Presenters Amy Fletcher | Reza Rahaman | Jon Weisman Ken McLellan | William Melendez | Russell Roberts Working the Crowd Sean Chang | Matt Richards The Clorox Journey Continues: Changing Corporate Culture & Driving Business Growth

The Clorox Journey Continues - old.outandequal.orgold.outandequal.org/wp...5-The-Clorox-Journey-Continues_Session-5.pdf · The Clorox Journey Continues: ... Burt's Bees 4% International

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Amy Fletcher | Reza Rahaman | Jon Weisman

Ken McLellan | William Melendez | Russell Roberts

Working the Crowd

Sean Chang | Matt Richards

The Clorox Journey Continues:

Changing Corporate Culture & Driving

Business Growth

Today’s Agenda

The Clorox Company

D&I: Allies for Diversity

Challenges Faced

PRIDE Expansion & Burt’s Bees

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 2

The Clorox Company

D&I: Allies for Diversity

Challenges Faced

PRIDE Expansion & Burt’s Bees

Clorox in 1913

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 4

Clorox in the 2000s

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 5

Clorox in 2015!

Clorox celebrating Oakland PRIDE

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 6

The Clorox Company

D&I: Allies for Diversity

Challenges Faced

PRIDE Expansion & Burt’s Bees

Clorox PRIDE: 2006-2014 2006

PRIDE Started

Clorox earns first 100% HRC Rating

Recruiting begins at Reaching OUT MBA conference


First Out&Equal Summit


Clorox CEO Don Knauss first Fortune 500 keynote Speaker at Out&Equal


Out&Equal ERG of the year

WalMart Pride’s MLK “Visionary” Award

Carson Kressley spokesperson for Clorox2


June Pride Event features “GAYNOVENT,” an innovation in LGBT advertising competition


Clorox VP President of Out&Equal Board

Clorox Pitches Integrated Marketing Strategy to Executive Team

New Corporate Definition of Diversity


Clorox includes LGBT in consumer segments

Recruiting expands to other functions at Out for Work


Allies for PRIDE

Love is Natural BB Concept

Secured $50k in funding for LGBT Test and Learn

Present Day (2014 – 2015): • Allies for Diversity

• Oakland Pride

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 9

Mission: To create a proud and accepting environment where LGBTA people drive a competitive business advantage for Clorox. We do this by ensuring our LGBTA workforce is engaged, empowered and visible.

Objectives 2015 Plan

1. Enhance a skill set that allows for employees and those around them to bring their whole selves to work

3 Make PRIDE More

Valuable to Employees + Community LGBT Employee Recruitment in

all functions

Presenters, Sponsors and Board Leadership at Annual

Out&Equal Summit Events in multiple sites

Clorox is first to market for LGBT


Proven and growing employee passion for marketing to LGBT consumers

Clorox remains a leader among peers in

advancing LGBT workplace rights

ERG Proof Points

Make PRIDE More Vibrant and

Stronger 1 1. Develop and execute against

Ally engagement strategy

2. Engage Clorox LGBT community more fully

Foster growth of Pride ERGs at remote sites

Become recognized as industry leader for LGBT causes June Pride Month Anchor Event

Mix, Mingle & Give cross-company ERG annual fundraiser

2 Make PRIDE More Valuable to Clorox

1. Grow Clorox business through LGBT diversity connections

2. Enhance Clorox’s community image

Continue to benchmark policies and benefits for maximum LGBT equity;

maintain HRC 100% rating

LGBT insights in marketing and product development


Evolution of Diversity and Inclusion Strategy – Allies for Diversity

People Strategy = #1 Strategy

Integral Part of Strategy is Diversity

ERGs Crucial to Diversity

2015 Allies for Diversity

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 11

Allies for Diversity Event

Challenge – How to

effectively represent

so many ERGs during

one event

“Everyone needs an ally”

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 12

Keys to success for planning ally events

1. Engage broad audiences

• Look to other ERGs, functions, etc

• Make it known that ALL are welcome

2. Get management buy-in and attendance

• Make leaders visible

• Give leaders a speaking role if possible

3. Make allies visible: computer stickers, badge cards

4. Activation is easier than sustaining.

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 13

Maintaining a group of allies

• Use appropriate level of communication

− Consider maintaining a separate distribution list

• Engage on a regular basis for advice and input

• Bring allies onto the ERG leadership board

• Understand what’s in it for each of your allies

This is a relatively undefined space: set goals for

your allies!

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 14

The Clorox Company

D&I: Allies for Diversity

Challenges Faced

PRIDE Expansion & Burt’s Bees

2015 Focus - U.S. and International Expansion


October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 16

What drove success in Atlanta expansion

Modeled after SHOW & ABLE ERGs • Everyone loves a party!

• Many hands make light work

• Easier to build enthusiasm

Easier to access and engage leadership • Greater visibility at informal events

Tighter Community engagement • Sense of employee community

• Tie to existing local events

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 17


Unexpected benefits of ERG expansion

Key Learnings:

• Strong success in a satellite location

can strengthen and energize the core

• Regional events can awaken and

energize the region – Aberdeen, MD

• Provide company-specific examples of

what is possible

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 18


2015 Focus – International Expansion

Clorox International Business

Focus in LATAM • Stateside satellite locations

strengthened resolve for ERG influence

and support of LGBT overseas

• Benefits and challenges of company-

wide IT infrastructure and


October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 19

Latin America Expansion – Another Breakthrough, but With Some


October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 20

Latin America Expansion – What We’ve Learned

Clorox corporate culture encourages

spirit of Diversity, Inclusion & the

Golden Rule • Local and regional support to do the right thing

• However, local offices unsure of the role of

ERGs, HR and company policy

• Local LGBT and coming out slowly as a result

1. Diversity & Inclusion training for local teams and leaders

2. Establish regional budget for local events

Next steps for Clorox:

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 21

First steps to international expansion

• Find a local ally, ERG, or group of supporters

• Remove small barriers to entry

− Enable budget early on

− Translate domestic resources

• Include in domestic events & encourage local events

• Imperative: buy in from local leadership

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 22

Burt’s Bees Case Study

The LGBT Consumer is growing in buying power, influence, and

neighborhood reach

Would pay more for

products marketed by

LGBT-friendly companies

Are more likely to buy a

brand that markets to


LGBT annual CPG

spending is higher than

average household

Total buying power in ‘15

per person

Number of US adults

that self-identify as


of LGBT people say they

currently live in an LGBT


October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 24

Burts Bees - Well Positioned for LGBT Audiences


More likely to make

purchases that reduce

environmental impact

Twice as likely to make

purchase decisions based

on the environment

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 25

Burt’s Bee’s Case Study

Burt’s Bees Business Objective: Accelerate share

growth from retailer’s perspective through a refocused


• Attract new Households by raising awareness of

existing flavor variety

• Accelerate migration from traditional balms to premium

among younger consumers

• Win the impulse occasion by releasing relevant on-

trend flavors

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 26

What is our strategy? How can a LGBT Test & Learn Help?

Key Learnings:

• Consumers attracted to messaging that tugs at

emotional heartstrings

• Appeal to both the LGBT and General Populations

• Rainbow does not resonate as well with Millennials as

with older generations

Campaign ideas: “Love is natural” and “There is

always room for any bee in our hive”

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 27

Consumer Trends & Diversity

Consumers are voting with their money for brands,

movies and media that reflect the cultural realities of

today, not the past

• Consumers eager to connect with brands that hold similar values

• Consumers connect with media that “looks like me”

• The barriers brands break exceed the barriers created by people

resistant to the realities of our ever-evolving world

Source: Stylus “Representing Diversity” June 2015

Narratives that connect with consumers have moral

and economic value for brands.

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 28

Examples of Diversity in Consumer Trends

Spiderman: Marvel Comics

• Black-Hispanic American Miles Morales will

take over from Peter Parker

• Takes effect Autumn 2015

Indian Fashion retailer Anouk

• Released an ad depicting a lesbian couple

going about their domestic lives.

• The power of its message lies in the

transferability of the scenes of any relationship.

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 29

Burt’s Bees Response to Obergefell vs. Hodges

burtsbeesusWe love love of every kind! #lovewins

lipbalm.bbw.and.moreDone buying there

janetka_romchikLeviticus 18:22

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination

yaaassarah@janetka_romchik take that garbage elsewhere. Focus on yourself. Other

people's marriages don't physically affect you. Lol bye Felicia 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋

quarktheduck@janetka_romchik LoL, using Leviticus as an argument is basically you saying

Jesus' sacrifice wasn't enough for you. Maybe you should read the WHOLE bible, not just the

parts you like 🙋

fear_the_little_red@yaaassarah she's being a dickhead and I support gay marriage, but don't

call the bible garbage

[email protected] dont let ur ignorance hit u on the way out lmao

janetka_romchik@quarktheduck love did not win now, it won when Jesus died on the cross

for all of our sins and I am so grateful that he did that because that is the greatest love of all.

preacherchadThat's a good way to lose business because until now I've been a huge

supporter of you guys.

wachaelweedI love burts bees wow

jazzy56heyI love burt's bees

Jennifer Meyer Beautiful!

Kelli Goosey I am glad BB supports all people and the right to love!! Awesome company

Doris Williams The best thing on my lips besides my husbands lips!

Brenna Bews This is so cute!

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 30

Why did Burt’s Bees react?

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 31

What is next for Burt’s Bees?

In-store Social/Digital

Drive connection with

consumers as they

are looking to align

with brands with

similar values

Draw support of

LGBT community by

offering that will drive

traffic in-store

Rainbow pack

Retailer exclusive

Cause component

Greater social presence

PR event


Tied to key innovation

Link brand & cons. values

Test & Learn opportunity

with consumer-validated

message to amplify

brand values with


Transferrable Message


October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 32

Discussion topics

1. Does the Burt’s Bees strategy resonate with

you? Why or why not?

2. How would you form an LGBT marketing

strategy for your company?

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 33

The Clorox Company

D&I: Allies for Diversity

Challenges Faced

PRIDE Expansion & Burt’s Bees

Clorox Culture and Policy

What we’ve learned: • Importance of Leadership, Influence and Advocacy

• Can turn our Values into commitment

• ERGs and their sponsors can be powerful change


• Importance of succession planning

Our strength lies in our Diversity. We are truly

part of a much larger community.

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 35

Our Biggest Challenges

What we’ve learned about

ourselves: • Company culture drives


• Policy is directly influenced by

Culture, and changes slowly

• Hard to get traction for

Marketing Campaign

• Getting us more public-facing

is worth the effort

What we have next to do: • Activate our Allies

• Establish ourselves in the right set of

local, regional and international


• Policy is directly

• Re-energize the Bay Area base

• Continued ERG expansion

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 36

Team Discussion

1. How can you better leverage Allies within your


2. What strategies would you use to take your ERG to

the next level?

October 8, 2015 - O&E Summit 2015 - Dallas 37

Thank you for joining us!