lire St Antrim Strwt, Corner Columbia Clifford 292« Legal Notice Wic Os rounty of Wayne. 2T. M rto» of the Probate , rt for said tlounty of Wayne, oU . lhe Probate Court Room he City of Detroit, on the Sec- D . y of October, In the year ' Dd thousand nine hundred and Present D. J. Healy, ludge of Probate. f in the Matter of the Estute of L r ,b Matilda Butler, Deceußed. P* H A . Webster, executor of the hT will and testument of said r* ett8 ed. having rendered to this Court his final, administration ac- L-Bt and filed therewith his petl- ,on praying that the residue of *jd estate be. assigned In accord- #DCe with the provisions of said Ult will: It lg ordered. That the Fourth day of November, next, at ten o'- clock *n the forenoon at said Court Room be appointed for examining and allowing said account and bearing said petition And it lx further Ordered That a copy of tills order be published three successive weeks previous to laid lime of hearing, in the Dc troit Tribune, a newspaper printed and circulating la said County of Wayne. D. J. HEALY, Judge of Probate (A True Copy) CLIFFORD NELSON. Deputy Probate Register. 10-9—lo-2:1 \tijs. Loomis, Jones, Piper & C olden, 301 Kandolpb Bldg. 3TATK OF MICHIGAN. In the Crlcult Court for the County of Wayne In Chancery. EDDIE OOMAG. Plaintiff, vs. HELEN 0. DOMAG. Defendant. NO. 270,909 ORDER OF PUBLICATION At a session of said Court held at the Court House la the City of Detroit, County of Wayne and State of Michigan on the 17th day of August, A. D. 1937: Present HONORABLE GUY A. MILLER, Circuit Judge. It appearing to this Court, from affidavit on file, that the defend- ant. Helen G Domng is not a resi- dent of the State of Michigan, but that she resides in (Jiurleston, West Virginia; IT IS ORDERED that she ap- pear and answer the bill of com- plaint In this cause within three (3) months from the dale of this Order, or said M of complaint will be taken confessed, and that this Order be served by reg- istered mail or be published, its re- quired by Law. in the Detroit Trl- bune. a newspaper prinled, pub- lished and circulating In said County. CUY A MILLER. Circuit Judge (A true copy) VERNON L KERWIN. Deputy Clerk 9-18 10-30 A TTY. CHARLES K. PERKINS 6-" E. Warren Ate. NO. 2714*4 STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit ( ourt for the County of Wayne. In Chancery. CATHERINE BLAIR, Plaintiff, vs. SAM BLAIR, Defendant. At a session of said Court held at theX’ourt House iu the City of Detroit. In said County, on the 2nd day of Sept. A. I).. 1937 Present: Honoiuble Robert M. Toms. Cir- cuit Judge. Satisfactory proof by affidavit showing that said defendant. Sam Blair, does not reside in tlris State, but Ills present wheresihouts is un- known and cannot be ascertained, that his last known place of resi- dence was at 92r» Adelaide Street. < ity of Detroit, County of Wayne aud State of Michigan. On Motion of Charles It Perkins, attorney for the plaintiff, IT IS ORDERED THAT THE SAIL defendant enter hi* appear- ance in said cause on or before three months from the date of this order or the Bill of Complaint may he taken as confessed, and that said order lie published iu the De- troit Tribune and a copy thereof served upon defendant by register- ed mail as required by law. ROBERT M. TOMS Circuit Judge <A true copy) VERNON L. KERWIN Deputy Clerk 9-11 10-23 NO. 1*4,136 state OF MICHKIAN, ss. County of Wayne. At a session of tin* I'robi'.e Court, for said County of Wayn , hell at the Probate Court Room in Hit City of Detroit, on the twenty- third day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred thirty seven. Present Thomas C. Murphy. Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Lima Smith, a mentally incompi- tent person. On reading and tiling 'he petition, duly verified, of Eli jfih Sml.h. guardian of said ward, I raying that he tie licensed to sell certain real estate of said ward for the purpose of paying the debts of said ward and the charges of managing said estate and to pro- vide funds for support of said Ward: ! MITCHELL’S HOTEL For Yoar Chicken Dinner Served Road House Style Beer, Wines, Liquor* Special Attention to Private Parties Same Location 1412 Sonth Fort Street Detroit, Mich. Vine wood 2-9644 < = , _ ; J 15% DISCOUNT FOR BUNDLES j CASH & CARRY LAKESON LAUNDRY ! 431 E. Elizabeth Phone—Kan. 0719 A 0750 ( i i ANNOUNCING The Opening of STORE NUMBER TWO OF Master Tailors & natten 587 EAST ADAMS AVE. All Modern Equipment High Class Service CD WARD PERRIN, MANAGER Bring This Ad Good For SI.OO SUITS & OVERCOATS a. 0? MADE TO ORDER dimb J 5 wn SvhPSS’ S LSO P er week If, Wear While Paying ; MEYERS TAILORING CO. 1310 Randolph * DOOItS SOI'TH OF GRATIOT **uLt * Clifford W74 flours W f Pniiy- day 2? *o* polntiuowl dr. wm. h. LAWSON And Optician f| Tours Kiporleneu EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED »N«. «”"*** *"* tlfl FIOwF Legal Notices 1 Legal Notices It is Ordered That the twfcnty- elghtU’day oT October, next at ten o'clock tu the forenoou, at said Lourt Ro.,m be appointed for hear- ing said petition, und that all per- sons interested in said estate ap- pour before said Court at said time •ud place, to show’ cause why a license snould not be granted to said guardian to sell real estate as prayed for in said petition. And it is further Ordered, That a copy °f this order be published three successive weeks previous to said time of heuriug, in the Detroit Tri- bune, a newspaper printed aud cir- culating in said County of Wayne, Aud personally served fourteen days previous to said time of hear- ing upon Superintendent of Poor. THOMAS U MLR PHY, Judge of Probate (A true copy) CLIFFORD NELSON Deputy Probate Register 10-9 -10-30 Ain. ain lint u. iuvidson 911 (-ratlet Ate. NO. 270.>7H STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the circuit Court for the County of Wayne. In Chancery. PEARL JOHNSON, Plaintiff, vs ROBERT JOHNSON. Defendant. Order of Publication At it session of suld Court, held nt the Court-house in the City of Detroit, Way lie County, Michigan, on i*.e iOl It day of September A. it 1937 Present Hon. Lester S. Moll, circuit Judge. in tills ettusc it appearing that tlie defend. l ut herein, Robert John- -<>ll, l.i a 11 sldent of this State hut ins win .vain ut unknown; that his last known address was Mt. Clemens, Miclilgan. On m »'lnn of Arthur B. Davidson attorney for the plaintiff, it is dei' il that Hie defendant, Robert ~•hnsi'ti. cuter IBs appearance in aid cause on or before three : 01 lis from the date of this order >' said Bill of complaint will be irbiii as confessed against him. 1 1 is furl tier ordered that a copy tills order be published accord a- to law in tin* Detroit Tribune l 'hat a copy of this order be nt bv registered mail to the de- -11 till ill's last known address. LESTER S. MOLL Circuit Judge (A true copy)* VERNON C. KERWIN Deputy Clerk 9-25 —11-6 \ttys. McDonald k Smith 9(1 Gratiot Ave. No. 23.1,117 ' .STATE OF MICHIGAN, (' unty of Wayne, ss. At a session of the Probate 'mu for said County of Wayne, arid at the Probate Cburt Room m ihe City of Detroit, on the Tv cnt>-first day of September in he year one thousand nine hun- Ired and thirty-seven. Present Joseph A. Murphy. Judge of Probate. in tin* Matter of the Estate of < harlie Mercer. Deceased. duty It. Mercer, administratrix ' said rs-tute, having rendered to ills Court her first and final dd- :i in;ration account and filed h> ta with her petit!: n praying iu.t In- residue of said estate bo u.ned to the persons entitled !i n to: IT iS OKDMtKD That the \ cii y. iMb day of October. c\t at ti n ( 'clock in the forenoon t said Court Room be appointed o examining and allowing said iceuiitit and hearing said petition And it i.i further Ordered, That i copy of ibis order be published !i t o sum sslve weeks previous 'I s :id time of hearing, in the De- ll Tribune, a newspaper print- I and circulating in said County l Wayne. JOSEPH A. MURPHY. Judge of Probate iA tnn copy) DON I) CULLEN. Deputy Probate Register 10-2—lo-23 Ally. s. J. Flnmurun IM.» K, Put Won Ate. No. *7 STATU OF MICHIGAN. In tha !mti; Court fi>r the County ol Wayne In Chancery. EDDIE LOVE. Plaintiff, vq \VI 1.1.FM.A LOVB. Defendant ORDER OF IM BRICATION At a suasion of an Id Court held it the County Building of the City >f Detroit In the County of Wayne rid S'ute of Michigan on this 30 Jrv of August, 1037. Present. HON. ROBERT M TOMS. Circuit Judge. It uppeartng from affidavit at- ta, lied hereto and on file herein that, the Plaintiff and the Del-nd- •nr herein were separated one from the other at the City of Kan* i's In the State of Missouri 1n1930. That the Defendant abandoned, deserted and left the Plaintiff, and that they have not lived or co- habit'd together since that date. That the Plaintiff has made rea- sonable S'Hrch and inquiry among acquaintances and friends whe knew the Defendant, and after «tich Inquiry he has not been able Hi ascertain where the Defendant now resides or maintains her place if nb< de. but that her last known residence and place of abode was n thi city of Knnsas 'and State of Missouri, and that she cannot lie served with process issuing out of this court. On Motion of 8. .1. FLANAGAN, attorney for the Plaintiff, IT IS ORDERED that the said Wlllella I ove appear before this court end answer the Bill of Com- plaint therein within three months from date hereof or the said BUI of Complaint may be taken as confess'd It la Further Ordered that this order shall be published In the Detroit Tribune acordlng to law Legal Notices in such cases made and provided and a like copy be seut by regis- tered mail to the Defendant at her lust known address. ROBERT M. TOMS. Circuit Judge IA true copy) VERNON L. KERWIN, Deputy Clerk 9-4—lo-16 ATTY. CHARLES K. PERKINS .'*27 E. Warren NO. 271276 STATE OK MICHIGAN. In the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne. In tfliancery. ETHEL MAY PRICE, Plaintiff, vs. CHARLES PRICE. Defendant. At u session of said Court held ut the Court House in the City of Detroit, in the said County on the 27th day of August A. D. 1937. Present: Honorable Robert M. Toms. Circuit Judge. In this cause, it appearing by affidavit on tile that the defendant, Charles Price, cannot be served by process Issued out.of this Court as he is not a resident of the State of Michigan, but resides in the City of New York, County es Queens and state of New York. On Motion of Charles R. Perk- ins, attorney for the plaintiff, IT IS ORDERED, that the de- fendant, Charlie Price, appear and answer the Bill of Complaint in this cause within three months from the date of this order, or hat suid Rill will be taken as confessed and that this order be publluhcd in the Detroit Tribune tnd a copy thereof served upon the defendant by r*»glstered mail as re- quired by law. ROBERT M. TOMS Circuit Judge (A true copy) VERNON L. KERWIN Deputy Clerk 9-11—10-25 ATTY. WILLIAM T. PATRICK SR. 1901 St. Antoine Street NO. 270,761 STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne, In (Yiancery FRED ROBINSON Plulutlff, vs. AUDREY ROBINSON. Defendant. Order To Appear At a session of the übove entitled Co)#, held in the County Building la the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, and State of Mlchigun, this 18 duy of September, A. D. 1937. Present, Honorable Lester S. Moll, Circuit Judge. Satisfactory proof, appearing by affidavit, hereto attached, that the Defendant, Audrey Robinson, Is not a resident of the City of De- troit. County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, but that her last known address was at No. 3343 Hudson street. Detroit. Michigan, and that the Plaintiff made per- sonal visits to the said address and has inquired among friends and acquaintances of the Defenant and has failed to find her, and the Pluiutiff has reason to believe that the Defendant is either in hiding or has left the State of Michigan Ou motlou of William T. Pat- rick. Sr., Attorney for the Plaintiff it Is Hereby Ordered that the De- fendant enter her appearance eith- er in person, or by Atlorney .with- in throe nionthß from the date hereof, of the Bill of Complaint will he taken as confessed against her. It Is Further Ordered that a true copy of tills Order to appear be sent to the last known address of the Defendant, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and that the said order be published ac- cording to law. LESTER S. MOLL Circuit Judge (A true copy) VERNON C. KERWIN Deputy ( lerk 9-25 —11-6 A tty. Win. L. ( olden !!fll Itundolph Bldg., NO. ID7IM STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayno hb. At a session of the Probate Court for said Oounty of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room in the City of Detroit, on the Kigh- teenth day of September in the year oue thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven. Present JOSEPH A. MURPHY, Judge of probate. In the Matter of the Estate of CELIA DAY, Deceased. William L. Colden, trustee of said estate, having rendered to this Court his first account. IT IS ORDERED. That the Fifth day of November, next before Judge Edwards Command at ten o’- clo< k in the forenoon at said Court Room be appointed for examining and allowing said account. And it is further Ordered. That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to said time of hearing, In the De- troit Tribune, a newspaper print- ed and circulating in said County of Waynd. JOSEPH A. MURPHY. Judge of Probate (A true copy) CHARLES E. FLONY, Deputy Probate Register 10-2—lo 23 STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, aa. No. 960,649 At a aeaalon of the Probate Cburt for aaid County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room In the City of Detroit, on the twenty* seventh day of September In the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven. Present THOMAS C. MURPHY Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Robert Darts, a minor. On reading and filing the peti- tion of of Estelle Tlnch praying that she be appointed guardian of said Robert Davis. SHOP Te. HR7I RESIDENCE 1Yankee 1769 fk Vantmrfag I Plager Waving t ( Creqalgnele Smith Beauty Shop ■me. C, J. Walker System 4999 SI Antoine Street B. Smith, Prep. Hatred, lick (Continued From First Pace) the reorganisation of bureaus of the federal government. Lynch Bill 2nd On the Senate calendar, the ami- lynching bill in definitely act down for the second Item of business, the first being an agriculture bill. Observers in Washington agree that the untl-lynching bill muy bring up a filibuster in the Senate by southern democrats, bu< prac- tically everyone, including leading southern senators like Pat Harri- son of Mississippi, concedes that the anti-lynching bill is practically certain *o pass, filibuster or no fili- buster. A fleeted It) Bluck Certain Washington also believe that the chances of passage of the anti-lynching bill have been made much brighter by >he episode of Justice Hugo L. Black with its revelation of his membership in the Ku Klux K’.an They feel that the anti-lynching bill will receive some left-handed assistance from the revelation be- cause administration voters will b ' forced to take some definite action to reassure the large blocs of Ne- gro voters in northern states which were thrown Into confusion and dismay by the revelation that the new supreme court justice Is a for- mer member of the Klan. Although even H»uihern senators and congressmen in tieofgiu. Mis sissippi. Louisiana and Tones see have admitted in the past few weeks that the anti-lynching bill is sure to pass in the next session, the N. A. A A C. P.. will h is lead- ing the campaign for its passage, issues a warning to all supporters of the bill not to relax their ef- forts until the bill is actually pass- ed The X. A. A (’ J\ points out that a filibuster is distasteful t' most senators and they will do nearly anything to avoid it and also will give in quickly unless th pressure from the voters at home is kept up until the hill is passt and. The X.* A A C. P again urges voters in their hum" towns to vis- it their senators while the latter are at home and inform them per Bonally that the anti-lynching bill must be passed and a filibuster re- sisted to the end. •rmttttmnttt hil my ujiuuui i:m.» | Born Medium and Aatrologist.. This advisor gives reliable ad-- vice and will treat your affals j :In a confidential manner. Love light, health and success Is for ; every man. “Direction greater than j strength." "Wisdom greater : than power.” Ex. *1:1; Luke 21:16. See-: ing Is believing. Hours— 9 a. m.—* p. m. 3128 Hastings St. (second floor)| Vamnmtmammmxanxmmtmm:? w2urrs baking ygpnci Pits I Ik can 3 fb. (an | ANTI-LYNCH BILL WILL COME BEFORE SPECIAL SESSION Mrs. F. B. Fisher To Be Speaker At Y. W. C. A. (Continued From Hr>l Pagv) eon u-t 12 o’clfw-k and and cuasiou will continue until ?■ 'Mt. Mrs. Frederick H Fisher is to he the featured speaker ut luncheon dis- cussing “Family Adjustment in Modern Life.” Mrs. Fisher is well known as the wife of the Rev Frederick H. Fisher of Central Methodist Church and us a speaker and writer and thinker. She has liv- ed in India and other f -reign coun tries and knows women’s prob- lems throughout the world today Three dis. usslo i groups ut 2 o’clock ar«' a till' ui;c and as follows: "Teaching It* Melon to '"hildren in the Home" Id hv Rev. Horace White: “Milking Home Livable” led by Mrs B ' **r. home decor- ation expert and- >eial Diseases” led by Dr D II Givens of tbe Wayne County Med', al Society. All *hrep topics are < f vital concern •o every wife and mother. There will also b“ a presentation of the Consumer Cooperative Move- ment ;is it is operating in Detroit and Michigan today. R-p resen tat ives of Premier and Derricoite Homemakers club are serving on the Y W C. A Home Relations committee with Mrs. '"arter and are assisting with gen- eral nlans for the Institute which promists to be a very outstanding event. Mothers of Girl Reserves are al- so actively interested in the lil»<l- ftite All mothers will be welcome to attend the sessions. Luncheon reservations should be made nm later than October 19 ut the Branch. Cherry r»710. Time moves on so don’t forget to rend the Tribune in order »o keep up with the happenings of in- terest. —■ Wash the hands carefully with warm water and soap before handling food; exclude flies. TAKE V.V.V. BLOOD TONIC FOR VIM, VIGOR, VITALITY St. Paul V. V’. V will help your Kidneys, Liver, Bladder. Nattire. Bowels; and blood or we will refund every red rent of your money. Thousands of men and women have found this old famous Indian Herb onic to be just the tonic for them. You too can be healthy—stop getting up nights to pass water! Remove nil pains in the small part >f the back. Restore that lost pep of youth* The regular price of St. Paul VVV. i; on Bring this Ad to Paul s and save 52c. Instead of $2.00. St. Paul V. V. V. "■ 1.1 cost you only fl 48. The genuine V. V. V. is for sale nt Paul’s Put Rate Drugs, 390a Hastings, cor. Leland. Detroit. Mich. Mail and telephone orders filled it no extra cost. I Stroll's Bohemian Boer Is a quality brow mado off only the choicest quality materials. It is refreshing, sparkling, whole- some and always so satlsffylngl Try a bottle today. THE DETROIT TRIBUNE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1937 Legal Notice* IT IS ORDERED. That the fifth day of November, neat, at tan o'clock in the forenoon before Judge Edward Command, at said Court Room be appointed for hearing said petition. And it Is further Ordered That a oopy of this order be published three successive weeks previous to eald time of hearing, In the De- troit Tribune, a newspaper print- ed and circulating in said County of Wayne. THOMAS C. MURPHY. Judge of Probate. (A true copy) CHARI.ES R HARRIS. Deputy Probate Register. 10-9—lo-80 LEWIS A KOWLETTE, Attorneys 607 East Adams Are. No. 271,826 Order of Publication STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit Court for the County of Wlayne, In Chancery. ESTELLE COUNT, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES COUNT, Defendant. At a session of said Court held at the Court House in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the 13th day of September, A. D., 1937. Present: Hon. Robert M. Toma, Circuit Judge. Satisfactory proof by affidavit showing that It cannot be ascer- tained in what state or country the defendant resides and hla present whereabouts la unknown, that hla last known place of residence was care of General Delivery, City of Columbia and State of South Caro- lina. On Motion of Lewis & Rowlett*, Attorneys for the Plaintiff, IT IS ORDERED that the said defendant enter his appearance in said cause on or before three (3) months from the date of thla or- der, or the bill of romplnint may be taken as confessed, and that said order be published and a copy thereof served upon defendant by registered mall rs required by law. ROBERT M. TOMS, Circuit Judge (A True Copy) VERNON L. KERWIN, Deputy Clerk. 10-9—11-20 CASPER C. CUTLER. Attorney 1751 Penobscot Bldg. No. 272488 STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne. In Chancery. HELEN DOMINGUEZ. Plaintiff, vs. MANUEL DOMINGUEZ. Defend- ant. At a session of said Court held in the Court House In the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, this 27th day of September, A. D., 1937. Present: Hon. Lester 8. Moll, Circuit Judge. It appearing from the affidavit on file that defendant, Manuel Domin- guez, Is not a resident of this State and his residence Is unknown and cannot be ascertained, IT IS ORDERED, That Manuel Dominguez appear and answer the Hill of Complaint filed in this cause within three months from the date of this Order, or said Bill will be tnken as confessed against him. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order be published according to law, and also that a copy of tills Order be sent by reg- istered mail to said defendant at his last known address, c-o General Delivery, Whitman, West Virginia, •it least twenty dnvs before the time prescribed for his appearance. LESTER S. MOLL, Circuit Judge (A True Copy) VERNON C. KERWIN, Deputy Clerk. 10-9—ll-20 ELVIN 1.. DAVENPORT, AM). 2010 SI, Antoine St. STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne, i n Chancery. NO. 271,46 ft Morris WILSON. Plaintiff, vs JOSIE WILSON. Defendant. Order of Publication At a session of said Court, held in the Court House in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan, on this 2nd day of September. A. D. 1937. Present: Honorable Robert M. Toms. It satisfactorily appearing from the affidavit of the Plaintiff on file In the above entitled cause, that the defendant, Joste Wilson, is not a resident of this State. IT IS ORDERED that Josie Wil- son appear and answer the Rill of Compislnt filed in this cnuse with- in three months from the date of 'his Order, nr said bill will he tak- °n as confessed against her. It Is further ORDERED that a copy of said Order be sent to the Inst known address of said Defend- ant by registered mail, and in case no registered return receipt signed bv the Defendant Is received, that Mils Order be published, as re- quired by law. RORERT M. TOMS. Circuit Judge f 4 True Copv) VERNON C KERWIN. Deputy Clerk 10-16—11-27 The SEEING EYE... (By S. D. HANEY) SPOTTIV A SPOT A wind-whipped mist wrapped the city in a clammy coat It add- ed something wintry to the murk hoverlug over Hastings Street—- something that made us shiver and mentally kick ourselves as we trembled ulong. Rut that is another story. We were headed to the Kozy Korner. Our aim was to see the show and drop what we had seen here. We were too late. The 11- uulo was on when we shoved our neck through the door, and, judg- ing from the claps coming from the crowd, the whole show must have been a honey. At any rate we eyed the crowd and the KORNER’S new renovating Job. It reminded us of SMALL’S place In Harlem That goes for the crowd too . . . Nlghtclubbers in shadows . . jewels sparkling In the dusk . gold teeth glitter- ing behind a laugh, a smile . . . Trim .young waitress . . neatly uniformed . . . bowing and smiling here . . . Joining the laughter there . .. with faces the color of a smooth ( bile bean . . Brown and mellow . . . Yeah. We were told about the show at the KORNER. Still we got to sec it so we can tag it the way it regis- ters on the EYE. THOUGHT PROVOKERS Last week we were escorted through the morgue by a friend, Louis Smith. Louis is an attend- ant down there, a vet when it comes to handling the dead. He knew the story behind every case and we were all ears and stomach as he moved with us from one dead soul to another. "And here’s a guy they found In an alley. He was in his shorts when found, with half of his head bashed in. See?" Yeah. We saw. At the same time we vowed that our wife was always gonna be the one and only. Yeah. We mean that, too. "And here’s the gangster room. This guy was a rodman. killed a few days ago in a grocery store holdup. See the stain on his coat? That’s where he was plugged." ITU huh. We saw—saw a hunk of cold meat who Just about swag- gered nreund for years thinking he was smart. PERSONALITIES ’ROUND TOWN A lanky guy ... in the vacant lot next to Melody (flub . . with half of tlie wiscaches of Paradise Valley around him He was gathering ni' kles, dimes, quarters and halves . . . by eating electric light bulbs and razor blades A trick as old as the hills . . . Still it draws a crowd and pays the performer. Arthur Hill, a pleasaut sort of c'ipp a shoe shiner in one of h big Creek parlors on Wood- ward . . When he gets through with a pair of boots they shine like oil touched hv a splash of moon- light . . He’s about the best we've sct*n. W. \V. Strong, owner of one of 'he best barber shops and presi- r|en* of the ROOSTER’S CLUB, really did soni>* clever political stunts for our next mavnr, DICK READING . . . We predict here that DARK DETROIT is going to hear u lot about Mr. Strong and his crowd. They are headed up. A SPECIAL NOTICE TO WRITERS We are interested in forming a writer’s club. Anyone who is.try- ing to write and who thinks a little get-to gether with others who are trying to write will help him. is qualified to Join. Just drop THE EYE a line in care of this paper. Mrs. Roosevelt To Address Harlem Group New’ York Mrs Franklin D. Roosevelt will speak in Harlem Friday night. October 22. under the auspices of the New York (Vis- it* Committee, a group of young business and professional womeu organized to ussist the Crisis, offi- cial organ of the N.A A.C.P. Mrs. Roosevelt, who will speak at the Mother Zion A. M. E church, 170 W’est 137th Street, will be mak- ing her first appearance before a Harlem audience since her hus- band has been President. There will be special music fo«* the occasion and several short talks explaining the purposes and work of the Crisis Committee. One of the speakers will be Roy Wil- kins, editor of the Crisis. Mis; Ludle ArmiUead. chairman of the Crisis Committee, will preside. PAGE SEVEN

The COME SEEING EYE ToBe At - Chronicling America...lire St Antrim Strwt, Corner Columbia Clifford 292« LegalNotice WicOs rounty2T.of Wayne. Mrto» of the Probate, rt for said tlounty

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Page 1: The COME SEEING EYE ToBe At - Chronicling America...lire St Antrim Strwt, Corner Columbia Clifford 292« LegalNotice WicOs rounty2T.of Wayne. Mrto» of the Probate, rt for said tlounty

lire St Antrim Strwt, Corner Columbia Clifford 292«

Legal Notice

Wic Os

rounty of Wayne.

2T.Mrto» of the Probate

, rt for said tlounty of Wayne,oU

. lhe Probate Court Room

he City of Detroit, on the Sec-D ‘ . y of October, In the year'Dd thousand nine hundred and

Present D. J. Healy,

ludge of Probate.f in the Matter of the Estute of

Lr,b Matilda Butler, Deceußed.P* H A . Webster, executor of the

hT will and testument of saidr* ett8 ed. having rendered to this

Court his final, administration ac-

L-Bt and filed therewith his petl-

,on praying that the residue of

*jd estate be. assigned In accord-

#DCe with the provisions of said

Ult will:It lg ordered. That the Fourth

day of November, next, at ten o'-

clock *n the forenoon at said CourtRoom be appointed for examining

and allowing said account andbearing said petition

And it lx further Ordered Thata copy of tills order be publishedthree successive weeks previous to

laid lime of hearing, in the Dctroit Tribune, a newspaper printedand circulating la said County ofWayne.

D. J. HEALY,Judge of Probate


Deputy Probate Register.10-9—lo-2:1

\tijs. Loomis, Jones, Piper& C olden,

301 Kandolpb Bldg.3TATK OF MICHIGAN. In the

Crlcult Court for the County ofWayne In Chancery.

EDDIE OOMAG. Plaintiff, vs.HELEN 0. DOMAG. Defendant.


At a session of said Court heldat the Court House la the City ofDetroit, County of Wayne andState of Michigan on the 17th dayof August, A. D. 1937:

Present HONORABLE GUY A.MILLER, Circuit Judge.It appearing to this Court, from

affidavit on file, that the defend-ant. Helen G Domng is not a resi-dent of the State of Michigan, butthat she resides in (Jiurleston,West Virginia;

IT IS ORDERED that she ap-pear and answer the bill of com-plaint In this cause within three(3) months from the dale of thisOrder, or said M of complaintwill be taken confessed, andthat this Order be served by reg-istered mail or be published, its re-quired by Law. in the Detroit Trl-

bune. a newspaper prinled, pub-lished and circulating In saidCounty.CUY A MILLER.

Circuit Judge(A true copy)



6-" E. Warren Ate.NO. 2714*4

STATE OF MICHIGAN. In theCircuit ( ourt for the County ofWayne. In Chancery.

CATHERINE BLAIR, Plaintiff,vs. SAM BLAIR, Defendant.

At a session of said Court heldat theX’ourt House iu the City ofDetroit. In said County, on the 2ndday of Sept. A. I).. 1937 Present:Honoiuble Robert M. Toms. Cir-cuit Judge.

Satisfactory proof by affidavitshowing that said defendant. SamBlair, does not reside in tlris State,but Ills present wheresihouts is un-known and cannot be ascertained,that his last known place of resi-dence was at 92r» Adelaide Street.< ity of Detroit, County of Wayneaud State of Michigan.

On Motion of Charles It Perkins,attorney for the plaintiff,

IT IS ORDERED THAT THESAIL defendant enter hi* appear-ance in said cause on or beforethree months from the date of thisorder or the Bill of Complaint mayhe taken as confessed, and thatsaid order lie published iu the De-troit Tribune and a copy thereofserved upon defendant by register-ed mail as required by law.

ROBERT M. TOMSCircuit Judge

<A true copy)VERNON L. KERWIN

Deputy Clerk 9-11 10-23

NO. 1*4,136state OF MICHKIAN,

ss.County of Wayne.At a session of tin* I'robi'.e

Court, for said County of Wayn ,hell at the Probate Court Room inHit City of Detroit, on the twenty-third day of September in the yearone thousand nine hundred thirtyseven. Present Thomas C. Murphy.Judge of Probate.

In the Matter of the Estate ofLima Smith, a mentally incompi-tent person. On reading and tiling'he petition, duly verified, of Elijfih Sml.h. guardian of said ward,I raying that he tie licensed to sellcertain real estate of said ward forthe purpose of paying the debts ofsaid ward and the charges ofmanaging said estate and to pro-vide funds for support of saidWard:


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»N«. *» «”"*** *"*

tlfl FIOwF

Legal Notices 1 Legal NoticesIt is Ordered That the twfcnty-

elghtU’day oT October, next at teno'clock tu the forenoou, at saidLourt Ro.,m be appointed for hear-ing said petition, und that all per-sons interested in said estate ap-pour before said Court at said time•ud place, to show’ cause why alicense snould not be granted tosaid guardian to sell real estateas prayed for in said petition. Andit is further Ordered, That a copy°f this order be published threesuccessive weeks previous to saidtime of heuriug, in the Detroit Tri-bune, a newspaper printed aud cir-culating in said County of Wayne,Aud personally served fourteendays previous to said time of hear-ing upon Superintendent of Poor.

THOMAS U MLR PHY,Judge of Probate


Deputy Probate Register10-9 -10-30

Ain. ain lint u. iuvidson911 (-ratlet Ate.


circuit Court for the County ofWayne. In Chancery.

PEARL JOHNSON, Plaintiff, vsROBERT JOHNSON. Defendant.

Order of PublicationAt it session of suld Court, held

nt the Court-house in the City ofDetroit, Way lie County, Michigan,on i*.e iOl It day of September A.it 1937 Present Hon. Lester S.Moll, circuit Judge.

in tills ettusc it appearing thattlie defend. l ut herein, Robert John--<>ll, l.i a 11 sldent of this State hutins win .vain ut unknown; that hislast known address was Mt.Clemens, Miclilgan.

On m »'lnn of Arthur B. Davidsonattorney for the plaintiff, it is

dei' il that Hie defendant, Robert~•hnsi'ti. cuter IBs appearance inaid cause on or before three: 01 lis from the date of this order>' said Bill of complaint will be

irbiii as confessed against him.1 1 is furl tier ordered that a copy

<» tills order be published accorda- to law in tin* Detroit Tribune

• l 'hat a copy of this order bent bv registered mail to the de-

-11 ■ till ill's last known address.LESTER S. MOLL

Circuit Judge(A true copy)*

VERNON C. KERWINDeputy Clerk 9-25—11-6

\ttys. McDonald k Smith9(1 Gratiot Ave.

No. 23.1,117'

.STATE OF MICHIGAN,(' unty of Wayne, ss.At a session of the Probate'mu for said County of Wayne,

arid at the Probate Cburt Roomm ihe City of Detroit, on the

Tv cnt>-first day of September inhe year one thousand nine hun-Ired and thirty-seven.

Present Joseph A. Murphy. Judgeof Probate.

in tin* Matter of the Estate of< harlie Mercer. Deceased.

duty It. Mercer, administratrix' said rs-tute, having rendered toills Court her first and final dd-:i in;ration account and filed

h> ta with her petit!: n prayingiu.t In- residue of said estate bo

• u.ned to the persons entitled!i n to:

IT iS OKDMtKD That the\ cii y. • iMb day of October.c\t at ti n ( 'clock in the forenoon

t said Court Room be appointedo examining and allowing said

iceuiitit and hearing said petitionAnd it i.i further Ordered, That

i copy of ibis order be published!i t o sum sslve weeks previous

'I s :id time of hearing, in the De-ll Tribune, a newspaper print-

I and circulating in said Countyl Wayne.

JOSEPH A. MURPHY.Judge of Probate

iA tnn copy)DON I) CULLEN.

Deputy Probate Register10-2—lo-23

Ally. s. J. FlnmurunIM.» K, Put Won Ate.

No. *7STATU OF MICHIGAN. In tha!mti; Court fi>r the County ol

Wayne In Chancery.EDDIE LOVE. Plaintiff, vq


At a suasion of an Id Court heldit the County Building of the City>f Detroit In the County of Waynerid S'ute of Michigan on this 30Jrv of August, 1037.

Present. HON. ROBERT MTOMS. Circuit Judge.

It uppeartng from affidavit at-ta, lied hereto and on file hereinthat, the Plaintiff and the Del-nd-•nr herein were separated one

from the other at the City of Kan*i's In the State of Missouri 1n1930.

That the Defendant abandoned,deserted and left the Plaintiff, andthat they have not lived or co-habit'd together since that date.That the Plaintiff has made rea-sonable S'Hrch and inquiry amongacquaintances and friends wheknew the Defendant, and after«tich Inquiry he has not been ableHi ascertain where the Defendantnow resides or maintains her placeif nb< de. but that her last known

residence and place of abode was• n thi city of Knnsas 'and Stateof Missouri, and that she cannotlie served with process issuing

out of this court.On Motion of 8. .1. FLANAGAN,

attorney for the Plaintiff,IT IS ORDERED that the said

Wlllella I ove appear before thiscourt end answer the Bill of Com-plaint therein within three monthsfrom date hereof or the said BUIof • Complaint may be taken asconfess'd

It la Further Ordered that thisorder shall be published In theDetroit Tribune acordlng to law

Legal Notices

in such cases made and providedand a like copy be seut by regis-tered mail to the Defendant at herlust known address.

ROBERT M. TOMS.Circuit Judge

IA true copy)VERNON L. KERWIN,

Deputy Clerk9-4—lo-16



Circuit Court for the County ofWayne. In tfliancery.

ETHEL MAY PRICE, Plaintiff,vs. CHARLES PRICE. Defendant.

At u session of said Court heldut the Court House in the City ofDetroit, in the said County on the27th day of August A. D. 1937.Present: Honorable Robert M.Toms. Circuit Judge.

In this cause, it appearing byaffidavit on tile that the defendant,Charles Price, cannot be served byprocess Issued out.of this Court ashe is not a resident of the State ofMichigan, but resides in the Cityof New York, County es Queensand state of New York.

On Motion of Charles R. Perk-ins, attorney for the plaintiff,

IT IS ORDERED, that the de-fendant, Charlie Price, appear andanswer the Bill of Complaint inthis cause within three monthsfrom the date of this order, orhat suid Rill will be taken as

confessed and that this order bepublluhcd in the Detroit Tribunetnd a copy thereof served upon thedefendant by r*»glstered mail as re-quired by law.

ROBERT M. TOMSCircuit Judge

(A true copy)VERNON L. KERWIN

Deputy Clerk 9-11—10-25

ATTY. WILLIAM T. PATRICK SR.1901 St. Antoine Street

NO. 270,761STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the

Circuit Court for the County ofWayne, In (Yiancery


Order To AppearAt a session of the übove entitled

Co)#, held in the County Buildingla the City of Detroit, County ofWayne, and State of Mlchigun, this18 duy of September, A. D. 1937.Present, Honorable Lester S. Moll,Circuit Judge.

Satisfactory proof, appearing byaffidavit, hereto attached, that theDefendant, Audrey Robinson, Isnot a resident of the City of De-troit. County of Wayne, and Stateof Michigan, but that her lastknown address was at No. 3343Hudson street. Detroit. Michigan,and that the Plaintiff made per-sonal visits to the said addressand has inquired among friendsand acquaintances of the Defenantand has failed to find her, and thePluiutiff has reason to believe thatthe Defendant is either in hidingor has left the State of Michigan

Ou motlou of William T. Pat-rick. Sr., Attorney for the Plaintiffit Is Hereby Ordered that the De-fendant enter her appearance eith-er in person, or by Atlorney .with-in throe nionthß from the datehereof, of the Bill of Complaintwill he taken as confessed againsther.

It Is Further Ordered that a truecopy of tills Order to appear besent to the last known address ofthe Defendant, postage prepaid,return receipt requested, and thatthe said order be published ac-cording to law.

LESTER S. MOLLCircuit Judge

(A true copy)VERNON C. KERWIN

Deputy ( lerk 9-25—11-6

A tty. Win. L. ( olden!!fll Itundolph Bldg.,


County of Wayno hb.At a session of the Probate

Court for said Oounty of Wayne,held at the Probate Court Room inthe City of Detroit, on the Kigh-teenth day of September in theyear oue thousand nine hundredand thirty-seven.

Present JOSEPH A. MURPHY,Judge of probate.

In the Matter of the Estate ofCELIA DAY, Deceased.

William L. Colden, trustee ofsaid estate, having rendered to thisCourt his first account.

IT IS ORDERED. That the Fifthday of November, next beforeJudge Edwards Command at ten o’-clo< k in the forenoon at said CourtRoom be appointed for examiningand allowing said account.

And it is further Ordered. Thata copy of this order be publishedthree successive weeks previousto said time of hearing, In the De-troit Tribune, a newspaper print-ed and circulating in said Countyof Waynd.

JOSEPH A. MURPHY.Judge of Probate

(A true copy)CHARLES E. FLONY,

Deputy Probate Register10-2—lo 23

STATE OP MICHIGAN,County of Wayne, aa.

No. 960,649At a aeaalon of the Probate

Cburt for aaid County of Wayne,held at the Probate Court Room Inthe City of Detroit, on the twenty*seventh day of September In theyear one thousand nine hundredand thirty-seven.

Present THOMAS C. MURPHYJudge of Probate.

In the Matter of the Estate ofRobert Darts, a minor.

On reading and filing the peti-tion of of Estelle Tlnch prayingthat she be appointed guardian ofsaid Robert Davis.


fk Vantmrfag

I Plager Waving

t ( Creqalgnele

Smith Beauty Shop■me. C, J. Walker System

4999 SI Antoine StreetB. Smith, Prep. Hatred, lick

(Continued From First Pace)the reorganisation of bureaus ofthe federal government.

Lynch Bill 2ndOn the Senate calendar, the ami-

lynching bill in definitely act downfor the second Item of business,the first being an agriculture bill.Observers in Washington agreethat the untl-lynching bill muybring up a filibuster in the Senateby southern democrats, bu< prac-tically everyone, including leadingsouthern senators like Pat Harri-son of Mississippi, concedes thatthe anti-lynching bill is practicallycertain *o pass, filibuster or no fili-buster.

A fleeted It) BluckCertain Washington

also believe that the chances ofpassage of the anti-lynching billhave been made much brighter by>he episode of Justice Hugo L.Black with its revelation of hismembership in the Ku Klux K’.anThey feel that the anti-lynchingbill will receive some left-handedassistance from the revelation be-cause administration voters will b '

forced to take some definite actionto reassure the large blocs of Ne-gro voters in northern states whichwere thrown Into confusion anddismay by the revelation that thenew supreme court justice Is a for-mer member of the Klan.

Although even H»uihern senatorsand congressmen in tieofgiu. Mississippi. Louisiana and Tonesseehave admitted in the past fewweeks that the anti-lynching bill issure to pass in the next session,the N. A. A A C. P.. will h is lead-ing the campaign for its passage,issues a warning to all supportersof the bill not to relax their ef-forts until the bill is actually pass-ed The X. A. A (’ J\ points outthat a filibuster is distasteful t'most senators and they will donearly anything to avoid it andalso will give in quickly unless th •pressure from the voters at homeis kept up until the hill is passt and.

The X.* A A C. P again urgesvoters in their hum" towns to vis-it their senators while the latterare at home and inform them perBonally that the anti-lynching billmust be passed and a filibuster re-sisted to the end.

•rmttttmnttthil myujiuuui i:m.» |Born Medium and Aatrologist..

This advisor gives reliable ad--vice and will treat your affals j

:In a confidential manner. Lovelight, health and success Is for ;every man.

“Direction greater than jstrength." "Wisdom greater :than power.”

Ex. *1:1; Luke 21:16. See-:ing Is believing. Hours— 9 a.m.—* p. m.3128 Hastings St. (second floor)|


w2urrsbaking ygpnci Pits

I Ik can 3fb. (an |


Mrs. F. B. FisherTo Be Speaker

At Y. W. C. A.(Continued From Hr>l Pagv)

eon u-t 12 o’clfw-k and and cuasiouwill continue until ?■ 'Mt. Mrs.Frederick H Fisher is to he thefeatured speaker ut luncheon dis-cussing “Family Adjustment inModern Life.” Mrs. Fisher is wellknown as the wife of the RevFrederick H. Fisher of CentralMethodist Church and us a speakerand writer and thinker. She has liv-ed in India and other f -reign countries and knows women’s prob-lems throughout the world today

Three dis. usslo i groups ut 2o’clock ar«' a till' ui;c and as follows:"Teaching It* Melon to '"hildren inthe Home" Id hv Rev. HoraceWhite: “Milking Home Livable” ledby Mrs B ' **r. home decor-ation expert and- >eial Diseases”led by Dr D II Givens of tbeWayne County Med', al Society. All*hrep topics are < f vital concern•o every wife and mother.

There will also b“ a presentationof the Consumer Cooperative Move-ment ;is it is operating in Detroitand Michigan today.

R-p resen tat ives of Premier andDerricoite Homemakers club areserving on the Y W C. A HomeRelations committee with Mrs.'"arter and are assisting with gen-eral nlans for the Institute whichpromists to be a very outstanding

event.Mothers of Girl Reserves are al-

so actively interested in the lil»<l-ftite All mothers will be welcometo attend the sessions. Luncheonreservations should be made nmlater than October 19 ut the Branch.Cherry r»710.

Time moves on so don’t forget

to rend the Tribune in order »okeep up with the happenings of in-terest.

—■ •

Wash the hands carefullywith warm water and soap beforehandling food; exclude flies.


St. Paul V. V’. V will help your Kidneys, Liver, Bladder. Nattire.

Bowels; and blood or we will refund every red rent of your money.

Thousands of men and women have found this old famous Indian Herb

onic to be just the tonic for them. You too can be healthy—stop

getting up nights to pass water! Remove nil pains in the small part

>f the back. Restore that lost pep of youth*The regular price of St. Paul VVV. i; on Bring this Ad to Paul s

and save 52c. Instead of $2.00. St. Paul V. V. V. "■ 1.1 cost you only fl 48.

The genuine V. V. V. is for sale nt Paul’s Put Rate Drugs, 390aHastings, cor. Leland. Detroit. Mich. Mail and telephone orders filledit no extra cost.

I Stroll's BohemianBoer Is a qualitybrow mado offonly the choicestquality materials.It is refreshing,sparkling, whole-some and alwaysso satlsffylnglTry a bottle today.


Legal Notice*

IT IS ORDERED. That thefifth day of November, neat, at tano'clock in the forenoon beforeJudge Edward Command, at saidCourt Room be appointed forhearing said petition.

And it Is further Ordered That aoopy of this order be publishedthree successive weeks previousto eald time of hearing, In the De-troit Tribune, a newspaper print-ed and circulating in said Countyof Wayne.

THOMAS C. MURPHY.Judge of Probate.

(A true copy)CHARI.ES R HARRIS.Deputy Probate Register.


LEWIS A KOWLETTE, Attorneys607 East Adams Are.

No. 271,826Order of Publication

STATE OF MICHIGAN. In theCircuit Court for the County ofWlayne, In Chancery.

ESTELLE COUNT, Plaintiff, vs.JAMES COUNT, Defendant.

At a session of said Court heldat the Court House in the City ofDetroit, County of Wayne andState of Michigan, on the 13th dayof September, A. D., 1937.

Present: Hon. Robert M. Toma,Circuit Judge.

Satisfactory proof by affidavitshowing that It cannot be ascer-tained in what state or country thedefendant resides and hla presentwhereabouts la unknown, that hlalast known place of residence wascare of General Delivery, City ofColumbia and State of South Caro-lina.

On Motion of Lewis & Rowlett*,Attorneys for the Plaintiff,

IT IS ORDERED that the saiddefendant enter his appearance insaid cause on or before three (3)months from the date of thla or-der, or the bill of romplnint may betaken as confessed, and that saidorder be published and a copythereof served upon defendant byregistered mall rs required by law.

ROBERT M. TOMS,Circuit Judge


Deputy Clerk. 10-9—11-20

CASPER C. CUTLER. Attorney1751 Penobscot Bldg.

No. 272488STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the

Circuit Court for the County ofWayne. In Chancery.


At a session of said Court heldin the Court House In the City ofDetroit, Wayne County, Michigan,this 27th day of September, A. D.,1937. Present: Hon. Lester 8. Moll,Circuit Judge.

It appearing from the affidavit onfile that defendant, Manuel Domin-guez, Is not a resident of this Stateand his residence Is unknown andcannot be ascertained,

IT IS ORDERED, That ManuelDominguez appear and answer theHill of Complaint filed in this causewithin three months from the dateof this Order, or said Bill will betnken as confessed against him.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thata copy of this Order be publishedaccording to law, and also that acopy of tills Order be sent by reg-istered mail to said defendant at hislast known address, c-o GeneralDelivery, Whitman, West Virginia,•it least twenty dnvs before the timeprescribed for his appearance.

LESTER S. MOLL,Circuit Judge


Deputy Clerk. 10-9—ll-20

ELVIN 1.. DAVENPORT, AM).2010 SI, Antoine St.

STATE OF MICHIGAN.In the Circuit Court for the

County of Wayne, i n Chancery.

NO. 271,46ftMorris WILSON. Plaintiff, vs

JOSIE WILSON. Defendant.Order of Publication

At a session of said Court, heldin the Court House in the City ofDetroit, Wayne County. Michigan,on this 2nd day of September. A. D.1937.

Present: Honorable Robert M.Toms.

It satisfactorily appearing fromthe affidavit of the Plaintiff on fileIn the above entitled cause, thatthe defendant, Joste Wilson, is nota resident of this State.

IT IS ORDERED that Josie Wil-son appear and answer the Rill ofCompislnt filed in this cnuse with-in three months from the date of'his Order, nr said bill will he tak-°n as confessed against her.

It Is further ORDERED that acopy of said Order be sent to theInst known address of said Defend-ant by registered mail, and in caseno registered return receipt signedbv the Defendant Is received, thatMils Order be published, as re-quired by law.

RORERT M. TOMS.Circuit Judge

f 4 True Copv)VERNON C KERWIN.

Deputy Clerk 10-16—11-27


(By S. D. HANEY)

SPOTTIV A SPOTA wind-whipped mist wrapped

the city in a clammy coat It add-ed something wintry to the murkhoverlug over Hastings Street—-something that made us shiver andmentally kick ourselves as wetrembled ulong. Rut that is anotherstory.

We were headed to the KozyKorner. Our aim was to see theshow and drop what we had seenhere. We were too late. The 11-uulo was on when we shoved ourneck through the door, and, judg-ing from the claps coming fromthe crowd, the whole show musthave been a honey.

At any rate we eyed the crowdand the KORNER’S new renovatingJob. It reminded us of SMALL’Splace In Harlem That goes forthe crowd too . . . Nlghtclubbersin shadows . . . jewels sparklingIn the dusk .


gold teeth glitter-ing behind a laugh, a smile . . .

Trim .young waitress . . . neatlyuniformed . . . bowing and smilinghere . . . Joining the laughter there. . . with faces the color of a smooth( bile bean .

.. Brown and mellow

. . . Yeah.We were told about the show at

the KORNER. Still we got to secit so we can tag it the way it regis-ters on the EYE.THOUGHT PROVOKERS

Last week we were escortedthrough the morgue by a friend,Louis Smith. Louis is an attend-ant down there, a vet when itcomes to handling the dead. Heknew the story behind every caseand we were all ears and stomachas he moved with us from one deadsoul to another.

"And here’s a guy they found Inan alley. He was in his shortswhen found, with half of his headbashed in. See?"

Yeah. We saw. At the sametime we vowed that our wife wasalways gonna be the one and only.Yeah. We mean that, too.

"And here’s the gangster room.This guy was a rodman. killed afew days ago in a grocery storeholdup. See the stain on his coat?That’s where he was plugged."

ITU huh. We saw—saw a hunkof cold meat who Just about swag-gered nreund for years thinkinghe was smart.PERSONALITIES ’ROUND TOWN

A lanky guy ...in the vacant lotnext to Melody (flub . . . with halfof tlie wiscaches of Paradise Valleyaround him ... He was gathering

ni' kles, dimes, quarters and halves. . . by eating electric light bulbsand razor blades ... A trick as oldas the hills . . . Still it draws acrowd and pays the performer.

Arthur Hill, a pleasaut sort ofc'ipp a shoe shiner in one ofh big Creek parlors on Wood-

ward . . . When he gets throughwith a pair of boots they shine likeoil touched hv a splash of moon-light

.. . He’s about the best we've

sct*n.W. \V. Strong, owner of one of

'he best barber shops and presi-r|en* of the ROOSTER’S CLUB,really did soni>* clever politicalstunts for our next mavnr, DICKREADING . . . We predict herethat DARK DETROIT is going tohear u lot about Mr. Strong and hiscrowd. They are headed up.A SPECIAL NOTICETO WRITERS •

We are interested in forming awriter’s club. Anyone who is.try-ing to write and who thinks alittle get-to gether with others whoare trying to write will help him.is qualified to Join. Just drop THEEYE a line in care of this paper.

Mrs. Roosevelt ToAddress Harlem

GroupNew’ York Mrs Franklin D.

Roosevelt will speak in HarlemFriday night. October 22. underthe auspices of the New York (Vis-

it* Committee, a group of youngbusiness and professional womeuorganized to ussist the Crisis, offi-cial organ of the N.A A.C.P.

Mrs. Roosevelt, who will speakat the Mother Zion A. M. E church,170 W’est 137th Street, will be mak-ing her first appearance before aHarlem audience since her hus-band has been President.

There will be special music fo«*the occasion and several shorttalks explaining the purposes andwork of the Crisis Committee. Oneof the speakers will be Roy Wil-kins, editor of the Crisis. Mis;Ludle ArmiUead. chairman of theCrisis Committee, will preside.