rent nf the total valuation j while in 1P78 tt was as¬ sessed only a small rraotlon over 13 per cent of the total Valuation of teal ve*r of real and personal property. Thc lucre.s, .iftb-vulin DB 0* n-.l estit' ircni lt7t ts 1DTD smsnsti I faBMl.140.7tt. The dssrsassta the Saiuatinii of tacrsonai psepen* m the saaM ported ta Ketv-Y..rk ('tty alone amounted to flop,417,317. The _oec%*itv Sf some mollification in the law lbs Bl think ls plata, lu renard to this they BBB-S tho follow" tag taportaat roeom ¦eadattoa : ** Whenever a ehange i- made ls tie law* .prOi 11 .i in-art-111 tho stroll '>.*! p hit tn D it the owners ol r- ai and person al property be put upon the sane equalltr, ond that pers»i il property Shall oe aa*essed at Ita full value, wi .lae na, at 1 ".1 ii,'i,i.t .. 1.1 tba own r. ItUnntu lotbe ate thai he ahull i.e ohilm il "-1 av Upon t,i. full \ ut.' of in. ii mi se. store t bra, wnnoui '. 'th. 11 -i |.,'i-, -.-. tvnsaio.i (Xl ai it rum* nt illy i*e_O.0UO .'. .[ li "f it borrow glo.OOO un his Lmuds, ai ant 1 Tue \ amendment IsgBTdlsg tore'as tal; so tii.it li taxed In competition with tbe cspital of per.ouia of this Btate. Tbo Aascaaors maka tbe oorel recommendation lost tstearaph cole be considered ai ie ii eatate, aod taxeo aeeorUinaly; In view ol ibefaei tbal tb* of rain -ad iraak are .so :n.s"il and taxed. Xii.- A-r.,¦-- i- the *ut<teei nf texanlaeur* ance c mutinies, atatlut tbe various niau* pr. post ti ror taxm. iiiiin and the obfectiona ins.te to each. Concern- lui: iii- insuiai.ee co,.,|>, tbeyaayi " rbereramaina n tc ai lo a1 speoiflc tax. al a low rate, uiiob tbe asset*, the surplus, or Min liieoui.- " ot these companie*. Kegiiidtna mutual ute Insurance Rom pul, -- ms A*-*'*.. sors any " It weald seetn bnl |us1 that these oompsn- las abould contribute)aomei-injr to the support of u.e fitati.inil that a t.ix of three lonrtba of 1 poi uren 1, 1 ocr cent, hoi n sn nindi ol the larplua SS eX- cecil- ..in- tear', taeome, would perhaps bc Judicious. Beere! t- sxpreaaed alta* bia' rate of taxation tm- nosed aeon lbs basks. Th* question of taxing savina naultslseonstdered. lt i< ahowntnal Massachtiactts, Conn-client _nd other States deiive large in¬ comes from tbess hanks. Tue Asseaaor* aay: ..It is ¦nrfueatioaably true in this Plata ss in Kassaohueetta, th.it aarlBga banks ate us.-.I by pei 11 . in independent circumstances, au a* to av..nt payment of taxes on persons) estate. Three hundred ami tliiitv-fonr millions ol dollars 1* a aery largo amount ol capital t" tn* exempt fran taxation." Attention is culled io tin- i_wa about tin- railroads and tbsy am declared tabs sadly in aced of aiueiniuicnt. 'iii. cv, lupin,ii of hundred,.' of millions of ital estate from ti -.anon is den., '.inc 'tl. lu conclusion, Hie Assessors recommend that the Governor's su-ire.Hon that ia clnun-sl.Ml be annotated to 1.-vi.e t'n- tux nra. ol ihe State ne adopted. He . say also, tu it whatever is done tue Legislature will Uni it un easy task ta Items lews laiprovtaathe pre-cut tines,. State Asseriiiair 15rii.**.-.s presents a mpplemeanmy re- Ttort v. liicli is not aureed to by Ins coil.-n.-u- - In Wbieb he sketch**.- BB el,h..late pinn t.,r cipializiii- tazaUon .moult tin- cona ilea oi' tha sin,e. far. Briese also de- Blares himself In fsror ot taxing eliurches. ii. ' I. aol "ii" :.*:*' nml ot Bmte tax tbat wonld be levied Upon every btltldtas u.u't Ior public wombin, and tbe lot on wbieb it stands, s contribution by the st uta- to the reline iiioti tbat owna Itt And is nut tue tax on every tl*0*OO <>r property of a munster or priest exempt, -.contribution by m.- -state Indirectly lu this oom for a reilci ii. purp >.e i lu tbaraaa] it-i- aou why tin. minister oi Plymouth -barna abould be exempt in his real sud personal properl *.. ^1 ,000 from taxation for nil purposes, ht ti lils salary ls .r.o.OOO I f.v: .-TK..\ll.\(f THB RECEIVERS. Till' A< rtOB Of .'.TI'iliM Y-tlK.NKIt-tl. WA' D--I.I lin: ini'M .u Di.i. noah nana Ai.banv, Feb. <">..Aitoiney-Geiieral Ward ls receiving Kooli Oieoiirtu.lui ni to pioc-.il with his m- vostfgasteo ot ths manag seem bp reertvi rs of tau linii'icii,! n.-atitiiti.ui.s. Bo hus received it large aambse af letters from ths polley-holdera ia baakrapl tasnrance companies, urging him to maia.r a thorough 11.v. -libation, and *tlf,o letter.-) from Btate eAclals oa tba mme sutijeet, The following letoieatlng lotter u I by bim from Judi;*-Noah Davis : Prrni"v Ooi ST, I Haw-Toaa.Jan. :u, i-***o. j tnt linn. Hamilton WABI*. Mt Di tu ~ir : I am yei r chu! t,, bob ).v th*- mor_lBg*a Trihi Nt. timi \ a.* step* t** laqnlre Into tha 1 ¦.-. menl by ¦.- ih>* .iir.iit- ol ii I- ea. 1 ii can h irdij do the public ,1 ifreater serries tban by most thoroughly jun.-unr- this inve.-'ii-.tin-n «nd procuring ::¦>. enact¬ ment uf la wa thal will pre vent « hii-ii may _.< dereloped. ii tn.- ,. -'ii ar s lad tbe ministration of justice to brougi.i tutogreai dlsOrodit by tbe \vi..n--. a leged is Int. _-ci, e 'in 11. ii, ,1. 1 I, si your mt fsiUnti.ni will snow bow far tin- Impresaion i* unlual toward the court-, and where it properly bdonaala oases In winch I! tttlll.lied. 1 follow Up the lin- 1 j* abuse is discovered, and ll , 1bcd hy severn and effective laws lam, 1 r i illy. Noah Dava At tm Bey-General Ward reeelved s letter from Juii^e Donohue to-d iy st iting that he had denied Um applica¬ tion for a receiver tbal b tai bree mane l.v SOI ie of tho 1 t' ea ot tin* Knickerbocker Ul Company. Asststaal Attoraey-Q neral R 1.:. n slated thc appointment ot a receiver before Judge L>onu_ue. WOSK OF THK Ll Q18LATUBK. 6TFAM TOWAOfl 0~ 1 UK CAVA-g.BBCBITg-g ABB ¦ I'llKt-s .HILLS APBBOYBB HY TH' BBB.BUABINQS OB BBW-YOBg MEA I Alban v. Fob. 6..Mr. Alvon.'- hill intro¬ duced In the Assenit.ly to-day, In relBtlOB t-. an lm- ) ->.-ti'Ul of ht.-nm I"*, gt ilpili tile can ile, "11 r ts t aadent ol Public 1 * »i dlstaaee cm thc Kilo Canal ail ihe miles, whieb shall I ,t fair average of such difllciltles of navi.ution ns aro li,..ly io he encounter.-i. nial thereon piaotlOBHj teat, In coi'J'inctiori ttitli and under the lii-tiiiciioD af Balsay CL H. Baker, lavsatss and patent.", lits slnitlo rail system Bf Steam 10 v. ago for canals: a* il f?r sucii purpose PS OOO li appropriated. Mr. PeOB*B BIB te provide for ths publloatloB of tho Bean ton, auditors and othei odtoers In thc <ii> ai rt ( ouiiij ofVaW'Tora, profile, thai tbe Bastes -hall bs pabltah* - Hg Jttcord on tae 1st of Jami 11 v. April, July and October m saeb year, to- ¦albBI I'I,'- Of til.) Jilli-*.. S Il;.lk 1,^ pMstmenta. 'i,e pstaoas appoint* I hy tbs Bnirc*!.!ic shall also be published ls lha sams way. Mr. lin,-l's bill ann ntllu. section* 111 ami 11_ of the * tat OtvB fr»eoda-s provides that tn B Kiti^s and Bew-Tntn, wb floed in jilla pi isoncr so ai resist srsarrendered, hs must ..rv. uti.. 11 the plaintiff's attorney a written 110- 1 I th it ha i. i.s so confined tho -pris¬ oner, nml thal tli» plannitf ts reqiiir. d le make tbs payments spar-rifled la tbia tion, in default the p* 1- au i- will bedlaebi aerv . Bx days tf tbe eerrlee is by mall. Tiie ni:* alli niiiai pay theaumol i support of a pi sob twenty days "t ku nessa!, onflaMnenl m lui. ul te, ke ls dUM-srii d or admitted to the Jail llbertloa tbi Bsnst supply BU mouc-y so poid to the support o: thc prisom i. Beet nm 112 ls SSSSUded aa fOBows I In every eouutt' except N.'tv-York mid -Tings, if a prlosnor actually eon* (flnctl tn iitl makes o.itn t'.nt he ls utiahH to support _luis.'-if .lurloK his iniprisvuiuent, his support is 0 Bounty charge. The fi .vernor hus approved the following bills: To Brotare esaaa ta wtrieh obteoe okoll be teemed gBamtbactaaths peeslgont, aaeresary and treasurer of any railroad ooaspeag to tosaw oerttBestoaar stock tn Bertem eases, after a foteeissare aad sals of tho psep- Brti Sad frnlichisa: of the tOtTfttntrnJU, IBs henrtag hefSse the OomartttesonCUIss "n Tass* day. Ivi-ruaty 10 «t 'A.'dO o'clock p. m., wm t,,. 0Il 4Benator PoSBtSSfB hill to extetui the time for thepav- mentor aaaoaameSAls New-York; elsa,ths Be--Tosh Btu 11 C1*taning MU. IBs hearing before thc Joint <7,111- mittee of Striate and A-t*euittiv, on Wedasaday. Wdbt 0 gt) il. be on Brooklyn Wibi ami i-f tbeQanaeroort ¦BlBrWei I.*il. A lurtlier heiirin(f will l«- riven on -Thur.-.lu\, Febiuary ll, to imls relative taeertalmm- .provem.-it-a in thc City of New-York (Wat.t gtrest hill intro.'u. .1 by Mr. Hayes); bill proridlog fm tbepav- !mciit of expenses of Dock Denariment of Bew-Yor-, ?tc., mi ,-..linell nv Mr. Hsyes; tull to prohibit tbe eon- atru.i.aii ol hui I''uit''* nf wood, etc.. in a certain portion Ibf the city. Introduced by tsnabsr forster. Tue ii-ii..winn i.iiis ware reported in the tenstoto. rd ey i Tn promote innes' election; f,.r Un- relief of Walter Liv ugaton ; relative to -in et. rn Loni CBty: f. I" napr.iari. ,,f ,,f thc C'hcmpiulii Canal] appropriating ..J77."<in 54. taaat Woodln Introduced abill toregnlata tboater. merni istltuttoasloi Baringa, lt provitli - * in* t not in*., tie.11 :,ii pei ..ni (,f the as* eluslreol s.tiii.i cash on hand, .hall lae lareat-d rn or aecuieii ii, tin- deposit of stock* oe honda, or Inta-re.t- bearin'* noi .., or ohli-atl.ms ol the Utnfii Btatoa, or tbe .toe':.of ihe State. Tte twstesecrdlreotorashall be aeveraily Hahle for sar loss reaultluc from fal lum on Ibeir pitii to couiply wlin tbs protrlaleo* ol tins sot. Tsefollowlaa hills wire reportod lu the Aasetnbly to.hiv BelaUre to receivers ot insolvent corporation*; asa.: le of Orrll Proeoduro (three bills on tbe mihi' sui'leet); amending the act relative lo record- Sok sawrtgBgos 1 proinottnc bonestv in elei-- lions; ttvo bills relailro to hush mils ami -wives holding property ,,t Joint lei nmoi'd'uit: the act relative t*. wrns of error; amandins th.* a. 1 ragniattna prooeasloua ami parader-; uiihii'IIic tht act tn establish rermlatioiis for the Port ot Kew- .Yora aiitborlzlna police tienartmeiita of oltlea to at> poiua district telej*raph ptillca-meu. Thc Aseembly onieren the prittinfr of _o,r,oo rontos of tbe report ot the Soeolial Committee on Itallroaai Mn_. mgriinui. 1 Mr. Sluniley's resolution dlrectlna the Committee on :Cow_.*!ceu_.i.\'.n_at!on to report by bill or other- ',Wl»t, for relief of nasaenaera by ibe South and Ilainil- jtou Ferrie*. New-York, was adopted in tlie Aasemhlv Mr. C .hen's resolnilon directing the Knickerbocker iJLlfe liihtiranee Company to turnlsh a detailed report of ¦ts busiees* for the paat iwo year*, waa reterrod to Ute, iPoniuutiee on ItiBiiratici*. L The 8.naic and As*euihly both adlotirncd until Mon- Accommodating..Lady Visitor: ''Can rou ,UU me wuetUer there l* a olrculaUng library lo ibe -town I Native : " First turuing on tbe left. tnU* 1 out mew store*, mlaa; 1 ba bitnpioyed meer 1 cira-uluttn' 11- P>rary. pork bot-hers, h)ronmou_ersp eheiuists lokll gaattretponial ha_encr,and uudertakcts~we ud be most noof tet jf't reta 'uaband, or burr yer, miss, _0, .hppy," (Exit L. V. rap Oly.HFun. TRYING TCJENTRAP A CAPTAIN ? ALLEGED PLOT OF TWO COMMISSIONERS. i-URIOt"** AFFIDAVIT in tub trial OV POI-ICK CAP¬ TAIN M'lil).NNK~_-C(iM.MI."rs|<>Ni:!:- hftMhU ANO VOOBB1S ACCISKD UV A WOMAN.AN AL-BBBSJ CONsI'Il'At Y AB-IBBI M'lx.NNI M.. A stii-ulnr incident in the trial of Patios Captain MicJ) linell yesterday was tin- reading ol ..ti .illili., vit Vf a woman of bad (hat.nf r. u'io nllc-ed 'i a-nl V Drills mil rlevised ;i plan t" entrap Captain Ma**** U by getttngs brita ol marhed money itit" als John ix l foi the ac* the twa Comssissioneis : ii.,i r-n as )udges In the e. nu) said (lia* he would show also tbat [acLeac had endeavored to pervert Captain -I, Donn ll tn Aiit.-Tiiinniativ. Messrs. MacLoan ai .1 decided io keep their seats, aod f.tniioi.y both tortlie prosecution aud defence was ;iven. _ Till! AFFIDAVIT AM) TESTIMONY. Captain IfeDonuelFa trial wai taken m> tn il-rooui nt the Police Central Ollie.. yesterday toning. .Ii.tiii 1). Townsend appeared as counsel Ior ia accused man. Xhc attendanee was very laraeand koiiiteie-t fury great. Tbs shatses sgatam Oapiala [-Donnell are, that lie knowingly petinlts disorderly ouse* UlOZISt unmolested In hi. precinct, ami allot*,. Isordeily persons I" ilenii an tasiaBSlTBI improperly lu tastroota. The trial was beana Wedasoda**, ant waa oetpeaed SB account of the Illness Of the SeeUSSi cait¬ lin's mother. The proeeodlnss WSTS opened by Mr. Townsend, who .peat, il his inevioiis deniatiit that two of the CoiiitnU- onei* should not sit as lutliios. "On what erouuds t" iltl ( ommis.slotier Ma. _ean. Mr. TowiiVcml then rei! u aftiduvii tnado by Kate Daily on February ft, 1880, ml sworn to before Notary Public Treadwell, lt le¬ ttes tba! she lives nt No. 125 PtlaSS St..ST Bo. IBO -st., and knows a woman.Alice Sheridan.who, lillie liviui* Vltb her ut No. IO'-' Wooster -st., uiviltcd a inn fruin tie window, and Detective Murphy ame to set- the cause of the disturbance, li s. Sic i-i.ian ranOUtOf the house, nnd on Iniietuin aid she would " tlx " Murphy. Thu following tiny they rent te FoBeo Beedsjuartsse aad met the BapoetBtse- loni ami femmlsslsaw Tombis, and Mrs. sheridan MM htui ths bad been payliiK ninney to Murphy ta prut, it er bense tram tntarfersaes, uud ano thought Gnp iii'i M. Donnell Shared willi him, and «tot $400 ii reek (mm one block iu hi* prec.net. Tue utlidavlt then oiiti'iit ,1 as follows! After considerable conversation. Commissioner V "T- .e.t.'d putrtlng up marhed aioaey, and Voorhla *ld that be would aend a maa ths sezi in.iit ta lav n iiim to caleb them. I saw Superintendent Wailing md 'i.inuii.-sl.'tii r Voorlils on three occasions that I *eeem- lanted Mra. Bberldaa there, uml mu oonrersatloa each Ittie wa-t ahi-ut the «aine as the first. A day or two af- ii ma Ml TUal I was arrested and sent to Hie Inland f.r Ivedaya. 1 was taken off tbs Uland ny Mrs. S.iendun wo days before tbs Urns hud expired, .in- paylns tbe IS tor' my discBarite. bin- haul she MoS tm- ll leeanne i waa wanted t*i bola lier to wink up the aptain McDonnell and beteetire Murpby, in the morning after I waa taken out. Mra. Bhendan wk d me to accompany ber ta Commissioner alina-. W( went tliere, lui! we di.l nol m-c i,|m <,r Hie luperiot* mi-m. On tin following night I aoeompanted .cr. a:, s ,, -.iii, by ilirect.nn. ta a r.u.iii in Hie bull.Illi¬ li Bixteentb-el inui Broadway. Than I mel Mr. iand a man weens they said *-Aiis Oommleeloaer We stayed lhere, I thin)*:, between tan mut Sftaoo uiiniies. Vi'orhis a.kcii the woman, .**!.-ilainii. If abs fi.nii.i Ilk.- to have Hie neill., til ii. lb* 'lil lint suv .that sba wealed, bnt he sold bs would aand n down n tin- maa who ha.i base Ikara before. dr.. Sheridan said .In- th.iuaht tba) iVS rou ld be the rigbl Kimi of money. On tba ni xi avon bi be man cave down to Bu. 180 Wooetei rt., wbera \4. md stare hi- name as Wilson. He was a Usn Witb lil ta'k ha'r p'itt-.l amt belnnd. Willi i. nUsta. be, thin Inn t. 'I'll- OlSbt lie cania- Illirie at SS Min- Int lilt-lit. lie look his I ' and ,, red i*y be la* e tm tams, ii** lo I m* M in.lilian bad sent on! tor Captain McDonnell and De ecu re Murpby io conn- boro, and Inotracted ma now to told tbe motley ?." tbal oe would ...- me glee it to bim md in- ti,1.1 me il I was successful in dui ns Ulta, I woola ant a friend or a dollar. Beltber Cental uor DetecUra Morpby oslled there, eau the man took tue money away. Ha bsd beea Bitting there .,!!. OT _VC il 'M'S wainui.'. I m a- lie BOOB- On that ni- Iberld in told me that Commissioner Vow hi* i Imo. nt ii ir.m u be bet tor me te toke tbe bouse, na thor u onbl ,,ke money quiches from me inn mun in-r. A'ter Wil i.ii bad lone l sent for a fri* od ol mine sod told bsr abai I bad done with Mra. Bk ri,lim. and all about WU loll anti V *.'l els, un. 1 Sui .».; inii -tnlent Walling ind Ma, wed linn wbere Wi-nu waa at tba time. Mt Irlend recommended me to lei Detr* duroby koo* ill about lt. and I did ao, and sn I told .'apt un McDonnell all aboul it. He told n < t,. .,, on hui) cain tall I a-.)lll(l Of Un Oll.pll net i.|l*.:',-l hi tu I mve leatnaaal notbtas alucaj, except thal I _m ita, .ii.-nu .ii "ti Hie ti tay niKht in*i had a evnveroattou .t itk her. sh. . .ai tbal she Cad iworn falsely, aud ll abe bad the taine ta do over again ibe weela not do so. About sweet sgo Mis Bbs. -:,i,i.-to mo and wanted me to lasave Ilia- etty, njid [ bare learned from a colored a d Kate, rvini nork. for inc, iii at ii man wt: iee description u Uki Wilson bad been inqoirlna f'*r mc aad lol t hei tbal tbe mat t linn: I c..uni do waa to get out of ibecuj Afl ind been discharged lim. * ited, Mr*. Bb. old me tbat Superintendent Welling and Con liair.iis li.nl I,'en il.i.a ii lo Bo. 102 W Bl sal n tue back room for so. tim* waltina t.*i Cap lain Mc¬ Donnell tinta Detective Mm pby lo corni in, uni _a.i some mo outside to feet (lien, to coma lu. inn ai PDATIT. Th'- readmit of the sfMavM made muob i-'ir SBBOni bose present. Mr. Townsend then said that as to ihe y of the man Wilson they bad reason loin .hat in Driscoll, of Mi. thoo, and nil attempts ta snbpmos him hud failed. Mr. .ii r-aul that his nictas. ii., r ci.iiltl b.r found Wttk ml tn'ich tiiffl ult.. Mi. rea nosed Ikes sal thal a* by lin- a in, lav, two.,' tin' ComtnlsolQBor* were ii ii... to ba t-alled ii" win -i d Ibat tbe] -t i.iii.l not .ti uh Judges, lhere WSS B Whispering mm.nc the four la.niiiiis.-l .mrs, innl Mr. M i'I.-an mid, "On consult u- Hon tour (.'milli 111 sit." Ur. Townsend.l d. cniic le proceed wita wiinon-i-s ta Judges. Mr.MacLoantoaulred what goad itatutory '*r min-r thara wee fut tata, sad Mr Townsead argued thal while ta mattel winch si,ouid bc decided bj tmmsBon sense. Af¬ ter girtna v.niou* peseodeauitasastata bis pooliiou. t wini tnat * splats til-Da. men waa ebal ssa .* ith p. mit mu: disorderly booss* m bM promnot, and hy bm am le- in.dsstansn were assessd of sldtag to e»tni>- listi HUh bOfl om Mr. Mao-Oan.That may b_ u ooams eoastructlon ol tba* af-tluVlt. Bnhpmnas wsre thea served m ra Mac* , aad Mr. Townsead agata declined te go on with tin- ease, um! said tliat ti lialuvtr disposition WUt marie of the case he should se. k a writ of e.-rUa'raii tor. vii wit. Ho anded ns a further ground lor refusal Ibat ka understood that these proceeding* WOCO partly Instituted by the BoetatJ for the Prevention of Mme, lind certain of the Counuls Honers belonged to that society. H.- likewise referred lo Judge Dowling _* one Who refused to Ja4as a Baas wileri he was Interested. Mr. Mad,"an sahl, " Judge Dowllug.au r-mlneut utltnl- ual authority." For ibo purpose of deciding upon their course of ac¬ tion, the eas.- -,4m adjourned fer sn hour hv the Coui- mtssteasrs, who ta ths ¦santlsas sttanded ths Boord BseeBag' tt wns not until l p. m. that preeeedlags \\., bogus again, .when Oomsslsslo-i. Preneb road ss opinion for hiuitelf and Mr. Wheeler that thc qnsstlon whctti,, Ooouniostone-S MseLoaa ami WoorbUi should sn wss one of propriety for tbem to detaraitae. Mr. Townsend aaid tbal in-simuld have *tnt«*d bsfess thnt the Kite Daily Barned lo tha, ulHdavH was ii real pe,-f...ii and was then lu Inn court-mom reedy to testtfv and hud ld. min d Oommuwloneri Maei,i',ii,'tt,, otu- of the moa whom she hud tint lu a room in the Meebanlos' i ibrary m Butteeath-au, near Broadway. lin also oo- lected to ('numil -i.,ui-r Mi- l,ri,n altttag lo tuc trial On the ground that bc bad said ba would .. iu tbe oaasain " and promised ta produce Steuben O'Brien, va, ii., bad bee'n tent ta arranae wita Captola McDonnell foi ihe Aatt- 'i'aiiiin niy paii.v before Hie laai election. Mr 'lt.vvmend s dd tliat on sll these tr.-iiii'tajna would advise lill en.*,ii nol io proceed, bul Captain McDonnell .aid that be bad gone to gr«at expsaar, sud bad bronchi ii un \ i' ,n ms,sud prate**** d m c" on. truaUng to tbe two C'mini-thine! s who had no pertioiial iiit.-icsi in tin* trUI. The charge was read by the clerk, detailing that dis¬ orderly houses ami per.tin. Imd nol la-en denit wilb by c.i pt.tl n Bc Donn il since in- w .- appointed In tbe Klgbto Precinct, November ll, 1174. ami instdlaorderly boosei now estated in Wooster, Prince and GBoene-eta., .and the BOOnS* '1 "tllcer tonk in,elf. ct un liia-iin.*- losnppi. mthOSS, not cuterning tbe law. i be v. ii nessi's v,i re requested tu retire, end nearly all tbs easts ls tim ream wsw li it vacant. A. the two sn. (Bused ('oniiulMloinrs kept their seats, Mr. Towns- nd, glassing ut them. Uti I te Ul'" (MO witlleiaSOS W.lO have lint geoe out." Witb a mille, Mr. MacL un satd : " They oeoapy a pssa liar poeiliou in rei in eu.¦*. to tho case." TK-cil.Mt'NV OB DOTH HIDilS. Db. -dwtB~ss*sst,m to. int Ppctaget^srsaswernss thc Hist-a ll ness. He testtllod that ho had lived f.i three years In the Kliilith rr.-cinrt, mid hud freaeOBtly visited houses which he thought disorderly lu WeSBtaV- st., wilone liitnates talked with passers-by, srhfle SShoot- children stopped snd listened. Thee barnetts Belated men both in daytime aud ut ulglit. He wan u mt-inncr of the au-illary hriinch of the Society for 1'revri,- tlon of Crime, and be went to Ciiptnln McDonnell June t, lr.?-*, and feld him what be knew. The after condition was worse than that before. During l-7tf. aud luM inotiiti, he »aw tbe same thm«s, mid in lleetiieii did not Inlerfere with what they saw On cresa- sxamteattan ka tmUlod te sataflaa certain disorderly Imus, a tn a professional cupuolty. He. did not koota/ ihat Captain McD..linell bud made over 400 arrests for dl*or- derly cowA-M In bl* precinct. P. H. Bburu. ot So. 77 McDougal-st.. detailed similar _-E_3<tn/_J__ "T«U.,n *,'<* PSSSlBSt Tbo Kev. Alfred ll. ilaiment. of No. H ChariUm-*t.. said that ha bad beea obliged to give up doiug pnatoral work In tke sveniag by reason of t_e aunoyanos bs wss sahtaated to. He believed the evil to he In¬ uit. He reaal from an it-ount printed i Tid, .ntntiKB of Julv LB,1878. of At> eonrer- sailonbehau with Captain McDonnell. ' '«' ', '; told bim he could aol eend bia men ... gel ev .g.,.i,st these place*. W. M. Waite, of Bo. M \i.n-...i..- .!.. porroberated the stMobOS ol Dr Fern st and tba nev. Mr. Moment with Whom he was *--¦. lated in looking nu tbe .' sreputable booses. B.' not bell* ve rn oreetlng crime to get evidence to aupi'rees lt. Be ttii.u_.it thai a citisen ougbl not to soto gel what%d«****e*lresare paid lo do foi Iheaoupreas.of crime. Mr. Balle said tba! in cv.ivtlimi:'a.*.-. a. ri, enforcing gxetsolaws,< ..pinn McDonnell had gtree him all th- msmiBBOS in his '"rii'i- rid ce elosed tbe rs ie "or tke prosecution, and i, I.Uiel.i-r ol lcsnients iimi He'll dolli. Inisincss Ititi'- Precinct, testified to tb greal Improvement thom ic Captain '¦' In hargi. All were agreedtbal Ibe outwardindlpaflona ol ,, un ed, :,n,'.unit Captain McDonnell did uli a-1 a* ere .T. F *al,i'n -I.; (i. Cullen, of. No. I1. .1 i; tioff>*t, dolor business at No. llDl-i-'i,. t. since 18281 ll. tn Muller, of Bo. BS I' Incest.; Darld 1! anett, In it No. 20 Weet Tblrd-ot.i lt. OarUer, nt Na ,, wbo aaid that be could nt on ins atoop without disturbance; William Clancy| Dr. s. ti. vi No, 18 cii.ii tra>*i.t., wbo gave evMeaea thai be (Milleeaurgeon, and tbitthara "ii. a very lar a in tin- liiecincl, ainl h.. had BUOkeU to HM I speen.r about Cantala BcDoi.Il working lila tuen tee bard; Barnool Plonsky, ol Ba 181 Bgring-M.' l-l. A. Klt.'Ke, of No, 180 Print -st.. and K. J. Durke, doini. nt Bo. 109 Sullivan-*! \i -l p. m. tin- trial wa. adjourned anti! lo o'clock morning. / 0 tBB IL or C. C. IVA I TE. BODBBBt UV Uti: Bl v. DBS, JAYl.ort AND BUi'IS- A I.AlfCK A-TBXDABCB. Thg funeral ol' Charles (.. Waite, tlie lat*' proprietor of the BtOIOOll House, tool pine i.t tin* Broadnap fhharaasls yeoterdey. ai io o'clock, boders tia- c"fllu was carried Into the church, relatives .|11 fm ads Bssemhk d al lbs Brsvesn Bsass bi Fifth eve* wta-ie ii mager vhs (flated evm ihe body ny thc Bev. Dr, buss, <>f BprtagfleM, Mass..ea old wm ea- icemed friend of Mr, Waite nml In* former pastor otter which the funeral BfSSSSStSB was forino.t, and pi .eeeileil to the S*ISI0h The I whb li w.u> of soltil oak OOVOfOd willi black cloth and velvet, with handlea nt silver, ems berne eg tue niau- ami planed at th.- feel st lbs rn idtag deak. it was ant- rauadad hy a prefUstaa of dsslgns in white flower*. ill.- pull-hear, rs, who occupied Heats ou euell HI.lt of Hie pupil, w.t.. Albeit ll. Oreen, lien*, .mm K. I'll.rip-. Sin¬ clair rniiii >, Belem n. Wales, fades Qthb il* ovs, Alban Bietseadt,BobertBehsll,Caleb n Kaovels sadleas-sl Want. Tba tanara! soi vlooo. whieb wera adapted by the Ber. Dr. Taylor, paster of ths Tabernacle, and the ¦ev. Dr. inns, vets bogan by ths staging *>f s hmm. Dr. Taylor. Btti-r readlag ssvi ra, Bpproprlata eek c;.- of Heripturt , ileli\ cn tl Un finn ral **.) SMB. Ile* purgSSS of an ;ul lr. M Bl BUBh a d ne. he said, is uot le pronounooo eulogy upon tko buna, buttoadmta* .UKI.Illili,n io til: I i.-.: \. .1. Ill iln piesrnt In¬ st m. *, however, sn arneb oemtert may be di rived tram tin- akaraoterol bim whom wo deplore...> wm ihv was bataan the, rntattons nf lifo that ws oaaaoi folly dla- ohargeour duty wtthonl maklag apodal isfenaee to i.im. To ktn-w him wss te leva aim, sad th* bi knew him. he laved hun Hie mort. Nar ls lt itinicril) to sacoanl for the faet he bed s lm of heart. He took an latoreal in evin Mun. Ibm Bl feoiod th-i.e whom be loved, sad spared mi m. rib nm labor lo prelude meir be.l lut'-rcsts. He lind an li: bora,gentle mssliBCsaof natare whloh < am.-out lu in. nrtiiiiHty ot ssaaaer; tor tin courtesy for whieb dtsttuguli bed wa* ne thin veneer overt lying s dta'posl* tion did. tent from Itself, but was tbs natur il t xprt sslon of hit heart. il. va,,, i . nf imii in bia profi ami yet had always OD l.-l inter- prise nf benevolence or walch Ihe world knew not. There sra many to-day who, rememherina lie did foi them, will f Bl Ilia! tia. bare losl their b* si eon Bul tl I* get Inca* "i bia v in foaled al 11 a ill bi* i|tu!*ee, be wa* sud in \ ti inui tb-' moa ui,h iuiimt. upugbiues*. Il.< hated nil TiiL'i i and ot iii.kt.s' gain by dishonest r, and bli wurt fell by him. i.i.'i a..-..nut.si na¬ nt,u'i. .-¦ foi to sar tbat in hi* nobie, n tn. rc i,i- il be lind mai" bspnt- kenn l .- d t'i>- st ,t. IS. 1 iii .lt. bul I.e .4 art BOOS tin- la .-- ufa woman'* lei I bold Ui ... Joyous, oft* ill hi* .lint.le mil be ^4HH con.I.ir: te, I ... planing f.,r theil .. lam*.' fnr tb. m. via* kl lid iv sud lin ile, i. in.il lin 4 I.i ..'-.I up t hui, tt nh a -"ii of rei renee, tn wa* a true ii nf - v ; and, winie i. ad] .. ii.lent lei -i ul lita on B. i i ree wa* tl,en eh. 'eil bj Dr. I it lot -. ai.-r tai.i. ii ihi body waa tahea t>. liep it, la i.clina- ll v for interment. Aiimiiia- Ibo**. limy be mention-tali B. li. M inn ': v. liam Tilford ; Br, Smith. ¦.I Ult i'll! A wi, ll- II.,I. ! >l|- UolCbkiaM, Ol Hi- B. li. !-< ii. W. P *, Sir. Dun, ol i.e Astor li >U ; Bl ll,I-Alb-in.a P. lia '.'-1 .III OttB CIO TO at hom;:. A ii"-"ting nf ft nillir* ir mann* factor, r .-ri1 uhk tenement-buni Ut b ld Ll t.a I 1 Il.l.Ililli, ill N-I ,,I|.| av.-. Slid i.-ni. rail.Ul before tbe Legislature, bywbl h u'i. run. te tnll tee, wm* md 1 r, ap p. mi. .1 ai ti j of a heal Ina ll ll mi t.i a. i h.-t i. ported ic in. House ou 'I' ilnst, ii In ld tO 'I lund*. The .allin of tl.i . ie a of Mi J ii rn, i. v im the tuii po* .' io tal ¦s bill. ENGLAND*!! WU KED H ' Bright.. r t Wc now come to anothei question, aud thal ls tbs lpn-.c.ni of tbe h.nu -.- Icu the people ol lin. ,, bBVI bad tm a lon. lui!" past, and ,.¦ nt lina h iud cruel -. re all wars ara savage aad eroel | bat I m. ,m imr.h iimi Braal w*r. on nnoivlllsed oi balf-drilisod men. Wbea I read ..f traaaaetiona ol timi kind something always putt to me tola question Wa .i it ihal iimi,..* If anything makea. thu aee**Ieea and terrible alaun ter dUlorenl rn Ita natara lrom tin,., traneeetloa* wbiek «e call muidart We sall ans soi of transaetloui war winch liss ii tntaliy dtflbreal aound ',. wbal ta.- tern! murder, ami we de bm apeear lo Inquire when tbou- ssndssrc guilty mint it was that brought noa,sad » nr it was tbal wo sh.mid taltal Hist temi,,,, ilaug-ter wlill.- we m.- oil excited to tue ln»i degree V soma Indi¬ vidual, by the vindictive aol of somebody ela nut in lie-in, amt tbat act ls nulled mur¬ der. Tai;" the wara with the Zulus and Ce A.gi.au*. Vin know wo have bed excuses made for tbem, uni >>xeii*ea which were uni In.nii..I b v ti.e teeta wansee tba*-the luhu attack. .1 Natal, which is absolutely and notoriously end (-nurdy fal..-. We have bad statements wita regard to the Af.hiiiis very numb of ths sams character, tbat thi-y erera solan to threw tbelr tohaeaee with enotber and a i.orlheru Power, and that tkof Insulted outrageouall Hie envoy sent tn SSBBBStS with lin in- ail .i wbieb I believe there lu lint H p il tte le of loiiU'lalinii tor. ,.r,* cseu loff.-red by persons wbo commli erl nuii thiil they BM) MJ! these nets ,ai ,, nm crt mrs, bul oeccaaarj sci*ol ilateamanablp Well, ,.t most, In re¬ gard to either ol thees Powers, tbe e iee s \% one of ,u p,cl.in, bat. blihple.ou willoh the most '-.'I, len, .,1 per- win -i -u'i lhere was no grouad for. but ia it tight upon men- «uhpic!i_i, mat a country like 11... ,,,,, ,| seed. In tue ..na eees -".tx"' and lu tba otho* to.ooo troops to'in- vu.io i.i nt..r cs .iml lo pul tn denrli mt i, -. n,,,,, _,, ,.,,', natl, en:;..*.'.¦<I In IBS dVifenoC of their own cmiiili v, willi li, ta our casa, wo contddse beaorabie ead Beetlittll « * ?' Wi ii,:.y I.,* Hillie sine thal in .onie hIiiiih, If we. the people of England, toleiate tbe bloody und senru erlams whieb are eommltted in our country*! nemo if inca nre »o ei.i.iiuiti. .1, .uni wed., eel remonstrate and Condemn, we snail lina.* no acajuiilal at in, tribunal hv nii ie I, the act teas, mc ..t Individuals only, but of natbrna aad peoples, ara fnally Ib.asiL Now that le tay view. Pei i.a j* a 1 in. > c laoki ii too strongly, nn.i pei hana with * warmth aad an aarncetaeea wmeh tomoo! fun may ihiakuaaeeeeeary. [Orteeet*MBa,no 1*^ ii. lievetbai lt ls not possible io I... atrwnely condemn a poi avh.ci the i..' <l .¦»..- i.t-.i treaeuro of >..i peopk wasted, br wi.icti tba blood ol mir Incl Uren au i thone whom mi ire to call our foes ls shed. Tod iolver«w) ol tin- battle of [anndale, l do not know bow many llvea were BSSdiesd lu il. hut than wera 1,500 lives lOSl oil the lilli.sh Sale, lr:in.'la, oOcerS, a mid unlive tr,,,.p., in.l 1 know i.m hon maaj al Ike taine uses slaaghtarsd la u war \a blob h,,. nev.r been roved te be ui rx .-ari. ",.ii i. \ (lea bot* .tliut* ll. tt.e (.ihllll. utimi fer tile iiclj.i.i Wc t In li tonk, of tba c nu ne lina t ion we nave reams* tor tbs enormous aud liieaiirii utile lam "f lif" In Ihut otic day's wari Well, In A sh auls ten.« country as larne as France, and ns mount it u.i'U. as baltzer laud.mir troops aie nugagetl in slaughtering ami banging tin- aatlvee of lim viiliiKi-s, ainl womea aud ciiiaire.i are turood out Into tim frost mnl ths snow of tin* Inclement season, end this ls doun iii ll.OSSBBSUd of a (auvernnield professing to lae wiser and mme Ciirlstlst. nml nure hassans than tho«e witb » In,in mil' I rn np.* ST* contend nix. 1 Fay Iel us abandon our pretensions; ni as statm bo longer io be Christ las ge boah ta the heathen time* wlilUt we BdhSCS io the heathen praetn t. Lei us nu lenser, as 1 sen some of the .eitdlnjaT uieu of Un. SOBnlt J have within the past few weeks, et the opening of chinches and the laying of the foundations of chhrcbes, loin In a mere regard for tin* Ctrts'ian iciiginii. I .ay, fake down at any rate the Ten Coininandtnaant* imalde your nbitrohes, and sar no longer you believe la or reed tbe Hermon on th* Mount. Abandon your CurtsUau piBtSBSSS or elie your Savage and hesthro pracUoet)., THE COURTS. ATTOKNEYS AND 0OUM8ELLOS& A MSCBBStna niAi KfKSi.Y WTBBNgXfcB SBVBBAl VOt'NO MK.\ Jfsr TnEMRLIXO OB 1HK BB1BB OF 1 UK BAR. A singular d-WttBslOB IXDM before the Su- picme ( narla (ii-ii.ruI 1 ci in. c t.-i-tlav, in regard I" t. n or twelve candidates for BdSdSBtJfl to tin- 'bar. Afl'*r they imii been saanusned tn*'.*re tue Ooart, Chief Justice Davit «al.l Itnit Cia- cindiilnti vam Ined and favorshly reported on as BttoTBOyS, bul bl som.* mi«i *i'.- ti.e eommltk ¦ -l aol nmlned i* Th.* foaafj m.-n tiii.ht I lien f..re bSVS tann o| "ntt-'l iis at> torneys, and al Si Hon aa eoe.i ?ii...-i.a [ or bey might wait until lotion and be adouM alb rney* a mi eooneolloreal tbeeams ti nu'. Jnetb e d rls I,,ii. ii of tho Con.nii'ten .ad tani .onie of the WOUld BOl have l)*en reemii- mended for sdi i eounesltore on their examina- tion. J. K. Dos PSSBSS r-.il'l IhathesaekS for four or five ol til'* cu, l.ilati s lr, i ll BUg the i.Helidon of tlie ('milt to the taw of 1879, winch was passed ta sllow eli v who soald bs admitted ns alter noys before Jens i. 1880, te he aleo admitted as couaseltore. JBstlei D s.n.I (hat he lui.I ^-|a en lt,at inbjeet cai efnl cnn.I ler.il inn. was of the opinion thal no person oould n.- mi- m ltted ns a counsellor who had no: passed aa examina¬ tion f«>r admtaaton aa ouuaai llor. Bz-Jodgt Davies submitired to tbe Courl (hst thc law pi .viii, d that until ,lii':c 1, H~u, a ii j iii im net c. .ii b bc a. .mt t.-d as counsellor n' Denara] lim, '* .ii lin- pl ...111. linn nf B llcen-c I: lintel lo ali V such person by the Supreme Catari si s (tenarnl Term thereof, permitting mm person to pi u tl a.. an attar1 nev." Justice Davis said flint hi-: ntl. i.t lon bsd not been io in.i. elans,- mil! mm' morning. Tba Cunt w.-ti.ll 'ft'..it might ic- sn.Iticil ob lbs subject, i h.* au lal toa 44,,,, d bc senl bm .. I m snothi i .ml -. .. orilla,-ll .c. One of lin h. lnlat. n mot' ii iu beball a*attorney*,bnl .1 i»tlce Dart* taid it won! i be d if the ''.'ur' should di ldc In I heir r.i v... .- before Ibe nevi fumnm limn Ute] oould be admitted as esuaaeltam at once; otarra a not. Thc action of thc Donn oatt ed eonaldernble com- meat, the gt nntof lawyers pr.-* -nt a* fsr ss expressed in con versa! iou being again hie/ Justice iba in lu. ¦¦nu «lruc' a". Ol tbe Mal Ita. I luring the dls- tlot s Berrett and Bradj, aaid nothing. CHAttOEfl AOA1NB1 wo LAWYERS.. OBS BBB i" 'i >W ' kDSa WHY l.HY BBOOLB BOT Iii-. MBBABBI I'. Justine Vim Braal bas senl tbefollowiBB let- :, i n, t tbs Qeaaral 1'enn: QEimhatm During Hie progies* of the trial of the .in inui l .-vinson before bm .' Ute Circuit. Pan. III.. IS ula. :. in re peel to Ihe sa of of ih def. ml H .to tillich I think i .inmid r-.ll ibe Bltontit-n ot tbe » tbal -in .. action ma] be ik o as in. ease seen.. t>. ro- ontre. lt np ' 1" ll tm- Manufacturers and launs .ii io reeon htch tney alleged ¦ll ilia., i, fenn tlc auk ov l- \ BOOB 0V< above a l deyostte lo pur*un.fa -nn.ptrat-y mered nil,, nj I.- \ n. -ii witta .loni' I*. ': I. VII'-..a .. mi., .i ill, a nm.a. ol .s,*. i.i Park- row,a efend bim, and gare ii-iim, as -I rn h.in Ir.an li .' I ll..va. til- ll in il. .Il t.\ e M Hied ll- l:i- * lil, Winch him .lanie.:. . i nit rt *i on hi -Iiii of in ,i on ih. i ol '. Mi. tl 'I 44ltll ami li-- reoervod plSO from Mr. Kdward D. Bishop, a tbe nan., I ilr, George V. Wehuianu, nml ba ala bad I*, cu ». l.i bj -Vii. ii ibo to Me H'. Nicholas ll.d.l io i.; Mr Ii'ttera; thal be bad n to Mr. ll l UPOU lire j. C. ll. Van Bl r fm Mi ll lbs I,) Shoo c ,y Of Mari*': -ii from IBS .I i*i .ma- Ail i i'. ni for T. "ll, li. -i aloa rney, for li! Ol lb] gsr." _ ;:i». Ja .li ti Dobbe, nbo was arreeted in Phils phis 1.. ogs Inn r .ntl, WSS dia.ctiarge.lir.iin ll*- wns li 7 fi burgl ..li., util I). Lon *. a lau *.< r, eras convii ted ot bat Ins obtetasd bj fr..mia. of Sarah J. 7. it>r!«kic to a sail-' Reformed Dutch fll ve ut, CIVIl ;;i II. Bi ul brough pI..I-.nu iii -- 00 l t. 1.1ii.,i Lax sued tbe Forty-ee-ond street .ol Company ls tbs Baperlor Court tor gS.OOU demi I lha death of bev road. Judge t 'lin .mt of E. Edwards Lombard against rubik Administrator Hi _ triedm the :i CltJ I 001 I I li ...si from t s \ .4 in. plaintiff, ..no had ebarga ..f bis uml -ni n !,.i -.*, a m.ainj ot int.:ii, .s i ,| bim, Dr. \lli_er " .ai i *, milted th,, pleinttl mit in i.i tnai !>ie amount I'S rn J .a yardlu! of fl.PM for th.- pistol ff. DECI810NH Faa. & ennremt Coori Chamber* Bv Judes Lawreueo.- p.s.i agt iaiinui. itt.me. Meuse pentad witt, t*.io esau ii,, tn, I y*t. -.I.. ,,. Order that tbs defendant pey <>vct a-ra.it .¦I i.i.ii.'.-iii.i ,*t. Mnt.tc, ti.. [Unnkt-a Mon waa rrlSBt. Iiei.an neut ni Hu hitn*. ni! Bulga igagt. amita. -t win armit sa order to .tn,at cans* Conner agi. Alden. Motion .lenna trttbonl cost* I'.. i. i-t ..ht. -.iv.- tiotl.f nf niola.ii, [B the matter ol Uaa*agl ut-i. r MoUanssmntAd. bawley *Kt. I.s lr- v nee let ' I *.. ley art. Myei«i Dewier agt. Burbaas -awfovagt, rurneesi iia*»icv .¦;., ii, ui i sgt. in 'i-f 'irders *, lia-Jin's-, p. bm Oregon ,. Motton deatad If a.'.!.lan -. iii «¦.. ... nt l.i r. f.-r .¦! Specdj ri il ,,f il,,, ,,,,.. 11, Hiv nut!.-I cT ,,ll,lill... linter .Ulna11 MO lin anni .nain in. ford agt. Joye* oraatedi referred t.. a. i,. Kniu-eu. ih> flurry *a*t. nhl Motion irrnnf.il In tin. i, utter ,,t \ sa V.. I. i.i, iienoiiii-i inui i'mrnlisiii Mmiiifi.-turin, ttoaipaarsgl Tlisa-er. taoonh-rs Tliaver act. Hows: Palnaagl lola \\ wilie.use agt. 1'o.KI Itu.Wei uki. tie Mny.n i*i.mt.-. Kui.t/.-i agtKnatasli Ailsa agi I ..mni'-l. l:y Judge Hra.lv. -Iira.iley sri No.t ,n. r;'r,,r,,c ir, Ht Presidio*-Justit* t':.v|s snd J mitres Bar I Brady. Hurl mit I.vti- li. ur.li. ithglO I di*' iiim-iin uti. Hriy.li'.u ant. BtslkBap. ' i , ttl ind .'l-l. .1. m. n: s. Kearn i .vi. iv, mot..Ordl -r ai,,i tllabui a,viii": nulli.a Baitfe arti. Knuth. Mee nirin.ir.ni,:,lin Mor, Sat. A .sate..omi I aniline.) <* ...al di.-,tiuir.e- |.|. tina. Bj Preslaiing-Jast'ce na\i. im.1 Judge Barrell ii.wctt ssl it' !., ii .1 ta sod di.hut ian* n 'lem. tlOi i. j ucl -lii-i-1i.il. Appeal 'I-',.:.'..! aa fi t '..t* -I .ll I..11 ..- I,,.'Cl.- Illlt'.lll. -'lt'- bli-lilllie. .'I'li'l Jill':»i * it agi. ibe ' .un I.. ,1 I'lini ia. n ii uoaspaay. ete, "... rfii-'.i and motion aieuled willi S10 cost* .a I'.-si and ttl*hersonen ti Ureea eat Hqolro* si 'I ' "¦*.' ¦-"'' ¦" *~lto*10co*t* aud disbars*- mond hui. uni,am., ont. meal tai,i, Tio MeUshna U allb S1Ucosts *'¦ -ii.ii.h.. m. ,,i iiima.n denleal ttlil, ilBe.i.t*. un... ant Inn.l.-i utll 111.1l e 1 roeta nn-l dl.bn.te i.«*Bt«. i'..naran mci t:,.j Taler af- eil. Blt) CO*t* SOS .1! lill! .' ria I.'. I*a" l.t r a .1.11.1. Itt l*ret_. Ing-Jnattr* ..., snd Judges lu.itv an.! Barrell .I Milln ant- Him.-,ill. i.i Order .lilllie .1 with Sid catt, and By Jiai*." 1 Bis<i ind Barred rbi si rei itt. r u_' * - I'nica-.'1uii,a . Jil.ia e 1'atl art.1 , , irrett. . Townsend isl twuitahl *u :.: ,ii ;.. sSlnued wi ,,;« af- ilrinasl end a ll r, .1 seal iisiti,tt -BehalSt asl >i«rkte.. Oraer raversed with Sii'i sta Bud ls. AaMlnck »ltl "-t-atn.t. lintel .tn.lill.'.I «-. .lirv. t .{ |. opinion ,.,.!- nornlab ki i »itbS)Ooo*u wliiimit lucjiidic.- to th* appellant's richi to appeal fn s mr onl.ii Hi.I nnav Im. here.ln.i -.aile In Die |,ini, s, . Ttl pl* t Ttl. 1 sambell sgt. __pb*ll, etc.- Oid.i ilillitraaa.l ,.1 ihi, . -pin' ,11 of JasUee taarence. Leonard *«'. thu (.'..lumbbi isiawin favlgataam Compan-..Jo-lguicnl a(Tr*iii>ai. Tbs Pee ,a. ,-. 1.1. ti .intiti it*.i it.. Hourn of rireiVisamlasluBSra*- j-rm-aMWllnsS nfBrmed on nj.li,Inn ¦! Jlldga Vee 4msI. ihe Peopleeirsl _aivmBgt>neasi "f Pebe*OommlssloBera ri... e.lib|* afllni.e.1. tlirl.yrr: « iron ..I.... ii tain llellwsr la.nipunv..Jnd^mrnt itllln.i..' >i. |-.-nple ss tel. iii* M.r.'liunu lal.a-itH.**. < oni-aii' Sgt i oiniin.. leases bf fair* *inl Ata.iasiui.nta.-Writ .,.ia_.li. ,1 with uti. Knlly ant Mils. .1 mis-incut atllimisl. Weil,lt a*t. 1'i-tarr. Jnitg- h.. ,i iriai*r»._ u«w trial ..nl.'iel ault <>»ia la ali Kn.iity *«U ntrnee. 'mian *fnnnrsl wlib If IO Cnet. ami .Its burasuit'Ult. Hhirlabt agt Ula**, rs.e m.itmi amlriin. Dally, Jr., ML Oearhiai.lt oiit'-r reverse.1 with JIU co-da and ill* biinarineala »u.l in,.lion denlt*.). I*Sil», lr., n«l. llnw-hvidl Ordtw rtavrrtM-d talth elli ci>*t**lMl ilianiirarmeut* and uinllun d*_ied. W**tes aa-sasnsey..order afllrmeo witb SK) rusts ami .tlabiirs'tii.nli.. Marls sat. Usn etsi order a_trnt<rt With $10 costs sad i_it*_t»f*_iriit*. Tbe 1 roiile ci ttl BU'** i-f. the I'o.trd of Police Commissioner*..f-nl-f-r affirmed with cost*. By Preia'rtinK-Jiistlce Davis and Jn-lre il'irr-'tt We-h i.f Haiyiaii and ot-sra,.Jndgmeel ur.inned, il..st.ne nut- BUbb rs lunl luu.lhi-r. .Jud.nei.i ifllrui n. By I'le.idiini-lii.nco Davis ead radges Barrett..Tue Pso- t'le x i, ii,, ,::,-. m aa- tlie iioarii nf i'll.- ('ouiuiuaai"u< re¬ order afliniii-it arith cost*. Hy l'tr-siiiim-: itiaatioa Doris and fiid*;f*. Itr.-ilr nn-1 Barrett. w ron el it Mum -t ai..ordet afllnn.-.i with $i» coats snd illsiMir-vii ci.t«. r. avi.a* art. noss and anetherj wm kin- I',.*s sntl sin i .f1:i"ic'l 44 nt I. .'stupi.eli.-tir.l--r -fflrmi-at with -t-1 a) <s>*t«, - im i..-in nts. fl erht sst, i.ctv.- 'r.tci rsvsrsstl witb Sid costs it*, mi'1 the u.e i... ked will) Iiu mst-. Wallace and another agt. Tho American aiUrine.) with .r..*l a. i ileh net. Vender* ni . agt. same, saddle- matter of Klldnff Ol -rr rerswl with¬ out «ft*m: rehearing ordered. Moi-'arland ant. .Iii.l.: .- r 1'." p lin ti fl ida cent t.i iii .'¦.-... nv Mr instil',. Brady. TheAmerloen Unloa dd'.stou. ('"!. laffltiued » nts. (lera- silt. .Mk ea -Order ..versed vain, ii tn sis >i li rn: a Newe nar,af t t- and <ll«- ih Hamlin cr nc H eek I Building Company, iedgm for ni«iiitliT .- : lat. Hom ul -.1 .lii'l-'iii,"*! nilli mel .'"Si* nf ,-:¦-,. to tn- peid oct ol the ronda, I rel Htebbins et al. sgt Moe et el..Judgment ord r ,; rm it,. r. etc.. Moiton it, nt..1 »un tiio ...ats. I in- People et rel lu.'wi-ts sud sgt. Howe, Hbcrtfi ctr I to the in.to.iv of tbs sheriff. i,ess<<im au act asm ,1 m.hr re 4 Uh uni <o.ts snt disbnnieuieuts. In the matter nf i on I'I lld .Isl By i'i. aicin-'tii.ti e DsrUaaS/edgs BasteSt..Uewirsat. .1 another..Order e*Srmed ou me opinion ol Brady. J., -.v tit no reeta sui disbursements .'at'inu.'t Ibe Admen ria. k it mn ra ii * QllSl IBIBIBII* with Si 0 avasts snd dlsburse- uiinis. sim tba na.iinn to vacate dcuii<d wiih sin costa ile rr-Hiilln. J n.iie.i Davit gmt J.nine Unaly.- I .ord art. Ilsrrlaa'ii, i-ti-ninn sic..AU the orders affirmen with > " c.... uml .1 ibtiraemflnt* "f spueel sa dnst lbs ip -elisnl 1 oi A. lit-I'le.o lu. J nat ni DsviHsn.i Jn.lre ln.".H» Punch an-r. Abrnheltn. Judgment rev.rs. I, nam trial .-nb rod, with cost* ttl- .-tent By Presiding Just cc Dii'-issn.i Juiic-c*. I.r-trtvsnrt Iimn'l*.. Th. Nra. VorkCentre) Kulin, u Company sgt.Tbe atsndsrd 'il Company..Jiid-nient slflrnted. Voice asl. h..''.tonis. 'Itt.-iI, ns .lil.-. !r,l In ..pinion without OORIS. lillie, aari. Ht.ee.L.Jud rn.-i.t sfBrtned. In tht mallei of lrd«*r iil.rllfnsl H. d re. ted. li) ii. [uni., nd Judaea Brady and Bsrrstl lathe nattai et Haadren. Decree, egta -v art. fl MiiUob dented w.tbeet coate. Anger. s*e- egt.iwa*. w-iv- BeartU'-ment of order direct! J Da- clea eat. Breener. weat sallied. Deee ait. Mease, ord»rto be settled vb two dsys* non.- Cooper agt. Cooper. Wea apter nraiiduin. Keri"".I* .*t Ihe M ir.ir, rte -Be* nii'ie'inan'bi'U. Brraith am. \s'hit..ii -.'ir dee settled. Pardoe sgt. Tills dera-h.MS wita S10coate nm) .1 .la,- .-ne-i.t.. Tl..- People en ni Ber! Bet. Tba Board of Pira i.'.imnina-l.i.iers Ord-r af tiru ..I wiih 110 costa and disbursement, ly Ju.- .al lnmli_-T)ier:t«s.in art. The 1 it s'tlnned vn'rini Tsrm Br Judge Vsn Yrs', er set. Smith sud other*. I-Indinga and deems stemed. By Judge Donohoe. Mundic and anothrr agt. Mull.nlUn.i -Kllidln.a as raiill.-.t air .1 -neil. Common Pit '. s,,i,-iiit Term -Bv Judea Van Hoe. ... n. .\ nert, BahreO* aa*. ti. order allowing smcii-ic.1 iiiit-.ter ., it leal snd elli' I.-.I. Itv Jii't'-ii I.'ir-rri-.'ir Tb. . aetiir.1 rani amendment* hi!....-. ul ailoWBBC i" pl nntilT. Barta* Court Chamber* Bv Jtiatioe .au- i.ic!' "ii lr.-. a,-, a-ppotnted. M.. .ncr max Ulled du" .ii it'ipl laait. ameer*. Kennedy .... ted. In tb., ala Petition snd order granted, ott eyes Motion d-Uled aa li li fin n.l. tn at, Itv.I ii Millen UKt. Mklnctaan. .Slot*..u to.1l* mia* create see meemi bimUi bi Jii*<-i-h*t atrt. in. natl wlnrolalnuff lo soe ia .m Hti.1. !>i. inor.ndna. Moore airi. T<-tnj,kl!ia.. rn , |, ri-'- taiaOon* are »u rand on, In u r ai ll.rt .¦«>.;,|..,,v airt. Knl»b*. bar. lt IO iii il. (.-nalani's t'll.-f Kc: ital ORt. smoraadtua. 'I Ul (*0UR1 OF AI'lT.AI S 'Ai i:\nv, Feb, G.--In the Court of Appeals to- day.present, the lioo.B mford E. Church, C. J -the r.iil twins bi sd i Nn. 7::.- M.,rv M. Babco* Davis Ior r, -i 1'. Jones, r..,,!,.!, and anntiier, li v.- mi. 'iii i-. \. Mau* t' ' t,-.. u.pa-llai .thi. 1. .|m,ii.i.>iii. att. Charles J Klt-h tm.ed bv J .-'.',I du- ,t lo.,'. 1 ','ir a >., si mv tin n |, new iTiVBB. Q !" IVA li: lill. I.S. \IN.i P.iI.IIirvi .vi:i:y iiiii- uti fa-A. Tan. Wa ldc foUowing Iii'' itniuc* tl i:i Un- Br. M' KEY (i),-rn ,0_i<)-- '.tn* for the ral Du Bj Mr rowNSBBD 'lt p.,Ohio).Tho rrooluB g .'er. On m.dion or H| I tinny ink. n hv lt appointed fair the pnr- ¦ri'lniiatl clccttrn-a* or- m»* .1. Mill HORNE (Dem T. nn.) nffered at li iinlni. .' th. Hom '. n of i Mi. ' a i, fruin ii..* l..,v Alla -. li n rteu . ''ll. BU alu..uni of end M i nu 'ls. I'lii.ie.i si then r. sm return nf ii" pending in Ibe mon.mg hour, mooring tils illili: i.i Vira.-11.1 ll. OMI KU (Bf Mleh ) opposed th* ¦, uta An -dun ui ai la m. \ r.- |ull lOd to ll.ll.lille tn after the lei minalton "i be wa "traitor " snd " rr* " >tttn bia a III IhO UUSl .!' V 'I Mr. ('(>NUl \4 : v Qi iii Colin- in .' . iv Iv. oft. n ii on I-. I have then. r. pi I. u ti i, ..:. th-- other sltl "t the Fl ouse lo incoip.arate In Ihe and ire loned annis, a. u UBI lie exp .. it a d thal »n mam .cues hud last ti idriv a..' u dUa.iijiti inn similar to Hie prraani ar, oin- of lu.-'- vv ho li i.i I, rd, il ', .¦.: Ha' intention ot tb p opl an soldier* ol thc North t tnt* tendency, en ou bia aide of tbs 11 ou-.- tu rai^-.-t all ti,-- d -inal, horrible peet, and .sn.- oth ,t all orer by toe bpi len tion of a new lanni of I uer* tm oeediua- o' !'*" 'I 'i,''. Mess -. i'-Tn.. (Dcm., Tenn.), ELLIS (Dem- La.), and QOODK (Dem., V i rose t" reply, Wooli iiii'ni., -V i'.i object, i" turt_ r Y' ,,, feg ; Ii,is. 111. 1 l.i lian- Iii n. a! I: .... vv. ni in ta. 11 huh. il iee of I lie v boll mi li" i it\ 'ic i.ciai i '1 llouse lil rem Ul I ties lor a ta, ut an In ur, unit uni a sn, a],. _,ni bat in*: been UKO ed tn, oat mir .'¦.in.. (>), amt -parki. (Dem.. Il), Mi. Payne (K, p., Pena.), moved tt:ai tbs committee i i.e. .m, ul-1 im I'll (Dem., Penn.) hoped Ihal Ibm mellon would be withdrawo. If there were aeutlemen tTii di t not it* sti t.tain pi aston wanted ihen nai iee to -.... tb* Br. BPABKH t'il' allegation agamal seutisssea ob- lectit mt of p .¦-, a "H. t. .md nun!.., -o ar ns it relates to n.e. lin gentlemen pease b ii. In -. |ad o' n iiatnet. Br. < "i words, Mr. -I'.. I.- 1 tv; tit'! iip:*,*nl iroui '. (lithe (0 \, ll. 1 be uml lon to rlr*e was .1. t£.C li becoming cv..i -n-, nowe^r, that bur ir ri bastbres could ne iraBsacteai, tbe ,-..r unit. Sual v, two ua*u*ton bil i, roar. rio- ilona.- then, st ;i:->i), a4|ourned _nUI Monday, naval orders. Wh Feb, &-»Pa*md Aaaiati m -ni ..-cn Kara Z. l>err mordered la tbe ra p '...... io. pb Hmitb te dat) st the N v. Tatd, N . . rk. i list ai Hurt bob i. ii m I iclll *i f!"iii iii,' tajCelVlllg ship d on < i .iiliiii'.i' Thom* !'. v ,, llir Navy I I plied or A viotim of doinestie infeti<-it~, wno in- in "it ol dr i n.'\si ga church. A "ii ..(.on mu' Qiiluoi 44.14 aomewbal startli .1 leal :- bb iib u arcs- vd.: " lier-, nu-1 diwp ni- .killel, ulai ti ninan l"-[l,Mi,ney .Model n Ar.o. "onntrn IJroprrtn U).iu!cN. WET .WI I'I'..Purni wit- nteiwils and (nih- "r hinila.-.t tn w.irW nnans.-e* bv an Am.! he. I .f I.iai.'.m.s aa lo hnuc.iy sud CiU'jtjLKl, ,\.|;i,^ BABDUOUB, 11 d.iiiie iim.-B. Elution Cairo ot Real (..tate. LWliM AT All.TiON.-TiirRSI>,YY. Fcli- J mary ll), mun, st Vp. m.. un Ute preinisa'a a'JSi-cnl to thu I pi ntl nu. nt Ihr >erth rthtare Halln.ad, Urea) Beek, li«'ng Island, ihe fat-in .11 lin-tala* lil NI Kl. T. .--Willi, ill.lanie from .Ne*. \ ur li Brtlesi nselsum, IA* acre*; lu live parcel*; .elo p*reueiorv tai clnae estate. SILVAN I'd rt. MUlTH.UreatKeeg, !-.._,_. BAM.-lini-Kll, lJulNiiseauiV *JE»««nfots R3AL ESTATE* Kaw-Toaa, PrMag, F.-b. o. 1 ]gn. The following wiles ivers heM al tut Kt. rhat-e Peiesroo-. io.i.u Hit T). lt. Stanton. 1 lot c s lionlevard, 26. lo ft u of loOOi st, '.>.,t<,o N n HlKK;na. H»C fl. Hrnm-n. '" *M*"5~' 1 pint nf land o . Frank.tii-avaa, matt . lott, N.« hjj ami mt <.n * map of M ori'laaBU. Si.tx': niiacK'nim . l.-rOO i'.l'KD HEAL, Kr-jTATK THAN StW-VDKK niTV. ."tirlm.'r sud Wife lo* haries f D-dy, ', , ,- Oraiid st, ii w c.-r Ludlow**. 2%t ' -oe tO O H TlilOtaOB. . raast ram St NI. ho a, av*, ll. ll ft ll of U7t .'il * W wife le WU MM '' . . ... Ave-A. . », .5 tl ll of T-.th-st. tb.tl -XI'S, 9 i ino- J jv.. Uil-ave, * va cor v.l st In 11 illili .sb-piu-ii |{ Thsy. ei au.l wu* to Marr Duffy . 75 nan 4th av. i> of 7<>(h-si. 2(i_?5| Jilba Boara- ' mau mut wife lo ....irita ", .niuk. Lane 4tm. -t. \n is *-¦__' ..'ox ihi ',; cberlse 9 Heeesatwir and wl,e M ilrrba>rt ll Turin r . . Haine property Iierba-rt B Turner to J T Waters, jr > me Ul opal tr j J T Wat.-i..Ji, le Sarah F Tnr.irr 77th itt. n «, 200 ft w of lt)ll.svr.. 9 t 001 ".¦.lilias* HI... ia.i. i. ¦!. I--, t" .fain-* li Malar I, trnatee ... tnOB 7-lhat, *. '' rtwof lntli»ve. "j-.iloo; Willum lair, referee, to.l ll llaiard. tru.tee 2 ooo : sa 260 ftwnf 1 ,,". V, iil,«ni .sin,lair reter. ., t .1 li lla_tid. trustee, *t> I'M 78thei,ss, *.*7a fi vi ..I loth-ave. 2.'.xi')0: William lair, referee, toj II llaisi.l. ir i.nr, ri. . 1 Tja 78th .t. t .. At) tl wot lllth ave, S-ClOO i Wdllaia .iiiilalr ref.-rr.. i<> .1 lt lias.rd, 'rustre, en- 3,610 :'_tn st. . s, Its. fl w of .al ave, lftiK'o.li: J Con nor, ir. ul. .. .., to ID nry A Crrtui _Sd SOOShSS I't'.u mr. .lr . ft.OOO Slst-sl, u s, SSS ft eol !th av". 40x100 b . Beojamln Weav-i amt vtife In lleiinann it.e-.'.r. 3 250 (JJd-.t. n .: 870 ft at of Hill ave. '..'1 I-h...*, J..,,_ |i J.ilui.b li sud wife lo I'aii.o,. 1 0,700 (!.".(t, st, * a, ko fi - .f Mndl-fiii-ave, '.'OlI'«I.J .sim,iel D Hassell .uni wife to Amelia H K"hu 2*,SSS 97th ki, n h. Sdi) ft w ..I I libera. Jaie loo. ll j W iii,., ia Mccrea and wits tn tl ll lim 11 livnch . jjO Same pi-opa.ity Viuoat Tilyoit. iecclv.-r, ade, ef Are. Ile itisiiraice (¦i,;n|i nt, to satin 1 OOO ll st. b*. 144 Beef Li ».e. ".'.iino.io; (.-orwtila l.ialiaiii In Juli,. M.>l>.nv2 OOO tis. 254.7 ft rot Itt -ave, I- .H.IOO 1 K A i-ainaoiu. retsree lo the Neat lurk I..fia Josurcraee OartBpB J" U.H-00 12..1.I. ns. 27! .A tl rid lst-SVe. 1)l.«i IlK) 1 I ; V A »in. r-1, ree, to the Mew-Yore titi- Iiisinsii. - ( ..ini.iny _ fl.nos 77th si. n a. Tib ft w n: Kith sve '..',»I na. Vt ilham .¦.; I,.i-t,e. cl. .' n .) lafayette pl w s. _*V) fl aol" Rlne-at t'itlti VVsrdl. ISO i2 .1 ueeraej llooparaad wifeu, J M-priaavr 1 Pame property; J M HintiiKei i., Lout* ¦ in- anoiher ... 3,1'0 tl. (.I. vv a. am) fl aol Pln-at, H2XS901 II«"nJ*- inin ll Kt liam *nd ttifat to J M Kp rt ti ea-r. 1.200 !. I. iv a. SM2 f' . f I'uir .1. Vex.Ol J 9 Iv. liam nnd wife to I M Sprlna-r 1,600 lst-arc w s. .rifts nf 2Iel-*t. ".li loo. Ll'KIn .*,,, ,! arie i SOTbet, .>,. x .til.! In la-t *nd al-o n s'.'Dili at I*-** Il nf .iii av.-. 1... a....mar, va ll.iain lt V. tat I-.n rf. re,-. I" Helaina ll WttUUMM » v iii. le.ut.1,--. et. H0.0SS llllh-st, ns .U'i...' M.-: -ott ate. .'..ll "ll. lt T r 'i'resry and atfa-t» L.'.-la Mnndorl. inn,,.) ¦t .n hit - fi. nf Madam st M.4xI00.11i T V Treacy and wife ri 2 Ooo nt 1*1-* ve. l_.VXlOS.St Joaeph iMiiilrii to Ulta Oni»i|er . G »00 112th st,sa. '.oft eof ttl ive. n-i Cit.io. 1 1 snd sltvo aa . v dat 2a.6xlO0.Si Jeeeah Wonay anil wife io WUIUn^l.lhliey. 37..SiO I,! I. I.I \ I - lal id- I. ' d Mock, sf.-re and part nf tcise >'..i ave, .1 year*, at anuna) reel ol S:,5*W .,:!»! ,1 BU -a I lit and wlfu to F M Y Bohne. I -i.i t. dee .........i III'.44.ir, I l> ami vt if. |<> (J i: ,1 arl.Inna lui Be SM u Davis. Ami. K io William M t.aaca, *e iud .ii'lti si. 6 ion th* 4,000 penv, s w . or atal-ave au.l Kl'Jdtt, ., tm years, tot IS ooo I wu U> I s Hone n wi m -il.-ave snal . .'ru-.n, ti iPlki ill. Ie... WU a. iiiK" "rath ate a, ji 7.'.0<W .. asa >.».,, ,.f 1h|. av. ; 7.0"t> I, ant] valle t. A lier ,.,,, w cor Morna st t- Min-nv. v i,,i *a t',.1 || | ¦' AV'' la. 7 I ,. * the M In-- ' :. ll . Ht .Nf, Winiam Halts, e s . 2,..l>0 '' Bl l!»»_en. ......... '.m** 'l .tux- . inui!' i.i to J li Kitasm. I Kuti ...... I r_. .a .eui saotat. 1 a . dian, i. <_.: BtttK JTJr V-aix. iSSOUTMEXT N- --M . \ ,..,-. l, til si. and ". _ "' Ia « .|,V!. .- \i.K . Om lu I * . nd Duli « al !¦¦ ,'! I'i'.' llroa.11 Jon llli'iuln.iv" i h . * _______ _ t,"t -I. ST..Foin p t- ro Crt. \ w. I oilier.. I I Ti- Bi ( I -4. VV ll' lilaOADWAY. i - un it h. i i- TM If ".tn ifjrojicriri UJ -ntcb. CTORK8 nml WHOLE BUHJ <..,,, V- ,., -,, |,.|. ni LAND S kmanet. ¦ I.... ¦ Uvooiinn Real CtUMB lot Sale. iroKr-AI.Ka.i l*;\rilWUK. ItrtMiklvn l.n.wn I -; tinier, et, nae..- -ar farm, ni -,. no*, i'. .jtiM A -.1 - Mill: <Z etintrn 5]ro-.'t*rln tor Ball ano ito Itt. VI ORANTtE. N. J. (iio.Bliboi<nAorl spec ihy). I I' ' n a... a.,,1 l. »! al' I liar- i:t)\\ Al.. 1 1 VILLA ni iii* H ii(Lon, si Yonketsj I'-j -V ra. I.ii.ti ni i t irT'i.r, pr- li -. ni:"- BV a. *."i ival «_ _ ^\)\l SALK. \ .ii Ni iv-jersey, oua hom t ...i ..-at Nark, xl . .mtntti .Holt t ..nra Ban ai"1 ¦" tiiutl* of .mw t.Uiiii.iii.- \ .- v r--. ;. rv; - i i:.-\ FINE COUNTR. SEAT 1 and tann .)> ..--eat, e (lu *. t*s l«-r. i*. li- ._*r i.iii-e. ha.i'. Bas, * .. 1 .lia rmif »* ¦**' * »: the m.. - I ii'it .fi.. t n.i a niche.I Mate »( .... ipi. .. a ai t p. ac.i i. rh. I Carne .- ..ii tai r. v. vniti \ .cm i' L*ol,' SALK, .t SUMMIT, N..I I «*** 1 ..:t tliut. 1..11! ron.it. Iii 1. . : .ar ll II". i Vim) B i.nitete h'tute nt 1'-r Li!.... I . ji«a,l to tue a miaul.-- Ira.ta Apply io HILO. .i-i'K.M al ei.. .Newera, h. j FOR SALE "i TO l.!,l". \ (I'snalil.- mill al 1 Beainbtatan, \ i J. il Ut>K SALE. -XCHANGKnrTO LKI. -AU-nt 1 l. i. a. a: a4_aliwa.il. \ j.. 7 inlnui. a tioai l»rr* .**¦¦'*. lnav !.(. .1 iciiM and liuioallarlniia pioaty ot Iran. r. iv I'111-..'ol.l.. JJ I'ari place. _. rtH) WA I I ¦l.UoWKKSnn.l I KIT'K FARM- I Ba I,, tnt ll a.-r.-a, with mediant hunte, atr.p'.t ii.n din*., t.r.ieii, otebem, jHittnra. aa"«i wair-r, witaia tar* tmlM ot n Hi oed* aud it_a_l. aoaaal lita-al naaikeUi 0*n UU) alon,ai ae.ira** I'..). Boa *Ma> wean llroos, M. Ja_ T<> LEASK un New-Harm K-.a.l ; one houi 1 lrom the city, fnrii-hed el ui.f.iinialird. . trmilnmuu.1 g, aaa* "untr) Met ASdresa ** Kt, ha U" Box .0, Tnbtta* ollie*.

THE COURTS. R3AL TRYING TCJENTRAPACAPTAIN'iii. cv, lupin,ii of hundred,.' of millions of ital estate from ti -.anon is den.,'.inc'tl. lu conclusion, Hie Assessors recommend that the

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Page 1: THE COURTS. R3AL TRYING TCJENTRAPACAPTAIN'iii. cv, lupin,ii of hundred,.' of millions of ital estate from ti -.anon is den.,'.inc'tl. lu conclusion, Hie Assessors recommend that the

rent nf the total valuation j while in 1P78 tt was as¬

sessed only a small rraotlon over 13 per cent of the totalValuation of teal ve*r of real and personal property.Thc lucre.s, .iftb-vulin DB 0* n-.l estit' ircni lt7t

ts 1DTD smsnsti I faBMl.140.7tt. The dssrsassta the

Saiuatinii of tacrsonai psepen* m the saaM ported ta

Ketv-Y..rk ('tty alone amounted to flop,417,317. The

_oec%*itv Sf some mollification in the law lbs Bl

think ls plata, lu renard to this they BBB-S tho follow"

tag taportaat roeom¦eadattoa :** Whenever a ehange i- made ls tie law*

.prOi 11 .i in-art-111 tho stroll '>.*! p hit tn Dit the owners ol r- ai and personal property be

put upon the sane equalltr, ond that pers»i il propertyShall oe aa*essed at Ita full value, wi .lae na, at

1 ".1 ii,'i,i.t .. 1.1 tba own r. ItUnntu lotbeate thai he ahull i.e ohilm il "-1 av

Upon t,i. full \ ut.' of in. ii mi se. store t bra, wnnoui'.

'th. 11 -i |.,'i-, -.-. tvnsaio.i (Xl ai it rum* ntilly i*e_O.0UO .'. .[ li "f it borrow

glo.OOO un his Lmuds, aiant 1

Tue \ amendmentIsgBTdlsg tore'as .¦ tal; so tii.it litaxed In competition with tbe cspital ofper.ouia of this Btate.Tbo Aascaaors maka tbe oorel recommendation lost

tstearaph cole be considered ai ie ii eatate, aod taxeoaeeorUinaly; In view ol ibefaei tbal tb*of rain -ad iraak are .so :n.s"il and taxed.

Xii.- A-r.,¦-- i- the *ut<teei nf texanlaeur*ance c mutinies, atatlut tbe various niau* pr. post ti rortaxm. iiiiin and the obfectiona ins.te to each. Concern-lui: iii- insuiai.ee co,.,|>, tbeyaayi " rbereramainan tc ai lo a1 speoiflc tax. al a low rate, uiiob tbeasset*, the surplus, or Min liieoui.-

" ot these companie*.Kegiiidtna mutual ute Insurance Rompul, -- ms A*-*'*..

sors any " It weald seetn bnl |us1 that these oompsn-las abould contribute)aomei-injr to the support of u.efitati.inil that a t.ix of three lonrtba of 1 poiuren 1, 1 ocr cent, hoi n sn nindi ol the larplua SS eX-cecil- ..in- tear', taeome, would perhaps bc Judicious.Beere! t- sxpreaaed alta* bia' rate of taxation tm-

nosed aeon lbs basks. Th* question of taxing savinanaultslseonstdered. lt i< ahowntnal Massachtiactts,Conn-client _nd other States deiive large in¬

comes from tbess hanks. Tue Asseaaor* aay:..It is ¦nrfueatioaably true in this Plata ssin Kassaohueetta, th.it aarlBga banks ate us.-.Iby pei 11 . in independent circumstances, au a* to av..nt

payment of taxes on persons) estate. Three hundredami tliiitv-fonr millions ol dollars 1* a aery largoamount ol capital t" tn* exempt fran taxation."Attention is culled io tin- i_wa about tin- railroads and

tbsy am declared tabs sadly in aced of aiueiniuicnt.'iii. cv, lupin,ii of hundred,.' of millions of ital estatefrom ti -.anon is den., '.inc 'tl.

lu conclusion, Hie Assessors recommend that theGovernor's su-ire.Hon that ia clnun-sl.Ml be annotatedto 1.-vi.e t'n- tux nra. ol ihe State ne adopted. He . sayalso, tu it whatever is done tue Legislature will Uni it un

easy task ta Items lews laiprovtaathe pre-cut tines,.

State Asseriiiair 15rii.**.-.s presents a mpplemeanmy re-

Ttort v. liicli is not aureed to by Ins coil.-n.-u- - In Wbiebhe sketch**.- BB el,h..late pinn t.,r cipializiii- tazaUon.moult tin- cona ilea oi' tha sin,e. far. Briese also de-Blares himself In fsror ot taxing eliurches. ii.

' I. aol "ii" :.*:*' nml ot Bmte tax tbat wonld be leviedUpon every btltldtas u.u't Ior public wombin, and tbelot on wbieb it stands, s contribution by the st uta- to thereline iiioti tbat owna Itt And is nut tuetax on every tl*0*OO <>r property of a munsteror priest exempt, -.contribution by m.- -state Indirectlylu thisoom for a reilci ii. purp >.e i lu tbaraaa] it-i-

aou why tin. minister oi Plymouth -barna abould beexempt in his real sud personal properl *.. ^1 ,000 fromtaxation for nil purposes, ht ti lils salary ls .r.o.OOO I

f.v: .-TK..\ll.\(f THB RECEIVERS.Till' A< rtOB Of .'.TI'iliM Y-tlK.NKIt-tl. WA' D--I.I lin:

ini'M .u Di.i. noah nanaAi.banv, Feb. <">..Aitoiney-Geiieral Ward

ls receiving Kooli Oieoiirtu.lui ni to pioc-.il with his m-

vostfgasteo ot ths manag seem bp reertvi rs of taulinii'icii,! n.-atitiiti.ui.s. Bo hus received it largeaambse af letters from ths polley-holderaia baakrapl tasnrance companies, urging himto maia.r a thorough 11.v. -libation, and *tlf,o letter.-)from Btate eAclals oa tba mme sutijeet, The followingletoieatlng lotter u I bybim from Judi;*-NoahDavis :

Prrni"v Ooi ST, IHaw-Toaa.Jan. :u, i-***o. j

tnt linn. Hamilton WABI*.Mt Di tu ~ir : I am yei r chu! t,, bob ).v th*- mor_lBg*a

Trihi Nt. timi \ a.* step* t** laqnlre Into tha1 ¦.-. menl by ¦.- ih>* .iir.iit- ol ii

I- ea. 1 ii can h irdij do thepublic ,1 ifreater serries tban by most thoroughlyjun.-unr- this inve.-'ii-.tin-n «nd procuring ::¦>. enact¬ment uf lawa thal will prevent « hii-ii may_.< dereloped.ii tn.- ,. -'ii ar s lad tbe ministration of justice to

brougi.i tutogreai dlsOrodit by tbe \vi..n--. a leged is

Int. _-ci, e 'in 11. ii, ,1. 1 I, si your mt fsiUnti.ni willsnow bow far tin- Impresaion i* unlual toward thecourt-, and where it properly bdonaala oasesIn winch

I! tttlll.lied.1 follow Up the lin-

1 j* abuse is discovered, and ll, 1bcd hy severn and effective laws lam, 1 r

iilly. Noah DavaAttmBey-General Ward reeelved s letter from Juii^e

Donohue to-d iy st iting that he had denied Um applica¬tion for a receiver tbal b tai bree mane l.v SOI ie of tho1 t' ea ot tin* Knickerbocker UlCompany. Asststaal Attoraey-Q neral R 1.:. n slatedthc appointment ot a receiver before Judge L>onu_ue.




Alban v. Fob. 6..Mr. Alvon.'- hill intro¬duced In the Assenit.ly to-day, In relBtlOB t-. an lm-

) ->.-ti'Ul of ht.-nm I"*, gt ilpili tile can ile, "11 r ts

t aadent ol Public 1 * »i dlstaaeecm thc Kilo Canal ail ihe miles, whieb shall

I ,t fair average of such difllciltles ofnavi.ution ns aro li,..ly io he encounter.-i. nialthereon piaotlOBHj teat, In coi'J'inctiori ttitli and underthe lii-tiiiciioD af Balsay CL H. Baker, lavsatss andpatent.", lits slnitlo rail system Bf Steam 10 v. ago forcanals: a* il f?r sucii purpose PS OOO li appropriated.Mr. PeOB*B BIB te provide for ths publloatloB of tho

Bean ton, auditors and othei odtoersIn thc <ii> ai rt ( ouiiij ofVaW'Tora, profile, thai tbeBastes -hall bs pabltah* - Hg Jttcord on tae 1stof Jami 11 v. April, July and Octoberm saeb year, to-

¦albBI I'I,'- Of til.) Jilli-*.. S Il;.lk 1,^

pMstmenta. 'i,e pstaoas appoint* I hy tbsBnirc*!.!ic shall also be published ls lha sams way.Mr. lin,-l's bill ann ntllu. section* 111 ami 11_ of the

* tat OtvB fr»eoda-s provides that tn BKiti^s and Bew-Tntn, wbfloed in jilla pi isoncr so airesist srsarrendered, hsmust ..rv. uti.. 11 the plaintiff's attorney a written 110-

1 I th it ha i. i.s so confined tho -pris¬oner, nml thal tli» plannitf ts reqiiir. d le make tbspayments spar-rifled la tbia tion, in defaultthe p* 1- au i- will bedlaebi

aerv . Bx days tf tbe eerrlee is by mall.Tiie ni:* alli niiiai pay theaumoli support of a pi sob twenty days "t kunessa!, onflaMnenl m lui. ul te, ke ls

dUM-srii d or admitted to the Jail llbertloa tbiBsnst supply BU mouc-y so poid to the support o: thc

prisom i.

Beetnm 112 ls SSSSUded aa fOBows I In every eouutt'except N.'tv-York mid -Tings, if a prlosnor actually eon*(flnctl tn iitl makes o.itn t'.nt he ls utiahH to support_luis.'-if .lurloK his iniprisvuiuent, his support is 0

Bounty charge.The fi .vernor hus approved the following bills: To

Brotare esaaa ta wtrieh obteoe okoll be teemed *¦

gBamtbactaaths peeslgont, aaeresary and treasurer ofany railroad ooaspeag to tosaw oerttBestoaar stock tnBertem eases, aftera foteeissare aad sals of tho psep-Brti Sad frnlichisa: of the tOtTfttntrnJU,IBs henrtag hefSse the OomartttesonCUIss "n Tass*

day. Ivi-ruaty 10 «t 'A.'dO o'clock p. m., wm t,,. 0Il

4Benator PoSBtSSfB hill to extetui the time for thepav-mentor aaaoaameSAls New-York; elsa,ths Be--ToshBtu 11 C1*taning MU. IBs hearing before thc Joint <7,111-

mittee of Striate and A-t*euittiv, on Wedasaday. Wdbt 0gt) il. be on Brooklyn Wibi ami i-f tbeQanaeroort¦BlBrWei I.*il. A lurtlier heiirin(f will l«- riven on

-Thur.-.lu\, Febiuary ll, to imls relative taeertalmm-.provem.-it-a in thc City of New-York (Wat.t gtrest hillintro.'u. .1 by Mr. Hayes); bill proridlog fm tbepav-!mciit of expenses of Dock Denariment of Bew-Yor-,?tc., mi ,-..linell nv Mr. Hsyes; tull to prohibit tbe eon-atru.i.aii ol hui I''uit''* nf wood, etc.. in a certain portionIbf the city. Introduced by tsnabsr forster.Tue ii-ii..winn i.iiis ware reported in the tenstoto.

rdey i Tn promote innes' election; f,.r Un- relief ofWalter Liv ugaton ; relative to -in et. rn LoniCBty: f. I" napr.iari. ,,f ,,f thc C'hcmpiulii Canal]appropriating ..J77."<in 54.taaat Woodln Introduced abill toregnlata tboater.

merni istltuttoasloi Baringa, ltprovitli - * in* t not in*., tie.11 :,ii pei ..ni (,f the as*eluslreol s.tiii.i cash on hand, .hall lae lareat-d rn oraecuieii ii, tin- deposit of stock* oe honda, or Inta-re.t-bearin'* noi .., or ohli-atl.ms ol the Utnfii Btatoa, or tbe.toe':.of ihe State. Tte twstesecrdlreotorashall beaeveraily Hahle for sar loss reaultluc from fal lum onIbeir pitii to couiply wlin tbs protrlaleo* ol tins sot.Tsefollowlaa hills wire reportod lu the Aasetnbly

to.hiv BelaUre to receivers ot insolvent corporation*;asa.: le of Orrll Proeoduro (three bills on tbemihi' sui'leet); amending the act relative lo record-Sok sawrtgBgos 1 proinottnc bonestv in elei--lions; ttvo bills relailro to hushmils ami-wives holding property ,,t Joint leinmoi'd'uit: the act relative t*. wrns of error; amandinsth.* a. 1 ragniattna prooeasloua ami parader-; uiihii'IIictht act tn establish rermlatioiis for the Port ot Kew-.Yora aiitborlzlna police tienartmeiita of oltlea to at>poiua district telej*raph ptillca-meu.Thc Aseembly onieren the prittinfr of _o,r,oo rontos of

tbe report ot the Soeolial Committee on Itallroaai Mn_.mgriinui. 1

Mr. Sluniley's resolution dlrectlna the Committee on:Cow_.*!ceu_.i.\'.n_at!on to report by bill or other-',Wl»t, for relief of nasaenaera by ibe South and Ilainil-jtou Ferrie*. New-York, was adopted in tlie Aasemhlv

Mr. C .hen's resolnilon directing the KnickerbockeriJLlfe liihtiranee Company to turnlsh a detailed report of¦ts busiees* for the paat iwo year*, waa reterrod to Ute,iPoniuutiee on ItiBiiratici*.L The 8.naic and As*euihly both adlotirncd until Mon-

Accommodating..Lady Visitor: ''Can rou,UU me wuetUer there l* a olrculaUng library lo ibe-town I Native : " First turuing on tbe left. tnU* 1 outmew store*, mlaa; 1 ba bitnpioyed meer 1 cira-uluttn' 11-P>rary. pork bot-hers, h)ronmou_ersp eheiuists lokllgaattretponial ha_encr,and uudertakcts~we ud be mostnoof tet jf't reta 'uaband, or burr yer, miss, _0,.hppy," (Exit L. V. rap Oly.HFun.



TAIN M'lil).NNK~_-C(iM.MI."rs|<>Ni:!:- hftMhU ANO


A stii-ulnr incident in the trial of Patios CaptainMicJ) linell yesterday was tin- reading ol ..ti .illili., vit

Vf a woman of bad (hat.nf r. u'io nllc-ed'i a-nl V Drills

mil rlevised ;i plan t" entrap Captain Ma****U by getttngs brita ol marhed money itit" alsJohn ix l foi the ac*

the twa Comssissioneis: ii.,i r-n as )udges In the e.

nu) said (lia* he would show also tbat[acLeac had endeavored to pervert Captain

-I, Donn ll tn Aiit.-Tiiinniativ. Messrs. MacLoan ai .1

decided io keep their seats, aodf.tniioi.y both tortlie prosecution aud defence was

;iven. _

Till! AFFIDAVIT AM) TESTIMONY.Captain IfeDonuelFa trial wai taken m> tn

il-rooui nt the Police Central Ollie.. yesterdaytoning. .Ii.tiii 1). Townsend appeared as counsel Ior

ia accused man. Xhc attendanee was very laraeandkoiiiteie-t fury great. Tbs shatses sgatam Oapiala[-Donnell are, that lie knowingly petinlts disorderlyouse* UlOZISt unmolested In hi. precinct, ami allot*,.

Isordeily persons I" ilenii an tasiaBSlTBI improperly lu

tastroota. The trial was beana Wedasoda**, ant waa

oetpeaed SB account of the Illness Of the SeeUSSi cait¬

lin's mother.The proeeodlnss WSTS opened by Mr. Townsend, who

.peat, il his inevioiis deniatiit that two of the CoiiitnU-

onei* should not sit as lutliios. "On what erouuds t"

iltl ( ommis.slotier Ma. _ean. Mr. TowiiVcml then rei!

u aftiduvii tnado by Kate Daily on February ft, 1880,ml sworn to before Notary Public Treadwell, lt le¬ttes tba! she lives nt No. 125 PtlaSS St..ST Bo. IBO

-st., and knows a woman.Alice Sheridan.who,lillie liviui* Vltb her ut No. IO'-' Wooster -st., uiviltcd a

inn fruin tie window, and Detective Murphyame to set- the cause of the disturbance,li s. Sic i-i.ian ranOUtOf the house, nnd on Iniietuin

aid she would " tlx " Murphy. Thu following tiny theyrent te FoBeo Beedsjuartsse aad met the BapoetBtse-loni ami femmlsslsaw Tombis, and Mrs. sheridan MMhtui ths bad been payliiK ninney to Murphy ta prut, it

er bense tram tntarfersaes, uud ano thought Gnpiii'i M. Donnell Shared willi him, and «tot $400 ii

reek (mm one block iu hi* prec.net. Tue utlidavlt then

oiiti'iit ,1 as follows!After considerable conversation. Commissioner V "T-

.e.t.'d putrtlng up marhed aioaey, and Voorhla*ld that bewould aend a maa ths sezi in.iit ta lav n

iiim to caleb them. I saw Superintendent Wailing md'i.inuii.-sl.'tii r Voorlils on three occasions that I *eeem-lanted Mra. Bberldaa there, uml mu oonrersatloa eachIttie wa-t ahi-ut the «aine as the first. A day or two af-ii ma Ml TUal I was arrested and sent to Hie Inland f.rIvedaya. 1 was taken off tbs Uland ny Mrs. S.iendunwo days before tbs Urns hud expired, .in- paylns tbeIS tor' my discBarite. bin- haul she MoS tm- ll

leeanne i waa wanted t*i bola lier to wink up theaptain McDonnell and beteetire Murpby,

in the morning after I waa taken out. Mra. Bhendanwk d me to accompany ber ta Commissioner V«alina-. W( went tliere, lui! we di.l nol m-c i,|m <,r Hieluperiot* mi-m. On tin following night I aoeompanted.cr. a:, s ,, -.iii, by ilirect.nn. ta a r.u.iii in Hie bull.Illi¬li Bixteentb-el inui Broadway. Than I mel Mr.

iand a man weens they said *-Aiis Oommleeloaer

We stayed lhere, I thin)*:, between tan mut Sftaoouiiniies. Vi'orhis a.kcii the woman, .**!.-ilainii. If absfi.nii.i Ilk.- to have Hie neill., til ii. lb* 'lil lint suv

.that sba wealed, bnt he sold bs would aand n downn tin- maa who ha.i base Ikara before.dr.. Sheridan said .In- th.iuaht tba) iVSrould be the rigbl Kimi of money. On tba ni xi avon bibe man cave down to Bu. 180 Wooetei rt., wbera \4.

md stare hi- name as Wilson. He was aUsn Witb lil ta'k ha'r p'itt-.l amt belnnd. Willi i.

nUsta. be, thin Inn t. 'I'll- OlSbt lie cania- Illirie at SS Min-

Int lilt-lit. lie look his I ' and,, red i*y be la* e tm tams, ii** lo I m* M

in.lilian bad sent on! tor Captain McDonnell and Deecure Murpby io conn- boro, and Inotracted ma now to

told tbe motley ?." tbal oe would ...- me glee it to bimmd in- ti,1.1 me il I was successful in duins Ulta, I woola

ant a friend or a dollar. Beltber Centaluor DetecUra Morpby oslled there, eau the man

took tue money away. Ha bsd beea Bitting there.,!!. OT _VC il 'M'S wainui.'.

I m a- lie BOOB- On that ni-

Iberld in told me that Commissioner Vow hi* i Imo. nt ii

ir.m u be bet tor me te toke tbe bouse, na thor u onbl,,ke money quiches from me inn mun in-r. A'ter Wili.ii bad lone l sent for a fri* od ol mine sod told bsrabai I bad done with Mra. Bk ri,lim. and all about WUloll anti V *.'l els, un. 1 Sui .».; inii -tnlent Walling ind Ma,

wed linn wbere Wi-nu waa at tba time. MtIrlend recommended me to lei Detr* duroby koo*ill about lt. and I did ao, and sn I told.'apt un McDonnell all aboul it. He told n < t,. .,, on hui)cain tall I a-.)lll(l Of Un Oll.pll net i.|l*.:',-l hi tu Imve leatnaaal notbtas alucaj, except thal I _mita, .ii.-nu .ii "ti Hie ti tay niKhtin*i had a evnveroattou .t itk her. sh. . .ai tbal she Cadiworn falsely, aud ll abe bad the taine ta do over againibe weela not do so. About sweet sgo Mis Bbs.-:,i,i.-to mo and wanted me to lasave Ilia- etty, njid

[ bare learned from a colored a d Kate,rvini nork. for inc, iii at ii man wt: iee description u UkiWilson bad been inqoirlna f'*r mc aad lol t hei tbal tbemat t linn: I c..uni do waa to get out of ibecuj Aflind been discharged lim. * ited, Mr*. Bb.old me tbat Superintendent Welling and Conliair.iis li.nl I,'en il.i.a ii lo Bo. 102 W Bl saln tue back room for so. tim* waltina t.*i Caplain Mc¬Donnell tinta Detective Mm pby lo corni in, uni _a.i somemo outside to feet (lien, to coma lu.

inn ai PDATIT.Th'- readmit of the sfMavM made muob i-'ir SBBOnibose present. Mr. Townsend then said that as to ihe

y of the man Wilson they bad reason loin.hat in Driscoll, of Mi.

thoo, and nil attempts ta snbpmos him hud failed. Mr..ii r-aul that his nictas. ii., r ci.iiltl b.r found Wttk

ml tn'ich tiiffl ult.. Mi. rea nosed Ikes sal thal a* bylin- a in, lav, two.,' tin' ComtnlsolQBor* were ii ii... to bat-alled ii" win -i d Ibat tbe] -t i.iii.l not .ti

uh Judges, lhere WSS B Whispering mm.nc the fourla.niiiiis.-l .mrs, innl Mr. M i'I.-an mid, "On consult u-

Hon tour (.'milli 111 sit."Ur. Townsend.l d. cniic le proceed wita wiinon-i-s

taJudges.Mr.MacLoantoaulred what goad itatutory '*r min-r

thara wee fut tata, sad Mr Townsead arguedthal while ta

mattel winch si,ouid bc decided bj tmmsBon sense. Af¬ter girtna v.niou* peseodeauitasastata bis pooliiou. t

wini tnat * splats til-Da. men waa ebal ssa .* ith p. mitmu: disorderly booss* m bM promnot, and hy bm am le-

in.dsstansn were assessd of sldtag to e»tni>-listi HUh bOfl omMr. Mao-Oan.That may b_ u ooams eoastructlon ol

tba* af-tluVlt.Bnhpmnas wsre thea served m ra Mac*

, aad Mr. Townsead agata declined tego on with tin- ease, um! said tliat ti lialuvtr dispositionWUt marie of the case he should se. k a writ of e.-rUa'raiitor. vii wit. Ho anded ns a further ground lor refusalIbat ka understood that these proceeding* WOCO partlyInstituted by the BoetatJ for the Prevention of Mme,lind certain of the Counuls Honers belonged to thatsociety. H.- likewise referred lo Judge Dowling _* one

Whorefused toJa4as a Baas wileri he was Interested.

Mr. Mad,"an sahl, " Judge Dowllug.au r-mlneut utltnl-ual authority."For ibo purpose of deciding upon their course of ac¬

tion, the eas.- -,4m adjourned fer sn hour hv the Coui-

mtssteasrs, who ta ths ¦santlsas sttanded ths BoordBseeBag' tt wns not until l p. m. that preeeedlags\\., bogus again, .when Oomsslsslo-i. Preneb road ssopinion for hiuitelf and Mr. Wheeler that thc qnsstlonwhctti,, Ooouniostone-S MseLoaa ami WoorbUi shouldsn wss one of propriety for tbem to detaraitae.Mr. Townsend aaid tbal in-simuld have *tnt«*d bsfess

thnt the Kite Daily Barned lo tha, ulHdavH was ii realpe,-f...ii and was then lu Inn court-mom reedy to testtfvand hud ld. min d Oommuwloneri Maei,i',ii,'tt,, otu- of themoa whom she hud tint lu a room in the Meebanlos'i ibrary m Butteeath-au, near Broadway. lin also oo-lected to ('numil -i.,ui-r Mi- l,ri,n altttag lo tuc trial Onthe ground that bc bad said ba would .. iu tbe oaasain "

and promised ta produce Steuben O'Brien, va, ii., bad bee'ntent ta arranae wita Captola McDonnell foi ihe Aatt-'i'aiiiin niy paii.v before Hie laai election.Mr 'lt.vvmend s dd tliat on sll these tr.-iiii'tajna would

advise lill en.*,ii nol io proceed, bul Captain McDonnell.aid that be bad gone to gr«at expsaar, sud bad bronchiii un \ i' ,n ms,sud prate**** d m c" on. truaUng to tbetwo C'mini-thine! s who had no pertioiial iiit.-icsi in tin*trUI.The charge was read by the clerk, detailing that dis¬

orderly houses ami per.tin. Imd nol la-en denit wilb byc.i pt.tl n BcDonn il since in- w .- appointed In tbe KlgbtoPrecinct, November ll, 1174. ami instdlaorderly booseinow estated in Wooster, Prince and GBoene-eta., .and theBOOnS* '1 "tllcer tonk in,elf. ct un liia-iin.*- losnppi. mthOSS,not cuterning tbe law. i be v. ii nessi's v,i re requested turetire, end nearly all tbs easts ls tim ream wsw li itvacant. A. the two sn. (Bused ('oniiulMloinrs kepttheir seats, Mr. Towns- nd, glassing ut them. Uti I

te Ul'" (MO witlleiaSOS W.lO have lint geoe out."Witb a mille, Mr. MacL un satd : " They oeoapy a pssaliar poeiliou in rei in eu.¦*. to tho case."

TK-cil.Mt'NV OB DOTH HIDilS.Db. -dwtB~ss*sst,m to. int Ppctaget^srsaswernss

thc Hist-a ll ness. He testtllod that ho had lived f.ithree years In the Kliilith rr.-cinrt, mid hud freaeOBtlyvisited houses which he thought disorderly lu WeSBtaV-st., wilone liitnates talked with passers-by, srhfle SShoot-children stopped snd listened. Thee barnetts Belatedmen both in daytime aud ut ulglit. He wan u mt-inncrof the au-illary hriinch of the Society for 1'revri,-tlon of Crime, and be went to Ciiptnln McDonnellJune t, lr.?-*, and feld him what be knew. Theafter condition was worse than that before. Duringl-7tf. aud luM inotiiti, he »aw tbe same thm«s, mid inlleetiieii did not Inlerfere with what they saw On cresa-sxamteattan ka tmUlod te sataflaa certain disorderlyImus, a tn a professional cupuolty. He. did not koota/ ihatCaptain McD..linell bud made over 400 arrests for dl*or-derly cowA-M In bl* precinct.

P. H. Bburu. ot So. 77 McDougal-st.. detailed similar_-E_3<tn/_J__ "T«U.,n *,'<* PSSSlBSt Tbo Kev.Alfred ll. ilaiment. of No. H ChariUm-*t.. said that habad beea obliged to give up doiug pnatoral work In tkesveniag by reason of t_e aunoyanos bs wss

sahtaated to. He believed the evil to he In¬uit. He reaal from an it-ount printed i

Tid, .ntntiKB of Julv LB,1878. of At> eonrer-

sailonbehau with Captain McDonnell. ' '«' ', ';told bim he could aol eend bia men ... gel ev

.g.,.i,st these place*. W. M. Waite, of Bo. M \i.n-...i..-

.!.. porroberated the stMobOS ol Dr Fern st and tba nev.

Mr. Moment with Whom he was *--¦. lated in looking nu

tbe .' sreputable booses. B.' not bell* ve rn oreetlngcrime to get evidence to aupi'rees lt. Be ttii.u_.it thai

a citisen ougbl not to soto gel what%d«****e*lresare paidlo do foi Iheaoupreas.of crime. Mr. Balle said tba!

in cv.ivtlimi:'a.*.-. a. ri, enforcing gxetsolaws,< ..pinnMcDonnell had gtree him all th- msmiBBOS in his

'"rii'i- rid ce elosed tbe rs ie "or tke prosecution, and

i, I.Uiel.i-r ol lcsnients iimi He'll dolli. Inisincss Ititi'-Precinct, testified to tb greal Improvement thom

ic Captain '¦' In hargi.All were agreedtbal Ibe outwardindlpaflona ol

,, un ed, :,n,'.unit Captain McDonnell did ulia-1 a* ere .T. F

*al,i'n -I.; (i. Cullen, of.No. I1. .1 i; tioff>*t, dolor business at No.llDl-i-'i,. t. since 18281 ll. tn Muller, of Bo. BSI' Incest.; Darld 1! anett, In

it No. 20 Weet Tblrd-ot.i lt. OarUer,nt Na ,, wbo aaid that be could nt on ins

atoop without disturbance; William Clancy| Dr. s. ti.vi No, 18 cii.ii tra>*i.t., wbo gave evMeaea thai be(Milleeaurgeon, and tbitthara "ii. a very lar a

in tin- liiecincl, ainl h.. had BUOkeU to HM Ispeen.r about Cantala BcDoi.Il working lila tuen teebard; Barnool Plonsky, ol Ba 181 Bgring-M.' l-l. A.Klt.'Ke, of No, 180 Print -st.. and K. J. Durke, doini.

nt Bo. 109 Sullivan-*!\i -l p. m. tin- trial wa. adjourned anti! lo o'clock


/ 0 tBB IL or C. C. IVA I TE.


Thg funeral ol' Charles (.. Waite, tlie lat*'proprietor of the BtOIOOll House, tool pine i.t tin*

Broadnap fhharaasls yeoterdey. ai io o'clock, boderstia- c"fllu was carried Into the church, relatives .|11

fm ads Bssemhk d al lbs Brsvesn Bsass bi Fifth eve*wta-ie ii mager vhs (flated evm ihe body ny thc

Bev. Dr, buss, <>f BprtagfleM, Mass..ea old wm ea-

icemed friend of Mr, Waite nml In* former

pastor otter which the funeral BfSSSSStSBwas forino.t, and pi .eeeileil to the S*ISI0h The Iwhb li w.u> of soltil oak OOVOfOd willi black cloth and

velvet, with handlea nt silver, ems berne eg tue niau-

ami planed at th.- feel st lbs rn idtag deak. it was ant-

rauadad hy a prefUstaa of dsslgns in white flower*.ill.- pull-hear, rs, who occupied Heats ou euell HI.lt of Hie

pupil, w.t.. Albeit ll. Oreen, lien*, .mm K. I'll.rip-. Sin¬

clair rniiii >, Belem n. Wales, fades Qthb il* ovs, AlbanBietseadt,BobertBehsll,Caleb n Kaovels sadleas-slWant. Tba tanara! soi vlooo. whieb wera adapted bythe Ber. Dr. Taylor, paster of ths Tabernacle, and the

¦ev. Dr. inns, vets bogan by ths staging *>f s hmm.

Dr. Taylor. Btti-r readlag ssvi ra, Bpproprlata eek c;.-of Heripturt , ileli\ cn tl Un finn ral **.) SMB.

Ile* purgSSS of an ;ul lr. M Bl BUBh a d ne. he said, is

uot le pronounoooeulogy upon tko buna, buttoadmta*.UKI.Illili,n io til: I i.-.: \. .1. Ill iln piesrnt In¬

st m. *, however, sn arneb oemtert may be di rived tramtin- akaraoterol bim whom wo deplore...> wm ihv was

bataan the, rntattons nf lifo that ws oaaaoi folly dla-ohargeour duty wtthonl maklag apodal isfenaee toi.im. To ktn-w him wss te leva aim, sad th* biknew him. he laved hun Hie mort. Nar ls lt itinicril)

to sacoanl for the faet he bed s lmof heart. He took an latoreal in evin Mun. Ibm Blfeoiod th-i.e whom be loved, sad spared mi m. ribnm labor lo prelude meir be.l lut'-rcsts. He lind an li:

bora,gentle mssliBCsaof natare whloh < am.-out lu in.

nrtiiiiHty ot ssaaaer; tor tin courtesy for whiebdtsttuguli bed wa* ne thin veneer overt lying s dta'posl*tion did. tent from Itself, but was tbs natur il t xprt sslon

of hit heart.il. va,,, i . nf imii in bia profi

ami yet had always OD l.-l inter-

prise nf benevolence or walch Ihe world knewnot. There sra many to-day who, rememherina

lie did foi them, will f Bl Ilia! tia.bare losl their b* si eon Bul tl I* get

Inca* "i bia v in foaled al 11a ill bi* i|tu!*ee, be wa*

sud in \

ti inui tb-' moa ui,h iuiimt. upugbiues*. Il.<hated nil TiiL'i i andot iii.kt.s' gain by dishonest r, and bli wurt

fell by him. i.i.'i a..-..nut.si na¬nt,u'i.

.-¦ foito sar tbat in hi* nobie, n tn. rc i,i-

il be lind mai" bspnt-kenn l .- d t'i>- st ,t.

IS. 1 iii .lt. bul I.e .4 art BOOStin- la.-- ufawoman'* lei Ibold Ui ... Joyous, oft*ill hi* .lint.le milbe ^4HH con.I.ir: te, I ...

planing f.,r theil .. lam*.' fnrtb. m.via* kl lid iv sud lin ile, i. in.il lin 4 I.i ..'-.I up t hui, tt nha -"ii of rei renee, tn wa* a true

ii nf - v ; and, winiei. ad]

.. ii.lent lei -i ul lita on B.i i ree wa*

tl,en eh. 'eil bj Dr. I it lot -.

ai.-r tai.i. ii ihi body waa tahea t>.

liep it, la i.clina- ll v

for interment. Aiimiiia- Ibo**.limy be mention-tali B. li. M inn


v. liam Tilford ; Br, Smith.¦.I Ult

i'll! A wi, ll- II.,I. ! >l|-UolCbkiaM, Ol Hi-

B. li. !-< .¦ ii. W. P*, Sir. Dun, ol i.e Astor li >U ; Bl

ll,I-Alb-in.aP. lia '.'-1 .III OttB

CIO TO at hom;:.

A ii"-"ting nf ft nillir* ir mann*factor, r .-ri1 uhk tenement-buni Utb ld Ll t.a I 1 Il.l.Ililli, ill N-I ,,I|.| av.-. Slid

i.-ni. rail.Ul

before tbe Legislature, bywbl h u'i. run. tetnlltee, wm*

md 1 r, app. mi. .1 ai ti j

of a heal Ina llll mi t.i a.

i h.-t i. ported icin. House ou 'I' ilnst, ii In

ld tO 'I

lund*. The .allin of tl.i. ie a

of Mi J iirn, i. v im the tuii po* .' io tal

¦s bill.

ENGLAND*!! WU KED H' Bright.. r t

Wc now come to anothei question, aud thalls tbs lpn-.c.ni of tbe h.nu -.- Icu the people ol lin.

,, bBVI bad tm a lon. lui!" past, and ,.¦

nt lina h iud cruel -.

re all warsara savage aad eroel | bat I m. ,m imr.hiimi Braal w*r. on nnoivlllsed oi balf-drilisod men.Wbea I read ..f traaaaetiona ol timi kind somethingalways putt to me tola question Wa .i it ihal iimi,..*If anything makea. thu aee**Ieea and terrible alaun terdUlorenl rn Ita natara lrom tin,., traneeetloa* wbiek «e

call muidart We sall ans soi of transaetloui warwinch liss ii tntaliy dtflbreal aound ',. wbal ta.- tern!murder, ami we de bm apeear lo Inquire when tbou-ssndssrc guilty mint it was that brought noa,sad » nrit was tbal wo sh.mid taltal Hist temi,,,, ilaug-terwlill.- we m.- oil excited to tue ln»i degree V soma Indi¬vidual, by the vindictive aol of somebody elanut in lie-in, amt tbat act ls nulled mur¬der. Tai;" the wara with the Zulus andCe A.gi.au*. Vin know wo have bed excusesmade for tbem, uni >>xeii*ea which were uniIn.nii..I b v ti.e teeta wansee tba*-the luhu attack. .1Natal, which is absolutely and notoriously end (-nurdyfal..-. We have bad statements wita regard to theAf.hiiiis very numbof ths sams character, tbat thi-yerera solan to threw tbelr tohaeaee with enotber and ai.orlheru Power, and that tkof Insulted outrageouallHie envoy sent tn SSBBBStS with lin in- ail .i wbieb Ibelieve there lu lint H p il tte le of loiiU'lalinii tor.,.r,* cseu loff.-red by persons wbo commli erlnuii thiil they BM) MJ! these nets ,ai ,, nm crtmrs, buloeccaaarj sci*ol ilateamanablp Well, ,.t most, In re¬gard to eitherol thees Powers, tbe e iee s \% one of ,up,cl.in, bat. blihple.ou willoh the most '-.'I, len, .,1 per-win -i -u'i lhere was no grouad for. but ia it tight uponmen- «uhpic!i_i, mat a country like 11... ,,,,, ,| seed. Intue ..na eees -".tx"' and lu tba otho* to.ooo troops to'in-vu.io i.i nt..r cs .iml lo pul tn denrli mt i, -. n,,,,, _,, ,.,,',natl, en:;..*.'.¦<I In IBS dVifenoC of their own cmiiili v, willi li,ta our casa, wo contddse beaorabie ead Beetlittll « * ?'Wi ii,:.y I.,* Hillie sine thal in .onie hIiiiih, If we. the

people of England, toleiate tbe bloody und senruerlams whieb are eommltted in our country*! nemo ifinca nre »o ei.i.iiuiti. .1, .uni wed., eel remonstrate andCondemn, we snail lina.* no acajuiilal at in, tribunal hvnii ie I, the actteas, mc ..t Individuals only, but of natbrnaaad peoples, ara fnally Ib.asiL Now that le tay view.Pei i.a j* a 1 in. > c laoki ii too strongly, nn.i pei hana with *warmth aad an aarncetaeea wmeh tomoo! fun mayihiakuaaeeeeeary. [Orteeet*MBa,no 1*^ ii. lievetbailt ls not possible io I... atrwnely condemn a poiavh.ci the i..' <l .¦»..- i.t-.i treaeuro of >..i peopk wasted,br wi.icti tba blood ol mir InclUren au i thone whom miire to call our foes ls shed. Tod iolver«w) oltin- battle of [anndale, l do not know bow manyllvea were BSSdiesd lu il. hut than wera 1,500lives lOSl oil the lilli.sh Sale, lr:in.'la, oOcerS,

a mid unlive tr,,,.p., in.l 1 know i.m honmaaj al Ike taine uses slaaghtarsd la u war \a blob h,,.nev.r been roved te be ui rx .-ari. ",.ii i. \ (lea bot*

.tliut* ll. tt.e (.ihllll. utimi fer tile iiclj.i.i Wc t In li tonk,of tba c nu ne lina t ion we nave reams* tor tbs enormous

aud liieaiirii utile lam "f lif" In Ihut otic day's wari Well,In A sh aulsten.« country as larne as France, and ns

mount it u.i'U. as baltzer laud.mir troops aie nugagetl inslaughtering ami banging tin- aatlvee of lim viiliiKi-s,ainl womea aud ciiiaire.i are turood out Into tim frostmnl ths snow of tin* Inclement season, end this ls douniii ll.OSSBBSUd of a (auvernnield professing to lae wiserand mme Ciirlstlst. nml nure hassans than tho«e witb» In,in mil' I rn np.* ST* contend nix. 1 Fay Iel us abandonour pretensions; ni as statm bo longer io be Christ las

geboah ta the heathen time* wlilUt we BdhSCS io

the heathen praetn t. Lei us nu lenser, as 1 sen some

of the .eitdlnjaT uieu of Un. SOBnltJ have within the pastfew weeks, et the opening of chinches and the laying ofthe foundations of chhrcbes, loin In a mere regard fortin* Ctrts'ian iciiginii. I .ay, fake down at any rate theTen Coininandtnaant* imalde your nbitrohes, and sar no

longer you believe la or reed tbe Hermon on th* Mount.Abandon your CurtsUau piBtSBSSS or elie your Savageand hesthro pracUoet).,



A singular d-WttBslOB IXDM before the Su-picme ( narla (ii-ii.ruI 1 ci in. c t.-i-tlav, in regard I" t. n

or twelve candidates for BdSdSBtJfl to tin- 'bar. Afl'*r

they imii been saanusned tn*'.*re tue Ooart, ChiefJustice Davit «al.l Itnit Cia- cindiilnti vam

Ined and favorshly reported on as BttoTBOyS, bul blsom.* mi«i *i'.- ti.e eommltk ¦ -l aol nmlned i*

Th.* foaafj m.-n tiii.ht I lienf..re bSVS tann o| "ntt-'l iis at>torneys, and al Si Hon aa eoe.i

?ii...-i.a [ or bey might wait untillotion and beadouM

alb rney* a mi eooneolloreal tbeeams ti nu'. Jnetb e d rlsI,,ii. ii of tho Con.nii'ten .ad tani

.onie of the WOUld BOl have l)*en reemii-

mended for sdi i eounesltore on their examina-tion.

J. K. Dos PSSBSS r-.il'l IhathesaekS for four or five oltil'* cu, l.ilati s lr, i ll BUg the i.Helidon of tlie ('milt to

the taw of 1879, winch was passed ta sllow eli vwho soald bs admitted ns alternoys before Jens i.

1880, te he aleo admitted as couaseltore. JBstlei Ds.n.I (hat he lui.I ^-|a en lt,at inbjeet cai efnl cnn.I ler.il inn.

was of the opinion thal no person oould n.- mi-m ltted ns a counsellor who had no: passed aa examina¬

tion f«>r admtaaton aa ouuaai llor.Bz-Jodgt Davies submitired to tbe Courl (hst thc law

pi .viii, d that until ,lii':c 1, H~u,a ii j iii im net c. .ii b bc a. .mt t.-d as counsellor n' Denara]lim, '* .ii lin- pl ...111. linn nf B llcen-c I: lintel lo ali V

such person by the Supreme Catari si s (tenarnl Termthereof, permitting mm person to pi u tl a.. an attar1nev."Justice Davis said flint hi-: ntl. i.t lon bsd not been

io in.i. elans,- mil! mm' morning. Tba Cuntw.-ti.ll 'ft'..it might ic- sn.Iticil ob lbssubject, i h.* au lal toa 44,,,, d bc senl bm .. Im snothi i

.ml -. .. orilla,-ll .c. One of lin h. lnlat.n mot' ii iu beballa*attorney*,bnl .1 i»tlce Dart* taid it won! i be dif the ''.'ur' should di ldc In I heir r.i v... .- before Ibe nevi

fumnm limn Ute] oould be admitted as esuaaeltam at

once; otarra a not.Thc action of thc Donn oatt ed eonaldernble com-

meat, the gt nntof lawyers pr.-* -nt a* fsrss expressed in con versa! iou being again hie/ Justiceiba in lu. ¦¦nu «lruc' a". Ol tbe Mal Ita. I luring the dls-

tlot s Berrett and Bradj, aaidnothing.



Justine Vim Braal bas senl tbefollowiBB let-:, i n, t tbs Qeaaral 1'enn:QEimhatm During Hie progies* of the trial of the

.in inuil .-vinson before bm .' Ute Circuit. Pan. III..

IS ula. :. in re peel to Ihe sa ofof ih def. ml H .to tillich I think i

.inmid r-.ll ibe Bltontit-n ot tbe »

tbal -in .. action ma] be ik o as in. ease seen.. t>. ro-ontre. lt np ' 1" ll tm- Manufacturers and

launs.ii io reeon htch tney alleged¦ll ilia., i, fenn tlc auk ov l- \ BOOB 0V<

above a l deyostte lo pur*un.fa -nn.ptrat-y merednil,, nj I.- \ n. -ii witta .loni' I*. ':

I. VII'-..a ..

mi., .i ill, a nm.a. ol .s,*. i.i Park-row,a efend bim, and gare ii-iim, as

-I rn h.in

Ir.an li .' Ill..va. til- ll in il.

.Il t.\ e MHied ll- l:i- * lil, Winchhim .lanie.:. . i nit rt *i on hi -Iiii of

in ,i on ih. i ol '. Mi.

tl 'I 44ltllami li-- reoervod plSO from Mr. Kdward D. Bishop, a

tbe nan., I

ilr, George V. Wehuianu, nml ba alabad I*, cu ». l.i bj -Vii. ii ibo to Me

H'. Nicholas ll.d.l io i.; Mr

Ii'ttera; thal be bad nto Mr. ll l

UPOU lirej. C. ll. Van Bl

r fm

Mi ll lbs I,) Shoo c ,y OfMari*': -ii from IBS

.I i*i .ma-

Ail i i'. ni for T.

"ll, li.

-i aloa

rney, forli! Ol

lb]gsr." _


Ja .li ti Dobbe, nbo was arreeted in Philsphis 1..

ogs Innr .ntl, WSS

dia.ctiarge.lir.iin ll*- wns li7 fi burgl



Lon *. a lau *.< r, eras convii tedot bat Ins obtetasd bj fr..mia.of Sarah J. 7. it>r!«kic to a sail-'

Reformed Dutchfll


CIVIl;;i II. Bi ul brough

pI..I-.nu iii -- 00l t. 1.1ii.,i Lax sued tbe Forty-ee-ond street

.ol Company ls tbs BaperlorCourt tor gS.OOU demi I lha death of bev

road. Judge t

'lin .mt of E. Edwards Lombard againstrubik Administrator Hi _ triedm the

:i CltJ I 001 I I li

...si from ts\ .4 in. plaintiff, ..no had ebarga ..f bisuml -ni n !,.i -.*, a m.ainj ot int.:ii, .s i ,| bim, Dr. \lli_er

" .ai i*, miltedth,, pleinttl mit in i.i tnai !>ie amount

I'S rn J .a yardlu!of fl.PM for th.- pistol ff.

DECI810NH Faa. &ennremt Coori Chamber* Bv Judes Lawreueo.-

p.s.i agt iaiinui. itt.me. Meuse pentad witt, t*.io esauii,, tn, I y*t. -.I.. ,,. Order that tbs defendant pey <>vct a-ra.it.¦I i.i.ii.'.-iii.i ,*t. Mnt.tc, ti.. [Unnkt-aMon waa rrlSBt. Iiei.an neut ni Hu hitn*. ni! Bulga

igagt. amita. -t win armit sa order to.tn,at cans* Conner agi. Alden. Motion .lenna trttbonl cost*I'.. i. i-t ..ht. -.iv.- tiotl.f nf niola.ii, [B the matter ol

Uaa*agl ut-i. r MoUanssmntAd. bawley *Kt. I.slr- v neelet ' I *.. ley art.Myei«i Dewier agt. Burbaas -awfovagt, rurneesi iia*»icv

.¦;., ii, ui i sgt. in 'i-f 'irders *,lia-Jin's-, p. bm Oregon ,. Motton deatad

If a.'.!.lan -. iii «¦.. ... nt l.i r. f.-r .¦! Specdj ri il ,,f il,,, ,,,,..

11, Hiv nut!.-I cT ,,ll,lill... linter .Ulna11 MO lin anni .nain in.

ford agt. Joye* oraatedi referred t.. a. i,. Kniu-eu. ih>flurry *a*t. nhl Motion irrnnf.il In tin. i, utter ,,t \ sa V.. I.i.i, iienoiiii-i inui i'mrnlisiii Mmiiifi.-turin, ttoaipaarsglTlisa-er. taoonh-rs Tliaver act. Hows: Palnaagllola \\ wilie.use agt. 1'o.KI Itu.Wei uki. tie Mny.n

i*i.mt.-. Kui.t/.-i agtKnatasli Ailsa agi I..mni'-l.

l:y Judge Hra.lv. -Iira.iley sri No.t ,n.

r;'r,,r,,c ir, Ht Presidio*-Justit* t':.v|s snd J mitres BarI Brady. Hurl mit I.vti- li. ur.li. ithglO

I di*' iiim-iin uti. Hriy.li'.u ant. BtslkBap. ' i

,ttl ind .'l-l. .1. m. n: s. Kearn i .vi. iv,mot..Ordl -r ai,,i tllabui

a,viii": nulli.a Baitfe arti. Knuth. Mee nirin.ir.ni,:,lin Mor,Sat. A .sate..omi I aniline.) <* ...al di.-,tiuir.e-

|.|. tina.Bj Preslaiing-Jast'ce na\i. im.1 Judge Barrell ii.wctt

ssl it' !., ii .1 ta soddi.hut ian* n 'lem. tlOi i. jucl -lii-i-1i.il. Appeal 'I-',.:.'..! aa fi t '..t* -I .ll I..11 ..-

I,,.'Cl.- Illlt'.lll. -'lt'- bli-lilllie. .'I'li'l Jill':»i *it agi. ibe ' .un I.. ,1 I'lini

ia. n ii uoaspaay. ete, "... rfii-'.i and motion aieuledwilli S10 cost* .a I'.-si and ttl*hersonen ti Ureea eatHqolro* si 'I ' "¦*.' ¦-"'' ¦" *~lto*10co*t* aud disbars*-

mond hui. uni,am., ont. meal tai,i, TioMeUshna U

allb S1Ucosts *'¦ -ii.ii.h.. m. ,,i iiima.n denlealttlil, ilBe.i.t*. un... ant Inn.l.-i utll 111.1l e 1

roeta nn-l dl.bn.te i.«*Bt«. i'..naran mci t:,.j Taler af-eil. Blt) CO*t* SOS .1! lill! .' ria I.'. I*a" l.t r a

.1.11.1.Itt l*ret_. Ing-Jnattr* ..., snd Judges lu.itv an.! Barrell

.I Milln ant- Him.-,ill. i.i Order .lilllie .1 with Sid catt, and

By Jiai*." 1 Bis<i ind Barred rbi si rei itt. r

u_' * - I'nica-.'1uii,a. Jil.ia e 1'atl art.1 ,, irrett.

. Townsend isl twuitahl *u :.:,ii ;.. sSlnued wi

,,;« af-ilrinasl end a ll

r, .1 seal iisiti,tt -BehalSt asl >i«rkte..Oraer raversed with Sii'i sta Bud ls. AaMlnck»ltl "-t-atn.t. lintel .tn.lill.'.I «-. .lirv. t .{ |. opinion,.,.!- nornlab ki i »itbS)Ooo*uwliiimit lucjiidic.- to th* appellant's richi to appeal fn s mr

onl.ii Hi.I nnav Im. here.ln.i -.aile In Die |,ini, s, . Ttlpl* t Ttl. 1 sambell sgt. __pb*ll, etc.- Oid.i ilillitraaa.l ,.1 ihi,. -pin' ,11 of JasUee taarence. Leonard *«'. thu (.'..lumbbiisiawin favlgataam Compan-..Jo-lguicnl a(Tr*iii>ai. Tbs Pee,a. ,-. 1.1. ti .intiti it*.i it.. Hourn of rireiVisamlasluBSra*-j-rm-aMWllnsS nfBrmed on nj.li,Inn ¦! Jlldga Vee 4msI. ihePeopleeirsl _aivmBgt>neasi "f Pebe*OommlssloBerari... e.lib|* afllni.e.1. tlirl.yrr: « iron ..I.... ii

tain llellwsr la.nipunv..Jnd^mrnt itllln.i..' >i. |-.-nple sstel. iii* M.r.'liunu lal.a-itH.**. < oni-aii' Sgt i oiniin..leasesbf fair* *inl Ata.iasiui.nta.-Writ .,.ia_.li. ,1 with uti. Knllyant Mils. .1 mis-incut atllimisl. Weil,lt a*t. 1'i-tarr. Jnitg-h.. ,i iriai*r»._ u«w trial ..nl.'iel ault <>»ia la aliKn.iity *«U ntrnee. 'mian *fnnnrsl wlib If IO Cnet. ami .Its

burasuit'Ult. Hhirlabt agt Ula**, rs.e m.itmi amlriin. Dally,Jr., ML Oearhiai.lt oiit'-r reverse.1 with JIU co-da and ill*biinarineala »u.l in,.lion denlt*.). I*Sil», lr., n«l. llnw-hvidlOrdtw rtavrrtM-d talth elli ci>*t**lMl ilianiirarmeut* and uinllund*_ied. W**tes aa-sasnsey..order afllrmeo witb SK) rustsami .tlabiirs'tii.nli.. Marls sat. Usn etsi order a_trnt<rtWith $10 costs sad i_it*_t»f*_iriit*. Tbe 1 roiile ci ttl BU'**

i-f. the I'o.trd of Police Commissioner*..f-nl-f-r affirmed withcost*.By Preia'rtinK-Jiistlce Davis and Jn-lre il'irr-'tt We-h i.f

Haiyiaii and ot-sra,.Jndgmeel ur.inned, il..st.ne nut- BUbb rs

lunl luu.lhi-r. .Jud.nei.i ifllrui n.

By I'le.idiini-lii.nco Davis ead radges Barrett..Tue Pso-t'le x i, ii,, ,::,-. m aa- tlie iioarii nf i'll.- ('ouiuiuaai"u< re¬order afliniii-it arith cost*.Hy l'tr-siiiim-: itiaatioa Doris and fiid*;f*. Itr.-ilr nn-1 Barrett.w ron el it Mum -t ai..ordet afllnn.-.i with $i» coats

snd illsiMir-vii ci.t«. r.avi.a* art. noss and anetherj wm kin-I',.*s sntl sin i .f1:i"ic'l 44 nt

I. .'stupi.eli.-tir.l--r -fflrmi-at with -t-1 a) <s>*t«, -

im i..-in nts. flerht sst, i.ctv.- 'r.tci rsvsrsstl witb Sid costsit*, mi'1 the u.e i... ked will) Iiu

mst-. Wallace and another agt. Tho AmericanaiUrine.) with .r..*l a. i ileh net. Vender*

ni. agt. same, saddle-matter of Klldnff Ol -rr rerswl with¬

out «ft*m: rehearing ordered. Moi-'arland ant..Iii.l.: .- r 1'." p lin ti fl ida centt.i iii .'¦.-... nv Mr instil',. Brady. TheAmerloen Unloa

dd'.stou. ('"!. laffltiued »

nts. (lera- silt. .Mk ea -Order ..versedvain, ii tn sis >i li rn: a Newe

nar,af t t- and <ll«-ih Hamlin cr nc H eek I

Building Company, iedgm for ni«iiitliT .-

: lat. Hom ul -.1 .lii'l-'iii,"*! nilli mel .'"Si* nf,-:¦-,. to tn- peid oct ol the ronda, I

rel Htebbins et al. sgt Moe et el..Judgment ord r ,; rm it,.r. etc..

Moiton it, nt..1 »un tiio ...ats. I in- People et rel lu.'wi-ts sudsgt. Howe, Hbcrtfi ctr

I to the in.to.iv of tbs sheriff. i,ess<<im au act asm,1 m.hr re

4 Uh uni <o.ts snt disbnnieuieuts. In the matter nfion I'I lld .Isl

By i'i. aicin-'tii.ti e DsrUaaS/edgs BasteSt..Uewirsat..1 another..Order e*Srmed ou me opinion ol Brady. J.,

-.v tit no reeta sui disbursements .'at'inu.'t Ibe Admenria. k itmn ra ii * QllSl IBIBIBII* with Si0 avasts snd dlsburse-uiinis. sim tba na.iinn to vacate dcuii<d wiih sin costa

ile rr-Hiilln. J n.iie.i Davit gmt J.nine Unaly.- I .ord art.Ilsrrlaa'ii, i-ti-ninn sic..AU the orders affirmen with > "

c.... uml .1 ibtiraemflnt* "f spueel sa dnst lbs ip -elisnl 1 oi A.lit-I'le.o lu. J nat ni DsviHsn.i Jn.lre ln.".H» Punch an-r.

Abrnheltn. Judgment rev.rs. I, nam trial .-nb rod, with cost*ttl- .-tent

By Presiding Just cc Dii'-issn.i Juiic-c*. I.r-trtvsnrt Iimn'l*..Th. Nra. VorkCentre) Kulin, u Company sgt.Tbe atsndsrd'il Company..Jiid-nient slflrnted. Voice asl. h..''.tonis.

'Itt.-iI, ns .lil.-. !r,l In ..pinion without OORIS.lillie, aari. Ht.ee.L.Jud rn.-i.t sfBrtned. In tht mallei of

lrd«*r iil.rllfnsl H. d re. ted.li) ii. [uni., nd Judaea Brady and Bsrrstl

lathe nattai et Haadren. Decree, egta -v art.fl MiiUob dented w.tbeet coate. Anger. s*e- egt.iwa*.

w-iv- BeartU'-ment of order direct! J Da-clea eat. Breener. weat sallied. Deee ait. Mease, ord»rtobe settled vb two dsys* non.- Cooper agt. Cooper. Wea apternraiiduin. Keri"".I* .*t Ihe M ir.ir, rte -Be* nii'ie'inan'bi'U.Brraith am. \s'hit..ii -.'ir dee settled. Pardoe sgt. Tillsdera-h.MS wita S10coate nm) .1 .la,- .-ne-i.t.. Tl..- Peopleen ni Ber! Bet. Tba Board of Pira i.'.imnina-l.i.iers Ord-r aftiru ..I wiih 110 costa and disbursement,ly Ju.- .al lnmli_-T)ier:t«s.in art. The 1

it s'tlnnedvn'rini Tsrm Br Judge Vsn Yrs', er set.

Smith sud other*. I-Indinga and deems stemed.By Judge Donohoe. Mundic and anothrr agt. Mull.nlUn.i

-Kllidln.a as raiill.-.t air .1 -neil.Common Pit '. s,,i,-iiit Term -Bv Judea Van Hoe.

... n. .\ nert, BahreO* aa*.ti. order allowing smcii-ic.1 iiiit-.ter ., it leal snd

elli' I.-.I.Itv Jii't'-ii I.'ir-rri-.'ir Tb.

. aetiir.1 rani amendment* hi!....-.ul ailoWBBC i" pl nntilT.

Barta* Court Chamber* Bv Jtiatioe.au- i.ic!' "ii lr.-. a,-, a-ppotnted. M.. .ncr max

Ulled du" .ii it'ipl laait.ameer*. Kennedy .... ted. In tb.,

ala Petition snd order granted, otteyes Motion d-Uled aa li li fin n.l. tn at,

Itv.I ii Millen UKt. Mklnctaan. .Slot*..u to.1l*mia* create see meemi bimUi bi Jii*<-i-h*t atrt. in.

natl wlnrolalnuff lo soe ia .mHti.1. !>i. inor.ndna. Moore airi. T<-tnj,kl!ia..

rn , |, ri-'- taiaOon* are »urandon, In u r ai ll.rt .¦«>.;,|..,,v airt. Knl»b*. bar.

lt IO iii il. (.-nalani's t'll.-f Kc: ital ORt.smoraadtua.

'I Ul (*0UR1 OF AI'lT.AI S

'Ai i:\nv, Feb, G.--In the Court of Appeals to-

day.present, the lioo.B mford E. Church, C. J-the r.iil twins bi sd i

Nn. 7::.- M.,rv M. Babco*

Davis Ior r, -i1'.

Jones, r..,,!,.!,and anntiier, li

v.- mi. 'iii i-. \. Mau* t' '

t,-.. u.pa-llai.thi. 1. .|m,ii.i.>iii. att. Charles J Klt-h

tm.ed bv J

.-'.',I du- ,t lo.,'. 1 ','ir a >., simv tin n |,

new iTiVBB.

Q !" IVA li: lill. I.S.\IN.i P.iI.IIirvi

.vi:i:y iiiii- uti fa-A. Tan.Wa

ldc foUowing Iii'' itniuc* tl i:i Un-

Br. M' KEY (i),-rn ,0_i<)-- '.tn*for theral DuBj Mr rowNSBBD 'lt p.,Ohio).Tho rrooluB


On m.dion or H| Itinny ink. n hv lt appointed fair the pnr-

¦ri'lniiatl clccttrn-a* or-m»* .1.Mill HORNE (Dem T. nn.) nffered

at li iinlni..' th. Hom

'. n ofi

Mi. ' a i, fruin ii..* .¦

l..,v Alla -. li n rteu . ''ll. BU

alu..uni of

end M i nu 'ls. I'lii.ie.i sithen r. sm return nf ii"

pending in Ibe mon.mg hour, mooringtilsillili: i.i Vira.-11.1 ll.

OMIKU (Bf Mleh ) opposed th*

¦, uta An -dun ui ai

la m. \

r.- |ulllOd to ll.ll.lille tn

after the lei minalton "i be wa

"traitor " snd " rr* " >tttn biaa III IhO UUSl .!' V 'I

Mr. ('(>NUl

\4 : v Qi iii Colin- in .' . iv

Iv. oft. n ii on I-. Ihave then. r. pi I. u ti i, ..:.

th-- other sltl "t the Flouse lo incoip.arate In Ihe

and ireloned annis, a. u UBI

lie exp .. it a d thal »n mam.cues hud last ti idriv a..'

u dUa.iijiti inn similar to Hie prraani ar,oin- of lu.-'- vv ho li i.i

I, rd, il ', .¦.: Ha'intention ot tb p opl an soldier* ol thc North ttnt* tendency, en ou bia aide of tbs 11 ou-.- tu rai^-.-tall ti,-- d -inal, horrible peet, and .sn.- oth ,t all orer bytoe bpi lention of a new lanni of Iuer*tmoeediua- o' !'*" 'I 'i,''.

Mess -. i'-Tn.. (Dcm., Tenn.), ELLIS (Dem- La.),and QOODK (Dem., V i rose t" reply,Wooli iiii'ni., -V i'.i object, i" turt_ r

Y' ,,, feg ; Ii,is. 111.1 l.i lian- Iii n. a! I: .... vv. ni in ta. 11 huh. il iee of I lie

v boll mi li" i it\ 'ic i.ciai i '1 llouselil rem Ul I ties lor a ta, ut an In ur, unit uni a sn, a],. _,nibat in*: been UKO ed tn, oat mir

.'¦.in.. (>), amt -parki.(Dem.. Il), Mi. Payne (K, p., Pena.), moved tt:ai tbscommittee i i.e.

.m, ul-1 im I'll (Dem., Penn.) hoped Ihal Ibmmellon would be withdrawo. If there were aeutlementTii di t not it* sti t.tain pi astonwanted ihen nai iee to -.... .¦ tb*Br. BPABKH t'il' allegation agamal seutisssea ob-

lectit mt of p .¦-, a "H. t. .md nun!.., -o ar ns

it relates to n.e. lin gentlemen pease b ii. In-. |ad o' n iiatnet.

Br. < "i words,Mr. -I'.. I.- 1 tv; tit'! iip:*,*nl iroui '.

(lithe (0 \, ll.1 be uml lon to rlr*e was .1. t£.Cli becoming cv..i -n-, nowe^r, that bur ir ri bastbres

could ne iraBsacteai, tbe ,-..r unit. Sual v,two ua*u*ton bil i, roar.

rio- ilona.- then, st ;i:->i), a4|ourned _nUI Monday,

naval orders.

Wh Feb, &-»Pa*md Aaaiati m -ni

..-cn Kara Z. l>err mordered la tbe ra p '......

io. pb Hmitb te dat) st the N v. Tatd,N . . rk. i list ai Hurt bob i. ii mI iclll *i f!"iii iii,' tajCelVlllg ship d on

< i .iiliiii'.i' Thom* !'. v ,, llirNavy I I plied or

A viotim of doinestie infeti<-it~, wno in- in"it ol dr i n.'\si ga

church. A "ii ..(.on mu' Qiiluoi 44.14 aomewbalstartli .1 leal :- bb iib u arcs-

vd.: " lier-, nu-1 diwp ni- .killel, ulaiti ninan l"-[l,Mi,ney .Model n Ar.o.

"onntrn IJroprrtn U).iu!cN.WET.WI I'I'..Purni wit- nteiwils and (nih-"r hinila.-.t tn w.irW nnans.-e* bv an Am.!he. I .f I.iai.'.m.s aa lo hnuc.iy sud CiU'jtjLKl, ,\.|;i,^BABDUOUB, 11 d.iiiie iim.-B.

Elution Cairo ot Real (..tate.

LWliM AT All.TiON.-TiirRSI>,YY. Fcli-J mary ll), mun, st Vp. m.. un Ute preinisa'a a'JSi-cnl tothu I pi ntl nu. nt Ihr >erth rthtare Halln.ad, Urea) Beek, li«'ngIsland, ihe fat-in .11 lin-tala* lil NI Kl. T. .--Willi, ill.laniefrom .Ne*. \ ur li Brtlesi nselsum, IA* acre*; lu live parcel*;.elo p*reueiorv tai clnae estate.

SILVAN I'd rt. MUlTH.UreatKeeg, !-.._,_.BAM.-lini-Kll, lJulNiiseauiV *JE»««nfots

R3AL ESTATE*Kaw-Toaa, PrMag, F.-b. o. 1 ]gn.

The following wiles ivers heM al tut Kt.rhat-e Peiesroo-. io.i.u

Hit T). lt. Stanton.1 lot c s lionlevard, 26. lo ft u of loOOi st, '.>.,t<,o N n

HlKK;na.H»C fl. Hrnm-n.

'" *M*"5~'1 pint nf land o . Frank.tii-avaa, matt . lott, N.« hjj

ami mt <.n * map of M ori'laaBU. Si.tx':niiacK'nim. l.-rOO


."tirlm.'r sudWife lo* haries f D-dy, ', , ,-

Oraiid st, ii w c.-r Ludlow**. 2%t '

-oe tOO H TlilOtaOB. . raast ramSt NI. ho a, av*, ll. ll ft ll of U7t .'il * W

wife le WU MM ''.

. ...Ave-A. . », .5 tl ll of T-.th-st. tb.tl -XI'S, 9 i ino-

J jv..Uil-ave, * va cor v.l st In 11 illili .sb-piu-ii |{ Thsy.

ei au.l wu* to Marr Duffy . 75 nan4th av. i> of 7<>(h-si. 2(i_?5| Jilba Boara- '

mau mut wife lo ....irita ", .niuk. Lane4tm. -t. \n is *-¦__' ..'ox ihi ',; cberlse 9 Heeesatwir

and wl,e M ilrrba>rt ll Turin r . .

Haine property Iierba-rt B Turner to J T Waters, jr> me Ulopal trj J T Wat.-i..Ji, le Sarah F Tnr.irr77th itt. n «, 200 ft w of lt)ll.svr.. 9 t 001 ".¦.lilias*

HI... ia.i. i. ¦!. I--, t" .fain-* li Malar I, trnatee ... tnOB7-lhat, *. '' rtwof lntli»ve. "j-.iloo; Willum

lair, referee, to.l ll llaiard. tru.tee 2 ooo: sa 260 ftwnf 1 ,,". V, iil,«ni

.sin,lair reter. ., t .1 li lla_tid. trustee, *t> I'M78thei,ss, *.*7a fi vi ..I loth-ave. 2.'.xi')0: William

lair, referee, toj II llaisi.l. ir i.nr, ri. . 1 Tja78th .t. t .. At) tl wot lllth ave, S-ClOO i Wdllaia

.iiiilalr ref.-rr.. i<> .1 lt lias.rd, 'rustre, en- 3,610:'_tn st. . s, Its. fl w of .al ave, lftiK'o.li: J Con nor,

ir. ul. .. .., to ID nry A Crrtui _Sd SOOShSS I't'.umr. .lr . ft.OOO

Slst-sl, u s, SSS ft eol !th av". 40x100 b . BeojamlnWeav-i amt vtife In lleiinann it.e-.'.r.3 250

(JJd-.t. n .: 870 ft at of Hill ave. '..'1 I-h...*, J..,,_ |iJ.ilui.b li sud wife lo I'aii.o,. 1 0,700

(!.".(t, st, * a, ko fi - .f Mndl-fiii-ave, '.'OlI'«I.J .sim,ielD Hassell .uni wife to Amelia H K"hu 2*,SSS

97th ki, n h. Sdi) ft w ..I I libera. Jaie loo. ll j W iii,., iaMccrea and wits tn tl ll lim 11 livnch . jjO

Same pi-opa.ity Viuoat Tilyoit. iecclv.-r, ade, ef Are.Ile itisiiraice (¦i,;n|i nt, to satin 1 OOO

ll st. b*. 144 Beef Li ».e. ".'.iino.io; (.-orwtilal.ialiaiii In Juli,. M.>l>.nv 2 OOO

tis. 254.7 ft rot Itt -ave, I- .H.IOO 1 K Ai-ainaoiu. retsree lo the Neat lurk I..fia JosurcraeeOartBpB J" U.H-00

12..1.I. ns. 27! .A tl rid lst-SVe. 1)l.«i IlK) 1 I ; V A»in. r-1, ree, to the Mew-Yore titi- Iiisinsii. -

( ..ini.iny _ fl.nos77th si. n a. Tib ft w n: Kith sve '..',»I na. Vt ilham

.¦.; I,.i-t,e. cl. .' n .)lafayette pl w s. _*V) fl aol" Rlne-at t'itlti VVsrdl. ISO

i2 .1 ueeraej llooparaad wifeu, J M-priaavr 1Pame property; J M HintiiKei i., Lout*

¦ in- anoiher ... 3,1'0tl. (.I. vv a. am) fl aol Pln-at, H2XS901 II«"nJ*-

inin ll Kt liam *nd ttifat to J M Kp rt tiea-r. 1.200!. I. iv a. SM2 f' . f I'uir .1. Vex.Ol J 9

Iv. liam nnd wife to I M Sprlna-r 1,600lst-arc w s. .rifts nf 2Iel-*t. ".li loo. Ll'KIn .*,,,

,! arie i

SOTbet, .>,. x .til.! In la-t *nd al-o n s'.'Dili at I*-**Il nf .iii av.-. 1... a....mar, va ll.iain ltV. tat I-.n rf. re,-. I" Helaina ll WttUUMM» v iii. le.ut.1,--. et. H0.0SS

llllh-st, ns .U'i...' M.-: -ott ate. .'..ll "ll. lt Tr 'i'resry and atfa-t» L.'.-la Mnndorl. inn,,.)

¦t .n hit - fi. nf Madam st M.4xI00.11i TV Treacy and wife ri2Ooo

nt 1*1-* ve. l_.VXlOS.St JoaephiMiiilrii to Ulta Oni»i|er . G »00

112th st,sa. '.oft eof ttl ive. n-i Cit.io. 1 1 snd sltvoaa . v dat 2a.6xlO0.Si Jeeeah

Wonay anil wife io WUIUn^l.lhliey. 37..SiOI,! I. I.I \ I -

lal id- I. ' d Mock, sf.-re and part nf tcise>'..i ave, .1 year*, at anuna) reel ol S:,5*W

.,:!»! ,1 BU -a

I lit and wlfu to F M Y Bohne. I-i.i t. dee .........i

III'.44.ir, I l> ami vt if. |<> (J i: ,1 arl.Inna lui Be SM u

Davis. Ami. K io William M t.aaca, *eiud .ii'lti si. 6 ionth* 4,000

penv, s w . or atal-ave au.l Kl'Jdtt, ., tm

years, tot IS oooI wu U> I s Hone n wi m -il.-ave

snal .

.'ru-.n, ti iPlki ill.

Ie... WU a. iiiK""rath ate a, ji7.'.0<W

.. asa >.».,, ,.f 1h|.av. ; 7.0"t>I, ant] valle t. A lier ,.,,, w cor Morna st t-

Min-nv. v i,,i

*a t',.1 || | ¦' AV'' la. 7I

,.* the M

In-- '

:. ll . Ht .Nf,

Winiam Halts, e s. 2,..l>0



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'l .tux-.

inui!' i.i to J li Kitasm.I Kuti ...... Ir_.

.a .eui saotat. 1a . dian,


<_.: BtttK JTJr V-aix.

iSSOUTMEXT N- --M. \ ,..,-. l, til si. and ".



Ia «

.|,V!. .- \i.K .Om luI * . nd Duli «al !¦¦

,'! I'i'.' llroa.11

Jon llli'iuln.iv"i h




t,"t -I. ST..Foinp t-

ro Crt.

\ w. I oilier..



(I-4. VV ll'

lilaOADWAY. i - un it

h. i i-TM

If ".tn ifjrojicriri UJ -ntcb.CTORK8 nml WHOLE BUHJ

<..,,, V- ,., -,, |,.|.ni LAND S kmanet.

¦ I.... ¦

Uvooiinn Real CtUMB lot Sale.

iroKr-AI.Ka.i l*;\rilWUK. ItrtMiklvn l.n.wnI -; tinier,

et, nae..- -ar farm, ni >¦ -,. no*, i'. .jtiM A-.1 - Mill:

<Z etintrn 5]ro-.'t*rln tor Ball ano ito Itt.

VI ORANTtE. N. J. (iio.Bliboi<nAorl spec ihy).I I' ' n a... a.,,1 l. »! al' I liar-

i:t)\\ Al.. 1

1 VILLA ni iii* H ii(Lon, si Yonketsj I'-j-V ra. I.ii.ti ni i

t irT'i.r, pr- li -. ni:"- BV a.*."i ival «_


^\)\l SALK. \ .ii Ni iv-jersey, ouahom t ...i ..-at Nark, xl . .mtntti


..nra Ban ai"1 ¦" tiiutl* of .mwt.Uiiii.iii.- \

.- v r--. ;.

rv; - i i:.-\ FINE COUNTR. SEAT1 and tann .)> ..--eat, e (lu *.


l«-r. i*. li- ._*r i.iii-e. ha.i'. Bas,*

.. 1.lia rmif »* ¦**' * »: the m.. - I

ii'it .fi.. tn.i a niche.I Mate »(


ipi. .. a ai t p. ac.i i. rh.I

Carne .-

..ii tai r. v. vniti \ .cm i'

L*ol,' SALK, .t SUMMIT, N..I I «***1 ..:t tliut. 1..11!

ron.it.Iii 1. . : .ar ll II". i .¦ Vim)B

i.nitete h'tute nt 1'-rLi!.... I . ji«a,l to tue a miaul.-- Ira.ta

Apply io HILO. .i-i'K.M al ei.. .Newera,h. j

FOR SALE "i TO l.!,l". \ (I'snalil.- mill al1 Beainbtatan, \ i

J. il

Ut>K SALE. -XCHANGKnrTO LKI. -AU-nt1 l. i. a. a: a4_aliwa.il. \ j.. 7 inlnui. a tioai l»rr* .**¦¦'*.

lnav !.(. .1 iciiM and liuioallarlniia pioaty ot Iran. r. iv

I'111-..'ol.l.. JJ I'ari place. _.

rtH) WA I I ¦l.UoWKKSnn.l I KIT'K FARM-I Ba I,, tnt ll a.-r.-a, with mediant hunte, atr.p'.t

ii.n din*., t.r.ieii, otebem, jHittnra. aa"«i wair-r, witaia tar*tmlM ot nHi oed* aud it_a_l. aoaaal lita-al naaikeUi 0*n UU)alon,ai ae.ira** I'..). Boa *Ma> wean llroos, M. Ja_T<> LEASK un New-Harm K-.a.l ; one houi1 lrom the city, fnrii-hed el ui.f.iinialird. . trmilnmuu.1

g, aaa* "untr) Met ASdresa ** Kt, ha U" Box .0, Tnbtta*ollie*.