728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu The daily cardinal. Vol. IV No. 160 June 1, 1895 [Madison, Wisconsin]: [s.n.], June 1, 1895 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/YSX6ORO7MD6K38E http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/ The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use.

The daily cardinal. Vol. IV No. 160 June 1, 1895

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Page 1: The daily cardinal. Vol. IV No. 160 June 1, 1895

728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu

The daily cardinal. Vol. IV No. 160 June 1, 1895

[Madison, Wisconsin]: [s.n.], June 1, 1895



The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitizedcollections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in manymedia.

When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata thataccompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright andrights issues in light of their own use.

Page 2: The daily cardinal. Vol. IV No. 160 June 1, 1895

} F : ; SECON Ces 8 for eee

BE ERE EN ee Pe Oe RED legen aM eR N aah VIP ev Se ater ary RUN MSEC spy Ey noe si rene a ‘ eee eae ; ae pon ira e eae : Tissier ana we ie ; BACnet Widow a vent M

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a a ape a SINE SR NR cee UE RE a SRE 2 i le TG as i Sr am

Vou. IV—No. 160.] MADISON, WIS., SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1895. {Price THree Cents. met Se SS ee Om

CALIFORNIA WINS} *@0mets ors (COLLEGE EDITORS! ee a d Bs ! NE ej Tom Defeated the Chicago Team—Score of | The Subject of Mrs. Helen Campbell's a

; oe, 16 to 5. Sa ne | Talk. oad WISCONSIN'S PLACE NOT YET] |. Preps aie (MANY OF THEM METAR CHE| Coste eo ae

Chicago, June 1.—(sSpecial to ihe | Nutrition in its broadest sense is re DETERMINED. Daily Cardinal)—Wisconsin won en CAGO YESTORDAY. feet Seno OF Toe ents On yes a | DiicaeO ue i Ee | | live. Of the seventy elements exist- ig ay

Rarer se Chica g: ‘liversity this morning. De! aa ! ing man may get ail that is most es {

WILL PROBABLY BE FIRTH ory 5¢Y? Was 16 to 5. | THN PUBLICATIONS WERE REp-| Wholesome and good for his physieal oe | —$—— ; and mental growth. Abundant food is a at)

SIXTH. YOUNG LADIES ENTERTAIN. RESENTED. | not the only requirement; it is but the | OURS | necessary thing which requires a regu- “a

Sa cr The Alpha Delta Sigmas, a sorority Laan eee {| lation by which the different members oe :

GLORIOUS BASEBALL yicrory| ©™Posed of young ladies of the city,! Gardinal Again Head of Execative f the body are fully developed. It is Be } gave a dancing party last night for Gaus eee ¥ the Saerobare | so with society and the same with the a ab OVER CHICAGO. their friends at the residence of Mrs. | and ‘reasons i Pepa 2 | household life; each is dependent on ‘aa if

C. B, Nelson, 617 State street. The! * cava | the other. oe ik aera | parlors were decorated very tastily | gE nea Nyy Sie | ‘The development of men iis by the an

i Won From Stagg’s Men by a Score of | apd a good time vas enjoyed by all.| R ; Subservient to the food supply. The oe 16 to 5. - | Among those present were the Misses F Che Western College Press associa-| primitive man was engaged continually iu Mt

Josie Kimball, Julia Morris, Fannie| tion held its second annual meeting primitive man is engaged continually Ba | hci eect Main, Florence Netson, Ethel Raymer, yesterday afiternoon and evening in in procuring food, and needed all he Pi |

st, mae « : Dorothea Curtis, Nell Parkinson, Ber-| Cobb hall, university of Chicago. | Secured for nourishment. This is che a a ae go, une 1.—(Special to the] tha Suhr, Miriam Reed; Messrs. J. H. Dhe college writers present were: struggle for existence, but the modern a

Daily Cardinal—In the Intercollegiate} Bacon, W. A. Curtis, J. C. Karel,| F. E. Bump, the Aegis; J. B. Sanborn,! civilized man has made great progress ee)

field and track mect today, California] Harry Rogers, Joseph Hobbins, Lee] Albert Hedler, and W. T. Arndt of the and is far ahead in having secured an ‘OUP

won first place ; Parkinson, Lynn Tracy, Charles Kurtz,; Daily Cardinal, University of Wiscon-, abundant supply of food. The higher ‘aa ne Sek : 7 Henry Freeman, Hal Felker, Leo Sex-| Sin; Russel: Lowry, the Pegasus, Hu- wants are now satisfied ‘which in their BPs i The standing of the teams so far ss! ton. reka College, Eureka, Dll.; A. J. Rob-, turn call for still higher, more perfect ge i"

determined is as follows: | erts, the Pleiad, Albion College, Albion,’ desires. Man is above the animals in aaa

iirst, California. REV. COCHRAN TO SPBAK. a C harles ee Fahs, and Mark W. that he isa producer and not a prod- ue i eal ; Cresap, the Northwestern, Evanston; uct; he makes his living. Household mR i Second, Lowa College. ‘Nhe meviing of the Christan ee Mr. Lovett, the Forense, Des Moines. nutrition comprises but a stage in the jal

Dhird, Michigan.— tions Sanday will be one of unusaat fe hound ERIE Ede ee As oanh Wenpis, eras: ) Gens. Bev Ween ie ones sad oy oe De aie art of cooking becomes essential y !

MR AO Se BS ran will speak from the standpoint ot| Oss Us 8S. E SECeS Ory, ule Ariel, as an element in the digestive process; ie 1 isconsin’s siti aS een! student, and will bring sometuing of U niversity of ae aIvery N. and the kitchen becomes as necessary Sia

determined, but will be fifth or sixth. | interest and help to everyone. Masding| Staton, the Kenyon College Collegian; to prepare food for the household as oi It secured second place in three| in the senior law lecture room at 4:30 Blicees ¢ halmers and Hadley, Harl- the mouth for the stomach. Later day id

qi yi x si | p.m. All are invited. ham College, Richmond, Ind. ‘investigation has found many foods sae events, and third in one, giving it 10] The following officers were elected formerly regarded as nutritious, only a points. | WIDE LAURBA for the ensuing year: President, Uni- mere stimulants. Among these is beef- Bt |

as i if versity of Chicago Weekly; vice-presi-’ tea; while ice cream has taken its al The officials were as 7S: - Vn A id: es 1 , 5 a clals were as follows: Ref. Ove ton ai attend: dent, the Pleid; secretary-treasurer, the place as a yalnable nutritive. The food Cath eree, W. Vernon Booth; inspectors, B wing to the small attendance at. saa qa ‘ ee a

; ins > Bl Laurea last evening only part of the Aegis; executive Committee, the Daily of a people makes to an extended de oat D. Blakeslee, George D. Bain, and J. ‘posted program was Gauiciediode na Cardinal, the ‘Northwestern, the Uni- gree their character and is always ae

H. Patrick; judges at finish, Josgoh| Bliss read an interesting paper on versity of Chiicago Weekly, the Kenyon mecessary to their surroundings. The is cM (ripe eee ae Jollegiia ' SGV Chia ae %

Adams, B. E. Fishburn, Herbert aa. “Wioman and Her Duty.” The debate! CE Bs 5 eae ie oe HUST pee oa nah AK aa ‘ Baa 3 | was on the question, Resolved, that] The program for the afternoon was food servicalble in that northern ch- pai)

ward, and S. H. Hunt; field judges, L.} country life is preferable to city life. | as follows: ; f E | mate, also the diet of the Italian, the ae t

H. Hamburger, S. P. Wiley, G. F. jeid-| It nvas well debated: the decision was| “J@teveollegiate Relations of the Col- | Arabian, the Chinese and the French- eh % . : ange ress.”” > Ste 7 ake Fores . 4g fe ‘ Bs wth 7 is dell, W. S. Farrant: timers, W. cl in favor of the affirmative. The meet-| Lee eae od pee Laie ae man, is adapted to his wants. W nat els

Gnome jek ee Gul Ac Noes ing was closed by music by Miss University; “the College Weekly,” the is most natural is the best; and in the fal 1 J A> Mumphy, G. A. ‘Dhowne,| ss ntimetion eid the entices report University of Chicago Weekly: “The medicines of today ‘here is a tendency a y

and M. A. Wosford; starter, 7. W.| af : q Western College Press Association,” to take those which mother nature col

Smith; clerk of course, H. S. Cotnish;| LOCAL AND PHRSON University of Wisconsin Aegis; “The would prescribe. oa a i a Pie ae Choice of Editorial Boards,” the Ober- ee é 4 Bal i

assistant clerks, Otto W. Hassell and | Fama ihe lin Review, Oberlin, 0.; “News Gath- While there is an increase ‘n the oi OFT ed a Ge Aa oe ary . » 0.3; “News a NS 5 oe i a) ae

H. B. Camp; judge of walking, Otto! .); ee ik a at present of Yale) oing on a College Daily,” University Complexity of the lite uf soctety i has sath = i ‘ivinity school, has returned ¢ i = * Ss ee ae Sa e OU ST ae anvine increase e aay WHausel; corer gy. W Turan aaciee| a a ae en ee of Michigan Daily; “The Literary 1S accompanying increase of food aM : ? home in Boscobel after a short visit! ny Ti f e products all tending to satisfy thos ;

ant scorers, I. W. Wentworti and] with friends in this city. Mae he os Oe a ee hi yher rants. But 5 ume d ag : Z : 2 friends 8 ys , Michiean higher wants. as a ans ak Kenneth McCrea; announcer, George —Sidney Bean, who has been taking Siar nourishment it means nothing mor on

z : EU Rea a ae ; he evening was devoted to a »an- i cane Ges : ay J. Adams; official reporter, I, A,| Poststaduate work at the eee | Guek ate than the simple “bone” of the savage. ‘at Britten; marshal, B. F. Cummins during the past term, has returned to} Tr The change from the “bone” io tue i ; Marshal, B. F. Cummins. his home in Milwaukee. | BMA ETS | banquet mark the stage of develop- 4 |

fa nae —T. U. Lyman went to Chicago yes- ‘A HAPPY AFFAIR | ment of the human race. While na a Peta ae ago NRA yma ( ZO J . | of the human race. hile many (Oa i trophy which the winning team} terday to assist in making prepaci-| —-— | reforms are necessary in one mode of |

carries away is a handsome one, an] tions for the athletic meet. Registrar; Hesperia Gives Her Seniors a Good life none are more required for the 1g is presented by A. G. Spalding & Bros. | Heistand went down this morning. | Send Off. | good of health and strength than those al

Mhis i Bel ua —Prof. Clements and Samuei Weid-| ae in the feeding of our bodies. Hére al ae +8 a beautiful piece of solid silver| man will start the first of the week | Hesperiais hall was well filled last the principles of health shouid be qf |

with raised work on an ebony plaque) for a tour of several months thr migih | evening, many old members turning known, and be far.liar to us as the i |

and cost $250. It is to be competed | Michigan. They ;will work with a goy-| out to renew society associations and multiplication table. The secret of 1

CORLENE tine) voeie Meu e | ernment geological survey. | assist lin doing the honors to the mem- much success depenils upon the condi- ‘al x le yeers, ‘the winning Soe —Aibout fifty couples teok part in the] bers of the outgoing class. ‘Nhe full tion of the stomach. ‘Whether or not a

to have its name engraved In s place} Melvin club hop at Winnequah last| program of toasts ‘was carried out as we shall be subject to the evils of the 4 1

designed for the purpose, the foal Nee The club will be ea published in yesterday’s paper. In ad. present dietary system or controlers a

| 2 . at the Edgewood academy this even-}| dition, many of the alumni responded” of our own nutrition is a subject Tor aE? having w 2 ereates Sls Mia i S 4 « nm nu Se ject Tor OaRG vane a, it the greatest number ing. This will be the last evening of; to the call of toastmaster Hlockivg. individual consideration. a i]

of times in nine years to be the final} the year. Among them were District Attorney — —_ —_—_—_ wi r

owners. ‘Lhe Chicago Athletic associa- a ee ELA SEY wee from Be Ener sya and Dieses enh UTNE, SUMMER AT BAR HARBOR. BY

Gio nReEeS ar hid oun and ison High school this afternoon. Score,| O’Leary, Doherty, Silverwood and. “A

‘ : Pe ine 19 to 13. Baker, { aT at will deliver it to the winning team to —Clausen, Dorr, Hughes and Gilbert- After the program proper had neen! Pres. and Mrs. C. K. Adams will ee |

| Pein il within ten days| Son delivered sophomore ovations at| carried out and the refreshments dis-| spend the summer at Bar Harbor, ae be held each year until v y : £ 4

f the annual meeting, when it comes Athena’s meeting last evening. posed of the members vented their en-| Maine, with the exception of the first oy

ene aay - mes —W. H. Woodard, law ,’'95, is visit-| thusiasm in singing the old familiar three or four weeks which they ‘will iM

to Chicago t6 await a new owner. ing friends in Watertown and Beloit. | songs until after 1 a. m. ‘pass at Lake (Mohawk in New York. aa mt : t


: : q Ri i: ~ sd lf

i Naa A ee a anal a ; gaia let at Ad ela a ae —— . 7 ms "

Page 3: The daily cardinal. Vol. IV No. 160 June 1, 1895

" od a ; ee ee ee are ie

Batts — 7 id es ret , . i x re eo ae a ‘ ea, ne

f; : ‘ THE DAILY CARDINAL k a ey #4 ee ee ee,

E } avestward; and the eastern colleges ee ee

a Che Daily Gardinal. «will be able to base their demand for | S Kr A UB R 4 Sree vad (SunOS aarp) such a division of the nation’s colleges, | e e °9

Fao ae athletically, on the ground that the en-}

ee By THE STUMENTS OF THE tries are becoming too numerous by 22 EAST MAIN STREET, vi UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN virtue of the increasing interest and

ia Bubscription price $1.00 per tarm, $2.50 per year | DEE Ou een he cones | FINE TAILORING AND FURNISHING C000 ae) sa af rt

a peatvenos. a Ce inh re Pax Canorest, cordially soltets en telbcibiaie REFORMING THE COLLEGES. | SRA ae Fe from 0 niversity. —

Z the name and address othe wstor ai mst 66 An address by Dr. Tra Remsen, pro-, Fine by received at our office not 1: 3 ¢ fessor of chemistry at J S kins tay ete arene tees. | Connor of chemletry st Johns Hopkins Society ia Address all matter intended for publication to | W2S delivered not long ago before ‘the Printin,

ae the editor-in-chief. All business communications | association of colleges and preparatory a a ‘o- = Should be sent to the business manager. : | , a . Address, eee schools of the middle states and!

, The Daily Cardinal, Maryland, and has just been printed} No. 114 ian Pid Madison, Wis. in pamphlet form. It is, as the ‘itle in e

a Boom 7, Democrat Building. says, a “plea for a lower standard in! _. King St. si eett

ce W. T. Agnvt, ’96"Editor-in-chief. ate By ene ae Ws under- > rama ; ae |. B. SANBORN, ’96, Managing Editor. stand his use of the term, Dr. Remsen —— ORFs WS, WA Se LIE) "ORG 72

f S. Hanson, ’97, Asst. Managing Editor. | means piaces where students pursue RY@d Joe © 2D CPP. ane. eS &

ie E. H. KRonsHace, ’97, University Editor, | studies leading to the A. B. degree, | 4 _ ‘GL3 ee Se — ~Sy) i" GENERAL EDITORS. whether these places be separate ‘n-| a Ki ca (RLY (B50 SCG)

ae W. G. BLEYER, ’96. Ge ee Downer, 97 | stitutions or parts of larger institutions | & Ors —_ > TF, 7 => 1 AB Ll J P}

a F. E. Bump, ’96. C. A. PHELPS, 96. calling themselves unive«sities. By a, YB eee me | 4 f Lh 4 Of. “THE BESTS f he FV. CornisH, '96. lower standard Dr. Remsen does not | Vane ESR es : < f i Bs REPORTERS | mean less searching examinations, but \ ad ‘ag One SS.

ia NA. A Aas ee i ileastom| equally searching examinations in, Ca: Be, (GEES XG - q ; + de Wigdale, "97. Mollie I. Bertles, 97. | rawer subjects. He regrets >lenzth| F a Gig Sat Feed N gE . \ 4 EA. Goddard, "98, JC. Schmidtman 98, | Fewer subjects. He negrels the lensth) Rae RC Eris SE \\) 97 Ae

eg A S 5 of a course which brings a young sam | ney NC Sater 2 x Shows vba) Be A. Barton, ’96. A. C. Shong, ’98. SE sveee e ts | BPS — a ha x : a wy fee W. H. Shepard, ’96. J. J. Rogers, ’97. to the age of 22 or 23 before be takes) f 5 eS a ENE a Cc) STA 2

i Avsert HEDLER, ’96, Business Manager. his A. B. degree, ara the age of 6 or b aN ; L Oa ee 2] Be a RX wk Ss H. A. Sawyer, ’96, Asst. Business Manager. | 27 before he is graduated from one of | \ Fis SW Nabe F 4 i aw Jd Se) NE at

i. emans | the professional schools. He believes | Ne df ~& Oo: A rade. age 1 i} at a similar course would give better; $§ SX SP te SO J FF ATHLETIC DIRECTORY. that ee course would 5 wee ve we) Ax ¥ SEG Oe Sel EA a a results, that if college students sere; 7 A Ss 2 > ——F Z ————

1) Athletic Association. required to do less they would accom: | Lin * Bren ee ee e AeA 2 !

i oe ene ie Kull, law, ’96. plish more. | fs D ESIG ‘S (ANT: ORKMANSHIP;UNS } Be ice President—J. C. Karel, law, ’95. en aine bese, aes Bae |b : 4 & ee <4]

a) Secretary—A. W. Gray, 95. ct eee ee ee. ik MATERIALSTHE FINEST; 2- 6+. of a) Treasurer—L. M. Hanks, ’89. | Harvard has asked foras ROE MeD DE of | «| iver“ onei5 “Welants” 18 TO 25° POUNDS 3 Prices BS TO 100! GH

ih Dept. Manager. Captain, ve college eal S0 a ee au AA Brey macine rows: cuaranreep a3 CATAR GUE ott FoR Two CENT TAnBS ‘i Foot-ball—M. J. Gillen, Ro Ridiatds. mates may begin their professional, NARC | YCL * = | (a Base-bali—C. D. Cleniand, 3G. H. Kummel. | studies a year earlier. Wow long will | >), F Oo 2 ri 5 E oO. HICAGOR

ys Acquatic Sports—C. C. Case, Oscar Rohn. it be until some educator of eles & SIMAIN ZOFFICE°AND ? FACTORY LAKE: & HALSTED*S T3e4] j i Tenns—J, B. Sanborn. | prominence demands an even more} RETAIL ZDALESROOM 2808 WABASH © AVE tot

' Fudd and Track—W. B. Cry D necessary Teform in college training?| ‘LEASTERN SA WAREHOUSE - 87-99 "READE ST., NEWYOR i =f. Downer. | ‘rhe bane of our colleges, as most of PORTLAND jxteittick® A: Boathouse Compan; m | RG \ ei AS

F ee them are now conducted, is chat a] #9 «BRANCHES» SAN ZERANCISCO, 2 H eed ee Ber | young man of average facility and_ a >. i oS PALT#LAKE® iT C¥? ; ao ; some adroitness in writing examina-| Qk SS SRE Ng ——— gn i = a | tion papers wan get his A. B. degree | ae La Sa Ant ih

i We heartily agree with the sentiment Se at pn ee cae seas SIG Ran Sen a. La 2 ee SL ee ee ; 7 hot ,be a smatterer, bu Ss acquire- sun? PLP LAL al Pf AOI ral, 1. expressed in the article in this issue! Sante Be We O Res vnat.; SCOVIII Ss rat my

! ' x . a UB GaN Be ia ‘from the Milwaukee Sentinel, that | tering and thorovghness, and are) NEW WATERBURY ec]

i i ' further than fey should be from tke i Cee rea | or if more thoroughness is needed in college ee Pepe as, Vane a ee sey Re pat {

FE work. But just why it should quote eee ee ee ager Camera, ie LJ a

in this connection Dr. Remsen and, that it can be discussed without excit- Containing (new) safety shutter, Si 3 of Art. President Bliot as wanting the college ing much feeling. The requirements view finder, (new) focusing adjust- (Ace my Vo)

: i s dear. Cer.| 10% admission in most colleges where ment, three (3) double plate-hold- | |i. oy ot) a I bisveie aierss | course shortened, is not clear. baer Greek is still required exact from the ers. Leather covered. All for £1 Gears 2 o ae can be.more than a

i tainly, a person cannot get as thorough | , i ATI Pn few books of :, Z 5- Reein peor peer ide fi mere price-list of i) Y,@ s ‘a get as isi student a reading of a few books of; Lena - pues Fem thei islatese onan,

a * and exact a knowledge of a course in' Xenophon, a little pane and nea Send for complete di iptive to Sy eaiP Ls paisa en ee at 1 a ee

a) soniind BiG awn faa fcr ,' Herodotus, and the ability to puzzle : coon > ER Ea PLUsA Erna

Be ee oes Canty acu ‘ end the out the sense of tolerably easy pas>} The Scovill & Adams Company, designers. Rich in information besides, Such a i breadth of knowledge which is ea sages, which are taken from each of} 423 Broome Street, New York. j book is the a *

‘ie by men who hold important Deon these authors and which he has never ———- ————_ Seri Columbia Bicycle i” today would scarcely admit of a de-, before seen. He cannot read any ne Catalogue

k ee eee aa a coe eee eee ea inri | which tells of New Model Columbias, their points i i ae shelor’s degree. | CS % ests poral { Wt d thei i na is quired to obian a bachelor's degree, | nee ee rmmxne ai) AUMTIGAS & THOMSON, esses. Sesto | knowledge more thorough he makes it 2-cent stamps. You who propose to ride cannot

r DAS Y VEST. = pais: are . do without it, for it tell cycles — ; 2 Se Pe | more extended, and is graduated with' New Sp ring and Sum-; aS Beer 4 eee ee

’ . the same comparative helplessness be-} mer Stock of | UMBIAS, 5 ,

B The Madison Democrat, in speaking ,.., a REGGE a Sy tes a! $100. $80. $60 $50. i oa butt 5) core mone Outen anor woich he) Staple and Kancy Dry Go0ds. | sis coicmsis pes calsntee it make work 0} your éule . of a western man ‘winning the 100-| experienced, when entering, in the iewere prices Gunragiesa | easier and pleasanter. By mail for ten cents in stauips.

o yard dash at Berkley Oval, mee presence of Herodotus, Homer und | : POPE MEG CO ee

H “4 a CF 2 re ege 9 o_O a aN

q some very timely remarks in regard to eo eee He - ane ges ane an 5 <> 3 ee ae cave graduate from it witho earning how | ° - | General Offices and Factories, Se

i eo evern and eet BONES SAYS: +o read at sight a single Greek author Madisor Rook Rinberp, _ HARTFORD, CONN. : o> . He It is refreshing to see western col- with ease and accuracy. | G. GRIMM Sadia ena BRANCHES : OR feet ‘ie ee hes ig ‘ yarn: BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHIOAGO. so: pase ii leges win in the east, where it has aun Greek is uta apeciien of a gens! - soe AMM, {pemoorat Bike. ' DEOVIDENOE! GUEEALG SS Ae

Bes) too often the case that western men, erally unsatisfactory state of aufaizs.| eres PPAR PEER ey i > yo Ss vi .\ . ea ais 3 snow eS i who have in a great many cases Won Hyery college graduate should ee |

in oe 2 Rath ce SER THE NEW! | } i: before, have lost their identity of one subject so thoroughly ag he ae Cc STATIONERY, | HENRY PECH ER,

‘i ..| by comparison measure pretty uccur- | * ivitv AUS: fp i x . fs ; LL LINE. ; mativity because of pelne students in ately his ignorance of other subjects; O pee lace | han Re Seok S Se P

i eastern institutions. It is about to be in several other directions ‘his Fae ATHLETIC GOODS DAIS SEI HO

gradually forced down the throats of edge should be exact as er, is es O Sent for every Saturday. AND BATH ROOMS.

: eastern college men, too, that, with ae aa are ee atl P Second Hand Book Exchange, Ber are X 6 s gone; if 2 ake a} : | a iH modern gymnasium equipments, the jook at a variety of other topics no-| HE MGC Su ee ee W avestern colleges are the inevitable rec-' ‘body can object to this method of let-; S S 9

a ord-holders of the future—assuming ting light from many directions in upon tate Street F, F. DAUBNER, | {i record-holéing to be one of the criteria * his mind. This is a realizable ideal, | |

ii es = ‘ which is realized by a very small per) Pharmacy MANAGER. ! i of athletic excellence. It is safe to (| t. of college graduates.—Milwaukee! - | ae es a ee a

{i prophesy that, within a comparatively SNe aoc ma are ey Cae | Drugs, Medicines ana | aes ae ee a few years, there will be distinct east- ? ‘ < new wheel of the Standai Bera Toilet Articles a ern and western contests—a condition as . h. Make f l Pp ; : Monarch Make for sale VERY CHEA! F e fair: i rid sarilv res “5 Z 5 : A Full Line of Optical Goods. @ of affairs which will necessarily result —}, 4, "Tfoyt, ex-97, of Sioux City, is! Si st Gorh:

; from the fear in the east that too much making an extended visit at the Phi] ___33? State St» cor. Gorham, by the eS | - of the glory of athletics is moving Gamma Delta lodge. | saat aris CARDINAL MANAGEMEN? We


. g Na Ss fae po = ‘ 5 (acridine re . s

Page 4: The daily cardinal. Vol. IV No. 160 June 1, 1895

es =m NE RPI Fed ene PRE OBES MORO RENE noe UN, Se PRE MUNG Rll Tet: OR Sara re SA TAL Cty eRCe HT en neh e ae Ki om qe “a a SON ees e . Beata S Fa Me Ree ND te Se Naas a aN ig eel i ee le ya SPR PrP SU aa aA aI ae tee er » : r : > ’ i:

- ee :

THE DAILY CARDINAL. a ——————— ee a

>A e e a

Big Line of CARDINAL SWEATERS. tie ‘Groukrs ana Benes e the Clothiers and Hatters, 5

Miss Frances Coyne, (OGILVIE DRY GOODS CO. |,,,25 22227" : ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK j FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. | ——— Offers Special Bargains ——— GEDIsoN AIS ‘

. : . . . ’ . SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS | In Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Kid and Fabric Gloves, | capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000 a

H Millinery, Capes, Jackets, Suits, Carpets and Foreign and Domestic Crockery. hit a ener | ¥. B. Vaw Surxx, Pres, Warne Raxsay, Cash.

—_ | MADISON, WIS.—— 15, 17-19, 21 MAIN STREET | WE. Forces, V. Pres. MC. Crarxe, Asst,Cash, ey | pl oh rs reed meee esc ea a

DR. &. EVERETT, | | mM Kl Gl j ° ° é A

Eyre. Bar Nose Txrogr 070, * Mandolin + and « Guitar sxs.tustmant-(leasea, a a ‘ | | Fashionable ih Opeigrt) Wigpest Vues) blgcs ame. tyvon. TEACHER. 422 north Henry. | & a

Hours: 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5, and 7 to.8 PMs | we | Millinery. a and by appoiatment. Sundays g to 10 A. M., : | i

12 tor P, M - f' - C * ¥ | 90 B. Miffie £6., MADISON, W2B. “all DR. LINDSEY S. BROWN, newasn lothing HOUSE. ; wi

a New York Store, —s_ Rew oD ae EVE wrayer. EAR ee ee ES eee q

: . SIE ee an Reom 2, Brown's Block, Madison,Wis.! * 2 2 ig TLE Nb y * i i}

—— We are Prepared po) x at Office Hours: 9 to 12; 2 to 6; Sunday 12 tor. ‘ (es 7, \ Carpets. i

TO MAKE : Se doaier es ea ee z at gh, 4 a = ‘ : aa

Dr. ALICE J. COETSH, oe fee. fs eo Ze For Hemel of Pudding, Bis " Gae’, HW

Physician and Surgeon. Low Fi gures Sugars es ee ee i 4 2 ee) OS eae q Hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. ae Se i ae tn fact anything in the caterer’s line, go to 4

Office and residence: Cor. King and Pinckney ON 2 LS OS ES: ae air Sts. Telephone 1i1. ERs BB faa\ = on

Special attention given to diseases of | z a aa) \= foe oy S S THE BON TON. ir and children. 1 4 Milly eF * us Bay al Party and Banquet Supplies. a

u BE gy) | 3° pre re Il ° = PE RF YS aan PURCGLL, w. 2 Y/: CEN 2 A. F, MENGES,__./ a ro aes —._...__- Ng 4 Fale SORES ZS at

Ne ae SS 22 es wh Scie ge Druggist and y => ' ae —— iz ey News Dealer. w

he * Our lines of Knickerbocker pants ‘s wer'hy your attention. We have the i * “aly

Special Rates to Students | exclusive sale of the new Champion ‘omfort Be t, different from and superior CHICNGO AND MILWAUKEE PAPERS a

WEST CORNER CAPITOL PARK. to any belt on the market. We have the argest ine c. ~eaters in the city. Delivered to any part of the City. i

If you area cash buy. r it will certainly be to your interest to ook through our an Torna See ay

SIDNEY P. RUN DELL, | stock, as our t-rms are Spor CasH. ONE Pride To ALL, «n: thit the lowest. i

Hotter att ; Respectfully, C.B. WELTON & co. | CHICAGO, < \ 6 1 ' CHURCH SERVICES. BIG CLASS TO GRADUATE. ii

y sevnad aa | MILWAUKEE ae 7 E TY AI N ST | Hirst Methodist Episcopal oe ‘The annual commencement exercises] AND t

s a | Rey. E. J. Baskerville will preach at} of Northwestern University will be} ‘th

, 10:30 a. m. a sermion to “Old Peopie.” | held from June 6 to 13 inclusive. he} ST PAUL RY

| After the sermion, reception of mem-| graduating class this year will be one} , a

Jose h Zoech | bers. Rev. Wim. Balch, a graduate of | of the largest in the history of the in-| by

9 | the university, will preach to the| stitution. | With its 6,100 miles of Thoroughly Equippew i ,| “Young People” at 8 p. m. Special ‘he exercises will be as follows: Road, reaches all principal points ia i

& MERCHANT TAILOR- | music for evening service. Ciass at} Thursday, June 6, anniversary of he| i 5

New Goods and a Fit Guaranteed | 9:30 a. m. Sunday School 12 m. Junior! school of oratory; Friday, June 7, an-| NORTHERN ILLINOIS, t at Cheapest Rates. | League 3 p.m. Epworth League 7 p.| nual concert of the department of| a

= = |. General prayer meeting Wednes-| music; Sunday, June 9, baccalaureate| Wiseonsin, Iowa, Minnesota, South , 404 State Street. | |

| day 8 p. m. | address by Rey. Milton 8. ‘Terry, D. D.;| Dakota, North Dakota, and aa | io | Monday,: June 10, anniversary of mel ence Michigan. ae

| Congregational Church:—Children’s) academy; ‘Tuesday, June 11, class day ay

DR. L. B. HILBORN, | Day will be observed in the morning} exercises in Bailey’s opera-house it 9| ie aa)

OPTICAL ROOMS. at 10:30. here will be an attractive] a. m.; annual meeting of the board of] For denied ia etc., apply in per iH service of song. Mrs. Upham will ad irustees at 2 p. m.; oratorical contest] 807 oF by letter to m.

104 ES eon we | dress the children on “Birds.” Bibles} for the Kirk prize at 8 p. m.; Wednes-| W. W. HEAFFORD, if

a fen will be presented to all baptized chil-| day, June 12, annual meeting of Ehi| Sera Pee a (a

NIT a a dren who have reached the age of} Beta Kappa society at 9:30 a. m.; ad- MILWAUKEE, Wit i!

NIELSON on seven years. ‘Chere will also be a ser-| dress before Phi Beta Kappa society Or, NELSON W. PIERCE, at

ET OE eo vice of baptism for little children.) in Memorial hall by Professor James ‘Agent, MADISON, Wis. th A fs) The members of the Sunday School) 7, Hatfield, Ph. ., subject, “James}| ————————_—_— iy

Je Hn f HOTOGRAPHER rwill meet at their rooms at 10:15 a. we Russell Lowell, the Flower of Ameri- i f

926 th Pinel st In the evening will be the last of the) can Culture,” at 4:80 p. m.; president’s| HESS & SCHMITZ, An

eet) a Oey St series of services on State Institutions./ reception of the trustees, faculties, 3 * * at

Finest Cohinet Photos $8.00 per doz, | Dhis will be a platform meeting n the! alumni, graduating classes, and friends | Students Favorite Livery, 5

5 wor Se —~— — | interests of Civil Service Reform. | of the university, at the residence of 508 State St. Telephone Neo. 53. a

a4 oF OR STEAM | There will be addresses by President) Henry Wade Rogers at 8 p. m.; ‘Ehurs-|_ wy fd cal td rhs ©. K. Adams, Hon. T. C: Richmond, | day, June 13, alumni reception and als

8 yh i L: HADRY | Prof. Chas. N. Gregory and Rev. E. ey lunch at the Avenue House at noon, | 4 4

& s&s ® Ue Uti, | Updike. Sunday School at 12 m. Y.! followed ‘by a business meeting; ad- ® ° 9 a P.S. GC. BE. at Tp. m. | dress before the alumni by William TAILOR. i

LYONS & DAUBNER, ee | McKinley at 3 p. m.; commencement : 1 PROPRIETORS. Unitarian Church:—Rey. W. D. Si-| exercises of the university at the Au- 1 Ss <7

—_—_—____—————————— | monds, pastor. Morning service and) qitorium at 8 ». m., address by Rev. Dress Suits a opecially

sermon at 10:30. Subject, “The Church Lyman Abboti, D. D. North Pinckney Tirvet. i

mr MEDALS in the Modern World.” Sunday Schvol) pa ss s and studefits’ class at 12 m. | MEMORIAL DAY GAMES. _

z ss — | — MALEC BROS a e oN Christ Presbyterian Church—Joseph | ; sae i i a : ai

2 Cfo Cochran, pastor. Morning’and evantael At Detroit: Michigan won from oe Manufacturers of . i

“eins jake ALL KINDS services at 10.80 and 8:00. Communion nell, s to ue LY ger ie" ei eg ki otwear ég ti : Tea” he OF and public recéeption of members in the| ALC bp a Princeton won tror | a ni w

SO ee AS ro morning. No-sermon. In the evening | Harvard, 14 to2. : ie Taare , att oe i Kg = ia 7 pers,| At Beloit: Beloit 15, Lake Morest 0. | athletic Goods J

f the pastor will talk to new members. Finca: Maa: NOL ‘and Repairing q

: x ; ¢| Theme: “When Covetousness is vir-| At Williamstown, Mass.: , a apecialty. 4 al

RN fs tuous.” Young Men’s league at ¥%:45) Amberst 5. 326 State St. the i 1) ras i 3 Schi Jniversity a a hig?) NW

ee teat atic fae ae col ae v net —The class of ’97 did not transact 6 : q

| ma List 7. The Endeavor Mission league dis-| any business at its meeting this after- —— i

BUNDE & UPMEYER,| cusses the work of the Salvation Ammy| 20on, but Ve hold amakjourned ier ae 121-123 Wisceasia St, MUL WAUKEI Monday evening in the chapel. _ | ing on Monday. 4

Di iL _ c y “ ae

Page 5: The daily cardinal. Vol. IV No. 160 June 1, 1895

noes re ee iy oe re Pe iF REE MeN STN aes iene eS mee ige oe ret Veer a pe eT ie Ne news Sy in tm Bie

ee aaa Se PPT eee ake EON NO ety rN eM ine ee ect 2 f ey

yi ‘ned os Bs ie ‘ THE DAILY CARDINAL. Ra —— ree


ke __ CC CSixteen paged Blue Books at Mose- — ’ DANCING CLASS

a SAT r JUNE 5 ley’s. ns SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1895. ATHLETIC SUPPLIES. a SORE icdaise ata We

: " BNGLISH HISTORY. zai st tt Tuead: as oa ENGLISH HISTORY. —The college book store has a large * ain St., every Tuesday evening. e —— stock of Law books, on which a dis- Base Ball, Lawn Tennis, Golf. Social Hop every pata day EURO e. Bs he examination for remoyal of von-) count of 20 per cent. will be made, — f-Special rates made to Students,

*: - i sons given. Hall furnished f i a ditions of the winter ‘term ‘will be ne during the next ten days. UNIFORMS FOR ALL SPORTS. | (#8s0u5 given oan ie Monday, June 3, at 2p. m., in Main we Ts ne hall, room 11. | AGENTS WANTED. Ride the SPALDIINQ|B- TEAC uER - oe ae Be V. Coffia. ae CYCLE—the Leader $e joloncello, Man .

g ee ‘Students wanted to canvass the best for 1895. and other instruments; also, ee SHNIOR ELYCURICAL ENG! | Dictionary and Cyclopaedia pub- ‘ Music Furnished for All Occasions, eS NEERS:—All seniors, whose records] lished. If you want to make good| ! nent e, Mere Cate= Prof. CHARLES NITSCHKE, % “aa are not entirely clear, are expected to! money during the summer, be sure to . adelehi Musical Director of the First Regiment Bama, a call Monday, June 3d, from 11 to 12.) look this up. Installment plan; we de- New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, | W\sre cry BULTLUR STREDT.

ae This will be the last opportunity for} liver and collect. Apply at once to G. — soe ae aie sess ee RE fe ‘this work and it is therefore ee | W. Mead, 512 State street. Call 7 | : ag that it be strictly attended to. tween 1 and 4 p. m. aA R fl ABLE F q

be S. B. Fortenbaugh. PLU eR ne as = Bic ee eee ) —Drink Kola Phosphate for your \| DN Vy, V/ RESTAURANT AND UYSTER PARLORS PS : SOPHOMORE BLECTRICAL TINGE nerves.-—Hollister’s Pharmacy. i RVvZ74 if ‘ " FOR LADIES.

oat NPERS:—By a recent action of ihe; —— i Spires a i i Corner Main and Pinckney Sts., Madisom, Ba board of engineers it was decided uy FOR SALE CHEAP: A copy of the ic WS aed \ S J Best of service guaranteed. Fe: return the shop fees for the fall Mon new edition of Johnson’s Universal Al \W x | og | Open at 7a. m. for meals. Pe These can be obtained by calling Mon-| Cyclopaedia. Apply to business man- < ; 5 as a

Bk day, June 3d, at 10 to 11. ager of the Aegis. |\WE SELL BICYCLES ‘ _ es: ‘ S. B. Fortenbaugh. SS Of all grades and prices. Turkish, Russian, Needle, Be — oTo7r For a second hand dress suit, in’ PigGe a Warner Speciai ANDI MEDICATED BATHS. a GLASS OF ’97. first class condition inquire at the! reales ST igane rene wheel laird tevin

Pe = | Cardinal office. Tey ght Brice: Open Every Day (except Sunday) for fe There will be a meeting of the oe See eer | All kinds of repairing properly dione, Jadies and Gentlemen, Fs of 97 at room 4, Main hall, on Monday,| —Joe ees Tepairs the students p p, WARNER, 219-228 E. Main St. WENGEL & MATSON, Props

ie at2p.m. Important business. shoes, at 622 University avenue. | LT aR SN ES se le AR Ve fring 8: Carrell St, Madison

es iW. Alexander, Pres. ooo ee . : “7

iF —___—. | AGENTS WANTED. — For — ae Hoshi oe i RULES GOVERNING INTER-SO-| oes ao _ and get yo Le CIETY BOAT RACES. Agents wanted for the improved TRUN KS 4NO BAGS | 5 a er ed

ni —— Chautauqua Kindergarten Drawing, Se ee . thoroughly Cleaned, Dyed and Repa | The race shall be a quarter of a| Board and Writing Desk. Worth dou-' pots to Orcas Seapete oe cone. 414 W. Gilman. BB ‘ile return. ble as much as any other. Liberal See ea eens te mile and retu

ij Any active member of the society| terms and coe et ee led JOHNSON, —~~, ys who has not during the past year| the Lyon Table and Supply Co., Custem Talloe,

E trained for the ’varsity or class crews; Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y. Average is STYLE, Full line of Winter and Spring Suitinge. * is eligible to enter this race. | profit for each agent at last report was is SERVICE, 120 E. MAIN ST. a: ‘The boats used shall be piece $40.00 per week. | Ss ee i boats owned by the U. W. Boat House} oe eel as ial is FIT, CONOVER & PORTER,

1 association. ING ST:—A small, in, s |

re Hach society shall be represented by| gold ring, with June 24, 1894 and name In all shoes purchased of ARCHITECTS.—— in two men, who have the power to; engraved inside. Finder please return BRoS., 120 State st. t - Madison, Wis.

z choose a coxswain if they so desize. | to Cardinal office and receive reward. | Se ie RAG tally paiant it slopes 0 CEE S$ y .

| ia —The last militany party x the rear —A new Crams' cS moe ee é | CHAS. ‘Je SPETH,

‘a will be given at Library hall next Fri-| Railway system ati las for sale a

i day evening. i | greatly reduced prices by the Cardinal and | CLOTHING aoe oe ig —Prof. Saunders, of the chemistry | management. | ES a

" department, has grone abrioad Meee — aie

; brother. He will resume his work in) ¢& Bohman” Mandolins, | ; At JONAS os. Be 5 the fall. a eae Visit our’ Gent? Furnishing 7M. H. GAY, 1 4 gt —_ ee 5 9 Wy B S$! : : : EF is SENIOR Martin Guitars. Kraske Banjos, | Dept. in Basement. \ Students Merchant Tallor

te Seay. Beat Miubplomnd Mauical: (oc! ks Sse) ANE, Sag ee Ch Invitations to attend class day ana Been ee ee eee greeter than ever before | A Fine Li = 9 a commencement exercises will be ready | brought to Madison, We defy competition. ine Line of Trouserings. i for distribution mext ‘Thursday, al a een AR eR cist 37 __ BOOKS.__ 302 STATE STREET.

is pie Te cy oe eet a nice | New and Seornd-Hand School and College bt rements gradué : | an 5 S : ‘i : iH ies even io each sentor, who sant) T HE NEW BOOK 351 ORE upg ear ee SGFEORD ond g have paid the class tax by that ‘time. | of PICKARTS & NICODEMUS THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE, Aad oe

B ‘The invitations, containing announce-| PEN 429 STATE ST. Ee pene sey of Nl

4 ment of exercises to be held, cast of | Wok c Sea Ma 29 waht dl :

1 senior play, ete., are very neat ey WEDNESDAY, ° ; Delite SaaS ret A ie i jas Bi -appropriate, done in engraving and} ate a7 Sat: ae ’ 0 a iW ‘i TAS ea is plate work. Those’ desiring a Fall lae of Boe case eon ao ! EVERYTHING NEW IN Ls ut a

a i i i ‘ne a ——$—<$<— $$ ——_—$_$______—— | Srp ener: Fe Hy F = ie copies will please send in name and | ——-—— hao | bes SS | extra number wanted to G. W. Gray, | w { m G Footwear | ea ec, 2 Mendota Court, before Saturday \ = CO 5 Ni Q PO Le Th N Sum C | (xs Aa D 3 night, June 1st. Extra copies will a RESTAURANT | AT STOLTZE’S, a 6 cents each. ES IRAN? ! a cm

4 —_____~— os eae ees ee S. Pinckney Street. |tuze DIRECT ROUTE ro Fe MATHEMATICAL CLUB. |AND ICK CREAM PARLURS

1 oe OPEN FILL 12 P. ¥. CHICAGO iS : SS uh) ing of the mathematica)? ——— MM —————____. te Pe ciccenad trom sane dt 5 ; Northwestern EYE and EAR Infirmary Mitieg close oanections with i June 8, | 3 | eee Surgical and Medical disease oyy | r ibuled Grains

f ©. A. Van Vela. | l W PANTCRUM. GPR of Ej, Ear, Nosoand Throat WME ea. rast Vestibule N im — | e ° oe : adi 8 See AND He) | a Ste trected, Spectacles :djusted ee “

i Oe ae | Now is the time to have your Spring | ie, © and Ariificial Eyes inserted, “Sata Ghrough Sleeping Cars ss Ritts eee | Suits Scoured. ant | iP. A special meeting of the Y. W. C. =| Join the Club at $1.00 pvr month. a. ¢. ABALY, M. dD, MADISON, WIS. | c il BI Pane Omaha fet is called for Sunday, June 2,at3D.'™./ 615 HATS MADE LIX= NEW. | Practiced Ten Years in the City. Coe nee : x 7 jder t Ci i Sioux City, Denver, ie in Castalia room, to consider the mate Fay Clothes cleaned, pressed, dyed and repaired, | 0 Poniang. Sane eites

‘a ter of general secretary. Ae Daan a Bs And all principal cities of the

a ah | H. LEWIS, LFORD BROS. WEST AND NORTHWEST. if A 95 Monarch bleycle tor sale! pRUGGIST, hae Yor Beit in hea lo Ee cheap, by the) Oardinal management. i j ipfaa| STEAM LAUNDRY. | caicago & NORTHWESTERN R’Y. iW Call at the office before ordering youd, a loner & Ol J if | 118-115 North Carroll St ‘And Uonnecting Routes.

iW wheel. | 7 = W.H.NEWMAN, J.M. WHITMAN, W. A, THRALL, ig x kK H : "| Ma . Gen'l Pass, and W Pe Books at the College Book oop. state aha GilmanSts, Madison Office, 8 E. Main St.. MADISON, WIS. 8d Vice-Pres. ‘Gen nager. oe an

iW H EN’ S The finest collection of Spring and Summer

a At OLSO suitings. Call early and get the choice.

Bai. so Silas A ie sa ae i a