The Cosmic Microwave Background Lecture 1 Elena Pierpaoli

The Cosmic Microwave Background

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The Cosmic Microwave Background. Lecture 1 Elena Pierpaoli . (Cosmic Microwave Background). Brief History of time. Properties: isotropy and anisotropies. The CMB radiation is isotropic We are moving with respect to the CMB rest frame - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Cosmic Microwave Background

The Cosmic Microwave Background

Lecture 1Elena Pierpaoli

Page 2: The Cosmic Microwave Background

(Cosmic Microwave Background)

Brief History of time

Page 3: The Cosmic Microwave Background

Properties: isotropy and anisotropies

• The CMB radiation is isotropic

• We are moving with respect to the CMB rest frame

• There are tiny anisotropies, imprints of matter-radiation fluctuations.

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Space Missions

• PLANCK:• Smaller beam• Lower noise• Polarization • Better frequency coverage

COBE WMAP PlanckYear data received 1992 2003 2009Spatial resolution (deg) 7 0.23 0.08Frequencies (GHz) 30-90 22-94 30–857Polarization no yes yesSensitivity (muK/30' pix) 10.5 (8yrs) 1.4

Page 5: The Cosmic Microwave Background

SDSS sliceMatterRadiation

CMB - Cosmic Microwave Background(Temperature and Polarization)


Measuring the Fundamental Properties of the Universe

DT(q,f) = S al,m Yl,m (q,f) cl = Sm |al,m|2

d (x) = dr/r (x) d (k) = FT[d (x)] P(k) = < |d (k)|2> Pgal(k) = b2 P(k)


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The power spectrum

Nolta et al 08

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The decomposition of the CMB spectrum

Challinor 04

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Evolution equationsPhotons

Massive neutrinosMassless neutrinos

Cold dark amtter



Page 9: The Cosmic Microwave Background

Evolution of fluctuations

Ma & Bertschinger 95

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Line of sight approach

Seljak & Zaldarriaga 06

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Due to parity symmetry of the density field, scalar perturbationsHave U=0, and hence only produce E modes.

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Scattering and polarization

If there is no U mode to start with, scattering does not generate it. No B mode is generated.

Scattering sources polarization through the quadrupole.

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Tensor modes

Parity and rotation symmetry are no longer satisfied. B modes could be generated, along with T and E.

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The tensor modes expansion

Scattering only produces E modes, B Are produced through coupling with E And free streaming.

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Power spectra for scalar and tensor perturbations

Tensor to scalar ratio r=1

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Effect of parameters

• Effect of various parameters on the T and P spectrum

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1)Neutrino mass: Physical effects

Fluctuation on scale enters the horizon

Neutrinos free-stream Neutrinos do not free-stream(I.e. behave like Cold Dark Matter)


on fluctuations

on expansion Expan. factor a


Radiation dominated Matter dominatedheavy


(T=0.25 eV) – change the expansion rate – Change matter-radiation equivalence (but not recombination)

Page 18: The Cosmic Microwave Background

2) The relativistic energy density Nn

Nn = (rrad - rg) / r1n

• Effects: – change the expansion rate– Change matter-radiation equivalence (but not the

radiation temperature, I.e. not recombination)• Model for:

– neutrino asymmetry– other relativistic particles– Gravitational wave contribution (Smith, Pierpaoli, Kamionkowski 2006)

Expan. factor a


Radiation dominated Matter dominated3n



Before WMAP: Nn <17

After WMAP:Nn< 6.6

(Pierpaoli MNRAS 2003)

Page 19: The Cosmic Microwave Background

Neutrino species

Bell, Pierpaoli, Sigurdson 06

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Neutrino interactions