? 4 :,M"L . 71 I lI- - Ik 9SK I i ? I" THE DAILY BULL No. 213. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1882v BO CENTS GU08OniPTION PER MONTH. The Daily bulletin Is rlnblislied every moriilrig by the DAILY BULLETIN PUHMSIIINO CO., nntl circulated Ihrougliont the town, nml forvnrded,to tlic other, Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, 150 cts. per month. Cf. OAMoN- - Kknyok, ' Editor. All bu!liie.-4- communications to be nil. dressed, Manager JJnlly Unllutln, Post Ollleo Box No. 1 1. Telephone 250. .1. 0. Ci.Kvion, Manager. EXTRAORDINARY TALE OF THE SEA. jiassacui: ok Tintiii: iioats' citnws. Yenteuln morning J Snmpson,1 Into mate of tlio Glasgow barque Roscnenth, arrived in Livcipool. .Sampson ia the only survivor of n boat's crew of the Roseiicath, liis comrades having been brutally inur-dcic- d. It flccms that the Itoscncnth was abandoned whilst on a voyage from Mixilloncs to the Channel for orders, r about the middlo of April lnst.4K.Tho disaster linppcned off Cape Horn, Sampson, the carpenter, and three others having to leave their vessel beforo the captain nnd the remainder of tho crow could get away, ns tiicir boat was bcingstovctl nguinst the side of the vessel. Af- ter being a day nnd a night in their hinnll 'craft Sampsoii and his comra- des were met by a pai ty of natives of Tcrra-dcl-Fucg- o, wiio wcic in three canoes. The shipwrecked men were not far from land w lien fallen In with by tho natives,,, the latter of whom appeared to be very fuendly. Afteiv obtaining several ni tides' which were in the boat, the natives suddenly attacked tho sailors with the exception of the mate. The shipwrecked men. were tinnimcd, but the natives had surreptitiously be come possessed of huge clubs which ' had been scqrqtcd at the bottom of their canoes. After killing the mate's companions they divested tho bodies of tho clothing, nnd then pitched them into the sen. Contrary to expectation, they did not attempt to cat the corpses. The natives afterwards made for tho shoic, tak- ing witli them the boat, and the junto (vSampson), who was in an ex- treme slate of,, uncertainty ns to tiie fate i cbctvcd for him, strange to say, was not molested, but was allowed to go about tho beach and the locks at leisui,e. They gave him no food ; but, like the islanders, he had to subsist on the shellfish which was to be captured near the rocks. The men never did any work, the. food gathering being pcrfoimcd by the women, who sometimes accompanied the men in their eniioe expeditions. The natives wcic continually upon the water, and wcic nlways on the look out for any small boat with oc- cupants. It appears that while Sampson Was with the islanders lc saw two whaling boats come in view. These were intciccptcd by the na- tives, nnd in encli caso the w hole of tho cicws wcic numlcicd by the trcncJiciqus Fucgians. Sampson in his captivity for llfty-llv- e days, and was lescucd by tho nicest chance by some 1'atagonians fiom an adjacent (slain!. peivhratod writer of vaudevilles, bcrtlg ('aught in a sliowcr, took shelter! under a portico. A very pretty gill soon lifted thewllldow, and, after looltflfcliU' hlni atli-nll'vol- for n ino-men- t, sunt out a servant to him with an ut'nbifclhi. The next day the delight- ed author got himself up in his most fnsdimting style, and,, as the tlm: 'luelluivas an old one ho laid it asid6 as a, 'souvenir, purchased a new one of the. costliest taste, and called on the lady to loturn her llnttering loan. Nho Received the umbrella, evidently without lcinaiking the change, and, after listening with curious gravity ty) the rather pressing tenderness of the drnniattot'H acknowledgment, she suddenly compichendod that ho was ciinmmiicd of her, and' foithwitli naively explained that, an .he stood in the way ,of a gentleman who wished toM'coino to see her unob-seive- d, she. had sent) him tho um- brella to get Win off thO front bU'p&l B. F.EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 ovcry DELIGHTFUL NEWS! TO TIIE LADIES OF HONOLULU AND TIIE ISLANDS. MRS. A.M. who Is admitted In ho the Millinery and l)re. maker, inodcMe in the Kingdom, begs leau to say to icr iimny iiiimcious Lady friends thai her new stock of Ilvnittf fill goods recently ordcicd are now beginning lonrrle, which ineliulo all (ho very latest French and American fashions, In Ladies' and Chlldien's hats and bonnets and dress patterns of rich nnd rare designs. MUS. strictly superintends all work, nnd being always o competent and pnwiuilar with her patrons' orders, It Is not strange that all Ladles of Cushion aial taste are her customers. Ladles with their chlldien are Invited to call nnd see samples of the new Fall nnd Winter hI. les in her Mllllneiy department, nnd alo to see the new and latest plumes, feathers, tt limning, etc. Ecry pains taken to plwso the most fastcdlous and all work guaranteed in oery .respect. HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A. M. MELLIS, Proprietor, Bargains will be at' the above Estab- lishment previous to the arrival of " the IToliday Goods ! i.u A. M. MELLIS, 104 A. KRAFT, JEWELER, Sh OPTICIAN, Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in Uic "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 lug, opposite tho Bank. Chtis. I. Gcnisch, Fraotical Watchmaker. tSf Hotel Street, opposite tho 123 :iiu Intel national Hotel, "a D. W. CLAEK, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Alwnjspirh.tiid a nice stock of 6 Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.a llcpalrlug Watches and Clocks a Spec- ialty,, No. 55 HotelKtrcct. ;12 Telephone, No. 240. Notice. DURING my nlisencc fiom this Mr. Thomas Taxnatt will act for me under a full Power of Attor. ncj D, AV. CLAltK. N.I). In older to make room for a larger stock of new styles of clocks, Mr. Tannatt will sell the docks, &.c., tc., now on hand, ut tfically reduced prices. '2'2U Artesian Ice Works ioflctElnlL---w- K J Irysar. it C.iJl UL. 5rr ICE UELlVnilEI) to all parts of the and stibmbs. )idcis fionf (huotliorlsltiiulb prompt- ly attended to. Dllieu ni w. li. i'OSir.ii'H. aauuier, 'Foitfstieet. i, ir.U TeleplionoKo. lir. 2m i i T""l "liir Tr ICE MANUFACTOltV. Ice delivered to all pints of the Cltv. Shipping supplied in quantities to suit. Telephone, No. 58. Ollleo nt Wilder As Co.'s. 1 Irrigation I JIUHGATION, aflerthls date, Is slilct. e.tcpt belwicn Tin- - lloiti'M ur( to N a. in. nml 4 to n p. in. C1IAS. B. WILSON, Superintendent Water Works. Approved: .1 m. E. BcbU, Houoluhi, Oct. 24, lBttf. ' 120 y 4& fi, - Received by Bteamcr VARIOUS MELLIS lending MELLIS thoroughly sold Fost street, Honolulu. HS. THLOLOAN, TAILOIt, - 201 FORT ST. l(ol)or! Luworc, :. M. t'ool.c. LEAVEK.S & COOKE, Lowers & Dickson,) Importers nntl Dealers in LiunbiT nnd all kinds of JJinlillnjr Materials, Fort street, lloaoluln 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers m Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Hullclliij: Materials of etcry kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 & ROBINSON, Dealers In Lumber and all kind of Building Materials, Faints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 "DKOWN & PHILLIPS, Practical -- - 1'lumbois, QusFItterannd C'ojtpei-sniith- s, No. ISJN'mmiliist., Honolulu. House ami Ship Job Wo'rK piomptly executed. 17 ftOHIt. GERTZ, No. SO Fort st. - iinpm'er and dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Chlldien's boots, shoes ami slippers. Oil BROWN & CO., Importcis and In Ales, Wines and Spirits, No. ii Merchant st., Honolulu. 12 J HONOLULU, IRON ,) Works Co. Steam engines, sugar Ninills, boilers coolers, iron, brass and lead eastings; nmehlneiy of eteiy deecriiititiu ninde to order. Particular attention paid to ship's bheksmithing. Job w ork eecuteil on short noth e. 1 Gc. WEST, Carriage -- wtr?.-. Builder. lluggies, Carnages, Expicss Wagons anil every kind of vehicles manufactured. , Rlncksmilhing, horsc-shocin- g, and all kinds of lepairing done. Wilson Brothers, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Horso Shoeing a specialty A f.rst-clas- s man being specially engaged for that w ork. Ship and Waqon woik faithfully attended to. Shop on thu Esplanade, op. Hoppei's.'-'O- l TIIE Hawaiian Journal, a Ko Pah Aika," owned and edited by Knwaiiiut Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 3,200 copies, nnd is tho "host advertising medium. Of- fice, No. 0 Merchant ut, 1 FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. Geo. V. Maefarhme. II. It. Miicfnrlanc. 0. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMl'OllTEHS, COMMISSION MEK-CHANT- ami Sttyar Jfuctorn, Fiic-Fioo- t Building, 32 Queen shed, Honolulu. ILL agists for 'lho Walkapu Sugar I'lanlnllon, Mimi, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Tliclleel.i Sugar Pl.intnticn, Onhu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Iluclo Sugar l'lantallon. Maui. Puulo.t Sheep Hiineh Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam l'low and Foil- - able Trnmw ay Works, Leeds, Mlrrlees. Watson & Co's Sugar Machln ciy, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets. itt) Claim SprickiK Win. (1. Irwin. WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, ' ' Sugar Factors nnd Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 H" IIACKFI-nnrFcOMMNY- l General Commission Agents Queen street, Honolulu. 1 AS. CLEGHOKN & Co., Importers Commission Merchants Heal- ers In General Meichnndle, Queen and Kaabmuaiiu sts., Honolulu. 78 II. A. 1". Curler. 1'. C. Jane, Jr. n B 11 E W E n & oo.. Sliitinlliir and Commission Merchant (iucen street, Honolulu. 1 rpiIEO. H. DAVIES ,t CO., Import-- rrs nnd Commission Merchants: agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Undei writers, British nnd Foreign In. suranco Company, nnd Northern Assur. mice Company. 71 JOHN T. "watehhouse" Iinnorter and Dealer In Gunernl Merehiiiullije, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 IVT S' GKINBAUM & CO., "- - Importers of aenernl Commission Mcrchuuls Honolulu. i S. G RI N 11 AU M & C O. , X'A Connnlsslon Merclinnts. 124 Cnllfoinhi street, Sau Francisco, Cal. j F. T. LJNEHAN & 00 ., Importcis and Commission Mrr. Chants, Nimanu St., Honolulu. 1 h. X. OaMle. J. n. Atlicrlun. H A S TLE & COO K E . Shliiiiiim and Commislun Jim. clnnts. Importcis unit Dealiisin Gen. end Merchandise, No. BO King street, Honolulu. i W INGAVO CHAN & Co., Jmpoiteisand Geneial Dealeis In English. Ameileanaud Chliiesi! Pio-Mon- s, 1'Ialitatlon Tea and General Supplies. Also, whlto and eoloied eon-tt.- ut matting, all u,uilitlcs id prices. Ifif No. 22 Niiulum Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. m ' - - - U'L! CHARLES HAMMER, Manufacturer nnd dealer In all kinds of Saddlery and Rainess. Orders from the other Islands piomptly attended to. 20i) Corner Foil anil King sts. ly No Hash Whacking Here- - LIVES SAVED by pur. chasing your USteT" Horse Equipments From W. FENNELL. ' -- &5 Practical Mechanic, !)2 King street. E2TNo Peter Funk stock here. 20fl A. S. CLEGHORN & Co. Hum received a large assoitmentot Colonial Saddles, to suit all classes of putchasets, per S. S. 181 Australia. JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Worker, Plumber, Gus Fitter, &c. Stoves anch Ranges " of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and mcials, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c. Just" Eocoivcd ex Kal.iknua, Ttiblo and Pio Frails, NiculheakfiiHt Goods, such as Ciudlu Flub, Salmon nnd l'iit l'o-l- c in nil). Tins, Suitable for families. For Mtlo by 00 A. S. CtKUitoltN Co. ETIN' Professionals. vn AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney, i! nnu muusciior ai ijiiw. Agent to take acknowledgments of Instruments. Kaahumnnu St., Honolulu. 209 J. M. MONSARRAT, ATTOltNEY AT LAW and Notary i . Ile.il Estate in any pail of the Klngdo o bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 87 Meichant st. (Gaelto Uloek), 11)0 Honolulu, Ilnwaiiau Islands Q 11. DOLE, Lnwjcr and Notary Fub-- O He, No. lo Kanliiuniiiiu st. 11 T M. DAVIDSON, Attorney ntLaw u 21 Meu'hniitstiect. 1G piJANOlo M, HATCH, xUtorney - at Law, 15 Kn.thmii.tuu t 2J JOHN ltt'KSr.I.I.. Attorney at Lnwr, comer of Foil and Merchant wtiects (up slabs') 11 "Hint RICH Ail I) V. I1ICKE11T0N, and Counsellor at Lnw. Money to lend on Mortnaj:es of Freo-hold- s. OJlleo, No. ill Mciuhnnt at, 1 pKCIL IlltUWN, A'lTOKNKT nnd Counsellor nt Law, Notary Pub- lic, nnd Aj:ent for t.ikhnj Acknowledg- ments of liisli mucins for the Island uf Oaliu. No. b Kaaliuuiaim street, Houo-lul- u. 1 WILLIAM O. SMITH, No. UC Merchant street. 73 lm Tlt. G. THOUS.SEAU begs to notlfv ay his fi lends that he has resumed practice In Honolulu. Itenldenco nnd coiwiiltlngTooins, No. 73 Punchbowl st, ojipohito the ni.ikal gate of the Queen's Hospital. Coiiuilng hours from tl n.m to 12. Telephone No. ISM. CO lm EMUUSON. icltlentu and con- -' stiltation rooms at No. 2 Kuktil St.. coiner of I'm t. i Telephone No. 1 41). 59 3m r o. bergeii, ' I't" " KAAIIVMAKU TUEET, mt t General Agent for The N. V. Llfcliiiuiance-Compan- y, The City of London Flrciln. Cfl(llmit'd) Mnonenle& Url an Safes, ' f The Celehratctl Springllcld Gns Machine Gns Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 2J8 J. WILLIAMS & Co. , , 120 Fort Stitct, . . Honolulu, Portiait and Landscape Xlo Loji; lj1 ici'M. . IbO iy t Qll A RL US T. GULI.CK, NOTARY PUBLIC, " ,.guiu iu him leMiuwieogiiieiiin to I' Labor Contiacts,' AND GENEHAL BUSINESS AGENT.' Olllce, In Makee's Blink, comer Queen and Knahmimuu stt'-ets- , Honolulu. 21 WILLIAM AULD, Agent to to Con- tracts for Labor for the District of Komi ' Wand of Oaliu, nt the ollleo of tho Hono- lulu Walei Woiks, foot of Nuuanti st. 18!l tf TO UN A. HASS1NGER, " Agent lo take Aekuowledgmenls to Uoiuiiats Labor. Interior-.- ! Illce, 1, IMMi W. AKANA, ' ' ' !' ChincM1 and nnwflllnn Trans- - Intoi and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, llonolulin Translations of either of the nbore languages niaile withaccunicy and ills patch, and on ruibounhlu term?. 29a J II. BUUNS, Cooper nnd Gntigcr, Water Tanks of any dimensions, Cooperage. No. 10 Fort street, Honolulu. Oil Casks, Shookx and Hoop Iron con. 221 htantly on hand viid for Hale, ly A FHESH LOT OF WATERS' ' ft Colonial Candies Just received at A. S. Cloghorn & Go's, 181 per8.S. Atistralin. tU" Gent's Evening Dress Coats nnd; Suits to be had at the Honolulu Cloth, iug Emporium of A. M. Mum.in, No. 101 Fort street. 202 2w PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Piactical Confectionci, Pastry Cook and Baker-Np- . 71 Hotel st. Telephoro 74. JSW "I 'KOUKttITiON, ptarSKSsWn Drajiiiiui best tcuimj mi town, 'relenlioiie No. OB. IS) I"" Al (i i mm t .Jl rtott

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN' - eVols at University of Hawaii …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6829/1/1882111101.pdf · The Daily bulletin Is rlnblislied every ... tives, nnd





IlI- -


9SK I i





The Daily bulletinIs rlnblislied every moriilrig by the

DAILY BULLETIN PUHMSIIINO CO.,nntl circulated Ihrougliont the town, nmlforvnrded,to tlic other, Islands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, 150 cts. per month.Cf. OAMoN-- Kknyok, ' Editor.All bu!liie.-4- communications to be nil.

dressed, Manager JJnlly Unllutln, PostOllleo Box No. 1 1. Telephone 250.

.1. 0. Ci.Kvion, Manager.


jiassacui: ok Tintiii: iioats' citnws.Yenteuln morning J Snmpson,1

Into mate of tlio Glasgow barqueRoscnenth, arrived in Livcipool..Sampson ia the only survivor of nboat's crew of the Roseiicath, liiscomrades having been brutally inur-dcic- d.

It flccms that the Itoscncnthwas abandoned whilst on a voyagefrom Mixilloncs to the Channel fororders, r about the middlo of Aprillnst.4K.Tho disaster linppcned offCape Horn, Sampson, the carpenter,and three others having to leave theirvessel beforo the captain nnd theremainder of tho crow could getaway, ns tiicir boat was bcingstovctlnguinst the side of the vessel. Af-

ter being a day nnd a night in theirhinnll 'craft Sampsoii and his comra-

des were met by a pai ty of nativesof Tcrra-dcl-Fucg- o, wiio wcic inthree canoes. The shipwrecked menwere not far from land w lien fallenIn with by tho natives,,, the latter ofwhom appeared to be very fuendly.Afteiv obtaining several ni tides'which were in the boat, the nativessuddenly attacked tho sailors withthe exception of the mate. Theshipwrecked men. were tinnimcd, butthe natives had surreptitiously become possessed of huge clubs which '

had been scqrqtcd at the bottom oftheir canoes. After killing themate's companions they divested thobodies of tho clothing, nnd thenpitched them into the sen. Contraryto expectation, they did not attemptto cat the corpses. The nativesafterwards made for tho shoic, tak-

ing witli them the boat, and thejunto (vSampson), who was in an ex-

treme slate of,, uncertainty ns to tiiefate i cbctvcd for him, strange to say,was not molested, but was allowed togo about tho beach and the locks atleisui,e. They gave him no food ;

but, like the islanders, he had tosubsist on the shellfish which was tobe captured near the rocks. Themen never did any work, the. foodgathering being pcrfoimcd by thewomen, who sometimes accompaniedthe men in their eniioe expeditions.The natives wcic continually uponthe water, and wcic nlways on thelook out for any small boat with oc-

cupants. It appears that whileSampson Was with the islanders lcsaw two whaling boats come in view.

These were intciccptcd by the na-

tives, nnd in encli caso the w hole of

tho cicws wcic numlcicd by thetrcncJiciqus Fucgians. Sampson

in his captivity for llfty-llv- e

days, and was lescucd by tho nicestchance by some 1'atagonians fioman adjacent (slain!.

peivhratod writer of vaudevilles,bcrtlg ('aught in a sliowcr, tookshelter! under a portico. A very prettygill soon lifted thewllldow, and, afterlooltflfcliU' hlni atli-nll'vol- for n ino-men- t,

sunt out a servant to him with

an ut'nbifclhi. The next day the delight-

ed author got himself up in his most

fnsdimting style, and,, as the tlm:'luelluivas an old one ho laid it asid6

as a, 'souvenir, purchased a new one

of the. costliest taste, and called on

the lady to loturn her llnttering loan.

Nho Received the umbrella, evidentlywithout lcinaiking the change, and,after listening with curious gravityty) the rather pressing tenderness ofthe drnniattot'H acknowledgment, shesuddenly compichendod that ho wasciinmmiicd of her, and' foithwitlinaively explained that, an .he stoodin the way ,of a gentleman whowished toM'coino to see her unob-seive- d,

she. had sent) him tho um-

brella to get Win off thO front bU'p&l

B. F.EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71




MRS. A.M. who Is admitted In ho the Millinery and l)re.maker, inodcMe in the Kingdom, begs leau to say to icr iimny iiiimcious Ladyfriends thai her new stock of Ilvnittf fill goods recently ordcicd are now beginninglonrrle, which ineliulo all (ho very latest French and American fashions, InLadies' and Chlldien's hats and bonnets and dress patterns of rich nnd raredesigns.

MUS. strictly superintends all work, nnd being always ocompetent and pnwiuilar with her patrons' orders, It Is not strange that all Ladlesof Cushion aial taste are her customers.

Ladles with their chlldien are Invited to call nnd see samples of the new Fallnnd Winter hI. les in her Mllllneiy department, nnd alo to see the new and latestplumes, feathers, tt limning, etc. Ecry pains taken to plwso the most fastcdlousand all work guaranteed in oery .respect.


Bargains will be at' the above Estab-

lishment previous to the arrival of" the IToliday Goods !

i.uA. M. MELLIS, 104


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in Uic "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

lug, opposite tho Bank.

Chtis. I. Gcnisch,Fraotical Watchmaker.

tSf Hotel Street, opposite tho123 :iiu Intel national Hotel, "a

D. W. CLAEK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Alwnjspirh.tiid a nice stock of

6 Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.allcpalrlug Watches and Clocks a Spec-ialty,, No. 55 HotelKtrcct. ;12

Telephone, No. 240.

Notice.DURING my nlisencc fiom this

Mr. Thomas Taxnatt willact for me under a full Power of Attor.ncj D, AV. CLAltK.

N.I). In older to make room for alarger stock of new styles of clocks, Mr.Tannatt will sell the docks, &.c., tc.,now on hand, ut tfically reduced prices.


Artesian Ice Works

ioflctElnlL---w- KJ Irysar. it C.iJl UL. 5rr

ICE UELlVnilEI) to all parts of theand stibmbs.

)idcis fionf (huotliorlsltiiulb prompt-ly attended to.

Dllieu ni w. li. i'OSir.ii'H. aauuier,'Foitfstieet. i,ir.U TeleplionoKo. lir. 2m

i i T""l "liir Tr

ICE MANUFACTOltV.Ice delivered to all pints of the

Cltv. Shipping supplied in quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 58. Ollleo ntWilder As Co.'s. 1

Irrigation I

JIUHGATION, aflerthls date, Is slilct.e.tcpt belwicn

Tin-- lloiti'M ur( to N a. in.nml 4 to n p. in.

C1IAS. B. WILSON,Superintendent Water Works.

Approved: .1 m. E. BcbU,

Houoluhi, Oct. 24, lBttf. ' 120

y4& fi, -

Received by Bteamcr


MELLIS lending

MELLIS thoroughly


Fost street, Honolulu.


201 FORT ST.

l(ol)or! Luworc, :. M. t'ool.c.

LEAVEK.S & COOKE,Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers nntl Dealers in LiunbiT nnd allkinds of JJinlillnjr Materials, Fort street,lloaoluln 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers mPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Hullclliij: Materials of etcry kind,cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Dealers InLumber and all kind of Building

Materials, Faints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71

"DKOWN & PHILLIPS, Practical-- - 1'lumbois, QusFItterannd C'ojtpei-sniith- s,

No. ISJN'mmiliist., Honolulu.House ami Ship Job Wo'rK piomptlyexecuted. 17

ftOHIt. GERTZ, No. SO Fort st.- iinpm'er and dealer in Gent's,

Ladles' and Chlldien's boots, shoes amislippers. Oil

BROWN & CO., Importcis andIn Ales, Wines and Spirits,

No. ii Merchant st., Honolulu. 12

J HONOLULU, IRON,)Works Co. Steam engines, sugarNinills, boilers coolers, iron, brass

and lead eastings; nmehlneiy of eteiydeecriiititiu ninde to order. Particularattention paid to ship's bheksmithing.Job w ork eecuteil on short noth e. 1

Gc. WEST,Carriage

-- wtr?.-.Builder.

lluggies, Carnages, Expicss Wagons

anil every kind of vehicles


, Rlncksmilhing, horsc-shocin- g,

and all kinds of lepairing done.

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horso Shoeing a specialty

A f.rst-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that w ork.

Ship and Waqon woik faithfullyattended to.

Shop on thu Esplanade, op. Hoppei's.'-'O- l

TIIE Hawaiian Journal, a KoPah Aika," owned and

edited by Knwaiiiut Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, nndis tho "host advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. 0 Merchant ut, 1

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Geo. V. Maefarhme. II. It. Miicfnrlanc.0. W. MACFARLANE & Co.


amiSttyar Jfuctorn,

Fiic-Fioo- t Building, 32 Queen shed,Honolulu. ILL

agists for'lho Walkapu Sugar I'lanlnllon, Mimi,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tliclleel.i Sugar Pl.intnticn, Onhu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Iluclo Sugar l'lantallon. Maui.Puulo.t Sheep Hiineh Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam l'low and Foil- -

able Trnmw ay Works, Leeds,Mlrrlees. Watson & Co's Sugar Machln

ciy, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets.

itt)Claim SprickiK Win. (1. Irwin.

WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY,' ' Sugar Factors nnd Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1


General Commission AgentsQueen street, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLEGHOKN & Co., ImportersCommission Merchants Heal-

ers In General Meichnndle, Queen andKaabmuaiiu sts., Honolulu. 78

II. A. 1". Curler. 1'. C. Jane, Jr.n B 11 E W E n & oo..Sliitinlliir and Commission Merchant

(iucen street, Honolulu. 1

rpiIEO. H. DAVIES ,t CO., Import--rrs nnd Commission Merchants:

agents for Lloyd's and the LiverpoolUndei writers, British nnd Foreign In.suranco Company, nnd Northern Assur.mice Company. 71

JOHN T. "watehhouse"Iinnorter and Dealer In Gunernl

Merehiiiullije, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

IVT S' GKINBAUM & CO.,"- - Importers of aenernl

Commission McrchuulsHonolulu. i

S. G RI N 11 AU M & C O. ,X'A Connnlsslon Merclinnts. 124Cnllfoinhi street, Sau Francisco,Cal. j

F. T. LJNEHAN & 0 0 .,Importcis and Commission Mrr.

Chants, Nimanu St., Honolulu. 1

h. X. OaMle. J. n. Atlicrlun.

H A S T L E & COO K E .Shliiiiiim and Commislun Jim.

clnnts. Importcis unit Dealiisin Gen.end Merchandise, No. BO King street,Honolulu. i

W INGAVO CHAN & Co.,Jmpoiteisand Geneial Dealeis

In English. Ameileanaud Chliiesi! Pio-Mon- s,

1'Ialitatlon Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, whlto and eoloied eon-tt.- ut

matting, all u,uilitlcs id prices.Ifif No. 22 Niiulum Street, opposite

Mr. Afong's. m' - - - U'L!


Manufacturer nnd dealer In all kinds ofSaddlery and Rainess.

Orders from the other Islands piomptlyattended to.

20i) Corner Foil anil King sts. lyNo Hash Whacking Here- -

LIVES SAVED by pur.chasing your USteT"Horse Equipments

From W. FENNELL. ' -- &5

Practical Mechanic, !)2 King street.E2TNo Peter Funk stock here. 20fl

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.Hum received a large assoitmentot

Colonial Saddles,to suit all classes of putchasets, per S. S.

181 Australia.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gus Fitter, &c.

Stoves anch Ranges" of all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and mcials,House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

Just" Eocoivcdex Kal.iknua,

Ttiblo and Pio Frails,NiculheakfiiHt Goods, such as

Ciudlu Flub, Salmon nnd

l'iit l'o-l- c in nil). Tins,

Suitable for families. For Mtlo by

00 A. S. CtKUitoltN Co.


vn AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney,i! nnu muusciior ai ijiiw.Agent to take acknowledgments of

Instruments.Kaahumnnu St., Honolulu. 209


ATTOltNEY AT LAW and Notary

i .

Ile.il Estate in any pail of the Klngdoo

bought, sold and leased, oncommission.

Loans negotiated,

Legal Documents Drawn.

No. 87 Meichant st. (Gaelto Uloek),11)0 Honolulu, Ilnwaiiau Islands

Q 11. DOLE, Lnwjcr and Notary Fub-- O

He, No. lo Kanliiuniiiiu st. 11

T M. DAVIDSON,Attorney ntLawu 21 Meu'hniitstiect. 1G

piJANOlo M, HATCH, xUtorney- at Law, 15 Kn.thmii.tuu t 2J

JOHN ltt'KSr.I.I.. Attorney at Lnwr,comer of Foil and Merchant

wtiects (up slabs') 11 "Hint

RICH Ail I) V. I1ICKE11T0N,and Counsellor at Lnw.

Money to lend on Mortnaj:es of Freo-hold- s.

OJlleo, No. ill Mciuhnnt at, 1

pKCIL IlltUWN, A'lTOKNKTnnd Counsellor nt Law, Notary Pub-

lic, nnd Aj:ent for t.ikhnj Acknowledg-ments of liisli mucins for the Island ufOaliu. No. b Kaaliuuiaim street, Houo-lul- u.



street. 73 lmTlt. G. THOUS.SEAU begs to notlfvay his fi lends that he has resumedpractice In Honolulu. Itenldenco nndcoiwiiltlngTooins, No. 73 Punchbowl st,ojipohito the ni.ikal gate of the Queen'sHospital. Coiiuilng hours from tl n.mto 12. Telephone No. ISM. CO lm

EMUUSON. icltlentu and con- -'

stiltation rooms at No. 2 Kuktil St..coiner of I'm t. i

Telephone No. 1 41). 59 3m

r o. bergeii, 'I't" "


General Agent for

The N. V. Llfcliiiuiance-Compan- y,

The City of London Flrciln. Cfl(llmit'd)Mnonenle& Url an Safes, ' f

The Celehratctl Springllcld Gns MachineGns Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


J. WILLIAMS & Co. , ,

120 Fort Stitct, . . Honolulu,Portiait and Landscape

Xlo Loji; lj1 ici'M. .

IbO iyt


,.guiu iu him leMiuwieogiiieiiin toI'Labor Contiacts,'

AND GENEHAL BUSINESS AGENT.'Olllce, In Makee's Blink, comer Queen

and Knahmimuu stt'-ets- , Honolulu. 21

WILLIAM AULD, Agent toto Con-

tracts for Labor for the District of Komi '

Wand of Oaliu, nt the ollleo of tho Hono-lulu Walei Woiks, foot of Nuuanti st.

18!l tfTO UN A. HASS1NGER," Agent lo take Aekuowledgmenls toUoiuiiats Labor. Interior-.- ! Illce,

1, IMMi

W. AKANA, ' ' ' !'

ChincM1 and nnwflllnn Trans- -Intoi and Interpreter,

No. 48 King street, llonolulinTranslations of either of the nbore

languages niaile withaccunicy and illspatch, and on ruibounhlu term?. 29a

J II. BUUNS, Cooper nnd Gntigcr,Water Tanks of any dimensions,

Cooperage. No. 10 Fort street,Honolulu.

Oil Casks, Shookx and Hoop Iron con.221 htantly on hand viid for Hale, ly


Colonial CandiesJust received at

A. S. Cloghorn & Go's,181 per8.S. Atistralin.

tU" Gent's Evening Dress Coats nnd;Suits to be had at the Honolulu Cloth,iug Emporium of A. M. Mum.in, No. 101Fort street. 202 2w



F. HORN, Piactical Confectionci,Pastry Cook and Baker-Np- .71 Hotel st. Telephoro 74.

JSW "I 'KOUKttITiON,ptarSKSsWn Drajiiiiui best tcuimjmi town, 'relenlioiie No. OB. IS)I""




mmt .Jl rtott

Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN' - eVols at University of Hawaii …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6829/1/1882111101.pdf · The Daily bulletin Is rlnblislied every ... tives, nnd

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? t ' VS.' , V

if!" .





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P us,fy



Jic fnili. igutldin.

sat.'UKDAY, NOV. 11, 1882.


Nlu of Fuiiey Articles & I'cfreli-nu'iit-

nt tlic N. 1'. Missionaryat it.

l'u iii-ni-l of tlic lute John Lucas,lit !J :!().

Conceit nt Ktiiinu lit I :''', EVENIND.llethol, Gos'iel Temperance Meet-

ing, at 7:00.tomorrow.

Rcthel, Rev. Dr. Diimon, morningFort St. Church, Rev. J. A Criutin,

morning uiul evening.St. Andrews' Cathedral, Rev. K.

Wallace, nioiiiiiuj and eveniiifr.


Yesterday, at 0:20 a.m., Mr. J. I.Dowactt telephoned in to the Police-Statio- n

from his residence at l'alama,that the next door home was on lire.Captains Tell and Mai cos .were dis-

patched by Mr. Dayton and wereHist on the spot. In 10 minutestho lire was out. The tire originatedin a corner of tlic front bedroom of

cottage occupied by Mr. Lincoln,

caipentcr, amongst some beddingand clothing lying there. It is sup-

posed that the little girl was playingwith matches. No great amount ofdamage was done the wall beingscorched and a trunk and the bed-din- g

ami clothes burnt.The Fire Department promptly

turned' but, but most of them didn'tarrive at the scene of the disastertill' It was too late. Mr. R. Lowers,2nd Assistant Engineer, however,was one of the first on the spot.

In connection with this, we wouldpoint out the liability to dangerousaccidents from the insane practice ofcoiitinu.illy blowing the whistles ofthe lire engines on the return home.The whole way to and fiom the flro

yesterday was crowded with peopleand vehicles. Many of the horseswere terribly frightened at the noise.Suppose even one horse had gotbeyond his driver's control whatwould have resulted?

" POLICE COURT.Yesterday there were but few

cases The criminal list containedbut one a drunk, who forfeited hisbail. On the civil list there were 1

cases, one of which was withdrawn.Dr. Rodgcrs vs. C. 1). Hinckley.

Action of assumpsit for 81 10. Casecontinued to tlic lf-t-h inst., and theplaintiir allowed to amend his peti-

tion.J. C. Cluny vs. S. K. Kiwi,

Action of assumpsit for 650. (Torecover cab hire for that amount).Cnsc continued to loth inst.

The only case heard was that in

whichi, native sued to eject anotherfrom kis house. In the evidence itappeared that defendant had livedin the house with plahitilFs consent.During' the small-po- x epidemic plain-

tiff .was, sued for concealing a patientin this very house, lie then swornthe lioiifc was defendant's. Defend.,ant however, had no papers to showownership. Judgment for plaintiff.


EMMA SQUARE CONCERT.The Hand will give a concert at

Knnna Square" this afternoon, ati:00 o'clock. Following is theprogramme :

.Miiyili Ultimll FiiivlingG crime Struggle for Fmtiinc. .hiipnoFinnic Gliirnmciito SonelliSelection Robert le'Dloblc, now

.MeyerbeerA Swedish Wedding Miuch, by

iequct Sodcnminl.lltlu Flatterer, liv leoncst

I . .....(.'. EllcnbeigWallz The Syrens Wuldteuful


Coriepondcnre I Millclled on the topie of tliedny, or what nniy hci nine so.

We iescno Hie light to c.clse pine-l- y

personal niiitter.We Ho not hold Ourselves lcspoiislhlc

for tlic opinion1) cspicsscd by our cor.unpenitent. Kn.

"Sin: In your widely read littlepaper ,1 noticed that you said the(.'ovcnunciit.wns going to prosecutetill those who had allowed their busi-

ness licenses to run out. How is itthey haven't done it yet? They didpros'ecute one unfortunate linn afterthey hud gone up to get their license

' I'CUitfYCd, and the. clerk' hml agreedA II.


to issue it Why don't they serveeverybody alike V At present theirconduct scctns unfair to

A Ciw.r.N.


Taxks arc being paid rapidly, sowe hear.


Lookout for the date of Wells'

grand opening.

Tuts day, Mr. Thrum's Fortstreet store to display-hi- s

Christmas novelties.I M

Woiik has been stalled again onthe Y.M.C.A. building. It wastopped before owing to tlic scarcityof labor.

Coxsiiii'.iiAiu.i: comment has been

caused by the withdrawal of the

boat promised to the Marine Kail-wa- y

crew, and then having it enter-

ed by another person in race No. 7.

Stii.i. Hint lovely odor of bonemeal on the wharves! Talk aboutyour pestilence from decaying wheat,it's nothing to the invigorating blastfrom a quantity of healthy bone-me- al


Giii'.at preparation for the forth-coinin- g

boat-rac- es arc being made.The boys' lock themselves up everynight and have strictly forbidden all

diink, dissipation and dancing.llully for them.

At Foit street Church, Sunday,Mr. Ciu.au will preach at thu usualhours, in the evening lie will conti-

nue the subject of Amusements,taking as his theme, " Some Doubt-

ful and other Amusements."

A .mi'.miii'.u of the Kaumakapili Y.M.C.A. says that the' arc going tomarch in procession from Kaumaka-pili Church to the l'alaeo on themorning of the King's birthday.They will try to get a baud to headthem.

Wk hear that Mr. Clcghorn hasordered 12 tubular sheet lampsfrom Messrs. Dillingham & Co. forEmma Square. This will supply along-fe- lt want of the residents in

that neighborhood. 'They willhiryureason to gratefully remember Mr;Cleghorn's vigorous and bitsiucis-lik- o

improvements in the manage-

ment of the "aniens.

Now that Messrs. Williams & Co.have taken the trouble and expenseof getting out a large edition of whatwill be a line advertisement for theislands, ami, no doubt, attractnumerous travellers whoso moneywill circulate here, it would bewell for our local merchants to getcopies of the book and send them totheir friends all over the world.

Tiiniti; will be a salo of fancyarticles and refreshments, preparedby members of the Hawaiian (Jirls'Mission Circle and their friends, ntthe North' Pacilic Missionary Insti-

tute, f)G Punchbowl street, this after-

noon at .'1 o'clock. Tlic proceedsare for the benefit of Hawaiian Mis'-sionari-es

in the Gilbert Islands. Itis hoped that many will be interestedin this object, ami attend. the salethis afternoon.

Wk saw yesterday morning thedefeat of a sniaitattempttocvadelhcnew license law for drivers. Anative boy driving up to the PoliceStation with a passenger was observed wearing a badge No. 17. Hewas asked wkerc he got it ; he con-

fessed that a Chinaman had given itto him. The badge was promptlyconfiscated and the Chinaman willhave to go to the Police-Statio- n toget it.

It is said that the members of theHouse of Nobles and the PrivyCouncil have been requested to ap-

pear in full court dress at theCoronation. As there are no twocourts in Europe or Asia that adoptthe same full couit-drcs- s, it is worthinquiring what com is meantto be adopted, and if no Europeanor Asiatic stylo is to be followed, aiewe to have the old Hawaiian com tstylo adopted' And is this last theinitio, as some suggest?

ItaSrPlnin Sateens all colors, atChus. .1. Fishers Leading MillineryHouse, 2Uo


Special for tho Dully Uullotln.)

The Peterborough JJxprM (howI love those dear old provincialpapers) publishes an account of how

a medium was exposed while en-

deavoring to Impress upon her audi-

ence that she was holding communi-

cations with tho spirits of the deafdeparted. It yas pitchy dark asdHilllc ensued, and when the lampswere brought the medium (young.and fair) was discovered held securely in the anus of a gentleman

(old and portly) who had discoveredher trickery. This ancient partywas very proud of his acutcness, butcould not make out why nil the mengrinned and all the ladies blushed.

" Is 'sulphur an antidote to tlicvaccine virus?" is a question whichan or asks and ausweisto his own satisfaction in thecoltims of a journal which is at onewith Mr. Peter Taylor, M.P., onthe subject of compulsory vaccina-tion. It seems Hint as far back as187JI, the JTomwjufthic Worldstrongly advised a correspondentwho wished to know how to avoidsmall-po- x without recourse to vacci-nation, to submit to that process,but also to try a course of sulphur.The " advice was followed ; six be-

ing vaccinated. After a fortnight'scourse of sulphur, in only one whohad taken the least sulphur, did theoperation succeed." This is an ageof revivals. If " sulphur has thepower of neutralizing the action ofvaccine," why not set on foot amovement for restoring domesticconfidence in briinstouc-aiiil-trcacl- c,

a medicine upon the virtues of whichestimable Mrs Squcers of DotheboysHall placed such implicit reliance?

03', Good unbleached cotton

II yards, for only S 1.00, nt Chas.J. Fislicl's LeadingMillinery House.

6T4000 yards of Queehco nil woolflannel, fiom 2."cts up, at Ciias. J.Fishcl't? Lending Millnery House.

. .

C3l"'VIti,opoii front sliitts, ntf

Chas. J. Fislicl's Loading MillineryHouse.

DIED.In till city, Nov. 10th, Jilhn Liim", n

unlive of Ireland, njred .V.I year.GET The funeral will take place from

the of hi brother. Geo. buca,Kukiii Place. THIS DAY (Saturday), n'tj:J:!J0 p. in.i Fik-m- l and nciimliilaiicctare repectfully invited to attend. Hun

papers plenc copy.:

and Puiclnu-c- r wantedIXVltTNl'ltS In various lir.es of liui-n- u

(old established). Principals mayexamine li-- t. Applv at

CAYENAGH'S AGENCY,24:1 Uti King sheet.

C.A.R.i-Attent- ion !

UlJU. IV. UK JAJiNlr l'U&l','.Ml. 'til, K. 41. it. ..Hl'l'l ill. IV. ,M

I Jill P. Hall, onJ T londny KveniiiK,

twfffl Nov. llllh, ill 7:i"0 o'clock.rer order,

H. V JjAIXJ-;- , I'. U.lly F. TUUUEi.L, AdJ't. 2l!l2t



J. T. Waterhouselias specially impoiled a large quantity

of gO'Ml,

Suitable for Presentsfor both old and young.

Beautiful Pictures In splendid gilt frames,

Gilt lliacketfj anil iVick,Chlppeiiii'ilc Wlmt.not,

WnrK llocs and llasket,De-k- -s Die-hii- i; Cnses, lukhtand,

Glow and Handkerchief Uo.u'X,Hook Slide, Satchel-- ,

.Minors, Uionc,Smokers' Tabled,

Card Tables,Album Stands,

ChrNlmas Cuid, wood and metal,


Dowi. and Arrows, 81 Ton Cannon,Papier Macho Card Tray,

Fiom .1 cents to $2"i, dnved it tindress'dDoll's Tronc'niiv and every rerptisite,

- .i.oPttrlor-Gtunes- ,

Compendium!), Star lUugolette,'lViplu Itowllut;, D.ihiuee Game, vc

t3f' Everylhlug will be found to pleasethe inot fiiMldlmw taste, and no

htooklnj? need o empty forwant of a present.

No. 10 Fort Street.- ..- -..

"VTOTIOE All pcrfons owing moiiuv,1 rent, xe., to Her IIIhIiucss ltiit'h

Kccllkolanl aie heicbv icijuested toliiake'tlielr payments tdSiu'liu 11. A. WI DEM ANN.


ttQS" Ex Zealand in, Gents' fineTweed Suits, atOhas. J. Fislicl's.

WANTED, immediately, Nuwo Olrl,care of 'J children. Ap-

ply at thN olllcc. i'M

17011 SAL1J, a MULE C A It T .

X Apply to102 II. lluckfchl & Co

For Hnle,One Now Basket Pharfon,

Complete In every respect, with the verylatent Improvements.

311 lw ,, U. WKST -

For Snh',--1 f COltDS FIltl-'YVOOl- already cut

1 v and split for -- tovc clc. Pricelow. vMittl lie old.

OAVLNAOirS AGENCY,212 MS Kinjr slteet.

SAbE, at CnveiinghV Agency,? uaKiiigslieel:1 Good Mlleh Cow, c.df at foot,1 Callfoinla Cow, supetlor bleed.1 Quiet Saddle Home trial given

w ill curry a lady. JMU

Notice.niv temponuy nb'cncc from

this Inland, Mr. A. Gaiitimii:ii(iwill act for me under a full Power ofAttorney.


Notice.the temporarv ab-en- of

Mr. W.U.Irwin from thl King-dom, Mr. W. M. Uhtaiii) will attend tothe business of our house.22(l2ni WM. O. IIUYIN ii CO.

Thanksgiving Turkeys !


TUHKEYS. ApplyRear of No. 20 School Street.

212 lw '

Miss Prescott's SchoolFor Girls and Roy,

(Feinimlle.M new Cottage),' King street,IS NOW OPEN.

A'commndatiou for a few boaiding pu-

pil. 212 lw

To the liiulles !


taken and leon given InChenille, Silk, anil Crewel

Woik to be -- cen everydayfrom Kl'a. In. to2p.m., at 101 Foit street(next door to Dr. Rrodlc). 212 Urn

Santa Claus' Headquarters !

The iiiidcrsigncd has closed his

Fort Street Store.,, Mo prepare hi' '

XJLolitliiy XiKXlJov


Fine Leather Good, '

Aitol'()cs and Photo. Art Good,Ebony Frame,

1) nickels,EaH'Nnnd Cnolnct,


THIS EVENING,at!)::;o.. m.

241 Ut TIion.'O. Thrtiiu.


rpIIE Oniccrs and Members of theX above Lodge are hereby untitled to

attend the ne.i Regular .Meeting,On Tuesday, Novombcr Mth, 1802,

nt 7:'!0p. in.,In the Knights of Pythln-- , Hall, as therewill be business of gieat Impoiiaiiee.

lsiiiug iiieinreii aru I'ouiiaiiy invited to attend.

By older,E. A. HART.

210 lw Chief Ranger.



FRANK GERTZ.2;j:J 1U Fort Street. W

.v ;!:;-- 1 'its ja aujivjJtDll. DmtlEU,

SURGEON, resl.deuce and Jlcdlcal Room and

Stable, near the coiner of Victoria M.,on HcietimiiiMreef.

Cine all kind of' Dumb Animal .All Horn's and Cattle perfectly cured

or no ciimiiciiention ankcil.My Diploma was granted by the "Ley.

den'" Unh'emlty, at Hblland.Ce 'Leave oiilers at J. E, Wiceiiinn'H

Olllce, Meieliant sticvt, or at ijiv reldeuee. , suV Inf

' ' '.

! If you want to tho

Largest Stock of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

. to t'i Utiecn Hired.

If you wont to ceo

Tho Best Quality of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

4'a to 4 queen Mtrcet.

If you wnnt to

Buy Leather at tho Lowest'PilecH in the Kingdom,

'o to 4'Z liiern Hirer.

If you want tolluy the

Best Quality of Groceries'In the Kingdom,

.'o to i'X luenn Mtrcet.

If you wont

More for your Moneythan you eiln buy elewhcre In

the Kingdom,

G--o to 42 Queen St.M. W. MlCHESNEY ii SON.

2;(I tf

-o- 3tf"TJIK-to-


-I-X- . )


,. . ,i i ! i. ".! ; .vi '

Millinery & Fancy Articles

Received by eveiy ble.mier.


Old Established Milliner'' Establishment,

181 103 Fort street. ly


roit Tin: iUBiiic.OWNEHS of Real Etatc will always

to their od, outage to phtretilth' hoiie mid lands in liiy care forttlf pn-.nl- , a I am the only nckn'i'wK'dgcdReal Etote Rroker on' the Inland, '

AgcnN nndPlnnterH, mid all oilier flri.ployei. of mechanic. and laborer. willdo well to notify me when Tocanulcs oc-cur.

T.eaPS. llcill. linnil. iilfirtrrnfrna m,inil other legal paqers drawn in properfnrn.

Itills Collcctvtl,'Rooks and accounts kept, ' ''

Custom cntrle,Letter. and Engrossing done,

and general business olllce work" ofevery description attended to and alwayson the most reasonable term.

JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,Olllce 27 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Telephone 17.'. P. O.Box, 115

Xotice. .,

TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TOJJ all pciMins thnt at a meeting heldOct. 21l, 18.S2, of subscribers to thoHock of the Q'loint-- Sugar Co., it wasvoted to accept aChaiterof Incorpora.Hon granted to them and their associatesand Micceor.s, under thecoiporotcnami)and style of the Ononica Sugar Co., ontho 20th day of October, 1882, arid thattho corporation, under mild Choiter,thereupon organized itself and electedtho following named olllcers of theCompany:

S L AUSTIN President.1 AUSTIN Vlce.Pre.ldcut '

P C JONES, J n SecretaryGH ROSS TreasurerJO CARTER Vudltor

Notice Is further given that pursuant totho terms of said Charter, "No Stock- -holder shall individually be liable for rthq debts of the corporation beyond the ,amount which Khali be due upon the.Rlmruor shares held or owned by hliniLSelL P. C. JONES, Jii., Sec'y.


that at a meeting! heldon the 21st day Oct., 1883, of sulHcVlber'to the stock oj thc.Pnukoo Sugar C., Itwo voted to occcptn Chortcr of Ineornorotbm gronteit to them and their niVo.elates nnd siicce,sor-'- , under the corporateiiiiiiu nun siyie oi liiunitiKun BugarCo.,

on the 20th day of Oct., 1882, nnd Hinttho. corporation, under said Charter,thereupon organized itself and electedthe following named ofllcer of the.Company:

.1. Austin (President,!S. L. Austin Vice President,P. O. .1o:kk, .in. ..'Scd'y is Treasurer,J. O. OAirri'it i Auditor,

Notee is father given that pursuantto the tcims of said Choiter, ''No Stock,holder shall Individually be liable fortho debts of the rnrpomUnn beyond theamount which shall he due upon theshare or share held or owned byhimself. ,

2JW P. C.Jo.vi, Jii,' See'.'''IM'O lFF10KS LET, on fee--

V.'".".--- r U " "'HIUtli'T WVlip caiflg?Vby J, W, HuUtUuu & Co lOOffT



' t 1 W 1J5 ,' , .. .k.' uii J'kijJr.wi iM'.H ' ... i ijb L KuMmW






! ftjfTO tho V

Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN' - eVols at University of Hawaii …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6829/1/1882111101.pdf · The Daily bulletin Is rlnblislied every ... tives, nnd


TELEPHONIC.Dlmontl Head, Nov. 11, OtUO n.m

Light N.K. wind.Nothing in Hight.

f ' " ARRIVALS.Nov. 10

Sclir Cnluiina from llnnniciStmr Lchun from Miuti and Molokii

Nov. 11Sjtmr Kilnucn Hon from KulmluiSclir Mmlojj fipm Knknihaclc


Ilk Irqucon for ValparaisoHelm. Ma16fpr ;IInkiilnii."S'jhr Mann for KuhvllnliiliiliiSclir KekniHiloliiJfor ITnnulclSclir Wninialii for Ilukaluu


Sclir Culariini for Ilanalcia'" ; " ". in-- J

PASSENGERS.From Maul and Molokal, per Lc-luu- i,

Nov 10 J H Black, Dr l'itcli,T K Claik, wife and .') children, 1

Daltou, W 1) Alexander, and about20 deck.

VESSELS IN PORT.BkUifTu'iicA Fuiktnburg .

Am efTffCIiiuS SpreckclsHaw brig Slnlto, CameronUrljiW.Oilr.uhi. ,Am b.irk Hope, Appoint

f--Tern Kit Sap' rBktnti Kiln, llrownBktno EurekaIlk BevereBark Kalakaua, MillerB.irk Bucnii VI Ma

VESSELS EXPECTED.Illg 'Tiiimoi ' J l.'roirj ;itoBktne Ejnnui Augusta, fm rtGamlo for

Knhuliii, " " Oot 7Jhlt Htm Sue, Dodd, fin 8 F. Nov 17Stmr Zc.ihiudia.from 8, F, . ;Nov 20Stmr Cllyjofydrleyi fm Sydney, Nov 20l)k Ableu Uch'-- p, fiom Portland, dueHark LU.le Marshal, fm l'l GambleHr tik Ullock fm Ll.verpool, DecBk Alier Amaii fin Glasgow, J)coBktno Discovery, fm S F., Nov 1 (

Am liklne Kllkitnt,Bk Ninth Stni, fiom NewcastleBr lil Am b.i .!! dor, fm NewcastleB.irk Amv'Turncr from BostonGer fiom HongkongAm liktnu-Anicll- a fiom Fort GambleSclir Joseph Buss fiom Humboldt dueBk Emthn, from Paget Sound, Aug 18

A; . ELLIS,BlJfJlCEBwIll buy or sell

Plantation Stock. Bonds, andOther Marketable Securities,

At their market value for cash.210 Oflltc with E. P. Adams. Antt'r.

villiam o''sbiiTii; ' '


TO. ilS Merchant Street, Honolulu,.Establl-she- in 1HU0

Sug.ii'intirtlnnBaIlroad f 1Tclepuoitearnbouu'r'Corporatlim Stock,

Bonds mid Similar Securities Soughtand Sold oir Commission.

Moncv loaned on Stock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1JW2. illt Uu-'- li A, -

Creme de la Creme,rpHE Ice Factories are in full blast,

ami y) arek

k i MAllT'SElite Ice Oream Parlors!

They" are JuM frce.liig, ihicli Is

Whul yon want in this Weather," ' and don't you forget it I

Ice.Creipn can be had from 11a. in., , to 11 p. m. at

1 HAHT BROS..Lllte Ice Cream Parlors,

177 :, 80 Hotel street.

Elegantly Furnished RoomsTO LET,

or SINGLE GEN.170HTAMIMES all the (onvenien-cc- s

and comfoits of a home, with.

Use of Parlor.Booms arc largo and well ventilated.

Ter'my, Strictly Moderate.MBS. SCIIIUDEB.

Corner of Hotel and Alakea Mrcct.,, 173 llm

Havlns purcha-.ei- l fromMr. A..W. Hush, all hi right, title

and interest in the Grocery Business, onFort ftreet, it Is my intention to carryon tlio'siunu under the firm mime of S.

J. LEVEY & Co., ami I hope, by ulrictattention to businc-'s- , nnd the wants ofmv ciUlbmers, lo merit a sluuo of theliberal patronago bestowed upon myincdecessor1, Mr. A. W. Bnh.

823 1111 ,fr ' 8JJ. LEVET.

NOTICE.V-- hereby give notice thatillspiMul of my Grocery

BuslnesJI 3Ir. S. J. Luvcy. AH account! ducad business are to be paidto hjrm.A ' '

TiiinkJitg the public for the liberal111 Anmi'fea! they have beeq plea-e- d to be.stow uporiauc, 1 would ropectfully ask'for 11 edittliiuiincu gf the name to my

Smrro'? J A. W. BUSH.C5T Orders for Hm Union Feed Coiup.

any will he received as uauul, andpiomptJiU'livery guaranteed. 223 lnt

A SPLENDID Opportunity Is$$M .now oll'ereil to buy the Popu.lur Lodirins House recentlv

occupied imd comluctcd by Mrt. White,at 123 Fiirt dlreet. The premises contain1 store, 17 icilnxnns, ijitciien, inning aimnitli roomll lfic rooms are an nicetyiinii1ieil mid In perfect order. Forillier particulars iippiy to present pro.etor, V. W. AVALL.VCE, 120 Fort rt.,

rTi,l'AClFIU MAIL Steam-SsfeJow- ?

ship Company.

FOlt SAN FUANOISOO,Tliu Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydnoy,

Dcatborn Commander,Will leave Honolulu for San Francisco

on or about Nov. 20.

FOB SYDNEY via AUCKLANDTim Splendid Steamship

Zoalandia,Webber, Commander,

On or about Nov. 20,For freight or passage apply lo

H. 11ackfi:u) & Co., AgcnK

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y,

-- Jth.'r'5S5&! Iron Stoamor Suoz,

1)0I1, - - COMMAXUKIt

Will leave Honolulu


For fi eight or passage, having supciloraccomodation!, apply to121 Wm. O. Iuwi.v & Co., Agent.

x iron. SAN VliANOlSm.t1'liiccuppcr naiK

Kalakaua,Miller, .... muster.

Will have tpilek dispatch fortheabocpoit. For freight or passage apply to

F. A. Sciii:fkk & Co., Agents.


. tut.. tiu I.a...iiheim Miiu cujijier ugiiiT.

W. G. Irwin,' Turner,' - imUtcr,Will have ciulck dNpatch for the abovepot t. Tor f i eight or passage apply to

Wm. O. Iuwi.v & Co., Agents.


g&;r The clipper bktne

Jano A Falkinburg,Forbes Master,

Will lane quick dlpateh for thu abovepoit. For ficllit or )as.ige apply to

Casii.i: , Ciiukk, Agent.

For llonkoii.jCi- - The clipper Bilk

"Alden Besso,"A. Noye-- , Master,

Is daily expi'tti'd fiom Poitland, bound.for Hongkong direct. ' W'H taken fewClilnec a low i.ite.

For particulais apply to Bom.vr & Co.

5, Steamer Likolike,&&' KhiK, Mnater '

Leitves Honolulu each Tuesday nt4 p.m., touching at Lahuiim, 2laa-lae- a

Bay, Mnkeiia, Mahukoiia,Lnupalioehoe and Hilo.

Bcturniug, will touch nt all thenlovo porta, arriving at (lonoltilueach Sunday n.m. 1

T. R. FOSTKR & Co.'s

Line of Steamers

The Iwalani,Batks, ..... Commander

ltuim regularly to Kona and Kau,as per following Time Tabic:

Lk.vvks Hoxoi.umt at i p.m. oxTliur-dn- v, Oct. 5 Monday, Nov. 27Mondiiv, Oct. Hi ThurMiay, Dee. 7Thursday, Oct. 211 Mondav, Dec. 18Mondav, Nov. (I Thursday, Dec. 28Thursday, Nov. 10

AnnivKs at Honolulu:Friday, Oct. 13 Friday, Nov. 24Tue-da- y, Oct. 24 Tuesday, Dec. 5Friday, Nov. 3 Friday, Dec. 13

Tuesday, Nov. 14 Tuesday, Dec. 20

The O. R. Bishop,liorry, ..... Commander

Li:.vvi:s Hoxoi.ui.tr i:vi:nvMonday, at 5 v.m., for Nmvilhvili,Kolon, Elcelo, and Waimea, Kauai.

lir.Tun.vixc. i,i:avj:sNawiliwili every Friday evening.


xjgft Sohooner Ehukai"S&Sjj&L will inn legulailyTO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Betiirning 011 Thursday, weatherpermitting.

For freight or passage apply to theCaptain on board, or to

181 A. F. Cooki:, Agent.

Schooner )A X?J " Emma,"Will leave Honolulu EVEBY TUBS- -


; Betmnlng Saturdays.For ficlght or passage, having superiorcabin accoimuodations, apply to

131 .M.cKAiu.ANi:it Co.


Ollltc, coiner Nuuimuand Queen streets,Honolulu, If. I.,

Agent for the following Packets:Wallele, A,ti Wiiloli,Walehu, W Waliiialu.Malolo, QjEXs nluna,Maua, jiHb Julia,

Ka Mol, and Ehukai,

Red Plag, with White Ball.ibi '



Franklin Stove Coal !

in any quantity,

"WlioleNule or ICi'lall,my

023 Wilder & Co. im

ftw :iX-W- 4 :;9

The Hawaiian Cook Book,

Published by Ihu

Lntllos of tfort Street Clmrcli,For Sale by

E. O. HALL iV SON,237 2w and T. G. THltCM.


WALL PAPERS,Ceiling Decorations,




A splendid and varied assortment



Manila Cigars,Evstnir "Madias,"

IVoav Xjaiitliiijr',Cases of thoe line Manila Clgai.s, 230 hi

the bo.Soinclliiiifj: Superior

to what is usually sold in this market.

Cisco of Manila Cigais, 300 in a box,all of which we gtiai.intce to he

the Genuine Manila- -

made aiticle.For Sale by

aiGlm BOLLF.S ii Co.




WABE-BOOM- Nos. 30 and 08




FURNITUREIn the Kingdom,

Mhich will be

Sold at the Lowest Rates,




Made, to oulcr at short notice.



Telephone No. 72 207

Ex bark JviilalomaAnd bktuc Ella,

Goldon Gato Extra ramilyAM

ELDORADO FLOUR.Cases Brawn, Cin.es Bacon,

Cimka Whittaker'n Star Hams,HnloM f liny, Ac, &e.',

Just to hand, and for sale by2JU I111 BOLLliS'si: Co.

v"rfw HK $ft; PiiiiBROGLIE, SPEAR & CO. ,1

Call altcnllon lo their Complete Slock ot Jcwolcry ol all kinds, in Gold & Silver

cmbiaeing many New and Novel Designs In Boinan, Engraved,Enameled, and Plain consisting, In pint, of Sets,

Lace Pins, lliacelel", I.ockcts, Chi'lns, SKcieButtons and Links, Ear-lling- Scarf Pins

and Blngs, Tlilmbles, Charm,Studs, Blngs, iNrc, iV:c.

iiuiioiul, I'vni'l mill Stone iooils in fjrin viuicJy.Cold and Sliver Walche.s, Wallhain ami other makes.

JSTCall 1,,,(1 examine. Orders fiom the other Islands piomptl' attciakd to.

75 FORT STREET.. .. 2:17.......Li..i .i ,ii. ...m -- .,;, i. m

i &$


Lailics' uiul dent's yIU

Gold nnd Silver WntclicbNo

ActualJust to liaiiil.

of Golds

Every "Wutcli warinuteil as GrossWetlcpresentcil.

Facsiiniiu ot isllcr Cases,


A Lurge Sto;k of Fine clc.11t.tl out

100111 for

ofper stc.uncr. This well

andEasy Chairs, Tuiklsh Chali, Wardiohes,

Suriip' MattiCbse.s.' " '

. -All oi which will be sold

Call and



Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolers,Clarillcr..,

FiteClay,Hemp Packing, with or without India

Bubbcr,Babbit Mclal,

Barbetl Fcncu Wire,Mining StceK,

Hoes, Pickaxes,Cane Knives, with or without hooks,

Hand ami Smith Hummers,Shovels", Axes, t

Vices,'Stcam-plp- c

Patent Steam. pipe Covering,Oil,

Cement, Steel Bail,Sugar and Coal H.igB,

Tiylne, &e., Ac.

For sale by

II. 1IACKKKLI) & Co.Oct.

Xotlrc.Y. Bl(!HABI)SON will not responsiblo for any debtitcontiacieil

by my wile on or'aflcr Ibis tlhf.Honolulu. Nov 1, ltW. .2J1 lw... .H.s ' ' "i '.--

fiffA r"








t m





C3 g

C93t. JMcnicriiy,

. I ijcnl for (his Kimjdom.N. 11. Bow are of intitu-tion- a,

is I have ilicovcrcilicvui nl .silver watches bear-ing inline of " WaltliamWatches" "Inch arc of SwissManufacture, anil are sold as

y genuine Waithnm vviitclies.

(213) Fat'-stiii- ... mild Caes




Furniture will be

to make our

Largo Stock Holiday Goods to arrive :4Parlor Bedroom





T beX

selected stock includes " ' "aj

Furniture, Lounges, ilV

Olllec Dining Cli.iiir. - Wa" .ii

tat auciou iiriccs, or less.cMiniincat

Wells' Wluslc Store,10'. mill Ifir l.'.,l !I......ImIm .


Lam'o Assorfcinont .;or 1111:


Fine Wall PapersAM

BORDERS!Jiistjrecelvcil, for by

WILDER & CO.1!3- l- Call examine. 147

Wat or Xotiru.Olllce Vup't Water Works,

Honolulu, .lulyil, 1882.pi having Wider Prlvllrgc.i



8tt I


anil loom iV.c. itc.

s.l...,.i .lllllll.il.

and Mile


LL iHiusaiououiii'o nun iiiciv iVater Kates

niu pa.Mililn n'liiiaiinunlly, inadvame,Ihu olllce of Siipeiluluiidcnt of

Water Woik, foot or Nuiiimu htrctt,upon Hie 1st day .laniiai and .Inly ofeach year. OlIAS. II. WlLSOX,

Sup'l Water Works.S. K. K.v vi, Minister of Intel lor. 20

NMON 'FEED CO.MPaVcV, A, W.llunii, Muimytir. See tueitlsf-- '

uivnt on other p.ig. 28,''ikBs,iftr'y .:.tl.M'ij xiniWifciW





t, rut)




s. ;f

'O" itil





, ...ii. .... j mi .ri,, 1, 11. tt Jf

A ?


j. vat h

ol v


l ' ,j1' , v

" .

,t J ' '. .v









Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN' - eVols at University of Hawaii …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/6829/1/1882111101.pdf · The Daily bulletin Is rlnblislied every ... tives, nnd


fW ie

3i . ..

JSa'A v


?,.. ''




Biy.v' if.

& ;






?fflrkfe!B ; '" ..

9 Ji


J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.,(succkssoiis TO II. m. wiuti:v.)

Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUBLISHERS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 10 and 21 Merchant strcot,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapesttSlutloiiury Establishment In thu Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofHlank Hook", of nil desciipllons;

Foolscap, Legal mill Hill C.ip,J out mil mill Trial Hnhuir-- Papeis,

Linen Paper unit Em elopes, nil sl.cs;

Writing and Copying Inks, iu quarts, pints and cones.

Muullngo in nil sizes, uptcliilly adapted to this climate;Drawing Paper mid Pencils,

. Tineing Paper niul Clolli,Tiansil Hooks, Field and Lecl Hooks, adapted for tin- - uc

of Stuveyois nml Lnglnecis;Memorandum nml Pass Hook,

Silver and Peifoi.itcd Cat d Hoard,Shipping Tiiks Shipping ltccclpt Hooks mill Fads,

Koto, Drnft, tinil llctclpt Hooks,

And mtmrous other articles in our line to be found In a well Kept stock

MUSIC! MUSIC!"Wo have made such niiangenienls with our Music Agents, as will enable its

heitaucr to keep on lmiitl n full assortment, and abo to iccolo the latest jilvcisasthey mo published. Any special oulcr will receive our best and pi nmpt alien-tur-

' ...... tjMAX EGK?ART,

Watchmaker and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,

Nos. 113 ami 113 FoitSticct, i : Honolulu.

Splendid New Stock of Solid

J'Jkijant Gold and

Sil vcr.l'lntctl Wai c, &c., &c.

ffylxt ttniltr ulk

SATUHDAY, KOV. 11, 1882.

A certain deacon, who wits n zeal-

ous udvocatc of the cause of

teinpcimice, employed a carpenterto ninke some altetations in ltis

parlour. In icpniiing u coiner near

the liieplnee, it was found necessary

toiemove the wainscot, when some

tilings wetc luonghl to light which

astonished the woikinanniarvellotisly.

A brace of decanters, sundry bottles,

all continuing "something to take"and n pitcher and Itiinhlet.s, wcie

cosily reposing there in sung quin-

tets. The joiner ran to the proprietorwitli the intelligence. "Well, 1

decline!" exclaimed the deacon;"that is trttriotis, sure enough! Itmust have been old Captain Utincc

that left those things thete when he

occupied the pieinises thirty ycatssince." " Feihaps he did," return-ed the discoverer; " but deacon, thatice iu the pitcher must have beenwell frozen to teinain solid!"

The following is n most credited

to one of the recent Governors of

Maryland: " What n lemarkuble

ugly man Mr. Wank is," .said he to

n pretty and teiidcr-hcntte- d younglndy VlAh," lepltcdshc, deprcea- -

tingly, "but he has a face that giowson you." "Hum!" responded the

Governcr; ".God forb'dniadnm, thatis Hliould ever grow on me." Jhv,Atner.

Of till 'things man possesses,

woman along takes pleasine iu beingpossessed. Malhcrbe.

wt'-- t

Arrival of the Second Lot



BAILEY & Go'sGrreat 10 Cent Store.

Immense stock ofHOUSE-KEKI'JN- I


? Consisting of moie than

f.'S.OOO AUTICL1Wis expeo'ed 011 or about the 2(lth hist.


1QV Fort ut.


Gold and Plated Jewelry,

Silver Watches.


DIAS & GONSALESNo. 57 Hotel Street.

INLAID WORKFrom Madeira:

Work Hoes nml Tabic,Parlor Tabic, Writing Desks.

Paper Knives, Itttlcis,Glove, llamlkeiehief, & Jewelry Boxes,

Hair Chains, Ntrkliice",Hincclcls,

Hi oocIick, Hi:., Ac.

Wicker Baskets and Mats,Willow Chairs,

Embiolileiy nml Crochet Woik,

All the above will be found In greatvaiiely, ami excellent quality,

together with all theusual Monk of a

Dry Goods Establishment.A enll.w ill you hnnil-onic- lv for

tlii: tumble. :MU ly


mbegs to notify to the public of IIouo

lulu and tiavelleis to and fiomall foicigu polls that

"Ho has Purchasedthe Business and Slock in Undo of the

Honolulu I San Francisco Express &

Transfer Company,

Ami that he pioposes to nrry on thebusiness in good style; in fact

everything will bo done

"Up to the HandlerAll pei sons lenuirlng furniture, bag.

gage or goods of any description shilt-ed- ,tiaiisfeired or shipped will llnd it to

their aihantagc to apply to him at hisoflice, King street,

Telephone No. 130,as low iiites as possible. 187

POll SAM:, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGilnds fiom 5 to 10 tons pur day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In goodouler; can bo inn by steam or lioropower, just the uitlclc for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Until, Hurley, Whole and

Uroutul, Mixed Feed, etc.AS OUISAP AS THE CHEAPEST

00 LALNJS Co., Ul Fort 6t.

Importers nml Dcnlcts In '

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &e.

Have made large additions to their stock of goods ',

To which tltcy Imlto tlic titteiitlon of bujers. . .

rflXtrWo s ton's. .1 v.

--n?J2uAiLZ. :


K ero.'iciiuiOil,

For family use, tlio high-est lest oil in tlie


A full lino of Tinware, nml

Call and examine our stock.

ADDITIONS to our formerGHKAT eSue, Kalakaun,aiid Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery Si Ship Stores:Conlngo hemp Manila, cotton duck,Fla ramus, lla sail twine, beeswax,Mock, oars 8 to at ft; Muirklux,Hales of o.ikiim, hooks nml thimble,Club blocks, snatch blocks, low-lock-

Iron strap blocks, ninst beatN, hieves,Metalineaml patent bushings,Slockholm tar, pitch, eo.il lar, tar oil,Hright ami black vainislies,wiiu riggingMarline, seizing houclluc, iiitlin,Spunynrn, caulkint; irons, copper tacks,Iron tacks, connecting links,Marlin spikes, caulking mallets,Mast hoops, bund spikes, pitch mops,Tar brushes, &c.Paints and Paint Oil, a full assortment

of all kinds ami colois;Pacific Rubber Paint, a new lot, ineliid.

all the various colors;Brushes Paint, ainish, pencil, white-

wash, paste, intist, shoe, scrub, anilsash a good assoi tment of each ; ,

Axes and hatchets, wood and shingling;Ship lanterns and slilc-light- s the'Hegti-latio- n


Gvoccvlcs and Provisions.A full nssoitincnt of line gtoccrles,

some choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Table pie fruits, jams nml jellies, a newarticle, put up bv a new linn, amiwe can ingiiiy U'comnienu them asbeing something ically nice;

A now lot of Teas, Including some supe-rior Japan varieties;

Sugar Ketlncd and raw;Hams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, in tins,

new article;Curried fowl, curried oysters,Piuni pudding, kits salmon bellies,Kits mackerel, kits tongues mid sounds,Codfish, cheese, Oxford sausagw, in tins;Haisins, iu , f and yx boxes;Itaisins, in tins; currants in 4 & 71b tinsPickles, in 1 gal., A gal., qts, & o gal kgsCorn staicli, tapioca, vermicelli,Macaioni, diied apples, prunes, plums,

peaches mid perns.

TLOUll AND HHEAD.Golden Gate extra family, Eliloiudo,Golden City, Graham, o.ft ami coin mealMedium lucid, a "orted ciackcrs,Ginger snaps, tally, saloon pilot bie.ul,Soda biscuits, i Ice and collec,Whale and sperm oil,Speiin candle, 4s and OS.

All of the iioove will be sold ut theJJevl Market Jlatcs,

Buyeis arc niot reelect fully invited toc.ill and examine our slock.


THE OLD CORNERr.slabllshed, 1858.

IIaut linos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSSerted up iu lli.st-el.i- style at till hour!)

Open from 2 n. m. to 10 p. m.

Ahvah on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipesifce., Ac. Aho,

Iced. Xiinli:s!IF YOU WANT




camj at tiii:

Boavor Refroshmont Eoom,Finest Hraiuls of Tobacco,

Cigars, Clgaiettcs, etc,

Always In stock- -

Ice told Sodawater and Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTH,203 tf Piopiielor.


So favorably known throughout theHawaiian islands. Sohl.by nil ,

. i lespectublo uenlers.o.ia T.Uilm bt., Ilotioliilu 71


Differential 3Pn.ll.ey2 rp s.? VuCTWSri-- -

many Novelties, new to this market, too numerous to mention. ,

(17?) DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.






Bruce Caitw right. W. S.

Union Feed--UARttlES

Largest and



Of All description, nml guarantees to keep a full supplyconstantly on hand.

BSTSond orders to A. VT. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.


and Km ope.by and fifty

and the and


GKORGKand Biilli1cr,SSteam

all kinds

ami kindsSeioll Hand

kinds Saw big andand

and winkfrom thu other


$18 Coul.

A. F.


n, Cord.M.


Received,Per n

Silk, and

Paiama Suits,H, -- lll'l



for hiIoupon terms.

New of Plows,Hniinws, Cultivators,

See., &c.

Luce. A. W.


Best Stock 1


I "J.l"'J





A mid

Just I

SAMUUL nott,tlT --


fa b b b haao ty



X For sale ut


Subscription DepartmentWE nic prepared for any Paper or Magazine

ed In California, thu Endcm Stales, Canada,At the present time we eeiymail over one hundred

dllleient l'apeis Magazines, published in Lnglish,Si nmliuavinu Languages,

- As our siib-ciipti- list is Inige, wo aio enabled to theMagaines at a rate of Subsciiption, 182J'"11"";. i '.UMfcl f'lH .l ...in ,,n , ,, .,,.


Planing Mills,mule,

Manufactures of Mouldings,Hiaekets. Window Hllmls,

Sashes. Doois, all of Wood-woiklluM- i.

Turning, nmlSawing. All of Plan-ing, Morticing Tenanting.

Oulers promptly nllomled toguaranteed. Orders Is-land:, solicited 21

ron SALE


At per

Apply to

Coolco,215 tlm Fool of Xttuami btrecl.


-- A-t ioApply to



Justbklne nurekK, fulLHuo'of

bycicleIshxetsnieiiuo cotton.

Etc.il y.'ljl,

Largo ImciccsfaoniMc




t.M-Ui- t



splendid vaiicd asKittniintOpened

Vovt Street,'



to lccehn further outers' publish

icceioFieneh, German,

furnish Papers.

Honolulu ipij.Honolulu.


23. U7 th-f-- 4w 01 A, Wi ItU'luudsoti ii Co. A. W. IttClIAltDSOJi's-

' V;AAiiiiiiir i&&k.t.s.: h--j-!- -

i, ,..:,:.a ...-f-'-- -Will .&& "rj' iJi'jl J'

