THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

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Page 1: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better




By Jayne Warrilow


Page 2: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

Wisdom is knowing the right path to take,

integrity is taking it…

Page 3: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

It’s easy to start a new coaching business.

There is a low bar to entry and a high bar to success

It’s the staying part, the keeping your business alive part

…that can feel HEAVY.

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The difficulty comes in the life plus business part, when you’re trying to

squiassss your new passion for coaching into your life to make a living. squish

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When reality enters the picture, bills, payments, stress and more things than you can imagine are vying for your attention.

That’s when your business can start to feel less like a passionate calling and more like a battle.

the best of intentions

This is when

can crumble to dust.

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When your business that used to inspire you…

became the monster that took over your life and left you drained and exhausted at the end of the day.

Page 7: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

Don’t be afraid to change.

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This is when you realize that…

you don’t own your business, your business owns you.

And being


is not nearly enough

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You have to catch yourself when you fall.When you find yourself falling between the cracks

of the big ideas

the incredible clients

and the successful transformations

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You have to love yourself (and your client) in the silence.

You have to love yourself enough to accept exactly where you are, to know who you are as a business leader and who you want to become.

You have to love yourself in the spaces between

the thoughts and the action

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You have to dive deeply into the wounds of your past so you don’t bring them into the present.

You need to know when it’s about you or when it’s about your client or even your coaching business.

You have to carry

your own pain.

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You are so worth it… (and so is your business)

Page 13: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

The start is the easiest part.

To keep being in business, you have to suspend the present moment in your mind.

And remember why you decided to do this in the first place.

To stay in business is an art.


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You need to love your business when you don’t feel any particular compassion, when the bills are late or your emails are piling up or you’re feeling under appreciated.

It’s time to fall back in love with your business when the ugly voices from your past have convinced you that whatever happened then, whatever fears exist in your memories, are here and real and will happen again.

You know that’s not true, right?

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You have to convince yourself that you can do this thing called business. And you can do it well.You are capable.

You got this…

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You have to know you can do this, at a soul deep level. When you’re terrified of disappointment, of trusting someone, of believing that your business will never bring you the income and impact you dreamed of, that it won’t ruin you….

because it could.

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Great things never came from comfort zones…

Page 18: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

Being in business is about knowing yourself inside and out.

It’s about managing your emotions and being acutely aware of how quickly this adventure could ruin you.

And doing it anyway.

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To stay in business is to know yourself and to know how your past weaves a story into your present.

How all the threads of your professional experience to date inform the business you have today, regardless…

of whether you want it to or not.

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To stay in business you must stay open for business, you must examine yourself.

You can’t simply blame other people or things outside of yourself when things go wrong.

You cannot be a victim

to your life.

Page 21: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

Sometimes you have to realize that the problem is in part, you.

And that’s not easy.

It’s messy and chaotic and not at all what you imagined when you began.

And that’s not easy.

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Note to self: RELAX.

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To stay in business is to be exposed to a mirror image of how crazy you really are and to have to keep facing that realization over and over again.

And hope no-one notices…


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…is to realize that what you don’t know is far greater than what you actually do know and yet remain confident when people expect you to know everything.

…is to fight to deny that part of you that will always secretly believe you are unworthy of love, unworthy of success and one day you will be found out as the imposter you believe yourself to be.

To stay in business…

You must not let that little worm of belief make its way

into your consciousness and close your heart to your

business and your life.

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Take every chance, drop every fear…

Page 26: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

And yes, business is about love.

All of the pleasure and the pain.


Page 27: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

You need to love your business, every early morning, every late night, every email, every customer.

You got the resources, the education, the opportunity to do this, for yourself.


Because you hit the jackpot

in life.

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You need to love your business even when no-one else does.

And you need to love your life.

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…is to see your own self naked and (as crazy as this sounds) to show your naked self in public.

To expose the raw underbelly of who you truly are, underneath the masks, the defenses and the walls.

To really stay in business

and keep doing the meaningful work…

To so intimately and courageously say:

To become radical, real and resonant and then hope that your customers don’t walk away from you, from the real you.

“This is me and this is what I care about”.

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Be brave with your business.

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To stay in business is an act of bravery. bravery.

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It demands an open heart and yet it is not for the faint hearted.

There is nothing weak about showing vulnerability in your leadership, nothing timid about bringing love into the very soul of what you do.

the ones willing to let their business ruin them.

It is for the strong…

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Business is for the ones who will risk being rejected in the hope of making a difference.

the ones not willing to give up on their dreams and the dreams of others.

These are the trailblazers…

Page 34: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

The ones who will not blame, but will solve the problems of our world, together.

The ones who will not hold themselves to impossible standards without getting real first.

The ones who despite living in a pushy, competitive business world, will not trade their values to try to play the game, but will stay true to themselves and create a new way of leading, a new culture of work that inspires others.

The ones

The ones

They are not seeking some far off idealization of perfection, merely progress.

The ones

And they believe that business can change the world.

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We are the ones…

Page 36: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

The ones who say, “This really matters to me and this is why you should care”.

The ones

The ones who will fight to make it work because these things are worth fighting for.

The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better first and then share it with the world.

The ones who know the difference between communication and connection.

The ones

The ones

The ones

The ones who resonate.

Page 37: THE COACHES SECRET TO STAYING IN BUSINESS · The ones who do not put their lofty ideas of a better world onto another person’s shoulders, but vow to make their own world better

The ones who know when to walk away and when to stay.

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The ones who will tell the truth,

to themselves especially, because everything worth listening to starts here.

the truth

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To start in business is to BELIEVE in a better future…

but to stay in business

is to CREATE it.

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… the ones willing to stare down fear and beat it every time.

It is a challenge for the strong willed…

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It’s an incredible achievement to keep your business alive.

It takes all you have and then some…

but then again…

the best things

always do.

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Stay determined.

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yourself at the edge. You want to walk forward but can’t see how to make this happen.

You are stuck at the edge of what you know, sensing that your success lies just beyond the horizon. I don’t believe you need to worry about the edges. They are literally everywhere in today’s business environment.

All you need is a map to take you to the next level and a little courage to take the first step.


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If my message resonates with you, I am interested in exploring how I can make an extraordinary difference to your life and business. I want to call forth an energy so powerful, from deep within you, that nothing will stop you.

How can I help you transform your life and business?Join hundreds of coaches from around the world by visiting http://ResonantCoaching.com

Together we can make a real difference.

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Jayne Warrilow is founder of Resonant Coaching, a global coaching and development company with a focus on resonance as the key driver of individual and business success.

As a master coach Jayne is passionate about developing coaches, leaders and businesses that inspire the human spirit. She has pioneered globaldialogues for business leaders and coaches worldwide, building collaborative learning communities that enable members to create extraordinary businesses and recharge their coaching practice for game changing results. To learn more about her unique tools and techniques, visit http://ResonantCoaching.com and find out what you need to succeed in today’s marketplace.

Resonant Coaching