mi it fcj m4. m m Ef. If Si ; it Si?'- - M'. V ' m "? 'V i-- XiiU Btv SB? i i'KJ. izh 1$ "' THE DAILY BULL KcofiacoKxtatara Vol. "VT. ISTo. 809. HONOLULU, II. J., SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 188-1- . 8U08CRIPTION 60 CENTO PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. 0ri t'oii Htroct, Opposite West's CnrtlnRa Factory. btcrlpllon, GO ccnls nor Month. AH business communications to bo nil. drp?30(l, Manager Dally Bulletin, Tost Oflloo Box No. 14. Telephone 250. Dan Loiian, Editor Whay Taylou, Local Reporter .Ias. O. Cluviou, Mnnagor Silver! Silver! Silver ! Great Site n; Sale COMMENCING Saturday, "Nov. 29, AT- - Ghas. J. Fishers $5000 worth Silver presents Will 1)0 given away during t tins sale. Butter Knives, Butter Dishes, Castors, &c, &c., to every customer purchasing to the amount of $2. CO worth of goods. TOYS! TOYS! 82,500 worth of Toys and Christmas Presents will be given away during this sale to every customer buying $1 worth or more. Don't Bny Toy.s for Clu-ist-n- i an, liut call nt once at ChasJ Fishel's Corner Fort & Hotel Sis. 879 3m Risen from tlie Aslies ! LOVE'S NEW BAKERY ! LOVE desires to intimnto to MRS. numerous old customers and the public generally, tlint her bakery, Destroyed ly TTlx'c, Has b'cen restored in handsome, sub- stantial and convenient form. She is therefore prepared to supply the lnrgcst custom with Plain and Fancy Bread of tbo best quality, and manufactured by the most approved methods. Everything in tho Hue of a flrst.class bakery will bo carried on with- greater facility than boforo tlo flro. The Lunch & Coffee Room Is also restored In more elegant stylo than over, and nt rates that cannot bo undorbid by any restaurant. Brick Building, 73 Nuuanu Slroot. Honolulu, Dee. 13, 1881. 892 Mele Hawaii I JUST RECEIVED ox S. S. Mariposa, following Hawaiian Music, in sheet form, arranged for voice and piano, with handsome titlo,,page: 1. Hawaii Ponol Chorus 2. Sweet Lot Lohua March !!. Malanniann ka Maknoi,.Solo & chor. 4. Lunamakaainana March 5. Elcllo Solo & chorus 0, Ka Mol Kalakaua March 7. Ahi Wcla . .. . . Solo & .chorus 8. Lallaunu oka Ah I March By kind permission of II It. II. Princess Lilluokalanl, Aloha Oo is allowed, to bo sold in tho abovo collection. J. 31. OAT, ,Tr &. Co., Solo Agents, 25 Merchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 801 lm TO LET. SMALL COTTAGE AT LELEO. A Apply to T. W. It AWLINS, 881 tf Bonp Works B. F. EIILEMS & Go., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by ovory steamer 7Y)7?7T SIT1!? TF TFT The Event of the Season New Holiday Goods SPECIAL SALE COMMENCING- - ON MONDAY, DEC. 15, 1881, AT TMTr 6 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. Just received an immense .stock o New Goods, consisting- - of Useful and Ornamental Articles suitable for Holiday Gifts. The entire stock will bo offered during the holidays HCSr -- A.t Xxic6 XJulieard. oi' g52 Extra Bargains in Ladies' Underwear. Special attention is called to tho complete stock of Now Millinery which comprises all grades and qualities, and prices guaranteed. IiiHpoetlon is invited. Mollis' Making Establishment on UNION FEED 0 Ray, Grain and Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets rJCeleplioiie 1 VS. iHlaml orilerH anil gomlM promptly. it. jr. benson, Mrs. Dress Holleltctl, delivered SMITH & CO.. & 113 & US FORT STREET, HONOLULU, Depot for Booricke & Schreck's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Sense Nursing Bottles,9 And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. Every Description Executed with neatness and dispatch, AT QUEEN Adjoining Dodd's, 123 FORT Cold Drinks for Young ond Old. Suporior Ginger Beer, 10c; per bottle. Donnelly's Hoot Beer, " " " Connolly's Spruce Boer, " " " These Beers nro tho most pleasant and healthiest boverago known. They clcanso and purify tho blood, which renders them not only an ex- cellent drink but good for invalids, 'and will moro readily quench thirst without producing any deleterious effects. CANDIES ! CANDIES 1 ! Homo mudo Creams and Caramels, all varieties, frcsli daily. Finest selection of Imported Candles. Chaso'i? celebrated Boston Lozenges, In thomarket. NUTS AND ! ! Bmolco I. Smolto ! Sinolco I My Manilas aro tho best in town. Como in and judge for yourgclf. American, Havana and Hinglcy's celebrated Homo-mad- Cigars nl. ways on hand. Chowlng and Bmok. Ing Tobacco, cut foil ond plug. All varieties of Cigarettes at tho Foun- - TAIN. 802 ROBERT DONNOLLY. ACH BENSON, Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office, THE FODITAM STREET. flncstnroinatlcquality BON-BON- S G0MPA Y. OliicJccn Feed. a.- W. SMITH, of Job Printing THE STREET. Bearer J The Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours The finest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, always on hand. THE CASINO AT TUU l'AUK IS OPEN EVERY DAY. tSTTho only tca-sld- o resort in tho Kingdom. II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor O.EORGE LUCAS, jk " VjUULIIUILUr JWr- -' i and Bulhlor.-say- S Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, ami all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing ami Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other is solicited J. M. OAT Jr. &Co. Dealers lu all kinds of STATIONERX, Tho Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at the Gazette Block. Merchant Street 1 by B tho premises. WILLIAM AULD, lo take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at tho office of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu anu Btrcet. 18! i JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agout to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofilcc, Honolulu. WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the nbovt languages mado (with nccuracy and dis patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 H. S. Treqloan, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. CHR. GERTZ, (B No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fC" Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. FRITZ WILHELM, CARPENTER & BUILDEH, Shop on King street, in rear of Now Odd Fellow's Hall King street. Telephono 112. 529 0m ' ED. O. ROWS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Pafkii Hanoeii, etc., No. 107 Kino Stiieet, Honolulu. 525 Telephone, 114. ly Brown & Phillips, Pluinbois, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. Z3T Houso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. . 17 .1.91. OAT & CO., HAIMrAKJiltH, Loft lu A. F. Cookes New Firc-Proo- f Building, foot of Nuuanu Street. 'Honolulu, II. I. Flngj of nil descriptions made and repaired. ly b H0LLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, nnd Cor., 507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b xft-T- j HONOLULU IRON WORKS, jfcMSsifiSteum engines, sugar mills, boll, ers, coolers; Iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description mado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Prussian National Insurance Comp'y ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital, .. 9,000,000 Rolchsmarks. npiIE undersigned, having been np JL pointed agent of tho abovo Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favornblo Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablp In Honolulu. II. RIEMENSOHNEIDEK, 070 ly b nt Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS,-CrRAZIER- & and all whom it may concern. fr?vZr 'lno undersigned having Wt ItiB"u1,'(i alterations, additions, fr,fT$wSquml improvements In his S&WiW SOAP FACTORY, is now prepared to glvo Tho Highest Cash Vnluo for nny quantity of And will furnish containers for tho samo free of costao any ono who may desire. T1IOS. W. KA.WI1INS, Honolulu Soap Works. Ofilco In Brick Building, King street, Lclco. 483 lr lH XJLii Commission Merchants. C brewer (Limited) & Company, Gkneual Mekcantilk and Commission Aoknts. LiSTOl'omcEits: P. O. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Mnnager J. O. Oakteii. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary miiKcrous: Hon. O. It. Bishop. Hon. 11. A. P. Cahtkk 338 ly Geo. W. Mncfarlana II. R. Macfarlanc. O. W. MACZARLANE & Co. IMPORTEltS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Firc-Proo- f Building, - - 02 Queen sttcet, Honolulu. H. I. agents for Tho Wnikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii I I1R HnUML HllIPIlI PlnillllHrt.i fk.il.. i '""I VI.llll, Hlll'toNlli.iir Mill Atn.il Hiiclo Sugar Plantation, Mnui, Puuloa Sheep Itiuich Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow nnd Port- able Tiamway Works, Leeds, Mlrrlees, Watson &Co's Sugar Machln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow nnd Honolulu Lino of Packets. 185 J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEV. 1 tons Si Levey, XJ Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen st., - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and Gcnerul Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agents for Amcricau nud Euro- pean merchandise. 318 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise aiid Commission Merchants, llnuolulu. i MS. GRINBAUM Si CO., Commission Merchants, 124 Califoiniu street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. Claue Spreckcls. H'm. O. Irwin. WG. IRWIN & COMPANY, Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. l AS. OLEQHORN & Co. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Quceaand Kauhumauu sts., Hono- lulu. 7q MA. GONSALVE3 is CO., No. 67 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu, Importers nnd Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery. 289 &c., &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 BROWN & CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants. No. 14 Merchant st., Honolulu. 330 S.N.Canio. J.D.Atnerton. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers nnd Dealers in Gcnerul Merchandise, No. 80 King st.. Honolulu. i WO TAI & CO, Importers and'Gcncrnl Dealers in English, American and Chinese Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General Supplies. Also, White & Colored Con-tra- Matting, nil qualities and prices. No. 24 Nuuanu street, opposite Mr. ('. Afong's. C23 Cm Wolfe & Edwards Qrocory and Feed Store, Corner King nnd Nuuanu streets. Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P.O. Box 130, Telephono 349. 501 0m i 1V3I. KcOANINUBSS, NO. 0 Queen street..'. Fish Mnrkct, Dealer in choicest Ilccf, Venl, Mutton, FJhIi, Jtc, &c. Family nnd Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels nt short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to Order. 340 ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confoctionoi, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel at. Telephone 74. EiiHteni Fine Sutrar Kcgx, In Shooks or Set up, also Eastern Pino Barrols for Molassos. Hoops Iron ., JiJ, lln., 2 x 1.10, 3 x K, 2 x 3.10. For Sale by C80 3m b J. 11. BHUNS, Senior. Water Notice. Ofllco Sup't Water Works, Honolulu, July 3, 1882. ALL persons having Water Privileges notified that their Water Rates arc payable semi-annuall- in advance, nt tho ofilco of tho Superintendent or Wutcr Works, foot of Nuuanu street, upon tho 1st day of January and July of cachvour. . CHAS. B.WILSON, Sup't A atcr Works 8. K. Kaai, MinlstP' of Interior. 204 tfr4&jute$&& i :&MiijiMM Professionals. DR. EMERSON, ltcstdcnco and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukul St., corner of Fort. Telephono No. 149. 59 2m A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Ofllco with the Attorney General, Alllo lani Hale, Honolulu. ly JOHN RUSSELL-- , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllec, on Merchant strcel, (next door to Dr. Sliingcmvald.) 495 ly KIOHARD F. BICKERTON, nnd Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, Counsellor nt Law. Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgmcuts of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kanhumauu st Honolulu. l JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public, iteal Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold nnd leased, on commission. Loans ncgotid ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 O. O. BERGER, KAAUUMANfJ BTUEET. General Agent for Tho N. Y. Lifo Insurance Company, Tho City of London Firc In. Co(llmltd Macncnle & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machlno Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vanco & Co. 238 Lcwors, u. j;. Cooke. EWERS & COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers nnd Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. j WILDER Be CO., Benlcrs in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. j JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE nud residence, corner 8'rcct nna JlcKibbln lane. Ofilco hours from 7 to 0 a. m., nnd 4 to 0 r. m. Orders left at tho Pantheon Sta- bles will be promptly attended to. 843 tf A. X. BAKER, tfk Will euro BIck or Lame Horses. CSTScnd orders toCnpt Cluney's stables Queen & Punchbowl sts. 420 ly Telephono No. 3CG. PASTURAGE. GOOD PASTURE for Hortes Volley 50 acres in ono paddock g5S all fenced, with an nlllinrlnnr'ft nf grass, a living stronm of water runnine through tho land. Horses called for nnd delivered at 60 cents per head, if so desired. Reasonable good enro taken of stock but no responsibility from acci- dent. Positively none but healthy nni-ma- Inken. Address or enquire of ALLEN IIIJRHERT, Ofilco on Queen street, with Hamilton JOllllHOII. ijq f A Good Pasture for Horses, NEAR TOWN. Inquire to . A. A. MONTANO. . 577 Cm G. II. ROBERTSON. L Drayman best teams In town. Ofllce, Queen st. 15 A Rare BooL "The Liquor Problem of all Ages," by Dr. Dorchester, of Massachusetts. Recommended by the Rev. Messrs; Cruznn nnd Oggel.und ordcrcl by many of tho leading gentlemen in tho com. munlty. For sale by J. 8. CUTLER, next building east of Y. M. O. A. rooms I Xlio Icoilc'w CyclopotHn. A Now Era in Cyclopcdlsm. It citniu into cxlstenco as tho result of public opinion that tho masses of tho pcoplo needed a Cyclopedia hotter adopted to their wants nnd means. It has tho cream of nil tho oilier Cyclone, dins given In a masterly, scholarly man." ncr, not mere skeletons, but tho flesh nnd blood of all tho others. It has eighteen thousand topics moro than other Cyclopedias, five thousand illus. trations, fifty-tw- o double colored mops, ono hundred nnd twcnty.ilvo maps and diagrams. Tho mops ore Roil Road and County mups of the United States. Iho work Is complete and now ready for delivery, revised and all brought down to 1884. Prices $17, $10, $20, $22.50 In differ-c- ut bindings. Published by PHILLIPS & HUNT, '... 1,or fnl1 bi"J" H- - CUTLEIVnott. building east of Y. M. C. A. Booing. n ' m 'it. ;s t '4'

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THE DAILY BULLKcofiacoKxtatara



0ri t'oii Htroct,Opposite West's CnrtlnRa Factory.

btcrlpllon, GO ccnls nor Month.

AH business communications to bo nil.drp?30(l, Manager Dally Bulletin, TostOflloo Box No. 14. Telephone 250.Dan Loiian, EditorWhay Taylou, Local Reporter.Ias. O. Cluviou, Mnnagor

Silver! Silver!

Silver !

Great Site n;Sale


Saturday, "Nov. 29,AT- -

Ghas. J. Fishers

$5000 worth Silver presentsWill 1)0 given away during t

tins sale.

Butter Knives,

Butter Dishes,

Castors, &c, &c.,

to every customer purchasing to theamount of $2. CO worth

of goods.

TOYS! TOYS!82,500 worth of Toys

and Christmas Presents will begiven away during this sale

to every customer buying $1 worthor more.

Don't Bny Toy.s for Clu-ist-n- i

an, liut call nt once at

ChasJ Fishel'sCorner Fort & Hotel Sis.

879 3m

Risen from tlie Aslies !


LOVE desires to intimnto toMRS. numerous old customers andthe public generally, tlint her bakery,

Destroyed ly TTlx'c,Has b'cen restored in handsome, sub-stantial and convenient form. She istherefore prepared to supply the lnrgcstcustom with

Plain and Fancy Breadof tbo best quality, and manufacturedby the most approved methods.

Everything in tho Hue of a flrst.classbakery will bo carried on with- greaterfacility than boforo tlo flro.

The Lunch & Coffee RoomIs also restored In more elegant stylothan over, and nt rates that cannot boundorbid by any restaurant.

Brick Building, 73 Nuuanu Slroot.

Honolulu, Dee. 13, 1881. 892

Mele Hawaii I

JUST RECEIVED ox S. S. Mariposa,following Hawaiian Music, in

sheet form, arranged for voice andpiano, with handsome titlo,,page:

1. Hawaii Ponol Chorus2. Sweet Lot Lohua March!!. Malanniann ka Maknoi,.Solo & chor.4. Lunamakaainana March5. Elcllo Solo & chorus0, Ka Mol Kalakaua March7. Ahi Wcla . . . . . Solo & .chorus8. Lallaunu oka Ah I March

By kind permission of II It. II. PrincessLilluokalanl, Aloha Oo is allowed, to bosold in tho abovo collection.

J. 31. OAT, ,Tr &. Co.,Solo Agents,

25 Merchant street, Honolulu, II. I.801 lm


881 tf Bonp Works

B. F. EIILEMS & Go.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by ovory steamer 7Y)7?7T SIT1!? TF TFT

The Event of the Season



104 Fort Street, Honolulu.Just received an immense .stock o New Goods, consisting-- of

Useful and Ornamental Articles suitable for Holiday Gifts.The entire stock will bo offered during the holidays

HCSr --A.t Xxic6 XJulieard. oi' g52Extra Bargains in Ladies' Underwear.

Special attention is called to tho complete stock of Now Millinerywhich comprises all grades and qualities, and prices guaranteed.

IiiHpoetlon is invited.

Mollis' Making Establishment on


Ray, Grain and

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsrJCeleplioiie 1 VS.

iHlaml orilerH anil gomlM promptly.

it. jr. benson,

Mrs. Dress

Holleltctl, delivered



Depot for Booricke & Schreck's

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Sense Nursing Bottles,9

And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.

Every Description

Executed with neatness and dispatch,



Adjoining Dodd's,

123 FORT

Cold Drinks for Young ond Old.

Suporior Ginger Beer, 10c; per bottle.Donnelly's Hoot Beer, " " "Connolly's Spruce Boer, " " "

These Beers nro tho most pleasantand healthiest boverago known.They clcanso and purify tho blood,which renders them not only an ex-cellent drink but good for invalids,'and will moro readily quench thirstwithout producing any deleteriouseffects.


Homo mudo Creams and Caramels,all varieties, frcsli daily. Finestselection of Imported Candles.Chaso'i? celebrated Boston Lozenges,

In thomarket.


Bmolco I. Smolto ! Sinolco I

My Manilas aro tho best in town.Como in and judge for yourgclf.

American, Havana and Hinglcy'scelebrated Homo-mad- Cigars nl.ways on hand. Chowlng and Bmok.Ing Tobacco, cut foil ond plug. Allvarieties of Cigarettes at tho Foun- -




Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,






OliicJccn Feed.

a.- W. SMITH,

of Job Printing



Bearer JThe Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursThe finest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.tSTTho only tca-sld- o resort in tho

Kingdom. II. J. NOLTE,Proprietor


and Bulhlor.-say- S

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, ami all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing ami Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other is


J. M. OAT Jr. &Co.Dealers lu all kinds of

STATIONERX,Tho Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at the Gazette Block. MerchantStreet 1 by


tho premises.

WILLIAM AULD,lo take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at tho office ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuanu Btrcet. 18! i

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agout to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofilcc,Honolulu.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the nbovtlanguages mado (with nccuracy and dispatch, and on reasonable terms. 209

H. S. Treqloan,TAILOR,

201 FORT ST.


No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fC"Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.


Shop on King street, in rear of NowOdd Fellow's Hall King street.

Telephono 112. 529 0m '


Pafkii Hanoeii, etc.,No. 107 Kino Stiieet, Honolulu.

525 Telephone, 114. ly

Brown & Phillips,Pluinbois, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. Z3T Houso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. . 17

.1.91. OAT & CO., HAIMrAKJiltH,Loft lu A. F. Cookes New Firc-Proo- f

Building, foot of Nuuanu Street.'Honolulu, II. I.

Flngj of nil descriptions made andrepaired. ly b


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, nnd Cor.,507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

xft-T- j HONOLULU IRON WORKS,jfcMSsifiSteum engines, sugar mills, boll,ers, coolers; Iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmado to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital, .. 9,000,000 Rolchsmarks.

npiIE undersigned, having been npJL pointed agent of tho abovo Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favornblo Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablp In


II. RIEMENSOHNEIDEK,070 ly b nt Wilder & Co's.


and all whom it may concern.

fr?vZr 'lno undersigned havingWt ItiB"u1,'(i alterations, additions,fr,fT$wSquml improvements In hisS&WiW SOAP FACTORY,is now prepared to glvo

Tho Highest Cash Vnluofor nny quantity of

And will furnish containers for tho samofree of costao any ono who may desire.

T1IOS. W. KA.WI1INS,Honolulu Soap Works.

Ofilco In Brick Building,King street, Lclco. 483 lr

lH XJLiiCommission Merchants.

C brewer(Limited)

& Company,

Gkneual Mekcantilk andCommission Aoknts.

LiSTOl'omcEits:P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & MnnagerJ. O. Oakteii. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

miiKcrous:Hon. O. It. Bishop. Hon. 11. A. P. Cahtkk

338 ly

Geo. W. Mncfarlana II. R. Macfarlanc.



Sugar Factors,Firc-Proo- f Building, - - 02 Queen sttcet,

Honolulu. H. I.agents for

Tho Wnikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, HawaiiI I1R HnUML HllIPIlI PlnillllHrt.i fk.il.. i'""I VI.llll,Hlll'toNlli.iir Mill Atn.ilHiiclo Sugar Plantation, Mnui,Puuloa Sheep Itiuich Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow nnd Port-

able Tiamway Works, Leeds,Mlrrlees, Watson &Co's Sugar Machln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow nnd Honolulu Lino of Packets.


J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEV.1 tons Si Levey,XJ Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen st., - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand Gcnerul Merchandise promptly at-tended to.

Solo Agents for Amcricau nud Euro-pean merchandise. 318

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise aiid Commission Merchants,llnuolulu. i

MS. GRINBAUM Si CO.,Commission Merchants,

124 Califoiniu street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

Claue Spreckcls. H'm. O. Irwin.

WG. IRWIN & COMPANY,Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. l

AS. OLEQHORN & Co.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Quceaand Kauhumauu sts., Hono-lulu. 7q

MA. GONSALVE3 is CO.,No. 67 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu,Importers nnd Dealers in Dry and Fancy

Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery.289 &c., &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

BROWN & CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants. No. 14 Merchant st.,Honolulu. 330

S.N.Canio. J.D.Atnerton.CASTLE & COOKE,

Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers nnd Dealers inGcnerul Merchandise, No. 80 King st..Honolulu. i

WO TAI & CO,Importers and'Gcncrnl Dealers

in English, American and Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. Also, White & Colored Con-tra-

Matting, nil qualities and prices.No. 24 Nuuanu street, opposite Mr. ('.

Afong's. C23 Cm

Wolfe & EdwardsQrocory and Feed Store,

Corner King nnd Nuuanu streets.Fresh Groceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P.O. Box 130, Telephono 349.

501 0m

i 1V3I. KcOANINUBSS,NO. 0 Queen street..'. Fish Mnrkct,

Dealer in choicestIlccf, Venl, Mutton, FJhIi, Jtc, &c.

Family nnd Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels nt short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to Order. 340 ly



F. HORN, Practical Confoctionoi,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel at. Telephone 74.

EiiHteni Fine Sutrar Kcgx,In Shooks or Set up, also

Eastern Pino Barrols forMolassos.

Hoops Iron ., JiJ, lln., 2 x 1.10, 3 x K,2 x 3.10.

For Sale byC80 3m b J. 11. BHUNS, Senior.

Water Notice.Ofllco Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Rates

arc payable semi-annuall- in advance,nt tho ofilco of tho Superintendent orWutcr Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon tho 1st day of January and July ofcachvour. . CHAS. B.WILSON,

Sup't A atcr Works8. K. Kaai, MinlstP' of Interior. 204

tfr4&jute$&& i :&MiijiMM


DR. EMERSON,ltcstdcnco and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Kukul St., corner of Fort.Telephono No. 149. 59 2m


And Notary Public,Ofllco with the Attorney General, Alllolani Hale, Honolulu. ly


ATTORNEY AT LAW.Ofllec, on Merchant strcel, (next door

to Dr. Sliingcmvald.) 495 ly

KIOHARD F. BICKERTON,nnd Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,Counsellor nt Law.

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgmcuts of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kanhumauu stHonolulu. l


and Notary Public, iteal Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold nndleased, on commission. Loans ncgotidted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190


KAAUUMANfJ BTUEET.General Agent for

Tho N. Y. Lifo Insurance Company,

Tho City of London Firc In. Co(llmltdMacncnle & Urban Safes,

Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machlno

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vanco & Co.238

Lcwors, u. j;. Cooke.EWERS & COOKE,

(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers nnd Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. j

WILDER Be CO.,Benlcrs in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. j

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE nud residence, corner

8'rcct nna JlcKibbln lane.Ofilco hours from 7 to 0 a. m., nnd 4 to 0r. m. Orders left at tho Pantheon Sta-bles will be promptly attended to.

843 tf

A. X. BAKER,tfk

Will euro BIck orLame Horses.

CSTScnd orders toCnpt Cluney's stablesQueen & Punchbowl sts. 420 ly

Telephono No. 3CG.

PASTURAGE.GOOD PASTURE forHortes Volley50 acres in ono paddockg5S all fenced, with annlllinrlnnr'ft nf

grass, a living stronm of water runninethrough tho land. Horses called fornnd delivered at 60 cents per head, if sodesired. Reasonable good enro taken ofstock but no responsibility from acci-dent. Positively none but healthy nni-ma-

Inken. Address or enquire ofALLEN IIIJRHERT,

Ofilco on Queen street, with HamiltonJOllllHOII. ijq f

A Good Pasture for Horses,NEAR TOWN.

Inquire to .A. A. MONTANO. .

577 Cm

G. II. ROBERTSON.L Drayman best teams

In town. Ofllce, Queen st. 15

A Rare BooL"The Liquor Problem of all Ages,"

by Dr. Dorchester, of Massachusetts.Recommended by the Rev. Messrs;

Cruznn nnd Oggel.und ordcrcl by manyof tho leading gentlemen in tho com.munlty. For sale by J. 8. CUTLER,next building east of Y. M. O. A. rooms I

Xlio Icoilc'w CyclopotHn.A Now Era in Cyclopcdlsm.

It citniu into cxlstenco as tho result ofpublic opinion that tho masses of thopcoplo needed a Cyclopedia hotteradopted to their wants nnd means. Ithas tho cream of nil tho oilier Cyclone,dins given In a masterly, scholarly man."ncr, not mere skeletons, but tho fleshnnd blood of all tho others. It haseighteen thousand topics moro thanother Cyclopedias, five thousand illus.trations, fifty-tw- o double colored mops,ono hundred nnd twcnty.ilvo maps anddiagrams. Tho mops ore Roil Roadand County mups of the United States.Iho work Is complete and now readyfor delivery, revised and all broughtdown to 1884.

Prices $17, $10, $20, $22.50 In differ-c- ut

bindings.Published by PHILLIPS & HUNT,'... 1,or fnl1 bi"J" H- - CUTLEIVnott.building east of Y. M. C. A. Booing.





Page 2: THE DAILY BULLlH XJLii - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/14883/1/1884122001.pdf · BtvXiiU SB? i i'KJ. izh 1$ "' THE DAILY BULL KcofiacoKxtatara

heir-?BTS110P & Co., BANKERS

Honolulu, Hawaiian Island".I iiimw j'jxcimngp on me

K) XJ.111I1C Ol Ulll(l'ltlIl -. .1.'

Ami their agents Id


KjMossra. X. M. Rothschild &S011, Lonilon.

H' T M ttlntlfc.Tho Commcictnl Bank Co., of Sydney,

.. Sydney..... - ...Ml'lio Bank or Kcw .eiinmi: Aucuinnii,K OlirNtchuroh, and Wellington.Efhu Hank of Hritlsh Columbia. Vicwk torlu, 15. 0. and 1'ortlaml, Or.

it.--.. 'T'Vr . . ...,rmnnci ft uononu j:uiKiity uusincss.

titiO ly

f t JJiul J.U'Hn,

McloJ tounsltber Beet nor Party.uit oanuiijua ur taa ujuouk oi an.

SA'iTKDAY, DKC. 20, 1881.


Sale of Christmas Goods nt 7, atf) Lyons & Levey's Sales Room.

Uymnnsiutn, .skating, 7.


Casino nt the 1'aik, open all day.Retliel Sunday School, nt 1)

Fott St. Church S. S. at 9:lfi.m m. AihIpimc'c ini ;.,,,".".,.";.:.:." ,

ncuici, morning nunevening.

St. Andrews' Cathedral, service.m morning and evening.

1'ortbt. Uhurcli, service, morningnnd evening.


It is said that Lord Derby, BritishSecictarv of State for' the Colonies.

l'i, ,.,.. ,, ,.,... ....ji.it wiiuiiiiiwii ins opposition lo iiicscheme for the annexation of theUrilish AVcst Indies to tlic Dominionoi uaiuuia. ran ot me misincss oiSir John Jlacdonald, tlic Canadian

Wf Premier, on a recent visit to Eng- -

js, land, is supposed to have been the; promotion of this sclicmc. If the

' annexation bo consummated, it willadd greatly to the commercial iin- -

t portance of Canada. In 1881 thepopulation of Canada was 1,350,000,and that of the British West Indies,including tho Bahamas and Bcrmu- -

m das, about 1,230,000. In the periodfrom 18G5 to 1879, tlic last of whichstatistics arc available, tlic annualaverage of exports of those Islands

v oinruiiiinl n cm ".nn rnn ...i i.n.......wlum iu v"i,uu,vwu, aim iuuimports to a trifle less than $20,000,- -

$ nnO. ITiiflnr liinovnlinii llin iiifiv.i-icf.i- l

revenue of tlic Islands, from theapplication of tlic Canadian tariff,would more than make up the costof protecting them fiom internaldisorders, now borne by the BritishGovernment. The matter is notwithout interest to the Hawaiian

f Kingdom, for if the annexation takesplace, and "the reciprocity treaty,

"negotiated between the Governmentsof the United Slates and Canada, beratified by tlic legislatures of bothnniiiiti'ip.o. nn imiini'l.-iii- vpault in fl,nu . : ' ' . .::American sugar market will ensue.

h if reciprocity is to be the order ofthe day among American countries,this nation should have all the sharepossible in the affairs of the happycommercial family. Therefore, our

?, Government may well take stens to&' add to the proposed treaty with

Mexico one with Canada. ThePacific trade of tho uoith country,upon the completion of the CanadianPacific Railway from ocean to ocean,will bo vastly increased. Steamersarc being now provided for a linefrom British Columbia to Japan nnd

fJCliina, and tlic probability is that aInline between tlic Canadian Pacific

PCoast and tlic sister colonics off Australasia will only bo a matter ofKjtimo, which the prize of Hawaiian

trade tnrown in would materially'promote. Reciprocal trade witli

r'Caiiatfa, as wo pointed out before,would inevitably enlarge the market

t 'for our sugar and other products,,.and probably cheapen our fuel, bread

and lumber supplies.L . .


The editor of the Saturday PressLjhas accomplished the second of aiscrics of articles on "Journalism,"Thcy arc very readable and display

iarf accurate insight of the "pcrfosh."feiK Dyspeptics, beforo adopting Paul'sprescription to Timothy, to take alittle ine for his stomach's sake,

remould lecollectthat Paul a was tcat-Knak- cr

and not a physician.

It is satisfactory to find tho Boardjof Health threatening prosecution to

Sjpersons depositing the carcases offjrabimals where tlicy will be a publicKoffcnco. Offenders should receiveIno quarter, for the Agent 1ms prc- -

vJously announced tlint he would seo

to tho proper disposal of 'deadanimals.

Everybody has heard of tho Kcclymotor, an cngino operated by ctlioricvapor at a trifling expense. Forton years during which its inventor,John W. Kccly, of Philadelphia,has been poking over it at tho ex-

pense of more or less confiding capi-

talists, it lias been proverbially re-

garded as the humbug of the period.Tlic Philadelphia J'rcss has, how-

ever, lately contained an account ofa trial given tho motor, during whichit displayed tremendous power."Whether its' power can be practicallyapplied is a question that, it is tobo hoped, will not require anotherten years to' answer. One thingshown at the trial was u vapor gun,which, when connected with thegenerator of the machine, projecteda bullet through two square piecesof timber, cacli three inches inthickness.


Across A consonant, apiece of turf, aproduct of the grain Held, a tropicaltuber, a consonant.

Down A consonant, an affection ofthe Honolulu's foundation, an

to flowing water, a vowel-coiipona-


J describe what 1 beard In the musichalls,

Alo often within tho paurcil wall.5Iy second letter now (alee you away,And leave me companion with the bright

lei.I Mowly was formed the base of (bis

town,And walls built of me no wind will

blow down.Far away I'm found among many things

rate;1 circle the necks of the gay and the fair.Xow cut off my head and you'll find 1

denoteAny message you spoke, but none that

you wrote.Two letters put nt my head and you

speakOf decorations abundant next week.

Tin: Fii)iim:ii.


31y llrst In moves, and livesIn palaces so grand;

livery word ho speaks U law,All bow at his command.

.My .second, In his little craft,Sails o'er the stormy sea,

And .stiives to earn Ids dally breadliy working honestly.

Hy river s.Ulcs my whole is seen,A pretty little bird; v

When on the wing 'tis very swift.Though It Is beldoin heard.


1st Used on horses.2nd Free from pain.:ird A tract of land,lth Poverty.



J am in two words, containing four-teen letters.

My 14, 1, 7, 1, is used by everybody.My a, 10, 12, 111, is where many men

w ork.My 9, 7, 11, fi, 2, 0, is a nimble person.My whole recently took place In

Honolulu.F. W. E.



WMII A AV A II A Xi) o m Txr o x



X XTo second Cross Puzzle


I' A K T YrS'J1'


To Charade Wo-ma- n.

To Xumerlcal Knlgma MorningGuide.

Answer to Xiuueilcal Enigma re-

ceived from W. 13. l'oster and AntonioPerry .

WAMIN&7Xotlco in heieby given that nil per-

sons found placing dead nulmals on tho

icef, attaching them to tho harbor buoys

or depositing them where they may he a

publics nuisance, will bo prosecuted.

.I01IX II. JJHOWN,Agent Hoard of Health.

Honolulu, Ucc.j20th,188L 8MMf

TO LEASE.a A COTTAGE containing fourttSrooms with nantrv nnd kitchen

lafflnttaclied nnd surrounded by anico little garden can bo obtained byapplying on the premises sltuntcd on.Punchbowl street, a few steps belowPalace Walk. 890 2w


Lyons & Levey- -

Saturday, Dec. 20th,At 7 p. in., nt Sales Boom, byordor of G. AV. Mncfarlaifc &, Co.,splendid Xow Xm.is Goods.

Monday, Dec. 22nd,At 10 n. m., at store, next Xolto's,Campbell's Block, Port street,Fancy Goods, Toys, &c,

Monday, Dec. 22nd,At 7 p. in., at the Hawaiian Bazar,Port street, general assortment ofToys and Xmns Goods.

8'Jl LYONS & r.EVEl', Audi's.

ivnniinffliiuiuuii; KJtuui

At the Store, Campbell's Block, Port St.,

Monday, Dec. 22nd,At 10 n. m., we will sell at public auc-

tion anew stock of

HOLIDAY GOODSSuitable for the present season,

consisting of

Toys, Fanoy Goods, Crookoryware,

and every description of Now"V oar's Presents.


LYONS & LEVEY, Audi's.


against mo personally, or on ac-

count of my d raying business, arelo present tlic same monthly

instead of quarterly as heretofore.8fm Tin. GEO. U. ROHBRTSON.





Prepared l.y a lady iu San Francisco,and mado ot the very best materials.

Xo Christmas Dinner complcto with-out a bottle of these appetizing pickles.

Also on band,

liCiiion t"fc Omngo X'eel.Citron, Jliunw,t

YomiK A.mtiIen. CIicosso.Clioloo jVpplc-H- , Xi!ll-1- ,

MlnueSIuut, Potatoes,OnloiiH, TuimiIj-- ,

Cruelctsi-- ol'ull IclnclM, fct-- .

CHAS. HUSTACE.Telephone 110. S90 2w


WILL bo received by thent the Hank of Illshop & Co.,

up to the 17th day of January, 1684, formaking the necessary excavation anderecting a brick building witli stonebasement nnd foundation walls, on thosite which will be pointed out by theRev. W. C. Mcrritt, In tho Oahu Coilccpremises, at Punahou according toplans and specifications in tlic hands ofthe undersigned. The stone for thefoundation walls, basement, and piers,nre to be taken from where they nowarc, in fences or piles, also lo be pointedout by Mr. Merritt, on the premises,without charge. All other material tobe furnished hy the contractor. Thework must he commenced not later thanFclnuaiy 10th, and finished before thoICth day of .1 uly, 1885.

A written agreement and bond willbe required.

The Trustees of the College do notbind themselves to accept the lowest orany tender.By order of the Trustees of Oahu College

CHAS. R. BISHOP,Chairman of Building Committee.

Honolulu, Dec. 17, 188--t 81)7 lw


San Fiiaxcieco, Sept. 21, 1884.II. II. Gitoss, Esq.,

21 Xcw Montgomery street,City.

Di:.k Sin: Wo take pleasure in in-forming you of the good work done byyour Hand Grenades nt our Factory inAlameda, yesterday. A fire caught upontho shlnglo roof of a large frame struc-ture, and burned furiously, and for alime endangered our entire works. Thelire was burning ovcrabout one hundredfeet of surface when tho alarm wasgiven, and tho men all being on the firstlloor, seized the Grenades and had to goup three llights of stairs to the top oftho building, which Is sixty feet high,and there was dllllculty In gaining ac-cess to tho lire on account ot the steep-ness of the roof nnd the absence ofcleats, which occasioned considerabledelay. AVhen the men reached the firethey instantly extinguished it hy theuso of your Hand Grenades, althoughtho shingles were well burn od. We be-lieve your Grenades savul the buildingfrom total destruction. Please send usan additional supply immediately.

Yours Very Truly,"Wiu-ta- T. Coi.kh.vn & Co,,

Agents of the Harmony Borax Co.S, K. M YJ'.ltW.

Manager California Produce andProvision Co., Solo Aecnt for theHawaiian Islands, 7U Hotel St.

8!Ja lwNOTrCIS.""

rpiIE UNDERSIGNED rtquwt thatX in future all accounts fignlriH them

bo presented promptly at the end ofeach month, whether owed by thempersonally, or as trustees, guardians,oxocutors or ngents. BISHOP & CO.

Honolulu, Dec. 10, 1884. 804 2w


Gliristmas el New Year.'

-B- Y-


aiontiuy, Dec. a2ni,At 7 p. m., at Sales Room. .Tnpn.ncso Vases, Chinese Silk, &r.

Tuesday, Dee. SJ.'lnl.At 7 p. m., nt Sales Room. A flnoassortment of useful nitleles. Seoposters.

TucNdny, Dec. .'SOili,At 7 p. in., nt Sales Room. Avariety of Fancy Goods and Waresfor Now Year. The closing oftho season.

E. P. ADAMS,801 Auctioneer.

Evening Sale!BY E. P. ADAMS.

On Monday, Dec. 22,At 7 o'clock, at Sales Room,

ItAl OH HH1W3E3 I ! !

Will bo sold a largo assortment of

.TUlU)'HO VllHCH,OJUllOHd BlUvH fc J011CtCHAViitolieH ninl .Tevulry,Itlnjolltw AVni'o, A.lluiiiH.AVax DoIIh, 't'oys, .,


Fine Carpet. Rugs !The above sale wa? postponed from

Friday on account of the storm. Weshall hold It as nliove rain or shine.609 2t E. P. ADAMS, Auct.

Dressed TurkeysITor ChriKtimiK,


on Ice, a small lot of

Clioice Trays)

Drccd. Orders should be left nt once,as only a limited supply will

be on hand.

Wo have also on hand, and to nrrive,a largo and varied assortment of

Choice GroceriesAnd Christman Goods.

Cranberries, Nuts of all kindsCindy, Bon-Bon- Christmas

Tree Ornaments,

A ho, Fresh Star Hams, Bacon,804 L'w Lard, Cheese, &c.


Having just opened his

Holiday GoodsInforms his friends and tho public In

general that they are

The Finest Class of Goodsof Silverware ever exhibited in tills city

ami consist of

Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers,Trays, Castors, Knives, Forks,Spoons and Tea Spoons,

Combination Baking Dishes, something new;Picklo Stands, Cups, ,

Napkin Rings, Celery Glasses,Spoon Holders, Butter Dishes,Ladies' Toilet Sets,Bronze Figures, Chandeliers,

Also a very fine lino of

FRENCH CLOCKSE3T These goods must lie seen to bo

appreciated, being made fjom tho henv.ieat material, and also very ornamental.

MAX ECKART,S32 lin CO Foit Street.

Hay rMFeefl.Messrs. S. F. Graham & Co.

Take pleasure iu nunouncing to theirold friends and patrons that

they have

.TXJ.SX RECEIVEDa fresh lot of

Clioice Hay ai Grain,Which they offer at

'.Tlio IoxvoHt, Lurlcet Ttiiton.1ST Hay nnd Feed delivered to any

fcaitof the city.M. I UJtAllAM .x Co.,

No. 82 King Street.Telephone No. 187. 895 lm

For San Francisco.


82 "HAZARD."Goodman, s : Q.iptnin.

Will sail for tiio above port on or ntioutJanuary 1st, 1685. For freight or pass-ag- o


fc!)l Uw

MR. W. C. PARKEHAS AN OFFICE over Bishop & Co.'s

Bank, ami will bo happy to attendto any business entrusted to his care.

802 Cm

fTTi'M'A,' ", - V r !'-"



Commencing on tho 1st day of December,

and continuing throughout the month, we

will offer our entire stock, without reserve, , , .

at cost. All classes of goods are included

in this offering, and genuine bargains may

bo obtained strictly for cash.

B. F. EHLERS& CO., Fort St879 lm







Tin -:-

Tot m101

the soods aro gone.

Fancy Goods Emporium.Wovelty Headquarters.

To make room for staple goods to arrive afterthe holidays, we nojv announce that we willsell our immense stock of Toys and Christmasand jSTew Yea?s Goods at GREATLY RE-


Call and select before



KENNEDY & CO., Proprietors.

. JOSEPH. E. WISEMAN,The Only Recognized Genoral Business Agent on tho Hawaiian Islands.

3SSTABLISIIED 1 870.Offices in Campbell's Fire-proo- f Building, 27 Merchant St., Honolulu H. I.

, 1'. O. Box IlltS t : 1 : TelojJlioiio 173.BSVAIlTaiXINTS :

REAL ESTATE AGENT Buys and sells Real Estato in nil parts of the King-dom. Rents Offices, Houses, Cottages and Rooms.

SOLICITING AGENT FOR WILDER'S INTER-ISLAN- D STEAJrEBS-To- u?ista nnd the Traveling l'ublic will apply to mo for Tickets and information tothe Volcano.

SOLICITING AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEWYORK The Largest, Grandest and Soundest Institution of its kind iu theWorld.

AGENT FOR THE GREAT BURLINGTON RAILWAY ROUTE IN AMERICAThis Koute excels all other routes going East, the scenery being the grandest,

the meals tho choicest and tho Palace and Dining Cars tho hnndsomest and mostcomfortable.

EMPLOYMENT AGENT Finds Employment for all seeking work in tho vari-ous branches of industry' on the Islands.


CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER Enters Goods at Custom House, pays and dischargesFreight and Duty Bills under power of Attorney.

MONEY BROKER Loans Money at all times on' first-cla- ss sccurltly.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT Legal Papors of every description drawn. Bills

Distributed and Collected. Books and Accounts kept nnd adjusted. RecordsSearched. Rents Collected. Taxes nnd Insurance on Property looked after.Copying and Engrossing done. Advertisements, Newspaper Articlos, Corres-pondence and Commercial Business of every nature promptly and accuratelyattended t.

AGENT FOR THE NEW MUSIC HALL AT IIONOLULU-Compan- ics abroadwill correspond with mo for. terms, etc. Orders for Island Shells, Cuilos, LavaSpecimens, Native Views and Thotos carefully filled and forwarded to all partsot tho World.

$2;- - Information appertaining to the Islands given nnd all coircspondence faith,fully nnswcied.

JOSEPH E. WISEHA&7873 Gonoral Business Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


Importers & Dealers in Hardware & Agricultural Implements,

Steel Plows,


Ets Etc., Etc.



Etc., Etc., Etc.

Fonco Wire ami Staples, Korosono Oil a, specialty.Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine,

House Furnishing Goods, Plated Wave, &c, &c.









Page 3: THE DAILY BULLlH XJLii - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/14883/1/1884122001.pdf · BtvXiiU SB? i i'KJ. izh 1$ "' THE DAILY BULL KcofiacoKxtatara

i r






All Uinu from noon of y, Dec. 20.

h in.Sim Sols 8 21.SunHNos, 18 31.Moon Sets 8 20.HlghTldo (siniill) 5 30.High Tldo (huge) 18 00.

WIND AMJ Vl:VT1IKUItccortl fiom nooti of jcstertlay

At'st'u'vtl. Tliorinomotor Knln.I 411 I Uli I Mh il 2h I nh I IShlltolShI iri.cnl nn I w.;o7io o.i o mo i.eoWind, West fiesli; Sky, foil ; Hen, .rough.

AnniVALs.Deo 10

Stmr XV O Hull fiom Wlndwiiid pollsStmr C K Bishop fiom KnualSchr Knnlkeaoull from KohiilnStmr lwnliuil from Hamakiu

VESSELS LEAVINC ON MONDAY.BglnoClaus Spicekck forSaiiFianetsooStmr.las Mnkec for Walalua fc Kapaa.Schr Lnka for KnkulauSchr WalchuIlk O O Whltmoio, for Port Tow nscnil

VESSELS IN PORT.JJgtno Hazard,Bktno Knieka, LeoUktno Kllkltat, Culler,llgtno Discovery, PculmanBk Bygdo, Chrlstchcn

PASSENGERS.Fiom Windw aid poits perstnir WO

Hull, Deo 10-- Mis XV O Haley anddaughter, D K Nahlnu, Mrs XV F Boymid child, A W Smith, Mrs G V ICamau-oh- a,

F O Hopkc, J Giilstoln, & 81 deck.


The Kllkltat has chafed her starhoardside very much by bumping against thowharf.

Tho stmr C It Bishop was lcportedpassing Hocla at 7:30 this morning.

Stmr XV O Hall In ought 4,730 bags ofsugar, 180 bags of awa, 124 bags ofcoifeq, 122 hides, 2S8 goat skins, 1 horeoand 218 pkgs of sundries. On hernnlvaloff poit last evening, she wasunable to conic in on account of thorain being so thick that tho light housecould not ho seen. The spar buoy wasgone, and tho water was breaking overtho bar. In a short time, liovccr, thoweather-abate- and she came In w lthoutdanger.

Either by tho heavy swell caused bytills southeily blow has undermined npoitiou of tho Esplanade, or tho Solentbumping of tho Kllkltat against thebulkhead lias made largo clacks tlicic,and in somo places the giound is so lowthat one is in danger of going tluough

Stmr Jas Makco will sail on Monday.Tho now of the schr Kekauluohl

returned by the stmr C It Bishop.


At Honolulu on Dec. 20th, at 1:15 A.M., Heniy G youngest son of T.ilul.i L.and Fred. J I. Hayclden. Aged four-teen months and tlihteeu days. Thefuneral will take iluec at the familylesldeuec of His Ex. W. M. Gibson,Sunday tiftcinoon, at 3 o'clock.


Tin: Royal Hawaiian Band willgive a conceit at Emma SquaroMonday evening.

N. S. Sachs is selling Ladies' KidGloves, evening shades, best qualityat 50 cts. per pair. 807 3t

. in .

A xuw sccietnry for the Y. M. C.

A. is to be secured, in place of C. S.Mason, resigned.

Wis hope to see a full house atMr. llassclman's farewell concertnext Fi iday evening.

For bargains in Holiday Gifts,call at the popular store of N. S.Sachs, 101 Fort street. 8973t

m '

One corner of tho signal station atDiamond Head, occupied by Charlietho lookout, lias been carried awayduring the recent storm.

Mrs. Wallace's Academic Schoolfor girls closed for the Christmasvacation yesterday, and will n

on Monday, January 5th..

Monday's steamer will bring choiceturkeys on ice for S. J. Levey &

Co., and fresh fiozen oysters in tinsfor II. J. Noltc. Order early.


Tun S. S. Alameda is due on Mon-

day from San Francisco with datesto tho 15th inst. Look out forLucas's whistle about 10 o'clock.

. We met Dame Rumor this morn-irt- g

and were informed that thomatrimonial market will bo disturbedtowards tho end of tho next week.

It is with l egret that we, chronicloto-dn- y the death of the infant sonof Mr. and Mrs. Fred II. Hayseldcn,which occurred early this morning.

In tho Police Court this morning,Kaluna, for drunkenness, forfeitedbail of $G. D. Simpson, for desert-

ing his wife, 'was remanded untilmoved on.

It was so very stormy last eveningthat Mr. E. P. Adams was com-

pelled to postpono his salo of Japan-cs- o

vases, China silk, ponges, etc.,until Monday tho 22nd at 7 r. jr.,when ho says he shall sell rain orshine.

Ladies' best Chamois-ski- n DrivingGloves can be secured at N.' S.Sachs' for SI per pair. 807 3t

Mkssiis. J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.'sstoic will be open from 0.30 until 0

o'clock this evening, niul Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday eveningsof next week. 899 it

Ai,t. inteiested will find it to theiradvantage to read the advcitiscmentof the Agent of the Hoard. of Health,respecting the disposition of deadanimals.

A oitKAT many idle men were ontho streets tills morning, which causedus to think that the government couldhave given them nil n job cleaningthe muddy sheets.

Tiir.iti; is some talk of a cricketmatch between an cloven of Hono-

lulu cricketers and an eleven fromtho Honolulu Iron Works, on thoMakik (ground, New Year's day.

It was Chief Justice Judd whocomplimented the pupils in MissHall's school yesteulay forenoon.Judge McCully was present in thoafternoon, and made one of thespeeches.

This evening, by order of G. W.

Macfarlanox& Co., Lyons & Leveywill sell a splendid lot of new Xmasgoods, commencing at 7 o'clock.On Monday morning at 10 o'clock,they will sell without reserve a newstock of holiday goods.

.- -Tun Hawaiian Carriage Manu-

facturing Co. held a meeting yes-

terday morning. It was decided tohold the annual meeting in Februaryof each year instead of October asheretofore. Messrs. W. F. Alienand S. M. Whitman were added tothe list of directors.

Ciias. Hustace hits the right nailon the head when he says that noXmas dinner is complete without a

bottle of those famous old Virginiapickles he lias for sale. After thetin key and plum pudding comesdessert, and for that he has nuts,raisins, figs, etc.

BnowN. I hear Lewis & Co.will have a splendid lot of goodthings come by the steamer on Mon-

day.Smith. Yes, you're right, tlioy

will. I have given my order already,for I don't want to be left out in thecold like some people are by goinglate.

If there is anything that is ticklingto the palato it is ginger ale andsoda water. The Crystal SodaWorks has always been noted for itsmanufacture of tho above drinks,and is in a position to supply allorders for this festivo season. Aglass of ginger nlo or of soda wateris as much a necessity for a Xmasdinner as cranberry sauce to aturkey.

This morning at 7 o'clock Messrs.G. W. Macfarlane & Co. had a gangof men at work in front of their storeclearing away tho mud off tho street.James White, who was bossing thejob, had the mud carted right away,as soon as scraped up. Tho conse-

quence was that everyone who hudbusiness in that direction were de-

lighted to bo ablo to cross the roadwithout getting up to their knees inmud.

. .

Tiicue is an old saying, " last butnot least," which can bo properlyapplied to tho firm of Frectli andPeacock. They have just receiveda superior shipment of the celebratedBudwciscr beer, California brandy,white rye whiskey, elephant and keybrand gins in crystal bottles, Geo.

Goulet, Ch. Fairo and C.' Frcrobrands of champagne in pints andquarts, and also a complete assort-

ment of goods in their line. Thishouse is second to none in the line.

It will bo remembered that JacobSims and C. Gannon were matchedto run a race of one 'mile on NewYear's day. However, it has beenfound out that Sims intended to losetho race, so his trainer, Mr. Wright,who docs not believe in sucli dis-

honest action, gave him up, and thomatch is off. A now match has beenmade between Gannon and Jim

Brown, to run one milo for $100 a

side, January 21th.

Shoutlv after noon yesterday thorain came down in torrents, and aregular Kona storm set in which

lasted nil night. Tho Nuuanuvalley stream was much swollen and

tho rolling of tho heavy surf overthe reef could bo distinctly hcaidfor a lpng distance. .The wind waspretty strong and a good many treesthioughout the town suffered by theloss of branchos. The steamer W.G. Hall arrived In poit at I! o'clockafter considerable dilllculty owingto the spar buoy being gone. Thismoining opened out fine thoughcool, and as we go to press theweather is quite pleasant.

EMMA SQUARE CONCERT.Tho Band will play at Emma

Square this afternoon at ! :30. Thofollowing is tho programme :

Mat ch Lunaiuaksialiiana BcigcrOvci lure Fi a DIavolo AuberFinale Bivouac PctiolhiWalt. Vienna Bon Bons StraussDance Aborigines TliieioMfticii Sweet Eel Lehtia Bcger


At St. Andrews Cathedral, Rev.Geo. Wallaco preaches in tho morn-ing, the Bishop in tho evening. Aconfirmation service will bo held inthe afternoon at 4 o'clock.

At Bethel Union Church at 11O'clock special musio will bo ren-

dered by the choir. Pastor Oggclwill pieach a Christmas sermon on," The Incarnato Mystery." In theevening at 7:30 o'clock the Sundayschool will give tho Christmas can-

tata, "Immnnuel,", words by W. O.Gushing, music by W. II. Doanc.Parents, friends and strangers arecordially invited to attend.

Service at Fort Street Church to-

morrow morning at 1 1 a. m. In theevening a Christmas piaiso servicewill be held, on which occasion thechoir will be largely augmented.Tho following will be the order ofservices :

Organ I'roecs'lonal Mis. A. F. JuddDoxology Choir & CongregationInvocation Kev. XV. U. MenittGloi hi Patrl (Buck) Foit St. ChoirOld Testament Lesson : Isaiah 0 :l-- 7. .

Kev. A. O. FoibeAnthem Sing, O Heaven (Tours) . . .

Foit St. ChoirNew Testament Lcson : Euko 2 0.

1. A. CitiauHymn Hark I tho Herald Angels Sing

(Mendelssohn)Choir & Congiegatlon

Prayer Kev. W. O. MerrlttKespfcnsc Bilghtcst and Best (Itu- -

bcnstchi) Foi t St. ChoirHymn While Shepheids Wtitriicd

(Handel) Choir & CongiegatlonCluistm.is Addiess J. A. CiuzanO Sing to God (Gounod)

Ladles' doublo-ipi- ai tetteHymn .Toy to the Woild (Mason)...

Choir & CongiegatlonBenediction Kev. A. 0. FolliesOrgan Kecessionul Mrs. A. F. Judd

Blackleg lias broken out amongcattle in Berks count', Pennsylvania.

The last one rumor lias appointedto marry the President elect is MissJennie Humphrey, daughter of ex-jud- ge

Humphrey, of Buffalo.Robt. J. Breckenridgc. Supreme

Treasurer of the Knights of Honor,is charged in that society's paperwitli being a defaulter in the sum of8100,000. The accused, who livesin Louisville, denies tho charge.

Hay and Grain !

WOTiFK A. lomvAitn.sHavo on band, and nro receiving by

eveiy steamer,Choice liny, Ontw, Jlrnn, round amiWhole Hurley, CrnrUeil niul Whole

Corn, Whoiit, etc., etc., etc.Which they offer at tho

Lowest Market Rates.Goods delivered FKEE OF CHAKGi:.

wor.Fi: a. j:iWAitiM,Cor. King & Nuuanu Sts.

Telephone No. 3 10. 807 lm

For Salo or Exchange.GOOD SIDE.BAK TOP BUGGYA with carriage-lamps- , robe ami

whin; or, will exchange for tin A.lsaddle horse.890 tf Apply at this omce.


the welf-know- n ladles'halr-dro&s- of San Francisco,

takes much pleasure In announcing totho ladles of this city and vicinity, thatho ispiopaied to do all Kinds of halr-woi- k.

Combings mado into Sw Itches,Langtry, Coquette, Daisy, Opeia, Sara-toga waes, Ac. Ladles' bait-cut-, culledand shampooed. Hair dicst-e- in lateststyles, i. : Pompadour, Sevlgnc, Lang-tr- y,

Ac., &e. :il Klcbaid St.805 2w i

FURNISHED ItOOMS.rpWO FURNISHED KOOMS to let.X Apply No. 4 Garden Line. 800 lw



Would lufoi m his friends iiml the pub.lie that ho hasopcnela

Store at "So. 77 King; street,, for the snloof

Hay and all kinds of Grain,where lio would bo ploafol to sco themwhen in need of anything In his line.

ESTRcmcmber the No., 77 King st.89U lm Telephone 259


A. L. Smith has just received persteamer "Alameda," his new andelegant stock of Christinas goods,nil of which me now ready forinspection and sale. Among thonumerous and vailed stock, nrc,scrap books, in yrcut variety, plushand velvet dtessing cases, very Jinc,bill books, purses, girls' woik boxes,very choke, llowcr baskets, clothesbaskets, n new line of brackets,whisk biooinholdcrs, doll carriages,pictuio coul, picluio wile, handbells, tracing wheels, both singleand double, individual castors, cakebaskets, card rccciveis, child's sct3of knife, fotk and spoon, vases,brush sets, and celluloid sets, trans-parent window pictuies, velvetframes, a few elegant fancy cabinetframes, bouquet stands, gift cups andsaucers, mustache cups and saucers,tin tqys, iion stoves to cook in, littlejockeys, mechanical waisman, toylumber mill, a fine new Hue ofpocket knives, and an especial lineof ladies pocket knives, also scissors,and an elegant assoitmcnt of Christ-mas cards, that must bo seen to beappreciated at his stoio oppositeE. O. Ilnll & Son, on Foit street.

882 lin

Our little Ait Gallery is alwaysopen to tho public, admission free.King Bros. 808 3t

Xo fear of disease if you cat poimade from Taro Flour. 898 3t

For Head stones or Monuments goto T. J. Xaglc, corner Queen & Ala- -

kca street. JUST Read his circulars.875 lm.

-A few more silver gifts left at

Fishcl's. 801 tf

Tin: Temple of Fashion, CI and C3

Fort street, informs the generalpublic that they will not give theirtoys and holiday goods away asadvertised by other retail dcalcis tocatch trade, but will guarantee thattheir slock of toys, etc., will be soldat bed-roc- k prices. All they ask isto inspect their stock and learnprices. 880 lm.

Chisistmas goods of all descrip-

tion at Fishcl's. 804. tf

Tin: reason that Lycan & Co. sellframes and cornices cheaper thanany other house in Honolulu is thattheir frame maker can mnko betterframes in half tho time that isrequired by an inexperienced man.

803 hv.

Call for your silver present atFishcl's. 801 tf

Blacic and colored Jersey waists,silk' mixed, only $5.00 at Fishcl's.

801 tf

O. V. FllEBTU. W. C.


Freeth & Peacock,2'.l Xiiunnu Street.


WINE & SPIRITMerchants,


At the Lowest Market ItntcNGeo Goulet Champagne, pints & quarts.ChasFarro " " "Carlton Frcro " " "Pino Old California Brandy, in bulk,Pure Virginia Whlto Rye Whiskey,Budweiser Lager Beer, pint? and quarts

A largo and well selected stock of




&.C., &c., &c.,

Always on hand and for salo at pricesthat clefy competition. Country ordersHoliciteu. All gooas guarautecu.

Telephone 40. P. O. Box i!C0.7811 Cm.


that wo keep on hut id a fullstock of


& STOVE COALOf tho best quality, which wo oiler for

sale atWholesale ami Retail,

Orders icspcetfully BoIIcitcd.N, I UllAHAM A Co.,

No. 82 King Street.Telephone No 187. 805 lm

.i -Building Iols for Sale.

building lots for talo orSEVERAL Kapalanui, near IhoNiuhe.lew ai bridge, on tho Ewa sldo of tholane leading to Austin's estato. Easyterms. Apply to XV. O. AOH1,Law olllco of XV. It. Castle. 837 tf

WFFSW$fliWF&gr 'jjfwaB r7$

gumI fwyiw in iiuvmKmpmm9m.HLmximMnfnumnnsMjf




On or about-- AT THE


01 niul 03 Fort Street, opposite




of all our old stock at we are



of every lower than any other house inAll the that we have now on hand

were in by our Mr. "W.

G. in Sanfor the Xmas

and a of to hefound in any Toy, or



Honolulu, Dec. 9, 1881.


Bank Building.


105 ana 107 Street.

Lycan Go's leidisposed auction,


Entirely New Stock Holiiay Goods,

description, Hono-

lulu. goodsselected person

Wood, Francisco,trade,

comprise complete assortment everythingfirst-clti- ss Music,

Fancy Goods



The Corner Harness Store

Still the Front

Largo invoices of (of all de3criptions) having been received by me, they

WILL BE SOLD AT LOWER PRICES,Than the same quality of Goods can be purchased clscwhcro in Honolulu, and

satisfaction uuarnuteed. My slock consists of all kinds of AMERICAN,ENGLISH ANH SYDNEY MANUFACTURE,

Saddles, Belts, Pouches, Leggings, Saddlo Cloths, School Bags, &o.,

Bits, Spurs and Stirrups, &c, in Nickel and Silver Plates.

Tho reputation of my HOME-MAD- E HAKNESS for superiority of workmanshipand material remains unchallenged luting my six years' residence here.

Thankful for the generous patronage of tho past, its, continuance and incrcaso inthe future respectfully solicited at tho old stand.

OHA.S. HAMMER,SSC :im Corner of Fort and King streets, Honolulu, H. I.

L EWIS & CO.,Have received ox Mariposa,

Swiss Cheese. Crapes & Pears,Fine (Jala Apples, Dried Figs, Smyrna Figs, H ire, on ice;

Dried Cherries, French Funics, Cala Ficsh Roll Butter,Pickled Roll Butter, Cibcls' Extract Beef, pints Chutney;

Eastern Oysters, in tin and shell; Fresh Cala Salmon, on Ice,Celery, Cauliflower, Spiced Lambs' Tongues, in small jars;

Llbby, McNeill Llbby's canvas covered dried Beef,Gcrmca for breakfast, Capo Cod Cranberries,

And l'nll lino of FreHli Sinplo GroceriesIsland Orders solicited. Telephone No. 210. P. O. Box 207. (762


SURVEYOR.Special attention given to Surveying

in Honolulu and vicinity.

Rccoids searched, and plans showingtitles caicfully prepared.

Office, Room No. 5, upstairsCampbell's Block, Fort St.



Families and others in want of Good,Fresh, Clean, !

Machine Made Poi,Can obtaiu tho same in quantities

suit by lowing orders and con.laluers with

IT. B. OAT,At Pacific Navigation Co.'s Building,601 Queen street.




. --Sc CO.




to !








JNO. A. PALMER,Collector, Ileal Kstute,

AN- D-

cncrnl HumIiichh Agent.Ofllio In Campbell's New Block,815 tf Room No. 7, Up-Stnl-


also Residence property on thePlains at a bargain.

For ltcnt Several u oil furnishedrooms, In prlvuto families gool locn.lion. Pleasant rooms for two gentle-men, with privilege of keeping 3 horsesin paddock.

QUARTERLY BILLS,Books and Accounts and Cus-

tom House Business prompt-

ly, carefully and accuratolyattended to.


General Business Agent, Merchant StTelephone 172 P. 0. Box 316.













Page 4: THE DAILY BULLlH XJLii - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/14883/1/1884122001.pdf · BtvXiiU SB? i i'KJ. izh 1$ "' THE DAILY BULL KcofiacoKxtatara




f IT &'"hvPf Ir pv w '.ik. , H'f- -

? t11UJJU'Jf'UWB

mu gniljo gMlJrtim

SATURDAY, DKC. 20, 1881.

Plum Puddingmil


, HOLIDAYSAnyone ilcMlrln. .i 111 h A Fmi1 Kl.muid

Plum Pudding,Can procuio them at Lowest I'riecs to

suit the times from ONE DOLLARupwards; ijunlily guaranteed

to bo uusurp.ucd.

Rioh Sauco Givon with Evory Pudding

Delivered from

Horn's Pioneer Steam CandyFactory and Bakery.

Will also have on hand the usual largeassortment of his, for twenty vents

so , Rich Fruit, Ci-

tron, Currant, Pound, Jellyand Sponge

CAK ! S ?VBoth plain mil ornamented in hi3 so

well-know- slyle and great variety,nnd will bo sold at the Lowest

Prices to gio everybody:!chance to supply them-

selves with a good

lias & New Year GateAlio will have on hand a large supply of

the so much culled for

Rich Mince PiesAs tho undersigned has the larpe3t andunequ tiled facilities for manufactur-

ing all articles iu Ills line of bust.. uoss In any quantity, ho is Inn

position to sell Cheaper thanany other linn in his linecan nll'oril. Please loive

your order.- eiyly tit

F. HORN'S Steam Candy Factoryand Bakery, No. 7 Hotel St.

NOTICE.LADIES who wish to makotheir own

Pies caii purchase tho MincoMeat already prepircl for use. Pleasejive It a trial as I guarantee perfectsatisfaction.

F HORN,1'r.ictlcnl Confectioner and Pastry Cook.





Cornpr of I.'ari aiitl IZotel Mts.7!l

TICihonu Sn.I.MI WliililHI IIIIMUMMWW w4wiw f77n

PLANING MILL,. Aliikcii, nvav i:oeii fit.

annmrni0. J. Haiiuee, Proprietor.

Contracting & BuildingMoiildings and Finish always on hand.

5?" Ordcr3 promptly attended to. -- a

Hani aaitl tiai't Stove Wood,67(1 Cut and Split. f)m

. FRANK HUSTACE,, Dnivman.

(Succos:or lo C. P. Ward.)

All orders for cartage promptlyto, at tho lowest rates. Also for

M Knknako Salt.K- - Wooit,-- '

U .vnito aaiit Illnek HimtlfcK In quantities to suit, at lowest prices.Kf ou3 ly


(V'ALVIN II. IIASEMANN,P2 o tid U " fR 5 n ri o via..":.. .r "7 ,.

WtrAl'iill'JlUlJLiH llllll JJiiAiMWiUUtt.J . . v Alniiiiftinlii. n

lTIJook Binding of nil description neatly'jQb- - and nromptly executed.

. uazot(o iJUiuiiiig . flicrauant streetTi'i iy

Furnished Jlnoius.. 170K 015NTL7JMEN ONLY. Apply

f to'MUS. TUHNEK, 72 Alakca

', it,-- i .

street uuuiyn


Photograiih Albums Autograph AlbumsToy Hooks c'C-- i g to

J. rvi. OAT, JR., & CO.And talk CASH nnd you will probably

get them as cheap,

TIP NOT ClllSAl'JERThan at some of the stoics where they

ndvortlso to give goods away.


J. M. OAT, JR., & CO.888 25MintClIANTSTllDi:T. tf

TinnmTTm mrnmnn i

B l'BSTlYJl UISTM!To nrilve by tho Alameda, a lot of

Fresh Frozen Oysters

Will lie very olicnp for the holi-day?.

H. J. XOIiTJti,S'Mi lw . Heaver Saloon.

A. KRAFT,lias removed hi) plncc of business to

S:$ Kinc (street,Nc.t door to J. T. 'Wntcrhouso's Stoic.

8'JI lw


Punchbowl St., near King,

Has been opened by Ei. G. "WALLER.

JKcuf, mutton, Veal, &c,SS Always on hand. Iy


Easy terms to a good tenant. Apply toJOHN HOBELLO,

On the premises, or J. E. Wibkhan, 27Merchant st,, Honolulu. 83S

TO, LET., At Palamn, near Reformatory'School, n new and commodiousaeoltaire. Suitable for a familv.

Has never been occupied. Easy termslo a good tenant.

JOHN HOHELLO,On the premises, or J. E. Wiskman, 27Merchant st , Honolulu. 888

NOTICE.ON nud after this date, Mr. J. E.

Wiseman will tako charge of mybooks, dlstrlbulo and collect my billswithout exception. Ills receipt will bosiiluclcut.

GEORGE TROUSSEAU. M.D.Honolulu, Nov. 21, 183-1- . S74 If


AI1LACK MARE, broken to saddle,scntle and u lino trotter.


W. H. PA&E,


(opposite Pantheon Stables)


Carriage Msmuracturer,Wheelwright and

General Blacksmith.The Manufactory contains n complete

Oinlase Shop, Illacksmlth Shop, PaintShop, iiml Trimming Shop.







Mado to Order on most favorable termsand all work guaranteed. ,,

The VIoNCNt Attention given to re-pair work or nil klmlH.

Having becn'Iii business on tho Islandfor a number of years employing nonobut the most Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only Al Material, I can strictlyguarantee all won; leaving my Manu-factory. '

Give mo a call boforo purchasingolsewhere.

Don't forget the place.123 and ISO FORT STREET.


W. H. Page,5'Jl Cm PROPRIETOR.


Have on hand Now Foreign ami HomoMado Jowolry.

Watches, Braoolets, IMooklots,

Pins, Lockets, Clooks,And Ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plato.Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sots

Suitable for Presentation.r.iiRMuIiii; nuil Xntlvo Jewelry

A Specialty.,Repairing in all Its branches.

37" Solo Agents for King's Eyo Prosorvors.817 0m


-- AT-

J. i. OAT, JR. & CO.'S

807 tf

Stallions at Marsliiielili!


Hy Jack Malone, he by Lexington.1st (lam, Ivy Leaf, br Imported Austia-lla- n

; 2nd dam, Ray Flower, by Lexing-ton j 3rd dam, Ray Leaf, by ImportedYorkshire; 4th, dam, Imported MariaUhiek, by Phllo da Putah, etc., cc.

Jtaznnv was bred at the groat AVood-bu- m

Farm, near Lexington, Ky., by thointo 11. A. Alexander, and was sold toW. L. Prltchard, Of Sacrainento. Cal.,for gii,00". Ho stands 1CU hands,weighs 1,00") lbs., and Is n bright chest-nut color. Durlug his racing career hedowned many n favorite, and won manya hatful of money for his owners, anilproved himself one of tho greatest ofhorse? over n distance, most of hW racesbeing at two nnd four miles. Ho hasalready sired several colts in Californiathat are winners, among which moLizzie Dunbar, Young Bazaar, Sophia,and another called the liazaar MinervaColt, lie being out of Minerva by

Leamington, the slro of Paroloand IroquoR Lizzie Dunbar greatlydistinguished herself last year In hertwo.ycur.old form by defeating ono oftho largest llclds ot thatever started in California, nmong whichwero tho two beautiful Allies broughthero last Spring by Mr. Agncw, distance

milo; time, 1.0 tho lastcst tlmo onrecord for at the distance.Tills year she has woiif-evern- l importantevents, nnd lias proved herself to be acrack thrcc-ycar-ol-

Jta.aiir has now been brought backto Honolulu, nud will remain licro thobalance of thla year, and breeders, horsoowners nnd slock raisers should availthemselves of the opportunity to obtainhis services while they have the chance.Term, S-- l. Payable nt time ofservice

The 'imported Clydesdale StallionDontild Diimic, .Ir., will stand atthe samo time and placo at 8I50 for theseason. Ho was bred In Canada, siredby Imported Donald Diuiilc, and out ofan imported Clydesdale mare. Ho is abeautiful dappfo grey, 10 hands high,and weighs 1,400 lbs.: is very active,and as Hue a largo horso as could bofound anywhere.

Also, the lino large Imported Ken-tucky Jack Sampson. This is onoof tho largest Jacks that we could llndin California, nnd U an animal of im-mense bono; is a very suie breeder, andshould be liberally patronized, as he Isono of the very best animals of hiskind. Terms, B'.U) for the season.

The public arc cordially invited tocall ami linpcct the above animals.

Prflprielors.Marshflcld, Sept. 15, 1881. . 818


Shop on Queen street, near Alakca.- W3 Cm

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horso Shoeing a specialty--

first-cla- ss man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op. Hopper's .20--


BILLIARD All70 Hotel Street.

C. J. McOABTKY Prop'tor.

Bost Manila, Havana and AmorioanCigars on Hand.

Fresh Vanity Fair, Little Bcautics,'GoldBar, Thrco Kings and tho Pet

Cigarettes.Chowing and Smtiking Tobacco,

Cut Foil and Plug.Tho Billiard Tables of this establish-

ment have been recovered andleveled, which makes them

tho best in town.Ginger Alo and Soda Wator on Ice.

(ST Call nnd sco me. "a785



And UpIiolHtcrcr,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposlto International Hotol,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Mado of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtnln Poles, &C

mado of tho latest designs.

h "r,iWKllm'-1UX- f !' &3. . :kim&, 'j$& Lm '

14 mj'M$u


"WELDER'S S. S. CO.Limited.

Stoaraor Kinau.King, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching nt Lnliulnn, Mnn-Inc- a

Bay, Mnkcnn, Mahukonn, Ia-wnllia- e,

Lnupalioehoo and Hllo.Returning, will touch at all tho

alovc ports, nrrlvlng at Honolulueach Bat unlay afternoon,


To tho Volcano and Back.

?&ffite -- -'Intci-Ittlnii-tl S. IV. Co.

THROUGH TICKETS to tho Volcano,and return, can now be had nt tho ofllcoof the Hntcr.Island S. N. Co. Touristsleaving Honolulu per tlmo table of the" PLANTER," will bo lntidcd at Puna,luu, thenco by Rnllroad toPahalo, wheroHorses nnd Guides will bo In attendance.

By this rout. Tourists can mako thoround trip In 7 days, giving 4 days tovisit tho Volcano.

TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP,Including Horses, Guide, Board andLodging, $G0.

For further particulars enquire at thoofllco of the

Intcr-lHlniu- l S. N, Co.,Honolulu,

or J. V. JORDAN, Volcano House.714 tf


The Clipper Schooner

WAIEHU,F. Kibbling Master,

Will run regularly to tho ports ofKOLOA, HANAPEPE & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage npplyto the Captain on board, or to the

Pacific Navioation Co.,800 3m Cor. Nuuanu & Queen sts.


Schooner EHUKAIwill run icgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to tho

Captain on board, or toPacific Navigation Co.,

181 Ascnts

. LA8NE & CO.Have n Largo Stock of tho

VEE,Y BEST HAY.O-rain- , Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND-Doliv- ered

Frooto any part of thcsCity

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual Life Insuranco Co.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

Commissioner of Deedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700

Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii- -

IS NOW OPEN for Travelers, whereFirst class accomodation can bo had

at all Times. Tho climato of Honuapois recommended for invalids.

HORSES AND GUIDESProvided for tho Volcano.

Terms, etc., Sec CARDS r.tHotels nnd Streets.

J. W. SMITHIES,573 ly Proprietor.





BEVERAGE,According to tho highest and best medi

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Llllha St.--!

P. O. Box, 379. Telephone, 284.

B"A11 orders receive prompt attention,

The My Bulletin

Queen Strost,

Bill Reads


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ms

Draft Books

Delivery Booksitfc rMnijoraw. kKUH--Envelopes Am&miBmakmzLZiak'&mmimmlfjmlRand Bills

Invoices K,Jri:MWZr-1KBnmit-


Oilei-- for SaleTHU 10M.OWINO


Light Express Wagons,Ex Top Carriages.

STEAM C OALCumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasses Shooks,Rosin, Soap,

Ico Chests, Noa, S, 3, and fi,Hoc Handles,

Lobsters, lib tns; Beans, OlbjtnsSprue o Plank.

Hay Gutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3,

Axlo Grease,Fairbanks Scalos, Nos. 7.8.10& lljjf

Leather Belting,Centrifugal Lining, 14 Inch;

Comp. Nnlls, , 1.14 inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordnee, Assorted:Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sisal Rope, Assorftd,Ash Plank,

Dump Barrows,Ames Shovels,

Y. METAL SHEATHING10, 18, 20,22, 24 and 20 oz.;

Hair Mattresses !

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Refined Iron,


Galvanized Screws and Washers.032


PE MARKET!Yes, and wo sell

jVs DL.ov us tho IjO-ivc- !

nnd don't anybody forget it.

Wo sell New Bedford Rope, nnd anyretnllcr knows how it will hold out innet weight.

Wo also have tho most varied assort-ment of

SniP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of the RockyMountains, such as

Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Ilawsew. Wiro Rone.Cotton nnd Hemp Duck and Twine, i

Galvaulzcu JJlarino Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

JL'erry JDnvis' Tnin Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &i:., &c.,All of which, wo will soil at tho

Lowest Rates.890 ly A. W. Pclrce & Co.

JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copuer and Sheet Iron "Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Bangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,7? Chnndolicrs, Lamps, &o.

Jl Priiig Office,


JmM Letter Headings

MM. .Labels

Law Reports

Noto Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Reco'ts

Cv Statements

ffTagsVisiting Cards

o Wav.Bllls

t j '7mm.v ill jPr:'vlwLJi Wm

mlKBKKmvLiyjanTrSKSiSKy 'frcagpfri4KaMgtaauj



Business DirectoryAitctloncci'H.

E. P. Adams, Queen stLyons &Lovcy, Queen st

J Mudcry.Alvlli II. Hascmnnn....Gnzctto Building

ItnuUcrn.Bishop & Co.,. .Merchnnt st

Iiulclicr,W. McCandlcss, Fish Market

Hoot nuil HIioch.L. Adlcr, Nuunnu stClir. Gcrtz, Foi t BtTomplo of Fashion Fort st

llilllnril HnlooimNoltc' Fort stMcCarthy Hotel st

Clothing. .Gonsnlvcs & Co Hotel ttTemplo of Fashion Foi t ft

Cabinet aliikerH.W. Miller, Hotel siLycan & Co,, Foi t st

Carrlnge Dlnkern.W. II. Page,-- " Fort stHawaiian Carrlago Co., Quecust

CIcnrH mid Tolmcco.0. McCarthy Astor Bill lard 8 aloonNoltcs Beaver Saloon, Fort st

Cider,Fisher's Champagne Cider,. . ; .Llllha st

Cnndy Factory ami llaUcry.F. Horn Hotel st

CnrnenterM and Ittilldcrs.F. Wllhelm, , King st0. Lucas Fort stWT Rhoads Queen st

Dry and I'nncy (JooiIn.N. S. Sachs Fort stJ. T. WaterhouBC, Queen st.1. T. Watcrhousc, iCiug stJ. T. Watcrhousc, Fort stB. F. Eulcrs & Co., Fort st51. A. Gonsalvcs & Co Hotel stTemple of Fashion Fort st

DrucRlstH.Benson, Smith & Co., Fort stHolllstcr & Co.,. i Nuuanu stHolllstcr & Co., For t st

Drayago and Cartage.Frank Hustacc, Queen stOr. Eoblnsfin Queen st

Furnished Itornin.Mrs. Turner, King st

jt'lro IiiHiiranco AccntH.H.Rlcmcnschneidcr,..at "Wilder & Co's.C. O. Borgcr, Mcrch.iut st

(ciit'H 1'urnlnlilnc GoodN.Ehlers & Co Fort stX. S. Sachs TTortBtGonsalves & Co., Hotel stH S Tregloan Fort & Hotel sts

UroccrlcN andA. S. Clcghorn&Co Queen stWolfo& Ed wards,... Fort & Nuuanu sttLewis & Co., .'.....Hotel st

Horso Hlioclns HIioiih.Wilson Bros Fort st

Hay and Feed HtorcH.Wolfo & Ed wards. ...King it Nuuanu stsUnion Feed Co., Queen stLaine & Co, Fort st

Harness MakerG. E. Sherman, Kingst

Hardware.Dillingham & Co FortstJ. T. Watcrhousc, Queen st

Importers & Com. Merchants.G. W. Macfarlapc & Co., Fort stC. Brewer & Co Queen stLyons & Lovcy, : Queen st31. S. Qrinbaum & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co., FortstA. S. Clcghorn & Co Queen stJ. T. Watcrhousc, Queen stFrceth & Peacock Nuuanu stCastle & Cooke King stWhigWoTai & Co., Nuuanu st0. O. Bergcr Merchant stHyman Bros Mci chant st

JewelersWcnnsr & Co Fort st -

Labor A cunts. x

W.AuId Water AVorks OfficeJ. A. Hassingcr Interior OfficeW. C. Akaua . King st

Iiumlicr Dealers.Lowers & Cooke, Fort stWilder t Co., Fortst

Millinery nnd Ircss MalcincMrs. A. M. Mcllls Fortst

Medical.Dr. Emerson Kukui st

Slows Jlcalcrs.J. M. Oat Ji . & Co Merchant st

l'lumhcrs and Falntcrs.E.G. Howe,.... KingstBrown & Phillips King stJ. Nott, Knahumanu stMax Kohm, Fortst

Photographers.Williams it Co Foitst

Tuning Jfc Musical Instruments.Lycan & Co Fort st

Itcstaurauts.Noltcs Beaver Saloon,.'. Fort stWindsor Restaurant, .King stCasino, KaplolanI PaikTourist's Retreat, .Honuapo, ICau, Hawaii

Ileal Ilstnto Agents.J. E. Wiseman, . . .Merchant st

Hollcltors.A. S. Ilartwcll,.... over BankJ. M. Davidson Kaahumanu BtA. Rosa !.. Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting, Kaahumanu stJ. Russell, .Merchant stS. B. Dole Kaahumanu stF. M. Hatch Kaahumaun stR. F. Blckcrton, Merchant stCecil Brown, ... .Merchant stJ. M. Monsarrat Merchant st

Soap Factory.T. W. Rawlins Kingst.Lcleo

Htatloners.J M. Oat Jr. it Co., .Merchant st '

Hall MuUcrs.J. M. Oat &Co., Queen st

Hhlp Chandlery. , .

Plerco & Co., Queen stTinsmiths.

J. Nott, Kaahumanu stTailors.

U.S. Tregloan '....FortstTravel.

Intcr.Island S. N. Co., EsplanadoWlldcr's S. S. Co., Fort Queen stsPacific M 8 S Co Fort & Queen stsO. 8. 8. Co., Foit & Queen stPacific Navigation Co,. ..... ..Queen st

Veterinary SurgeonsA T Baker Punchbowl & Queen stsJ Brodlo Fort st

Wood and Coal Dealers,Frank Hustace, Queen st

Wines and Spirits,G. W. Macfarlano & Co.,.Kaahumnnn stFiccth & Peacock Nuuanu BtBrown & Co., Merchant st

Watch Makers.Wcnnor&Co., Fortst

:Mi) ArV





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