ernen ts comprises a good aud substantial FrameuDwelling ot three rooms, fronting the Lake, galleries in front and rear ; two Cabinets, Kitchen and Servants' Kooni« ; one other good building hurt expressly for visiters, having two large rooms w ith gallery ; Stables, etc. On tlie premises is a tine Spring, the only one there is probably at Mandeville, and in front of tke property is a line and beautiful Flower Par- terre. The property will be sold with ail the Furniture, Cows, Dorses, Vaces, etc. For Terms, which are liberal, and full particulars, apply to _myi&_ PIERSON U liONNEVAL, 67 Gra\:«.r-t. 'J O TR A P WL i. WR S. TRUNKS, VAL ICES AND CARPET BAG WA REHOUSE. J OHN MORRISON, No. 19 Cn„ Street, oilers to tiie public for sale a large assortment oi' the above articles at such low prices as will huit THE TTMKS. _ Persons about to travel for the summer will do him a call. Couutry dealers supplie<i at wholesale, 011 the most liberal terms. Manufactory, Newark, N. J.—Warehouse, 71 Mai- den Lane, New York. my26 lm JOHN STROUD JOHN ST&OUO, JR WM. STROUD JOHN STROUD & CO., 146 COMMON Street, betw een Carondelet and Baronne, DEALERS IN M ARBLE M A N T E L- P I E C E S »HE?!! ENAMKLLKD («'RATES, MONIJM KNTS.^Jn};.^ TOM RS. TOMB SLA HS, GRAVK STONES, Wjl^l and MARBLE in ail its ditîèrent vtirieîies; fin, THOMASTON L1ME,CAL< INKI> PLASTER ov PARIS, ROMAN AND HYPRAULIT I' EMKNT, PLASTKRINO HAIR, WHITE SAND, ENGLISH, PKNSAUOLA A4\D PITTS n uro PRE BRICKS. n 1.va oui FAMILY OF NEGROES FOR SALE. A FAMILY OF ACCLIMATED NEGROES at private sale, as follows— A NEGRO MAN, aired about27 year«, a good subject, and his Wife, a Negress, aged about 22 years, a good cook, washer, aud iron r— with their two children, viz: a lîoy. aged about;! years, am! an Infant, aged 4 months. The above Negroes are fully guarantied, and come well recommended. They will be-old for oiu-half cash, balance ou H and 12 months, lor approved endowed notes, with mort- gage 011 the Negroes. Aî>ply to my 13 tf PI E KS< ) N & )N NI : V A h. b7 < : ravier ,t. 1 URB \ NKS' PATENT PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. nnilE undersigned, sole agent- in New Oruvih. lor the 1 sale of Messrs. E. T. Fairhank. & Co > (original patentees,) St. Johnsbury. Vermont, celcbiatod I' I^ATKORM SCALES, are preparetl lo furnish them at the manuiaclurers' prices. < 'ounter Scales to weigh 1 » oz. to :>j lbs.; Druggists' Scales to weigh I drachm to8 lbs.; Portable PlatJbrm Scales, 200 to 250011».; Dormant Platform S»-a!e,. IV.-OO to ôWK-J II».; Iron Scales, 2500 lo 3000 lbs.; Ra l o.-ul Track Scales for weighing eurs 10 to65 tons ; Raiiro nl Depot anil Hay Scales, 4 10 0 tons. The above are particular I y recomuicmled to pur- chasers, as being superior to any of now 111 use, for correctness and «lui ample testimonials can be furnished. SLARK, DAY, STA UM* ER cV CO., my4 2ind&W comer Canal and Magazine sts. GENTLEMEN'S BOOT AND LADIES SHOE STORE. The subscriber has just received from f/ his Manufactory, a splendid assortmei f BOOTS and SHOES, made under hi of the best material and workmanship, and ol the most fasigonable and ia>ty styles, comprising— Gents Extra fine Calf Skin BOOTS; Fine Calf Skin Fine Morocca 44 Patent Leather GAITERS; " Cloth " Fine Calf BROGANS: Rouiîh and Ready HALF-BOOTs; 4 ; Cloth HALF-GAITERS; 1 NI ELI FI ERS—Calf and Patent Leather; Velvet and Calf SLIPPERS; Hunting and Riding BOOTS, etc^, etc.\ . Lames BOOTS, G A ITERS and SHOES, oi' the most I ashionable st y les ; Boysand \ ont lu»' l'aient leather BROGANS: Children's Français (5 AIT ERS. ^îoro<•co Buttons, Pa- tent Leather, and Calf SHOES, etc. JOHN H. WORTH. myS 3"» wdor st <!: _ mer < loin mon «t. NOTiCE. iiii.'. I»y Act or February 13,184t>, be- îarjio, No::» 1 y Public, of thi>eitv. aiî'iuired ento r of rhe 1 I RE-PR< »OF CON- lUîQtee of the same, by fact ni iii^CSsâ^. n eye. TOOTH ACHE CURED fi N LESS THAN ONE MINUTE, by I Dr. MENSING'S T O O T H A CII Ê ELIXIR.—This ar icte is devoid 01 all pori souons ingredients. Try a bottle and you will >0011 see a wry face turned into smiles. M At. IC TOOTH POWDER.—This article is the best now before the public. It eradicates'the Tartar without the aid of in- itiumcnt.s. Remember that these articles are prepared only by Dr. MENsING, DENTAL SURGEON, office. No. 53, Baronne, street , lour doors above Commons». my 3m W. R. HALL, SURIJEON DENTIST, 14 Carondelet s tret*. New Orleans, W ILL perform all operations on the TEETH for their preservation in tiie most scientific manner. ARTIFICIAL TEETH i 1 rfj i|p|T|l T ed, from one to a whole set. on t: model u and improved principles. . Teeth extracted without I lie use of Chloroform. but slight pain 10 the patient. From long experience 111 hjs profession, and strict applica- tion to business, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Reference cau be given to the most eminent medical men and Surgeon Dentists in the country. myl7 3m J. WEST, Practical Dcntisr, W r OULD respectfully inform tlie citizens of New' Jrleans that he has removed his office lo 129 g? CARONDKLKT STREET, corner of Poydras street, opposite the Church. Thankful for 1 the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, he woud solicit a continuance of thesame. Alter a practice of eight years in the mechanical department, both in Europe and the United States, aud having availed him- self of all the late improvements, he feels confident that he will give satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a caU * List of Prices. Single Tooth, mounted on fine gold plate $7 50 pivot 3 00 Plugging with fine gold, per cavity 200 Cleaning Teeth .300 A full -set of Teeth, highly finished, ou a new principle of'adhesion 150 00 The loss of the Palate supplied, without, clasps or liga- ments from $30 to 100 00 J. VV. warrants ail his operations to be the best of work- manship and material, and to give satisfaction lo those who may patronize him, or 110 charge will I* made. Old pi,ites remodelled and repaired at the shortest notice. Dentists in the country may rely on having tiieir work promptly attended to, by sending a correct model, T#"' DENTISTS supplied with Teeth Instruments, &c. N. li.—J. VV. can reler to many persons who are now en- joying the beneiits of los practice. apb Öin CHIC K.E RING'S PIANO-F ORT ES. THE PI ÜL1C will please lake notice that Mr. HFJNR\ X PA RS< >N S, 94 (/AMP NT RE KT, Is m only agent lor the sale of my ITANO-F ORTK in Louisiana; and that instruments taken a ,v T«l TT this depot may be considered fully guaran-u ^ 1c tie*i from the factory ; and that the prices will be adding freight and insurance only. Orders may be left for any kind of instrument, and no advance required until the article is received aud approved. J. CHLE'KERING, mylö 334 Washington street, Boston. MAYO'S MUSIC STORE, No. 5 Camp street near Canal. P IANO FORTES, manufactured by the best houses, and fully guarantied for permanency of wJpŒBSËàmgfagm tone aud durability of workmanship; /ilolianffff^^g^SR-j^ Piano Fortes, from the best manufactory.y w Tj ff fl and guarantied to remain at concert pitch J jt [! » lor five years. MUSIC for all instruments receive«! daily from al! the publisher in the United States. N EVV MI Sit ' published every week from the most popular authors. All '• S1CAL INSTRI'MENTS of every kind, embracing, in part, Harps, Double Bass, Violoncellos, Guitars, \ioiuis. Banjos, Drum, bass and tenor; Tamborines, Flutes, Clar- ionets, Flageolets, Fifes. BRASS INSTRUMENTS— Trombones, bass, tenor and alto; Cornet-a-Pitons, (Jrphe- clides, French Horns, Trumpets, valve and piain : Bugles. ' T ; i ' . m - : ' 1 . I J - i n î M i g H o r n s , C y m - i ' . MERCHANDISE of every kind. STRINGS for the Han», Bas Viol, Violin and Guitar. INSTRUCTION BOOKS for ail instruments by the most approved authors. INSTRI T CT1( >N on the Piano, Harp, Virdin^ li'iit.ar. F'inte. and in Vocai Music. Piano» tuned, repaiied, and taken in Dart payment for new Pianos. Musical instruments repaired. ML slC BOUND. The above-named merchandise is re- ceived and sold on consignment, and consequent!/ offered at much lower prices than if purchased on private account. Purchasers are respectfully invited to exc.mine the amoles before purchasing elsewhere. je'3 Im WM. T. MAYO, A rent. MR. HENRI KERZ'S PIANO FORTES AND PIANINOS. T/l/M. T. MAYO, has the pleasure Ui V V inform hi.- fiiends and t!.c public of 1 New Orleans, and the surrounding country,W that he has been appointed by Mr. H. 1 IKRZ. I Y _ sole Agent lor îi.c sale of his GRAND AND SUf'ARB PIANOS AND PIANINOS. T!.- daily increasing de- mand in th'.- country for these instruments, and the great satisfaction they have given to buyers, both in Amuioa and Europe, have induced W >1.T. MAYO to open a room tor their exhibition ami sale. 1 ?" also takes leave to call particu- lar attention to the PIANINOS, which are nnsnrpn*«?d tor richness of tone and elegance of appearance, combining great durability with unique brilliancy and facility of touch. They have been awarded the Gold M^dai of the first degree, (the highest pre mum at the disposal of the French Govern ment,) and are in general use in France, England and Ger- many. W. T. M. begs leave to refer to nie highest e o- ginms bestowed on them by Professors and the Press, on the occasion cf Mr. HERZ introducing the PIANINOS at his concerts An ample assortment will always be found at the Depot, No. 5 Camp Street, three doors from I 'anal st. [jeS tf BOBBINS' ORLEANS MILLS. , f|MIE ST'liSVR I HER would respectfully inform the pub* .I. lie generally that, as usual, he is pre}'ared to furnish, at wholesale and retail, Corn Meal, Oil Cake, Ground Feed, Ground Coffee, Spices of every kind, and of the most supe- rior quality, neatly prepared and delivered free of charge in auy part of New Orleans or Lafayette. Oroet left, no matter to what amount, can be filled at the shortest noticce, the Orleans Mills being the largest and most complete establishment in the city. Prices moderate, and such care given to the prepara- tion of orders as will insure a second call. _my*>01m . Ii. Rl'liHl NS. AV S Tri an sie llo.'a CARRIAGES !—CARRIAGES ! A T EASTERN PRICES, at the Commission CAR- RIAGE REPOSITORY, No. 66 St. ( H AR LES street, opposite the Com- mercial Exchange.—On hand and constant- ly receiving FASHIONABLE CARRI- AGES of 'ho lalest styles, direct from the nianuiaciorie COACHES. ROCKAWAVS, BAROUCHE^ BIT Gl ES, &c., Uc.. for vtyle, fim-h and price equal to any market. Customer» are invited to call and see for themsclvc je6 dm II. S* SMITH, b»i St. Ciiarlt^sl. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY^ T\ K Patronage that bas been extended to us so very libe i ally the last seven years, while in Com- jgTJ£ mon street, has induced us the last summer C to erect a large building expressly for facluring and repairing CARR!AGES.— . We have' now one ot the largest Shops in the Southern Country, and are prepared, with good Northern workmen, aud the best of materials, to build any style ol Carriage to o r dei, and guarantee them two years if used in the country. We are al-o better prepared than ever betöre for repairing Carriages, and can restore them almost to their original beauty rnd durability, although apparently worn out and useless. We will pay freight on carriages sent 11s to repair. We will, also, keep on hand an assortment of NEW and SECOND- HAND CARRIAGES which will be sold low. Old CARRIAGES taken in trade for New ones. We invite the attention ol those wanting New Carriage*, or their old ones repaired, lo call al our Manufaclo; v and Repository and judge forThem- selves. at the mm rrrf <; Ji.i / / E H a vd < 7 R ONI) E E E T Streits, next door to the Office of Commercial Water Works. 1 ear of tiie St. Charles Hotel. New Orleans. je.5 6m M ATT I î I : VV S & D E \ MAN. SOMETHING WORTHY OF ATTENTION. MIE proprietor of the Si. Charles Loan Office invites the the _o R. '1 MIE p J alien » his large stock of u redeemed itledires. i-uiisistigs »!' WATCLW.!, Diamonds, V»% lev. :'IRV, linn-, L'I Ü,!>, Ciolliili-. Caxi -. v Cuod>.ir-' ,'J* lt<MIK<,' elc I-. .«MISwho wi-H lonorc'I^E. "147 A RE'S POLITICAL FX'ONOM Y-Every pohti- 7 cian should have this Book at this juncture iu the polit ical times. For sale by MILES C. SALE & CO., ap2t> 17 St. 4'haïles street. "butter; Oa bI h SIRRINS Extra New Western, in store, for sale by STCRGES ic VVK1GHT. myiy Im Tchoupitoulas st. IKON STORE. •\i >1 fc T<)NS Assorted sizes American IRON, viz : Round ami square, from 3^16 to J inches ; Bar, Hoop and Band, of various sizes ; Nail Kou*, Nails, Spikes, &c., &c., lor sale by L. J. WEBSTER & CO., Üb Gravier street. HEMP ! HEMP. ! ! HEMP : î Ï ' S MIE undersigned, iu onier further to meet the views of the .* Board 01 1 nderwnters, have set apart, exclusively lor tlie storage of Hemp and other extra-hazardous articles of meichanuize, ti»e ONE-STORY fire-proof Warehouse, (Orleans >0.1,)'corner De lord ana Magazine streets. The locality and facility 01 receiving and delivering at the Warehouse CtUere being no iioisting to the second story required) renders this the most üesiiabie place lor this description ol storage. apôOm _ GEO.R. BEARliàLCi». HEMP WAREHOUSES." \ \[ESTERN AiN i) PÜEENIX.—The subscribers, having V ? devoted the upper floors of the Pnœnix aud|^v\\A Western M arehouses, exclusively lo the storage he.up, 111 on.er to meet the views of the Boaid olÉwàl Cnderwriters, are prepared to receive aud »lore the u.uuc ou accommodating terms. Having a number of {»restes 111 the same buildings, they are also prepaied at any moment to se- lect auu re-bale it in the neatest manner, and at low rates. EMERSON, TOURNE & co. ap20 16b Tchoupitoulas si. 'I'HE ROUGH AM) REAUY LIN E OF OMN IB C S- JL LS are now running from the uppei end of Lalayette 10 the Goverumet Whari ill My. The carriages are all new anuinle- nor to none, if not superior to any ever brou , 111 tins city. At present there aie but six running, but there vtdlaoon be a sulhcient nuinüer to accommodate all who »nay wish to ride in them. SmoKing aud racing are strictly prohibited; intoxicated persous are not permitted to ride, and tiie pubiic n ay re^i a^ured that strict attention will be paid to -d convenience ol ail who may favor said line their patronage. J. Ii. SLAWSON.&i CO. . i'aie, 10 cents. Tickets, per hundred, lor sale by ictors in trie Omnibuses. . ap21 TR ü N iv REP O SI T OR x. HOV'EV, i\taaaiav;turer of irunks, No. 188 PEARL 0 / " ^ ^ T 1 U . 1Ü1 U1 ^ at who.esale and retail the following articles, vu,, x ia»ti.»ug audlVii.v: i'Rl NKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGö, EiTlULci tRAVELLING BAGS, Hobby Horses, etc. Thofce persons iurchasing cannot la.il to receive satisfaction, as all articles sold uy him are 01 hisown manufacture. aiäOihn SADDLERY, HARNESS ANJJ TRUNK WARE- HOUSE, No. II Canal street, New Orleans, J A. HORTON has now on hand a large assortment of . every style ol Saddles, Bridles, Martin- gaies; Coach, Gig, Buggy, Wagon, aud fc:, Gart HARNEoS ; Dray Bridles, Coiiars, Whips, Stnrujjs, Bills' and Spurs. Also, a general a _ RU BBLK GOOliö; together with the largest atocN 01 Trunks, Valices, Saddle and Carpet Bags ever before offered 111 this market, to which he invites the attention of purchasers, as all the above goods will be sold at oRKATbY RfclM'l KD PRICES. i^r The subscriber has also the agency for the sale of SPANISH SADDLE TREES, of a great variety of pat- terns, and at the manufacturer's prices. mh7 bin FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, GOLD PENS, ûcc. iVTELSON A. YOUNG, No. 8 Camp street, Ui n-spectfully invite tlie attention of his « eir . . i.'d 1 he public to his new and extensive as- SO-. went of line English and Swiss LEVER WATCHES, from the best and most celebrated manufactories ol London, L.verpool. and Geneva, carefully put up, and werrauted in nue Göhl or Suver Cases of the most approved Patterns, to suit Ladies or Gentlemen. Also, to a very large assortment 01 WA FCH TRIMMINGS—comprising every variety of Ladies' and Geutiemen's Fine Göhl GUARD CHAINS ; Vest, and Fob CHAINS ; Watch Ribbons ; Keys and Seals, of the latest and most fashionable patterns; Ladies' Fashionable BROOCHES, Ca great variety ;) Diamond, Ruby, Garnet, Pearl, and Plain Goid FINGER RINGS. NECKLACES, &c. A grear variety ol Gentlemen's Shirt Studs, Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Scarf Pins, Seal Rings, Silver S i- »eini'-r Buckles, Gold and Silver Spectacles of every des- cription . Gold a . I Silver Pencils, Silver Spoons, Forks, Cups, of every description, Ladles, Fine Silvei-plated Sheffield Castors. Candlesticks. Trays, &c., Levi Brown and Spencer's celebrated Diamond-pointed Gold Pens, 111 Gold or Silver Holder:, Fine Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he oilers lor saie on the most reasonable terms. Persons from the country, wishing to purchase fine Time Pieces, or Jewelry, would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention given to REPAIRING Clocks and Watches, at short notice, by tlie most skilful workmen to be found in the country. Every description of Jewelry made and repaired to order. -' e ^ TO PLANTERS AND FAMILIES. CO M STOCK <£' CO., No. 69 Poydras street. H AVE on hand the following genuine MEDICINES, which every family ought to be supplied with, viz: Hays's Liniment, warranted to cure any case of Piles. Dr. McNair's Acoustic Oil. a certain cure for Deafness. East Indian Hair Dye—will color the Hairajet black—not the skin. [Pains. Jew David's, or Hebrew Plaster, for Rheumatism and all Juno and Lucina Cordial, for married ladies and others. Tiie Genuine Oldridge's Balm of Columbia, for the Hair. ( 'omstock's Sarsaparilla, for purifying the Blood—price GOc. 1 lews's Liniment and Elixir, warranted to cure the Rheu- matism or Gout, Contracted Cordsand Stiff Joints. Oil Tanin, for Boots, Shoes, Harness and Carriage-tops ; and it will double the wear of all Leather that it is used on. Mother's Relief, for Ladies about becoming Mothers. It relieves all Weakness and Nervousness. Warranted. SICK HKAD.V« HK.—Dr. Spon's Remedy will cure any case, either Nervous or Bilious. Warranted to do this. Green's Fever and Ague Mixture, warranted to cure any case, or all pay is refused for it. Try it 011 these terms. CAUTION.—Dalley's Original and only Genuine Magical Pain Extractor, which curas Burns, Scalds, Erysipelas and all Eruptions of the Skin. Piles. Barber's Itch, F'ever Sores, Rheumatism, Sore Eyes and Nipples.—Sold, remember, at 59 Poydras street—so that merchants can make 100 per cent. 011 it. WORMS IN CHILDREN.—Kolmstock'« Vermifuge is the most extraordinary lemedy ever used. Should there be no worms, it will do good. ("oNst'Ml'TioN Ci RED—Also, Coughs, Colds, Pain in the Side and Breast, and all Lung and Liver Complaints—by l»r. B art home w's Pink Expectorant Syrup. This is the only article that can be relied on for these complaints, and fia» cured cases after all other articles have tailed The Military Shaving Soap is the be.-' Price 25 cts. it makes a rich 011 the face. To THE LADIES .—Bal m of ( ol u mbia, f* Hair- this city, i lather that does not dry says Paul. when 1 W; IV I o do offered i placed in perfect who is employed for this purpose, the loaning busii can be offered by in a regular manr be ottered for le 110 deception 1 various articles so at a comparative! or sale have been tl.on •epair by a skilful Eu (ontinually in the est Any person acquaint the proprietors than p ner. VV atches that ori than half that sum. practiced. < >ne price ?an watchmaker, shment expressly .vi*h the nature of cost $150 can establishment id for all the e it then, ladies—your glory may fall, I nless you protect it with this preparation. Tiie Genuine Balm of (Columbia is not only a Hair Restor- ative. but the best coloring fluid in the world. It makes the Hair slossi and fine, »tons it at once from falling out, and restores it on Bald Heads, and keeps the Hair free from dan- druff and scurf. DR. SJ'OHN'S SICK HEADACHE REMEDY is warranted to cure any case, ett her Nervous or bilious. Will you try it ? It has cured case- of twenty year>' standing. NEW DISCOVERY.—Dr. Conned'-Mixture, for Gonorrhoea and Gleet, Seminal Effusions and Weakness of the Utera or Bladder. This Mixture contains no injurious article what- ever. but possesses tonic properties of real efficacy, and more congenial to the constitution, than any other medicine used for these complaints. Freed from the nauseating qualities attending copavia and the common mixtures, it will be found agreeable to the palate and pleasant to the stomach, and will ; cure any case, or all pay is refused for it. It is equally good and certain for females.—Sold only at 59 Poydras street. without eq nested . the St. ? Olfe -IIA R - id Pate (irate Bars in the 1 t he .Mississippi bat he is prepared especially recom- U'.aiuboaU, as being JJ» il. CaliinuI. Rnalis-h; Mm« Nm."iuU .lions Iodine l.ii Evans's Camomile Pills ; Soothing Syrup ; Wright's Indian Pills ; Champion's Ague Pills ; Anti-bilious do ; un«» : < 'ohen's Rhin. Embrocation ; 1 \ T.m I'iils;Bull's Ext. Sarsaparille ; *l>:< sin: V. ikiCherrj : Poletier's Syrup " 'Wille s Bitters G01 ijdCl iMixtui J! , » .YMIIIIO M*gnrsia ; '"•vkwitli « IMU ; •V"" -l'i!l»: Sand* :Toui wiul's I li'Hil Î-Slio! : S\\ aim's \ t'rmifiliTP 1 X. Sli.'nii I Vieri' Fills : Itraihlelli's Pills; > Pills s Pills i>iii 7 |J| ** '"'~s Astr whü tiu ue^a Pills J Sappington ion ; Thorn's Extract Copaiba. »>' Murray's Fluid Magnesia ; s l.iverwort.etc.Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry iiiuieiii, Bitters: III'. KV'NNEDY, successor to Andrew Ulivçï (ft.Co.i mm Uwaviileaini ^i%*4»u4Ufc from William Fei CAVE G RATI patent dated A pi Ferrell,of making and vending - Staler of l^ouisiaua and Alabai Rivet ;»nd its tributaries, now „iv« to tullil orders for >aid articles. mended to »ugar-planters and ow far more durable 1 hau the ordinary Grate Bars LY*""; All persons infnugm,' upon upon said patent, by manufacturing or selling sin ,; *: r articles without authority from the patentee, will be pro ecuted to the extent of the law New Orleans. March IS. IMS. DANIEL DANA. NEW ORLEANS,March 13,1846. Mr. Dana—I have used, iu taking o.f two crops of sugar, the Patent (irate Bars invented by Mr. W111. Ferre II. and find them far superior, from their concave surface, lo the ordinary bars 111 use. inasmuch a- they will, fiom their peculiar forma- 1 tion, last five tunes as long. Respectfully, mhl8 3m G.W.CAMPBELL. ~ AWNINGS. TARPAULINS, ETC. rpiIE snbscrilier would respecting inform his friends and J the citizens of New Orleans that be still continues to ! manufacture every description of HltOlt and //i().\- ! ERiME A WNJNGS, lor Stores. Steamboats. Offices, > Galleries, etc. etc. He also manuta« aires- every description j ! of Military Tents, Tarpaulins, and Dray Wagou. and Horse I : Covers, at the shortest notice. Particular attention will be ! paid to Splicing and furnishing Wheel and other Purchase ' Ropes for Stores, etc. As there has been a great deal said, within the lagt year or j so. about what some parties erroneously call VV A ILK- , 1 PROOFING, the subscriber oßers his seme« m that capacity , ! for a small compensation, and to those ot h if? customers who i ; would prefer saving the expense by doing it themselves, he j ' will rheerfulJy give the receipt, which in itselt is very simple, i and yet most usefnl in preventing rotor mildew ou any article j I of cloth or canvas that, may be exposed to wet, or damp. j I All orders left on my slale, at the Clothing Store of j MVWROgjjOi., mU arrangement the most inexper fear of being "shaved." < Hi/ 10 rail and examine for tbei Charles Loan Offn e, underth* Hole', and three doors from th. £ •&" Four or five Pia n o been made and lime of keepii as above. a >"* a ' n PHILADELPHIA WHEELWRIGHTS WORE. rpHE subs ; iiier«. Agents tor the well-known manufactory ! of WiLLoN CHILDS & Co., Philadelphia, have now landing and in store an extec ive assortment of every de- scription of W heelwrights work, as follow-: 75 pairs Ox and Horse Cart Wheels, from - to 5 inches 011 the tread; ' d pairs extra heavy Dray Wheels, 4x1 inches on tread 15 Ox am! Horse Wagons, with and without bodies, van- ° 30 Drays, iron ami wooden axles,3x1, Jiiixi and i.\ I inches on tread- ' 13 < 'arts, light and heavy; . 1U0 Wheelbarrows, with shifting sides; 50 Canal Barrows. , . . . . , ^ The above stock will l»e increased by every arrival from Philadelphia, which will enable them to otier lo I tanteoand Merchants, this season, a larger and more complete assort- ment of these articles than has ever heretofore !>een ottered in this market. Prices will be reasonable, terms liberal, and ail articles fully guarantied CONNEL'S M insr to all tiiose who 1 Burns, Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, and all coi cation. By its use. Inlia F, PUN ' EMERSON, TOURNE 6L CO.. iel 15h Tchoupitoulat >t. ~ Ofi-cTof the Ir.dependentfTowboat__Co.,| ffBOM AND AFTER THIS DATK"' ~ loIJowins régulations will be in fore recard 'o a<sM;uU... 0f \t>xxel;on the Bar. I jXTRactoii will prove a bless. . Il is a sovereign remedy for all . I'lcers, P. -lise , Tic Doloreux, ut s which need an external appli- nnations are removed, Swellings _.jn Alorlilicalion stayed. It will be supplied to all clergynieu gratis, for their use, and the poor ol their parishes.—Sold only al 50 Poydras street. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINT CI RED. and YEL- LOW FEVER PREVENTED, in every case, by the useol Long- ley's Great Western Indian Panacea—warranted to cure the most severe cases of the above complaints. Lo sof Appetite, Bilious Affections and Indigestion are permanently cured by ils use. The great points are, it is not bad to take. It does not leave î he bowels costive, and never gives pain in its opé- rai ion*. This Panacea will remove alJ the bad bile from the siomach, and give tone to the system, and thus keeps off all ! attack-of malignant Fevers. If the stomach is in a healthy date, and the pores of the skin are open, so as to admit of (ret? exaiation from the bod v. there can be no attack of Yellow- Fever. This office the Panacea will positively perform, and we recommend the unarc!imated and other- to try the aTticle, 1 if they wish to insure health during the summer As a h ami- , ly Medicine, it is unequalled for Coughs. Colds and all His- ea-e* of the Blood, and Kidney Complaints ; for all these things it js waruinted unequalled, and all who do not find 11 K> may return the bottle, and get their money again. DR. LARZETTI'S JCNO CORDIAL OR PROCREATIVE ELIXIR.— For both Male and Female—prescribed as an effect- ual restorative in cases of Debility. Im potency or Barrenness, j and ail Irregularities of Nature, it is all that it professes to be, viz: Nature's grand restorative and remedy for those jn force sel» on the Bai 1 he lurnished eiihtr i M A n ;i wehenver 11 may be Line, and no eharp- will U* made for the <nne to \<- -els drawing lc>sihan tifioen feet. To ve^se'- drawing htK-n feet and le-.-than sixteen, half rates will be charged, and .til over sixteen, w ill be charged fuJI rates, and whe n they a e loaded by the hea l, thedral' w»fi l»e taken from the stern. All vessels that may have paid for an assisting boat 111 waul will be transported ouce Srec^ of charge provided she is not moved out of the limits of rhe Corporation, nor to the ship* yards. jtti lm j ROBERT M i RPH V, Man ' , ^ BLACK AN1) DRAR EU EN A VIST." 'jfif V\\ HATS—AU>. 1'KARIj C.\IV. FIDE Black BK WER and ev«y variety ol HAT'S :in,| CAi'S, l'MRRKI,l,\S. jeli Ï. c IVBI NCE,* vi/.' Nature s grana resrorauve aim remcuj ««" musc m ti e married state without offspring. It is a certain cure for « jn'i! Emissions, General Debility, Weakness of the Gen- ! ifal Organs, Nervous Affections, Leuc-orrlnea or Whites, ! a ml all complaint-<d'Females. Asa Female lMedioine.it i Î, nnequalle«! Also, a certain remedy for Incipient Con- ! sumption. lndijre>tion. Loss of Muscular Energy. Physical f/âs-'itinte'. Female Weakness, Debility, etc. ect.—Sold only at 59 Poydras street. DISEASE^ OF THE P»LOOD and Breaking outof the Skin ! eflêciuaiij cured by a bottle of Conistock's FIxtract of Sar- j .-.iparilla. which will purify the blood, and act as a tonic to s'rcngthen the system, and enable it to bear up against the debilitating heat of uirimer. Price ouly 50 cts. per bottle, or ; $4 per dozen—and equal to any Sarsaparilla sold for $1 per ' bottle. CACTION.—AH the above articles aresofcl ONLY by COMSToCK CO.. No. 59 POYDRAS street, N. O.: SejOiwl street, St.liOUis: 50Royal street, Mobile; Bell & La- tham. Bayou Sara; and by Comstock k Co., 21 Courtlandt x w Yo k 1 ... ïîM EN T—40t» bbls. Dei man's and Nelson® Brown'« sand iSelson! O RojeitdalelViiit;!):. lor sale hi u ms jua« sïiiuuw-' DAILY CRESCENT. [From the Philadelphia North American.] JOHN MITCHEL. The deed of infamy is «lone, And, England ! kindling at thy shame. The soul of every free-born one Must breathe a curse upon thy name !— By ev ery heart that beats for right— By every heart whose hate is stirred. When tyrants preach their creed ol might. Thy name must ever be abhorred ! The deed is done ! and he who stood, With dauntless heart, to plead the cause Of freedom, and lus country's good. Is crushed beneath a tyrant's laws ! Tran>poited f rom his fellow men, A convict, o'er the rugged main— His hand, that whilome grasped the pen. Now fettered with a felon's chain . And shall man thus be crushed to earth- Shall all his rights lie swept away, F'or merely daring to give birth To his own thoughts, and to obey The voice which bids him to be free— The voice of Nature and of God ! Must he for this a martyr be. And scourged beueath oppression's rod ? No î from a million spirits yet The shout of triumph will be sent. As they, in mighty phalanx met. Shall bid the captive's bonds be rent. And swear that while one pulse remains- While life one throb of strength affords— Man shall not thus be found in chain* For uttering a PATRIOT'S words ! [From the Franklin (La.) Banner.) A Fish Story. Some few years since there lived in this remote re- gion a gentleman-somewhat ambitious of sustaining the character of atonish élégant, remarkable for the beauty of his nut-brown hair, stylish in the cut oi his whiskers anil dress, foopisli in manner, and though past ihe time at which one cuts their wis- d'im teeth, being far advanced in the forties, he had by aid of all the concomitants of the toilet utmost persuaded himself'that he was scarcely outof his 'teens. Fund of the society of our pretty Creole girls,* no party, ball, or pic-nic occurred without hjs all-im- portant aid, and he was generally considered par excellence the Indies' man of our village. His love of gaiety and the amusements of our youth did not militate however with duties («elT imposed) that were more congenial with the opin- ions of the older heads of the place ; and in the ab- sence of the ilinerarit minister of the circuit, he would on the Sabhalh day invade the pulpit and read to the congregation the beautiful lilurgy of the Episcopal faitli with all the gravity of a down- east deacon. This obtained for him the soubriquet of Parson IÎ. Among other amusements of the Stimmer season fîtes champêtre came in vogue. They were held by moonlight on the shell banks that skirt Lake. Chite- inacfies, some few miles distant from this place. The Creole ladies would there assemble, enjoy mu- sic and the dance, sail upon the lake's surface, par- take of the delicacies provided for the occasion, enjoy the sparkle of w it that would flow in as great profusion as the champagne, and intoxicate the beaus more with the bright glances of their brilliant black eyes than by the bumpers of generous wine they quaffed with them, and to crown the whole, the ladies, garnished in their bathing dresses and accompanied by the gentlemen, would venture into the wavy flood and disport themselves as Nt>iades, enjoying a refreshing plunge into the moonlit waters. Parson B. upon one occasion ventured out with these, nymphs of the lake, and 'midst their shouts of laughter and encouragement to each other, car- ried away by his youthful exuberance of delight, and being but a short distance from a group of these Naiades, suddenly disappeared beneath t!i« surface of the water. Anon, an old man rose in the centre of the throng of Tritunesses, on whose bald head drops of lucent water glistened in the moon's bright rays, like dew drops of diamonds. Alarmed at this strange and sudden apparition in their midst, with one shriek they turned to reach the shore, while Parson B., abashed at the unex- pected disclosure of the want of Hirsute covering for his bald pate, after vainly searching for the ar- tificial appendage to his upper story, enveloped his head in a bandanna 'kerchief and made the best of his way home, avoiding the unmerciful sallies of wit anil mirth caused by this unfortunate dénoue- ment. 1 do not vouch for its authenticity, but the fisher- men who resort to the lake for sport assert that every catfish taken in its waters since that time, wears u wig ! LIVE OAK. * En passant, let nie remark no rejrion is so celebrïteil for the ureal, beauty of the Creole sirls as is our own mucli la- voreil Atiakayias. QUEER ANSWERS.—Dr. Cooke Taylor, at a re- cent meeting of the British Association, gave an account of the course pursued at Trinity College, Dublin, as to the viva voce examination of students on entering. ON one occasion, the Rev. John Mar- tin was examining a class in hydrostatics, and asked a not very popular student : *' Mr. Spencer, what would be the consequence if I thrust you into a pond The examiner's object being to test the student's knowledge of the law that water rises in proportion to the body immersed. The student not being able to give a solution to the question, it was put to his neighbor : " What would be the consequence if I thrust Mr. Spencer into a |wuid ?" " 'l'on my word, sir," was the reply, " I think it would be of little consequence, indeed." Another student being examined on Locke, he spoke of our relation to the Deity as that which we most neglect, was asked : " What relations do we most neglect ?" The youth very coolly answered, " Poor rela- tions !" LATER FROM THE BRITISH WEST INDIES—The Coolit Si/stem.The bark Ann Smith, Captain Barnes, arrived yesterday from Demerara. with files of the Guiana Times to the 3d inst. The plan adopted some time since, of importing the miserable creatures of India to her West India colonies, un- der the name of Coolies, or plantation laborers, is beginning to show symptoms not at all conducive of good to the society of the colonies. Kvery paper we receive from the British West India possessions dwells more or less upon the in- jurious efleet of the practice of importing worthless creatures among them, who are, at the best, but paupers, and as such, a burden upon the people. A recent Jamaica paper urges the feasibility , and even the necessity of an entire abrogation of the system. At Demerara, on the *2fith of May. Farl (irey proposes to erect rural hospitals for the accom- modation of tlie people, anil coolly argues the pro- priety of maintaining them by a tax levied indis- criminately on all dwelling-houses within the col- ony. The proposition appears to have met with opposition.—N. V. Herald, June 20. LATEST NEWS FROM BRITISH GUIANA.—Files of the Royal Gazette and other papers, from Brit- ish Guiana, to June, have the following : Business continues in a deplorably dull state, es- pecially among dry goods merchants, and in pro- visions, sales can only lie effected to a limited ex- tent. Breadstofls are firm, and flour slightly un- proved. Two ships had arrived from India with Coolies, and one from Sierra Leone with Africans. The number of Coolies imported was 570—of Africans 202. The bark Montezuma, from ork, ar- ri veil at the port of Demerara on May 29th. The new Admiral, Earl of Dundonald had ar- rived out on board the line-of-battle-ship Wellesly, in good health. Vice-Admiral Sir I rancis W. Austen was to embark on board the nag-ship Vin- dictive, and sail for England ori the 5th list. A scheme has lately been started in Berbice for the purpose of Irving how cheaply land may be sub-soil drained for sugar cultivation, and, as a necessary consequence, the use of brute, instead ol manual labor,in the operations of agriculture. The late Governor was about to leave lor Eng- land. _ BRITISH OATH OF OFFICE.—In the British House of Parliament, on the 1st inst., Lord Jolin Russell gave notice that he llould, on the following Monday, bring in a bill to amend the oath required from members on taking their seats. This amend- ment is to strike out the words " on the faith of a , JI 0- C'hristian." If this were accomplished there would I j ns(i) the thermometer flood at 100» in the atUMk. In aoibstavle ^gamst .Ui. Rotiwchild taking a teal, i Mercury am be mU» aseeadaat. An Old Chronicle of the City. The Abbé Leseur lived in the same century with the sad-fated Maria Henrietta—the extolleit ofBossuet—the beautiful sister of Louis XIII. lie- was curate of the Church of St. Mederic, or, as it is now called, St. Mery, which stands upon the cor- ner where the dirty Rue des Lombards crosses th« Rue St. Martin-—a corner around which more blood was spilled iu the days of the last Revolution than in almost any other quarter of Paris. It is a queer old Gothic building, with rich tracery aliout it* windows ; but the w alls are stained with the damps of three or four centuries, and the outside is heavily scarred by the bullets that flew around it in 1*32- The people who say mass at St. Mery to-day art* of the vilest population of the city ; the beggars who loiter at ils ste|>s are the most w retched of lieggars; and the priests who assist at the wor- ship at St. Mery are, if one may judge from their looks, the worst of priests. It was different in the time of the good Abbé I-eseur ; for then there were rich houses even along the Rue St. Antoine, and noble lords and ladies came to say their prayers at the shrine of St. Mederic. The Abbe was dozing one evening, for he had stayed later than was his wont in his confessional box, when he was aroused by the rustling ol a dress just beside him. Turning his eyes to the grating through which he hail listened to the confessions of his backslidden people, he saw the delicate, je w- elled hand of a lady clinging to Ihe liars. The Abbé put his head nearer to the grating, to see who was the owner of the fair hand. ' He saw a light, graceful form, and presently met the eyes, bending earnestly on his own, of the lovely Mademoiselle- d'Estral, daughter of the powerful Baron d'Estral— she who had been long tlie sweetest lamb ol Iii» flock. Now it had been some time rumored in the city, and the rumor had come lo tlie Abbe's ears—-for there w ere gossips then, as there are gossips now— that the beautiful Isabel d'Estral was bound by her father's oath to marry Chevalier Verhais. " Methinks it is somewhat late for Mademoi- selle," said the Abbe. " What can she wish at such an hour !" " Your blessing, Father," said the girl, firmly. " It is always yours, child ; but tell me first why at this hour ?" " 1 want your blessing ; there ix no time for words; why 1 dare not tell," "Then, child, 1 dare not hies» y^u." " And you will not?" " 1 cannot"—-and the Abbé heard the slep of Mademoiselle moving from the confessional. He opened his box, and, overtaking her before she had reached the door, drew her into one of the »id» chapels which may yet be seen each side the great aisle of St. Mery. " Mademoiselle,'' said the Abbe.solemnly, you have some strange purpose in your thought. Is it right that it slay unrevealed !" The form of the daughter of d'Estral tremble^ under the touch of the Abbe. it strange 1 want your blessing, good rather, to-night is my last on earth V The Abbé trembled in his turn. " It cannot be. " Itmust be," said the d'Estral, " > ou know th» Baron^-that he does not yield." " And you will not obey, child Î" " Never ; you know the Cliey^lier Yf*rl!ftls-- V !'l | !f do you ask " And the nuptials " Are fixed for to-morro\v night," " Child, I pan serve yot|." " With your blessing, Father," " Nay—not yet ; 1 wjll conceal you whsrt* not even the powerful Riiron cap find you." Mademoiselle hesitated a moment-— then lifted th« hand'or the Abbé to her lips. The Abbé threw his clofik oyer her, »nd thoy passed out. " s Along the ditp streets^-there were no lamps then—they passed, keeping close in the shadow of the houses. Many people inet them ; one only hail knownjor saluted the Abbé. Nope knew, or seemeil to know, Mademoiselle. Turning into a dark by-way, out of what now the Rue St. Antoine, they stole cautiously iu th« direction of the frowning towers of the Basti le, At length the Abbé stopped at a low door in an abut« ment of the outer walls, and leading his charge through a low, dark passage, left her in a little room at the end, in the guardianship of an old woman, his foster-mother. Two days thereafter it was noised through, the city that Isabel d'Estral, the beautiful daughter of the Baron of the name, had suddenly disappeared tlie night 'before the one set for lier marriage with the Chevalier Verhais. The Baron had marie for many days unsuccessful search and vain inquiries in every direction—lie had gflèred rewards for the smallest tidings, and had given descriptions of the person of his daughter. At length there appeared one who had seen a female figure, of the form des- cribed, passing along the Rue St. Antoine at a lato hour on the same day upon which Mademoiselle d'Estral disappeared ; and he further testified that she was in company with a man in the dress of a priest. Another gave testimony to having seen the curate of the. Church of St. Mederic on the even- ing in question, and in company with a female; and, what was doubly suspicious, the curate himself had been recognized in the Rue St. Antoine. None had ever before suspected the Abbé Leseur of wrong-doing. The Archbishop summoned him to appear at Notre Dame. Two persons appeared, who swore to the fact of seeing the Abbé Leseur walking with a lady in the Rue St. Antoine, upon the evening of the disap- pearance of the daughter of the Baron. There was, however, no evidence to identify this lady with Mademoiselle Estral. Still, to the surprise of all, the Abbé frankly avowed that the person with whom he had been seen was none other than the missing daughter of the Baron. He would tell no- thing more. The Baron was powerful both at courtaud in the old palace of Nptre Dame. The next day, the Abbé liseur was shown his dungeon in the Bas- tile. Al intervals,for a month, he. was urged to re- veal the hiding place of Mademoiselle, but he stea- dily refused every solicitation. A year passed away, and the Abbé was Mill in his dungeon ; a new curate sat in the confessional stall of St. Mederic. Meantime the Chevalier Ver- hais bad gone out of the kingdom—still, nothing was heard of the lost Isabel. Three years after, and there had been great changes at the court; the Baron was no longer powerful ; a new governor was set over the Bastile, and it was crowded with prisoners of state. Both the lost daughter of d'Estral and the Abbé, were nearly forgotten. A lad came one evenine, and demanded to see the old Abbé Leseur ; and w hen the turnkey came to close the cells for the night, he asked 10 stop with the Abbé. There was little care of such a prisoner, and the lad stayed in the cell. An hour after, when it had grown dark, the turn- keys in the great hall of the castle were startled by a piercing shriek. They searched the cells and the dungeon of the Abbé was found empty; but out of the window was hanging a broken lander of ropes, and below there appeared something moving upon the edge of the fosse. They ran down with torches: they found the poor Abbé crushed to death by the fall. The lad had just strength enough to say the curate was in- nocent and fainted. They tore open his doublet, to give hirn air, and found, to their astonishment, that it was a woman. They put the torches close to her face, and one of the by-staiiders cried out that it was Mademoiselle d'Estral. The prior girl opened her eyes at the sound, seemed recalling her sense«, uttered a faint shriek, and fell dead upon the body of the Abbé. The remains of the poor Abbé were buried in the cloisters of the ol.I palace that stood behind Notre Dame ; and, if it is not removed, you can still read upon a slab in the |iavement of the Church of St. Mary the name of Isabel d'Estral. FIRE FROM LKJHTNING.—There were several houses burned at Hoboken (NJ.) on the 19th, by being struck by lightning. A cabinet shop wai struck, in w hich the fire was first discovered. Two or three other houses near by took fire almost simul- taneously, arid were destroyed. IIOT WEATHER. In Philadelphia, on the 17th

The Daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1848-06-30 [p ]...LEVER WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Pocket Cutlery .Gold l'en». Spectacles, and i*ancy Goods. Our personal attention will

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Page 1: The Daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1848-06-30 [p ]...LEVER WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Pocket Cutlery .Gold l'en». Spectacles, and i*ancy Goods. Our personal attention will

1 p



J\V U1BB(>NS, Genend broker. No. 2S Customhouse street;oprtaii». _ mylU

i.ri'i'll R. BH i£D< ( 'wntuerciaLand Marine Notary* J flo'j« lUnka -, Arc.uie, JNew OrJeaiu. inlä ly / iH \ KLliS IMjAKK &l * ' Comnuseion Merchants I . aH(i ^tUj, ttroki r<v' L'oniriiou »t. inlia

V« » VV. 1'KlT* HARD, Gaurailiro/icr, No. b*7 Gra-(j i.'-» trêel, flewUrieans. inaiöm

ß II \ hi., .S7 .RGEON '/> ENTIST. So.'H \S , ChttohUKbKT STKJCKT« (herweeu Common ail(l , , v , •iiiyJjihiii

EN •*" Or/.s....w. «- WEICHT,( indnndti. JUJUIU. äiüKUijb « WKIttüT, ,. EMISSION AN L» 1UKWAKÜIiNG MERU1IANTÖ

ill ,No. IVI.()<;;.-I , N.Orls. o. vvonDUl lr. JAMKft K. Wl Ill-Ill IK

»i»üJV O. VVU< >ÖKl/Ff & CO., Commission Merchant# J and^tfenls jurtiie Louisiana und New Orleans hint „I fotliru, lNo.tWC'a|^» streut. rnJiä

a l) (ilUKKK. S. A. KINOSLAND, i 0 i.tuht'FIsHA)., Wholesale Dealers in Butter and A. fHeese, and Agents for Taylor's Albany Aie and lorltr und Ncwarli Lider, Nos.ü», Jb aud 40 Old Levee, ;V-w Une&an. mltiiy • J..WKBÖTEK Äl CO., Wholesale and Retaü Dealers |i. in iron, Nails, »spikes, Tin Plate, Copper, Cordage, nus, <ind a general stock of articles connected to ft, h the iron ,nil MW chandleru Trade, Üti Gravier btreet, New Or-


No. oö Girod .st., New Orleans. ^TEAMand F1KK ENGINES, Printing rressesand Ma-J5cfli*ry »nßeueiul, made and repaired in a «atal'adory BiAunet. 1 tfrass Castings and l'attiras made to order.

miiia A. 0. JONES. STORAGE.

• At lite Fire-i'rool Warehouse.-, Orleans Nos. 1 Jd| and J, cornersol'Julia and Magazine, i\.^ /A

and Magazine and DeJord streets, aud^yUyy I Julia btreet, i'or all kinds of jnerchau-aSsSB

Uuv*«» * «uduce, at the lowest raies. OKU. R. IU'jARI) K

1 M TT A LL— HO ÜSESMl TJU and HE I. L J. HJNUER, J,ajayette st. near Camp, New Or.MH, J« HibING, LOCK SM ITH IN G, etc. i/ BelUlanging done in the liest manner, on

lernu». Siore Door Bolts and B&is made to 4

older. , ~ OIL PAINTINGS.

'PilKODORB A. GUÜLD, Portrait Artist, L No. <$44 U amp, near Julia street. Patron'

«erespectnilly solicited. ay'J) ti t i.i II A RXN litT, BOUT JJJVJJ SHOE. 1. MANUFACTURKR.

No. 70 at. Charles street. Mill'.t>ni Ney Orleans.

Mil. ÉfifËK, No. 100 CA M P street, Watch-, , maker and dealer in JEWELRY, GOL1M

Vuvl, J?AWCV AKT1CLEÖ, una WATCHJEÖ. Mlkwtry artrclea repaired at moderate prices, mill

).?UCRSON. J. A. BONNEVAL. nWHBON U BONNEVAL, A UCTIOJfEERS, No67 I Gravier street, will attend lo the purchase and saleot

Eatale. Negroes and iYlerchandifce ; also, to the saieot l'uxoe»,riiiccesàioiii», Furniture, und ad out-door sales ; soh-(iiironi üieir lneads and the public a portion of their pa ifvaage. mil lü

BOTANIC DRUG STORE, NO. SO FOYDN* st., N«w Orleans, by

]>R. A. A. JONES.

ty*ALEX'R CAMPBELL'S PUBLICATION^" uipatNo. W Poydras »treet. New Orleans, by Dr. A. A.

• huts, ton agent lor thf city: mhl4

KO#**. WORTJ91NGTON, General Jigenl and Collector, Rodney, Jeflërson county, Mississippi, will

Ht-nil unnctually to the Collection ol Notes, Drafts, Ac-cotinis, olc., m I his and the southern part of Claiborne county.

Hrfrr.i to— Drake & Evans, Broughton & Murdock, Pi nur ird. Warren & Co, Rodney, Miss; John Goodin, Jhciiard Beck, K. H. & G. M- Bayly, New Orleans; W. K.Henry, T. A S. Doniphan, Natchez; James Goodin, l.mcinuati; Jas. liand, Philadelphia ; J. G. James, Lexing-w Thus, I reeJand, Claiborne county, Miss. apjy

PUMPS AND BATHING APPARATUS &c. jOHN McCARTY, Plumbery No. 134 Camp street

<1 N«w Orleans, has just received a new and large inonmentof Brass Cocks, various sizes ; Force and Lilt 1'urays : Beer Pumps, &c. &c, Cooking Ranges: BalhiaK Tubs and Shower Baths. Also, laying and repair-

head Pipes, Sheet Lead work of every description. Ship lud Hteamboat work promptly pat up and repaired. All or-der; promptly attended to.

(. uarge» moderate. mh24 ly

AC. AINSWORTIJ, Marine and Commercial Notary, • Nq.f 38 CAMP street, holding Commissions from the

hiatal OT TK x A S, M L s S I s sippi, KKNT u c K v. FLO RID A , N K w VORK. MISSUIJKI, ILLINOIS. INDIANA, TUNNKHHKK, PKNN-HLVAKU, RllODK INLAND, VKRMONT, NKWHAMPHHIRIC, !|IUWAUK, ALABAMA, MAINE, NORTHCAROLINA, SOUTH ('AKUUMA, GEORGIA, NKWJKRSKY, OHIO, MICHIGAN, ARÏASHAS, VIRGINIA, MASSACHUSETTH, MARYLAND, and 1 '»MiK« TU i'T, is prepared to take depositions, and execute MMllfcd'eot all kinds of legal êistru menu to be used or recorded -'a wad States, and the Territory of WISCONSIN. The usual P-uaptituile at ins orfice is continued in all Notarial busi-



• Theatre, respectfully informs the public that ^ fie is prepaid to (îild and Silver Plate Wares in a iuperior and durable manner, by the galvanic pro­cess and on tlie most, reasonable terms.

«»mu», Pistols aud Knives repaired and put cellent order, at short notice; and all work pertaining to liouae «ml ijuuk»ni!thing don ?in a workmanlike manner. apÜ6

f( ( . VINE OAR ESTABLISHMENT^ 'I'lIK I udersigned is constantly manufucturing and has I lorsalea very superior article of VINEGAR,

whicli lie will guarantee to improve by age, and «ni deliver it, free of charge^, in any part ot uâ&ÈsâÊH wie city or Lafayette, at tiie ibllowiug reduced d9HHHK

to suit I In* times, viz: Butts, 60 gallons, $4; Barrels. 3u S alloua, ; Barrels, 40 gallons, 7 cents ty gallon. A libe-i'illiiacouiii made t^> wholesale customers. fcr A line dropped in the Postotlice will he punctaally

«teHdwIto. [apJlUfj JOHN 11. WEBB. toner Common and Marais sts., opposite Charity Hospital.

posue me




LARD. KKGS aad JU barrels Prime Leaf, in store, for sale by STURGËS &: WRIGHT, • ••> 86 Tchoupitoulas street.

WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS, &c. are prepared to lurui>h, at short notice, from the

d Aim-irong it l»anai;]i, Pi.'^-hiirg. all descrip-'"'"«niauiiiiered Pieces, WR( »IJGHT IRON, viz : 'Shaft

^earners, and Sui'ar Mills, Piston Kods, VVrisIs, Pitman Jl'A .< otion Pre« Screw Moulds, and every variety of lorg-

fromiXi H»-, lotHJOOlbs. L. J. WEBSTER, at> Gravie» st.

SPICE AND COFFEE MILLS, A»». 130 Magazine ft., cornef of JLafayetteSt.

I «' llOLI'N would respectfully inform the community «• of New Urlean> that he is at all times prepared at the "»vp Mdl> lo furnish roa-.t and ground t otVee, ground Spices ^ wl kind-, tn-Hbei with Corn meal. Hominy and G ritz, ^niiilioa^. Gioui-nes and Restaurants sui»plied at the «*»••-.! notice. ap4 6m

FORT AELE SHOWER EATHS. Plil-.F.N'S IMP«»»\ KD PORTABLi; KXTENSfoN VI SlloWFiH BA HIS have received the diploma at the AIIWIIC,m Institute, N«nv Vork, ami Mechanics' Fair, Bos-

sthe IK>I Shower Baths ever o tiered tothe public. The r il M • r


tliat lli.-y liavc Iki'ii upiioinlcd ,W n*;tll) H.vooll. lit bath, ami are iiuw |.re-belli at wliole-al« or.mlail, a_| iiuxU-r.il.- pri-

>«fuu for Wed to I


pHK sn|»s«-riber, having purchased the inten \NDKKW OLIVER, in the VV

ULt t AMI It I. I All. Ilm Ii Ks I'AIII.ISIIMKNT, torn: r S =fr-î tn rt ris „11,1 liiniri.'U strut*. A Wo f<ite»,AlA

L iiiiiiilirr ui veitr* pa»i l oiulintuil jointly by tlwiii«"4»«» lor «nder tlie style of A ii drew Oliver^ Co

hi> arrangements foi ;i more extended business than at hit iit rto done by the old house. My stock ot


"inlirneing. a- I intend it shall, every article needful '"Uie Heads of Familk-, Planters and Country Dealers, will wot hi t xewiind in excellence of quality or reasonableness of pffccliy any other house in the trad«-: while as a

GEXÉRAL PATENT MEDIC! \B AGENT. ori'rscan l>»- addressetl to me w ith a confidence and certainty ot bavin;; them properly and faithfully attended to, not pie-Miiisii- .'Vjieru-ü.-ed in iLi> plate»*.

The uatial credits and facilities of trade extended to ctHoifur-

8-r' To the following, among other articles embraced in n,v »'resell 11 \ tensive lock, i would especially direct attention

liK> ft Tartaric Acid; 1Ô0.. Seidlitz Mixture; ;*I0 .. Cream Tartar; . 5!x.i.. (Juin Arabic; löü .. Gum « »pinm. Turkey:

».la: ' 5D0 .. Extract Licorice. i HEMIC A LS.

if; LtWoz. Iodine; nie; JO .. Iodide Mercury;

IV .. Oil /Egot : 10 .. Strychnine;

i: 5 .. Veratrine; ii"» .. Piperine;

1.^1 lb Blue Massf liH) .. Corrosive Sublimate;

.Tipitate: JO.. Lunar Caustic; PATENT MEDICINES.

„ „ , "KNOWLES & NOEL, /' R AC T i CA L W A TC II M. i A E R s,

No. 35 1 Y ANAL street, lk-,1 door wTh wiowCamp, J\icm Orleans, k^i.«fe==j3rie£5^

«^(Ull^l:ttl,iy on hand a lar^o una — .veil &etecte<l a^-orimenc of .-WJ -, aud English

L E V E R W A T C H E S , Jewelry, Silver Ware, Pocket Cutlery .Gold l'en». Spectacles,

and i*ancy Goods. Our personal attention will be devoted to repairing every

description ol Fink Wah IIKS, t Mu ts, ami Ji.wki.tw ; whicli shall peiloiiji s-atkiiattorjiy, or no enara my-tl


j DVVARD A. TYLER, 39 (;«/«/; street, would rcni>ect---i fully invite the aUenuou ol i:i» iiicnds und Hie , ^

puldic to his line and well selected stock oi JEW-ELRY, etc., comprising Watches oi tlie most ap-proved manniactnre, in Gold and Silver, Hunting and Open-laced cases ; Silver Wme ol every Uescn^ 'uu, consisting in part of Tea, Table, Sutfar, San and iVlustaru Spoons, Torits, Lailles, Castors, Cups, Pitciiers, Toast-Racks, e!c.

A great variety of Jeweiry, Cutlery, Rich Fancy Goods, Perlumery, etc.

PIANO FORTES. Just received Irom the maun Victories ol

Messrs. xNuuns û: Fiscner, and A. ii. Gale U Co., a large supply ol tiicir auperioi PIANOS, in new style cases—a lew with

tXAuiau Attaciiiucul, and Ives's Tuneable Reeds. Please call and examine. apt» ti

FX.OWJEH UAHDEN AND SEED ôïOJiE. '1M1E FREtiHJKlST GAKDliN «iJEUS caa be X obl.iiueil al tlie

Ii l K> Ii, al the cur ««ort »tute ol MA miBW S&ß er of S'J\ CHAULES ana

U Ii.'1 y I Ell Streets; warranted to h«.? the Iine^i collection now in the city.

Also—F Ulli T AND ORN AM E N TAL T REES, oi wwl tlie choicest kind ; logetuer vvi :n m • l>eai. codection o:

nilRUBBER 1L lo be iound in the market. iioU-«c^uETö put up to order at thealiortebtnotice. apii4 Jin

" Persons (lurcnasing Plaut» or deeds', andliuuing tliem not lo l»e a-> tliej arereiucoented, will be relumed tiieir money.

CilliE-SE. BOXES Prime Western, in dort, lor sale by

S I l UG E^ VV ivltjîilT, ti»j Tchoupnpuias st.

100 inly lm


Notary Public, No. W E coud lloor.

1 aud sold by

1ST Office, No. 4, î

. - NEV/ CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, 91 4'93 CaroiuLeict al., Oeticeeu Gracier ana btuor

lauulactured ito order, ans nip warranted. Also,

Repairing done at all tlie branches. miusi twiii&W AKEN c

CARRIAGES V_> and worKmai


»Sadi; ».Jalan; 'J. RotlioÜHSi


OOPPxiR AND SHEATHING METAL. I CaSES Sheathing Copper, assorted lü to ^0 oz.;

tß\ß 50 Cases Vcbovv Siieatmng Metal, assorted 14 toz£oz 40,00b Jbs. Braziers' Copper, assorted 10 u> 1^0 lbs..

Copper and Composition Sheathing Nails, and Boit Copper assorted. 1? or sale by

, SLARK, DAY, STACFFER.k CO., my4 -mdiiW corner Ca. d and xVJagazine sts.


WE can take on storage on one lloor, second story, in a dry and dark place, 15,000 bag». Also, in auotiu

store, from LU.Ovib i,o oU,000 bags. iVletchants having coliee to store will Und it to their advantage to call and examine out warehouses. EMERöON, TOE RNE 6l < a ).

apliO IdS Tc.ioupnouiai street.

SUM MER iiOASDING At the FLOR AN CE HOUSE, Comer of Camp and South struts, Lafayette Square—Decidedly tlie

.coolest and most airy public house in the city.—For two successive Summers this House has been well Idled by those wno appreciated. 011 mal, its extraordinary merits as a Summer Residence—unconnected, as it is, Witn any adjoin­ing building, and surrounded by the Square aud wide open space. IMP''' Libéral arrangements made for the entire season. myll bw

SUMMER RESIDENCE AT MANDE VILLE. A delightful SI M MER RESIDENCE at Man-devdle, measuring two arpents fronting the Lake by twelve arpents 111 depth—all fenced in. The int­

ernen ts comprises a good aud substantial FrameuDwelling ot three rooms, fronting the Lake, galleries in front and rear ; two Cabinets, Kitchen and Servants' Kooni« ; one other good building hurt expressly for visiters, having two large rooms w ith gallery ; Stables, etc. On tlie premises is a tine Spring, the only one there is probably at Mandeville, and in front of tke property is a line and beautiful Flower Par­terre. The property will be sold with ail the Furniture, Cows, Dorses, Vaces, etc.

For Terms, which are liberal, and full particulars, apply to _myi&_ PIERSON U liONNEVAL, 67 Gra\:«.r-t.


W A R E H O U S E .

JOHN MORRISON, No. 19 Cn„ Street, oilers to tiie public for sale a

large assortment oi' the above articles at such low prices as will huit THE TTMKS. _ Persons about to travel for the summer will do him a call. Couutry dealers supplie<i at wholesale, 011 the most liberal terms.

Manufactory, Newark, N. J.—Warehouse, 71 Mai­den Lane, New York. my26 lm


146 COMMON Street, betw een Carondelet and Baronne, DEALERS IN





A FAMILY OF ACCLIMATED NEGROES at private sale, as follows—

A NEGRO MAN, aired about27 year«, a good subject, and his Wife, a Negress, aged about 22 years, a good cook, washer, aud iron r— with their two children, viz: a lîoy. aged about;! years, am! an Infant, aged 4 months.

The above Negroes are fully guarantied, and come well recommended. They will be-old for oiu-half cash, balance ou H and 12 months, lor approved endowed notes, with mort­gage 011 the Negroes. Aî>ply to

my 13 tf PI E KS< ) N & I» )N NI : V A h. b7 < : ravier ,t.


nnilE undersigned, sole agent- in New Oruvih. lor the 1 sale of Messrs. E. T. Fairhank. & Co > (original patentees,) St. Johnsbury. Vermont, celcbiatod I'I^ATKORM SCALES, are preparetl lo furnish them at the manuiaclurers' prices. < 'ounter Scales to weigh 1 » oz. to :>j lbs.; Druggists' Scales to weigh I drachm to8 lbs.; Portable PlatJbrm Scales, 200 to 250011».; Dormant Platform S»-a!e,. IV.-OO to ôWK-J II».; Iron Scales, 2500 lo 3000 lbs.; Ra l o.-ul Track Scales for weighing eurs 10 to65 tons ; Raiiro nl Depot anil Hay Scales, 4 10 0 tons. The above are particular I y recomuicmled to pur­chasers, as being superior to any of now 111 use, for correctness and «lui ample testimonials can be furnished.

SLARK, DAY, STA UM* ER cV CO., my4 2ind&W comer Canal and Magazine sts.


The subscriber has just received from f/ his Manufactory, a splendid assortmei f BOOTS and SHOES, made under hi

of the best material and workmanship, and ol the most fasigonable and ia>ty styles, comprising—

Gents Extra fine Calf Skin BOOTS; Fine Calf Skin Fine Morocca

44 Patent Leather GAITERS; " Cloth " Fine Calf BROGANS:

Rouiîh and Ready HALF-BOOTs; 4; Cloth HALF-GAITERS;

1 NI ELI FI ERS—Calf and Patent Leather; Velvet and Calf SLIPPERS; Hunting and Riding BOOTS, etc^, etc.\

. Lames BOOTS, G A ITERS and SHOES, oi' the most I ashionable st y les ;

Boysand \ ont lu»' l'aient leather BROGANS: Children's Français (5 AIT ERS. ^îoro<•co Buttons, Pa­

tent Leather, and Calf SHOES, etc. JOHN H. WORTH.

myS 3"» wdor st <!: _ mer < loin mon «t.

NOTiCE. iiii.'. I»y Act or February 13,184t>, be-

îarjio, No::» 1 y Public, of thi>eitv. aiî'iuired entorof rhe 1 I RE-PR< »OF CON-

lUîQtee of the same, by


ni iii^CSsâ^. n eye.

TOOTH ACHE CURED fi N LESS THAN ONE MINUTE, by I Dr. MENSING'S T O O T H A CII Ê ELIXIR.—This ar icte is devoid 01 all pori souons ingredients. Try a bottle and you will >0011 see a wry face turned into smiles. M At. IC TOOTH POWDER.—This article is the best now before the public. It eradicates'the Tartar without the aid of in-itiumcnt.s. Remember that these articles are prepared only by Dr. MENsING, DENTAL SURGEON, office. No. 53, Baronne, street , lour doors above Commons». my iö 3m

W. R. HALL, SURIJEON DENTIST, 14 Carondelet s tret*. New Orleans,

WILL perform all operations on the TEETH for their preservation in tiie most scientific

manner. ARTIFICIAL TEETH i 1 rfj i|p|T|l T ed, from one to a whole set. on t: model u and improved principles. .

Teeth extracted without I lie use of Chloroform. but slight pain 10 the patient.

From long experience 111 hjs profession, and strict applica­tion to business, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage.

Reference cau be given to the most eminent medical men and Surgeon Dentists in the country. myl7 3m

J. WEST, Practical Dcntisr,

WrOULD respectfully inform tlie citizens of New' Jrleans that he has removed his office lo 129 g?

CARONDKLKT STREET, corner of Poydras street, opposite the Church. Thankful for1

the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, he woud solicit a continuance of thesame. Alter a practice of eight years in the mechanical department, both in Europe and the United States, aud having availed him­self of all the late improvements, he feels confident that he will give satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a caU* List of Prices. Single Tooth, mounted on fine gold plate $7 50

pivot 3 00 Plugging with fine gold, per cavity 200 Cleaning Teeth .300 A full -set of Teeth, highly finished, ou a new principle

of'adhesion 150 00 The loss of the Palate supplied, without, clasps or liga­

ments from $30 to 100 00 J. VV. warrants ail his operations to be the best of work­

manship and material, and to give satisfaction lo those who may patronize him, or 110 charge will I* made.

Old pi,ites remodelled and repaired at the shortest notice. Dentists in the country may rely on having tiieir work promptly attended to, by sending a correct model,

T#"' DENTISTS supplied with Teeth Instruments, &c. N. li.—J. VV. can reler to many persons who are now en­

joying the beneiits of los practice. apb Öin

CHIC K.E RING'S PIANO-F ORT ES. THE PI ÜL1C will please lake notice that Mr. HFJNR\ X PA RS< >N S, 94 (/AMP NT RE KT, Is m

only agent lor the sale of my ITANO-F ORTK in Louisiana; and that instruments taken a ,vT«l TT this depot may be considered fully guaran-u ^ 1c tie*i from the factory ; and that the prices will be adding freight and insurance only. Orders may be left for any kind of instrument, and no advance required until the article is received aud approved. J. CHLE'KERING,

mylö 334 Washington street, Boston.

MAYO'S MUSIC STORE, No. 5 Camp street near Canal.

PIANO FORTES, manufactured by the best houses, and fully guarantied for permanency of wJpŒBSËàmgfagm

tone aud durability of workmanship; /ilolianffff^^g^SR-j^ Piano Fortes, from the best manufactory.y w Tj ff fl and guarantied to remain at concert pitch J • jt [! » lor five years. MUSIC for all instruments receive«! daily from al! the publisher in the United States. N EVV MI Sit ' published every week from the most popular authors. All '• S1CAL INSTRI'MENTS of every kind, embracing, in part, Harps, Double Bass, Violoncellos, Guitars, \ioiuis. Banjos, Drum, bass and tenor; Tamborines, Flutes, Clar­ionets, Flageolets, Fifes. BRASS INSTRUMENTS— Trombones, bass, tenor and alto; Cornet-a-Pitons, (Jrphe-clides, French Horns, Trumpets, valve and piain : Bugles.

' • T ; i ' . m - : ' 1 • . I J - i n î M i g H o r n s , C y m - i • ' . MERCHANDISE of every kind. STRINGS for the Han», Bas Viol, Violin and Guitar. INSTRUCTION BOOKS for ail instruments by the most approved authors. INSTRITCT1( >N on the Piano, Harp, Virdin^ li'iit.ar. F'inte. and in Vocai Music. Piano» tuned, repaiied, and taken in Dart payment for new Pianos. Musical instruments repaired. ML slC BOUND. The above-named merchandise is re­ceived and sold on consignment, and consequent!/ offered at much lower prices than if purchased on private account. Purchasers are respectfully invited to exc.mine the amoles before purchasing elsewhere.

je'3 Im WM. T. MAYO, A rent.


T/l/M. T. MAYO, has the pleasure Ui V V inform hi.- fiiends and t!.c public of 1

New Orleans, and the surrounding country,W that he has been appointed by Mr. H. 1 IKRZ. I Y _ sole Agent lor îi.c sale of his GRAND AND SUf'ARB PIANOS AND PIANINOS. T!.- daily increasing de­mand in th'.- country for these instruments, and the great satisfaction they have given to buyers, both in Amuioa and Europe, have induced W >1.T. MAYO to open a room tor their exhibition ami sale. 1 ?" also takes leave to call particu­lar attention to the PIANINOS, which are nnsnrpn*«?d tor richness of tone and elegance of appearance, combining great durability with unique brilliancy and facility of touch. They have been awarded the Gold M^dai of the first degree, (the highest pre mum at the disposal of the French Govern ment,) and are in general use in France, England and Ger­many. W. T. M. begs leave to refer to nie highest e o-ginms bestowed on them by Professors and the Press, on the occasion cf Mr. HERZ introducing the PIANINOS at his concerts

An ample assortment will always be found at the Depot, No. 5 Camp Street, three doors from I 'anal st. [jeS tf

BOBBINS' ORLEANS MILLS. , f|MIE ST'liSVR I HER would respectfully inform the pub* .I. lie generally that, as usual, he is pre}'ared to furnish, at

wholesale and retail, Corn Meal, Oil Cake, Ground Feed, Ground Coffee, Spices of every kind, and of the most supe­rior quality, neatly prepared and delivered free of charge in auy part of New Orleans or Lafayette.

Oroet left, no matter to what amount, can be filled at the shortest noticce, the Orleans Mills being the largest and most complete establishment in the city.

Prices moderate, and such care given to the prepara­tion of orders as will insure a second call. _my*>01m . Ii. Rl'liHl NS. AV S Tri an sie llo.'a



St. ( H AR LES street, opposite the Com­mercial Exchange.—On hand and constant­ly receiving FASHIONABLE CARRI­AGES of 'ho lalest styles, direct from the nianuiaciorie COACHES. ROCKAWAVS, BAROUCHE^ BIT Gl ES, &c., Uc.. for vtyle, fim-h and price equal to any market. Customer» are invited to call and see for themsclvc

je6 dm II. S* SMITH, b»i St. Ciiarlt^sl.

CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY^ T\ K Patronage that bas been extended to us so very libe i ally the last seven years, while in Com- jgTJ£

mon street, has induced us the last summer C to erect a large building expressly for facluring and repairing CARR!AGES.— . We have' now one ot the largest Shops in the Southern Country, and are prepared, with good Northern workmen, aud the best of materials, to build any style ol Carriage to ordei, and guarantee them two years if used in the country. We are al-o better prepared than ever betöre for repairing Carriages, and can restore them almost to their original beauty rnd durability, although apparently worn out and useless. We will pay freight on carriages sent 11s to repair. We will, also, keep on hand an assortment of NEW and SECOND­HAND CARRIAGES which will be sold low. Old CARRIAGES taken in trade for New ones. We invite the attention ol those wanting New Carriage*, or their old ones repaired, lo call al our Manufaclo; v and Repository and judge forThem­selves. at the mm rrrf <; Ji.i / / E H a vd < • 7 R ONI) E E E T Streits, next door to the Office of Commercial Water Works. 1 ear of tiie St. Charles Hotel. New Orleans.

je.5 6m M ATT I î I : VV S & D E \ MAN.

SOMETHING WORTHY OF ATTENTION. MIE proprietor of the Si. Charles Loan Office invites the

the _o


'1 MIE p J alien » his large stock of u

redeemed itledires. i-uiisistigs »!' WATCLW.!, Diamonds, V»% • lev. :'IRV, l inn-, L'I Ü,!>, Ciolliili-. Caxi-.v Cuod>.ir-' , 'J* lt<MIK<,'elc I-. .«MISwho wi-H lonorc'I^E.

"147 A RE'S POLITICAL FX'ONOM Y-Every pohti-• 7 cian should have this Book at this juncture iu the

polit ical times. For sale by MILES C. SALE & CO., ap2t> 17 St. 4'haïles street.

"butter; Oa bI h SIRRINS Extra New Western, in store, for sale

by STCRGES ic VVK1GHT. myiy Im bü Tchoupitoulas st.

IKON STORE. •\i >1 fc T<)NS Assorted sizes American IRON, viz : Round

ami square, from 3^16 to J inches ; Bar, Hoop and Band, of various sizes ; Nail Kou*, Nails, Spikes, &c., &c., lor sale by L. J. WEBSTER & CO.,

Üb Gravier street. HEMP ! HEMP. ! ! HEMP : î Ï

' S MIE undersigned, iu onier further to meet the views of the .* Board 01 1 nderwnters, have set apart, exclusively lor

tlie storage of Hemp and other extra-hazardous articles of meichanuize, ti»e ONE-STORY fire-proof Warehouse, (Orleans >0.1,)'corner De lord ana Magazine streets. The locality and facility 01 receiving and delivering at the Warehouse CtUere being no iioisting to the second story required) renders this the most üesiiabie place lor this description ol storage.


\ \[ESTERN AiN i) PÜEENIX.—The subscribers, having V ? devoted the upper floors of the Pnœnix aud|^v\\A

Western M arehouses, exclusively lo the storage he.up, 111 on.er to meet the views of the Boaid olÉwàl Cnderwriters, are prepared to receive aud »lore the u.uuc ou accommodating terms. Having a number of {»restes 111 the same buildings, they are also prepaied at any moment to se­lect auu re-bale it in the neatest manner, and at low rates.

EMERSON, TOURNE & co. ap20 16b Tchoupitoulas si.

'I'HE ROUGH AM) REAUY LIN E OF OMN IB C S-JL LS are now running from the uppei

end of Lalayette 10 the Goverumet Whari ill My. The carriages are all new anuinle-nor to none, if not superior to any ever brou , 111 tins city. At present there aie but six running, but there vtdlaoon be a sulhcient nuinüer to accommodate all who »nay wish to ride in them. SmoKing aud racing are strictly prohibited; intoxicated persous are not permitted to ride, and tiie pubiic n ay re^i a^ured that strict attention will be paid to

-d convenience ol ail who may favor said line their patronage. J. Ii. SLAWSON.&i CO.

. i'aie, 10 cents. Tickets, per hundred, lor sale by ictors in trie Omnibuses. . ap21

TR ü N iv REP O SI T OR x. HOV'EV, i\taaaiav;turer of irunks, No. 188 PEARL

0 / " T 1 U.1Ü1 U1

at who.esale and retail the following articles, vu,, x ia»ti.»ug audlVii.v: i'Rl NKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGö, EiTlULci tRAVELLING BAGS, Hobby Horses, etc.

Thofce persons iurchasing cannot la.il to receive satisfaction, as all articles sold uy him are 01 hisown manufacture. aiäOihn


JA. HORTON has now on hand a large assortment of . every style ol Saddles, Bridles, Martin-

gaies; Coach, Gig, Buggy, Wagon, aud fc:, Gart HARNEoS ; Dray Bridles,

Coiiars, Whips, Stnrujjs, Bills' and Spurs. Also, a general a _ RU BBLK GOOliö; together with the largest

atocN 01 Trunks, Valices, Saddle and Carpet Bags ever before offered 111 this market, to which he invites the attention of purchasers, as all the above goods will be sold at oRKATbY RfclM'l KD PRICES.

i^r The subscriber has also the agency for the sale of SPANISH SADDLE TREES, of a great variety of pat­terns, and at the manufacturer's prices. mh7 bin


iVTELSON A. YOUNG, No. 8 Camp street, • • Ui n-spectfully invite tlie attention of his

« eir . . i.'d 1 he public to his new and extensive as-SO-. went of line English and Swiss

LEVER WATCHES, from the best and most celebrated manufactories ol London, L.verpool. and Geneva, carefully put up, and werrauted in nue Göhl or Suver Cases of the most approved Patterns, to suit Ladies or Gentlemen. Also, to a very large assortment 01 WA FCH TRIMMINGS—comprising every variety of Ladies' and Geutiemen's Fine Göhl GUARD CHAINS ; Vest, and Fob CHAINS ; Watch Ribbons ; Keys and Seals, of the latest and most fashionable patterns; Ladies' Fashionable BROOCHES, Ca great variety ;) Diamond, Ruby, Garnet, Pearl, and Plain Goid FINGER

• RINGS. NECKLACES, &c. A grear variety ol Gentlemen's Shirt Studs, Sleeve and

Collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Scarf Pins, Seal Rings, Silver S i- »eini'-r Buckles, Gold and Silver Spectacles of every des­cription . Gold a . I Silver Pencils, Silver Spoons, Forks, Cups, of every description, Ladles, Fine Silvei-plated Sheffield Castors. Candlesticks. Trays, &c., Levi Brown and Spencer's celebrated Diamond-pointed Gold Pens, 111 Gold or Silver Holder:, Fine Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he oilers lor saie on the most reasonable terms.

Persons from the country, wishing to purchase fine Time Pieces, or Jewelry, would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.

Particular attention given to REPAIRING Clocks and Watches, at short notice, by tlie most skilful workmen to be found in the country.

Every description of Jewelry made and repaired to order. -'e^


No. 69 Poydras street.

HAVE on hand the following genuine MEDICINES, which every family ought to be supplied with, viz:

Hays's Liniment, warranted to cure any case of Piles. Dr. McNair's Acoustic Oil. a certain cure for Deafness. East Indian Hair Dye—will color the Hairajet black—not

the skin. [Pains. Jew David's, or Hebrew Plaster, for Rheumatism and all Juno and Lucina Cordial, for married ladies and others. Tiie Genuine Oldridge's Balm of Columbia, for the Hair. ( 'omstock's Sarsaparilla, for purifying the Blood—price GOc. 1 lews's Liniment and Elixir, warranted to cure the Rheu­

matism or Gout, Contracted Cordsand Stiff Joints. Oil Tanin, for Boots, Shoes, Harness and Carriage-tops ;

and it will double the wear of all Leather that it is used on. Mother's Relief, for Ladies about becoming Mothers. It

relieves all Weakness and Nervousness. Warranted. SICK HKAD.V« HK.—Dr. Spon's Remedy will cure any case,

either Nervous or Bilious. Warranted to do this. Green's Fever and Ague Mixture, warranted to cure any

case, or all pay is refused for it. Try it 011 these terms.

CAUTION.—Dalley's Original and only Genuine Magical Pain Extractor, which curas Burns, Scalds, Erysipelas and all Eruptions of the Skin. Piles. Barber's Itch, F'ever Sores, Rheumatism, Sore Eyes and Nipples.—Sold, remember, at 59 Poydras street—so that merchants can make 100 per cent. 011 it.

WORMS IN CHILDREN.—Kolmstock'« Vermifuge is the most extraordinary lemedy ever used. Should there be no worms, it will do good.

("oNst'Ml'TioN Ci RED—Also, Coughs, Colds, Pain in the Side and Breast, and all Lung and Liver Complaints—by l»r. B art home w's Pink Expectorant Syrup. This is the only article that can be relied on for these complaints, and fia» cured cases after all other articles have tailed

The Military Shaving Soap is the be.-' Price 25 cts. it makes a rich 011 the face.

To THE LADIES .—Bal m of ( ol u mbia, f* Hair-

this city, i lather that does not dry

says Paul.

when 1

W; IV I o do offered i

placed in perfect who is employed for this purpose, the loaning busii can be offered by in a regular manr be ottered for le 110 deception 1 various articles

so at a comparative! or sale have been tl.on •epair by a skilful Eu (ontinually in the est Any person acquaint

the proprietors than p ner. VV atches that ori than half that sum. practiced. < >ne price

?an watchmaker, shment expressly .vi*h the nature of

cost $150 can establishment id for all the

e it then, ladies—your glory may fall, I nless you protect it with this preparation.

Tiie Genuine Balm of (Columbia is not only a Hair Restor­ative. but the best coloring fluid in the world. It makes the Hair slossi and fine, »tons it at once from falling out, and restores it on Bald Heads, and keeps the Hair free from dan­druff and scurf.

DR. SJ'OHN'S SICK HEADACHE REMEDY is warranted to cure any case, ett her Nervous or bilious. Will you try it ? It has cured case- of twenty year>' standing.

NEW DISCOVERY.—Dr. Conned'-Mixture, for Gonorrhoea and Gleet, Seminal Effusions and Weakness of the Utera or Bladder. This Mixture contains no injurious article what­ever. but possesses tonic properties of real efficacy, and more congenial to the constitution, than any other medicine used for these complaints. Freed from the nauseating qualities attending copavia and the common mixtures, it will be found agreeable to the palate and pleasant to the stomach, and will ; cure any case, or all pay is refused for it. It is equally good and certain for females.—Sold only at 59 Poydras street.

without eq nested . the St.

? Olfe

-IIA R -

id Pate (irate Bars in the 1 t he .Mississippi bat he is prepared especially recom-

U'.aiuboaU, as being

JJ» il. CaliinuI. Rnalis-h;



.lions Iodine l.ii Evans's Camomile Pills ;

Soothing Syrup ; Wright's Indian Pills ; Champion's Ague Pills ;

Anti-bilious do ; un«» : < 'ohen's Rhin. Embrocation ; 1 \ T.m I'iils;Bull's Ext. Sarsaparille ;

*l>:< sin: V. ikiCherrj : Poletier's Syrup "

' W i l l e

s Bitters G01



J! , » .YMIIIIO M*gnrsia ; '"•vkwitli « IMU ; •V"" -l'i!l»:

Sand* :Toui wiul's

I li'Hil Î-Slio! : S\\ aim's \ t'rmifiliTP

1 X. Sli.'nii I Vieri' Fills : Itraihlelli's Pills;

> Pills s Pills

i>iii 7 |J|

** '"'~s Astr

whü tiu

ue^a Pills J Sappington ion ; Thorn's Extract Copaiba. »>' Murray's Fluid Magnesia ; s l.iverwort.etc.Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry iiiuieiii, Bitters:

III'. KV'NNEDY, successor to Andrew Ulivçï (ft.Co.i mm Uwaviileaini ^i%*4»u4Ufc

from William Fei CAVE G RATI patent dated A pi Ferrell,of making and vending -Staler of l^ouisiaua and Alabai Rivet ;»nd its tributaries, now „iv« to tullil orders for >aid articles. mended to »ugar-planters and ow far more durable 1 hau the ordinary Grate Bars

LY*""; All persons infnugm,' upon upon said patent, by manufacturing or selling sin,;*: r articles without authority from the patentee, will be pro ecuted to the extent of the law

New Orleans. March IS. IMS. DANIEL DANA.

NEW ORLEANS,March 13,1846. Mr. Dana—I have used, iu taking o.f two crops of sugar,

the Patent (irate Bars invented by Mr. W111. Ferre II. and find them far superior, from their concave surface, lo the ordinary bars 111 use. inasmuch a- they will, fiom their peculiar forma- 1

tion, last five tunes as long. Respectfully, mhl8 3m G.W.CAMPBELL.

~ AWNINGS. TARPAULINS, ETC. rpiIE snbscrilier would respecting inform his friends and J the citizens of New Orleans that be still continues to !

manufacture every description of HltOlt and //i().\-! ERiME A WNJNGS, lor Stores. Steamboats. Offices, > Galleries, etc. etc. He also manuta« aires- every description j ! of Military Tents, Tarpaulins, and Dray Wagou. and Horse I : Covers, at the shortest notice. Particular attention will be ! paid to Splicing and furnishing Wheel and other Purchase ' Ropes for Stores, etc.

As there has been a great deal said, within the lagt year or j so. about what some parties erroneously call VV A ILK- ,

1 PROOFING, the subscriber oßers his seme« m that capacity , ! for a small compensation, and to those ot h if? customers who i ; would prefer saving the expense by doing it themselves, he j ' will rheerfulJy give the receipt, which in itselt is very simple, i and yet most usefnl in preventing rotor mildew ou any article j I of cloth or canvas that, may be exposed to wet, or damp. j I All orders left on my slale, at the Clothing Store of j MVWROgjjOi., mU

arrangement the most inexper fear of being "shaved." < Hi/ 10 rail and examine for tbei Charles Loan Offn e, underth* Hole', and three doors from th.

£ •&" Four or five Pia n o been made and lime of keepii as above. a>"* a'n

PHILADELPHIA WHEELWRIGHTS WORE. rpHE subs ; iiier«. Agents tor the well-known manufactory ! of WiLLoN CHILDS & Co., Philadelphia, have now

landing and in store an extec ive assortment of every de­scription of W heelwrights work, as follow-:

75 pairs Ox and Horse Cart Wheels, from - to 5 inches 011 the tread; '

d pairs extra heavy Dray Wheels, 4x1 inches on tread 15 Ox am! Horse Wagons, with and without bodies, van-

° 30 Drays, iron ami wooden axles,3x1, Jiiixi and i.\I inches on tread- '

13 < 'arts, light and heavy; . 1U0 Wheelbarrows, with shifting sides; 50 Canal Barrows. , . . . . , ^ The above stock will l»e increased by every arrival from

Philadelphia, which will enable them to otier lo I tanteoand Merchants, this season, a larger and more complete assort­ment of these articles than has ever heretofore !>een ottered in this market. Prices will be reasonable, terms liberal, and ail articles fully guarantied

CONNEL'S M insr to all tiiose who 1 Burns, Sore Eyes. F« Erysipelas, and all coi cation. By its use. Inlia


' EMERSON, TOURNE 6L CO.. iel 15h Tchoupitoulat >t.

~ Ofi-cTof the Ir.dependentfTowboat__Co.,|

ffBOM AND AFTER THIS DATK"' ~ • loIJowins régulations will be in fore recard 'o a<sM;uU... 0f \t>xxel;on the Bar.

I jXTRactoii will prove a bless. . Il is a sovereign remedy for all . I'lcers, P. -lise , Tic Doloreux, ut s which need an external appli-nnations are removed, Swellings

_.jn Alorlilicalion stayed. It will be supplied to all clergynieu gratis, for their use, and the poor ol their parishes.—Sold only al 50 Poydras street.

DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINT CI RED. and YEL­LOW FEVER PREVENTED, in every case, by the useol Long-ley's Great Western Indian Panacea—warranted to cure the most severe cases of the above complaints. Lo sof Appetite, Bilious Affections and Indigestion are permanently cured by ils use. The great points are, it is not bad to take. It does not leave î he bowels costive, and never gives pain in its opé­rai ion*. This Panacea will remove alJ the bad bile from the siomach, and give tone to the system, and thus keeps off all

! attack-of malignant Fevers. If the stomach is in a healthy date, and the pores of the skin are open, so as to admit of (ret? exaiation from the bod v. there can be no attack of Yellow-Fever. This office the Panacea will positively perform, and we recommend the unarc!imated and other- to try the aTticle, 1 if they wish to insure health during the summer As a h ami- , ly Medicine, it is unequalled for Coughs. Colds and all His-ea-e* of the Blood, and Kidney Complaints ; for all these things it js waruinted unequalled, and all who do not find 11 K> may return the bottle, and get their money again.

DR. LARZETTI'S JCNO CORDIAL OR PROCREATIVE ELIXIR.— For both Male and Female—prescribed as an effect­ual restorative in cases of Debility. Im potency or Barrenness, j and ail Irregularities of Nature, it is all that it professes to be, viz: Nature's grand restorative and remedy for those jn

force sel» on the Bai

1 he lurnished eiihtr i M

A n ;i wehenver 11 may be „ Line, and no eharp- will U* made for the <nne to \<- -els drawing lc>sihan tifioen feet. To ve^se'- drawing htK-n feet and le-.-than sixteen, half rates will be charged, and .til over sixteen, w ill be charged fuJI rates, and whe n they a e loaded by the hea l, thedral' w»fi l»e taken from the stern.

All vessels that may have paid for an assisting boat 111 waul will be transported ouce Srec^ of charge provided she is not moved out of the limits of rhe Corporation, nor to the ship* yards. jtti lm j ROBERT M i RPH V, Man '


Black BK WER and ev«y variety ol HAT'S :in,| CAi'S, l'MRRKI,l,\S.

jeli Ï. c IVBI NCE,*

vi/.' Nature s grana resrorauve aim remcuj ««" musc m • ti e married state without offspring. It is a certain cure for

— « jn'i! Emissions, General Debility, Weakness of the Gen-! ifal Organs, Nervous Affections, Leuc-orrlnea or Whites, ! a ml all complaint-<d'Females. Asa Female lMedioine.it i Î, nnequalle«! Also, a certain remedy for Incipient Con-! sumption. lndijre>tion. Loss of Muscular Energy. Physical

f/âs-'itinte'. Female Weakness, Debility, etc. ect.—Sold only at 59 Poydras street.

DISEASE^ OF THE P»LOOD and Breaking outof the Skin ! eflêciuaiij cured by a bottle of Conistock's FIxtract of Sar-j .-.iparilla. which will purify the blood, and act as a tonic to

s'rcngthen the system, and enable it to bear up against the debilitating heat of uirimer. Price ouly 50 cts. per bottle, or

; $4 per dozen—and equal to any Sarsaparilla sold for $1 per ' bottle.

CACTION.—AH the above articles aresofcl ONLY by COMSToCK CO.. No. 59 POYDRAS street, N. O.: SejOiwl street, St.liOUis: 50Royal street, Mobile; Bell & La­tham. Bayou Sara; and by Comstock k Co., 21 Courtlandt

• x w Yo k 1 ...

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ms jua« sïiiuuw-'

DAILY CRESCENT. [From the Philadelphia North American.]

J O H N M I T C H E L . The deed of infamy is «lone,

And, England ! kindling at thy shame. The soul of every free-born one

Must breathe a curse upon thy name !— By ev ery heart that beats for right—

By every heart whose hate is stirred. When tyrants preach their creed ol might.

Thy name must ever be abhorred !

The deed is done ! and he who stood, With dauntless heart, to plead the cause

Of freedom, and lus country's good. Is crushed beneath a tyrant's laws !

Tran>poited f rom his fellow men, A convict, o'er the rugged main—

His hand, that whilome grasped the pen. Now fettered with a felon's chain .

And shall man thus be crushed to earth-Shall all his rights lie swept away,

F'or merely daring to give birth To his own thoughts, and to obey

The voice which bids him to be free— The voice of Nature and of God !

Must he for this a martyr be. And scourged beueath oppression's rod ?

No î from a million spirits yet The shout of triumph will be sent.

As they, in mighty phalanx met. Shall bid the captive's bonds be rent.

And swear that while one pulse remains-While life one throb of strength affords—

Man shall not thus be found in chain* For uttering a PATRIOT'S words !

[From the Franklin (La.) Banner.) A F i s h S t o r y .

Some few years since there lived in this remote re­gion a gentleman-somewhat ambitious of sustaining the character of atonish élégant, remarkable for the beauty of his nut-brown hair, stylish in the cut oi his whiskers anil dress, foopisli in manner, and though past ihe time at which one cuts their wis-d'im teeth, being far advanced in the forties, he had by aid of all the concomitants of the toilet utmost persuaded himself'that he was scarcely outof his 'teens.

Fund of the society of our pretty Creole girls,* no party, ball, or pic-nic occurred without hjs all-im­portant aid, and he was generally considered par excellence the Indies' man of our village.

His love of gaiety and the amusements of our youth did not militate however with duties («elT imposed) that were more congenial with the opin­ions of the older heads of the place ; and in the ab­sence of the ilinerarit minister of the circuit, he would on the Sabhalh day invade the pulpit and read to the congregation the beautiful lilurgy of the Episcopal faitli with all the gravity of a down-east deacon. This obtained for him the soubriquet of Parson IÎ.

Among other amusements of the Stimmer season fîtes champêtre came in vogue. They were held by moonlight on the shell banks that skirt Lake. Chite-inacfies, some few miles distant from this place. The Creole ladies would there assemble, enjoy mu­sic and the dance, sail upon the lake's surface, par­take of the delicacies provided for the occasion, enjoy the sparkle of w it that would flow in as great profusion as the champagne, and intoxicate the beaus more with the bright glances of their brilliant black eyes than by the bumpers of generous wine they quaffed with them, and to crown the whole, the ladies, garnished in their bathing dresses and accompanied by the gentlemen, would venture into the wavy flood and disport themselves as Nt>iades, enjoying a refreshing plunge into the moonlit waters.

Parson B. upon one occasion ventured out with these, nymphs of the lake, and 'midst their shouts of laughter and encouragement to each other, car­ried away by his youthful exuberance of delight, and being but a short distance from a group of these Naiades, suddenly disappeared beneath t!i« surface of the water. Anon, an old man rose in the centre of the throng of Tritunesses, on whose bald head drops of lucent water glistened in the moon's bright rays, like dew drops of diamonds.

Alarmed at this strange and sudden apparition in their midst, with one shriek they turned to reach the shore, while Parson B., abashed at the unex­pected disclosure of the want of Hirsute covering for his bald pate, after vainly searching for the ar­tificial appendage to his upper story, enveloped his head in a bandanna 'kerchief and made the best of his way home, avoiding the unmerciful sallies of wit anil mirth caused by this unfortunate dénoue­ment.

1 do not vouch for its authenticity, but the fisher­men who resort to the lake for sport assert that every catfish taken in its waters since that time, wears u wig ! LIVE OAK.

* En passant, let nie remark no rejrion is so celebrïteil for the ureal, beauty of the Creole sirls as is our own mucli la-voreil Atiakayias.

QUEER ANSWERS.—Dr. Cooke Taylor, at a re­cent meeting of the British Association, gave an account of the course pursued at Trinity College, Dublin, as to the viva voce examination of students on entering. ON one occasion, the Rev. John Mar­tin was examining a class in hydrostatics, and asked a not very popular student :

*' Mr. Spencer, what would be the consequence if I thrust you into a pond

The examiner's object being to test the student's knowledge of the law that water rises in proportion to the body immersed. The student not being able to give a solution to the question, it was put to his neighbor :

" What would be the consequence if I thrust Mr. Spencer into a |wuid ?"

" 'l'on my word, sir," was the reply, " I think it would be of little consequence, indeed."

Another student being examined on Locke, he spoke of our relation to the Deity as that which we most neglect, was asked :

" What relations do we most neglect ?" The youth very coolly answered, " Poor rela­

tions !"

LATER FROM THE BRITISH WEST INDIES—The Coolit Si/stem.— The bark Ann Smith, Captain Barnes, arrived yesterday from Demerara. with files of the Guiana Times to the 3d inst. The plan adopted some time since, of importing the miserable creatures of India to her West India colonies, un­der the name of Coolies, or plantation laborers, is beginning to show symptoms not at all conducive of good to the society of the colonies.

Kvery paper we receive from the British West India possessions dwells more or less upon the in­jurious efleet of the practice of importing worthless creatures among them, who are, at the best, but paupers, and as such, a burden upon the people.

A recent Jamaica paper urges the feasibility , and even the necessity of an entire abrogation of the system. At Demerara, on the *2fith of May. Farl (irey proposes to erect rural hospitals for the accom­modation of tlie people, anil coolly argues the pro­priety of maintaining them by a tax levied indis­criminately on all dwelling-houses within the col­ony. The proposition appears to have met with opposition.—N. V. Herald, June 20.

LATEST NEWS FROM BRITISH GUIANA.—Files of the Royal Gazette and other papers, from Brit­ish Guiana, to June, have the following :

Business continues in a deplorably dull state, es-pecially among dry goods merchants, and in pro­visions, sales can only lie effected to a limited ex­tent. Breadstofls are firm, and flour slightly un­proved.

Two ships had arrived from India with Coolies, and one from Sierra Leone with Africans. The number of Coolies imported was 570—of Africans 202. The bark Montezuma, from ork, ar-ri veil at the port of Demerara on May 29th.

The new Admiral, Earl of Dundonald had ar­rived out on board the line-of-battle-ship Wellesly, in good health. Vice-Admiral Sir I rancis W. Austen was to embark on board the nag-ship Vin­dictive, and sail for England ori the 5th list.

A scheme has lately been started in Berbice for the purpose of Irving how cheaply land may be sub-soil drained for sugar cultivation, and, as a necessary consequence, the use of brute, instead ol manual labor,in the operations of agriculture.

The late Governor was about to leave lor Eng­

land. _ —

BRITISH OATH OF OFFICE.—In the British House of Parliament, on the 1st inst., Lord Jolin Russell gave notice that he llould, on the following Monday, bring in a bill to amend the oath required from members on taking their seats. This amend­ment is to strike out the words " on the faith of a , JI0-

C'hristian." If this were accomplished there would I jns(i) the thermometer flood at 100» in the atUMk.

In aoibstavle ^gamst .Ui. Rotiwchild taking a teal, i Mercury am be mU» aseeadaat.

An Old Chronicle of the City. The Abbé Leseur lived in the same century

with the sad-fated Maria Henrietta—the extolleit ofBossuet—the beautiful sister of Louis XIII. lie-was curate of the Church of St. Mederic, or, as it is now called, St. Mery, which stands upon the cor­ner where the dirty Rue des Lombards crosses th« Rue St. Martin-—a corner around which more blood was spilled iu the days of the last Revolution than in almost any other quarter of Paris. It is a queer old Gothic building, with rich tracery aliout it* windows ; but the w alls are stained with the damps of three or four centuries, and the outside is heavily scarred by the bullets that flew around it in 1*32-

The people who say mass at St. Mery to-day art* of the vilest population of the city ; the beggars who loiter at ils ste|>s are the most w retched of lieggars; and the priests who assist at the wor­ship at St. Mery are, if one may judge from their looks, the worst of priests.

It was different in the time of the good Abbé I-eseur ; for then there were rich houses even along the Rue St. Antoine, and noble lords and ladies came to say their prayers at the shrine of St. Mederic.

The Abbe was dozing one evening, for he had stayed later than was his wont in his confessional box, when he was aroused by the rustling ol a dress just beside him. Turning his eyes to the grating through which he hail listened to the confessions of his backslidden people, he saw the delicate, je w­elled hand of a lady clinging to Ihe liars. The Abbé put his head nearer to the grating, to see who was the owner of the fair hand. ' He saw a light, graceful form, and presently met the eyes, bending earnestly on his own, of the lovely Mademoiselle-d'Estral, daughter of the powerful Baron d'Estral— she who had been long tlie sweetest lamb ol Iii» flock.

Now it had been some time rumored in the city, and the rumor had come lo tlie Abbe's ears—-for there w ere gossips then, as there are gossips now— that the beautiful Isabel d'Estral was bound by her father's oath to marry Chevalier Verhais.

" Methinks it is somewhat late for Mademoi­selle," said the Abbe. " What can she wish at such an hour !" " Your blessing, Father," said the girl, firmly. " It is always yours, child ; but tell me first why

at this hour ?" " 1 want your blessing ; there ix no time for words;

why 1 dare not tell," "Then, child, 1 dare not hies» y^u." " And you will not?" " 1 cannot"—-and the Abbé heard the slep of

Mademoiselle moving from the confessional. He opened his box, and, overtaking her before she had reached the door, drew her into one of the »id» chapels which may yet be seen each side the great aisle of St. Mery.

" Mademoiselle,'' said the Abbe.solemnly, you have some strange purpose in your thought. Is it right that it slay unrevealed !"

The form of the daughter of d'Estral tremble^ under the touch of the Abbe.

it strange 1 want your blessing, good rather, to-night is my last on earth V

The Abbé trembled in his turn. " It cannot be. " Itmust be," said the d'Estral, " > ou know th»

Baron^-that he does not yield." " And you will not obey, child Î" " Never ; you know the Cliey^lier Yf*rl!ftls--V!'l|!f

do you ask " And the nuptials " Are fixed for to-morro\v night," " Child, I pan serve yot|." " With your blessing, Father," " Nay—not yet ; 1 wjll conceal you whsrt* not

even the powerful Riiron cap find you." Mademoiselle hesitated a moment-— then lifted th«

hand'or the Abbé to her lips. The Abbé threw his clofik oyer her, »nd thoy

passed out. " s Along the ditp streets^-there were no lamps

then—they passed, keeping close in the shadow of the houses. Many people inet them ; one only hail knownjor saluted the Abbé. Nope knew, or seemeil to know, Mademoiselle.

Turning into a dark by-way, out of what 1» now the Rue St. Antoine, they stole cautiously iu th« direction of the frowning towers of the Basti le, At length the Abbé stopped at a low door in an abut« ment of the outer walls, and leading his charge through a low, dark passage, left her in a little room at the end, in the guardianship of an old woman, his foster-mother. •

Two days thereafter it was noised through, the city that Isabel d'Estral, the beautiful daughter of the Baron of the name, had suddenly disappeared tlie night 'before the one set for lier marriage with the Chevalier Verhais. The Baron had marie for many days unsuccessful search and vain inquiries in every direction—lie had gflèred rewards for the smallest tidings, and had given descriptions of the person of his daughter. At length there appeared one who had seen a female figure, of the form des­cribed, passing along the Rue St. Antoine at a lato hour on the same day upon which Mademoiselle d'Estral disappeared ; and he further testified that she was in company with a man in the dress of a priest. Another gave testimony to having seen the curate of the. Church of St. Mederic on the even­ing in question, and in company with a female; and, what was doubly suspicious, the curate himself had been recognized in the Rue St. Antoine. None had ever before suspected the Abbé Leseur of wrong-doing. The Archbishop summoned him to appear at Notre Dame.

Two persons appeared, who swore to the fact of seeing the Abbé Leseur walking with a lady in the Rue St. Antoine, upon the evening of the disap-pearance of the daughter of the Baron. There was, however, no evidence to identify this lady with Mademoiselle Estral. Still, to the surprise of all, the Abbé frankly avowed that the person with whom he had been seen was none other than the missing daughter of the Baron. He would tell no­thing more.

The Baron was powerful both at courtaud in the old palace of Nptre Dame. The next day, the Abbé liseur was shown his dungeon in the Bas-tile. Al intervals,for a month, he. was urged to re­veal the hiding place of Mademoiselle, but he stea­dily refused every solicitation.

A year passed away, and the Abbé was Mill in his dungeon ; a new curate sat in the confessional stall of St. Mederic. Meantime the Chevalier Ver­hais bad gone out of the kingdom—still, nothing was heard of the lost Isabel.

Three years after, and there had been great changes at the court; the Baron was no longer powerful ; a new governor was set over the Bastile, and it was crowded with prisoners of state. Both the lost daughter of d'Estral and the Abbé, were nearly forgotten.

A lad came one evenine, and demanded to see the old Abbé Leseur ; and w hen the turnkey came to close the cells for the night, he asked 10 stop with the Abbé. There was little care of such a prisoner, and the lad stayed in the cell.

An hour after, when it had grown dark, the turn­keys in the great hall of the castle were startled by a piercing shriek. They searched the cells and the dungeon of the Abbé was found empty; but out of the window was hanging a broken lander of ropes, and below there appeared something moving upon the edge of the fosse.

They ran down with torches: they found the poor Abbé crushed to death by the fall. The lad had just strength enough to say the curate was in­nocent and fainted. They tore open his doublet, to give hirn air, and found, to their astonishment, that it was a woman. They put the torches close to her face, and one of the by-staiiders cried out that it was Mademoiselle d'Estral. The prior girl opened her eyes at the sound, seemed recalling her sense«, uttered a faint shriek, and fell dead upon the body of the Abbé.

The remains of the poor Abbé were buried in the cloisters of the ol.I palace that stood behind Notre Dame ; and, if it is not removed, you can still read upon a slab in the |iavement of the Church of St. Mary the name of Isabel d'Estral.

FI R E F R O M LKJHTNING.—There were several houses burned at Hoboken (NJ.) on the 19th, by being struck by lightning. A cabinet shop wai struck, in w hich the fire was first discovered. Two or three other houses near by took fire almost simul­taneously, arid were destroyed.

IIOT WEATHER. — In Philadelphia, on the 17th