The Complications of Unprotected Sex

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  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Illustrated by imi Ridley

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    this is an illustrated

    guide and informative

    issue about sexually

    transmitted diease.

    the purpose of this

    issue is to hilight

    the complications and

    risks of having

    unprotected sex with

    an infected person.

    inside is information

    guideing you on what

    could happen to your

    body if you become

    infected in and whatyou can do about it.

    Sexual health is an

    important part of

    physical and mental

    health as well as your

    emotional and social

    well-being. It’s

    important to take care

    of your sexual health

    and, if you have

    children, it’s good to

    talk about sex and



  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex













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  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Chlamydia.the most common STI diagnosed in the uk.

    You may have heard of chlamydia, but

    many people are not sure what it is.

    Chlamydia is an infeon caused by a kind

    of bacteria that is passed during sexual

    contact. About three million Brish women

    and men become infected with chlamydia

    every year. It is especially common among

    women and men under 25.

    What is chlamydia?

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Symptoms in


    • White, cloudy or watery

    discharge from penis

    • burning or itching in

    • urethra

    • pain in tescles

    • pain when urinang

    chlamydia in men

    What are the risks

    in men?

    if chlamydia is le untreated, the

    infecon can cause swelling in

    the epididymis (tubes that carry

    sperm from the tescles) and the

    tescles. This could aect your ferlity. In

    extreme cases of chlymdia being le

    untreated within males it can devel-

    op into Reiters Rarely chlyamia leadsto a condion called reacve arthris.

    Reacve arthris causes a varietWy of

    condions, including swelling and pain

    in the joints that can be disabling.

    In both women and men,

    chlamydia may cause the anus

    to itch and bleed. It can also

    result in a discharge and

    diarrhea. If chlamydia infects

    the eyes, it may cause redness,

    itching, and a discharge.

    If chlamydia infects the

    throat, it may cause

    soreness. Chlamydia symptoms

    may only appear in the morning

    and may be mild, especially for

    men. That's why many people do

    not realize they have an infecon.


    symptoms in


    The symptoms of chlamydia in men can be dicult to spot. Symptoms may be infrequent and

    random, which somemes leads paents to believe that they are not caused by an infecon. Men

    with chlamydia have 3 mes the normal level of DNA fragmentaon in sperm (which means that the

    genec material is not packed ghtly enough and the long strands become suscepble to breakage).


    25 - 50% of

    all male

    chlamydia cases

    go completely


  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    how can

    chlaymdia be


    Chlamydia can usually be treated easily

    with anbiocs. You may be given some

    tablets to take all on one day, or a longer

    course of capsules to take for a week.

    You shouldn’t have sex unl you and

    your current sexual partner have

    nished your treatment. If you hadthe one-day course of treatment, you

    should avoid having sex for a week

    aerwards. The two most commonly

    prescribed anbiocs for chlamydia are:

    azithromycin – given as two or four

    tablets at once

    doxycycline – given as two capsules a

    day for a week

    of chlamydia.

    It’s important that your current sexual

    partner and any other sexual partners

    you’ve had during the last six months

    are also tested and treated to help stop

    the spread of the infecon.

    Sexual health or GUM clinics can help

    you contact your sexual partners.

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Gonorrhea.Also known as the 'Clap'.

    What is Gonorrhea?

    Also called the “clap” or “drip,”

    gonorrhea is a contagious disease

    transmied most oen through sexual

    contact with an infected person.

    Gonorrhea may also be spread by

    contact with infected bodily uids,

    so that a mother could pass on the

    infecon to her newborn during childbirth.

    Both men and women can get gonorrhea.

    The infecon is easily spread

    and occurs most oen in

    people who have many sex partners.

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    What are the risks for men?

    In men, gonorrhoea can cause painful infecon in the tescles and prostate gland, which

    may lead to reduced ferlity in a small number of cases. In rare cases, when gonorrhoea

    has been le untreated, it can spread through the bloodstream to cause life-threatening

    infecons in other parts of the body like sepcaemia. Occasionally, widespread or

    disseminated gonococcal infecon may occur. this is where usually a skin rash has small

    papules that turn into pustules on broad erythematous bases and necroc centres.

    Symptoms in


    gonorrhea in men


    symptoms in


    The rst symptoms may appear about

    a week aer transmission of the

    disease and usually involve an infecon

    of the urethra, which causes pain when

    urinang (or a burning sensaon when

     peeing). While the gonorrhea symptoms

    may go away aer a few weeks, the infecon

    remains in your system and can cause

    further damage to your urethra

    or other parts of your body. Less

    common symptoms of gonorrhea in

    men include pain in the tescles, and

    possibly anal pain or discomfort if

    the infecon spreads to the rectum

    • greater frequency or urgency of


    • a pus-like discharge (or drip)

    from the penis (white, yellow,

    beige, or greenish)

    • swelling or redness at the

    opening of the penis.

    • swelling or pain in the tescles.

    • a persistent sore throat.

    90% of

    men with

    gonorrhea have

    symptoms, which

    makes it easierto identify the


  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    if women

    get symptoms

    they are often

    mistaken for



    gonorrhea in women.

    • Greenish yellow or whish

    discharge from the vagina

    • Lower abdominal or pelvic pain

    • Burning when urinang

    • Conjuncvis (red, itchy eyes)

    • Bleeding between periods

    • Spong aer intercourse

    • Swelling of the vulva (vulvis)

    • Burning in the throat (due to

    oral sex)

    • Swollen glands in the throat

    (due to oral sex)

    symptoms in



    symptoms in


    These symptoms in women can

    go unnoced or be mistaken for

    another type of infecon such as

    a common yeast infecon, which

    can be treated with over-the-

    counter medicaon. However, an

    abnormal vaginal dischargecan

    be the sign of a variety of

    condions and infecons

    Untreated gonorrhea can spread into the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic

    inammatory disease (PID), which may result in scarring of the tubes, greater risk of

    pregnancy complicaons and inferlity. PID is a serious infecon that requires immediate

     treatment. Women who have gonorrhea during pregnancy tend to have higher rates of

    miscarriage, infecon of the amnioc sac and uid, preterm birth, and preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM),

    although prompt treatment reduces the risk of these problems. An untreated gonorrhea infecon makes you more

    suscepble to HIV and som other sexually transmied infecons (STIs), if you’re exposed to them, and raises your risk of a

    uterine infecon aer you have your baby. If you have a gonorrhea infecon when you go into labor, you can pass the

    bacteria to your baby. Gonorrhea in newborns most commonly aects the eyes, and babies may eventually go blind if le


  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    how can

    gonorrhea be


    In most cases, treatment involves having

    a single anbioc injecon (usually in

    the buocks or thigh) followed by one

    anbioc tablet. It's somemes possible

    to have another anbioc tablet instead

    of an injecon, if you prefer.

    If you have any symptoms of

    gonorrhoea, these will usually improve

    within a few days, although it may take

    up to two weeks for any pain in your

    pelvis or tescles to go away completely.

    Bleeding between periods or heavy

    periods should improve by the me of

    your next period.

    Aending a follow-up appointment a

    week or two aer treatment is usually

    recommended, so another test can be

    carried out to see if you're clear of


  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Syphilis.a highly contagious diseasespread by sexual activity.

    Syphilis is a sexually transmied infecon (STI). There are

    four stages of the disease: primary, secondary, latent, and

    terary (also known as neurosyphilis). Primary syphilis is

    the rst stage of the disease. It causes one or more small,

    painless sores in or around the genitals, anus, or mouth

    Syphilis is a highly contagious disease spread primarily by

    sexual acvity, including oral and anal sex. Occasionally,

    the disease can be passed to another person through

      prolonged kissing or close bodily contact. Although this

    disease is spread from sores, the vast majority of those

    sores go unrecognized. The infected person is oen

    unaware of the disease and unknowingly passes it on to his

    or her sexual partner.

    Early or primary syphilis. People with primary syphilis will

    develop one or more sores. The sores are usually small

    painless ulcers. They occur on the genitals or in or around

    the mouth somewhere between 10-90 days (average three

    weeks) aer exposure. Even without treatment they heal

    without a scar within six weeks.

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    symptoms of


    syphilisprimary stage • In men, a chancre oen appears inthe genital area, usually (but notalways) on the penis. These sores are

    oen painless.

    • In women, chancres can develop on

    the outer genitals or on the inner

    part of the vagina. A chancre may

    go unnoced if it occurs inside the

    vagina or at the opening to the

    uterus (cervix). The sores are usually

    painless and are not easily seen.

    • Swelling of the lymph nodes may

    occur near the area of the chancre.

    • A chancre may also occur in an area

    of the body other than the genitals.

    • The chancre usually lasts for 3 to

    6 weeks, heals without treatment,

    and may leave a thin scar. But even

    though the chancre has healed,

    syphilis is sll present and a person

    can sll pass the infecon to others.

    During the primary stage of

    syphilis, a sore (chancre) that is

    usually painless develops at the

    site where the bacteria entered

    the body. This commonly occurs

    within 3 weeks of exposure but

    can range from 10 to 90 days.

     A person is highly contagious

     during the primary stage.

    Men suffer

    1.5 times


    of syphilis

    than women.

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    can be spread

    from an infected

    mother to

    her unborn

    baby. Syphilissecondary stage


    symptoms of


    The symptoms of secondary

    syphilis develop two to eight weeks

    aer a person rst becomes

    infected with primary syphilis. The

    secondary stage is usually marked

    by a nonitchy rash. The rash might

    be conned to one part of your

    body, or it could spread over

     several parts. The appearance of

    the rash varies. One common man-

    ifestaon is rough, reddish-brown

    spots on the booms of your feet

    and on the palms of your hands.

    Other symptoms of secondary

    syphilis include:

    • sore throat

    • fever

    • swollen lymph glands

    • headaches

    • fague

    • muscle aches

    • wart-like patches around skin

    folds or genitals

    • loss of appete

    •  joint pain

    • enlarged lymph nodes

    If you don’t receive treatment duringthis inial appearance of symptoms,

    the bacterium that caused this STI

    will spread through your

    bloodstream, and you’ll soon have

    secondary syphilis. Without

    treatment, your syphilis will l ikely

    connue to progress. It can be 10 or

    20 years before you experience the

    worst eects. Eventually, untreated

    syphilis will lead to damage to the

    brain, eyes, heart, nerves, bones,

     joints, and liver. You could also

     become paralyzed, blind, demented,

    or lose feeling in the body. Untreated

    syphilis can also lead to sllborn or

    developmentally delayed babies.

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    A short course of anbiocs can

    usually cure syphilis. These are only

    available on prescripon, so you’ll need

    to be tested for syphilis to get them.

    The type of treatment you need

    depends on how long you’ve hadsyphilis.

    • Syphilis that has lasted less than

    two years is usually treated with

    an injecon of penicillin into your

    buocks, or a 10-14 day course of

    anbioc tablets if you can’t have


    • Syphilis that has lasted more than

    two years is usually treated with

    three penicillin injecons into your

    buocks given at weekly intervals, or

    a 28 day course of anbioc tablets if

    you can’t have penicillin.

    how can

    syphilis be


  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Hepatitis B.likely to effect people who inject drugs and who

    have unprotected sex with multiple partners.

    Hepas B is a virus that infects the liver. Most adults who

    get it have it for a short me and then get beer. This is called

    acute hepas B. Somemes the virus causes a long-term

    infecon, called chronic hepas B. Over me, it can damage

    your liver. Babies and young children infected with the virus

    are more likely to get chronic hepas B.

    how can

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    You can have hepas B and

    not know it. You may not havesymptoms. If you do, they can

    make you feel like you have

    the u. But as long as you have

    the virus, you can spread it to

    others. It's causeby the

    hepas B virus. It is spread

    through contact with the blood

    and body uids of an infected


    You may get hepas B if you:

    • Have sex with an

    infected person without

    using a condom.

    • Share needles (used for

    injecng drugs) with an

    infected person.

    • Get a taoo or piercing with

    tools that weren't sterilized.

    • Share personal items like

    razors or toothbrushes with

    an infected person.

    how can

    you get

    Hepatitis B?

    Injury to the liver by hepas B

    virus is caused by the body's immune

    response as the body aempts to

    eliminate the virus. Those who acquire

    the infecon in childhood are much

    more likely to have chronic infecon.

    Chronic hepas B may lead to cirrhosis

    or liver failure. Approximately 15% to 25%

    of people with chronic infecon will die

    prematurely as a result of the infecon.

    Hepatits Bliver damage


    people who

    have chronic

    infectionshave no


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    what are the


    hepatitis B?

    if you do have symptoms, they may


    • Extreme redness.

    • Mild fever.

    • Headache.

    • Loss of appete, nausea, and


    • Constant discomfort on the

    right side of the belly under the

    rib cage. (That’s where the liver

    is located.)

    • Tan-colored bowel

    movements (stools).

    • Dark urine.

    • Jaundice. This means that the

    skin and whites of the eyes look

    yellow. Jaundice is a major sign

    of liver damage.

    You may get infected without knowing it. You may not nd out that you

    have an infecon unl you have a roune blood test or donate blood.

    Finding out that a family member or someone you live with is infected

    also may cause you to be tested. Some people never know they havehepas B unl a doctor nds that they have cirrhosis or liver cancer.

    A mother who has the virus can pass it to her baby during delivery.

    Medical experts recommend that all pregnant women get tested for

    hepas B. If you have the virus, your baby can get shots to help

     prevent infecon with the virus.

    Hepatits BSymptoms

     It is


    through contact

    with the blood

    and body fluids

    of an infected


  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    how can

    hepatitis B

    be treated?

    In most cases, hepas B goes away onits own. You can relieve your symptoms

    at home by resng, eang healthy foods,

    drinking plenty of water, and avoiding

    alcohol and drugs The hepas B vaccine

    is the best way to prevent infecon. The

    vaccine is a series of 3 or 4 shots. Adults

    at risk and all babies, children, and

    teenagers should be vaccinated.

    A combinaon vaccine (Twinrix) that

     protects against both hepas B and

    hepas A also is available.

    To avoid geng or spreading the virus to


    • Use a condom when you have sex.

    • Don't share needles.

    • Wear latex or plasc gloves if you have

    to touch blood.

    • Don't share toothbrushes or razors.

    • Don't get a taoo, or make sure that

    the needles used have been cleaned

    properly and are sterile.

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex

    20/33 incureable disease that weakens yourability to fight infections and disease.

    HIV is a virus that aacks the immune system, and weakens your ability to ght infecons and

    disease. It's most commonly caught by having sex without a condom. AIDS is the nal stage

    of HIV infecon, when your body can no longer ght life-threatening infecons. With early

    diagnosis and eecve treatment, most people with HIV will not go on to develop AIDS.

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    The u-like illness that

    oen occurs a few weeks aer

    HIV infecon is also known as

    seroconversion illness. It's

    esmated that up to 80% of

    people who are infected withHIV experience this illness.

    The most common symptoms


    • fever (raised temperature)

    • sore throat

    • body rash

    Other symptoms can include:

    • redness

    •  joint pain

    • muscle pain

    • swollen glands (nodes)

    what are the

    symptoms of

    HIV? HIV

    inital symptomsThe symptoms usually last one to two weeks but can be longer. They are

    a sign that your immune system is pung up a ght against the virus.

    We all have lymph nodes throughout our bodies, including the neck,

    back of the head, armpits, and groin. As part of the immune system, our

    lymph nodes fend o infecons by storing immune cells and ltering for

    harmful substances. As the HIV infecon begins to spread, the

    immune system kicks into high gear. The result is enlarged lymph nodes,

    commonly known as swollen glands. It’s oen one of the rst signs of HIV.


    rates of HIV

    are gay and

    bisexual men and



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    Aer the inial symptoms

    disappear, HIV will oen not

    cause any further symptoms for

    many years. During this me,

    known as asymptomac HIV

    infecon, the virus connues to

    be acve and causes progressive

    damage to your immune system.

    This process can take about 10

    years, during which you will feel

    and appear well.

    Factors that may shorten the

    me between HIV and AIDS:


    • Older age

    • HIV subtype

    • Co-infecon with other

    viruses (like tuberculosis or

    hepas C)

    • Poor nutrion

    • Severe stress

    • Your genec background



    During the third stage of HIV

    infecon there is usually a lot

    of damage to your immune

    system. At this point, you

    are more likely to get serious

    infecons or bacterial and

      fungal diseases that you

    otherwise would be able to

    ght o. These infecons are

    referred to as ‘opportunisc

    infecons’. If a person is

    experiencing opportuisc

    infecons they are

    now said to have AIDS

    Once the immune system

     becomes severely damaged

    symptoms can include:

    • weight loss

    • chronic diarrhoea

    • night sweats

    • skin problems

    • recurrent infecons

    • serious life-threatening


    what are the


    symptoms of




    17% of people

    with HIV do not

    know they areinfected.

    h HIV

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    how can HIV

    be treated?

    There is no cure for HIV, but there are

    treatments to enable most people with

    the virus to live a long and healthy life.

    Treatment is usually recommended to

    begin when your CD4 cell count falls

    towards 350 or below, whether or not you

    have any symptoms. In some people with

    other medical condions, treatment may

    be started at higher CD4 cell counts. When

    to start treatment should be discussed

    with your doctor. The aim of the treatment

    is to reduce the level of HIV in the blood,

    allow the immune system to repair itself and

    prevent any HIV-related illnesses. If you are

    on HIV treatment, the level of the virus in

     your blood is generally very low and it is

    unlikely that you will pass HIV on to


    HIV treatment can have side

    eects. If you get serious side eects

    (which is uncommon) you may need

    to try a dierent combinaon of ARVs.

    Common side eects include:

    • nausea

    • diarrhoea

    • skin rashes

    • sleep dicules

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex

    24/33 a common infection caused by the herpessimplex virus (HSV)

    Genital herpes is a chronic (long-term) condion. The virus remains in your body and

    can become acve again. The average rate of recurrence is four to ve mes in the

    rst two years aer being infected. However, over me, it tends to become acve less

    frequently and each outbreak becomes less severe.

    h i

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    There are two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV), type 1 and type 2. Both types

    are highly contagious and can be passed easily from one person to another by

    direct contact. Genital herpes is usually transmied by having sex (vaginal, anal or

    oral) with an infected person. Even if someone with genital herpes doesn't have

    any symptoms, it's possible for them to pass the condion on to a sexual partner.


    herpes is a

    common condition,

     especially in

    people from

    20 to 24

    years old.


    primaryinfectionMost people who get a

    primary aack directly

    following the infecon

    experience symptoms

    within 1-2 weeks aer exposure

    (sexual intercourse with

    an infected partner).

    During this so-called incubaon

    period, the virus mulplies

    inside your cells, unl its

    presence causes an outbreak.

    During the rst aack, the

    early symptoms of genital

     herpes include the following:

    • Fever & u-like symptoms

    • Nausea or feeling sick

    • Muscle aches

    • Painful urinaon• Tingling, burning or itching

    sensaon in the area where

    blisters will appear

    the primary


    symptoms of


    th t

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Aer the inial ngling and

    itching, one or more clusters of

    small blisters (somemes painful)

    appear, which are lled with

    slightly cloudy liquid. The blisters

    can be located in dierent areas:

    In men:

    • genital herpes sores can

    appear inside or on the

    penis, scrotum, groin & thighs,

    buocks and around the anus

    In women:

    • these blisters can appear

    on the labia, inside the

    vagina, groin & thighs, on the

    buocks and around the anus

    Through dierent sexual acvies

    it is possible to get genital herpes

    in the mouth, tongue, lips and on

    other parts of the body. However,

    this type of transmission is quite

    rare and it is most likely to happen

    when the virus is very acve – i.e.

    when blisters or sores have

    appeared or are about to form.

    Although the inial symptoms of genital herpes clear up, the

    virus remains dormant (inacve) in a nearby nerve. The virus may

    be reacvated from me to me, travelling back down the nerve

    to your skin and causing recurrent outbreaks. Recurrent outbreaks

    are usually shorter and less severe. This is because your body has

    produced protecve anbodies (proteins that ght infecon) in

    reacon to the previous infecon. Your body now recognises the

    virus and mounts a response that is able to ght HSV more eecvely.



    the recurrent

    symptoms of


    Up to 50%

    of herpes is

    caused by the

    oral cold sore

    type of herpes


    how can

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    how can

    herpes be


    Treatment for genital herpes will

    depend on whether you have the

    infecon for the rst me (a primary

     infecon) or your symptoms keep

    coming back (a recurrent outbreak)

    If you have genital herpes for the rst

    me, see your GP or visit your local

    GUM clinic (also called sexual health

    clinics). They may prescribe anviral

    tablets, such as aciclovir, which you will

    need to take ve mes a day.

    You should visit your GP if you have

    been diagnosed with genital herpes

    before and are experiencing a recurrent

    outbreak. If the symptoms are mild,

    your GP may suggest things you can do

    at home to help ease your symptoms

    without the need for treatment.

    • Keep the aected area clean using

    either plain or salt water. This will

    help prevent blisters or ulcers from

    becoming infected and may encour-

    age them to heal quicker. It will also

    stop aected areas from scking


  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Genital Warts  (HPV).fleshy growths that appear

    on or around the genitals.

    Genital warts are very common. In England,

    they are the second most common type

    of sexually transmied infecon (STI) aer

    chlamydia. Genital warts are the result of

    a viral skin infecon caused by the human

    papilloma virus (HPV). They are usually

    painless and do not pose a serious threat to

    health. But they can be unpleasant to

    look at and cause psychological distress.

    There is no evidence that yourferlity will be aected by genital warts.

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    The HPV is not a single virus, but a family of more than 100 dierent strains of viruses.

    Dierent strains usually aect dierent parts of the body, including the hands or feet.

    Although around 30 dierent types of HPV can aect the genital skin, most cases of

    infecon with HPV cause no visible symptoms. Around 90% of all cases of genital warts are

    caused by two strains of the virus – type 6 and type 11

    genitalwarts inmen

    genital wart

    symptoms in


    Warts are usually painless,

    although on some people

    they can become itchy and

    inamed. If a wart becomes

    inamed, it may lead to

    bleeding from the urethra,

    vagina or anus.The urethra is the

    tube connected to the bladder,

    which urine passes through.

    Warts that develop near or

    inside the urethra can also

    disrupt the normal ow of urine.

    The most common places for

    genital warts to develop in

    men are:

    • anywhere on the penis

    • on the scrotum• inside the urethra (tube

    where urine comes out)

    • around or inside the anus

    • on the upper thighs

    about one

     in 100


    active adultshave genital


    Warts can

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex



    warts inwomen

    genital wart

    symptoms in


    The warts may appear as small,

    eshy growths, bumps or skin

    changes anywhere on the

    genitals or around the anus. In

    some cases, the warts are so

    small they are dicult to noce.

    A person can have a single wart

    or clusters of mulple warts that

    grow together to form a kind

    of "cauliower" appearance.

    The most common places for

    genital warts to develop in

    women are:

    • around the vulva (the

    opening of the vagina)

    • on the cervix (the neck of the


    • inside the vagina

    • around or inside the anus• on the upper thighs

    Most people who have an HPV

    infecon will not develop any

    visible warts. If genital warts

    do appear, it can be several

    weeks, months or even years

    aer you rst came into

    contact with the virus. One study

    has shown having both herpesand HPV infecon may increase

    the risk of cervical cancer, aer

    taking into account HPV infecon

    and the number of sex partners

    women had and their use of

    the pill.

    vary in

    colour, from

     pink to brown


    your skin.

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    how can

    genital warts

    be treated?

    Treatment for genital warts depends on

    the type of warts you have and where

    they are located. You do not need

    treatment if there are no visible warts.

    There are two main types of treatment

    for genital warts:

    • applying a cream, loon or chemical

    to the warts (topical treatment)

    • destroying the ssue of the warts by

    freezing, heang or removing them

    (physical ablaon)

    Most topical treatments tend to work

    beer on soer warts, and physical

    ablaon tends to work beer on harder

    and rougher-feeling warts. Somemes,

    a combinaon of topical treatments

    is recommended. For some people,

    treatment can take several months to

    remove the warts, so it is important to


    Sexual Health &

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex


    Sexual Health &

    STI Help links

    NHS - Sexual Health Line



    Condenal advice (anonymous if

    required) about sexual health,

    including informaon about local

    centre for Sexually Transmied Infec-

    ons. Helpline: 0300 123 7123 (lines

    open 9am-5pm)

    GUM Clinics Northern Ireland


    nary-medicine-gum-clinics (opens in a

    new window)

    Emergency Contracepon –Morning Aer Pill.




    cepon.aspx (opens in a new win-


    NHS informaon on emergency con-

    tracepon ( morning aer pill) andwhere to get it.

    Live Well



    (opens in a new window)

  • 8/17/2019 The Complications of Unprotected Sex
