A Primer in God Consciousness..............................5 States of Consciousness...............................5 Expect...Something...Wonderful!!......................7 Getting High.........................................11 A Bible Study in God Consciousness...................14 Introduction....................................14 The Briefest Overview of The Bible's "Plot" I Can Give.......................................15 Remember what specifically we are talking about:15 These are the Bible passages that directly address this issue.................................16 Opening Prayer..................................16 Repentance as Transformed Consciousness.........16 Christ And God Are In You.......................17 Your Destiny....................................18 How We Get From Here To There...................19 Righteousness........................................21 Destination, Part 1..................................24 Destination, Part 2..................................27 Summary.........................................27 Introduction....................................27 Important Point #1:.............................28 Important Point #2:.............................29 The Proximity of God Consciousness – A Commentary on War..30 THE REVEALING SCIENCE OF GOD..............................42 PART 1: INTRODUCTION.................................45 The One Really Big Question.....................45 The 6 Domains of Human Thought..................45 The Bible is Silent.............................46 Does Anyone Really Care?........................47 PART 2: EPISTEMOLOGY.................................49 The Truth About Tarot Cards - 1

The Church of Yahweh

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The Truth About Tarot Cards – A Guide for God Consciousness

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5A Primer in God Consciousness

5States of Consciousness


11Getting High

14A Bible Study in God Consciousness


15The Briefest Overview of The Bible's "Plot" I Can Give

15Remember what specifically we are talking about:

16These are the Bible passages that directly address this issue.

16Opening Prayer

16Repentance as Transformed Consciousness

17Christ And God Are In You

18Your Destiny

19How We Get From Here To There


24Destination, Part 1

27Destination, Part 2



28Important Point #1:

29Important Point #2:

30The Proximity of God Consciousness A Commentary on War



45The One Really Big Question

45The 6 Domains of Human Thought

46The Bible is Silent

47Does Anyone Really Care?


49Holy Books

49Religious Organizations

50Authority Figures

50Reason & Logic

51Direct Revelations

51Overcoming Culture

52The Scientific Method

53Applying the Scientific Method to Religion


56Life is More Than Chemical Interactions

57The Fractal Universe

57The Astounding Nature of Order

60PART 4: "WHO?"

60Can God Be Known?

61God's Sex

62The Procession of the Gods

63The Self-Existent One

63God has simply always existed

64The Mathematical Equation for God

68PART 5: "WHAT?"

69What is the universe made out of?

71Internal and External Creations

71The Universe is God's Imaging

72The Body of Christ

72God is Light

74The Energy/Mass Continuum



78PART 6: "WHEN?"

80The Relativity of Time

81Life is Here and Now

83PART 7: "WHERE?"

85In the Mind of God

88PART 8: "HOW?"

88The First Moment of Creation

88Deeper, Slower Layers of Consciousness

89A Conscious Process


91The Future

93PART 9: "WHY?"

93Rejecting PreDeterminism

93Perhaps There is No Purpose

94God is Forgetting in Order to Remember

94Being Alone

95From Possibilities Into Reality

96The Shocking Conclusion

96The Problem of Evil

97The Biblical Evidence

97Hide and Seek


100The Truth About Tarot Cards A Guide for God Consciousness



































A Primer in God Consciousness

States of ConsciousnessWhat are you thinking?

What is your perspective? Your motive?What conceptual framework are you using at this moment?

What is in your mind?

These constitute your State of Consciousness, your Awareness.

Now this is very simple, really....Connecting the dots between our previous discussions...

At any moment you can be acting from the perspective of the raindrop or the Ocean.

You can look at the world, yourself, and others around you, from the perspective of the limited, small construct of your individual ego, or from a larger view....family--->friends--->locale--->nation--->planet--->universe--->God.

Clearly we must spend quite some time on exactly what God-Consciousness means:

What it is

Is it possible?

What it "looks like"

What effects it has on the individual

How you get it

But for now suffice it to say...God Consciousness is real...to Think, know, and have the awareness of God. That is your destiny. That is 100% of what the religions of the world are about....Oh, yes, they have a lot of other things to say along the way, but make no mistake: The purpose of your life is to move from the small, limited, ego-filled, hateful, sin-state of human (aka raindrop) consciousness

to the

large, limitless, egoless, loving, bliss-state of God (aka ocean) consciousness.

The fundamental problems, then, are:

The society around us does not believe in, or acknowledge, that God Consciousness is even possible.

The primary forces in that society, from government to education to commerce to the so-called-church, all operate from the raindrop consciousness.

Actually, it is much worse, in that people cannot achieve what they cannot conceive, and through the present social order it is nearly impossible to catch a glimpse that Ocean Consciousness exists at all.

So, the OVERWHELMING majority of individual raindrops today have no way to know the Ocean even exists...They cannot, therefore, know that the Ocean is their real home, origin, and essential self...They have no clue that they are the Ocean in embryo.

And, as a result, they certainly cannot find programs, "movements", or human waves of consciousness to teach, train, and assist them in returning to the Ocean.


So....So.....I will continue to try to paint the pictures....But I must warn you. And I am as serious as I can be.

Once you "get it," even the tiniest hint of the size, glory, eternity of the Ocean, and gain the slimmest glimpse of the fact that you are, in fact, nothing more than that Ocean in miniature, you will never again be able to live, move, or function as a typical raindrop again. You will be a stranger in a strange land, disenfranchised from the structures of the social order around you...none will understand, well, maybe one if you are fortunate, for Ocean-conscious raindrops are the rarest treasure in the manifest Universe...The politicians, sports figures, so-called religious leaders, on and on....all of it will be recognized for what it is: worse, oh so much worse than merely "silly", but a sad, fallen, hollow shell of the true human potential, millionaires and billionaires and trillionaires living like homeless paupers.

The only compensation is the scent of the ocean, as you feel its waves and tides flowing through your veins...

And you will never go back...Your body will remain, and the outside world will still see a raindrop...But your consciousness will be different...inside, where the world cannot see and does not care to go, you will recognize you are, indeed, what you have always been, the birthless, deathless Ocean.

You will have God Consciousness.

Expect...Something...Wonderful!!I really do encourage feedback, and often the "negative" ones are the most helpful.Hopefully you have found that to be true in your own life. If you haven't, I respectfully submit that you try it. Perhaps the criticism is right, maybe wrong, but either way you will be strengthened by doing the examination...Unless, of course, it is old, well traveled material, in which case you can refer them to the Frequently Asked Questions section!

Anyway....A couple weeks ago I was talking on the phone with one of my dearest friends, who also happens to be a member of TCOY. (And yes, I do like to talk to people, and I know that if I had an 800 number the phone would ring off the hook, sorry, but the # is (760) 749-6281.)

The conversation basically centered around politics, our reactions to them as Spiritual people, the role the Church has in commenting on it, that type of thing. And the most remarkable thing happened...Frankly I don't the dear person even remembers this particular part of the exchange, but it has proven to be a catalyst for major transformations in me.

I said, da da da da da, "...just like all this silliness in Florida." (The contested U.S. election, all that.)

And she said, "But why do you call it silly? These are hard working people, with families who love them. Calling it silly seems mean to me."And that was it. As I've said elsewhere about the lintscreen and cats and things like that, if you keep your heart and mind open you can, indeed, find truth anywhere and everywhere. And that one little question has proven to be absolutely essential in my life the last 2 weeks. I will explain why.

If you are going to drive to my house, but do not know where I live, there are 2 ways we can deal with the situation.

1. I can tell you where I am. Address, cross streets, longitude and latitude, whatever. The advantage is that I only have to give this information one time, for my house does not move. The disadvantage is that it is up to you to figure out the specific directions, the actual pathway and turns you must take to arrive. Here, the major burden is on the student to "get there."

2. Or, I can give you specific directions, roads to take, miles to drive, when & where to turn. The advantage is that you will have a personalized guide. The disadvantage is that the teacher must know exactly where you are coming from, and the directions given will be different for each person. Here, the major burden is on the teacher to tell the student how to get there.

The destination may be the same, but the journeys are very different depending on where you start from. Some may need to travel north, some south, or east, even west. In fact, unless they start from exactly the same place, no 2 people will ever take exactly the same route to get anywhere!This is a particular instance of the general principle of Point of View. Perspective.

Your conceptual starting point, "where you're at" (to use the vernacular) affects every aspect of your perceptions! Our ideas, opinions, thoughts, feelings, are all colored and affected by our starting points, the conceptual framework that has been shaped by our emotional, intellectual, personal, physical and spiritual histories.

In short, people have different opinions and thoughts on a subject because they react from different perspectives.And I realized...like a crystal diamond shot into my soul, that the central problem was that my friend and I were coming from very different perspectives.And I further realized that I had done a very poor job as teacher.You see, I know something...Something Wonderful......Something so far beyond the bounds of our weak imagination...My perspective is different....And I know now with a clarity I have not had before, what I must do.

1. I must do a better job of describing the destination. Where are we really going on this journey called life? What actually is its purpose? I have not been completely forthcoming about this, and there are reasons though no excuses.

2. To the extent possible, I need to do a better job of helping reach people where they are.

You see, all communication and teaching is a 2-edged sword, exactly like the "How to get there?" example I just gave.1. Where and what "it is." The purpose of life, what really is happening in this universe. That is the purpose of the writings here, to explain what is "going on", to give each person a glimpse of the Infinite Glory which is your birthright. This I can only "offer-up", explaining as clearly as I can the address, cross streets, latitude and longitude of what the word "God" really means, what the word "Human" really means, what the word "Universe" really means, and how they are all related.

2. How we get from where ever we are, to the goal. That is the point of the one-on-ones, thru emails and conversations and the discussion groups, wherein I try to get a better understanding of exactly where you are, and help sketch suggestions for the best way to proceed.

You see, with the technology of the Web I simply cannot give one-on-one personalized instruction to every individual.

This is a very important point, and may seem obvious to you, but it deserves some comment. You see, for the first several thousand years of human evolution we only learned on a 1-to-1 basis. Fathers taught sons, mothers taught daughters, grandparents taught the grandkids. Try to think about this for just a moment. In such a society age is honored, because it relates to experience, which is knowledge, which is power and strength.

The next step was apprentice programs...learning from someone outside the biofamily, but nevertheless still one-on-one.

Then came classrooms. the one-on-one was broken, but still it was face to face and person to person.

And now? Oh, my friends.....One of the miracles of humanity is our adaptability...but how quickly we lose perspective with that ability...The strange, amazing fact is that now, through the Web technology, we have gone as far from the biofamily as is possible:

No more within the family, but the entire world.

No more one-to-one, but one-to-the-world.

No more face-to-face, but bodiless thought presented to the masses.

Family --> Apprentice --> Teacher --> WebAnd I know why I have not given "full disclosure" here...Why the "Silliness" question still rings in my ears...Because she doesn't know...doesn't really have any idea...And that's because I haven't told her, or you, or the world, what you really need to know...Yes, the hints are here, but there are way too many dots left to be filled in...Because of the fact that the real Truth of a God-Centered Consciousness is soooo far beyond our normal human thinking, that my fear has been that of being completely useless to the human race, not that their approval matters, but that This Must Be HEARD! (Even the phrase "God-Centered Consciousness" contains a universe of growth, challenges for me to communicate and the world to understand.)But since I cannot meet everyone "where they are", all I can really do is the best job I can of Painting Pictures of God.OK. So that is the reality. And we can deal with it. Being aware of it is essential, I think, toward a proper perspective...

Perspective? Oh yes...that ultimately is what it's all about!

In short, I will spend the rest of my life trying to do 2 things:

1. Drawing pictures of God.

2. Helping, wherever I can, people move from their current human, space-time conditioned perspective, toward something new...something wonderful...A new perspective, a new consciousness, a new way of looking.

You see, one of the places I realize TCOY is weak is in its very strength...There is SOOO much here, that at present it is a jumbled-mass of seemingly unconnected ideas....A bit of The Name here, a bit of Christ there, a bit of cosmology, not to mention cats and lintscreens and all that kind of thing....We suffer, at present, from a wealth of riches.But it does have a common thread...One which I can now communicate, and re-organize all of this material into one cohesive whole.

I seek your help...I look forward to the journey, as we start on

Getting HighWould you like to get high, little boy?

Ready to blow your mind, little girl?Here we go...No drugs, of course...But this is one of the highest meditations I know. (Yes, dear ones, there are others...Actually about 5 main ones, that have shaped my life, and helped open the Gates of Heaven....Not to be confused, of course, with Heaven's Gate, a suicide cult in Rancho Santa Fe where....[Skip ahead, please. Editor])


Why can't you see God?Really...if this all-important Being, source and origin of all, is really "all that", why can't we even see Him? And forget about all the little arguments about He wants us to approach Him by faith (whatever that means) and the like...They are honest, well-intended approaches to a challenging subject, but none answer the question or hit the mark.

Here's the real answer. And thinking about this, meditating on this, which simply means putting your brain into alignment with this idea and focusing on it is one of the highest, involved, and profound things I know.

Call this, please, the next lesson in

Why can't God be seen?

Because God is not an object.

God is infinite subject.

God cannot be seen because God is the seer...God is a way of seeing.

The source of all...everything comes FROM God. As a result there is no place you can go to to see Him...God is the power by which you see...The power by which you hear......The power by which you smell...The power by which you live...The power by which you taste...The power by which you exist.

"Subject - Predicate" is the structure upon which all our human language is based.

God is infinite subject.

You are the predicate.

"Subject - Object" is the basis of everything we ever experience as people.

I (the subject) listen to music (the object).

I (the subject) read a book (the object).

I (the subject) see a bird (the object).

I (the subject) sing a song (the object).

God cannot be perceived as an object.

God is Infinite Subject.

Meditate on these things...

If you will give it diligent effort, this one idea will change your life...

Research "subject", "predicate", "object"...

Examine the structure of language and how it relates to experience...

And ponder...deeply...inside of you...The Infinite Subject, the Mind of God Himself, trying to peer into the world through your eyes and heart...

You can't see it, of course....

can't feel it...

can't hear it...

can't touch it...

Because only objects can be seen, felt, heard or touched...

That is what the Course Towards a Universal Season of God Consciousness is all about...

God Consciousness - To think, see, and feel with God's Mind.

Simply put? You cannot see God, but you CAN See as God Sees.

And, in case you haven't noticed, that is entirely the point of the last few Pictures of God...Why I'm "bothering" you with pictures of vultures ready to eat starving children and tens of thousands dying daily...We must chart a course wherein our limited, ego-filled, small human ways of thinking are transformed. Transformed into something new...Something Wonderful...

We must move our eyes upward to the hills, the sky, the sun, stars and universe beyond, and begin to see, think, and move with the Higher Mind that does, indeed, lie within us...The Mind of God.

Next...A Bible Study on God Consciousness.

A Bible Study in God Consciousness


I don't do many Bible Studies, at least according to the usual meaning of the term. And even deeply Biblical discussions (like Jesus' death & resurrection) I spare the chapter & verse quotes. Why?I know it frankly bores most people.

Almost inevitably you get involved in what I call the Conjugation Argument...With "regular" ideas, even if they are religious and Biblical, you can present your material and get on with it...But quoting the Bible seems to bring out the worst in people(!), and rather than focusing on the meaning a purpose of what's written the discussion devolves into the proper translation and conjugation of ancient verb forms...Uck!

Then there's the whole point of view thing. For many today in the Bible world, if you are not willing to swear to all that is holy that you know in the pit of your soul that each and every single word and verb form is completely, totally, 100% literally and scientifically true, then they call you a Satanist and ignore the points you are presenting. Such is the state of Bible discussion in America today. And, again, I quite elegantly say, "Uck!"

But I have decided to violate "company policy" here...perhaps more in the future. Why?This is a really, REALLY important topic. I have never been more earnest when I say we are charting a course toward a word-wide transformation of human consciousness. I will use every tool at my disposal to do that.

Many have written telling me they are getting into Bible study now, at least in part through the ministry offered here.

The Bible is SOOO COOOL! Yes, it has gotten a lot of bad press, and has been abused, and contains things trapped inside of its own cultural history that makes it really hard for today's modern person to deal with...But SO DOES SHAKESPEARE! And in the last couple of years alone Hollywood has made several modern movies based on Shakespearean plays.

The Bible, properly understood, really is a delightful, precious, beautiful, glorious Picture of God, and the transformation of the human soul.

I realize there are several topics that really should be covered, and if I live long enough I will do so. They include:The history of the Bible, where it came from...what got voted in, what was left out, and why. This was not written as a textbook or mathematical treatise.

The source of its documents...Folks, when the authors wrote this stuff they had no idea they were penning "Scripture."

The historical contexts the different documents were written in....that does have a lot to do with properly understanding it all....I mean, unless you have a basic understanding of the theater of his day, Shakespeare's stage directions are totally useless(!)

An overview of primary themes and how they all relate.

In short, The Church of Yahweh presents "A Guide to the Bible for the Modern Mind". OK...some day...Maybe.

So, we will have to skip all that for now...There's important work to be done.

The Briefest Overview of The Bible's "Plot" I Can Give

1. The Self-Existent God, Named Ahyh Asr Ahyh, I Will Be What I Will Be, aka YHWH, creates out of Himself the entire universe, and everything is perfectly good, including mankind. (The Eternal Ocean evaporates into little raindrops.)2. Man eats from the Fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, separating his consciousness from all that is good, and begins to live as a small, self-willed, ego-filled self-made-man. (The little raindrops forget there's an Ocean.)3. YHWH does a lot of work, setting up covenants, talking to people about the pain they are causing themselves, giving commandments (raindrop owner's manual), that type of thing.4. He comes to the earth in bodily form, to talk to people one-on-one...about how lost they are...about getting their lives together...That they can change, be born to a new life, and discover Christ living inside of them. (We really are, after all, all made-up of the same Ocean water.)That's the best I can do.Now, to the point at hand.

Remember what specifically we are talking about:

The whole thing (your life, the Bible, the history of humanity, everything) can be seen as a journey fromthe small, limited, ego-filled, hateful, sin-state of human (aka raindrop) consciousnessto the

large, limitless, egoless, loving, bliss-state of God (aka Ocean) consciousness.

(I presented this in #48, States of Consciousness.)These are the Bible passages that directly address this issue.

All quotations are from The Holy Bible, New International Version.

Opening Prayer

Ephesians 1:18-19I pray that:the eyes of your heart may be enlightened,

in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you,

the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,

and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

This whole religion thing is real. It's not just about believing and arguing and going to the pot-lucks on Wednesday night. It is about enlightenment, knowledge, hope, inheritance, and great power!And that is my prayer, that through this you, and indeed the entire planet, can begin to comprehend your inheritance and destiny.Repentance as Transformed Consciousness

Matthew 4:7From that time on Jesus began to preach, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. So, we start right-off with a problem...Like I said, proper translations and all...The fact is that the word "Repent" nowadays has all of these religious overtones...In Jesus' day, the word that he spoke meant to the people hearing it, "Change your thinking!" It is not just a matter of changing your actions, but all of your being, renewed from the inside-out, starting with your thinking.That's what we see in the next passage...Romans 12:2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will.Christ And God Are In You

1 Corinthians 2:11-16For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the mans spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. 14The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any mans judgment: 16 For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ, which is equated with the mind of God, lives in you!!!!Folks, that one verse, that one idea, if true, means quite simply that we are not what we think we are, and we do not live in the world we think we do!!! The Mind Of Christ lives in us!!!And what is that? Read this...This explains just what this Mind Of Christ is:Colossians 1:13-19For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him.We are talking about the source and origin of the entire universe. The fullness of God Himself is in Christ, That is the Entire Universe, and that mind is INSIDE OF YOU!

1 Corinthians 3:16Dont you know that you yourselves are Gods temple and that Gods Spirit lives in you?2 Corinthians 13:5Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in youunless, of course, you fail the test?In the next passage Paul goes so far as to say that his small "I", the limited, ego-self is gone entirely. As raindrop, he recognizes he is nothing more than a channel for the Ocean to pour through...And after all, isn't that the whole point? We praise the radio program, not the radio!Galatians 2:20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.Note the important phrase "crucified with Christ." That's the entire point of Christian theology...It is NOT enough to "believe" that Jesus died or did anything...The Christian message consists in being United with Him, that His life, death & Resurrection become ours, and with it, everything that He Is!Galatians 3:27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.Here we learn that Christ in you is the mystery of all ages, now revealed!Colossians 1:25-27I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness 26the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. 27To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Philippians 1:21For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.Philippians 2:13For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.God is in you, dear friend. This is not New Age, but the Ancient Proclamation.Your life is not about being you. Your Destiny

You will eventually know as much about God as God knows about you...That's what it means to have God Consciousness:

1 Corinthians 13:12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. Eventually, this Mind of Christ that lives in embryo will grow to fill us entirely, and Christ is formed fully in us:Galatians 4:19My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you...This, frankly, is just about my favorite verse in the entire Bible...It shows that our destiny, our true calling, where we are going, the REAL purpose of our life, is to have that same infinite glory that is in God Himself through Christ:1 Peter 5:10And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. How We Get From Here To There

Ephesians 3:14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledgethat you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. The pathway to God Consciousness and the fullness of Christ is clear...Leave the old, small-self behind and, born-again, live as the True, Real, New You:Ephesians 4:17-24So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more. You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. 21Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 5:1Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children Colossians 3:9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.Our small, limited local / national views are gone, replaced with a Universal View:Colossians 3:11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. Hebrews 11:1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.That's the final word, Faith. NOT (Please, DEAR GOD!!!) as needing to believe whatever the silly idea-of-the-month is, but as the living, breathing, tangible pathway fromsmall to large,

illusion to real,

sinner to saint,

raindrop to Ocean.

RighteousnessSometimes (far too often, frankly) you get the idea from people that being "saved" by Jesus means they are free to do whatever they want. "I sinned today, I'll sin tomorrow. God forgives me."Oh. I get it. You are the same filthy, rotten, disgusting evil piece of human filth as everyone else. Only difference is, you've said the magic words, so God won't hold it against you.

Well, in the spirit of our new approach to deeper Bible Studies, I just want to look at some passages from Romans 6.

Astounding stuff, really. Incredibly exciting.

The Holy Bible, New International VersionRomans 6

1What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?2By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3Or dont youknow that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into hisdeath? 4We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in orderthat, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, wetoo may live a new life.

5If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly alsobe united with him in his resurrection. 6For we know that our old self wascrucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that weshould no longer be slaves to sin7because anyone who has died has been freedfrom sin.

8Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 9Forwe know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; deathno longer has mastery over him. 10The death he died, he died to sin once for all;but the life he lives, he lives to God.

The idea is quite clear. So clear it shouldn't even need comment. Christ's Passion becomes OUR Life's story, the center of all existence. We "tap into" His experience through associating ourselves with Him (which we do through faith and baptism.)

And example? Just look at the professional sports teams that wins championships....The "fans" tear down the city. Why? Because it wasn't those 5 obscenely overpaid multi-millionaires who won, WE DID! It's almost as though the fans themselves won the trophy.

Just a personal note here, but could you IMAGINE what this world would be like if we could generate even 2% as much enthusiasm for the Kingdom of God as we do for a STUPID, F***ING BALL GAME??!?!??!?! Could you just imagine what this society would be like?

(Oh dearest YHWH...I know I am not perfect...But I do spend my time, talent & treasure attempting to help others catch a glimpse of the glory of life in the Kingdom. Please show me the best ways to do this? What, exactly, you would have me do?") And now back to our regularly scheduled program...

In a more religious setting, that's the idea here....Just believing that Jesus did anything, even if He did it for you, ultimately does you no good. We UNITE with Him, his life becomes ours, he lives in us....we die to our old self, and rise to our new self.

11In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.Memorize this. Live by it. It will change your life.I will be writing about this more very soon. For now, this is the key: We would do well to translate Paul's statement as "Stop thinking about yourself as a sinner. Start thinking about yourself as Christ in the Flesh!" And yes, the Greek language will support that. The translators are just shy about anything that will really change lives.

You should say to yourself regularly, "I can't do that sin....I'm the Resurrected Christ!"

Quite different from the endless sinner getting forgiven because she's said those magic words, huh?

12Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey itsevil desires. 13Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments ofwickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been broughtfrom death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments ofrighteousness. 14For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law,but under grace.

15What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Byno means! 16Dont you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obeyhim as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obeywhether you are slavesto sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17Butthanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedlyobeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. 18You have been setfree from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.Set free from sin!

You need never do it again!!



And that "new you", has the Divine Will, YHWH Himself in you, and HE WILLS PERFECT LOVE, Pease, Joy, and so on.

And if you fall, OK, fine, you are already forgiven....Just remember the 4 "r"s that unlock God's forgiveness for you:

1. Remorse (the pain we feel when we recognize what we've done wrong)

2. Repent (to change our thinking, and lead a new course)

3. Resolve (not just a little bit, but as a full, strong, new direction)

4. Reparation (to fix any harm we may have done.)

But folks....You are a new creature......ALIVE TO GOD....He lives IN YOU......Weekly and daily pounding your hearts on the proverbial rocks because you are disgusting, evil-filled sinners simply means that your religion IS NOT TEACHING YOU THAT THE TRUE RELIGION IS ABOUT PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION.Dead to sin.

Alive to God.

This could get very exciting, people.

Destination, Part 112:25 am, pst...I cannot sleep....This, ultimately, is a good thing....

The last remaining major challenge appears to be how to present this material without appearing a lunatic...psychotic...And there again, I must remember the first and primary principle of my life:Work without attachment to the fruit of your labors. I will be what I will be...That, and only that, can I affect...How others react is simply beyond the domain of my control, and therefore beyond the scope of what I can manage to.

Still, with the social order being peppered with strange fellows, one fears being collected with that group....Oh Well...

I have tried to prepare the soil, so to speak...

In "The Revealing Science of God" I attempt to show that the One And Only Mystery is how it is possible that anything exists at all. I posit that the only answer available to us is A Self-Existent Being, That Being consisting of the only reality.

In "The Truth About Tarot Cards" I try to show the Grand Scheme of things...This Self-Existent Being's journey that we call this Universe. I have considered creating a second document from this large one, one with all references to the Tarot Cards removed. That's because, whether or not those cards have anything to do with God or religion, the story I tell with them is true, and is the nature of the universe.

In "God is not God's Name" and "I Will Be What I Will Be" I show how this Being has a personal Name, and through the Ancient Past unto today this Name is powerful, important, reveals the Essential Nature of this Being, and that this Name is, ultimately, You.

In "The Stations of the Cross" and "In the Garden" I show that this notion of humanity being God's Name, and all that it means, is clearly drawn for us through the life and times of Jesus, and that what is really essential is His life being a foreshadowing of ours.

And that, my friends, with a supporting cast of various interesting or boring or profound or stupid supporting characters, is the "Course in Post-Graduate Divinity Studies" taught here at the Church of Yahweh.

Course - Both the teaching that we do, and the journey we travel.

Universal - Until all are free, all are enslaved. Uni-Verse, One Verse, One Song, together.

Season - Man has suffered through The Fall, and existed quite long enough in the Winter of his Discontent. Spring, with its promise of resurrection and new life is upon us.

God - The simple, 3-letter word we use in English to refer to the Self-Existent Being Who Is The Only Reality.

Consciousness - Awareness.

God Consciousness - To think, see, and feel with God's Mind. Transformed from our human, fallen, limited space-time consciousness into beings that know as much about that Self Existent Being as He knows about Us.

That, my friends, is The Fool's Journey. (Heck, that one I haven't even publicized the link to until now!) It is the Plot of the Universe, the Passion Play, The Mono-myth, the essence of the Bible, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, and countless stories and dreams and revelations recorded (and otherwise) from the Dawn of Light.It is also your story.

You are not what you think you are.

Your life is not about being you.

Your life IS about Being Not You.

Your life has always been, and will always be.

We cut down the Tree of Life in order to build the Tower of Babel.

YOU are The Tree of Life.

You are the ocean, in the presence of light, bubbled-off of the surface, suspended in mid-air, [Note: The 4 primal elements, as the Water (ocean) sits on the Earth, and the Fire (sun) causes the ocean to evaporate into the Air] thinking you are an autonomous water molecule, the most wonderful raindrop there ever was...Raindrop, yes...Wonderful, of course...But, even more so...

That, then, is our purpose here...Helping little raindrops remember what they really are.In short, we are working

Toward - Whether we have any effect or not is beyond our control. It is not the point. We are moving in that direction, which in and of itself provides a life full of more meaning and purpose than any other endeavor imaginable, except of course winning a Grammy for Best Hair of the Year. You see, ultimately, if we are not personally living the changes we want to see in the world, then we are living a purposeless lie.

Transformation - We are talking change. Your personal, individual change, and the changing of the planet. Things cannot continue as they are. In fact, it is mathematically impossible that they will. The little statistic I left off of yesterday's Paint By the Numbers is that...that...In 25 years there are going to be 4 Billion more people on this earth. A 66.6% increase in 300 months. So, not speaking as a prophet, but only as a mathematician, something will (not must, will) change in less time than has passed since Nixon cancelled the war in Vietnam...Either 1) we will radically change the birth rates (thru war, disease, genocide, birth control, celibacy), or 2) we will watch daily starvation in the millions (yes, millions), or 3) we will find...we will find...Something Wonderful!!

Global - Each of us individually, ever closer, in the planetary community.

Consciousness - Oops...I'm repeating myself here...There's that thinking / awareness / consciousness thing again...Global Consciousness, God Consciousness...Could there be a connection?

Stay tuned...and don't forget, to...

"Singing to the Ocean, I can hear the Ocean's roar

Play for free, play for me, and play a whole lot more

Singing of the good things, and the Sun that lights the way

Singing to the ocean, Has the Ocean lost its way?!?!?!?"---The Ocean, Led Zeppelin, Houses of the Holy.

Destination, Part 2Summary

God Consciousness shows itself as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in the Soul of the Child of YHWH.Introduction

Granted the previous material regarding God Consciousness, the next topic that seems logical to me is, What does it look like? What does this "God Consciousness" feel like and act like in the human being? In short, where are we going?There is a lot to talk about here...And as long as I have strength I will continue to paint these pictures for you. And (perhaps surprisingly to some) the Bible really does have a lot to say about it.

For today, I offer this picture:

I am blessed to live surrounded by 120 orange trees. What with agribusiness being what it is they can't really pay for their own upkeep, and amount to house plants I keep outside, but don't get me started, and that is not the point.

The point IS that, from of old, a fruit tree has been seen as a beautiful symbol of God's presence in the soul of the faithful...We could talk about the Tree of Life and all that, but another time...

The tree, starting as a seed planted in the soil, watered and fed, reaches through the air towards the sun. Earth, water, air, fire, the 4 primal elements which play essential roles in the Bible stories and symbols.

(Jesus: "I am the Bread of Life." The fruit of the wheat (earth) is ground-up, we add water, it is animated (yeast), rises into the air, and is touched by the fire(!) That bread is nourishment and life-sustaining, physically and spiritually.)

And where do those seeds come from? The fruit of other trees.

The fruit, frankly, is what it is all about. Some fruit we can eat (oranges, apples), some we cannot (magnolias, pine cones), but only healthy trees can bear fruit, and without that fruit the tree cannot reproduce.

So, enough intro. The point is that the Bible uses this imagery in a deeply profound way.The symbolism is glorious and perfect...The seed of YHWH's presence is planted in our soul through faith and repentance; that's what it means to be born again. I mean, the "New Man" (born of the spirit) is not born fully grown, he (she) is an infant, and the Bible freely uses terms like new born babes:

First Peter 2:2-3. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

That seed grows through decent, honest living, fellowship with like-minded spiritual seekers, love, charity, etc.

The Holy Spirit (YHWH's indwelling presence) grows, and bears fruit. And that fruit looks like this:

Galatians 5:22-25:

But the fruit of the Spirit is:








gentleness and


Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with itspassions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Important Point #1:

The orange pictured above is one fruit with several attributes:

Connection from the stem to the fruit

Outer skin

Inner skin

Separate sections

Skin (yet a different kind) that surrounds each of those sections

The tiny, individual "juice sections" (sorry I don't know the more technical term)


And so on.

But there is only ONE FRUIT.In exactly the same way, there is only ONE Fruit of the Holy Spirit, not 9! 9 listed attributes to the One Fruit.

When YHWH is alive in you, when you start to have God Consciousness, it manifests itself as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

That's what YHWH's presence inside of you "looks" and "acts" like.


You can no more pick and choose which "parts" of the Spirit's presence you "want" than you can have an orange growing on a tree without its skin!

Important Point #2:

It is only in the fruit that the seeds of new growth exist. In other words, you must live the changes you want to see in the world. Until or unless YHWH is alive in you and bearing fruit, the Tree of Your Life cannot touch or inspire

(in-spirit, in-breathe, spirit, breath, seed, all one)

others to live a Spirit-filled life.

Look...I personally would love to live in a sinless, crime-free, hate-free world. So, the best I can do is try my utmost to live a Spirit-filled life, that others can "partake" from the fruit my life bears. That, quite simply, is the basis of the whole idea of ministry, making disciples of all the world.

In short, you simply cannot inspire Spirit-filled changes in your world unless you personally are Spirit-filled.

So that's it. Too many words, perhaps, but God Consciousness shows itself as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in the Soul of the Child of YHWH. That fruit, living in us, can nourish and touch others around us; in that way YHWH's Garden grows.

The Proximity of God Consciousness A Commentary on War0The Voices of Wisdom Through the Ages use very different words, but the Message is consistent:

"Work without attachment to the fruit of your labors."

"Whatsoever you do in thought, word or deed, do all to the glory of God."

"Write as though no one will ever read your material."

One must stay true, that is the essence. Once something starts being observed, it often changes, and seldom for the better. Create something just because of how you expect it to be received, and you have lost your soul.

So, here it is.

War on terrorism....war on crime....war on drugs...

This is The Church of Yahweh's Official Declaration of War on War.

This is Scripture.

1I am posting this to the World Wide Web in May of 2003. The American war in Iraq has settled into the occupation.

I have been asked many times my "take" on the war.

I am publishing this because I have something to say. Of the endless parade of TV, radio, newspaper, and internet commentary, I have never read, heard or seen anything from anyone that comes even close to what I have on my heart.

We so easily separate into "us & them," "for & against," "in & out." Endlessly.

Memorize this: The "right" is always wrong, and the "left" is never right.Broad is the way that leads to destruction, and it need not advertise, for people voluntarily sell their souls to travel it. The Real Way, the Way that leads to life, is always the thin, narrow, central path, which ultimately transcends both the "left" and the "right."

I will explain.

2I gave this piece a "really important sounding title" because it IS very important.

It works in two ways:

The Proximity of



The two are really one, and the only way out.

3Should the US have worked longer with the UN before invading Iraq?

I do not know, and I take no position.Were the UN weapons inspectors doing a good job?

I do not know, and I take no position.Was Saddam Hussein involved in the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks?

I do not know, and I take no position.Did Iraq have Al Qaeda connections?

I do not know, and I take no position.Was Iraq manufacturing weapons of mass destruction?

I do not know, and I take no position.Was invading Iraq the only option available?

I do not know, and I take no position.For the cowards this will seem like the coward's way. I disagree.

Gullibility is one of humanity's most ingrained traits. Tells us, we will die convinced. Show us, and we will kill all who disagree.

We are all too quick to accept.

90% of all the earth's population have exactly the same religion.....Whatever mommy & daddy & culture tell you is true.

This fact alone causes the majority of our wars and problems. We are RIGHT. We are GOOD. We have the TRUE RELIGION. All the others are DISGUSTING FILTH. They must be converted. Or killed. Either way they will spend the rest of a billion forevers in everlasting hell. WE have the REAL Scripture. THEIRS are phony, and evil lies.

That, my friends, is your heritage. Almost every person on the earth, in one form or another, holds this view. Simply because that's what their parents have taught them. That's how the System works, and sustains itself.

Why do the "Muslims" hate the "Christians"? For exactly the same reasons the "Christians" hate the "Muslims." THEY are not US. And only the US (and those who side with US) is good.

The overwhelming majority of you, statistically, do not care to find things out for yourselves.

Put as simply as possible:

Just because a government tells you something does not make it true.

Just because a church tells you something does not make it true.

Just because a media outlet tells you something does not make it true.

Just because your parents tell you something does not make it true.

Just because I tell you something does not make it true.

Just because any XYZ tells you anything, does not make it true.I could give you thousands of examples...one will have to do. You know Abraham Lincoln, the 16th American president, the great "Liberator of the slaves," right? Wrong.

In August, 1862 Lincoln wrote a letter to Horace Greeley, an editor of the New York Tribune, who published an open letter insisting President Lincoln free the slaves immediately. In Lincoln's reply he wrote "If I could save the Union without freeing any slaves, I would do it..."So, you see, the Great Emancipator really didn't give a damn about the slaves. They were only a means to an end, pawns in the endless quest for power, which was Lincoln's real any only motivation.

You can do the research yourselves. Test & see if I'm telling the truth.

Healthy skepticism is necessary.

Question Authority.

Question Everything.

Think For Yourself.

Think Outside Your Boxes of Conditioning.


4Everything that really matters boils down to this:

The fruition of the human race requires us to realize that

All War is Civil War.Brother against brother. Kin against kin.

We are one race of homosapiens, with billions of different variations.

5Who are you?

With what do you identify?

Who are "you?"

Your body?








As we go down the list we move to ever broader visions of self identity.

The higher the platform upon which you stand, the farther you can see. The higher your consciousness, the more you can know.

The Bible invites us to God Consciousness.

The picture of the earth rising over the moon was supposed to elevate our consciousness to embrace one planet, with one human race, living in harmony with all of nature.

It didn't work.

But be not deceived. All of the religions of the world teach us, in their high, pure, spiritual, exalted selves, that we are ONE people.

God so loved the WHOLE WORLD......

"For there is NO DIFFERENCE between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses ALL who call on Him...." (Rom 10:12)

When you ask God to bless your particular country or group, you are limited. Your consciousness is not as high or a wide as it can be.

As it should be.

As it needs to be...

If we are to survive.

6Look, it really is incredibly simple. Almost all of the most complex issues really have profoundly simple solutions.

At the end of the day, what have we made?

Bombs, or bread?

There are only so many resources. We dig & grind & burn & mold & shape....

At the end of the day, what have we made?

The numbers are staggering. The 2004 world-wide budget for military spending is $862,000,000,000, according to CDI.org, the Center for Defense Information. That's $862 Billion. The best way I can express how much that is, is....You would need $1,000,000 (one million dollars) in each of 862,000 (eight hundred and sixty-two thousand) banks to have that much money.

The human race presently spends over $1,640,000 every minute on its military.

While approximately 45,000 still die of starvation & preventable disease every day.

We, all of us, the industrialized world, are building & researching & grinding & making things all day long. Tragically, at the end of that day, we are even better able to hunt, kill, destroy, shock and awe, while thousands die needlessly.

Mathematically, statistically, we have the energy & resources to eliminate all suffering on the planet.What we lack is the moral will.

7A lack of moral will, fed by an endless supply of colorful & interesting sand in which to hide our collective heads.

You know what I mean, so I'll skip the lengthy lecture....tv, sports, porno websites, off road vehicles....All of it designed to keep us consumers, and distracted from the holocaust happening next door.

8It has to do with Consciousness.

What are you aware of?

Your body?








As we go down the list we move to ever broader visions of consciousness. Awareness.

The higher your platform, the more you know.

And the highest platform is God.

9I'm not trying to kick anybody's butt here. I'm really not. Guilt in all of its manifestations seldom acts as a genuine agent for change, and what we need here is change.

Of the tens of thousands of people I have personally met over the years, I have met perhaps 2 who are actually evil. "Evil, be thou my good" is a very, very rare creed.

The rest are just ignorant. Not as in "stupid," just "unaware."

If those 45,000 people were rotting away next door to your house, then you would be aware of it in a tangible, visceral way. And would be more prone to do something about it.

What I want you to know is that they ARE right next door.

Open your heart.

Be transformed by the glorious renewing of your mind.

Think as God Thinks.

They are closer to you than you presently know.

As you become aware of ever broader horizons, the places physically "far away" become very, very close.

The Proximity of means that EVERYTHING is a part of you. In you.

"All Things Belong To You!" (1 Cor 3:21)

God Consciousness brings all things together, in a One-ness.

One faith, one hope, one people.


Close, ever closer than we can begin to imagine.

We live in God, He lives in Us, and in the Cosmic Marriage promised in the Revelation the 2 shall become One.


10Consciousness matters.

It's the only way to change things.

We must become aware of the problems, make them matter to us, for only in that way is there hope of change.

11Remember, my friends, that all wars have been fought for exactly the same reason:

The other guy is an asshole.Usually that assholery exhibits itself in the other guy wanting something we already have.

I have this river. He wants it.

I have nuclear weapons. He wants them.

I have bioterrorism weapons. He is trying to make some.

I am good. God loves me. The other guy is an asshole.

12All systems seek to preserve themselves, and expand themselves. From the tiniest sub-atomic particle to the largest galaxy, from microbes to the largest human social structures, self preservation and expansion are built into the very essence of the universe.

So it is silly to fault a government for seeking to preserve itself, or expand its power.

That's the nature of these things.

Change cannot come from the government.

Government will always do what governments do. Bless some, oppress others, in the eternal quest for preservation and expansion.

Different governments grow, amassing technology, threatening its citizens, to create armies, wherein Might Always Makes Right.

Survival of the strongest.

To the victor go the spoils.

This is how our race's history has been shaped.

So we cannot blame the governments for their insanity. And cannot look to them for transformation.

That's why Jesus never talked about government.

13Commerce, the world of buying & selling, likewise will not help you.

In the end, its success is measured only in terms of money.

Nothing else.

Every corporate analysis & annual report cares about only one thing: The Bottom Line. How much we made, how much we had to spend to get it, how much is left over, and what the next year looks like.

How many employees are on drugs to get through the day? Does not apply.

How many employees families never see the breadwinner? Does not apply.

How many marriages were lost this year? Does not apply.

How many employees were hospitalized from stress? Does not apply.

How many lies were told this year to customers, suppliers and shareholders? Does not apply. Unless someone got caught.

How many pre-industrialized people were oppressed, or had their way of life destroyed for the Company? Does not apply.

The System of commerce, then, only wants to make sure that you continue to consume.

It has no other tools. No other metrics. No soul.

14Which brings us to the heart of the matter.

If we need change (and we do), and

government and commerce cannot help (and they cannot),Where then is hope?

15Without a vision the people perish.

A lot of what I do in this ministry is try to give people a vision of what is possible.Life without debt.

Peace integrated with ourselves, God, nature.

Holy Communion with the Divine, beyond mere forgiveness.

A glimpse of the future of the human race, our potentials and destiny.

A world without war.I try, over and over and over, to reiterate that all suffering is needless, and can be eliminated. In so doing, I try to give people a Vision.

We can never rise above our own self image.

Listen to me! Are you paying attention? This is more than important, it is essential. Everything that exists, that has been shaped by the hand of man, starts with an IDEA. A Vision. "Hey, you know, we could....."

I'm going to tell you a story I've told to very few people. A confession of sorts, but one of the clearest examples I know of the importance of Vision.

Last year I made right around $250,000. (Do I have your attention now?) The majority of it comes from being a computer programmer, which is essentially Math. Financial planning calculations are tough enough, but my main job is to place these calculations into the abstract language known as code. (A sample can be found halfway down this page.)

I am known as a "math genius" by many people. And compared to most folks, I am somewhat talented in the computational arts. At least I am now. It was not always that way. Not even close. A major event happened in my life, wherein I gained a new Vision of myself as "Math Genius." The story I need to tell you has to do with how this happened. On one specific day, one specific minute, actually, that changed my view of myself, and in turn changed my life.

Growing up I was a very ordinary, average student. Some As, lots of Bs, regular Cs. Not stupid by any means, but a long way from gifted, if you know what I mean.

In 1972 we were living in PittsburghPennsylvania. The "greater Pittsburgh area" had approximately 3,000,000 citizens at the time. All of the 7th & 8th graders were required to take a standardized math test, which they turned into a competition. Something like 100,000 middle school students took this test. You know the kind, there's a question and 5 possibilities, you fill in the little circle with your pencil.

Well, the test was typical. First ten questions easy, and then ever increasing complexity. Folks, the honest truth is that of those 100 questions, I really knew maybe 20 of them. Stuff that went so far beyond me I didn't even understand what the question was about, let alone any clue for an answer.

Anyway....The moderator tells us "5 minutes." I'm looking at this practically empty answer sheet, and I say to my 14 year old self, "What the hell." And I just randomly filled in the rest of the answers. A, C, B, C, A, D, E....on & on, till the whole sheet was complete.

I came in 7th in the entire city!Name in the newspaper, special awards ceremony where they gave me a medal, the whole thing.

And yup, that's the 31 year old (!) thing itself.

Everyone was amazed. My teachers, fellow students, parents, no one had any idea I was "such a genius." I was the only one who knew for a fact that I wasn't!! But you can be certain that I told no one about the strange, bizarre truth, that it was just a lottery & I lucked out. I really think I was about 30 before I ever confessed to a fellow human the real truth. And I'm happy to tell the story now because....IT MATTERS!

I never got less than an A on any math test or class again. Ever. Started inventing my own system of mathematics. Doing puzzle problems for recreation. 740 SAT math score. Wound up starting college as a math major....We covered the "regular" calculus stuff (integrals & derivatives) in about 2 weeks, and spent the rest of the year investigating the theory and even philosophy behind what the calculus is and how we know what we know.......

I never, EVER, let anyone down. Especially myself. I had done something really quite remarkable, and probably would rather have died than let anyone know my secret.

Winning that silly math test/contest created an EXPECTATION, in myself and others. A Vision. Their Vision of me had changed, overnight. And I "bought into" that Vision, it became mine. And that Vision changed my life. I spent my energies making sure that I really, actually, matched the Vision everyone had of me, and the Vision I had for myself.

It's more than a self-fulfilling prophesy. The Vision became Reality.

The Vision Became Reality!Without the Vision, the reality would never have materialized.

We can never rise above our expectations.

"Without a Vision, the people PERISH!" Proverbs 29:18

It starts with a Vision. That's Belief.

But that's not enough. We need to apply our lives to the Belief, which turns Belief into Faith.

Faith lived becomes Reality.

That is why I "do" this Ministry.

To try to give people a Vision of what is possible, for themselves and the world.

But I am only one, small voice.

16We need a New Way.

A World Vision.

When a child is having problems, the old way, the ignorant way, the wrong way, is to get the child "counseling," so we can "fix the kid."

The New way, the Real way, is to council the entire family. What is the family doing to torture this poor kid? That is where real therapy starts.

The key word is SYSTEM. Everything exists in the context of a System. Nothing operates in isolation, and no human operates in isolation.

"Systems Analysis" is a new and very exciting view of human relations.

Employees are a part of a System.

Poverty is a part of a System.

Illness is a part of a System.

Starvation is a part of a System.

As long as you "side" with one part of the system or the other, you are a part of the system, and a part of the problem!!Endless journalists and politicians and warriors and commentators and citizens, either "for" or "against." On the "right" or the "left."

The right is always wrong, the left is never right, because they are both part of a sickness, a diseased System!So my "war commentary" is that WE NEED TO JUMP OUT OF THE SYSTEM! The whole system is wrong, needless.

All wars are fought because the other guy is an asshole. The physically stronger "wins." This creates a false sense of victory/security for the "winner," and breeds anger & hatred for the losers, who vow their children's children's child to avenge the wrong.

Until, eventually, each and every single act is simultaneously unprovoked aggression AND righteous retribution AND preventive defensiveness.

Please, humans of earth, can't you see how wrong this is?

The WHOLE SYSTEM IS DISEASED.Ignorant: "US vs. Iraq." Enlightened: "US AND Iraq."

Ignorant: "US vs. Them." Enlightened: "US AND Them."

Ignorant: "Bush vs. Hussein." Enlightened: "Bush AND Hussein."

Ignorant: "Left vs. Right." Enlightened: "Left AND Right."

Can you see?


17Where then is hope?

Where are we to get a Vision of the Good, what is really possible?

It is supposed to be in the Church.

Jesus had no comment on the governments of his day.

Almost none for commerce.

It was the "church," the religious leaders of the day he had the most contempt for.

Why would this be?

Simply put, the proper role of Religion is to carry the Light, be bearers of the Vision!

When the spiritual leaders turn to hate, there is no further hope.

When religion becomes just another form of I-Me-Mine, then it has joined the system of disease.

When the "church" becomes just another extension of the government & military, then hope is gone, and the "church" has become a part of the evil it is meant to fight.

Think about the disgusting militaristic Muslims who teach their children to hate all Christians.

We do the same thing, in countless ways. Only "US" are good, only "US" are pleasing to God.

The only difference is that American Christian bellies are much fuller than most Muslim's.

Turn off the oil pipeline, or the aqueduct for a week, and you will see what I mean. The hatred that hides itself so civilly just beneath the surface will bubble to the top, just like a cancerous boil ready to burst its poison into the world.

After 9/11, the so-called church's responses were disgustingly evil, and a part of the System.

The role of the "church" now is to teach the children:

Everyone other than US is evil; only US go to heaven.

We must fight for our blessings, and be ready to kill anyone not US.

Everything that US does is good. We are on the side of right.

God will only bless US.

The Real Church, the mouthpiece of the Real God, teaches us differently:

All have sinned. All are called to a life of love & forgiveness here, and bliss in eternity.

We must love those who persecute us. Bless them, and curse not.

We are one people, one race.

All suffering is needless.

We need a new system.


I know this is all highly idealistic.

That's entirely the point.

We have lost Vision. All we see is what "is." And we therefore have desecrated our calling to proclaim What Should Be, with an acceptance & furtherance of what is.

Salt that's lost its saltiness is useless.

19Jesus offered us a different, higher, better way. To be able to jump out of the System of endless retribution & aggression.

Not just to get "them" to change. But to repudiate the Entire System!

Would the Church ever dare to teach that government is not to be trusted?

This one does.

Would the Church ever dare to teach that warfare is a limited, ridiculous way to live?

This one does.

Would the Church ever dare to tell people that sending their children to go kill other children is not God's Way!?!??!?

This one does.

20I've made my point. One could go on & on with endless prose & examples......But, really, if you don't get it by now, you probably never will.

You are either ready to jump out of the system, have a New Vision, or you are not.

21A World Without War.

All suffering is needless.

I will continue to do what I can to share The Vision.

A Vision that starts with the Proximity of God Consciousness.

If you have not already done so, please read my Bible Study in God Consciousness.

It shows us what is possible.

I hope you will join me.

Ahyh, May 16, 2003.

In The World, But Not Of It.


-or-What the Universe is Really All AboutOverview

This document attempts to answer the deepest questions about the origin, destiny & purpose of God, humanity, and the Universe. This is The Church of Yahweh's Summa Theologica, explaining all aspects of cosmology, showing how everything is embodied in The Name.

As always, I seek your comments.


2000 The Church of Yahweh May be freely distributed, but never sold


4The One Really Big Question

5The 6 Domains of Human Thought

6The Bible is Silent

7Does Anyone Really Care?


9Holy Books

10Religious Organizations

10Authority Figures

10Reason & Logic

11Direct Revelations

11Overcoming Culture

12The Scientific Method

13Applying the Scientific Method to Religion


16Life is More Than Chemical Interactions

17The Fractal Universe

18The Astounding Nature of Order

21PART 4: "WHO?"

21Can God Be Known?

23God's Sex

23The Procession of the Gods

24The Self-Existent One

25God has simply always existed.

26The Mathematical Equation for God

30PART 5: "WHAT?"

31What is the universe made out of?

33Internal and External Creations

33The Universe is God's Imaging

34The Body of Christ

35God is Light

36The Energy/Mass Continuum



41PART 6: "WHEN?"

43The Relativity of Time

45Life is Here and Now

46PART 7: "WHERE?"

48In the Mind of God

52PART 8: "HOW?"

52The First Moment of Creation

52Deeper, Slower Layers of Consciousness

53A Conscious Process


56The Future

58PART 9: "WHY?"

58Rejecting PreDeterminism

58Perhaps There is No Purpose

59God is Forgetting in Order to Remember

59Being Alone

60From Possibilities Into Reality

61The Shocking Conclusion

62The Problem of Evil

63The Biblical Evidence

63Hide and Seek



From the dawn of time, whenever that was, and the dawn of human consciousness, whenever that was, mankind has looked around in wonder and has asked questions. Why is the sky blue? Where is the world? Why do birds fly? What is grass made out of? What happens after I die? How far away are the stars? Is there a God?

These questions have helped create the human race. All of human knowledge, all of human enterprise can be seen as one form or another of attempting to define and answer questions. What can I do to have a little more leisure time? How can we live in peace with our brothers? Is there anything I can do to lead a happier life?

The One Really Big Question

The highest form of human thought is in the realm of religion. And as it pertains to religion there are really only six questions. Those six questions are inside of the one really big question.

The one really big question is, "How is it possible that anything exists at all?" This is the ultimate question, and all other questions are derivative from it. All other questions are very small subsets of this very, very big question.

And that very big question is expressed in different ways. "Why wasn't the universe forever just a big black nothingness?" "Where did God come from?" "If there is no God then how did the universe get here?" "If we come up with a scientific theory that says that it all came from a 'big bang', then where did all the stuff come from to be able to 'bang'?"

The fact that anything exists at all anywhere in any way, shape or form is the ultimate cosmological, ontological mystery. It is the great unknown. It is the fundamental rubric of all human thought.

And in the attempt to answer that one really big question we have six smaller questions:





How? and Why? It's almost like we have a murder mystery. We've arrived upon the crime scene and, lo and behold, there is a dead body. In our investigation there are only six questions we have to answer. Who did it? Exactly what did they do, and, what did they use to do it? When did they do that? Where did it take place? How was it done? And, why?

Opportunity and motive. When we come to the really big question, the really big question is like our dead body in the murder mystery. And in order to be able to approach the really big question we have to answer these 6 questions.

The 6 Domains of Human Thought

These 6 questions have become all different branches of human knowledge.

When we ask who, we are asking the question of theology. Tell me about this God, what are His attributes? Does He think? Does He feel? Does He get personally involved with us? Perhaps there is no "He", only an impersonal, mindless force.

When we ask what, this is the field of science. What is in this universe? What's it made out of? Tell me about the atoms and electrons and photons. What is gravity, after all?

When we ask when, we are contemplating in part cosmology, in part astronomy and a part paleontology. How old it the Earth? How old is our sun? How old is the universe? How old am I? Am I just a body? Or, has perhaps my soul, whatever that might be, been here a lot longer and got somehow stuck inside of my body?

When we ask where, we are asking the questions of astronomy and metaphysics. Is the Earth the center of the universe? Where is our sun in relation to the other suns? And if you add up all of the suns and all of the galaxies, where are they? Does the universe go on and on and on forever? Does it stop? If it stops, what's on the other side of it? Where is the whole thing located? And, where is it in relationship to God? Is it apart from God? Is it inside of God? If it's inside of God, then how does it relate to God?

Fifth, we ask how? How was the universe born? Was there a Big Bang? Did God create? How did this all come about? This is an issue of metaphysics and theology and part mysticism. The science of the Kabbalah for example, attempts to explain step by step exactly how God made the world. And exactly how God is related to the world.

Sixth, we come to the most interesting question of all. If we adopt a theistic view, meaning that there is a God and he/she is a person, why would He do this? Why did God make this world? Why does God allow there to be suffering? Why does God permit human beings to do the horrible things that they do? Why does God bless some and curse others? This is a question of the highest philosophy. This is a question of religion. It comes down to the very core of the purpose of life: why am I alive? What is the highest I can attain?

The Bible is Silent

These six questions, ladies and gentlemen, lie outside of the realm of the Bible! The Bible does not answer any of them! Not completely. Of the six questions the Bible attempts to do the best job on the question of "who." Who this God is and some of his nature and attributes.

But the other five are left to be a mystery. Open up a Bible if you have one, and you will read in any Bible the very first verse. It is so familiar to western civilization that even the youngest school children have it memorized. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth." That's all it says. But what it does not say speaks volumes. It does not tell us who this God is. And what the Bible will reveal to us during the course of it's pages is ways in which we can relate to this person because of what he has done to, with and for us.

But before God made the world, what was He? Who was He? The Bible does not answer that question.

Then we ask "what?" Well, the Bible will give us only very broad brush strokes as to what the world is. Because Genesis describes God creating stars and oceans and fish and birds. But the Bible is very quiet as to the scientific, mathematical, astronomical and atomistic nature of this world. The Bible has left it to mankind to search out the answers to the "what" of existence.

The "when" is never answered. We are told "in the beginning" God created the heavens and the Earth. But we do not know when that was. Some people go through a laborious process counting up the ages of the Saints and know generations and come up with a calculation that indicates that "in the beginning" was about 6,000 years ago. But the Bible doesn't tell us that. Perhaps it was billions of years ago.

"Where", the Bible again is silent. The way in which the world is created, within God, or outside of God, or as a part of God, or with God's being, the Bible is very quiet. So where we are in the universe is a mystery. It is such a mystery according to the Bible that the Renaissance astronomers who indicated that the Earth was not the center of the universe were ostracized by the Ecclesiastical authorities for blasphemy. The Bible does not do a very good job of telling us where we are.

And where was God before He made the world? Where is He now? This is a very interesting question, and again the Bible is silent.

How did God make the world? The Bible gives us no clue what so ever. The Bible indicates that God said, "Let there be light" and the saying made it so. Well, how did that work?!?? I can say "let there be pizza," and I don't see any pizza.

So, while the Bible indicates that it was through an act of speaking, the Bible does not indicate to us at all how God actually created this world.

And finally, most mysteriously of all, the Bible gives us not one clue as to why God would do such a thing. Was it because He was bored? Was it because He wanted to have some little creatures down here to torture? Was it because He is an egocentric maniac, and wanted to force us all to sit around and worship Him? Meanwhile, preparing ghastly and unspeakable tortures for those who refuse to do so? The Bible does not tell us why.

And those theologians who have attempted to say, "Well it was obvious that God wanted to have fellowship with Adam and Eve." don't tell us why that would be of any interest to God. And do not tell us why he would care.

So, as we look to the first verse in Genesis, we have the following results:

Who? God.

What? Created.

When? In the beginning.

Where? Ah, the heavens and the Earth.

How? He said it and it was done.

Why? Because he's God.

Does Anyone Really Care?

Perhaps you are satisfied with these answers. It is all too obvious that the overwhelming majority of mankind is entirely satisfied with these answers, or with no answers at all. The human race is at this point at a stage of development where we are enamored of technological inventions. We are in love with our machines, and are frankly much more interested in a warm place to live and a cold beer, then we are in understanding the Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of existence.

And even those who do persue a knowledge of God, or face religion, for the most part approach it for two reasons. Number one, to make sure that the big guy upstairs is listening to them so that if they get sick or have a problem the big answer man in the sky will take care of them. And, number two, once they die they want to know what the magical formulas are that they have to say in order to be able to make sure that they won't go to the really, really bad place.

And, for countless millions of people that is the sum total of their religion. Morality takes a back seat and the higher questions, the six questions inside of the one really big question, are never approached.

Therefore it is obvious to me by the very nature of this writing that I have a somewhat limited audience and will probably not wind up at the top of anybody's best seller list. Be that as it may, I feel compelled to proceed with this project.

The creator of the universe has given us, and wants to give us, much better answers to the really big question and to the six minor questions. That is the purpose of this writing.

The Revealing Science of God is to explain the best I can, to anyone who might be interested, the totality of the universe: Who God is, What he has done, When this occurred, Where we are, How the creation was affected, and Why it was done. Having explored these six we will then turn to the ultimate question because we will then have much data to enable us to understand.


This leads us to the question of epistemology. Epistemology is the study of how we know what we know. It is not so much an examination of those ideas, facts and notions which constitute our knowledge, but rather a study of how human beings can know anything. And the manners and degrees in which that knowledge is possible.

As it comes to the question of religion there is one fundamental, epistemological question which every aspirant for truth must answer. That question is,

What criteria will you use to evaluate truth and falsehood?

Pontius Pilot asked Jesus, "What is truth?" The most important thing you have to do is ask yourself, how you are going to answer that question.

Perhaps mankind is not capable of knowing anything. Many people would say this. That anything having to do with religion, and even those things having to do with science, are simply interplays of words and thoughts which have no connection to actual existence.

To those people I simply respond that they may ultimately be right. But if so, then our interactions with a dog or a snowflake are likewise based upon pure imagery, pure conjecture and fantasy. If we can know anything at all, then, we can come to knowledge of the universe. And as we do so we are presented with different tools. How do you know something about God? What sources of information do you have? There are many.

Holy Books

Number one, a holy book. The Bible, either the Christian version or the Jewish version. Or, maybe the Catholic version. Or maybe add in a couple more books for the Moslem version. Or maybe add in a couple more books for the Mormon version. And then you have different translations. Or you could read it in the original language it was written in 2,000 years ago. Or if you are not going to do that then you're going to have to trust that somebody else has given you the right understanding of the words. And that they're manipulating you or lying to you.

So which translation do you use? The good old King James, maybe the New American Standard. How 'bout the living Bible? What about what is for many people the only true translation, the New World Translation from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract society. What is your position on the great scholarly debates around the proper translation of certain Greek words?

So, simply saying that you are going to trust in what the Bible says, is not necessarily an easy way out. Why pick the Bible? Why not the Koran? Why not the Bhagavad-Gita? Why not the Lotus-Sutras? Why not the Tao Te Ching? Is it because the Bible claims to be inspired by God? Sri Rama-Krishna said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to Atman-Brahman except through me." How do you pick one scripture over another?

Religious Organizations

Well, that leads us to number 2: an Ecclesiastical structure of some form. The Mormon church, millions of people have the witness in their hearts, is the one true church. To belong to the community of Israel is to enter a holy and sacred covenant with God. The Catholic church is God's instrument, and to leave or question the Edicts of the Catholic church is to question God himself, which one must do only with immense fear and trembling.

So if you are going to trust the edicts of a particular structure or organization, how do you know that the structure is telling you the truth? Well, perhaps they just "preach the Bible." That gets us back to point 1, and we really haven't accomplished anything.

Authority Figures

Third, we can trust in a person. Maybe it's a preacher on the old time gospel hour who really ministers to us. Maybe it's our priest or our pastor. Maybe it's a particular teacher we had in school. Maybe it's the author of a book, like this one. How do you know whom to trust? Why accept the words of one person and not another?

Ultimately, you must come personally to some form of evaluative technique. Whether it is a book or a structure or a person, you must turn inside to evaluate for yourself whom to trust, or forever abdicate responsibility to an outside entity!

Reason & Logic

So, that leads us to part four. You can use your reason, y