Zulfikar Ghose THE COSMIC DANCE Her lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies! —Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus

The Cosmic Dance

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Zulfikar Ghose is a poet, novelist and literary critic. Apart from criticism and poetry, he has also penned many novels, including the trilogy The Incredible Brazilian. He is professor emeritus in the English department at the University of Texas at Austin

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  • Zulfikar Ghose

    THE COSMIC DANCE Her lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies!

    Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus


    Proem: The Fall We had gone past the imperial palace

    and come to the botanical gardens next

    to the Planetarium where

    sci-fi big bangs reported of galaxies

    newly discovered in unexplored space.

    This is a life of fixed

    expectations. Let's meet again under

    the labelled trees

    and walk across the deserted

    lawn and go instead to the Museum

    of Mankind where there's an exhibition

    of old African masks.

    Was it not under this same tree we first

    discovered love

    was the constant reinvention

    of the self behind a mask's aesthetic

    diversion, its beauty a strategy

    of predatory art?

    It was among these pomegranate trees

    then in flower,

    remember, a red profusion

    in the air, that I fell, and the red blossoms

    in my collapsing sight shot up and sank

    like an erratic blood

    pressure reading, your hand gripping my arm,

    my heart racing.

  • I

    The Shiver But why that sudden eagerness

    with which you drew me through the garden gate

    past the poplars and the old yew tree?

    Not a word was spoken

    though encoded in transmissions my mind

    received sacred

    ceremonies were enacted

    as in a ritual initiation

    where priests read from illuminated texts.

    Wed entered the garden

    where light falling through the sycamore tree

    on dragonflies

    hovering above white lilies

    made their fluttering wings look like glitter

    being thrown by a festive crowd at a marriage

    celebration and where

    you drew me away to the camouflage

    of light and shade

    in which our two bodies appeared

    like a trembling reflection on water.

    How the light shivered and the shadows shook!

    Not a word was spoken.

    Just a shiver where the light parted for

    the souls transport.

  • II

    The Possessed I was looking for you, still am,

    like a scientist in his research lab

    who must keep testing his hypothesis

    with new experiments

    to prove the idea that had struck him

    when listening

    to a Bach cantataheavens,

    what visions come when we least expect them!

    Was it or was it not a fact that you

    held my arm and pulled me

    as if on a sudden impulse to where

    the dimmed lamplight

    cast a golden glow that transformed

    solid objects to things that loosely float?

    How difficult it is to believe now

    the evidence of light

    in which subtly infused you appeared then

    like Salom

    stripping off her successive veils

    to reveal the suggestive illusion

    of her flesh, dancing for the crazed Herod!

    O but the sensation

    was sharp enough that a distinct perfume

    whirled about me

  • as if in a temple I stood

    amid incense smoke before an idol,

    a warm persuasion of piety

    spiralling up my brain

    and mystifying my visionas when

    with dilated

    pupils after an eye exam

    the world appears floodlit but all one sees

    is a confusion of appearances,

    an abstract expression

    of the material contours of form.

    But then, as through

    apertures between fast drifting

    banks of clouds one sees a sunlit landscape

    during a planes steep descent, your image

    flashed on my consciousness

    so clearly in full-frame close-ups of when

    you possessed me

    that I shut my eyes to keep fixed

    in my mind your exposed body from that

    fleeting revelation, and knew that there

    I could hold you always,

    rejecting the proof I but consorted

    with illusion.

  • III

    The Adoration My belief has nothing to do

    with that ostentation of piety

    when I fell into your embrace and thought

    this sudden ecstasy

    must be the souls palpitation after

    flesh has dissolved

    O not into dew, nor even

    a sub-atomic particle that flies

    faster than light to some unseen heaven,

    but become an absence

    of self, as when, entranced by the Virgins


    smile in the rosy light falling

    on her lips from a high stained-glass window,

    not faith but pagan longing makes one draw

    all temporal tension

    from ones flesh and in one burst pour it all

    in a mental

    transfusion into the sculpted

    form of eternal and divine beauty

    forgive me this abstract adoration,

    this unbelievers trick

    which converts to a faiths confirmed dogma

    a wild heathen

  • passion that plucks the souls delight

    from a Dionysian sensuality

    and loses the self in toxic pleasure.

    But whats divinity,

    then, if not a vision of beauty so


    its truth bursts as revelation

    during the blinding flare of orgasm

    and, exhausted, remains a puzzling dream?

    But believe me, my dear,

    when plastic surgeons can mimic the form

    of heavenly

    beauty, with silicone implants

    sculpt goddesses of earthly clay, were you

    Olympia, hearing the dolls song would crank

    my virile mechanism

    into fine-tuned adoration of your

    assembled parts.

  • IV

    The Transfiguration But what should I do now after

    the sudden quite unexpected embrace

    you spontaneously pulled me into,

    say, what should I do now?

    You caught my breath with your lips and drew it

    as death ones soul

    to an unimagined new world

    locked between perpetual dawn and twilight

    where forms project and dissolve ceaselessly

    their lifelike copies, where

    illusions assume a luminous glow

    and where modelled

    it seemed on a god I had been

    recreated for a resplendent life.

    Yet I was like one of those sculpted gods

    shaped in erotic play

    on the temple walls at Khajuraho

    in their joyous

    expectation of imminent

    bliss but petrified in the anxious pose

    of eternal anticipation: yours

    the artists privilege

    to have drawn my breath and with it my blood


  • with continuing desire, then

    left me, cast by your formidable art,

    a mocked man in hard rock who until your

    inspiration renews

    my breath must remain an installation

    senselessly stoned.

  • V

    Some Other You What if youd taken another

    form when you held me in that first embrace

    and Id seen not you but some other you,

    someone quite alien

    who yet in that impulsive seduction

    framed your being?

    As when mathematicians stuck

    for an answer check out alternative

    symbols to confirm the original

    sign is not the hidden

    source of an error, so I test this


    that it was not the you Ive known

    but some conspicuously different figure

    a Madonna, say, in her cathedral nook,

    all her voluptuous

    flesh restored, her piety discarded

    some fantasy

    incarnation of an ideal

    ones mind, plugged in to Platonic software,

    is programmed to seek this side of heaven,

    dreaming of eternal

    forms: whatever her real self, she was

    still illumined

  • in that visionary moment

    with so intense a brightness as to be

    featureless and without shadow, present

    only as some spirit

    whose body yet excited my longing

    for possession.

    Like white paint upon white canvas

    that yet suggests theres more there than blank space,

    you projected shadows where there were none,

    turned silence to music,

    and though of marble made, the Madonna

    in my mind danced.

    Perhaps it was I whod fallen

    into a trance and swayed like a dervish

    to music unheard by another soul,

    ecstatic devotee

    of visions that to the possessed appear

    uniquely yours

    but always elusive, a quick

    pulsing glow as of fire-flies that like stars

    are no longer there where their light is seen,

    a presence in absence

    where the self is abandoned and your you

    becomes my all,

  • though in that all theres only you,

    Gods particle, and I lost on Higgs field.

    How bright the moonlight this October night,

    a moth on the white lip

    of a datura flower looks the silhouette

    of a black leaf.

  • VI

    The Ascension To rise again in your presence,

    to have no past, to expect no future,

    as on that night when you, sweet vision,

    held me in your embrace

    as if light had arms and unheard music

    a womans hands:

    caught thus by you in that embrace,

    more than your body, it seemed a whole age

    of enlightenment held my mind amazed

    with new-fleshed ideas

    and altered the customary method of

    carnal discourse.

    There is nothing more beautiful

    than this, all the substance of life compressed

    so closely within your arms and your lips

    in a protracted kiss

    sucking my soul free from its bondage

    to heated flesh.

    As when past the jets starboard wing

    a pink line on the horizon at dawn

    seen on the flight north at forty thousand

    feet shocks ones disbelief

    at being unconnected with the earth,

    for there, risen,

  • the sun spreads its beams to commence

    the cosmic dance, and the intuition springs

    of divine presence in ones limbs as if

    ones soul partnered the sun,

    so too your attraction confirms the sense

    of my being

    pulled strongly into the orbit

    of a heavenly body. Hold me there

    in perpetual revolution when I

    have risen to you, my

    booster self abandoned spinning to earth

    in my ascent.