THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ ANXIETY AND …repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/29748/3/NUR... · The purpose of this study is aimed to investigate the correlation

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By:Nur Djumadil Iman










By:Nur Djumadil Iman










By:Nur Djumadil Iman








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The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training certifies

that the ‘Skripsi’ (Scientific Paper) entitled “ THE CORRELATION BETWEEN


Research at First Year Students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400), written by NUR DJUMADIL

IMAN, student’s registration number: 207014000286, was examined by the committee on May,

22th 2013, The ‘Skripsi’ was declared to have passed and, therefore, fulfilled one of the

requirements for the academic title of ‘S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts)’ in English Language Education

at the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, May, 22th 2013.

Examination Committee

CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd ( )NIP. 1964121 299103 1 003

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd. ( )NIP. 19730625 199903 2 001

EXAMINERS : 1. Dra. Fachriany, M.Pd. ( )NIP.19700611 199101 2 001

2. Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd. ( )NIP. 19730625 199903 2 001

Acknowledged byDean of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training

Prof. Dr. H. Rif’at Syauqi Nawawi, MA.NIP. 1952052 0198103 1 001

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Iman, Nur Djumadil (NIM: 207014000286), THE CORRELATION BETWEENSTUDENTS’ ANXIETY AND THEIR ENGLISH LEARNINGACHIEVEMENT, at the first year students of SMP BHAKTI MULYA400. A Skripsi of English Education at The Faculty of Tarbiya andTeachers’ Training of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta,2013.

Advisor : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd.

Keywords: Students’ Anxiety, English Learning Achievement

The purpose of this study is aimed to investigate the correlation betweenstudents’ anxiety in English learning and their English achievement. The study wasconducted at the first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400. The populations ofthis study were all the first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400 2012-2013.There were 109 students as the sample of population and 40 of them were used as thesample of study. There were two variables investigated in this study, namely: students’anxiety in English learning and English achievement.

The method used in this research is quantitative research through correlationtechnique. In collecting the data the writer did two kinds of instrument which were aquestionnaire and the result of the test. The questionnaire aimed to know about anxiety inteaching learning process that was done in the classroom, and the result of the test isaimed to know the students achievement after learning English. The data was analyzedby using SPSS. From the calculation of statistic by applying SPSS program, it wasknown that the value of coefficient correlation rxy = - 0.657. It is in the interval of 0.41 –0.70, this means that the correlation belong to “medium correlation” in negative range. Inother words, there is a correlation between variable X and variable Y.

The result showed that the correlation between students’ anxiety and students’English learning achievement is significant (rxy = - 0.657). Because of the value ofsignificant lower than level of significant and it is negative (- 0.657 < 0.05), it means thatstudents’ anxiety has negative correlation and it’s significant to their Englishachievement. In this research can be concluded that the higher anxiety the students have,the worst English achievement they will get. But, the lower anxiety students have, thebetter English achievement they will get. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) of the research isrejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

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Iman, Nur Djumadil. (NIM: 207014000286), HUBUNGAN ANTARA KECEMASANSISWA DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS, di SMP BAKTIMULYA 400, Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyahdan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2013.

Pembimbing : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci: Kecemasan Siswa, Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kecemasan siswa dalambelajar bahasa Inggris dan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dimaksudkan untukmengetahui apakah terdapat korelasi antara kecemasan siswa dengan hasil belajar bahasaInggris mereka dan membicarakannya dalam skripsi penulis, Penelitian ini dilaksanakandi kelas satu SMP BAKTI MULYA 400. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua siswakelas satu SMP BAKTI MULYA 400 2012-2013. Terdapat 109 siswa sebagas samplepopulasi dan 40 sample dijadikan sample dalam penelitian ini. Ada dua variable yangditeliti dalam penelitian ini, yaitu kecemasan siswa dalam bahasa Inggris dan hasilbelajar bahasa Inggris.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian quantitatif melaluiteknik korelasi. Dalam mengumpulkan data, penulis melakukan dua macam instrumenyakni kuesioner dan hasil tes bahasa Inggris siswa. Kuesioner ditujukan untukmengetahui kecemasan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar dalam kelas, dan hasil tesbahasa Inggris ditujukan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa setelah belajar bahasaInggris. Data dianalisa menggunakan SPSS. Dalam perhitungan statistik dalammengaplikasikan program SPSS, diketahui nilai koofisien korelasi rxy = - 0.657. iniberada antara 0.41 – 0.70, arti korelasinya adalah “korelasi sedang” dalam nilai negatif.Dengan kata lain, terdapat korelasi antara variable X dan variable Y.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara kecemasan siswa dan hasilbelajar bahasa Inggris adalah signifikan (rxy = - 0.657). dikarenakan nilai signifikan lebihrendah dari tingkat signifikansi dan negatif (- 0.657 < 0.05), artinya kecemasan siswamempunyai korelasi negatif dan signifikan dengan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris. Dalampenelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi kecemasan yang dimiliki siswa,maka semakin kecil hasil belajar yang mereka dapat. Namun, semakin kecil kecemasanyang dimiliki, semakin bagus hasil belajar yang dicapai. Artinya (Ho) pada penelitian iniditolak dan (Ha) diterima.

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In the name of Allah SWT, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the world, who always gives His mercy

and blessing upon the writer in completing this skripsi. Praying and greeting

always be upon His messangger, our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and

his followers, who has spread Islam all over the world.

Firstly, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to his

beloved parents, (the late father) Drs. Djamil, L. and especially his mother Artini

S,Pd., who always support and give charity with a deep caring and loving to the

writer. And for all her family (who always give support).

And also, all persons who have helped him in finishing this skripsi,

particularly to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Rif’at Syauqi Nawawi, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd.as the head of English Education Department. And

Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd, the secretary of English Education Department.

3. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, also as his advisor who patiently guided him in writing

this skripsi. And All Lecturers at English Education Department, who have

guided and given him valuable knowledge and chances in finishing his


4. Dr. Hadi Suwarno as the Headmaster of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400, who

has allowed him, doing the research of this skripsi at the institution he


5. All Teachers at SMP BAKTI MULYA 400, especially English Teachers

who has helped hi in conducting the research. And also, The first year

students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400, who have assisted in collecting the

data during the research.

6. His lovely family, who always give him support and always take care of

him with very much love and patient.

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7. All beloved friends in IMM and English Department especially Class B

and also to any other persons who cannot be mentioned one by one for

their any contribution to her during finishing her study.

8. The staffs of libraries whose books he used for the references of this

research; main library Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, library

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, and National Library.

“May Allah SWT, bless you all …”

This ‘skripsi’ is presented to English Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Isamic University Jakarta as

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Strata-1 (S1).

Finally, yet importantly, the writer realized that ‘skripsi’ still has some

weakness and mistakes. Therefore, he would be grateful to accept any suggestion

and correction from anyone for the better writing. And then, he hopes that this

‘skripsi’ could be valuable writing. “Amiin…”.

Jakarta, February, 22th 2013

The writer

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Table 3.1 The Score of Instruments ……………………………………...32

Table 3.2 Instrument Indicators …………………………………………33

Table 3.2 Product Moment Table ……………………………………38

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No. Dokumen : FITK-FR-AKD-063UIN JAKARTA Tgl. Terbit : 1 Maret 2010FITK No. Revisi: : 01Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 15412 Indonesia Hal : 1/1



Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Nur Djumadil Iman

NIM : 207014000286

Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Biak, 11 Januari 1990

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


Bahwa skripsi yang berjudul The Correlation between Students’ Anxiety and

Their English Learning Achievement (A Study Research at the First Year Students

of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan) adalah benar hasil karya sendiri

dibawah bimbingan dosen:

Nama Dosen Pembimbing : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd.

NIP : 1964121 299103 1 003

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya dan saya siap

menerima segala konsekuensi apabila terbukti bahwa skripsi ini bukan hasil karya


Jakarta, 22 Mei 2013

Yang Menyatakan


NIM. 207014000286

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ENDORSEMENT SHEET ……………………………………………………. i

ABSTRACT …………………………….……………………………………..ii

ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………….iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ iv

PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……..……….…………………………………..…vii

LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………………..ix

LIST OF APPENDIXES …………………………………………………….x


A. Background of the Study …........................................................... 1

B. The Limitation of the Study…..……............................................... 3

C. The Statement of the Study ...............................................................4

D. The Purpose of the Study ................................................................. 4

E. Significance of the Study..................................................................4


A. Theoritical Description......................................................................5

1. Definition of Learning ......................................................................5

2. Learning Theory ...............................................................................8

3. Definition of Achievement .............................................................17

4. Definition of Anxiety .....................................................................23

B. Conceptual Framework.....................................................................26

C. Hypothesis ....................................................................................27

D. Statistical Hypothesis........................................................................27

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A. The Method of the Research ........................................................28

B. Variables……………………………………………………………..28

C. The Place and time of the Research ..............................................29

D. Population, Sample and Sampling .................................................29

E. Data of Research ........................................................................30

F. Technique of Collecting Data and Research Instrument....................31

G. Technique of Data Analysis .......................................................35


A. The Description of Data ...............................................................36

B. The Finding …………………………………………………………36

1. Students’ Anxiety Scores ……..…………………………………..36

2. Students’ English Scores ……..………………………………….36

C. Data Analysis...............................................................................37

D. The Test of Hypothesis……………………………………………….37

E. Interpretation of Data ……………………………………………….38


A. Conclusion .................................................................................39

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................40

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………….........41

APPENDIXES ……………………………………………………………….45

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Appendix 1. Blue Print Kalkulasi Statistik ‘Students’ Anxiety Score

and Students’ English Score dengan menggunakan SPSS ……..45

Appendix 2. Blue Print of Table of Students’ Anxiety Score

and Students’ English Score ………………………………….46

Appendix 3. The Result of Instrument Validity…………………….…………47

Appendix 4. Angket untuk Siswa …………………….……………………48

Appendix 5. Blue Print of Table of Studensts’ Anxiety Scores ….………..56

Appendix 6. Blue Print of Table of Studensts’ English Scores……………….58

Appendix 7. Blue Print of Table of The Result of Students’ Anxiety

and English learning achievement by Product Moment Table…..60

Appendix 8. “r” Table of Product Moment Person…………………………….62

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A. Background of the study

English is very important subject in the human life to learn today; it’s

caused by developing of science. It may be true to say that English now is the

most important language in the world. English is one of foreign language that

has been used widely in the world as means of communication and as a tool

in gathering information. According to estimation, there are about a billion

people in the world today learning English as a foreign language.1 English is

also commonly used in the writing of many books of science and technology.

And now English as second language in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the

English mastery of Indonesia people is generally bad. To change this, of

course we must improve our English, through formal education at school over

Indonesia the teaching of English is aimed to prepare youngest Indonesia in

facing the rapid progress of science and technology to be more confident to

get involved in international relation as part of the world society.

In Indonesia, English has been taught to the students from the elementary

school up to university. Studying English is very important for them, because

there are many books needed to increase their knowledge, written in English.

Their good mastery in English, therefore, will make them easier to

comprehend those books. One of important factor that is able to increase their

knowledge is motivation in teaching English; teacher should realize about

student’s motivation, teacher should understand student’s needs.

In fact, we have known that among students who had graduated from

university has not enough yet competence in English. It can be seen from the

fact that the students have low ability in mastering the language and they also

have little knowledge of English.2

1 Keith Johnson, An Introduction to Foreign language Teaching and, (Pearson Education Limited:2001):p.3.2 Forum Kajian Budaya dan Agama, Kecerdasan Emosi dan Quatum Learning, (2000):p.33.

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Since this language has been taught in Indonesian school, some problems

which are found by teachers or students arisen concerning with the lesson of

English. This can be seen that the most of students are not able to

communicate well orally or in written, and it also can be seen from their

English scores that are still categorized low.

The writer argued that the low English scores may be caused by students

of English as a billingual difficult lesson, that English is a foreign language

and it is very far different from their mother tongue. The foreign language

also contain different aspects that have to be understood by the English

learner. Those things burdened most students in English teaching-learning


Those things are called Language anxiety. As Skehan stated that

“Language anxiety, a type of anxiety specifically associated with L2 learning

contexts, can arise from many kinds of sources, according to the learners'

individually unique frame of reference.”3

Because of those things burden the students, some of students has

experience of anxiety in the English classroom while trying to learn English,

neither they’re doing English exercise on the class, having a homework, or

having an examinaton. Horwitz have stated that, “The subjective feelings,

psycho-physiological symptoms, and behavioral responses of the anxious

foreign language learner are essentially the same as for any specific anxiety.

They experience apprehension, worry, even dread. They have difficulty

concentrating, become forgetful, sweat, and have palpitations. They exhibit

avoidance behavior such as missing class and postponing homework.”4

The writer figure out language anxiety happens among students. Anxiety

often arise which is related with anxiousness in facing situation that never be

worried before. Zeidner said that “Anxiety tends to bother teaching-learning

process and achievement in education, even bother attention, working

3 Kota Ohata, Potential Sources of Anxiety for Japanese Learners of English: Preliminary CaseInterviews with Five Japanese College Students in the U.S., TESL-EJ Journal, Vol.9, No.3,(Tokyo, Japan, International Christian University, Des. 2005): p.1.4 S. Atef-Vahid and A. Fard Kashani, The Effect of English Learning Anxiety on Iranian High-School Students’ English Language Achievement (Iran, Iran University of Science & Technology,Vol.2, Issue 3, September 2011): p.1.

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memory, and retrieval.”5 For example, 'Speaking in front of others' is rated as

the biggest cause of anxiety followed by 'worries about grammatical

mistakes', 'pronunciation' and 'being unable to talk spontaneously'. And they

think English is difficult to learn. These situation and condition can affect

learners’ English learning achievement indirectly.

English learning achievement as a determiner of learner’s achievement is

influenced by such factors as learner’s capability, learner’s interest, and

anxiety which has been around the students. Their English achievement was

measured through their final standardized English exam administered by the


Based on the background of the study previously, the writer argued that

one of important think that can affect learners in mastering English is

learners’ anxiety. The student’s anxiety in language learning aslo affect their

English score. It is approved that the students who have low English

proficiency and difficulties’ belief can arise anxious personality. To ensure

the success of English education, language anxiety is a significant issue

which cannot be ignored. Then, the writer assumes that anxiety is regarded as

one of dominant factors that can affect the students’ English learning


The writer stated that it is such an interesting study to have a research on

what have been mentioned above in order to find whether the students’

anxiety has any correlation with their English learning achievement. It is

expected that this study may support the English Teaching-Learning process

to improve the quality of study.

B. The limitation of the study

In this paper, the writer limits the study on the discussion of students’

anxiety in correlation with their English learning achievement. In this

research, the object of this study is limited on student’s anxiety of the first

year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400.

5 G. Mattews, Human Performance Cognition Stress and Individual Differences, (Philadelphia:Pyschology Press, 2000), p.27.

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C. The Statement of the Study

Based on the limitation of the study above, the statement problem is: “is

there any correlation between students’ anxiety and their English learning


D. The Purpose of study

This study aims to know whether anxiety has any correlation with

students’ English learning achievement. The writer hopes that this research

will help to figure out how students’ anxiety can affect their English learning


E. The Significant of the Study

1. Theoretically

Theoretically the result of this study will answer the question at the

formulation of the problem whether the student’s anxiety in learning

English is really important factor in English achievement.

2. Practically

It is expected that the result of the study will be useful for:

a. Headmaster: As feed back to the institution to improve for

improving the system of education and facilitating what the

teacher needs.

b. Students: to get an information about correlation between

students’ anxiety and their english learning achievement. In order

they can stimulate themselves to increase their english


c. Teacher: to give an encouragement to the students in order that

he/she can improve the students’ english learning achievement.

d. Other researchers: the result of this research can give information

about the correlation between students’ anxiety and their english

learning achievement that can be used to basic consideration and

basic information to increase learning achievement especially


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This chapter discusses about definition of learning, the learning theories,

definition of achievement, definition of anxiety, types of anxiety and conceptual


A. Theoretical Description

1. Definition of Learning

Learning has an important role in people life. The most

development process is through learning activity directly. According to

Santrock, Learning is a relatively permanent influence on behavior,

knowledge, and thinking skills, which comes about through experience. For

example: when children learn how to use computer, they might make some

mistakes along the way, but at a certain point they will get the knack of the

behaviors required to use the computer effectively. The children will

change from being individuals who cannot operate a computer into being

individuals who can.1 It means learning is always about changes of

individual who learns whether its head for good or bad, planned or not.

Another thing which is always concerning about learning is experience,

experience that’s classified with other people or the environment.

Some expert has explained about learning, such as Witherington, he

explained that learning is changes of personality, which manifestation as

pattern of new responses which are skill, attitude, and knowledge.

The closest opinion has defined by Hilgard quoted by Sukmadinata,

he said that learning is a process where an attitude arises or changes,

because of there are responses to the situation.2

1 John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology: Classroom Update; Preparing for Praxis andPractice, second edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001),p.210.2 Nana Syaudih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, (Bandung: PT. RemajaRosdakarya, 2003),pp.155-156.

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Another definition that has to be informed here such as Kingsley

quoted by Soemanto. He stated that Learning is the process by which

behavior (in the broader sense) is originated or changed through practice or


Then, De Cecco also explained in his book about learning.

“Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is

the result of reinforced practice.”4

Likewise, Morrison, he stated that “Learning refers to the cognitive

and behavioral changes that result from experiences.” The experiences that

make up the curriculum are at the core of the learning process, and an

experience which is provided for children should be based on theory or

theories of how children learn.5

Psychologists have many different ways to explain the definitions of

learning. But, either explicit or implicit, finally it has the similar meaning

from the definition of learning which always directed to a process of

someone behavior’s change based on practice or certain experience.

Based on the description above, the writer tries to synthesize them

to gain general meaning about learning. Learning is an effort in developing

individual personality, either physical aspect or physiological. Learning is

an activity that has purpose to make a change of behavior, attitude,

habitual, knowledge, skill, etc, as a result of individual experience of

interaction with the environment.

Many learning definitions have been defined above. Some of them

are different but there also have the same concept. The same concept looks

as the learning principle.

Some of learning principle has explained in the following;

1. Learning as a part of development

2. Learning long live

3 Wasty Soemanto, Psikologi Pendidikan Landasan Kerja Pemimpin Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PTRINEKA CIPTA, 2006),p.104.4 John P. De Cecco, The Psychology of Leaning and Instrucition:Educational Psychoogy, (NewJersey: Prentice Hall, INC.,1968), p.243.5 George S. Morrison, Early Childhood Education Today, eleventh edition, (New Jersey: Pearson,Inc., 2009), p.113

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3. Learning achievement affected by bring factors, environment,

mature and also effort from self-individual

4. Learning includes the whole aspect of life

5. Learning activity occur in every place and every time

6. Learning happens with or without a teacher

7. Learning scheduled and with intentional gain high motivation

8. Learning act varieties from simple to complex

9. In learning occur the inhibitions

10. In the certain learning activity is needed help or guide from other


Learning is continuing process and long live education, occurs in

house, school, even in society environment. In facing and adapting the

requirement of world development, UNESCO formulated four pillars of

education, they are;

a. Learning to know, it may be regarded as both a means and an end

of human existence. People have to learn to understand the world

around them. To provide the cognitive tools required to better

comprehend the world and its complexities, and to provide an

appropriate and adequate foundation for future learning.

b. Learning to do, Learning must transform certified skills into

personal competence. It is assessed by looking at a mix of skills

and talents, social behavior, personal initiative and a willingness

to work. To provide the skills that would enable individuals to

effectively participate in the global economy and society.

c. Learning to live together, Education should help in inculcating a

spirit of empathy in students so that it can have a positive effect

on their social behavior throughout their lives. Understanding

each other, resolving conflicts through dialogue and discussion

should be the essential tools of present day education.

6 Nana Syaudih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, pp.165-166.

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d. Learning to be, the aim of development is the complete

fulfillment of man and his development in a holistic way as an

individual, member of a family and community and as a

responsible citizen.7

In Monitoring learning, learning achievement means assessing the

knowledge, skills, and attitude values of pupils. One of parameter that is

used to measure level of education success is students learning achievement.

If the students show good learning achievement, it means that the education

process is success. But when students show bad learning achievement, it

means that the education process has failed.

Therefore, considering the important role of students learning

achievement to determine the success of education, so learning process

should be directed toward the increasing of students learning achievement.

But, firstly the writer tries to explain the learning theoryes.

2. Learning Theory

Learning theories are conceptual frameworks that describe how

information is absorbed, processed, and retained during learning. Learning

brings together cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences and

experiences for acquiring, enhancing, or making changes in one's

knowledge, skills, and values. There are three main categories of learning

theory: behaviorism, cognitive, and constructivism.

a. Behaviorism

Behaviorism theory is one of experimental psychology

which is adopted by education. Even though in the last twentieth

century, another theory has reaction with behaviorism, but

behaviorism had dominated the learning phenomenon.

Behaviorism is thus the study of the relation between people’s

environments and their behavior, without appeal to hypothetical

7 Nana Syaudih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, pp.201-203.

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events occurring within their heads.8 It means Behaviorism is the

view that behavior should be explained by observable

experiences, not by mental processes.

In the following explanations, the writer tries to describe

behaviorism psychologists and their approach. They are Ivan

Petrovich Pavlov, Edward Thorndike, Watson, and Skinner. Their

theories are the most referenced in education.

1.) Classical Conditioning Theory by Ivan Pavlov

Ivan Pavlov is one of psychology’s most recognizable

figures, the Russian physiologist who developed the concept which

had been widely known as Classical Conditioning. Morris and

Maisto had explained it in their book. Pavlov (1849-1936)

discovered Classical Conditioning almost by accident. He was

studying with dog salivates experimental. Classical (or Pavlovian)

conditioning refers to the type of learning in which a response

naturally elicited by one stimulus comes to be elicited by a

different, formerly neutral stimulus. There are four elements of

classical conditioning. (1) The unconditioned stimulus, (2) the

unconditioned response, (3) the conditioned stimulus, (4) the

conditioned response. The unconditioned stimulus is an event that

automatically elicits a certain reflex reaction, which is the

unconditioned response. The conditioned stimulus is an event that

is repeatedly paired with the unconditioned stimulus. The learned

reaction elicited by repeatedly paired is the conditioned response.9

2.) Operant Conditioning Theory by Skinner

Skinner’s learning theory had widely known as Operant

Conditioning Theory (also called instrumental conditioning). This

8 Neil R. Carlson & William Buskist, Psychology the Science of Behavior, 5th edition, (U.S.A.:Allan and Bacon, 1997), p.15.9 Charles G. Morris and Albert A. Maisto, Understanding Psychology, 6th edition, (New Jersey:Prentice Hall, 2003), pp.165-166.

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is a form of learning in which the consequences of behavior

produce changes in the probability that the behavior will occur.

The consequences -reinforcement or punishment- are contingent on

the organism’s behavior. Reinforcement (reward) is a consequence

that increases the probability that a behavior will occur. In contrast,

punishment is a consequence that decreases the probability a

behavior will occur. 10

3.) Connectionism theory by Edward Thorndike

Learning theory of Edward Thorndike is also called by

Connectionism Theory. According to Connectionism Theory,

Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and

responses. Such associations or "habits" become strengthened or

weakened by the nature and frequency of the S-R pairings. The

paradigm for S-R theory was trial and error learning in which

certain responses come to dominate others due to rewards.11

Thorndike characterized the two most basic intelligences as Trial-

and-Error and Stimulus-Response Association. It means changing

of learning behavior can be seen as observable behavior and hidden


4.) Behaviorism theory by Watson

Watson was one of the behaviorists which came after

Thorndike. John B. Watson was an important contributor to

classical behaviorism, who paved the way for B. F. Skinner's or

operant behaviorism. Watson coined the term "Behaviorism" in

1913. Behaviorism assumes that behavior is observable and can be

correlated with other observable events. Thus, there are events that

precede and follow behavior. Behaviorism's goal is to explain

relationships between antecedent conditions (stimuli), behavior

(responses), and consequences (reward, punishment, or neutral

10 Neil R. Carlson & William Buskist, Psychology the Science of Behavior, pp.165-166.11 http://www.instructionaldesign.org/theories/connectionism.html

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effect). Watson's theory was more concerned with effects of

stimuli. He derived much of his thinking from Pavlov's animal

studies (classical conditioning). This is also referred to as "learning

through stimulus substitution," a reference to the substitution of

one stimulus for another.12

Underlying the behaviorist perspective are several key


a) People’s behaviors are largely the result of their

experiences with environmental stimuli. As teachers, we

must keep in mind very significant effect that students’

past and present environments are likely to have on their

behaviors. We can often use this basic principle to our

advantage: by changing the classroom environment, we

may also be able to change how students behave.

b) Learning involves a behavior change. We might define

learning as a change in behavior due to experience. Such a

view of learning can be especially useful in classroom.

Consider the scenario: “your students look at you

attentively as you explain a difficult concept. When you

finish, you ask “Any questions? You look around the

room, and not a single hand is raised. “Good”, you think,

“the all understand.”

But do your students understand? On the basis of

what you’ve just observed, you really have no idea

whether they do or don’t. Only observable behavior

changes-perhaps an improvement in achievement test

scores, a greater frequency of independent reading, or

reduction in off-task behavior that tell us learning has


12 http://www.lifecircles-inc.com/Learningtheories/behaviorism/Watson.html

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c) Learning involves forming associations among stimuli and

responses. By and large, behaviorist principles focus on

relationships among observable events.

d) Learning is most likely to take place when stimuli and

responses occur close together in time. When to events

occur at more or less the same time – perhaps two stimuli

or perhaps stimulus and a response – we say that there is

Contiguity between them.

e) Many species of animals including human beings learn in

similar ways. Many behaviorist principles have been

derived from research with nonhuman animals. For

instance, as seeing the moment, our knowledge about

classical conditioning first emerged from Ivan Pavlov’s

early work with dogs. And another well-known

behaviorist B. F. Skinner, worked almost exclusively with

rats and pigeons. The fact is that behaviorist principles

developed from the study of nonhuman animals are often

quite helpful in explaining human behavior.13

5). Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura

Social learning theory is a major growth of the behavioral

learning theory tradition. Developed by Albert Bandura, social

learning theory accepts most of the principles of behavioral

theories but focuses to a much greater degree on the effects of cue

on behavioral and on internal mental processes, emphasizing the

effects of thought on action on thought (Bandura, 1986).

Bandura’s analysis of observational learning involves four

phases: attentional, retention, reproduction, and motivational


a). Attentional phase. The first phase in observational

learning is paying attention to a model. In general, students

13 Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Educational Psychology Developing Learners, seventh edition, (UnitedStates of America: Pearson Education, Inc.,2011),pp.286-287

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pay attention to role models who are attractive, successful,

interesting, and popular.

b). Retention phase. One teacher has students’ attention, it is

time to model the behavior they want students to imitate

and then give students a chance to practice or rehearse.

c). Reproduction. During the reproduction phase, students try

to match their behavior to the models. In the classroom the

assessment of students learning takes place during this


d) Motivational phase. The final stage in the observational

learning process is motivation. Students will imitate a

model because they believe that doing so will increase their

own chances to be reinforced. In the classroom the

motivational phase of observational learning often entails,

praise or grades given for matching your model.14

b. Cognitive Learning Theory

Cognitive learning theory focuses on internal mental

processes and their learning role. Its primary concern is with

making meaning out of information and experience (Brunner,

1990). According this approach, learning is defined as the

acquisition of new information. This is achieved through the

processing and storing of knowledge and skills in one’s mind in

such a way that they can be recalled and used at a later time when

we needed (Cooper, 1998).15

Constructivism is a cognitive theory of development and

learning based in the ideas of Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky. The

constructivist approach supports the belief that children actively

seek knowledge; it explains children’s cognitive development,

14 Robert E. Slavin, Educational Psychology Theory and Practice, tenth edition, (New Jersey:Pearson, 2009),pp.132-133.15 Kerri-Lee Krause, Educational Psychology for Learning & Teaching, third edition, (Australia:Cengage Learning, 2010),p.188.

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provides guidance for how and what to teach, and provides

direction for how to arrange learning environments.

1) Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

In the early 1920s, the Swiss biologist Jean Piaget began

studying children’s responses to problem of this nature.

He used an approach he called the clinical method, in

which an adult presents a task or problem and asks a child

a series of questions about it, tailoring later questions to

the child’s responses to previous ones. Piaget introduced a

number of ideas and concepts to describe and explain the

changes in logical thinking he observed in children and


a. Children are active and motivated learners

b. Children construct rather than absorb knowledge

c. Children learn through a combination of

assimilation and accommodation

d. Interactions with one’s physical and social

environments are essential for cognitive


e. The process of equilibration promotes

progression toward increasingly complex


f. In part as a result of maturational changes in

brain, children think in qualitatively different

ways at different ages.

2) Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development

Lev Vygotsky’s theory contrast with Piaget, he believed

that adults in any society foster children’s cognitive

development in an intentional and somewhat systematic

manner. Because Vygotsky emphasized the importance of

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adult instruction and guidance for promoting cognitive

development – and, more generally, because he

emphasized the influence of social and cultural factors in

children’s cognitive growth – his perspective is known as

a socialcultural theory.16

c. Humanism Learning Theory

Humanistic, humanism and humanist are terms in psychology

relating to an approach which studies the whole person, and the

uniqueness of each individual. Essentially, these terms refer the

same approach in psychology. Humanism is a psychological

approach that emphasizes the study of the whole person.

Humanistic psychologists look at human behavior not only through

the eyes of observer, but through the eyes of the person doing the

behaving. Humanistic psychologists believe that an individual’s

behavior is connected to their inner feelings and self concept. The

humanistic approach in psychology developed as a rebellion

against what some psychologists saw as limitations of the

behaviorist and psychodynamic psychology. The humanistic

approach is thus often called the ‘third force’ in psychology after

psychoanalysis and behaviorism (Maslow, 1968).17

Here two highly influential theories by Carl Rogers and

Abraham Maslow.

1. Rogers’ Theory of the Self

Carl Rogers (1902-1987), a clinical psychologist,

developed his theory of personality from observations the

made while practicing psychotherapy. Rogers found that

most people are constantly struggling to become their

“real” selves. Rogers concluded that the overriding

human motivation is a desire to become all that one truly

is meant to be – to fulfill one’ capabilities and achieve

16 Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Educational Psychology Developing Learners,pp.38-3917 http://www.simplypsychology.org/humanistic.html

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one’ total potential. This powerful, lifelong motive

Rogers called a striving toward self-actualization

(Rogers, 1970, 1971).

2. Maslows’ Self-Actualization Person

Like Carl Rogers, psychologist Abraham Maslow

(1908-1970) began with the assumption that people are

free to shape their own lives, and they are motivated by a

desire to achieve self-actualization. According to

Maslow, a self-actualized person finds fulfillment in

doing the best that he or she is capable of, not in

competition with others but in an effort to become “ the

best me I can be” (Maslow, 1971a, 1971b).

One of Maslow’s key concepts is the hierarchy of

needs. Maslow believed that all humans face a series of

needs, and that basic needs must be met before a person

can fulfill higher level need. At the bottom are

fundamental needs: those associated with physical needs,

such as thirst and hunger, and those related to obtaining a

safe and secure environment. At the above are

psychological needs, including both the need of sense of

belonging and the need to achieve competence,

recognition, and high self-esteem. Once all the

fundamental needs and psychological needs have been

met, a person can begin to fulfill the need for self-


Behavioral and cognitive theories agree that differences among

learners and the environment can affect learning, but they diverge in

the relative emphasis they give to these two factors. Behavioral

theories stress role of the environment-specifically, how stimuli are

18 Camille B. Wortman, Elizabeth F. Loftus and Charles Weaver, Psychology, fifth edition, (NewYork, McGraw-Hill, 1999),pp.450-451.

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arranged and presented and how response are reinforced. Behavioral

theories assign less importance to learner differences than do

cognitive theories. Two learner variables that behavioral theories

consider are reinforcement history (the extent to which the individual

was reinforced in the past for performing the same or similar

behavior) and developmental status (what the individual is capable of

doing given his or her present level of development).

Cognitive theories acknowledge the role of environmental

conditions as influences on learning. Teachers’ explanations and

demonstrations of concepts serve as environmental inputs for students.

Student practice of skill, combined with corrective feedback as

needed, promote learning. Cognitive theories emphasize that role of

learner’s thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and values. Learners who doubt

their capabilities to learn may not properly attend to the task or may

work halfheartedly on it, which retards learning.19

3. Definition of Achievement

In general, every teaching-learning process will optimally succeedd

as expected especially English. i.e., it’s taken by high or low score

achievement. It is important know what learning achievement is.

Achievement term came from Dutch ‘prestatie’ and then in

Indonesian become ‘Prestasi’. Achievement is always related with certain

activity, e.g. learning. Syah (1997) had explained that, “Prestasi belajar

merupakan taraf keberhasilan siswa dalam mempelajari materi pelajaran di

sekolah yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk score yang diperoleh dari hasil tes

mengenai sejumlah materi pelajaran tertentu.”20 (Learning achievement is

the learners’ successful value in studying the material at school which is

said by score and which is obtained from the final test about specific

19 Dale H. Schunk, Learning Theories An Educational Perspective, Sixth edition, (Boston,Pearson, 2008),p.2220 Fadhilah Suralaga, Psikologi Pendidikan, Cet.1, (Jakarta: LEMLIT UIN Syarif HidayatullahJakarta, 2010,), p. 94.

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material). This means that achievement is the result that students obtain

after following a teaching-learning process in certain period of time.

The other definition of achievement in Cambridge Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary is “something very good and difficult that you have

succeeded in doing.”21

Another expert’s opinion such as Hornby about achievement is a thing

done successfully, especially with an effort and skill.22

Based on the description above, the writer tries to synthesize them to

gain general meaning about achievement. According to the writer,

achievement is the final result of students’ ability in learning English after

they have followed a teaching-learning process in period of time.

A student who learned English is he or she who wants to develop and

gain their knowledge in mastering English well, by doing practices and

exercises continuously. So, English learning achievement is the ability that

students obtain in learning English after they have learned in teaching

learning process in a particular period of time. Their English achievement

was measured through their final standardized English exam administered

by the school. As Sukmadinata quoted that, “Tingkat penguasaan pelajaran

atau hasil belajar dalam mata pelajaran dilambangkan dengan angka-

angka atau huruf, angka 0-10 pada pendidikan dasar dan menengah dan

huruf A, B, C, D pada pendidikan tinggi”. (Achievement of the lesson can

be signed with number or letter. The number 0-10 is for elementary until

middle of education, and the letter of A, B, C, D, to the high of education).23

It means that achievement is not only a mastery of knowledge, but also

capability and skillful of students in schools that is expressed in numerical


21 Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Third Edition, (Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress),p.20.22 A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary, (Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995),p.10.23 Nana Syaudih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, p.103

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To promote student’s achievement many teachers use strategies of

teaching as Keith Johnson said “Many teachers intuitively use strategies that

promote the achievement and cognitive growth of student”.24

Richard Kindvatter has found three strategies that have positive effect

on students’ achievement. They are: direct teaching, mastery learning, and

cooperative learning.

But he also said that three is not a single teaching strategy that is the

best approach as he said “there is not one single strategy that is the best

approach but certain strategies, used in certain context have been

documented by writer as improving achievement”.25

Based on Richard points of view, we know that the main print in

teaching is appropriate strategies and instruction to help learner understand

the lesson. In choosing strategies the teacher must consider the students,

their development level, cultural background, academic abilities, and social

economic background.

Concerned with many factors that can inhibit English learning

achievement are obtained by students.

Muhibbin syah globally has divided some factors influencing

student’s achievement to be: internal factors, external factors, and approach

to learning.

A. Internal factors

Internal factors are “factors from the inside of student

themselves”. It is included two factors: physiological and

psychological factors.26

1. Physiological factors

It is included general physical condition and specific

physical condition of life. It means the condition of eyes and ear.

24 Keith Johnson, Educational Psychology For Effective Teaching,(Toronto:Thompson PublishingCompany, 1999),p.7625 Richard Kindsvatter, William Willen, Margareth Ishler, Dynamic Of Effective Teaching.,p.13526 Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi pendidikan, (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 1995), p.145

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“Briefly to help student whose eyes or ear are not good enough

teacher move them to the forward seat”.27

Giving vitamins to our students preventively can help them

protect their physical condition in this case; teacher can cooperate

with student’s parents.

2. Psychological factors

Generally among psychological factors of the student that

seem essential are “intelligent of student, attitude, aptitude,

interest and motivation”.28

a. Intelligent

“…… intelligent is one of human abilities to do activity and it

is had been exist where ha was born”.29

The quality of student intelligent cannot be doubted. It is

influence student success in learning. It means that higher

student’s intelligent bigger opportunities. They will be success

in contrast lower student’s intelligent smaller opportunity they


All teachers must realize that student’s intelligent superior

or borderline generally will make our students get difficulty in

learning. The smart students, they will be boring if the lessons

are easy for them whilst the lower students will by very tired if

the lesson too hard for them.

b. Attitude

“Attitude is internal phenomenon that have effective

dimension tendency to response (response tendency) with

stabile method toward object negatively or positively….”30

The teachers have to able to manage the students, lessoned

and also themselves in order to make positive attitude of the

27 Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi.,p.14628Ibid.,p.14629 Cronbach in Sardirman, Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar,(Jakarta: PT Raja GrafindoPersada, 2003), p.4630 Ibid.p.149

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students and avoid negative attitude of students. It aims to

avoid negative attitude of our students and our profession as

teacher. The teacher not only master the lesson, but also able

to make the students sure that the lesson will be useful for


c. Aptitude

“Generally aptitude is the ability of human to get the goal

or success in the future…..”.31

Based on this definition, we may state aptitude will

influence high and low of our student’s achievement, in

specific lesson. So that it is not a brief treatment if we and

parents force our students to go to specific skill school without

knowing our children aptitude. Foreign our student will give

bad influence to the achievement of our students.

d. Interest and Motivation

About interest and motivation have been discussed that

interest and motivation have correlation each other. Motivation

and interest caused by same thing. “Motivation comes because

of the need of human and interest is also like it”.32

Interest is the basic motivational elements. The process of

learning will be run well if the students have good interest in

the lesson, because they have motivation from their self.

b. External factors

Muhibbin Syah gives external factors influencing student’s

achievement to be social environment, national environment, learning

approach factor.33

31 Sudirman AM, Interaksi dan Motivasi,.p.15032Ibid,.p.9433 Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi,.p.152

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1. Social environment

Social environment such as school, teacher, staff

administration, and friends can influence spirit of learning of the


2. National environment

Factors included in national environment are school building

and the place, houses of the students, learning tools, season, and

the time of learning. This factor considered has great influence in

our students.

3. Approach to learning

Approach of learning can be considered as all method or

strategies. Used by our students in improving effectiveness and

efficiency of learning process. In this case learning approach

means a set of operational theory to solve the problems to get goal

of special learning.34

Beside internal and external factors, approaches to learning also

considered have great influence in the success of our students in

learning. A student who use deep approach maybe has greater

opportunity to get better achievement than who whose surface

approach or reproductive approach35

As Sabri have stated in his book, that Psychological factor involves

interest, motivation, intelligence, perception, think, and memory.36 Their

perception that English as a foreign language, then they think English is

difficult to learn. This condition can affect learners’ English learning

achievement and arising anxiety indirectly. It can be said that English

learning achievement will be different depend on what the kinds of anxiety

of the learner has.

Although English learning achievement can be depended into the

learner within his anxiety, in education or learning system, learning

34 Larso in Muhibbin, Psikologi,.p.15535 Ibid.,p.15536 H. M. Alisuf Sabri, Psikologi Pendidikan, Cet 3, (Jakarta: CV. Pedoman Ilmu Jaya, 2007),p.60.

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achievement have to be measured. Curriculum or syllabus in learning shows

the general achievement called standard competences. It shows minimum

target of learner which is explained by affective, cognitive, and

psychomotor standard. Those standards are appropriate with the educational

theory used by the nation. In conclusion, learning achievement is target

measured by competences of the learner in learning which are shown by

score as a sign and score.

4. Definition of Anxiety

If someone is deal with something, and this certain thing can threat

him/her or, at least, can cause unpleasant thing to him/herself which inhibit

emotion or physiological, then he/she can be said have an anxiety.

Talking about anxiety, Anxiety is one of dominant factor that can

affect students learning. Commonly, learners have anxiety, when he/she

faces the difficult lesson, oriented to get the high scores, pressure from

teacher in teaching and also having anxiety in test.

According to Spielberger (1983) quoted by Sara Atef-Vahid and

Alireza Fard Kashani, “Anxiety can be described as the subjective feelings

of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry associated with an arousal

of the autonomic nervous system.”37

The other psychologist tries to make a general definition of anxiety

like Branca. He mentions that, Anxiety is “best defined and described by

comparing it to fear. The feeling-tone of anxiety is very similar to the

feelings experienced in fear.”38

Similarly with Kowalski (2000) stated that the basic meaning of

anxiety, “Anxiety involves a vague, highly unpleasant feeling of fear and

apprehension.”39 It means that anxiety is normal thing or an emotion

condition that will happen to any individual. This common reaction also

37 S. Atef-Vahid and A. Fard Kashani, The Effect of English Learning Anxiety on Iranian High-School Students’ English Language Achievement,p.2.38 Albert A. Branca, PSYCHOLOGY the Science of Behavior, (U.S.A: Allyn and Bacon,INC.,1964),p.432.39 John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology: Classroom Update; Preparing for Praxis andPractice, second edition. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001),p.189.

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happen in classroom activities especially English classroom. Because of it

can inhibit new learning behavior and performance which had been learned

previously by all students.

Anxiety is believed to consist of two components:

1. Cognitive anxiety which refers to the mental aspect of anxiety

experience including negative expectations, preoccupation with

performance and concern about others’ perceptions.

2. Somatic anxiety which refers to learners’ perceptions of the

psychological effects of the anxiety experience as reflected

arousal and unpleasant feeling states such as nervousness, upset

stomach, pounding heart, sweating, and tension (Morris, Davis

and Hutchings 1981).

To some researchers (Lang 1971; Cheng 2004) anxiety has three

different components rather than two: cognitive, physiological (somatic),

and avoidance behavior (behavioral). It is believed to involve a variety of

dysfunctional thoughts, increased physiological arousal and maladaptive

behaviors. Some studies find somatic anxiety and cognitive anxiety covary

and are hard to separate. Learners experience apprehension, worry and

dread. They exhibit behavior such as missing the class and postponing the

work or assignment. The relations among anxiety, cognition and behavior

are best seen as recursive or cyclical where each influences the other. A

demand to answer a question in a foreign language class may cause learners

to become anxious and anxiety leads to worry and rumination. Cognitive

performance is diminished because of the divided attention and therefore

performance suffers, leading to negative self evaluations and more self

deprecating cognition which further impairs performance. In an educational

setting anxiety may impair the ability to take in information, process it and

retrieve it, can limit the use of both short and long term memory. 40

From the definition above, they could be concluded that anxiety is

an unpleasant condition that can’t be ignored by anybody as a response from

40 Feryal Cubukcu, Foreign Language Anxiety, (Izmir, Turkey, Iranian Journal of LanguageStudies (IJLS), Dokuz Eylul University, Vol. 1(2), 2007): p.2.

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any situation which threats the forthcoming marked by complaints such as:

worry, apprehensive, and fear.

Every learner has different rates of anxiety. This anxiety can be

observed directly. As Michael W. Passer mentioned that anxiety responses

have four components. They are:

1. A Subjective-emotional component, including feelings of tension

and apprehension,

2. A Cognitive component, including worrisome thoughts and a sense

of inability to cope,

3. Physiological responses, including increased heart rate and blood

pressure, muscle tension, rapid breathing, nausea, dry mouth and,

4. Behavioral responses, such as avoidance of certain situations and

impaired task performance.41

English anxiety also called a foreign language anxiety that is a

situation or reaction to learners in facing inconvenient condition when

they’re in English teaching-learning process. Actually this anxiety is less

than anxiety of English test. This anxiety, considered as a one of resistor

factor in teaching-learning process, which bothers learners performance of

cognitive functions, such as concentration, remember, concept form, and

problem solving (Sieber, 1977).42 Besides, English lesson is ‘scary’; anxiety

also can arise by teaching system, teachers’ capability and students’

academic ability.

There are three main types of foreign language anxiety on which all

practitioners agree:

1. Communication apprehension is a type of shyness characterized by

fear of and anxiety about communicating with people. Difficulty in

speaking in public, in listening or learning a spoken message is all

manifestations of communicative apprehension.

41 Michael W. Passer and Ronald E. Smith, PSYCHOLOGY The Science of Mind and Behavior,second edition, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2004),p.513.42Ratna Yudhwati & Dany Haryanto, Teori-Teori Dasar Psikologi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PrestasiPustaka, 2011),p.152.

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2. Test anxiety refers to a type of performance anxiety stemming from

a fear of failure. Test anxious students often put unrealistic demands

on themselves.

3. Fear of negative evaluation, apprehension about others’ evaluations,

and avoidance of evaluative situations. Learners may be sensitive to

the real evaluations or imagined of their peers.43

English anxiety is usually similar with students’ disbelief in learning

English. They think English is difficult and fright which arisen because

they’re not sure with their ability, attitude, and hopeless. It will affect

learners’ learning development. According to Sabri, definition of

‘development’ is changes of qualitative and quantitative which concerns

aspects of human mental-psychology.44 It means individual conditioning

from child (always be forced by parents to learn English and must get best

score), with having this experience will cause anxiety, or having mental-

conflict in choosing lesson which is liked by students, but inappropriate

with they hope or will.

B. Conceptual Framework

According to Sabri, Students’ learning achievement can be influenced

by some factors, come from internal and external factors of the students.

One of internal factor is psychological term that can affect the students’

learning achievement are IQ, talent, interest, and cognitive ability, including


Students’ achievement is signed by their final scores. It is resulted

from the average of their daily scores (formative scores) and their final test


Students’ anxiety especially in learning English as one factor that is

assumed can interfere the students’ learning achievement in English by the

following reason :

43 Feryal Cubukcu, Foreign Language Anxiety, p.3.44 H. M. Alisuf Sabri, Psikologi Pendidikan, p.11.45 Ibid,.p.60.

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Students who have anxiety in learn English will drive their self not to

learn. In other words, they will unenjoy in their learning process.

Students who have high level of anxiety and worry constantly can

significantly impair their ability to achieve.

Students who have high levels of anxiety can discourage students

from participating in classroom activities or studying at home, and may

even cause them to lose their self-confidence and motivation for learning


Students who have higher achievement usually have lower anxiety

significantly than students who have lower achievement.

Students’ anxiety doesn’t only come from inside, but also comes from

outside, such as, teacher, parents, environment.

Finally, it can be concluded that the higher anxiety the students have,

the worst English achievement they will get. But, the lower anxiety students

have, the better English achievement they will get. In other words, there is a

correlation between students’ anxiety and English learning achievement.

C. Hypothesis

Based on theoretical and conceptual framework stated before, the

writer formulated the hypothesis of this study namely: there is a correlation

between students’ anxiety and English Learning achievement.

D. Statistical Hypothesis

Statistically, the formulation of hypothesis as follows:

- Ho = There is no correlation between students’ anxiety and their

English learning achievement

- Ha = There is a correlation between students’ anxiety and their

English learning achievement

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Research is an important way to get fact of a problem. Research

methodology, more over, is the most significant aspect in conducting a research.

In this chapter, the researcher discusses, The Method of the Research, Variables,

The Place and Time of the Research, Population, Sample and Sampling, Data of

Research, Technique of collecting Data, and Technique of Data Analysis.

A. The Method of the Research

In doing this research, the writer used a survey method through correlation


The method used in this study is the correlation research. According to

Gay, Correlational research is a research study that involves collecting data in

order to determine whether and to what degree a relationship exists between two

or more quantifiable variables.1 It means this study is focusing on knowing

correlation between two variables.

B. Variables

In education study, the correlational research is usually used to search

some variables which are estimatable that has a significant role in achieving

successful of teaching-learning process.

According to Suharsimi variable is “everything that will be objects of

research or factors that have influence in the phenomena studied.2

Ary states that “Variable is an attribute that is regarded as reflecting or

expressing some concept or construct.3

For example, about achievement and internal motivation, strategy learning,

college attendance intensity, and including anxiety.4

1 Sukardi, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2003),p.166.2 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 1996), p. 993 Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education;6 th ed, (USA: Wadsworth Group ThomsonLearning Inc, 2002),p.304 Sukardi, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan,.p.167.

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The dependent variable of this research is English learning achievement

(variable Y), and the independent variable is students’ anxiety (variable X). In this

case, that anxiety in learning English (variable X) is regarded as a factor that

influence students’ English learning achievement (Variable Y). Finally, he tried to

correlate both variables.

X YNotes:

X = Students’ anxiety in learning English (Independent variable)

Y = Students’ English learning achievement (Dependent variable)

= Correlation

C. The Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at SMP BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta

Selatan. The research started on January, 11th and was done on January, 12th 2013.

D. Population, Sample and Sampling

a. Population

LR Gay in educational research stated “a population is a group to which

writer would like to result of study to be generalizable.”5

Suharsimi Arikunto stated that population is “all object of research.”6

And in encyclopedia of educational evaluation stated that population is a set

(a collection) of an elements possessing one or more attributes of interest.7 In

this research, the researcher take all of the first year students of SMP

BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan. There are fifth classes. The totals of

first year students are 109 students.

5 LR Gay, Education Research, (New York: Macmillian Publishing Company, 1992),p.1406 Arikunto, Prosedur,.p.1157 Ibid,p. 115

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b. Sample

Arikunto said that “sample is part population that researched.8 Based on

this statement the writer took of population to be sample. Furthermore,

Arikunto explained that if the subject is changed, the writer takes 11%. The

researcher took 40 students from 109 students of the sample. They are the

first year students of SMP BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan.

c. Sampling

The sample is taken using random sampling techniques. Ary said that

random sampling is the best known of the probability sampling procedures

that has basic characteristic is that all members of the population have an

equal and independent chance of being included in the sample.9

Also, Ahmad Tanzeh said that Sampling is the technique to removal of


Sampling is the process of selecting units from population of

motivation so that by studying the sample we may fairly generalize result

back to the population from which they were chosen.11

The writer only took 40 respondents as samples that were selected

randomly. The writer gives the questionnaire to all class. Then, the writer

took the questionnaire from every eight students from each class.

E. Data of Research

According to Suharsimi Arikunto his book “ Prosedur Penelitian” he states

that “Data is the result of writer investigation number as fact.”12

Data is the important factor within a research. It is needed by the

researcher to solve problems in his/her investigation. It is some information or fact

to be analyzed by the researcher 13. It mean that data is all information needed by

researcher to find the answers of the research problems. There were two kinds of

8 Arikunto, Prosedur,.p.1099 Ary, Introduction,.p.14110 Ahmad Tanzeh, Metode Penelitian Praktis, (Tulungagung :P3M STAIN, 2004), p.5711 http://www. Social Research Method, Net/kb/sampling.php12 Arikunto, Prosedur,.p.9913 Nurleila Karniyani, A Paper Presented to the Classroom Discussion: Quantitative ResearchMethodology, (State university of Malang : Unpublished Paper, 2001),p.l

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data needed, they are ordinal data that came from the result of the questionnaire

and ordinal data that came from the English test.

Data source is the subject of research from where data can be obtained.

Data source can be classified into three sources, that is : Person, Place, and

Paper.14 In this research, the quantitative data were taken from the questionnaire

and the result of the test. It means that the data source of this research was person.

F. Technique of Collecting the Data and Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher uses Questionnaire, Administering English

Scores test to get the needed data.

a) Questionnaire

Arikunto says, “A Questionnaire is a number of written question

which is used to obtain information from the respondents about their

personality or something they had known”.15

In addition, Margono says, “Questionnaire that” Alat pengumpul

informasi dengan cara menyampaikan sejumlah pertanyaan tertulis

untuk menjawab secara tertulis pula oleh responden.16

In this research, the Questions in the Questionnaire were written

in Indonesian. It was done in order to make easier the respondents

answer the questions. The questionnaire consisted of thirty (30)

questions in the form of multiple choices. In this part, the researcher

asked the students to choose one option that they agree with. It means

that the answers must reflect their personality or experience in their

real life. The questions would be asked to the students was about their

attitude, motivation, also intensity of anxiety in learning English.

The instrument of this research used by the writer in collecting data is a

questionnaire which is formulated and designed based on the indicators of the

variables of students’ anxiety in learning English. The questionnaire consists of 30

items in the form of Likert’s scale.

14 Karniyani, A Paper Presented,.p.115 Arikunto, Prosedur,.p.15116 Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan,(Rineka Cipta,1996),p.167

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According to Kinnear, Likert’s Scale correlates with statements of

someone’s attitude toward something. Examples of statement alternative are from

agreed to disagree, etc.17 here, the writer used always to never. It can be seen in

the following illustration.

Table 3.1

The Score of Statements

Item Scale Scores

A : always 5

B : sometimes 4

C : seldom 3

D : very seldom 2

E : never 1

1. Students’ anxiety in learning English

a. Conceptual Definition

Anxiety is a state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried

about what may happen which is characterized by a feeling of

being powerless to do something.

b. Operational Definition

Anxiety is the scores that the students obtained after they

answered the questionnaire items about their anxiety in learning

English by the following indicators: Subjective-emotional

component, Cognitive component, Physiological responses, and

Behavioral responses.

c. Specification of Instrument

The instrument consists of thirty items about students’

anxiety in learning English that contains ‘four’ indicators, as shown

in the following table:

17 Husein Umar, Metode Riset Bisnis, Cet.Kedua, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia, 2003),p.99.

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Table 3.2

Instrument Indicators

No IndicatorTotal

Item NumberPositive Negative

1 Subjective-emotional


1 7 1,2*,3,4,5*,6*,7,8

2 Cognitive component 1 7 9*,10,11,12*,13,14,15,16

3 Physiological responses - 7 17*,18*,19,20,21*,22*,23

4 Behavioral responses - 7 24*,25,26,27,28,29,30*

* Invalid items, see appendix

Data validity above searched by Microsoft Excel. Valid item instrument

above showed that 19 valid items are item can be used at study research, and

11 invalid items of instrument are rejected.

In this paper the writer used the degree of significance of 5%. df = N-2,

40-2= 38; (α) alpha 5% so, “r” table = 0,312

If “r” value of item instrument > “r” table, it means that item instruments

showed valid. Then, If “r” value of item instrument < “r” table, it means that

item instruments showed invalid.18

2. English Learning Achievement

a. Conceptual Definition

English learning achievement is the scores that students

obtained in learning English after they have followed teaching-

learning process in period of time.

b. Operational Definition

English learning achievement is the scores of English that

students obtained after they have followed teaching-learning

process in particular of time, and the writer took the score from the

result of final test (UAS) of the second semester in the academic

year 2012-2013.

18 See Appendix 3

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3. Validity Instrument

According to Saifudin Azwar, research instrument validity

questions whether an instrument that will be used has a capability

to measure something to be measured and standard minimum

validity coefficient is 0.3.19

Based on the scale result of try out validity scale in English

anxiety for 40 students in 1st year students of SMP Bhakti Mulya

400 which consists of 30 items, there are 19 valid items and 11

invalid items. The numbers of valid item are: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11,

13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. The numbers of

invalid item are: 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, and 30.

4. Reliability Instrument

Reliability defines whether an instrument can measure

something to be measured constantly from time to time. Thus, the

key words for qualifying requirements are consistency or


To measure reliability in this research, the writer need

measuring tool, and measuring tool which is used technique of

Alpha Cronbroach. To measure the reliability, the writer used

SPSS (Statistical Product for Service Solution) 16 are used.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the writer used the correlation technique, by using:

a. The analysis technique of qualitative data

Writer used inductive and deductive method it means that the

writer presented the problems specifically then make general

conclusion or versa versus these concluded from some general


19 Syaifudin Azwar, Penyusunan Skala Psikologi, Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2006 p.99-10320 Syaifudin Azwar,.p.83.

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b. The analysis technique of quantitative data

Arikunto said that “to count the correlation we used

statistics”. Statistical technique can be used to count among two or

more variables.21

Based on the statement above the writer used statistics method that

is using SPSS to count the correlation between students’ anxiety and

English achievement in learning English of students of SMP BHAKTI

MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan

As Arikunto said “product moment correlation used to decide

correlation between two interval phenomena.”22

Pearson’s product moment correlation as follows:

rxy : Coefficient Correlation

N : Number of Respondents

∑XY : Total Numbers of X multiplied by Y

∑X : Total Score of X

∑Y : Total Score of Y

∑X2 : Total Score of squares of X

∑Y2 : Total Score of squares of Y

21 Arikunto, Prosedur,.p.49822 Ibid,.p.255

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A. Description of Data

As the writer discussed in the previous chapter, to get the data about

students’ anxiety, firstly he did a research by giving a questionnaire to all first

year students which number are 109. Then they took 40 randomly as a sample.

The questionnaire consists of four answers alternative.

Second, to get the data about students’ anxiety in learning English, he

took students’ scores from the document of final test (UAS) of second semester

of the first year of SMP BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan.

Finally, after the writer analyzed both data to see the correlation

between students’ anxiety in learning English and students’ learning

achievement by applying the formula of Pearson’s product moment correlation.

B. The Finding

1. Students’ Anxiety scoresIn this case, students’ anxiety in learning English is an

independent variable (variable X). The following table describes the

result of students’ anxiety.1

As shown on the table, we can see the result of

questionnare about students’ anxiety in learning English, from 40

respondents are 4459 by applying SPSS program, it is showed that the

minimum score is 99; the maximum score is 139; the median is

110,00; the mode is 115; and the mean is 111,48.

2. Students’ English scoresStudents’ English learning achievement is as dependent variable

(variable Y). To know it, the writer took the students’ English score of

1 See appendix 5

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first grade students of SMP BHAKTI MULYA 400 Jakarta Selatan,

from final test (UAS). The data is described on the following table

From the table, we can see the total score from 40 respondents

are 2939 by applying SPSS program, it is showed that the minimum

score is 46; the maximum score is 82; the median is 75,00; the mode

is 80; and the mean is 73,48.2

C. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the step in the procedure of processing data. Data

processing is the step to know the result of the research. To find out whether,

students’ anxiety has significant correlation with their English learning

achievement at the first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400.

From the calculation of statistic by applying SPSS program, it was

known that rxy = - 0,657. Based on the data collected above, the degree

freedom (df) is 40. In this paper the writer used the degree of significance of

5%. df = N-2, 40-2= 38; (α) alpha 5% so, “r” table = 0,312. if the writer

compare with table of “r” values at the level of significance, the result is -

0,657 < 0,312. According to the explanation about analysis of the result above,

the writer can interpret that there is negative correlation between students’

anxiety in learning English and students’ English learning achievement at first

year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400.

D. The Test of Hypothesis

According to Product Pearson Moment, the value of correlation is

between 1 to -1. It means correlation between two variables are strength, but in

other way, the value near to 0. It means correlation between two variables is

weak. Positive value shows one direction (X up, then Y up), and negative value

shows the contrary (X up, then Y down).3

2 See Appendix 63 http://www.jonathansarwono.info/korelasi/korelasi.html. Retrieved on January, 11th 2013.

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Table 4.1

Product Moment Table

“r” value of product moment Interpretation

0,00 – 0,20 Considered as no correlation

0,21 – 0,40 Low correlation

0,41 – 0,70 Medium correlation

0,71 – 0,90 Strong correlation

0,91 – 0,99 Very strong

1 Perfect correlation

it is taken from the book of statistic application,”SPSS”.4

Based on the product moment table above, it can be seen what the writer

get from the value of coefficient correlation (rxy = - 0.657) is in the interval of

0.41 – 0.70. According to table above, this means that the correlation belongs to

“medium correlation”. in other words, we can interpret that there is a correlation

between English anxiety (as X variable) and English learning achievement (as Y


E. Interpretation of Data

In this case, both students’ anxiety and English learning achievement

are correlated by using Pearson’s product moment formula. The data are

described on the following table above. Then the correlation between students’

anxiety in learning English and students’ English learning achievement is

significant (rxy = - 0,657).

The correlation between students’ anxiety and students’ English

learning achievement is significant (rxy = - 0.657). Because of the value of

significant lower than level of significant and it is negative (- 0.657 < 0.05), it

means that students’ anxiety has negative correlation and it’s significant to

their English achievement. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) of the research is

rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In this research, the writer

can concluded that students’ anxiety has negative correlation with their English

learning achievement at first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400.

4 Agus Eko Sujianto, Aplikasi Statistik dengan SPSS 16.0, (Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka Publisher, 2007),p.40.

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Based on the description of the data that have been collected from the

writer described in the previous chapter, Correlation analysis used by SPSS

revealed that the total scores had a significantly moderate negative correlation.

It can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between

students’ anxiety and their English learning achievement. It has negative

correlation. It means that the higher anxiety the students have the worst

English achievement they will get. But, the lower anxiety students have, the

better English achievement they will get.

So, the null hypothesis (Ho) of the research is rejected and alternative

hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In this research, the writer can concluded that

students’ anxiety has negative correlation with their English learning

achievement at first year students of SMP BAKTI MULYA 400.


Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to try to make

some suggestion the following points:

1. In reducing anxiety is to actually have students participate in language


2. The teachers are hoped to be creative. The creation of a friendly classroom

atmosphere is important. It can motivate learners to perform better in their

language classroom.

3. Encouraging and motivating English teachers are expected to increase

their students’ motivation in learning English, because students with lower

anxiety will concentrate on their lesson easily.

4. The teachers should give more comprehensible input to their students.

For this purpose, comprehensible input means teachers can reduce their

speed of speaking in the class. The students may sometimes divert from

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the target language to the teachers where they find it difficult to

understand in the foreign language. In short, the writer could say it is the

teacher's job to help learners minimize their anxiety and keep it.

5. The students are expected to improve their motivation in learning English

by doing learning English through games, singing English songs, watching

English movies, listening to a broadcast on the radio, traveling abroad or

study tour to meet a native speaker, etc.

6. The headmaster is expected to encourage the teachers to increase students’

motivation in learning English. Not only adding the facility that can

encourage and support students in learning English but also should give

the best strategies to help students overcome foreign language speaking

anxiety, foster motivation, and increase foreign language performance.

7. For further researcher. It is expected that other researcher will conduct the

same study on wider area. So it will be more advantageous and benefit to

the development of English education.

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Appendix 1

Tabel Kalkulasi Statistik ‘’Student’s Anxiety Score and Students’ English Score’’dengan menggunakan SPSS

27-Feb-2013 02:36:48


Anxiety Achievement

N Valid 40 40

Missing 0 0

Mean 111.48 73.48

Median 110.00 75.00

Mode 115 80

Minimum 99 46

Maximum 139 82

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean

Anxiety 40 99 139 111.48

Achievement 40 46 82 73.48

Valid N (listwise) 40



X Pearson Correlation 1 -.657**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 40 40

Y Pearson Correlation -.657** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 40 40

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

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Appendix 3

The Result of Instrument Validity

Table VIII

Correlation “r” value“r” table

(n=40, α=5%)Statement Conclusion

Item No. 1 with

Total Score0.3405


“r” value > “r”



Item No. 2 with

Total Score *

-0.0247 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 3 with

Total Score

0.39154 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 4 with

Total Score

0.4109 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 5 with

Total Score *

0.1631 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 6 with

Total Score *

0.1373 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 7 with

Total Score

0.49173 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 8 with

Total Score

0.3364 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 9 with

Total Score *

-0.09188 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 10 with

Total Score

0.35726 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 11 with

Total Score

0.3276 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 12 with

Total Score *

0.03111 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 13 with

Total Score

0.5320 “r” value > “r”



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Appendix 3

Item No. 14 with

Total Score0.4194



“r” value > “r”



Item No. 15 with

Total Score

0.4759 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 16 with

Total Score

0.3436 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 17 with

Total Score *

0.22897 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 18 with

Total Score *

0.2807 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 19 with

Total Score

0.32548 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 20 with

Total Score

0.3226 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 21 with

Total Score *

0.2809 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 22 with

Total Score *

0.1393 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 23 with

Total Score

0.4832 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 24 with

Total Score *

0.0406 “r” value < “r”



Item No. 25 with

Total Score

0.5740 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 26 with

Total Score

0.5795 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 27 with

Total Score

0.5133 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 28 with

Total Score

0.3359 “r” value > “r”



Item No. 29 with

Total Score *0.45226

“r” value > “r”



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Appendix 3

Item No. 30 with

Total Score *-0.05085

“r” value < “r”



Source: data validity searched by Micr. Excel* Invalid items

Valid item instrument above showed that items are item can be used at

study research, and invalid item instrument are rejected.

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Appendix 5

Table of The Students’ Anxiety Scores

N Students’ Anxiety Scores

1 139

2 102

3 100

4 120

5 101

6 108

7 102

8 99

9 104

10 108

11 103

12 104

13 103

14 115

15 100

16 118

17 120

18 109

19 115

20 113

21 115

22 118

23 122

24 105

25 108

26 107

27 110

28 107

29 106

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Appendix 5

30 115

31 119

32 130

33 110

34 111

35 121

36 109

37 117

38 114

39 110

40 121

N=40 ∑X= 4459

Table of Statistics ofAnxiety

Valid 40Missing 0

Mean 111.48Median 110.00Mode 115Minimum 99Maximum 139

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Appendix 6

Table od The Students’ English Scores

N Students’ English Scores

1 54

2 80

3 82

4 74

5 82

6 78

7 80

8 80

9 78

10 80

11 78

12 80

13 79

14 74

15 80

16 72

17 67

18 78

19 55

20 67

21 68

22 46

23 62

24 75

25 77

26 73

27 73

28 74

29 77

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Appendix 6

30 74

31 76

32 73

33 76

34 75

35 75

36 76

37 76

38 72

39 71

40 71

N=40 ∑Y = 2939

Table of Statistics ofAchievement

N Valid 40Missing 0

Mean 73.48Median 75.00Mode 80Minimum 46Maximum 82

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Appendix 7

Table of The Result of Students’ Anxiety and English learning achievement

by Product Moment Table

N X Y XY X2 Y2

1 139 54 7506 19321 29162 102 80 8160 10404 64003 100 82 8200 10000 67244 120 74 8880 14400 54765 101 82 8200 10000 67246 108 78 8424 11664 60847 102 80 8160 10404 64008 99 80 8080 10201 64009 104 78 8112 10816 6084

10 108 80 8640 11664 640011 103 78 8034 10609 608412 104 80 8320 10816 640013 103 79 8137 10609 624114 115 74 8510 13225 547615 100 80 8000 10000 640016 118 72 8496 13924 518417 120 67 8040 14400 448918 109 78 8502 11881 608419 115 55 6325 13225 302520 113 67 7571 12769 448921 115 68 7888 13456 462422 118 46 5428 13924 211623 122 62 7564 14884 384424 105 75 7875 11025 562525 108 77 8316 11664 592926 107 73 7811 11449 5329

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Appendix 7

27 110 73 8030 12100 532928 107 74 7918 11449 547629 106 77 8239 11449 592930 115 74 8510 13225 547631 119 76 9044 14161 577632 130 73 9490 16900 532933 110 76 8360 12100 577634 111 75 8325 12321 562535 121 75 9075 14641 562536 109 76 8284 11881 577637 117 76 8892 13689 577638 114 72 8208 12996 518439 110 71 7810 12100 504140 121 72 8712 14641 5184

N=40 ∑X= 4459 ∑Y= 2939 ∑XY= 326076 ∑X2= 500387 ∑Y2= 218249

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“r” Table

Product Moment Pearson

Source: http:/www.azuarjuliandi.com/elearning/