Y-- 11 U i v THE DAILY BULLETIN i 6" , Hi 'f 1 i Wo. 229. HONOLULU, II. I., TIIUltSDAY, OCTOBER 2G, 1882. CO CENTS ouoaoniPTioN PER MONTH. J AV I TMe.Daily Bulletin Is published every moraine bv tlio Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., 1 cjrculnlcd throughout the tovnnnd warded (o the other Mauds by every opportunity. Subscription, GO cts. per month. Q.'Oakbok'Kknvon, . Editor. All business communications to bo ml. dressed, Manngcr Daily Bulletin, Post OIUcc Box No. 14. Telephone 250. .1. G. Cluvioii, Manager. ARRIVAL OF A NOTED MUSICIAN. rrhcnSan Francisco Examiner Says : Band Master Henry Bcrgcr of tlio Hawaiian Army tu.-lvc- in this city by the last steamer and is stop-pin- g at the Prcscott House. He is ono of the most noted musicians of the age,, and Is famous as tko com- poser of tho Hawaiian national hymn, ' Hawaii l'onoi," tho wortls of which were written by no less a pcrsonngo than His" Mnjcsty King Kalakaua. Mr. Bcrgcr is P'tcwiso famous as tiic organizer of tho Iloyal- - Hawaiian Military .Band of twontyeightf pieces, and every member of tho band is a pure native Hawaiian. An JSzumincr representative was detailed to call upon the noted musician, and the meeting was characteristic, as tho distinguished parlies conversed in the effulgent and musical Hawaiian language. "Aloha no oc," said the press commissioner, in soft and s'1-vc- ry tones. A tropical smile arrayed itself upon Mr. Bergcr's handsome face as he responded with an enthu- siastic Vyilok maikni no." The greetings over, tho reporter gleaned some facts in regard to the Koyal Hawaiian. Military Band which will interest the reader. It was organized ten years ago, at which time the members were as ignorant of the simplest rudiments of musio as tho untutored Indian of the plains. Tlio force of education, patience and per- sistence has had a striking result. To-da- y, tho band can play the most complicated music, and its members arc at home with Bellini, Verdi, Itossi, Wagner, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Offenbach, Lccocq, Strauss, and other masters of the divine art. Eminent foreigners who have visited Honolulu have paid tho highest com- pliments to this native baud, and said that it could compare favorable with thp very best European baiids. It is claimed by tho Hnwniians, native and foreigners, that their military band excels any organiza- tion of the kind in San Francisco, and it is probable that we may have a teat of this next Summer as tho Hawaiian Government has consented to allow the bund to make n visit to this city. The band is attached to the military service of tlio Government, and jta members receive from $U0 to 810 per month, according to y. Tlio pay of Bandmaster Bcrgcr is 6230 per month. The gen- tleman is a Prussian by birth, and received, his. musical education in Gcrimtny and France. Ho gives the JIawaiiaus credit for great natural talents ' for music, and says that it only requires ceaseless patience to make them lis perfect musician as aio to, bo. found in Europe or Amer- ica. When he first commenced to instruct tho members of the baud they mauifescd a childish delight and acted as if playing musio would como tp them naturally. When thoj' tliscovciod that application and con- stant diligence was demanded thoy took to their work admirably. The band plays, thrco times a week at (uUio "concerts, on state occasions, .mo at other times as necessity may life. Tho members wear a rogu-unibri- n, aro subject to strict Hi, discipline and tlio ai tides u' 'ar kJS. -- Tho partnership heiclo. ling bctween-Clil- n Lock ' ' under tho (Inn nnmoof " 'i .i. n Ss Co.) is.icrcby dlh- - t until consent, The Imsl- - p ' i" be curried on under tho Ulll 11(111 liBJS CHAT, No. 43 Null. Will sfr.U Ilwk-luh'- , .t.!)l, J883. i i ' . 1 I il' I,; 820 lv B. F. EELERS & Co., All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 7l IMPORTERS, DELIGHTFUL NEWS! TO THE LADIES OF HONOLULU And the various islands. MRS. A.M. MELLIS u ho Is admitted to bo tlio leading Millinery and Drew. jpmiiKcr, monetae in iuo jvmgttom, uegs incutis nun ncr now mock oi jscauuiui goons iccenuy ouicrcii arc now iicginuiiig to arrive, which Include all the very latent French and American fashions in Ladles' and Childien's bills mid bonnets and dress patients of rich and rare designs. ' MRS. MELLIS stvlclly superintends nil work, niid being always po thoroughly competent and particular with her patrons' orders, it is not strange Hint all Ladies of fashion and taste am her customers. Ladles with their children arc Invited 'to rail nnd see samples of the new Fall and Winter styles in her Millinery depmtment, and alo to the new and latest plumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Every pains tnken to please tho most fastcdlous nnd nil work guaranteed in every respect. HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A. ilf. MELLIS, JPi'ojvietoi', Bargains will be sold at tlio above Estab- lishment previous to the arrival of the Holiday Goods ! A. M. MELLIS, 1W CHARLES Jp HAMMER, ' M iiiiufnrtim-- r nd dealer In all kinds of Saddlery and Harness. Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 20!) Corner Fort nnd King sts. ly No Bush Whacking Here. LIVES SAVED by pur. chasing your Horse Equipments From W. FENNELL, -- &. Practlcnl Mechanic, 02 King street. ES"No Peter Funk stock here. 209 A. KllAFT, JEWELER, fe OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store In tho"IhiMalltiu Gazette" build-1- 1 lug, opposite the Jlauk. Ghns. B. Geniscli, Praotical ) Watchmaker. J5" Hotel Street, opposite the t2J yni Intcinatlonal Hotel. -- 0 D. W. CLARK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always on hand a nice stock of es, Clocks and Jowolry.-- a Itenalrlns Watches and Clocks a Snoel- - III1J , U. IH J1UIU1 OI1CCI. 3-- J Telephone, No. Artesian Ice Works ICE DELIVERED to all parts of the city and subuibs at all liomu of the d'iv. )rdcrs from tho other Islands prompt- ly attended to. Olllee at W. E. Fostkh'b, Saddler, Fortticct. 150 Telophoiui No. 111. 3m HONOLULU ICE MANUFACTt inV. to all pints of (lie City. Shlpplm: supplied in ijuau'iities to suit. Telephone, No. 5S. OJUvu at AVlhlet- - & Co.'s. ib Cs Medium Bread, ux Calbailcn, for sale In. ...... .tm.... 1. 1... jp! iiuaniiitva iv nun iiy Ut. A. S. Cl.LUllOi;JK& Uu. fjEw ii DRY GOODS Received by ovory steamer, icavo hi say 10 nor ninny numerous intiy Fost street, Honolulu. HB. TREGLOAN, ' TAILOR. 2bl FORT ST. Hubert Lctrors, . :.:. Cooke. W ER S & COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dlcksnn.) Importc is and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Foil street, Houotiiln 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers 111 Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Uulldlng Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen t,td., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN & ROIJINSON, Dealers In and all kinds of liuildiug Materials Paints Oils Nail", ftc. 71 & I'lIILLIPS, Praotical Pluinbcis, UaaFlttora and Copper- smiths, No. 8Nuuauust., Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 ftjrt titfii XT., on i..i. -- i. vxiii. tjrx'jivii, ami. ou rurii si. k. hnimr'i'r and dealer in (icnt's, Ladies' and Chlldien's bouts, shoes and slljipers. C.T BROWN & CO., Importers and In Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. : Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON "Works Co. Steam engines sugar mills, boilers, cooleis, iron, brass raid lead machinery of cveiy description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's bhickemithlng. Jo'b work executed on short notice. 1 GJ-- . WEST, Oaj?riaffO- f- Builder, V" ' Uuggics, Carriages, Express Wagons ami every kind of vehicles manufactured. Blaeksmillring, horse-shoein- g, and all kinds (A repairing done. Wilson Brothovs, ft -- .. Ai I I It V . ENEUAL BLACK0MIT1IS. GH Homo Shooing a specialty A llrst-clas- s man being siHTlally engaged for that work. Ship and "Wagon woik faithfully attended to. Shop on the Ilsphmadc, op. JIoppcrV.201 nrHK IlawaJian.Iouriial, 4v KoIIa-- X wvn P.m. Aixa," owned and edite I ly Kawaiuui JJios. ; has 11 weekly edition A D.SOO copies, and is tin hust advertising medium. Of-lic- e, No. 1) Mus'luuit at, 1 FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. Geo. W. Mncfnrlane. 11. It. Maefarlane! 0. W. MAOFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. CHANTS and Sitfjav Factors, Flrc-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. a(ii::,-t- s for Tho A aikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul, lie Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, I lio Ileeln Sugar Plantation, Oaliu, iim-ii- i oij;iir .Hill, unlit, Iltielo Su-'ii- r Plantation. Maul. Puuloa Slicep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler it Co. Shunt ll.i... ,i i...i abloTranivinv U'mlai. I.n..iu Mirrlces Wnt'.on i&Co's Sugar Machln cry. Uhwuow. Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. IB.) " Clnti HrrcckfK W'm.H.IrwIii." WM. G. IIIWIN & COMPANY. '' Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Ilouolului i XT IIACKFKLD & COMPANY, - General Pom....!..,!.... Agents, 'Qupiii street, Honolulu. 1 AS. Cr.EGHORX , Co., Importers Commission Merchants Deal- ers. In General Moichaiullsc, Queen and knahiiuiann sts., Honolulu. 78 II. A. V. Cmlcr. 1 C. Joncn, Jr. n B 11 E W E It & CO., V Shipping and Commission Merchants Queen street, Honolulu. 1 rpHEO. II. DAVIES ,t CO., Impoil-- J ers and Commission Merchants: agents for Llovd'i and the Liverpool Undcnvi iters, Iliitish and Foreign Conipiiny, nnd Northern Assur. mice Company. 71 T O UN T. AVATERIIOUSI Y Impoiter and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 IVI" S. & CO., Importers of General Mer- - eliniuliflc aitd Commission Merchants Honolulu. 1 - , TVT S. GKINJJAUM & CO., f'-f- - ConimlHslon JMerclianls, 121 Ca lromiit street, San Francisco, Cul. J L H N K II A ts: x- - .1 n j-- Imiiorlers and r'nunmsslmi it,.!-- ' chants Nuuiinu tt,, Honolulu. 1 S.N.C'ni.lc. J.1I. Atlicrtnn. C A S T L E & ( ! ( ) o K v. ShllmillL' ailll f'allllnivulnii M., chants. Imporleis and Dealers in Gen. oral IlltHlllllllI Mcrcliandibe, No.80 King etrect, 1 WT1 ING WO CHAN & Co.. ? T Jinpoiteiv and General Dealeis iiiEiiu'llsli. Aiueilciiinpd Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Snppllen. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, all imll!les and prices. COT No. 22 Nuuiinu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. m n.II. William, A. CliacilirousH, )V. II, Dlmviid W1LLTAMS, DIMONI) & (Jo.. ' Shipping and Connnlssldii Mer- chants, Union Block,' corner I'inu and Market streets, S.111 Fmncli-eo- , Cal. auunts ion Pacific Mall Steamship Company, l'.ielllc Steam Nailg.illou Company, Cuiiard Royal Mall Steamship Company Cal. line of Packet from Nuw York, llawallanUInu of Packets, China Tr.i Iei Iiisiinmee Co. (limited), Marine Iiiyuauco Co. of London. 71 -- A. S. CLEGHOEiVv&; Co. Have lecclvcd a largo assoitmenl of Colonial Saddles, v to suit all classes of purchasers P"" S. S. 1S1 Australia. JOHN NOTT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. I'luinbors' stock and metals, Iloiibo Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lumps, &e. Just Rocoived ex Kalaknun, Tnblu anTf Pio Frails, Nice i.tHi (Jood-- , su Candlu l'hli, ! ilmun ami P11: Pork In : . ' Suitable for fa Itch. Foi sale y HO . S. CiiUlUOHN- - Co. iiiMfl Ii'imijii b.-- teams Iu UMfftt.'-'l'Ck'plw- N) OS. 15 Professionals. W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney ami Counsellor at Law. Agent to tako acknowledgments of instruments. ; Kaahtimnuu St., Honolulu. 209 J. M. MONSARRAT, ' A1TORNP.Y AT LAW and Notary' Real Estate in any part of the KIngdo 1( bought, sold nnd lcastd, on commission. V'' Loans negotiated, "l Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant A. (Gazette Block), ,j lOU Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 11 SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Puljl No. 15 Kaaliumauu st. 11 T M.DAVIDSON,AUorncyatLaW " 21 Merchant sticet. ' 16 TRUIANOIS M. HATCH, Attorney - at Law, 15 Ka.ihumanu t. 33 JOHN HUSSr.Mi. Altoiney a.t Liht,' corner of Foit and Merchant street (1111 siiilriO 11A (Snt "O IOITAUD F. "lilCKKHTONY ' Attorney nnd Coiuihellor nt Imir.' Money to lend 011 Moilgiige.s of Free- -, holds. Oll!co, No. ?A Meicliiuit wt.'l BROWN, ATIORNEY, and Counsellor nt Law, Notary Pub- lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg- ments of Instruments for the Island of Oabu. No. S Kaaliuiii.iuu stieet, Hono- lulu; 1 WILLI AjToT" SMITH, Attor-- 1 at Law, No. 3G Merchant street. 73 lm Dili G. TROUSSEAU begs to nrllfy' friends that he has resumtil practice In ' Honolulu. Residence and consulting rooms, No. 71! Punchbowl Nti ' opposite tlio makal gate of tho Qifbeu'a; iiusiuuii. viuusiiuiiiig iiiiius irom 11 n.m to IL'. Telephone No. las. 50 lnt: d a TTR. r..'ijjitoii.!, itiitl coiv jLy ultatlon rooms tit No. 2 Kukul st..'t coiner 01 1 ore. ,M, Telephone No. 1 10. "9 2m; n A FULLER, Surveyor for Bureau Veritas. 71 t iir tr. ii it. v. iunimuy, "ills- - rpEACHER OF MUSIC, VIOLIN; JL. 1111(1 UIU I Cultivation ok tiu: Voici'. V '& Instruction albo given in Sight Readlngl'5! Choir, Choi us nnd Part Singing. . u For particulars apply at Ml lm WKIjNS' Music Store.. ' yy-RA- TAYLOR, TeScher of Plano- - forte and Organ. Tuning in all Hs hr.iuclies. .o (Jin W E. HOWELL, Consulting nnd ' Coiistiuetlng Engineers oillco KS Mci chant sticet SO sim J J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Foil Sticet, . . Honoluhti,, Portrait and Landscape I DPlioLog-riipliers- . lb() ly ) QHARL,l:s T. GUUCKf, NOTARY PUBLIC, J Agent to lake Acknow ledgments to Ni Labor Contracts, J AND GENT.HAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllee, In Makee's Block, corner Queen and Kaahunmnii stilts. Honoluln. 21 WriLHAM AULI), Agent to T 1 take Acknowledgments to Con. tracts for Labor for tlio District of Konn Island of Oahii, at tho oillco of the Hono. lulu A atcr Works toot of Nuuanii st. 18!) If JOHN A. HASS1NGBB, Agent to take Aeknowledgmenli to Conliiiits for Labor. Intel lor '.ifllcc, Honolulu. ,, 7 . - J tit c. akaW .' YV Chinese iinHnwailu' ' lator and Iiitcri0 " No. 18 KliiL'Mieet. )Ionoluft.. Tianslatlons of cither of the above languages made with accuracy and diftf patch, and on icasonablu teims. 20,v r H. BRUNS, Cooper and Gainicr. ' it Water Tanks of any dimensions, Coopeiage. No. 19 Fort street, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Sliooks and Hoop Iron con. 221 stautly 011 hand and for sale, ly FRESH WATERS' Colonial Candios'"" received Cloghorn Co's, perS.S. Aiuisnlia. W. McChosnoy Son, 'ropyietors Hono Tannery; Hales, Tallow Leather. lad1, Groceries, Provisions! bait, etc., etc., .Gent's Evcnlns, Dress Coats SuilWiyo Honolulu littrr.niiKniuiu A. ii, riatlJMffk j i j,t ,,,;ti m fr it.. A LOT OF " Just nt A. S. & .181 Iff; & nlu Hers m & etc. and ."i hud at the Cloth. " oi No. 101 r Bav j --J ii. SPRIir

THE DAILY BULLETINposer of tho Hawaiian national hymn, 'Hawaii l'onoi," tho wortls ofwhich were written by no less a pcrsonngo than His" Mnjcsty King Kalakaua. Mr. Bcrgcr is P'tcwiso

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETINposer of tho Hawaiian national hymn, 'Hawaii l'onoi," tho wortls ofwhich were written by no less a pcrsonngo than His" Mnjcsty King Kalakaua. Mr. Bcrgcr is P'tcwiso


11 Ui v





'f 1 i


ouoaoniPTioNPER MONTH.

J A V I TMe.Daily BulletinIs published every moraine bv tlio

Daily Bulletin Publishing Co.,1 cjrculnlcd throughout the tovnnndwarded (o the other Mauds by every

opportunity.Subscription, GO cts. per month.

Q.'Oakbok'Kknvon, . Editor.All business communications to bo ml.

dressed, Manngcr Daily Bulletin, PostOIUcc Box No. 14. Telephone 250.

.1. G. Cluvioii, Manager.


rrhcnSan Francisco ExaminerSays : Band Master Henry Bcrgcr oftlio Hawaiian Army tu.-lvc- in thiscity by the last steamer and is stop-pin- g

at the Prcscott House. He is

ono of the most noted musicians ofthe age,, and Is famous as tko com-

poser of tho Hawaiian national hymn,' Hawaii l'onoi," tho wortls of which

were written by no less a pcrsonngothan His" Mnjcsty King Kalakaua.Mr. Bcrgcr is P'tcwiso famous as tiicorganizer of tho Iloyal- - HawaiianMilitary .Band of twontyeightf pieces,and every member of tho band is apure native Hawaiian. An JSzumincrrepresentative was detailed to callupon the noted musician, and themeeting was characteristic, as thodistinguished parlies conversed inthe effulgent and musical Hawaiianlanguage. "Aloha no oc," said thepress commissioner, in soft and s'1-vc- ry

tones. A tropical smile arrayeditself upon Mr. Bergcr's handsomeface as he responded with an enthu-

siastic Vyilok maikni no." Thegreetings over, tho reporter gleanedsome facts in regard to the KoyalHawaiian. Military Band which willinterest the reader. It was organizedten years ago, at which time themembers were as ignorant of thesimplest rudiments of musio as thountutored Indian of the plains. Tlioforce of education, patience and per-

sistence has had a striking result.To-da- y, tho band can play the mostcomplicated music, and its membersarc at home with Bellini, Verdi,Itossi, Wagner, Mozart, Beethoven,Weber, Offenbach, Lccocq, Strauss,and other masters of the divine art.Eminent foreigners who have visited

Honolulu have paid tho highest com-

pliments to this native baud, andsaid that it could compare favorablewith thp very best European baiids.

It is claimed by tho Hnwniians,native and foreigners, that theirmilitary band excels any organiza-tion of the kind in San Francisco,and it is probable that we may havea teat of this next Summer as thoHawaiian Government has consentedto allow the bund to make n visit tothis city. The band is attached to themilitary service of tlio Government,and jta members receive from $U0 to810 per month, according to y.

Tlio pay of BandmasterBcrgcr is 6230 per month. The gen-

tleman is a Prussian by birth, andreceived, his. musical education inGcrimtny and France. Ho gives theJIawaiiaus credit for great naturaltalents ' for music, and says that itonly requires ceaseless patience tomake them lis perfect musician asaio to, bo. found in Europe or Amer-

ica. When he first commenced toinstruct tho members of the baudthey mauifescd a childish delightand acted as if playing musio wouldcomo tp them naturally. When thoj'tliscovciod that application and con-

stant diligence was demanded thoytook to their work admirably. Theband plays, thrco times a week at(uUio "concerts, on state occasions,.mo at other times as necessity may

life. Tho members wear a rogu-unibri- n,

aro subject to strictHi, discipline and tlio ai tides

u' 'ar

kJS. --Tho partnership heiclo.ling bctween-Clil- n Lock

' ' under tho (Inn nnmoof" 'i .i. n Ss Co.) is.icrcby dlh- -

t until consent, The Imsl- -

p ' i" be curried on under thoUlll 11(111 liBJS CHAT, No. 43 Null.Will sfr.U

Ilwk-luh'- , .t.!)l, J883.i


. 1I


820 lv

B. F. EELERS & Co.,

All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods7l



LADIES OF HONOLULUAnd the various islands.

MRS. A.M. MELLIS u ho Is admitted to bo tlio leading Millinery and Drew.jpmiiKcr, monetae in iuo jvmgttom, uegs

incutis nun ncr now mock oi jscauuiui goons iccenuy ouicrcii arc now iicginuiiigto arrive, which Include all the very latent French and American fashions inLadles' and Childien's bills mid bonnets and dress patients of rich and raredesigns. '

MRS. MELLIS stvlclly superintends nil work, niid being always po thoroughlycompetent and particular with her patrons' orders, it is not strange Hint all Ladiesof fashion and taste am her customers.

Ladles with their children arc Invited 'to rail nnd see samples of the new Falland Winter styles in her Millinery depmtment, and alo to the new and latestplumes, feathers, trimmings, etc. Every pains tnken to please tho most fastcdlousnnd nil work guaranteed in every respect.


Bargains will be sold at tlio above Estab-

lishment previous to the arrival of

the Holiday Goods !



M iiiiufnrtim-- r nd dealer In all kinds ofSaddlery and Harness.

Orders from the other Islands promptlyattended to.

20!) Corner Fort nnd King sts. ly

No Bush Whacking Here.LIVES SAVED by pur.

chasing yourHorse Equipments

From W. FENNELL, -- &.Practlcnl Mechanic, 02 King street.ES"No Peter Funk stock here. 209


Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In tho"IhiMalltiu Gazette" build-1- 1

lug, opposite the Jlauk.

Ghns. B. Geniscli,Praotical ) Watchmaker.

J5" Hotel Street, opposite thet2J yni Intcinatlonal Hotel. -- 0

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand a nice stock ofes, Clocks and Jowolry.-- a

Itenalrlns Watches and Clocks a Snoel- -III1J , U. IH J1UIU1 OI1CCI. 3-- J

Telephone, No.

Artesian Ice Works

ICE DELIVERED to all parts of thecity and subuibs at all liomu of the

d'iv.)rdcrs from tho other Islands prompt-

ly attended to.Olllee at W. E. Fostkh'b, Saddler,

Fortticct.150 Telophoiui No. 111. 3m

HONOLULU ICE MANUFACTt inV.to all pints of (lie

City. Shlpplm: supplied in ijuau'iitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 5S. OJUvu atAVlhlet- - & Co.'s. ib

Cs Medium Bread,ux Calbailcn, for sale In.

...... .tm.... 1. 1... jp!iiuaniiitva iv nun iiy

Ut. A. S. Cl.LUllOi;JK& Uu.

fjEw ii

DRY GOODSReceived by ovory steamer,

icavo hi say 10 nor ninny numerous intiy

Fost street, Honolulu.


2bl FORT ST.

Hubert Lctrors, . :.:. Cooke.

W E R S & COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dlcksnn.)

Importc is and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds of Building Materials, Foil street,Houotiiln 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers 111

Paints, Oils, Nails, Saltand Uulldlng Materials of every kind,cor. Fort and Queen t,td., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & ROIJINSON, Dealers Inand all kinds of liuildiug

Materials Paints Oils Nail", ftc. 71

& I'lIILLIPS, PraoticalPluinbcis, UaaFlttora and Copper-

smiths, No. 8Nuuauust., Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

ftjrt titfii XT., on i..i. -- i.vxiii. tjrx'jivii, ami. ou rurii si.k. hnimr'i'r and dealer in (icnt's,

Ladies' and Chlldien's bouts, shoes andslljipers. C.T

BROWN & CO., Importers andIn Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. : Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRON"Works Co. Steam engines sugarmills, boilers, cooleis, iron, brass

raid lead machinery of cveiydescription made to order. Particularattention paid to ship's bhickemithlng.Jo'b work executed on short notice. 1

GJ--. WEST,Oaj?riaffO- f- Builder,

V" 'Uuggics, Carriages, Express Wagons

ami every kind of vehicles


Blaeksmillring, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds (A repairing done.

Wilson Brothovs,ft --.. Ai I

I It V .

ENEUAL BLACK0MIT1IS.GH Homo Shooing a specialtyA llrst-clas- s man being siHTlally engaged

for that work.Ship and "Wagon woik faithfully

attended to.Shop on the Ilsphmadc, op. JIoppcrV.201

nrHK IlawaJian.Iouriial, 4v KoIIa-- X

wvn P.m. Aixa," owned andedite I ly Kawaiuui JJios. ; has 11

weekly edition A D.SOO copies, andis tin hust advertising medium. Of-lic- e,

No. 1) Mus'luuit at, 1

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Geo. W. Mncfnrlane. 11. It. Maefarlane!0. W. MAOFARLANE & Co.


Sitfjav Factors,Flrc-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. I.a(ii::,-t- s for

Tho A aikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul,lie Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,I lio Ileeln Sugar Plantation, Oaliu,iim-ii- i oij;iir .Hill, unlit,Iltielo Su-'ii- r Plantation. Maul.Puuloa Slicep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler it Co. Shunt ll.i... ,i i...i

abloTranivinv U'mlai. I.n..iuMirrlces Wnt'.on i&Co's Sugar Machlncry. Uhwuow.Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Clnti HrrcckfK W'm.H.IrwIii."WM. G. IIIWIN & COMPANY.' ' Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Ilouolului iXT IIACKFKLD & COMPANY,

- General Pom....!..,!.... Agents,'Qupiii street, Honolulu. 1

AS. Cr.EGHORX , Co., ImportersCommission Merchants Deal-

ers. In General Moichaiullsc, Queen andknahiiuiann sts., Honolulu. 78

II. A. V. Cmlcr. 1 C. Joncn, Jr.n B 11 E W E It & CO.,V Shipping and Commission MerchantsQueen street, Honolulu. 1

rpHEO. II. DAVIES ,t CO., Impoil-- J

ers and Commission Merchants:agents for Llovd'i and the LiverpoolUndcnvi iters, Iliitish and Foreign

Conipiiny, nnd Northern Assur.mice Company. 71

T O UN T. AVATERIIOUSIY Impoiter and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

IVI" S. & CO.,Importers of General Mer- -

eliniuliflc aitd Commission MerchantsHonolulu. 1- ,

TVT S. GKINJJAUM & CO.,f'-f- - ConimlHslon JMerclianls, 121Ca lromiit street, San Francisco,Cul. J

L H N K II A ts: x-- .1 nj-- Imiiorlers and r'nunmsslmi it,.!-- 'chants Nuuiinu tt,, Honolulu. 1

S.N.C'ni.lc. J.1I. Atlicrtnn.

C A S T L E & ( ! ( ) o K v.ShllmillL' ailll f'allllnivulnii M.,

chants. Imporleis and Dealers in Gen.oralIlltHlllllllI

Mcrcliandibe, No.80 King etrect,1

WT1ING WO CHAN & Co..? T Jinpoiteiv and General Dealeis

iiiEiiu'llsli. Aiueilciiinpd Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSnppllen. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all imll!les and prices.

COT No. 22 Nuuiinu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. m

n.II. William, A. CliacilirousH, )V. II, DlmviidW1LLTAMS, DIMONI) & (Jo..

' Shipping and Connnlssldii Mer-chants, Union Block,' corner I'inu andMarket streets, S.111 Fmncli-eo- , Cal.

auunts ionPacific Mall Steamship Company,l'.ielllc Steam Nailg.illou Company,Cuiiard Royal Mall Steamship CompanyCal. line of Packet from Nuw York,llawallanUInu of Packets,China Tr.i Iei Iiisiinmee Co. (limited),Marine Iiiyuauco Co. of London. 71

--A. S. CLEGHOEiVv&; Co.Have lecclvcd a largo assoitmenl of

Colonial Saddles, v

to suit all classes of purchasers P"" S. S.1S1 Australia.

JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

I'luinbors' stock and metals,Iloiibo Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lumps, &e.

Just Rocoivedex Kalaknun,

Tnblu anTf Pio Frails,Nice i.tHi (Jood-- , su

Candlu l'hli, ! ilmun amiP11: Pork In : . '

Suitable for fa Itch. Foi sale yHO . S. CiiUlUOHN-- Co.

iiiMfl Ii'imijii b.-- teamsIu UMfftt.'-'l'Ck'plw- N) OS. 15


W AUSTIN WHITING, Attorneyami Counsellor at Law.

Agent to tako acknowledgments ofinstruments. ;

Kaahtimnuu St., Honolulu. 209


A1TORNP.Y AT LAW and Notary'

Real Estate in any part of the KIngdo1(

bought, sold nnd lcastd, oncommission. V''

Loans negotiated, "lLegal Documents Drawn.

No. 27 Merchant A. (Gazette Block), ,jlOU Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands


SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary PuljlNo. 15 Kaaliumauu st. 11

T M.DAVIDSON,AUorncyatLaW" 21 Merchant sticet. ' 16

TRUIANOIS M. HATCH, Attorney- at Law, 15 Ka.ihumanu t. 33

JOHN HUSSr.Mi. Altoiney a.t Liht,'corner of Foit and Merchant

street (1111 siiilriO 11A (Snt

"O IOITAUD F. "lilCKKHTONY' Attorney nnd Coiuihellor nt Imir.'

Money to lend 011 Moilgiige.s of Free- -,

holds. Oll!co, No. ?A Meicliiuit wt.'l

BROWN, ATIORNEY,and Counsellor nt Law, Notary Pub-

lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg-ments of Instruments for the Island ofOabu. No. S Kaaliuiii.iuu stieet, Hono-lulu; 1


at Law, No. 3G Merchantstreet. 73 lm

Dili G. TROUSSEAU begs to nrllfy'friends that he has resumtil

practice In ' Honolulu. Residence andconsulting rooms, No. 71! Punchbowl Nti '

opposite tlio makal gate of tho Qifbeu'a;iiusiuuii. viuusiiuiiiig iiiiius irom 11 n.mto IL'. Telephone No. las. 50 lnt:d

aTTR. r..'ijjitoii.!, itiitl coivjLy ultatlon rooms tit No. 2 Kukul st..'tcoiner 01 1 ore. ,M,

Telephone No. 1 10. "9 2m;n

A FULLER, Surveyor for BureauVeritas. 71

t iir tr. iiit. v. iunimuy, "ills- -


Cultivation ok tiu: Voici'. V '&Instruction albo given in Sight Readlngl'5!

Choir, Choi us nnd Part Singing. . uFor particulars apply at

Ml lm WKIjNS' Music Store.. '

yy-RA- TAYLOR, TeScher of Plano- -forte and Organ. Tuning in all

Hs hr.iuclies. .o (Jin

W E. HOWELL, Consulting nnd' Coiistiuetlng Engineers oillco

KS Mci chant sticet SO simJ

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Foil Sticet, . . Honoluhti,,

Portrait and Landscape I

DPlioLog-riipliers- .

lb() ly )


Agent to lake Acknow ledgments to Ni

Labor Contracts, J

AND GENT.HAL BUSINESS AGENT.Olllee, In Makee's Block, corner Queen

and Kaahunmnii stilts. Honoluln. 21

WriLHAM AULI), Agent toT 1 take Acknowledgments to Con.

tracts for Labor for tlio District of KonnIsland of Oahii, at tho oillco of the Hono.lulu A atcr Works toot of Nuuanii st.

18!) If

JOHN A. HASS1NGBB,Agent to take Aeknowledgmenli to

Conliiiits for Labor. Intel lor '.ifllcc,Honolulu. ,, 7

.- J

tit c. akaW .'

YV Chinese iinHnwailu' '

lator and Iiitcri0 "No. 18 KliiL'Mieet. )Ionoluft..

Tianslatlons of cither of the abovelanguages made with accuracy and diftfpatch, and on icasonablu teims. 20,v

r H. BRUNS, Cooper and Gainicr. '

it Water Tanks of any dimensions,Coopeiage. No. 19 Fort street,

Honolulu.Oil Casks, Sliooks and Hoop Iron con.221 stautly 011 hand and for sale, ly


Colonial Candios'""received

Cloghorn Co's,perS.S. Aiuisnlia.

W. McChosnoy Son,'ropyietors Hono Tannery;

Hales, Tallow Leather.lad1, Groceries, Provisions!

bait, etc., etc.,

.Gent's Evcnlns, Dress CoatsSuilWiyo Honolululittrr.niiKniuiu A. ii,riatlJMffk


i j,t






Just nt

A. S. &.181

Iff; &nlu

Hers m &




hud at the Cloth. "oi No. 101

r Bavj




Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETINposer of tho Hawaiian national hymn, 'Hawaii l'onoi," tho wortls ofwhich were written by no less a pcrsonngo than His" Mnjcsty King Kalakaua. Mr. Bcrgcr is P'tcwiso



ti"' 7

.XlwwiwtiwTt'wfry-tyyftrtii- i



fr.I?a IgHlMiii?

.THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1882.. c


At .10 o'clock Mr. Adntns willoffer, fancy goods, clothing, etc., tSales Room. Aho, credit sale ofChincbc goods.

AFTERNOON,' 'Kinder Gni'lcn Uiblo Clnbs, at 3.

1 Icc'Crcuin Festival, at Vm t nlrcctChurch, commencing at 1 o'clock.


Hawaiian Council, No. C8i), 7:30.


Of all the many kinds of heads

that could be enumerated, u figure-

head is the most conspicuous, the

most expensive, and often the mostuseless. Literally, a Ilgurc-hca- d is

n figure or bust attached to the pio-jectiu-

part of the head of a ship,merely for ornamental purposes.Figuratively, a ligure-hea- d is a per-

son placed at the head of an ofllcc

or department, who confines his at-

tention to the work of drawing a

lagc salary, while the duties of his

department are being pcrfmined en-

tirely by subordinates with smalll')ay,i' The ilgurc-hca- d custom, in thelltrurativo sense, is not peculiar toany one country or to any particular,foriniof.govcrnincnl, but obtains inairjcbtiutncs and in ai' forms ofgovernment. Even the HawaiianKingdom and the Hawaiian Govern-

ment do not make an exception. Itis hot 'the present administration, orany particular previous administra-tion, that can be specially accusedof,, devotion to this custom; but ithas been followed, more or less, bymany successive administrations,for a long time past. Every headof every department of our govern-

mental 'system is not a mere figure-

head. There arc heads who arc bothfigure-head- s and something morethan.iilgurc-hcad- s. Hut there arcsome heads of some departments"who arc nothing more than figure-

heads, ''it is not hard to find thcin.This figure-hea- d fashion is a foolishand bad one. It is foolish, becauseit'invblvcs a profitless expenditureofapital; it is bad, because it givesto the drone what the working beemerits. Those who do the work de-

serve the pay. If an indolent figure-

head and an active subordinate arosulllcicnt for an ofilec, why not thenqlivo subordinate without the indo-

lent figure-head- ? Add a portion ofthe figure-head- 's large salary to thesubordinate's small salary, then theone who docs the work will be wellpaid, nnd the balance can be devot-

ed io some useful purpose. Thosewho thirst for the honor of murefiguro-hcndis- let them be satisfiedan vi the honor without the money.

I poor little country lias fritteredy piles ot vniuauio casn on

fllurpid and useless iigurc-hcad-

wiich if wisely expended on usefultjects would have resulted, in last- -

ilig good to the nation. Is this pcr- -

icious practice to continue for ever?Icrc is room for reform, and hero

an opportunity for those in powero acquire the reputation of being

cformcrs.i 'j


The vain did not conic before itwl.is needed, and needed, loo,,,)' a

giVater extend than, i .vay peopleliviibg in the city bt'pposcd. Hundreds! -- r "frctt of laro and bananaswere lainishiug, and would have

it V


u total low if the drought had

conJUnued a little longer. lhoJautiful rain has civen new life to

drooping vegetation, and gladdenedthe hearts and revived the hopes ofcultivators.

. DISAPPOINTED DRIVERS.Wo have frequently heard it said,

within, t,lie .past few days, thai, it is a

"great hardship" for owners oflicensed, cniringcs to hnvc appliedainsucccBsfully for drivers' licenses.So it is. But it is still a "greaterhardship" lor confiding pabscngersto have their limbs and necks broken."by incompetent driwrs. Jf a captainis requ'ued to understand navigationbefor lie can take coinnmnd of aship, why should i driver be licensed

lli:, ...fmBSma&Smxi .i. ' i.3

ry.rWijwirrijM,iriiuPfiw?ytitr' ""lUFfMi

to navigate a? carload of luiiiinu be-

ings bcfoic lie knows how to steer ahorse? Licenses have been with-

held from no applicants who haregiven satisfactory evidence of theircompetence and trilstwoitliincss.Any who have failed, through lack

of skill in driving, can soon acquhcthe necessary skill by practice, and

apply again witli belter success.TURNINO CORNER8.

The licensing of public expresses

and their drivers is for the publicgood. Owners and drivers of ex-

presses may think it a despotic

measure, but those who hire them

look nt the subject through a differ-

ently coloicd glass. Some of thelatter would like to see yet nnotlierregulation adopted and enforced,compelling both public and piivatcvehicles to tuin corners at a walkingpace. Every day wo heo carriagesdasli around corners, totally regard-less of the danger they encounter ofcolliding with other carriages, travel-

ling in the opposite direction, andfrequently collisions are barelyescaped. A regulation to preventsuch risks would conduce to thepublic good. Is it not in the pro-

vince and power of the Minister ofthe Interior to trke action in thematter?

HAMAKUA.Special fir iho IJnllcttn.

Dry weallicr has been annoyingthe Hainifkuii planters for" sometime. The cane is .looking quiteyellow. '

Three vessels were dischargingfreight at Lidgatc's new landing inone day, so that Kcwilahilahi is

looking quite lively.The "double-effect- " has been

safely landed at Ookala Plantation.

SHIPPING NOTES.A large squaic rigged vessel was

was telephoned from AVaimanalo aspassing Molokai to the northwardnt 10:30 a.m. At 11 a.m., she washull down.

Tun Jane A. Falkinburg arrivedyesterday from Mahukona consignedto Castle & Cooke.

LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS.How is that Government House

crew getting along now?

Tin: boys have taken to use thosedetonators.

It ib said the Alaska will .shell thewreck--.

Fort street was again clcnnedyesterday. Good.

Wi: hear that Messrs. T. Lucasand U. Moore have bought Mr.Inscl's machinery business.

Tin: Nettie Merrill yesterday noondipped her flag three times on pass-

ing the Alaska. Such instances oflespcct for a man-of-w- ar are larcamongst our coasting craft.

Tin: lady passengers by the inter-islan- d

steamers would like verymuch if the smoking public, bothnative and foreign, would leave themthe cabin deck free from tho nnuoy-iiue- c

of tobacco smoke.

15v a )i)istak(y,ycsloiduy pni'V ofour London Don ospondent's lctlovwas headed" Paris Gossip." AVo

give ,n --fui thcr instalment of hischaUy and amusing hitter to-da- y.

.tWi: hear that another six-oar-

boat lias rvrived in the country perKitsap, and has been brought byone of our genial and youthfuloarsmen to y it in the forthcomingraces.

Wi: hear that tho Norwegians nowconfined in the goal have refused theliberal offer of Messrs. Hitchcockand rcfuso to go back to work atPnpaikoti. They bay they will behung first.

Tin: ma" sent by the Suez con-

sisted of 3,120 lclteis, weighing il'.)

pounds nnd 9 ounces; and J ,0 15

papers weighing IOC pounds nnd 15

ounces, and that by the Zenlaudlawus letters weigliiii"; 07 poundsyiul 1 ounces, and 31'.) ipers weig.i- -

fiiig 101 pounds and lfi ounces.

Arri.it hearing tho speeches at fiemeeting ol the I'lanterb' Labor S.

Supply Co., we --.an safely rcco.H- -

...wi.i..-.fW- rt ..-- . I

mend all plnntcis to tiy the feilil'".-iu- g

effects of bone-mea- l. They have

a first-clas- s opportunity 'to dd so

now, as will he seep on lcfcning toour advertising columns.

To-rA- Y the Ladies of Fort streetChurch ask your presence at tin leecream Festival in the basement ofFort street Church. Wo hope you

wil' respond liberally to the en1', ps

the proceeds will bo dcvoledlo thegood work1 of Gospel Temperance.Prof. Varndlcy and Miss Cqstlo willplay several selections of music dur-

ing the festival.

AVi: notice that no care lias beentaken to cut down branches' of treesoverhanging public roads and footpaths. For the sake of the driversand pedestrians, we hope that peo-

ple will attend to this as now thatthe wet weallicr is coining on thebranches will be down much lower

than .usual on account of the weightof the water resting on them.

Tin: jury whose ages averaged JO

years decided amongst oilier thingsthat the jury room needed lenoval-in- g.

The matting was frightfullydirty, and they passed a very un-

comfortable night. They also saythat it is the first time in theseislands that a jury has been locked

iiip all night on a civil case. Wohope the authorities will pity theipoor juryman and provide boileraccommodation for 1 :m. l "'

Wi: went out yesterday to view avery line tank made by Mr. J. II.Bruns, cooper, of Fort street for MrSprcckels' residence at runahou.The lank mcasv-c- s IS feet C inchesin diameter and is 11 feet 8 inchesdeep on the inside. It wi ' hold

20,000 gallons and is made of slavesand heads 3 inches thick. It isbanded by 11 iron bands 3 inchesby one-eight- h. It was first puttogether on the ground and thentaken to pieces and put up again onthe top of the trestle-wor- k CO feetfrom the ground. It is tho upper,one of three. Tho others contain28,000 and 2G,000 gallons respectively. The water is pumped into itfrom an artesian well by a forcepump and then runs from it throughpipes to the house where it rises ashigh as the third story. Tile wateris also uscd'for irrigation purposes,and being raised to such a hciiglit

comes out with great power. Thewhole work is strong and durableand competent judges pronounce itto be highly creditable to Mr.limns' skill and woik-sho- p.


HpcciM for tlin Daily Diillctln.)

There is rciibon to believe HintMiss Helen Gladstone, daughter ofthe premier, and principal of Newn-hai- n

College, Cambridge is about toappear its an author, issuing Mnnualsof English Lilerntvc and. Historysuited to the intelligence of herpupils.

A. well-know- n Irish Member of

Parliament, who is not exactly asupporter of tho Blue Hibbon Army,was astounded the other day whilstescorting a lady to tho refreshment-tabl- e

at p. giu'dcu-ptu- ty rto enjoy aglass of lemonade to Imvo the hos-

tess's little girl cling to' his coat-ta- il

with an iniporlaift request to beallowed to look on whilst lie imbibedthe cooling liquid. "1 don't quiteuiideihtand," said the puzzled M. V.

'Mnyl eiKpiiie why you me sointerested in the matter ?" "Oh,yes," baid the child in eager accents.

I want to sec you drink, becauseMamma says you do it lika ajish."

Mr. P. A. Taylor will have an-

other important case to add to hislist of deaths from vaccination. AtNorwich two children have, succumb-ed through inoculation by poisonouslymph. There is a deal to bo saidagainst compulsory vaccination, par-ticularly since the great Germanpathologist, jvoch, has demonstratedtho contagion beeds of pulmonarydisease. The vaccine lymph obtain-ed from n child apparently in goodhealth, but in whose blood lie latentthe germs of hereditary disease, liasthe property of convoying the dis-

ease to numberless healthy children.This is a very serious question, andone that ought to be ventilated andthoroughly understood by M. P.'sbefore the Member for Leicester in-

troduces his Hill for tho Abolitionof Compulsory Vacduutiou.

Auction Sales by S. P. Adams

Hy order of Mews. J. F. Hackfcld nnd8. Scllg, Assignees of the folate of

Kunsni (fcAnihig, I will"' Tli's Bay, TJIU11SDAY,.Oct. 520, nt 10 ii.uii, lit Snk'H liooin, tho

Entire llcliill Block of

Dry Goods, Clothing, ,

' Hats, Boots, sWi -

Fancy Goods nnd Fixlmcs of tho Htoie.Terms Cash.

13. P. A uASin, AucVrr


, China Goods.TliiH Dny, T11UKSDAY,

October Willi,At 10 n. in., ul Sales Room,

Uy order oT Jtesrn, Yuen Keo & Co., aLarge ifxoitinciit of "

Chinese jMorc'liumlise,Consisting ofj

CiifeC't Leltcr Paper,Cin.es Cliinesio JIoch,

Cum's Ueiin Cuke,Hells MnttiiiK,


Cases Fho Cracker,Cases China Tens


Cnca Preserved Ginger,Also, a large ns'ioitmeiit of '

Chinese Groceries,Italian Chairs, ami

Ja wnce Lacquered AVarc',Terms al Sale. :

E. P. Adams, Auctioneer.

r. OST. n'red leather Portmonnnlc. conXJ imnidg .cnidiwjth.tlip 'n'ninc of5IF. luill Mrs. Kills, some other papersand inpnej'. Lot between "Wiilerluiuse'sPort" street store mid Hotel street

on Nuuiuiu street. Finder w(llget 5 rewind on leaving same tit Bui.i.i:!tin umce. '11 it


American Legion of Honor, willmeet this Tlmrtdnv Evening, al TitfO

o'clock, in Kuishts or Pylhlns1 Hull,Cnniphcll's Ulock, Fort street. A fullattendance it requested.101 AV. J. Lowim:, Sec

Koyal Ilinvaiiaii Agricul-tiu- al

Society.of thu Drafts of intendedCOPIES of tlio Soelctv ni'ny now bo

olitnlncd f i oin the uiidcrplgiied'inenilicrsof the Organizing Committee.

Thoso desirous of joining the Societycan do so by p.ivlni; the annual nub-crl- p.

tioa of !J5 to either of the mulct signed.H.A.AVIDEMANN,A. S. OLKUHOKN,,J. B. WEBIJ.

Honolulu, Sept. SO, 1883. 20f

an OFFICE HOY.WANTED, to AV. O. SMITH,227 tf 8 Merchant street.

WANTED. Immediately, a centrallyCottage, within reason- -

able walking distance to business, shun.lion on the AVaikiki side of Fort street.Must linyc three bedrooms.

2J:l 2v J. 13. AViskmax.

"T7"ANTED Anyone having a copyVV of tho book " Lnlekiiwni" to tlls-pos- c

of will please call at201 lm J. AV. HOIJKHTSON & Co'h

EUltNISlIED ItoomsELEGANTLY or double, with all thoconvenience mid commits of n home.Itooms mu large and well ventilated.Terms strictly modeiiito. Apply nt No.2 Adams Lane. 211 lm

rpAVO OFMCKfJ TO LET, on the fcc-- X

ond floor of thu building occupiedby .T. AV. ltobertson S, Co 18'J

T70H SALE, a MULE C A 11TX' pply to

102 11. HackfpUl & Co


Ariuiiigu'' Seo inlvertlse-nien- ton other page. 28


Coiling Decorations,




A splendid and vailed aspoilmenl



FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5.to10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, , etc., all In ;omdoilier i cm bo run' by .steam or hoisupower, just the aitlele for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, !Bran, Darley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etcas giieaV AS THE CHEAPEST

5!) J.AINU. Co., at Fori bt.i ' i


"" iff'

T.IUUGATION, after this tlnlc, Is slricUXt "lyjforbldden, c.ccnt between;

' rthv, llQtii'M or Olio H n. w.V . - nii'ilHno'lVlii." ""

CH AS. II. AV1MON.. '6ttpcrlntem!cnt Witter Works.

Approved! 3no. E. llusn,Minister ot Interior. ,

Honolulu, Oct. 2-- 1883. 120

ige" oream festivalAVill bu given on i '

Tlmrsau'; Oelo)bei4 tMSi,Coinniench'g at Ip'. m.,

In tluiihisciiieiil of Port Street Church,for;defraylng the expensos of tho

Gospel Temperance w:6rk

- on thee Islands.

Admission, 25.ls;.. Children,-hnlf-pric- e.

. ZZ uP-


Creme de la Creme.rpilE Iro Fnelorlcs ai'c in full blast,X ami bp niu

IIAIIT'SElite Ico Orcara Parlors!

They are Jint freezing wlilch Is

What you want. in this Weather'' 'nnd don't you forget 11 1

'Ice Cieamiciin bohnd from il n. m.. to 11 p. m. nt

' ' ' HAittlmos.."Elilclco Cream Pnrlors,

177 W Hotel street.

BONE MEAL.'The mulersigned Imvo JuVt rcteivcii, ex

" toiisuclo," ii fitiautlly or , ,

'mi Hone Meal,AMiIch Ihcy nro prcptucd to dispose of in

.'iQuantities to suit purchasers; n .

' 2C8 lw AVM. G. lltAVIN & Co.


( Millinery Houseor


Finest and Richest Goods

Ever shown in' this Kingdom.' '

Tiir. i.i;a3x;MiLiL.iTiiya"i' house '

,1.1. ii"OF CIIAS. J. .FIB1IEL.

i 172 t;

EX STEAMEU " SUE:;,"This Day.

Eest'C'aliforiiiii Huttcr, in lubs niid jar''Earrels Prime 1'ork, ' "15mrclsE.ra Mess Ueef, i ,

Half.linrrcls C.tra iVmlly Beef,Cases Fuirbank Lurd, 5'nml 1Q lbs.,Cnies CodllMi, i ,

Ungs OallfOrnih Potatoes,ltd gsAVJiololi.u ley, '

Uhgs Ground Darky, , ,

I5ng Wheal,lings AVhilc and.Piiik'IJcans1 '

C2?"A11 in code) ed (it low prices. I

UOLLES & Co.Honolulu, Oct. Ill, 1882. 223 2w''

. ,

Elegantly Furnished' RoomsTO LET,

170U FAMILIES or SINGLE GEN.vh nil tho convenien-

ces and comforts or a home, with

Use of Parlor.Itooms are largij and well ventilated.

Torms, Strictly Moderate.MltS. SOllltADEII.

Corner of Hotel and Alnkca streets.! 172 Oni

TO LET-O- NE COTTAGE,containing 7 rooms, with ntabling

and cveiy convjnlcnce, situated on thoI'liiiim, about 1 mllp from tjown. AVatcrlaid On. For partlculais applv to

' A. FERNANDEZ, ,10.Vlm At E, O. Hall & Son'a.

rpO LET a lot, 100 feet Bquare, onX which Is stablo for 10 or niorq

horses, larriago hoime, rind servant'shouse, water laid pn, opening on Youngsireei. r or narucuiais anpiv to


t 211 lm 0,1 E. O. Hull &Son

A SPLENDID OnnftrtunitT'lsp now oll'ercd to buy ,tio Fopu.

lar Lodifhiir llousn renenllvoccupied and conducted by JIh. AVhlte,at l2o Foi t street. Tho premises contain1 stoie, 17 bediooms, kitchen, dining nndbath room. Tho roount arc nil nicelyfurnished mid in perfeii rder. Forfui ther pin ticulars npplv iresentr )prletor.F. AV. AVALLACj2 i2"i Fort .;Honolulu. ' i

FOR SALE or to LI VS! tNICE COTTAGE.n, iluVlain. in a nood nilcli'

hood. The homo 1a nownnd cohUIm 2bwliooniH, with closetri; parlor, dhiJiigroom, pantry, bath, kitchen and sowingroom. A nice largo yard, with out-houses, Apply lo

210 tf H, J. AOKEW.


hM : -

' '(


. i


Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETINposer of tho Hawaiian national hymn, 'Hawaii l'onoi," tho wortls ofwhich were written by no less a pcrsonngo than His" Mnjcsty King Kalakaua. Mr. Bcrgcr is P'tcwiso

... .,. ii in imiMMniim .1 i. miTTuir nm.i as-- . -- r iMnniWJtMi-M-IIMH J'AS!HMBlif3iM&43&i'!ifetiBlKlMlMMflRMil 1MB Ifl Hllll 111 ! MWIIrtWIll lull llH III ! ll III iM 111 II i. Nil MM ! !! I ll IIIPBI Ml II 1111 IIwi in I'll wiii i"1" i' in 'in 'ii iiMi i11 h'ti m in a JWWg' f

F .vwv . - .v-- - ..-". ' ' IW'Uf "Wl I"?IW1 IHHWUMIIIW .wHT liinw IHIIMWI lllWWI'l 't-- .1 rHVHi'HMW MW WW IIWW lUMIllllHl H JI .. J . ... I J 1 I. .

A1- -

ICLnPHON'.C.Dlnioud lkml, Oct. 20, 0:30 n.m

Calm in llio channel..Ntljlng-i- eight.


J A Fnlkinburg from MahukonaOct 2- 0-

Schr Ku Moi from Laurmhochoo

n .DEPARTURES.'Oct! 25

Hchr Knulkciiouli for IlonokaaSehr Millo Morris for Launi


Stinr Jns Mnkcc for ICanal & NiilnuiIlk Lady Lampson lor S FSelfr Malolo for llakalnuSclir Jennie for NawiliwillSclir Prince for ICckahti


VESSELS IN PORT.U. 8. S. Alaska, G. 13. EelknapAm liMne AmeliaHrlg Coiistiolo, llnwnulUktnc Jane A FnlkinbuigAm nclir Chuis SprcckelsHiwMjk-IoIan- l,

H'lyYjitlgjMiilU), CameionHatKlihacosHr bark Lady Lampson, Marslon.Am bnrR'ironbi'Aspdlet

Ilk CabarltjnTorn Kit Sup

VESSELS EXPECTED.Ills Knmo From DunIlk Emma, fiom Puget Sound, Adg IBVklno Emma Augusta, fin l't Unmblu for

Kahului. Oot7Btra.r"Ultyol Nets York from S. F, Oct 20llilt ftn tfutu, Dodd, fm S 1V Nov 17Htmr City of Sydney, fm Sydney, Nov 20JinrK iiiMie .Marsiini, tmi't uamuioUr bk UQolihijriAcrpool,'- - t DeoUk AbcfiAWnU-ftr- f Glasgow, V DoeJJK llovcrc tin l't iiliiKcicyUr ship Ambnos.idor, fm NewcastleUk North Stai, from NewcastleIJk Bucnii Vista fm Pt UnmbluUktnc DIm'ovui v, fin S P., Nov 1 1

Am hktnc Kllkitat,

rfs'.Q. ELMS,sTOOK ImOKMl, will buy m sell

"Plantation Stock, IJoncR andfltli.it AT iflritil1i1(. CniMlvlltnd

At their" market value for cash.215 Ofllce with E. P. Adams, Auct'r.

wngjiiufto. smith,STOCK liUOKKK,

N0. 1)8 Merchant Street, Honolulu,(ttstnuiisncu in isi'j;

Sugar Plantation, RalhoudiTelephone, and other Corporatloif Stock,

Bonds and Similar Securities Uoughtnml Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Stock Sccuiltics.Honolulu, Oct 1st, 1882. 214

f 4 'r--t n

NdTIOE.-iHnvin- 'g purchased fromAV. Bush.all his light, title

nud interest in the Grocery 'Business, onPort street, It is my intention to carryon the wine under tho firm name of S.J. LEY.EY &f Ifc'o., and 1 bono, by utrictnttciiJlQU.JO-biislno-- .', and the wants ofmv customei.s, to nieiit a slnvro of tlieliberal p.itrnnaga be&towcd upon myiircdeecssor. Mr. A. "V. Bush.225 lm 8. J. LEVEY.

.'T ri j

tfarrh jSfn,KnA- - rilvi. iintlnn lluitN I have disposed of. iny GroceryBusiness, to, 3Ir, S. J. Levey. All ac- -

counis chic aui uusiucss aiu to uupamto him.

TliVrifim'g Hie public for the libei.ilpatroriag6 lliey have been pleased to

upon me, I would lespeetfully askfor acoiitlhuanco of the wimc to myBuccessAi1. A. AV. J1USH.

jaOfTJcr's'fof the Union Peed Comp-anyvl-

lie leceivcd a1 usual, andprompt dellveiy guaiantecd. 223 lm

NOTIcfc. During mv ab-cn- fiomKingdom, Mr. Pinnk M.

Hatch, w.ll collect the icuts due fromall property belonging to Mis. NannieIt. Brewer, and also make Miles of cattlefrom the Kaneohu Estate.

225 2 w P. O. JONES, Jit.

Notice.JOSBl'II D. AVISEMAN will act for

my from theKing(t6raWiii all matters of business,under lull Tower of Attorney228 lr i JNO. A. PALMER.

Xoticc.A:LL Accounts due. to the undersign.

cil and not settled by the 1st ofnut month, uil! bu placed In tho Col.letcofs hands without fuilher notice.

A. M. MELLIS,227 lw 101 Port street.

Xoticc.the temporary absence of

Mi.AV.U. Irwin from this King,cloin, Mr. AV. M. Uifkahd U attvnd tothe business of our ho'u-- e.

22(1 2nyfWM.(i. f BAVIN & CO.

' 'i.' 'Aciticc.

mv iil'iscnro from this King.DURING Mr. Thomas TAnnatt willact forme under a full Power of Attor-ney. D..AY. CLARK.

N.HiTn cirtloi" to m.iko room for aIn gei'Mfick of new styles of clocks, Mr.'J nnatl will ssi'li the clocks, &., &c,iow on lilnfij, ut itdueed prices.


(i'l''ni? Ilmliiir mv nlicncn fi rimN .tin- - Klngilpm, Mr, Joseph O.Cni.toHvdl t loi me under a Cull Powerof AlK'.ncy.iit y P. t! JONES, Jii.

7'( OTICE All pcioni owing money,N unt, &c, toller llighm's.s Ruth

Kc llkolanl nio hcieby lequesled Ut

ma u their p,i me its to ,

31 i.lm (;; Ili-A- . AyiDJJMANN.

J&l.y i'OK ANI 1 "."i

55. The clipper BaikLady Lampson,

Marston, - - Maslor."Will hao quick dispatch for thonbovoport. Por freight or passage apply to

(3. Um.wi.n & Co. Agents.


The clipper barkCaibarion,

Hubbard, ... Master,Will have quick "dispatch for the abovoport. Por freight or passage apply to

Uabtij: & Cookk, Agents.

FOll SAN FRANCISCO.jwkV:.. rrw.- - -- it t..CiiiiiJr J.I1C Clipper UglUU

Consuolo,Howard, . . Master,

AV111 luivo quick dispatch for tho abovoport. Tor fi eight or pasago apply to

AVm. G. Iuwix & Co., Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.THE A 1

Iron Steamer Suoz,UODIl, - - - COMMAXDEIl

AV1U leave Honolulu


For fielht or pasoase, hiulng superioraccomodations, apply to121 . AVm. G. Inwix 5. Co., Ageiits.

f s. Stoamor Xikoliko,King, Muster.

Leaves Honolulu cnclt Tuesday nt4 p.m., touching nt Lnlminii, Mini-lnc- n

Buy, Mnkcnn, Miiliukonu,Iiupalioehoo andHllo.'

Returning, .Ilf, touch. nt nlljthonlovo ports, ai riving lit Ilonolulttcacli Sunday a.m. 1

ill AIT Ui..n.

ji ship Company.FOR BAN FRANCISCO,

The Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,

Dcaiboin - Commander,AVill leave Honolulu for Pan Prancisco

on or about Nov. 20.

for sydnuy' via AucklandThe Splendid Steamship

City of New York,Cobb, ... commander,

On or about Oct. 29.For freight or passage apply to

II. IIackveu) & Co., Agents.

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamers

The Iwalani,Batk1?, -- .- - Commander

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau,as per following Time Tablo:

Liuvhs Honolulu at 4 r.st. onThursday, Oct. 5 Monday, Nov. 27Monday, Oct. 10 Thin sday, Dec. 7Thursday, Oct.2G Monday, Dec. 18Monday, Nov. 0 Thursday, Dec. 28Thursday, Nov. 10

Ai:itivj:s at Honolulu:Filday, Oct. II) Friday, Nov. 21Tuesday, Oc t. 21 Tuesday, Dec. fi

Friday, Nov. 3 Pildny, Die. 15Tuesday, Nov. 11 Tuesday, Dec. 20

The C. E. Bishop,I3orry, ..... Commander

Luavjw Honolulu kvkiiyMonday, nt 5 r.M., for Nnwilhvili,Koloa, Elcclo, and Yaimcn, Kauai.

Rktuiixixcs li:avi:sNawiliwili every Friday evening.


Sohooner Ehukai4iS3S& iii inn ifijuiiiiijTO AVAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Reluming on Thursday, weatherpciinittlng.

For ficight or passage apply to theCaptain on boaid, or to

181 A. P. Cooki:, Agent.

Schoonor J&J$ "Emma,"AVill leave Honolulu EA'ERY TUES- -


Retaining Satuidays.For freight or passage, having supciiorcabin accommodations, apply to theCaptain on board, 151

A. FRANK COOKE,Ofllce, coiner Nuuanuand Qtfccn sticcts,

Honolulu, H. I.,

Agent for the following; Packets:AVnMolc, , J-- AVaioli,AV.i'ehu, " y3 AValnialu.Mnlolo, 4SwSf Kaluna,M.ina, u&U& Julia,

Ka Moi, and Ehukai.

Red Flag, with White Ball.1KI



AVc jiuvo just received, ex steamer "Zeivlandia" a lot of


1Pi csli, clean utuluicc.

27 lw LAlNTj & Cg.

I .1ttALLrMrcrt!A Largo Assortment

or inn


Fine Wall PapersAXI)

BORDERS!Justrccclvcd, and foi'sale by


Bffi, CaHanci;!.ninlno. 1 1"

Water Notice.Ofllce Siin't AValer AVorks,

Honolulu, July 0,1882.

A:LL persons ha lug AVater Piivllogcsaiunnlillcd that their AVater Rates

niu payables semi annually, In advance,at lliu oIIIcr of the Supeiintundcnt ofAVater AVorks, foot of Nuuanu street,upon the 1st day of January and July ofeach year. C1IAS. IJ. AVILSON.

Siin't AVater AVorks.S. K. ICaai, Minister of Interior. 201


Furnitui o


AVARE-ROOM- Nos. GO and 58





FURNITURE; III the Kingdom,

which will bu

Sold at the Lowest Kates,




Made to older at bhort notice,

j E. P. ADAMS,

, 'JS U !Agent.

Telephone No. 72., 207


TO LEASE.A beautiful largo house on Reielaniii

sheet, on the Plains, 20 minutes walk totonn. Elegant grounds, stable and allmodern improvements, to let on Dec. 1,on lease. $000.

Small ofllce, well lighted, on Merchantstieot, In Gazette building. 10 month.

Upper 0 rooms with use of kitchen, onNuuanu Awniic, suitable for man andwife Rent per month. Dcetjynid,garden, &c.

Alaigo room adjoining (he ReadingRoom Association on Port St., to lent,$25 a month.

A neat Miiall cottage on Nuuaiiu si ,

to icnt, contains II loonis, good yaid,water, &c. 18 a month.

$U,500 to loan on llrst-clas- s securityimmediately.

A good llnllding Lot on NuuanuAvenue, to sell, near 1st Bridge.

On Judd street, near Llliha st.. a leasoof 8 years on arro of Uroilnd. Rent$30 a year. Has a 4 loom cottage, stahie, barn, water, Ac. Sell for JiJ'JO agood bargain.

A lino eottagu containing !i rooms atPillion valley, (Punchbowl .slieet), situ-ate on mi acre of ground. A large ele-gant bam and stahlo, water, runningbrook and eierj thing convenient forlalslng poulti y or dairy buslines.Rental 9350 a j e.ir.

Another lino cottage on I.lllha Micctto let, and also scleral others abouttown ami suburbs.

1'iopeity for alo in vailom parts ofHonolulu.

Rooms in all parts of tho city to ivnt.(iciieral Olllee, business trai iclod.

J. E. WISEMAN,Real IM.ito Eipkcr mid Eiunluym iit

Airmil, 37 Mcidi.i'iit sti 2U1

' !








Iiailtcs' ami Gent's of 18 kGold ami Silver Watches Ho

Actual volghtuJust to hand.otGoldi

Every "Watch warranted as Gross Wglrepresented. i


llrii$BTOctimrTiSuSSi?ajus()V 1"Tl.loUIM -V kwttowswBiSirtfTon1otwflar


Fac-slniil- e of Silver Cubes. (215)



A Large Slock of Fine Puinltuio will be put . .,.to innku room for our



Largo Stock of Holiday Goods arrivoJThis well.sclec.tcd

Parlor and BedroomEasy TurkNh ChiiiiH.AVardio'x-.s- ,

d.I...a TiilUnHnn. ntiir.

of which will be aiCall and at

Music Store,'


The long-Expecte- d Book,


Mrs. Lucy G. Thurston,"

Has and is for hale at

A. L. SMITH'S, street.222 Price, 1.73 each. 2w

JUST RECEIVEDEv .. llain.i, and late arrivals,

TttOM TJ1B COAST,Casex tho cOlohralcd

Blue Grass Kentuckey Whiskey,in glass and tiijiLtlor to any

in this ninrl.et..liourlion AVhNky.

" O. P. C. Sour Slash AVhiakJ--,

' F.noiite AYhisky," No. 1 AVhisky," Hennessey 1, 2 and :J Star liiltndy," Itichot Star Pale I.iandy," Umko'u Star Iilsh AVhlsky," Uurko'H Pine Malt bco ch Whisky" Lohiel Scotch AVIilky," Etr,i Superior Port AVine," Esti.i .Superior bhciiy AVide," No. 1 C'allfoiniaPoil," Ilellh.uidh of Claie.." Best Ui.imU ( f Mat'eim AVines," " Key" IJnind Jmimlr.i Hum," Plceeo" Hum,

Uaskets Hcst Stone Juj? H'u,Ca!esGieenriind,HedjCao Olu "Key"

brand," P. Halihimkers & Co'k Prize Medal

, Genuine llolliimliUin,' Pofcr'rt Pah- - Ale, nt, ' ml qt-f- .

" (ietinlies' NXX l'o. ptb & cits." St. Loi'lh Lager ilecr," Pilbiio'L.i erllec, its and pt?," Tenna.it's and Jollie' Palo Ale," lluduersei'nCe ebiatcdLajjerllecr

ciuarls and plnin." C. Pane's Oluiiup.i,;nu, qla and pts." Champagne, uts and pts." IthlneAVino," tliiici-AVljie- ,

" Anyelie.uAVine,Also a InVoleo of the

ColobratocT Mindral Wator"PcnorohAu,"

Manufactured ciirstj 'or liopical ell.mates. '

All tlio above tjoo U uuirnnloil. , . (i.

211 liu'

P.IT. JDviioUuii '&"Cf6.


WTTnrjKBBMmGIImEMfrm ,9jJW V""1 'rrtV.Trgww , f




st ' l- O KM

--H .h

& --it






"Ecllp-e- "


M.Afcnlfor this Kingdom, i

N. B. Beware of imita-tions, as 1 lmvo discoveredscveinl fcilver watches hear-ing the name of " AVnlthamWutcl'cs," which arc. of SwisMamtfactuic, and arc sold asgenuine AVnltham watches.

5BltiiI3rtjfrt,tlIJlUJ acamm&rfM"


Fnc-siinii- u oi uold Case


0$I i i t

mill llliiili. i nAlil I1 1. i a .Crr .tin

''101 and 107 Poit Stietl, Honolulu.

PLANTATION GOODsU'"' t,u" "Simple Jieltiiifj,

Ilehctia Lace,Tuck Packing, - I

Sugar Cooleiif, ,I

Clarilleirf,Fire Clay, '

Hemp Picking, with or without India's j


J, j

E.ibbit Metal,Hailed Pence AVI re, ' 1M '

Mining Steels, A'

toner slcanicr. stock Includes ' .


Furniture, Lounges,'' Clnhs,

All sold auction nriccs, or leas..cMimluo











i"Wi i iukiim's, nw-i- iCane Ivnhos, i.'ilh or without hooks, .i$ijlj2L

Hand ami Smith Hamnicis, ,, &t$L VShocN, Avw,

Jackisciews, A'lei"),

Sle.ini.jiipo Eiushe.s,Patent Stcam-idp- e Coveting, ''" ffl

Liibiicntlng Oil,Cement, Sleol llail, f jj i

Suger and Co it Il.igs, ,

Twine, &c, vtc. , Jfc" -- E"or talc by , , , A


Oct. 10th , . j(: - r m

Just Received, per Suez, s.v

1 loin him'H'rnnpIern "m" ''mi



Tilinmed and Uiitriinnicd,

Alto iu.truw and Hough l'ltuliiEeautifiil Plumes niul Plowow.




Ladies' Underwear '


1 v "Mlia. AV1LKINSON. r '

181;lir4 ' , 193 Port street,


1 Kif,





..V- I


Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETINposer of tho Hawaiian national hymn, 'Hawaii l'onoi," tho wortls ofwhich were written by no less a pcrsonngo than His" Mnjcsty King Kalakaua. Mr. Bcrgcr is P'tcwiso

Br MBEL sPssr - "MF' ..,iwi..!m ' """,l ';"'! .i ;,".? in '"'J1 '"11"

P Lr- - BstaUlshcd lfioO.




W4t-k- (





Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,

Printers, and Book-Binder- s,

Nos, 10 and 21 Morchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment In the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on a large assortment oflllu nk Hooka, of nil descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal niKl 1)111 Cap,Journal mid Trial Balanrc Papers,

Linen Paper mill Envelopes, nil sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and conos.Muollagu In nil sfres, especially adapted Hits tllninluj

Drawing Paper nntl Pencils,Tracing Paper niul Cloth,

Trilsli Books, Field and Level Books, adapted for the in cof nnd Engineers j

""" Memorandum nnd Puss Books,' Silver and Perforated Caul Board,T Shipping Ti", Shipping ltieelpl Hooks nnd Pads,pn , , Note, Draft, mid Receipt Books,

And numerous other articles in our line to be found in a well kept stock

RfflUSBC! W1USBO!Wo have made such nuiingcmcnts with our Music Agents, ns will cnnhlcus

hereafter to keep hand a full assortment, mid also toiccelo the latest pieces astlioy.nrc published. Any special oulcr will icccio our nest nnil piompl atten-tion? 18a

ECKART,and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,



i v 'i i I



Nos. 113 and 115

Splendid Now Stock of Solid

Elegant Gold andSllver-Plnte- d "Ware, &c, &c.

fy $ ii!H,.TIIUBSDAY, OCT. 20, 1882.

DOUBTFUL.One was carrying homo a cent's

worth of yeast in a pitcher, and tho

other was going to the htorc for abar of sortR in bulk.

"Family you livo in going away

tins summer V" asked the girl with

tho yeast.""Well, they did talk of it," ic-pli-

tho other, "but the dressmakerdisappointed them. Are your folks

going ?""They were going, but tho milk

bill came in this morning and I guess

they will have to put off the tup.Dear me, but the rich have their

troubles us well as us poor folks.

G ood-byc- ."

Some one dcsciibcs a "patentspiing bed for manied men."

Unless it spiings down stairs when

u married men comes home at mid-

night, noiselessly opens the fiontdoor,' mid returns with the man

? without awakiiii? Ins wife, it will notfill a long-fe- lt want.

Tho town of MoDonough, in

Illinois, has a stalk of cabbage upon

which arc seventeen well developed

heads, all about the same size, nnd

each nine inches in circumference.

Some interesting ruins covciing

quite a largo piece of ground andbomowhat similar to the famous ones

of Palcnquc wore recently dlscoveied

by Sr. Isidro Uuines in tho State ofChiapas, Mexico, near a place calldc

"Aguii Kscondida."

Z . JuHt Arrived

Per110 days from Liverpool,


Assorted Goods,luoludlng

Several New Lines" Never beJorc shown in Honolulu.

Small pioilts and quick returns, at

202 lm J. T. WateriioiiHo's.

Bulletin Telephone No. 256,






U ."!- - T.l ' ssot

Foil Slieet, Honolulu.

Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.


DIAS & G0NSALESNo. 07 Hotel Stitet.

INLAID WOEKFrom Madeira:

Work IJocstind Tables,Parlor Tables, "Writing Desks.

Paper Knives Kulcis,Glove, Hnndkcrcliief, & Jewelry Uoes,

Hair Ch.iins, Ntcklnces,llincclets Knr.iingi,

Hrooehes, &c., &.c.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,"Willow Chnlis,

Linbioideiy and Crochet Woik,All the above will bu found In great

Miikly, and extelleni quality,toguthci with all the

usual stock of a

Dry Goods Establishment.A c.ill will y on handsomely for

uiu uuiiDiu. am jy


ROn ROOFING,SI and 20 Gauge,

0, 7, 8 nnd 0 feet lengths.


Eastern Clear Squnic Kdgtd

WHITE 'OAK PUNK,Fioml to 4 in. in thickness,

i f.mic arrivals, and for sale l.iquantities tc suit, bv205 lm ALLEN & ROBINSON.


begs to notify to the public of Honolulu nnd lnielleis to and fiom

all foieign poits that

He has Purchasedthe Business and Stock In trade of the

Honolulu & San Francisco Express &

Transfer Company,

And that he pioposes to cmiy on llicIjiuliusb in good ftylc; in fact

oeiythlng will bo done

"Up to the Handle!"All peisons uquiiing fiimltuie, ban;,

gnge or goods ol nnv ilrseilitlon shift,id, tuinsfcricd oi shipped will find it totbeli advantage to apjily lo him at hisolllee, King stieet, I

TelephoneNo. (30,b low inks us possible, 187

. v&nfmsumi 2s!ittriaaeafflllG?3 TlfTWr1IftW4SfflJBwaM iMrmR uvrifr.r2Jw w iraffll1

Hardware," Agricultural Implements,House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, VnrniBlics, &c.

Have made large additions to their stock of goodsTo which they lmlto the attention of bujcis.

"Weston's DiiTeioiitia,l DPulley Blocks.

ilMHgB v




Kerosene Oil,

For family use. the high.cat test oil in the


A full lino of Tinware, and

Call and examine our stock.

ADDITIONS lo our founcrGREAT c Suez, Kalaknun, and Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores!Cordage hemp Manila, cotton duck,Fln tanv.is, lln sail twine, beeswax,Blocks, o.us 8 to 21 ft; shackles,H.ilcs of o.ikum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, snatch blocks, rowlocks,Iron Mi.ip block", ninst bends, shlccs,Melnliuc and patent lmshlngo,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,Bright and black MiniNhes, w Ire riggingMn ill ne, sellng hoiiicllne, ratlin,Hpunyarn, cuilklng irons, copper tacks,Iron tacks, connecting links,Mnrlin spikes, caulking mallets,Must hoops, 1 in ml spikes, pilch mops,Tin brushes, S.c.

Paints and Paint Oil, a full nssoitmentof all kinds and colors;

Paclllc Rubber Paint, a new lot, incliul- -

all thexnrious colois;Brushes Paint, Miinish, pencil, white-

wash, paste, nrlist, shoe, sciub, nndiish a aood assortment of tacli:

Ae and hull hcts, wood and ihinIlngiShip lanteins and bldc-light- s the Regu-liitio- u


Groceries and Provisions.A full assortment of fine gioccric-- , In-

cluding some choice varieties oftunned goods:

Table pie fruits, jnins nnd jellies, n newin tick1, put up by a new linn, andwe can highly lecnmmcnd them nsbeing something really nice;

A new lot of Tea", including some supe-rior Japan vaiielics;

Sugar Rellned and raw ;

Hams, bacon, hud, smoked beef, hi tins,newatticle;

Cm lied fowl, cuiried oystcis,Plum pudding, kits snhnon bellies,Kits mnckciel, kits tongues and sounds,CodlHt, thecal', Oxford sailing, in tina;K.itsiu, in ;,, aim y uoes;Raisins, in tins; ciinants in 4 & 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., H gal., qls, & 5 gal kgsCorn still (li. taiiloea. crml(olll.M.acaronl, drkd appks, jiruncs, plums,

peaches and pears.

FLOUR AND BREAD.Golden Gale extra family, Eldoindo,Golden City, Gialiimi, out nnd corn mealMedium bread, nsortcd crackers,G)ngci snnjts, tally, saloon pilot bread,Soda biscuits, riee and collee,Whale and speim oil,Speim cnndles, 4s nnd Cs.

All of the aoove will be sold at theJlcst Market Jlates,

Buyers nio most icspectfully lm lied tocall and examine our slock.

103 B0LLES & CO.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1S5S.

IIamt Bnos., i : 1'iopiictots.

MEALSScucil up Inlisl-cliie- s style at.i'Il bonis

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.


Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&e., A.C. Also,

Iced. iDx'iiilcs!75




DILLINGHAMnnd Dcnlcra In


Beavor Refreshment Eoom,Fintbt Brands of Tobacco,

Clgms, Cigarettes, elc,

Always In block.

Icu told Sodawnlci nnd Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTE,209 tf Pioprletor.


So favoialily known tliioiighout theIsltnuls. by nil

lespeclable dealcis.No.ULililuifat., 71

.. m .nullum i urn i m in1 n r i "in'Tirri'MV "-- '-.

- -


sfsw - w w , ri:-- -- " " " " i,"1"i, .mull ..I


Huwniiaii .Sold


ifmany NovelUcs, new to this market, too numerous lo mention.

(177) & CO., Fort Streg

-- OFi.-





J. FSSHEL'S12-- 1

Bruce Caitw light. W. S.

Union Feed-- OAKRIES

largest andror- -



All and keep a full supplyconstantly hand.

52 C25"Send orders




t !





Subscription Department vi!nio prepared to fullher oidcis for nny Paper or Magazine publishcd in California, the Enstcvn States, and Eurojic.

At the present wc receive by evciyniall over one hundred and fifty ,

different Pnpeis and Mnn.incs, published in the English, French, German, nndScandium inn LunuuiiL'cs,

As out subscription list is large, woMagazines at a low rate of Subscription.piMKH'Pjmywwyij'yiwj

wszzMlami Builder,Honolulu Steam leaning Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Mnnufnclmcs all kinds of Mouldings,

lliackets, Window I'l.imes, Blinds,Sashes. Doois, and all kinds of Wd-woi- k

llnlsli. Turning, Scioll.uul BandSawlm:. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Jloitlclngand Tenanting.

Oi dei s promptly attended to and woikguaiaiileed. Ouieis fiom other Is-

lands solicited 21



At $13 per Coid.

Apply to

A. F. Coolco,215 Um Foot of Xuuiinu street.


Jk.t 10 l Cord.Apply to


11)7 J M.S. S. What f.

Just Received,Per bktue Eureka, a full lino of

BYCIOLE SHIRTSbilk, meilno nnd cotton.

ami Suits, JStc.

po. I



Largo Invoices saleUpon favorable terms.

New styles f'""Cultivators,

xc, KC.J




Of description, guarantees

WE receiveCanada,








Luce. A. W. BuA.

CompanyTHE-- "ZBest Stock


AND FEED,rfA. "W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu. ' '


aic enabled to furnish the Papers nnd182

- 'I I U 1 .111'



I rJfoWbvftWtiMJV .i" .r. tli VrWll I VJ , .

pry ,,:$?A 'jra

For sale at25 A W. BlCnARDSOK'H




F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel Ht. Telephone MU..mi ill -

French Calf Skins.A LA11C1E INVOICE of tl e fnmouf

"Fishor & lovoy Brand-- "

All Fcmwles I All weights, 10 to 111 kilo

Direct ImportationE City of Sydney,

O'Cfo and see tliem,

101 tin M. W, McClIESNEY vV hJON01 .RiW, Hkhnidbou it Co,

Hff' .. 'saUta.:fc-- ' - , J j0&titus


rf V.IA "1






