The Colour Out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft

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  • 8/4/2019 The Colour Out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft



    EST OF ARKHAM THE hills rise wild, and there are valleys with deep woods that no

    ae has ever !"t# There are dar$ narrow %lens where the trees slope &antasti!ally, andwhere thin 'roo$lets tri!$le witho"t ever havin% !a"%ht the %lint o& s"nli%ht# On the %entler

    slopes there are &ar(s, an!ient and ro!$y, with s)"at, (oss*!oated !otta%es 'roodin% eternally

    over old +ew En%land se!rets in the lee o& %reat led%es '"t these are all va!ant now, the wide

    !hi(neys !r"('lin% and the shin%led sides '"l%in% perilo"sly 'eneath the low %a('rel roo&s#


    ./01 The old &ol$s have %one away, and &orei%ners do not li$e to live there# Fren!h*

    Canadians have tried it, 2talians have tried it, and the Poles have !o(e and departed# 2t is not

    'e!a"se o& anythin% that !an 'e seen or heard or handled, '"t 'e!a"se o& so(ethin% that is

    i(a%ined# The pla!e is not %ood &or i(a%ination, and does not 'rin% rest&"l drea(s at ni%ht# 2t

    ("st 'e this whi!h $eeps the &orei%ners away, &or old A((i Pier!e has never told the( o&

    anythin% he re!alls &ro( the stran%e days# A((i, whose head has 'een a little )"eer &or years, is

    the only one who still re(ains, or whoever tal$s o& the stran%e days and he dares to do this

    'e!a"se his ho"se is so near the open &ields and the travelled roads aro"nd Ar$ha(#

    ./31 There was on!e a road over the hills and thro"%h the valleys, that ran strai%ht where

    the 'lasted heath is now '"t people !eased to "se it and a new road was laid !"rvin% &ar toward

    the so"th# Tra!es o& the old one !an still 'e &o"nd a(idst the weeds o& a ret"rnin% wilderness,

    and so(e o& the( will do"'tless lin%er even when hal& the hollows are &looded &or the new

    reservoir# Then the dar$ woods will 'e !"t down and the 'lasted heath will sl"('er &ar 'elow the

    'l"e waters whose s"r&a!e will (irror the s$y and ripple in the s"n# And the se!rets o& the

    stran%e days will 'e one with the deep4s se!rets one with the hidden lore o& the o!ean, and all

    the (ystery o& pri(al earth#

    ./51 -hen 2 went to the hills and vales to s"rvey &or the new reservoir they told (e that

    the pla!e was evil# They told (e this in Ar$ha(, and 'e!a"se that is a very old town &"ll o& wit!h

    le%ends 2 tho"%ht the evil ("st 'e so(ethin% whi!h %randa(s had whispered to !hildren thro"%h

    !ent"ries# The na(e 6'lasted heath4 see(ed to (e very odd and theatri!al, and 2 wondered how it

    had !o(e into the &ol$lore o& a P"ritan people# Then 2 saw that dar$ westward tan%le o& %lens

    and slopes &or (ysel&, and !eased to wonder at anythin% 'eside its own elder (ystery# 2t was

    (ornin% when 2 saw it, '"t shadow l"r$ed always there# The trees %rew too thi!$ly, and their

  • 8/4/2019 The Colour Out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft


    tr"n$s were too 'i% &or any healthy +ew En%land wood# There was too ("!h silen!e in the di(

    alleys 'etween the(, and the &loor was too so&t with the dan$ (oss and the (attin%s o& in&inite

    years o& de!ay#

    ./71 2n the open spa!es, (ostly alon% the line o& the old road, there were little hillside

    &ar(s so(eti(es with the '"ildin%s standin%, so(eti(es with only one or two, and so(eti(es

    with only a lone !hi(ney or &ast*&illin% !ellar# -eeds and 'riers rei%ned, and &"rtive wild thin%s

    r"stled in the "nder%rowth# Upon everythin% was a ha8e o& restlessness and oppression a to"!h

    o& the "nreal and the %rotes)"e, as i& so(e vital ele(ent o& perspe!tive or !hiaros!"ro were awry#

    2 did not wonder that the &orei%ners wo"ld not stay, &or this was no re%ion to sleep in# 2t was too

    ("!h li$e a lands!ape o& Salvator Rosa too ("!h li$e so(e &or'idden wood!"t in a tale o&


    ./91 :"t even all this was not so 'ad as the 'lasted heath# 2 $new it the (o(ent 2 !a(e

    "pon it at the 'otto( o& a spa!io"s valley &or no other na(e !o"ld &it s"!h a thin%, or any other

    thin% &it s"!h a na(e# 2t was as i& the poet had !oined the phrase &ro( havin% seen this one

    parti!"lar re%ion# 2t ("st, 2 tho"%ht as 2 viewed it, 'e the o"t!o(e o& a &ire '"t why had nothin%

    new ever %rown over those &ive a!res o& %rey desolation that sprawled open to the s$y li$e a

    %reat spot eaten 'y a!id in the woods and &ields; 2t lay lar%ely to the north o& the an!ient road

    line, '"t en!roa!hed a little on the other side# 2 &elt an odd rel"!tan!e a'o"t approa!hin%, and did

    so at last only 'e!a"se (y '"siness too$ (e thro"%h and past it# There was no ve%etation o& any

    $ind on that 'road epanse, '"t only a &ine %rey d"st or ash whi!h no wind see(ed ever to 'low

    a'o"t# The trees near it were si!$ly and st"nted, and (any dead tr"n$s stood or lay rottin% at the

    ri(# As 2 wal$ed h"rriedly 'y 2 saw the t"('led 'ri!$s and stones o& an old !hi(ney and !ellar

    on (y ri%ht, and the yawnin% 'la!$ (aw o& an a'andoned well whose sta%nant vapo"rs played

    stran%e tri!$s with the h"es o& the s"nli%ht# Even the lon%, dar$ woodland !li(' 'eyond see(ed

    wel!o(e in !ontrast, and 2 (arvelled no (ore at the &ri%htened whispers o& Ar$ha( people#

    There had 'een no ho"se or r"in near even in the old days the pla!e ("st have 'een lonely and

    re(ote# And at the twili%ht, dreadin% to repass that o(ino"s spot, 2 wal$ed !ir!"ito"sly 'a!$ to

    the town 'y the !"rvin% road on the so"th# 2 va%"ely wished so(e !lo"ds wo"ld %ather, &or an

    odd ti(idity a'o"t the deep s$yey voids a'ove had !rept into (y so"l#


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    any %ood answers, e!ept that all the (ystery was ("!h (ore re!ent than 2 had drea(ed# 2t was

    not a (atter o& old le%endry at all, '"t so(ethin% in the li&eti(e o& those who spo$e# 2t had

    happened in the 6ei%hties, and a &a(ily had disappeared or was $illed# Spea$ers wo"ld not 'e

    ea!t and 'e!a"se they all told (e to pay no attention to old A((i Pier!e4s !ra8y tales, 2 so"%ht

    hi( o"t the net (ornin%, havin% heard that he lived alon% in the an!ient totterin% !otta%e where

    the trees &irst 'e%in to %et very thi!$# 2t was a &earso(ely an!ient pla!e, and had 'e%"n to e"de

    the &aint (ias(al odo"r whi!h !lin%s a'o"t ho"ses that have stood too lon%# Only with persistent

    $no!$in% !o"ld 2 ro"se the a%ed (an, and when he sh"&&led ti(idly to the door 2 !o"ld tell he

    was not %lad to see (e# He was not so &ee'le as 2 had epe!ted '"t his eyes drooped in a !"rio"s

    way, and his "n$e(pt !lothin% and white 'eard (ade hi( see( very worn and dis(al#

    ./=1 +ot $nowin% >"st how he !o"ld 'est 'e la"n!hed on his tales, 2 &ei%ned a (atter o&

    '"siness told hi( o& (y s"rveyin%, and as$ed va%"e )"estions a'o"t the distri!t# He was &ar

    'ri%hter and (ore ed"!ated than 2 had 'een led to thin$, and 'e&ore 2 $new it had %rasped )"ite

    as ("!h o& the s"'>e!t as any (an 2 had tal$ed with in Ar$ha(# He was not li$e other r"sti!s 2

    had $nown in the se!tions where reservoirs were to 'e# Fro( hi( there were no protests at the

    (iles o& old wood and &ar(land to 'e 'lotted o"t, tho"%h perhaps there wo"ld have 'een had not

    his ho(e lain o"tside the 'o"nds o& the &"t"re la$e# Relie& was all that he showed relie& at the

    doo( o& the dar$ an!ient valleys thro"%h whi!h he had roa(ed all his li&e# They were 'etter

    "nder water now ? 'etter "nder water sin!e the stran%e days# And with this openin% his h"s$y

    voi!e san$ low, while his 'ody leaned &orward and his ri%ht &ore&in%er 'e%an to point sha$ily and


    ./@1 2t was then that 2 heard the story, and as the ra('lin% voi!e s!raped and whispered

    on 2 shivered a%ain and a%ain despite the s"((er day# O&ten 2 had to re!all the spea$er &ro(

    ra('lin%s, pie!e o"t s!ienti&i! points whi!h he $new only 'y a &adin% parrot (e(ory o&

    pro&essors4 tal$, or 'rid%e over %aps where his sense o& lo%i! and !ontin"ity 'ro$e down# -hen

    he was done 2 did not wonder that his (ind had snapped a tri&le, or that the &ol$ o& Ar$ha(

    wo"ld not spea$ ("!h o& the 'lasted heath# 2 h"rried 'a!$ 'e&ore s"nset to (y hotel, "nwillin% to

    have the stars !o(e o"t a'ove (e in the open and the net day ret"rned to :oston to %ive "p (y

    position# 2 !o"ld not %o into that di( !haos o& old &orest and slope a%ain, or &a!e another ti(e

    that %rey 'lasted heath where the 'la!$ well yawned deep 'eside the t"('led 'ri!$s and stones#

    The reservoir will soon 'e '"ilt now, and all those elder se!rets will 'e sa&e &orever "nder watery

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    &atho(s# :"t even then 2 do not 'elieve 2 wo"ld li$e to visit that !o"ntry 'y ni%ht ? at least not

    when the sinister stars are o"t and nothin% !o"ld 'ri'e (e to drin$ the new !ity water o&


    ./1 2t all 'e%an, old A((i said, with the (eteorite# :e&ore that ti(e there had 'een no

    wild le%ends at all sin!e the wit!h trials, and even then these western woods were not &eared hal&

    so ("!h as the s(all island in the Mis$atoni! where the devil held !o"rt 'eside a !"rio"s stone

    altar older than the 2ndians# These were not ha"nted woods, and their &antasti! d"s$ was never

    terri'le till the stran%e days# Then there had !o(e that white noontide !lo"d, that strin% o&

    eplosions in the air, and that pillar o& s(o$e &ro( the valley &ar in the wood# And 'y ni%ht all

    Ar$ha( had heard o& the %reat ro!$ that &ell o"t o& the s$y and 'edded itsel& in the %ro"nd 'eside

    the well at the +ah"( Bardner pla!e# That was the ho"se whi!h had stood where the 'lasted

    heath was to !o(e ? the tri( white +ah"( Bardner ho"se a(idst its &ertile %ardens and


    .1 +ah"( had !o(e to town to tell people a'o"t the stone, and dropped in at A((i

    Pier!e4s on the way# A((i was &orty then, and all the )"eer thin%s were &ied very stron%ly in

    his (ind# He and his wi&e had %one with the three pro&essors &ro( Mis$atoni! University who

    hastened o"t the net (ornin% to see the weird visitor &ro( "n$nown stellar spa!e, and had

    wondered why +ah"( had !alled it so lar%e the day 'e&ore# 2t had shr"n$, +ah"( said, as he

    pointed o"t the 'i% 'rownish (o"nd a'ove the ripped earth and !harred %rass near the ar!hai!

    well*sweep in his &ront yard '"t the wise (en answered that stones do not shrin$# 2ts heat

    lin%ered persistently, and +ah"( de!lared it had %lowed &aintly in the ni%ht# The pro&essors tried

    it with a %eolo%ist4s ha((er and &o"nd it was oddly so&t# 2t was, in tr"th, so so&t as to 'e al(ost

    plasti! and they %o"%ed rather than !hipped a spe!i(en to ta$e 'a!$ to the !olle%e &or testin%#

    They too$ it in an old pail 'orrowed &ro( +ah"(4s $it!hen, &or even the s(all pie!e re&"sed to

    %row !ool# On the trip 'a!$ they stopped at A((i4s to rest, and see(ed tho"%ht&"l when Mrs

    Pier!e re(ar$ed that the &ra%(ent was %rowin% s(aller and '"rnin% the 'otto( o& the pail#

    Tr"ly, it was not lar%e, '"t perhaps they had ta$en less than they tho"%ht#

    .01 The day a&ter that ? all this was in "ne o& 4=0 ? the pro&essors had trooped o"t a%ain

    in a %reat e!ite(ent# As they passed A((i4s they told hi( what )"eer thin%s the spe!i(en had

    done, and how it had &aded wholly away when they p"t it in a %lass 'ea$er# The 'ea$er had %one,

    too, and the wise (en tal$ed o& the stran%e stone4s a&&inity &or sili!on# 2t had a!ted )"ite

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    "n'elieva'ly in that well*ordered la'oratory doin% nothin% at all and showin% no o!!l"ded %ases

    when heated on !har!oal, 'ein% wholly ne%ative in the 'ora 'ead, and soon provin% itsel&

    a'sol"tely non*volatile at any prod"!i'le te(perat"re, in$lin% that o& the oy*hydro%en

    'lowpipe# On an anvil it appeared hi%hly (allea'le, and in the dar$ its l"(inosity was very

    (ar$ed# St"''ornly re&"sin% to %row !ool, it soon had the !olle%e in a state o& real e!ite(ent

    and when "pon heatin% 'e&ore the spe!tros!ope it displayed shinin% 'ands "nli$e any $nown

    !olo"rs o& the nor(al spe!tr"( there was ("!h 'reathless tal$ o& new ele(ents, 'i8arre opti!al

    properties, and other thin%s whi!h p"88led (en o& s!ien!e are wont to say when &a!ed 'y the


    .31 Hot as it was, they tested it in a !r"!i'le with all the proper rea%ents# -ater did

    nothin%# Hydro!hlori! a!id was the sa(e# +itri! a!id and even a)"a re%ia (erely hissed and

    spattered a%ainst its torrid inv"lnera'ility# A((i had di&&i!"lty in re!allin% all these thin%s, '"t

    re!o%ni8ed so(e solvents as 2 (entioned the( in the "s"al order o& "se# There were a((onia

    and !a"sti! soda, al!ohol and ether, na"seo"s !ar'on dis"lphide and a do8en others '"t altho"%h

    the wei%ht %rew steadily less as ti(e passed, and the &ra%(ent see(ed to 'e sli%htly !oolin%,

    there was no !han%e in the solvents to show that they had atta!$ed the s"'stan!e at all# 2t was a

    (etal, tho"%h, 'eyond a do"'t# 2t was (a%neti!, &or one thin% and a&ter its i((ersion in the a!id

    solvents there see(ed to 'e &aint tra!es o& -id(DnstDtten &i%"res &o"nd on (eteori! iron# -hen

    the !oolin% had %rown very !onsidera'le, the testin% was !arried o"t on %lass and it was in a

    %lass 'ea$er that they le&t all the !hips (ade o& the ori%inal &ra%(ent d"rin% the wor$# The net

    (ornin% 'oth !hips and 'ea$er were %one witho"t a tra!e, and only a !harred spot (ar$ed the

    pla!e on the wooden shel& where they had 'een#

    .51 All this the pro&essors told A((i as they pa"sed at his door, and on!e (ore he went

    with the( to see the stony (essen%er &ro( the stars, tho"%h this ti(e his wi&e did not a!!o(pany

    hi(# 2t had now (ost !ertainly shr"n$, and even the dwindlin% 'rown l"(p near the well was a

    va!ant spa!e, e!ept where the earth had !aved in and whereas it had 'een a %ood seven &eet

    a!ross the day 'e&ore, it was now s!ar!ely &ive# 2t was still hot, and the sa%es st"died its s"r&a!e

    !"rio"sly as they deta!hed another and lar%er pie!e with ha((er and !hisel# They %o"%ed deeply

    this ti(e, and as they pried away the s(aller (ass they saw that the !ore o& the thin% was still

    )"ite ho(o%eneo"s#

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    .71 They had "n!overed what see(ed to 'e the side o& a lar%e !olored %lo'"le e('edded

    in the s"'stan!e# The !olo"r, whi!h rese('led so(e o& the 'ands in the (eteor4s stran%e

    spe!tr"(, was al(ost i(possi'le to des!ri'e and it was only 'y analo%y that they !alled it

    !olo"r at all# 2ts tet"re was %lossy, and "pon tappin% it appeared to pro(ise 'oth 'rittleness and

    hollowness# One o& the pro&essors %ave it a s(art 'low with a ha((er, and it '"rst with a

    nervo"s little pop# +othin% was e(itted, and all tra!e o& the thin% vanished with the p"n!t"rin%#

    2t le&t 'ehind a hollow spheri!al spa!e a'o"t three in!hes a!ross, and all tho"%ht it pro'a'le that

    others wo"ld 'e dis!overed as the en!losin% s"'stan!e wasted away#

    .91 Con>e!t"re was vain so a&ter a &"tile atte(pt to &ind additional %lo'"les 'y drillin%,

    the see$ers le&t a%ain with their new spe!i(en ? whi!h proved, however, as 'a&&lin% in the

    la'oratory as its prede!essor# Aside &ro( 'ein% al(ost plasti!, havin% heat, (a%netis(, and

    sli%ht l"(inosity, !oolin% sli%htly in power&"l a!ids, possessin% an "n$nown spe!tr"(, wastin%

    away in air, and atta!$in% sili!on !o(po"nds with ("t"al destr"!tion as a res"lt, it presented no

    identi&yin% &eat"res whatsoever, and at the end o& the tests the !olle%e s!ientists were &or!ed to

    own that they !o"ld not pla!e it# 2t was nothin% o& this earth, '"t a pie!e o& the %reat o"tside and

    as s"!h dowered with o"tside properties and o'edient to o"tside laws#


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    %enial person o& a'o"t &i&ty, livin% with his wi&e and three sons on the pleasant &ar(stead in the

    valley# He and A((i e!han%ed visits &re)"ently, as did their wives and A((i had nothin% '"t

    praise &or hi( a&ter all these years# He see(ed sli%htly pro"d o& the noti!e his pla!e had

    attra!ted, and tal$ed o&ten to the (eteorite in the s"!!eedin% wee$s# That "ly and A"%"st were

    hot and +ah"( wor$ed hard at his hayin% in the ten*a!re past"re a!ross Chap(an4s :roo$ his

    rattlin% wain wearin% deep r"ts in the shadowy lanes 'etween# The la'o"r tired hi( (ore than it

    had in other years, and he &elt that a%e was 'e%innin% to tell on hi(#

    .@1 Then &elt the ti(e o& &r"it and harvest# The pears and apples slowly ripened, and

    +ah"( vowed that his or!hards were prosperin% as never 'e&ore# The &r"it was %rowin% to

    pheno(enal si8e and "nwonted %loss, and in s"!h a'"ndan!e that etra 'arrels were ordered to

    handle the &"t"re !rop# :"t with the ripenin% !a(e sore disappoint(ent, &or o& all o& that

    %or%eo"s array o& spe!io"s l"s!io"sness not one sin%le >ot was &it to eat# 2nto the &ine &lavor o&

    the pears and apples had !rept a stealthy 'itterness and si!$ishness, so that even the s(allest

    'ites ind"!ed a lastin% dis%"st# 2t was the sa(e with the (elons and to(atoes, and +ah"( sadly

    saw that his entire !rop was lost# "i!$ to !onne!t events, he de!lared that the (eteorite had

    poisoned the soil, and than$ed Heaven that (ost o& the other !rops were in the "pland lot alon%

    the road#

    .0/1 -inter !a(e early, and was very !old# A((i saw +ah"( less o&ten than "s"al, and

    o'served that he had 'e%"n to loo$ worried# The rest o& his &a(ily, too, see(ed to have %rown

    ta!it"rn and were &ar &ro( steady in their !h"r!h*%oin% or their attendan!e at the vario"s so!ial

    events o& the !o"ntryside# For this reserve or (elan!holy no !a"se !o"ld 'e &o"nd, tho"%h all the

    ho"sehold !on&essed now and then to poorer health and a &eelin% o& va%"e dis)"iet# +ah"(

    hi(sel& %ave the (ost de&initive state(ent o& anyone when he said he was dist"r'ed a'o"t

    !ertain &ootprints in the snow# They were the "s"al winter prints o& red s)"irrels, white ra''its,

    and &oes, '"t the 'roodin% &ar(er pro&essed to see so(ethin% not )"ite ri%ht a'o"t their nat"re

    and arran%e(ent# He was never spe!i&i!, '"t appeared to thin$ that they were not as

    !hara!teristi! o& the anato(y and ha'its o& s)"irrels and ra''its and &oes as they o"%ht to 'e#

    A((i listened witho"t interest to this tal$ "ntil one ni%ht when he drove past +ah"(4s ho"se in

    his slei%h on the way 'a!$ &ro( Clar$4s Corners# There had 'een a (oon, and a ra''it had r"n

    a!ross the road, and the leaps o& that ra''it were lon%er than either A((i or his horse li$ed# The

    latter, indeed, had al(ost r"n away when 'ro"%ht "p 'y a &ir( rein# Therea&ter A((i %ave

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    +ah"(4s tales (ore respe!t, and wondered why the Bardner do%s see(ed so !owed and

    )"iverin% every (ornin%# They had, it developed, nearly lost the spirit to 'ar$#

    .01 2n Fe'r"ary, the M!Bre%or 'oys &ro( Meadow Hill were o"t shootin% wood!h"!$s,

    and not &ar &ro( the Bardner pla!e 'a%%ed a very pe!"liar spe!i(en# The proportions o& its 'ody

    see(ed sli%htly altered in a )"eer way i(possi'le to des!ri'e, while its &a!e had ta$en on an

    epression whi!h no one ever saw in a wood!h"!$ 'e&ore# The 'oys were %en"inely &ri%htened,

    and threw the thin% away at on!e, so that only their %rotes)"e tales o& it ever rea!hed the people

    o& the !o"ntryside# :"t the shyin% o& horses near +ah"(4s ho"se had now 'e!o(e an

    a!$nowled%ed thin%, and all the 'asis &or a !y!le o& whispered le%end was &ast ta$in% &or(#

    .001 People vowed the snow (elted &aster aro"nd +ah"(4s than it did anywhere else, and

    early in Mar!h there was an awed dis!"ssion in Potter4s %eneral store at Clar$4s Corners# Stephen

    Ri!e had driven past Bardner4s in the (ornin%, and had noti!ed the s$"n$*!a''a%es !o(in% "p

    thro"%h the ("d 'y the woods a!ross the road# +ever were thin%s o& s"!h si8e seen 'e&ore, and

    they held stran%e !olo"rs that !o"ld not 'e p"t into any words# Their shapes were (onstro"s, and

    the horse had snorted at an odo"r whi!h str"!$ Stephen has wholly "npre!edented# That

    a&ternoon several persons drove past to see the a'nor(al %rowth, and all a%reed that plants o&

    that $ind o"%ht never to spro"t in a healthy world# The 'ad &r"it o& the &all 'e&ore was &reely

    (entioned, and it went &ro( (o"th to (o"th that there was poison in +ah"(4s %ro"nd# O&

    !o"rse it was the (eteorite and re(e('erin% how stran%e the (en &ro( the !olle%e had &o"nd

    that stone to 'e, several &ar(ers spo$e a'o"t the (atter to the(#

    .031 One day they paid +ah"( a visit '"t havin% no love o& wild tales and &ol$lore were

    very !onservative in what they in&erred# The plants were !ertainly odd, '"t all s$"n$*!a''a%es

    are (ore or less odd in shape and h"e# Perhaps so(e (ineral ele(ent &ro( the stone had entered

    the soil, '"t it wo"ld soon 'e washed away# And as &or the &ootprints and &ri%htened horses ? o&

    !o"rse this was (ere !o"ntry tal$ whi!h s"!h a pheno(enon as the aerolite wo"ld 'e !ertain to

    start# There was really nothin% &or serio"s (en to do in !ases o& wild %ossip, &or s"perstitio"s

    r"sti!s will say and 'elieve anythin%# And so all thro"%h the stran%e days the pro&essors stayed

    away in !onte(pt# Only one o& the(, when %iven two phials o& d"st &or analysis in a poli!e >o'

    over a year and a hal& later, re!alled that the )"eer !olor o& that s$"n$*!a''a%e had 'een very

    li$e one o& the ano(alo"s 'ands o& li%ht shown 'y the (eteor &ra%(ent in the !olle%e

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    spe!tros!ope, and li$e the 'rittle %lo'"le &o"nd i('edded in the stone &ro( the a'yss# The

    sa(ples o& this analysis !ase %ave the sa(e odd 'ands at &irst, tho"%h later they lost the property#

    .051 The trees '"dded pre(at"rely aro"nd +ah"(4s, and at ni%ht they swayed o(ino"sly

    in the wind# +ah"(4s se!ond son Thadde"s, a lad o& &i&teen, swore that they swayed also when

    there was no wind '"t even the %ossips wo"ld not !redit this# Certainly, however, restlessness

    was in the air# The entire Bardner &a(ily developed the ha'it o& stealthy listenin%, tho"%h not &or

    any so"nd whi!h they !o"ld !ons!io"sly na(e# The listenin% was, indeed, rather a prod"!t o&

    (o(ents when !ons!io"sness see(ed hal& to slip away# Un&ort"nately s"!h (o(ents in!reased

    wee$ 'y wee$, till it 'e!a(e !o((on spee!h that 6so(ethin% was wron% with all +ah"(4s

    &ol$s4# -hen the early sai&ra%e !a(e o"t it had another stran%e !olo"r not )"ite that o& the

    s$"n$*!a''a%e, '"t plainly related and e)"ally "n$nown to anyone who saw it# +ah"( too$

    so(e 'losso(s to Ar$ha( and showed the( to the editor o& the Gazette,'"t that di%nitary did no

    (ore than write a h"(oro"s arti!le a'o"t the(, in whi!h the dar$ &ears o& r"sti!s were held "p to

    polite ridi!"le# 2t was a (ista$e o& +ah"(4s to tell a stolid !ity (an a'o"t the way the %reat,

    over%rown (o"rnin%*!loa$ '"tter&ly 'ehaved in !onne!tion with these sai&ra%es#

    .071 April 'ro"%ht a $ind o& (adness to the !o"ntry &ol$, and 'e%an that dis"se o& the

    road past +ah"(4s whi!h led to its "lti(ate a'andon(ent# 2t was the ve%etation# All the or!hard

    trees 'losso(ed &orth in stran%e !olo"rs, and thro"%h the stony soil o& the yard and ad>a!ent

    past"ra%e there spran% "p a 'i8arre %rowth whi!h only a 'otanist !o"ld !onne!t with the proper

    &lora o& the re%ion# +o sane wholeso(e !olo"rs were anywhere to 'e seen e!ept in the %reen

    %rass and lea&a%e '"t everywhere were those he!ti! and pris(ati! variants o& so(e diseased,

    "nderlyin% pri(ary tone witho"t a pla!e a(on% the $nown tints o& earth# The 6"t!h(an4s

    'ree!hes4 'e!a(e a thin% o& sinister (ena!e, and the 'loodroots %rew insolent in their !hro(ati!

    perversion# A((i and the Bardners tho"%ht that (ost o& the !olo"rs had a sort o& ha"ntin%

    &a(iliarity, and de!ided that they re(inded one o& the 'rittle %lo'"le in the (eteor# +ah"(

    plo"%hed and sowed the ten*a!re past"re and the "pland lot, '"t did nothin% with the land aro"nd

    the ho"se# He $new it wo"ld 'e o& no "se, and hoped that the s"((er4s stran%e %rowths wo"ld

    draw all the poison &ro( the soil# He was prepared &or al(ost anythin% now, and had %rown "sed

    to the sense o& so(ethin% near hi( waitin% to 'e heard# The sh"nnin% o& his ho"se 'y nei%h'o"rs

    told on hi(, o& !o"rse '"t it told on his wi&e (ore# The 'oys were 'etter o&&, 'ein% at s!hool

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    ea!h day '"t they !o"ld not help 'ein% &ri%htened 'y the %ossip# Thadde"s, an espe!ially

    sensitive yo"th, s"&&ered the (ost#

    .091 2n May the inse!ts !a(e, and +ah"(4s pla!e 'e!a(e a ni%ht(are o& '"88in% and

    !rawlin%# More o& the !reat"res see(ed not )"ite in their aspe!ts and (otions, and their

    no!t"rnal ha'its !ontradi!ted all &or(er eperien!e# The Bardners too$ to wat!hin% at ni%ht ?

    wat!hin% in all dire!tions at rando( &or so(ethin% ? they !o"ld not tell what# 2t was then that

    they all owned that Thadde"s had 'een ri%ht a'o"t the trees# Mrs Bardner was the net to see it

    &ro( the window as she wat!hed the swollen 'o"%hs o& a (aple a%ainst a (oonlit s$y# The

    'o"%hs s"rely (oved, and there was no wind# 2t ("st 'e the sap# Stran%eness had !o(e into

    everythin% %rowin% now# Get it was none o& +ah"(4s &a(ily at all who (ade the net dis!overy#

    Fa(iliarity had d"lled the(, and what they !o"ld not see was %li(psed 'y a ti(id wind(ill

    sales(an &ro( :olton who drove 'y one ni%ht in i%noran!e o& the !o"ntry le%ends# -hat he told

    in Ar$ha( was %iven a short para%raph in the Gazette; and it was there that all the &ar(ers,

    +ah"( in!l"ded, saw it &irst# The ni%ht had 'een dar$ and the '"%%y*la(ps &aint, '"t aro"nd a

    &ar( in the valley whi!h everyone $new &ro( the a!!o"nt ("st 'e +ah"(4s, the dar$ness had

    'een less thi!$# A di( tho"%h distin!t l"(inosity see(ed to inhere in all the ve%etation, %rass,

    leaves, and 'losso(s ali$e, while at one (o(ent a deta!hed pie!e o& the phosphores!en!e

    appeared to stir &"rtively in the yard near the 'arn#


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    'ein% drained o& so(ethin% ? so(ethin% was &astenin% itsel& on her that o"%ht not to 'e ?

    so(eone ("st (a$e it $eep o&& ? nothin% was ever still in the ni%ht ? the walls and windows

    shi&ted# +ah"( did not send her to the !o"nty asyl"( '"t let her wander a'o"t the ho"se as lon%

    as she was har(less to hersel& and others# Even when her epression !han%ed he did nothin%# :"t

    when the 'oys %rew a&raid o& her, and Thadde"s nearly &ainted at the way she (ade &a!es at hi(,

    he de!ided to $eep her lo!$ed in the atti!# :y "ly she had !eased to spea$ and !rawled on all

    &o"rs, and 'e&ore that (onth was over +ah"( %ot the (ad notion that she was sli%htly l"(ino"s

    in the dar$, as he now !learly saw was the !ase with the near'y ve%etation#

    .0@1 2t was a little 'e&ore this that the horses had sta(peded# So(ethin% had aro"sed the(

    in the ni%ht, and their nei%hin% and $i!$in% in their stalls had 'een terri'le# There see(ed

    virt"ally nothin% to do to !al( the(, and when +ah"( opened the sta'le door they all 'olted o"t

    li$e &ri%htened woodland deer# 2t too$ a wee$ to tra!$ all &o"r, and when &o"nd they were seen to

    'e )"ite "seless and "n(ana%ea'le# So(ethin% had snapped in their 'rains, and ea!h one had to

    'e shot &or its own %ood# +ah"( 'orrowed a horse &ro( A((i &or his hayin%, '"t &o"nd it

    wo"ld not approa!h the 'arn# 2t shied, 'al$ed, and whinnied, and in the end he !o"ld do nothin%

    '"t drive it into the yard while the (an "sed their own stren%th to %et the heavy wa%on near

    eno"%h the haylo&t &or !onvenient pit!hin%# And all the while the ve%etation was t"rnin% %rey

    and 'rittle# Even the &lowers whose h"es had 'een so stran%e were %rayin% now, and the &r"it

    was !o(in% o"t %rey and dwar&ed and tasteless# The asters and %olden*rod 'loo(ed %rey and

    distorted, and the roses and 8innias and hollyho!$s in the &ront yard were s"!h 'lasphe(o"s*

    loo$in% thin%s that +ah"(4s oldest 'oy enas !"t the( down# The stran%ely p"&&ed inse!ts died

    a'o"t that ti(e, even the 'ees that had le&t their hives and ta$en to the woods#

    .3/1 :y Septe('er all the ve%etation was &ast !r"('lin% to a %reyish powder, and +ah"(

    &eared that the trees wo"ld die 'e&ore the poison was o"t o& the soil# His wi&e now had spells o&

    terri&i! s!rea(in%, and he and the 'oys were in a !onstant state o& nervo"s tension# They sh"nned

    people now, and when s!hool opened the 'oys did not %o# :"t it was A((i, on one o& his rare

    visits, who &irst realised that the well water was no lon%er %ood# 2t had an evil taste that was not

    ea!tly &oetid nor ea!tly salty, and A((i advised his &riend to di% another well on hi%her

    %ro"nd to "se till the soil was %ood a%ain# +ah"(, however, i%nored the warnin%, &or he had 'y

    that ti(e 'e!o(e !allo"sed to stran%e and "npleasant thin%s# He and the 'oys !ontin"ed to "se

    the tainted s"pply, drin$in% it as listlessly and (e!hani!ally as they ate their (ea%re and ill*

  • 8/4/2019 The Colour Out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft


    !oo$ed (eals and did their than$less and (onotono"s !hores thro"%h the ai(less days# There

    was so(ethin% o& stolid resi%nation a'o"t the( all, as i& they wal$ed hal& in another world

    'etween lines o& na(eless %"ards to a !ertain and &a(iliar doo(#

    .31 Thadde"s went (ad in Septe('er a&ter a visit to the well# He had %one with a pail

    and had !o(e 'a!$ e(pty*handed, shrie$in% and wavin% his ar(s, and so(eti(es lapsin% into an

    inane titter or a whisper a'o"t 6the (ovin% !olo"rs down there4# Two in one &a(ily was pretty

    'ad, '"t +ah"( was very 'rave a'o"t it# He let the 'oy r"n a'o"t &or a wee$ "ntil he 'e%an

    st"('lin% and h"rtin% hi(sel&, and then he sh"t hi( in an atti! roo( a!ross the hall &ro( his

    (other4s# The way they s!rea(ed at ea!h other &ro( 'ehind their lo!$ed doors was very terri'le,

    espe!ially to little Merwin, who &an!ied they tal$ed in so(e terri'le lan%"a%e that was not o&

    earth# Merwin was %ettin% &ri%ht&"lly i(a%inative, and his restlessness was worse a&ter the

    sh"ttin% away o& the 'rother who had 'een his %reatest play(ate#

    .31 Al(ost at the sa(e ti(e the (ortality a(on% the livesto!$ !o((en!ed# Po"ltry

    t"rned %rayish and died very )"i!$ly, their (eat 'ein% &o"nd dry and noiso(e "pon !"ttin%#

    Ho%s %rew inordinately &at, then s"ddenly 'e%an to "nder%o loathso(e !han%es whi!h no one

    !o"ld eplain# Their (eat was o& !o"rse "seless, and +ah"( was at his wits4 end# +o r"ral

    veterinary wo"ld approa!h his pla!e, and the !ity veterinary &ro( Ar$ha( was openly 'a&&led#

    The swine 'e%an %rowin% %rey and 'rittle and &allin% to pie!es 'e&ore they died, and their eyes

    and ("88les developed sin%"lar alterations# 2t was very inepli!a'le, &or they had never 'een &ed

    &ro( the tainted ve%etation# Then so(ethin% str"!$ the !ows# Certain areas or so(eti(es the

    whole 'ody wo"ld 'e "n!annily shrivelled or !o(pressed, and atro!io"s !ollapses or

    disinte%rations were !o((on# 2n the last sta%es ? death was always the res"lt ? there wo"ld 'e a

    %reyin% and t"rnin% 'rittle li$e that whi!h 'eset the ho%s# There !o"ld 'e no )"estion o& poison,

    &or all the !ases o!!"rred in a lo!$ed and "ndist"r'ed 'arn# +o 'ites o& prowlin% thin%s !o"ld

    have 'ro"%ht the vir"s, &or what live 'east o& earth !an pass thro"%h solid o'sta!les; 2t ("st 'e

    only nat"ral disease ? yet what disease !o"ld wrea$ s"!h res"lts was 'eyond any (ind4s

    %"essin%# -hen the harvest !a(e there was not an ani(al s"rvivin% on the pla!e, &or the sto!$

    and po"ltry were dead and the do%s had r"n away# These do%s, three in n"('er, had all vanished

    one ni%ht and were never heard o& a%ain# The &ive !ats had le&t so(e ti(e 'e&ore, '"t their %oin%

    was s!ar!ely noti!ed sin!e there now see(ed to 'e no (i!e, and only Mrs Bardner had (ade

    pets o& the %ra!e&"l &elines#

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    .301 On the nineteenth o& O!to'er +ah"( sta%%ered into A((i4s ho"se with hideo"s

    news# The death had !o(e to poor Thadde"s in his atti! roo(, and it had !o(e in a way whi!h

    !o"ld not 'e told# +ah"( had d"% a %rave in the railed &a(ily plot 'ehind the &ar(, and had p"t

    therein what he &o"nd# There !o"ld have 'een nothin% &ro( o"tside, &or the s(all 'arred window

    and lo!$ed door were inta!t '"t it was ("!h as it had 'een in the 'arn# A((i and his wi&e

    !onsoled the stri!$en (an as 'est as they !o"ld, '"t sh"ddered as they did so# Star$ terror

    see(ed to !lin% ro"nd the Bardners and all they to"!hed, and the very presen!e o& one in the

    ho"se was a 'reath &ro( re%ions "nna(ed and "nna(ea'le# A((i a!!o(panied +ah"( ho(e

    with the %reatest rel"!tan!e, and did what he (i%ht to !al( the hysteri!al so''in% o& little

    Merwin# enas needed no !al(in%# He had !o(e o& late to do nothin% '"t stare into spa!e and

    o'ey what his &ather told hi( and A((i tho"%ht that his &ate was very (er!i&"l# +ow and then

    Merwin4s s!rea(s were answered &aintly &ro( the atti!, and in response to an in)"irin% loo$

    +ah"( said that his wi&e was %ettin% very &ee'le# -hen ni%ht approa!hed, A((i (ana%ed to

    %et away &or not even &riendship !o"ld (a$e hi( stay in that spot when the &aint %low o& the

    ve%etation 'e%an and the trees (ay or (ay not have swayed witho"t wind# 2t was really l"!$y &or

    A((i that he was not (ore i(a%inative# Even as thin%s were, his (ind was 'ent ever so

    sli%htly '"t had he 'een a'le to !onne!t and re&le!t "pon all the portents aro"nd hi( he ("st

    inevita'ly have t"rned a total (ania!# 2n the twili%ht he hastened ho(e, the s!rea(s o& the (ad

    wo(an and the nervo"s !hild rin%in% horri'ly in his ears#

    .331 Three days later +ah"( '"rst into A((i4s $it!hen in the early (ornin%, and in the

    a'sen!e o& his host sta((ered o"t a desperate tale on!e (ore, while Mrs Pier!e listened in a

    !l"t!hin% &ri%ht# 2t was little Merwin this ti(e# He was %one# He had %one o"t late at ni%ht with a

    lantern and pail &or water, and had never !o(e 'a!$# He4d 'een %oin% to pie!es &or days, and

    hardly $new what he was a'o"t# S!rea(ed at everythin%# There had 'een a &ranti! shrie$ &ro(

    the yard then, '"t 'e&ore the &ather !o"ld %et to the door the 'oy was %one# There was no %low

    &ro( the lantern he had ta$en, and o& the !hild hi(sel& no tra!e# At the ti(e +ah"( tho"%ht the

    lantern and pail were %one too '"t when dawn !a(e, and the (an had plodded 'a!$ &ro( his

    all*ni%ht sear!h o& the woods and &ields, he had &o"nd so(e very !"rio"s thin% near the well#

    There was a !r"shed and apparently so(ewhat (elted (ass o& iron whi!h had !ertainly 'een the

    lantern while a 'ent handle and twisted iron hoops 'eside it, 'oth hal&*&"sed, see(ed to hint at

    the re(nants o& the pail# That was all# +ah"( was past i(a%inin%, Mrs Pier!e was 'lan$, and

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    A((i, when he had rea!hed ho(e and heard the tale, !o"ld %ive no %"ess# Merwin was %one,

    and there wo"ld 'e no "se in tellin% the people aro"nd, who sh"nned all Bardners now# +o "se,

    either, in tellin% the !ity people at Ar$ha( who la"%hed at everythin%# Thad was %one, and now

    Merwin was %one# So(ethin% was !reepin% and !reepin% and waitin% to 'e seen and heard#

    +ah"( wo"ld %o soon, and he wanted A((i to loo$ a&ter his wi&e and enas i& they s"rvived

    hi(# 2t ("st all 'e a >"d%(ent o& so(e sort tho"%h he !o"ld not &an!y what &or, sin!e he had

    always wal$ed "pri%htly in the Lord4s ways so &ar as he $new#

    .351 For over two wee$s A((i saw nothin% o& +ah"( and then, worried a'o"t what

    (i%ht have happened, he over!a(e his &ears and paid the Bardner pla!e a visit# There was no

    s(o$e &ro( the %reat !hi(ney, and &or a (o(ent the visitor was apprehensive o& the worst# The

    aspe!t o& the whole &ar( was sho!$in% ? %rayish withered %rass and leaves on the %ro"nd, vines

    &allin% in 'rittle wre!$a%e &ro( ar!hai! walls and %a'les, and %reat 'are trees !lawin% "p at the

    %rey +ove('er s$y with a st"died (alevolen!e whi!h A((i !o"ld not '"t &eel had !o(e &ro(

    so(e s"'tle !han%e in the tilt o& the 'ran!hes# :"t +ah"( was alive, a&ter all, He was wea$, and

    lyin% on a !o"!h in the low*!eilin%ed $it!hen, '"t per&e!tly !ons!io"s and a'le to %ive si(ple

    orders to enas# The roo( was deadly !old and as A((i visi'ly shivered, the host sho"ted

    h"s$ily to enas &or (ore wood# -ood, indeed, was sorely needed '"t sin!e the !averno"s

    &irepla!e was "nlit and e(pty, with a !lo"d o& soot 'lowin% a'o"t in the !hill wind that !a(e

    down &ro( the !hi(ney# Presently +ah"( as$ed hi( i& the etra wood had (ade hi( any (ore

    !o(&orta'le, and then A((i saw what had happened# The sto"test !ord had 'ro$en at last, and

    the hapless &ar(er4s (ind was proo& a%ainst (ore sorrow#

    .371 "estionin% ta!t&"lly, A((i !o"ld %et no !lear data at all a'o"t the (issin% enas#

    62n the well ? he lives in the wellI4 was all that the !lo"ded &ather wo"ld say# Then there

    &lashed a!ross the visitor4s (ind a s"dden tho"%ht o& the (ad wi&e, and he !han%ed his line o&

    in)"iry# 6+a''y; -hy, here she isJ4 was the s"rprised response o& poor +ah"(, and A((i soon

    saw that he ("st sear!h &or hi(sel Leavin% the har(less 'a''ler on the !o"!h, he too$ the $eys

    &ro( their nail 'eside the door and !li('ed the !rea$in% stairs to the atti!# 2t was very !lose and

    noiso(e "p there, and no so"nd !o"ld 'e heard &ro( any dire!tion# O& the &o"r doors in si%ht,

    only one was lo!$ed, and on this he tried vario"s $eys o& the rin% he had ta$en# The third $ey

    proved the ri%ht one, and a&ter so(e &"('lin% A((i threw open the low white door#

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    .391 2t was )"ite dar$ inside, &or the window was s(all and hal&*o's!"red 'y the !r"de

    wooden 'ars and A((i !o"ld see nothin% at all on the wide*plan$ed &loor# The sten!h was

    'eyond end"rin%, and 'e&ore pro!eedin% &"rther he had to retreat to another roo( and ret"rn with

    his l"n%s &illed with 'reatha'le air# -hen he did enter he saw so(ethin% dar$ in the !orner, and

    "pon seein% it (ore !learly he s!rea(ed o"tri%ht# -hile he s!rea(ed he tho"%ht a (o(entary

    !lo"d e!lipsed the window, and a se!ond later he &o"nd hi(sel& 'r"shed as i& 'y so(e hate&"l

    !"rrent o& vapo"r# Stran%e !olo"rs dan!ed 'e&ore his eyes and had not a present horror n"('ed

    hi( he wo"ld have tho"%ht o& the %lo'"le in the (eteor that the %eolo%ist4s ha((er had

    shattered, and o& the (or'id ve%etation that had spro"ted in the sprin%# As it was he tho"%ht only

    o& the 'lasphe(o"s (onstrosity whi!h !on&ronted hi(, and whi!h all too !learly had shared the

    na(eless &ate o& yo"n% Thadde"s and the live*sto!$# :"t the terri'le thin% a'o"t the horror was

    that it very slowly and per!epti'ly (oved as it !ontin"ed to !r"('le#

    .3e!t# There are thin%s whi!h !annot 'e (entioned,

    and what is done in !o((on h"(anity is so(eti(es !r"elly >"d%ed 'y the law# 2 %athered that no

    (ovin% thin% was le&t in that atti! roo(, and that to leave anythin% !apa'le o& (otion there

    wo"ld have 'een a deed so (onstro"s as to da(n any a!!o"nta'le 'ein% to eternal tor(ent#

    Anyone '"t a stolid &ar(er wo"ld have &ainted or %one (ad, '"t A((i wal$ed !ons!io"s

    thro"%h that low doorway and lo!$ed the a!!"rsed se!ret 'ehind hi(# There wo"ld 'e +ah"( to

    deal with now he ("st 'e &ed and tended, and re(oved to so(e pla!e where he !o"ld 'e !ared


    .3=1 Co((en!in% his des!ent o& the dar$ stairs, A((i heard a th"d 'elow hi(# He even

    tho"%ht a s!rea( had 'een s"ddenly !ho$ed o&&, and re!alled nervo"sly the !la((y vapo"r

    whi!h had 'r"shed 'y hi( in that &ri%ht&"l roo( a'ove# -hat presen!e had his !ry and entry

    started "p; Halted 'y so(e va%"e &ear, he heard still &"rther so"nds 'elow# 2nd"'ita'ly there was

    a sort o& heavy dra%%in%, and a (ost detesta'ly sti!$y noise as o& so(e &iendish and "n!lean

    spe!ies o& s"!tion# -ith an asso!iative sense %oaded to &everish hei%hts, he tho"%ht

    "na!!o"nta'ly o& what he had seen "pstairs# Bood BodJ -hat eldrit!h drea(*world was this into

    whi!h he had 'l"ndered; He dared (ove neither 'a!$ward nor &orward, '"t stood there

    tre('lin% at the 'la!$ !"rve o& the 'oed*in stair!ase# Every tri&le o& the s!ene '"rned itsel& into

    his 'rain# The so"nds, the sense o& dread epe!tan!y, the dar$ness, the steepness o& the narrow

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    steps ? and (er!i&"l HeavenJ ? the &aint '"t "n(ista$a'le l"(inosity o& all the woodwor$ in

    si%ht steps, sides, eposed laths, and 'ea(s ali$e#

    .3@1 Then there '"rst &orth a &ranti! whinny &ro( A((i4s horse o"tside, &ollowed at on!e

    'y a !latter whi!h told o& a &ren8ied r"naway# 2n another (o(ent horse and '"%%y had %one

    'eyond earshot, leavin% the &ri%htened (an on the dar$ stairs to %"ess what had sent the(# :"t

    that was not all# There had 'een another so"nd o"t there# A sort o& li)"id splash ? water ? it ("st

    have 'een the well# He had le&t Hero "ntied near it, and a '"%%y*wheel ("st have 'r"shed the

    !opin% and $no!$ed in a stone# And still the pale phosphores!en!e %lowed in that detesta'ly

    an!ient woodwor$# BodJ how old the ho"se wasJ Most o& it '"ilt 'e&ore 9est li$e the &lowers last sprin%the well shone at ni%ht

    Thad an4 Merwin an4 enaseverythin% alives"!$in4 the li&e o"t o& everythin%in that

    stoneit ("st a4 !o(e in that stonepi8ened the whole pla!ed"n4t $now what it wantsthat

    ro"nd thin% the( (en &ro( the !olle%e d"% o"ten the stonethey s(ashed itit was that sa(e

    !olo"r>est the sa(e, li$e the &lowers an4 plants("st a4 'en (ore o& 6e(seedsseeds

    they %rowed2 seen it the &"rst ti(e this wee$("st a4 %ot stron% on enashe was a 'i% 'oy,

    &"ll o4 li&eit 'eats down on yo"r (ind an4 then %ets ye'"rns ye "pin the well wateryo"

    was ri%ht a'o"t thatevil waterenas never !o(e 'a!$ &ro( the well!an4t %it awaydraws

    yeye $now s"((4at4s !o(in '"t tain4t no "se2 seen it an4 a%in sen!t enas was too$

    what4s +a''y, A((i;(y head4s no %oodd"n4t $now how lon% sen!e 2 &ed herit4ll %it her

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    e& we ain4t $eer&"l>est a !olo"rher &a!e is %ittin4 to heve that !olo"r so(eti(es towards the

    ni%htan4 it '"rns an4 s"!$sit !o(e &ro( so(e pla!e whar thin%s ain4t as they is hereone o4

    the( pro&essors said sohe was ri%htloo$ o"t, A((i, it4ll do s"thin4 (ores"!$s the li&e


    .501 :"t that was all# That whi!h spo$e !o"ld spea$ no (ore 'e!a"se it had !o(pletely

    !aved in# A((i laid a red !he!$ed ta'le!loth over what was le&t and reeled o"t the 'a!$ door

    into the &ields# He !li('ed the slope to the ten*a!re past"re and st"('led ho(e 'y the north road

    and the woods# He !o"ld not pass that well &ro( whi!h his horses had r"n away# He had loo$ed

    at it thro"%h the window, and had seen that no stone was (issin% &ro( the ri(# Then the l"r!hin%

    '"%%y had not dislod%ed anythin% a&ter all ? the splash had 'een so(ethin% else ? so(ethin%

    whi!h went into the well a&ter it had done with poor +ah"(

    .531 -hen A((i rea!hed his ho"se the horses and '"ddy had arrived 'e&ore hi( and

    thrown his wi&e into &its o& aniety# Reass"rin% her witho"t eplanations, he set o"t at on!e &or

    Ar$ha( and noti&ied the a"thorities that the Bardner &a(ily was no (ore# He ind"l%ed in no

    details, '"t (erely told o& the deaths o& +ah"( and +a''y, that o& Thadde"s 'ein% already

    $nown, and (entioned that the !a"se see(ed to 'e the sa(e stran%e ail(ent whi!h had $illed the

    livesto!$# He also stated that Merwin and enas had disappeared# There was !onsidera'le

    )"estionin% at the poli!e station, and in the end A((i was !o(pelled to ta$e three o&&i!ers to the

    Bardner &ar(, to%ether with the !oroner, the (edi!al ea(iner, and the veterinary who had

    treated the diseased ani(als# He went ("!h a%ainst his well, &or the a&ternoon was advan!in%

    and he &eared the &all o& ni%ht over the a!!"rsed pla!e, '"t it was so(e !o(&ort to have so (any

    people with hi(#

    .551 The si (en drove o"t in a de(o!rat*wa%on, &ollowin% A((i4s '"%%y, and arrived

    at the pest*ridden &ar(ho"se a'o"t &o"r o4!lo!$# Used as the o&&i!ers were to %r"eso(e

    eperien!es, not one re(ained "n(oved at what was &o"nd in the atti! and "nder the red !he!$ed

    ta'le!loth on the &loor 'elow# The whole aspe!t o& the &ar( with its %rey desolation was terri'le

    eno"%h, how those two !r"('lin% o'>e!ts were 'eyond all 'o"nds# +o one !o"ld loo$ lon% at

    the(, and even the (edi!al ea(iner ad(itted that there was very little to ea(ine# Spe!i(ens

    !o"ld 'e analysed, o& !o"rse, so he '"sied hi(sel& in o'tainin% the( ? and here it develops that a

    very p"88lin% a&ter(ath o!!"rred at the !olle%e la'oratory where the two phials o& d"st were

    &inally ta$en# Under the spe!tros!ope 'oth sa(ples %ave o&& an "n$nown spe!tr"(, in whi!h

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    (any o& the 'a&&lin% 'ands were pre!isely li$e those whi!h the stran%e (eteor had yielded in the

    previo"s year# The property o& e(ittin% this spe!tr"( vanished in a (onth, the d"st therea&ter

    !onsistin% (ainly o& al$aline phosphates and !ar'onates#

    .571 A((i wo"ld not have told the (en a'o"t the well i& he had tho"%ht they (eant to

    do anythin% then and there# 2t was %ettin% toward s"nset, and he was anio"s to 'e away# :"t he

    !o"ld not help %lan!in% nervo"sly at the stony $er' 'y the %reat sweep, and when a dete!tive

    )"estioned hi( he ad(itted that +ah"( had &eared so(ethin% down there ? so ("!h so that he

    had never even tho"%ht o& sear!hin% it &or Merwin and enas# A&ter that nothin% wo"ld do '"t

    that they e(pty and eplore the well i((ediately, so that A((i had to wait tre('lin% while pail

    a&ter pail o& ran$ water was ha"led "p and splashed on the soa$in% %ro"nd o"tside# The (en

    sni&&ed in dis%"st at the &l"id, and toward the last held their noses a%ainst the &oetor they were

    "n!overin%# 2t was not so lon% a >o' as they had &eared it wo"ld 'e, sin!e the water was

    pheno(enally low# There was no need to spea$ too ea!tly o& what they &o"nd# Merwin and

    enas were 'oth there, in part tho"%h the vesti%es were (ainly s$eletal# There were also a s(all

    deer and a lar%e do% in a'o"t the sa(e state, and a n"('er o& 'ones o& s(all ani(als# The oo8e

    and sli(e at the 'otto( see(ed inepli!a'ly poro"s and '"''lin%, and a (an who des!ended on

    hand*holds with a lon% pole that he wo"ld sin$ the wooden sha&t to any depth in the ("d o& the

    &loor witho"t (eetin% any solid o'str"!tion#

    .591 Twili%ht had now &allen, and lanterns were 'ro"%ht &ro( the ho"se# Then, when it

    was seen that nothin% &"rther !o"ld 'e %ained &ro( the well, everyone went indoors and

    !on&erred in the an!ient sittin%*roo( while the inter(ittent li%ht o& a spe!tral hal&*(oon played

    wanly on the %rey desolation o"tside# The (en were &ran$ly nonpl"ssed 'y the entire !ase, and

    !o"ld &ind no !onvin!in% !o((on ele(ent to lin$ the stran%e ve%eta'le !onditions, the "n$nown

    disease o& live*sto!$ and h"(ans, and the "na!!o"nta'le deaths o& Merwin and enas in the

    tainted well# They had heard the !o((on !o"ntry tal$, it is tr"e '"t !o"ld not 'elieve that

    anythin% !ontrary to nat"ral law had o!!"rred# +o do"'t the (eteor had poisoned the soil, '"t the

    illness o& persons and ani(als who had eaten nothin% %rown in the soil was another (atter# -as

    it the well water; ery possi'ly# 2t (i%ht 'e a %ood idea o& analyse it# :"t what pe!"liar (adness

    !o"ld have (ade 'oth 'oys >"(p into the well; Their deeds were so si(ilar ? and the &ra%(ents

    showed that they had 'oth s"&&ered &ro( the %rey 'rittle death# -hy was everythin% to %rey and


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    o&& in the s$y li$e the (en &ro( the !olle%e last year says the (eteor stone was# The way it4s

    (ade an4 the way it wor$s ain4t li$e no way o4 Bod4s world# 2t4s s"((4at &ro( 'eyond#4

    .7/1 So the (en pa"sed inde!isively as the li%ht &ro( the well %rew stron%er and the

    hit!hed horses pawed and whinnied with in!reasin% &ren8y# 2t was tr"ly an aw&"l (o(ent with

    terror in that an!ient and a!!"rsed ho"se itsel&, &o"r (onstro"s sets o& &ra%(ents ? two &ro( the

    ho"se and two &ro( the well ? in the woodshed 'ehind, and that sha&t o& "n$nown and "nholy

    irides!en!e &ro( the sli(y depths in &ront# A((i had restrained the driver on i(p"lse, &or%ettin%

    how "nin>"red he hi(sel& was a&ter the !la((y 'r"shin% o& that !olo"red vapo"r in the atti!

    roo(, '"t perhaps it is >"st as well that he had a!ted as he did# +o one will ever $now what was

    a'road that ni%ht and tho"%h the 'lasphe(y &ro( 'eyond had no so &ar h"rt any h"(an o&

    "nwea$ened (ind, there is no tellin% what it (i%ht have done at that last (o(ent, with its

    see(in%ly in!reased stren%th and the spe!ial si%ns o& p"rpose it was soon to display 'eneath the

    hal&*!lo"ded (oonlit ni%ht#

    .71 +ot a (an 'reathed &or several se!onds# Then a !lo"d o& dar$er depth passed over

    the (oon, and the silho"ette o& !l"t!hin% 'ran!hes &aded o"t (o(entarily# At this there was a

    %eneral !ry ("&&led with awe, '"t h"s$y and al(ost identi!al &ro( every throat# For the terror

    had not &aded with the silho"ette, and in a &earso(e instant o& deeper dar$ness the wat!hers saw

    wri%%lin% at that tree*top hei%ht a tho"sand tiny points o& &aint and "nhallowed radian!e, tippin%

    ea!h 'o"%h li$e the &ire o& St El(o or the &la(es that !o(e down on the apostles4 heads at

    Pente!ost# 2t was a (onstro"s !onstellation o& "nnat"ral li%ht, li$e a %l"tted swar( o& !orpse*&ed

    &ire&lies dan!in% hellish sara'andes over an a!!"rsed (arsh and its !olo"r was that sa(e

    na(eless intr"sion whi!h A(i had !o(e to re!o%nise and dread# All the while the sha&t o&

    phosphores!en!e &ro( the well was %ettin% 'ri%hter and 'ri%hter, 'rin%in%, to the (inds o& the

    h"ddled (en, a sense o& doo( and a'nor(ality whi!h &ar o"tra!ed any i(a%e their !ons!io"s

    (inds !o"ld &or(# 2t was no lon%ershining o"t it waspouringo"t and as the shapeless strea(

    o& "npla!ea'le !olo"r le&t the well it see(ed to &low dire!tly into the s$y#

    .701 The veterinary shivered, and wal$ed to the &ront door to drop the heavy etra 'ar

    a!ross it# A((i shoo$ no less, and had to t"% and point &or la!$ o& !ontrolla'le voi!e when he

    wished to draw noti!e to the %rowin% l"(inosity o& the trees# The nei%hin% and sta(pin% o& the

    horses had 'e!o(e "tterly &ri%ht&"l, '"t not a so"l o& that %ro"p in the old ho"se wo"ld have

    vent"red &orth &or any earthly reward# -ith the (o(ents the shinin% o& the trees in!reased, while

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    their restless 'ran!hes see(ed to strain (ore and (ore toward verti!ality# The wood o& the well*

    sweep was shinin% now, and presently a poli!e(an d"('ly pointed to so(e wooden sheds and

    'ee*hives near the stone wall on the west# They were !o((en!in% to shine, too, tho"%h the

    tethered vehi!les o& the visitors see(ed so &ar "na&&e!ted# Then there was a wild !o((otion and

    !loppin% in the road, and as A((i )"en!hed the la(p &or 'etter seein% they realised that the

    span o& &ranti! %reys had 'ro$en their saplin% and r"n o&& with the de(o!rat*wa%on#

    .731 The sho!$ served to loosen several ton%"es, and e('arrassed whispers were

    e!han%ed# 62t spreads on everythin% or%ani! that4s 'een aro"nd here,4 ("ttered the (edi!al

    ea(iner# +o one replied, '"t the (an who had 'een in the well %ave a hint that his lon% pole

    ("st have stirred "p so(ethin% intan%i'le# 62t was aw&"l,4 he added# 6There was no 'otto( at all,

    >"st oo8e and '"''les and the &eelin% o& so(ethin% l"r$in% "nder there#4 A((i4s horse still

    pawed and s!rea(ed dea&enin%ly in the road o"tside, and nearly drowned its owner4s &aint

    )"aver as he ("('led his &or(less re&le!tions# 62t !o(e &ro( that stone ? it %rowed down thar ?

    it %ot everythin% livin4 ? it &ed itsel& on 6e(, (ind and 'ody ? Thad an4 Merwin, enas an4

    +a''y ? +ah"( was the last ? they all dr"n$ the water ? it %ot stron% on 6e( ? it !o(e &ro(

    'eyond, whar thin%s ain4t li$e they 'e here ? now it4s %oin4 ho(eI4

    .751 At this point, as the !ol"(n o& "n$nown !olo"r &lared s"ddenly stron%er and 'e%an

    to weave itsel& into &antasti! s"%%estions o& shape whi!h ea!h spe!tator later des!ri'ed

    di&&erently, there !a(e &ro( poor tethered Hero s"!h a so"nd as no (an 'e&ore or sin!e ever

    heard &ro( a horse# Every person in that low*pit!hed sittin% roo( stopped his ears, and A((i

    t"rned away &ro( the window in horror and na"sea# -ords !o"ld not !onvey it ? when A((i

    loo$ed o"t a%ain the hapless 'east lay h"ddled inert on the (oonlit %ro"nd 'etween the

    splintered sha&ts o& the '"%%y# That was the last o& Hero till they '"ried hi( the net day# :"t the

    present was no ti(e to (o"rn, &or al(ost at this instant a dete!tive silently !alled attention to

    so(ethin% terri'le in the very roo( with the(# 2n the a'sen!e o& the la(pli%ht it was !lear that a

    &aint phosphores!en!e had 'e%"n to pervade the entire apart(ent# 2t %lowed on the 'road*

    plan$ed &loor and the &ra%(ent o& ra% !arpet, and shi((ered over the sashes o& the s(all*paned

    windows# 2t ran "p and down the eposed !orner posts, !or"s!ated a'o"t the shel& and (antel,

    and in&e!ted the very doors and &"rnit"re# Ea!h (in"te saw it stren%then, and at last it was very

    plain that healthy livin% thin%s ("st leave that ho"se#

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    .771 A((i showed the( the 'a!$ door and the path "p thro"%h the &ields to the ten*a!re

    past"re# They wal$ed and st"('led as in a drea(, and did not dare loo$ 'a!$ till they were &ar

    away on the hi%h %ro"nd# They were %lad o& the path, &or they !o"ld not have %one the &ront way,

    'y that well# 2t was 'ad eno"%h passin% the %lowin% 'arn and sheds, and those shinin% or!hard

    trees with their %narled, &iendish !onto"rs '"t than$ Heaven the 'ran!hes did their worst

    twistin% hi%h "p# The (oon went "nder so(e very 'la!$ !lo"ds as they !rossed the r"sti! 'rid%e

    over Chap(an4s :roo$, and it was 'lind %ropin% &ro( there to the open (eadows#

    .791 -hen they loo$ed 'a!$ toward the valley and the distant Bardner pla!e at the

    'otto( they saw a &earso(e si%ht# All the &ar( was shinin% with the hideo"s "n$nown 'lend o&

    !olo"r trees, '"ildin%s, and even s"!h %rass and her'a%e as had not 'een wholly !han%ed to

    lethal %rey 'rittleness# The 'o"%hs were all strainin% s$yward, tipped with ton%"es o& &o"l &la(e,

    and la('ent tri!$lin%s o& the sa(e (onstro"s &ire were !reepin% a'o"t the rid%epoles o& the

    ho"se, 'arn and sheds# 2t was a s!ene &ro( a vision o& F"seli, and over all the rest rei%ned a riot

    o& l"(ino"s a(orpho"sness, that alien and "ndi(ensioned rain'ow o& !rypti! poison &ro( the

    well ? seethin%, &eelin%, lappin%, rea!hin%, s!intillatin%, strainin%, and (ali%nly '"''lin% in its

    !os(i! and "nre!o%nisa'le !hro(ati!is(#


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    !os(i! &ren8y, till soon the tre('lin% party realised it wo"ld 'e no "se waitin% &or the (oon to

    show what was le&t down there at +ah"(4s#

    .7=1 Too awed even to hint theories, the seven sha$in% (en tr"d%ed 'a!$ toward Ar$ha(

    'y the north road# A((i was worse than his &ellows, and 'e%%ed the( to see hi( inside his own

    $it!hen, instead o& $eepin% strai%ht on to town# He did not wish to !ross the 'li%hted, wind*

    whipped woods alone to his ho(e on the (ain road# For he had had an added sho!$ that the

    others were spared, and was !r"shed &orever with a 'roodin% &ear he dared not even (ention &or

    (any years to !o(e# As the rest o& the wat!hers on that te(pest"o"s hill had stolidly set their

    &a!es toward the road, A((i had loo$ed 'a!$ an instant at the shadowed valley o& desolation so

    lately shelterin% his ill*starred &riend# And &ro( that stri!$en, &araway spot he had seen

    so(ethin% &ee'ly rise, only to sin$ down a%ain "pon the pla!e &ro( whi!h the %reat shapeless

    horror had shot into the s$y# 2t was >"st a !olo"r ? '"t not any !olo"r o& o"r earth or heavens#

    And 'e!a"se A((i re!o%nised that !olo"r, and $new that this last &aint re(nant ("st still l"r$

    down there in the well, he has never 'een )"ite ri%ht sin!e#

    .7@1 A((i wo"ld never %o near the pla!e a%ain# 2t is &orty*&o"r years now sin!e the

    horror happened, '"t he has never 'een there, and will 'e %lad when the new reservoir 'lots it

    o"t# 2 shall 'e %lad, too, &or 2 do not li$e the way the s"nli%ht !han%ed !olo"r aro"nd the (o"th

    o& that a'andoned well 2 passed# 2 hope the water will always 'e very deep ? '"t even so, 2 shall

    never drin$ it# 2 do not thin$ 2 shall visit Ar$ha( !o"ntry herea&ter# Three o& the (en who had

    'een with A((i ret"rned the net (ornin% to see the r"ins 'y dayli%ht, '"t there were not any

    real r"ins# Only the 'ri!$s o& the !hi(ney, the stones o& the !ellar, so(e (ineral and (etalli!

    litter here and there, and the ri( o& that ne&ando"s well# Save &or A((i4s dead horse, whi!h they

    towed away and '"ried, and the '"%%y whi!h they shortly ret"rned to hi(, everythin% that had

    ever 'een livin% had %one# Five eldrit!h a!res o& d"sty %rey desert open to the s$y li$e a %reat

    spot eaten 'y a!id in the woods and &ields, and the &ew who have ever dared %li(pse it in spite o&

    the r"ral tales have na(ed it 6the 'lasted heath#4

    .9/1 The r"ral tales are )"eer# They (i%ht 'e even )"eerer i& !ity (en and !olle%e

    !he(ists !o"ld 'e interested eno"%h to analyse the water &ro( that dis"sed well, or the %rey d"st

    that no wind see(s to disperse# :otanists, too, o"%ht to st"dy the st"nted &lora on the 'orders o&

    that spot, &or they (i%ht shed li%ht on the !o"ntry notion that the 'li%ht is spreadin% ? little 'y

    little, perhaps an in!h a year# People say the !olo"r o& the nei%h'o"rin% her'a%e is not )"ite ri%ht

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    in the sprin%, and that wild thin%s leave )"eer prints in the li%ht winter snow# Snow never see(s

    )"ite so heavy on the 'lasted heath as it is elsewhere# Horses ? the &ew that are le&t in this (otor

    a%e ? %row s$ittish in the silent valley and h"nters !annot depend on their do%s too near the

    splot!h o& %reyish d"st#

    .91 They say the (ental in&l"en!es are very 'ad, too n"('ers were )"eer in the years

    a&ter +ah"(4s ta$in%, and they always la!$ed the power to %et away# Then the stron%er*(inded

    &ol$ all le&t the re%ion, and only the &orei%ners tried to live in the !r"('lin% old ho(esteads#

    They !o"ld not stay, tho"%h and one so(eti(es wonders what insi%ht 'eyond o"rs their wild,

    weird stories o& whispered (a%i! have %iven the(# Their drea(s at ni%ht, they protest, are very

    horri'le in that %rotes)"e !o"ntry and s"rely the very loo$ o& the dar$ real( is eno"%h to stir a

    (or'id &an!y# +o traveller has ever es!aped a sense o& stran%eness in those deep ravines, and

    artists shiver as they paint thi!$ woods whose (ystery is as ("!h o& the spirit as o& the eye# 2

    (ysel& a( !"rio"s a'o"t the sensation 2 derived &ro( (y one lone wal$ 'e&ore A((i told (e

    his tale# -hen twili%ht !a(e 2 had va%"ely wished so(e !lo"ds wo"ld %ather, &or an odd ti(idity

    a'o"t the deep s$yey voids a'ove had !rept into (y so"l#

    .901 o not as$ (e &or (y opinion# 2 do not $now ? that is all# There was no one '"t

    A((i to )"estion &or Ar$ha( people will not tal$ a'o"t the stran%e days, and all three

    pro&essors who saw the aerolite and its !olo"red %lo'"le are dead# There were other %lo'"les ?

    depend "pon that# One ("st have &ed itsel& and es!aped, and pro'a'ly there was another whi!h

    was too late# +o do"'t it is still down the well ? 2 $now there was so(ethin% wron% with the

    s"nli%ht 2 saw a'ove the (ias(al 'rin$# The r"sti!s say the 'li%ht !reeps an in!h a year, so

    perhaps there is a $ind o& %rowth or no"rish(ent even now# :"t whatever dae(on hat!hin% is

    there, it ("st 'e tethered to so(ethin% or else it wo"ld )"i!$ly spread# 2s it &astened to the roots

    o& those trees that !law the air; One o& the !"rrent Ar$ha( tales is a'o"t &at oa$s that shine and

    (ove as they o"%ht not to do at ni%ht#

    .931 -hat it is, only Bod $nows# 2n ter(s o& (atter 2 s"ppose the thin%s A((i des!ri'ed

    !o"ld 'e !alled a %as, '"t this %as o'eyed the laws that are not o& o"r !os(os# This was no &r"it

    o& s"!h worlds and s"ns as shine on the teles!opes and photo%raphi! plates o& o"r o'servatories#

    This was no 'reath &ro( the s$ies whose (otions and di(ensions o"r astrono(ers (eas"re or

    dee( too vast to (eas"re# 2t was >"st a !olo"r o"t o& spa!e ? a &ri%ht&"l (essen%er &ro(

    "n&or(ed real(s o& in&inity 'eyond all +at"re as we $now it &ro( real(s whose (ere eisten!e

  • 8/4/2019 The Colour Out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft


    st"nts the 'rain and n"('s "s with the 'la!$ etra!os(i! %"l&s it throws open 'e&ore o"r &ren8ied


    .951 2 do"'t very ("!h i& A((i !ons!io"sly lied to (e, and 2 do not thin$ his tale was all

    a &rea$ o& (adness as the towns&ol$ had &orewarned# So(ethin% terri'le !a(e to the hills and

    valleys on that (eteor, and so(ethin% terri'le ? tho"%h 2 $now not in what proportion ? still

    re(ains# 2 shall 'e %lad to see the water !o(e# Meanwhile 2 hope nothin% will happen to A((i#

    He saw so ("!h o& the thin% ? and its in&l"en!e was so insidio"s# -hy has he never 'een a'le to

    (ove away; How !learly he re!alled those dyin% words o& +ah"(4s ? 6!an4t %it away ? draws ye

    ? ye $now s"((4at4s !o(in '"t tain4t no "seI4 A((i is s"!h a %ood old (an ? when the

    reservoir %an% %ets to wor$ 2 ("st write the !hie& en%ineer to $eep a sharp wat!h on hi(# 2 wo"ld

    hate to thin$ o& hi( as the %rey, twisted, 'rittle (onstrosity whi!h persists (ore and (ore in

    tro"'lin% (y sleep#