1 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT 06010 | 860-584-0529 | www.asburyumcforestville.com PLEASE JOIN US FOR AN IMPORTANT COMMUNITY CONVERSATION … HONEST CONVERSATIONS WITH OUR MUSLIM NEIGHBORS Thursday, May 5, 7:00pm Asbury United Methodist Church 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT Co-Sponsored by The Connecticut Council for Interreligious Understanding, Hartford Seminary, and The Muslim Coalition of Connecticut The Circuit Rider Asbury United Methodist Church Newsletter Serving God in the community for over 150 years MAY 2016 | VOLUME 23 | ISSUE 5 OUR STAFF Pastor The Rev. Laura L. Galbraith Secretary & Newsletter Editor Melissa Gray Custodian Bruce Lauzier Music Director Michael Coderre Organist Jana Ros Bell Choir Director Kristen Russo Nursery Coordinator Briana Hoffman CONTACT INFO Office: 860-584-0529 Fax: 860-584-0520 (call first) Parsonage: 860-261-4131 Pastor e-mail: [email protected] Secretary e-mail: [email protected] Asbury Web Page: www.asburyumcforestville.com 1

The Circuit Riderasburyumcforestville.com/images/16-05_CR_and_calendar.pdfBriana Hoffman CONTACT INFO Office: 860-584-0529 Fax: 860-584-0520 (call first) ... 11 Alexander Corvo Ryan

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1 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT 06010 | 860-584-0529 | www.asburyumcforestville.com





Thursday, May 5, 7:00pm Asbury United Methodist Church 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT

Co-Sponsored by The Connecticut Council for

Interreligious Understanding, Hartford Seminary, and The Muslim Coalition

of Connecticut

The Circuit Rider

Asbury United Methodist Church Newsletter Serving God in the community for over 150 years

MAY 2016 | VOLUME 23 | ISSUE 5

OUR STAFF Pastor The Rev. Laura L. Galbraith

Secretary & Newsletter Editor Melissa Gray

Custodian Bruce Lauzier

Music Director Michael Coderre

Organist Jana Ros

Bell Choir Director Kristen Russo

Nursery Coordinator Briana Hoffman

CONTACT INFO Office: 860-584-0529 Fax: 860-584-0520 (call first) Parsonage: 860-261-4131 Pastor e-mail: [email protected] Secretary e-mail: [email protected] Asbury Web Page: www.asburyumcforestville.com




G U S T S E R V I N G S C H E D U L E May 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Worship Leader 10:00 a..m. JoAnn Bacon

Greeters ............................ Annabelle Coloske

Fellowship Hour ................. Ice Cream Social - WIF

Altar Flowers ..................... Open

May 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Worship Leader 10:00 a..m. Geri Beveridge

Greeters ............................ Phyllis Petit

Fellowship Hour ................. Eula Foster & Pat Sallstrom

Altar Flowers ..................... The Landeen Family

May 15 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Worship Leader 10:00 a..m. Jim Bechert

Greeters ............................ Claudia Peterson &

Ruby Harper

Fellowship Hour ................. The Bacon Family

Altar Flowers ..................... Open

May 22 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Worship Leader 10:00 a..m. Duncan May

Greeters ............................ Audrey Kasakowski

Fellowship Hour ................. Jen Burrow & Lorna Baxter

Altar Flowers ..................... The Bacon Family

May 29 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Worship Leader 10:00 a..m. Jacqui Denski

Greeters ............................ TBD

Fellowship Hour ................ Heidi Borkowski &

Gardner Wright

Altar Flowers ..................... The Beveridge Family &

The Berg Family

Altar Guild ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Betty Hussey

Birthday Caller ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Joan Tilley

Soup Kitchen _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Christian Outreach

8:30 a.m. Worship Leader ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Carl Aspland, Norm Fusaro

Ushers _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Wayne Fuller, Bonnie Emery, Dennis Floyd, Don Mazerolle,

Dick Peterson, Roy DiYulio



01 Jennifer Burrow Marion Mullins 02 Bruce Wazorko 04 Donna Adams Christy Bolduc Stephanie Clark Kevin Fuller Ava Grennan Todd Hasler Dawn Hazzard 06 Amy Majors 07 Nicole Bruce Pamela Clark Dan Fasci Brian Hagan 08 Brian Costello 09 Virginia Jacobs Erik Johnson Megan Kirschner 11 Alexander Corvo Ryan Corvo Deanna Keddy 12 Jim Doncet John Ingellis II Aiden Lockhart

13 Shane Heinzman 14 Cameron Derench Ruby Irish 15 Jennifer Charette Scott Colapietro 17 Alvina Getchell Lauren Kirschner 18 Arthur Decker 20 Bruce Parsons Bradley Pinette Sharon Scott 22 Skylee Henry 23 Daria Avery Nathan Butler Harriet Donovan Jay Martin Ryan Pogemiller 24 Rebecca Hoge Jean Lunn Daniel Martin Christine Ripa Margaret Ruel 26 Daneen Peterson Theresa Spaulding



27 Ben Burrow Karen Fiorini Raymond Pratt 28 Jackson Esposito Elene M. Myers 29 Billy Cranford III Lynda Martin Ernest Szydlo, III 31 Patricia Hazelton Ellie Hudson

3 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT 06010 | 860-584-0529 | www.asburyumcforestville.com

In Our Thoughts and Prayers… Don & Judy Mazzerole, Rick Petit, The Richardson Family, Arlene Petras,

Jonah Cutter, Barbara & Lizzy Hrywniak, Jeannette Mahannah, Chuck

Coloske, Bonnie Maskery, Carl Aspland, Elsie Lyons, Edward Coloske,

Elene Myers, and others who have needs of which we may not be aware.

If you wish to be listed in the bulletin and newsletter for prayers, please call the church office at 860-584-0529 or e-mail us at: [email protected].

If you wish to relate prayer needs to the prayer chain, please call Phyllis Petit at 860-589-6059 or Mernie Whitcomb at 860-583-5373, or e-mail Pastor Laura at [email protected]. Please keep your call brief, and be aware of the privacy rights of the person(s) for whom you are requesting prayers.

Dear Asbury Friends,

A note of thanks for your cards and visits to me during my recent hospital and rehabilitation stays. I looked forward to each. Also, to those of you who called me or sent “words of comfort” in March on the passing of my brother in Florida, thank you. It was much appreciated.

Love, Claudia Peterson

We also received a thank you from Prudence Crandall for our donation of baby food, diapers, lotions and other personal care items for their clients.

John & Kelly Amadio would like to announce the

marriage of their daughter, Michaela Grace to PFC Juan

Gonzalez, Jr., in Clarksville, Tenn. on March 15, 2016.

Michaela will continue her education at Austin Peay

State University, and Juan will continue his service in

U.S. Army at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Michaela is the

granddaughter of Jim & Lisa Taylor.

The deadline for the combined June/July Circuit Rider is

Sunday May 15th.

Please leave all articles in the mailbox in the church

office or e-mail them to:

[email protected]



Bristol Chorale


A Touch of Spring

Choral Concert

Saturday, May 7, 2016

7:00 p.m.

St. Paul High School

1001 Stafford Ave., Bristol, CT

For more information, contact Ken Ferris


Purchase tickets online at


Tickets also available at: Michael’s

Jewelers, Shannon’s Jeweler or Simply Hair

Join us at Wendy’s of Bristol

on 1247 Farmington Ave.

Tuesday, May 3

Tuesday, June 7

from 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Stay and enjoy fellowship or get take out. Ask to have your receipt put in the Asbury UMC basket! We receive 20% of all sales made! Proceeds are split between Apportionments and the Backpack Program.

WIF (Women in Fellowship) will be holding

an ice cream fundraiser on Sunday, May 1st

during coffee hour. The proceeds will be

used to purchase new sheets and towels

for the families at Prudence Crandall who

are in great need of support as they begin

new lives. For more information on ways

you can help, please see Karen Cranford.

A little bird told us (thank you Audrey Kasakowski) that at a recent art show at the Bristol Senior Center, Asbury member Karen Cranford won the Blue Ribbon First Prize for her oil painting entitled “Birds Of A Feather”. She also received an honorable mention for her work in acrylic.

Congratulations Karen!

5 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT 06010 | 860-584-0529 | www.asburyumcforestville.com

Welcome to Youth Group

In youth group we do a lot of fun activities, and the best part of it is we get to pick where we go. We had team building activiities and went to the POOL last meeting. So if you want to come have some fun with us, come to Asbury!!


The next meeting will be May 1 Sunday, 5 to 7, at Asbury United Church. At our last meeting we went swimming we all had a lot of FUN!


The most important thing in life is having FUN and you can have that

here with us at YOUTH GROUP!

So if you want fun come and join

it’s that easy!!

Monday, May 30th at Noon

Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to

the church lawn and enjoy the parade

with your Asbury family. Don’t forget

to bring your appetites to the United

Methodist Men’s Hot Dog and Soda

Sale, and finish it off with a wonderful

dessert from the Ruth Circle’s Bake


Ruth Circle would love to include your

special baked goodie in their sale. If

you can help, bring your baked item

to the church no later than 11 am on

the day of the parade.

Donna Pehmoeller, our webmaster, has done a wonderful job updating our website. Check it out, including the full color newsletter at www.asburyumcforestville.com

Asbury UMC will be holding a clothing drive collection through June 1, 2016. The following items will be collected: Men’s, Women’s & Children’s wearable & usable clothing, Shoes, Belts, Handbags, Linens (Bedding, Curtains, Towels, etc…), Stuffed Animals, Hard Toys.

We will receive money for every pound we collect. So go through your closets, basements, your friend’s closets and basements and bring them down to Asbury. Please be sure to put all items in a tied plastic bag.

You may bring your items to Asbury anytime during the week between 9am-noon, and on Sundays before and after services, and leave them in Wesley Hall.

If you need someone to pick up the donations, please contact the church office at 860-584-0529 and arrangements will be made.

Remember we are paid on a per pound basis, so why not share the information with others. If you have any questions, please contact Geri Beveridge.

Here is your chance to help the members of our church as they will be tomorrow’s leaders in our society as well as leaders here at Asbury.

On Sunday, May 1st an offering will be taken to assist with scholarships. In particular, the Academic Scholarship is in need of replenishing its funds. Part of the scholarship award comes from interest earned in our investments with the Frontier Foundation. Since only half of the currently low interest earned is allowed to go to the awards, your donations are quite important to our award recipients as they continue their education endeavors.

You can give to either one or both scholarships through the use of the envelopes in your pew. Important: enter your name on the envelope and indicate which scholarship before placing the envelope in the offering plate.

Also, if you have someone in your family looking for a scholarship, applications will be available very soon. Scholarships are open to every member of Asbury regardless of age.


Forestville Memorial Day

Parade Clothing Drive

Academic and Camp Scholarships


Headline text to go here

Onetur an honeste, qui vel men se

brevi vel toto est iunior anno.

Onetur an honeste, qui vel. Onetur

an honeste, qui vel men se brevi vel

toto est iunior anno. Onetur an

honeste, qui vel. Onetur an

honeste, qui vel men se brevi vel

toto est iunior anno. Onetur an

honeste, qui vel.

Shoe Box Project

Tell us what Asbury means to you! You can submit your testimonials by emailing them to

[email protected] or by leaving them in the church office. You can choose to have your

name added or you may submit it anonymously. This month our submission is from Rachel Floyd.

To me, Asbury means family.

It means that you'll always have a friend, you'll always be cared for and people are always there for you.

Asbury means community, love, and support. But most of all, Asbury means creating your spiritual path

and becoming closer to God while becoming a better you.

Please join us in

Celebrating Hope 11th annual fundraising event to benefit

Prudence Crandall Center

Save the Date

Friday, June 10, 2016

8:00 – 9:00 am Registration begins at 7:45 am

The Oaks Ballroom

DoubleTree by Hilton 42 Century Drive, Bristol

To sponsor, donate or attend, contact Gabrielle Nadeau at

860-225-5187 ext. 23 or [email protected]

(Pastor Laura is a “Table Captain” for this event! She needs 9 guests to fill her table. There is no charge for this event so why not join your pastor for breakfast and learn more about a great cause?)

Tai-Chi class will resume on Wednesday May 4th @ 6:15pm. Practice will take place at Asbury in Wesley Hall unless otherwise notified. This class will run for approximately three months (12 weeks ending on July 6th). We will then break for the hotter months and resume in the Fall. Walter Bruce will be teaching the Yang 24 Form in depth with applications where applicable. ALSO: For those who are interested, Walter will also start a second Yang 24 class on Monday, May 18th from 1pm - 2pm. This class will also run for 12 weeks (3 months) ending on July 20th. Thank you again for your interest in Tai-Chi. For more information please contact:

Walter Bruce, Owner - Instructor Dragons Wing Tai-Chi & Qigong

Bristol, CT Cell phone (203) 560-0571

7 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT 06010 | 860-584-0529 | www.asburyumcforestville.com

On Saturday May 7th, the Board of

Trustees will gather to get the

grounds, and maybe even the

indoors spruced up for Spring and

Summer. We encourage everyone to

come and help! We will gather at 8

am and the wonderful assistance

from the Boy and Girl Scouts will

make the work a lot easier! Bring

rakes, brooms, and look forward to

having fellowship too!


God’s Word of Spiritual


Pascha (Orthodox Easter)




Ascension Day (Western


National Day of Prayer











Pentecost (Western






















The Asbury Senior Fellowship have a

penny fund. All members contribute

weekly and on Sundays the jar is placed

in the Narthex so the congregation can

add their loose change. The fund is used

for items needed in the church, that are

not in the general budget.

In the last few years the Seniors have

purchased from this fund the following:

Fax machine for church office

Paid the Otis Elevator invoice.

Paid repair bill for duplicator machine

Part of the bill for the new paraments for

the altar

Budget short fall

Rev Watson memorial plaque

Drapes for the choir room

Monies toward the memorial garden

Sanctuary lights

microphone system

chair rack

Monies for gifts for the shut ins

And every 3 months the seniors

contribute from their checking account

toward the electric and heat bills. So the

next time you see the penny jar in the

Narthex perhaps you can drop your loose

change in it, and see all the good work a

few pennies can do!


May 5 – Tea Cup Auction

May 12 – Speaker

May 19 – Crafts with Pat

May 26 – Birthdays and Bingo



Save The Date

May 1


Scholarship Collection

Ice Cream Social

May 3

@ 5 pm – Wendy’s Fundraiser

May 5

@ 7:00 pm – Muslim Conversation

May 7

@ 8:00 am – Spring Clean Up

May 8

Mother’s Day

Blanket Sunday

May 15

Circuit Rider Deadline

May 30

Office Closed

Parade at Noon


Shoe Box Project


Submitted by Asbury Historian, Karren Grayson

The Christian year contains two cycles:

The Christmas Cycle (Advent-Christmas-Epiphany)

The Easter Cycle (Lent-Easter-Pentecost)

Within each cycle are a preparatory season symbolized by the color PURPLE and a festival season symbolized by the

color WHITE. After each cycle there is an ordinary time of growth symbolized by the color GREEN. Thus there is a

sequence of seasons using PURPLE, WHITE and GREEN in that order twice each year.

PURPLE is a color of both penitence and royalty used during the preparatory seasons of Advent and Lent.

BLUE a color of hope, may also be used during Advent.

WHITE and GOLD are joyous and festive colors used during the Christmas and Easter Seasons (except on the Day of

Pentecost) and in other seasons on festive days such as Baptism of the Lord, Transfiguration, Trinity, All Saints and

Christ the King.

WHITE may also be used at weddings and at services where the Sacrament of Baptism is central. WHITE is

recommended at services of death and resurrection because it symbolized both death and resurrection. At services of

Holy Communion WHITE linens on top of the Lord’s table are customary, but the paraments should reflect the day or

season of the year.

GREEN is a color of growth, used in the Seasons After the Epiphany and After Pentecost, except when special days call

for RED or WHITE.

RED is a color of fire, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. It is used on the Day of Pentecost and at other times when the work

of the Holy Spirit is emphasized. RED is also the color of blood – the blood of Christ and the blood of martyrs. It is

appropriate for evangelistic services, ordinations and consecrations, for church anniversaries and homecomings and

for civil observances such as Martin Luther King Day or Memorial Day. It may be used beside WHITE and GOLD through

the Easter Season. It may be used during Holy Week, beginning with Passion/Palm Sunday, to symbolize the blood of


Although use of these colors is based on broad ecumenical tradition other colors have been and are being used in

Christian churches. Creativity with colors and other signs for days and seasons is encouraged.

ADVENT is a season of four weeks including four Sundays. The season proclaims the coming of the Christ whose birth

we prepare to celebrate once again, who comes continually in Word and Spirit, and whose return in final victory we

anticipate. Each Sunday of Advent has its distinctive theme: Christ’s coming in final victory (First Sunday,) John the

Baptist (Second and third Sundays), and the events immediately preceding the birth of Jesus Christ (Fourth Sunday).

Use PURPLE or BLUE for paraments, stoles, and banners. Visuals may include an Advent wreath, evergreen wreaths

and branches, a Chrismon tree, and a Jesse tree.

CHRISTMAS is a season of praise and thanksgiving for the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ, which begins with

Christmas Eve or Day and continues through the Day of Epiphany.

(continued on page 9

9 90 Church Avenue, Forestville, CT 06010 | 860-584-0529 | www.asburyumcforestville.com


Use WHITE and GOLD for paraments, stoles and banners. Visuals may include a Chrismon Tree,

a nativity scene (including the magi on the Day of Epiphany), a Christmas star, angels, poinsettias and roses.

Gold, frankincense, myrrh, and three crowns are appropriate on the Day of Epiphany.

THE SEASON AFTER THE EPIPHANY is a season of Ordinary Time, which includes four to nine Sundays, depending

on the date of Easter. It is ordinary in that it stands between the two great Christological cycles of Advent-

Christmas-Epiphany and Lent-Easter-Pentecost and has no central theme. The First Sunday focuses on the

Baptism of Christ and the Last Sunday on the Transfiguration.

Use WHITE paraments, stoles and banners on the First Sunday (Baptism of the Lord) and the Last Sunday

(Transfiguration Sunday); add GREEN on the other Sundays. Visuals may include a baptism font, water jars for

the miracle at Cana, and bright candles for the Transfiguration.

LENT is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy

Saturday. Historically, Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for Baptism by converts and then

became a time for penance by all Christians. The First Sunday describes Jesus’ temptation by Satan; and the Sixth

Sunday (Passion/Palm Sunday), Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his subsequent passion and death.

Use PURPLE for paraments, stoles, and banners. Remove all shiny objects from the worship area. Some may wish

to omit flowers. Other visuals may include a large rough cross or a veil over the sanctuary cross.

Other visuals for Holy Week may include RED paraments, stoles, and banners and symbols such as perfume,

coins, a whip, a crown of thorns, a torn garment, nails, a spear, a sponge or a broken reed.

EASTER season begins at sunset Easter Eve and continues through the Day of Pentecost. It is the most joyous and

celebrative season of the Christian year. It focuses on Christ’s resurrection and ascension and the on giving of the

Holy Spirit on the first Easter and the Day of Pentecost.

Use the colors of WHITE and GOLD and materials of the finest texture for paraments, stoles, and banners. On the

Day of Pentecost use bright RED. RED symbols may also be used on a white background earlier in the season.

Visuals for the Day of Pentecost may include red flowers, doves, and flames of fire, a ship or a rainbow.

THE SEASON AFTER PENTECOST, also called Ordinary Time, begins the day after Pentecost and ends the day

before the First Sunday of Advent. It may include twenty-three to twenty-eight Sundays, depending on the date

of Easter, but the first Sunday is always Trinity Sunday, and the last Sunday is always the Sunday of the Reign of

Christ or Christ the King. The season also includes All Saints and Thanksgiving,

Paraments, stoles, and banners may show a variety of color, texture, and symbols. Regardless of the name given

to this season, its basic color is GREEN, symbolizing growth in Christ. WHITE is the customary color for Trinity

Sunday, All Saints, and Christ the King Sunday. RED is appropriate for homecomings, anniversaries, evangelistic

services, consecrations and civil holidays.

Additional Information: The Banners that hang in the Sanctuary - Karen Cranford made the Easter Banners in

1995 then enlisted the help of Angie France, Karren Grayson and Lisa Taylor to create additional banners for the

remaining Seasons of the Church.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Communion,

Scholarship Collection

9:00 AM Adult Sunday School

11:00 AM Ice Cream Social

11:30 AM – Christian Outreach

1:00 PM – Tai Chi

1:00 pm – Private Party


7:30 PM NA


9:00 AM Crochet Class

5:00 PM Wendy’s

5:00 PM Exercise Class

6:00 PM Stephen Ministry

6:00 PM Bell Choir

7:00 PM Boy Scouts

8:00 PM AA


9:00 AM Bible Study

6:00 PM Disciple II

6:00 PM Girl Scouts

6:15 PM Tai Chi

7:30 PM Chancel Choir


10:15 AM Seniors

5:00 PM Exercise Class

7:00 PM Muslim Conversation

6:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Boy Scouts

7:00 PM Girl Scouts


6:00 PM Girl Scouts


Spring Clean Up 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

8 Mother’s Day,

Blanket Sunday

9:00 AM Adult Sunday School

1:00 PM – Tai Chi


6:30 PM Church Council

7:30 PM NA


9:00 AM Crochet Class

3:30 PM Soup Kitchen

5:00 PM Exercise Class

6:00 PM Bell Choir

8:00 PM AA


9:00 AM Bible Study

6:00 PM Disciple II

6:00 PM Girl Scouts

6:15 PM Tai Chi

7:30 PM Chancel Choir


10:15 AM Seniors

5:00 PM Exercise Class

6:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Boy Scouts


6:00 PM Girl Scouts


Eagle Scout

Court of Honor

3 – 7 pm

15 Pentecost

9:00 AM Adult Sunday School

11:00 AM Education

1:00 PM – Tai Chi

Circuit Rider Deadline


1:00 PM Tai Chi

7:00 PM – American


7:30 PM NA


9:00 AM Crochet Class

5:00 PM Exercise Class

6:00 PM Stephen Ministry

6:00 PM Bell Choir

8:00 PM AA


9:00 AM Bible Study

6:00 PM Disciple II

6:00 PM Girl Scouts

6:15 PM Tai Chi

7:30 PM Chancel Choir


10:15 AM Seniors

5:00 PM Exercise Class

6:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Boy Scouts


6:00 PM Girl Scouts



9:00 AM Adult Sunday School

1:00 PM – Tai Chi


1:00 PM Tai Chi

7:30 PM NA


9:00 AM Crochet Class

5:00 PM Exercise Class

6:00 PM Bell Choir

8:00 PM AA


9:00 AM Bible Study

6:00 PM Disciple II

6:00 PM Girl Scouts

6:15 PM Tai Chi

7:30 PM Chancel Choir


10:15 AM Seniors

5:00 PM Exercise Class

6:00 PM TOPS

6:30 PM Boy Scouts


6:00 PM Girl Scouts



9:00 AM Adult Sunday School

1:00 PM – Tai Chi

30 Office


12:00 pm Memorial

Day Parade

7:30 PM NA


9:00 AM Crochet Class

5:00 PM Exercise Class

6:00 PM Bell Choir

8:00 PM AA

Sunday Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:00 AM Fellowship Hour at 11:00 AM

We must not be content to have the Spirit without the Word or the Word without the Spirit. Our lives must travel along these two, as the locomotive travels along parallel rails. It is only by our devout contact with the Bible that we shall be able to detect the Holy Spirit’s voice. It is by the Word that the Spirit will enter our hearts, as the heat of the sun passes into our homes when its beams of light enter the open windows.

—F.B. Meyer