The cross-border docu-mags for a sustainable Mediterranean

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  • 8/3/2019 The cross-border docu-mags for a sustainable Mediterranean



    Les docu-mags transfrontaliers pour une Mditerrane durable

    The cross-border docu-mags for a sustainable Mediterranean

    I docu-mags transfrontalieri per un Mediterraneo sostenibileDveloppementet coopration EuropeAid

    EuropeAid Development

    and Cooperation

    Le Programme multilatral

    de coopration transfrontalire

    Bassin Maritime Mditerrane

    fait partie de la Politique Europenne de Voisinage

    et de son instrument financier (IEVP)

    pour la priode 2007-2013.

    Sept pays de lUE et sept pays partenaires,

    rassemblant 76 rgions situes le long des ctesde la mer Mditerrane, participent au Programme

    qui est gr par la

    Rgion Autonome de la Sardaigne (Italie).

    The multilateral cross-border cooperation

    Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme

    is part of the European Neighbourhood Policy

    and of its financing instrument (ENPI)

    for the 2007-2013 period.

    Seven EU countries and seven partner countries,

    including 76 regions over the coasts of the

    Mediterranean sea, participate in the Programme,

    managed by the Autonomous

    Region of Sardinia (Italy).

    Autorit de Gestion CommuneRegione Autonomadella Sardegna

    Joint Managing AuthorityRegione Autonomadella Sardegna

    Ce document a t ralis avec l'aide financire de l'Union europenne dans le cadre du Programme IEVP CT Bassin Maritime

    Mditerrane. Le contenu de ce document relve de la seule responsabilit de la COPEAM et ne peut en aucun cas tre considr

    comme refltant la position de l'UE ou celle des structures de gestion du Programme.

    This document has been produced with the financial support of the European Union in the framework of the ENPI CBC Mediter-

    ranean Sea Basin Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of COPEAM and can under no circum-

    stances be regarded as reflecting the position of the EU or that of the managing structures of the Programme.




  • 8/3/2019 The cross-border docu-mags for a sustainable Mediterranean


    JOUSSOUR est un projet transfrontalier cofinanc par

    lUnion europenne travers le Programme IEVP CT MED,

    gr par la Rgion Autonome de la Sardaigne (Italie).

    Linitiative soutient la coopration dans le secteur de lau-

    diovisuel et des mdias en ralisant des produits pour la

    tlvision et Internet, qui visent informer le grand public

    de la zone mditerranenne sur les dfis environnementaux

    des rgions maritimes mditerranennes.


    I Soutenir la coopration audiovisuelle et sensibiliser le

    grand public sur les contenus dintrt rgional

    I Encourager la cration artistique et lchange de bonnespratiques entre les jeunes professionnels de la zone


    I Favoriser la circulation des produits pour la TV et Int ernet

    sur des sujets environnementaux


    I Renforcement des comptences des professionnels de


    I Production dune srie novatrice de 12 docu-magsI Promotion de pratiques dexcellence dans le domaine en-


    BUDGET TOTAL: 497.044

    CONTRIBUTION IEVP: 447.290 (90%)

    DUREE: 24 mois

    JOUSSOUR is a cross-border project co-funded by the

    European Union in the framework of the Programme ENPI

    CBC MED, managed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia

    (Italy). This initiative aims at supporting the cooperation in

    the audiovisual and media sector through the shared

    realization of products for the Television and the Internet,

    intended to inform the general public of the Mediterranean

    area about the environmental challenges in the Mediter-

    ranean coastal regions.


    I Supportingthe audiovisual cooperation,raisingthe general

    public awareness about contents of regional interest

    I Encouraging the artistic production and know-how

    exchange among the young professionals of the Euro-Mediterranean area

    I Fostering the circulation of TV and Internet products on

    environmental issues


    I Improvement of audiovisual professionals skills

    I Production of an innovative series of 12 docu-mags

    I Promotion of best practices in the environmental field

    TOTAL BUDGET: 497.044

    ENPI CONTRIBUTION: 447.290 (90%)

    DURATION: 24 months

    JOUSSOUR un progetto transfrontaliero cofinanziato

    dallUnione Europea attraverso il Programma ENPI CBC

    MED, gestito dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

    Liniziativa mira a sostenere la cooperazione nel settore au-

    diovisivo e dei media attraverso la realizzazione condivisa di

    prodotti per la televisione e internet, volti ad informare il

    grande pubblico dellarea mediterranea sulle sfide ambien-

    tali delle regioni marittime mediterranee.


    I Sostenere la cooperazione audiovisiva e sensibilizzare il

    grande pubblico su contenuti di interesse regionale

    I Incoraggiare la creazione artistica e lo scambio diknow-how tra i giovani professionisti dellarea euro-medi-


    I Favorire la circolazione di prodotti per la TV e Internet sulle

    tematiche ambientali


    I Rafforzamento delle competenze dei professionisti


    I Produzione di una serie innovativa di 12 docu-magI Promozione di pratiche deccellenza in materia


    BUDGET TOTALE: 497.044

    CONTRIBUTO ENPI: 447.290 (90%)

    DURATA: 24 mesi

    La Confrence Permanente de lAudiovisuel Mditerranen

    (COPEAM) est une association internationale but non lucra-

    tif rassemblant les oprateurs audiovisuels de 27 pays de la

    zone Euromed et oeuvrant dans le domaine de la coopration

    audiovisuelle et culturelle.

    The Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual

    Operators (COPEAM) is a no profit international associationgathering the audiovisual professionals from 27 countries of

    the Euromed area and operating in the field of cultural and

    audiovisual cooperation.

    La Conferenza Permanente dellAudiovisivo Mediterraneo

    (COPEAM) unassociazione internazionale senza fini di lucro

    che raggruppa gli operatori audiovisivi di 27 paesi dellarea

    Euromed e opera nel settore della cooperazione audiovisiva e


    La RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana participe dans Joussour

    travers RAI Educational, une branche du radiodiffuseur public

    italien consacre l'enseignement et la divulgation de la

    science et de la culture.

    RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana takes part in Joussour through

    RAI Educational, the branch of the Italian public broadcaster

    devoted to education and to the dissemination of science and


    La RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana partecipa a Joussour attra-

    verso RAI Educational, struttura della televisione pubblicaitaliana dedicata allinsegnamento e alla divulgazione della

    scienza e della cultura.

    LUnion de Radiodiffusion des Etats Arabes (ASBU), cre en

    1969, est une organisationprofessionnellepanarabedont lob-

    jectifest de faciliterles changes dactualits et de programmes

    tlet radio, la couverture des vnementssportifs,lassistance

    technique, la formation et lintroduction des innovations

    technologiques auprs de ses membres.

    TheArabStatesBroadcastingUnion(ASBU), createdin 1969,

    is a pan-Arab professional organization whoseaim is to facilitatenews&programme TV and radio exchanges, sports coverage,

    technical assistance, training and the introduction of techno-

    logical innovations among its members.

    LUnione di Radiotelevisione degli Stati Arabi (ASBU), creata

    nel 1969, unorganizzazione professionale panaraba che ha

    come obiettivo quello di favorire gli scambi di news e

    programmi radio-televisivi, la copertura di eventi sportivi, las-

    sistenzatecnica,la formazione e lintroduzionedelle innovazioni

    tecnologiche presso i propri membri.

    La Public Broadcasting ServicesLimited (PBSLtd.) estla socit

    de radiotlvisionnationalede Malteoffrantune programmation

    dobligation dextension au service public (EPSO) pour le d-

    veloppement culturel, social et ducatif de la socit.

    Public Broadcasting Services Limited (PBS Ltd.) is Malta's

    national broadcasting company providing extended public

    service obligation (EPSO) programmes for the cultural, social

    and educational development of the society.

    La Public Broadcasting Services Limited (PBS Ltd.) lorga-

    nismo radiotelevisivo nazionale maltese con obbligo di esten-sione della programmazione al servizio pubblico (EPSO) per

    lo sviluppo culturale, sociale ed educativo della societ.

    Partenaire Associ Associated Partner Partner Associato

    EBU European Broadcasting Union UER - Union Europenne de Radio-Tlvision ( UER

    Public Broadcasting Services Limited