PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R 5,434. I Street Improren,cut Fund, June 15, i886 .. ......... .. $3,670 30 ;ut't'ct in„ I, a i!1g-,wt, \lap, l'l,uu, etc. --twenty-third and 1'tventy'-fourth \Vartls 305 23 'I elepllonic Service--Rents and Contingencies ..... ........ .. 65 oo 5 4,9 6 3 6 3 62,216 61 1'he i)ehart men t „f 1'uulic Charities and Correct tin - I'uldic Charities and Correction .......................................... The I[ealth I)epartnlent- Fur Burial of Honorably t)ischarged Sol, -lief -, tiailors or Mariven - , ` 135 00 Health Fund- For Contingent Lxpenses ............... ...... 453 85 1 [ealth Fund-Fur Disinfection .............................. 93 83 I ospital Fund - Ilospital Supplies, In,I,rovenients, Care and Maintenance of ]Iuildings and Ilosl,ital, on North L'rolht-r Island ................................................ 1 ,3 8 5 62 I•he Department of Street Clean iii - Cleaning Streets--- Department „f Street Cleaning ......................... The Fire Department- Fire Dcllartnlent Punil .................................. ............. . The Department of I locks- Dock ltroll.......................................................... The Board of F:dlucation- 1,965 30 33,431 99 13,039 86 , 0 ,473 8 5 Collecc nfthe City of Net t -ork ............................ Sz38'05 OFFICE OF till,, BOARD OF ALDt?F\IRY, No. S l;I'ry II:\T.t., I'uhl it Iii I,'ueli , %n .......... ......... ...... ... I ......... 7,197 68 Nf:w \'tole, March 25, 1891. School-hot!'C [tail ........................................ 10,904 24 At a meeting of the Common Council of tit, City of Nest' V, trlc, Itch l in the City II all, on The Ninny 1 College .............. .. ..................... 1,663 72 Tuesday the 24th instant, a resolution, of which the following is a cony, was adopts-I, and was The Ilua,d .,f i':vcis - approved by the :Mayor March 25, 1891, via.: Gnatt i i:, nerI of 1'.xcise I' uncl.. .. , .. . Rcsolved, That the heads of the several Departments of the City Government be and are hereby rcque,tecl to close their respective ollic;s on C:outl Frilaty, March 27, 18th, and all other , itat{uuery and plank Rool- offices not by law rer [oiled Ii Ii I e )t „ lao fo, the t all aLitou of )ublic I)u.;tnes; he Clo4c,l on ntin~, tat F xai ) :uul I I tnl: I;, ,,Ik:i ..................... . .. .......... . nntin Pri L 1 1 l said . Mu:ici is ti:~:cicc hcamiuing hoards--- FRANCIS Civil ittreoftlt Cliv,If New Vor;., 1:x,e:,<",;.,f ........................ I• RANG IS f. 1',VO;A[1?V", Clerk, C,onnno!t Council. 1lie Sheriff- Furniture, Keep of ftcirses, Repairs to Vats, Itorseshoeing, etc , 553 6o IN :\ N CH l) i'. I'. A IZ I II L, Ni Incidental l xpense, of the Sheriffs Office and the County jail. , , 3006 The Bureau of Elections -- Abstract of tratis f .tuLl II ., LFtc I ii 501_i D(ei ,,it ULTil ,:)r liie week ctitling Election Lxi,en-es ......... ............................................ .parch 21, 1.`,i)I : The lutliciary- D, ^ +rlyd i,t the 77'rrr.cr.) I-. To the Yr-lit ~ , f the Sinl:iu,, 1, alt , l .. .......................... ............ 573,081 66 City -ris-., ,,ury .............................. ........... 452,285 92 f„t,t1 .... ................. ................................. -53 2 2,3 6 7 58 Holl,/s Issu,'d. 'three pct c:•ut. Ln , l. ................. ............................. ...... '300,000 00 tl'ul' !111!5 /"eAi 1, l -.',f /,0' I ' tly'If,' //I. -----~ The Mayoralty- Salaries nutl ('ontingeocies .-Al.t}'„r's (lllice ...... . .................... ... $19 87 The Finance DcI ait vent-- Clcauiu„ Markets ............... .......................... $8 35 90 mtin cncic; - t:unlptn,l;l'r „ )iurc ...... ................... 250 76 Sal:u'ics - Finance I )epnrtlncut ....................... ...... 72 CO -- - - 1,15866 Interest iii the City Debt ........ . ...... ....................... . .. 320 00 Aqueduct Conuuis.iloncrs- :\tl ,liti,n;al \V;uer Fund .............................. .................. 63,254 8o The Law Dc pit inc ut- Ctmttugencies-Corporation Attorney's U11ice . .... . ........... $14 90 Contingencies-Late I )epattI mu ............................ . I,o62 - ;t -~_ - 1,077 21 The De1iarloleut - , f Public \1 ria-- Atluc,luct I-icpair.;, Maiute tan cc :url Streugiltelling - - - - -..... , :9,496 93 Hornig l- xatnlllati ,ulls f„' ~Gratling and Se1Ver(olltracls .......... 54 00 li, ttllevartli, Rolttl5 and Avenue's. .\IQintel1a11ce i f .............. 1,030 59 Bronx River Works \lau tenance :nu[ Repair. ................ 430 Si Coiltiu cncies IteltarUuent ~'f 1'ul,lie \Cork. .................. 90 co Croton Water Fund ......................... ............. 12,061 49 Free I-boating I;alitu . . ..................................... 24 50 Fund for Viaduct front St. Nicholas Place to McContb's Darn Bridge .............................................. I0,628 00 t ainl„ ant (las and I?Iccuri. Lighting.. ............ . ..... 53,914 .So 1'nl,lit' littildillg.i -Cuual'tl,•titnl and Repairs .. .......... ... 1,463 41 kcu„/:in,; t )Ii.tructious in SLI'ectsan,l Avenues ...... ....... 1,004 65 Repairing:tn,l Renewal „f i'ilu:-.,Stop-rocks, etc .............. 4,245 67 I:e~,airsttn,I Reoe•tt;ll„tt'av„Inents.)ntl Regra,lm ------------1,755 77 Repaclug (chapter J46, Laws of iS89) ........................ 90 co Repaving Streets and Avenue ........................... .. 27,709 3l Restoring an ,l Kellavow -SI,ei.tl I'and - Department 1,1 l'ul,liv \`"u l'Iii ............................................... 109 75 Retaiiiing-walls in Last Fifty-lint Street and East ttorty_second street....... ..... ... ........ 24 00 Roads, Streets auto Avcuues Unpaved, Maintenance of, anti St,rinkling ................................. ......... 315 34 Salaries -- Department of Public Works ....................... 5,360 00 Sewer, -Ilepairint; and Cleaning ........... .......... 1 ,553 00 Street Improvement I'L1td, Jtlue 15, iS 6 .............. ... .8,781 90 Street i provemetnts - - For Surveying, Mon lltltell tin g an(1 Ntl Ill - hering Streets ......................................... 45 00 Supplies for and Cleaning Public OVices .......... . . ......... 2 2,953 32 \Vater-inelcr Fund, No. 2 ................................... 587 05 Water Supply for the Twenty-fourth Ward ... ............... 438 13 ---' 140,167 15 The Departlut'ni ul l'ul , lic harlot- American 3[usseum of Natural History-- Enlargement of Iluiltliug 553.4 25 Care and Maintenance of New l':urks north of I[arlcn, River.... 8 74 39 For Resurfacing the Roadway of Fifth Avenue, from Ninetieth to (inc Hundred and Tenth Street ......................... it 61 Fourth Avenue Public Parks-For Laying-nut, Improving, etc.. 15 49 Harlem River lirillge --Repairs, Iutlauve tie its amt 3l:iinteti tucc. 595 90 Improving the Plaza at Ulm Hundred and Tenth Street and Fifth Avenue .......................................... 114 35 Maintenance and Goverunient of Parks and Places ............. 7,822 6o \lornin;{side lark, Construction cif ........................... 9 t2 Riverside ['irk al,td .As-cltuc, in the Itipfovetncnt and Maiute- nance of ............................................. 349 71 Van C.trtlandt loan.-Parade Ground, Construction of.......... 150 62 ----- 10,828 04 The Department of Street Improvements--`Twenty-third and "l'wenty-fourth War'ds- Crom,rell's Creek Bridges - Repairing and Maintenance of Bridges over Cronnvell's Creek and others than those over the Bronx River ....................................... $3 52 Maintenance-"Ctcenty'-third and 'h iventy-futu th \yards......... 803 73 ' Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund-I)epartinent of Street improvements, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth 1Vards.... 8 97 Sewers and Drains-Twenty-third and '1"wenty_fotn'th Wards.... fob SS aalarie; ---Juthciary .................................................... Asyltun,, I:elorm,atories and Charitable Institutions- Children's All Society ..... ... ...................... ti'3,333 33 1'„ttndling _A,ylttnt of the Stately of Charity ................... 2o,fl 03 Nets- vein: Juvenile Asylum.. ................................ 17,365 29 Nur cor ;inuf Chiltd's IIc,spitol ........ ..................... 6,474 03 ]lisccl!:u„-„u,; I'tu'po-es -- \clv'-:rtisi„s ..... ... ....... ... 85 8o Armories and Drill-rooms-tour Wages of Armrers, janitors, F''n',ineer::nitl Laborers for the State National Guard ...... 546 00 hill -sari of Licenses . ..... ..... ........ ..................... -i4 70 Colltiugencic,: -ITictrict Attorney's Ullice ................... . 726 38 Criminal Cotlnt-house ]'find ..................... ............ 13,426 00 Dislnuse,nents and lees ,If County Officers axtl Witnesses ...... 33 00 Dog License Fund ................................. ........ 56 co Fund t,)1 Street and Talk Openings ........................... 6,922 30 jtidgtrents ................................ .......I....... 4,757 26 Jtroot' Fees, including Pit he» se.> of Jurors in Civil and Crintival "Vials ................................................ 6 .945 00 Refunding Interest anti Charges on lands sold for Taxes and Assessments .......................................... 355 61 Ilefuntling "Taxes Paid in Error ............................. . 278 08 Tax Sales--:Moneys Reftutelcd ............................... 2 2,949 75 Theatrical cod Concert Licenses ............................. 40,403 00 Unclaimed Salaries and \\ages .............................. 55 36 TI t:ti ................ ........... ....................... ' SUITS, ORDERS OF Coult'f, JCDG\IE:N'IS, ETC Coorzr. \.till - . cur YI_,ti,rrr r. Arturo r. \.t i rice nr Aria-s. Supreme.. \ ethane K. Ihtylie, " •. Patrick Roach....... Cons. Picas Patrick Dempsey .... Supreme.. Mary K, lone ...... .' Allen Ficch.......... Matthew D. Field.... Superior. John St:tndfast ....... Supreme. . ..................... Op-tin g East One Ffundred ant Elf- t,--seventh street, from Railroad avc- nue, Last, to Thircl avenue ........... Openilig P,irch sire-I, front Wolf street to Marcher avenue. I '' .' In muter of acquiring I water rights in - I turns of North Castle, Oreen- j burgh and Whitt II I Plains............ I •' .. Henry McDonough.. . Daniel C. Connell... 10,004 59 30 . 50 6 5 8 55 6 9 35 83 66 64 CO 77 74 67,7oS 68 77,497 24 `549.114 28 A rrnaser. ........ Summons and comi, lainl. For damages for lo's of tvl arlage, etc., on premises ..n: the North rit-er, hcty. ten I't:,nty-eighth :md 'Ili rtieth strteis .......... ............. 1. L. Itaylies. `4) 4 37 '1'rauscript of judgment .....................A. 13. Stewart. 75 75 Stunmans and tint sins. For rclurn of amount paid in the A1'a[er Regime en August It, ,8,,o, f,•1' a perllllt fir %vat, r ti, be used for tumid ug pw- po,:: s........... J. Kearney. goo Co Copy order reducing :,,.c-suncut f,,r regu- lating, etc., Morn i m;,tde avenue, \V.,st, from One Htmdred and feneh to Urn Hui,dred and neat-.'-secowl sired. ,tic.. rro cc _i ohn C. Shaw. Summon, onct emnpl int. Far professi mil services rendet'e l l,l't N',::'It Scpt - nil rev 20 an•.1 iteeember to, 1889 .................. 1„ Ilolme. 250 00 Summons and complaint. For Itrufes=l. not services rendered hctween Nuve,nher 13 and 1 tecember x9, rie,i ........ ........... ,• 416 66 Transcript ofjuctgment ..................... E. Fixman. ........ Notices of motion.; to eonfirut report, of , Commissiuners in the following mattcrs.l ........... P:. H. Clark, Cor- p,ration Counsel, ................................... I ....... \V. H. Cl-art,, Cor- 1,uranon Counsel. ... Ccrlified copies orders confirming repnrt+ol Commissioners as to Parcels 211 to 246,, inclusive .......................... . .' \V. H. Ctark, Cor- poration Counsel. 600 Summons and complaint. For salary as an employee of the Itnard of Excise for two days, , in April, , 689 ...................... R. O'Byrne. 2,258 85 Certifie(1 copy order directing Comptroller) to pay into Court award made to C. Kneeland by damage map Noy. 9y and g8, in matter of opening Bremer avenue, etc.1 Field & Deshon.

THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

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Page 1: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R



VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R 5,434.

I Street Improren,cut Fund, June 15, i886 .. ......... .. $3,670 30 ;ut't'ct in„ I, a i!1g-,wt, \lap, l'l,uu, etc. --twenty-third and

1'tventy'-fourth \Vartls 305 23 'I elepllonic Service--Rents and Contingencies ..... ........ .. 65 oo

54,963 63

62,216 61 1'he i)ehart men t „f 1'uulic Charities and Correct tin -

I'uldic Charities and Correction .......................................... The I[ealth I)epartnlent-

Fur Burial of Honorably t)ischarged Sol,-lief -, tiailors or Mariven - , 135 00 Health Fund- For Contingent Lxpenses ............... ...... 453 85 1 [ealth Fund-Fur Disinfection .............................. 93 83 I ospital Fund - Ilospital Supplies, In,I,rovenients, Care and

Maintenance of ]Iuildings and Ilosl,ital, on North L'rolht-r Island ................................................ 1,385 62

I•he Department of Street Clean iii - Cleaning Streets--- Department „f Street Cleaning .........................

The Fire Department- Fire Dcllartnlent Punil .................................. ............. .

The Department of I locks- Dock ltroll..........................................................

The Board of F:dlucation-

1,965 30

33,431 99

13,039 86

,0,473 85

Collecc nfthe City of Net t-ork ............................ Sz38'05 OFFICE OF till,, BOARD OF ALDt?F\IRY, No. S l;I'ry II:\T.t., I'uhl it Iii I,'ueli ,%n .......... ......... ...... ... I ......... 7,197 68

Nf:w \'tole, March 25, 1891. School-hot!'C [tail ........................................ 10,904 24

At a meeting of the Common Council of tit, City of Nest' V, trlc, Itch l in the City II all, on The Ninny 1 College .............. .. ..................... 1,663 72

Tuesday the 24th instant, a resolution, of which the following is a cony, was adopts-I, and was The Ilua,d .,f i':vcis - approved by the :Mayor March 25, 1891, via.: Gnatti i:, nerI of 1'.xcise I' uncl.. .. , .. .

Rcsolved, That the heads of the several Departments of the City Government be and are hereby rcque,tecl to close their respective ollic;s on C:outl Frilaty, March 27, 18th, and all other , itat{uuery and plank Rool-

offices not by law rer [oiled Ii Ii I e )t „ lao fo, the t all aLitou of )ublic I)u.;tnes; he Clo4c,l on ntin~, tat F xai ) :uul I I tnl: I;, ,,Ik:i ..................... . .. .......... .

nntin Pri

L 1 1 l said . Mu:ici is ti:~:cicc hcamiuing hoards---

FRANCIS Civil ittreoftlt Cliv,If New Vor;., 1:x,e:,<",;.,f ........................ I• RANG IS f. 1',VO;A[1?V", Clerk, C,onnno!t Council.

1lie Sheriff- Furniture, Keep of ftcirses, Repairs to Vats, Itorseshoeing, etc , 553 6o

IN :\ N CH l) i'. I'. A IZ I II L, Ni Incidental l xpense, of the Sheriffs Office and the County jail. , , 3006

The Bureau of Elections -- Abstract of tratis f .tuLl II ., LFtc I ii 501_i D(ei ,,it ULTil ,:)r liie week ctitling Election Lxi,en-es ......... ............................................

.parch 21, 1.`,i)I : The lutliciary- D, ^ +rlyd i,t the 77'rrr.cr.) I-.

To the Yr-lit ~,f the Sinl:iu,, 1,alt , l .. .......................... ............ 573,081 66 City -ris-.,,,ury .............................. ........... 452,285 92

f„t,t1 .... ................. ................................. -5322,367 58

Holl,/s Issu,'d. 'three pct c:•ut. Ln,l. ................. ............................. ...... '300,000 00

tl'ul' !111!5 /"eAi 1, l -.',f /,0' I'tly'If,' //I. -----~

The Mayoralty- Salaries nutl ('ontingeocies .-Al.t}'„r's (lllice ...... . .................... ... $19 87

The Finance DcI ait vent-- Clcauiu„ Markets ............... .......................... $835 90

mtin cncic; - t:unlptn,l;l'r „ )iurc ...... ................... 250 76 Sal:u'ics - Finance I )epnrtlncut ....................... ...... 72 CO

-- - - 1,15866 Interest iii the City Debt ........ . ...... ....................... . .. 320 00 Aqueduct Conuuis.iloncrs-

:\tl,liti,n;al \V;uer Fund .............................. .................. 63,254 8o The Law Dc pit inc ut-

Ctmttugencies-Corporation Attorney's U11ice . .... . ........... $14 90 Contingencies-Late I )epattI mu ............................ . I,o62 -;t

-~_ - 1,077 21 The De1iarloleut - ,f Public \1 ria--

Atluc,luct I-icpair.;, Maiute tan cc :url Streugiltelling - - - - -..... , :9,496 93 Hornig l- xatnlllati,ulls f„' ~Gratling and Se1Ver(olltracls .......... 54 00 li, ttllevartli, Rolttl5 and Avenue's. .\IQintel1a11ce i f .............. 1,030 59 Bronx River Works \lau tenance :nu[ Repair. ................ 430 Si Coiltiu cncies IteltarUuent ~'f 1'ul,lie \Cork. .................. 90 co Croton Water Fund ......................... ............. 12,061 49 Free I-boating I;alitu . . ..................................... 24 50 Fund for Viaduct front St. Nicholas Place to McContb's Darn

Bridge .............................................. I0,628 00 t ainl„ ant (las and I?Iccuri. Lighting.. ............ . ..... 53,914 .So 1'nl,lit' littildillg.i -Cuual'tl,•titnl and Repairs .. .......... ... 1,463 41 kcu„/:in,; t )Ii.tructious in SLI'ectsan,l Avenues ...... ....... 1,004 65 Repairing:tn,l Renewal „f i'ilu:-.,Stop-rocks, etc .............. 4,245 67 I:e~,airsttn,I Reoe•tt;ll„tt'av„Inents.)ntl Regra,lm ------------1,755 77 Repaclug (chapter J46, Laws of iS89) ........................ 90 co Repaving Streets and Avenue ........................... .. 27,709 3l Restoring an ,l Kellavow -SI,ei.tl I'and - Department 1,1 l'ul,liv

\`"u l'Iii ............................................... 109 75 Retaiiiing-walls in Last Fifty-lint Street and East ttorty_second

street....... ..... ... ........ 24 00 Roads, Streets auto Avcuues Unpaved, Maintenance of, anti

St,rinkling ................................. ......... 315 34 Salaries -- Department of Public Works ....................... 5,360 00 Sewer, -Ilepairint; and Cleaning ........... .......... 1,553 00 Street Improvement I'L1td, Jtlue 15, iS 6 .............. ... .8,781 90 Street i provemetnts - - For Surveying, Mon lltltell tin g an(1 Ntl Ill -

hering Streets ......................................... 45 00 Supplies for and Cleaning Public OVices .......... . . ......... 22,953 32 \Vater-inelcr Fund, No. 2 ................................... 587 05 Water Supply for the Twenty-fourth Ward ... ............... 438 13

---' 140,167 15 The Departlut'ni ul l'ul,lic harlot-

American 3[usseum of Natural History-- Enlargement of Iluiltliug 553.4 25 Care and Maintenance of New l':urks north of I[arlcn, River.... 874 39 For Resurfacing the Roadway of Fifth Avenue, from Ninetieth to

(inc Hundred and Tenth Street ......................... it 61 Fourth Avenue Public Parks-For Laying-nut, Improving, etc.. 15 49 Harlem River lirillge --Repairs, Iutlauve tie its amt 3l:iinteti tucc. 595 90 Improving the Plaza at Ulm Hundred and Tenth Street and

Fifth Avenue .......................................... 114 35 Maintenance and Goverunient of Parks and Places ............. 7,822 6o \lornin;{side lark, Construction cif ........................... 9 t2 Riverside ['irk al,td .As-cltuc, in the Itipfovetncnt and Maiute-

nance of ............................................. 349 71 Van C.trtlandt loan.-Parade Ground, Construction of.......... 150 62

----- 10,828 04 The Department of Street Improvements--`Twenty-third and "l'wenty-fourth

War'ds- Crom,rell's Creek Bridges - Repairing and Maintenance of

Bridges over Cronnvell's Creek and others than those over the Bronx River ....................................... $3 52

Maintenance-"Ctcenty'-third and 'h iventy-futu th \yards......... 803 73 ' Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund-I)epartinent of Street

improvements, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth 1Vards.... 8 97 Sewers and Drains-Twenty-third and '1"wenty_fotn'th Wards.... fob SS

aalarie; ---Juthciary .................................................... Asyltun,, I:elorm,atories and Charitable Institutions-

Children's All Society ..... ... ...................... ti'3,333 33 1'„ttndling _A,ylttnt of the Stately of Charity ................... 2o,fl 03 Nets- vein: Juvenile Asylum.. ................................ 17,365 29 Nur cor ;inuf Chiltd's IIc,spitol ........ ..................... 6,474 03

]lisccl!:u„-„u,; I'tu'po-es -- \clv'-:rtisi„s ..... ... ....... ... 85 8o Armories and Drill-rooms-tour Wages of Arm„rers, janitors,

F''n',ineer::nitl Laborers for the State National Guard ...... 546 00 hill -sari of Licenses . .................. ..................... -i4 70 Colltiugencic,: -ITictrict Attorney's Ullice ................... . 726 38 Criminal Cotlnt-house ]'find ..................... ............ 13,426 00 Dislnuse,nents and lees ,If County Officers axtl Witnesses ...... 33 00 Dog License Fund ................................. ........ 56 co

Fund t,)1 Street and Talk Openings ........................... 6,922 30 jtidgtrents ................................ .......I....... 4,757 26 Jtroot' Fees, including Pit he» se.> of Jurors in Civil and Crintival

"Vials ................................................ 6.945 00 Refunding Interest anti Charges on lands sold for Taxes and

Assessments .......................................... 355 61 Ilefuntling "Taxes Paid in Error ............................. . 278 08 Tax Sales--:Moneys Reftutelcd ............................... 22,949 75 Theatrical cod Concert Licenses ............................. 40,403 00

Unclaimed Salaries and \\ages .............................. 55 36

TI t:ti ................ ........... .......................


Coorzr. \.till-. cur YI_,ti,rrr r. Arturo r. \.t i rice nr Aria-s.

Supreme.. \ ethane K. Ihtylie,

" •. Patrick Roach.......

Cons. Picas Patrick Dempsey ....

Supreme.. Mary K, lone ......

.' Allen Ficch..........

Matthew D. Field....

Superior. John St:tndfast .......

Supreme. . .....................

Op-tin g East One Ffundred ant Elf- t,--seventh street, from Railroad avc-nue, Last, to Thircl avenue ...........

Openilig P,irch sire-I, front Wolf street to Marcher avenue.

I '' .' In muter of acquiring I water rights in

- I turns of North Castle, Oreen-

j burgh and Whitt II I Plains............

I •' .. Henry McDonough..

. Daniel C. Connell...

10,004 59


658 55

69 35

83 66

64 CO

77 74

67,7oS 68

77,497 24

`549.114 28

A rrnaser.

........ Summons and comi,lainl. For damages for lo's of tvl arlage, etc., on premises ..n: the North rit-er, hcty. ten I't:,nty-eighth :md 'Ili rtieth strteis .......... ............. 1. L. Itaylies.

`4)4 37 '1'rauscript of judgment .....................A. 13. Stewart.

75 75 Stunmans and tint sins. For rclurn of amount paid in the A1'a[er Regime en August It, ,8,,o, f,•1' a perllllt fir %vat, r ti,

be used for tumid ug pw-po,:: s........... J. Kearney. goo Co Copy order reducing :,,.c-suncut f,,r regu-

lating, etc., Morn i m;,tde avenue, \V.,st, from One Htmdred and feneh to Urn Hui,dred and neat-.'-secowl sired. ,tic..


cc _i ohn C. Shaw.

Summon, onct emnpl int. Far professi mil services rendet'e l l,l't N',::'It Scpt -nil rev 20

an•.1 iteeember to, 1889 .................. 1„ Ilolme. 250 00 Summons and complaint. For Itrufes=l. not

services rendered hctween Nuve,nher 13 and 1 tecember x9, rie,i ........ ........... ,•

416 66 Transcript ofjuctgment ..................... E. Fixman.

........ Notices of motion.; to eonfirut report, of, Commissiuners in the following mattcrs.l

........... P:. H. Clark, Cor- p,ration Counsel,

................................... I ....... \V. H. Cl-art,, Cor- 1,uranon Counsel.

... Ccrlified copies orders confirming repnrt+ol Commissioners as to Parcels 211 to 246,, inclusive .......................... . .' \V. H. Ctark, Cor-

poration Counsel.

600 Summons and complaint. For salary as an employee of the Itnard of Excise for two days, , in April, , 689 ...................... R. O'Byrne.

2,258 85 Certifie(1 copy order directing Comptroller) to pay into Court award made to C. Kneeland by damage map Noy. 9y and g8, in matter of opening Bremer avenue, etc.1 Field & Deshon.

Page 2: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R



NO 1)1TF. OF


r ro58 1 Mar. in, .8gc Public Park Brown & Fleming ......... .....••.••..•

( i. 4 " 6, Board of City Record............ i\S. Schlesinger & Y,ro ...... l George H. Simpson ........


( Furnishing and delivering screened gravel, of the quality known as Roam

$5,000 Oa { Hook gravel, where required on the Central Park and Riverside Park'

( and avenue (7,000 cubic yards) .............. ..Totall $'z,53o 00

( Suapleint; printed, lithographed or stamped forms, pamphlets and stationery,

663 00 { i. o., writing paper, envelopes, etc., for the use of the Courts and the

( Departments of the Government of the City of New York......... l'otal. 1,324 54

CLAIMS FILED. I Approval of Sureties.

The Comptroller approved of the adequacy and sufficiency of the sureties on the following

u,Tr. proposals, viz.

N,. e CI. CLAIMANT. A:,,,, . r. N.,, u R of Cl.Ant. ATroit al v. March 17. For regulating and paving with granite-block pavement, with concrete foundation, Third

-- avenue, from Sixth to Twenty-third street.

William Kelly, No. 444 West Fifty-first street, Principal. Mar. r5 The NOW Yo,k Herald.: 8404 no For advertioing for various Departments of John G. Smith, No. 329 West Forty-eighth street, t

• g~••••••'••••• the CityGovernment in 188 Sureties. Thomas Smith, No.3i8 West I'tlly-second street, " 16 Mar} '1 resa Bat,%,'

administratrin .

5.000 o-, For damages for death of her husband, John March 17. For regulating and paving with granite-block pavement, with concrete foundation, J. Pates, caused by falling down a

stairw:ly i» t,,e 'Tenth Precinct Station- North Moore street, from West Broadway to Greenwich street ; Beach street, from house on I )ccember r, .890.............. . B. A. Spellissy. \Vest Broadway to Greenwich street, and Hubert street, from Hudson to Green-

" 17 John I)tmletvy ......... r,4o, Co For balance of salary as an employee of the wich street. Third

and. District Court in ,.S86, r807, x888,

)V9 ,ego ........................... Jerolomuit Ar- rowsmith.

John G. Smith, No. 329 West Forty-eighth street, Principal. ,

I ~

18 john R rue...... ......1 James Fitzpatrick, No. 437 \1'es[ Forty-third street, Sureties.

y r,oly 43 ~ For salary as an Inspector of Masonry on the William Kelly, No.\Vc:;t Fifty-first street, 444 y- , ' New .Aqueduct between November, .888,' a»d November, .889 ......:..............

n Cat Callihan o For damages for ,luries..........H. annc 3,.00 person,) P. Mitchell.

H. Shook. March i . For regulatingand pavingwith ranite-hluck pavement, on the present resent Telford founda- :g lion, Seventy-second street, from Third to Fourth avenue.

" r Jobe Harley.......... 5,000 00 '' ..........I Stoddard & Hart. Matthew Baird, No. J39 East Sixty-third street, Principal.

Michael 1lcArdle...... S,000 oo I .. 2t ^" "" ~

Wellman & Kauf: man. •

John P. Kane, No. 14 West Seventy-second street, Sureties. James Baird, No. 273 West Seventy-third street,

or Anna )lerklinger...... (6 29 For return of amount paid for an assessment fir Morris avenue re; plating, etc., from 1 March 17. For repairing pontoons for the free floating baths, repairing and painting the roof.;, Ono Hundred and Thirty-eighth to One1 painting fifteen of the free floating baths and repairing and furnishing signal hundred :,r.d Fifty-fifth street........... T. H. Baldwin. lamps.

sr J. rouse Finn and others 45,339 g, For an, ,unt claimed to be due under con- tract for regulating. etc., Fifth avenae,I Mathias Thertault, No. 31 Bowery, Principal. from One Hundred and Th,rty.eighthl John IIOtVard, NO. 31 Bowery, I

' Sureties. street to Harlem river ................... Kellogg, R. & S. 'loch, l.ueas No. 35 13uncrY>

March 17. For furnishing the Department of Public Works with 12,000 lineal feet of bridge stone. Ilewitt Boice, No. 2So Bronelw•ay, Principal. Thomas J. Dunn, No. 321 East Sixty-eighth street, I Sureties. Opening of ProJ'osals. Richard J. Mahoney, No. 416 East Fifty-seventh street, j

(he t nip tr.,ller, by representative, attended the opening of proposals at the following March 17. For furnishing the Department of Public Works with bricks, cement, sand, timber and I I.part ilLnt. viz.: sewer spur pipe.

',I;treh 17. '1 be \iay.)r's Office (adjourned opening) —For furnishing the Courts and Departments James A. Smith, No. 46 East One Hundred and Thirty.third street, Principal. it the City Government with blank hooks, (lockets, fibers, binding covers, bind- Bernard Idahon, No.2293 Seventh avenue, (5ttteties. bag, etc. ' M. S. Coleman, No. 2S East Sixty-ninth street, j

March i . The lire I)epart;n.nt—For furnisltittg one steel Iea'ue Ito )k and ladder truck', one I March 1S. For furnishing earth-filling on North Brother Island, first size ()ayes exien,ion ladder, tntck and fire escape ; ow first size and two George S. Yerbury, No. t i, Broadway, Principal. third size steam fire en,;ince- ; ciglu hose wigons ; one hundred tons cannel coal Charles A. Brown, Broad and South streets, 'uretics, and for placing fire-alarm electrical conductors underground. Ilenry Kress, No. 154 East Fiftieth street,

AM,t,ch iS. lie llepart. tent of Public AWorks—Far furui,hing hydrants, wooden hydrant boxer, i icon step curl.. boxed, for furnishing and laying water mains in Southern and cast ; Official D's1; nation.

I3ottlevaal, l,ehvicen One I bed red and Seventy-seventh and Home streets, and March 20. kicliartl A. Storrs, Deputy Comptroller, to act as Comptroller on March 21, 2,3, and for ftu'ui;hing i,000 cat-iron lan)p posts, 2,500 street lamps and 5eo 1;oulevard 24, 1891. lap,P• ' 'I'IIFO. AC. MYERS, Comptroller.

130AR.D- OF S 1'k1E:ET O1)LNING AND IMPROVE- To the' Bo,c,•t; o f S/te<'t up:,,,),:: ,;1- i.:,tp,.'e,.ven, n / IS C;n' t/ Sat York Your petitioner respectfully l it. . that your Honorable hoar.) will take the necessary proceed-

ME NT. logs to acquire title to last blue Hundred and Sevenli'_th street, front Prospect avenu•_ to Bristow street, as said street was duly aura regularly laid out by your Board on or about the 5th clay of December, 1890, and as ehown on certain maps filed by your ht,ar,l as required by laps.

Said street is about three hundred feet in length and your petitioner is the owner of two hundred 1h_ l > rd of Street c )p niu amt improvement met at the Mayor's office on L'tiday, and forty lineal feet of frontage on the north side, out of a total frontage of two hundred and

Alarclt .n, 18 91, at 2 dclnick I. M., 1, u'suaut to the following notice : eighty and twenty-three one-hundredths lines feet, sad on the s Ott Ii side 'titre petitioner is the

Oil )CL OP '1'14E BOARD OF Si IaI:P:r Ot'Ic'INU AND IS♦SPROPEMENI', owner of two hllndtetl and sevCnty' lineal feet, out Of a total It.ontage of tit,, hundred ant] ninety-

Roomt No. so, SrtavAtc'r lit;n.DtNit, eight and forty-seven one-hundredths lineal feet, and is also the owner of all the Innd within the

\rte 1'uati, March 17, 1891. roadbed of the said street, ttitlt the exception of a small plot at the easterly end adjoining Bristow street.

SIR --1-`.0 are respectfully requested to attend a regular meeting of the Board of Street Opening This street, as laid out on the official maps of the city, is less than one mile in length. and Imiuroventent of the City of New York, to be held in the Mayor's office, at the City II all, on Respectfully, Friday, March 2o, SSyi, at 2 o'clock 1'. 51., at which it is proposed to consider unfinished FRANKLIN A. WILCOX. Inclines , with such other matters as may be brought before the Board. City and County of New York, ss.

Very respectfully, Franklin A. Wilcox, being duly sworn, dep,ses and says that lie is the petitioner mentioned in 5'. B. LIVINGSTON, Secretary. the foregoing petition, that he his react the saute and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts

'I he roll was called and IIte following member.; were present and answered to their names : and circumstances therein stated are correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. The Mayor, the Comtuissitnter of Public Works, the President of the Department of Public FRANKLIN A. WILCOX.

Park.. the !'resident of the Board t f Aldermen, and the Commissioner of Street Improvements of Sworn to before me, this 5th day of Mar.h, 1891. the To espy-;aorta i nd Ticenty -futn'tlt \Wards-5. IIERBb:R'1' GREEN, Notary Public,

Absent--The Co»tptrolle:r I. Kings and New York Counties. 'I he minutes of the n)eetilig of February 20, iSgi, «rre read and approved. The foll'twing a, ttmunicutinit from the Commissioner of Public \Yorks, relatin p to a petition for 1'he Collnuing petition from 1)roltcrty-otrncr.s, for the opening of One hundred aura Eighty- ; the opening of One Hundred and Fifth street, from the lioulevarrl to Riverside avenue, and also to

seventh • erect, fr.nn Tenth avenue to Kingsbrid e road, was presented and, on motion, was referred1 avec to Convent petition for the opening of ( hie l Iurt Iced anti 'Thirty-first street, frm o 'Truth ml to the Curniii siotier of Public 'Sorb', for is report thereon : I avnue, was read


Jo !Ire Poard of .Sireel C7 c'ntnt s a tare Citr n l e.r J0; k :

t 1' J l ~ GE; fLl"olE' —'('lie undersigns I ironer: of lots fronting on One Ifundred and Eighty-seventh

No. 31 Cun~IuxRS oicE,:1', NEW 1'oRr., March 5, Ibgi. i V. B. LIVINGSTON, Of and

strc t, b_l'.recn Tc,ith avenue and the IKtngsbri age road, in the City of New York, respectfully lizard to open On: I lu~idted and I ishty-seventh street, from Tenth avenue to the petition ~'n .tt

Esq., Secretag.t', Boa,',! Strret ()/snin5' Imp)•tn'emn,'nt: DEAR SIR—ln answer to your letter of 251h ttltimo, u'ansmitting petitions from property-owners

ettttoLrid for the opening of One Hundred and Fifth street, fam ,the Boulevard to Riverside avenue, and the

e rind, ace.trtlin} to l.itc. RiutgsSamuel Tulin, 1 lot, 2$ feet frontage. opening of One Ifundred and "Thirty-first street, from 'Tenth avenue to Convent avenue, I beg to

Emma X11 all, I lot, 2$ leer frontage. say •1 find that the petition fir the opening of One flundred and Fifth street, front the Boulevard to George IILibert, I lot, 25 feet frontage. Catherine \Iclntyrc, by George Ilu'.lert, attorney, i lot, 25 feet frontage. Riverside avenue, is not signed by the owucrs of the ni cessary frontage on the street, and that the

I)avirl 1)ttdlev Field, Sno feet frontage. numerous signers of the petition presented rho not own the property on the line of the street.

Thaukleus Moriarty, I lot, 25 feet frontage. The petition for the opening of One IIundred anti 'Thirty-first street, from Tenth avenue to Ricbar i I )eevy, 4 lots, 250 feet frontage. Convent avenue, is signed by the owners of the requisite frontage, and it is recommended th ct the I). 1\ erdenschlag, corner lot. 114 feet frontage. petition be granted. James Wilson, I lot, 25 feet frontage. The petitions are herewith returned. Alexander Barge .e, I Id, 25 feet frontage. Very respectfully,

J. I;alit,er, 1 lot, 150 feet fron BERNARD F. MARTIN,tage. llcputy' and Acting Cnnunissioner of Public \Yorks.

NEW YoRte CITv, llecember, ISgo, Whereupon the Commissioner of Public Works offered the following resolution : IL the Bwr,•au of Street Ofc++rir ; in the City of ;tics York: I Resolved, That this Board, deeming it for the public interest so to do, hereby respectfully

'11w under-iglied owner.; of lots fronting on One Itmtdred and Eighty-seventh street, between requests the Counsel to the Corporation to take the necessary uroceedings, in the name of the

Tenth avenue aucl the King bridge roar), respectfully rt:11ttest that One Ilundred and Eighty- IMayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to acquire title, wherever the same

seventh :root, from Tenth avenue to the Kingslridge road, be opened according to law. has not been heretofore acquired, for the use of the public, to the lands required for the opening of

Al. 1L Cashman, 685 feet frontage. avee to Convent avenue, in theTwelfth \'l'ard Thirty-first street, front Tenth avenue T (due IIudred and T O n l I1. W. I)roge, 2 la's, 50 feet f onia.,e. of the City of New York, anci hereby determines that the entire cost and expense of said proceed-

\V'iilinut C. Schaeffer and Emma L. Schaeffer, by James King Duffy, actor- ings shall be assessed upon the I,roi,eity deemed to be benefited thereby.

ney, I lot, avenue front, 103 feet frontage. (Note—This plot has loo Which was adopted by the following vote feet frontage on One hundred and Eighty-seventh street and 75 feet Affirmative—The Mayor, the Connnissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department frontage on Nlcveuth avenue.) I of Public Parks, the President of the hoard of Aldermen-4.

Margaret O'Brien, 2 lids, 50 feet frontage. I On Fiction, the petition for the opening of (inc hundred and Fifth street was ordered

The following pctiti:m float property-owners for the opening of Eat One I Iundred and I returned to the petitioners, for the reason na tied in the communication of the Commissioner of

t ss'entieth street, from Prospect avenue to Bristow street, was presented and, on motion, wasPublic \\corks, just read.

refer red to the Conunissioner of Street Impart ements of the Twenty-third and Twen ty-fourth Wardle, I The following coinmttnication from the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the 'i'wenty- for his report thereon. third and Twenty-fourth Wards, was read ;

Page 3: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R



No. 2622 'THIRD AVENUE, CORNER 141S"t' STREET, March 17, 1891.

Jo the Honor able the Board of Street Op, uin{ and Improvement.' GENTLEMEN--The petition of property-owners to close Sedgwick avenue, between Cromwell

avenue and Central avenue, which was referred to me by your Board for a report thereon, is prac-tically a petition to change a utap adopted by the Conttni'siouers appointed under chapter 841 of the Laws of 1868, and under and by virtue of chapter545 of the Laws of 189o, the initiatory steps in such cases should be taken by application to the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the 'Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, instead of to the Board of Street Opening and Improvement.

Very respectfully yours, LOUIS J. HEINTZ, Commissioner of Street Improvements

of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards.

On motion, the petition referred to in the couununication from the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, just read, was referred back to the said Comu)isIoIcr for his report thereon, with the request that he will, at the saute time, point out to'this Board such part of chapter 545 of the Laws of 1890, referred to in his communication, by virtue of which the initiatory steps in the matter of said petition "should be taken by application to the Comm'ssioner of Street Improvements it the'fweuty-third and 'Twenty-fourth Wards, instead of to the Board of Street Opening and Improvement."

The following communication from the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and 'twenty-fourth \Wards, relating to a protest against the opening of a new street between one Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Woodruff avenue was read :


No. 2022 THIRD AVENUE, CORNER 141ST STREET, March 17, 1891.

Ti tin' 11otw'aSle the Bored of Street Opening and Inrj'rovenren: : GEN'rLEMEN—Iu relation to the pctiti:,n protesting against the opening of a new street between

t foe Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Woodruff avenue, referred to me, I beg to report as follows :

The proposed new street between One Hundied and Sevcuty-seventh street and Woodruff avenue, through the blocks bounded by One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Franklin avenue, Fulton avenue and It\oodrutt avenue referred to in this protest. is probably the street shown on a map, showing a revision of street system, adopted June IS, 1890, by the Board cf Parks. This ntup is not yet filed.

'rite initiatory steps in this matter should be taken by application to the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards in pursuance of chapter 545 of the Lairs of t8go, as it involves changes of street lines. etc.

Respectfully yours, LOUIS J. 11GIN l%, Commissioner of Street Improvements

of the Twenty-third and Twenty fourth Wards.

On motion, the communication was ordered on file, and the Commisd vier of Street Improve-ments of the Twenty-third and 'Twenty-fourth Wards was requested to report to the Board wherein chapter 545 "t the Laws of 1890, referred to in the said communication, provides that the initiatory steps, in the natter of the petition therein refereed to, '°should be taken by application to the Commissioner of Street Lnl+n,vements of the 'Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wands, instead of to the Board of Street Opening and Improvement."

'the following communication from the Commissioner of Street imprnvemettts of the Twenty-third and '1 wenty-fourth Wards, relating to a petition for the opening of Erne-clift place, from Van Cortlandt avenue to Mosholu parkway, was read and, on motion, was ordered on file :


No. 2622 'l'tttRD AVENUE, CORNER 1415T STREET, March 17, 1891.

T, the (lonorablc' I/I' lto~rrd of Street Opettint and Improvement: GENTLEMEN—In relation to the petition of property-owners for the opening of Ernescliff place,

from Van Cortlandt avenue to Mosholu Parkway, I have the honor to report as follows : The Department of Public Parks has adapted a change of the street system in the neighbor-

hood of Ernescliff place. I therefore recommend that this matter be laid over until I have an opportunity of examining the nature of the said change of the street system adopted by the L)epartnrent of Public Parks.

Very respectfully yours, LOUIS J. I.HEINTZ, Commissioner of Street Improvements

of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards.

The following communication from the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, enclosing resolution for the opening of Welch street, from the Harlem Railroad to the Southern Boulevard, was read :


No, 2622 THIRD AVENUE, CORNER 141ST STREET, March 17, 1891.

Jo the honorable the Board of Street Opening and lmprovent~'nt . GENrLr:MEN—In relation to the application for the opening of Welch street, from the Harlem

Railroad to the Southern Boulevard, relerted to rte, I respectfully report as follows : 'I he Department of Public Parks, on the 15th of November, 1890, applied for the opening of

this street for sanitary purposes. The sewer to be huilt in this street is designed to (train a number of streets east of New York

and Harlem Railroad and the said railroad company has constructed a three-foot sewer under the roadbed.

A further reason why Welch street should be opened is that it will connect Webster avenue with the foot-bridge across the said railroad. The entire length of the portion of said street to be opened is 212 feet and the total length is 2,550 feet.

I therefore recommend that the title to the saute may be legally acquired by the City, and I move the adoption of the accompanying resolution.

Respectfully yours, LOUIS J. HEINTZ.

Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That this Board, deeming it for the pr.blic interest so to do, hereby respectfully requests the Counsel to the Corporation to take the necessary proceedings, in the name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to acquire title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, for the use of the public to the lands required for the opening of Welch street, from the New York and Ilarlem Railroad to Webster avenue, as a street of the first class, in the Twenty-fourth Wand, and hereby determines that the entire cost and expense of said proceeding shall be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby, unless the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, who may be appointed in said proceeding, are of the opinion that said street is over one mile in length, in which case such cost and expense shall be assessed as is now provided by law in such cases.

NOTE.--The entire length of Welch street is 2,550 feet. Which was adopted by the following vote: Affirmative—The Mayor, the Commissioner of Public Works, the President of the Department

of Public Parks, the President of the Board of Aldermen and the Commissioner of Street Improve-ments of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards-5.

'1'he following communication from the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, inclosing resolution for the opening of Pelham avenue, westerly to Webster avenue, was read :


NO. 2622 THIRD AVENUE, CORNER 141ST STREET, March 17, 1891.


To the Honorable the Board of Street Opening and Improvement : GENTLEMEN—Referring to the communication and resolution of the Department of Public

Parks relating to the extension of Pelham avenue westerly to Webster avenue, referred to me at the last meeting of the Board, I beg to report as follows :

The extension of Pelham avenue from the Harlem Railroad to Webster avenue has been laid out on the map of the Central District, filed February 28, 1879, and the title to this portion of Pel-ham avenue ought to be acquired in order to retake the connection between the present bridge and Webster avenue. The Department of Public Parks requested this Board to commence proceedings to acquire title to the saute on February 21, 1890.

I therefore recommend the same and offer the accompanying resolution for adoption. Respectfully yours,

LOUIS J. HEINTZ, Commissioner.

Whereupon the Commissioner of Street Improve)nents of the 7.'w'euty-thinl and 1'ttenty-fourth Wards offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That this Board, deeming it for the l,uhlic iuserest so to do, hereby respectfully requests the Counsel to the Corporation to take the necessary prcceediugs, in the name of ti.e Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to acquire title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, for the a>e of the pttl,ltc, to the lands required for the extension of l'elhatn avenue IIesttvardly to Webster avenue, as a street of the lira cla's, in the 'I'u'cnty-fourth Ward of said city, and hereby determines that tite entire cost and expense it said pioecedIng shall be assessed upon the property deemed to I,c benetitcd thereby, unless the Commissi,mers "f 1-stimate and Assessment, who may be appointed in :;aid proceeding, are of the pinion that saul avenue is over one mile in length, iu which ease such co;t and expense shall he as,ease t as i, now provided by law in such cases.

NorE..—The total length of Pelham avenue is 4,245 feet. Which was adopted by the fulhwink vote : Affirmative—The Mayor, the Commisiourr of Public \Works, the President of tlr-.- Department

of Public Park=, ti,e President of the Boanl of .cidermcn anal the G 'ill missioner of Street Improve-Inents of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth \\'arcs-5.

'Tile following communication from the Coon ntissitmer of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-foUrth Wards, inclosing resolution for the opening of intervals as eon-'. front the Southern Boulevard to 1sliOns place, was rend :

Ct"t'Y of NEw Voxr.—Co,MMISsn)Nrat of SrREF'T TMt'uo\l; lra.r. TwF:N"r1-THH2D ANI) 'fWEN'PY- Fot`RTrt AI'ARDS--CV)ISIlsSI0N ER's UF1'1''F:,

No. 2622 '1'2IIRD AVENUE, CORNER 141st SrRraS r, (~

Mardi 17, IS jr. 11 To the Flonorahle the Board of S:r✓et Opening ant Imjroz nrcrt --

GENTLEMEN—Tin relation to the petiti, n of property-owners for the opening of Intervals ave-nue, fi,nn the Southern Boulevard to Wilkins place, which was rclerrei l to Inc at the t.t,t tccct nlg of the Board, I beg respectfully to report as folloo s :

On January ii, 1891, a communication was forwarded to this 13-'art by W. A. L's ing, M. U. Sanitary Superintendent of the Ifealth I :epartmeut, transmitting a c' ,py of report if tI sped ti Decker, of said Department, strongly recotnnirnc:ing the ope;,nig ,,f Imer,al.a avenue, amoug others, upon the grounds that the public health dcntaudenI tire same, to which I beg your attention as well as to the communication from the Department of Public Parks on the same .,.ti tect of tie date of February 24, 1890.

It appears by the record of the proceedini,s of this Board of the slate ut hcbru.t:v 27, 1890, that Intervale avenue, with one other of said stn.ets, was laid over for the reason t1 mt each ,-f said avenues are over one mile in length. 10 action has -free been taken by the ltoai , I of Street Opening and Improvement in relation) thereto.

As appears by the reports of the Health and Park Departrnents, above referred to ne l which I beg to make a part of my report, that tl:e rapid increase of buildings in this section renters the use of privy vaults and cesspools a constant menace to the health of the inhabitants. The sewer-age of Leggett's Creek and Bound Brook Districts, of which Intervale avenue is the main outlet through which the district is to be drained, has been under cr,n>idcration since the Fox estate was subdivided. The Board of Health, through I )r. Comfort, complains l in 1882 of insufficient drain-age, and demonstrate) the necessity of constructing drains until tine streets couhl he lc'aily opened and properly severed. I therefore recoumtend that action be taken at once by this B dv to open Intervale avenue is pursuance of law, and move the adoption of the accmupanyin, resulutiou.

Respectfully yours, LOUIS J. HEIN'IZ, Commi.,siotter.

On motion, the matter was laid over for considration at the next regular meeting of the Board-The following communication, received front the Counsel to the Corporation, was presented

and read : LAW DEPARTMENT,


SUPREME COURT. Lt the Matter


The application of the Board of Street Opening and Improve-ment of the City of New Vork for and on behalf of the Macor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title to certain lands in the Twelfth Ward in the City of New York, bounded on the west by Avenue B, on the north and east by the Harlem and East rivers, and on the south by East Eighty-sixth street, for a public park, as laid out by said Board, under and in pursuance of chapter 320 of the Laws of 1887. %

To the Board of Street Opening and Impr-rroemnrt .' GENTLEMEN—The Connniasionersof Estimate in the above-entitled proceeding have made their

final report, by which they have awarded for the property proposed to be acquired the sum of $503,825, which is about $534,000 more than the value of the property, as testified to by the expert witnesses employed by the City, and about $271,00:) less than the value placed thereon by the witnesses who testified for the various property-owners.

The Commissioners also report that their fees amount to 55, I, to be rlis:ribruc, among their as indicated in their report, and that the necessary expenses of executing said commission, for maps, surveys, clerk hire, stenographer's fees, room rent, advertising and other expenses and dis-bursements, are, according to a tabulated statement, included therein, the sum of '13,193.88, making a total of $522,118.88. Of this sum fifty per cent., or $261,059.44, is to he paid by the City accordii g to the resolution heretofore adopted by you, and the balance has been as-essed by the Como)irsioner, upon the property benefited, the area of benefit having already been fixed by said resolution,

The City will, of course, be obliged to pay the assessments levied upon u roperty owned by it within the prescribed benefit area. This includes the old park, extending from Eighty-fr,uttit to Eighty-sixth street, and any school and engine houses, police stations or other property locate,) within the said area.

The notice of motion to confirm the Commissioners' report has been set down for Friday, the 13th instant, and I will move for its confirmation, if so advised by you before that day.

I remain yours, respectfully, 1VM. II. CLARK, Counsel to the Corporation.

On motion, the Board requested the Counsel to the Corporation to move the contirtuation of the report of the Commissioners of Estimate in the matter of acquiring title to certain lands ill tie 'Twelfth \Vard of the City of New York, bounded on the west by Avenue I3, on the north and east by the Harlem and East rivers, and on the south by (fast Eighty-sixth street, for a public park, as laid out by this Board, under chapter 320 of the Laws of 1887, unless there exists, in his opinion, some objection thereto.

On motion, the Counsel to the Corporation was requested to make a report to this Board at its. next regular meeting, in the matter of laying out and locating of a public park at Rutger's Slip, its the City of New York, which matter was referred to him for report at a meeting of this Board hehl October 17, 1890.

'file following resolttlion, relating to the opening of East One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, received from the Counsel to the Corporation, was read :

Resolved, That this Board, deeming it for the public interest so to do, hereby iheternuimmes that the whole amount of the cost and expenses attending the opening of East One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, from Union avenue to \Ve.,tchester avenue, in the 'l'wenty-third Ward of the City of New York, be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefntetl thereby, unless the Connui-sioners of Estimate and Assessment heretofore appointed for the opening of the said street rre of opinion that the same is over one mile in length, in which case not more than one-half of such amount shall be so assessed.

Mr. Carroll Berry appeared before the Board and urged the adoption of the resolution, stating that tile Commissioners having unanimously determined that the street is less than one mile u} length within the meaning of sections 677 and 958 of the Consolidation Act, consequently tie entire cost and expense of the proceeding would he assessed upon the property benefited.

Upon this representation, the Board adopted the resolution by the following vote : Affirmative—l'he Mayor, the Commissioner of Publ c Works, the President of the Depart-

ment of Public Parks, the President of the Board of Aliermen and the Commis.-inner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards —5.

The Board then signed the following protest to the Legislature of the State, against the passage of a bill entitled " An Act to regulate the construction of highways across railroad tracks''


NEW YORK, March 20, 1991, 1) To the Ilonorable the Senate anti Assembly of the State of New York :

GENTLEMEN—The undersigned members of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York do most earnestly remonstrate against the passage of a bill now before your Honorable Body, entitled " An Act to regulate the corstruction of highways across railroad tracks."

The effect of the passage of such bill would be to retard, if not in many instances to pea --tically prevent the opening of streets and avenues in the City of New York, which give access to the entire front of the Harlem river, from the Hudson river to the Sound.

Page 4: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

1072 THE CITY RECORD. MAI.cll 26, 1891.

Great complaint is now made by the entire population of the di.trict embraced within those The J:Illo,oiu mmunlCtltfoliS sure I C'u'ed from the Chief Inspector of Contn~ious Diseases:

limits, of the delays attending trect openings. To ad I further impediments to such openings, anti further delay be disastrous in the extreme. to create would

Weekly report of work perforntetl by the Division of Contagious Diseases. Weekly of work by the Veterinarian. report performed

The C'nit .l States (:overnrnent has appropriated a large sum of money, and f, now tieing Report on applications for leave of absence. petitioned to appropriate a very large suns of money at once to complete the navigation of the Report of delinquency of I)r. William M. Leszynsky, failing to report cases of measles at Ilane I i civet, frlti i the I hid .on river to the 8.lund. To interfere with, if not to practically cut oil Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society. all access to such river, as might he the case if the proposed legislation is enacted, would be to Referred to the Attorney for prosecution. neutralize and col aide defeat the efforts of those who are cudeavl,ring to have this great improve-

of vital interest to the City of New York, completed at the earliest practicable moment. ment, 771e fo/lowinl Contnuutications :were IRece•te'ed from the he, ister of Records

The pt'seer to open streets i, now vested in the heads of depart mculs forming; the Board of \Veekly letters. Street I tpemng and Improve u cut of the City of New York, reprreenting all inters>ts, and may be \\'eckly abstracts of births. safely contid. d to such Board. AVcckly al ;tracts of stillbirths.

I'Ilis pr.,po;ed legislation would radically change the wh lv system of street openings, and 1\'eclat' alslract of marrla} ts. would discriminate in cases where the streets are to cross railroad trades, so that there would be one \V"eekly in stuary statement mode of I1ro_ecding to open the streets where they did not cross railroad tracks, and another mode Weekly abstract of deaths from contagious disease,. of proceeding to open theta where they did. The bill, it passed, would apply to all streets and Weekly report ul Clerks. avenues having double, treble or quadruple track railroad. Reports on delayed birth returns.

For these and many other reasons which might be stated, we do most earnestly protest against pvrrrt•o:odta;;' in Tenements. the passage of such bill.

(Signet) IHUG1I J. GRANT, Mayor. Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the following tenement-

(Signcel) THEODORE, W. MYERS, Comptroller, houses to the City of New York are so overcrowded that less than six hundred cubic feet of air.

(Signed) THONIAS F. GILROV, Commiss'oner of Public Works, space is afforded to each occupant in the said, houses ISignerl) AL13EIt i' GALLUP, president of the Department of Public Parks. It is ordered, That the number of occupants in said tenement-(rouses be and are hereby reduced (Signed 't TORN H. V. ARNOLD, President of the Board of Aldermen, as follows (Sig; c I) l OUIS J. IIEI.N I'Z, Commi,stnncr of Street Lmprovements

of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards. — 1

— —" —

On motion, the Board then adjourned. - - -- - -i


V. 13. LIVINGS'I'ON, Secretary.


HEAL'T'H DEI'ARTJIENT OF 't lIE CITY OF New YORK, NEW Voice, March 17, 1891.

The Board met, pursuant to adjoarnment. l'resent—Commissioners Charles G. \Nilson, Joseph U. Byraut, H. D., the health Officer of

the Port, th7 Pre,ident of the Bo.srd of Police. The minutes rsf the last meeting were read and approved.

77e Attorney and Counsel I'resented the /o/towing Reports

Weekly rep,)rt of suits commenced and discontinued, judginents obtained and costs collected Orders received for prosecutio,t ..................................................... 297 Attorney's notices issued ......... ........... ...................................... 360

Nuisances abated before suit ................................................... .... 86

Civil suits commenced for violation of ordinances (Sanitary Code) ........................ 9 Civil suits commenced for other causes ................................................ 33 Nuisances abated after commencement of suit ............ ........ .................... 299 Suits discontinued-13y Board ............................................ .......... 3

Judgments for the Department—Civil suits.. ......................................... 4 Executions issued .................................................................. 4 Judgments for the People--Criminal suits ............................................ 2 Civil suits now pending ..................... ...................................... 295 Criminal suits now pending .............. .......................................... 215

Money collected and paid to Cashier—Civil suits ....................................... $5 Money paid into the Ceurt—Criminal suits ............................................ $50

Weekly report of cases wherein nuisances have been abated and recommendations that actions be discontinued.

On motion, it was Resolved, That the actions against the followingaiamed persons for violations of the Sanitary

Code be discontinued, without costs. to wit :

NAnus. No. j Nna,ES, No.

Charles L. Guilleaume ........................ r600 ~, Thomas Bonner.............................., 5 Charles L. I;uitleaume ........................ 1899 James }t. 13egliu............................. 6 Francis SIcDennott ........................... 642 I Mary Dooley................................ 57 Charles W. Chapin ............................~ 958 Francis H. Flagge............................ 6r Michael R, frano ............................... 1272 Abraham Hearst............................. 66 Charles W. Chapin ............................ j rz90 I' Catharine Moth ..............................I 8z Abram Bleistift ............................... 17a7 i '' William l3eadleston ............ 95 Abram 131ei,lift ............................... zo7z i~ Joseph Cohn........... ...................... Ins Morris Winn._r ................................. a3og ~ Cornelius Cronin.............................. ro5 Meyer Rosenthal ..............................3075 Andrew Horn ............................... 113 Diortimer A1.i\tenken ........................ 3347 ~ Edward Maher ............. ................ 221 Joseph J K 3384 i Edward Rafter ............................. cad e......n ......................... 125 Charles Riley ................................ 3447 John Vacteen................................ 132 John Denison.................... .. .......... 349- Charles Dickinson.......................... . 142 William R. Mason ............ ............. 3541 James 3lulty................................. .6. Oliver H. P. Archer ............................ 354 Lewis Rosenblatt............................ 166

Report oil application of Henry M. Nicholson for a re-opening of his case. The report was approved.

The Sauitarp Corntittee Presented the following Reports: \\'cchty report from Riverside Hospital (small-pox). Weekly report front Riverside Hospital (fevers). \Cea•kly report from Reception IIospital. \Veckly report farm Willard Parker Hospital. Rtipori on changes in the Hospital Service. Resolved, That the following changes iu the Hospital Service be and are hereby approved


Antic Wih,,o ......... Helper............ $144 00 Discharged ...................... March 7, 1891. Annie Connors, vice

Wilson, discharged.. Helper............ 144 oa Appointed ........................ 13, Delia l:rennan ........ Ward Helper„.... x68 no Appointed ....................... '' 2 4, 11

The Finance Committee presented the following bills, which were approved and ordered for- warded to the Comptroller for payment

NAr.les. Antoo:~:T, NAMES, AntbUNT,

Thomas Farrell ........................... G. Ermold .................................

$.3r 6m E. Greiner...............................

8 So Clark & Wilkins........................ glrs 09

5 co E, J. Lerterle, ...... ...................... 7 13 Consolidated Gas-light Co ... ............ 94 to N. 1. Cnndcnsed Milk Co.... • • • •........: 59 40 Bloomingdale Bros....;.................. 29 8S R.W. Robinson & Son .................. 7r 55 ' Thurber, Whyland & Co................. 40 Whithall, 'Saturn & Co ..................... 34 56 F. H. Leggett & Co............:........

..9 x3 57

Ayes—The President, and Commissioners Bryant, Smith and MacLean.

I'/,e jnlloruiva Contntunications were 1Xecetvea from t the Sanitary Superintendent:

1Veekly report of the. Sanitary Superintendent. Weekly report of the Chief Sanitary Inspector. Weekly report of the Chemist and Assistant Chemist. Weekly report of work performed by the Inspectors of Offensive Trades. \\eekly report en manure Clumps. Weekly reports on condition of offal and night-soil boats. Weekly reports en condition of slaughter-houses. Report on application for leave of absence. Reports on overcrowding in tenement-houses. Reports on applications for permits. Reports oil applications for relief from orders. Report on application of John Hunt for a license as Scavenger. Report in respect to the reservoir at Forty-second street and Fifth avenue. Report on probationary services of Inspector Graeb.

LOC P.TIO~. I'LOOI., Lt:ss EL'. ~'taant: Hoos1= Adults.

374 No. 14 Essex strcet......... Rear......... First, f...... Barnard Schaffer.....•• 1 3

375 .........I .............I Third, r...... S-hem Grrenbcrg...... 1 3 376 •, ......• ............ Fourth, r.... Henry l;rawn.......... 3 377 No. 69 Eldridge street ...... ........... .. 1Fomth, s.s. I. Zinnia Shnsky.........! 5 378 No. 71 Eldridge street ..... ...........' Fifth, n. s. f,. 1,-Izarous Pe-onduz...... z

...... Rear........' 'Third, s. s.... Naltt an b'tie tman..... 3798 No.rq r Elizabeth street...... ... Si nned, £ ... John Lanlalof.......... ..

381 '' ...... ............. I ourth. f.... Goal Camparino....... r 382 '' ......I ............. Filth, f.. ... Anti Balaro............ r 383 No. 246 Elizabeth street...... I ............. Fourth, s. s. f

and r...... I;eorgc Romano.... . ro 394 I No. 262 Elizabeth .si tact ...... ............. Fifth, s.'. r. , 'Tout Spie............. 4 385 i No. a63 Elizabeth Si reel .... .. ...........'. Third, .r...., Jo. Albino............. 86 1 ” ...... Rear ........ Second, I....~ Lowe Des alle......... 5

587 No.z6t Elizabeth street ...... ............ First, f....... Aus;etto \ elanto ....... 5 383 ..... ........... ' First, r...... Mutcriia Madca........1 5 389 .... .,.,.,,.....Second, r....~ Joseph Carouch........ 7

... ,,.. 390

., ......~ ........... Second, C...~ George Jngen....... 7 391 '' ' Third, r..... I'taank B.i xiste......... 1 6 392 ...... .... •.. ..-. . Third, f....... Frank Borcha........ 5

Orders Susjcs'n ed, Extended, dlodihied, ilesciuded or hejvred,

-- ------- ---- ----------- --- x

4 x Os P'Rllhn ses AT ~ "I'I EXTEND iED O ResTART: s. I.

Nos. ito and 163 West slreol ............... Apr. r, 1391 Nov r8y and Igr Park Row................. No. 351 East'1'hirty-third street............ '• 13, " I Provided the yard be cleaned and all rub-

bish removed. No. toso Amsterdam avenue ...............May r, ' No. 493 East One Hundred :n d Thirty-ninth'

street ................................... June r, ", Provided the school sink be flushed daily. No. 402 East 'Twenty-first street............;, Anr. r, " No. 19 South Fifth avenue .................. :' 1, " Nov. 548 and 55o West Forty-third street.... . " t5, " For flagging the yard, provided the balance

of order be complied with at once. Rogers place, thirty-five feet west of West-'

chester avenue .......................... r5, ,s No. 052 West Fifty-lirst street .............. June r, No. 114 East Forty-fifth street .............. May t, Provided the defective joint between lead and

win waste-pipe from kitchen wash tubs be made gns-tight.

No. 141 Mutt street .......... .... . ......... July r, " For pat tint oilder relating to cellar ceiling, - provided balance of order the complied

with at once. No. r 3g o Second avenue.... ................ Ma r, y Provided the roof be repaired so as not to

leak and the receivers of the water. closets be burnt oat, scraped and retarred at once.

No. rs Warts-street........................ ''' Apr. r, I' No. c57 West Fifty-second street..........'. ....... .. I Suspended during the pleasure of the Board. Nos. 22 and 24 Mulberry street............. Apr. I, r8gr No. 5665 Third avenue .....................' May r, F.,r portion of order relating to sinks and con-

! neon (its of lead and trots waste pipes, provided the defective connections be made tight, and the balance of order be cumplicd with at once.

No, 2.86 Third avenue .................... „ r " No. 1648 Cohnubus avenue .................! r No. rib Eighth avenue......................'' '' t Nos. 310 and 312 West' Twenty-fifth street. ; " r, No. 96 Allen street .........................1 Apr. ro,

No. 3t3 Delancey street ....................' " 30 No.690 'Third avenue....................... .............

No. 335 East 'I hirt y-first street ............ ...... .. No. ao6 East Seveuly-:;ixth street........... May r, 1891

Nov. 55 and 55% Mulberry street............ " r5, "

No.88 Chambers street .................... ............ No. 715 East One _Hundred and Seventieth

street ................................... Apr. 1, .891 NO.zs Essex street ......................... .............

No. 311 East Fifty-eighth street ........... . . I , ............

Ne. 339 East Fightieth street ...............'; May r, 1891

No, 548 West Thirty-seventh Street.........." r. " 318 y-

,. No. West Forty-second street.........., 1

Nos. 207 and no Centre street .............. Apr. t, No. 424 East Eighty-first street ............. " t, •'

Stree No. 23 Bay


ard wenty.ei

Hunt.... and No. 456 West T439ntE-st One street ......... ............. Nos.

Forty-sixth street .......................I May r, No. toss Forrest street ..................... r " No. 97 Forsyth street ....................... r No. 654 Water street ....................... r " East side Creston avenue, one house south of

Welch street............................. ...........

No. 747 East One Hundred and Seventy- l June r, 2892 F fifth street ............................J



4 6




379 508 767

.295 1454


1984 zr3r


2.99 2279



2649 2741 a780 nSar

aii23 2873 2895 2968 3097

316o 3z64

33-2 3402


3300 3531




3637 3642

3752 3785

3826 3904 8432

27084 r814o 21294 '0656

22487 722!

For regra.'ling the yard, the remainder of the work to be done at once.

Modified not to require separate ventilating pipes, pr.,vided the traps are protected from timing siphoned by other means.

Suspended during the pleasure of the Board. Provided the bowls a td iron receivers of

water-closets, the floor under the same, ant cellar be thoroughly cle:utea and traps of fixtures in the vacant apartment be regularly flushed.

Provided the portions of order requiring cleaning and whitewashing and removal of dirt and garbage be complied with at once.

Suspended during the pleasure of the Board.

Modified not to require ;vhitowashing of painted walls, provided said walls be cleaned and the order otherwise complied with.

Modified to allow the bath-tub to he con-nected with the soil-pipe on the outlet side of water-closet trap, provided it be so done as to prevent the traps from being siphoned ; and that portion of order relating to bath-tubs and iron house-drain be extended to July r, 1891. Pro-vided the house-drains be made water and gas tight and ba'ance of order cam, plied with at once.

Provided the cellar and coal-bins he cleaned and the earthen house-drain repaired at once.

Provided the stable is kept in good condition at all times,

For portion of order relating to stable floor, provided the balance of order be complied with at once.

Provided the cellar be kept clean. Rescinded.

Provided the house remains unoccupied. And modification was denied.

Rescinded, ( Provided the privy-vault be disinfected,

emptied and cleaned at once, and the house- 1J drain be made to discharge into the coss-

1 pool.

Page 5: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

Kingsbridge road and Bainbridge avenue.

No. 225 West Thirty-fourth street. No. 22o East One Hundredth street. No. 36 Charles ,Street. No. West Thirty-fifth street. North side One Hundred and Seventy-

fifth street, seventy-five feet east of No. 991.


3552 3662

3669 4160 17669

MARCH 26, 1891. THE CITY RECORD. 1073

Applications Jor Rehef from orders Denied.



76 No. 438 West Twenty-third street. 3528 No. aAS East Ei'hty-second street.

899 No. 730 Lexington avenue.

975 No. 960 Third avenue. 1857 No. 538 West Twenty-ninth street. 1993 No. 92 Grove street. 2276 No. 123 Goerck street. 2407 No. 1013 Third avenue, 3309 Nos. 836 and L'38 Broadway. 3346 No. 247 East Twenty-fifth street.

3410 No. 192 Rivington street. 3434 Nos. io86 to 1092 Second avenue.

Permits Granted.


7127 To keep sin chickens until Time 15, 1891...... No. 6 West One Hundred and 'thirty-third street. 7128 '1' use smoke- louse ......................... I No. 1475 First avenue. 7r~9 „ ............. ............ No. rzo6 Second avenue. 7130 ,. .... .... .................. No. 3475'1'hird avenue. 7131 •• .... .... ........ ....... No.3491 third avenue. 7132 •~ .................. ..... NO. 419 East Foartecnth street.

Permits Denied.


603 To use driven well water..................... Nos. 64 and 66 North Moore street.

Permits Revoked,


6964 To use smoke-house ............................ No.,zo6 Second avenue.

Communications from Other Departments.

Comptroller's office-Weekly statement. A communication from the Police Department giving notice of approval of schedule of leave

of absence of the Sanitary Company of Police for vacation. An eligible list for the appointment of an Assistant Resident Physician, for Willard Parker

Hospital, was received from the Civil tiervice Boards. A communication from the Comptroller, returning the proposal of George S. Yerbury, for filling

at North Brother Island, without approval of the sureties with agreementand affidavits of Charles A. Brown, a substitute for Frank Graves.

;Miscellaneous Communications.

Application of 1)r. Joseph A. Shears for appointment out Summer Corps. A communication from the New York City Undertaker,' Association, enclosing a copy of a bill

now b. fore the Legislature in respect to the embalming of dead human bodies. Ref_rred t I the Sanitary Committee.

A hearing was given to the I.aclies' Ilealtlt Protective Association in respect to complaints of offensive odor, eutanatinh from manure deposits at the foot of East Forty-sixth street. Mr. Goff appeared before the Board in behalf of pane & Wright in respect to application for permit to deposit manure on boats at foot of Fast Forty-sixth street, 'l'lie hearing was adjourned to Tuesday, March 31, at two o'clock P. M.


Resolved, 'l'hat the Register of Records be and is hereby directed to record the following birth certificates


1. Mary Agnes Maurice ................................. . Born......... Dec. 15, 1890

2. Harvey Ducey .........................................I ,. ........ 29,

Resolved, `Chat upon the report of the Sanitary Superintendent, that the apparatus of John Hunt, corner of Kingsbridge road and Webster avenue, to empty privy vaults, sinks and cesspools meets the requirements of the Board of Health, the Board respectfully recommends to his Ifonor the Mayor that a license as scavenger be granted.

Resolved, that the Board of Health consents to substitute Charles A. Brown as a surety in the place of Frank Graves, on contract for furnishing earth filling on North Brother Island.

Resolved, 'l'hat the Secretary be and is hereby directed to prepare a form of contract and specifications for repairing the steam propeller ''Franklin Edson," and advertise for proposals for the same in the City RECORD, as re:mired by law.

Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted, as follows:


Assistant Chemist Beebe ....................... . . bl:rrch r7 Inspector Cropper ... .......................... 13 Disiniector Conroy .............................. " r3

Resolved, That William W. Talley, who has been in the service of this Board within one year as a Medical Inspector, be and hereby is appointed Temporary Inspector of Vaccination in this Department, pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Boards, with salary at the rate of one hundred dollars per month.

Resolved, That Bernard Wolff, be and is hereby provisionally employed as Assistant Resident Physician in this Department, pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Board, with salary at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month.

Resolved, That Charles E. H. Craeb, provisionally employed as a Milk Inspector in this De-partment, having served as such six months and his conduct and character being satisfactory, is hereby appointed a Milk Inspector in this Department pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Boards, with salary at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum.

On motion, the following preamble and resolution were adopted : Whereas, The establishment of a place of recreation and amusement above the Croton Reser-

voir and Bryant Park is seriously contemplated ; and, Whereas, The necessary associations of such a place may both directly and prospectively cause

contamination of the water of the reservoir, and thus render it unwholesome and dangerous to life and detrimental to health, either by direct consumption or contamination of the Croton supply pipes of this city ; and,

Whereas, The necessary relationship that must exist between the proposed place of amusement and the reservoir is contrary to good sanitary principles and to the requirements exacted by this Board of owners of tenement houses in connection with the water storage for the use of the tenants of such houses ; be it therefore

Resolved, That the Health Department of the City of New York views with apprehension the consummation of the ,aforegoing proposition, and respectfully requests his honor the Mayor to take such steps as shall secure its defeat.

The following CGmmunicatisns were Received front the Ciiz f Inspector of Piuseubing and Ventilation :

Weekly report of work performed by the Division of Plumbing and Ventilation. Weekly report on light and ventilation of tenement-houses, plumbing and drainage plans

of new buildings. Resolved, That the recommendations of the Chief Inspector of Plumbing and Ventilation be

and the same are hereby approved.

Action of the Board on Plans for Plu,niing and Drainage of the following f/,nse•s

Resolved, That plans for plumbing and ilraivage of the following houses be and are hereby approved upon the conditions containe.l in the statement of the action of the Board attached to the specifications submitted with the plans, and the said plaits and 4peCihicatiOns are hereby modified in accordance therewith Plan No. I i85o. For one warehouse, northeast coiner of'L'llird avenue and Sixteenth street, reapproved con-

ditionally. 12166. For one tenement, east side if St. Ann's avenue, three hundred and srvcnty-tw'o feet south

of Westchevtcr aventte, as amended. 12680. For public builrlin„ southeast corner of Sylvan place and One hundred and 1Menty-first

street, as amende,l. 12687. For one chapel, west side of St. Ann's avenue, one hundred feet south of One hundred and

Forty-first street, as amended. 12691. For six dwellings, north side of Eighty-fifth street, three hundred and eighty-;event}- feet

east of Amsterdam avenue, as amended. 12693. For one tenement, southwest corner of Second avenue and (Inc Hundred and 'I\telfth

street, as amended. 12699. For drainage, north side of Fifty-seventh street and south side of Fifty-eighth street, one

hundred and seventy-fife feet west of -Seventh avenue, as amended. 12705. For one tenement, No. 212 West Fourteenth street, as amended. 12710. For two dwellings, east side of (.'ourtland avenue, seventy feet south of One Ifundred and

Fifty.fturtlr street, as amended. 12711. For one, dwelling, north side of one hundred and Forty_sixth street, two hundred awl

twenty five feet west of St. Ann's avenue, as amended, 12718. For three tenements, northeast corner of Lcxin to.i avenue and Eighty-second street, a.,

amended. 12720. For one stable, Nos. 410 and 412 East'fwenty-fifth street, as amended. 12721. For Line shop and elwelling, No. 415 \Vest [Forty-ninth street. 12722. For four dwellings, south side of One Hundred and Fourth street, one hundred feet east of

West End avenue, as amended. 12723. For one dwelling, south side of Eihhticth street, one hundred feet east of F first avenue, as

amended. 12726. For drainage, lot north side of One Hundred and Sixtyminth street, two hundred feet west

of Amsterdam avenue. 12727. For drainage, six dwellings, north side of Sixty-ninth street, one hundred feet %vest of Ninth

avenue. 12728. For drainage, two tenements, Nos. 122 and 124 \Vest Ninetieth street, conditionally. 12731. For alteration, northeast corner of -Seventh avenue anti Fifty-third street. 12732. For bank and offices, No. 52 Nall street, as arnended. 12733. For two tenements, south side of 'I'weuty-:sixth street, one hundred and twenty-live feet

west of First avenue. 12734• For one store and dwelling, southwest corner of First avenue and Ninety-fifth street, as

amended. 12735. For drainage lot, north side of One Hundred and Forty-fifth street, two hundred and

twenty-five feet west of St. Ann's avenue. 12737. For one tenement, north side of Eighty-third street, one itundred and fifty feet w e.t of

First avenue. 12.940. For two tenements, north side of One hundred and First street, one hundred feet east of

Ninth avenue. 12741. For one warehouse, southwest corner of Ninth avenue anti Fifteenth street, as amended. 12744. F'or drainage, two lots, Nos. 52 and 54 Kest Seventy_socond street. 12745. For drainage, four lots, north side of Seventy-fourth street, one hundred and eighty feet

west of Eighth avenue. 12746. For one factory, Nos. 322 and 324 East Forty-fourth street. t2947. For one sloop, southwest corner of South Fifth avenue and Prince street, rear. 12748. For synagogue, Nos. 38 and 40 Ft.-nry street.

fail'd /or :Imetrlln eat.

Resolved, 'l'hat the following plans for plumbing and drainage be and are hereby tabled for amendment Plan No. 12704. F'or one tenement, southwest corner of Vetid,rbilt avenue and One Ilundred and Sixty-

ninth street. 12709. For one stable, No. 5 last Thirty-ninth street. 12724. For front and rear warehouse, No. 140 Sullivan strict. 12525. For one dwellim,, sin' lt' de of V'an C mirth amlt avenue. and Cordova place. 12729. For one stable, No. 622 lest Une lIunllre I ;moth Thirty-first street. 12730. For one dwelling, north side of Rockliekl street, five humored feet east of Marion

avenue. 12738. For two tenements. south side of Thirty-seventh street, three hundred and fifty feet tcest of

Ninth avenue. 12742. Fear one tenement. No. 26 Ludlow street. 12743. For one dwelling, north side of One Hundred and Fifty-first street, one hundred and

twenty-five feet west of Amsterdam avenue,


Resolved, That the following plans for plumbing and drainage be and are hereby dis- approved

Plan No.

12708. For one road house, east side of Amsterdam avenue, twenty-five feet north of Ninety-first street.

Amendments to Plumbing and Drainage Plans. Resolved, That the following amendments to plumbing and drainage plans be and are hereby


Plan No. 10938. For four tenements, northwest corner of Eighth avenue and One Hundred and Fourth street, 11153. For two tenements, south side of Second street, one hundred feet east of Second avenue. 11358. For office building, north side of Liberty street, from Washington to West street. I t880. For hospital, southeast corner of Seventh avenue and 'Twelfth street. 11930. For theatre, south side of One I lundred and 'l'wenty-fifth street, one hundred and forty feet

east of Park avenue. 12139. For one dwelling, cast side of Valentine avenue, one hundred and seventy-five feet south of

Surburban street. 12165. For one warehouse, northeast corner of Eleventh avenue and Twenty-seventh street. 12354• For one tenement, north side of One Hundred and First street, one hundred and ninety.

five feet west of Manhattan avenue. 12423. For publishing house, south side of Fourteenth street, two hundred feet east of -thirteenth

avenue. 12567. For two dwellings, Nos, 3 and 5 East Tenth street. 12620. For one tenement, No. S7 Division street. 12638. For home for the aged, north side of Fifteenth street, one hundred and sixty feet west of

Seventh avenue.

Amendments ti Plumbing and Drainage Plans.

Resolved, That the following amendments to plumbing and drainage plans he and are hereby ;I disapproved :

Plan No. 11533. For one tenement, north side of Ninety-third street, two hundred and nine feet east of

Madison avenue.

Violations to the Attorney. Resolved, That the following violations of law in respect to plumbing and drainage of new

houses be and are hereby referred to the Attorney Nos. 3971, 4120, 4128, 4129, 4145, 4152, 4110.

Action of the Board on Plaits /or Liplet and Ventilation of the following' 7enenent-houses: Resolved, That the following plans for light and ventilation be and are hereby approved, upon

the conditions described in the permits issued in each case, and the said plans and specifications are hereby modified in accordance therewith :


i [arch 24 Annual vacation.

r6 On account of sickness.

20 On account of sickness.

Page 6: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

1074 THE CITY RECORD . MARCH 26, 1891.

Plan No. 8501. For eleven tenements, south side of One Hundred and Fifteenth street, one hundred and fifty

feet east of Third avenue.-

8503. fFor one tenement, southeast corner of Fifth avenue and One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street. 8504•:For one tenement, east side of Fifth avenue, fifty feet south of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth

street. 8505. For two tenements, south side of Thirty-seventh street, three hundred and twelve feet six

inches west of Seventh avenue. 8506. For two tenements, south side of Seventy-second street, two hundred and thirteen feet east of

First avenue. 8498. For two tenements, north side of Ninety-fourth street, one hundred feet west of Columbus

avenue. 3478-2. For six tenements, No. 83 Hester street, as amended.

Ta61ed for Amendment.

Resolved, That the following plans for light and ventilation be and are hereby tabled for amendment

Plan No.

8502. For one teriement, southeast corner of Lexington avenue and Twenty-ninth street. 85oo. For two tenements, Nos. 322 to 326 Madison street. 8499. For two tenements, Nos. 95 and 97 Seventh street. 8497. For one tenement, south side of Eighty-first street, one hundred and thirty-seven feet six

inches west of Amsterdam avenue. 8460-2, For one tenement, south side of One Hundred and Sixth street, one hundred and fifty feet

east of Fifth avenue.

/Amendments to Li ''l:t and V• rtilation Plans. Resolved. That the following amendments to light and ventilation plans be and are hereby


Plan No. 5264. For one tenement, northeast corner of Seventh avenue and One Hundred and Thirty-fifth

street. 5585• For one tenement, north side of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street, one hundred feet east

of Seventh avenue. 7405. For one tenement, south side of One Hundred and Second street, one hundred feet east of

Ninth avenue.

7900. For'two tenements, Nos. 73 and 77 East Eighty-fifth street. 7901. For one tenement, No. 75 East Eighty-fifth street. So85. For four tenements, east side of St. Ann's avenue, twenty-five feet north of One Hundred

and Sixty-tirst street. 82)5. For two tenements, north side of One Hundred and Forty-second street, two hundred feet

east of Willis avenue. 8412. For one tenement, No. 57 Division street.

Violations to [lee A'torney.

Re-olved• That the following violations of law inAre.spect to light and ventilation of tenement-house;, be and are hereby referred to the Attorney :

N,,s• 2117, 2187, 2321, 2327, 2331, 2344, 2349, 2353, 2358•

Sanitary Bureau.

There were 11,897 inspections made by the Sanitary inspectors and the Sanitary Police. There were 662 complaints returned by the Sanitary Inspectors and the Sanitary Police. "l'h_re were 292 complaints received from citizens and referred to the Sanitary Inspectors and

Sanitary Police for investigation and report. There were is;u_d to the cotlsinees of vessels, to discharge cargoes, on vouchers from the

Health Officer of the Port, 37 permits. There were issued to consignees, to discharge rags (in bulk, under bonds), 2 permits. There were issued under the Sanitary Code i miscellaneous permit. There were issued to scavengers to empty, clean and disinfect privy sinks, 6 permits.

Vital Statistics.

r~, 'a c e EY co a .~ v_

c cu a.. N


. •' F O C


., U

Marriages ................. 18,6 .. 276 8.54 I .... .... .... 29 so .... ,66

Births .................... 875 .. 97 27.41 i .... .... I' .... 45 23 .... 875

Deaths ................... 813 75 .. 25.46 813 rz 82 157 137 .... 813

Still-births ............ .. 65 j I .. 3.04 6; .... i ro .... .... 65

The 8t3 deaths represent a death-rate of 25.46, against 23.03 for the previous week, and 24.01 for the corresponding week of 5890.

The increase of 78 deaths was mainly clue to a increase of 15 in the deaths from phthisis, of 7 from meningitis, of 19 from bronchitis and of 8 front croup. There was a decrease of II in the deaths from pneumonia. The remainder of the increase in deaths over the previous week was pretty evenly distributed over a large variety of causes, no special cause being prominent.

The deaths from diphtheria were most numerous in the Seventeenth, Nineteenth and Twenty. third \Wards, from scarlet fever in the Tenth and Twelfth, and from measles, in the Nineteenth Wards.

Analysis of Croton 1f/ater for Friday, Alarc/t 13, tSgi. Sample taken from Hydrant, corner of :11ott and 131eecker Streets.



Appearance ........... ............................... Very slightly turbid........ Very slightly turbid.

Color ................................................ Light yellowish brown......I Light yellowish brown.

......... ........ Odor heated to too' Fnhr. .......... I'alnt, marsh Faint, marshy.

Chlorine in Chlr,rides......1 ........................... 0.to5...... r.............. 0.x72.

Equivalent to Sodium Chloride . ....................... o. 165 ......................0.363.

Phosphates ........................

Nitrites ...........................

Nitrogen in Nitrates and Nitrite,...

Free Ammonia ............ .......

Albuminoid Ammonia .............

Hardness equivalent to Before boiling ................ 2.059 .....................3.53.

Carbonate of Lime After boilin g.... ......... .... ~ 2.0 5)........................ 3.53•

Organic and Volatile (loss on ignition .... .............1 0.992...................... 2.70.

MineralMatter (non-volatile .......................... 3.207...................... 5.50,

Total solids ;by evaporation] ..........................1 4.199...................... 7.20.

Remarks : Temperature at hydrant, 38° Fahr. By order of the Board.

EMMONS CLARK, Secretary.


At a meeting of the Board of Docks of the City of New York, held at the office of the Board, Pier "A," Battery place, Thursday, March 12, 1891.

Present—President Post. " Commissioner Cram.

Absent- Commissioner Matthews. The minutes of the meetings held the 5th instant were read and approved. A delegation from District Assembly No. 49 Day Labor Club of Dock Builders, appeared and

presented a communication respecting appointments of dock builders, and also requesting that here-after mechanics recommended by their society be given the preference. They were notified that the Board will give the matter due consideration.

The following communications were received, read, and, On motion, ordered to be placed on file, viz. From the Counsel to the Corporation : Ist. Inclosing copy of a letter from Cecil Campbell Higgins, attorney—with regard to the actions

entitled Wallace vs. The Mayor, etc., and The Mayor, etc., vs. Mott—in relation tothe work of filling in north of Fifty-fifth street, North river. Referred to the Engineer-in-Chief to examine and report.

2d. Transmitting blank leases for the use of the Department with his approval as to form. From the Finance Department—Requesting information as to the rental value of the wharf

property occupied by the \Vest Shore Railroad Company, foot of Forty.second street, North river ; also that occupied by the Greenpoint Ferry Company, between Twenty_third and Twenty-fourth streets, East river. Referred to the President. The Engineer-in-Chief directed to prepare maps of the said premises.

From the Department of Street Cleanin.;—Requesting dredging under various dumping-boards on the North and East rivers. Advise that the Engineer-ul-Chief has been directed to examine and report as to the dredging required at 'Thirty-seventh and Forty-seventh streets, North river. Con-tract for dredging, the remainder of the places indicated will be advertised for award Match 27, 1891

From William A. Ilall—Requesting permission to locate a swimming bath at the southwest end of the Battery for the season of 1891, commencing June t, and requesting dredging thereat. Permit granted at the rate of two hundred and fifty dollars per month. The Engineer-in-Chief directed to make requist`.ion for dredging.

From Joseph Cornell, lessee : 1st. Requesting permission to drive piles, cut two gangways and locate a tally-house on the

bulkhead south side of \\'e.st Eleventh street. Permit granted, the same to be and remain only during the pleasure of the Board.

2d. Agreeing to the terms and conditions of the resolution adopted February 12, 1891, author. izing the sub-letting of about two hundred and twenty-five feet of the bulkhead on the south side of West Eleventh street, North river, together with the consent of the sureties thereto.

From the White Star I.tne, lessee—Requesting permission to extend shed on Pier, new 45, North river. \\'hereupon the following resolution wos adopted :

Resolved, 'that permission he and Itereby is granted to the White Star Line to erect a sited over the extension to Pier, new 45, North river, all the work connected therewith to be done [under the supervi,ion of the Engineer-in-Chief of this Department and subject to the regulations of the Fire Department : provided the said White Star Line agrees to erect the same at its own cost and expense in accordance with the salve plans and lines of the existing shed on said pier ; all necessary repairs to be made by the said lessee whenever required so to do by this Department ; the extension to the said speed to remain ve~tcd in and owned by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York upon the expiration or sooner termination of the leas_ of said pier.

From Ge.)rge Clark -Requesting permission to drive piles on the tipper side of Pier 17, East river. Permit granted.

From the \Vest Shore Railroad—Requesting permission to drive piles on the s}ath side of Tier, old 33, North river. Permit granted.

From the Lehigh Valley Railroad -Requestingpermi.siom to place a fixe3 post in the centre of the roadway on Pier 3, North river, and a fixed fence for one-halt of the width of the pier together with a gate for the other halt. Permit granted.

Front Thomas Lancer, Laborer--In reference to his suspcnstott from duty as Acting \Vatchman. Referred to the President, with power.

From John R. Ils•nry--Requesting permission to complete the work of filling in between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth stree,s, East river. Advise that the Department are not as yet ready to receive filling thereat.

From W illiam Simons n—Protesting against the float moored at the south side of One IIun-dredth street, I hat lens river, by Walter 19. O'Brien and others. Referred to the Engineer-in-Cl:ief to examine and report.

Fronr Carl H. Schultz—Rentte..ting permission to run an iron water-pipe through the bulk. head foot of 'Twenty-sixth street, East river. Permit granted, the same to remain only during the pleasure of the Board.

From the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company--Respecting the dangerous condition of the old cribwotk remaining on the former site of Pier, old 21, North river.

From the Iron Steamboat Company, lessee of Pier, new i, North river—Requesting a renewal of its lease of said pier. The Secretary directed to a,ltise that the renewal of the present lease is now being prepared, and that they will be duly notified when the same is ready for execution.

From the U. S. Steamship " \linnesota "—Requesting permission to run a water-pipe along the pier foot of Fiftieth street, North river. Permit granted, the said pipe to remain only (luring the pleasure of the Board.

From Dock Master Erwin—Reporting that the pier foot of "Twenty-fifth street, East river, requires cleaning. l.iequest the Department of Street Cleaning to clean.

From the harbor Line Board—Slating that there will be a meeting of said Board Tuesday, March 17, 5891, with a view to reconnnending harbor line., to lie cstab.uhed by the Secretary of War for that portion of the Jersey shore known as the "Jersey Flats." The Engineer-in-Chief requested to attend said meeting.

From li relmg 1i. Smith, attorney—Respecting the resolution adopted December 4, 1890, requiring the Forty-second Street and Grand Street Ferry Railroad Company to construct a hulk. heador sea wall between Forty-second and Forty-third streets, Notth river, and requesting that action be postponed until the injunction of the Knickerbiseker Ice Company is dissolved. Request the attorney to notify the Board when a decision in the matter is reached.

From Hipolito llumois—Requesting permission to lengthen Pier 13, East river. Referred to the Engineer-m-Chief to exa;nine and report.

From Officer 1laher, Twenty-ei,hth Precinct—Reporting, that the bulkhead between Piers 47 and 48, East river, has caved in. 'Wire Engineer-in-Chief directed to change the location of the fence so as to include that portion of said bulkhead which is in a dangerous condition.

From Dock Master Abed : 1st. Reporting accumulation of dirt on various bulkheads in his district. The Engineer-fn.

Chief directed to cause the bulkheads from Canal to 'Vest Eleventh street, North river, to be cleaned.

2cl. Reporting that he had stored a quantity of molasses obstructing the bulkhead at Pier, new 37, North river.

From the Engineer-in-Chief 1st. Report for the weeks. ending February 28 and March 7, 1891. 2d. Requesting in.trucuons respecting the final estimate on Contract No. 340, for building new

pier foot of Forty-ninth street, North river. On motion, the time to complete the work of building said pier was extended to March 7,

I S9I . 3d. Requesting instructions respecting the final estimate on Contract No. 317, for building

Pier, new 29, North river. Referred to the President. 4th. Report on Secretary's Urder No. 10712, that he had transmitted to the Counsel to the

Corporation the information requested respecting the clock at High Bridge, Harlem river. 5th. Report on Secretary's Order No. 10493, that he had superintended repairs at South and

Wall Street Ferries ; also reporting non-commencement of repairs ordered to Fulton Ferry. Notify the Ferry Company to repair.

6th. Report ou Secretary's Order No. 10617, that it is not the intention of James Craikshank to replace piles at Pier, old 23, North river.

On motion, permit granted December 26, 1890, was revoked. 7th. Report on Secretary's Orders No. 9564, 9891, 10247, I0410, to531, 10545, 10551, 10584,

lo6oq. io5;5, 10647 and 10728, that he had superintended the work of extending sewer under Pier foot of Eleventh street, East river ; the repairing of backing-logs on the north and south sides of Tier, old 23, North river ; the repairing of pavement between Piers 49 and 5o, East river ; the repairing and painting of shed on Pier, new 41, North river ; repairing sheathing on deck of Pier, new 60, North river; the erection of a platform and hood on north side of freight stied on the platform in front of the bulkhead south of Pier 50, East river ; the repairing ofpavement at entrance to Pier, old 32, East river; the renewing of the deck of Pie 52, East elver; the removal of boat-house foot of One I-Iundred and Twenty-fifth street, Harlem river; that he had completed the work of build-ing an approach to Pier, new 29, North river ; that he made requisition for dredging at Piers foot of Eighty-sixth street, East river, and superintended the work thereat, and respecting the condition of the bulkhead from Seventy-ninth to Eightieth street, North river.

On motion of Commissioner Cram, the Comptroller was requested to inform the Board whether this Department should collect wharfage for the use and occupation of the wharf in front of Castle Garden.


...................: None ..................... I None.

...................~ o.or35 ......................0.0317.

0.0009 .....................1 o.cor5. ..................

.... I............ o.c055 ...................... 0.0795.

Page 7: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

Audit No. Name.

11670. " The World," advertising ................................... $392 55 11671. . .....................................50 CO

General Repairs Account. 11672. '' The World," advertising ......................... ..................

Annual Expense Account. 11673. °' The World," advertising .... ..................

Construction Account. 11674. Baetjer & Meyerstein, cement .................. ... ......... $3,333 90 11675, William Cowles, plans and specifications for a new steel propeller, 1,463 00 11676. Atlantic Dredging Company, dredging ........................ 1,859 6o 11677. 11. A. Rogers, machinists' supplies ............................ $180 56 11678. John A. Bouker, trap-rock ...................................925 00 11679. 7slotris & Ctmnngs Dredging Company, dredging ............... 870 00 1 1680. Alexander Pollock, rope, valves, etc .......................... 1,244 18 11681. Joseph \V. Duryee, spruce ........ ........................... 1,748 96 11682. A. Schrader & Son, 1ejairs to helmet, etc ...................... 15 00 11683. William P. Kelly, Estimate No. 4 and final, Contract No. 349• • • . 3,869 53


$442 55

212 85

38 25

Requisition No. 528. Stationery, etc.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

AUGUSTUS 1'. 1OCIIARTY, Secretary.

The Board then convened in executive session. The following persons were discharged :

Ship Carpenters. William Purcell. Robert Farrell. William E. Downey. Edward F. Snediker.

Dock Builder.

Michael Morrisey,

Laborers. James Kennedy. Thomas Lahey. John E. Relyea.

The following persons were appointed : Laborer.

William McCormick. Dock Builder.

Chris Colver. James Mulgren. Stone Cutters,

James Maume. Lawrence Henry.

Blacksmith's helper. Daniel Corcoran.

On motion, the Board adjourned. AUGUSTUS T. DOCHARTY, Secretary.



Pursuant to section I, subdivision 3 of chapter to, Laws of iS88, I hereby designate the "New Yorker Zeitung " and "Nesv York Daily News:," of the daily papers printed in the City of New York as the newspapers in which the advertise-ments of the public notice of the time and place of auction sales ill the City of New York shall be published.

MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORK, February 1, 1889. 1t

Pursuant to section 9 of chapter JJ9, Laws of 1883, I hereby designate the '' Daily News'' and the '' New York Morning Journal," two of the daily papers printed in the City of New York, in which notice of each sale of unredeemed pawns or pledges by public auction in said city, by pawnbrokers, shall be published for at least six days previous thereto, until otherwise ordered,


MARCH 26, 1891. THE CITY RECORD. 1075

Commissioner Cram moved that the permit issued August 13, 1889, to M. Goodwin to occupy bulkhead foot of Twenty-ninth street, East river, for the reception of dirt and stones be revoked which, on motion, was laid on the table.

The Auditing Committee submitted an audit of sixteen bills or claims, amounting to s16,6S9.19, which were approved and audited, and ordered to be spread in full on the minutes, as follows

Construction Account.

--- 515,509 73 General repairs Account.

11684. Atlantic Dredging Company, dredgin;g ........................$245 75 11685. Bell Brothers, spruce ........................................ 210 o6

455 Si

516,659 19

Respectfully submitted, ED\VIN A. Pt 1ST, President, ( Auditing

J. SERGEANT CRAM, I Committee.

'l'he action of the President in transmitting the same, with requisitions for the amounts to the Finance Department for payment, approved.

The President reported that lie had received for the Treasurer the following e,timates for fur- nishing the Department with about 1,500 barrels quick-setting Portland cement and tools

1.500 Barrels Onick-setting 1 ortland Cement. Baetjer & Meyerstein ....................................................52 43 per barrel. Ilaebler& Co .......................................................... 2 45


Janes Brand ...........................................................2 45 „ Sinclair & Babson ............ .......................................... 2 65

7aols. Alexander Pollock ........................................................... $326 14 1-I. A. Ro,.ers ................ ... ................................ ... 394 90

the action of the President in awarding the order for cement to Baetjer & Meyerstein and for tools to Alexander Pollock approved.

t )n motion of Commissioner Cram, the Engineer-iu-Chief was directe•l to remove the old timber, anchors, skids, etc., Stored on the piers and bulkheads, front the Battery to Pier 16, East river.

(hr motion, so much of the minutes of the meeting held February 12, 1891, as relates to Charles Giblin, Foreman of Masons, was rescinded, and the resignation of said Charles Giblin was there-upon accepted.

On motion of Commissioner Crain, the action of the Board February 26, 1891, transferring Dock Master Coggeshall froth I)istrict No. 6 to District No. 12, and Dock Master Kenny from h is-trict No. 12 to District No. 6, to take effect Sunday, March 15, 1891, was rescinded.

l lie Secrctaiv reported that the pay-rolls of the General Repairs and Construction Force for the week ending Match 6, 1891, autounting to $7,603.87, had been approved and audited and transmitted to the Finance I)ep:u inc nt for payment.

The following regttisiuon; were passel Register No. Fur What. 8789. Galvanized cleats, etc ...................... .............Estimated cost, $226 00 8790. About 50 gross tons egg coal, per ton ...................... " 4 90 8791, I)raughtsmen'ssupplies ............ .......... ............ '' 32 00 8792. Twenty-four tour-light Sashes .............................. 16 8o 8793• Io,000 feet 4-Inch spruce ...... ........................... .. 210 00

87941. Supplies floating property ................................. 222 50 8795 V 8796. Tools .................................................... 326 14 8797• Repairs derrick "City of New York .. ....................... 275 00 8798. Services of dredge, etc., at Pier, new 14, North river.........." too 00 8799. Nails, wire, etc ........................................... 256 00 8800. Gunny bags . ................................. ......... 490 00 88ot. \'Vroughtiron armature plate; .............................. '' 529 20 8802. Cotton gun waste ............................... ........ " 1,131 00 8803. Screw bolts ........... .................................. '< 410 26 8So4. \\'roughtspikes, etc ....................................... .. 141 75 8805. Manila rope, etc .......................................... .. 394 00 88o6. llackma'ac ship knees ..................................... •' 305 00

OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. tice,fthe Csrporatran Attorney.

No. 49 Beekman street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Q IATEMENT OF' [HE HOC I( UURIN(i Louts STECKLER. Corporation Attornev. ~7 which all the Public Offices in the City are open for basiness, and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn, as well as of the places where such offices are POLICE DEPARTMENT. k-pt and such Courts are held ; together with the head= Ce,rtral Office. of Departments and Courts No. goo Mulberry street, 9 A. st to 4 P. N.

EXECUI IVE DEPARTMENT. CHARLES F. MAcLEAN, President ; WILLIAM H. Ktrr, Chief Clerk ; 'I'. F. RoDEwocuH. Chief of bureau of

51/savor's (t zee. Elections. No. 6 City Hall, lu A. Al. to 4 P. it. ; Saturdays, ,o

A. ': to SO 11. DI.l'AR"I'MENT OF CHARITIES AND CORREC- is UGH J. GRANT, Mayor. Wt. Mc11. SroER, Secretary and Chief Clerk. TION.

Mayor's MVarslzat's Office. Central Office.

No. I City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. A1. No. 66 Third avenue, corner Eleventh street, 9 A. M. to

DANIEL ENGELHARD, First Marshal. 4 P, At.

HENRY PORTER, President; GEORGE F. BRITTON, FRA`K Fox, Second Marshal. ecretarH• Sy.

Purchasing Agent, FRE A. CUSHMAN. Office COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. i turda c

hours, o A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, rz at. Rooms 5t4 and ct5, Stewart Building, 9 A. Al. to 4 i tt. Contracts, Proposals and Estimates for Work and Ma. MAURICE F. HOL.AHAN. EDWARD P. BARKER. terials for Building, Repairs anti Supplies, kills and

Accounts, 9's. M. t0 4 I'. 11. Saturdays, 12 M. CHARLES AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. I HENN, General Bookkeeper.

Roam soy, Stewart Building, 5th floor, 9 A. At. to 5 r. w, Out-Door Poor Department. Office hours, S.3o A. M, JAMES C. DUANE, President ; JOHN C. SHEEHAN. to 4.30 r. to. \5'ILLinst BeaKE, Superintendent. En-

Secretary ; A. FTELEY, Chief Engineer; J. C. LuLLEv, trance on Eleventh street.



' I'In e MAYOR, Chairman ; PNEs1JEVT of DEPARTMENT No. 350 Slott street, 9 A. 11• tO 4 1'. 11. C H:11<LES G. WILSON, President ; 1•,st>10NS CLARK, +)F TAXES AND Assyssi,ENTS, Secretary'.

Address 11 COLEstAN Staata Zeitung Building Tryon secretary. Ro w. Office hours, 9 A. st. Lose. so ; Saturdays, 9 A. Al. to t2 11. DEPARI'JIENI UP PUBLIC PARKS.

Id COM 31ON COUNCIL. Lmlerant Industrial lm Savings ,aul. . tug, os.4 C~ic~ ,+/ CIer1.• r~ Carnxou Cozrnc il, and St Chambers street, 9 A.M. to 4 tot. Saturdays, 12 xt

:1Lness' GALLUP, President; CHARLES UE F. FURss Nu. 5 City [1a11, s A. %I, to 4 P. St. Secretary.

J iHN H. V. ARNOLD, President Buard of Aldermen. t5'isrj -]'nf o,, rrrfuical /;irgirrrer. I' HANeis J. Trustier. Clerk Common Council. Arsenal, Sixty-fourth street and Fifth avenue, 9 A. ll

City Library. to 5 r. al No I2 City Hall, 10 A. Al. to 4 r. v

MICHAEL C. PADDEN, City Librarian. i l tl, DI' 11 AR'1'\lLNT. Office hours tot, all, except where otherwise noted

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. rom q A. Al. to 4 I'. Al. Sature ays, to c2 St. Co,,smissimzer's (dS ce. f/ea /qua ri,', , No. 3t Chambers street, 9 :01 to 4 P. st f:ast fist seventh street. THOMAS u'. (VILRov, Commissioner; BERNARD F 57 51,

1lalrrtN, Leputy Commissioner. Hent<r L. Poaaov, President ; CARL ) t'StiEv, Sec- retary.

Bureau of Chief Engzueer. d:nr+ru I. L'ii,j,if D.'parrnteut. No. 3t Chambers street, ~ .t. Al. to 4 P M. HUGH L'oNNER. Chief of Department.

GEORGE: W. I3tRDSaLL, Chief Engineer. ,, rcau +'f iu.p,rtnr o/- Canrbrts;iiles. Baru , of 1130,', Registry. Pc-i eR SPERl,, Inspector of Combustibles.

No, 31 Chambers street, y A.M. to 4 P. Si. Gruvczu cf /',,,• .t/crchal. Josnptt RILEY, Register. JAMES MITCHCELL. Fire Marshal.

bzmra it of Street _ntfror,enrents. riareaU o/ /nsnetion of Buiidtn;s. NO. 3r Chambers street, 9 A. zt. to 4 P. M I'xusiAs J. BRADY, Snpermtcndent nl l:ntldins A nt. 11. LEAN, Su pen ntende n t. .i.'toru.v to /A/,., t+urza. c;,,rean ~i ~'a,ers. iS14. 1..1'tsnLEt. No, 3t Chambers street, 9 A. St. :0 4 P. M.

HORACE boom s, Em„lueer-in-Charge. I'll', .lirrm T,L rap/t. Rrnrsen of Repairs and Sr,J,4lxs. 1. 1•a.1.l5T SMITH, Superintendent.

No. 3t Chambers .street, y A. St. to 4 P M. Central (Disco open at au hours. 'VILLIAat G. BERccx. superiuicndent. l'•parr .S'hojs.

55,1 11 atr,- prtr"s'y+r. Nos. rsP and t is: West 'l lord street. \n. 3r Chaml:ers street, 9 A. it. to 4 P. M Joni C.tsr LEs. Gurcrn:m-in-Char;;e, S A.M. to g P. P.M.

Wxt. H. IICRRE, Water Purveyor. //eshital b.`a(~t.'.r. Ninety-moth strict, hetweeu Ninth and '1 enth avenues, Bureau if Lantys and Grts. InsErn sties, For,unan-in-Char4e-

No. 31 Chambers Street, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. 1st. Open at all hours. 4rlq'Hry 11LCuraucE, Superintendent.

Uur,•tx of N'rc.•ts rind Roasts. UEI'AR I'\lEN I 01- DOCKS. No. 31 Chambers street, 9 A. to. to { r. st Battery, Pier A, North rner.

JOHN B. SntA, Superintendent. r:n,~'!s A. Ps,.t, t'resident; :1~ r.s sti s'1'. 1)„s:imaoTY, Score tars dixrcart if /ueteutl+r¢nres. (ii lb c hum. ln,m q A. 11. 10 4 P. Si.

No. ;I Cha m hers street, 9 n. v. to 4 P. M. -. - MICItAEL T. CcnuuncS,aupermtendcut.

nt•ep+'r ,/ e'ity /tau DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING. MaartN J. KEESE, City Hnli.

DEuAt<T.Ivrsr 1,1, Spat[ r fL,,,.>:r;, DEPART11EN1' OF S'r'RFE1' IMPROVEMENTS CITY or• Nose 7-,';;!:,

'1'tsENTv-TUIRD .-AN) '1'trENTv-r )di :rn 15ARDS. Srr,sui Rt'n.un~;, A~~. n9. I;r.~,ttntAv, Nn. ,656 '('Is vd acenuc.

Loris J. Hetsrz, Commissioner ; JuHs H. J. RONNr-'r< h'RO1'O :Al.S I 11k I';ti'1'1A1.1'l l:s Ft 1R RE. Deputy Coinmissioner; R':,1. H.1i Lsce, Secretar). I'.\II h\(i 'l ItI. ti II \\l ]'It (ml ;I.I,1?R FINANCE LI•:1'APT.'oI \'1. '' -NILNIt'II':51..'' \I l\\ 1,\'lN(i :\T

cio„rha„tier's uv r, Rl.:\ -1 a n_ IK, IBE'I V, 1-:IN \IARK1•:T N,. r5 Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad- .bN l) II KR S'l'REI'1 5, I:As I' RIVER.

Way, t) _1. .,1. ill 4 1'. Si. ' 1HI:ot,nr<u W. Mv1.Rs, Comptroller; RrcHARI A. pt-ti IRI).ss:hLS FOR I: I131Al I•_s F4:I: RI(PAIR-

OToius. Ijcp,uv Cnmptrniter; U. LowoER Sins n, ing the steam-pn-peller •' \Inni,;ip:a ” now lying Assistant Deputy Comptroller, at screw-deck, ba~:en•n SI:I rkrt e.nd file •erects, last

river, will be received is)' the Count issioner of Street _9ttaitrn„ Rrrrea It, Cleaning, a[ his o'.licc, No).. v,, Itruadnay, ,I”m art ltuild- Nos r9, 2r, 23 Stewart Building, Chambers street and IOC, until 2.3 , o'clock r.',I., of the ;th day 'us .hpril, 18yt,

h'roadway, 1) A. Al. to 4 v. Al. :!t tt-bich tiw,: and place they ,till be pablicl_; opcuud and 11' ILLt,\1t J. i.vos, First Auditor. read by said Commissiuucr. 11Avtn E. Aus'rns, Sc court Auditor. Any person nutking cut e-tunate for the above work

she,ll furnish the same in :t secdcd envelope to the head brn-eau fn- flee Coll,, lion a/ Assessments and Arrears of said Depart Diem of Street Clc:uiing, indurscd " Esti- af Ti.-, and .lsscsszucuts rand of 11 ester Feats. mate for liepairing ste.ius-propeller' ?luuicipat,' " and Nos. 3t, 33, 35, 37, 39 Stewart liuil:.irg, Chambers also with the nauw of th,: pers,n ur persons presenting

street and L'ruadaay, 9 A Al. to 4 P. Al. the some, v.nd fit, date of its pros. motion. OSBORNE MA: DAoivt., Collector of Asses,H.ents anti Any bidder i,,r firs omtr::ct Isnot be known to be

Clerk If Arrcurs. engaged in and tech prelau-cd ;or the business, and No money received after 2 r. Ni. must have Safisi:uanry to'timoni:ll: to that elSect ; and

the person ~r persons to wham the contract may be Bureau Jar the Colh•crion n/ City Revenue and o/ amarded will be rt:vnired t,, qit'e .. ce lri~y for the per. .I/ar/rots. formance of the cnnu:<[-t, hv' hiss or their iwnd, %vith two Nos. r and 3 Stewart Building, Chambers street :end 'efficient sureties, colt, in the penal suns of '1'I I RI1E

Broadway, 9 A. at. to 4 V. M. , -till bljs.\\II U(11.LARS. JAMES Dst.v, Co!Icetor of the City Revenue and Bidders are required to submit their estimates upon

Superintendent of Markets, the following express conditiulr, w Bich oh.' ti apply to No money recei.cd alter 2 r. At. and become part ul every e'.timat•_ rs_cci•'ed

t. ladders must satisfy themselves, by personal ex- hru'eatt for t.,, Colle,tion of 7a.tes. aminatiun of the location off the proposed Work, and by No. 57 Chambers street and No. 35 Ready street, such ether me:las as they m:uy t'refer, ass to the accu-

Stewart Building, o a. +t. to 4 P. V. racy of the estimate, and shall n,ot, at any time after Gum moo W..31cLEAN, Receiver of Taxes; AL-F tin u the submission of an estimate, d ispute ur c+,ntplsi,, of

VREUENi;uRoii, Lleintty Receiver of Taxes. the stulement of quantities, nor assert that there teas No money receis ed after 2 P. M. any miounderstanding in regard to the nature or

amount of the tvnrt, to be done. 1,urcart rf I%a• City Chames'e/aiu. 2, Bidders will be required to complete the entire Nos. 25, 27 Stewart building, Chambers street and ' work to the catisfac:iun of the Departmc It of street

Broadway, 9 A. Al- to 4 r, M. Cleaning, and in substantial accordance with the speci- '1HOMAS C T. CRAIN, City Cbamberlain. fic;uiuus of the contract and the plans therein

referred to. No extra compens:uinn, be1'nnd the Office of tke City Cayntastcr. ant,,um,t payable for the work before mentioned, No. 33 Ready street, Stewart Building, 9 A. AT. to 4 t•.at which shalt be actually performed, at the price, therefor, JOHN H. TiMaiERnuAx, City Paymaster to be specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due or

payable for the entire work. LAW DEPARTMENT. Bidders will >rttc to their estim:.tes a price for the

(,ice el //se Counsel to the Corp+nratzon whole of the tcork to be donu,, in conformity frith the Starts leiam=_~ Build[n third and fourth floors, approved form of contract :met the specifications therein

g, set forth, by which price the Lids will he tested. 'this A. M. to 5 P. am. ,aturdays, 9 A. Al. to me Si. price is Is, cover all expenses of every klnet involved in WILLIAM H. CLARK, Counsel to the Corporation. or incidental to the ftdliltment of the contract, including ANDREW T. CAMP BELL. Chief Clerk. any claim that may arise through delay front any cause, Office of the Public Admin is! rator• in the performing cut the work thereunder.

No. {q Beekman street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. nt. Bidders c: ill distinctly write out, both in words and CHARLES F.:. LYDECKER, Public Administrator. in figures, the amount of their estimates for doing this

work. Office of Attorney for Collection of Arrears of Personal The person or persons to whom the contract may be

Taxes. awarded will be required to attend at this office with the Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street. 9 A. sureties offered by him or then,, oral execute the con-

II. to 4 P. M. tract within live d.}', Srom the d::te of the Service of a JOHN G. H. MEYERS, Attorney. notice to that effect ; and in c se of failure or neglect so SAMUEL BARRY. Clerk. 10 do, he or they v. ill be considered as having aban-

Page 8: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

1076 THE CITY RECORD. MARCH :!6, 1891.

Boned it, and as in default to the Corporation; and the -contract will be readvertised and relet, and so on until

be accepted and executed. Bidders are required to state in their estimates their

names and places of residence ; the namesof all persons interested with them therein ; and it no other person be so interested, the estimate shall distinctly state the fact ; also, that the estimate is made without any con-nection with any Other person making an estimate for the same work, and that it is in all respects fair, and without collusion or fraud ; and also, that no member of the Common Council, bead of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter. ested therein, or in the supplies or )cork to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof; which estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the part%- making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Il Yrere ,core tk re,. one Jrrrsvor rr it /e,-ee'< n', it . I )visit.• thrtl the veril ation be tirade and subscri-ed (y alt lke Qarlirs irrt.1rr.rted.

F:ach estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholder.., in the City of New York, cna/r /Geer centre/ire /'lave, n/ business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person or persons making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his or their sureties for its faithful performance and that if said person or persons shall omit or refuse to execute the contract, they will pay to the Corporation of the City of New York any difference between the sum to which said person or persons would be entitled on its com-pletion and that which said Corporation or the De-partment of Street Cleaning may be obliged to pay to the person to )n-hem the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting; the amount iu each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work to be done by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the sortie, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract, and stated in the proposals, Over and above all his debts of every nature, and once, and above Iris bhbi/ities as bail, surety and e.'krrr.ise: and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith and with the intention to ex-ecute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York after the award is made and prior to the signing of the con tract.

No estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five per centum of the amount of security re-quired for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money nnlst not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been exam-tned by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned by the Comptroller to the persons making the same, within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days alter notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute. the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him by the Comptroller.

No estimate will be accepted front, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corporation, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

Bidders are requested, in making their Lids or estimates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by the Department, a copy of which, together with the form of the agreement, inclurlinq specifications, and showing the manner of payment for the work, can he obtained upon application therefor at the office of the Lc part meet.

1'he Commissioner of Street Cleaning reserves the right to reject all bids received for any particular work if he cteents it for the best interests of the city.

flans may be examined, and specifications and blank form, for Lids or estimates' obtained by application to the Chief Clerk, nt the offices of the Department, No, alt. Broadway, New York.

HANS S. BF.ATTIF, Commissioner.


STEWART Firu.uioo, No. 26o BROADWAY, NEW YORK, \larch23, t890.


SEAL O ED PROltSALS FOR FURNISHING THE Department of Street Clewing with the following

articles: 471,000 pounds clean No. I White Oats. zc,o,000 pounds Hay, of the quality and standard

known as best Sweet "I imothy. 5),00 pound, good clean Rye Straw. ro,coo pounds first quality Brut.

—will be received by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning at the office of said Department, Room t8q, Stewart Building, No. ufo Ilrnadway, in the City of New York, until .2 o'clock or. April 3, t8gr, at which place and time they will be publicly opened by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning acid read.

All of the articles are to be delivered at the Depart-ment Stables, Seventeenth street and Avenue C, in such quantities and at such times as may be directed.

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour mentioned.

The form of the agreement, with specifications, showing the manner of payment for the articles, may be seen, and forms of proposals may be obtained at the office of the Department.

Proposals roust include all the items, specifying the price per cwt. of Hay, Straw, flats and Bran.

Bidders will write ottt the :anount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the hid-..

Any per-on staking an c,timate for the above shall present the Cante in a sealed envelope to said Commis-sioner of Street Cleaning, at said office, on or before the day add hour above named, which envelope shall be indor,cd with the name or ltames of the person or per-som presenting the same, the date of it, presentation, and a statement of the work to which it relates.

The Commissioner of Street Cleaning reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates if deemed to be for the public interest. No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who i, in arrears to the Corporation upon debt or con-tract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon ant obligation.to the Corporation.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same; the names of all persons interested with him or them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without ant connection with any other person making an esti-mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation i; directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of tie, profits thereof. The bid or estimate mu-.t be verified by the oe, th, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. \Vhere more than one person is interested it is requisite that the verifica-tion be made and sobscril-,ed by all the parties interested.

L•ac'It bid or estinrule s/rall be accompanied by Ike cou-rent. irr xuriting, of taw /rausrltoltf'rs try free/rollers gi the City f :V,,- lurk, teil/t th;.r re pective Plm-es, o/ business or rrsirieure, to the effect that tf the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as sureties for its faithful performance in the stint of four thousand (4,0 w) dollars; and tlurt it he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any difference betaken the sum to which he '-ould be entitled on its ennui letion :md that which the Corpora-ruin may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the antount in each case to be calculated upon the con invited amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the nattier affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder nr freeholder in the City if New York, and is worth the amount of rite security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his li;tbilities as bail, surety, or uthcr-wise ; and that lie has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York before the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

,\-n es//male tic//I /e considered unless rrcrarrrjlarried /y either a cerli/ird check report one rf the banks of the City rf='fezn I lurk. drrttc'n t, flee' order nj Nee Cmu/rtvnller, or money to the amount f intro /nvrnlred Zoo) dollars. Such check or money must not he inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department oho has charge of the estimate-box, and no esti-mate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and fnund to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, scithin five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, but if he shall execute the contract sec.thtn the time afore-said, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or person; to whom the contract may he awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same, has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and a, in default to the Corporation, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.

H. S. BEATTIE, Commissioner of Street Cleaning.


PERSONS HAVING BULKHEADS TO FILL, IN the vicinity of New York Ray, can procure material

for that purpose—ashes, street sweepings, etc., such as Is collected by the Department of Street Cleaning—free of charge, by applying to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, in the Stewart Building.

HANS S. BEATTIE, Commissioner of Street Cleaning


NO, 300 MULm,eem,Y STREET, NRw YORK. March t8, 18gr

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I'flAT a Horse, the property of this Department, will

he sold at Public Auction on '1 uesday, March 31, 189., at ro o'clock A. %i. by Van Tassell & Kearney, Auction-eers, at their stables, Nos, to and 132 East 'Thirteenth street.

By order of the Board. WM. H. KIPP,

Chief Clerk,


No, 300 Ml'LI%ERRv STREET, (f New YORK, ,8st.

OWNERS WANTED BY TILE PROPERTY Clerk of the Police Department of the City of New

York, No. coo Mulberry street, Room No. 9, for the following property, now in his custody, without cl:tim-ants : Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, boots. shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc., also small amount money taken from prisoners and found by patrolmen of this Deparhnent

JOHN F. HARRIO'I' Property Clerk


ROOM 2og, 5lEuAAI' Ilt'ILDINc,, NO. 260 BROADWAY NEW YORK, March 2I, t8gi.


BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING A Blow-off at Shaft No. 24, on Section No. in (a',

of the New Aqueduct, as called for in the approved forms of contract and specifications on file in the office of the Aqueduct Commissioners, will be received at this office until ; o'clock r. ni., on April 8, t$qr, at which place and hour they will be publicly opened by the Aqueduct Commissioners, and the award for doing said work will be made by said Cont-missioncrs as soon thereafter as possible.

Blank forms of contract and specifications there-for, and bids or proposals, and proper envelopes for their inclosure, can be obtained at the above office of the Aqueduct Commissioners on application to the Secre- tary.

By order of the Aqueduct Commissioners. JAMES C. DUAN E,

President. JOHN C. SHEEHA'-,



SEALED PROPOSALS WILL 13E RECEIVED by the Board of School Trustees for the Seventh

Ward, at the Hall of the Board of Education, No. 146 Grand street, until 9.30 o'clock n. Ni, on Wednesday, April 8, 18(/t, for Heating the Annex to Grammar School ❑uilding No z, on Henry street.

WILLIAM H. TOWNLEY, Chairman, JAMES If. MULRY, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, Seventh Ward.

Sealed proposals will also be received at the came place by the School Trustees of the Twenty-third Ward, until a o'clock r. at. on Wednesday, April 8, t8gc, for Supplying the Heating Apparatus for the New School Building and Janitor's House in course of erection on Courtland avenue and line Hundred and Fifty-seventh street.

WILLIAM HOGG, Chairman, ALBI:k'1' I,'. BRUGMAN, Secretary,

Board of School Trustees, -Twenty-third Ward.

Scaled proposals will also be received at the same place by the School Trustees of the Twenty-fourth \\ard, until 4.30 o'clock r. Ni. on Wednesday April 8, rhgr, for the Furniture required for the New School Building for Primary School No. 4c, at Spuyten Duyvil.

EI.1iEI4 A. ALLEN, Chairman, '1'HI:ODORF, A. 'I'HOMSON, Secretary,

Board of School Trustees, Twenty-fourth Ward.

Plans and specifications may be seen, and blank pro-posals obtained, at the office of the Superintendent of School Buildings, No. 146 Grand street, third floor.

The Trustees reserve the right to reject any or all of the proposals submitted.

'l'hc party submitting a proposal, and the Parties pro-! posing to become curettes, must each write Ins name and

place of residence on said proposal. Two responsible , ncl approved sureties, residents of

this city, are required in all cases. No proposal will be considered front persons whose

character and antecedent dealings with the Board of Education render their responsibility doubtful.

Dated NEW YORK, March 26, 1891.


SEAT.ED PROPOSALS \VILE, lIE RECEIVED at the office of the Board of Education, corner of

Grand and Elm streets, until I- ridgy, April 3, I89r, at v, ni., for supplying the Coal and Wood required for

the Public Schools in the City for the ensuing year. say seventeen thousand (17,r n-,) tons of coal, more or less, and one bundred (dos) cord, of oak and one thousand ( 1 o'- cords of pine wood, more or less. The coal ni list be of the best quality of white ash—furnace, egg, stove and nut sizes -clean and in good order, two thousand two hundred and forty (a, '.to) pounds to the ton, from either of the following-nanied mines, viz.

Philadelphia and Reading hard wbite ash coal. Honey-l:rook Lehigh Mine. Old Company Lehigh, mined by Lehigh Coal and

Navigation I. o. Hazelton Lehigh. Plymouth white ash. Uclaware and Hudson Canal Company's white ash.

—and must he delivered in the bins of the several school buildings at such limes mid in such quantities as required by the Committee on Supplies.

'1'hc proposals must state the mines from which it is proposed to supply the coal which is to be furnished from the minco named if accepted , and must state the price per ton of two thousand two handrecl and forty (2,240„ pounds.

Flue quantity of the various sizes of coal required will be about as follows, viz. :

Twelve thousand five hundred (I2,9oo) tons of furnace size.

Three thousand '3,coo, tons of egg size. Eight hundred (goo, tons of stove size. And seven hundred ..700 tons of nut size. The oak snob must be of the best quality ; the pine

wood must be of the beat quality Virginia, first growth and sound. The proposals most state the price per cord of one hundred and twenty-eight rz8'. cubic feet solid measure for both oak and pine )wood. The wood, both oak and pine, must be delivered sawed and split, and must be piled in the yards, cellars, vaults, or bins of the school buildings as may be designated by the proper authorities, and measures for payment arc to be made by the Inspector of Fuel of the Board of Education of the said wood so piled in the school buildings.

Proposals must state the price per cord for— t'ak wood, r6-inch lengths. Oak wood, r/ -inch lengths, split to stove size. Oak wood, La-inch lengths. Oak wood, rz-inch lengths, split to stove size. Pine wood, to-inch lengths, split for kindling. Pine o-sod, is-inch lengths, stove size. Pine wood, rz-inch lengths, split for kindling. Pine wood, 8-inch lengths, split for kindling. Pine wood. 6-inch lengths, split for kindling. Said coal and wood will be inspected, and said coal

weighed, under the supervision of the Inspector of Fuel of the Board of Education.

The contractor will be required to present with every bill fur deliveries a bill of lading with each boat-loud as partial evidence of the kind and quality of the coal claimed to have been delivered, and with all bills to present his affidavit stating the quantity and quality of coal delivered, where the same was weighed, and certify-ing the correctness of his claim.

The coal and wood mtut be delivered at the schools as follows : Tseo-thirds of the quantity of each between the fifteenth of Play and the fifteenth of October, and the remainder as required by the Committee on Supplies; the contracts for supplving said coal and wood to he binding until the first day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety-two.

two stipulated sureties, or bond by one of the Guarantee Companies, for the faithful performance of the contract, will be required, and each proposal must be accompanied by the signatures and residences of the proposer'., sm-cties. No compensation above the con-tract price will be allowed for delivering said i:,ml and wood at any of the schools, nor for patting or piling the same in the yards, cellars, vaults, or bins of said school buildings.

Proposals must be directed to the Committee on Sup plies of the Board of Education, and should he indorsed "Proposals for Coal," or "Proposals for Wood," as the case may be.

The Committee reserves to itself the right to impose such conditions and penalties in the contract its it may deem proper, and to reject any or all proposals received i when deemed best for 'he public interest.

Any further information can be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Education,


Committee on Supplies. NEty YORK, March rg, rlgt.


P t7BLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all

houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following assessments have been com-pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of As-sessors for examination by all persons interested, viz.:

List 3510, No. I. Fenci g the vacant lots on the north side of Sixty-ninth street, commencing about 175 feet east of the Boulevard and extending about 7 5 feet,

Fist 3519, No. 2. hencing the vacant lots on the north side of Seventy-sixth street, between Columbus avenue and Central Park, \Vest.

List 3301, No. 3. Sewer in Madison avenue, between One Hundred and 'Cwenty-eighth and One Hundred and 'llventy-ninth streets.

List 3505, No, 4. Sewer in Madison avenue, between One I-lundred xnd'I'wenty-fifth and One Hundred and "Twenty-seventh streets.

List 3526, No. 5. Sewers in Madison avenue, between (Inc Hundred and Seventh and One Hundred and Ninth streets.

List 3558, No.6. Sewer in (Inc Hundred and Twenty. sixth street, between 'Tenth avenue and Boulevard.

List 05x9, No. 7. Alteration and improvement to sewer in Boulevard, east side, at (Inc Hundred and'Pwenty- ninth street. -

I.ist 3532, No. 8. Curbing and flagging south side of Ninety-fifth street, commencing at Columbus avenue and extending westerly a distance of about 225 feet.

List 3510. No. 9. Sewer in Madison avenue, between One Hundred and Sixteenth and One Hundred and Seventeenth streets.

List 3490, No. to. Repaving \langin street, from Grand to Houston street (so far as the same is within the limits of grants of land under water), with granite blocks on concrete foundation, and laying crosswalks.

The limits embraced by such .assessments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land situated on—

No. r. North side of Sixty-ninth street, between Ninth avenue and Boulevard, on Block t58, Ward Numbers 19, to and or.

No. 2. North side of Seventy-sixth street, between Central Park, West, and Columbus avenue, on Block 123, Ward Numbers g to to and t6 to 24, inclusive.

No. 3, Both sides of Madison avenue, from One Hun-dred and Twenty-eighth to One Hundred and'1'wenty- ninth street.

No.4. Both sides of Madison avenue, tram One Hun-dred and 'Cwenty-fifth to One Hundred and Twenty. seventh street.

No. 5. Both sides of Madison avenue, from One Hun-dred and Seventh to One Hundred and Ninth street.

No. 6. Both sides of One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street, from Amsterdam avenue to the Roulevnrd.

No, 7. Fast side of Boulevard, from One Hundred and Twenty-ninth to One Hundred and 'thirtieth street.

No. 8, South side of Ninety-fifth street, west of Co-lumbus avenue, on Block moan, Ward Numbers 36 to 41, inclusive.

No. q. Both sides of Madi,on avenue, from One Hun-dred and Sixteenth to line Hundred and Seventeenth street, and north side of One Hundred and Sixteenth street, from Park to Madison avenue.

Ni,, to. Both sides of \I:m;gin street, from Grand to Houston street, excepting the block between Rivington and Stanton streets, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets,

All persons whose interests are affected by the above-named assessments, and who tire opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their objcc-tions in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, at their office, No. 27 Chambers street, within thirty days from the date of this notice.

T'hc above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro-vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction of Assessments for confirmation on the zgth day of April, r8gr.


Board of Assessors. OFFICE of THE BOARD or Assessors,

No, 27 Cn,totm:Rs S'rnel:T, N RIv YORK, ilfarch 24, r 8o1.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all

houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following assessments have been conl-pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of As-sessors, for examination by all persons interested, viz. :

List 3534• Improving and constructing Riverside :tve-nue, between Seventy-second and One Hundred and 'Thirtieth streets. The limits eml'raced by such assess-ments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and Darccis of land situated within the folloa-ing area, viz.: On the north by One Hundred and Twver,ty-ninth Street; nn the south by Seventy- second street; on the cast by West End avenue and Eleventh Avenue Boulevard, and on the west by Hudson river.;

All persons whose interests are affected by the above-nanted assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their objet. Lions in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, at their office, No. 27 Chambers street, within thirty days from the date of this notice.

The above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro-vidcd by law, to the L'unrd of Revision and Correction of Assessments for confirnmtiun, on the loth day of April, t8r.


Board of Assessors. OFFICE OF THE Bonito DP Asscssicni5,

NO. 27 CHAII uErs SI'REE7', )t NEW YORK, March tg, t8gr.



Roo\I 127, STFsART Bt'iLDING, No. 280 BRo.snw5Y, Tlnitu Fi noR,

Nine 1'oar. J q une r o.


duty will be heard by me daily at my office, from 9 A. nL until 4 P.M.

'Those entitled to exemption are: Clergymen, lawyers physicians, surgeons, surgeon-dentists, professors or teachers in a college, academy or public school, editors, editorial writers or reporters of daily newspapers, licensed pharmaceutists orphonnacists, genially engaged to their respective professions and not following any other calling; militiamen, policemen, and firemen; election officers, jury nnu-residents, and city employees, and United States employees; officers of vessels making regular trips I licensed pilots, actually following that calling; superintendents, conductors and engineers of a railroad eompauy other than a street railroad com-pany ; telegraph operators actually doing duty as such ; Grand, Sheriff's, and Civil Court jurors; stationary engineers; and persons physically incapable of per- fonning jury duty by reason of severe sickness, deal-t•.ess. or other physical disorder.

'Phone who have not answered as to their liability, or proved permanent exemption, will receive a "jury en rollment notice," requiring them to appear before me this year. Whether liable or not, such notices must be answered (in person, if possible , and at this office only, under severe penalties. If exempt, the party must bring proof of exempt.on ; if liable, he must also answer in person, giving full and correct name, residence, etc., etc. No attention paid to letters.

All good citizens will aid the course of justice, and secure reliable and respectable juries, and equalize their duty by serving promptly when summoned, allowing their clerks or subordinates to serve, reporting to me any attempt atbriberyorevasion,mod suggesting names for enrollment. Persons between sixty and seventy tears of age, summer absentees, persons temporarily ill, and United States )urors, are not exempt.

Every man must attend to his own notice. It is :a misdemeanor to give any jury paper to another to answer. It is also punishable by fine or imprisonment to give or receive any present or bribe, otrecu}' or Indi-recdy, in relation to a jury service, or to widthold any paper or make any false statement and every case will be fully prosecuted.

CHARLES REILLY, Commissioner of larors.




SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FURNISH-ing Nine Hundred Tons of White Ash Coal for the

Riverside Hospital at North Brother Island, under the charge of the Board of Health, will be received at the office of the Health Department, in the City of New York, until 2.30 o'clock P. nt. of the 7th day of April, mBgr. '[he person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed, " Bid or Estimate for furnishing Coal for Riverside Hospital," and with his or their name or names, and the date of its presentation, to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or before the day and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the President of said Board and read.

The Board of Health reserves the right to reject all bias or estimates, as provided in section 64, chapter 410, Laws of x882, if deemed to be for the public interest. No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is to arrears to the Cor-poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor-poration.

'She award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the Lids.

Page 9: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

yIAI'a:ll 2, 1591. THE CITY RECORD. If,;;

The coal to Ilea arid quality, and the quantity that will be required will Ile about A i t ' Hundred ( j of 'Torts cf White Ash Coal, to be w :11 screened and in good order, each ton to lie ,',2 ;o pa ads, in accordance with tint specification attachd to and which forms a part of the contract aforesaid.

Delivers' to Ire made at the Riverside Hospital. North Bruthcr Island, in s•.,dt quantities and at the time re-quired by the Board of Health; any changes in the time or place of delivery, however, may be made in writing by the Board of Health.

Tlie above quantity is estimated and approximated only, and bidders are netificd that the Board of I Icalth reserves the right to inerea-c er diminish said quantities by an amount not exc•_ediuy filteen per cent. of the estimated quantitie-, and tine contractor will be paid therefor only at the rate or price named in the contract, and that in case the ahovc-nnmcd quantity shall not he required by the I )epartntent, no allowance will be made for any real or supposed damage or loss of profit.

'I'ltc person or persmts to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for tire per-form:mce of the contract by his or their bond, with Two suilcir lit srrretnes, cacit in tire penal =um of TWO 'l'Hn )f'SANLI 'e, ,o, DOLLA148.•

Each hid or esl innate shall contain and state the name and place of residence rd o;tcit of the persons making the same; the names of .11 persons interested with him or them therein ; and tt no rntlrer tie null be en, interested, it shall distinctly stile that fact ; also that it is utade without any connectioflier tin any otter person nt: kin„ an estimate fur the same purpose, :Intl is in all respects fear and trithout collusion or Enid ; and that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation is directly or indirectly inter-ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or :lily portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing of the party or parties tnaking the estimate, that the several matters therein stated are in all respects true. Where more than one Imrson is interested, it is requi-site that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Bidders will Ise required to furnish testimonials that they arc engaged in the cn;d basin ss in the City of New York, and have the ldant ucccc,ary to carry nut promptly and regularly tits contract, if it lac award cd, to the entire satisfaction of the Board of Health, and must furnish an undertaking for the faithful perform-ance of all the provisions thereof in the manner provided by less executed by two hnuceholdc vs or freeholders of the (its' of New York, each justifying in the penal sum of '1AVO THOUSAND (no en) Di)IJ,AR.e, and agree-in: that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the said contract they trilI pay to the Corpora, tine any difFer-ence behcecn the sum to which lie would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to wbnnt the contract'hall be aw:n-ded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to be rdcuL tad upnm the esti-mated amount of the work by whi,:h the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall inc accomp;micd by

' ' t writin • of each of the ,cr- [he oath or atilrm. ttnn, a t, I sons si:rning the same, that he is a bou,cholder or lice-holder in the City of New York, attd is worth the amount -'f the security required for the completion of the contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over end above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise ; and th,tt he has offered himself as surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by laws 'line adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered i. to be approved by the Comptrob'cr of the City of New York. Should the person or persons to shorn the contract

is awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or estimate, or if ire or they accept, but do not execute the contract :and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora-tion, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law'.

No hid or estimate will be received•or considered un-less accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the National or State banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the I,iithfl;l perforn.-anee of the contract. Such check or money must No] he inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the estimate, but mu,t be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the esli-mate-bnx, and nn estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to he correct. 11111 such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the sane within three day, after the contract i, awarded. It the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, tire amount of the deposit trade by hits shall lie forfeited to and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall cxc-cute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amouul of his deposit will he ret u rned to hint.

Bidders are cautioned to examine the form of con-tract and the specifications for particulars before nntk-ing their estimate. Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment for the Coal will be made by requisition on the Comptroller, and as more specifically and purticu-larly i' set forth in the contract form.

Bidders are informed that no de, i:ttion from the con-tract and specifications will be allowed, unless under the written instruction of the Board of Health.

The form of the agreement, including specifications, showing the manner of payment, will be hlrnishcd at the office of the Ilep artment, Nio Slott street.


Commissioners. Dated NEw YoRR, March 25, r8gt.

HE.%i,j ti DErnRT\u<N r-Carr uF NEW Yoxt:, No. for irloT'r Stulu, "

NEV, Y ORK, March r8, 1891.


PROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES FOR REPAIR-ing steam propeller " F'ranklin Edson," now lying

at Trundy & Murphy's Dry-dock, corner of Smith and Hallock streets, South Brooklyn, will be received by the Commissioners of the Health Department, at their office, No. Sot Mott street, until 2.3o o'clock P. iii. of the gist day of March, x891, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read by said Commissioners.

Any person making an estimate for the above work shall furnish the sane in a sealed envelope to the head of said Health Department, indorsed " Estimate for Repairing steam propeller' Fr nklin Edson,'' and also with the name of the person or persons presenting the same, and the date of its presentation.

Any bidder for this contract must be known to be engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect; and the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for the performance of the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in ha enal sum of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS.

Bidders are required to submit their estimates upon the following express conditions, which shall apply to and become part of every estimate received :

i. Bidders must satisfy themselves, by personal ex-amination of the location of the proposed work, and by

such other means us the • tn;,y p u non relr•r, s too lhe. cey of the estimate, mu shai) nnt, at any time after the sub-mission of an estimate, dispute nr complain ill the state. ntent of rputntities, nor assert that there a. ;my miv-onderstandin'z in regard to the nature ''r ::,n ,unt if tire work to Ine clone.

a. Bidders will Inc regnired to complete the entir, work to the satisfaction of the health I t_pertmeut, :truth in "u I,st mtial accnrd;urce w-iti, the specilic:ttiuns rf tine rnnIrnct and the plane tbereiit refurrecl tn. `:n extra compensation. beyond the amount payable, for the work before mentioned, which sin ill be actually performed, tt the prices therefor, to be spec ifed by the bneest bidder, shall b- dire. or payable for the entire wn rk.

udders will state in their e•tiarxtes it price for the whole of tine work to be d.,ne, ;it confurooty with the approved form of contract :utd the specifications therein set forth, by whic}t price tI a bids will inc tested. I'his price is to cover all expenses o; ever), kind involved in or incidental to the Itmifillmcut of the con-tract, including ;any claim that m;ry an rise ih rnu-h delay from any cause, in the performing of the work there- under.

Bidders will distinctly write out, ',oth in words :tad in figure,, the ,unnunt of their estimates for cluing this

t The person or persons to whom the contract may he awarded will inc required to attend at this nllice with the sureties offered hr him or them, :atd esccute the cnn-trart within live days from the date of the see uac of ;: notice to that effect ; :old in rase of failure r r n elect s, Inn do, he or they will Inc considered us having abandoned it, and as in default to tire Corporation ; and tire cnn-tract will be r-advertised nod relet. and so on until it be accepted and executed.

Bidders are required to state in their estimates their names and places of residence, the n:unes of : hi persors interested with them therein ; unit if nrr other person be so interested, the estimate shall distinctly state the I:,ct : also that the estitnate is made without any connec-tinn with any other person snaking au estimate for the same work, and that it is in all respects lair and without collusion or fraud ; and ,also that no member of the Cont-mu Council, head of a deparuncnt, chief of n bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or ether officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies nur work to wvbich it relates, or in uny portion of the profits thereof ; which estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of tire p:u-ty staking the estimate, that the several matters staled therein are in tdl respects true. it hi,' Bore Henn nrcr JI,o'su;, Z r :)r!nrs(yd, it ds rr'gtt. 'sits tkrrt the r'.v'i/ir miner IT ,rue,/o' ands.'tbsn'i('r r1 (j' all tint f'ar/ir.m i,ttrrr.dtd.

Each estimate shall be accompanied by [he consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, -.'ith their rrx.irrl/rr /done e -/ iu,i-urtcs nr-i kA•u<r', to the effect that if the contrcet lie awarded to the person or person, making the estimabv' they will, on its bcin;g sin awarded, become bound as his or their sureties for its faithful performance; anti titan if said person or personsh m sall out,, or refuse to execute the contract, they will pity to the Corpara-tion of the City of New York any difference between the suns to which said person or ),croons ,c-ould be en-titled on its completion, and that which said Corpora-tion or the Health Department may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the cantr:mt may he awa rded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to lie calculated upon the estimated amount of the work to he done its which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall lie accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract, •tud stated in the proposals, over and above all his debts of every nature, and care maul charm ?r/s lirrbiliti. s as brs(t, sru'rfy arrd olliereuise; and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. Tine adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered i.; to inc approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York, after the award is made and prior to tire signing of the contract,

No estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the National hanks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five per centum of time amount of the security reuuired for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the esti man, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who har charge of tine estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said has until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to Inc correct. All such deposits, except that of time .ate- cessful bidder, will be returned by the Comptroller to the persons making the same, seithin three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the saute, the tntouut of the deposit made by him shall Inc ion. kitedto and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but it be shalt execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him by the Comptroller.

No estimate will be acecpted from, or contract awarded to, :uty person who is io arrears to the Corpo-ration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or other•w ise, upon any obligation to the Corpo-ration.

Bidders are requested, in narking their bids or esti-mates, to toe the blank prepared for that purpose by the Department, a copy of which, together with the form of the agreement, including specifications, and showing the manner of payment for the work, c;m be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the Department.

The Department reserves the right to reject any or all estimates not deemed beneficial to or for the public interest.

Plans may Ile examined, amt specifications and blank forms for bids or estimates obtained by' application to the Secretary of the Board, at his office, No. Sox Mott street, New York.







IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 997 OF THE "New York City Consolidation Act of x882," the

Comptroller of the City of New York hereby gives pub-lic notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the assessment lists in the matter of acquiring title to the following streets, viz.

East One Hundred and Thirty-second street, from Locust avenue to Brook avenue.

East One Hundred and Thirty-third street, from Locust avenue to Trinity or Cypress avenue.

East One Hundred and Thirty-fourth street, from State grant line in the East river, to the easterly line of Southern Boulevard,

East One Hundred and 'Thirty-fifth street, from Locust avenue to Southern Boulevard.

East One Hundred and Thirty-sixth street, from Locust avenue to Southern Boulevard. -which were confirmed by the Supreme Court March 3, t89t, and entered on the r4th day of March, ,89t, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the "Bureau for the Collection of Assess-ments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents," that unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property sha!1 be paid within sixty days after the date of said

.entry at the n ssn;ents, interest will he n., II' ;cn there, n, m's pnnvid,-d in sectimt , 198 of,ai,t '' N me 1`'rl, t' ityl• un solid atinn : ,t of m9Re."

.ticctinu q ,- of t},c saiu act provi,ics that, " If any ouch assessment shall remain unpaid fn r the porind r,f •ixty davn after the date r,f entry th,•r•'d in tine said Re, nrd r,l Titles of Assessnx his, it shall Imo the doy of the ,,fliccr authorized tr, cull •ct .,not rec icc the ,unonnt nt such assessment, to charge, colleet and rercive int^re-t thereon at the rate of seven per centunt per anntnn, to be ealettlat,d from the d-site of sue It entry to tire Ste of paymc:n."

limo ;:b•,ve asscssmcn Ls arc payublc to the t ,Ilcctor ml Assessments and Clerk of Arrears :it the '• Itureau for the t , 1lection of Astia,,meuts.md Arrears of 'I`uscs and :As„e,smeuts and of R'ntcr R,'nts,'' Room 3r, Sin-tcnrt liuildin„ between the hours of y a, sr. and c P. n., and all p-tytncnts made thereon mint or beSnre May t i, ,Rijn, will be cecntpt from interest as ahnvc prm•idcrl, ;,nd after that date will be snbjen:t to a cbarge of interest at the rate of s_vrr. per rent. per;tnnnor from the date of entry in the l:_curd ul 'Title. ;n; rnents in said Bureau to the date nr mayor-n;.

1111% 0, \ti \I 'ii :f''e,

1, art o!' Nrew YunK, t,: Dim mum

',1 I,:h ny, t55 r

Nit Ill II lot t'RO['1?1:'l'V'-O\V'NERS.

IN pCf:Si;:\NCE (II"SI:C'I'ION 0:7 011"'I' fit"

"Ne ts' York City Consolidation Act of t .Se," the Crnmptruller of the C_ity of New York hereby Lives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the a--.e,.mcnt list in tine maim, _ r of aequiriut; title to

Titlus~,I .\.., s _ cnl+ !t ,I

II i r the 'hats -.1 the oiii,,.•r au[ho o riz,:rl tc„rllccl ;m,! rcrcicc the am„un! ..f •:nc.t t assessment, to JI;rrgc, collect ;otd receive interest thereon nt file rate u( sevenrer ec ntum par annum, to he ,.:faulted from the date ui such entry to the rate of payment."

The ti nrc anrescm,:nt is pay;tble to the C'oll.:r.l,r It A•se-sm:nts and Clerk of Arrear,, at t!:3 '' Bnrcau for th.: Collcctir.n of assessment: and Arrears of 'faxes and :A<=cssmcntc and of Y,ter Rent','' R•,-,ni Sb-wart liuildins„ bctwet'a tine IT..urs of y A. -.t. inrl 2 P. -r., and all p;:ynunts In de tin-rcon on or irtfore Nix' n. ISIT, will f,c exn:mpt iron interest :rs above provided, and after that date will L_ cuhj,ct to a ,;har;e of irU_re,t:u tin-: rate "I "'ran 1-r ,.ant per annum from the date of entry mm, the Record of Tiles of Assessments in said l;urca!t to tin'_ , !utr. "f i 'nl'nt.

C"mtdu ll'.r.

Nl1FICl'; f)1F I'O,'I'I'tINI.,X!''N I ' it I.OlE I \I:A111 :Atip!: 5111.A 1

W I11:R -i, ti1 (l ltl\ no nl' "I ill N lvi' York City t ons,hdati n Act of i 10 u.;t tunics

tine Comptrn1i en, in his discretion, to postpone any sale ;or unpaid tax,' , nr ass-cs-mcnt- ; and,

Whereas, \luny pc rsuno desire, and have applied for, r post}nnem,n: nl the ,tile fun' ruin:' in a '. sment, artv:rti. i to in, h„r' oI, ?lond,,y, \lurch -, :S,, ; urn•:, therefore, in order to :dford :,II :-ueh per,uns tin_ oppur- tunity Io pas the a s-,smn .m p cts tit:ir rop,•rt•v so adcceti-ed to me s-old ~and thereby :nn,ne I tine additi.,md expense of redetnptin,n nil time pr-rperty, it „d'i, tine s ari,! sale is hereby ordered to be postuuncd until Al,,uduy. the first city of lute, ,o )I, to ;,e held at tin_ sam_ time and pla,:e, to ttwit : at the t unrt-it 'n''•, City ll:dl I'ark, at re o'clock noon. )tic innclrerl.nu ncvutt•.-t. n rd .street, b ate r:nth

Kiu4,bri'.icc r~,ad, inch I

by avenue and , va, continued '1'li l?O \V'. >I1' 1•: ia, G, m; nruli_r. the Supreme Court, ALurch , i

tu tere r8 nr, rd entered un

Cat's of N: aw t' Ir.R-1 i t.: is Lt nn u-:: ,n .0 "Titles ' tIIc r7th day of -,IarcIT te r, iinnlh' Record of of C"`t Or; \Ianr,ln A+sessntcnts, kept in tine'" II „rennin for the Collection I'ra"t.t.e -,S F. , nfl,t.

of A,scs<tuents and Arrears of 'Cnxe', curd :\ss,s:entents and of Waterl:cnts," that unless tire:unonnun. - Os- ed Is, E'AU I'a'IA I I', 1/[.1 1118115. tar benefit nn any person or prnp^_rty sun II be p.tid ---- within sixty das's after the d:uc, of said entry -,f ittc 111- .1 I"1'I?S1'In\ tIF I,\\\ VERt, 1:1.AL assessment, interest ,till be collected thcrenn, as pane 1• :suit, nw acne, NI' , :,ctary Institution, c lei ,n vided in section qy8 of said "New York City C'm,nh- mcl<iq;m'aims npnn ranl :ct:,le. amt :dl •e lnn are iutcreet a datiou Act of 1882." 'in pr'v,di:h thcroselres ur.6 lane iliuos tr.r retinmn ing the

Soetion g',8 of the said act provides that " If :uty s,ch "ct of exa„tinati„ns and were},,.s, is invited to these assessment shall remain unpaid for the period ml sixty ( Iliicial lndin:er r: f Records, cunt-I ein-all resnrdedtr:rts- days after the date of entry thereof in the s:ri,l Record fors of real est:,te in the City of New York Teem u N ; to of Titles of Assessments, it shall Inc the dots' of the -. 18,7• prep :vet under the; direction of the Commissioners officer authorized to collect and receive the :un":ant of rI Rccurds such ,see rsm::nt, to charge, collect and receive interest Gr,,ntors, m/r:rntees, -nits in equrty, ins.,;vents' thereon at the rate of swell pus csnrunt per an 'um, to and Sharon's soles io 61 %alum,tcs, full bound, Inc calculated from the date of such entry to the date of price .......... ..... ... .. .......... fitoo oc p:lyille ll t." fhc same in a_ vnbtmcs, half hand ........... S'J JO

lire above assessment is payable to the Cnllcctor of Complete sets, folded, ready for loindiag .. .. -, 15 ou Asses.ntents and Clerk r f Arrears, ;tt the "Bureau fir Records oI Itul,mentx, 25 v,,lumec, bu,uul ..... to 00 the Collection n1 A=sescmcnts and Arrears of faxes t )rd,-rs sh,nnld i,^ addressed t:, ' \Ir. btcphen Angeh andAs.ossments and ofV1'ater Rents," Room 3 r, stcw'art Room 2;, ct•_'.n,rt i'uilding." liitilding, bw eteen tine 9 nd At e hours of .t, v. a e r. ., and I' l l i O W ' )Ill: W. MYERS, all payments in;rdc thereon, on or before Nlav t8, r8yr, C' m),troller. will be exempt from interest as above provided, and - __ _- -_- _-__ after that date will be subject to a ebarge of interest at 1 the rate of seven per cent, per tritium from the date of '1 DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND entry in the Record of 'Titles of Assessnients in :aid ASSESSMENTS. Bureau to the (late of payment.

'L'HEO. W. MYERS, I LFrv<r,cear ..r Pc-s¢: asp A;s ta,rt r;'tT.,) Cuntptroller. Stan, Zra;r~c R unit,

NEw YnRR, Ja nuary to, t8) r. Cu-cm em Note Yuma, I j f N CONIPt.I hNCE WITIISIS ,--r o y 81y OP THE

FtanxcE DF.PARI'MI VT, l 1 New York City Consolidation Act of 1682, it is Cu,te"r xut.LEn's OFFtcE, r hereby advertiecrl that the books of "The Annual

March i8, t89r. I I Record of the Assessed Valuations of Real and Personal ~ A?state" of the City and County of Nev.- York, for the

NOTI'E TO I'I.OI'LRTV'-O\V-HERS. year t.49t are opc,t and will remain open for examinati•to i and correction until the thirtieth day' of April, 1591.

IN PURSUANIE OF SEC - LION ')r6 OF 7'HE ' All persons believingtltem._•hees ag,,rieved mu-t stake " New York City Consolidation Act r f ,88a," the application to the Commission-r, of V'axes and Asses<-

Comptroller of the City of New York hereby gives menus, at this office, during the period said books are public notice to all persons, en ners of property affected open, in order to obtain the relief provided by law', by the following ass_sancut lists, viz.: Applica tions for correction of assessed veduations on

Paving 'tenth avenue, from Ono, Hundred and Fortieth personal estate must be made by the person assessed to to One H:mdred :mud 'Silty-first street, with granite the said Cout missinners, b.,twr-n the hours of re- %. Sn. blocks and keying cro-swalks. and s r, m;., except .,n Irltw'daye, wh•_n bctwe,:n I. a. vt.

Flagging and refiagging, curbing and recurbing both and la :a., ;rt tin i, „lit cc, rl u-i mg the s:une period. sides of Seventieth street, frutn First avenue to East \I ICH.-1 i(L CO1.EMAN, river. 'I' hi' )\IAc I,. N1:1 I N I: R,

Flagging and rellagging, curbing and recurhing both 1,1 'nt lint/I0 I,. 1 AEl/I's, ,ides of One Hundred and Thirty-fourth ,tracfrom t, Comminm s.^rs'af "Tomas : Inn l A•.,_„m,-_ot- Park to NLulisou avenue. _ _

Paving One Hmtdred and Thirty-fifth street, from hlndi,on avenue to the bulkhead line of the Harlem CIVIL SERVICE SUPERVISORY river, block -, 4ND EXAM ININC BOARDS .

wi l udanite ll areas dlaVind rbiftaveuoe F:;t,t, between One Hundred loud ixty-ftl'th and One Hundred An ml 1 rt. t'; - 1iti;, tieri and Seventieth streets, with branches in One Hundred Cn,ar em, Us; ,s, and Sixty-sixth, One Htmdnd and Sixty-aevenlh and Sew YuRK, :flail 3, zRgo, One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street-, between Van- durbilt avenue, East, andWas!tington mine nuc, and a n NO hIC E_ sin,, and appurtenance,. ce in One Hundred and `ixty- fift!r =tract, between Washington and IJroo!c :avenues I. Office hours from y A. M. until 4 P. n1. -which mm-era confirmed by the L'oard of Rcvi=ion and Hlank aliens for ;ti~rus nit tin classified appli pa.! Cl i,a of 1s~essntth NI cord ~~ t I and entered

tc ken dot ill ccrvice of Ilia city may he pn,cured upon al,plica tine at

tin nil II 1' 111 t in RCIV[d Ot Intl of A~SI'»- the abocc oil!". menus kept in the " Bur"_an for the Collection of 3, Examinations will be held Irnm tine to time s the As sessments and Arrears off sand A~.essmc nts an d need, of the,ecet'al Lepz rtntent fthe CityGove rnment of Water Rents, that unless the nnwu mm ,noses sail for may require. \When ex:umnat;on5 arc called, al1 persons benefit on any person or property shall he paid within „ho have filed applications prior to that date trill be sixty days after tits date of aide tm of the aac ss- notified to appear for examutation t,r tire position ineuts, interest will be collected thereon as provided specified. m section 917 of said "New York City Consolidation q. All information in relation to the lfumcipal Civil Act of r882."

Section 917 of the said act provide, that, II II anysueh Service will be ;riven upon application either it person

assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty by letter. Th,,se or u<king for inlurm,ttion by nt:til

inclose days after the date of entry thereof in the :aid Record of

should stamp for telly. 1'ite classilirrt ion by schedule of city emnlo is pees

''i Titles of Assessments, it shall Lc the duty of the officer as tollu vs : authorized to collect and receive the amo.mt of such • Schedule A shall include all Qeputies of officers and a,ses,ment, to charge, collect and receive interest connnissiuners duly authorized to act for theirprincinals thereon ant the rate of seven per eentunt per :utn,rot, to ;meld all ),maroons uree;sarily necupyin., a strictly eoufi- be calcubrtud from the date of such entry to the date of denttal position• pavmcnt."

the to t!le Collector of above assessments are payable Schedule It shall include clerks, copyists, recorders,

Assessments Clerk Arrears at the ' Bureau for and of hunkkeepe rs and others renderin: clerical services,

the Collection Assessments Arrears of 'faxes of and .exccnt t}•pe-writers and s[ennectp I,

-checfulc I shall include Policemen, both in the Pohee and Assessments and of \'s oter Rents," irctween the Department and Lcparrtm••itof Parks, and the wtifnrmed hours of 9 A. nt, and 2 r. At., and all payments made torso in the Fire Department, and Doormen in the Police thereon, on or before May 8, t8gr, will be exempt 1) artment. from interest as above provided, and after that elute will Schedule I) shall include all persons for u•hoce duty be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per special expert knowledge is required not included in cent, ITeranmtm from the date of entry in the Record of '. Schedule I,. 'I itles of Assessments in said Bureau to the date of Schedule I•: shall include pltv,icians, chemists, nurses, payment. I

•1'HEO. W, iNYI•:RS, orderlies and attendants in the city hospitals and

Comptroller. ntsylunis, surgeons in tire Police Department and the Department of Public parks, and medical officers in the Fire Department.

CITY OIF NEw Yong, I Schedule F shall include stenographers, type-w'nters FINANCE DEPAR-rctl'NT, and all persons not included in the foregoing schedules

C0:111'TRULLF. R'S Oumn IC F, except laborers or day workmen. March 19, 1891. J Schedule G shall include all persons employed as

laborers or day workmen. NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS. Positions falling within Schedules A and t; are exempt

Isom Civil Service examination.

PURSUANCE OF SECTION 997 OF THE LEE PHILLIPS, IN 'r New York City Consolidation Act of t88z," the Secretary and Executive Officer:

Comptroller of the City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the assessment list in the matter oCacquiring title to DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK= One Hundred and Eighteenth street, between Tenth avenue and hiurningside avenue, West, which was n PEP mRINTENT of 1'r I,t.;c 1', tees,

confirmed by the Supreme Court, March 12, r8gt, C"`uttssn"RR's OFFICE, 1lf of March, .891, in and entered on the 17th day u u u R, st 6, N. qt C tsu+F.RO STREET,

the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the NRw YORK, March 23, 1891. ) "Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears ofTaxes and Assessments and of Water Rents," CO 1,ON IRACT(_)Rs. that unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days RIDS OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest sealed envelope, :with the title r'f/lie xu:'rkanrt the will be collected thereon, as provided in section ?98 of ,tame cf//int bidder inrtr,rsed lhr'rron, also Eli.' runnber of said "New York City Consolidation Act of r88z. the work as in liar adn<rtiseurcat, will he received at

Section 998 of the said act provides that, "If any such this office until 12 o'clock nt, on Monday, April 6, assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty .89r, at which place and hour they will be publicly days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of opened by the head of the Department.

Page 10: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

1078 THE CITY RECORD. MARCH 26 i 891.

No. t. FOR RH ill hiINC AND PAVING WITH such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will DEPARTMENT OF Petit IC WORKS, No. 20. FOR RF:GULA'lIN( AND P°VIN(; 'Al 111

OR-h'siI'F:- III OCIC 1'AVF:\1FNI W'IT'H he returned to the persons making the same within CoMMISsiONER'sOrrice GRANI'1'1•:-BLOCK PAVEMENT,

CL)NCRN IF. I OUN DA'IION, '1'HI•: (:AR- three days after the contract is awarded. If the suc- ROOM 6, No. 3t CHAMBERS ST., ( CONCR1 '

1'i•: FOUNUA'1'IOV, PH"

KI,ti;i,':\Y OF THIRD AVENUE, front cessful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days New YORK, March 17. t8gt. JJJ 'HUE' CARRIA(%1•;WAY OF t S1'lil(1•:'L,

scenic-third to Pifty-ninth street (except- after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to from West to ( ;reenwich street (so far uc the

ing the space chargeable to the railroad cont- i execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by same is within the limits ofgrant, oflami under

panic,). i him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of TO CONTRACTORS. water.

No. a. FOR RJ•:l;t 1.ATING AND PAVING WI -III New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or No. at. FOR RF.GUF.A'I'ING AND P:1VIN(; WITIi UKANI I F-IILOCR YAVFMF:X'I', W11'll refusal ; but if lie shall execute the contract within the GRANI'l'F: BLOCK I'AVEMI•:N I', W- I"1'H CON (RI•.'1'F: FO]'\DA'FI(IN, 'IHE time aforesaid, the amount of the deposit will be llIDSORF.5"CIl\IA'I'ES,INCF.OSEDiNASEALED CONCRF'I'F: FOUND:\T}UN, THE C:ARRIAGEWAV OF 'I WENT' 'sill lR) ' returned to him, envelope,zuftk theUlle tiff/it :uarkan/ the name CARRIA(;SWAY OF' l AI(,I[T .>'1RI:E'1', ',flit: I''I from 'I hird to 'Tenth avenue I H1•: CO1}M}"ti ION ER ()E PUBLIC Vi (IRKS of the Lc//rr irr for ed thereon, alsn the Ut 6rr of the from Washington to Gryenrvt h street ,so far exo q~ting the space h rgeable to the railroad RE51•:Rh FS 1' }IF; RIGHT"1 (1 1(1 J1•:CI' ALL BID', ;nnrk as ix the advetfisement, will he received at this as the same is not within the limits of grants

c„ tt+t,,,,,i~-)• RECEIVED FOR ANY PARTICULAR WOR K IF d office until to o'clock M. on Monry, March 30, t8gr, at of land tinder water).

No 3. FOR KI((;1;1,"11NG AV1) PAVI?~G \VI'1'IF . •:ICMS Ii FOR'IIII, EST INTEREST'S OF' 111 DI B

111F: CI .1's'. which place and hour they will be publicly opened by

GH.kN1l,,!'h LOCK PAVI•:3fENT, W'}IIS forms bid the of or estimate, proper envelopes the head of ti LI partment. No. 22. FOR Hit ULA'1'1N(;ANDP.AVING,WI -}'H

COXl'K1•:I t F(IUKUAI'IC1N, 'I'Ht; CAR- (!ORI N(

to B,i°

to inclose the same, the specifications and which No. r. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WI ('H



'A A's OF' PARK RO\V,fromn Frank- agreements, and any further information tired,can be PAVEMEN I', WI '}'H CI)NCR 'FAILOCK CO ICRETs (11 Lhl AI'ION, THE CAR-

fort ~trect to I r id•say, and HF:I K\IAN e

obtained at Room t, \o .3r Chambers street. CONCKF:1'F; FOUNllATlO'Q, 'IHI: R[AGI.W'A\' OF L:11GFI'., ,'1'IZl?l: l', from die >ame SI RTF.T, from Park Row to Pearl street

THOS. F. CARRIAGEWAY OF WASHINGTON West to Greenwich street (ccf l of I. inl und,•r i. within the limits of

d ,~rant~ exec rtin ; the snacc char scab:c to tl,c rail-

i' Public ,

Contmtsslnner Public Works. of to hi 't its far is e

same not the limits of

No. q. Ft 1K RIMULA'I'1XG AND PAVING W'l1'}i GRAA1'l'I:ATIN F }'.4VF:.lIFa'1'. }L'I'I'II

;;rants of land under water).


t)r't'AR'ISTEit or Yt nt.tc 1Voess, Cu:~nno~io Cu OFrtce,


KJAGI?15'AY (ii I KAND 51'RI11', Crum Kuoni (, No. 3t Ma ten SiREx'r,j

Nc•.e }'nes, tilarch sr, rEgt. , Ao. z. I UG }ZEGU1,:A AN]) PAV}AG WITH ,Ot

l;]2AN1'1'I.-Ill ~)t:K l'AVl•:111 A'1', \VI'I'H -

CAR- I lb A's

( IF VI IRY 'it RI RIA(:ISNrI}' OF' VI•:5'1'R}' ~L'}ZE:F"}', from RI

P,rundw a} t.. lie LI, the railroad cwnpanies). -- :Al;1SW',lY Of WASHINGTON "IREI 1.

tits a:unc +s not within limit. c. S":nr of No. FOK I:F:G I'I. I AAll P:1V!VG A5'1-1'H 5. Ott

}'AVE-NI :N 1', 4'1'1'1[ I O C:ON"1 RAChORS.

til'KI:Fa; from the north side of Chambers to the north side ut ~pnng street rso street

land under water;. F-CL(I G(51 Ri ,


XI :\VF\C, from

I'ar as the same is within the iimit, of ,,r:tats C.O.~CRI•:I 1, 1-0UN1)A 'I0N, TIIE CAK-

f land o under water -~. No 24 FOR REGUL G ATIN A_ D PAVJVI; WITH KIAb:WAI' OF SiSIX h QIllS OR F:S'1'IAfA'1'F :S, INC[.OS1~.D IN A (;k:}VI'1'I; BLOCK PA\'IC\llal', WITH Carmine to'1'wett}--shirr! trect exceptinI Ll Sealed env,Inpe a :uifht ctitleeIkea,n1/,• tin ftile

No. 3. FOR RF(;L;L:S'1'1NG ANU PAVING I FIT CONCH E'I't((It .I)lI II1, ill 1:CAR. the c uI se able to the railroad com-

~1"" g` xau•r ~I th<• l•iddrr ir.drn-srri therrnu, aTo theit mber o j 6e

WIVi lit GRANll E-BLOCK PAVEMENT' WI'1'}I RIAGI{}Val' (}3 VI•a'I'RY tit RF.FZ"L'. (mm

1 \1 cat to I reenwich Ott e r i. tJ-,c'ante { anie~ fl r -~o+;$ n, ;n II rr n:r; r. Gsrurtui, will rr:ceived t'-~Ci2 K I E FOU~ ll.A 1'}O'Q, '1'HI? I

No. 6. Fl tl: R FL I. LA'I'INI; 'X II P:1 \'1 ~;(: WITH 1', nt this of ce until rz o'clock is. on Friday, April l•t Y 3, is within the limits of gr:u t c l lacd under

A t8 :11:f 1', r)\ 7'HF: i'kE5- i, at which l cc and hour theywill lie publicl 9 P I y' h OF GR1•:F.N1Vt t I I

til'I:1Zh:l', Crom htdron to Chan:bcr: =trcct ' 1 1 I n I AD_,1C\II?X

1.A l' 11 .1 C'AI)::M PA\ 111 I• N I', 1111 ]:N J opened icy the head of the DeParttneni so ( the s: m is Let within tbu limits of CAKIZIhi,I,it:\1' (iF' I R():1U\\':\\' or No. t. FOR RI{(,L;IAIIN(; AND PAVINC WITH grants oil :ndundcr wit er. Nu. z5. FOJZ RP.I%L I.A'1'JN(' ND PII I 's t, WI'FR Pc, ohs v'ard, from Seventy-ninth to Ninety-'. (;P.A\J'I'1{-IiL(1CK 1'AV1:111•:N 7', '1'HI•: 11 0( 1',, PA\' h )IES'f. 11"ITH 1,1>511 i l second street. CARL I iGI•;VV:\Y OF ONI? HI NLIR1U No. q. FOR R]•:CULAI'ING AND PAVING WITH COSCI:ICI I? FOUND. \'1'10\, lHE

Ne 7. FOIL III;L'LA"1'INI ASll 1':\VING \CI'III A>I) F(1R'1 i '}'-til•.V N7 'H 51KL•:Ii i'rom I AsI'ii ]'LOCK PAV1•: MINI ', \V1 1'H l::\I;RJ:}<;i.\VAY fit III '-I .•~1'h to Asi 1JAIA PAA I'sit N' 1', ON '1'111•: I'RES- Amsterdam to St. Aicbol a Cl as venue. CNCKI:'1'1 FOI%ND AT ,ON R- ,'1'HF: I. sl RE:l:I', from Washintton Grcruwich

street (so f;u- as the 'ante is not within the IN I M ACAD't'sI PAVF.>I f•:N J -, 'l'Hl•: CART I hi;F:\t'AY OF F'IFT'H h's INCI No. z. FOR RI I LI Al ING ALAI) PAVI\C lb 1111

]ZIAGI~}VA1' OF GKF;KN11'ICH STREIE }', from the eouth sik c of he tr_•ct to the limits of grouts of land under sous

from flit : }lundred and 'Twenty-fourth to 11<:1'SI1, -BLOCK PAVEMI•:NT, '1'I}b: north side of Barclay street so far as the One Hw,dred and'Lhirtieth street. R10 \I)1V:1Y OF' NINETY - EllG11'1'H same is ~~ithin tiro limits of grants of land ~'o, z6. FOR FZ]•:t;UI.AI INKG AND PAVING H lb I i

No. E. FOR kI(GUi.A'I'111; AN f) PAVING WITH STKha•:1; from highth to Ninth avenua. under water . 1 IRAN III i-1)LOCK YAVFNIIEN F. \\'ITH C'0NC \1•;1'1•: FOUNDA iii IN, FIIF.

- -P[IAI.'I' PAV1•:l1F: 'Si ; Ii's THE No. ii Ft. REA;ULA'I IN( AND PAVING WITH 3' No. FOR RI (I I hiI'~I AND PAVING CARKIAI;EW'AY OF 111 ",lK(is.F:s

i'R1•.tiP:\'1' Al:1CAU:1:1i 1'AVF:\1FN1; i;KANiII:L'I,(;CK I'AVI:SIP:lv1', 7'HI? I H1•: C:1I/RI h(:I.1V'l's OF 110F ;ST (;RAV}'}'N-BLOCK

5• llb

b PAVI•:n1F N 1 W 1" til'ltl?I•:l',fromWcsttol rcemcich~:react (so CAKkL4G1•:W'AY OF' N1NI•:l}'-1 OLT R'l'fl R

CONCRETI FOUN})ATION ' 1 HI CAR- farasthe -:one t.within thelimits •! masts MOIZR1~ :1\ t \One', from One Hundred 51'itl•:ET, from First to `econd avenue. CHA~IB of land under venter`.

i llne Hundred and'1'weutp- andth ~ t...t. No. q. FUR REGULAI'1C K APU PAVING, 1 THE far &um Wa<hing no to (rrcc i ohreet.s.;ar from Wa VAY or

fouRh street. GR4V1"I'li-RI.00K PA's F'.111•;N'1', 'I'FIIS Iii =[reef t,r

of the same is not -,ritbin the limits of grants No 27 FOR REGI I hlINGAND PAVING \1 1TH 7' So. g. FOR I:F:GULAIIAG AND P~VIS( ; lb II CARIZL1Gh.WAY OF' (1NF. HUNDRED oflundnudcrwater;. C;I: AN Ill III (1CK PAV 1:\t ENT. W I'I'H

ASI'H:V.1 I'AVEM}CNT,ON CONCRI•:II AN]) h'll'1'I i'siH STREET, front Park CI)\C'RF('II•: FOUNIthI II)\, LIII C:1R- Ft)t'NIrA11(tV, -1'111': C:1RT/IAGEW:IY to Fifth avenue. No.6. FOR RFGt71.ATINI: AND PAVING \VI'I'II kl:'+(,I•:WAV Ill' lbA'l t', isTI:F,I',i, teem O1' \I 11)150\ A11-NI; E, from 6ixticth 1


GRA 'Sill :-HI11CK PAVI\IF:N I', \VI I'I-I I W'ashingtot 1n Greenwich street ist tar as limits '-E th t d F ll I1 SEV N fH to • ix •-six stree, :m ,' > GRANITF-BLOCK PAV}•;MEN}; THE CONCKI-'1'E FOUNll: FIO~,'1HE CAR- the same is not within the of ;r:f wts o

51'K]•:Ia; from Fifth to ]inrlison avenue. I CARRIAGE\VAY OF' F'IRS'}' AVENUE, RIAGF:FLAY OF CHA\]lil?kti til'R1•:F:1; land tinder water. No. to. FOR };{((;L'L:YI'ISG AND I'AVI\C; W11 H at the intersection of One Hundred and from West to Greenwich street (so fill- as I No. P. FOR RI'GULA'I ING AND "`VINO: \VI 1H

ASPHALT PAVI•: lilt- N'}', ON TH F: ]'RI(5- 1\venty-sixth street. the sonic is within the limits of grants oiland i GKANI II BLOCK PAVEIll:N1', WITH ENT 51'O5E-BLtICK PAVF:1113N'1;'}'HI': No. 6. FOR RH.I;[JLA'LING AND PAVING \Vl'1'H tinderw:,tcr;. CONCRF:'l'F: F>IUNDATION, THF. ('AR- CARRIAGEWAY OF' SIX1'1•;I:N1H I'RANI'l'K- If] OCK PAVFA]F:NI', 1HF. RIAGEWAY OF' WAl'IS 51111- 1:1, from SI RF: F}', from Fifth to Sixth avenue; ROADWAYF O WEST' 1•:\D AVENUE, No. 7. FOR Eli C I.A'1'}\G AND P:\VING W I TH West to G reenwich street su iaras the same IWI•:N' III :'I'H STRF:F:T, from Fifth to fm Ninety-sixth to Ninety-ninth street, (%K h's III S-liL')CK PAV1?'ill Ni WITH is within the limits of grants of :and under

'IWF:N'I'IF Sixth avenue; III AND :N ON AND W HAI:I' l':\VF 'II FT ' ' 'IHK CONRIII i(1UNDA1' ION CAR. C water'.. '}'\VF''1'Y-FIRST S1' RI] •:1', lo tit Gra- CONCK1•:1'FSFOL\ll:}TI(tN,fromNincty- 'I; RIAG E\1 'Al OF' RF:•(J)F: 51 • III from mercy Lark, and I RA1}F:kCY PLACE, ninth to One Hundred and Fourth street. Vu ti I rcenwion trects (so fir as the saute Ni. x9. FOR RIi:Cl, I h (INC AND PAVIN(; 11'fl'H cast and west, and '1'WEN'IY- FIRS I a is not ii the limits of grants of Lind tinder GRAV I'}'1•: Ill 01 K PAV I•:MF.N T, WITH S'I'RE ET, from fifth to Sixth avenue. Each estimate must contain the name and place of water:. CONCRF~1'F; IOUN LIA'}'ION, 1'HF C:\R-

Nou. FOR KF:(;UI.ATING ANI1 PAVING W'}1'H residence of the person making the same, ther,antes of interested with him therein, if no all persons and other

R1,1GI:1VAV OF CANAL [TREE I', from 1'AVE\IF:S, ON '}'HE No, 8. F'OR REGULATING AN I) 1':1V1 NG WI'}'H West Washington to street so f,tras tlic sonic

F'I21aE\"1' STO\ F;-IiL(;CK I'AV 1-;911?1'1', be distinctly Person so interested, it shall state that tact, GRAND E-lil 01 PAVE Mi:N'1', \VIt'll

is not within the limits tdprants of lam ru

! der THE CARRIA('}•:WAY OF FORTY- That it is made without any connection with any other CONCKI }'F: FOUNDA'T'ION, 'I HE CAR- water. F'IF1'F} SI Ri•:1s1; from Fifth to Sixth Person making an estimate for the same work, and ism

all respects fair: nd without collusion or fraud. Thatno RIAG]•:W'AY OF READ}: SI ELII, from No. 3o. FOR REGULATING AND lb H

avenue ; FO1Z'1'Y-E:IGH'} H S'I REEF from member of the Common Council, head of a department, West to \1'ashin ton street •so far as the K is limits land same within the of grants of

III Ni GRANI'L'E-BLOCK F':1]'L•'\IF\1', 1Cl l'H


Madison to Seventh avenue, and FJ II'1 FTH chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, nr clerk therein, or on srwatcr). CONI'1ZK' I'b: FOUN U.\TION, "THE S'I'RIEI', from Fifth to Sixth avenue, other officer of the Corporation is directly or indirectly CARPIAGKWAY 01' LANAI, Sl'RI/I/I',

No, 12, FOR Ill a;UI.A'I IN(: AND PAVING lb 1111 I interested in the estimate, or in the work to which it re- No. g. FOR 1 11 U].A'1'INC AND P,1VING W't'1'H from West to Washington street so far a. the A"PHAJ: I PAFI•:1IEN'1'. ON IHF: fates or in the profits thereof, GKAN}TE-11LOCK PAVEMENT, WITH same is within the limits of grants .~I Lind I'll F.SF:N'I' 5'1'(1]1:-BLOCK PAVEh1F:N1', Each estimate must be verified by the oath,in writing, CONCRF,TF. FOUNDATION, THE CAR-

under water;. TIlF. CARIZIAGI•:\\AY OF THIRTY- of the party making the same, that the several matters RI.1GEW'AY OF' JAY S'I'RE:E'1', from West No. 3t. FOR RF.GU[.A'I'ING AND PAVING \\ I'l'H E'I FTH SI RF:E1', from Madison to Sixth therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the to Washington street (so far as the same is, GRAN] fE-BLOCK PAVEMENT', Wl-1'li avenue ;'I'll IRTY N IN H S'1'1/I-1-'1', from consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders not with the limits of grants of land under CO\CBE' II •: F'l)IINDA' PION, Lilt C:.1R- Fifth to Sixth avenue, and FORTIETH in the City of New York, to the effect that if the con- water). R}Aia•:W-hY 01" SIRINNI; S IREISI', from STREET, from Fifth to Sixth avenue. I tract is awarded to the person makinr the estimate, they West to Greenwich street so far as the same

No. t3. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WITH will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his No. to. FOR REGU].ATINC) AND PAVING WI'I'I} is not within the l d imits of grants of J:m ASPHAl.1' PAVE111-:NT, ON '('Hi - sureties for its faithful performance; and that if he GRANI'1'1•: }iLOCK PAVEMENT, WITH tinderw:ucr'. ENT SIONI:-BLOCK PAVE\IF:NT 'PHE shall refuse or neglect to execute the same, they will CONC.RF:11? FOUNDAT]ON,'1'HE CAR- CARRIAGF:W'AY OF TWENTY-SIXTH pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum RIAGEIVAY OF JAY STRF:1 1', from No, 32. FOR REGULATING AN I) PAVING \ 1 III S'I'RI'ET, from Madison avenue to East to which he would be entitled upon its completion and West to Washington street (so far as the i,R 1 NIl' I'.-BLOCK PAV F:MENT, \1'1I 'H river, and 'THIRTIETH STREET, from I that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the same is within the limits of grants of land CI)NCRE"l'K FOUNDATION,'1'HE C 1K - Madison avenue to Broadway. I person to whom the contract shall be awarded at any tinder water). RIAGE%VAY OF SPRING St REE'I, from

I N G A ND No. tq. FOR REGli L:17'1NG AND PAVING W11 'H

Ati REG U ' ; ON THE

subsequent letting; the amount to be calculated upon thee t n-it d amount of the work by which the bids are No..r. FOR RFGULA'}'ING AN 1) YAVINl: WI'1'Ff

\1'c.t to Greenwich street as far as the same is within the limits of grants of land under

AsPH ,:\ tested. GIZANII't/-BLOCK }'AVI•:MENT, W}'I'H water;. l' Si ((NI PAVEMENT', The consent last above mentioned must be accom. CONCRI•:TF: FOUNDATION, 1'HE CAR-

T HE CA13k1AG1•:WAY OF I IF'I'Y_ panted b the club or affirmation, in w ritin of each of y g' RIAGF:WAY OF HARRISON S'I 'REE:'1; E No. 33• FOR R GUL G P G ATIN ANT) AVIN 'All H SEVENTH ti I'K N P.1 ; from Fourth to alarli- the Persons signing the same, that he is a householder from West to \1'a-hington street so far as (.RANI L F: BLOCK l'AVI'. hit' : N'f, R"I I'H son avenue and from Fifth to sixth avenue : or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the the same is not within the lin+its of grants of CON CR I'I'F, FOE I l's 11lON. I 111,SIXTY-FOtilt'1'H SIRE I:T, from Fourth to anoint of the security required f r the completion of land under water). CARRIA(:EWA1' OF ON1i lIUNUK[•:Ii

ti avcnuc, and SIXTY-FIFCH SI'REL"1', the contract, over and above all his debts of every AND 'lEN'I'H Si I/I:K'I', from first avenue fth vene. fromFourth to Fi a u nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, su rety, -'~'o• in • FOR RI GUI Al ING ANll P:\VIN- W}TII to bulkhead line on I•:ast or Ha rlent river so

No. t5. FOR REGUI,A'l'ING AND PAVING WITH or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety GRANITE'. -BLOCK PA\'EMEN'1', 111'}'H far as the same is within the lintits of grants A``PHA1:1 PAVEIIF:NT, ON TIE in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond 'I 'HE CONCRETE FOUNDATION, of land under water;. PRI:Sl:1'1' STONE-BLOCK PAVEMHNI', required by law. CARRIAGI•:WAY OF HARRISON


No estimate will be considered unless accompanied by ST'KF:ET, from West to Washington street far the is within the limits of Iso as same


FOUR']'H STRF•:F:T, from Madison to Fifth avenue; ONI•: HUNDRED AND

either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order grants of land under water).


111 I',N'I Y-FOURTH STREET; from of the Con+ptroller, or money, to the amount of five No. t3. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING \VITH CARRIAGEWAY OF FULTON STR} ET, front Broadway to Greenwich street. \lount Morris io Fifth avenue, and FIF I'H per cesium of the amount of the security required for GRANITE-BLOCK PAVEMENT, WITH

AVENUE, from One Hundred and Thirtieth the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or CONCRETE FOUNUATION, THE CAR- No. 35, RESURFACING WITH BROKEN TRAP- to One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street. money must Nor be inclosed in the sealed envelope con- RIAGF:WAY OF FRANKLIN STREET, ROCK AND TRAP-ROCK SCREENINGS

Each estimate nm,t contain the name and place of taining the estimate, but must he handed to the officer front West to Washington street (so far as the THE ROADWAY OF' SEVENTH AVE: residence of the person making the same, the names of or clerk of the Department who has charge of the same is not within the limits of grants of land NUE• between (Inc Hundred and Tenth all persons interested with him therein, and if no other estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said tinder water. and One Hundred and Forty-fifth streets, person be so interested, it shall di,tinctly state that fact, box until such check or money has been examined by Each estimate trust contain the name and place of rest. That it is made without any connection with any other said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such

deposits, bidder, No, r4. FOR REGULATING AND }'AV ING WITH

PAVEMENT, WITH GRANITE-BLOCK dence of the person making the same, the names of all

person making an estimate for the same work, and is in except that of the successful will be to returned the persons making the same within three FOUNDA'I ION, THE CONCRETE

persons interested with him therein, and if no other er- all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. That

after the contract is awarded. If the successful son be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact. no member of the Common Council, head of a depart- I days CARRIAGEWAY OF FRANKLIN hat it is made without any connection with any other

I ment, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after street STRIeF:T, frem West to Washington pm Person making an estimate for the sae work, and is in therein, other officer of the Corporation, directly notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to (so far as the same is within the limits of all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. That no or indirectly interested in the estimate or in the work to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by grants of land under water), member a} the Common a which it relates or in the profits thereof.

Each be by the oath, in estimate must verified writing, him shall he forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liyuidated damages for such neglect or No. z5. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WITH

heador y there, , t herein, or . chief of a bu

ofreau,the deputy thereof, clerk therein, or


other officer i t

of the making the same, that the several matters party refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the GRAN LIE-BLOCK PAVEMENT CAR. Corporation, is directly or indirectly time

therein stated are trite, and must be accompanied b the time aforesaid, the amount of the deposit will be CONCRETE FU h 1'HE CAR- DA'OR OF t interested in the estimate or in the work to which it

} consent, in venting, of two householders f re rs in if contr returned to him. RIAGI•.WAY NOR'}'H MOORE S'1'RI::F. 1; from West to Greenwich street

relates or in the profits thereof. Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in wrutng,

the City of New York, to the effect that if the contract is 7'HE COJSIMISSION ER OF PUBLIC WORKS RESERVES THE RIGHT' TO REECT ALL BIDS J

Aso far as the same is not within the limits of of the Party making the same, that the several matters beco the tbey awarded to the person d, oun as will,

its being sn awarded, become boundd as h his sureties upon KECEIVEU FOR ANY PAR-1'ICU LAR WORK IF grants of land under water`

~' therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the

for its faithfulerformance; and that if he shall refuse P HE DEEMS IT FOR THE BEST' 1N'1'ERESIS OF I

No. t6. FOR REGUI,A'CING AND PAVING WITH consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, to the effect that if thecontract

or neglect to execute the same, theywill a ' to the Cor- P•) he

THE CITY. Blank forms of bid or estimate, the envelopes proper

GKANI'L'E-BLOCK PAVEMENT, W['1'H is awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, oration anydifference between the sum to which

would be enitled upon its completion and that which P p in which to inclose the same, the specifications and upon CONCRF: L'E FOUNDATION, THE CARRIAGEWAY NORTH MOORE

its being ul so formaec, become bound ase his l suretiesu for its faithful ; and that if he shat) refuse performance

the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to agreements, and any further information desired, can be obtained at Room r, No. ,ambers street. K


from STREET, from West to Washington street ST

neglect execute the they will pay to the Core bsathe, po anyt the sum to which he whom the contract shall be awarded at an subsequent I

y q THOS. far the same is within the limits of r


; the amount to cal the estimated bids

aupm amolettiu r wh ich the

F. GILROY, grants land under water). yo u don

led7eupon its completion,p

amount of work by tnt are tested consent

the Commissioner of Public Works. would bey eatio nd upon and that son to the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to

The last above mentioned must be accom- of ------ -- - - — -- No. 17. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WITH whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent

allied bythe oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of P ti DErnarMENr of PUBLIC WORKS,


letting ; the a to be upon the estimated the ersons signing the same, that he is a touseholder P K K

freeholder in the Cityof New York, is worth the or and No. ?r CxnMUERs STREET, ~


bidsed am tested, amount of the by which the ent

for the amount of the security required completion of NEw YORK, March t8, t8gr. Washington to Greenwich street (so far as the The consent above mentioned must be h tho last wri ofthe is limits land

Ponied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the the contract, over and above all his debts of every same not within the of grants of persons signing the same, that he is a householder or nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, NOTICE OF SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, under water), freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety

faith, intention bond in good with the to execute the No. 18. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WITH amount of the security required for the completion of

by law. O required N MONDAY, MARCH 30, r8gt, AT to.30 GRANI'T'E-BLOCK PAVEMENT', WITH the contract, over and above all his debts of every

No estimate will be considered unless accompanied by A• M., the Department of Public Works will sell

at public CONCRETE FOUNDATION, THE CAR- nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety,

or otherwise, that he has offered himself as and surety either a certified check upon one of the State or National

auction, by Messrs. Van Tassel] & Kearney, auctioneers, at the Corporation Yard, foot of Sixteenth

RIAGEWAY OF BEACH STREET', from West to Washington street (so far as the in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond

banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order street, East river, a QUANTITY OF OLD TELE- is limits land required by law. of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five GRAPH POLES,

same within the of grants of No will be considered unless accompanied estimate

per centum of the amount of the security required for faithfulperformance the Such the of contract. check TERsts OF SALE.

under water). by either a certified check upon one of the State or

No. t.. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING WITH National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the or money must NOT lie inclosed in the sealed envelope

but be handed Cash payments in bankable funds at the time and place GRANITE-BLOCK PAVEMENT', WITH order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five

containing the estimate, must to the immediate of sale, and the removal of the poles by 'i'HE CONCRETE FOUNDA'l ION, CAR- per centum of the amount of the security required for officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of purchaser, otherwise purchaser will forfeit the same, RIAGEWAY OF HUBER'l' STREET, from the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in

has been I together with all moneys paid therefor. Washington to Greenwich street (so far as the money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope

said box until such check or money examined 'i'HOS. F. GILROY, same is not within the limits of grants of land containing the estimate, but must be handed to the by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All 7 Commissioner of Public Works, under water), officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the

Page 11: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R

MARCH 26 1891. THE CITY --I

Lot z5. Westerly half of Pier st, with whole of nor-


T: o'1 I MA 1 Es Ft)R DREDGING Al' I HI:•11 /1Y 1:-


No estimate will be accepted from, or contract estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by (ace. ibis pier has a shed upon it. li named place, on the North .fed Fast rivers will ,any person who is in arrears to the Corpo-awarded to a

said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such Lot a6. Easterly half of Pier x; and half the bulkhead be received by the Board of Commi.sioners at the head ration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as

deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be adjoining easterly. This pier and bulkhead have sheds of the I lcpartment of Docks, at the office of said Depart- surety or otherwise, op 'n an}• nblication to the Corpora-

them. upon menu, on Pier "A," foot of Battery place, North river, tion. returned to the persons making the same within three days is If the after the contract awarded. successful Lot 27. Pier a; and half bulkhead adjoining westerly, in the City of New York. until tz o'clock v. of '1' H F If fl; H'1' 'I'cl DECLINE. A LL THE FSTI-

bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after half bulkhead adjoining easterl }•, probabl) in ludo as MATF-ti Iti RlF,,FRVED, 11 I)I•:!•:}II?D FOIL THE

bulkhead have E'kll)AY, MARCH a7, t8gr, 1\'I'li fa•; ti'1.' (IF THE: CnRYn K:YI'll)V OF "1'HE

notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to part of pier. This pier and sheds upon at which time and place the estimates will be publicly C11'Y OF' \E:\\ Y/IR K. execute the same, the anmant of the deposit made by im

shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New them,

Lot z8. Westerly half of Pier a6 and half bulkhead I opened by the head of said Department. 'I lie award Millers are requested, in making their bids or esti-

York, as liquickrtcd damages for such neglect or refusal ; adjoining westerly. This pier and bulkhead have sheds of the contract, if awarded, ac ill be made as soon as prat- mates, to it the blank prepared fur that purpose by

but if he ,,ha II execute the contract within the time adore- ' upon them. ticable after the opening of the bids. the Department, a copy of ;which, together with the

ill e returned to him said, the amount of the deposit w b lot zg. Pier at foot of Fast Third :treat. Any person making an c,t to for the work shall form of the agreement, iu n-, cludi specifications, and

'I HI. COMMISSION FR OF' PUBLIC WORKS Lot 3o Yicr at foot of East Fifth street, except re- furnish the same in a sealed envelope to said Board, at showing the manner of payment fur the work, can be

RE: FRVI•:S '1'Hli I:IGH•I' TO REJECT ALI. BIDS servo ion for berth for public bath during summer said office, on or before the dap and hour above named, obtained upon application therefor at the office of the

RECEIVED FOR ANY PARTICULAR WORK IF' season. which envelope shall be indorsed with the none ur Ueparuncnt.

H F I DEEMS IT FOR THE BEST ]N I ERESI'S OF Lot 31. Pier at foot of East Thirty-third street. names of the person or persons presenting the same, the EDWIN A. P1)51

THE C1'I'Y. Lot 3z. Pier at foot of East Thirty seventh street, date of its presentation, and a statement of the work to I J 5.kll•:o \1.1 I' I'll f•;

Bla bi ens -elopes forms of d or estimate, the proper enelopes except reservation for berth for public bath during which it relates. 1. oil' :f"1' t I' \I,

in whirfl is inch nze the same, the specifications and summer season. 11+e bidder to whom the award is made shall give 1 nu I th'. L t I 1 roc}a.

aer emer. ts, and anp further information desired, can be ],ot ;3. Bulkhead-platform southerly of Fast Thirty- security for the faithful performance of the contract, in fated, N ew Y 3[an obtained at Room t, No. 3r Chambers street. ninth street about qg feet. the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in

1'HOS. F. GILROY, Lot 34. I!ulkhead and dimip at foot of East Thirty- the sum of Four Ilundrad Dollars. Commissioner of Public Works. ninth street. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities of material SUPREME COURT.

Lot 35. Bulkhead-platform at foot of East Forty- seventh street.

neces,ary to be dredged in order to secure at the prom- ises mentioned the depth of water set oppo'ite thereto

- ----- -- - -- -- - In the matter of the application cif the Board of ctrcet L«rnRruRnr OF Punctc \4oans, 1

Co+isusctn see 's t)rrtc s, I Lot 6 Bulkhead-platform at foot of Fast Forty-ninth in the specifications is as follows : ! (pening and Improvement cif ti •_ I'it}• f New York,

NC. 31 (.H.•1\IRP•.Rn STftk.F-T, street. Os'' NORTim Riven, b for and ult ehalf of the Mayer, \ldermcn and Com -

w Nr YORK, August r4, r88g. J Lot 37. Bulkhead at foot of 1'sast Fifty-sixth street. a, S . Canal Street llumping-board oo ethic yards ...... munalty of the City of 1cw Yor hit tice to acquiring

hum -bo:vd oat West 7'x•c11th pug title for the ,ise of the public to all er any of the Land and 11rop::rty not owned by :he Corporation of the City

Tl) l)I' I,A'.~I)5 C R IGI Vi\LI,Y On the, L'a. e 11: r.

t,000 street .......................... \C I )I.IZti

' :\I:R G RAN TS• : CO UII~l I) IiY \V T I, tre. For the term of three y ea -s fromft Ml)e Ox F:,tsi RIVER.

of New York, including arq. rights; terms, easements and privileges or interests pertaimn:,g th_re to, which

Lot 34. Bulkhead at font of East Fourth street and are not su bject to vstiuguish meat ur t_nnination by 't 'P LEN 1'ION IS C i D THE RI?CENI A

re (c er return along, northerly side of East Fourth street. li - Dumping-hoard at East SevenOR tecntI street ............ ..... 2,- Cub yards. public authority, for an rly 1' E k I

SI '. I, ext g, along the act of the Lc gislauire (cha :ter Laws oh 188 i, 4 r 9 et LotBulkhead at foot of Easr Fifteenth street. 39. Dumping-board East Forty- ml, along the westerly shore of the East he htcit proa:ses that whenever any streets or avenues in,

described in land t

anygrant of under water, Lot 4 Bulkhead-platform at foot of East seventy-

fifth street. '.

sixth street ... .... ... r,000

Street .. last river, in the City of New York, from the centre

floc is line of East oixtyduurth street, its such and the Lit)',

} 1 Lot R~. (nn[ East Seventy-sixth Dam ing board at East Eightieth P 5' b i, from the :Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty containing covenant- requiring the grantees and their successors to c Street qt. ilkhrad at of street.

lot .tz. Pier at southerly aide of East Eighty-sixth ........................1,200 r,so~ would be if extended ca.tlrardly int, the East river, to the northerly hoc of Fist L(+ ht}•-first street, as

pave, repave. keep in repair or maintain such streets, street, pier at northerly side of East Eighty-sixth street Total " 7 700 such line is and would lie if extended eastivardly into

be in need of repairs, pavement or repavement, thall and bulkhead northerly ol'smic. -_ the East river, in the Nineteenth Ward of the City of

the Council tray, by ordinance, require same to On the Flat r4vu ]lric•r. New l-nrk,par.uant to the pi.rm hc. etofure determined the same to he paved, repaved or repaired, and N. B.-Rudder, are required to submit their c'timate upon by the Board of the Department o! Docks, and the expense thereof to be assessed on the property benefited ; and whenever the owner of a lot no assessed

For the term of g years from May t, t8:)r.

Lot q3. 1-!ulkhcad at foot of East Ninety-third street. upon file fri lnwinG express conditions, which sb:dl apply to and become part of every estimate received :

adopted by the Commissiou_•rs of the Sinking Fund, and the profiles thcrcof fixed and rl,n:rmined by the

shall ii:,ve nail the witch n[ leveed for such a ng. Lot q.,. I ulkhcad at foot of Last (tile Hundred and Ist. Bidders must satisfy the msclves, by personal 1cpa eta ent of Docks, with the concurrence of the repaving or repairing, such payment shall release and Thirty-eighth street. examination of the locations of the proposed dredging, Commissioner of Public Works. discharge such Owner front any and every covenant and Let 45. Crib-bulkhead at foot of One Hundred and and by such other means as they may prefer, as to the obliaatinv t , paving, repaving ;Old repairing, con. e Fifty-fifth street, Harlem river. accuracy of the foreqning I•:n,gineer's estimate, and ::hall faired in the x ater grant under which the premises are I,et 46. Crib-bulkhead at foot of One hundred and not, at ar.}' time aft ::r the submission of an esttillate 'I JIL RSU:p ST I) (I! 5,11 ER (97 OF' THI: LAWS held, and no f+u'ther assessment shall be imposed or.

lot for repaving or repairing such street or such pacing, Fifty-sixth street, H lam river. dispute or complain of the above statement of qu.in ti tics,

in nor assert that there was ❑ uy misunderstandin;~ t of 1887, as amended hr ch.,pt t ~7z of the Lax• of x889, and by chapter z;7 of th•: La lvs ',f r88-e, and the

accrue, unless it shall be petitioned for by a majority of Lot Nu. 47. Crib-bulkhead at foot of One Hundred

and Iifty-seventh street, Harlem river. regard to the nature or amolmt ul the work to 1:e douc. statutes in the ca •: of t.,kinI. private grope rii, in New fork Cite for sties to and and all other public plac_s, the owner. ill the property (who sh;dl als010th e o

line ners

of a majority of the property in frontage) on the of Tones ,• icie CONDITION$ nF SALE. zd. Bidders will he req~.li reel to complete the entire

work to the satisfaction of the Department of Mocks, sttuutes in surf cases oracle and provid.:d, so far as they the proposed im eat.

'1' lie act r t revs

The be taken in the in which premises must condition and in substantial accordance with the specific Lions of an: not incnn=i suer t with the pro, usicros of the aforesaid mr rnvides that the owner of anysuch

1 ;lily

\Yorks, theymaybe at the commencement of the term of the the \o extra compensation , beyond the a ,p : -. acts, notice is h: rb i ca t hat an ; 1'cnti.in will be ~ o o, a, ❑mo,+nt

tat pa ct. a ~;lble to • the work before men[toned, which l" }

made to the 0u;~rrnr: Ca let at the '- tats of \ew }'ork, lot vince notify the Commissioner of Yd

• s si r

numbs. 1' lease, and no claim or dcm;uld that the remises or shall be actually perforated, at the price therefor, per at a rpeci al I'erm of said Court, to b_ h•_Id at Chambers f; the sewed mmlhi nail sis heirs

the ]ot that he desires, for himself, his :mil of

the that city arc not in suitablef and ill tenantableel cedd atIcy

t Ibe cubic yard, to be the lowest bidder, shall be thcrcof, in the Cunt Court-house, in the Cit of New }' 1'

assigns, to be released from the obligation of such by

the cmnmcncement of the term will be allowed this r tire nt re due or payable fr•r die entire work. York, on 'I lutrs'ia3'rapril 03, 183, :,t the opcuing of the

and elects and agrees that said lot sh:dl be elects b DAll re cnI. 7'he avork to be lane under the contract is to be con- li Court or that day or as soar thvrcnftrr ns counsel can thoreamts, r•_ building required or All rep:curs, !one to or p lie heard, for the 1 intro ant c f Com mi;sioners of VP^ the reaaer liable to be assessed a? above provided, and the the owner of such lot, his heirs an-I assigns S

necessary to be dune to or upon the pr.:nuses, or any the nccd within tore iseto e fr the date of the contract, for , tutl the entire work is to be fully completed on or before Estimate and Assessment in the ;rbm <-entitl_d matter. t hen

shall thenceforth be relieved from any obligation to ,art thereof, during the cuutinu:mac of the term of tllc 1 ' g the 25th clay of April, tSyt, and the damages to be paid I' he nature and o atent of the impr~t'cmcnt hereby lave, ,air, a lhold or maintain said street, :old the lot J ! f by

lease, shall be done byse and at the cost and expense of the contractor for each day that the contract map be intended is the aa. uisitinn of title, in the 0,15,0 and on 1 pe

No claiem or

time or emandr. behalf after the time fixed for the fulfillment has of th: 5!avor, Aldermen :md Commonalt of the 1' t o respect of which d ing notice x as given shall be liable I to rice ssmm~t accordingly.

claim demand will be considered or allowed by ❑ 'lfnlfillerl ex ,ired, are, b • a clause in the contract, fixed and li ui- City of New York, for the use of the public, to all ur

The Commis=inner of Public Works desires to give for ngy loss or do the therwise, onedn of wy } 1 l dated at 1' iffy 1lollars per clay. an of the lands nod Ion/ party not owm.d by the Cor- }' P De or

Uaccount nor tl run son~

rof clther


as d elay resulting byrey p Pnratiou of the Cit}' of New S'~,rk, required for an nation of c be i s of this act: the Ini ti nc s-, no

is given to the K'hen n~.rt ice, as above described, on premises t by 1 any P Bidders will state in their estimates ct price per cubic .p exterior street, incl udi n; any ri; ht=, torahs, easements t Con missianer el Public Works, the owner of the lot or thereof being occupied for or on account of any repairs, yard for doing such dred};ing in conformity with the ;end prig il:q;es, nr interests pertoinin_ the-rot a, which are lots described, his heirs and rebuilding ur dredging. approved form of agreement and the specification, not sill,ja[ to cxtinguishmen[ or termination lr}' public tn~:rile ,,r assigns, are

the uh-set pace of the parcel: or premises exposed or therein set forth, icy which price the bide will be tested. t the die •:x temI forego cl frorl all obligation under the greet in ~ • or re lairin~ the street in

to llov f P~~a' • 1

offered 6,r sak will be announced by the :mcuoncer at "Phis price is to cover all expenses of every kind in - author; t}', waste fr tl, _ ce v (if

I:;cst river, in tin. Cu of \ew York, from the centre Ino sect u~ k 1 a to laain front to said lot or lots, execpt one assess- o! nr adi:~eent tem

c the to of sale. volved in or incidental to the fulfillment of the cuntrmt, line of Eu=t Sixty-G.,urth street, as such ling is:Ind would

Deparuncnt will do all dredging whenever it shall including any claim: that may arise through delay, from be if ensue arch l; into the Fa=t river, to the extended Cent !nr paving, repdi na or rect to, our be ache

deem it ry or advisable so to do. ally cause, in the performing of the work thcreundcr. lino list I'i line is n rtherly of [ht}•-5rst street, as such Comuxm Council map-, by ordin:utee, direct to made thereaicr. Iii

ermf,ra The term fur which leases are sold will commence at ddcrs x•ill distinctly write out. trash in words and in and would he if extended east•x:truly into the 1•:ost river,

is strc•ct or avenue within the limits o1 such grants the date mentioned in the advertisement, a•iz.: May a figures, the amount of their cs: mates for doing this in the \inctectrh Yard o(thc City of Nev- 7-,,rk, being can i,c paved, rcpaved ur repaired until said rock is ' 8y r, and the rents accruing therefor will be pay- work. more particul:~rly boundcrl and desc rihcd as firllnwc authoriz-1 I , y ordinance of the Common Council, and

lots desire he I the ox ne rs ut sic!: their streets to able from that date in each case.

Each purchaser of a le; s will be required nt the time "II w person or persons to whom the contract may be I

Reginuin:; at a paint in the centre I nc of tiimy-fourth distant foot fr••rn the line str•_ct, 382,4 '„ easterly easterly

repaved n paced, of the s ale to a in addition to tire auctioneer's fees, awarded will he required to attend at this o!lice x-ith

application to the ]luard of Aldermen to the llcpartment of Docks, twenty-five pct cent. Izs„) 1 five clays from the date of the service contract within to a gnat m the nnrthciy tin:~ •,i Misty-si..th sires, swirl

and not to the Cuu of Public 1t'orks, who has of the amount of annual rent bill, as security for the ! ice to that effect ; anal in case of failure or of a got point briny; di,t:utt 4,33,', fear c.c steely (inn, the easterly


an or no aut!innty in the matter tmul directed by ordinance of execution of the lease, which twenty-five per cent. (255) neglect so to do, ho or they will be considered as having line of Avenue A ; thence nnrthenctcrlh, distance

1 the C' -'mmn:l Counci. to proceed with the pavement, will be applied to the payment of the rent first accruing I abandoned it, and as iii default to the Corporation ; and -,4rfi;',;', feet, to a point -'y„ feet north.:rlv tram the

repay - _:rent o>I r, ;.:tie under the lease when executed, or will lie forfeited to

the contract will lie readvertised and relet, and so on, , northerly Ilse of'seventy-fifth •.treat, and distant Ito feet F. o LROY, the Deparunent if the purchaser neglects or refuses to

execute the ]case, aeith good anal suit cien!: surety or until it he accepted and executed. cat r y from th,• eastrl) lip : of Avenu • :\ ; thence fc lbmmi~.. ... ut 1 ubt!e \b'ores

~i- -- - -- -- - ------- sureties, to be approved by the Department, within ten 9 ft - I in notifi d that the lease is re argil •end

Hullers are required to state in their estimates their I to - sofresidence the names of •ell

nothcrly :Ind ;mil r.dl•.a to coil 1rsr,nt 7ro t casterly from Avenue !l, disian ,f felt ; dlcnc north;,nst-

;- "" ca}c>egt p p. read - for execution at the office of the De artment of

p . cs -rl •, d!=t.ince c, r- loom, to t unt in the norther) persons interested with them therein; :end if uo } '7,^ , P' 3

S e, Docks. Pier " A," ;`I04th river, Finery place.

i other person be °o interested, the estimate shall ills- line of e-rI ty-first street, s:cid point hero, di=rant

feet casF rip from the ''act-rly line of As- rime I; ; [heave 'Luc Department expressly reserves the right to resell


firefly state the L,ct ; also, that the estimate is merle easterly :Jong tire motherly line of El,' bny.Ii rst street, the lease ur premises bid oil by those failing;, r.fusing without an}• connection a, III any other person making distance I-S,!;;, fact ; [h•_nce sout!nc --steely to .r unint in or neglecting to comply with these terms and conditions, an estimate for the same work, and that it is in all the southerly line of Seventy-sev,.•n th area pro;lu,:ed, the party so failing, refusing or neglecting, to be liable respects fair, and without collusion or fraud ; and also i distance t,r63i;!„ feet; thence southerly and parallel to to the Corporation of the City of New York for any that no member of the Common Council, head of a I Avenue A, and distant 825 feet easterly tlterefrnm, dis- deficicncy resulting from or occasioned by such resale. department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk tanec 4~8;',,', feet; thence snuthr; cstrrl}•, distance a,407 i',/;

Lessees grill be required to pay their rent quarterly therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly th feet ; thence snini cstens- dirt.mmc'. ,'dkl fact, to the in advance, in cumplianee with the terms and conditions or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or centre line of Sixty-funrth street, pr. d easterly ; .Iuc, of the lease prepared and adopted by the Department. work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thence westerly along said centre line, tt7,1 ,', feet, to

In all cases where it is mentioned in the advertise. thereof ; which estimate must lie verified by the oath, the int or f b_rinnin,.4. n meat of sale, the purchaser shill be entitled to the in writing, of die party making the estimate, that the 1'u P t

rivile e of occu ln * anybed a on the ier or bulk- P g PY 6 P P ex tees a p. o- the Fit over,

several matters stated therein are in all respects true. becl brtean ] to be um feet wide lean the centr; lure of

idef r , im th e !north

]teed at the commencement of the term or that may ll7rere ntarc• than nu,• ]sdrsnu is iuteretted, it is street to the norlbcrIv line of I'm ~~htv-first sweet. trees.

thereafter be permitted or licensed by the Department, reqnlslte thzt the v: rltir rltiou be Ora:Ie• and srrlscrihed shown on carndn maps filed in the office of the ,As and to the rights attached to such permission or license, to Iv all flee parties irr!rresled. l;o:led of the Departloent of 1in the office f the -Jock, but subject to the conditions thereof, such purchaser Each estimate shall be accompanied by the con- Commissioner of Public \Vurks, in the ollice of the being engaged in the business of steam transportation sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in Register of the City and Cnnnty of New York, :std in and using and employing the same for the purpose of the City of New York, tu"tk fiu•er rrspeeliue /la-s o/ the o!fice of the Sccret:iry of State:, regularly receiving and discharging cargo thereat. bu:i,res; nr rrnieleuree, to the effect that if the contract

Not less than two sureties, each to be a householder es be awarded [u the person or persons making the llated Vr5 Y1.Rn, \Lurch 24,

LVI Ll.1 .1 RK

'in freeholder in the State of New York, to be approved ,rate, thew will, upon its being so awarded, become

I I. Cle c er1 , is

by the flowed of Docks, will be required under each bound as his or their sureties for its faithful perform- Lou lscl to the (orpe1 tlon,

No. a Fryun flaw, Naw York City, lease to enter into a bond or obligation, jointly and i severally with the lessee, in the sum of double the

race ; and that if said personnt or personsthe shall o not or refuse to execute the contract, they will pay to the i in the matter of the appli,:ntiun of th': liosrd of street

annual rent, for the faithful performance of all the Corporation of the Cit • of Ncw York difference Intpru of the \ew Burk, P } any t1p':min= covenants and conditions of the lease, the names and between the sum to whiclt said person or persons i

il!, timeemn \I Neal ie {c,r and no L_h clf ut the `.f a}•or, :1ldcrnlcn :md Com-

addresses of the sureties to be sub•uitted at the time of would be entitled upon its completion and that I tnonalty of the City f Nev.- York, n_l+tivc to the sale. whicft said Corporation may be obliged to pay to the opening of i)\!-I HU,I>RIllI 5. ND SIX 'I'V-

Each purchaser will be required to agree that lie will, person to whom the contract may be awarded at any sub- NFCl IN D , 1'RFF 1, from EI•_venth a, -n :e to Kings- upon ten days' notice so to do, execute a lease with Sequent letting ; the amotmt in each case to be cdcu- lurid fe road, in the •C•,velfth AVard of the City of New sufficient surety as aforesaid, the printed form of which fated upon the estimated amount of the work to be done Yurk. may be seen and examined upon application to the secreton1 at the office of the llepartmcut, Pier "A," Secretary,ry ae.

by which the bids are tested. The consent above men- tinned challhe accompanied by the oath uroll irnsetinn,



No will be received as a lessee or surety who person in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, LN of costs, charges and •.xpsnsso incurred by reason that he is a householder or freeholder mm, . the City of of the pros cdim;s in the ;[hove entitled matter, will be

is delinquent on any former lease from this Department or the Corporation.

New York, and is wort!t the amount of the security re- presented for tuation to one of the justices of the for the over and in Comity

No bid will he accepted from any person who is in quired the completion of contract, Supreme Court, at tin_ Chambers thereof th, ahove all his debts of ever)' nature, ,tn,/ over and m4,:vr Court-house, at the C'ity hall in the City of \,; u• York,

arrears to this Department or the Corporation, upon his liabiiitirs as bail, meet ' and other :uise ,- and that he the qth day of Apr qt, at to'clock in } debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as surety or other- o, s or soon see as coup, the that

-re i

wise, upon any obligation to this Department or to the has offered himself as a surety in equiood faithd :mil with the she fall bitls-n be hm itCcl intender to execute thy bond required by law. Cue ! cal can be h:: :erd

n-on d (lie

Corporation of the City of New York. burl that the slid lull n(cce f

and of the security offeredfth Citl be li charges and expenses in the ofr nsus ets

be :o The auctioneer's fees (fan) on each lot or parcel

adbjaart e ,;lice rovsmiffal by the Comptroller of the City of the lleparnne of Yb'urks, there to remain for I sit

to approval Publicl ks,dap there

must be paid by the purchasers thereof respectively at se s

New York after the :[ward is made and prior to the sign• and during the suave of Ica day.. the time of sale.

Datedim New YORK, March z3, 18gt. { ing of the contract. Llatcd NEI% YORK, 'ml inch, z:, 190,.

No estimate will be received or considered unless EDWIN A. POST• JA\1ES MATI'HEWVS, accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the

l°I Aa FiNt:Iti .1. 11:\ 'll.,

I. SERGEANT CRAM, State or National ban ks oftheCityof New 'to

I RANCIS RIEDE L , Commissioners.

Commissioners of the Department of Docks, to the order of the Comptroller, or money, to the amount of five per centum of the amount of security Cnnloi.t. Burt:r, Clem. required for the faithful performance of the contract. ----------

DEPARTMENT OF Docxs, I Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed In the matter of she application of the Board of Street Ptl;a "A," NORTH RtveR. envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed Openim, and I 1 ,•ntent of the City of New York, I ml

th for :std on beh;d1 oe V ayor, Aldermen and Com- to the o!licer or clerk of the Department who has char,4e - of the estimate-box ; and no estimate call he deposited mmtalty of the Cif, of New York, relative to acquiring

TO COTACTORS, I5 N I in said box until such check or money has been examined tuft-, wherever Ilia same has not been herctoforc ae- by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such

bidder, be quired, to T VC ISDALE PLACE (although riot yet named by authority),•xtendin; from Third proper deposits, except that of the successful will

returned to the persons making the same within three ' avenue to' Trinity avenue, in the 'Treaty-third Ward INo 370) do after the contract is au-areled. If the successful of the City 01 New York, the same has hea men

-- bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after tofurc laid Outand designated as a first-class street or

I notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to road by the lleparunent of Public Parks. PROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES FOR DREDGING execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by


him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York liquidated damages for such neglect or as

~TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN '1'HA'1' THE BILL of costs, charges and expenses incurred by rea-

NORl'H RIVER-Canal Street Pumping-board, refusal, but if he shall execute the contract within son of the for dings in the abuvoentiticd matter, will be for to the Justices of the

ed taxation one of

Dumping-board at West Twelfth Street Pier, the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be presented returned to him. ('o remc Court, at the Chantb^r: thereof, i I the County

EAST RIVER-Dumping-board at Foot East Seven- d rs are informed that no deviation from the time City Hall, in the City of Nex' Y irk, on the mshou+c,at teenth Street • Damping-board at Foot East Forty-sixth specifications will be allowed, unless under the written

eci the tsI day of April, t8~t, at Io.3f o'clock in the

Street; Dumping-board at Foot East Eightieth Street. instructions ofthe Engineer-in-Chief. forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can



i)b:m scuo'.rn.NT of I lncr.5]i' ,c" .1'' UUArrt':rr 1't.Ace, Nuh-ru Rtvee,

Naas Yu:u. .larch s t8t.

V 1N TASSELLS. KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS, still sell at public auction, at Pier "A," Battery

place, in the City of New York, on


at r_ o'clock noon, the right to collect and retain Ill wharfage avhich may accrue for the use and occupation by vessels of more than five tons burden, of the follow- iug-aimed piers and bulkheads, to wit

On the :1 i,rlle Trver.

For the term of five years from May r, 1891.

lot I. Bulkhead between Pier, neav i and Pier, old r. Iot a S'nutherly ha!f of I'ier, old is, and liven ty-three-

feet of bulkhead outherly. This pier and bulkhead

havesheiis upon them.Lot 3. Pier, old 54. The Department has set aside

this pier, during its pleasure, for the use of the oyster business, pursuant to chapter 5s1 of the Laws of [883.

Lot 4. Bulkhead foot of Bank street. lot 5. Pier at foot of Jane street. Lot 6. Pier at foot of Horatio street, except reserva-

tion for berth for public bath during summer season. Lot 7. Pier at foot of West Fifteenth street. Lot 8. Pier at foot of West Seventeenth street. Lot 9. Pier at foot of West'I'wentieth street. Lot rc. l'ier :+t foot of West Twenty.first street. Lot it. Pier at foot of West Twenty-see-mid street.

This pier has a shed upon it. Lot. te. Pier at foot of \Peat Fifty-eighth street,

northerly side and end and surface. Southerly side reserved for Department of Docks.

Lot 13. Pier at foot of West One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, except the dump of Dapartment of Street Cleaning on southerly side.

1,ot 14. Bulkhead at foot of 1Vest One Hundred and Thirtieth street and 5e feet northerly, and platform in front of satne. A portion of this platform has a ferry-house upon it.

Iof t. rq5 feet of bulkhead southerly of West One Hundred and Thirty-first street, and pier at foot of West One Hundred and Thirty-first street, snttherly side.

On tl.•r N,rth River. For the term of three years from Slay t, 189x.

Lot 16. Pier at foot of West One Hundred and 'Thirty. second street.

Lot 17. Pier at foot of West One Hundred and Thirty- eighth street.

Lot t8. Pier at foot of West One Hundred and Fifty- second street.

On the )fast R z,er. For the term of five years from May I, r8gr.

Lot tg. Easterly half of Pier 4.Lot no. Bulkhead-platform between Pier 4 and Pier 5.

I his platform has a shed upon itlot zt. Pier c. I hi-c pier has a shed upon it. Lot zz. Bulkhead between Pier, old 5and Pier, old 6. Lot s. Pier, old No. 6. Lot z. Easterly ha•f of Pier no. This pier has a shed

upon it.

Page 12: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1891/1891-03-26.pdf · PUBLIC NOTICE. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XIX. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, i891. XL"MB1'-R


be heard thereon, and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the lie-partment of Public Works, there to remain for and during the space of ten days.

Dated Ni.:,c VaRic, March t8, 189t. JOSEPH F. NEW13URGER,

Chairntan, ROYAL S. CRANE, SA\MUl•:1, R. ELLIOTT,

Commissioners. CARROTS. PERRY, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on - behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty o the City of New York, relative to acquir-ing title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to 111RCH ti1'RI•a•:f although not yet named by proper authority , extending from Welt street to Marcher avenue, in the twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been here-tofore laid out and designated as afirst-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

W E,'I'lIEUNDERSIGNI;D COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- ested in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im-proved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

First-That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested ;it this pro- ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their aid objections in writicg, duly verified, to us at our office, No. ace Broadway fifth floor , in the said city, on or before the fifteenth day of April, 189!, and that we, the said Com-mis=ioner:, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week-days next after the said fifteenth day of April, 1891, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten days at three O'clocl: r. at.

Second-That the abstract of oursaid estimate and as-sessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other docun eats used by its in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No. 3t Chambers street, in the said city, there to remain until the sixteenth day of April, tEot.

Third-That the limits of our assessment for bencht include all those lots, pieces or parcels nt land situate, lying and being in the City of New York, wvhich, taken together, are hounded and described as follows, c iz. Ncrtltcrly be a line drawn easterly ft-utn a point oil the easterly line of Wolf street, about tot feet northerly from the intersection of the nnrthcrly line of Birch street with the easterly line of Wvlf street to a point on the wc-tcrly line of Aqu,dttct avenue, about z4y feet northerly from the into rsectiun of the northerly Into of Birch street with the see-terly line of Aqueduct avenue, the centre line of the blocks between Birch street and two certain unnamed streets or avenues lying northerly of lurch Street and extending from Ogden avenue to Aquc duct avanue, and the ee rtre line of the blocks betwwsn throb street and Orchard street, Irons Ogden avenue tr, Marches Ovcnue ; easterly lay the westerly line of 111 archer avenue ; southerly fi}' the centre line of the blocks Birch surest and Union street, and westerly by tie easterly line of \Volt street ; excepting fr:m said area all the streets, avenues and road' or portions thereof, heretofore legally npcued, and all the unimproved land included within the lines of streets, avenues, roads, public squares and places shown or laid out upon any map or trial „ filed by the Commissioners of the Dei,artmant of Public Parks, pur- suant to the provisions of chapter 604 of the Lace' of 1874, and the laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter 410 of the l.au:s of r88-a, as such area is'. Mown upon our benefit mail deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court ufihe Staten I Nett- York at a Special Term thereof, tucks field at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-hnuse in the. City of Nose York, en the tst day of \l ay, c891, at the opening of the Court en that day, and that then and there, or as soon there-after as catmsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated New Vooc, M.ireh 6, t8gt. GEURGi•: P. WEBSPER, Chairman, Vlost, I{1•:12R9IAN, JOHN H. KITCHEN,

Commissioners. CARrzmLi, BERRY, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Stree Opening and Improvement of the City of New York for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to that part of E %.S l' UNE HUNDRED AND I'If-l'Y-5FVEN'I'H 4TREl'f although not yet named by proper authority , extending from Rail-road avenue, Fast, to Third avenue, in the 'l'wenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks,

We b:, THE UNUERSIGNEU COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-ested in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to till Others whntn it may concern, to wit

Fir-t-That we have completed ocr estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or to any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objec-tions in wriling, duly verified, to us at our office, No. zoo L'roadway !fifth floor), in the said city, on or before the thirteenth ,lay of April, t8gt, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week-days next after the said thirteenth day of April, 189', and for that purpose will be in attend-ance at our said office on each of said tell clays at four o'clock r. it.

Second-That the abstract of 0,u said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and otherdocuments used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No. 3r Chambers street, in the said city, there to remain until the fourteenth day of April, t8gr

Third-'that the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which taken together arc bounded and described as follows, viz: Northerly by the centre line of the blocks between East One Hundred and Fifty--eventh street and East One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street, from Railroad ave-nue, East, to 'Third avenue and the prolongation easterly from the easterly line. of 'flinch avenue of the said cen-tre line of the blocks for a distance of about rot feet easterly by a line parallel with, ar.d distant rco feet easterly of the easterly line of Third avenue; soutluerly by the prolongation easterly from the easterly line of Third avenue of the centre line of the blocks between East One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and East One Hundred and Fitts-seventh street for about to- feet, and the centre line of the blocks between Fast One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and East One Hundred and I ifty- seventh street, from I bird avenue to Railroad avenue, East : and westerly by the easterly line of Railroad avenue, East ; excepting from said area all the streets, avenues and roads, or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the unimproved land included within the lines of streets, avenues, roads, public squares, and places shown or laid out upon any map or maps tiled by the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 604 of the Laws of 1674, and the Itw-s amendatory thereof, or of chapter Oro of the Laws of t88a, as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a

Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the twenty-seventh d: } of April, 18gt, at the opening of the Court on tl.ai day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion trill be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated NE•-nv YotlK, March z, t890 FUWARU L. PARRIS, Chairman, G. M. SIT..1R, JR., LAWRENCE WELLS,

Commissioners. CARROLL PERRY, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore ac-quired, to RAILROAD AVENUE, WEST (although not yet named by proper authority), extending from Morris avenue to East One Hundred and Sixty -fifth street, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or ro'td by the De-oartmcntof Puh:ic Parks

W E,'IHE UNDERSIGNP.D, COMMISSIONERS of Istin:ate and Assessment in the above-en-

titled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding.and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupant-, of all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

First-That we have completed our estimate and as-sessment, and that all persons interested in this proceed-ing, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, No, zso llroad-w:ty Roam q), in said city, on or before the third day of April, r8gt, and that we, the said Commis-sinners, will hear parties so objecting within tun speck. days next after the said third day of April, ,1g1, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said felt days at 3 o'clock P. v.

Second-'I hat the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with oiur damage and benefit maps, :md also :dl the atiidavit-, estimates and other docmnent' used by its in m:,king our report, have been deposited with the Commission Cr of I'nblic Works of the City of New fork, ;it his office, No. 3r Chambers street, in the said city, there to remain I. ntil the fourth day OI tpril, 1191

fl,ird-That the limit:; of our aseessmcnt for benefit Include all those hots, pieces or parcels of luhd, situate, lying and being m the City of New Yurk, which taken tn,;ether are bounded and described as f flows, viz.:

crth,rly lay southerly lice of East One lI and re-ii and Sixty f.`th street; easterly and southerly by the easterly line of Railroad avenue, West, from it, inter-section with the southerly line of East One Hkm-dred and sixty-fifth street to its intersection with the easterly line of Morris at cuuc ; wcstcrly bvtbc easterly line of ;Morris avenue and the ccatre line of the blocks belwcen Morris aventte, Railroad avenue, West, and 'feller avenue, from the junction of Ida 'dread avenue, \Test, oral Morris avcnne to the northerly line of East One Ifundp-d and Sisty-second street ; thence, by the northerly hue of Ea t One 1luudred and Sixty-seceud street to the centre line of the block, between feller avenue and Railroad avenue, West ; thence by the centre line of the Ldocks between 'feller avenue, Railroad a_vcnuc, West, and ('lay place, to the north-erly line of (Cast One hundred and Sixty-fourth street ; thence by the -•. r,rth erly line of Fast Ono Hundred and Sixty-fourth street to the westerly line of Kart :,d is cone, \Vest ; thence by the centre line of the block between Clay place and Railroad avem,ie, \Vest, to the southerly line of East One Hundred and Sixty-fi Itfu street ; excepting from said area all the streets, avenues, roads or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the unimproved lands included within the lines of streets, avenues, roads, public squares and places shown or laid cult upon any map or maps filed by the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 604 of the I-aws of t874, and laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter On of the Laws of 1882, as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth-'That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of note York, at a Special 'ferns thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the seventeenth day of April, s89r, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report he confirmed.

Dated Ness VoRic, February so, ,8)r. SAMUEL. W. \III,IPANK, Chairman, THOMAS N01,AN, WILLIAM It. WILLIS,

Commissioners. forts P. DUNN, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Cum-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to GEORGE STREET -although not yet named by propernuthorityl, extending from the Roston road to Prospect avenue, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of Nose York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

W , TIIE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS Fof Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owner= occupant or ocenpants, of all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to seit

First-That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all per on, interested in this pro- ceeding, or iu any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objec-tions in writing, duly verified, to its at our office, No. zoo L'road,vay `Room 4), in said city, on or before the first day of April, x881, and that see, the said Com-missioners, will hear parties so objceting within the ten week-days next after the said first day of April, r89r, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our sad office on ca,

It of said ten days at z o'clock P. m.

Second-That the abstract of our said estimate and ossesement, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and otherdocuments used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No.3t Chambers street, iu the said city, there to remain until the second day of April, t&r.

Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of laurel, situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which taken together are hotmded and described as follows, viz.: Northerly by the centre line of blocks between Home street and George street, from Boston road to Union avenue; thence by said line prolonged easterly to the westerly line of Prospect avenue ; thence south-

I erly along the westerly line of Prospect avenue to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of the south-erly line of East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street ; thence by said southerly line of Fast (inc Hundred and Sixty-seventh street prolongated westerly to westerly line of Prospect avenue; easterly by easterly line of Lot No. 31 in Block No. 507, and by the rear line of the lots between Nos. is, and to, both included, in said block ; southerly by the southerly line of Lot No. to in Block No. 507 to Stebbins avenue ; thence by centre line of the blocks between George street and East One 1-hun-dred and Sixty-fifth street prolonged easterly to Stebbins avenue ; westerly by the easterly line of Cauldwell avenue and the easterly line of Boston road ; excepting from said area all the streets, avenues and

roads, or l:nrtions thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the unimproved land included within the lines of streets, avenues. roads, public squares and places shown and laid out upon any map cur ntal,s filed by the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to t!,c provisions of chapter 604 of the Laws of 2874, and the laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter 410 of the Laws of ,88z, as such area is shown upon our henefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth-That our reFmrt herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the seventeenth day of April 18g1, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated Ness YORK, February t8, t8gr. WILLIAM H. BARKER, Chairman, OHN REILLY, JOHN

A. RISSE, Commissioners,


In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore ac-quired, to BEACH AVENUE (although not yet named by proper authority), extending from the Southern Boulevard to Kelly street, in the '1'wenty-third Ward of the City of Newv York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated ns a first class street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-estecl in this proceeding and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to tvit:

First-1 hat we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, to its at our office, No. z8o Proadway f Room 4;, in said city, on or before the t8th day of March, t8gt, and that we, the said Coninti s. sinners, will hear parties so objecting within ten week days next after the said t8th dap of March, fly-, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten clays art 3 o'clock r. at.

ecend-7'hert the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits .estimates and other documents used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Ncw York, at his office, No 31 Chamber, street, in the said city, there to remain until the loth clay of 'L•trch, ISot.

Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those bats, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Cit1' of eu, York, which, taken together, arc bounded rued described as follows, viz. Northerly by file southerly line of Kelly street ; east-erly by the centre line at the blocks between Union avenue and leach avenue ; southerly by the northerly line of the Southern Boulevard and the northerly line of Crane street ; westerly by centre line of the blocks be-fween Wales avenue and Beach avenue ; cscepfiuug from said area all the streets, avenues and roadss, or portion. thereof, heretofore legally opened, find all the unim proved land included within the lines of .streets, avenues roads, public squares and places shown and Laid out upon any map or naps filed by the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to the pro-visions of chapter ('o.t of the law-s of 1874, and the laws amendatory thereof, or ofchapter Oro of the Law's o1 :88¢, as such area is shown upon our benefit neap dc- posited as aforesaid,

f" „urtlt-That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York at it Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house in the City of New York, on the thirty-first day of March r8gr, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, it motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated Now Yotztc, February 6, 18g1. DA V 11) 'I' H t)'\MSON, Chairman, WILLIAM H.WILLIS, NEVIN W.BUTI.ER,

Commissioners. John P. DUNN, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Op ring and Improvement of the City of New York for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to \VALES AVENUE -although not yet named by proper authority), extending from Kelly street to St. Joseph's street, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

WE,THEUNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-en-

titled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved Orun-improved lands affected thereby and to all others whout it may concern, to wit :

First-That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objec-tions in writing, duly verified, to its at our office, Nn. s8o Broadway (Room 4), in said city, on or before the eighteenth day of March 1891, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within ten week days next after the said eighteenth day of Marh, i8g1, and for that purpose will be in attend- ance at our said office on each of said ten days at 3 o'clock r. at.

Second-'That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other documents used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No.31 Chambers street, in the said city, there to remain until the nineteenth day of March, t8gt.

'Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit nclude all those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which, taken together, arc hounded and described as follows, viz. : Northerly by the southerly line of Kelly street; easterly by centre line of block bettveen Wales ave-nue 'and Beach avenue, from Kelly street to Beck street ; thence by a line parallel with and distant 105 feet easterly from easterly line of Wales avenue to licust One Hundred and forty-ninth street; thence by the centre live of the blocks, between Wales avenue and Beach avenue ; southerly by the northerly line of St. Joseph's street; westerly by centre line of the blocks Tnetween Wales avenue and Concord avenue; excepting from said area all the streets, avenues, roads, or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened, and all the unimproved land included within the lines of streets, arenues, roads, public squares and plait-s shown and laid out upon any map or maps filed by tilt .. mtnis-sioners of the Department of Public Parks, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 604 of the Laws of 1874 and laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter 410 of the Laws of x88:. as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid

I•'ourth-That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the 31st day of March, 189x, at the opening

of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated New YORK, February 6, nIc r. DAVIT) 'I'HOMMcON, Chairman, \VILI,IAM H. WILLIS, NEVIN \V. BL l'i,IsR,

Commi-sinners. JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York for and on behalf of the Mayor Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New 4'ork, relative to the opening of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SECOND SI`REET, from Eleventh avenue to King;-bridge road, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above enti-

tled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding and to the owner or owner,, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

First-That we have completed our estimate and as-sessnient, and that all persons interested in this pro-ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby-, and having objections thereto, do present their said objec-tions in writing, duly verified, to us at our ounce, Na, zco Broadway (fifth floor ), in the said city, on or before the seventeenth day of March, t8gt, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week-days next after the said seventeenth clay of March, t8?t, and for that purpose will be in attend. ance at our said office on each of said ten days at one o'clock P. Al.

Second-That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with ourdantage and benefit maps, and also al] the affidavits, estimates and other docu-ments used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No. ct Chambers street, in the said city, there to remain until the eighteenth day of Dlarch, r8gr.

'Third-'l'hat the limits of our -tssessmcnt for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of In ,id, ;itnate, lying and being in the City of New York, which taken together are hounded and described as follows, viz: Northerly by the centre line of the block b,tween One Hundred Sixty-second and One hundred and Sixty-fifth streets. from Eleventh avenue to Kingshridec road, and the prolongation westerly from the w-esterlr line of Eleventh avenue of the said centre line of the block be- twcen One Hundred and Sixty-second and ctnc I{un- dred and Sixty fifth streets ; easterly by fit, v:csterly- line of Kingsbridge road and 'Tenth av muc ; uutherl}-by the centre line of the block between On: I lundred and Sixty-second and ( )ne l (ttndred and Sixty-first streets, from Tenth avenue to Eleventh avcn.ic, and the prolongation westerly front the westerly line of Ehvcnth avenge of the said centre line of the block hctween e )ne Hundred and Sixty-~ccond and One Hundroul and Sixty-first streets and westerly by a line dr:ntn p:rrallel with and distant one hundred feet westerly of the westerly line of Eleventh avenue; exceptinZ from said area all the streets, acenttes and ro:,ds, or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened, amid all the unim-proved laud included within the lines of streets, acenucs, roads, public squares and places shown and laid out upon suns- tnap or utaps filed by the. Commissioners of the Ilepartment of Pul,lic. Park'L pursuant to the provision: of chapter 604 of file Laws of t 674 and the laws amendatory thereof, or of chapter 4to c-1 file Laws of 1882, as such area is shown upon our benefit trap eleposited as afnrc-aid.

Fourth-Riot our report herein will he ln'csonted to the Suprcutc Court of the tote of New \ orf:, at Special I'crui thereof, to Inc held at the C 'knnlv_rs there-o1, in the County Court-house, in the City of Netr York, on the thirti•-tit day of Starch, t8yr, at the open in of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon tbere4ter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report he confirmed.

Dated Nets- Yu,m;, hebruary 3, ifgr. IIENIS A. SPELLISSV. Ch.tirman, FRANCIS A. HARDEN, FRANCIS RIEDEL,

Comrm seioners. CARROLL Ptcrrv, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street opening and Improvement of the City of New York. for and on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Corn. monalty of the City of New York, relative to the opec. ing of ONE HUNDRED AN I, 'I'U'EN I'Y- SEVEN'1'1{ S7'REEI-, from the Boulevard to \lan-hattan street, in the I'welftlt Ward of the City ct New York,

W E, THE' UNDERSIGNED COSIy11SSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment to the above',

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-ested in this proceeding, and to the owner ur owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others schour it may concern, to wit :

1''irsst-That we have completed our ~.stinmte and assessment, and that all persons interested in thus pro- ceeding,or in any of the lands affected thereby, and hating objections thereto, do present their said obiec. lions in writinc, (lull)' verified, to us at cur office, No. zau Broadw'av fifth floor , in the •aid city, on or before the ,Eth day of March, ,89t, and that ire, flat, said Com-missioners, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week days next after the said t6th day ci March, tgg:, and for that purpose will be in at'.cndance at our said office on each of said ten days at .f o'clock r. At.

Second-That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also id] the affidavits, estimates and other documents used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No. 31 Chambers street, to the said city, there to remain until the r7th day of Slarchi, 1891.

']'bird-That the limits of our as=essment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which taken together are bounded and described as follows. viz. : Northerly by the centre line oh the block, bet seen One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street and Manhattan street ; easterly by the southerly line of -Manhattan street and it line drawn southwesterly from the inter-section of the southerly line of One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street with the southerly line of Man-hattan street ; southerly by the centre line of the block between One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street and One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street, and westerly by the easterly line of the Boulevard, as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth-That our report herein will be presented tc. the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a 5peeini 'Perot thereof, to he held at the Clambers thereof in the County Court-house in the City of \ cw York, on the thirtieth day of March, 1891, at the opening of the Court Oil that day, and that then and there, or as soon there-after as rnunsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated New YORK, I-ebruary 3, 1891. EDWARD I..1'.\RRIS, Chairman, JOSEPH E. NE\VPURGER, HENRY G. CASSIDY,

Commissioners. CARROLL PERRY, Clerk.



THE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY. Sundays and-legal holidays other than the general

election day excepted, at No. z City Hall, New York City. Price,'single copy, 3 cents; annual subscription, 69.3°.

W. J. K. KENNY, Supervisor