1NJENRIC0 cnsatlon to Be Sprung at the .Meetlng To-Day. IT MAY BE STAVED OFF Reported that An Effort Wlll Be Made fo Leave lt to the Newly Elected County Oommlltoe to Hafidle. intormtttion obtaljcd last nlght from apurce'fl'of-unqueBtloned rellnnco loadB to tlje^bellet that developmcnU of a possl- bio nansatlonal turn may mark tho re- mimptlon by tho Henrico Democratlc Commltteo thls mornlng of tho InveBllga- tlon of'the chargeB and BpocMcatlon flled .ral'nst- two or threo ot the HU,cccBsful candldates for tho party nomlnatlon. Mr. Thomaa C. HufTtm, chalrman of tho commltteo, Is ln possesslon of tho Infor- inatlon, of whlch he spoke troely laBt nlght. predlotlng A. protty stormy sesslon ot tho body to-day. Nothing posltlye had been Bubmltled to hlm, but he was suf- ficlently ¦lnformed to express the bo.l|of that lt may not'bc an nltogcther Pleasant . nd harmonloua meetlng that wlll begin at 10 o'clock tlils mornlng nt the court- hcuse. How far tho Investlgatlon, arranged to be Btnrted to-day, would go he could not say. He antlclpated a movement to choke tt off. but sald ..he lntended to/djJJ/ill ln hls power to prevent such a deyelopment. Movement to be Ma. eVY''.',";. 11 was understood from Mr.' Burrin that the queBtlon of Jurlsdlctlon or nuthor|ty wljl bo sprung early In the day. A new Henrico qommlftec has been elocted and generally understood to go into ofilce on the flrst of January next. It wlll now ho contended, lt sald, that thls com¬ mlttee Ib th'e legal body ln the county, ahd tbat tho,Ipy.Qstlgatlng Commlttee is out of offlce aaid.has'no nulhorlty.nt.all. Thus wlth one fell swoop the Investlga¬ tlon woiild be .removed from the. hands of the present commlttee. Besldcs thls movo Mr. Ruffln .deohired that.be undorfltood that thero waj_. thejn'i made nnolher effort to have tho Inves¬ tlgatlon .throwty. ouL Just what thla 's reported to be Is not stated. Mr. UuIRn declared ln thls connoctlon. howevor. that he would1 endeavor to have a full ntteu- danco of tho commlltoe. "1 don't know how fnr we wlll get inlo nn ¦Investlgatlon," he sald ln effect. "It depends on tho cpmmlttce. Wc aro llkely to have some'uhploasantnesfl at the'mcet- Ing, nnd 1 dpn't.know how things wlll turn out'.!' The Charges. The case to be called for Investlgatlon to-day is tlie Hechler-Brauer-Todd con¬ test. The two defeated candldates. Hech- ]er and Todd, are contesting the nomlna¬ tlon ot Mr. Brauer. Mr. Todd asks. for a recourit of'the votes on-the ground that there mlght hn'i-e boen a mistake. Mr. Hechlcr charges vlolatlon of the Barlts- dale puro election low. Tbe apeclflcatlons of Mr. Hechtcr havo been flled wlth tho commlttee and will bo presentod to-day. Tho paper Is u de- cldedly Interesting ono .and wlll proba¬ bly causo'samethlng of a stlr. Mr. He.;?- ler cites lnstancc's wherc he says Mr. Brauer used money In th eeiectlon, and other Instancea whero he chnrges that whlskey wns uaed. There ls now ln course of preparation a lengthy answer and spe- clflc denlal of these charges. whlch nn .wer wlll be presentod by Mr. Brauer to the commlttee to-day. He wlll be ropre- .ented by Mr. Wyndham B. Meredlth .rid Major Sands; Mr. Hechler wlll be represented by Mr. D. Q. O'Flaherty. The Wendenburg caso wlll come' .up next Monday. nnd w|ll be followcd ,by the Wyntt-Lewis caso. Mr. Throckmorton has flled further speclflcotlons agalnst Mr. Wendenburg. gtvlng Instance's where he* charges tho use of whlskey lu Influenclng tho'.voters. MEN'S MEETINGS Rev. H. D. C. Maclachlan to Be Speaker To-Morrow Aftenoon. ;:i iiti The men'fl' -meeting of to-morrow af¬ ternoon at S:»6;wlll be on the blg. order. and go Into tlie nssoclatlon's audltorlum. Hey. H. D.. O. Maclachlan, of Kenturky, wlll he the apeaker. Hls thomo. wlll be, VHe-Thought lt Was No Harf." A male Quartette w)ll slng. Immedlately followlng the men's.meet¬ ing, the conversatlonal Blble claas wlll gathor ln the associatlon parlor for half- anrhour'a atudy of the llfe of Chrlst.. At . o'clock the WOrkors' League wlll ment .' Qraded olass 'work ln the gymnaslum ¦wlll open .formally to-nlght. Flfty hew looK.ers have Just been placed ln tlie phyBlcal -dopartment, nnd moro wlll be .ddod as rapldly" aa necded. The week, Septembor 28th to October |d. ls enrollmont weok, and young men Intendlng to take up study shoiild cnll and' register, For men tho followlng ela'aBeB wlll he' conducted; Elemontary and Intermedliite arlthmatlc, F.ngllsh grammar, Bollor Bullders' Study Club. bookkeeplng, olectrlctty, meqhnnlcal draw¬ ing,';' penmanahlp nnd corren|)ondonnf, atenogrnphy, telegraphy, mandolln n.'ud gultar. .vooal muslc Tnere wlll also he ¦eparate clnesos for boys between-. tho .gen of twelve nnd sofenteen as follows: Arl.thmetlc and'buslness, penmnnshlp nnd ipelllng, mechnntcn! drawing, readlng, and compoaltlon and stenography. The social senson wlll he mado llvely by :ten entartalnmentB on tlio nBaoclatlon eourso, and a goodly number. of giem- bers' ontortalnmonls, whllo every Mon* 4ay nlght, which Is not occuplod hy an .ntertalnment In the audltorlum wlll be .haerved by an Informnl gathorlng In the parlor. Monday Is to he made the goolal' nlght. Tho punday-School Leesoii Commlttee niports thp,t Dr. Pell wlll resume hls les- gon atudy on the flrst Saturday |n Octo¬ ber af 6 o'clock. WILL BE IN THE PARADE lst Qamp Accepts Invilalion of Grand Camp of Vlrginia. l>o Camp was In session last .nlght fnr a ahort whlle, Tho members, who eateem the camp next to thelr churches, wero on hand .as usual, and rnuilne buwinos.s \wm transaated. An Ipvlt'-Uion was recelved from |he Grand Camp of Vlrglnla to come dcwn to Newport News on October 2£ilh, duilng the sosslon ot that body, nnd ji».u tn the annual parade. The Onmp unan- Imoualy dedded to nccopt the Invltatlon and wlll lenve here on tho mornlng ot tlio »th, returnlng that oveulng. A number of expresfilons of rngret nt the lllness of Ml'H. Jefferaon PbvIb wero tieart}, Tlio remalnuer of the sosslon wns taken up In routlne buslness, Knights c-fDamoh Officers. Fpllowlng are ofllcers recently eleciod to opnduol. tho affalrB of the Grand l.Odge, Knlghts of Bamon, of Virglnli: Blr J. G. Randolph, R. W. G. C: Sir B. H. Harria, G. W. U, 0,i Blr R. L. Jasper, U, T-! Slr- B- H. Page, G. O.; Slr L. M, Uuarlos, G. 8,; Slr W. M- Turner, G. B. D. gna Slr Moaes Johnson, G. C, By the. rleatherof whloh H'-'timde; Judgo the lealHbr by tlio label (ahowti below) thnt Identl- nwi H fiti Welflf.' Meal I,c_thrr, Tho loather that keepa tbe f*ci cool ln«umm«rt warmln-lnlor. Makos heavy Btioea aolt, llght ulioca etrong. Mndeln bld. calf, goat, ooll or cow hldo. Wrlto rr>t* bo.o-let .'llpn to Buy SbopB." wioLfF PROOESS L-ATrlCR ca, Phlla-olphli._ mnwwwiBrzt. i- LOOK AT MODELS FOR STUART STATUE Captaln Dimrr]ock Calls Meet¬ lng of Commlttee Next Tuesday. -, | Captaln M. J. Dimmock, chalrman of the commlttee whlch wlll" select a niodol for the Stuart cque«trlan stntuo, ha« called n meetlng.of the commltteo for 4:30 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. !) The body wlll meet nt the room on Brond Street next the Lee Camp Hnll, where the modols, are at .present, and sr-pnd the afternoon In thorough Inspec- tion of them. It Ib certaln that no decl- sion wlll-th'm bo renchfd, but lt Is en.u.il- ly certnln that Impresslons wlll llkely be made then that wlll bear fruit when the votlng time comes. lt ls understood that some of'the arttBts v.ere Incllhcd to Bhow; flght, agalnst the aumlsfllon of the Mohoyhnri model on nccount of lts arrlvnl after the date set when It wan advertlsed that all modela must bo here. ,But lt Is le.irned from hlgh authorlty that tlie objectlo'n. lf made, wlll be promptly overrUled. Mr. Monoyhnn was taken vlolently 111 ln hls studlo untll a few days after the-contest had been publlshed to be cloBed. It la apparently fortunatc for Mr, Monoyhan that Ho gels In, for It ls understood that his conception is excellent. COMING CARNIVAL Many Good Fealures Will Be Seen Here October 7th. Rlchmond's fall carnlval, which will bc held nt the bnse ball rrnunds for tho ten days commenclng Wedncsday, Oo¬ tober Vth, promlscs to be an Interstftig event. The locil commlttee In charge have been <;-ery fortunate In socurlng. the at- tracHohs of the Gaskill-Mundy-LevlU Carnlval Company. whloh Is tho largest out-door amusement-enterprtse travelliig. There aro tWenty hlsh grade shows, many of thom belng entlrely new to thla clty. All the old and bad foatures of tho tmvellng carnlval companles have been oiiminaied. The free act?, of which there are ioven, aro the best. Includlng? the marveloua, loop the loop, tho hl_h wire, sllde for llfe, stalr-case rlde, splral towor. hlgh dlve and blcycle whlrl. , There- has been an Interestlng pro¬ gramme for speclal day fe.itures prepared. 'niere wlll be Ivind concerts by Professor Leon's Famous Mllltary Band. and a gor- geous dlsplay of fireworks nlghtly. His Leg Amputated. A cnl'.Tred maP Yan-c.l Th"Mns Woh isnn. emploved by the Atlnntlc Coast Line, had oni les rr.mi.icd yesteroay by nelng .-ruKlu bc^.wepn tlie bun.pcn of two shlfl- Elghth nnd Byrd Streets. Woodaon was caught botween the bumptrs ot two shiK- Ing oars, nnd ono leg was ao baclljr n.nshed that It had to be amputnttd at tho knse.'He wvs taken to the-Retreat for tho Slck. whore the ppcrntlon wnsau:- cossfullv performed by Dr. Roblns. Wood¬ aon is dolng as well an could be oxpocten end wlll probably recover, ASHAME To Polson Children. "I have mnde coffee durlng the 17 years : han'e kept house on an'.average of at least once a day untll we gave lt up altogether. My husbnnd was ofton forced to leave off drlnklng it for several. weeks ata time, owlng to severe palnB ln nl* heart whlch he doclared were caused by Wesays a lady of S. Atklnson. Me^'T had a bad stornach troublo, my.appetlte wa spoor, and what food I ate dld not dlgest and I had no strength. "I nlso had bad ncrvoua troublo and suffcred muoh from headacbes and .a fcellng of suffocatlon and falntness, \\e have four. children and, all wore very fond of coffee and drank lt e.i*ery morn¬ lng, seldom eattng much breakfaat, Thoy were pale and ofton complalned of feol- Ing falnt nnd dlzzy, and ono daughter hnd Indlgestlon badly. My husbnnd'B father who llves wlth was badly bloat- ed and sometlmes sald *I belleve coffee hurts me.' But after trying fdr n few days to got along wlthout lt the hablt of a Ufetlme proved too strong, and he would call for a cup ot coffee. "Last sprlng we began readlng nbout tho wonderfiil curea by Postum Food Coffco and becamo liitorestod nnd de¬ clded to try it. So wo stoppod coffee and bogan uslng Postum. In a surprlslngly short time we all notlcod a very deolded chango Jn hoalth all round. Tbe chlldren's appetltes Iriiproved, and after uslng Pos- jum a short tlmo they began to eat honrty breakfasls overy morplng, Elizu- both's dyspepsla ls all gono, and she snys she cnn eat anythlng now, and lt does .not hurt hor. They no longer com- Ploln of foellng falnt and dl.sy, and all aro growlng plump and rosy. "i haiVe nainod olghf pounds myself, although dolng more work thnn I have been able to do for yeara. My appetlte la god, food dlgasts, nerves nre 6tronger and I have popo of the other troubles, It ls Blmply wonderful. "My husband has no more trouble wlth hls iieart, nnd Fnlher-ln-law does not bloat and can bronthe muoh mol-e easlly, "We hnd mnde tho chango from coffee to Postum wlthout telllng Fnther-ln-lnw, but one mornlng nfter we had used Postum a'short tlme, ho sipped hls cof. feo nnd sald: 'How much better this ls; how dld you happen to get auoh good coffee?' nnd ho waa gre.-itly surpilsod when told It was not coffoe. but the food drlnk, Postum. He declnres that |t has dono hlm great good, nnd he hns rjol beon ao well for years, although he Ib now 79 years qf age. A lot of my other relatives have had nlmost the Bame ex* porionco. all of thom havlng found out that lt paya ^o gls'o up coffee and drlnlt Poatum lf you want to be henlthy nnd happy." Namo glven by Poatum Co., Bnttlo Craok, Mich. Look ln oaeh pnekago for n copy of the famous llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wollvllle.'' THE CORNER- STONELAYIMG Interestlng Servlces at New Immanuel This Afternoon, PROGRAMME IS ARRANOED Dr. Phllpotts, of Oanada, to Be Hore Tp- Morrow.Reunlon Servlco at Trln- ily To-Morrow.Sorvtces ln IheOhurches. The cornor-atonc of the new Immanuel Baptlat Church. Flfth and Lclgh Ktreota, will be.Iald thla afternoon wlth imprcs- slvo, rollglous and Masonlc excrclses, be- glnnlni; (it 1 o'clock, A programrto of unusiinl IntereBt has been perparad for the occaalon. Dr. Georgo C.oopor, presldent of tho Baptist minlstorB' conference and pastor of the Flrat Baptist- Church, from which Im¬ manuel went out, wlll be master of ¦ceremonles. Dr, J. B. Hawthorne, of Grovo An'onuo, who wns pastor of the Flrst Church whon tho Immanuel mlsslon wn«L started, wlll bo the orator ot. tho occaalon. Dr. W. R. L. Binlth, of the Second Church, wlll read the Scrlpturo bjfl'son, and Dr. C.-S. Gardnor, of Grnce Stroet.- wlll offer prayer. Bonedlctlon wlll be prnnounccd by. Dr. I. M. Mercer, of West Vlow. The muslc will be espoclally good. The excellent quratetto cholr of Grove-Avenue Church wlll slng one or more spoclal se- lectjons, and Captaln Frank Cunnlnghnm wlll also asslBt the cholr ot Immanuel In the slnglng. Templo Lodge, No. 9, A, F. and A. M.. wlll conduct the Mnsonlc .foaturo ot tho Bervlcc. The ofllcers of the lodge nro ns followa: JOflcph T. Engllsh, Jr. XV. M.; J. G. Corlcy, S. W.; A. G. Baker. J. XV.; C. A. Spcnce, Jr,', troasurer; Worshlpful A. W. Arrher, secretary; S. B. Drlnard, S D.; C. H. Mason, J. D.; John Smlth. tller. The lodge ls called to meet at the Masonlc Temple. at 3 o'clock. Beginnlng to-morrow, Centeriary and Broad Street Methodlst chiirchos .wlll hold a Jolnt revlval servlce. .undor the conduct of Rev. P.W. Phllpotts, of Ham- llton, Canada. ThCBe meetings wlll he held the flrst week at Centenary Church. Servlce each day, Sunday Included, at 11 A'. M. and ^ P. M. Mr. Phllpotts Is'.the paator ofa. large church in Ilam- iltoni and Is a. preacher of splendld ablllty. A cordlal invltatlon ls extended to all to unlte wlth us In these meetings. Tho flfticth annlveraary of Bethlehem Evangelical Luthcran Church wlll be qel-, ebrnied to-morrow. In the mornlng,ser¬ vlce; the Rev. C. F. XV. Meyer, of Baltl¬ more, wlll preach the German sermon. The nlght servlces will.be conducted ln Engllsh by. tho Rer. D. H. Stlffens, of Baltlmore, asalstcd by the pastor of-the church. A flno muslcal programme wlll be rendered at both mornlng and nlght servlces. During the past few weoks the church has. been entlrely renovated, and espe- claliy the Interlor pre^sents a very pleaB- ant appearanca. The congregatlon has J merhhershlp of 225. nnd the Sunday-school ls nttended by'135 scholarsJ The' preAent church wa acrectod in 1S6S, but the hla¬ tory of the congregatlon dates back to 1S51.' The congregatlon Is at present bulldlng a. rectory at the corner of Slxth arid Clay Streets. A reunlon of all tho old* members of Trinlty Methodlst Church wlll he held to-morrow. Trinlty ls the oldest Metho¬ dlst Church In the clty, and a gatherlng together of Its old members ls .practlcally a. reimion of the Methodlsts of.^the olty.. The occaalon promlaes, therefore, t0;l}e a most interestlng one. Speclal p.rogrammos have beon pre- pared, A senrlce wlll be held by the Sun¬ day-school at 9:30 A. M. At U-A. M. the paator wlll preach to the "old people" and at .8 P. M. to the "young people." Spo- clai. exprdscs wlll make both servlces very "attractlve. The Park Place Sunday-school wlll hold its fall openlng'Sunday mornlng, begln- ning at 9:30. A large attendnnco Ib ex- pepted. The followlng programme wlll be ren- dered: Slnging,''-by the school; prayer, Rev. John Ti- Bosman; elnglng,, by the school; openlng address, Barnard Blan- ton; cornet solo, llttle MIbs Burnlce Stover; recltatloh, Martha. Herndon; duet. Holt nnd Sarah Page; slnging, lnfant class; recltatlon, Evolyn Chrlstlan Rlch- ardson; solo, Chirlotte Chappoll; recl¬ tatlon, Annle Graham; slnging, by the school. Boginnlng to-morrow, the- Bov. Weston Bruner, D; D,, wlll preach mornlng and nlght at the Cnlvary Baptlst Church, of whlch he Ja the. pastor. a serleH of ser- mons oxtendlng through the Sundaysof flve weeks, Hla subjects in the mornlngs wlll he: September 27th, "Wlll Chrlat Come Agaln7"; Ootober "4th, "What are the Blgns of Hla Comlng?"; Ootober 11th, "Shall the Dead Riae? lf so, How Many?"; October 18th, "Will He Reign On EarthT if so, What Wlll Become of the Jowa?"; October 25th, "What Wlll God Do Noxt?"| At the nlght services Dr. Bruner wlll apeak on the followlng subjects; Septem¬ ber 27th, "The Young Man at Home; or. the Toung Man and His Mother": Oo¬ tober 4th, "The Young Man at School; or. the Young Man and Hls Teacher"; October 11th, "The Young Man In tha Clty; or. the Young Man and Hla Frlonds"; October 18th, "The Young Man Who ls Down; or, the Yeung Man an<1 H)8 Enemles"; October 25th, "The Young Man In Love; or, the Yoimg Man and Marrlage." .' The Rev. H. D, C. Maolaohlan, nf Shelbyvllle, Ky., wlll address tho men's meetlng Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clook at the Y. M. C. A. Hls aubject wlll "The Young Man Who Thought Thore Waa No Harm." Rov. J. Calvln Stewart, P. D., pastor of the Church of the Covenant, la at'home from h|B Biimmer rest, and wlll preach Sunday moriilng and nlght. Oommi's'on R*turns, The members and the secretary of the Corporation Commlsslon, who havo been on a tour of the Atlantlc Coast klne Rail¬ way for tha paat fow days, have roturn¬ od and wlll boat work bt the offlces |n the Clty Hall to-dny. Owlng to tho absonce of the cnmmlH- alon and the secretary, no ohar»erB have been granted for two day". Thla i. the laat of the trlps to bo made this year by the commlsslon ln the Inaneetlrn 0f rall- way nropertles. Th« assessmiTiUa have not been made up yot, but wll) certaluly be h'-gner In mosi. caso*. owl'ir to tn cren»e In vnlue of railway prppertles due to double trecklna; and the incraase of trafflc. Thon, tno, noarly all tha Vlrglnla roads havo added to thelr equlpmont much vauable rolllng stock;. Low Rates to < hase City, Every (Saturday untll October 24th tlie Kauthern Railway will sell speclal tlckets. to Chase Clty at" one far? for"the roi-nd- trip,. *2.'">, Umlted returnln* Mond»v fol¬ lowing date of sale *>-,. De&th Dus. a Bughear io Bui§s Quick, Sure Destroyer of Roaches, Spiders, Centipedes, Bed Bugs, Ants, and all insects. "l£i? % every bttg tn the house, ~--- keeps otncfs otiti they will not enter, where Death Diist hat been uied. Succcss- ful in millions of homes. Sold by all deolors. 10 and 25 oonta. -HECARROLLTON CHEMICAL CO., Baitlmore, Md. RENOVATE NEW FORD'S Decorators Are Ge'ting Ready for the Comlng; Lcss?er. Messrs. Well and Shoro, the proprletors of Ford's Hotel for the past three years, will retlre from the management ot that well known proporty next Monday nlght, three days before the leose of *^j propor¬ ty expirea. They do-thls to accomodato Messrs. Peyton and Berkeiey, the new ltsse03, who wlll take pqssesslon of the property Immedintoly, nnd wlll conllnuo .to..operate lt wlthout lnterruptlon, even Whlle ...the. work of rehabllltatlon Is ln progress. 'Colonel Peyton and Captaln Berkeiey are expeoted to reach the clty Alon.ay. ,v The palnting of the'exterlor of the hotol has boon commonced -and ls well ad- vanced. It ls to be:ps4nted cream color. ianO wlll present a very brlght and at- trnctlve appearanco _w_hen.', complete. Tho entlre hotel ls to be r.enovated and rofur- nlshed. Tho new proprletors hav'e not yet decldod upon all the detalls of Interlor improvement and- rearrangement, but Colonel Peyton states- that no exponso wlll be spared ,'to m.ako tho hotel flrst class ln lts accomodatlons. Messra. -Welll and Shore, .tho Tctlrlng proprleto'rB-,-ihave not'declded upon tholr plans for tho future, bdt wlll not contlnuo thelr partnershlp. They" wlll probably locate In some other clty, though thoy have not deflnltely announced thls. The clerks of the present hotol, Messrs, Llps- comb and Dunston. have not yet formu- latcd their plans. It ls consldcred proba- blo that ono or both wlll be offered posi- tlons wlth the new proprletors. Thelr acqualntanco wlth the leglslators and publlc mon, whose patronago will bo sought by the hotel, and thelr famlllnr- Ity wlth the houso wlll make thom valu- _blc acquisltlons. JUDGE HOMES HERE Mecklenburg durist ln lhe City.Other Hotel Guests. judge W. E. Homes, of Boydlon, Va.. arrTvedln the city last nlght and Is at Murphy's. Ho is, In the clty on legal buslness. and it Is understood hls presenco here has no connectlon w-Ith the case of Doc Bacon, tho condomned negro assnil- nh't of Mecklenburg county, who was re- cen..y resplted. Judgc Homos ls opposod to commutatlon of the negro's senlcncc. A well known Petersburg gontleman in the city last nlght and one who has no connectlon whatever with the case. ex- pressed the. oplnlon that Bacon should have a new trlal. Among the well known visltors to the clty vostorday wero City Attorney Georgo Mason, of Petersburg, and Mr, R. H. Mann Commonwealth's attorney ot tlio cltv. Thoy wero here on prlvate buslness. The followlng were roglstored nt tho jefferaon last nlght: W.¦ S. Wood, Harrt- man. Tenn,; J. XV. Frltz. New York T W Thackor. Brookllne, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Horvey, Chicago; F. _. Zlm- ner. Hustings-on-Hudson; ,J. H., Jf «'ls nnd wlfe, Now York; T. W. Fecliholmcr Sno wlfe Clnolnnatl; Mrs. J. C. Latlmer, Miss LMImer, Tloga Centre, N. Y.: Mrs. K- E Ash, Phllndelphla: E. J. Tobln nnd w"if£ New York; Maurlce C. Pllson, v\ao'..."iiion. MU SIGIIA RH0 Dellghtful Reunlon Was Held Last NlgV. Exc-t'er-t * d>-os-. Thn nnnual reunlon exerclsos of the Mu Slemn Rho Llternry Soclety, of Rlchmond ColJege vns hold lost nlght and .tlw&wn. .don -was vory enjoynble, Indeed. Ptoal- Sent Tyler waa ln the cliatr and porform- ed the duties of his offlce with much eThe' flrst speaker of the evenlng was Mr W. H, Wlllls, the reunlon orator aelected Jn»t before tbe snoloty, ndj.oum. efl last session, Mr. Wlllls mndo an ad- n lrkhle nddross, speaklng Wlth speclal anpr"oprlnteness on college frlendsh ln. rThe next speaker waa Mr. XV. D. Duke, "ceneral manager of the Rlchmond, Frad. frffldtaburK and Potomnc Rnilrund, a fnrme¦ proaldent nnd modnllst of the so- Hetv Tlils gentloman nnd thpse who foj. Siwefl hlm, Messrs. 13. C. Po Kes and M. A,!_ .were rewarded wlth most cordlnl n nlause. Refreshments were servod to l |Ppresent, nnd this feast wns like wlse much cnjoyed,_ CHARGED WITH ASSAULT Nothing of Conaequence Recorclel nt the Polire Statione. Tha only caso Of np>' moment placed on tlie hlotters of the plolco statlons kuu nn_ht was thnt of Robert Rohmson, rnlored, who is ehargod willi assault ng Rlchard Peteraon, Thore fci belleved to [,c Httle. In tho cnse by tho po)lco. Rowan i ounly V. terans, (Speclal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspateh.) SAL19BURY, N. C., EJapt. Ui..Tlio Con fetlerate voterans of Rowan county hoM thelr annual reunlon ln Saljahury yos* iiday, at whloh gathorlng appiomlalo iddreaaea wero dellvered. Tha nllendnm--! at these reuiilonii are deorenslng from yoar to year, ant) It wa« loarnod yentorday tii-it soventeeii vetorana have dlod bIiu-u Jl,c. i.-ibI oBsemblngo of .the Rowan coni- i-ftfles. t_ TO THE POYS AND QIRLS. Don't fall to road tlio flrst of tlio Hmmy Lo'u Storles In tho Sunday Tlmos- pispatoh. Tho axporlcncos of thlB Inteiost- Ing glrl ln the prlmor class wlll most «ntertalnly told. STEELSTOCK HASASLDMP Common and Preferred, as Well as Bonds. Suffer. THE DEALINOS ENORMOUS No Parti.u'ar R/*auon Asslgned for the Weakness Asicle from General Dls- Irust of Conditlons Prevailing Inthe Industrlal World, (Dy Assoclated Prosa.) NEW YORK, Sept. 25,-The stock market as a whole Bhowcd very. declded linprovemonlfl at to-day's cloae, and sen- tlrnont wob npparently more cheerful. Nevortheleas, tho same Inlluonces lhat have mado moro dlrectly for lower prlctss durlng tho past few monthB were. agaln in ovjdencc.namoly, the cxtremo wenk- I1C8B of the T.-nltod States Steel Ibsucs. Tho common and preferred sharo.s as well as tho flve po_ cent. bonds began the day wlth new low rccords, recovcred ln part on good support, and ln the early nfter¬ noon burst "wlde open" on a fresh bear rald. ln the Hnal deallngs, whllo the bal- ance of the llst was showing a very flrm uudortono, another attack on the steel Issues occurred, and the stocks closed wlth not losaes ot 3-8 and 1 por cent. for the commop and preferred, re- Bpectively, whlle tho bonds closed at 711-4, nfter touchlng new low record of 70 7-8. Deallngs In steel were enormous, total salos of tho common nnd prefcrrod Issues nggregatlng over 175,000 shares, about ono- nrth of the day's buslness. Theso stocks wero offerod Th blg lots throughout tho day. Tradlng ln tho bonds was also In tromendons volumo and completely over- shadowed all other Issues ln the bond llst. NO REASON ASS1GNED. No partlcular reason can be advanced for the contlnued weakness of tho Steel securltlos nslde from general. dlBtrust rc- gaidlng conditlons In tho Industrlal world and tho apparent lack of support, except at critlcal porlods. One of the day's many rumors had lt that a flrm promlnent In the orlglnal Steel syndlcate and later In the converslon syndlcate, had, through necc-ssity, sold prlvately somo 60,000 shares of preferred ahd 20,000 shares of common nt 60 and 15. Thls report was flatly de- nied by Interests In a posltlon to know. The same Intefests offored no explanatlon foi tho steady depreclatlon ln tho market value of the Steel Issues except to declaro that the stock market ls now in control of "bear gamblors," who are maklng the most of conditlons that are largely flctl- tlous and imnglnnry, NO DANGEROUS FEATURES. Tho Evening Post sald to-day: 'Promlnent banking interests announced to-day that after the close of yesterdn.y's market thoy liad undertaken an investl- gatibn to Beo whetheri thore were any veak houses ln the'Wall Streot reglon. The Investlgatlon, alth'ough Informal, was cenducted by Interests of such extenslvo' connectlons ns to make it unusually trust- worthy. They made the unequlvocal statement to-day that the sltuatton l»id dt-veloped no dangerous features, and that not a slnglo stock exchange 'houso was In the sllghtest way, embarrassed. Thoy sald,. howevor. .that the feellngof uncer- talnty provalllng ln moat quarters had given rlse to mnny rumors, all of whlch were wlthout foundatlon so far as thoy related to the stablllty of any largo ln¬ terest." n * (Contlnued Trom Flrst Page.) Fireman Flaher had hls rlght arm and hand sklnnod and brulsed. An hour after-the colllslon, R. Charles Dillard, of Tye Rlver, front brakeman on K<i 72, was found plnned down undor one / the box cni-s, attontion belng called to him by hls groans, After worklng on the wrecknge, whlch plnned hlm down for ubout two hours, the workers flnally re- loased hlm. His rlght arm and rlght leg are fractured. and he Is porhaps injured internnlly. He was brought to thls c|ty at 10:30 o'clock, and taken to the Unl¬ verslty Hospltal. XV. C. Smlth, of Alexandrla, rear brake- nian on tho northbound frelght, was knocked agalnst a brake of ono of tlie cars, and had his back sllghtly twlsted. Tho mombers of the crew of the south¬ bound trnln all Jumped beforo the crnsh camo, as thoy had amplo warnlng. Peter Walker, ot Alexandrla, wns tho onglneor, Walter Dnmeron the conductor ond Lu T. Waltor, of Mndlson, front brakeman. SPECTACULAR SCENE. Tho wreck Is a spectoculnr ono. The wrecked box cars aro on elther slde of tho track, nnd tholr contents strewn ln every dlroctlon. One cnr wns' fllled wlth castlngs, another wlth machlnery, another wlth drossed lumber and yot anotlier wlth bags of- flour. A wreckod flat car was lnden wlth hugo plpes, most oC them broken and rendered useless, Brnkeman DUIard, who was so badly hurt, was on the front ond of the traln, nnd as ho saw tlie approachlng traln, the wonder is that he dld not Junip. Ho w'as thrown undorneath tho box cnr Just nhc-ad of. tho one on whlch he waa stand¬ lng and rendorod unconselous. Ho waa tlghtly plnned down by Iron rods nnd wood work, nnd wns only released nfter tho hardost klnd of work on the part of the trnln hands. He kopt up hls nerve throughout and convorsed wlth hls res- cuers ns they .ng nway tho dlrt and re- moved tho wrecknge whlch bound hlm. Ho wns convoyod to a passonger car and brought to this clty nnd taken to the Unlverslty Hospltal. A wrecklng train from Alexandrla reached tho scono of tho wrock at noon, and It was Inte thls ovening boforo tho trnck was clenred. Whnt Mi ht H va 'Wn. The Rlchmond Tlmos-Dlspntch aaya'; "Tho reportR tell ua that tho hlgh wlnda Hfted tho coat talls of tho tho Presldent of thls great and glorlous ropuhllo nnd thoreby oxposcd to view n p'stol, and at tho same time revonlod tho fnct that tho aforosald Presldent of this great 0,11(1 glorlous repuhllo |s a vlolntor of the law ho ls swoi'ti to rospoct, to inalntuln and to enforce," Thero would hnvo been a great tlmo nt that dlnner If the Prosldont had puiled hls gun and Bookor Wafliliigton diawn hls trusty ra«or. Thoy would have made tho ordinary parlor soclal look llko a Sun¬ day funeral..Newport News Times-Hor- nltl. »-. Yar.kee1 Linileri. Tlio number of Aiporlcans who mny enter tho Trtiusvaal or Orange Rlvor Col- nny ls llmlted io fif-ty a month, nnd oich must have a permlt, the hlnnk applleu- tion for whlch can bo had of any Brltlsh consul. And, too, an affidavlt must be made that the apnllpaiU hns sufficUiit means to support lilmself and fiunily after nrrlvlng, mer'ca Ahead. The greatest suocessos In the eloetrical trausnilssiop of wutor power havo beon mndo'ln" tho ITnltecl Statos, Tlie maxl- inuin dlstauco over Wh oh power Is .trans- mltted |s froni Colgate to San Frunclsco 220 mllos, wlth a loss of 26 per c.aut. At Colgate-tlie body of water is smull, but iho fal) la I'W feet. 9 Cohen's 3oys Clothing. Your Satisfaction Our Guarantee. Thoy are always better than tho "just as good" at the samo.ot a lrigherprib|^v|J.h you got olsowhore. Your money gets the great- est leverago powW hero that the know-how to buy gives it. Our low prices which touch.tho keynoto of economy are not the result of chance but the keenest business forosight. Glance over these prices. 1)11. _8 each.Boys nll-wool regular mado school Suits. fl.08 each.Boys doublo-brenstcd all-wool Suits.so.Ild nnd mlxed col- ora.slzea 7 to 16 Xtaral ' ijia.150 each.Boys doiible-breastcd all-wool Suits.porfectly made and well trlmmed. .'' 1)12,(10 each.Llttle boys Norfolk Jncket Sulta.sizes 3 to T1T years. worth ovor a half more. IM.BO each.Odd lot of regular $2.80 to $3,00 Suits, not mnny ot a kind. ifia,r>0 each.Handaome all . wool Suits. 44c. n palr.Boys 75c. Corduroy Knee Trousers. »Or. a palr.Boys all-wool Knee Trousers, $3.50 oach.Boys handsome al!-, wool 3-plece Suits.the latest styieaw tR-.oo each.Llttle boys Vestee Suits, worth nearly double. ITc. for Boys 25c. Shlrt Walsts.->.-.. tfic. for Boys 26o. all-wool Wue Serge Caps. Men's Furnishings. The keen nipping weather that gives ycmr sleepish blood a rapid movement makes you think of heavier weight underwoar. A medium weight underwear is absolutely necessary to meet the demands of na- ture. The change is too gr,eat from the light gauze to the heavy wool. We are prepared for just such a demand and at the same time you can savo a fourth to a third on all the other appurtenances to men's wear. 48c, for a regular 75c. heavy fleece llned Underwear.not all slzes, whlch accounts for the blg values.. ft.oo for mercerized Sllk Under- wear.nll slzes.havo sold to J2.50 a garment. 78c. for $1.00 medlum welght Bal- brlggan Underwear. 715c. for $1.00 medlum Woolen Un¬ derwear. tjU.OO for J1.60 medlum welght flne Woolen Underwear. 715c, for J1.00 and Jji.25 flnest whlte llnen bosom laundered Shirts. Ecllpse and other flne makea, _. ,30c. and BOc, for whlte relnforced llnen bosom.protectod guss'ets.uh- laundercd Shirts, worth a half more. 4Bc, each for a lot of 75c. whlte laun¬ dered Shirts. fl.00 each.Flnest full dress whlte Shirts.relnforced bosom.mado. to our order. 2Bc. a palr.New styles In sca.m- less sllk cmbroldered half hose.-.tm- port'od direct by us. 12 l-_c, for regular 20c, silk clock fast black seamless half hose. THE COHEN CO. WILL HONOR THE GERMANS Wllling to Oive Grand Recep- tlons to Emperor's Ship. FETE PANTHER'S OFFICERS A Reception, a Grand Ball and a Big Oyster Roast Are Some of the DelighlB Offered tho Navy of the Kaiser. (Speclal to Tho Times-DIspatch.) WILMINOTON, .N. C. Sept. 35.-The German warshlp Panther wlll arrlve at Wllmington Sunday aftarnoon. Soptomber 27th. The people of Wllmington wlll glve tho forelgners a warm and glorlous wol- como. The cltizens nro proparlng for an entertalument that wlll bo n credlt to tho cltv, the Stato and tlio nation. Monday the German slilp'a nm^/111 ray thelr formal respocts ln the clt>. ORAND RISCBPTION. Tuesday plght tho cltizens wlll g ve an claborato reception at the Wllmington Llcbt Infantry armory from 9 to u o'clock. Irnnedlatoly followlng this a CrlHant baU wlll begln at tho Mnsonlo Temple. At mldnlght n banquet wlll be servod by the Klne's Daiighters. OYSTER ROAST. Othor forms of enlertnlnment wi bo provlded. Among thom wlll bo an ojste roas on Carollna Bench to bo lendore1 by tho Hownrd Rellef Company,, a promi¬ nent German organlzntlon of this city. confessed'to murder Twentyfive Dollars Vtrdict In a Twenty Thoustnd Dollar Suit. (Spod-il to The Tlmes-r>Ispntoll.) WINSTOK-SALlflM. N, C, September 25,-Marcus Jefforson. a ono-oyad negro. was arrested here to-day. After boing i^r^cTBvtXr «_« KSefS!^v1r%«^^ and II at ho kllled Plnk wlth a shovei. Lufe ln aeorgla C- M. Bomard, n pronii- nont cltliani of/Ralaigh. ls one of the de. 'Tn'tweiitv thousand doihy damage sul$ nmiinat the Frlea Company, brought by ^iuUo.t Wllllamwa. tho Jury o-duy only allowed the plalntiff Jfi.J5» wround that Will'nmoon wna paa tlalljr fLpoilBlblo for 'falling off tho street cur nnd thereby Bustslnlng palnful In- JUInetSiio Wllkes habeas corpus caso, Judge MoNell to-day (ledded lo mWJ> ,fi0'9' mnn _n_ to ttlvo flfteen hundred dol- ffi?nbom_,MH W fe nnd Mrs. Bauguesa rlvfl luinVed each. Tho partles aro ac ,.n\_l of kllllng Bengo'a nliioteoii-year. 5 ? .wiiJhtfl- and throwlng her body in a mlll pond.' Defondonts will uot be able to'glvo ball. YOUNG MAN ARRESTED ON SERIOUS CHARCE (Spoclal to The Tlmes-BlspatcnO SAU31WRT, N. C. September '».-- John Dlsher, aged about twenty-two. was nrrostfd at Btatesvlllo yesterday on tho vliargo of betrayal under proniU* \>t marrlage. Tho warrant was iflaued by tho frlends of..Mlss "Adar Ford, ot to- lngton, The yburig m'aniwas prepnririg- to leave the country'when the a'rrest was ¦made, after whlch he agreed to go'wlth the offlcer to Lexlngton and adjust "tlTJ! mntter to tho satlsfaotlon of the farp ly of Mlss Ford. When she learned-thnt her famlly had dlscovered hor troub'o. through a letter whloh had beon rea'd by accldent. Mlss Ford socured a bottle of laudanum and attompted to commlt suf- clde, but was preventod from dolhg so by her frlends. » Receiver Appolnted. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch,) '¦"'' FAYETTEVIBLE, N. C September 25..Judge H. R. Bryan has appolnted Dr. H. XV. LUly, of Fayettovlllo. tem- porarv recelvor of tho Fayettevllle Wa¬ ter. Llght and Powor Company. to take charge and operato tho property penu- Ing the adjudlcatlon of the case be¬ tween Uie compnny and the clty of Fay¬ ettovlllo. ,.'-¦¦.¦ _____¦_*'.. Tho defendant company is to appear beforo Judge Bryan, at Ellzabeth Clty, Octobor 16th, to show 'cauBe why tem- porary rocolverahlp should not extond to flnnl settlemont. Receiver glves bond of $5,000, .QUICKEST Round / ' \and Beit* TRIP / aoONTHB\H0UU EXCURSION \ ...TO... \ «@» NORFOLK-^ V NEXT SUNDAY. / \ VIA / \ Norfolk & Western Ry.,'/ \The Popular/ Nq \ Route. /Leave. Changa \ , /Byrd-St. of \ $5 / Station Can. \ / 8(30 A. M. S NGS are In abundance nt Hunter's. If you want cheap stuff shop around; but lf you want good goods nnd full value for your money, como to Hunter's. Wo havo ono of the most cohiplete assoitmont of School Supplles here.* nbout, and if you-wlll look them ovor, ton chances to ono you wlll byy our goods. If you wlsh School Iiooks. a loolt over our second-hand stock wlll vaf'H llkolv seciu-o you the one you want+ ln good condltlon and at a niodarat* prlce. ;' "P* HUNTER & CO., 623 EAST BROAD -TREK'r-.

THE CORNER- De&th 3oys 1NJENRIC0 Dus. HASASLDMP … · "1 don't know how fnr we wlll get inlo nn ¦Investlgatlon," he sald ln effect. "It depends on tho cpmmlttce. Wc aro llkely

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1NJENRIC0cnsatlon to Be Sprung at

the .Meetlng To-Day.


Reported that An Effort Wlll Be Madefo Leave lt to the Newly Elected

County Oommlltoe to


intormtttion obtaljcd last nlght from

apurce'fl'of-unqueBtloned rellnnco loadB to

tlje^bellet that developmcnU of a possl-bio nansatlonal turn may mark tho re-

mimptlon by tho Henrico DemocratlcCommltteo thls mornlng of tho InveBllga-tlon of'the chargeB and BpocMcatlon flled.ral'nst- two or threo ot the HU,cccBsfulcandldates for tho party nomlnatlon.Mr. Thomaa C. HufTtm, chalrman of tho

commltteo, Is ln possesslon of tho Infor-inatlon, of whlch he spoke troely laBtnlght. predlotlng A. protty stormy sesslonot tho body to-day. Nothing posltlye hadbeen Bubmltled to hlm, but he was suf-ficlently ¦lnformed to express the bo.l|ofthat lt may not'bc an nltogcther Pleasant. nd harmonloua meetlng that wlll beginat 10 o'clock tlils mornlng nt the court-hcuse.How far tho Investlgatlon, arranged to

be Btnrted to-day, would go he could notsay. He antlclpated a movement to chokett off. but sald ..he lntended to/djJJ/ill lnhls power to prevent such a deyelopment.

Movement to be Ma. eVY''.',";.11 was understood from Mr.' Burrin that

the queBtlon of Jurlsdlctlon or nuthor|tywljl bo sprung early In the day. A new

Henrico qommlftec has been elocted andgenerally understood to go into ofilce on

the flrst of January next. It wlll now

ho contended, lt l« sald, that thls com¬

mlttee Ib th'e legal body ln the county,ahd tbat tho,Ipy.Qstlgatlng Commlttee isout of offlce aaid.has'no nulhorlty.nt.all.Thus wlth one fell swoop the Investlga¬tlon woiild be .removed from the. handsof the present commlttee.

Besldcs thls movo Mr. Ruffln .deohiredthat.be undorfltood that thero waj_. thejn'imade nnolher effort to have tho Inves¬tlgatlon .throwty. ouL Just what thla 's

reported to be Is not stated. Mr. UuIRndeclared ln thls connoctlon. howevor. thathe would1 endeavor to have a full ntteu-danco of tho commlltoe.

"1 don't know how fnr we wlll get inlonn ¦Investlgatlon," he sald ln effect. "Itdepends on tho cpmmlttce. Wc aro llkelyto have some'uhploasantnesfl at the'mcet-Ing, nnd 1 dpn't.know how things wlllturn out'.!'

The Charges.The case to be called for Investlgatlon

to-day is tlie Hechler-Brauer-Todd con¬test. The two defeated candldates. Hech-]er and Todd, are contesting the nomlna¬tlon ot Mr. Brauer. Mr. Todd asks. for a

recourit of'the votes on-the ground thatthere mlght hn'i-e boen a mistake. Mr.Hechlcr charges vlolatlon of the Barlts-dale puro election low.Tbe apeclflcatlons of Mr. Hechtcr havo

been flled wlth tho commlttee and willbo presentod to-day. Tho paper Is u de-cldedly Interesting ono .and wlll proba¬bly causo'samethlng of a stlr. Mr. He.;?-ler cites lnstancc's wherc he says Mr.Brauer used money In th eeiectlon, andother Instancea whero he chnrges thatwhlskey wns uaed. There ls now ln course

of preparation a lengthy answer and spe-clflc denlal of these charges. whlch nn

.wer wlll be presentod by Mr. Brauer to

the commlttee to-day. He wlll be ropre-.ented by Mr. Wyndham B. Meredlth.rid Major Sands; Mr. Hechler wlll berepresented by Mr. D. Q. O'Flaherty.The Wendenburg caso wlll come' .up

next Monday. nnd w|ll be followcd ,by theWyntt-Lewis caso. Mr. Throckmorton hasflled further speclflcotlons agalnst Mr.Wendenburg. gtvlng Instance's where he*charges tho use of whlskey lu Influenclngtho'.voters.


Rev. H. D. C. Maclachlan to Be SpeakerTo-Morrow Aftenoon. ;:i iiti

The men'fl' -meeting of to-morrow af¬

ternoon at S:»6;wlll be on the blg. order.and go Into tlie nssoclatlon's audltorlum.Hey. H. D.. O. Maclachlan, of Kenturky,wlll he the apeaker. Hls thomo. wlll be,VHe-Thought lt Was No Harf." A maleQuartette w)ll slng.Immedlately followlng the men's.meet¬

ing, the conversatlonal Blble claas wlllgathor ln the associatlon parlor for half-anrhour'a atudy of the llfe of Chrlst.. At. o'clock the WOrkors' League wlll ment.' Qraded olass 'work ln the gymnaslum¦wlll open .formally to-nlght. Flfty hewlooK.ers have Just been placed ln tliephyBlcal -dopartment, nnd moro wlll be.ddod as rapldly" aa necded.The week, Septembor 28th to October

|d. ls enrollmont weok, and young men

Intendlng to take up study shoiild cnlland' register, For men tho followlngela'aBeB wlll he' conducted; Elemontaryand Intermedliite arlthmatlc, F.ngllshgrammar, Bollor Bullders' Study Club.bookkeeplng, olectrlctty, meqhnnlcal draw¬ing,';' penmanahlp nnd corren|)ondonnf,atenogrnphy, telegraphy, mandolln n.'udgultar. .vooal muslc Tnere wlll also he¦eparate clnesos for boys between-. tho.gen of twelve nnd sofenteen as follows:Arl.thmetlc and'buslness, penmnnshlp nndipelllng, mechnntcn! drawing, readlng,and compoaltlon and stenography.The social senson wlll he mado llvely

by :ten entartalnmentB on tlio nBaoclatloneourso, and a goodly number. of giem-bers' ontortalnmonls, whllo every Mon*4ay nlght, which Is not occuplod hy an.ntertalnment In the audltorlum wlll be.haerved by an Informnl gathorlng Inthe parlor. Monday Is to he made thegoolal' nlght.Tho punday-School Leesoii Commlttee

niports thp,t Dr. Pell wlll resume hls les-gon atudy on the flrst Saturday |n Octo¬ber af 6 o'clock.

WILL BE IN THE PARADElst Qamp Accepts Invilalion of Grand

Camp of Vlrginia.l>o Camp was In session last .nlght fnr

a ahort whlle, Tho members, who eateemthe camp next to thelr churches, wero onhand .as usual, and rnuilne buwinos.s \wmtransaated. An Ipvlt'-Uion was recelvedfrom |he Grand Camp of Vlrglnla to comedcwn to Newport News on October 2£ilh,duilng the sosslon ot that body, nnd ji».utn the annual parade. The Onmp unan-Imoualy dedded to nccopt the Invltatlonand wlll lenve here on tho mornlng ot tlio»th, returnlng that oveulng.A number of expresfilons of rngret nt the

lllness of Ml'H. Jefferaon PbvIb werotieart}, Tlio remalnuer of the sosslon wnstaken up In routlne buslness,

Knights c-fDamoh Officers.Fpllowlng are ofllcers recently eleciod

to opnduol. tho affalrB of the Grandl.Odge, Knlghts of Bamon, of Virglnli:Blr J. G. Randolph, R. W. G. C: Sir B. H.Harria, G. W. U, 0,i Blr R. L. Jasper,U, T-! Slr- B- H. Page, G. O.; Slr L. M,Uuarlos, G. 8,; Slr W. M- Turner, G. B. D.gna Slr Moaes Johnson, G. C,

By the.rleatherof whloh

H'-'timde; Judgo thelealHbr by tlio label

(ahowti below) thnt Identl-nwi H fiti Welflf.' MealI,c_thrr, Tho loather thatkeepa tbe f*ci cool ln«umm«rtwarmln-lnlor. Makos heavyBtioea aolt, llght ulioca etrong.Mndeln bld. calf, goat, ooll orcow hldo. Wrlto rr>t* bo.o-let

.'llpn to Buy SbopB."wioLfF PROOESS L-ATrlCR ca,



lng of Commlttee NextTuesday. -, |

Captaln M. J. Dimmock, chalrman ofthe commlttee whlch wlll" select a niodolfor the Stuart cque«trlan stntuo, ha«called n meetlng.of the commltteo for4:30 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. !)The body wlll meet nt the room on

Brond Street next the Lee Camp Hnll,where the modols, are at .present, andsr-pnd the afternoon In thorough Inspec-tion of them. It Ib certaln that no decl-sion wlll-th'm bo renchfd, but lt Is en.u.il-ly certnln that Impresslons wlll llkely bemade then that wlll bear fruit when thevotlng time comes.

lt ls understood that some of'the arttBtsv.ere Incllhcd to Bhow; flght, agalnst theaumlsfllon of the Mohoyhnri model onnccount of lts arrlvnl after the date setwhen It wan advertlsed that all modelamust bo here. ,But lt Is le.irned fromhlgh authorlty that tlie objectlo'n. lfmade, wlll be promptly overrUled. Mr.Monoyhnn was taken vlolently 111 ln hlsstudlo untll a few days after the-contesthad been publlshed to be cloBed. It laapparently fortunatc for Mr, Monoyhanthat Ho gels In, for It ls understood thathis conception is excellent.


Many Good Fealures Will Be SeenHere October 7th.

Rlchmond's fall carnlval, which willbc held nt the bnse ball rrnunds for thoten days commenclng Wedncsday, Oo¬tober Vth, promlscs to be an Interstftigevent.The locil commlttee In charge have

been <;-ery fortunate In socurlng. the at-tracHohs of the Gaskill-Mundy-LevlUCarnlval Company. whloh Is tho largestout-door amusement-enterprtse travelliig.There aro tWenty hlsh grade shows,

many of thom belng entlrely new to thlaclty. All the old and bad foatures of thotmvellng carnlval companles have beenoiiminaied.The free act?, of which there are ioven,

aro the best. Includlng? the marveloua,loop the loop, tho hl_h wire, sllde for llfe,stalr-case rlde, splral towor. hlgh dlveand blcycle whlrl. ,

There- has been an Interestlng pro¬gramme for speclal day fe.itures prepared.'niere wlll be Ivind concerts by ProfessorLeon's Famous Mllltary Band. and a gor-geous dlsplay of fireworks nlghtly.

His Leg Amputated.A cnl'.Tred maP Yan-c.l Th"Mns Woh isnn.

emploved by the Atlnntlc Coast Line, hadoni les rr.mi.icd yesteroay by nelng.-ruKlu bc^.wepn tlie bun.pcn of two shlfl-Elghth nnd Byrd Streets. Woodaon was

caught botween the bumptrs ot two shiK-Ing oars, nnd ono leg was ao baclljrn.nshed that It had to be amputnttd attho knse.'He wvs taken to the-Retreatfor tho Slck. whore the ppcrntlon wnsau:-cossfullv performed by Dr. Roblns. Wood¬aon is dolng as well an could be oxpoctenend wlll probably recover,

ASHAMETo Polson Children.

"I have mnde coffee durlng the 17 years

: han'e kept house on an'.average of at

least once a day untll we gave lt up

altogether. My husbnnd was ofton forced

to leave off drlnklng it for several. weeksata time, owlng to severe palnB ln nl*heart whlch he doclared were caused by

Wesays a lady of S. Atklnson. Me^'Thad a bad stornach troublo, my.appetltewa spoor, and what food I ate dld notdlgest and I had no strength.

"I nlso had bad ncrvoua troublo andsuffcred muoh from headacbes and .afcellng of suffocatlon and falntness, \\ehave four. children and, all wore veryfond of coffee and drank lt e.i*ery morn¬

lng, seldom eattng much breakfaat, Thoywere pale and ofton complalned of feol-Ing falnt nnd dlzzy, and ono daughterhnd Indlgestlon badly. My husbnnd'Bfather who llves wlth u» was badly bloat-ed and sometlmes sald *I belleve coffeehurts me.' But after trying fdr n fewdays to got along wlthout lt the habltof a Ufetlme proved too strong, and hewould call for a cup ot coffee."Last sprlng we began readlng nbout

tho wonderfiil curea by Postum FoodCoffco and becamo liitorestod nnd de¬clded to try it. So wo stoppod coffee andbogan uslng Postum. In a surprlslnglyshort time we all notlcod a very deoldedchango Jn hoalth all round. Tbe chlldren'sappetltes Iriiproved, and after uslng Pos-jum a short tlmo they began to eathonrty breakfasls overy morplng, Elizu-both's dyspepsla ls all gono, and shesnys she cnn eat anythlng now, and ltdoes .not hurt hor. They no longer com-

Ploln of foellng falnt and dl.sy, and allaro growlng plump and rosy."i haiVe nainod olghf pounds myself,

although dolng more work thnn I havebeen able to do for yeara. My appetltela god, food dlgasts, nerves nre 6trongerand I have popo of the other troubles,It ls Blmply wonderful."My husband has no more trouble wlth

hls iieart, nnd Fnlher-ln-law does notbloat and can bronthe muoh mol-e easlly,"We hnd mnde tho chango from coffee

to Postum wlthout telllng Fnther-ln-lnw,but one mornlng nfter we had usedPostum a'short tlme, ho sipped hls cof.feo nnd sald: 'How much better thisls; how dld you happen to get auoh goodcoffee?' nnd ho waa gre.-itly surpilsodwhen told It was not coffoe. but the fooddrlnk, Postum. He declnres that |t hasdono hlm great good, nnd he hns rjolbeon ao well for years, although he Ibnow 79 years qf age. A lot of my otherrelatives have had nlmost the Bame ex*

porionco. all of thom havlng found outthat lt paya ^o gls'o up coffee and drlnltPoatum lf you want to be henlthy nndhappy." Namo glven by Poatum Co.,Bnttlo Craok, Mich.Look ln oaeh pnekago for n copy of

the famous llttlo book, "Tho Road toWollvllle.''

THE CORNER-STONELAYIMGInterestlng Servlces at NewImmanuel This Afternoon,


Dr. Phllpotts, of Oanada, to Be Hore Tp-Morrow.Reunlon Servlco at Trln-

ily To-Morrow.Sorvtces lnIheOhurches.

The cornor-atonc of the new ImmanuelBaptlat Church. Flfth and Lclgh Ktreota,will be.Iald thla afternoon wlth imprcs-slvo, rollglous and Masonlc excrclses, be-glnnlni; (it 1 o'clock,A programrto of unusiinl IntereBt has

been perparad for the occaalon. Dr.Georgo C.oopor, presldent of tho BaptistminlstorB' conference and pastor of theFlrat Baptist- Church, from which Im¬manuel went out, wlll be master of¦ceremonles. Dr, J. B. Hawthorne, ofGrovo An'onuo, who wns pastor of theFlrst Church whon tho Immanuel mlsslonwn«L started, wlll bo the orator ot. thooccaalon. Dr. W. R. L. Binlth, of theSecond Church, wlll read the Scrlpturobjfl'son, and Dr. C.-S. Gardnor, of GrnceStroet.- wlll offer prayer. Bonedlctlon wlllbe prnnounccd by. Dr. I. M. Mercer, ofWest Vlow.The muslc will be espoclally good. The

excellent quratetto cholr of Grove-AvenueChurch wlll slng one or more spoclal se-

lectjons, and Captaln Frank Cunnlnghnmwlll also asslBt the cholr ot Immanuel Inthe slnglng.Templo Lodge, No. 9, A, F. and A. M..

wlll conduct the Mnsonlc .foaturo ot thoBervlcc. The ofllcers of the lodge nro ns

followa: JOflcph T. Engllsh, Jr. XV. M.;J. G. Corlcy, S. W.; A. G. Baker. J. XV.;C. A. Spcnce, Jr,', troasurer; WorshlpfulA. W. Arrher, secretary; S. B. Drlnard,S D.; C. H. Mason, J. D.; John Smlth.tller. The lodge ls called to meet at theMasonlc Temple. at 3 o'clock.

Beginnlng to-morrow, Centeriary andBroad Street Methodlst chiirchos .wlllhold a Jolnt revlval servlce. .undor theconduct of Rev. P.W. Phllpotts, of Ham-llton, Canada. ThCBe meetings wlll heheld the flrst week at Centenary Church.Servlce each day, Sunday Included, at11 A'. M. and ^ P. M. Mr. PhllpottsIs'.the paator ofa. large church in Ilam-iltoni and Is a. preacher of splendld ablllty.A cordlal invltatlon ls extended to all tounlte wlth us In these meetings.

Tho flfticth annlveraary of BethlehemEvangelical Luthcran Church wlll be qel-,ebrnied to-morrow. In the mornlng,ser¬vlce; the Rev. C. F. XV. Meyer, of Baltl¬more, wlll preach the German sermon.The nlght servlces will.be conducted lnEngllsh by. tho Rer. D. H. Stlffens, ofBaltlmore, asalstcd by the pastor of-thechurch. A flno muslcal programme wlllbe rendered at both mornlng and nlghtservlces.During the past few weoks the church

has. been entlrely renovated, and espe-claliy the Interlor pre^sents a very pleaB-ant appearanca. The congregatlon has J

merhhershlp of 225. nnd the Sunday-schoolls nttended by'135 scholarsJ The' preAentchurch wa acrectod in 1S6S, but the hla¬tory of the congregatlon dates back to1S51.'The congregatlon Is at present bulldlng

a. rectory at the corner of Slxth aridClay Streets.

A reunlon of all tho old* members ofTrinlty Methodlst Church wlll he heldto-morrow. Trinlty ls the oldest Metho¬dlst Church In the clty, and a gatherlngtogether of Its old members ls .practlcallya. reimion of the Methodlsts of.^the olty..The occaalon promlaes, therefore, t0;l}e a

most interestlng one.Speclal p.rogrammos have beon pre-

pared, A senrlce wlll be held by the Sun¬day-school at 9:30 A. M. At U-A. M. thepaator wlll preach to the "old people" andat .8 P. M. to the "young people." Spo-clai. exprdscs wlll make both servlcesvery "attractlve.

The Park Place Sunday-school wlll holdits fall openlng'Sunday mornlng, begln-ning at 9:30. A large attendnnco Ib ex-

pepted.The followlng programme wlll be ren-

dered: Slnging,''-by the school; prayer,Rev. John Ti- Bosman; elnglng,, by theschool; openlng address, Barnard Blan-ton; cornet solo, llttle MIbs BurnlceStover; recltatloh, Martha. Herndon; duet.Holt nnd Sarah Page; slnging, lnfantclass; recltatlon, Evolyn Chrlstlan Rlch-ardson; solo, Chirlotte Chappoll; recl¬tatlon, Annle Graham; slnging, by theschool.

Boginnlng to-morrow, the- Bov. WestonBruner, D; D,, wlll preach mornlng andnlght at the Cnlvary Baptlst Church, ofwhlch he Ja the. pastor. a serleH of ser-mons oxtendlng through the Sundaysofflve weeks, Hla subjects in the mornlngswlll he: September 27th, "Wlll ChrlatCome Agaln7"; Ootober "4th, "What arethe Blgns of Hla Comlng?"; Ootober 11th,"Shall the Dead Riae? lf so, How Many?";October 18th, "Will He Reign On EarthTif so, What Wlll Become of the Jowa?";October 25th, "What Wlll God Do Noxt?"|At the nlght services Dr. Bruner wlll

apeak on the followlng subjects; Septem¬ber 27th, "The Young Man at Home;or. the Toung Man and His Mother": Oo¬tober 4th, "The Young Man at School;or. the Young Man and Hls Teacher";October 11th, "The Young Man In thaClty; or. the Young Man and HlaFrlonds"; October 18th, "The Young ManWho ls Down; or, the Yeung Man an<1H)8 Enemles"; October 25th, "The YoungMan In Love; or, the Yoimg Man andMarrlage." .'The Rev. H. D, C. Maolaohlan, nf

Shelbyvllle, Ky., wlll address tho men'smeetlng Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clookat the Y. M. C. A. Hls aubject wlll b«"The Young Man Who Thought ThoreWaa No Harm."

Rov. J. Calvln Stewart, P. D., pastor ofthe Church of the Covenant, la at'homefrom h|B Biimmer rest, and wlll preachSunday moriilng and nlght.

Oommi's'on R*turns,The members and the secretary of the

Corporation Commlsslon, who havo beenon a tour of the Atlantlc Coast klne Rail¬way for tha paat fow days, have roturn¬od and wlll boat work bt the offlces|n the Clty Hall to-dny.Owlng to tho absonce of the cnmmlH-

alon and the secretary, no ohar»erB havebeen granted for two day". Thla i. thelaat of the trlps to bo made this year bythe commlsslon ln the Inaneetlrn 0f rall-way nropertles. Th« assessmiTiUa havenot been made up yot, but wll) certalulybe h'-gner In mosi. caso*. owl'ir to tncren»e In vnlue of railway prppertles dueto double trecklna; and the incraase oftrafflc. Thon, tno, noarly all tha Vlrglnlaroads havo added to thelr equlpmontmuch vauable rolllng stock;.

Low Rates to < hase City,Every (Saturday untll October 24th tlie

Kauthern Railway will sell speclal tlckets.to Chase Clty at" one far? for"the roi-nd-trip,. *2.'">, Umlted returnln* Mond»v fol¬lowing date of sale


De&thDus.a Bugheario Bui§sQuick, SureDestroyer of

Roaches,Spiders,Centipedes,Bed Bugs,Ants,

and all insects.

"l£i? %every bttg tn the house, ~---

keeps otncfs otiti theywill not enter, where

Death Diisthat been uied. Succcss-ful in millions of homes.

Sold by all deolors.10 and 25 oonta.



Decorators Are Ge'ting Ready for theComlng; Lcss?er.

Messrs. Well and Shoro, the proprletorsof Ford's Hotel for the past three years,will retlre from the management ot thatwell known proporty next Monday nlght,three days before the leose of *^j propor¬ty expirea. They do-thls to accomodatoMessrs. Peyton and Berkeiey, the newltsse03, who wlll take pqssesslon of theproperty Immedintoly, nnd wlll conllnuo.to..operate lt wlthout lnterruptlon, evenWhlle ...the. work of rehabllltatlon Is lnprogress. 'Colonel Peyton and CaptalnBerkeiey are expeoted to reach the cltyAlon.ay. ,v

'¦The palnting of the'exterlor of the hotol

has boon commonced -and ls well ad-vanced. It ls to be:ps4nted cream color.ianO wlll present a very brlght and at-trnctlve appearanco _w_hen.', complete. Thoentlre hotel ls to be r.enovated and rofur-nlshed. Tho new proprletors hav'e notyet decldod upon all the detalls of Interlorimprovement and- rearrangement, butColonel Peyton states- that no exponsowlll be spared ,'to m.ako tho hotel flrstclass ln lts accomodatlons.Messra. -Welll and Shore, .tho Tctlrlng

proprleto'rB-,-ihave not'declded upon tholrplans for tho future, bdt wlll not contlnuothelr partnershlp. They" wlll probablylocate In some other clty, though thoyhave not deflnltely announced thls. Theclerks of the present hotol, Messrs, Llps-comb and Dunston. have not yet formu-latcd their plans. It ls consldcred proba-blo that ono or both wlll be offered posi-tlons wlth the new proprletors. Thelracqualntanco wlth the leglslators andpubllc mon, whose patronago will bosought by the hotel, and thelr famlllnr-Ity wlth the houso wlll make thom valu-_blc acquisltlons.


Mecklenburg durist ln lhe City.OtherHotel Guests.

judge W. E. Homes, of Boydlon, Va..arrTvedln the city last nlght and Is atMurphy's. Ho is, In the clty on legalbuslness. and it Is understood hls presencohere has no connectlon w-Ith the case ofDoc Bacon, tho condomned negro assnil-nh't of Mecklenburg county, who was re-cen..y resplted. Judgc Homos ls opposodto commutatlon of the negro's senlcncc.A well known Petersburg gontleman in

the city last nlght and one who has noconnectlon whatever with the case. ex-

pressed the. oplnlon that Bacon shouldhave a new trlal.Among the well known visltors to the

clty vostorday wero City Attorney GeorgoMason, of Petersburg, and Mr, R. H.Mann Commonwealth's attorney ot tliocltv. Thoy wero here on prlvate buslness.The followlng were roglstored nt tho

jefferaon last nlght: W.¦ S. Wood, Harrt-man. Tenn,; J. XV. Frltz. New YorkT W Thackor. Brookllne, Mass.; Mr. andMrs. J. F. Horvey, Chicago; F. _. Zlm-ner. Hustings-on-Hudson; ,J. H., Jf «'lsnnd wlfe, Now York; T. W. FecliholmcrSno wlfe Clnolnnatl; Mrs. J. C. Latlmer,Miss LMImer, Tloga Centre, N. Y.: Mrs.K- E Ash, Phllndelphla: E. J. Tobln nndw"if£ New York; Maurlce C. Pllson,v\ao'..."iiion.


Dellghtful Reunlon Was Held Last

NlgV. Exc-t'er-t * d>-os-.Thn nnnual reunlon exerclsos of the Mu

Slemn Rho Llternry Soclety, of RlchmondColJege vns hold lost nlght and .tlw&wn..don -was vory enjoynble, Indeed. Ptoal-Sent Tyler waa ln the cliatr and porform-ed the duties of his offlce with much

eThe' flrst speaker of the evenlng wasMr W. H, Wlllls, the reunlon oratoraelected Jn»t before tbe snoloty, ndj.oum.efl last session, Mr. Wlllls mndo an ad-n lrkhle nddross, speaklng Wlth speclalanpr"oprlnteness on college frlendsh ln.rThe next speaker waa Mr. XV. D. Duke,

"ceneral manager of the Rlchmond, Frad.frffldtaburK and Potomnc Rnilrund, a

fnrme¦ proaldent nnd modnllst of the so-

Hetv Tlils gentloman nnd thpse who foj.Siwefl hlm, Messrs. 13. C. Po Kes and M.

A,!_ .were rewarded wlth most cordlnln nlause. Refreshments were servod tol |Ppresent, nnd this feast wns like wlsemuch cnjoyed,_CHARGED WITH ASSAULT

Nothing of Conaequence Recorclel nt

the Polire Statione.Tha only caso Of np>' moment placed

on tlie hlotters of the plolco statlons kuunn_ht was thnt of Robert Rohmson,rnlored, who is ehargod willi assault ngRlchard Peteraon, Thore fci belleved to[,c Httle. In tho cnse by tho po)lco.

Rowan i ounly V. terans,(Speclal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspateh.)

SAL19BURY, N. C., EJapt. Ui..Tlio Confetlerate voterans of Rowan county hoMthelr annual reunlon ln Saljahury yos*iiday, at whloh gathorlng appiomlaloiddreaaea wero dellvered. Tha nllendnm--!at these reuiilonii are deorenslng from yoarto year, ant) It wa« loarnod yentordaytii-it soventeeii vetorana have dlod bIiu-uJl,c. i.-ibI oBsemblngo of .the Rowan coni-


TO THE POYS AND QIRLS.Don't fall to road tlio flrst of tlio

Hmmy Lo'u Storles In tho Sunday Tlmos-pispatoh. Tho axporlcncos of thlB Inteiost-Ing glrl ln the prlmor class wlll b« most«ntertalnly told.


Common and Preferred, as

Well as Bonds. Suffer.


No Parti.u'ar R/*auon Asslgned for the

Weakness Asicle from General Dls-

Irust of Conditlons PrevailingInthe Industrlal World,

(Dy Assoclated Prosa.)NEW YORK, Sept. 25,-The stock

market as a whole Bhowcd very. decldedlinprovemonlfl at to-day's cloae, and sen-

tlrnont wob npparently more cheerful.Nevortheleas, tho same Inlluonces lhat

have mado moro dlrectly for lower prlctssdurlng tho past few monthB were. agalnin ovjdencc.namoly, the cxtremo wenk-I1C8B of the T.-nltod States Steel Ibsucs.Tho common and preferred sharo.s as wellas tho flve po_ cent. bonds began the daywlth new low rccords, recovcred ln parton good support, and ln the early nfter¬noon burst "wlde open" on a fresh bear

rald. ln the Hnal deallngs, whllo the bal-ance of the llst was showing a very flrmuudortono, another attack on the steelIssues occurred, and the stocks closedwlth not losaes ot 3-8 and 1 porcent. for the commop and preferred, re-

Bpectively, whlle tho bonds closed at 711-4,nfter touchlng new low record of 70 7-8.Deallngs In steel were enormous, total

salos of tho common nnd prefcrrod Issuesnggregatlng over 175,000 shares, about ono-

nrth of the day's buslness. Theso stockswero offerod Th blg lots throughout thoday. Tradlng ln tho bonds was also Intromendons volumo and completely over-

shadowed all other Issues ln the bond llst.NO REASON ASS1GNED.

No partlcular reason can be advancedfor the contlnued weakness of tho Steelsecurltlos nslde from general. dlBtrust rc-

gaidlng conditlons In tho Industrlal worldand tho apparent lack of support, exceptat critlcal porlods. One of the day's manyrumors had lt that a flrm promlnent Inthe orlglnal Steel syndlcate and later Inthe converslon syndlcate, had, throughnecc-ssity, sold prlvately somo 60,000 sharesof preferred ahd 20,000 shares of commonnt 60 and 15. Thls report was flatly de-nied by Interests In a posltlon to know.The same Intefests offored no explanatlonfoi tho steady depreclatlon ln tho marketvalue of the Steel Issues except to declarothat the stock market ls now in controlof "bear gamblors," who are maklng themost of conditlons that are largely flctl-tlous and imnglnnry,

NO DANGEROUS FEATURES.Tho Evening Post sald to-day:'Promlnent banking interests announced

to-day that after the close of yesterdn.y'smarket thoy liad undertaken an investl-gatibn to Beo whetheri thore were anyveak houses ln the'Wall Streot reglon.The Investlgatlon, alth'ough Informal, wascenducted by Interests of such extenslvo'connectlons ns to make it unusually trust-worthy. They made the unequlvocalstatement to-day that the sltuatton l»iddt-veloped no dangerous features, and thatnot a slnglo stock exchange 'houso was Inthe sllghtest way, embarrassed. Thoysald,. howevor. .that the feellngof uncer-talnty provalllng ln moat quarters hadgiven rlse to mnny rumors, all of whlchwere wlthout foundatlon so far as thoyrelated to the stablllty of any largo ln¬terest."


(Contlnued Trom Flrst Page.)Fireman Flaher had hls rlght arm andhand sklnnod and brulsed.An hour after-the colllslon, R. Charles

Dillard, of Tye Rlver, front brakeman on

K<i 72, was found plnned down undor one

/ the box cni-s, attontion belng called tohim by hls groans, After worklng on thewrecknge, whlch plnned hlm down forubout two hours, the workers flnally re-

loased hlm. His rlght arm and rlght legare fractured. and he Is porhaps injuredinternnlly. He was brought to thls c|tyat 10:30 o'clock, and taken to the Unl¬verslty Hospltal.

XV. C. Smlth, of Alexandrla, rear brake-nian on tho northbound frelght, wasknocked agalnst a brake of ono of tliecars, and had his back sllghtly twlsted.Tho mombers of the crew of the south¬

bound trnln all Jumped beforo the crnshcamo, as thoy had amplo warnlng. PeterWalker, ot Alexandrla, wns tho onglneor,Walter Dnmeron the conductor ond Lu T.Waltor, of Mndlson, front brakeman.

SPECTACULAR SCENE.Tho wreck Is a spectoculnr ono. The

wrecked box cars aro on elther slde oftho track, nnd tholr contents strewn lnevery dlroctlon. One cnr wns' fllled wlthcastlngs, another wlth machlnery, anotherwlth drossed lumber and yot anotlier wlthbags of- flour. A wreckod flat car waslnden wlth hugo plpes, most oC thembroken and rendered useless,Brnkeman DUIard, who was so badly

hurt, was on the front ond of the traln,nnd as ho saw tlie approachlng traln, thewonder is that he dld not Junip. Ho w'asthrown undorneath tho box cnr Justnhc-ad of. tho one on whlch he waa stand¬lng and rendorod unconselous. Ho waatlghtly plnned down by Iron rods nndwood work, nnd wns only released nftertho hardost klnd of work on the part ofthe trnln hands. He kopt up hls nervethroughout and convorsed wlth hls res-cuers ns they .ng nway tho dlrt and re-moved tho wrecknge whlch bound hlm.Ho wns convoyod to a passonger car andbrought to this clty nnd taken to theUnlverslty Hospltal.A wrecklng train from Alexandrla

reached tho scono of tho wrock at noon,and It was Inte thls ovening boforo thotrnck was clenred.

Whnt Mi ht H va 'Wn.The Rlchmond Tlmos-Dlspntch aaya';"Tho reportR tell ua that tho hlgh wlnda

Hfted tho coat talls of tho tho Presldentof thls great and glorlous ropuhllo nndthoreby oxposcd to view n p'stol, and attho same time revonlod tho fnct thattho aforosald Presldent of this great 0,11(1glorlous repuhllo |s a vlolntor of the lawho ls swoi'ti to rospoct, to inalntuln andto enforce,"Thero would hnvo been a great tlmo nt

that dlnner If the Prosldont had puiledhls gun and Bookor Wafliliigton diawnhls trusty ra«or. Thoy would have madetho ordinary parlor soclal look llko a Sun¬day funeral..Newport News Times-Hor-nltl.


Yar.kee1 Linileri.Tlio number of Aiporlcans who mny

enter tho Trtiusvaal or Orange Rlvor Col-nny ls llmlted io fif-ty a month, nnd oichmust have a permlt, the hlnnk applleu-tion for whlch can bo had of any Brltlshconsul. And, too, an affidavlt must bemade that the apnllpaiU hns sufficUiitmeans to support lilmself and fiunilyafter nrrlvlng,

mer'ca Ahead.The greatest suocessos In the eloetrical

trausnilssiop of wutor power havo beonmndo'ln" tho ITnltecl Statos, Tlie maxl-inuin dlstauco over Wh oh power Is .trans-mltted |s froni Colgate to San Frunclsco220 mllos, wlth a loss of 26 per c.aut. AtColgate-tlie body of water is smull, butiho fal) la I'W feet.

9Cohen's 3oysClothing.

Your Satisfaction Our Guarantee.Thoy are always better than tho "just as good" at the samo.ot a

lrigherprib|^v|J.h you got olsowhore. Your money gets the great-est leverago powW hero that the know-how to buy gives it. Our low

prices which touch.tho keynoto of economy are not the result ofchance but the keenest business forosight. Glance over these prices.

1)11. _8 each.Boys nll-wool regularmado school Suits.

fl.08 each.Boys doublo-brenstcdall-wool Suits.so.Ild nnd mlxed col-ora.slzea 7 to 16 Xtaral '

ijia.150 each.Boys doiible-breastcdall-wool Suits.porfectly made andwell trlmmed. .''

1)12,(10 each.Llttle boys NorfolkJncket Sulta.sizes 3 to T1T years.worth ovor a half more.

IM.BO each.Odd lot of regular $2.80to $3,00 Suits, not mnny ot a kind.

ifia,r>0 each.Handaome all . woolSuits.44c. n palr.Boys 75c. Corduroy

Knee Trousers.

»Or. a palr.Boys all-wool KneeTrousers,

$3.50 oach.Boys handsome al!-,wool 3-plece Suits.the latest styieaw

tR-.oo each.Llttle boys VesteeSuits, worth nearly double.ITc. for Boys 25c. Shlrt Walsts.->.-..tfic. for Boys 26o. all-wool Wue

Serge Caps.

Men's Furnishings.The keen nipping weather that gives ycmr sleepish blood a rapid

movement makes you think of heavier weight underwoar. A mediumweight underwear is absolutely necessary to meet the demands of na-

ture. The change is too gr,eat from the light gauze to the heavy wool.We are prepared for just such a demand and at the same time you can

savo a fourth to a third on all the other appurtenances to men's wear.

48c, for a regular 75c. heavy fleecellned Underwear.not all slzes, whlchaccounts for the blg values..

ft.oo for mercerized Sllk Under-wear.nll slzes.havo sold to J2.50 a


78c. for $1.00 medlum welght Bal-brlggan Underwear.

715c. for $1.00 medlum Woolen Un¬


tjU.OO for J1.60 medlum welght flneWoolen Underwear.

715c, for J1.00 and Jji.25 flnest whlte

llnen bosom laundered Shirts. Ecllpseand other flne makea, _.

,30c. and BOc, for whlte relnforcedllnen bosom.protectod guss'ets.uh-laundercd Shirts, worth a half more.

4Bc, each for a lot of 75c. whlte laun¬dered Shirts.

fl.00 each.Flnest full dress whlteShirts.relnforced bosom.mado. toour order.2Bc. a palr.New styles In sca.m-

less sllk cmbroldered half hose.-.tm-port'od direct by us.

12 l-_c, for regular 20c, silk clockfast black seamless half hose.


tlons to Emperor's Ship.


A Reception, a Grand Ball and a BigOyster Roast Are Some of the

DelighlB Offered tho Navyof the Kaiser.

(Speclal to Tho Times-DIspatch.)WILMINOTON, .N. C. Sept. 35.-The

German warshlp Panther wlll arrlve at

Wllmington Sunday aftarnoon. Soptomber27th. The people of Wllmington wlll glvetho forelgners a warm and glorlous wol-

como. The cltizens nro proparlng for an

entertalument that wlll bo n credlt to

tho cltv, the Stato and tlio nation.Monday the German slilp'a nm^/111

ray thelr formal respocts ln the clt>.ORAND RISCBPTION.

Tuesday plght tho cltizens wlll g ve an

claborato reception at the WllmingtonLlcbt Infantry armory from 9 to u

o'clock. Irnnedlatoly followlng this a

CrlHant baU wlll begln at tho MnsonloTemple. At mldnlght n banquet wlll be

servod by the Klne's Daiighters.OYSTER ROAST.

Othor forms of enlertnlnment wi bo

provlded. Among thom wlll bo an ojsteroas on Carollna Bench to bo lendore1by tho Hownrd Rellef Company,, a promi¬nent German organlzntlon of this city.

confessed'to murderTwentyfive Dollars Vtrdict In a Twenty

Thoustnd Dollar Suit.(Spod-il to The Tlmes-r>Ispntoll.)

WINSTOK-SALlflM. N, C, September25,-Marcus Jefforson. a ono-oyad negro.

was arrested here to-day. After boing

i^r^cTBvtXr«_«KSefS!^v1r%«^^and II at ho kllled Plnk wlth a shovei.

Lufe ln aeorgla C- M. Bomard, n pronii-nont cltliani of/Ralaigh. ls one of the de.

'Tn'tweiitv thousand doihy damage sul$nmiinat the Frlea Company, brought by^iuUo.t Wllllamwa. tho Jury o-duyonly allowed the plalntiff l» Jfi.J5»wround that Will'nmoon wna paa tlalljrfLpoilBlblo for 'falling off tho street

cur nnd thereby Bustslnlng palnful In-

JUInetSiio Wllkes habeas corpus caso, JudgeMoNell to-day (ledded lo mWJ> ,fi0'9'mnn _n_ to ttlvo flfteen hundred dol-ffi?nbom_,MH W fe nnd Mrs. Bauguesarlvfl luinVed each. Tho partles aro ac

,.n\_l of kllllng Bengo'a nliioteoii-year.5 ? .wiiJhtfl- and throwlng her body in a

mlll pond.' Defondonts will uot be ableto'glvo ball.


(Spoclal to The Tlmes-BlspatcnOSAU31WRT, N. C. September '».--

John Dlsher, aged about twenty-two. was

nrrostfd at Btatesvlllo yesterday on thovliargo of betrayal under proniU* \>t

marrlage. Tho warrant was iflaued bytho frlends of..Mlss "Adar Ford, ot to-lngton, The yburig m'aniwas prepnririg- toleave the country'when the a'rrest was

¦made, after whlch he agreed to go'wlththe offlcer to Lexlngton and adjust "tlTJ!mntter to tho satlsfaotlon of the farp lyof Mlss Ford. When she learned-thnther famlly had dlscovered hor troub'o.through a letter whloh had beon rea'd byaccldent. Mlss Ford socured a bottle oflaudanum and attompted to commlt suf-clde, but was preventod from dolhg so

by her frlends.»

Receiver Appolnted.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch,) '¦"''

FAYETTEVIBLE, N. C September25..Judge H. R. Bryan has appolntedDr. H. XV. LUly, of Fayettovlllo. tem-porarv recelvor of tho Fayettevllle Wa¬ter. Llght and Powor Company. to takecharge and operato tho property penu-Ing the adjudlcatlon of the case be¬tween Uie compnny and the clty of Fay¬

ettovlllo. ,.'-¦¦.¦ _____¦_*'..Tho defendant company is to appearbeforo Judge Bryan, at Ellzabeth Clty,Octobor 16th, to show 'cauBe why tem-porary rocolverahlp should not extond toflnnl settlemont. Receiver glves bond of$5,000,

.QUICKESTRound / ' \and Beit*TRIP / aoONTHB\H0UU


«@»NORFOLK-^V NEXT SUNDAY. /\ VIA /\ Norfolk & Western Ry.,'/

\The Popular/Nq \ Route. /Leave.Changa \ , /Byrd-St.of \ $5 / StationCan. \ / 8(30 A. M.

S NGSare In abundance nt Hunter's. If youwant cheap stuff shop around; but lfyou want good goods nnd full valuefor your money, como to Hunter's.Wo havo ono of the most cohipleteassoitmont of School Supplles here.*nbout, and if you-wlll look themovor, ton chances to ono you wlll byyour goods.

If you wlsh School Iiooks. a looltover our second-hand stock wlll vaf'Hllkolv seciu-o you the one you want+ln good condltlon and at a niodarat*prlce. ;'
