The Curse of Francescas Sword

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  • 8/14/2019 The Curse of Francescas Sword


  • 8/14/2019 The Curse of Francescas Sword


    suggested I had best keep my mouth shut, as it didnt

    concern me.

    A stable man I was, a drudge. I curried the horses for Harry

    Benson, and every Sunday morning polished the brass onhis sulky when he would lead off the harness racing at his

    personal one-mile oval track, competing with several invited


    Francesca, Bensons consort was uninterested in harness

    racing, but skillful at deception. Harrys endless braggartism

    clouded the feigned interest Francesca had ready for all

    occasions; not to hang intently on every word that dour

    braggart uttered was to invite a querulous grouch tobellyache the rest of the week.

    Francesca quickly learned all the fine points about harness

    racing till she could recount every race hed won. Francesca

    praised Harrys horsemanship so he would bask in the self-

    deluding belief that he won by skill, not because he invited

    horsemen that hardly qualified to compete as harness


    Within a few years, Harry tired of harness racing. Francesca

    quickly clued in on that and suggested hed make a fine

    swordsman. Harry, blinded by his own inflated ego

    quickly acquired the finest pair of foils, sabers and


    Unbeknown to Harry, Francesca was an accomplished

    swordswoman and volunteered to fence with him till he

    could find a partner. She had her own rapier; a diamondstudded family heirloom; very valuable but it allegedly

    carried a curse that had been placed on it to remain for

    seven generations. Had he not been blinded by the

    illusory praise Francesca heaped on him about having a

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    naturally inherent swordsmanship he might have

    escaped the imminent fate in store for him.

    Had I not felt well disposed toward Francesca, we having

    shared many intimate moments in the hayloft, I wouldhave got suspicious when she asked me to bring her a

    bouquet of blue flowers for a centerpiece. She stressed

    they must match the purple gown Harry had bought for

    her, suggesting the Monkshood flourishing by the horse

    barn would be the best choice.

    I thought no more of this. Dog bodies arent invited to

    banquets, so I retired to my bunk in the loft over the

    horse barn. I hadnt slept but a moment when someonerudely ordered me to get a carriage ready to take Harry

    to the doctor. I managed to ask one question, where is

    Francesca. A curt reply informed me she had rushed to

    the church to pray for Harry.

    Harry made it to the doctor who carefully cleaned the

    small wound in his side, hardly more than a generous

    scratch from Francescas rapier when she stumbled

    while demonstrating Harrys swordsmanship.

    The doctor cleaned and bandaged the wound; then

    Harry dropped dead!

    Francesca was heartbroken; asked me to help the maid

    clean up after the banquet. I disposed of the

    Monkshood, noting that there were now five where I had

    brought a half dozen. Within a week, Francesca having

    quickly got over her grief suggested we might have aprivate moment in my room over the horse barn.

    There was an inquest; the rapier was requested.

    Francesca remembered holding it in her hand when she

    ran to the church to pray for Harry, but she was so

    distraught she couldnt remember what she did with it. I

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    suspected she tipped the headstone back to hide the

    rapier in a small chamber below it, which I had

    discovered while cleaning up the church yard.

    A relentless search turned up nothing. Soon the whole messwas swept under the table; Harry Benson became a statistic

    in the church records; death from unknown causes. Having

    died in testate Francesca was now the owner of an enviable

    country estate.

    Francesca had led Harry to believe she was barren, but

    within a few months of well-chosen visits to my quarters

    she suddenly became pregnant.

    In due time a baby girl was born, named Danella. Soon a

    party was held to celebrate and while I thought it

    strange, I, a dog body, was invited. I had several drinks

    and soon felt myself becoming unconscious. I saw a

    white light envelope me and found myself going down a

    long tunnel. I was dead.

    They listened to the tape twice; then he put it away.

    What do you make of it? Tommy asked his sister.

    I got mixed emotions about that; especially the rapier

    that carried the curse.

    Then you believe it could be true. He asked,


    You would be a better judge of that than I. But that gal

    Francesca must have been something else. Obviously

    she put poison on that sword; she also poisoned you

    little brother.

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    Yeah, when she didnt need me any more. And it seems

    I have a daughter or a grandchild running around


    And knowing you, no stone will be unturned till you findthem.

    If I have descendants I would like to find them; tell

    them what happened. My only hope is to run an ad in

    the papers; list all the names and wait for someone to

    step forward.

    Subsequently the names Harry Benson, Francesca,

    parson Anderson and Danella, began to run in the

    papers while Tommy sat back to wait. Several weeks

    went by with no response. Tommy was about to cancel

    the ad when a young woman showed up on his

    doorstep. Sorry to bother you; Im looking for Tom

    Redden. She asked.

    Im Tom Redden.

    The ad you ran in the paper; I must talk to you about

    it. Im Francesca Benson Shorting.

    Tommy stood there in shock. You sure look like

    Francesca; she probably was your great grandmother.

    WHAT! What did you say?

    Forgive me. I got carried away

    You said I looked like Francesca. Would you care toexplain what you meant?

    That was what I meant. Then she had a daughter,


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    Danella is my grandmother. I dont get it, are you a

    psychic or something?

    No. Danella was my daughter.

    Your daughter! I dont know what youre trying to pull;

    Ive taken up enough of your time, Mr. Redden. Then

    she got back in her car and left.

    The next morning she was back; this time with her

    grandmother. Tommy knew this was not going to be

    easy but he must try to convince Danella. The air was


    I thought you gave up on me. He said to Francesca.

    You got that right, but grandma insisted on meeting


    When Francesca said you were my father I had to see

    for myself. Danella said.

    I must apologize. I should have explained that

    relationship happened in my last incarnation. I was adogs body for Harry Benson; tended the stables and

    polished the brass on his sulky before every race.

    I feel a bit faint. Danella said

    Im so sorry. Please come in and sit down. Tommy said

    seating them comfortably in the living room. He got a

    glass of water for Danella.

    Now where were we? he said.

    You were polishing the brass on Harrys sulky. Danella


    Do you still remember them; maybe you were too

    young? Tommy asked

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    No there was still one in the barn when I was about


    The one with the right wheel missing a spoke?

    Yes. You have a good memory, Tommy.

    No Danella. I dont have any conscious memories of

    this but there seemed to be memories of a past lifetime

    that I couldnt explain, so I had a hypnotic regression.

    Tommy explained. He thought about playing the tape

    but decided to leave that till he knew them better.

    Can you remember what happened to that old sulky?

    He asked.

    Oh yes, I remember only too well. When Mom would go

    to the barn she would lift me up; set me in it so I could

    pretend I was driving it.

    What finally happened to it?

    It went when mom sold off what was left after the fire.

    What fire! Surely you cant mean the house.

    Yes it burned when I was about ten. The insurance

    company suspected mom torched it. She maintained the

    cat upset the kerosene lamp and that started the fire.

    Did they pay?

    Finally, but it was almost a year before they were


    How come it took so long?

    Do you remember if we had a cat? Danella asked

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    I remember one around the barn, but that cat was

    never allowed in the house; but then I didnt spend

    much time in the house; at least not while Harry was


    The neighbors didnt remember ever seeing a cat; the

    insurance investigators questioned everyone that knew

    mom because they were certain she torched it.

    And they questioned you, Ill bet.

    Of course. I got to be a very good liar; the cat

    practically lived in the house; wouldnt even go outside

    to look for a mouse. Danella said.

    This all sounds convincing but how do we know you

    didnt dig up this information from some old newspapers

    and are trying to work some kind of a scam? Francesca


    Tommy grinned. You dont; so give it your best shot.

    Do you remember when this took place?

    Not exactly. My best guess it preceded your

    grandmothers birthday by a year, and before then Id

    been working as a dogs body at the church.

    Francesca thought about that for a moment. Of course

    it would; I dont know why I bothered to ask.

    No harm in asking.

    I was born in 1890, so Tommy worked for Harry manyyears before that. Danella explained to her


    I also helped Parson Anderson look after the cemetery.

    Tommy said.

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    Mom and Anderson got to be quite close after the

    house burned down. We had no place to stay, so the

    Parson took us in.

    Might that have been the plan before the house burneddown? Tommy asked

    Oh yes. A well thought out part of the plan; to make all

    things appear authentic, nothing was removed from the

    house before the fire except a few personal papers that

    mom kept hidden away.

    That would be a must; did you ever get to look at


    I still have them, Tommy. Ill get Francesca to bring me

    back very soon and Ill show you the papers. You might

    be able to help me clear up something; there was a

    headstone in the cemetery with strange carvings. Do

    you know anything about that?

    Yes. Parson Anderson said it was evil. When I

    suggested I could help him get rid of it he said that

    would bring dire consequences.

    Danella looked at Francesca then turned to Tommy. I

    told my granddaughter about that headstone; she didnt

    believe me.

    Of course I didnt; all that horse feathers about curses

    is just a lot of nonsense. Francesca insisted.

    There was a full moonlit night; the headstone wasstolen. Within a week it fell on the man that stole it,

    killing him when he had foolishly set it on a shelf above

    his bed. Danella said.

    That was most likely what Anderson meant; removing

    the headstone had dire consequences? Tommy said.

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    said, grinning at Danella. I wonder why Francesca is so

    serious about marrying this guy knowing about the

    curse---unless she secretly believes it?

    Shes more serious than ever which I thought strange;Im really concerned for my granddaughter.

    The wedding took place two weekends from the time of

    this conversation. Nineteen-year-old Francesca wore a

    light blue duchesse wedding gown, two brides maids


    Tommy sat in a back pew in the church waiting to meet

    the groom while he was still alive, and to shake hands

    with the happy couple; drink to their health at the


    The newly weds went to the vestibule of the church; the

    hundred guests walked by to shake their hands and wish

    them well.

    Tommy waited till the last. Francesca grinned at him as

    he stepped into the vestibule; Tommy froze in his track

    as he heard a link in the chain holding chandelier snap

    open, sending the huge fixture crashing on top of the

    groom. Francesca screamed in horror as the blood

    poured from her husbands throat. A metal ornament

    protruding from the chandelier had severed his carotid

    artery. Within moments he was dead.

    Francesca and Danella stood beside Tommy. The

    ambulance arrived within minutes. The minister stoodby wringing his hands while watching the paramedics

    saw away with a dull hacksaw that mysteriously

    appeared from the church basement. The ornament was

    finally cut loose from the chandelier to be removed from

    is throat later. The body was reverentially placed on a

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    stretcher, covered with a white sheet; the minister said

    a few words and the ambulance left without a siren.

    The reception was cancelled. All the food and wine was

    divided among the guests, which had suddenly grown innumbers when dividing the food was mentioned. Danella

    took Francesca home.

    Two months later Angela asked Tommy, How was your

    date with Francesca, or shouldnt I ask?

    Tommy grinned, It was great. She apologized profusely

    for doubting me about the curse on the sword. Shes

    really a lovely person.

    I never heard you so excited about some gal before;

    dare I suspect you are falling in love with her?

    I could do worse, but I doubt I would want to marry


    Why not? Shes now a wealthy woman. What man in his

    right mind wouldnt want to marry her?

    Its not that simple sis. When Dr. Jans taped my

    regression, the tape ran out before the session was

    quite finished, so he told me what didnt get on the

    tape. After the last seventh curse has played out, which

    it did at her wedding there is one more curse, but that

    would be on Francesca herself if she got married again.

    She would die soon after her wedding unless it was to a


    Angela sat there stunned. Are you going to tell her?

    Tommy sat there for a moment struggling t find an

    answer. If I tell her she wont believe me. If it comes to

    pass that we would marry, she will die. If we drift apart,

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    shell marry someone else; shell die and that guy will

    inherit all her money.

    Which must be a fortune. Angela said. Wait a moment!

    Wouldnt you qualify as a relative? Her greatgrandfather from the eighteen hundreds? Angela said,

    grinning at Tommy. Either way youd have the best of

    both worlds.

    Tommy got up and gave Angela a hug. Thanks sis, I

    knew youd come through for me; this calls for a

    celebration. He said, going to the fridge for a beer and

    two glasses, while Angela pretended to go back to her



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