"THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. inddor sport for many people. Criticise the church; roast the minister. Such criticism is an implied compliment. Indicates there is standard church is expected to attain to and to maintain. Also true of church members - expected to be differ- ent. Critics fall into three categories: those definitely hostile. And we are not concerned with such this morning. Second; those sophisti- cates who consider attachment to the church as somewhat naive. Q uestionnaire submitted 1932 class of Princeton. 16 years out of college - graduates of a university founded and supported by gifts of Christian people. John W itherspoon an early president of Princeton was among sign- ers of Declaration of Independence. Out of 2?3 who replied only 39 a tt end church once d week. Less t han hul f a tt end regularly. t han hal f a t t end less t han f ive t imes a year. Some had not d tt ended since las t college chapel. We are in third category; we love the church. And yet we criticize it. such critic- ism when constructive and given in love, is a good thing. It's all in the family. 'fherefore, let's look at some of these criticisms. Too Narrow or Too Broad ''Too narrow. van' t do this; can't do that. M inisters and people are too uncompromising; too inflexible. I know Jesus said we are to be 'salt' but we are too salty. M ethodist ministers can't even We should recognize that life has moved on. After all, Jesus attended a wedding at Cana - and had a good time. Too narrow - in theology and in everything. That's my criticism. " "That isn't my criticism. My criticism is that the church is too broad - not narrow enough. So broad that it has become shallow. Lost its

THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite

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Page 1: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite


The church has always been under fire -and it's a good thing. ~·avorite inddor sport for many people. Criticise the church; roast the minister. Such criticism is an implied compliment. Indicates there is standard church is expected to attain to and to maintain. Also true of church members - expected to be differ­ent.

Critics fall into three categories: those definitely hostile. And we are not concerned with such this morning. Second; those sophisti­cates who consider attachment to the church as somewhat naive. Questionnaire submitted 1932 class of Princeton. 16 years out of college -graduates of a university founded and supported by gifts of Christian people. John Witherspoon an early president of Princeton was among sign­ers of Declaration of Independence. Out of 2?3 who replied only 39 attend church once d week. Less t han hulf attend regularly. ~ore t han half a t t end less t han f ive t imes a year. Some had not dttended since last college chapel.

We are in third category; we love the church. And yet we criticize it. such critic­ism when constructive and given in love, is a good thing. It's all in the family. 'fherefore, let's look at some of these criticisms.

Too Narrow or Too Broad ''Too narrow. van' t do this; can't do that. Ministers and people

are too uncompromising; too inflexible. I know Jesus said we are to be 'salt' but we are too salty. Methodist ministers can't even smoke~ We should recognize that life has moved on. After all, Jesus attended a wedding at Cana - and had a good time. Too narrow - in theology and in everything. That's my criticism. "

"That isn't my criticism. My criticism is that the church is too broad - not narrow enough. So broad that it has become shallow. Lost its

Page 2: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite


On other hand, someone criticizes for not being formal enough. "Do not even get there on time. Instead of preparing yourself in prayer before the service, you talk about anything -baseball, prizefight, election, neighbors. We do ourselves a spiritual injustice when we come unprepared. Too many of us have slovenly spir­itual manners. We are so casual. And remember, we are here for only one hou - that hour has to prepare us for a whole week of living. Church needs to recover its lost reverence. "

Undue Emphasis Upon Money - Not Enough Emphasis

"After money all the time. For this and that - salaries and repairs; hospit­

als and orphanages; coal and missions; money all the time. Money, money, money, the refrain."

"Well, the way I look at it is like this! those who say most about money usually give the least. Most church people who talk about money, actually don't put too much down on the altar -especially as we realize what church people are spending for other things: automobiles; movies; silverware; · Saturday nights; tobacco; ourselves. What the church needs to do is to begin to place emphasis upon Christian stewardship. All things come of God - someday we'll have to give account - or don't we believe that?"

All I know is this; that if the membership of this church would begin to give according to Biblical proportion of one tenth, this church we all love so well could be beautified and repair­ed. Surely as a general principle, the House of the Lord should · be as beautiful and as adequate as our homes. "Ye dwell in oeiled houses while the House of the Lord is neglected".

Two selections from two church calendars: First entitled "My Dream". Second entitled "My Church rr .

Page 3: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite


cutting edge. And kind of doctrine goes. Any kind of person can get into church and stay in without being too uncomfortable. Should be some kind of theological and personal test of minis­ter - and of official board members. Ministers are tested each conference. Is there anything against character of any man on your district? Would test official board members on point of their kindness and careful use of tongue. Also on loyalty to church and minister. And would remember that church is not for saints primarily but in order to make saints out of sinners.

•roo Other-worldly or Too This \io.rl dl y

"Pre-occupied with heaven and not at all concerned with earth and all its problems.

Rolling eyes heavenward and praying for millen­ium to come. Pie in the sky by and by. Unaware of great social issues and human problems - and failing to register itself on great questions such as war and peace; honesty and dishonesty; political integrity; race; international justice around the world. Too much concerned about pres­ervation of symbols and dogmas and doctrines. "

"That 's not the trouble. Trouble is that the church is not other-worldly enough. Church is dabbling too much in the affairs of this life. Why doesn't the church stick to the simple gospel of .Jesus Christ?nrncidentally Jesus spoke at Naz­areth relative to His mission - to heal sick etc •• "Methodist church going communistic. Look at Bishop Oxnam and McConnell". The church will always have to face such criticism when she takes lead in planning for human betterment; and when she seeks to have men face social responsibility.

Too Formal or Not Formal Enough

"Too many candles; too many Amens; too formal that

we 've lost spirit. Can't even walk into service when

you want to anymore. Anthems; hymns we don't know. Get back to good old gospel songs."

Page 4: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite


I dreamed last night-it must have been a day-dream-that there had gone out a decree from the Ruler of the universe that for ten years the stars would shine no more. That night the world was full of sad and wakeful people. The streets were crowded with them driving to some country scene to get a last longing look. Mothers awakened their babies, too young to know the significance of what was going on, hoping that they could at least gain some impression. And for the whole long night, people who had seldom lifted their eyes to look at the stars sat up and looked until the last star faded into the brightening day. Well did one say: "If the stars shone only once in ten years, we would sit up all night to look at them."

I dreamed also that laughter had been banished for ten years. One day was granted before the decree should be enforced, but on that day no­body laughed. The prospect of having no laughter as medicine for the heart had already banished joy.

In this dream there was also a ban on beauty. The leaves of autumn were commanded to die and fall without their manifold coloring. Spring was commanded not to return, and winter was forbidden to paint the landscape; and many people cried, "If beauty dies, let me die, too. With­out roses, autumn woods, and spring, and the beauty in human faces, life is not worth living." But many of these had never lifted a note of praise to God for all the beauty of the world.

And, last of all, I looked and saw a mighty lock on every door of every church, and a poster forbidding anyone to sing or pray or worship God. Then I saw people leaning against the walls weeping, and walking about in sadness, and the powers of evil grinning, and mothers saying, "Cursed be the day I brought a child into such a world."

Then I awoke and thanked God it was only a dream, and promised God I would take time to look at the stars and to enjoy and create beauty, and to laugh and worship.

-Hugh 0. Isbell, Pastor, St. Paul's Methodist, Springfield, Missouri.

Page 5: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite

come to see being e necessity of making a social call

in the pastor's home, or without aving the pastor's wife "horn in" on

conversation (a few do!). Also, it relieves the burdened, helpful wife of a

many details of parish work that ought not to be concerned with.

Furthermore, the parsonage is the PRIVATE RESIDENCE of the pas­tor's family. It is provided by the people

the parish for that purpose and NOT to· make it the parish goldfish bowl or the parish junk shop, where things are deposited because they are "too good to throw away" but not good enough to keep in their own homes.

Like the doctor or lawyer, the pastor should consult with his people in pri­vate, where an opportunity is given for


A limited number of copies of the 20-page two-color picture bookl~t •. en~itle?, "America-The Great Evangelistic Field, prepared by Dr. J. Manning Potts and issued by the General Board of Evange­lism for distribution at the General and Jurisdictional Conferences, are available to readers of Shepherds.

Single copies of it may be secured free of charge, as long as the supply lasts, by making a postal card request to the. editor of Shepherds. Please write for your copy at once.

straying and the sheep. not fall into the snare of some sional men today who are "too or "too tired" to answer the calls their people-patients or clients.

It is possible for the pastor to range office interviews with the persons he wishes to see, setting up schedule of time and filling it with he wishes to win for Christ and Church, arranging for counsel and after marriage, helping the people plan their schooling and lifework, counseling the troubled ents, and aiding the older persons face the many lonely personal .r·acl{cUito::; that life brings.

This elevates the interview to a of proper importance and boosts morale of the persons invited to office. If the pastor more or less them on-the-run, they feel that the of the pastor and the Church is secondary importance and not of their deep consideration or either.

Lastly, let the people know WHE you plan to be in your workshop that you would be glad to have "drop in" without any pr,eaJrra.IIJ{cwLcilL. It is amazing to find the number persons--especially men-who will advantage of the opportunity to with a likeable, "working" preacher.

Remember: your time is NOT own!

Page 6: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite

I t


Fred Clarke, Minister Minister of Music Janet P. Davis

Lewis Cunning, Sexton

Church Secretary Grace L. Gifford


ORGAI~ PRELUDE - "Adagio and Andaute" 1st Sonata Mendel-CALL '1'0 WORSHIP - By the minister ssohn HTiffl 381 - "The Church's one fo\mdation" Aurelia

·RESPONSALS: Minister:

People: Create in me a clean he~rt, 0 God; And renew a right spirit within me. Restor e unto me the joy of thy s~lvation; And uphold me with thy free spirit.

Min~ster: People:

Minister: 0 Lord, open thou my lips; People: And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.

DOXOLOGY - To be sung by ~11 * SCRIPTURE LESSON - 1 Corinthians 3 ANTHEM - "The Lord is My Shepherd" PASTORAL PP..AYER :: LORD 1 S PRAYER *


Mendelssohn ORGAN OFFERTORY - "Finale" 6th Sonu ta. PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY SOLO - "A Ballad of the Tree s and the Master"

Gl enn Tnru1er , HYMN 120 - " i'Ve ma.y not climb the heavenly


HY11N 26 7 - "Rise up, 0 men of God" BENEDICTION ::CHORAL BE .EDICTION ORG:lli POSTLtiDE - "In De::~. th 1 s Strong Grasp"

Chadwick steeps" Ser-


Festal Song Stainer


Vi sitors are cordia lly welcomed to tho servic e todo.y I I loa

JUN E 2 7, 1 94:8 - CAL.E~TlJAR FOR ·· ~\)DAY

10:30 Morning Worship and sermon - "The Church We Crit­icize". Glenn Tanner is bass soloist.

10:30 Church-time Nursery Hour under the direction of Mi ss Ruth Foster and Miss Betty Ardizzone.

11:00 Junior Church under the direction of Miss Jane Van Arnam.

7t30 Baccalaureate Service at Fremont under the aus­pices of the Gloversville Council of Churches.

The Rev. Andrew Hansen, minister of the Kingsboro Presbyterian Church will be the preacher.

The altar flowers today are given bJr Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Green who wer e married in this church yesterday.


The Midweek Servic e will be held on Wednesday evening at 7:30 with the minister in charge . This is usua lly a time of inspiration and helpfulness. You are invited.

The UPPER ROOM devotiona l booklet for July and August is in the upp er hall. Take a copy; l eave five cents.

Warie Gundersen, Marilyn Stee le. Lois Tiedemen and Phil. Cla rke l ea ve to-morrow for Green Mountain Institute held on the campus of Green Mountain Junior College at Poultney. Vermont. We wish them an inspiring experience.

A national appea l is being made in behn lf of the First Assembly of .the World Council of Churches to be held in Amsterdam, Holland, August 22nd. Miss Minnie Brunet has consented to r eceive financial gifts for this Christian nnd strategic proj ect.

- I

Would you like to entertain a boy or girl for one or ~ro weeks under the a~spic es of tho Her a ld Tribune Fr esh Air Fund? If so, st.c either Mr Q Harry Hou cz or Mr . Ken­neth Vnn Deusen , or the mi~jst.n~,

Page 7: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite

no fitom 'There

T HE WORLD is out of joint. Man is bankrupt. Hu­

manity has lost its way. No one knows where we are

going. No prophet has arisen to supply the needed

leadership. No voice sounds the clarion call of certainty.

No man offers a message of well-founded hope. Cynicism,

futility, frustration and fear are written large in the thoughts.

of our generation.

Education leads only to that which may be gone tomor­

row. Science brings to light secrets that should be a blessing,

and we find them fast leading us to utter destruction.

Philosophy, which should point mankind to that which is

good and true, has the hollow sound of emptiness. So-called

modern art and music seem like nothing so much as the

outpourings of a diseased mind with few ideas, most of which

are crazy. Man has made a mess of things and cannot

deliver himself.

There is one way out, one hope, one thing that can give

meaning to life and r:estore man to sanity. That is the way

that leads to eternity through our Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ. ~e al.one can give to distracted, floundering man

something to live for, something beyond the reach of the

atom. When education is centered in Christ, a student is

truly learning to live-above all, for eternity.

A.P.H. No . 862 Litho in U.S.A.

flnd 7hen 7hey Went to C9ollege

Page 8: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite



7:15 o'clock


"Introduction and Andante Cantabile"

"Fifth Sonata in D Major" .




7: 30 o'clock PROCESSIONAL

"Air for G String" The congregation will stand as the class marches in and will

remain standing until the class is seated

CALL TO WORSHIP (The people seated)


1. My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of Liberty,

Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountain side

Let freedom ring!

2. My native country, thee, Land of the noble free,

Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills,

Like that above.

3. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees

Sweet freedom's song: Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break,

The sound prolong.

4. Our fathers' God to thee, Author of Liberty,

To thee we sing: Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might,

Great God, our King. Amen

PRAYER FOR THE SCHOOL (To be said by all; the people seated) Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, let Thy continual benediction rest upon our school. Give Thy Holy Spirit to all who learn within its walls or have gone out from it into the world, that they may grow from strength to strength in Thy service. Keep them this day and always, we pray Thee, from harm and sin; supply all their needs of body and soul, and guide their feet into the ways of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

LORD'S PRAYER (To be said by ail)





"Send Out Thy Spirit" Schuetky



I I~ I I

11 r 1

. Peeters



\ I

~ j

..... I '


OFFERTORY SOLO "0 Lord Most Holy"


HYMNNo. 178


1. Spirit of Life, in this new dawn, Give us the faith that follows on, Letting Thine all pervading power Fulfill the dream of this high hour.

3. Spirit Redeeming, give us grace When crucified to seek Thy face; To read forgiveness in Thine eyes Today with Thee in Paradise.

2. Spirit Creative, give us light, Lifting the raveled mists of night; Touch Thou our dust with spirit hand And make us souls that understand.

4. Spirit Consoling, let us find Thy hand when sorrows leave us blind; In the gray valley let us hear Thy silent voice: "Lo, I am near."

5. Spirit of Love, at evening time, When weary feet refuse to climb, Give us Thy vision, eyes that see, Beyond the dark, the dawn and Thee.



HYMN No. 278 1. Lead on, 0 King Eternal,

The day of march has come; Henceforth in fields of conquest

Thy tents shall be our home: Thro' days of preparation

Thy grace has made us strong, And now, 0 King Eternal,

We lift our battle song.

2. Lead on, 0 King Eternal, 'Til sin's fierce war shall cease,

And Holiness shall whisper The sweet Amen of Peace:

For not with swords loud clashing Nor roll of stirring drums;

With deeds of love and mercy, The heav' nly kingdom comes.

3. Lead on, 0 King Eternal, We follow not with fears,

For gladness breaks like morning Where' er Thy face appears;

Thy cross is lifted o'er us; We journey in its light;

The crown awaits the conquest: Lead on, 0 God of might.


BENEDICTION (The people seated)



"Jubilate Deo" The co1zgregation will remain seated until

after the recession of the class


"Fuge in C Minor"

*Interval for Ushering

The offering of the evening well be devoted to the work of the Gloversville Counril of Churches

II I·~


Page 9: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite

lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lll


s~ E~. P~ 27. 1948' 7:30 o'clock


Rev. A. P. Manwell, First Congregational Church Rev. Andrew Hansen, Kingsborough Presbyterian Church Rev. Fred Clarke, Fremont Street Methodist Church

Miss Janet P. Davis, Minister of Music

This service is held under the auspices of the Gloversville Council of Churches


Page 10: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite

-- •'P" t ~ II


7:15 o'clock

"Introduction and Andante Cantabile"

"Fifth Sonata in D Major" .




7:30 o'clock PROCESSIONAL

"Air for G String" The congregation will stand as the class marches in and will

remain stmzdhzg until the class is seated

CALL TO WORSHIP (The people seated)

HYMN No. 489

1. My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of Liberty,

Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountain side

Let freedom ring!

2. My native country, thee, Land of the noble free,

Thy name I love ; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills,

Like that above.

3. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees

Sweet freedom's song: Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break,

The sound prolong.

4. Our fathers' God to thee, Author of Liberty,

To thee we sing: long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might,

Great God, our King. Amen

PRAYER FOR THE SCHOOL (To be said by all; the people seated) Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, let Thy continual benediction rest upon our school. Give Thy Holy Spirit to all who learn within its walls or have gone out from it into the world, that they may grow from strength to strength in Thy service. Keep them this day and always, we pray Thee, from harm and sin; supply all their needs of body and soul, and guide their feet into the ways of peace; through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen.

LORD'S PRAYER (To be said by all)




"Send Out Thy Spirit" . Schuetky




. Peeters


\. I I .. -.. •II


OFFERTORY SOLO "0 Lord Most Holy"




. .. II


1. Spirit of Life, in this new dawn, Give us the faith that follows on, Letting Thine all pervading power Fullill the dream of this high hour.

3. Spirit Redeeming, give us grace When crucilied to seek Thy face; To read forgiveness in Thine eyes Today with Thee in Paradise.

4. Spirit Consoling, let us lind 2. Spirit Creative, give us light, Lifting the raveled mists of night; Touch Thou our dust with spirit hand And make us souls that understand.

Thy hand when sorrows leave us blind ; In the gray valley let us hear Thy silent voice: "Lo, I am near."

5. Spirit of Love, at evening time, When weary feet refuse to climb, Give us Thy vision, eyes that see, Beyond the dark, the dawn and Thee.



HYMN No. 278 1. lead on, 0 King Eternal, 2. lead on, 0 King Eternal,

The day of march has come; Henceforth in fields of conquest

Thy tents shall be our home:

'Til sin's fierce war shall cease, And Holiness shall whisper

The sweet Amen of Peace: Thro' days of preparation

Thy grace has made us strong, And now, 0 King Eternal,

We lift our battle song.

For not with swords loud clashing Nor roll of stirring drums;

With deeds of Jove and mercy, The heav'nly kingdom comes.

3. Lead on, 0 King Eternal, We follow not with fears,

For gladness breaks like morning Where' er Thy face appears;

Thy cross is lifted o'er us; We journey in its light;

The crown awaits the conquest: Lead on, 0 God of might.


BENEDICTION (The people seated)



"Jubilate Deo" The congregation will remain seated until

after the recession of the class


"Fuge in C Minor"

*Interval for Ushering

The offering of the evening well be devoted to the work of the Gloversville Council of Churches




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Page 11: THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE - Philip A. C. Clarke CHURCH WE CRITICIZE.pdf · 2019-09-08 · "THE CHURCH WE CRITICIZE" The church has always been under fire - and it's a good thing. ~·avorite

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s~ z~, peu~e 21. 194K 7:30 o'clock


Rev. A. P. Manwell, First Congregational Church Rev. Andrew Hansen, Kingsborough Presbyterian Church Rev. Fred Clarke, Fremont Street Methodist Church

Miss Janet P. Davis, Minister of Music

This service is held under the auspices of the Gloversville Council of Churches
