UTIONALIST. ^ .T.. THUBS^AY, NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U <*. MMX «/ th» Union, a. wM tm it. MiMMMu a, in U, in,, Hirson Dunham Cl bed Unto Death. kABMsasBsaw •">•>'?•—••-• t Mr. and Mrs. Dunham an 1 honored ^ of Ftoesuway. and aealooe met* ^MllsaSeTeiiUi-Daj Baptist Church. t%*MP*ls a pleasant white farmhouas MtMNsd from Hamptown to Bteltoo. akawatiway between South Plslnneld ud ft* -startet. It commands ft fine rt^ottfc* mountain*, the lake, the roll- BK MkMiakS farms* aad PlalnOeld oity. DttudiT being their Sabbath, and the I*»rtj stoatloB being In progress hi tbe old Ktfr Market' Church, both Farmer Darteaand sis wife drove to morning MTriw. It noon they entertained two ASMklnatloaal guests at dinner, and Mr. Dmita drove back with them for the g b|s wife at * boms unattended late in the , Mr. Dunbam put up bla boraje, _ d bkcow, aad tuok the milk to the tMtwfortis wile to strain. He then •BBtbaeklothe bam, pot grain In tbe 1 baaa'a manger, and stepped out of the BBble to look It lor tbe night. Darkness aad failed, and hedid tot notice • man ass Ilii behind the door. Aaka reached to abat the door,- how- B eel i? him. For the tlghborlv Joke. Awapafrof baoda clused over am. and be waa forced to the ground. draawad the wounds.snd akufally sewed tbe eealp together. Mn, Dunham bore the suffering utnlnchingly, snd WM ade as eomfortefale es possible. She bore up wtth remarkable fortitude, and told ber story. Ha*lcg strained the mtlk ID to the pan*, she badstarted for the well tn the ,,rd ' »s tbe pail. At the back doorabe iet by » astro wbo etroek heron be bead with a club and sals "Ol»e me e money or 111 kill yon r The Wow staggered her. bat abe said I have no atone*". He etroek her gain, repeating "I'll kill yon r Sne struggled against bla attack, aad sought to ward off the Mows. He was •Ida BOW, and Is. his movements knocked dowa a section of stovepipe. "I'll call Jot.n--«he cried, hoping to «n him by the idea that then ian In the house. Then a more cruel blow than before waa dealt, and screaming -J, aaak to the floor. She was atrook again and again, UU she felt that Sue mnet have been senseless but moment, for Juet aa abe had rallfecl enough to realise tbat the negro waa gone, and had swayed, palofolly front to door, fastening them against urt her stuck, her husband eame. Tbe aegro that beat Mrs. Dunhsm wae bort and lightweight. Ale one who ae- aaulted Mr. Ducham waa tail, lanky, and lad In a light suit. The tall one, It inhered, had stopped at tbe farm- louee In tbe morning.peejped tn a window, and asked for something to eat. Mrs. Dunhim bad fed him. < The oegroee were streigers In tbe die- rlet, rnd two answering the eame de- scription wen noticed two week* ago la be en that ah aasausnt waa ft negro, and be battled bravely lor bla life. "If fttU keUei I *ll eboot you '-—snarled tbe brute. Tbe alurdy farmer's sinews •entosraaoM by alxtj-Dve years awful deteiopuMt, and while tney KTD*|1«J together on the ground he off the grlD of the sb angler, In Ute of death be waa not dismayed, and flail- ing bk Tolce he ahouted ••Murder f Tfciw Umesibat ory rang on the air flwujtb the negro sought to smother •tt bla bands over tbe farmer's lips. 1km the negro called out "BUI I BUI frem the bouse earns running another atgi*. to when the two men etui "MUtatf on tbe ground outside of tba atabhdoor. There waa a pair of bare Marliy. He lowered these, ran across ttstbort •rip ot meadow back ' of tbe mra. ana plunged Into tbe tbfoket on •a«Wd« south Plalndeld. "I fcitiihst I waagatUngtbe •I «iu f. a w Mr. Dunham modest! -"•oil I f urea be felt so too, for be Moke fceaaL pot up. and Fan after the oth< Mow.- j The'farmer •eat to the bouse. H tried theback door i It. was booked fart BBtbelnaMe. Be tried tbaside door; was locked. In response hu ka beard hie wile's votes faintly as -Who 1 , then r. He told her and she RCognlxed kls voice and. let himIn. Be wee horrified toeee blood etnamto down her cheek*, crimsoning her throat and dress. J "How badly are yon hurt ?"—he toosly asked. *= The plucky woman aakl "Ob. only aUershly hntlsed". 8* bade ber Uvontse sofa while a Mat forhelp. Thenearest boose was •aaiaeWd by tbe Swaer family, Germans •> B»aerta*mploj»jdlQ the Pond M •Met Tool Works, Plain He W. and •>sooe. Mr. Dunham saw Mra. Swaer > been aeex to Border done at told . snorted by ___ *ko armed himself wtth « stick, harried U» injured wife. *r. Dashsu heateaed to the borne ot •Ukraan Jobu Power*, told tbe •"•fly. and the Bewa waa quiokij a ^roojrfc the country. H* could not run. for hU hip had wlppted by a fall ftve years ago, but aa •Masbeoould Mr. Dunham went bee • w a and hitched the bores to go for Speedily Dr. M. J. Wbltford min —'•••I. Ba dipped Hn. »«tr and found ***> terrible gaatu ^••wlp- Ttwrewer* welta. and ** i«Br*d holaa. kwt laoUly they *** tke naah, and tbe ekuU waa touad raotarad. of Mr. Duo- LIVE STOCK PERISHED. ourteen Cows and Five Hones Died in Flame. MILKMAN GILES'S HEAVY LOSS- Exciting sur among the people followed be spread of tbe newel 0. T. Bogan mmedlately beaded a searching party, and waa aaskted by Mr Larrabee,, the Oarpeater brothers, Epbralm 1'jntt, and others. InecourinR the country. Two colored men who eeemed wrought p at baring mkfsed a trsln were arrested u suspicion In Dunelieo, but they proved be workmen for Henry Qsmteon eni 'eter Seaward, and after Oonetable War- en had shown them to Mr. Dunham an< had raid they were not tbe ones they wen released. All day Sunday watcb was kept «i where In tbe locality,and by w i n through he Bute, for tba fugitives. All day Bun- ay t ha "Dunham larmbouse was visited by many friends with messages of sym- pathy and offer* ot help. Mr. Dunham's broat and face were blotched with red the gripe ot the negro's claws, bui •a as spry and , even*tempered as >Bd amiably told and retold his es- ocem. Mrs. Dunham, realizing tbe danger ahoold erysipelas develop In wounds,was nevertheless calm and cheer- ful. Her frteada all IsaM her excellent c on*t it u tIon, patleotj forbeftn nature, sod enbllm* fatih, would pull her back to health. Shells In good hands for, beaidee ber physician, her daughter Mra. J. C. TanDyke ct East Front street. lalDOt-ld. lain faithful attendance. The weapon which came so, ne killing Mr*. Dunham was found bj tbe rear 4oor where the n««ro bad dropped I In bis flight. It waa a rough, reuad »tlcl of stout whtte>oak from tba woo/plje; In teheei The harsh bark bad been bruised aa< t o n away by the murder oo* blows on the >omaB'e need, ud locks of gray halt Chief of PoHce Oeorge W. Grant. Mompa-led by a Dally Prem reporter Tlslted tbe scene jeaterday and obtained this true story of the dreadful affair brought jibe club to his offloe and held 1 as erldence again** the negroes, should Mra. Otvtlle Taylor Waring gave ft re- espUoo Saturday afternoon to Introduce h r secooil daughter, Mlas Mary Oraee 1 'srtog. I The debutante received wtth ber mother and Mrs. Lewis . Tlmpaon. assisted by the Misses Annie Stewart. Maud MldrWedltb. Csrrie Tall, Daley Van Bosk erek.Oarrl* Belnhart, Mlas Ortmih Of Troy, Mlas GUjton ot Brook 1 jc. HIMOoos ot Watorburr. Oona., Miss Mereaead of Qreeaeburg. Tbe parlors were beauilfully decorated with ] and ebryeantlMmuma. Mlaa Waring re- eetved R large Bomber of beautilul low era. In the evening there wae dat with mueio by Auslc of Btoofclftt. The •upper room was decorated Is pink so white. Miw11l nf Hew Tork furnished I SOCIALISTS HQH1HATE. They Ring in Their Bell in the Local Campaign. COUNCILMAN MILL4NQTON SCORED. Meleon Gllles la a mUkmao wbo has a xm on the road from New Market to Dew Broaawkk belt a mile across from Mewtowts. He built two B*w bam* during umnier and tor* down tbe old one. He had intended to transfer tbe In- oranoe from tbe oldbuilding to tbe new ones, but he did tbe carpenter work him- self aad did not have them Onlebed In to do this. Accordingly bW new were not Insured when they orned wtth their oooteaU of livestock and hay Saturday night. The fln broke oat at 8 In tbe eveolnz Hr. Giles and bla eon Aandolpb bad driven to Dnnellen at 6. Mrs. Giles and ier two daughters and young eon wei the farm-houee reading at the time. Tbe hired man waa asleep opetalrs In the k The flames were discovered by Mrs. Giles at 8:15, sndNabout the same line berbrolbenln-law M* over from h's Mtm anddalrj aecose the brook. The barn hi tbe rear, where tbe eowe 'ere kept, waa then a mass of Samea. Hewitt Gilen opened tbe door of the ad. olnlng barn snd found It filled with Ore and smoke. He wae unable to enter and anted bis attention to saving tbe wagon B and sheda a few feet away. Tbe shingles caught fire ID several plaoee and ba used bla bat to another the sparks until the girts brought water. Helghbors arrived to help blm after i w mlnntifia The barns burned to tn< ground aad MMO only tbe bouse and tbe carriage Sheds remained In tbe farmyard. 'b« owner and bla eon returned home at and then learned what had happened. Fourteen cowa and five b o w * burned to death. AU tbat Mr. Gile* has left la tbe bone that be drove to Dm ellen with.' Tb* cows were Tslued shoot 1700. t b e borses Included ti OollB whlcb Mr. Qlles waa training. One. a trotter worth ti.OOO, belonged to Di Moeberof Jereey City. Tbe other wi not so valuable sod wsa the propettj * Michael Meyers of Baak ttreet, Newark. The barn also contained eU tone of hay, seoeral eeta of harneaa and various farm- The general opfnton among the nelgb- M>ra la that the fire was the work of an nosndlary wbo approached the piaos by way of the woods In the rear. The haj all right, -Mr. Qlles aav*. the fairtd-nian has not been smoktog lately. Bandotpb OJles was lu the ban at C wliti a lantern, bat be Is sure the Ore 't start Irom that. ANOTHER VICTIM. The large dog owned by Ji Quajde of Wast Seventh street, which la obarged with bavin* bitten sereral per- eone. added snother to Its llrt of victim* Monday afteroooB st i. Oeorge, tbe iii-jear-old son . f George A. Voebi of Weet Front street, wss near tbe Babcook dlnn on his w»y home from aeboo »h#o tbe dog trotted up quietly, Mt th* boy's right wrtat snd then weat on Its way aa If aotbwg bad ooeumd. Tbe boy was taken to tbe rooms of Dr Matb-weoo tn tbe Bibcock Batldlog, where hie wound was dressed by tl pbyaletaa. Hlawrist was deeply gashed " be dog's teeth. Mr. Toebl baa been summoned bone from bis bunting trip m South Jersey. ! held In the Beveatl-.riay BapUat Obureb Monday. The principal matter for OOD- sldsntlon waa the moving of the printing plant of the society from Alfred Centre to Plamnetd or Hew York. Lt*elr Leader, fte Vaw Tork fcenall Tbe MtaseM of the PlatnflakL »• *. Dally Prase, atutor the managing editor- ship of Walter Irving d a r t s , baa lad to ANTHONY'S CLOSE GALL Slept in a Room with Gas Turned en. Iwaky a*. Samuel Anthony of Madison, a gneet at Hotel Grenada, oame near to death Sun- In pursuance of a call by the Social 1*tic Labor party, about 90 met m tbe veoeat rooms at Grant avenue and Booth Second t November 13 tor the purpose of plsctog In the field s ticket for tbe fortb- immg municipal election. John James Oled tbe meeUnjt to order, and was lade chairman. He anted ihe object of tbe meeting, which, he eald, wss •cleg of a pure Socialistic party ttoket the field. Janes Bell was secretary, and readthe platform and principle* of tbe party, They wen adopted sa read: L Municipal self government. Faithful ic* mbK t hap part? aerrtoe or aubearv- to political boawa. AU boudi aad m- •n of drpaiimedu to be elected br a I rote of the people, and all publl? odlceri i)Gffla;f be people Co h*re ifao rlsvt rropoae Iswi and rots upon alt meamroeot •tanoe, n-ci.rdlnir to ths Initiative and Befereodum principle. %. Oramltoo* lastriH ntltaUon*. text booka and »i«tlon«r ID irennbesof l«rnln« to be cuppMed to pupllifree of cbmigf, whenever peoOH .. nrala and clot btn« to b« fumiitaed', in. order a nake (duration fnt and aoocaalble bildreb ot all the people. 3. Municipal owonahtp of *U local •llwat*. electric power and lls-bt planu, iu lid wmwr work*, and •Illndiulilrs Tt *' muniolpal trancbiHa; but DOemploye mferred or diacharvX for polulasl «. AboHUonof tbaoontraot mjitc MibUc wora> and the niplormvdt of ib* nunKdpal apublli bat aucb employ 8. deduction cii mpkiye» loelsbt buui per d«>•, thus plad taon on equality wtth ine enplujrce ot t '.a. Oovenuoent, , _ * . , BomlnaUona wen made aa follow.: BJ^, tub "J—frankCullen.For school trustee Arthur Scott aad Michael WaUon wen cumulated, but both d*cllce1 and tbe offloe was left: va- cant, aa was also tbat of justice ot the Mr. Bell stated that It wsa aselee make shy further nooltmtlnm, addlog that the election would tbow the local remrtb of tb* party. Foliowlrn the noailtiatloDe, apeechee wen made byJames Bell aad others. Mr Bell said In part: ••The Idea of Socialism la to keep the unlclrnl duties tn tbe h-Dd» of ton itfsaoajDotgoto TreDton and legislate la tbe Interest of a few. Put competent men tn office, said be, aedtb* children poorest will beslothed and edu- cated add eveotesUy make good citii-o*. Good edooatles, be coo tended, la a good thing, but he discouraged goujf lato ex- treoss In anything. Water works, street railway aad other municipal Improve- meets should be la Ute bands of sad by the people; not by me oJUta. Tbespeakerslludaa to the eight. bours-B-day system, sod saaerted tl tkmaa would do as much work la _ jMhours as be wtfuld la tea. IB eluding he asked every one to contri- bute liberally to charity. The chairman spoke of Councilman Mllllngtoa, who. be said waa elected tn tbe interest of tbe Republican party, but whs had never yet entered ft protest In fawr of the Worktog people. Pur party he eoDllnoed, la the only one that ted the storm of the last election. with competent tpeakare and get them ben, we'd hustle 'em tor mayor yet. w e n gtTen for the candidates gathering broke np. nby on by accident. Mr. AntboBj hsa bees In Pialntleld •verai months.' Hela ft alogle man of &years and has baet£ making a good Uvlngtjby the use of ,a patent axle-tbread cutter iwtih wbloh to ' make carriage wheels run right at tbe rate of *1.K) per *.. He went to bla room as nanal at 11M Saturday night. Wben heshut off tbe gas he evidently turned tbe vaive too far, aa tbe fixtnn. waa loose and tbe atop did properly. B was the only de- ectlve fixture In Ibe bouse and had sen noticed. The gsa was left escaping . nearly lull force. John Anderson, tbe colored porter, was the Brat to notice tbat anything wroBg. He emelled ihegas shortly be- fore 8 yesferdaj morning and begaa to iveetlgate. He fouad tbe cidor the most noticeable In front ot Mr. Anthony 1 * room and as there was ne response to hi- : something badh»[ - The door waa bmrat IDsnd the room wse found filled wilt) gas. Tbe occupant as In bedunoooaptoue. De T. fl. D^vls is hurriedly summoned. He saved tbe lan'a lit* by his prompt asd ekllfi tlon. All day he worked " •vralng he END OF THET~EARLY' SEVENTH-DAY BAPTISTS CONCLUDE TMEIH MEETING. Nos. 1 and l o t "Queer People" both Instock at Ttta Daily Press offloe merely a dime to secure a copy. are unable to procure "Queer People"for sale, and The Dally Press afforda an m- ORGANIZED AID. Meeting Held and Constitution HE LEAK WAS AN ACCIDENT, The Sabbatn-dSJ sesslooa ot (he eotb-Day Baptist Yearly Meeting In tbe S«w Market Cbnrcb began with sermon by; Ber. I. L. Oottrell of Bklloti fgleet", from Hebtewe Ii: 3. In the afternoon the Bsrihsth setirnl was ^taught by BupertotendentJ W. B . Batterly, Mr*. Beune Budolpb, Bev. J. 0. Bowei Marlborough, B*v. Dr. A. H. Loww and Bev. I. L. Oottrell, each taktcg a part of 'in leesoo-atudy. Tbe young people bad a prayer-meet- « after tbe school waa dismissed- ID ;b« evening Dr, Lewtii conduotwl a hel: - ful qnestlon-bos oo "AWorking Oburch". li-v. J. Q. Bnrdlok of Kew Tork then preached a sermon on "Fetch". Saturday morning an hour was de- uted to th« Y. P. 8. O. E. Mica Broestlne Ptoiib of Flainfleldread a paper -Tha Orrittness of Little Things". Miss Liirie lisber of Maflboreitgh gave enlKlfd -Chri Tork spoke on preparation for BID]. atudy. J. B. Cottmll of'Sblloh preaentet a paper on tfte "To- Victory of Tooth" Another paper was on "The Beforms ol tbe Day", read by Miss; Anas Length* ortby of Haw York. Mrs. H. UJI.i- arllsmeat ob "Work among Junior Eo- Dr. Le was' praaenad the Mrmob with which UM, meetlDg closed! .1 ' At tbe annul meeting of the cwtaiatory of Trinity Beformed Church. {Tuesdfcy evening laat, the pretest cier*. u snWbJklei was reeleet*), aod Oeorse Osyle waa reeleeted treasurer'of the ohorcb. X. E. Anthony waa , ebc chalrmaDef tbe board of deacon*.— T. X Hsiell.trfwunr of the .poor fund B. M. Hi perinteodeot of tbe PlamOeM PoWlc Bebools, wUl leCnre be- fore the CBIOO O»oty Teachen Iostrtote to be held ID Elisabeth Friday and Satur- day. Tbe eehoola will close Friday to permit all teachers to attend. FFCERS ELECTED FOR THE YEAR. UM Owadla w. BratSisaX UMalleglr • • ' • • Wmfc. •BfBMBl the parlors of tbe OreooeM Obureb. Bept-ns were read by dUferwt rs sndcommittees, and aa amend- ment adopted to the oonatttaUm by which those cootelbutlng »10 annually; should be made sustaining members. Tbe oJBeera of tbe past year were re- elected, with the exception ot the aeera- Urj. wbo declined. John DouU Millar; is eleoted to tbU offloe. By Invitation Mlae OoraeUa!". Bradv ord, head worker ot the Whittle* Hooai, ersey City, made a most lntersstug ad- rsss on tbe work of a college aettlemeata She described tbe origin of such effort b> London nearly thirty yean ago In ooo- neoilon with Toynbne Ball, where Waiter Bessnt found tbe aoggestloo for bla "AU lorts snd Conditions of Men". She men* led other elmUlar Institutions m Eg- land and Inseveral of the larger Amert- cities. Tbe WhIUler House U be only such settlement In Sew Jersey, and grown from very email beginning, a ago. until now it la doing a moat, rut work lor tbe people la one of the' neediest quarters of Jersey City. Tbe residents at the house, young graduates rom various women's college*, are brought Into helpful neighborly mLitloas with toe people living afcout them, gaasa Friends In Montclalr*nd EL'aabethsad other CBlgbberly cities have Interested .hemselves hi the sapport of the work, and a cordial Invitation la extended to VidB in Plalcfteld u> call [snd lospest the house and IU work. The rreeldent ot the Executive Commit' tee to Dr. Af H. Bradford of ktocUleJr. Tbe treasurer, wbo receives all eontrftm- tfons, is H. JayHunt, 11 CUBstrea% IteW elty. The season lor ebootlcg. rabbtu and |OaO opened Monday. In oonaequeooe ths paper tralo, wbloh arrives hen at 6.45 a. m. from New Tork, waa crowded to its utmost ospaelty with guonets aad their dog*. A large delegation of the local Sportsmen wbo were lo waiting managed ueese on board. AU wen beat on having a good time, and everyone was lerxy. One nimble Slmrod caused a hearty sugh sa he harried to tbe ears, dragging .is bound by his handkerchief withone aad, hU gun under his arm, a 3-geilo* lemijotio In the otter band, and the oeok >f black bottle projecting out ol hla pock«t. It was teamed that be carried be ttiaeawan lor tbe pnrpoae of bring. ig hotoe eome water from a mineral aprinf. Gams of all kinds is very soaree. and is subject of stopping all shooting for yeera la under UlseusaloB. r»r • • • Llkrsrjr. Tbe ladles of ta» Booaa Oommttlee of the Scntcb PUIns Public Ut-rary will give an afternoon tea at tbe library room* 1n Ktor Ball Friday, Mo*. 16, from S to- 5p.nt Mlas Mary H. KeaU will give ateifcroa) ber work In Hampton ID- tltuta.lllosirated photographs. There will be no ad- mlsslon fee, but a basket will be OB th* table.ln wbleh oooUlbutknstotb* library fund* may be deposited. TaDderbeek * 8 they have Jo*t reeetved a HIMlot of new- a of dlftereot makes which tber will sell at prices never before offered. Among them an those wonderful Beor Bratbera piano*, also Behnlnj[ A 1 The represent atoo the Kaabe, V Dtatokertng and many others. They offer an excellent Chlckerlog Qraad at S1K. a gnat hargalr. C»U soon at 231 Part. The B. * O. Railroad Oo. baa Just leaned a UtUs booklet, giving tba routes aad rates to various Winter resorts hi Cuba, Florida. Horth Caroline, Virginia, New Jersey. Peonejlvaola and OeorgJa. Tbe mtormaUoa k* very ooavaolently sr- ranged and tndaxed. Copies can be bad> by enclosing a two-cent eusap to ChM. o. B8uli.Qeo.-l Paea.Acent, B. tO.IL, St The Constitutions t irt "\foT-. 2?XV|IX. N. .T.. THUlrtSt^A.'V, NOVEMBER IB. 1894. No4B -Support the CmditaMim, «*•«* fa (*• mwiM »f tho Union, a* mil <U IfaXMMu <u «m «* suttoriMaa.”—Muao*

The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U

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Page 1: The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U


Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U <*. M M X «/ th» Union, a. wM tm it. MiMMMu a, in U, •

in,, Hirson Dunham Cl bed

Unto Death.

kABMsasBsaw •">•>'?•—••-• tMr. and Mrs. Dunham an 1 honored

^ of Ftoesuway. and aealooe met*^MllsaSeTeiiUi-Daj Baptist Church.t%*MP*ls a pleasant white farmhouasMtMNsd from Hamptown to Bteltoo.akawatiway between South Plslnneldud ft* -startet. It commands ft finert^ottfc* mountain*, the lake, the roll-BK MkMiakS farms* aad PlalnOeld oity.

DttudiT being their Sabbath, and theI*»rtj stoatloB being In progress hi tbeold Ktfr Market' Church, both FarmerDarteaand sis wife drove to morningMTriw. I t noon they entertained twoASMklnatloaal guests at dinner, and Mr.Dmita drove back with them for the

g b|s wife at

* boms unattended late in the, Mr. Dunbam put up bla boraje,

_ d bk cow, aad tuok the milk to thetMtwfortis wile to strain. He then•BBtbaeklothe bam, pot grain In tbe

1 baaa'a manger, and stepped out of theBBble to look It lor tbe night. Darknessaad failed, and he did tot notice • manass Ilii behind the door.

Aaka reached to abat the door,- how-B eel i? him. For the

tlghborlv Joke.Awapafrof baoda clused overam. and be waa forced to the ground.

draawad the wounds.snd akufallysewed tbe eealp together. Mn, Dunhambore the suffering utnlnchingly, snd W M

ade as eomfortefale es possible.She bore up wtth remarkable fortitude,

and told ber story.H a*lcg strained the mtlk ID to the pan*,

she bad started for the well tn the , ,rd' »s tbe pail. At the back doorabe

iet by » astro wbo etroek heronbe bead with a club and sals "Ol»e mee money or 111 kill yon rThe Wow staggered her. bat abe said

I have no atone*". He etroek hergain, repeating "I'll kill yon rSne struggled against bla attack, aad

sought to ward off the Mows. He was•Ida BOW, and Is. his movements

knocked dowa a section of stovepipe."I'll call Jot.n--«he cried, hoping to

« n him by the idea that thenian In the house.Then a more cruel blow than before

waa dealt, and screaming -J,aaak to the floor. She was atrook againand again, UU she felt that

Sue mnet have been senseless butmoment, for Juet aa abe had rallfeclenough to realise tbat the negro waagone, and had swayed, palofolly front

to door, fastening them againsturt her stuck, her husband eame.

Tbe aegro that beat Mrs. Dunhsm waebort and lightweight. Ale one who ae-

aaulted Mr. Ducham waa tail, lanky, andlad In a light suit. The tall one, It

inhered, had stopped at tbe farm-louee In tbe morning.peejped tn a window,

and asked for something to eat. Mrs.Dunhim bad fed him. <

The oegroee were streigers In tbe die-rlet, rnd two answering the eame de-

scription wen noticed two week* ago la

be e n that ah aasausnt waa ft negro,and be battled bravely lor bla life.

"If fttU keUei I *ll eboot you '-—snarledtbe brute. Tbe alurdy farmer's sinews•entosraaoM by alxtj-Dve yearsawful deteiopuMt, and while tneyKTD*|1«J together on the ground heoff the grlD of the sb angler, In Uteof death be waa not dismayed, and flail-ing bk Tolce he ahouted ••Murder f

Tfciw Umesibat ory rang on the airflwujtb the negro sought to smother•tt bla bands over tbe farmer's lips.1km the negro called out "BUI I BUI

frem the bouse earns running anotheratgi*. to when the two men etui"MUtatf on tbe ground outside of tbaatabhdoor. There waa a pair of bareMarliy. He lowered these, ran acrossttstbort •rip ot meadow back ' of tbemra. ana plunged Into tbe tbfoket on•a«Wd« south Plalndeld.

"I fcitiihst I waagatUngtbe•I «iu f. a w Mr. Dunham modest!-"•oil I f urea be felt so too, for be MokefceaaL pot up. and Fan after the oth<Mow.- j

The'farmer •eat to the bouse. Htried the back door i It. was booked fartBBtbelnaMe. Be tried tba side door;was locked. In response t» h u

ka beard hie wile's votes faintly as-Who1, then r . He told her and sheRCognlxed kls voice and. let him In.

Be wee horrified toeee blood etnamtodown her cheek*, crimsoning her throatand dress. J

"How badly are yon hurt ?"—hetoosly asked. *=

The plucky woman aakl "Ob. onlyaUershly hntlsed".

8* bade ber Uvontse sofa while aMat for help. Thenearest boose was•aaiaeWd by tbe Swaer family, Germans•> B»aerta*mploj»jdlQ the Pond M•Met Tool Works, Plain He W. and•>sooe. Mr. Dunham saw Mra. Swaer

> been aeex to Border done at

• told. snorted by ___

*ko armed himself wtth « stick, harried

U» injured wife.*r. Dashsu heateaed to the borne ot

•Ukraan Jobu Power*, told tbe•"•fly. and the Bewa waa quiokij a

roojrfc the country.H* could not run. for hU hip had

wlppted by a fall ftve years ago, but aa•Masbeoould Mr. Dunham went bee• w a and hitched the bores to go for

Speedily Dr. M. J. Wbltford m i n— ' • • • I . Ba dipped H n .»«tr and found ***> terrible gaatu^••wlp- Ttwrewer* welta. and** i«Br*d holaa. kwt laoUly they* * * tke naah, and tbe ekuU waa touad


• of Mr. Duo-

LIVE STOCK PERISHED.ourteen Cows and Five

Hones Died in Flame.


Exciting sur among the people followedbe spread of tbe newel 0. T. Boganmmedlately beaded a searching party,

and waa aaskted by Mr Larrabee,, theOarpeater brothers, Epbralm 1'jntt, andothers. In ecourinR the country.

Two colored men who eeemed wroughtp at baring mkfsed a trsln were arrestedu suspicion In Dunelieo, but they proved

be workmen for Henry Qsmteon eni'eter Seaward, and after Oonetable War-en had shown them to Mr. Dunham an<

had raid they were not tbe ones theywen released.

All day Sunday watcb was kept «iwhere In tbe locality,and by w i n throughhe Bute, for tba fugitives. All day Bun-ay t ha "Dunham larmbouse was visited

by many friends with messages of sym-pathy and offer* ot help. Mr. Dunham'sbroat and face were blotched with red

the gripe ot the negro's claws, bui•a as spry and , even*tempered as>Bd amiably told and retold his es-ocem. Mrs. Dunham, realizing tbe

danger ahoold erysipelas develop Inwounds,was nevertheless calm and cheer-ful. Her frteada all IsaM her excellentc on*t it u tIon, patleotj forbeftnnature, sod enbllm* fatih, would pull herback to health. Shells In good handsfor, beaidee ber physician, her daughterMra. J. C. TanDyke ct East Front street.

lalDOt-ld. lain faithful attendance.The weapon which came so, ne

killing Mr*. Dunham was found bj tberear 4oor where the n««ro bad dropped IIn bis flight. It waa a rough, reuad »tlclof stout whtte>oak from tba woo/plje; In

tehee iThe harsh bark bad been bruised aa<t o n away by the murder oo* blows on the

>omaB'e need, u d locks of gray halt

Chief of PoHce Oeorge W. Grant.Mompa-led by a Dally Prem reporter

Tlslted tbe scene jeaterday and obtainedthis true story of the dreadful affairbrought jibe club to his offloe and held 1as erldence again** the negroes, should

Mra. Otvtlle Taylor Waring gave ft re-espUoo Saturday afternoon to Introduceh r secooil daughter, Mlas Mary Oraee1 'srtog. I The debutante received

wtth ber mother and Mrs. Lewis. Tlmpaon. assisted by the Misses Annie

Stewart. Maud MldrWedltb. Csrrie Tall,Daley Van Bosk erek.Oarrl* Belnhart, MlasOrtmih Of Troy, Mlas GUjton ot Brook1 jc . HIMOoos ot Watorburr. Oona., MissMereaead of Qreeaeburg. Tbe parlorswere beauilfully decorated with ]and ebryeantlMmuma. Mlaa Waring re-eetved R large Bomber of beautilul lowera. In the evening there wae datwith mueio by Auslc of Btoofclftt. The•upper room was decorated Is pink sowhite. Miw11l nf Hew Tork furnished


SOCIALISTS HQH1HATE.They Ring in Their Bell in the

Local Campaign.


Meleon Gllles la a mUkmao wbo has axm on the road from New Market to

Dew Broaawkk belt a mile across fromMewtowts. He built two B*w bam* during

umnier and tor* down tbe old one.He had intended to transfer tbe In-oranoe from tbe old building to tbe new

ones, but he did tbe carpenter work him-self aad did not have them Onlebed In

to do this. Accordingly bW new• were not Insured when they

orned wtth their oooteaU of livestockand hay Saturday night.

The fln broke oat at 8 In tbe eveolnzHr. Giles and bla eon Aandolpb baddriven to Dnnellen at 6. Mrs. Giles andier two daughters and young eon wei

the farm-houee reading at the time. Tbehired man waa asleep opetalrs In the

k The flames were discovered byMrs. Giles at 8:15, sndNabout the sameline ber brolbenln-law M * over from h's

Mtm and dalrj aecose the brook.The barn hi tbe rear, where tbe eowe'ere kept, waa then a mass of Samea.

Hewitt Gilen opened tbe door of the ad.olnlng barn snd found It filled with Ore

and smoke. He wae unable to enter andanted bis attention to saving tbe wagon

B and sheda a few feet away. Tbeshingles caught fire ID several plaoee andba used bla bat to another the sparksuntil the girts brought water.

Helghbors arrived to help blm after iw mlnntifia The barns burned to tn<

ground aad MMO only tbe bouse and tbecarriage Sheds remained In tbe farmyard.

'b« owner and bla eon returned home atand then learned what had happened.Fourteen cowa and five b o w * w«

burned to death. AU tbat Mr. Gile* hasleft la tbe bone that be drove to Dmellen with.' Tb* cows were Tsluedshoot 1700. t b e borses Included tiOollB whlcb Mr. Qlles waa training. One.a trotter worth ti.OOO, belonged to DiMoeberof Jereey City. Tbe other winot so valuable sod wsa the propettj *Michael Meyers of Baak ttreet, Newark.The barn also contained eU tone of hay,seoeral eeta of harneaa and various farm-

The general opfnton among the nelgb-M>ra la that the fire was the work of annosndlary wbo approached the piaos by

way of the woods In the rear. The hajall right, -Mr. Qlles aav*.

the fairtd-nian has not been smoktoglately. Bandotpb OJles was lu the banat C wliti a lantern, bat be Is sure the Ore

't start Irom that.


The large dog owned by J iQuajde of Wast Seventh street, which laobarged with bavin* bitten sereral per-eone. added snother to Its llrt of victim*Monday afteroooB st i. Oeorge, tbeiii-jear-old son . f George A. Voebi ofWeet Front street, wss near tbe Babcook

dlnn on his w»y home from aeboo»h#o tbe dog trotted up quietly, Mt th*boy's right wrtat snd then weat on Itsway aa If aotbwg bad ooeumd.

Tbe boy was taken to tbe rooms of DrMatb-weoo tn tbe Bibcock Batldlog,where hie wound was dressed by tlpbyaletaa. Hla wrist was deeply gashed" be dog's teeth. Mr. Toebl baa beensummoned bone from bis bunting trip mSouth Jersey. !

held In the Beveatl-.riay BapUat OburebMonday. The principal matter for OOD-sldsntlon waa the moving of the printingplant of the society from Alfred Centre toPlamnetd or Hew York.

Lt*elr Leader,

fte Vaw Tork fcenall

Tbe MtaseM of the PlatnflakL »• *.Dally Prase, a tutor the managing editor-ship of Walter Irving darts , baa lad to

ANTHONY'S CLOSE GALLSlept in a Room with Gas

Turned en.

Iwaky a*.

Samuel Anthony of Madison, a gneet at

Hotel Grenada, oame near to death Sun-

In pursuance of a call by the Social 1*ticLabor party, about 90 met m tbe veoeatrooms at Grant avenue and Booth Second

t November 13 tor the purpose ofplsctog In the field s ticket for tbe fortb-immg municipal election. John JamesOled tbe meeUnjt to order, and waslade chairman. He anted ihe object of

tbe meeting, which, he eald, wss•cleg of a pure Socialistic party ttoketthe field.Janes Bell was secretary, and read the

platform and principle* of tbe party,They wen adopted sa read:

L Municipal self government. Faithful

ic* mbK t hap part? aerrtoe or aubearv-to political boawa. AU boudi aad m-

•n of drpaiimedu to be elected br aI rote of the people, and all publl? odlceri

i)Gffla;f be people Co h*re ifao rlsvtrropoae Iswi and rots upon alt meamroeot

•tanoe, n-ci.rdlnir to ths Initiative andBefereodum principle.

%. Oramltoo* lastriHntltaUon*. text booka and »i«tlon«r IDirennbesof l«rnln« to be cuppMed to

pupllifree of cbmigf, whenever peoOH . .nrala and clot btn« to b« fumiitaed', in. ordera nake (duration fnt and aoocaalblebildreb ot all the people.3. Municipal owonahtp of *U local

•llwat*. electric power and lls-bt planu, i ulid wmwr work*, and •Illndiulilrs Tt * '

muniolpal trancbiHa; but DO employemferred or diacharvX for polulasl«. AboHUonof tbaoontraot mjitc

MibUc wora> and the niplormvdt ofib* nunKdpal

apubllibat aucb employ8. deduction ciimpkiye» lo elsbt buui per d«>•, thus pladtaon on equality wtth ine enplujrce ot t'.a. Oovenuoent, , _ * . ,BomlnaUona wen made aa follow.:

BJ , • tub "J—frankCullen.—

For school trustee Arthur Scott aadMichael WaUon wen cumulated, butboth d*cllce1 and tbe offloe was left: va-cant, aa was also tbat of justice ot the

Mr. Bell stated that It wsa aseleemake shy further nooltmtlnm, addlogthat the election would tbow the local

remrtb of tb* party.Foliowlrn the noailtiatloDe, apeechee

wen made by James Bell aad others. MrBell said In part:

••The Idea of Socialism la to keep theunlclrnl duties tn tbe h-Dd» of ton

itfsaoajDotgoto TreDton and legislatela tbe Interest of a few. Put competentmen tn office, said be, aed tb* children

poorest will be slothed and edu-cated add eveotesUy make good citii-o*.Good edooatles, be coo tended, la a goodthing, but he discouraged goujf lato ex-treoss In anything. Water works, streetrailway aad other municipal Improve-meets should be la Ute bands of sad

by the people; not by meoJUta. Tbespeakerslludaa to the eight.bours-B-day system, sod saaerted tl

tkmaa would do as much work la_ jM hours as be wtfuld la tea. IBeluding he asked every one to contri-bute liberally to charity.

The chairman spoke of CouncilmanMllllngtoa, who. be said waa elected tntbe interest of tbe Republican party, butwhs had never yet entered ft protest Infawr of the Worktog people. Pur partyhe eoDllnoed, la the only one that

ted the storm of the last election.with competent tpeakare and

get them ben, we'd hustle 'emtor mayor yet.

• wen gtTen for the candidatesgathering broke np.

nbyon by accident.

Mr. AntboBj hsa bees In Pialntleld•verai months.' Hela ft alogle man of

& years and has baet£ making a goodUvlngtjby the use of ,a patent axle-tbreadcutter iwtih wbloh to ' make carriagewheels run right at tbe rate of *1.K) per

*. .He went to bla room as nanal at 11 M

Saturday night. Wben he shut off tbegas he evidently turned tbe vaive too far,aa tbe fixtnn. waa loose and tbe atop did

properly. B was the only de-

ectlve fixture In Ibe bouse and hadsen noticed. The gsa was left escaping. nearly lull force.John Anderson, tbe colored porter, was

the Brat to notice tbat anythingwroBg. He emelled ihe gas shortly be-fore 8 yesferdaj morning and begaa to

iveetlgate. He fouad tbe cidor the mostnoticeable In front ot Mr. Anthony1* roomand as there was ne response to hi-

: something bad h»[ -

The door waa bmrat ID snd the roomwse found filled wilt) gas. Tbe occupant

as In bed unoooaptoue. De T. fl. D^vlsis hurriedly summoned. He saved tbelan'a lit* by his prompt asd ekllfi

tlon. All day he worked "•vralng he




Nos. 1 and l o t "Queer People"both In stock at Ttta Daily Press offloe

merely a dime to secure a copy.are unable to procure "Queer People" forsale, and The Dally Press afforda an m-

ORGANIZED AID.Meeting Held and Constitution


The Sabbatn-dSJ sesslooa ot (heeotb-Day Baptist Yearly Meeting In tbeS«w Market Cbnrcb began with • sermon

by; Ber. I. L. Oottrell of Bkllotifgleet", from Hebtewe Ii: 3. In the

afternoon the Bsrihsth setirnl was ^taughtby BupertotendentJ W. B . Batterly, Mr*.Beune Budolpb, Bev. J. 0. BoweiMarlborough, B*v. Dr. A. H. Loww andBev. I. L. Oottrell, each taktcg a part of'in leesoo-atudy.Tbe young people bad a prayer-meet-« after tbe school waa dismissed- ID

;b« evening Dr, Lewtii conduotwl a hel: -ful qnestlon-bos oo "A Working Oburch".li-v. J. Q. Bnrdlok of Kew Tork thenpreached a sermon on "Fetch".

Saturday morning an hour was de-uted to th« Y. P. 8. O. E. Mica

Broestlne Ptoiib of Flainfleldread a paper-Tha Orrittness of Little Things".

Miss Liirie lisber of • Maflboreitgh gaveenlKlfd -Chri

Tork spoke on preparation for BID].atudy. J. B. Cottmll of'Sblloh preaenteta paper on tfte "To- Victory of Tooth"Another paper was on "The Beforms oltbe Day", read by Miss; Anas Length*

ortby of Haw York. Mrs. H. U J I . i -

arllsmeat ob "Work among Junior Eo-

Dr. Le was' praaenad the Mrmob withwhich UM, meetlDg closed! .1 '

At tbe annul meeting of the cwtaiatoryof Trinity Beformed Church. {Tuesdfcyevening laat, the pretest cier*. u

snWbJklei was reeleet*), aod OeorseOsyle waa reeleeted treasurer'of theohorcb. X. E. Anthony waa , ebcchalrmaDef tbe board of deacon*.—T. X Hsiell.trfwunr of the .poor fund

B. M. Hi perinteodeot of tbePlamOeM PoWlc Bebools, wUl leCnre be-fore the CBIOO O»oty Teachen Iostrtoteto be held ID Elisabeth Friday and Satur-day. Tbe eehoola will close Friday topermit all teachers to attend.


UM Owadla w. BratSisaX T«

UMalleglr • • ' • • Wmfc.


the parlors of tbe OreooeMObureb. Bept-ns were read by dUferwt

rs snd committees, and aa amend-ment adopted to the oonatttaUm bywhich those cootelbutlng »10 annually;should be made sustaining members.

Tbe oJBeera of tbe past year were re-elected, with the exception ot the aeera-Urj. wbo declined. John DouU Millar;

is eleoted to tbU offloe.By Invitation Mlae OoraeUa!". Bradv

ord, head worker ot the Whittle* Hooai,ersey City, made a most lntersstug ad-rsss on tbe work of a college aettlemeata

She described tbe origin of such effort b>London nearly thirty yean ago In ooo-neoilon with Toynbne Ball, where WaiterBessnt found tbe aoggestloo for bla "AUlorts snd Conditions of Men". She men*

led other elmUlar Institutions m Eg-land and In several of the larger Amert-

cities. Tbe WhIUler House Ube only such settlement In Sew Jersey,

and grown from very email beginning, aago. until now it la doing a moat,

rut work lor tbe people la one of the'neediest quarters of Jersey City. Tberesidents at the house, young graduatesrom various women's college*, arebrought Into helpful neighborly mLitloaswith toe people living afcout them, gaasa

Friends In Montclalr*nd EL'aabeth sadother CBlgbberly cities have Interested.hemselves hi the sapport of the work,and a cordial Invitation la extended toV i d B in Plalcfteld u> call [snd lospestthe house and IU work.

The rreeldent ot the Executive Commit'tee to Dr. Af H. Bradford of ktocUleJr.Tbe treasurer, wbo receives all eontrftm-tfons, is H. Jay Hunt, 11 CUBstrea% IteW


The season lor ebootlcg. rabbtu and|OaO opened Monday. In oonaequeooe ths

paper tralo, wbloh arrives hen at 6.45a. m. from New Tork, waa crowded to itsutmost ospaelty with guonets aad theirdog*. A large delegation of the localSportsmen wbo were lo waiting managed

ueese on board. AU wen beat onhaving a good time, and everyone was


One nimble Slmrod caused a heartysugh sa he harried to tbe ears, dragging.is bound by his handkerchief with oneaad, hU gun under his arm, a 3-geilo*lemijotio In the otter band, and the oeok>f • black bottle projecting out ol hlapock«t. It was teamed that be carriedbe ttiaeawan lor tbe pnrpoae of bring.ig hotoe eome water from a mineral


Gams of all kinds is very soaree. andis subject of stopping all shooting foryeera la under UlseusaloB.

r»r • • • Llkrsrjr.

Tbe ladles of ta» Booaa Oommttlee ofthe Scntcb PUIns Public Ut-rary will givean afternoon tea at tbe library room* 1n

Ktor Ball Friday, Mo*. 16, from S to-5p.nt

Mlas Mary H. KeaU will give ateifcroa)ber work In Hampton ID- tltuta.lllosirated

photographs. There will be no ad-mlsslon fee, but a basket will be OB th*table.ln wbleh oooUlbutkns to tb* libraryfund* may be deposited.

TaDderbeek * 8they have Jo*t reeetved a HIM lot of new -

a of dlftereot makes which tberwill sell at prices never before offered.Among them a n those wonderful BeorBratbera piano*, also Behnlnj[ A 1The represent atoo the Kaabe, VDtatokertng and many others. They offeran excellent Chlckerlog Qraad at S1K. agnat hargalr. C»U soon at 231 Part.

The B. * O. Railroad Oo. baa Justleaned a UtUs booklet, giving tba routesaad rates to various Winter resorts hiCuba, Florida. Horth Caroline, Virginia,New Jersey. Peonejlvaola and OeorgJa.Tbe mtormaUoa k* very ooavaolently sr-ranged and tndaxed. Copies can be bad>by enclosing a two-cent eusap to ChM. o.B8uli.Qeo.-l Paea.Acent, B. t O . I L ,


The Constitutions t irt

"\foT-. 2?XV|IX. N. .T.. THUlrtSt^A.'V, NOVEMBER IB. 1894. No4B

-Support the CmditaMim, «*•«* fa (*• mwiM »f tho Union, a* mil <» <U IfaXMMu <u «m «* suttoriMaa.”—Muao*

Page 2: The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U

The Constitutionalist.



H t» a _ ratlrely »lmple matter to•fco i.«.~'i<.«*ntl* coiue frurn Eoropa to d m - l i n k .-f.ildrru la pretty, becusda*

• aar> a wwrflet of approval endorsed in ICOWBM but after the rel«a->< K»inp waUtaI MM N.-W W..rld. ha* I n eminently Boo- and Empire Ir'ieka baa paaaed and ( M

aawfnl H n On* play, "The T**naifreM- awkward period between ten and « l i t w o1 ear" » « - out liked, but her plaTiuK-of ibea-in*. Kirls' c l o t b n are a puzzling an-I tkV priarlpal r'lle receiTvd KnitiK t:ito- AoerteJoty in r o w * i i » r a « of a little habit

•MDdail"!' Than Miaa. Nethemole ap- tbef bar* of Kruwli>K oat of them. Be-1111*. "t'l" beetle bfr'jiTir."' | eanne Utrf are tall, undeveloped, ar.d dtf-

af pwua*. « " paper bad l I twr rtcui.

"Mi—Ketbuwi!- e*ttrt!e«ed the eni"t<"ii" "f tba«FartKlan *.-i'"H. aurf she did it an art-fnllf. pm!.- l i ' . . l ! j . aud i-Iwi riryloit aaSarah Jl-'i •ii-iritt. Tliln~ praiu- muni be•(luted )>r it r reiDtndrr that. In bewtow-

Tarli»Ti'* ri'li1- VH Un>uxh> \ot't cyriipariion-

Uon ttiat U-'r-'l.U'.-.mir (i.riii an Knajljlak• fit loatamd ID t l i - . .W- i i f a • i i * l e

a u itmke theIDK them U«.<4d, copying tuo c Lonely tfeefrown Myle "( jfiwum which HTVH. t« OUtkltosfrmtprrfn-liOB* nvre mrt.i-ratile. Biro-

Another -ay> ih»t h w Camllie bad so• n e k twenty. t«t lii-". truth and humanmature in it. that it latriy proved It . title

namillea of ' I-11 i»rm*i*t duv—-tbon ofllcdjaaka. DIIIW and .Satrab Bernhardt.

One of '!•«• nualyiii". aptialti ugr of theaffluence of Ml** NetarMole'n acting. ft*y

-tba* K c * u « - a thrill of .i , i l in.i««m to




M r -

a n d

never in Ieeda. amiw.e->. and oc r e ,Wde C

'lirir -kin



.i..,Hit for i,

" - • ' • ' " !

4 ^Iir- H'ltbx. mid two buck

,A btue-Herite drvHH, Trinimcii witb bmlii

m the >Lirt and made with a t hri-r-qu«r-era jacket opeu«l orer apUi'l -.. i. blouas'eat, U Hiire to be a naccnwrul KOWD. A D.tteruiftiu drpfM f"r girls in tLi-ir tvena t»N..t- ... i.l.i. .jjr.iv and white . l,.tL: th*

Li™ and aii-LriM—. Pbeiaaaaily flr>i of D.rft^vHan dmm.ll i- m a naeea ia tin- NFW York play b-.u-rf^ thin I '•eakM. ....I her r"<"». b | U V I ^ v - ' l o . | ^r

akaba-x<«..L.. e,.tmnri> tb* .Mlur ot the ] ;" ,pralae

I that Wai PNMIIKV! ID Unratd:nfr^thr-J»»t trrck lu October,ii t f»a>rtnt doen li'.i eiceed,

tbe a..polarit.r of "Hnbln H ,.,•• ;'L -eatUsr prixlui li"n. Tin- UHH r:,l •. .-rli.i

' fa talrly •uminnit up by HIP I'.i.- rrlt icWho aayi>: Th* -iur« uf "K.i> lt..y" i .

Ma ad to •no gf*a» populaHlj-. U k *S t r a w be baa tba faculty ol writ ILK• m a k wbi.ii « n.tw«i;an«HW auJtcnee m

atlltexaiu" llBM eotttalo* eiement* and

a'decln Ia b.*r ,i BjpAft, We b«ve bntrU

Howl- I f i . n j " : Tbiti nMinriil prtitutily. l k B " H u Ivy" tH-Ltt-r at it!, fur it ia «u

h f t i l l l *•**• " **T 'T** «<• derpMt, Budwhich beat "baiKl tbe t«.ti..f r.-p.-tliifc^yiimittr hiihtlvtiiV aud piquaut •!••

utrr is H—I| f..r ibe iklrt Ivnt aud tbe1»troo. Brown braldlaK decorates tbektrt panel, and a hevwn »Hvtl fold dl-

Hlde knot a n oC the aame.A ihlcuple ajowo of plain uia^rut* wool

i i lnadc wltb a, full bodtcw and pointed•bnnlder <*pr*, trimmed witn narruvrblack nilk simp: aod a belt and roaatti*

-Af black Ml lu rl l.bon Hire It a r«ry atylUbAnutber one !• of binr crepaa.andml an the nhoaider drapary with

The gathered« Hurah. and the aaiili aud

ribbon. A dreaa of n-d



tn Z Oz.paicKages 5 <£with Pi PecouDon backed in


ESoltlog and tBtcrttetlDR ware tb»u n n ot «on>p«M wbUt played at lbs

Park Club Broker t u t Friday. Tfaeng oonUnnnd until 10 JO, when n»-

r«e)tini*iita wera aerved. Tb», aeorewworn «ao«aaoed and then Ihe particl-p a a u In tba gMB«t am need tbontaelTM Invarious wajs .

Tbe Bast «nd W « t scored an kTer»««of HB and Uwraby d»te«tad U M North andSouth by four pins. Ol tb* victor* tbepartners wltb tbe btgnwt eeor* wereSowall ami Townaexicl, wblle on the

h M d South side Uw hlgd man w « nLaddaod Broadway.

The plvjeca ware;

C u t and Watt—Wadsworth, KoOaten-0. Doaslaae, Hallock, Beeba, M M O O .

Humford. Buehneil, Loooard. Draytoa,BohooQioakcr, Plato, Soott, Waring. L j -

:an, B«ed, Bcwsl l and Townaead.North Mid Boutb—Harllaod. peak,

Northrop, Conklln, Lv ld , Broadway,Klnboff. B«rro-n, Wnltoo, Abbott, Per-

DumoDt, Uattfaewa, Brown. Walla,Depew. Wale, Sacdtord.

The tbroo new &o*«* whlsb a n to headded to tbe eltr'a Ore alarm ajalwn ar-rjved yaterday. Cbl*f DoM* ba* set

ten up In the bAttecyfooa to twt then.Tba Bwebanhm la ot an improved pat-

torn, the door cutting off all eoanrcUonawltL tbe batteries wb«n tt U cloaed tn-.•lead of a part of them. Tb to make* UMdoor MtiW u bv • * lighuilog

td wtrea ara ooooemed and pnvantomat* of battery power.

Tbe boiw will ba placed In poaJUoosext week, Ho. tt will go ta> the corner

afl&Uo of

D CUcfco't WM W Mfid ««al.

; 7 H A T E V E R (ortn ot printedV matter 70a require we can be

of setvice to you; whether it be


DAILY 1'tr

[Cbantaaqna Building),: PLinrmui N. I


HarUe k Granite Works,30 SOMERSET STREET,


of Wateftuoc • « a * and Third atraet,Mo, S3 to rtftb atraet aod Arlington

and *6 to Beeond aod Ubertyatraata. Theae locilO*. km!«« bttao

d t O with the OataeweU

Mark Twalo'n moat popular and «uo-aaaaful booka bare baan aold by eubacrlp-Uon and tba AoMriean Publlahlng Oom-pany or Hartford, Ooon., announce torearly pubitcatloa bl« new book vTbeTragedy ol Pud.lfnhe*d WUaoa and tbaComedy Thoaa Extraordinary Twlna".Tbo Traaeily and OotBadjr ware at drat a

ior's aocouot, aa glvon In the piwtKW,of th« dlttoultj he bad la writing tbebook, of tbe incompatibility ofaoma of tbe oharaet«n> aod of aht har-b3g to aaparate then by pulltngone of the atorlaa out by tbe roota acdLe*vlBg Ute otttw—a ktad of fUtarar*I feaanan operaUoo, u o»rtaimjtae moat ortaiaal. broeslaat and ojawraetchapters—obolee loo—that biwritten for many a day. We. .'are toldl i s t ••Tbttre Ma time to iauiiti" and Tba

Churchman ears, -Th* reader will begin> amUe at UM very Orat paragrapH".Tbe book will ba aold onlj oy


0 EGSEEDING,121. Park Avenue.


J. O. 1>. C1GAU.fkebaetaeaatelxarla is* Huti.aad m.

op'»e pr—ln* tram the aaaaiBaTaaa.;utA« BATAMAaaoAaa ASPBCIALTTAlsraaaaaortaMBtodhaCkoieeat Branttto

ror«l«B BB« DDBHUC Clean, Olfmrtzti aidTobacco* .al »«t« o , kild.

imokeraArtlclaa In O r f i t Variety

KureifB m n i TtacreIUUTO in "li.-ii liny

.>uld iu-ure it*Ar tn I b r l m t

i ih« .e^re , U Ui,\ f tn tmmiw an* Ci.w

mui.i' tB al- red Mini ribhoa, covered with -trintf-

pobll-bera Have wlaelynailv of tlie s e w bfinejcomb Ball Um volume at a popular pries—

ctp«h, in . prrtiy >bmde of fcrowb, baa a hrln^og It within tbe reach of *IL

had* of bruwu. Th» lower i *""• — " M " MW-WVB r^m 01 aal« Inbajf of tbe bodice I* draped with brown Ute State* of Fennaylvanla, Kew J•llav.and tbe yoke la of v^>«i edged with | Delawar* aod Maryland aad

l *ppU»at*OO» t «<Md abouhl be aent direct to

waah«a witlHtoi sbncktTij, il h u maoanl coaijuvuilw. "Don't Ju ibm." tarj

b K )

Civea>.lar*tn«.vthsa to keep U m

lf»tn •••in= uafcvd, kiod. sir? I

(4 tbe latent at)'W~tlM Viry Ua-


Briek and Poflailt Mm,CAS FITTINC.

TIN EO0FIN&,Itc, ttc.

•••aetB«Ha« laoe'Mad a n e l l nftfc Ua Kaate

BM^KruttM-eatton ol S m Torn rtt j . I eai

~ - s i ta«tSu.i\a!d*«^f?3aee""t' U*OWI

US Korth Are.. Plalnflflld, K. J

SSWKfiW'oolntoi A Buckle,


Wall Papers,


Boa. Co.. Koi Hedlaoa amj . • n WaatTtkatree

IT DO. . . * •

l I M n ISEforfbe**• O-. H. II. Cor. Prom * CealralAr

natrai ave.aajlJB— . . . . .Parta»«»dM»

r, • »...; J mini ,Board of Moeauon-4th et, Kh and r>ma

SB, .talfadi, to JaU k Liberty. ***> « Monroe

air 1. •«•*. • » ! oraw laterest troaihnnfaitn»M»n. • " . F. A. : • Tbl«l PlaMOralkthank. a. A-Oarnaa.JR.-aTD -,t» tomermt

..3 North. vr.. E. 11

,rraok : . . . . J J w, rourtiiitBBTi».ntTs a

ir FTnnt.DrOeoW pa TB. aad «tb ity«M. T.W. Uorrteoo, «ditor..Taoa.t « .

C.BK.D*pot1 9 t a n M M

DrJT ; TXParkBT*•.Bowani ,.M Park • n a n .

.Pllnr .-;• .'. a W Ttb M

o( Police. KfMIT TUM

and Kew etaDor Central »r k Mh st

Mortb ATMIM, L . . . . , ni

lit. lill . W «laatProat*tBree.Caa* 1M Proat atraei


a* X ProBtM. . „ E Prouiu

MncD.-D.ii1. j rj-rn. Lavrence

Ketlierwood HOWL

* Park ai#p»rt iod North . t t


Mercer A SreaMOr* are*.W11HnnLH.


W. k Co... ,76b DOT. IfflU; I tdDueriU

^.w:::::r::::::::::::rvT^•terrelt a y-

tinn, a,DalooCoCoaDtry Clue...OorTthat fc Arlln(«>u

*-"i ».j 111 Moi[b«nClUton IT CetitmlavO. ..„, W«atSBT0&U >u«ei

1..™. .amaton Telecrapb Ctimy«aj....*•. UrfolIt » Mb n.. n#kr Grand a»e

' O W b t




CALIFORNIAm cor Sleeping Car Rate on the Phil-lips-Rock Island Toarist Ercursio".from • Boston and: kindred disW*dtiea oa the route of this cir, to S«Francisco and Los Angeles. Tbecart have uphilKered spring se»»are Pullman baild, and appviatoieat*perfect.

• Ton have a special manager on tV*car all tbe way, .'aid excursion" r°*once a week, 'caving Boston evfifTuesdav Save money by Uai<VtbU popaiar mode af travel.

Address for fall particulars,

A PHILLIPS A CO.196 flfashiogtoo » , , BoMoo^Ma"-


A. HV Oil . V F[MaaaiaetBrtr of

C I G A R S ,


SM Found bile

Sayings Institute

In 2 Ozp&cK&ges 3 wifh PIPE coubon backed in



«i» «lwaj« pmibi «u«l »->•. •< uilr f|abona«(<«tumnu(l c»i y uj.< if* nf««rIn food Im<» <’n< ».• '• >»ik*nl lamli »n«l Wr»T* »rv Uwrti r« r -> M'«<t dtru««. «nd crrpoii*. rhal lit-v fudli* • lk«. and crt-pr de cbtnr far m»rr dra»y s-"«- Tbrlr aklrta. *»c*pt in »rrj lh!" material. arr aadr with a u»r-«l front and •kl» bc>»<lt b«, Mild l»o bark IfnMtlh* .with a -loped Win In tbe middle. and arr tbfeo and a half yards aroand. A bloe«erue draaa. trimmed with braid «m the whwt and mada mtth a thTra-qoar- i« jarkrt opened urrr a plaid silk blouae »*l. U -nr* ioh*a uc«Mful iron. Ad aftrruuau ilrr«» for Birl> In ibrlr urn to mad* oi bln—gray and Whit* .loth; lb*

Dail» Pm (Chautauqua Building),


Marble & Granite Works,

AMto -ay. .hat bar OamllU bad ao mmmh beauty. path*- truth and human nature lh It that It fairly proeed It- tiUa •o ha rank-d with tka few really lireet Camilla. W Ibr |ir**ant day-tboM of Modjaake. I*«- and ri-reb IVr„b«rdi Ooa of tbe analyst-, .p~-kti.ff of Iba aflwiKii'f Mb- Xethrcaole'i actlns.aay* that It ea«— a thrill of -m to

tOBAOOO. BHiU. he. H EWEMING, 121 Park Avenue. PLAINFIELD. N. J.

K-'Wi, 11—1.' lh.lt Tba Renerat verdict . by tbe INwt critic, ra of -Mob Hoy- u •f Mt. IV Uotm'a


» w Sleeping C»l Rite on the Phd- lips-Rock Island Tourist ExcumOS, from • Boston and kindred disu- cities on the route of this c»r, to Sis Francisco and Los Angeles. The car* have upholstered spring sea's are Pullman build, aad appoiatoes** perfect. * Ton have a special manager on a esr ell the way, And excnr>ii)n< ret once a neck, 'caving Boston evsIT Tuesday Save money by takiaf this popular mode of travel.

Address for foil particulars.



PLANTlElLfr. NEW JERSEY owrrvs.. J... sat hwa.nl, .a. «5Vf=2 eSSUt'B « Wall Papers,

Page 3: The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U


ipDfMoement wrelustvely mmV In'^, t J h M Thursday that Uw School

- }t bed b-eo aappaeed tb»t

i*> ni '..rib*" opiv-ltloii trt th*

r-*"""•"" <*•*'* CMbert, • B.

^ 4 a Uw puHIo t» tb* Imminent^ [ t . „( raw***! "t tbe aoeftliK|5J, ( ^ M «a««1 ThurtuU? that

« _ , |T •>• 1 v> <*>* I* " ' • ' l ' • • * • t n » « "g^anabxf*. ai)4 th*t «n -ff-rt v u

J J ™ Bofb «<m ae><m It tbe*

pelpr««M«> wuM "tfte noiblog for•jl—•-• bu< said that tbe state-tyaH ibtt IN • • * anstotw for rreleetlou•Mniroo Hd ibat ii- regarded yeetef*

SmWiralo" as ao out« tto pKMmbl ebaraote

yt i*i*n. beware*, nude tbe tollow-Icl fit* own!:

••Ih.Prvt)s»'-f> In thnrmi hlv *cqu*tnt«<t

iberablp Is a pledge oa this matter.Uiile-a tbe regular Bepubliceo onndtdstee

~ abide by tbe p mbere will doubtless be a cttlree

the Held, ana tbe one tseue, before U Mpeople will be Uw School Board matter.

will b« too bad It me pleasant prosoeetg«od-eltlxeQ*blp union la support of

the official* who merit re-eleettQB to oom-thetr Roou work In public ttnprove-

• la tfaae to be bUgbted by a revivalof an tuna the people hoped wae sauted

Thmt UKISOBOOI Board hsa U oontem-ptatloo a reversal ot tbe DSW Uw baa bees

Ume to time to carefulMr. LoveU'e own state-

ivea impression that the Board has«tfesn ooosMerlng the suooeastul

evasion of the act and will strive toabolish It after election.

If Messrs. Probeeeo aad LovwL whoride from thla one lasoe woold win f,

for reeMetlon from a Urge majority ottbe people, will not openly senoawllllngneea to abide by Ine popular rlc-

aa expressed la tbe oew lew, theyand toelr Mends must not be sorprUed

! tto-tti» eatfoMl • | fa t deal uf tlmn

<ftMrb'»MUI*othU h* I- tamlllar•«ti tM >'.ii- of ih-ir operational

, riot th«

"Ow «4o has Um« awl* btmealf thor-mKblj lamltUr »Uh tii» particular work•MM not I* r-pla—<]»to mull be obllgMl to iParn all. thatDr ProtnMO Known and who after bebum would not bn liable i a render anybtuer »>-rriD". i .

1*lor myself, I b»v» no parHouiar d«-tfcSjIn regard to tka matter While I amdM*ij Interested In aU educational m*t>Isn and have found tbe work, eo far aaUT* been able to atwrj4 to it. quite oon-juiUl to my taste, yet nevertheless I amno* disposed to makeUUs tbe position I n o * hold im tbe BoanLlftoere la any coo elder*hi•$ oppositionWAI Ms stoertsln lhaf fact before: tbeeooTsoUoo, 1 eh til probablypermit uy DIBS to be used.

••Tim question of tbe oonstltutlonalityft tie sot putted hue not been determlaod sod until that qunMon is decidedlie Board doe* net know what It*, actionoujht U> be. Ho doubt II the' Uw Isloom) tobeeoBBtltatloual Ifce Board wllft'qowt the Common Council ta mak« sp-IfoprtMimia, to be expended eltber nn tb.fwswt building or la emoting » OBW one.If tbe bill la unconstitutional t be BoardPMMSMBlithe p o » e » U h»s hitherto*WMe<l belonged to (U I t la not prob-•bto that m*. queeUoa j wlU be decidedram after tbe new Board to elected.

"The Board baa an opinion- from asf»d OUOOMI u oould be obtained tb»» • act referred, to la uooonbtttaUonai.There U no third member of tbe Board•bo can claim to be Independent. What,mr action haa bmn taken 1B to* Boardtf BilucaUou has been b j unanimous

*b» Preaa be* said oothtog, wad has**utag w a»y, personally against Dr.nobMeo or Mr. LoveU, or an j otber•ember ot U « Bcfaool Board. Tbxv am*nown tf good men. but even tbe best

PLAPFIELD'S PRESS!.It! >s Doing Great Work In



Oomplete returns from Hooerset Coor>-.y show that Benjamin F. HoweU forOotiffrfies wae gfvxa a plurality of 1,048and Prank W. Homers for Member of As-

received a plurality of Wt2,aloOe gave BOOMN a

— —H


ptt of W8. Wkrren only sav*•ed B-ra«r<ia I lk

T&eti.lLi.*lDB:t-*Weanow« theJteoomiiy:


addrees oa oataflon work; i o WB ion_jfteW FrasQvteviaiia a n moeh Inter.

ee*ed was given by JBov. Dr. Q-nrv Jss-sapof B«ymath, 6yrU, In th- parlors of

Cnaseat Awnne Oraxeta Nov. 8,•udteooe ailed tbe roots and

- - o i o e e attention to tbe words of themlanlooarr- BricSy expressed, hie ie -eeripUoa of UM field aad the •methods of->ork was as follows*.

Plamtteld people a n moat inlMreated inthe printing establish vent la Beyreatb,ss they aent a press from Walter Seou'sworkato that dty serenl years ago.Many dUnoolttos attend pnbllahlog Ink_» - iwn- _ ^m ' • • • _ — ^«^^^^t»

- usuaUy kept alx montbi or a year be-ore being ntroned. Then It may be

badly mutilated. In spile of this tbe mla-stom has lasueu 600 publications in Arabm,

teh witu tbe aaoeuoa at the goverm-fBHThe railroads ot Syria, shown on a map

byDr.Jessap,areallsm«ll and twprofU-eztenstoaa ere proposed,

Trom Bnjreutb to Damiiw-Kusgn road which arosses Mt. leb-ifvn by a Bogged toasfe, rising B 000 feetjU miles. Tbe speaker told •

D»tfttiUon* t« show bow modmrotlon U bnlng Introdneed Into thu

ind .

Tbe firat attempt to translate Ibe Bible•to Arable rwiv»d a ant-baek in 16V7

wbeo Dr. Eii Smith died. But abetter fitted to oontinae tbe

work was found m Dr. Tan Dyke, whocompleted tbe Hew TV-tenant transta-

D la tbe Bprln* of ltteo end tbeo.dtn& Aboot SO0.O0O oofilMi have alueeto (Uatrlbnted, aU the way from AfricaCoins, wherever tfanre are Moham-


nkUn. 1 DIM 130 77*• H " L - 1TO MS

liJtot.... is) laa 1*8- it - . . . . mn M m

NnnliamFrj SB 101 )«North t-lalnHeld. 1 D M . 28J US Wo


P l u m l l t l w . . . . . . . . . . 1

may be HUTuf putillo policy. TftePMtUon to know tbe wleaea of the peopleIn tbe matter of th* WathworUi propertyud the Qigh School BWneioD project, and

that the Tlotory of Mayor Gilbert>1 the

iDughttbe propoaed f z t r s v s g « n o S waaIteat public s a U s f s o U o n and relief a m o n gbe taxpayer*.

It Is tberefore wttb aiasm that tbe-eopn view the prospect of having tbepojeet revived. Tbe people of Plain'Saw teel Utelr Softool systrnt waa a large«p«a»e last jeer and this. Tbey feel^"•b)le tbey are•"WOOD of sewers tbe mansioe projeet°« »eU afford to watt* The old elalm to'Meaartad that tbe Wadswortb pnnbase**• w onnoassssry rairavaganee sadtt«H more school room to Deeded the"I" buildings oogtatl to be roWged on(""iaii»ady owned.'as was dose sosne-•cd already owned. as waa doee •oane-Wafab hi Hoitt PUtelald.

*B» Ereaalwa airewdy told of Ike plan*• Mke Mayor Gilbert's re-electionusanlBoua. Caatlng pOllUos eeUe fa theJ** latereeto ol tbe oommunttj. theDMtt««»oj wee preparing to Jon withu» R^Hiblleaaa la aaauinlng Mayor^tbert* renoailnaaon becaoae ot bla•H<*dld pubUe Wrtoe, . Mr. OUbert• • ^ al brave and manly stand on theBehool Board leeoe. and woo the Ogbt« J h e pwpie., ,4rjt«de. Be eatab-"•**• ^tbe •etmfaaMim eC Uw Kew Jec•*Tl*gWatore the polley which Tbe Dallyg W M b a m h d i d t k

Tbe Prohibition vote for MemberAssembly ID {tbe oounty was I7d. TbePint Dlatrtet ot BrldRewater oast 2*1votes and tbe, First of Hertb Plaioneldname next wltb 17.!

There wnr« 3,300 registered voter* tothe county wbo did Dot go to tbe polls.


FraebjterUn Cbutcb Friday•Iy attended, and! greatly "relished

The muBlo, dltJosnea landaJI good, falrtea, Impajand Uotner Goosecharaotsra ail bntag capitally lmpersooa-ted. The Ladles Orchestra of Plain Heldgave esoftUsnt meotjons bstween

the laaiBug pane; exare taken by tbefollowing: HadteTUtoo, JnKs. Dodwbll,Lottie Carmen, Haggle Tsa ArsdsleLint* Marline, Ethel Bofee, Asa HuffWillie Dealamao. Arthur Craig, PercyAbbott. Maude Bentm, HarguerlU Kelson, Edith Tlitun, Belen Halce, Cl*tOinesste, Jbhn Tbigley, ItltnostPerey Ismg, Michael Hoyntban,Warden. Usxle Berlleh, f reddle Toussaa.Charlie Vllet, Orovsr KrelxeL WillieBeekman, Irving Matttoe.WyekoB. Waiter Bodbac. sVbia Tall.Eddie Huff. Willie Kennedy, Sdna CoririlAUea Apn»r. David KaUdoshaa, Fr»Hjler. Psanto Dodwell, Elate PetsrsCarrie Wynusky. Mary Baldwin, JB«oU. Baldwin. Ultte Kennedy. Irene Ayen," Us onhnelder, Harry TUat, JoelOldd*s. WllUe Olddss, OUrsaes KtnseyLeslie Kloaey, Huddle WUeox, Maxwell

iclej. Nellie Buff, Albert OottkUo,Johnnie Logan. Handle WUooi. MamieTeel, Sarah Brokaw, Katie OalUgnerMay Wabl, Eva Qfllssple. Edna BuffEddie Oooklln, Eva Schneider, OectmdeBadum, KelUe Meatier. Nellie OodweU,Martba Kntael, ObarUe Tall, Bart Wyhnaky.

• of loosl edo-I t sMrety rsatrtotad

ot thebride's awtbsr, 5 » West Froot street.MISS ABM L.

•. BW. Ti


Tke cloaltiK rotrn uf Uin r.-ijtii uf tbe un-irtnnati Louis XVI, Vft-ir :,nu.»t Ticlu-

Ivcly davutvd Irj bin cunri M Ike wonhipot P I N U D O . Wbile the KI.IK bimutf wa.

llT « p l l l t tthe anvil I* tbe royal -milb j~for hean amateur bUckmritb-life wife aud

er fair K.-iir* of honor nwl to d m s likehephaMsaaes and rect-Ivt ihv sbtplicrdn,

cblef of wbom waa Sanaw. theBeauJrnmmel of his dajr.in tbe TrianoB, near

VeraaiUea, where.danci»K wonld u.ualivbe prolonged till the dawn. At thai boar

'Mt wonlrt be. paid IIT the Quren a^drauldatotlirdairV. wbnc they milk-

rd tba raw., filling pitcher after pitcherwbicb tbey woild afutward present verygradooaly to Ibe lip* of their beaux cata-ten.They enjoyed the -weetx of ttiew happy

revolution waa in tti« air wbicb would,with the cold *te«i •>( its Buillotine, alltmoat of their dainty u.-ek*. or fareseelns:bat ths flras of tbe Faubourg St. Antoine

were preparing even tbeu to .corcb todeath many ot the™ win-.mating motbsbat fluttered around nduumed crown and

UK throne.tha favorite* of Marl

HU la ber more or leas lunuctii" ilngi at tba Triuon wan M1 Le Bran, a famonn por

of that epoch. Tbe maidenlady waa Vlgea. Sb- wa. term in Paris,TU, and early In life di»pUyt>d al«asof

undoabtMl »rtt-tU:ta .;••!=,, which »h. in-herited from ber father, who was himself

it. Mile. Vigm mwl In ber girl-frequent tbe pulilic Kallerlse of

tte Louvre aud l.ui-atl-i-nru, copyingHambran.lt> asd Vandyke.; * • well aa

'female hra-in, wilb -iiL-h ski. . sovn was m»ii »i to earn » coi

fortabla competence lur n.-r-f if-After wm. mlnf<>rtui>* that followiBT lather's death -'"• aiwried Mr. 1ron, a picture dealer, whnio ber (tep-Ua*r considered wealthy. Tbe marrisge

waa an unhappy one awdafls* a time they•eperate.1. Then bet oaicow came, berbewitching beauty furniinx an impu««ntfactor In tbe trinmphii thai attended thseffort* of her bru-h. She reached tb*tli ui*x of ber sjlory when >b* was apccUl

invftwt bjUueeo Marie Antoinettebecome a uetnber ot tbe French

i IJI Harpe, thvpoet, n s t i eutfattalaatiol herpraiM, while utber barda



The eloBaat bone of Mr. and Mm. FOBernug weatbeeofDeTbureaayotaLei-Moptera tea, and the .• va t wae a beautltui rotninient u! • novel Idita.

reaponee to dainty iDTltatlooa•domed wlt.i hand-painted butterflies

* than 100 women attended, repre-sentative of tbe feadtng famillea of tb<

BiHterfllw woe tboronghlypaper on L«ptdopt»ra by Mra, aerrtnr

abowed thorough knowlodgAot thejej apeolaa. Prof Smith of Bntgere

College made an edifying address, MrsAIPXSOJer Gilbert read a paper addingvaluable knowledge to that already imparted, and Dr. skimmer of Pnltadelphli

>M of (he Iiepldoptetw or Pennsylvania,Tbe papera and eddraeeea wen fo!

lowed by a aortal tea, at which theLeptdopter*. Idea wse graoefullyout by tbe eervtng of loe-oceam la theform and color of btttwiflie


h « « la l la l . . * 4 cmpp.r.

Mrs. OaroUneBenti horn celebrated belOOtb blrtbday Thursday at tbe home ofBer granddaughter, Hro. Bobt. APedrlok.

'eat Klnnay atreeMIawark. Mia-Beek-1 was born at Turkey, now New !oe over tbe mouoUlD. Nov. 8.17M,was tbe last of four callJreo. alla died under tt years ot age. Mrs.

Beekbotn lived In Brooklyn from too Umeof ber marriage to Joseph Beekhon InU U up to about twenty years ago,near iy all of ber ralattres live In that ettynow. Of her aurvlvlng oblldrw Mr*Mary Crane of Brooklyn ta m yean old.Mrs. Parker of tbe same city to 76,bee three eons are M, 7*. and 80.

There were fifty members of the 1 •at tbe reunion last evening, and Be*. Drfraxer, pastor of the Firm PresortOhurcb, which she attends regularlymade a long and entertaining adcMra. Beckncrn thoroughly enjoyed thereunion, ribe U *a lively aa a woman ofU7eara.ber bearing la- good, and berslgbt only slightly defeotlTO. Her iory to so little Impaired that only oreooes of tbe but two oc three j s s n i n

Oa MOT. 1 the Peauy 1 vasla BaOompaoy ptaeed oo eaie at all Ha pclnd-pal ticket offioea arnniatm Ikaiela to at

mtOGEBlES. PROVISIONSVetetobUs. Sr Mti.ttc.

•Vo.384Parli Av«OPPOSITE NOBTB * V ! U U I .

EvervthingnsaaUffonod in a firstclass gKcery store. :

Goodi delivered free

Elim-ait patnwi

ame of this

lirered tbemw

wkty receptions. Her palatlIn t i e heavenly M<t» was tbeaobf«. artiitb.. aud lit*>n«rlat<* aud tbelrreapeetire wires. , ,

Tbe apartment* of brr P«!JH.-K Here heat-ed with fraarant alo« wood, ibe ore* be-inj sometiBTM* (Ighted with batik nUP* table lutlif releiUirV was CO'with B >ld piste, over nlil'h jwtiU nol , .

alid Parisian itpleudor. wbile oo thebal-

arttUite of tbe citj Booths! the mm of tbegueots with austcbex of ex<\Prominent among tbe IIHmansion were the danniSHiSegurandM. Delille. tb<-1»

Le Brun irHuisiiuuH of the travels oAhachariHie, in which thnt writerlively descrl bed i lie rourwt utd HUrrfInlgs of an old Greek i : t nartist waa Uken b; the Kh.wing d«

L :n.-.j to liavea

. . . , . , , ! ,airvinga KP'iuia£tlug of eeb. aboney, fl livuMl r with a w


.bed with[TstiriTTffVrli. . . I.I other daintyBB 'Cta»ic origin

Thla feut waa spread over tin antiquetable surrounded with (ir-timi coucbearich with dnperit*.

Wbile the « U M * | . » » of the _thfuKHWt before ibnu, DBIIIIP, Ibe poet,robed in royal purple, Lbruoimedgolden lyr.-. -h.tiniu Anscn-dntfc dland sumittmted by a be»j of prettyyoang maiden» drawed lntmik-*.withct*s-

of Mount PsrDaju>:iK. wbiit-twi'Kirl slareeserved Cyprian wine in nbe broughfrom Hercalaneum. Thin tc»iterUlnment; that woula b i n _the imnI, or rather ihn pa.ui,-. uflas. was tbe talk of Paris (or wt-t-kk after-ward, and imi tbe axin

tfcMBMru"Briin tound t.of the faabiouable world.Marie Antoinette. J<utwbentbll brilliant buii rHy w•.«, enjuyiogberself to the atraoot extent, ditilng fromrose to rose in ths: Pariitiau parterres opleasure, tun aovrreiifii^ "tre arrestaiand nhoi-Ll j afterward nr.uu-J by orderof tbe relrolaelonaiy aommlUM,

A Ions list of MJ-I< ••'••') arfMtocratte

mitter, hers beii i amuriK ihc number.Mcwtofihtse noblea fell *ii:ltius to tbeguillotine; other, escap-d. MM, LeBrualeft Paris ta tbe dea.1 nf ntgbtinlias, dlsgnlsed M a-page. a- -Oe bad heardthat a warrant waa imaed tor tier arrest,and proceeded by alow »i*n-» lo Naples,where *he. executed a portrait uf t lie wifeof Lord Hamilton; and the great friendof Nelson, tbs Briti.h war dug. In theBOB* of a bacchante reclining en thssas-

G«etbe waa.a great admirer of this sadother pictures from tbe Druj.b of thisbixM7 gifted lady artiit She •ubaa-anently lived in Vienna, wlwn at (beImperial court she wa* received and wel-comed a* the friend and companion of tbebapleen-Marie Antoinette. Kroni Viennasbe went to St. Peternberg, when shewas honored bT Catharine II. and Paul I.Returntuu to France In 1WM, ab« « » •brilliaot entertainmento under (be empire


ACCOMIODATIOH IXPfiSSS.[•a Mult atars. Par*



Insurance IgentOffici cor. Front St. aad Park Afa..


Real Estate for Sale & Eickaaie.MONEY TO LOAN



j j J. HHJ)E10FF,

LEWIS B. CODDISGTON,I• aowaaor te T. ft IMM.I

Ftrnittre aii Freiilt Ixjrtii!L*t«.0oT«Tf4 Tutor Track!.

nd ^ aav cart of ilw U a aaiateed. :ba>cee rsasaeiaala.aavli'oo .arlMgaspsetaltt.

f K OBtMOK*r Of I I I J U B B T .

For Weddincs, Parties, Etc.,TO HUE. CUB9ES tEAMIIAILE

yv eigmazL,M »*aT r*oMT*TRM*T. p u n t m u , » j .



| AJ» I

Artdstio Hair Dresser,• 0 . 2 0 4 PABK A

band the rettomo

Her worthl*sa husband dii-rt in 1BU.His widowsurrired nita tliirt j jeara, dv-lagla ISO, at tbe advanced ax* ••! Kl. The• • • total of her art i.t k work compriaea« t portnlta and •»IM.IUQXP' plec«.BaraUlltrsnaaeeietr wonwu w*» muchgreater (amo kxr lasae as an art'"taa a atab-ly, digniBed wuln'aa4 bdlliaat In epavenatlou, '•to — I n ad .boo* to more

CARREY BROTHERS, AfMts135 Welt ftant St.


PLUM • • R 8 ,





Keys of AB Kiflds « « Miie Here.

Tinware Made to Order.

Brick andPortable Fnnaoei


Parlor Stoves,Furnaces, Ranges.

Water Plping.Plombing.i

Heater Work. Tinning,





U. W. BtNDOLPH't,d n t t M . 1 « Wwt m a t »t ,

The OonstitntibnaliBt.

SCHOOL board an issue;; tw -top)* Will, Murt

Be Overthrown. “■■—-■»• P» ,h- w-ure u> (papular rota; tit. Moot »oN

hw" *“• ~ r t hut ths School

to *»»»• !«• • ZZ?I> hte ewe .WPeowd ■* . ^ |*1 iwp*"1 *v- "i*u«*k>n >d*1 "-V '-irtb— opnA-t*V* to «t»* “Tg/Ud.^- <* 1-Eto.yuCS •• -*• ^eianmsn <«r» «Uh«V B m. J^rwIVuli «*«l olh-ra lb# \J,,ij<uto TV- night hu _a-^ U>* pcNKt to U»- Imminent ttku-

v°t*» •* bu lbs School Bourd ou • too bud If th* pi——t pv—BNt utguodoltlss—hip untoo to soppmi

<%i of ibusoc flirt •»•••* Thursday that g_«a fr *••©■* '*i I* •""» « wwa— to«*. •wl '*•» **,rt

w i*r .p*»oe*o*« of tbo il«H‘ ’ ' *" %— U»-- r*-Wt«d. 'I«ct ihMUmi o< *ueft ^ »*. —«M if* to «*- Oi»-o®dor-tood.

•gvrt—f: Ulhorou biy aequAtotwi the —iraoto. O- b— umi* tbs oora rf»**in»ac*s<.. *o tha* bo i* familiar ■M tto totoito of tbolr oforatlooo MMt-ljr olwaya t*^o cts—ot •« ths

»0^«boh— Mura mad- him—If thor- «fBbly fomliur with this particular work •to—ulii be obliged to I—m all that Dr rivtoww two and who afW ba toctormr*— 4* tor mywlf. i baa- oo par rtaolar do. drain regard to tha matter WbUo I am ton nod bare found the wort, ao far aa I tote b—o able to attend to IU quite ooo- patol to my taole. yat Devon be L— X am ad dtop—ed to make aoaffwt to ra- toto the poaitioo I aow hold to tto Board. Vttera m aay ooeriderebl* oppoa —dims ascertain that fact buforu tfae raraottaa. I ah all probably d«tfln

“Tte qaeeO— of the oooartt a'.locality ft tha act paaaad baa oaC baao d ■tool and at til that quradost to daoldad ra«t»* *• ba. Ho doubt If tha law to loaad to ha anoaUtot local tha Board will irqimc (ba Oommoo Oruooll to oak* ap- •Ub B tha UU la uoaooaUtuUooal tb« Board tommaaa all tba poaara It bat blttomo •notti brloogad to It. It la not proto- dtothat the question will ba de to* after tba near Board to atoetad “Tba Board h— aa opinion from aa •Md emraaal - oould ba obtaltrad that

aatoU from thto «ma toawa would wto fsvoc r—I actio a from a largo majority ol

Oon ty allow that Beojamla F. Howell fur plurality of 1.0M tod Frank V. Mo—ru for Mambar of Aa- aemtdy ru—(rod a plurality of • plural-



Doing Great Work Syria.

pniNTiNo ooeecL fou msath*-.

tw aril la tk. n.jai ™..tbr-«or b. w mini bUiknM-,l,.If. and MUrUOadba.. Mblia. Ilka aud ml»i Ibr abrpbnrda. wrad waaglraa k. Baa. Dr. Bnar. J. aapof B.,r~llk. B,rU. In lb. barton <X

Craan.al Avaoua Gbaxah lav. •, TM aadtaooa Sited tba mm aaa i ateaa unite lo tba -ocda at tba teearr. Betel; aapmaad. ate ka- aartbtua or tba laid aad tba rntboda of

bo protebard till Iko dan. At that kutu — H Boil Id W paid b. Ik. tfuno and aald. toll., daldj. wb.r. IUn> aillk- amBa.aillaapli.hn aftte plt.hte b tkap Buald afterward pnaeat itey aratsaaalp ta tka llpa ut itel baaaiaa.B

Thoo U tea; ba kadi; aatltetad. la aplte of thte u>a ab atea kaa teaaad Be pobtldatluoa lb krabta.

t Bbteb croaaaa ML Lab- •eoa bp aaoaaad track. Itataa 1101 bat loss telte. Tka apaakar loU at tbaaa Uao U brdac telrodaaad tela LB la a

Tba liat attempt to traoalata tba Btbla lato dfbkte note ted a aot-Daok in •kaa Dr. EH Batik dlad. Bat a porbapa wo batter Sited ta dooUDB •or* -oa toaoo to IB. Tab D;k. wba Urn lb tba Bprt-i or USO and Iko ad la uts a boot too.mo mM ban , Iko wa; (raw Afrloa




Tka; ao|a;a< tba . naMlmabapp;



ias. M. Dunn,



W. R.

aaar Qse».« «■ »ar. aftaagt-pgaBa1


Krant king awmlly foood Is a Brat- claw grtcerr store. a; Good* dedirered (fee of charge.

LEWIS a CODDIRGTOH, IbaaateBB te T. 1. darar J Firiitvt ail Freiikt Eqrtu!


Ouw of the tovont— of Merle Antolu- IUl»hw more or le— leeoeoet merry makings at Urn Trianon w— Mu Rllxw beth Le Bran, a haou portrait painter of that epoch. The maidlea name of thin tody w— Vl«— Mh- w.n town la Parto, 17U. and early la life d^pU/ed algae of uaduubted arttotlc ta.enti.. which aha In- herited from her father, who wae tatmeeif aa artUA. Mile. Vlg— umw.i !■ her Blri- heed ta frequent (he public gallerl— ef tlto Louvre and l^i-mlmurg. ropylng RemhvanfiU aad V.uJyk.-., — well — Greuae-e female h—«U. with each akUl •naii e.1 to earn a con- tor Kernel f. ml*f<srtui.e tlsat followed her father's death »h* married Mr. La «malt><r The an unhappy one end after a time they rated. Thru her —tee— erne, hci ity form in k an Importaa' factor la the trlampl.e that attended the •Forte of bn bnmh. She reached the cUmi of her glory when %h» wu special ly invited by Qaeeo Mane Antoinette her ef the French

■KW . while penned eoeneta le her eyebrow* and d» of yard, of esqutetle gush oa the faecluclint; charms of her pevrsen. The result wa- that she the lion cm of dainty aristocratic drcl— um-4 to attend her hi wwvkly receptions. Her palatial home in the hear—ly fields wae there— •ob|— artieu. sod litempWa aad their

M Tba Prahlblllao vote for Utesbiw of AaB-mblT Is tba doaol; Bka ITA Tka Ft rat Dlftrldt of BrtdiraBAba aaat S9 toub abd tka n>at of Narth PlalaSald eatea Daxt Bltb 17. tka auu Bl; who fid Dot fn to tba pul la

IMPS AND FAIRIE8- ba Board ate aaa rlalm to ba todapaodtelL What, •nraatloahaabaastakaa lo tba Board « BdocaUoo baa baao bj ouaruibuu.

(tebaw of Mr. LotM. or an; otaar —■bar of tba be bool Board. Tba; era •a, ka BtaraMaa la A tealtar ibHo pollej. Tba Fraaa M te llaUOBIbaBtebaaof tba paapla

haova tbac tba Ttototraf M.;o, (Mlbart

It te pop* HujteA ravtrad. Tka Pbopte of ETaio- teMt faai tkate aaBaol aratea Baa a ter,. Hteote teat ;aar aod (Ate. Tba; (aa I

bkdUmM, la Jiortb natelald. fr-aa kte already teM of tba ptea * Maka Mapar QUbaWa ra alaaMoa

Tba aatertaloateat te tba DaaaUan Ftoabytartuo Cbareb Friday night Baa tergal; aUaodad. and graatl; raltebod. a abate, aUtecaaa and takteaoa Ban good, lairtea. uap. and Motbar Ooaaa ted. Ttte Ladtod Oirkaarra of Ptelalald

a Bate tekaa by tba teUoB-bd: Hadia Ttltab. JaKa DodBaU, lotlte Oarmao. Ma«gte Tab Aradate. lAtate Martloa. Ktbal Botea. Aaa Ma-

OUteapto. Item Ttegter. I

CSarlto Vltet, Orarar KiafaaL WUIte BaakMaa. Irrtod Martloa. Bm WyokaR. Walter Bod ter. bdo. Tall. Bddto Unit. WUIte Kaaaady. Sdaa Oorteil. Altea As«ar. Band Kulldoahoa. Fred Byter. Paarlte DodBaU. Bata Pa Oa«rte Wyhoaky. Mary Baldaln. Boaa M. Baldotn. Ullte Eaooady. lraaa Apata, Ban; TUat, Jaal LaaUa Klaary. Baddte WHO ox. Maxaall Urate lay. Halite HoS. Alban Oooklla. Jobaato Imgaa. Maadte Wltoox, Mitel. Tool. Barak BrakkB. Bute OaUacbor.

adoread BtLi tead-palotad boCtarUlaa. laorelkao ISO Botnan auaoded. lapre- aaoteUTaof tba teadto, laaJMa af ua

A paparoo bapMoptera by Mra B~rtag •bo aod tbarougb knowlodg- of tba Later- ootlog apaoloa. Prof Smith ol Botaara vaaiadaaa adtfytog addrate, Mra. Alraander Ollhan read a papar adding Taloabte kooBtodga to that already Itel parted, aod Dr. Skloiteoc ol PbUadalpbte laid of (ba LapMoptere af FaooaplTaola. Tba papan aod addraaaaa o.m lot. I*1 Bod op a aocial tea. at Bbteb tba Lapldoptora Idea Baa gno.folly canted out by tka awing ac Ira nraate te tka i aad rater at botta, S aa BORN NEAR PLAINFIELD.

loom Nrtbdav Tborada; at tk. botaa af BM grand dough tor, Mra. BokL A Fadrtek. IS Wate Klaaay aUM.aa.ark. kiaBte- kara Baa ka«B at Turkey, dot Mob Prow

ta I oat till ap te about IBM; oaagty all of ter rateuvaa lira lo tkat alt; Mary Oran, of Brooklyn la a yaw Mra. Parker af the aatea nil; la 1«. aad • aredf.Tg.eodM.

tteaoaonaof Mob Soreop, Ttretete. Hartk aad koatb Carolina, OBNkte.Flortd.tevl (telte. Tba IteteW kid aaM as Iba areal teB raaaa.

aa iaaaa.au wavate , Th* apsrtBrau of her pnlnce were beut- ed with fragrant does wood, the 0 lagwemetlme* jig bled with beak He* table Inthecefertorv waa with geld pUte. ever which |-C»« splendor, while on the bed- cotjy without, —me of the inoet tsleoted •nd-te of the city soothed the —re of the gneeta with snstrhe- of r<x(|ulBJte mnale. Prominent among the knbitur* of the mn—ion wave the dnndlflrd VUcouat do Hegur and M. Dclilie. the imrndtc of the royal family, who nlterwnnl t-nsnae oee of the poetic fflnrifler* «f the bloody reign

One day this poetical rand for M me. Le Brun irnuiniloue of il»e. trnrela Of APAchnrtsle. la which that writer mli»- Itely dracribedthe — Inga at na old Grrek bnmjuet. The fair art tot was ink— by tlsw glowing dewcrlp- tieo and »he determined to under her own alldrd ro«f Ufmlar similar to that gives The took, ktsvtng Isees. (urni-hed wHk recipes, for (trmk sauce-, proceeded to dy.and

i every pay

e«rvlng a genuine Atlseniaudiuacr.oow- Metlug of —to and hnU. Tarnished with honey, figs. dime, and «r*|»ere of Corinth. uucee'ber with a score or so uf ocher dainty deUcaclra of more or Ira* cla—ic orlgia. Thto fe—t was spread -weraa antlqua ’ Ithtir-clnn rich with draperira. While the gaests pan tank of t be good things set before them. Delille. the poet, royal purple, thrui gold— lyre, singing Anacrvouilc dittiea gad sum.umlrd by a bevy of pretty young maidensdrasswd istnn w«.with riaa- •IceoiFnr—, repra—ntlng the pine mi Of Mount Perhaeeas. while two girl alarm Cyprian wine In dps brought from HevcUlageum. This g» nr reus —- tertaismeot. that w—Id h«w gladde—d tha eoul. er rather the pa-ate. of Lucul- lan waa the talk of Parto tor kvreka after- ward. aad cost the extravagant the smart -am of *7.000. Mam. Le Brun fouad herself the quo— of Che fashionable irorld. second — ly to Marie Antoinette. Ju-t at that moment when thto brilliant butterfly •— enjeyiag hereelf to the atmoat extent, flitting from roes to rum la the Parisian parterrea of pleasure, her eo—relgn- aad shortly afterward executed by c

aateed. haa—c —Ua ». O HU roriiwiuun.

HESSsT:sSraaKUtsrr —-t; at r—s-sm WILLIAM A. WOODRUFF,

FIRS AID UFB Insurance Agent

Office ear. Fnat St. >N Pvt An., PLAINFIELD, g J. Beal Estate fir Sale S Kxckaiie.


Stoves. Ranges

HARDWARE ur ill ante '


CANOPIES For Weddioxa, Parties, Etc.,

ft HUE. CIAIBES 1EAS0I1ILE Mrs- Weigman, •V BANT noRTiriMT. PLAINF1RLD. ■ J.

John Chandler,


Artistic Hair Dresser, Ba. 20* PAM AT

ALBERT HUE Liver; and!



Parlor Stoves,

Furnsceii, Ksoxch.

Water PI pins-Pin in hi nr.

Heater Work. Tinning,


Atit«Biv»aR, Rail Freaf Hfrari.

Call, i


American 8llvcr


I1BE ktekbtete m are*'- a. .a# ute haark UataaBiaai waa terete (or liar arruat. •te rreraalte by alaB alagn lo Napte. •bare ate aiacaud a portrait uf Iba Bl(a mi Late Hate Ilian, abd tha groat (rlted mi Xateaa. tka Brlliah war dug. latte paaaafa baerbant. lacllalng aa tka ate Uurtte waa a great adtelrn •( Ute aad .ter af ( break oCthte klgtey glltte tad; ante Sh. autea- gam LI; Urte lb VtobM. -t-r. at tka Itepartal court tka »u re-airte aad Bab reread aa tte (Hand abd corepaalaa of tka haplare Marta A dolour. From V

•aa baa urte by Cutkurtau IL aad Fabi L future lag to Franca lo lam. tte rare hrtlllaal entertain meat, aadrr tte retplra Her Bunktea kaatabd died te telA Hla BldaBaarrlrte kite thirty Jmmmm. dy lag la utk at tte adraaord ago .< $1. Tte fatal alter arl' " — •at partralta aad Itelaailucrpr plrare. ibr ability re a aaatoly Bateau are alack greater tteo ter bare re aaanteL Aa





iejs d AB KW> in Hah Hm Tinware Made ts Order.

Ranpea, Brick and Portable Funaoee

i^~rsSSH“" 8ia,T“I niXBae-

Fur —to only ml I.. W. RANDOLPH'S,


Page 4: The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U

The Constitutionalist.


I ' U l l 111 Ml. *"•••• j


A. L. F«ref, fablisbrr t Proprirur.

SCHOOL BOARD MErHODS " " T K U ^ L "Much Fault Found by Plain-

field Taxpayers.


- If run as an ' observant andihnu^ktlui citizen 'have anything lotay on the School Board matter,The) Press wilt gladly giv<

. it—no mailer what your v ws. ThePress has its opinions, and kn<the opinion of a majority of the

»ple, but it nevertheless welcomesr disduseton of both side? What

you have to say, sciuKo The Press;and it will receive respectful and+iomwable treatment. If you pub-lish ii over yoiir own iiiHf, it will* e the braver and more effective.

The Daily Press is the organ oftio C.K '.wiy, the t o o l o f D o cli<[iici

^therefore it ia the only ' paper inttainlieM which has had the free-dom of conscience- to tell the. truth•ilxHif the School fioanl matter andin seri-i' the people the good turn of4winting out [the danger in the way.There ia u satisfaction in wearingtio man's collar; and The Press isproud to lie the trusted newspaper

"jf an appreciative public. TheTress b for the people: the people

• wre for The Press; and altogether itmaitc* a very happy family..

H its issue of Wednesday. April1894, The Daily Press nr>-d

-v Plairtfielders who were &<>/ engaged in social-purity

work elsewhere to turn their alien-fienlion Id the sh.ttnt-fui state of•ijeet morals in Plairtfieid. ThePress baa hid. this matter deeply athi.'.trt. -iini yet could not accomplishU1"*"! fcjr publication of offensive

It wa» therefore gladI as it d>d exclusively in its

rdaf. that fjie Plain -

Board pio-IheM column* • ! -

White they « ' • mrpilaAd 10ear* that an i s m t&ey iooug&t eattirtf

*uMb*f«Tl fM, they were glad Ui.lvt «( th« etate of aflhtrs.

aad grateful to Tin-D«lly Pre*» for. It* Qrovs street.

rh- OOOtlBMDOa Of tbAM SIBD IB O0. 8Considered rwlmtife tweauae tbej bav«

«Q and a n (orMDoat lo rMtertng tbiottntniv« mproreitienta to b* advuieKjulng ihn comluR jear; aad tbe Deioo-»t* t>a*» «bown BO dtopoatUoa to dis-

turb ttttx-z^oaliVaor th« pra«ant BiuciHrl-al adinlalatraUMt. • '• ' .But too SabooJ Board Mttdldaer

tola bar*mooloua ooa4ltton. If tbfl rnltrtri^ vem.

thn Ilo.rd »rp to b« noumloatfdoat bt- oo tl» MOK tloket with Mr., and Mr. Gilbert's friends might

beied toto voiiog tbe vboie ttek«t .underV Sse inpnaVlon that (

of the atibject and are in-. • 11 detail The'need

*oFj Ie*cal' reform iii this matter isurninjj, and the cpnAined intellect

-sense of theirely de-

oharge oft, Metropolitan Life In

• Oompani, enrtwe'from'1 hieHeld HaXitig that He hae mad* bis home InKuiboroufb, wfcJon he deecrlbee aa

-J»r to the Derepth, llgbth and J*e*reet «ectlon of HaJoBelJ. Heaaf.be.»«a a very One »flkw, and an a«reeahte* u a of agenta voder him. He gam 1

r night, ani


• rfrom Old Point Comfort.

O. a ToeJe and family of w-ro-r MMnoe are viaitfoe frlende tn Hew York:,

Mra. L. D. Holme* of Gr*nd view ev»one fa Tlettuw relative* In Nortn Braces

Hr. and Mrs. O. Henttaooe of R ^ ' wroad are at Hotel Sea M«roo. Mew York.

The- tfret sf-lopole of the Masnn w) 11 bes l n n In the Oaelno a w«eh froio Satoid*)*

Toe-T .1 Um Creaoent Avenue Church Nov. 88t7p-»- sWh«D r. M Baoon gom to Florida B««t

rnmtb h» "rill fake with blm tils cictk.P Keafe.Will V. Dunn of 90S Weit Fourth atreet

hafl been euffarliix SIUCH Saturday with inleryecld,

Mr*. OrranonBb o!logberM

itapoken courage and 1'e tbe people.

As matters stead, the Bap iibifo%n» of•lafaneld flod tbemeelvea In a peenllir><M)ti(>ii. They h»vn through the OBE-aea made by [.arty leaden la tbe townxpreaeed unanimous dtmlra not only forhfl miration ot Mayor Qllbert bat alsonr a retard to Council of Mr. gee in tbn'irat ward, Mr. Glnna In the Second, ant.

WUifaloee*; fcwl M r m , w « . , « . „ Smith'-restaring at (he Boltud Bouae tiu'lsghora»«how week.

Count? Glerk Hovard took posaeNlpnywaterd^y, and leUlced th« CalthfulEimore D. Hoffstt as deputy,

Jlr. and Mn. f. E. Miller, formerlr ofH it«i Nat her wood, are at St. Ltiui*.where the/ «U1 flpond tbe WINIW,

Mr. and UM. Ob*'. P. Pond of Wa^b-Ington avenue leave Thursday for «*DFc *Dutec'i. to rentals Ull ue«t Ma<r. 1

Tbe weddlntc of A. O. Mevlo ao'1 MineDumoot of Duiiellr-n takae pbtoa in Bu

. in 'HI Cbnreb Saturday moralog at l l i

winiiin i. Klely of Stelner pl«m> hwacoapted apoeltjoa with, the new branchof tbe ftt-rt it Atiirnii; aaa Paelflo iv a

School Board•odld-KM eiood on hi* platform.Uttorm to tbe popular d

e expucdltoree .,ftMtrieUon. Ir

would obagrin tM votara to Hod that In«lMUo# Mr. Gilbert and ble ticket tbeyDad teetotad to ffcbool Board w n r » r -

•ho would aivk to over-ftrow tbe enaoUaent of tb« laat Lagtela>

'Sdtta ta epeedh-ir pet prcjnet of a blub asBool n>ac*toti



,«. . <t. CMaai in Hard U A .There U an old oaylnft; about goingway f'num borne to hew the news, aud* the world i- linking after the newtud (tnasip that ii<t<TPal Xtw- York, it U

latest uii»-««i cleTclopmeiito Inj tbeneliu.- VnnUprblit. cn>e in a PittsourK

Intbla it U aaid that wiriiin a ahorttime tbe'flnal Diiancinl »rr»iig<nn«ita nfebelieved tu 1>*VD ti«n mode l,n«-epn Mr.and Mr*. Wiilmm K. VauiH-rfaJit. andanlt for divorce will be begun under theU n of Rhode Unuid.

The stun offered by Mr. Vaoderbilt w*acompeted nfier -uug auii ciirefjil cuiisid-eratiuD by tlie fjiuiilj' lawyer^.. It ia un-derstood to be *3,0U0.D0a As •> wife of *malti-miUiuDaire U n Vauiiferbllt ha*naturally a rigbt to a very !ar(e turn a*

The Hjik.ii.li,! tHtnl.lUhOHsot! koown ae"Alurbif fl.jm.t-," on JJi'ilt-vwtf srtMiUc,Newport. *»«. a gift to'ber ia fivmeryeara frutn Mr. VAQdeibllt..1 and tlrlsrepreeenta nearly. If not 41111 f2.tiW,0t«.The dwelling coat jibout #J,'J<M.WJO. sod(be iuti-r:,,r Is fitted wltb Uiu most >-x-pentlve turuiture, hanstugs and decor*-

Upou her return from Europe a few.

veeka ago Mn-. Vaiid^-rlillt ^ nil U. New-

en hoar ur two bebin'i a pMirTnf uplrlted.

blaok Lot*,-.Hi... V.n.:,rt.].i, .LI« understood, will

have the | !eK«f cuvtudy of her chiliireu,bat it i- i«'m-v. .1 that ttie two eldest,who a n »in,i,-i gruwu up, Ulll U) »klowed to mukti tbab! choice ami live with

attempt haa biwo made to deny thaireotoratloft of their old power la nought

y the B-urd. On the oonirsrr. there laerory erld*«je that rwtoratlon t u n etijwhat they eeek. an4 every *«tde«ee thatthey erlng tenadoaely to the plan of

Init a eostly oolieglaw lewtttuUoa1 the pnMIe deee not feel the imiteneedoc and ertU oov favor Ull It

eela It can kJTord tbe loxary.The Board baa planed eleaeee In the'adaworth building under Uie pie* tbat

convwee the (teonle tbat the establish-ment of a school I M I * vaa not tbe antl-olpated oVoiiee to the fMtgfaborhnod. Itita eooicnt and obtained legal opinion

that the Buhool Board lew la nnoooetitu-looai. and It to prepared, II tha people

by taeir votea M the December eteoUonoooilnue It In power, ta etteek the act.wipe It oat If piieelBle. and proceed with

pet plane In dedaaee of popular will.The natter of obtaining legal

opinion In tbe oaaa, as a' groundwork tor.» one of UUM* things

whlob the Board aeemed lo con*lder W|FK" In rxeeutWe amsioa. Tbe an-

of which Tbe Press and Xb-pe«f>)e have eo much oompUUwd 1Jaoe to Be a feature ot exletlna; Bcfa oolBoard methods, and the remarkable ),

ibservteary to popular will as by

• Of ai'jhem war* SuperiDtend-

< Booth, Byebuok. and nia prede-at. Buj-rtnu ndnot HmlUiles. who bat

I tha. Morrleaols. District.A Teryeloq<

Public aefctlmttii b u loag rzletedaxalnai there HUtr-roee and aatoeratlctranaaotlona of the Board, and lhatttmont h*a groon amarlngly The votern

etoot the trwuee, and tbe imp*• hotw funds the tru«t«ee expend In aoeblarge amount, feel that there la nothl

be lost, no dtaadTantave to d«magainst proper mana^emeot of >eohoula. In malotalalna; »p*n ooafi-lrawith the people; and they Tool tbat tltiare a Juet grtevanee againBf the t ru tfor tbeir ioaa>eatab)tamed praetkie ol

Iveneea. Tbe peopte's argument k.(ha Hcbool Board le meant to run apuhllu toalltoUou of "dofaUon.'noi a•*-eer*leebureau whiee dictate* Un-

public DJU*I blindly obey.

PlaSnoelil iMpeyen. will weloouie ih-day when1 they reel ae free to attend

»»ilim< of tha Boeird aa they are tomeet, wltb the Omanon Oounotl la all IMdolnge.

ueh an<-c>*f>lv«* to s

W lebedln thec g v i u n . Board Uw. ^

tud««tt-i«M«* • With tbe rare oaoaeton which now pm -*oi»lteelfof eleMlng two b

u l b


G. a. Van Nnat, wfan baa eold hli meatmarket ui D. M. Gardner. lnt*nde to be-cooiu actively engaged M an offloor fa) *M

MM Addle Parker Jaokeoa, reader, «odP. Ladwl« C0110*. Wollnlat. will glv» areottal In tbe Caeloo Toestfay nrni|ng,bee. l\. rurtber aOaoawMaaeot wlii b-oiMde later.

Mr. and Mre. Wm.WUwn and their eonBneeeM or Gi»dstoo». hive been eo-nd-ln# a few tlaye at the hoote of Free-holder Andrew Lutkln* of Nor b Plain-Beld.

Mr. and Mm, J. Barton Groeodykit have'rMuroed from their wadding towr.and arer-^idiog at the borne of tbe brtdw'a l-tber,Qoonre w. r, Sandolpb, Veat Front

Peter Bodge of gntaereet atreet haa r«-oHvfd a latter from Oln father w|m <n«t» -utt a week ago to tak* a poeltlon aabookkeeper with the Ctrra'ilo Lumber

of wht.fh A. D. Tbumpaon ol• vto-preeldeni. He tell* of

tola swfe arrival and good health.1 F. Moeber of Alfred. S. T,, iaaiwer

r The) Babbwh Beoordet, w u la Plsto--Id jeeteraay eUeadlng the naeetlu ofbe Tract Boelety ID tbe Seventh Di j

Baptlat Gbareh. He vllted htu etaUir.Mra. Cogvoe Lorton of Vei t Fifth ecreet,iml was a weloonM oiler at Tbe free*.fflce this UomlDK.

Tbe Mtetee Berah and Harriet Meeoliwor Plalna>M WITH the eoloUts of a faaft-

in»bJe. He* York dinner ttw other nwn-Og A number of dl-Ungulah«<l p*w.p[..•etv frnaopt. Among the telectloaa that.he Mlaaea Maaaing *an« ware:' ••&•!Ktealo". fram tht opera of ••(•wotr-amldir>;"Tbe Wall«-eong". from "Komeo

' J u l W : - B - i a OROOT Duet", fromPB opera ol • ••Martha", aad Ooaflod'a

blcg, riu.11^ KOd

Hanr hearts grtere over th* death ofPfiMr fandevnoter, eon ol WlltUm, whodied yretrday at the bome ot bla pmreata,3*i East Fifth street, attar a bHef limes*.

wan a popular yonng man. and winsadly mlaeed. Bla pistor, B«v.

Cornellna tichwick. and Handaf^aboolfrank Hone, were with bin eot>

Btanil; durmg hie lllni.ee. and hi. ac-of \ h- Barloor

l N'.-" York HOciE(y atthe Vaiulerbilte, Oul,

! forpared with

' JUl ••!••• U tcbsrmi

)hn C. EMU i» forced to [leave Newagain (»• tbe rrhithilrtatiou of thettlbii ttt Hjf Jtluift him, it is <jui \ r prop"

able tkat Uts term of iuprimminentwonld seem no ni-rr- of * puiir»hnn-irt tohim than a 1 .•iK|tul- TJ- reiiideuce In Cwu-ads or ets*-*<herr-. When be came buckfrom IfOatrwtl, after bin long exile, he'literally l iw l u» liru«Owj>v for threedaya, and hr ban been wolkipg up and

ig gtvtia'l «rae tbe Hoffmen*i><i he vibrated betweeu it.tr.

•id thr Giliwy alwnt sixteen honn cut

-.- off't ( h * HuQiireil I>uiltr* R^war^tor kay oaiK of Uatarrh that

i oy HtllVOxtwrh Cur-.I. <7b-Mu>y * Co., Propa. Tolwlo. O.

* the uit'loroiKnofi, htTd koowa f. JCh<?oay ttt the iaat 15year*, and tvllevtnil* porfeatly honorable la aUtraaaaotion-t «ai iln taj)aliy able to a*out mat obllttitti.ni mwU h; their firm.

Weet A Truas, WboleesJe Drug^i

Valdlog. Kunan * Marvin. WhnleMJeDroifirltw, TJIMO, U

Ball-4 ( J t u m OQN U taken Internallyrtl"« dlr»otly upon the- Wood m :

mu« •urf4oM nf ttlia synt^m, Prl(MCb-wtlA. 8nl<tuy«ll Druggist*.

Tbe PUtotWI GcmefltttUoaail*t has-sue oat In an etgat-page form, t h o t d otngs«»y with tbe Urge aad

i»b*at. ft el ft MM



SemiDary, Plaio&eld,

'. OctoDir 31.

PiB 81LE~At aK n e b e p M o M r n

J. H. Tan D*-nmV*, Meta


» t p l

w*Bsassr,anflWMrul l 1

Siu tiik ras Incrvaaed in wi i -lil »ucl chxerfalnnta.

Very many Xaw Yorkers are familiarwith bis face and fiuure. thongh theymay not be able to place him. He ib

' biy *f»r» a me* coet, which Ot*Ntber anaitly, *nd a low'^nwn

«rby b«t. lie ban a small nmiUtbe,ruddy color, and tba look of a typical

Broadway babitue.

The Marquin'teCriMlf.otharwlMknowna* Uchard d« Lotferot, is a rather pliia-

" 'entnttion of tbe effect wbich thetlmea have had upon sneu uf ih-

« * « a apruce. watl-Bruom«d aad ratherdandified looking maa. and be aoou

aiaed ma extnmrdinary reputation t>e-lUHDf (b«> numbfr of bourtt he -|«-ni «lsa table in Delmiraico's. His wife M Icomely VvaMM ..f rather plump bnlld,

nd botb ••( tnt-m lived very much ia tbenbllc eye, They regalarly euga«ed

•eota In tliv froat row of the orchestraor every Brut night perfurnunce at

" %g tltrxfi'*, occupied a ttble oea:ulnr wimlow at Deliuonicu'*, rfrom4«d h..ur- in a victoria 111 the Park,

nd were 011 view at tbe opera, *nd, in-vd, vrery uth^r pabiie event of iaipor^ice; They usually went to breakfast!0 o'clock, nad remained at tbe table

.til nearly 13. A plec* TO i l « » ) i re-served for them nt tbe Inocbeon boor,

net tbej entered Delmoni«o'e promptlyt Vo*ul»clt. "mid remniuvd until tiaorly 4."hen they druve not, »-tuniiiiK for a longlaser, mul wen almost Invnriably tbe

Ust parooa* to leave Che rencimraut i furmidnight. The quiet »ui| M|uable per-iatancT wii ii which they KM finallyttracted the Ktt,-ntliin of peopla aboU'awn, and tb»i).a<« they begaii to lucreaMa girtb *» the v«.r» mllnd by, th«y be->mi • aoanv of cutnmeot. When tbektarn.uiH de l'r">**i: IIJJSMJ fleclded lo openI hi'ti-l nt bU ..« II. bin klwrnce from bis.ccostnmed place nt Delmonlco's created:DdISH remark. By tb»t Man both th«Unniui.nuii Ilia wife bail become so Anal

as to be nnl.i.lf f v«a la a crowd of «v -red people. The incmuiHl welxht of, tlieIfarquis ban in the main diaappeerwd

' r tba Htraw of financial troubles.

•tout m*n. H- i- a .in<mi^riy —f Rood-naturil iudivlduut, a.ud the-fcjriuin-. wli.ob lijivr uvrrtuReu kiln>naad a good .icai.it sympUby.IIM AllOs 'Ofcaaler, tae laitt 'yonna:man to br r-j...n^.i (and, app«m •

wltltuut any truth In ihe rumurt engiOeorge Va-i.irrlult, iwloniM to

Cbaaler lamfij. who are [.rumineot,Only becauw of their M>dal ponitlon

'th. but on account of their «treogrldnallty. MJ»H Cfaaaler la • idsMr-

_.*of Anittlla liivw. her oldest brotherbetaff AnuKitim^ 1,'hantrr. She is

ii' •<,-. iirui.viiir, wht> la fond of mli of Mpon, .uiil a girl wb" will, utiItedly^ni^ke H b.iliiant matth.Igh shH a,.,v out niurrj tbltt I

promiaeut ut bat-lielont, Mr. George

n wbo • the. . Hi tlate l-meou-U Ctiiko'* i.«ighb->r in htn^win-ter quarter , i the Am-i.at lu OntraPark la« wiotw, i,»- returned ta maiptln, auj Isau eihiWtioo In beruldeavroo: the second Bnor, She came in Crun.th.wlntf r , <rfBarunm * Bailey'

ort, and will remain a(h* rirrtii. »Urt» out orcxl April. Now thah t J M to tx ti>

lrcu" ah

I -dy-H, fc« prnpo^dtwa-keatded iprl One of herUaiand oo. re>«!ted ais«.-Tlt

CASTORIAfor Infants and Children.

MOTHERS. Do You Know| V I Btwmap's Snips, CMbv'a CordaU, maar *tjt-c&D«l SooihiBj a m n mi

aoM raneffiea toe children an Oompneed of opium or roorptmef ,P » T « « I toew that opium and mcrphinaaraMnpgfyltogDareciclcpgeweet I

P » T « K»ow th«i ID mot count™ dr»cgi«« sr" *'A penDlttrd ' - - " irtnelbiwithwt labellos- them ptdmxu r

PwTnw K»»W that yen aboold not permit any1 mMfctee to b* (tnsi y j , ^

enlen you or roar poyaldaa know of what II 1» «ompo«d t :

P " Ton Know th»t Camorla ia A purelj Tesvtabl* i nparuloo. sad thst^Uetattu iDBTwiienU is puWlshwi with e«ry bottle? •

w/ih«t C«--!ori« l« the preeariptttm nr tb" Tannun Dr. Bmoael ipttcsw,

of JUJ othrr mnetHe* for chfldren combmed 1

; that the Fatent Omce bepartaaent of Ae Coital States, and t*ertjht to Dr. Pitcher noil hl» urtgni to m u» *M

" Oaatavfn,H and Ita fonoala, and thM to

Children Cry for Pltchei's Castor.a.

Gold j Watchesj Given Away!

Amoli H. Tail Horn, L't'd,7^Market st., near Plane sC, Newrarfc, N. J.

VilJ grraa Lad^n' or Genttcmea'a Gold W*ldb to eTcer piwehawi ol «ioo •ronhorauHaFCARPETS AM. FUKNITUKrl

I'nrlor Hix"**.w i are BOW cvhibiitng a 6ae line o( Parlor Sniu, is CMHIOJ of tilk taponu>a brocaulla, at extremely lowjprieea.

B e d r o o m — uit »>•iv« are «tii; eelUaf; * great m*ar Bedroom Suit* of the Hall Or Lyoa ausgtae-

. tare, noted tor latest style! and fawett price*.



n*, efild M



._„ the warm weather, ere are no* aellioxa grcj: mssr farlor SUXF—and Range*, hidodiogthe Famoui Pottlead'Ranges, oa account ol low price*.

Goods delivered free of charge to *ny part of tbe State Easy terms.

^ H:. -VTAJ3ST H O B W. Limited,Market Street. MUeat Plane street, j Mewark, N I.


t t4 mile* from Providence oa Nsmn-

I BBoth Mio-JSteiaibeataad electric light

endowed. Twelve courses, a good tiymna-•iam, • Cadet; Corps. *«H sppolnted cUa»rooms. «aooaye*r. Open* Septoabcr Ik.Write for ilMhtratad cataloctie.

PUnflekt5er5«,.W. D. W. Miller, j a ,L«Gna4c arc',

p BLAKESLEE. D. D.,7 as






« h(ttaM< J» Wltutt fir 3«M»

The Constitutionalist.

1f(i( 2o«>tituUei«ofist A rCMOC VATIC WEEKLY

I'Uli lW Kl. k>W 4er*vy. t two 0011**$ * rn*.

A. L. F«rc*. PtMiskw A Preprint.

SCHOOL BOARD METHODS Much Fault Found by PUin-

field Taxpayer* numwu or «c»»t wssions.

If j-oo *« an obacrvan! and thnu&kttvl cilirm "hare' anything to «ay on (hr School Board matter, Thfi Preas will gladly five apace to It—no matter what your view*. The Prom has its opinion*, and fcnows the opinion of a majority of the ' people, but it n«crthde» welcome* fair dincbwion of both »id<n. What you have to nnjr. aenipfo Tl»r Pre*a; and It will receive respectful and honmahlr treatment If you jvutv Ij»h it over your own name, it will be the braver and more effective The Daily Press i* the oryan of no faction, the tool of no clique: -therefore it ia the only paper in Plainfield which ha* ha«l the free- dom of conscience to tell the truth about the School Board matter and •o’serve the people the good turn of 4>ointiiig out the danger in the way. rherr is h satiafactiim in wearing a® man’s collar; and The Pres* is proud to be the trusted nt w-spaper "if an appreciative iblic. The PremVifovthe people; the people •are for 'Hie Pres*: and altogether it •nake* a very happy family.. In it* lisuc of Wednesday April *5, The Daily Press ur^d -those ITainlielder* who were so •earnestly engaged in social-purity work elsewhere to turn their atten- teation Id the shameful state of street morals in Plainfield. The •Preaa has had this matter deeply at heart, arid yet could not accomplish good ta publication of offensive It wa* therefore glad is it d»d exclusively in its rday. that the PUin- A*sociatiOd hare ic subject and are in- i detail The need m in this matter is 1 intellect

Pi tin field bars heartily UuH Tb* Duly Prssw for *« early la tbs SMOpsfea acquainting tbs* 1 tbs d*wu of ias bebiwl Board pA*-

******* tbst as aas mad* bt* boms to I Mmboruugh. wMaa bs desert boa a to tbs fieveoth, Eighth sod

j. Wills tbsf wf •urpitoto ifi iaara that sa tssm tftsy thought stoUrd to b- revlewt. tb-y wars fUd to.be BMds toffoltaal a* tb« stats of sflklrs. sad grateful to Tbs Dally Probe tec tt* pobsa coursin* sad

Tbs TUosy- Murray waddtog tabs* pis* la tbs Crsaeaot Atsoon Church Sav. tt •t7p.- s Whso F. If Bsaoa torn to Plortda ssit m<wth h* will Uks wttb him bis clerk, Will Kart*. Will P. Dunn of Ml W*$t Fourth str*st

to lbs People. rislafistd find ttmmsblvsa ta a ptrulbr poUUoo. Th#yba»H through tbs »«-- vm* mud* by party feeder* La tbs town not only tor tkm rs-lAstloo of Mayor OUbsrl but also for a rwturo So Council of Mr. Use la tbs First weed. Mr. Olnoa la tbs fieooed. ao> Mr, Flab ta tb* 1 bird. la «a a tbsy bars foA* Bring th- progressive u»pr**voto*ou u» bs Mtuiod during the coming ysar; sad tbs Demo-

te this bar* If tbs ratlrtog mom- bsrs o< lbs Bo«rd nr* to b* rwoomlontod tbsy BW be oa tbs MO tfcMsc Wttb Mr. OMbstt, and Mr. OtlbscVs friends sight bs led lot*, rot lag tbs wbols UokM .under tbs flcbo.4 Board

Mrs. Oroooooab of PbUadsIphU la fWt log hoc **or. Mrs. Obw. Matth->«* of 49 Grove street. Mr. ao.l Mrs. Wm. Palmer Bolt* are etajtog at %he Motlafld Bouse du-tag

d the fallblul loom D. Moffett as deputy. Iff. and Mis. F. E. Miller, forosrir of BKsl Nstbsrwood. ore at bt. Lout*, wbers tbsy will sped J Us Winter.

sod Mm. Ohs*. F. Fuad of Wa*- i avenue leave Thursday for H«n Fr«uclso>. to remain Oil aert Mar. Tbs weddlos of 4- G. Meet* u*t Mies Duooetof DunaUso takes pleas In fi*. User's Uburco Bsturday ooralog at III Wllllso i. Klely of 8teto«rp|*mb«i uoae|.ted a poetvioa wttb tb* m« breaob of tbe Great AUaatta aft* PaotOe fra

s tong existed and autocratic i of tbe Board, and that ••singly. Tbs voter-

r to bis staff. Saturday cUgtit, and moubdvnU of adjoining dla- fc. Bdeburk. and btTpmde-

B chary* et tb* MotrtaaoU- District. tSMObm. r ta^vv-o Htm Will a- •<».». ■ Bg Is tbe prograons* for tW »o I lbs A O. H Mo. 4 of i T. M. X* Ball teadgbt


a 8. Tmle sad family of aw* am vtoftac mead* la Msw York. Mn L. D Holme* af Grandview e*» Be Is vlsltaaa relauvse In Morta Beaus* Mr sod Mrs. O. Bscmsnae nf tt*v'ne ad ere at Hotel Ban M«reo. Msw York Tbe first M-W-pota ot tbs seae-^ will be wo ta tbe Oaetos a wee* from tUtuidsy


Tko. U u «M »iin, .boa. pHiw ■ wij Imp Wm* to MrtW M Ik. ».Tld .. 1.0.inn •«»» Ik. u.» »..d ■») Ihrt Ihtmit Nm'York. I» “ kot npMiklly nuiUW. B ■« l» rrr. r. tb« CkroalcIs-TrlMCrapb. tnis It U said that wlr/rt* a sbort Mm* tbs final financial arrangWosnU ay* bellsvad to b»»» I—O meda Ucmi Mr. and Mrs. WlUbb K. VaadWbtU. and salt for divorce will bs bsgau uadrr the law® of Kbod- laiand. Tbs sum offrra.1 by Mr. YuodvrMJt was computed afiar oog au«l earvfnl coi.s.d- vratios by ttoa Utt»»ly laWJWa- It U US- daretood to bs fiMWU.UIU. Aa a Wife of a multi mlllloealrv Mra VaudrrbiU ban daiorally a right to a vsry »arg* sum as

Tbs splendid MdnMIsbmsnt known as MarbU Himiw." ou Bsllsvu* avriittr. Newport, was a gift to’ b-r is former years from Mr. Vanderbilt, aod tbi* represents nsaHf. If not quite. fc.tat».d« Tbs dwrlling cost sboui Sl.tMVWft. nod lbs Intsnur U. filled wUU Uts wuet ex- pensive furniture. hetigli.gs and dsevra- Vpon bsr rrtsru In seks ago Mia. VeudurblU . *ct. wbsfvsh* sauludnl l»rrl marbl# palace, only drtvtud nil ' " - pair

O. B. Tan M-st. who bae sold bia meat market to D. M. Osr taer. In wade ta ba- eocively sagsgal a* aa oMoer la iba BAlvaUon Army. Mlsa Addle Parkar Jaaksoa. reader, gad P. Ludwig Ooade. vtoMnlst, win flea a raottal la tbe Gaetao Toesday svsutof. wa U. Fartbac saaoaneamaot wtU b- tads later. Mr. sad Mr*. Wm.Wtlsoo aod tbslr son Maaetl af Olsdafeoa, k»va been *p~od- « a law days at lba beam of Frew Herb Plata- Mr. sad Mrs. 4.Barton Oraaadyk* have

Mr*. Vanderbilt, it is uuderetood. will have lbs legal cusludy of brr cbii.lrvn, but It Ia Inmlevel tbst the [So eldset, wbo era aluit-a grown up. will be al- lowed in tnaks tuctr cbok* aud live With tlistr fif tier or bi* family ff tkej wUb U*. Not lor'year* h*» a domrsilc loH/ciiy aglutrd NVw York -ocirty as gnMIy as that of lb* Vanderbilts. Only tbs Cole- a Drayton case can bs c<*uipared with for Interval >bat was of a different oha C. Kno ia forced to leave New York again by tbe rehabilitation of tbe l»dict*le«,i« against him. It Is quite prop- able that bis ism* of impri*ot.iu-ul would seem eo more of a puaishuieiit to blm than a r..iftpuU>ry realdsnc* In Caw- ada or risewberv. S% ben be cams back from Montreal, after taU long exile, bs IHsralfy llvwi vs Broadway for three dsya, end b# ba. beeu walking up end

fiouthuwwskscu to Uka bookkeeper with tbe OerruSI* Lombar Oompany of whbfe A. D. Tboespoou of tbl* «sty la vtoe-proaidont. Be tolla of M* safe snivel end good health- J P. Mosher of Alfred, Jl. Y„ taaasger of TbsBebhaU Beoorder. was la PU'n field yostorday ettsodtog tbe mseasg of the Trust Hoot-ty lo tbs fioeeotb D»y Baptist Cburoh. Bs vt-ftsd file stoUr. Mr*. Fugewu Lofton of West Fifth street. •dwseuwHooms caller at The Fiuue Boa this morning. Tb# Mtesee Herub aad Harriet Msnalnv «f PlaiuffeM wore the eokdeto of u feed, ►sable Mew York la« A

Basnfio-, amide";-Tha Wsii^oog". from "Motors 'Msata Ognor Do*f, from

the death of •. ana of William, who died yeeterday at thahoaa of bu par ttfi Mato ?lf\b street, attar a bnm ilk own* moo. sad will Ble pernor.

tag ground wss tbs Huffman *. nnd br vibrated brtwreu there aad thr Gilsey ■•-«t sixteen hoars unt of tb# twenty-four. Slues bis return bo *d in weight and cbeerfelne-a Very many New Yorkers are familiar with bis face and Agate, though they may not be able to pine* blm. H* In variably beers a mm* cool, which fits him rot her snugly. **d derby bat. H* baa The ktarqula «te Croalr.otherwise known a« IMrherd dr Logerot. la a rather pi tin- Me Ml astral Ion of lbs effect wuick tbe hard times have bad opon men of the must placid and promp tertor. When be fink c

teoahvf Fruak Mono, wutu with him Siagti, during nle llloee*. and hi* so ptooee of the Baetoor loaves omorysad rxampi*. Wo off w One Hu ad rail | Mil are Howard for any «mm of Oatarrb that oanaot be ourml oy Had'. Oatarrb Cure F. J. Ohmmy A Oo.. Props. Toledo. O Wa lbs uotoc.uto-d. have known f. 1 Dhsuoy f «r the last IS years, aod »WI*vw nl« perfeetly booorabl* la all busiuaea truasaettoov an) finkOJUlly nblo to carry out any obligation mada by their firm.

T|W«W A rrua*. Wa deeals DruggUta, Waidlog. Kudu A Marvin. fhnhMl. Draegtma. Tutodo. O. Hall-e OatofT* Ours I* taboo Internally, toting dlreoUy upon tb* blood aod <n»- oou- *urfsons of tbU eyotoco. Prtoe. 7Sn IMC bwUe. Bold oy nU DnigffUt

; .VrtlTBS »l— to klikH 6J It. poller OMrfr W ■*. I . J.C. TVu.o. BiMla tko Itartkr. JHF*— ' Wltmtonro -on limit ot*


AT THE Seminary, puialield.

l emu lay

rjssru dandified Wklng man. and be i gained au eKVnwtrdluary rryutavkuo be- of the number of bourn be spent ut the table In Drlmwaloo'a. Ilia wife was iely wuqian uf rather plump build, oth of them lleed very mack iu tbe t eye. They regularly eugagnd Iu tbe front row of tbe orcbsntru for every fir*i night performance at leading tbeatr-a. occupied a table or particular wlmtow at Deltuvulco's. drove at stated bar* » « a victor!* In th* Park. rsre ou view nt tbs oprr*. and. In- dend, every other pnblto event nf Inpn t They u-u-.ly went to hrenktaat at 10 o'clock, and rvmalned at tb* table until nmrly I* A place wan always re served tor them at tbe loarbson hour, and tbsy eutrmd Dvlmooleo'a promptly sTcluck. and remained until namriy A Then they drwv* oat. returning for u long w. and were slmont Invariably leat pemouk ut leave iba rnataaraiit after midnight. The quiet aod equable per aiatancT wUl. which they ava finally attracted tbe att -utloo of people about

Marquis de Cr-ic ftoully decided r accustomed pi see at Dslmoolco’s created endlsa* remark. By that Him both lBe Marquis aod t— wife had »— -meaui as to Im notable even In n crowd of ov*r- fed people. Tbe lucrmimd weight of Marquis has ia lbs mala dlaappea v tb* totem, of financial tvoublsa. bs U»o<« m-va down to something liks tbeavmme weight nf a leant •tout man. H- ta a stnuu *rly amUbls SEMf good-iutur-d Imlivldunl. and the m'afoetnuca wt..eu have wertaKea roused a g«*-d deal of sympathy.

Mlaa AI Ida Obualrr. tb# last young oman to be reported (and. apparently, without any trutk tn tha rwmorl engaged to George Vanderbilt, belong* to tbs Chaolerfamfly. who .re prom 1 aunt, not only bacaua* of Ibeir ndal poaltton nod

CASTOR IA a>r Infanta mnd Children.

MOTHERS, Pp XQU-Kqow |g| O~ko O^h-r'- ewao. knw

5£J=Jj!;ikiioitau«iin«k,i kor»o^u,m«kil>orfrtkkk«OMr fclaiH*111-“*•*

• CMm>HUopo.kkAntekIrkuBbaT Po T— H»-w twi 3A hHm* «— ■» UM m 3$

* walk to* grfl^.Mjhteir.amwnrtok

UvetgWJt SBi»• Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.

Gold Watches Given Away!

Amos H. Van Horn, L’t’d, 7£M*rke« near Plane »t., Newark, N. J.

win .too a I Iljw or Ondooun'r Cold Wo* to rrrrr por«t>.«r ol »ioo oonba rod CARPETS ANlr FURNITURE. Parlor Nniis.

— ' *■ oow ruuo.no. ■ nor iw rod boooullo. a rrlrrmd, loop room —iiite o

«< ."ill «Uiot . cuor ! Bed


Al nu, rtoor TOO eil tod. In< rtort ol V.tom, Bod. rodTipour Bill! ill. > rol > ply Ingrains, told at lowsr prims than anywhere in tb* Sees*. Parlor Hrove-r »nd Bniif;e*.

. tko nm oootfcor, «o m koo Ktlik. o pojt boo, Prftoi Storoa aad tap,, tadodlo. th. FaoMos Potlud Roo.ro. oo wrooot ol loo prkto Good, delivered lied ot charge to any put ol tbe State Eaty term

A.lkffO’B SI. V HOB 'ST. Limited,


l» law of Amelia Rlvea. her being Armairung Cbsnler. She ta n tall, handsome bcu'.vtlc. who la food of alt nmta of sport, and a girl wb» will, uu- doutXedlyvwiake - brilliant nalrb, even tbe ugh ab« may to marry that most prominent of bachelor.. Mr. George Van- < Lliujmoarn wbo was th* leaaeatedI'hlka’s■ vigbbrr la bis win- ^ J»rrV*rL *' ,hr An-n“ »" Gem ml Puk tat olrl., U. mvaod to u **"”■ “d Woo orbiUtloo la Mold rr,, »■*?■"* Mtur ..(root tko«lkWr,,a.nor. M Ikntk A Bollor'a clrcoo M lltol.-von, o&d »UI r.00.10 ot thk Atooaol Hutu tko droll. .Urlo out oa

sgg^sLygLtTass lois«l oktu.|....M ropttrltr.

27>*3S.*sr^ r^.Tssst-ss. filffOfffi irtkp

vwetetsmmn «uvm ot vum»«. Mdau's r mu VAM





I VaptaM* SaMRit* hr Jtoa MUITAU OfiVCOfSTg

Prko. 50 ctnts and $1.00 par B** KX r. COLKS DRUG AND MFQ. CJ


■/ iimmw


- w -WS juszsgjsrsisfft

Tte tgn ,re RtMOTAMJ,


S. II- Berry Hardware Co-,

Page 5: The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U

The Constitutionalist.

d Mafia Ball w lull of Junior* u d• friend* *u« mtatteaa Hov. 13.the public Inatalletlon 1 ¥i 1 ulifM of

Council, No. 104. J. O. D. A.'id with patriotic cfnoinlM, The««n> * eil repaid for their attea-

District Deputy Jauea Andersonorth t-lataOeld conducted tbe Important

• of tha evening, tbe placing ofofficer*. Tboae he toalaU«d w«n:


t gMiwallon—e mad>>, For pa

ilU>tHilW « d operateone to lh« Short Bill

. * other to t i« new* mil Bill*M» <Vtn«i«ry-_

« iwsip-wlMt ejBtem. The Dooollan

_ * f»Ufe-FI»lll> « * ! * »

tamptitot 100

gHor Olinert van complete tbi* tad'at the aacaft time ftecura rapl

M H U f W l H l M CertelOlj W « I .^ U M t l b l i uMtul lit* th* 6r»Ut ud(I UM people of thb W«o.

But w w o r t di( triU unlee* Tb»a««» IM« will 1if[.l»J l«t» *elfl*ft™-« *(MUmretoch. Korean ho do tnl*•ataadMoM and »blts*ttOD« put forncd tj thti M'—t Committee, outru

a powtblllUM of ft |W«nO W i W

* Belaid, enriatMl by 1(hfriw D m u M , Nor. 14 planedWut b-1* uraQaboHt Noih-rwood. TbloeMknt »r» »« f<.ll«w»: Comer ot Bati!M**td Woodland avenue*, cornelB-rlfler and BetrMare i m u w , B-lrl.n n t w Iroot t>l Hotel Nether**loath BTODIM opposite Power*'*|id, B*U>ac*ood station, Johnaton 1N* tnd Front »Uv»t. Tbore DM aJteW«tt«Mla much-n-e.le'l boi at•Dtwc ot Trout atroet and ttapdfotd

>. A, n*>r •«


Alter the oftemooie* came a briar" pro-ge*» an

ut piano solo. Mta* Kliotutn rwcttedDrilling Out tu Sea" la a tbrUilng

lt-v. J. w. Richardson tollowwto U *4diw* on tb* duties of pat riot I

wteana. HeaalU among other thing*no waa a Democrat but be gloried la

H l«cllb*I Jonu T. DUQD hma been de-sated. Judging from the way people had

ted they were all on tbe right aideante n o room In America For only MMm and that tbe Btara ana Stripe*.II. M. a*rJii*r. tbe Somerset fttrmt

*k«r, mad* * decided bit with bla

TM reciution, "With Her Face Again*Fane", waa tn«o

emotion by Was Laura Benoeit of Hew Brnoawiok, wbo reepondedU atrrenl esoona. George Day of Don-•Uea hmused tba auateae* next with hicharacter song*. He waion tbe piano by He*. D**.

Becreeaatttlv* W. i . 8mytf Long Breach HQU-I:-'! tbe pronramm

with a ringing >poteb «n tba object*bo order aod th« application o( l u ptlopie*. Henjoimd specially o m UM

of CoiiRrfBHtnan O«l**enbalne

Dr. L"»l» •ilium OM ib>t ttrxt<lttt, Ka*. IT. bf) Kill iir»«Cb • MTtoochioi T. H. 0. A. wotk tor theMj jtus. H> i n aUo |>r«f»nt t< U M « I young women In Platolleld

v riMwben lor *ltnti*r edaeUloaal and(RValoiy wnrkl E*t>T««Ot«tlv«a ofttaomiiizttiuaa aeanog wow-n fot IP*4 ut )«uu|t wommi and KUU•VNUIrluvli.il. Hetvlw lfi :30 a. m


I H l l w Thwr Wordi I r e r j 18>akea Ujr Wowe* V«a S J M H .

Il*iin Hi. ,r mind all tlte 1 imp.« vri);lu ui.cm-.tii.-m. it cmMic* UM


: 1 lie word. "»To»«. ,*»*iil BftMTy •uiiHtkli and have •imrn-

' l*!ia K, 1-Ukhami. V^MtW 0,

("m: tuKhii.fi E £ U «p*J ,.»"„„. fakto«»*• nf jsonirn. K rrlk-vm at OIH-C. ir u n a ] | ibf n*wrje> that n-.uli fniii •Pw iut^bt aTHldrranpriuent of the «oj

l l i .mln i l tlil* woman aho

: "Alt I harfl to u « h. may WMIMH"H«*mr» 1.. ..|ff,-r • Uli »nj ,,f (M--r In

: <!!••*» pn-utfar u. oor *N» J, birfi-ly"I-njiiW* l»r fc,r olwn *u(Irrii^. f»r if

"ill t.rtW at'now. Thi. I know; "<i»>lj (rwn niy

°*n p*rw>iu| r , .




Th* two ii PW p*MMi««t *t*au»hlpa, tbe_ . Jt. LOBIB and the St. Panl that tb*

be publication of one of ki» volume* la Cramp* are baildlng far tb* AmericanLine, and u> tarry the American flaa-,will

uipoi- BAT* many iiuiiroTemruUand importantaafegiiaril against iti-cidentn.

•11 e*timat* of writer* rtc-iillj(lT«, It ta well known that th* principalMentor in literature, Dr. UlWer Wen- aonrce of danger to metal ehlpe U th*

11 Holmes, classed Mr.TUley a*.* Uf*t e*ent of collision u that. „ ui-ualljcomluw, quite aa originttl aud mirre paxtmeiited, they -nay be .truck at the— -.w-nedto"* K-wd deal ol faateulng ed>s of a bulsUea4,

Uw-Couneilor-Dr.Oeorfs Bedford.HcoordlDH-6e0r««rr—Jaaaw D. Ande

- HecurdlD* - nwmileij — H. ft.

i down into tbvkeart of man in a mo**

laoy great author* have, at son*niod ta their career, feigned t l i . literaryyls of other writer* and laimed their-AuctluD.auoi.yaiuu.lr. ThomeaCbat.

•u lu 1T77 pnbliahed certain poem*hlch be affirmed were wrUMv In th*ftecuth century: by T bourn* IBuwley, a

uk. Imlaud In 171W •K Paper* and Imud and! teal of

~r «••.— Us produced n*i n i >.,.••* n * » ahe preteuUed wet* original. - On April 2,TO, the piny of " VurtiKSra aud KuVAM,"' >m the i

mod foicrowded buuae. ]

Jante* Mticpnetaon attributed n>Oii autUomliipvt tbe epic* "t'luualnora." i—umi in lTttt aud life.biT-iii|i waal vebeiueiitly 4tiBhU<author. u,.r Or. Johuaou aud BUY idinc. Sir WniutrHcMt waa

i ly tbe llr-t p<|ittini, but *ub>MKioent «H11-ODM to 1|j.. iiimiuill. ul li.Jir.1.. u 11,UN

and 13,004 fi>|tim, appeared without the

that n» War.rley• for tlw l«ip*io

•ir. A cry a*o*e among tbe German.k wJ)- r , - " r»nc oocl" Tu.- thing waaii'. A iji'Miiau of ultra tlullnea* pro-

need a oiiftt i entitled "W»lladmor."'he buuk upptjared in Cfermau AH a trans*

-no, be MUd. bad done nothing while Infflce except draw bla salary, vote

act 00 oommlue** and bealdea thU lackt labor Be bAd opposed the Btoos b

ttoeconrlual-JB of ol» IMBarka tb«preeenUtln dedtOktM tbs loUowic

aong to BomocBB'- Council:Uf ooumrj. 'Ua at the*.Sweet laod of UOertj-, J.

Or Was 1 elo*.Lam wber» ™y (*t n m aiM,Laod of toe Pllvrlm'« pride.From enry nuninultwM*

S*t Trt^loD. rlo«.

TtaaJanlor Order of

We'll •Urn) b)"lirjf dif.Our ocder, dear.

Tr. j-ou, d « t hmcrHC CouncilOrbrotben true.

We look to tbee.PlalDfteM, we n<.uor ;t be*for (MrOhlDC relmlout liberty.And until Juddnnent Day

Our i u will dr.-erwain and cake wrn cerfsd afl

thin cloalna apeeen, and U»D witheveaUiff at

The a*b*orlptlons for tba oonoen*Um <:•*!?br*t"i Hew York FhllharmoDClub have come tn very freely, Tbeonneert will be BITMI In the Oaalno Ho34, at w.UIcb U n e Hlaa Lillian Blaut»ill be the Tooal sololat. Thetbe two remaining oosearto wilt beClara C- Henley. Mlaa Tlraah "Anton OaboU and Oonrad Bebreo* ulu-truca-ntal *olo* bj member* of 1Club; alaoooneened pleoea, TickeUt lie eerie* may now be proeu red In Unitnumbarjat Btjnold*'*1 Pharmacy or ofO. Newman th« managtar. Price threedollars.: Blual* admlaalon Uokobi will nbasold.1 .

« Wtutr wrltm by r . l , Qi

mltterj to maka U U sxtract: "1 na»*bMltaUon In raoomntasdrng Dr. KinHew Dleoovery. aa Iba r-solU w a nmoat in»rvuluu* In UM eaa* of nj wiWBIIB 1 was paMor of UM Baptlat Obaiat Bite* Juocllou *be wa* brought dowith pnatunoala annruinrtlfig la grtp)Terrible paroi-nv* of coughing

hour* with tliue lnterrnpUon aodM If in* 0*814 not Mr*r** tb-ta1 rcoocaiBendod Dr . Kiag'sX

was <i ilck tn IU work anblghl* aaturaeton In r**ulU." L

drug *wre. KeguluWo and $\. ODtprloatoa and Me.

k A Co. h imCook A Co. ham tbroawort 00 rutoani Lvei>uea and the aeotl

Bnlsbed.proTw> tavorkblv. Tba tnat to light, anbA» not interfered with th*

«ew*r-plp«a I m MMritth atiMt, ready for th>



Cl,*.r Bit rf M M C M . | « M U «

I CHUM, <rh. Tha-«kt



ich (er-

oompartmenu adjacent to tb* tuuH at tbe m t lime

_ . .bt* later pruddlaua will; tbbi iJelUieamr i

umauity who alugs «ritb *o uir, patboa. humor and |(rac«," r*.tei»lug jby bnlkbead** In such * wi

geniua who coi

. n t

bt bulkheadHooded. Many a ibip In

line com plataa I M D dirii

oly aa a poet and genl •e flooded the Ibe perlcctlf ae* wortlijr, but•alp »bonld b* Mrntk on a imikhtad dl-rldlng two cotDpartuent* both would beflooded, and >b« would tuvariably

e of tb* S t Ifonla *nd her. . t St. Paul, tha'new American

Itnaihtpn, bnwrvrr. tbedivlkioni in aunhthat tbe »hlp w.,ul.l remain perfectly sea-worthy with any two, *r even tbrMcom-partmpnu Sooded. Thi* unbroken »ub-dWldlun of the *blp* baa an luctilentlal

J I ti i In making them fireproof.a* lii - W<IIIM be cooflned to 01

• VI

nad-dof" acar* 'on Weat FrontDd Wast BMond atreoU U U re*t**d«y

STODgbt ont tbe fact that J. Fha* i double. ' A dog

•a c u g h t aod ebalnMl u p , the poltceg It W M U>« Wa*t aowuthLater they bund Mr.dog tied Ut tha barn,about 9 tble . morn log wUau a

•cr. UIH ivi'i.u tu« csperleii^ *w*nnr*U* ..u.Uons particularly wril*r.>E. is...,<-i 1114 t h ^ hia ui-'KliictiiUiU hiivt beao welt retfi*. *l ii.* i IT:•ii wrilteu 'by an author ;i r.-.n'j fn

JniK • ptwlu iu Imltatiou of V. l«ar . . .v, JU.I puUtbih U aa a u»« o dpSvVe.rttlkiiuauripl Of that author, 'l.i I'.^ml

ran -L-.iiil.illn:," WriM«U U|>.-u tilr ,.joaf of a wuru copy of AlnaWurLb's LalMItctiouary. ;

Thiapoeu'waeSrstfrlvted in im-pmo Uud.j DispAtoh bj u n . i x e m

with tlie pruprtetor, Mr. J. U. lln-udenAuditor of the Stale ot liTdiaua, ilull knowledge of th* focuuuuu.m till* literary hoax. It weaez


In urder to reduc* tba risk, otM Miii ILK from th* brmhlu« doi

linrry. tbe new American ve-wli. ar* fit-<i wlih'two seta of engion, «*ch s*t:i»iiiu a Hrparat* screw. Tbe *nf!n*ev In i w> - •iKimte compartmrut*. ilivid*

i' ' J < 'iv ->ff from each iitheivi - .• . oilubt lie to citlli-iim by be.

_ -trui-k im tb* bulk head, am! cimlct • a lirntkdown In their machinery

i Irk* may occur tn any ordinary «blp'.'' -DM be naTigable aud tbomnchly

The) ore aluo vary1 mu^h better able tov • v.illlnlon by harlng two . 'i ... try. mieof wbteh ounlU borrrrwH while eh* other w*< itohie mhr*&,,.- -nr.liiKtbe re»*sl very q<;.., (iMiut offrrrat tmpiirtance b u r »

,->•.(«! mura attention in tlie American. r» 1U..U it basin many of '•,.i Atlmitic staamera. It ia tin i thing foraemeof tbe faate*t r«*i!Mii lunLea quick paawafce acttMa tblL'ini'tu-. and then to bareto wait foi

ion* onuide tb


aud even an emiueut i

lenuitie, and when the

.li.ur.iy Ilk. Edi prunuunu*d

_ lam* ol the nitUoc wax dlwIoMd Mr. Htnlaiitu Bt

_aiutatued tliat tbe. poem wB i uuqu.tiouaulj written by Poe.

Thi.puetn w*. Jame- WbiiComb Rilej'aw tu the world uf lellt-r-,. Hia woad meri« wlikt. tbe world wa* wlllia concede. Tue following w tbe poem

full a* it appear* tn- "Armiuitidy," 1.test book. The author tun never piiitted it tn be prinH>4 in ui* otb

volume*: „._. . . . ;

U'.OVAIXIt ^ J i-AOB-H uau.^l her;.

And they tiuk tue lUutIf the Imatthiuv *i*r> aud framnd herlDtuullrui <II.L>: .

And ibr* aiidf l*r UMIF ot KloomyMUlnKUt. and her rym <»' Wuomj

In tU* loltmu nljcbt~

a a •Olnnn KIKHI of .urnTii r

. _ _J bloom;AXltarcbudluit, It.I Tenrot tm J«y(LytiiK Joy i that otontit «nil pi

Jotr »i*ltr the llttU lliiptr

r*t i. jL««n/ STiiijairrtliLi'Urre Wu» imi tlter may »rnTkic uui X>1<1 yuu to dai»tr* >Hu am-. It.Miuuie Iravc run

W1>l|e ItuluvL-'ia yuuns."rben itad bnilinl and it wa* ni"rninj

l*4r BarecU* CautW «K L.Il-»'!j BurdettContta, V L ' I H »

Ji.i-v I—-< n .pent In doing go°il turecently rn-i'tvad arrfiioimir-in. •

•tablei. by the xtMbienifit. lu re

h*r Uiinliatnl itud tbat tbe nintl.touttrn li<-r, aba declares tbe lur

woman el tue rightto wink uW I

grgo white and yellow Bt. Bninera ap-

dDoar thi Baoooak Balldlng aodto anap at people; 'Ho tore a

M M P ' I wrap, aoarad aomAm men Mop and begin »OHMIU0O dla-•tonaoo tha preTeotloo of cureIrophoMa, and Utat otomad oTer to

eettleeond • treat.[ere n* found moro paopl* to

rtnaUT he sbeaed a wonua mio**t»'» houae, aad whan eho 1

the door and ran to tbe window to lookut at him, he curled up 00 tbe etoop Inout m the door, wntlng fat nor to

• liar, e.tber wt X ' Yorko

contra eOfflca DepartN i

L „ »i,.l iLcu«i ti,r n lUtH ilrannUt. I'r •!•• r imua f.^t.ieir .crew* will ber U K of wau-r ballast in the aoublIOH, which b**e been Iitted thfougln.-.i Irugth. On tbe ptuutaxe o*ibef..» reachin. (he bar thi* wauM will be pumped out and thai

«!•• drauKbt ureatly lewa^ed. Tln-ynlM>a Uouble preeaatloa ag<tl»»t i»j

niuuding. It )• anticipated thii VFWIJI will never hav* to watt ou

slue tbv liar at New York.bti-nm Mill be itmvrsieA for the prop)ug in.i«.''tintry of the** ifalpnby fore,rauxbt. whereby together with the I *urf boiu apiillotlnn of qmidmpl*

ipac« aud wcijibl iWL-upled .vWinery have born considerablyduCMl.

Th* displacement _ .dran^bt will be neatly 16,000 tgo* of i

<kK, drivingworking prewur* o( SCO poand. e

lpi.Ited by ten boilen. It 1* caiat the engine* will develop about

..0 collective bone power. No pi*MOD aa to i>pe*d can be tnad«, but

- -en th* United State*ieiit *.nd tbe Iutt-rrintiumpany reqoirm tBIL.

•bipe shall >« capabl* tn ordinary weutr of a sea njieed of tweaiy knots.

Two ot- U m - miecdoU. at th* Iat* _lip* Brookx. told tn tbe Golden Hulri•o cbaracWri»tk of bin nobility that wcannot help ffl-ium them space.

He wa* accunftned, a* we all know/preach to trrmendou*aHn'ln><-e* w&rre-cTerbe went. Bat he n m r wtrai'dlniaclne that t&a crowde csine to Jit*TUm- On on* occasion he saidOT cUrgyman for whom be ___preached, »nd where every Inch waai

* .me, "Grey what a *|>len-

allk*. ' . SL'JTwo yoiruK mm wbo had attend<d fa

cburcU tor n whlie nuddeoty mopped aIng. They roomed In rather a poor oec-tioaof Boston, at tbe top of a bitch1 ftuiling. One day. i n n r n l o * a knocktheir door, tbty wer- R-reeled by Ptri!Brocks. wnuMiiii: -Wril. bojs. ytfurot exprci to -**. uie lure, did jonThey went Ui Trinity Churebalter tbat

The folluwin« Incident ia nail;I-,*- A poor. *ifk woman whomauwaatold by the pbyhlclin-.n*t go "•'• • r"1 K"1 l n * 'olared alte onoM not, fur tber*on* wtth whom to Irav* ber chUdren,Still, the duett* inpri<wri upon l»fr 1hjimirtanrecif frMih sir. Shrton/ld/.! btrouble, u, Phillip. Brooks. A &ay(wo later tb* i>bjr»ii-i«n dropped lajto *Mbow »b* wa*. aod IWUMI the lal* *caring for t lie poor children, wBBjotbrr took her airing. It WL _ _drwl-a. tumrtliMt mad* bttnttwgrr

A F l » Or<up«(ioH tmr Hmy*.A well-knowd J>,nil'.o jtiuriiaii-t, r.

lliina tbe fact that tbe ordiimry praf^a*•iosa la KufcUml are orarcrowued. )- lu**-lac bt« oldaat hoj educated W » •It cook. The bay waa Uaiued bj » I»m-•HU ebcf nt Bruasela, afterward atndlodunder tbe vbel ol tue Uraud Hotel. I'»n«,.and later servrd for three y«am to M.Charpeutlt>r, iu Lrnjdoo. I'oupln wbo•ueer at ouok* aliuiilii rtrun"*"' tbatyour .wall nub or hotel cbef draw* fromKGOO to- t:.soo . ,ej.r. aud ke«t» '•-,earriaa*'.

bajacd will be Ki*<» aahe reacfae* tin.-AI---—Au-

How will tu* Ambassador beDo*«a'« ourcautemporary m n o tovation will be «iven 10 b)m? Wwy ao tba>>— >"• V. San.

riB*«l !• *M WerM. ATbe frame tlmt eoelo-ee tb* ">*If«

and Ca|l.l," at ta* Mllaa Catbailral,•aid to be tbe dne» in tbe woH0.« Btllaa uf It- IMIU« mar b* gslued #h«laatated that tb* fram- I* *-lKht ffrt lunand »)* fitt wl<le, (unu«4 ol baiiluneredMid. with an inner ranMlnej ot lapUxnli. At tbe ™rn«r» are bearu dpixnill lurgB pewrln and prvcloiu mumn^.picture fr»u>e i- prooablj worth O»wa< SluOfUl -I

by Moogoll*-inger tnwteJ^

pdwx ,„ irnanlCkltiM* brifli; nothat In Chlua t

inbech. W r j likely th-Juim Chifuii •*» bn-<*Mnd tbnc i n * lauurfry(he ktreet d m n ' t coprider blnuelil a-





Hergeant Klely saw him and ramraonedIm Babbitt. Tba »*r*»tlle ooioraied a abort rope to iba Ht, Bernard

collar and aaoorUd him to the E*at Pronatraat pool room. The Ulty of Flaloftelnought a heavy eheln and tb* dog wa* aa-

irad to a post lu tt*> back- yard.Everybody tbougot U M McQiatde•rror bad been oaptnrad until

•aroed that tbe original btur wa* tied ubom*. Tbe dog* looked almostalike tzoept the. second bad a cheap

trap about hie neffc While tue 8«T*ottreet animal bad a beavy oortly colla

Unddad with bra** and adorned, witnama-platav * f 'The nama-plated, doa;

bit Oeorgle ToebJ ao badly Monday aft*, TUB second doff U thought

nave been tue one that wandered abou•orth Flalttfleid lhat week. CorporationCouaaet OralR A. atnnta adclaed ChOrant not to kill the captured dog.


t t b M ' b k

Oh. w*TF. my &*nr, B W B I J ]tb* Maehof bin bawl tb. tired e

Bo huhafcy, wiarj. my dMrtal

Coughing.• For nil the bilmcsts of Throat

and Lungs there ia no cure no.quick-ami permanent as Scott'iEmulsion <,f Cod-liver Oil. H i»palatable, easy rm tlie most <lcli-

t h u l Q t i

Emuisionttimulates tlic appetite, aldt tffedigestion of other food*, cures :.Coughs and Colds; Sore Throat,Bronchitis, and gives vitalstrength besides. It has no equalas nourishment for Babies andChildren who do not thrive, andovercomes

Any Condition of Wasting.



Mmi gmt Mlttfn hav*. u mm PMJM* li. *Mr MMf, felgaed tu. literary •iyla oT other »rlun aod teaund tboii production,anon y mua.ly. ThuniMCWt- Urtou Id 1777 pabllabed c*rlaiu poena which be alBruitd ware written Ip tue fifteenth OMtarr by Tmwh lUwiry. a monk fraUiMl la 1TM pub II. bad "M» oalUnaoua I'tpm and IuatniiBvpta” aw der lb. band and aval of William Shako-

Coughing. *For«n the fciln»p«li of Thrrjpt and Lungs there i» no cure bo Slick-mimI permanent a* Scott's muhkm of Cod-liver Oil It is palatable, easy on «l»c mfttf deli- cate atootach uml cllcctive.

tee prvtauuail wMo original. Ou April *. 17W. thepUy of - V ruxmrm and Hvwmm," “trout the p«u it f<Mahoop«M»rr." waa up oouocod fur rtpraenunoo. am) draw a crowded buur. Janie* Macpbavwn attributed do OaaUn the author.hip of tb* rplaa ••K.ugel and Tvaiora." U-ue* ta 17«I aud Ub Tba author*lup aau veUeuaeutly que-Uoued hjraaibor. like Hr. Jobnxio aud David Hamv. Dir Walter Hcuat waakouoabtlul of Ump r.iktiuia ul.Wa««n.f that no* uuly tba Or»i odulou. bat tob^wot wit- tlone to amount of Im«nu 11.UM aod ta.QOu < oplen, appeared without tba dumuI lb* author. It bappiatd jlu vm that a* W a verier

lu order tn reduce tba Hake of acrtdenla halting from the breaking down of mm cldnrry. the new American ve-eela are fit- ted with two aau of aaglaea, each aat driving a aeparata atrvw. Tba vaginae are Id twon-pgrate corn part meuU. divid- ed by a wM..««|Kbt bulk bead, had tba Stimulates the appetite, akla tffo digestion ot other forwfs, cunfi Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat. Bronchitis, and gives vital strength besides. It has no equal as nourishment (or Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition of Wasting. W/v /-^Wm r-^*n *S-n

lll-laa by having two aaM of ry. on# of which eould b» readily whila rba other waa going ahead , lag tba venae! very quickly, tut of great Important- baa re rare aueotloo la the AnrdMS, I an It ba. to many uf tba at ban ntia ateamem. It la But aa ue. iblag for seam of tba faataet vaa*

le*(.-.a, which hare baea fitted lhy»Q| ui tbe.r length. Oa the p»«u<i o> and before reaching tba bar thU wa ballant will ba pumped out mid tba v •al’a draught greatly ia-aa ied. TIwy t -l-o a double precaution again. I loji by gruuudiag. It la anticipated tl ibex **—*U will never bava to watt o •Ida tb<* bar at Haw York Btvaui vOl ba generated for tba proj Hug mac -Hurry of tbaaa ablpn by foe draught, whereby together with tba B aud bulU application of quadruple p«uat«u tu »ucb olux.nl runluen. .pace aud weight «Peopled by I be I c in aery bare been oonatdembJy

The matlva power of then# .lent coasiate uf two quadruple espana vertical, ell cyllader engine. on ■ crank-, driving twin Kr*w», wit working Mtwan of *00 pound- of tu •applied by ten boilers. It ta calculi that the engine. w||| develop about 000 collective boras power. No p*a I.KOSAIN'IE

Tba Trne Hrreim. -f roUUp Bn Two or three m.rcdote* of the lata llpm Brook*. udd la the Ooldrn Hal •o charactering of hi. nubility tb can oat help glvlog thru, apace. Ha waa accuet-inad, aa wa all knr


' -eeme.1 gifted atp?* IbM'f JXM boon ibat fmm that day to lhi*. lU.u—n.1- liate been cared of llir Mine Ilf— fctiling lodurr* that bow afflict Trinity Cbureb

th. MnaAl ana with whom to leave her e Still, the doctor ln>pr*—°J»n Importance of freak air Hheecnl trouble, tu Phillip* Hrooka. A two laier the pbyntcUa dropped

to be wm-Uuua ana op^r—nr. It would deprive every wurki.ig u>«* a d woman of tua right to work .an tbvlr uva advmiceOAMiii by toeir own eo»»wt. dad it would r«b tUem of ekd tU good bid radical priori pirn in wbicb 1 brought UP taagwt u,« U. cb-rnkiM1.,utbiU— that birthright of pemoaal liberty UB «T tht Iaw UMmci I. mnrr ' *dA Ckiu." U tU Mil.. CAM Ulukiu lim I. ik. »~iai |A» •( It. ..lu. O..T b. I a Imui-I iui lk< fr»»» la -l«k» f« ■ad all f—t wa.. furwi-1 AM

■■..■•i— Ar. MM


Page 6: The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U

The Constitutionalist.


What It May Do and How ItMar Act



ma, tlwpav n w r tban Bfi j)»ynaod I N T * ma /1* ft-mat l -a* will be da j . wlaea haw tb* H«ht ><f«•»• remaining I HUB « I

• ftrr tn* n«.i

mut t In-

,I.PFB Lai way* l | M t„ , _*• I n n roodewncfl h j

and » pp.plj.ff lhat said pttHcyu.j.111, bat tha oldMtpoimtlao

j nanbar a eaaa wbra tbm proph-ecy WM MUUIed. Tba party la power In-T^tabiraMatt - •a* all H If only •me a little

a] war* earni m n t ( m k on tb*raaaoa nice that fin

M i a tk) "old rtgry who WM tq> • Watwhan Saab-a ark tlxUad by; "Go en wflh

* —.w. TbU la only » bi»-A« Lincoln Brewtbacloaanataalar r lor nsumptbit

_ of 187*. n i t n .nsntrd Hint Clri-eland will urge


* manj dnpardj.rlfy will DO* ba

• long Marion. Itthe bnafc wlU Wf la, aod thl* M

w o n than cmMiifcava oot bern manon will hn iMaiinl -w iw-nt win no utaaat 100, p™IM> n.-ntlj- twlsa a* many,Wbo wUl n l i » ilmi tliK U tlnlr laat aea-aloo They will b» frantic to mab thnmybapnciaJ 1*11* awl | rtmitfl cle!nut left ora*t o n tha lunx «.**l«.n. Tbe -• m l a i - will naliirall^ I-ttfvc, anil tb* i..n.mittm- onwill, a* umtnU be Hull tir.l Uttaa. Then* will I* orflH.-nc.ra, of oouran,Bad tl» u»n«l Ogbl tat I•Ions. On « . ar.-rsc- •>»»• 40,000 elalarsflVdwilh U* rmniuKtea on claim* ofaaoa BIII.BT.-.. A rpwhundm) bill, a nkroucUt In liy 11>i> mom..Mae, a tew ofK m • » pixud m ilm Ion* .Marion, aadao tba rml .•.!.,.,, Ihn Jlgbt at th- abort

A few uil-'r I.I ;;• aM for crying beoce-eUk« Thai for a new public printing•flier, (or tnMitnrf. M m Hut to ha da-lajwd (!•»• huur. Tba pir*Mit bolld.nK *a a

;." iirrvulcnt btttenuaanafta to fur th>t (he

u new printing office will noKlri f tl The

dark'a bill for popular m a u n la makefun with. The Impmrion la rrralcd that

en jtut wallow In lemonade andwith wbUky nn the alda. mad

y «rf •rrrJUKV BOOM of tb* btlia«d fcr •xpeoan at tba opltolTho. tba waah aoootia' '

M M About 000n S « 0 1 3 0t n,

laundry accum. Sonar*t waa prored thilt U.« contract waa lot to

a lady of ctmaldarable coclal rtanjlnjt. *ndthat «b« aiut the work duna tor halt whatb l d

tba report alto Indicate that soap,• p o o r - . ° >a*ba. braabea, oolofne, h#y mmand aelaao* are bought In .-norinoMquantitles. Ti * l*am at --cone* tarn" alwayaoreawa gnat fun. and tbe rural oratorpolnta ou tbe particular roembeia who

•tban . -•*< • matter of fact, they • "for faaVnlog farther tfi»hovif Tin rmnia—liwalTf put icutfuiiff whichKir tl uk* fnrreadynferaiM. pocket-

ir) bought nufllclrnt to Knpplj

than for. third o rtberwfta'thTVUgl

. alDie lh*>

In — i i.o aafiatBd In UMI>1 t\,i l a tbiater build In p,

I oiTIr*. uaRht by all

bo of more InternetWb

tbt> bt-Kis.iiln^ if f'lirlstrndum. Imxtff nut viily ^ -iK tbvrv, a wurklwide

paaoe, but an f,,T nt.it? oongreaalooal eye

The opposition willj Dptn tbe pnal~


. Hocn-tj.ij- i .r i - l i : , , :

B r i t a i n in tti

with Japan.• JnClu.-nr.' l l ! .- i;,,.,..,a«in»>!» In dpalina wltbUmaiUai.il for•Uwn •Mltt-ptl liKlxa. in Olilral Americaand rlarwb^n- Cfaa rmitn UcCrearr willhare inur.' liv,]y w,,rt to d» In dffienxa of

. tba pnialoVnt. aad Mr lk>uMl« will have•pTfTHl prw jftilnm tW bla annual upevchon llta !>,..>-

* The wliule nmtiir of nit.proclty wSlearn* up<Tr novo am| liinc tobednalt with•ubktiiiiiinii) mi a n*w baftlal Spain, Ger-

UJ a UiTiTi'i.I (irvhlciii. The flr»t tt olTretad hy our now tariff ami nuw train* littleor no Fpti-tui WIVUII(AKI> oa ai return fur adealtllntr vat tli.ur ta Cviha; tbe •ecomlklckn iu-inui.1y at our >FM-c-iol <.r Jlff.r.-ntlal las un II- Ixiuntlnl BUKW and may

ui liv iwhog; HM-tl.ln

with her Hm

d may nthe Ann-nmn

Of <etr will klMiW tk'fccu Hf a ImEtrai.*>n — lui> already abowu Iid—-which must bo remeillixl, a•at b« voted lor oolloctlnK tbii. Tbe *ugar ,«ro»rw u « m

«ua bilU.V Ho tho tariffilwnlilj live laiue.r n^mntcd Utat tbe n fu larllU will dtp through with-i! n. t* ftv^rrthlni '•• ' -

ot Uw nation wai *i-ul.-J «l tbe longako, *o far aa'tba . biulnotacan be perma•antly (rltliil. A 1 th« tr-bn we>a li•mttmii thry Kant to rrmwtii; all tbe

aw-it uf. and tbr * In m l l y nmhinii parUcular U> tlti In Uiat 11»«. Slanjr of tbemlltiarj prut* 1M«1T in the Indiantry aw dltuHatlourd, and ft U tbs te

regular *nnj iirar the rrrat ctlna. Gfoeral SchuttVlil. la fata la>i ivpon befom MUrine fr,.m tbe head of the iWlU> nioru tban tbe UkUal rniphaala tho

* toe We • (Uh^ct tar tba abaft •iilIWiMr Bsllry i l - I i irnl l nmrt tm dealt with

l I U I I" ft T h ooBMttIM baa hr»ni «• I M B S amount of W-

ny and f',nr<r.l':-'il *» <n.mplcbe.MlF»M tn.-v, i> «- i '••- Hrtllj bill for rc-Intt ilif iti-t'» and irn-ntly i-iWmdlnn

tk-ttinefor l<« pafBMtrt, but four of thenuilttrc Invr nilmmud a minority re-t t;r ;.r.|.i.ti f--r r-.- "I. Sir. H.ir. . I.I' B ..-I-

« y tha+ II .tbepoopk

TRflCTIOS PROGRESS.Scotch Plains Citizens Discusi

the Road.


D Oook MM It* had ton* atffuer* forUM pmpOMd SaetMUj Mnat root*, bot sot•cough; that aerrral af UM prop*Iiy-notdon Had aaJd tber i n n lofaroroflt,oa would ootoe to b

A* U f «*eb lon8MMlm tb«n tor that thlahaa br*n » d o

o majority (• '»have tntirea«nl

•r b. alluwed *JSS per year f<•ii'Tj-, and If be draw* lew be takitatb-l 11».re liavo been many caai


ryiag a member W onll-m, paid for tbe fare ol tbahla bumo and back and

t i c n route. The burial of Viced t Hrn.lricV « * t the hooaa 11,437

and tbnaeuBti-u little over 14,000. Cbaren

nine men on ibe rouUi tu u d from Ini cd to *Kt per day. Tbe

j g rn a momber from tbenortbwtst ^-as burled M'VITHI yean Agoune«f t h o w o n tfl*pr»pltrd ahead: "Mi-et

k iawJlun bcMt -wbisky, four boxeapounds of Ice. .The oorpaeThuao are items for tbehave f iifi with, but let

o that congressmen willthin ahor* session. When

r tbat our capital la by farilia la)(a*t letiihlatlye Imlldlnii In thewrld [ l t M 4 ! 1 lworld,


t i h yM4 n.t !•• - 1"

I cli.- HKTiilM-rn and I


i IoniiLiTH are well fl:

Tbetu will bo IIIIH winter about tnc usu-al racket on hllvir, and if Mr. Walker of

cmiji to gettlitg tillll''for a gi-ncnil cur

rtney Bjsii.ni b 'foni the bouts tbe discusnlon tbfiTonwill !*• well worth hwirlnft

niMuurea rrojn Mr..••- on aiinculmro and all

thOK lui;. ;,,r i.i.ic-ni.in find latior—billsrawa wlOi so ciiub rare and the «ub>w.ir aDtakiiDy |i::ofr"—-well, mnet nf them

have brt-ii put to Eluvp for this coDgnMM.Thi'j |KI11 apprar In tho next probably, asth hnvii In .-m-li ooDRma for. In, tbeae

yuan. l'ln> Iionkcrs bare Kcentijmetal Bnltimoru and (in-pared a, bl " "ooasraHi tu JUL-S, ibe t-hief provialiwhich 1* tbnt no more bond* are topoalud, but each Uink Inane notca to theamooiit uf ninv tinlf or tbme-foartba i>f l upaid «p i-:iim.ii and r i.,-antee' bald nuteM. If anjthat thin ™i.«n— acill llktea patiently to•uch a proportion, that man ihould tak«•BlU In ih.- monilni aiul consult a phy*i

ake hla Il d l

ll, tbu c•Sort thi* Niea.rt.iiua otUklut which !• that t i n ' t gtbe lnler»t nn Ihv company'• bood*•inuaut uf |N7,(HKf.tXX> ur IlienaibouU. bututbt-rwt'.v tb« canal Is ta be a privatetcrpria& In oibir wonla, the cotnpan.to take DO rink ufViuaa and DUtk* a* mL__aa It can. It ii i-Iniund that by thb) g u uantee tbe company will bo able to n*rk«1 pe* cent bonds at par. How loo« It wlltake to bring nu-iul.TS from tbe f*rmlog.taw. to the .upF-.rt vt ««J. a mm*r- -that wlU prbaby n e d abo __

Urns we aol«a tbe long atandlsc oonundrum aa to tbe aa»anlt oa Mi. WlUtam P « -

Of eoona tbero wlU be a flood of Wllto regulate errryihliif and tnremtig*t+ orerjbndy. Preaeot anpoanooea Indicate(hat thU U to be tbe hatde«t wtoWr


11 gnatly tadlltaM bo-1-

iiii>anii m.lulu,n


» Foio* (rf (»• paopU ta ta>»U M . O*rk Haod r^ad tb* propoaltloa

T. S. Tuuntacd the Warrenut« mluawfip a%ii for UM Fomat avo-

B M route- Mf. lounn aajd it would BM>agMltat* p—ajna; bla boua« twlda, aa tie

on toe oorner, aad Out OP I M Ilk*all tfio reet. In fetor of the trollflT, but

«ib-d It to paaa aomooM eiw'a door.Hr. rJUabacy Mkod Mr. Bethell,

tbe iKapH Mtod. HaTMUd Uurt u j otbacrout* tban ta* Midway kVenM would

•TI. ta be loft ta ibe m g l s c a n of U Mipttaj BBU would have to b« adror-3. He «JBO Mid tbn oompany wouldno rlfbt ol way, a* » would create a

reoadent t iat would bankrupt aay S O B .

ran laked W-0 to erotw tillropwrty for ihn flnonnii atreet rouLx.

Mid U tbe ootnpauy eouidnt the rlgbt uf way up Foreat I I M M hebought [he Court eould be aaked to open

I MIMC M a pub! Ic lilgbwaf. E i -W. & OodlDgton. tba Town Oouc-

Ml, Mid It mlgbt take a yaar to open It Inbat way. T. 8 . Young proposed ft route

Motto «TtDM (10 Fauwooa). to( • n a M , to the Tillage, and then to

by way ol Mountain neou«,8 B M U tHat route would bd ao aooommo-dflttoa Wv tbo peoplo who wtotaod to goto tb* JerMy Central station In Fat) wood.

Mr. MdKoowD Mid tbe railroad peoplebould bn itraoteu tbe franoblae, M tt

to be t i * ODIJ faTorabln route.>wa bad been trying for tbrMui »ot tb* propertj^wnan on

•svenJ touu» to »lnn but Dad beon UD-ble to do to; now here, WM ft company

which hftd a route with tbe ooneent ofU M property- auofn ftad th*j aboold

be granted or rwfneed lh« fraochl'-emm tt ien waa ao need In dvlaylne the mat-

Mr. John wanted to ko6w U they hadhad been granted a franchise In adjoiningtowns. Mr. Bettell eald tbey bad »p-

lled to wMULald. u d It WM to cone upmeeting next week. B« also

Mid they had tbe c-meent of orer SI parit. of tbe property holder* from Terrlll

road to TDlrd vtreet, PUlnfleld.

ShnUT K<tU Mid tbe only, tblng for tbe»ininlUee to do W M wbeUter aber would

UM fmcblae bnoauae It WM DotK through the Tillage. bnt W M

helping anrroundtakg property. Be Midir town* were t*g»LDR (or fUroada.not putting tbUaga la tbe w«y w etop

wner ftftld bore wasa company wbo wanted to oome through

; It laa anre tiling; It willnot taut our town, «ad may eventually

Mttfltlt.Ooun«lor Oodlogtoo wld tfto 0«n-

nlttM WBTB tbe aerrauta ot the people,rbey were atuJoaa to aalt the people

reprMented, but there WM only oneavoratble faute before them, and that

WM the one of tba oorapaay.It WM tbe wleb ol tbe Ccrmmtttee to

adjoors one week and at tbe and ot thatUBM Ui* people would bare to abow owhy tbe franeblM ahoold not be granted

MR of petition of propeit;There would not b« another

to <UMHM tt pro u d eon. Mtbete bad been two meetings for that

iKMti l ever.BftrtaU aa M be would Uka to bave

ttacchtae graatad tonight. • • tbecompany wen snxlous to begin work,and the** ad] ourmnenU were only MtUngtban back. Bat It It WM the final wtob

Oommtltw be would meet withtbam and their eonaael next Friday •wg. sad go o w UwoTdjLMOoe together,and Me If they oould not arrive at aoonclualoo ot tbe matter.

i«r u t s d tor > rMdlm ofMd a dawaaalon on lu tereral

To wo Oouosel readth* ordtnftooe, bat there WM no objectiontoenjo l the eeenone but the onwhich tt »»ja tho oompaay. In OM» theytear the road op and do not Onieh theirroad. UM lownailp ahall tta*e ftvtbottty

Oct. It, ai 8 p - - -

SEVENffl-PflY BAPTISTS.Thmr Y«Hy MoetitiR in New



In the eualnt «U eb.fob of UMttkn In Hew Market Tboreeey i trau

tbe yMrly woettog of tba 8e*a,,tb-I>.>BaptMOrarobMof the State. Aoeord

i m t M the meetlof would opertonight, but thU r**r » o t e « n r . i m « d -

pa aaaalMM for tba dbwoaeloo of Sabbatbibool maiiM* WM arranged fnc today.Tbe dec • ratine* la tbe ennrab wer»MuUfal. Th* pulptt aod tbe station.vreeoverMl with maeMeof tbe moai

aqoWte uhryeaDtbaoiaaae of awery oolorand Ttriety frooi tba auoauntory ofHn.W.J . Dartao* Net* Market. Mr«

a a d MUal^uluDartabad arrangedibea rary ta*iefoUy. Lsrgs rosette* olerergreen adoraed the b»-» of tbeawllery.

Tbe aurrolDg »•*».'•• aommeooad with* abort r<«»otloo*l aerrle* TbM> tb<vWton wf>r* •olinmwl In a mnet cordial

wr by tbe pertor of tbe local eborefa,Sam F. E tVtsreoo. Beatdae tepreeeota-Una of the verloos eburobea tben w»r»present (be foUowtng peetors of tbe

mtuatloc: BW.J. O. Burdlck ofHe* York, Ee». I L. OottreU of BbUoh.Bar. J. a Bowan of Marlborougb, Be*.Pr. A. B. Lawla of PlainneM, and Be*.T. t FMaraon of Maw Market; uai alsoBet. W. a KiM*y of the looal MMnodi -tOfaareb end Bev. Frank Fletober ot tbaBapttat Chonb.

Paetor FetarSuO'e sddraas WM raepoed-edtobyEe» 8. L OottreU. Beportafrom all tba Babbatb-soboob) ware In

«Uy made by tba mlnUtera preeeotX ittuiftmi roaiizUlon of tbe Importeaoe

IjFSMttTf method* and faltUul teeeberxMobowby tbe •fiaahira.Tbe addreM of the morningr Ber. Dr. J> wim OB "Tbe Training t>(

ObUdrao". Ha apok*, la abort, M follows* f t i r j . « . ago 15. IS or 90 year, wat

WatderHl -arly for yoaogpaople to outerta cbnrcb. It ta elwaged now. I beve

I « M T « 1 into tb« obucob from 8 to 12years and if , I bad my way about It nooblldren would peas their twelfth JMFwithout Joining tba ohuroh. BeJfgfc»straining sboold begin before the flret I M I

•asaed. People say ohOdfen cannotrstand. But obedienee u uugbt

early sod tt ta one of tbe fundamentalprinciple* of reUgloo.

Alter Dr. tewla bad flntabed speakingMr. Bowes umouoced tbat tba topic* of

opan parllavMton -Bow ebonldath-aonool teacher* pdapare (or

teething the lasso." which hadbeeo post-1 u oUl tb U ftftercoon, wonli toneb

upon the lmporUooe ol teaebers' B>eet-lflgs.tbe question of bringing lesson Help*

Tbeeeeeloa was tben adjourned withpronouncing of tbe beoedlutloa by BevFrank Fletcher. Tbe TleUora wenentertained at dinner by membera of toe

regaUoo. The oofnmmlttee In ebargeof their eatawtelnment cotulaU of Hra.W. J. Oafis, onalfman. H. V. Dunbun,H E. Boloe, HIM Jennie Larkln, A. W.Van, MtM Lulu Darls and U M L'«.r




Tbe explaelon wbleh alarmed so manyPlalcfielders Wednesoiy nlgbt DTOT<M tohave beeti caused by ft meteor. Tbe fog

I moat people trocn eeetng tbeeeleatlsi Tlaitor, only a general gl-ro piTailing previous to tha rumble. Thtsulare WM ao bright tbat D. a Bk)who, going borne tram ft Baptist meeUcg,bed Jnat taken oat hie bunobkeys in tbe dark to unlock hit trout door,

enabled to aee the keyhole OiaUnoUjby it.

terBaob and family, returning bonethe German fair In Thorn's Block,

i » tbe ooune of tba meteor tbrootrift In the fog. It bad the appearance ofa yellow shaft of Ugkt, which dartednearly haU-way aoroM tbe beaveM. aad

toUowed by a Oery exploalou, wblebWMbiggwuid brighter aad more «r l -oaaly eoiond tfaaa asy Fourth of Julyartworks they ever MW. This flery « >

'M roUowed In tmra by a. l>report,aalta ton ot dybamlte bad



; . -"— I"New Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets

and better reiomi (or row HHHXT thin r*et| before and

SILK S U R M I - i i jSCOTCH- CHEVIOT DRESS G0ODS-38 incbe, wkk, MylUb WMI dwabi* W Ul f l r 3»c, wwr


«,ip«. and awiW dlccta, full baa ofk.Mc.al~,». J

"9C !F I * E FIGURED BLACK GOODS—Allwool. M « and atylUb figured efiacta. 4a i u .widtl rcfflUr tee value. MM|


9 9 c

Mail ordaW prtwptl, £

L. BAMBERGER & CO.at street,147 ancj 149 Mar

Nemr Broad Street.frRT*-H#M"a.V.»nfti


REDUCTJ y ;*-• 1 d



99 28it on r< quest.

Shades for Gifts.•SEFUl, APPROWUIt


TARIFF.|iFricts^reduced in aocord-

ance with the downward tend"

t;ncy of values.

Marvels of Art, Science and Skill in

NEW FALL FURNITURENew ^Designs in ; Carpets

Ever> thing to make home and its people comfortable forFall and Winter.; Grandest display in New Jersey. Lowestprices in America. <


No. |&5 Park Avenue,IV. J .

Pure >Wines and Liquors,• ' i iFor Family and Medicinal Use,


•5eeiiKi is Believing:.1 . "'• • * ' - ft. aa.ff/'.if **- * .

Simple, Beautiful, Get*—these words mean much, bat Co•ee "The Rochester" will impresstbe truth more forcibly, l u mar-velous light is purer and brighterthan gas light, softer than electric

light, and more cheerful than either. Tbechoicest bric-a-brac in the palace of* Van-derbilt rercals nothing finer. We have 3,700

•—n«r •«.,.


New Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets



j, INCH ULACK VELOUR C» • .Dd «T-|».ln4 . qua)i|, „ dw*t id. A *pic> b>iM M 93 28

MMI ord«n prcpd, 4U«d. Snpktinlai<|M.


147 and 149 Market ctreet,

to Shades for Bfe. 1SEFUL, APPROPHIATL

•m tt> Bw KIM. fourth OR IUMUr«n> award. (trine MUpv«.f thw.-M Konl -U.o aaad m* a r'rmniinl oflW, ■MUM «•» Horw hm U MMrUHf Tho on— of lurvinjf a maiutwr S*<*dl- nartlJ • bent 91. u*>, paid for Hm faro of U» aacor* party to hU homo and bark and Ibrif OfMMi ro rout*. Tbr burial of Vie* Pmdoit UvndrWk# to— lb* buuaa »V.4»T and thdafnafe a iJUlr o*cr 94,000. Char»ra

Bin# m#n «n ihr rout* to and froxa la dlaaapdtl* amo..nt«l to *M4 p<* day- Tb* •toiy pot* that when a monbrr fruan tb* MnkvNt a aa hurttd wwrral year* •#) “■•of tli#r*.«»rt trlecrapbcd ahead: MtM ua at Urfn.lt depet with four com cb*«n paffne, jr»U-.n tn* wlilaky, low box— partagx and &0 pound, of lee. The ourpae U «U-iiif wall.** th.oe are Itrrua for tbe no one Inmeino that roncrw«n»*fl will worry tteroal In tbl. abort acMlon. When It la c,ti«i.l. »d that our Capitol la by far tha laV-t leplalailye bulletin* In U* world, Coi fm« inch., ion#. covering four acna and containing uver 1 .UQO looma. thr bill forf taking cure of It and paying sal art—of all U»' member, and employee. rarh rill*, n of the nation, and w/lova to think that our Uwmakro are well flat*!. TImtu will be ti.la winter about the uau- el racket on .Uver, and if Mr. Walker of


hla Hawaii na. the only rawton the ad —(■letifcih .. and npiwsdiloB faction* oouId ka*r tun M*aL Tb* world baa gut brawly •wr Ha atagu.irl.it. The opposition wUI now f.n fknwl, u,..o the piMldont and nocmary liivwham tor watting on Gnat Britain •» lb* matt. t,A chang'd irlatlopa with Japan, for the lr pnal to withdraw

unco with the downward tend-


NEW FALL FURNITURE * The whole maiur of r—ipeoclty wfll •otnr np tlr .wo and have to La dealt with euUUPitally on a new Le«U Hpaln, Or oe a diff. ni.i prun.m. The tim le aflrev ad by our now tariff and aw a»lna litlU or no >p.«ui' advantage a. a mum for ad ■UlUiif utir Rout to p»h*. "W"* hteka vwioualy at uar *|w«tal illflnwi tUI ta* on lu hountbd .u«ar and may re

New Designs in Carpets very thing to make home and its people comfortable lot rid Winter.j Grandest diiplay in New Jersey. Lo#t»t Grandest diiplay

11 MV No. 125 Park Avenue,

Pure Wines and Liquors,

For Family and Medicinal Use,

•Seeing is Believing:.

Page 7: The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U

The Constitutioiialist.

aUeot hew Yorkvery dear and pl-l

a* to ihn proper incihpfsrelief, and hi* eddrr** ia

laterrot. Hn U -.ittw-ea well, and bh> mi'MTtthas been mi -mail niS '

be poor. During iho HardInter be m«<

of Kew V,nf relief, port

parativeii rin its app!'»ea»ou wftUa.

a curie—Co-mtry pay-

ago, th

than they

OHPOa or even two yearal ie u t J mcdkiMform of Ublet i lao-every day.

ll H only ten or fifteen year* line* com-tablet- of cnlomi* of potaah b y

organisation, a-eUattrs, aof tbe most Important fel

by Rev. Dr.to Incorporatetbe Lambeth d™• Christianity Into tba cooatitu

alter on* of theIn UM history of

:bnrcfa. TbedeeloraUanbelief In tbe Scripture*,

y of drugs and prescriptionspared w

" A *I. aJUh.t la requiredenter tbo church,

prrpued in (he form ofThe tablet (actorKi arc comamendment to the n

forbidding anyto tin Uw of rfctarlsn instKuiIons.

an eepeclal-hoola. Mln

men. and It wa* nut aurprli-at a good deal of atate* rights doc-

crapped out In the diKuoaion. Inot the important part token la rmt-n

* i iiei 1iiw.mil n, vi'-hUwr drwr* and prescriptions to taMctThey are fwdy to vary known

witht- i n d i v i <1 D a I

pIct. The general use of ublela iniiead of

l lifidby the an called A. P. A. It u In

Nearly every phyticianvided with h

themender pointacboola in which

* w bad, but tbe convention

trat to tnllytoreodtbe hlatoryof Chrlatl

to BUbop Broota. h« cost of doctoring, (or th* phrddawobtains the tablets at ao low a rate the.he nsaallj make* no charKe lor tho-* -ap-plied » — . - W» patients • New asthe DK aoVa ftoam "* tablets It, Iheof the ValtaaV ta l>l«* h a s begreatly

.lnt-rea* that a few faote will aid la

JOLLARS.People Tell of Their


L l» A WO»TWY|'c»uaE.

wjbe chart* land. Tb*igtot * H o t eoamltw*from 8and»j-»en«»l n d

* ^ a. o. VaoEmburgh, Mle*

'TUBJX**. •*•*" C * r r t * 1 H H D 1 '^ M , Hettlaoo, ooid MU* Hay

^^for th" ouc-wion. th« room_ i i l a Woutlfnl teens- The plat,r ^ M deftly adorned try a s artlaUe

— d UoesMaa, were wovenIta eottenedl the l |«tt of

, ,jK,6ad -amrd or: by .elt-detru- j fMf>4 a d'Jl*r of portion IbereoHl^isflr W--I"?-*1 l o Jullua J. WI

^ L si B»W the "ttonij woe raised^ • s a w d to Superintendent E. °mwi , . Meter of oeremonte*.

-d 1MB elto a Mhos at cbaraotorUUo

On. puttee Itila Interesting readaa>IMr* wt* a flue progra-anw. Ben

•UT*c» pUsJ** eornet soloe, eeootr14-M 65 Kk»a Nettie Mattloon, who al>•maputod ttie vnesi eoloa of her eletiIM Fuel* If&ttteon Kr. Syadmimajtt siBsle from th* violin, and Wi

aarpnebot-a red tattoo e; lod a quar

•avow -ad ftrtter sang, oooomponled by-twUnaa rone. Hsof-r MoKillop1

ifeos MhM wera resarkabty s**>>4 for eole-afft perterswr. fend of -•very Mh•J u* p-ograa-M aa encore « M da-

nil*. *ad all acquitted tawtaaalvnesU-Hek credit.

Co* et the eojoystt- feature* of tbnedac waa IM parrot eong whlcr*grf- Bt*v»us waa prevailed on to sing

IM varied--eye In which the eosMfau-dMB-nre earned or aand, were Inter

»ttt»4 *aa atmd Mb bin; * goad l«d

< W U baaw; "Kr Nobody- drovePeary *HDB; election holiday *liven up, and K GO waa taraad Ifl M t-MHU4t»;oo« woajas pouetwd bat own•toe-rat faruliore repairing t l 10 M lM*-d.aBd X eeata -araod by wtftt*n* "Tr-ipmlpg rortiddaa*1 forf«mer;along flannel alghtantf*, boaooto, -*ved a dollar paraoaw-;aoa miOafntesd ant th« signature D, B. Bill,Kaff-4 -noktag ooe week; one woajJ"*ew her baebaod'e shoe*; oisk« * « • ead doing plain sewing waa•fet-Mthod; oaeman need - o u t BM**» •( hhi mottier'a instead of bnjlag«•*•* and another e-ad b« went to W

Botneot wae the detailed OtatenMGt

•*P*p»tof thftatU.,mpaayiDg hard d<WaM told ol tbe manual labor b- hone, J

•"We of th* doromente are worthy""•"notion 1Q full;

IW-doilar was earned by areot seif-ee-

-*m 1 "l.liwl to latiwut* n r H i . by ,

*- aw to brown an HMUnd c> frn•MMrMUtMtfioteanleleB. Bui ta>•M wiitl, npniiiut U» *u->5 or ib<i WBt

luetioeJaa I i n tM Kimt Uui T or

mi IO (hi* t)bureb~bjr a al-anvrr •

n.<Ti«, »be iruMsitaat mbrn M. 1 L T * I . I f . U l » B U . I t I . - ± _ . . .

flou•it., r.ritiw .1,11.

lm-n*ctiai«dulUrwl[Bh»rd wurB a* 1

^ «itr .-are « • Ibis dollar not l o w

»**q>W - H m lib* flve to m* for It reprr' ' I. vi»; nmtM


Ual 1 tarpVTl

JJf ft eou)« not dear himself * , h . k<

* - ^ » - ' I I W • d^lar. Mr. Q. (^17™

»•--«] dropped t -uHiTil

Tin.i sora

.• i»..,i n V

re 1 lie.

othttupa*Ion or dii".sa urr ban


Yearly Meeting f.


AKWPOWDERAtwoiutely Pure.

EPiscommRce.Sixteenth Meeting to Be Held ID


rat of all ID leaTtmlng strength.t V. 8. Government Food lUport.

rraob It will be briar as you may suppose,

UU you I let my sjveet -whtskera rush".C-#ars. oandy: hal rcut. ahaT*.

And ao awfiil dirt; eollar,un tuf h rhioirt l>t-dad loeave'

To maa« io t> ml>btjr dotlar.[a this way « M 2 waa tealizad. It ta be-

»vfd that maiiy would-be ooetrlbatorakept away ay. tb» bod weoUier. Anymay leave thtlr amounU wlU)

man TaoBrAbargb. .


J. h. OolllvBr of Pluokamln, BomenetOannty,. u vlslUng hie brother, 0 . Q.Oolllvar. HU •


Tba mrmb-rt of Samuel Wakcfleld'sfamU> of Pork plaoe who were attacked

y diphtheria ore improvic« under tbeoore ol Dr. p . a Adama.

Btephen B. Krom of tola oltj oootrlb-atea a vatoable ortlele on "The Hat-Balldlng Oloada" to to- earreot la*uTbe Bote-tUfte Amerloan.

. and Hn> Jam"-* Clark of Westnth street a n huwu again, after aof ooe week wltb Mr. Clark's» K. a u k , la Boston.a. J'>hn C. VaoSaoM of 110

look ot pleur ley, and he* eon H enr vtoday atter an tllases of n w a t w

wllh chllU and fever.


Ing Ot UM Sew Jersey Strreatb-Daj B»p-ln UM Kew Marfcat Baptlat Oharab,

ally and molustvely reported la- TbeDaily Preea Tnareday night.

Saodaj-eokool work waa made (be aub-»i of pwUabeoU and dlaoueatoae at UM

afternoon efceoloa Friday. The: opentntocaittod rrom tbf> motnlag1*ne4"How should Sabbath- school

eaobers prepare for tneahlna th* leaeoo'—waa conductod by SOT. J. 0. Bowed ol

nifb. It proved to be aaoetereeUng part of the Keating, Mre-roM taUagpart,Tbe dtftnMnt llnee of preparaUon for

eacblng were brought put by ehort ex-reealaoa of opinions. TheteooaereboBldie adapt*,] to Uw olaea. Ho should study•e pupUa and tatw learn what p irtlcu lar

poloU claim apeeial attention in buildingcharacter of tbe eohot'vra. Be

hoald i prepare himself ±f prayer forrod'atmlj) and bsve t love for toe work

and a love tor the souls of tho-«. he tn-iruots. Dr. LBWIB talkad'oboat tne need

g a thorough, understanding o(be leeeotw, and Feeior Petereoe made

imark* on the apeolsl applicationof the l«aaoa to tbe elosa.

Tbe tecond parliament wea ted bj Bev.L L. dattrell of Bbllob. His aubjaet'Bow nay tbe Internet aod eflloleDC

our Babbath-tebool* ba InanoMMl r Itwas very helpful to all In the aud'.i

Tbe OjaHera *peci»lll connHtwed la theparllanieot were: how to get th.- oldlie Into oar etabbata-eonoola, b<>* to keephn young people there, what oan be doni

rnr tbe Infant department and wa-aeg our acboola. All were

thoroughly dbiBoasei' before me paiUa-neat traa declared doted. The addree*xpeotod from Eev. ff, O. BurdioK of Hew

York woe not gl**o beoaoae of look ofUme.but Kr. Bantlok's pactlot potion la

ie djaennalow Bade up for the omlation.Mra. Benne B*o<Joiph oooduoied a

ao-Baeafnl -normal ciaaa", taking the

, on uf a iUnilinark—In ttwae-

___ pulni ot being sw*p* away Intotba regions vh>K rrpm the tblnita thathave been. In a<Jvrynbort llnjr St. Joan'iChurch, at fort Hamilton. N. Y., tb<

b* torn down—hkppily «n!y to make roomfor a baadKonie.auil more durable ston*•tractan- Is whllch to carry on tbe tradl-tfotlii of the [i 'ij'- tvhere JtobeiIfclfleMllIp

Ua ptiWHl, and whrrar* minjBCfarlatlaa

knelt daring th r six decades which It boa

l l waa in tbi summer" of IMt, alter aants* of brillMat victories. In Mexico,that the Kir*-, artillery reKiment wadrrrd to K.*| Hamilton. Major Jael

hts twentr-irLb year, -no already'a majoirode in tU*.iJi:«. in cinomiiid of bis -oenA little ImA than a year later b* iwoel'tbe narramrtit t.f boptiam.

In the U-ti.l rv-irymen it the nai_."Hubert K. lim-," captain. Engineer Corps,vestryman. TU* la no l e» a p-rwm thanthe famaiu! i *<mfnlrrat« iceneral. Tbegovern men tutnlrrtook to makr gre«t im-pnrve-DeBto at Fort Hamilton-In 1H44, anda corps of jtmglneera, uudrr [jee's commaad, WHS ordered down to the fort.Captain L*« leaaed a «uttHK« (rtfra tbeadmlnUtratnni of tlie Chrteljia eotawhat U BOW Fourth H ^ I I P Tbia eoIs still BtjUMliBK. tfaoUKh tlwre boaan extra story addrd to It. Ry un* ef tbeeurloni turns lu the wheel ••( destln;

the KpiNciipnl trbnrvh, baring beenfirmed (.. tiiWCtiurch, Al,i;...dri*, Va.th» edlBcaJ In whicb Waahinvtoa wot*•talppfil, Afti-r tbs ••arniK.iiy the «ffl«l-atiiiK I'UljUp -aid, "Capt>lu too. If you»iit wri-riJiwi o» faltb'ullra* y u bjtvehuli^rt.) stirrrd your ceiiutry I aball aaryyon j'nir •.f.iwii."

- I -o*-M T-.1.1We otf^t One Huedr#4 Dollar* Beward

for any ca-e of Catarrh that oonoot beou'«l oy Hair* Datjurta Cure, .

V. J. ObiNMtr * 0 o . . Prop*. ToBBdo, OW» tae aoderstimHi, hove knows P. J

Pb<-n«y f'.r tbe last 15 »•>*«, and rmltev*rn iwrf-ctly bonarahle lu all buaioma

i* -nr oblUatloa ami- by tbelr firm.Watt k Troal, Waatoaale DruggU

Toledo, O.Welding, Klnnan k Marvin, WboUwIeruauUM, Toledo. O. iHall's Cftlsrrn Cum la taken iMVrnsJlr'Una- directly upnn tba blood and mil-

_j«a •artoooa of thta -Tstom. Prlo-, T3oper bottl*.. Sold by all OruRRUU. Twnt-

Rhtlnh'a Can, too great eoajrnmiip rure, l« la treat dt-m-nd P4ok>>

-ta« OODUIOS SS do-*-, oaly Sfw. CttUdrerluvAlt. bold by all druffarl*ta

W , «r yo p , mUfour how-l» an.) make your b«a<* ol»«r uMlaUM££ Uo. ood U. Bold byaJ

Captain 8w«eiMT, D. & «. , Bon Vto*oCal..MLy«: "Sbllofa'a Oatarrb Eem^r t»the fir* modietn* I have t n c found thai

HK,Sft*S."-*"- Prt-ifc

TbealstoeBtb mectlngef the ,at JftM Protestant Eplsonpal church InAmerica, which I. tocontlnoofnur dayalnBoston, beginning Nov. It , will donbtle-abetttemost inten*tlng ot ibeeerte, andU proooedlnga wiU be well worth atten

• tratebowotb*r» In ™_ ,

SUtes, hoa become'a-almliBEed to the form•nd uplrlt of our national governmTbe anblecta for dlacusslon will give

rer tbe th:

through ihe tftnning ot a leaaon to amodel way. Toa toeaooaaleaMd waa toot(nr Hovembec 17, a part of tba eermon onUM Mount aooofdlng to tH. Luke. Pea-tor.

worsen w a n m w a "eiaea , aaa UMaooaUeraHoe of -vriooe potato ol Ohrtat'gnat duK-ouree waa tboroagb aod to-

alualoo with a abort prayer by *V*.Bowon.

in toe or-stog a *pletidld w-monpr*weaed by Mr. Bowea. HU textHebrew* x i : U-%>, "Br falta HaWf

lled tba eon (if Pharaoo's daughterW M H I rather to •uBer *ffliotloo Wltb

tbe people of God, tboa to *t>J»7otsiBforaaesooo".

Preae ksnouDoed tba deaia of Un. JanAnn Marab. wlrtow of to* late Or. 8ejtnour k aUrob and mother of geymoaHana late of tbta city. MM. l ianapa*ae<* away korember 5, at the ripe ageof SS yean to rroHve the reword ot a ooe

practical OhrUUu Ufa, and wall*earth b made the poorer by tbe loee ofeaahatinog *x»aiple H l dthe richer; jet her kind worde end gooddeede will ramala long In the m-mory otnu»ny whoa< ebe aoatforted and beW*wW. Mm. Hanh lett^behlod herbere ihrae eooe sod two, daD«hten, ODDot whom la the-wife of Sdword L HonWlot* of


Car** mt Otmrm

^eo* tb* lDrt.tlg.lioi). of the clalnmade for Dr. Kennedy'. Favorite Kemedr ttb« preae, thejr bave rccelred Ictrers frcra-Terr Siat* la tbe Unios, and 6*a tha

r fails in f e» cast*.The opinion o( the aver-RC pbndaa has

<-eca that kidner and nrioary troableabe cured tm]y by a loeg and pen"eatawst. Dr. DavM Kennedy'. KJ

cmedf acts quickly, cartog obMinateav*-y«bentim*.One oCoor best known dtiient. Mr. foh

} . tieju, or No, 2437 N «h E.gU«. at.«t»a. a sufferer fiom •-»«!, in up-akinol hi* U M add: "1 h*C a very b<d a to-ol gravel, and Dr. DavidFavorite Kemedr. Ukaa about .compteielv cored nil, I caanef a*y too— ta io itafa.ot." travorlte B«m*dy l« preKribed with —f*iltoC»MG«-aforalldiae-»u trough aboubyaaesstaof nric add In the blood. 1rhcuroati-m. dy-peptJa and nerve trouble.it hai Rade maay curt, thai wire consideredbevood the aid of atedtdae. Dr. DeviKcnneifj'a Favorite Rimed* caa be oboined1

of all druggtat-. at one dollar a battle, or sUbottles for five dollar-.

Dee II la Tl-a..tatrb fftena In tbe nasal p m i p i . afiect-fes. w i sod throat and 1* In (act, the

>eg-ected colds In ihe bead almost mvsri-»b!y precede aHsrrh,' canflow ol mueouj. and if tbeicconiei faterrupced the Ji _ . „•f catarrh will foitow, sucb •« bad brealh.ever* paia actoa* forehead sod about the:yea, a roar ing and buning -onnd » the

tbe vartoua n-forma andmen ta of tbe day, and that aubject of pe-rennial Interwt, the alleged conflict between science and religion and the propeiattitude of rellgioua teac&era toward 'new theortra n -noch talked about.

Tble 1* tbe moat dnmoeratlo and prabably tbo miMt thoroughly reprcarntative iAaujtit Uiereffoliir orsanijatl" :ch. There an, ofocrane, .__

hlen only the clergy take part, meet-Ing* of bUbope only, and a regular repreaetjtatite parliament or congress with abouse of bUhopa and • DOOM of lay dele-gates, pat In this conventionpalUna may take port, and 1

of science are often la apeLpplement the ecclesiastical view* by as mlxtore of worldly wlado-n. Of till*<n will be the donation on Nov. 16,

_ Uie aUU. main topio," "Tbe A-gument From Design aa Affected by tneTb*oryof Evolution," and It Is scarcely an«ucgera(hiti to say that tbe blgboi 'of the ehunh will take pan

Bev. Dr. William M. Hughes of 1town, S. J., will read the tradingwhich will be followed withBev. Dr. Francis A. Shonp ofTenn., and Prof earn Kelley of Johna HopUna nnlvrralty. A grneral and. erlUoaldlsonailan will follow, In which F. J. ft*.Woodbrldge, Esq... of MlBDoipolla, Rev.Blooard Harris or BrooUyn end otherswill take part. I* Is modestly claim. *behalf of tbe Episcopal church thatlatitude of opinion on '

" al-tJ '

tude of opinion utterly Mtoundlng_11 me end c uUt ng qui to acrossdlatlnctbm of high and lowboth the btatorlo dtvlstona a n wall•tatgr-aea oanglag aU toe way hewbo accept the latest nrwdmnone

"It la not.- aald Phillip. Brooka on•object. '••» If we b-mgered and thlt_for the Ideally perfeet In a belief. It ialife, tot penoool Ilfo, ot J o r o Chriat tl

l v t e t l o D with It. Letmy relljlole mrtaphymlcel troth and 1 d

-nay nanraiof law and i_ .why I should carry It oero-a tbe MO.If It be a living relation to a living >lahonldtoaodle^Jmyhrethrniaon:•aa In th. way he bal led ma and ml

And BUbop Whlpple, In opening .vloos eoDvSDtioa. eald: -ChrlaUanateen a-aa-ated. and dlvUuona have -f,.into hatred. The aaadast of aU Is thatthing- which separate a* are not r*toaalvotlon."

It ta quite a compliment to ouision that an entire eve&lng eeastbe given to a dlaoaerton of "TbaNowapaprr." The appointed writers 1 reRerv Dr. Holland of St. Louis, Bev. $r.George Cunie ol Baltimore end Bev. t.Alexander McKay-Smith of Wash' *tfter such an array of names It n

tola Is to be followed by a free dlsmuHanled by Hichard Henry]bridge. Mam. and WiUUU, Mq.,i

"illlam C. V. . . i Now York. ID the

•ion on "Tbe Proper EducationMinistry," to whicb a whole daygiven, only tbe clergy wit) take ;tho cloving address will be by HiHenry C. Potter of Now York,question, howoror, of ' The Church'sIn tbe Matter of HccuUr Actlvltl*laity may have a good deal to aa]tbelr principal representative IsAaEbbone Gardner of Providence,akin to tbe preceding Is the on-How to HelJeretbe Poor Wlthouperiling Them," to which a do /

(devoted. Probably BO man ID UMIs better qualified to discus, tillsthan the principal speaker, Bev. Dr

year from fit. Bartholomew's, KDMt rowoaUsd the Vaodrabil- church breoa}* hatfamUy o n among IM regularsad chktf supponen. By a toeComellus VandVrbilt happened I «Gran church, Pwldcnoc, one SW»* y afew rsar* ago ami witb* eermonthat he Bt

•nd as Dr. Giwt waa tnu>afcmd|to NewYork.

He hoadevoted hOf mercy and practical inform of tho cdltlon of tbe pour Mid la recugnlMd a*afflclal dispenser of tbu Vandcrtttt chai

_ design* t lor. of . „otacr, that it may to aefta dotorlptlvely asthe church of Uw Um* of King EdwardVI did proleet ogainat tbe error, o/ Borne.Bat It U chMged that the twa of a word

dS/they iS "^a-JF- ->ot.dTera--d>medical newspaperi, J bey con

Ingredient, and their proporifcr* Phyw' good repute e' " t -

Tha Chinese hare a ohaneter or ebaiecters which aymbolls- >ealou«y. It la I

itod by twop t n t e d by two women under oneIt goes to show how universal thatat fibe aex la. Even the Celestial,int- at tbo ac

)ua- unju.t- I t t

The B;

b u r the*-

VTEKWTIHO lecarr m-rotr or A> flT U U •

A certain well-known preparattoa Is •»roof. I Urgely prescribed by physcians that its U«>fling ' by them mar be said to be Universal. Con-

v-rutionsllr it i. spoken of among them-acivee as the " K. & S. Cot "a«fc-i»

;ntl80 fact, wijlcb eonld | aremoderir what e l s t i y , y


e apnaataooe of a rival was UM aignal ' gmwlng more general for a hundred ytsr*.CnJ > battlo that only could end with the a.ir] ha* been va.tly inoraMd of late bydeaUi Of tbe Intruder. To the Austrian »!itlit Improvements found to be Unportaotbees Iwlong tho wulltof rising aupertor to io effects. Tha pmcriptiol, eaponoltr iatbetradhlonnl jraluu»\at ot tbt-Jr kind. A ' rural district*, is Usually prepared In fluidaeBucioaalexblbJthasbeenmadelnVlen' f»rm, sometimea tn powders ; botof late knar by aom* patient aclentlit, who hsa lias been fMadno-aible to prepare k In ttt>-

it a j.-ur or two watching tbo hom In, lets, the form cow so popular with phvui-_,_• to verify bis dlsoovery b-rfore mak- deea (or aV standard; ^.^_ m e dIng It public, He baa )nat exhibited • , cine*. So eaormoBtfacivlog colony of Imt governed oonjolnt- d e m a n d , f f o n ,ly'by two quoen bees, wbo not only et>- '. ciana (oldy, for t h ediire each othcr'apre«noB, bnt show every ! i"rma of tl.U preparsdoo that a aiorkmark of (filial affeotlon for each other, iiianutactariog cnemiat ia New Vurk CkfThose bee* live In a co-oix-rnlive ago.— { made and sold 950^00 pounds of t"New York Mall Wid Expreaa.

nil order* (row dealers from whoa ph«.

'disclaims entirely any faith ID tbet*u>a grape seeds or *nr other •

and bega tboae U

provlda without worry.—New

ftk-s. Tim to called People's 'flalace lapradicaUy hi* work, aod iherjftmi adopt-ed I* that pur-mt-d In thn I'".j<le.'» volt.at London, wbicb waa eal1 -•' CSeaant's "All Sorta endMen." By tbe latest *vponiblr London institution bud ai047 perKina In *tx months, whitol book! nmuuntud to 80,000,peraoari rt-RulurO' UBUI the Hueand reading roouia, and It canikiubud tiiul the Ni-w Vork

1»«3 L d # » • M . I """«• «*W—! S ™IA Cctngtoll, K^i; ww* ta *$ff,

AlUwuitb s i f t ^ with w-•

oe ot tbruj. "A small bit of digest The Ripao* Tabulei represent the bbnt»d matter," he soya, "got* Into the little a n d most improved form of this prcpam-lac, If the neck of it 1* open far enough to ,„,„. The aepsrate letisrs compming tbe

- lajrorooJo there for yean K<Kd t-i-r-A-x-S ore Ihe iniiialtof tlie *iaidle and then again It ingredients, Any doctor knows what they

may bring on appendicitt* olmoet Imme- I , r e . The A and N ^present tbe pciocipsld U t d J " „ . . . _ . . . _ _; change, and have - bet* fomd o f

n bceome apparently

li»er or bowels, wIH eto be without a supply n 1 d. A.- ,n«le ooe giws prompt relief. Price. Jocent* a box ; at druggists, or by maiL


The Constitutionalist.

Helpful Idee* Gleaned from the Yearly Meeting i.

P«Je Tell Earning*.

»•»*• OK

Ik was U. lb. summer of lftff. aft or • mMm of ferillhsnt victories la Mexico. UM the First artillery me "neat eu or- drred to K- rl Hamilton MaJnrJackM, afWrw.rtU •Sli^ewair Jackson. tkem In hto I weal y rtf ik jar and already a major, rod* ia the I It. as ia omnutMl of kla men. A little le— ill an a year later fee reoelrod tk« aarratnrat of baptism In tke lUt n( Tf'rynw la tba nama, “Habert R. I we." ra'peata. Kunioem Carpa, vestryman Till* la no lm a pereqa than rcrmUoaallr It to Bpolrnn of > ri.au tin - R. A S. Comf sr. ill and caU tha — matter what elm are moderately^ "TT BOOM onb of Urn •• R. * S.“ prescription. Its f-owlnr mart rmrrnl for ■ he and has beea rawly Inornaast

•hyp -aid, "Captain I '•Ood as faithfully as B^red your country I


THE WAN'S CHEMICAL CCX. • to Srub-cs Sr.. New You.

Page 8: The Constitutions t irt · UTIONALIST..T.. THUBS^AY^ , NOVEMBER XS, 1894. Support the ConMUuHon, whUA U



ak>lb<ti»l*7>or (i* Y-.i_ -

tay J - b n i m e lifr. prrt.nfn JOB "1U 1

I i%> c tMUu jaa>tn"ii era* rr r r a M hi l.nn.A j , ' u . w run .mi l - In ih« t*etfa Of

Mil,, i i l r t l JMilfH <l — i o J be tb«*nil.-- (<-r (Ur «*mr Prawi Ilia! be niuUt*IOUM-C U n m There » neiHwr iJenanceor h r i f i H - r In hi- •mtl«: »«.r In i l w beanf;-i,,,,l-.t wi iht ln- -n . i l . of -uhlTiT-^-Mi»n oh it-li »»• -.rreirt ! . , • « . - >«l*w.l»• a k u r " • ! dm ran or. It hi • • *Ubwrtaaurf l«nK-r«ttiT>tMl HU|U*<M.: H toLao • •llrni iauuomt^ • Mm M J •»<>« to

lent; ,.*K.ml a c t •>•»'• lar lit* of tbematry- Mr. Hwn* t»Miwt>tb«t fr.™ the

W wa* H- tolaaWMLlEuaWiSto atill•id, ai'iMJ-. imi'if*! « I . I H . W ot tbei«im<»> nmnlc that "••'.- Mii-r I'ctk for

HlvMreel ln-f.ri.-l f.ilk. telif -mite at lite,>veaii<i d n l h alike, » I* p-mnlW 'lyoominunltr of inti"^t in -INIml tblUK-; ituil l.y ffiii£l.*ritT *

,.l IW >

^ S 7, NOT i, 18M.

RefTOlar1 «Mvffns M raw. Board of.boacg Fmholdtti of rbe County ofInloo, kdd Tbutaday, Nor t, 18M, at

aopm.The following


wwe pres-JuMwi and Fre«*-LT*ik. Enrttch, Hajt-

«y, Bowaid, K(au*e, Utteil, KUior,O^deo, Boil. Swain, Tier, Waatcott andWoodruff-15.

Tb* mtnutea of tb pr, rraitify of bllU eiwpted, wen i nolloo approved M raw),

cuHMr^iCAirijMi, KTCFrom L,,nto guira, County Euglowr,

M follow*, rls :

EilwibHti. K J. Nov 1, 1HH.Ti»tbe HnnorsM'. th« B^ard of CTIOMD

Freebolrffr* »! Utiion County, M J:OemJwneti—Tn» unden-lgfrd would

rcatfMMtfaUr report fo your tioaontttebody that WtliUm Cb«mb«rlaln, o n -tactor for tbe irpalra on the Uotnn

tj roada baa completed work aa

par y «f l | a3lxi

-!»•«. • i.-u.i, or acquire.!»;..!.--- .-him

h i h i

_,__tt aquar* yarda of } aton* at 7eper yud, ffW8 H ; total. <11.73* 84:Mi 10 per t-eot retained. »i,i73 13 ;l««w beretofoie paid, 14.761 66 ; total,I O 4 M ; balance doe, fB,7« ae.

L LI» Qt'tnt,\ County Engineer,

On motion erf Freeholder Howardeodved aid placed on Ola.

txxoten OF orjoncrrrRn.Tbe Committee on Utoc*4lanaoDa A*1-IUDU report ttMt !bey hav« raueed all'.nuraoce, wtjfcn expired October 28

laat, upon tbe County Buildings, to bo-Insured ftr a pMlod of tbi' e yeara,(Signed) £ V Badpley, Chr Kbrlleh,On motion ot Freeholder Clark, re-

ceived sad placed on file.

. r the iiitiiirnl LMtdrtickn of, p.'nlil *TI o •mile. >« t»Hl<ltt.

• *• ariMiraUon; likeucklou to at tha

I whii | Mia/ re. un a token of

iperlor. "r i» nu'et^"". "•"< *"v*fn opooeaaluTi- whirl, H n b»* J.I. .. -.1.1: it i« »* t of de(wrim»iit. Tiw Moil ajUTMiiMeaa la the cauiiM* f><«, au'd to pnaVntWay* tbi- meat I'rixhl mirt iLtfrrratiie laveaailble U> imrrntn. rt-lmiv.., i*acb*TB,UuJ. Hi.-j -.,•,! w k l i m . IT. a rule ofla. It i« ttirttM-riixWJi raja Of life 10ra eunatmiiffr [., the nut«r,- world a

. U r b u d ,i- luipjiy tx r-idi-, beoanaa

l d h

»l l>ik M-ri-'U-la iitt*j (au jt»luve U-: it [* llk»triw f<v,ii,li. timeBir fH. lMi i ik , i , i l , J CKriOMltf -li tli*

Caltlmi.nl f>, m <-fail<t)i..Hl «- • l»»ul»,o»m£lr null U t - m - * liiMSuctivv. Jna tni'iH •'/ 11"1 |>j"-r -/ ]icji*jrji liTea tbv•Tlrtl.4i thw t ^ ^ b i n . t ( l ^ « p r ™ . i o no o c • prn«.i,«J-S..rr<.* ur p.ii,. ..r >i l |n-irarrl; a » M «a'i a j w a j , mtUad.'

!uc*i alUMM«J U>t.m.[ K n . r UIUM bareJapan. ..-••:•-• ,i Jii-r- , i i , naiuml iarae,nuirvi.'r'.i,,.t-l* bur-i «r M » n in tb«

M«ot« <.I ~>i[rffi.in. »r K'W" l» »«" ini-lltrpnw. Ai.,1 (lir flrot w.iriU at mren' I»IV-1 ii "I MI •• IT-I ii.iriir> WI,IU»II, Bftrr• i i 'Ti" li-.vi. K | tvn « •> in -ml. a, c:r-hiMuiiC-M.iT ii.*»ri;ili!>-, "VurdoD UIJ.tk.buw.itiul limt i l .«vr IKTII h.^ruJ*."s'unlitJK • • -Mr. lli-»rii. IUUIVU*IT, tb*

Mine isJt-uuf (raiprr-mii wi.i. Ii t-^.ii*n(Ti-riiiK in <S


uTHi I'", tbr Japan*** Intro of the

K m w -()"• lr..i. •x luinl . 'bli Ulin W miamir..Sraji.i PIke lateomtrl>

E*wrt*MW Kir

vtilr l l , SEII, - 7 , !••»

Ike A l - i U o t i t i iMi * . . 1

Ai.'XBUdrr 111, U. ! • • - . . [ . [ i r i i i i e i n

neaa Ur.^nu MM.

MO* Urwi t r . lh - eU-rirf Al i r im tf. It


aatka(.tie IDMI H

Eiinipe. A


. hla task

IBM unuiar-

Surd «f Cfcww FneMdm

County * . _ _ I * , Oeo WItoox 112._ . Mutual Fire iHumno* Oo

(Tfift.Bcbooaf Aeooont—B Holme-M80 7&Stationery Aeoooot—F A Dnnbam

115, Arfvooata Pub Oo 4FreeboMec Hallday moved to ad-

loom, wbtcb WM owned.;The Director dedarerl tfae Board ad-

iitrned to Thuraday, Not. lfi, IBM, »tMO o'clock p m.

8 Bcauaa Brso, Clerk.


Ha ! • WIIH.« M Do wtiei 01a Klerk*

• •> twariba* aa t * • «••!

TO TH« rIUTOB O* T n r>> ILT,Aeknowl-d«,iDK tba remarka of Eev. C. E.

9164 ; 44,3Wf q j a rai2lcp«r w d . 910,661 M

nra jmnt f J atoo t 7

By Frtflmlrlf-r Krooae:liAHiived, Tbat tbe blilof W J Kirk,

muuDftrfc to five bundred and eiDbty-loe (»5W} dottara, nmouot or contracior builuliw St. UeorRe'a Avenue

bridge, be paid wbrn i r< 1 <rly aworo1 t»nd allowed by tbe n mmlUe*.freebuider Sw»in mure I tbe adop<

wa feel inat w« a n tha poMIe Mrvanta,and I »ev* arraiwod toy boura to aoeoav

at« th* general puhJIo. Mr atora toopen SondayB for UM aalt of madldnaaand « mpouodlBg ot ireacrtptlooa only.My ekffea, wbo work every other Saoday,lav* as afternoon aod «*enlnir off la oom-

Mloa for the Sunday hour*. I•, If it can be ao arraugad to permit

tkem to attend ebnrea, I will do all In a ypower lo bring about aucb raatifU.

L. V. BiKDOLra.

T:,« JlriiiM. Medical AMoeu lnveatiK«tln« tbe qnnit l 'n of „ _

fvitr in connection with tho IIM'if nlooulii: bevvraicM. Tba terra* u-e<I lo tbapm-U *r> rather ataatic, but tba fluunar. ii... ni. 11 -. , . I

Ib* nambrr of 4.3U, taken atw tba a*vr#KB ««'• vf Umpnv

_iker» tu be ON j-™r«; cur.-)»« drink-•r>, » yesm; (rm drlnkera, S7 ycum; in-

drtnkani, 5S I«-sr»; Intal ab-. jaar*. TI.B n.,«jy-U in t tu

c u t of tfa«M> wbo reach the agu ot civer 8C•tioara ttiat 15 per ct-ut. WITH tc>Uil ulwLalnem,10 [«•!• w i t . hf«vy ilniiki-m, uud 70 prieeut. itfnderitte drloLvn. | Of tbuke wbc]! v>.! over '" > j e a n . IS per <}ent, ware total• ii.tnii.rr>, 0 per cent. * i w bard and 7B

in«.ltTiitr ilriiik., r.


doprcll c«llof tbe

wae adopted .Uy Freebulder Lin.ll .ltaaolTed, Ibat tbp ilarkn of tbta

_MXA be extended to County CclleotcrWood tor tike, kindness ID r ten nilta lotola Board,'neatly bound Tofumeapon-taJniOft tbe (WTKI laws (sewjd by tbe

oe hundred tmj elgbteeotb (egldU-

Oo motion ct Frwbolder Ciaik.'unao-i. urtiy adopt Bd.By Freehohler Ehrlicb 1Keaolved, Thai tbe bill o( Alh#n[tirifk, In amount twenty dollar* (820)L.ojiraot j.rliv for pal&tlnir brldf^ omr

8Ji Boad*. Rtttiwaj,be p«ld wben prop-ly approved.Freetiuldt-r Hal if! ay moved tbe adop-

lon ot tbe revolution, and on rulj call• was adopted npat)tcnouely.

By Freeholder B U :Kw>lved, That wben tbls Board ltd-

ourna. It adjourrn 10 meet two weekstoday fit 2:30 p

On motion ,p m.

Frwtbolder Mlllw, thelo| t In wsa adojiti._

Tbe Ml.-v.loe; bUto, audited and ap-proved, were read and OD motion or-

dered paid, vli :Balarl««—W It Codtpgton S75; £ H

Wood '250; 8 BUHIIDR Ttyno 25."" ot—E B Orler *62 50; E 8

;; ry J Bcbmldt % GO;

Tboa B 8ml»h 6; Jobn O Blore 337 50;[toea Hook, 75; E R E Kewbnry 27 HO

Courta—Oeonrn Kn«, Sheilff, G44 25;Byer *95; Herbert W Kalgliin WuT **

r n n l J m r . l - m r»m<ld ft tk

The iiiihnr .•( (he wall-kn«wirbe HVTMI Hj >u.| By,"" wfatrki Ii

apt .vx . iun «i )*iiebl... .i^T'l

Mha mja Knowlee. who t _ _IBTIT briny elected 8iatr'> Attorney ofnataii*. l.u-J11.1 bn-n paid * [ae ot H0,-t | « rffrcUn* «arlt lrai«i t tn > I ™ .!it. im. . '* iiii Ur>a milliontt , i. pnibMhly [be bih-fa..*i i n

oCjMr't |-rli»of ten CbMiaaafl ruubfaarWtabewl wqrf f.rnj l u I'UUUHI. i H . l »

id ka> fwty- ive . ru- -Mr ftxru Eo«luihBCk. )i> hU.Ublr IM-U WmA r*pr"«lui-vnin Iti » U-tine bn in • ! the late Proffnn,i t U k * » r W i i uaiia: 1} lit. Ikriiarr.jof

taaa w-U Uacke4, • _>taalatb*a. N o t o U .><al H» IlKMttt! t* •

•5; Jaa H White S EO; B«nrv Bmlrh47 60, 6; Sylvester C*hMI 47 50, 5;Bobett Walpole 66 60, 7; Mkbirt WBjyle 50,5; Henry J Ht-hcppe 47 50 5'Jobn h 8b«-ridan 47 50, 5; HHK up) Mor-Bao 60, 5; Wm H tteult 5, 47 E0; FrankH Ifenn 10140; W B M^tioz B4i><John M.-XHIUHIH :.. 47 50.

Brld(re Account—J L Nw»t f n go;W T Kirk 3-2 70: Cbas J Fox 05 66-l««ac WlnaoBB; Everett & Plereoo 188Jobn HcumlijT 17 50- J iJiYiiie 30- MW Moll^y 28 00: Lonb Q'lleo 13, fl,Adam Gerlacb :Kiw 50 3« DO 491 508«uuel Oark 13 02; FraBlc Bohl 10;J M Homer 3; Wcba'ri McGrath 18Frack Uurpby 47; Ahram J Kolatei25,14; W T Kirk 88 05 C W Schi.mp(Union and BprlnRfleld) 9T S0-W TKirk 37 64; Unity Brown 11 50- \V»Alli-n 11 30; Chas lirui.." 14- } £Woodruff 10; O 8 Pleraon 25 2 75- W TKirk 41' 15; Jaa C l « -MO. j'.lin Tobln•ii. A J Collins G :.'.'; J»« H Fn-rh If&D; Oeo Cemter &0; Ptillln FH-lmao17 35; Jaa J Brennan 154, 50; Lmi,^ C

~ " 70; Jobn L«pi> 478 80._ _d Kcpalrw—Jae W Fink

tOO, L"uU Untra 49 60; Wm Cnanibar-lain 5,7'JS 26, im t&, 164 30.

Countv Jlowl CotmrruoiloD—LJUIB' 119 50; Wm T Kirk 121 %

_ .-lion Aceoont-^Eltsabetb DailyJournal S90,

Oommhtee ExppMe Account—FrankWtOdruff « 90; J F Hubbafd 15 90;W B Swain 33 20: J Martin Roll 42.

H«fflb«it Fa? Account—Jae C U^deotvQ; Koab Woodruff 34; J P Hub-ard8G2S; Wm H BolakaoiP** 98; WI SWBJQ 64; O«o W Lltteil 70; Addl-

•on B Clark 84; 3 Martin Boll ISO 25.Publication Arrouor—Adrovnte Pub

Co 25; EJl»ai~tb DaJly Journal 25;l*J»i 8 Hv«c 95; Soninit H«nM 2B.

, Public BttUdtntn Accoont—IndianAlkali Work «8 54, Prof wdoa EauttteJ*-.Nol,50.N Y * KJTei Oo 80 rt#,

Turr* *1 •'». 40 35, 11 JO. Central Gaa. . . . . . . |ioid Electric Flxtare Co :I 00. EH*

_W b .» ftbMb Mono 25. Tb* Suburbana - a « » « Blwirie Co 34 88. Jobn J Slater

d I-« W. Bpecajr ft Bubbord 68, D AWoodbooa*10M.TbaBaM»ck * WI1-

SfeVThe BBtabotmow* WwerFm B Tucker, anon*? SI SO.



a*rrlo« r*tardln« t) dark

A Mruvt ran* to board at the b « wMr. at* Mm. JM*pk Flack, » Somer-t atnat, V»eda* altavnoon, TU«-"«T

aftantoMi b - went away ertlb Moleo cloib-•fr ard an anpald board Ml).B« wa* a nlce-loofelns man »ltb ra'b-r

„ forward way about bim. B»a eyeaDlue and hla faaa waa abavvd »mootb. Blaheiftbt wat> anont ilx feet and be waa of

Fun bund. Be rav» Mr*. Tlaok a«n»ll oar.) with toe name 'John L.lBomaj." written oo It 111

pratTba new hoarder behaved blm.elt until

yeetarday ntfon wben M want upatalrstod broke open a eioaet. Ba atole Oeor«eBoebee'e aaOood^aat aolt and put It bi>oMtta hla own elothaa. Then ha wantoat and WM laat «*o at % tn the aA*r-POM walklniE up Park «venu#,Hnihee mk»ed bla clothe* laat nlsnt andtbe matter wi» nportwl to Chief Mpbal Puflhorn. Km, riaok rhlokl Inatnotblitf e)«a waa *tolen.

Thona*- ejtplalnatf thaalt to thf place by Tba Courier and Ui»t

_ i waa VBployed by that paper, B* waaa printer, ba ••Id, and hi* BBfmtm aoowvdtba* bla bands bad b*en, caught a 'ntanflMl In maoblnery. On O M flogM-bad a gold rio* which he aald bad been

remore ae tbe knuckle bad i

TS* KDITOX or TBM\DAU.I Puae:—What la Li be dona with the WcQiald*

After bavtajr bltt«« wTcral per-u j o o r article ataW* aboald tatokIb Umt that thle aort of auiamcon be

done away wj tb pAraanaotly. l>t t bnaeR authorlt j ezMQuia tt. I look for

your reply In the. n*-it kaiw.

[Tba NtQualde 0«g le

UDfortnnataiy hU Tallae bad been a,-.ay*d, bat ba awaited ha arrival every

day, Mta. Plaek g»*». blra a room forWhich be waa to pay a dollar a day, «a

d to room a long. Then Tbotnaa.lutaitira a key aa ba aald bla

work oa Tha Courier would keep him outlat»twryaiB»t

In ta* poeketa of toe rait tbat Thomsatook ware a •mall amount of change, a

Ivatteti Army badm and aa Army D<x>kand oartlOwte tbat Mr. Bnghe* bad. Borbome* In now prepared lo Intrude Into

army circle* ea a aueak thiefwhile paeatDs for a PUInftrtd aoldte.


anyboe tr Jure* tbe anlmil, that paraooberoed. If tbe dog Is a nulrwnoe,i- formal complaint and take leml

prooednre to have tbe nuleane* abollahed. ]

Tbrooah Oorporatlon Omra**! Craig 1 ,Mafah the eaeo of Oeorge Mucdr and•il* of WeatHeld. «bo claim supportfromFlalnBeld, bao been, carried to E I E Vboth on eppeal from ' Judfte Orrfllns'aC >uri. The matter will be decided tnabout a month.

In the meaaUme the Woelfleld overseerrefuaea to help then, as. he teare that Ifthe eaae goea agatnat his town be willhave to foot the bill. Qveraeer Vender*beek tcllB him, however^ tbat If Weatfleld

the city will pay him .'or toe month'e aup-

tbe funeral n n h r a orer tbe re-tnaJne of Peter Vaadeventer Hocdsyafternooo the pili-iwarem were ClarenceTtihworr.il. E. at. ToicUoson, BarryBowera and Cllffonl Miller. In hla dla-oourae Bav. Oornblloai Scbenok nfetred

1 fwllrgly to the younu mic'i coo-venlon Friday night and C1B death tbeSonday toornUiB followfni. Tbe caakatwaa atraitn with rote* and cbiysanthe>

A frif.Kl of mine Umt a little boy wbohaa ju.r. rratlied tbat I am wtwre be la In-teresting. Tba otbel- ait<-ru<xjn ha waafnund nittinit mi ihealepe of the rerandakOokinic 'vvry much ' duwutKht and blimmlier asked him j what tba troublewaa.

"We'll ha*e to mofe away trma hm,"

-Whyf" aaked'Ua mother.

"Ob, r»block and I—BuSkko Set

r a lo<e Ilka ooref" ha

"Of i ..iir— I .•»«'t jn.i«e yoar can*,"ahcoord, -'but » ;sh me the eymptutna aaea

aa tbey Lave In my utLer attaoka.'

"Ii .t -l.ll Til. • _ _to Mach fur yuur n o to back Ji

ben tfae cu-t»m ia Cb« b * t K « i , t j *Tallir 1>"X to rrmah tot tba K U U IOMU"—

—Dr. J. B. CboMf at Waatamlt •**D<bM purct>i**d A V*TJ n h i t l t ff eott.

— * «-.* malm turn • |4«k«t taxBillow E n »wall> W m i f U 111 W,.tIB

•ill holdm iwntku iu«i null.,.X k l W i l a a m H THdw adkuiiteliilt



mr* k>|iaiiat c.d.t carps vtr-, »«r«l far W l u u Week,

P;alnfield'B military company, the Thirdeglment Cadet Oorpe, haa normuilBedr Winter work and will MOO commence

Irtlllng. Tbreeyeara ago tba companyorRBofced nnder tbe name *f tbeCadeta, eompoaed moetly of boy*

Iiaal'e Scbool. Tba orgasteulonn e w and procpered under tbe efflclMit

m u d of Oaptaln Edward*, until atthe beytnnlas of laat yoar It WM thouffbt

to chaos* tbe name to its preeeotand atep out from a school eompany

to ao tndepeodent orffan!e*tloQ.Laet jear waa tbe moat proeperoue la

the life of the cadet oorpa. Bloomlleldand WeelBeld were vtelted and enter>talned with an rxbtMUon of military

suvrea. asd durtDR laat Bummer thedea of a, Bummer oaxap waa Utoagbt of

and carried ont to tne complete aatlatao-tlon of all who were preeeat. This yearhere are many new plans for the benefit

and er-jjymeet at tha oadeta. and thete lanr> doubt but tbat Puinfleld win be ptoud-

">an ever of her aoldler boya long tm-tb« hot July day* are here again,

there am a few vacant pUoea In theike this year *llch will be SUod at

onoe. Applications may be handed toany of the following committee: WillieWeat, 190 Oreeoant avenue; Goo. Bull. 238East Ninth street; Llewellyn Bull,~ Ninth etteet; Voloey Oreen. 938Eaat Fifth etteet. Tfaoae wUhlnR to be-eoaw members rhouid apply at onoe, asthe ranks will soon be fall.

ConstipationIs the most common form of Dy#«pepsia.

Dr. Deane'sDyspepsia Pills

(while wrapper), one aft<!r each meal,cure t.i^ most obstinate cases^ Theycontain no lot-'cury. do not purge norgripe, and impart a n.uur:il healthfulion* to the stomach and bowels.

DR. j . *TE*JWBC<

O. SuttetUa and aon of Oreenbrookroad went tunning jeaiaidaj at X#wMarkei. and eaooeeded hi killing two

•qnlml, one opoaeum and a

Currb turn In (he aaaal p»iaSes. aSect-of eyo. can asd thrau tadh la fact, the

at n>«mr of tfae fatd ld b

Children Cry ftm PiteW* Cutorta.



Q.«<I Vlatara. »>>e a Prie. fi»

N.w If a- l»U*t..r..

. Her«-'» a ciirii.ii. btt <>f hlli'iiry that IVictoria, offered a tintidauuic jfrifv fur tljrbent j>ir.:e 'if Irbil pnlut IIM.-»M be esfalli-Ited In Mie r*lra«jW"r]d'a F«i r- Some pa-tient Irl-h Klrl** fiiigera caURht the fogthat iteanbiive tb* bngt of Ireland In tbemornluic and wj>v« It with marvellouatotricKcy iun, f! beSutlfnl fl.junce •boutfonr yar<le Inn^and a ynnl wfde. It waaa wonder ot fBiu. IVnple held theirbreatn wben they looked at It fur fear Itwould dlwolve;! Tt wiw a vapi.rjr utary otbarpaami hi-oihir and th.«t|i-« nalttnicInto web utbeh a cobwrbl>y Illuaion, Martfully and rtinnlrigir drrlked that Itlooked like a 'fiiiofcr [IIWIII. J( waa tbeprtee, and Senate-'"b l 1 -Mluf f Butta, ofVlriclnl*. tbi-D fmirellhiit in riin.pa witha lilK hunk ni.-c.ijint. m» It nt rtn- W«rld'aPair Burruuiiilta b> . stvww "• Wuuiler-•truck ptopirJkuA buuttht it. He gaveSM guinea* f'limanrf ft fl.-af-; i f trium-phantly, like aa tbe bent and *?nnj of thawumt Irlnb ihmtttdo. to Aniclica. Hwaamnnlflrvutly p l e a t e d to Jalt^Daan. tbedlatfi

uu.m ifFni. ifvn iwt

,-bIne vroui>| in "Thecan tell you tiow t o n y

level led at it. and bowbaa becu In lacen

tba world over like.« tl.r- fliif•( web ofnt i-vtr arltcbed.pearifd. I aappoaa

i p tticlr aiii id. thatbad melted IK. It ia aainea t b e n T f t a t the

I K-.IIIK ilown Hi-rkmnn'rlend Walter C3»oper. tbe.iii*<) me Intn ifi* dlttgr

of Jobn O. Liffbtbody itprlutluK Ink, tiid bolock-i[e, took out • i c l amal ly

tbat looked like- a lon«-b, and opening it, apreadi«r on a .!i-1 ™».! t h e n.McCarrlck »lifl'tL»» theot and Jul ia Di-ao In herdrawn round bir ataMly

• of .fiili. U.Mii Hayne'etn marry a cuupiR in CalU•he died this fl<*iiice v u

ally•larrvt and m

reery'a lace ninu to knowi>rtb, aud the nmt Chins the

to' him waM "&ea hrre.tettfaatr. I'lr > im It be-

b ti

and M foniily con-at it abouid Ku iutu•fiitu or Ii" put up

'u -it^ilou it inCrinkle In Wwl|j

Ml-l-f Yaraiirrireil to Tacfi ... _t.briTigiug e»|h*100,lliuii thr* sail! «aa tfae re->ne' wcirk iu tlie Yukon

My mild tint all the old-

••tr-rvj lc« petal Jaritie«, baret. <II(I-[IIK the l>»it aeiix.ni.

HI ev-idenc* of ttf* In the

.'«*Tftis aboard «|«.ut«x»,'-nat, wiilefa ber ..ffin-nt u id- Jt fi tfaia u-'iinon. jSoiae biff


IK*U found. Bu4 th. | _ _iriuljr difficult. AlHiut WOrinier lu the Yukt-n district

The influx «f miiiem fan beenliere la likely toOw a greatovIaJdDa before tpriuo;. Aa region la lookejl for aexlthe placer* have panned

Ao Odd Strlka.no odd thing

(. Ky., cot loii« ago. When the' bank quit work and

without niiy ttltim

it tlowue <llre

«r hy tHKi. andm « "I iaie uiwiKKfuuer uy iJOC, sail ill*.clmri[>-il: li.r i M l i u n t boukkwper. Thec»HliU-r jeud l..,okn«-ner proaiptly wentOD slrikf, ami tba luuik opeiied Up nextworniuif Vii II no one beblud, the couu-tere. Vita ilireetora were hTMiHy con-•ened, *+ luuuediaM restoration of oldrate* -r*x unbred, and the s tr iken ra.

B o a . ^ l a n d , on the Virginia coaat.where Mr. Cleveland took e,! e o m e w r -• •••:.. A-a .>ur.i»«, wae once bought .18.000 b ? u. New Yorker who •xp.-cMilae'nd the ct-tUr Umber or tb i Uland „New York, tot »*• tn ahlpbti ia i D R , b n tfound t i e veuttire unproUtufcle becauMof tbe:Co>t "f tr»u »purt»tli m: Tha tlibar In ^iiriitltiu was laid bar*''by tbe •_eroaehc'fDt of tfae aea upoi the aa&ddoaeaaaat bad buried old itomj lands,

.hue reaorrectetl ivfaa tut more


w.t-ke, I


Offtm Balm

tbeNile! I'*M*(ff,Al lan Pala and

Inflanmation.Heali the Sore*,

Protect* tbeS'embfiB* Iron,

Additional (old.,Keatorc* (he

«MMt of T » t e»n<l fiwrll.






2 0 Complete NovelettesBy POPUUR AUTHORS.


;tt million cakes yearly.

hypaertey !m IU Mill*: ■< with tb# .«Hi ®r FLlfi Crrim Halm' Is quickly •ksortMd.

• •iindrr of film. People bald (Mr breath wb*s they looked at It for fsur It would dissolve;* It ww a * appry .lory of barpe and bestbar and tb>«tlj» melting Into rack cibaf) • vobwebby Illusion. m artfully and Afnnlngly devltod thdt It looked Ilka a dm-k# poem. It wi tba prise, and H«id..r John Ml ,(.r RoCta. of Virginia. than |r.velllt.« n »>m.pa with a big bank accent, aw It at •%- World1. Fair surround** by a crowd of wuo der- etruck P'««p>.»nd bought lb Ha gave •0® ifulu*o* f.lf4t and It fl<«terf of trium- phantly. Ilka att «l># brat and aoma of the worst Irish tbfeg.do, to A mat Ira. H mu monlrtrvutly pWntcd to Jail* Dean. Iba distinguished Actro-a. that, a bant to bo eonsa tba brj£ of tbs -on af Banalor Kobart Y. Hattie. of Hoatb Carolina, a frf*nd nod onlMagua «-f Hott- Parbap* thdfc nr* mm ai d1 woman In

470 aquarr yards of 2* afooo at 3be per Jtia. *164 SO ; UJ80 e*Mfe 1V+ I(l|im«lkpff ymra *10,651 *1, U •qi.r. y+rrlm „t | ■«» «r To SJ*M, SM M: tottu. *11,78* 86; 10 |KC Ml iw.io.-H. •I.K.14-1, M bmutol. P»M. **.781 56 ; tool. •B.98* « : t«Uoc duo, 85.79# 96 (SlKDoO) Braprattollj pub mil led, h m Qrtnr. Ob motion tt FrartH^fec'il^mrd leoHved aid placed oo fil«t

0*tar thins*.

Tba Rrltlab Medical A—Ution bar ban Investigating tba quntb/o of loo- gevtty la conn ret Ion with tba use of alow bone bsremgea. Tba tarms u-ad In tba reports are rat bar alaatlc, but tba figures arr Instructive. Dps* be to iba number of 4JU. takan at

i“o*n tba world over Ilka •> rplc a. thr f itret wrb of lek point ever • tit chad. )y disappeared. I eappore • mria up tbalr minds that tun bad malted *. It la a ■ra alnoa than. Bat tbs wm going down Hrakmmn Wand Waltrr Cfcopre. tba died mo Into tBb dingy ■ of John U. LI«tit body it printing Ink. a*d unlock- tfa. took oat a daaatly

Bf Freehold#* Krouao; Bouleed, Tbet t be 6*1 of W 1 Kirk, •momnlea to B». buodrt-H nd efebt J- nlne (*6»| dotlara, .mount of contract lor auiiuUm ». U.in'. Araeoe brio*., be |«ld ebm ireteeH .wore to Md allowed bj iben-mmHIer. Freehold.. Bw.lo more I Urn ..lop- •too at ibe rreoioti. il. .mi oo roU oaU li wae adoptrd oduIbm-u-Ij. by Freebooter Ljmhi: Keeoleed, That ibe tjark. of rbla Board be eUeoded to Coootj Cclleraor Wood lor ble ktDdnrae le | tot nflna to ■Me Btwrtl. oeatlj Inland eolomee coo Ulaloit lb. Reoeral Im peered b> ibe ooe baodred aod eighteenth |egUU- tor*. ., Oo motion of Freeholder CUrk.uneo- hnruWr adopted. Bf Freebol.ler Ehrlich : Beaulead, Thu the bill at hlheet Hrrnck, U amouat twenty dollar, ((80) co*»rat» l-nc lor paintlug brldcra met SI* Boade, Rai.waj.be peld when prop- otfy kppruved. Freeholder Hallday tnored the Adop- tion of the rrnolotlon. and oo roll cell U wae adopted nraolmoaaly. Bj Freeholder B U : Keanlnel, That wba thta Board ed- Jnurna. k adj-orra to mrad two weeka Irfan today at *:3ll p m. Oo motion or Prawbolder timer, the rceolutloo tree adoptwi. The fcUowlog bUU*. audited and ap- proved. were read and cm motion or*

Wan. ft aa*l« the Irish pa*, the Amarlt a good many other day. a* L'OIGllI OUR LOCAL MIUTABY.

>«b. and opanlng |t. apraad mar on a dawk— *f>*l tbara McCarrlck HI A that tba of aod Julia l> an la bar drawn round her aUUly lae of h>p|-i r a. p —l rra If Ihu br l« ma, «.oa

ha of Jnlla Damn Hayna'a i* to marry a cooper in CaJL n aba disd this fit sines waa uuk among oiWft pamonal by • 0.1 mu.on fate l» P——I to garret and waa flaally our friend Walter, who car IcCreery*■ lacs tuaa to know -ortb. aud tba Aral thlug the A U> blm waa. •'**• Ware, i gat thatT. r»a mwd It be- rth more than twenty time*

•art U breaking, H la a ao* •Hr. Uu tba nebrr band, to r unhappy la radr. brnsw it l» UkawW tontlak. alo«.« oiikn.d.y curUwity oa tba wb<» !#*• u« uoi. * 1',-m rhildbutul •» a breutv, ** k4,«i -% luMiuitna la be |x-n«i |wa«aiit |l#aa tba



it* weight Tbeu •* saltation a tba Meta.., at ancUoa inatlona aod a fa«ully cou- » wbet bar It abouid gw luUi ltan Mueautu or W* pat up with rrerrel wd* for ao- *1 paadlng dacialon It la Jgeoo-bulsilvwu In ll—kmiii Crinkle In World 20 Complete Novelettes mat<euarea, and daring laat Summer the 1dm or a hummer camp waa thoogbt of and carried oat to tba complete aatlalao- tloo of all who were praeaat. This year there are many new plan* foe the benefit and erJ jjMcot of tba cadet*, aod (bote la no doubt bat that n.Infield wtU ba proud- er than arer of her aoldler boya loog be- fore the hot July daye ore here agofo. Thera are a few vacant place* la the raoka thla year whieh will ha filled at oooe. AppUcoltona may be handed to ooy of the folio wing committee: Willie Waal. ISO Creeoent arenue; Oeo. Ball, f26 Baht Ninth street; Llewellyn Bull, ** Bast Ninth *fawt; Volosy Orewo. 9t8 East Fifth street, Tboaa wUhlng to be- come members should apply at ocoe, as the ranks will soon bn fall.

ilrCteryd irn^'arrired to Tacama from week, bringing rafli 1100,000 l which tpev said Waa tba re Maona’ w..rk In tfca Yukon rhey aald that all tba old- i bare be^n long on the ground Mcrernl Ita pnuliadtlre, bars t-b .luring the last aeoaun.

ie e*»*at M-t!.rttr: they the *a«w of iruiprr- •rAll.mi wbfrb regalated ol saflrnt'g In tirWk «*»•< »n»ar called at Tacoma a |to. en mute for San Yran cl ten, ha.iian-.ig a!x*ard a»>*.ut gUOD,- du»t. which bar fifBccra said il I. ad tbla • •"•on. horns big Averaging twenty to thirty re be*n fonnd. Itu« tba min reding ly difficult. A hunt BOO I winter In tba Yukon district Tba Influx of mu,ere baa bean at i bare U likely to Ibe a gnat provisions before spring. A i tba region Is looks^l for next n*a tba placers have panned

Aa vau unto. • '»« en odd thlug la atrlkaa In rg. Ky„ not loog ago. vbao tba » of a bank quit work and left mlon without any oij* to carry -a for a lima Tue directors. In to cut dowo «xp*'iin*a. reduced y of tba cashier by and »- bookkrenar by filt*. and dlw |ba aaaUtanl bookkrepar. Tba «d leMkkaopar promptly want , and tba bank .*p«n*d up next Win. uo one behind iba aoon- la ill restore wars ba-tj|y coo- I Immediate restoration of old

A * —Ibf.l jHaasMdaa. A friend of mine has a little . baa Ju.t rea* bad tbai age where tereating. Tna other afternoon found hitting ou tba pi*pa of tb. tooklog very much downcast mother asked him what tba ’‘Wa ll have to moya away frot be said -Whyraskad bia mother. “Ob. I’ve dona op avary kid

(white wraoper). one utter t an the me*f f.b*tnu.o cu Wtam no ioc-cury. do not E&ionSL&h’iTS

kiaml. on tba Virginia remat. Ir. I'lrvrJaad took a. some what »d outlaw, was once boagbt tor a New Yorker Who »x pec tad to crelar Umber of tba Island to rfc f..c usa In shlpL'AldUg. bat is vsntare unprofitable because wt of tyanaportall.*u.‘ Tba Urn- .e-Uoo waa laid bare by tbe an- ant of tba aaa upon Iba sand at had burled old Wood laud*, d thus resurrected was fat more

sooad, "but with tba about ss they Wave la m, —Philadelphia Inquirer.

sod tba book **t WXVTT umm Ponmaa abtuo**■ *■ S n mail eras reowpt ot aaly » •a both to saw ••hereto#'* ss* ■ — ^ I •over of br-gOt sad tsaatasMBg \ “**CW?ST ITUTIOW AU*1

Pleinfield. W-IJ