Theta Upsilon Chapter Fall 2011 THE CHRONICLE

The Chronicle – Fall 2011

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This is the first of many newsletters to come for the Theta Upsilon chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. I hope you enjoy and please let us know what improvements can be made to make the newsletter fit your needs in the future.

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Theta Upsi lon Chapter Fal l 2011THE CHRONICLE

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CONTENTS4 ) Letter from the Archon

5 ) Give a Push weekend

8 ) Pedals for Push

9 ) Empathy Dinner

10 ) Alumni Spotlight: Adam Roose

NEW MEMBER REFLECTIONS“Being in Pi Kapp has taught me a lot about

being a leader, meet new people, and experi-encing life to its fullest. I’ve learned that by being a leader it doesn’t mean taking on all the problems by yourself, but letting others rise up to the challenge to shine. I’ve met my broth-ers who will always be there for me no matter what. They are my true family, my role models, my best friends. I can’t wait to be apart of this great group of people called Pi Kappa Phi and hope to make a positive difference while I’m a brother”

Taylor Wall

“Over the pledge-ship I have experienced true brotherhood. Whether it was going on a pledge class scanvenger hunt or sleeping in the chap-ter room as our retreat we all stuck together and helped eachother out. In a time of need brothers are by your side to help you out and from that true brotherhood has formed. That true brotherhood made zeta class some of my closest friends and I am proud to call them my brothers.”

Adam Flores

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Letter from the ArchonWhat a semester it has been for the Theta Upsilon chapter of Pi Kappa Phi! We, as a chapter, have acomplished so much. As our exiting Executive Council steps down and a new council takes the reigns, one thing I’m certain of is that our chapter has been and will continue to move in a positive direction.

With our brothers’ excitement we were able to recruit eight amazing men to add to our brotherhood with the initiation of our Zeta Class. Their positive energy and dedication to our chapter will prove to better our chapter in these coming semesters.

Successful event planning has helped our chapter grow tremendously this semester. From a family weekend empathy dinner to show the difficulties experienced by those with dis-abilities to a week-long War of the Roses event, our chapter has had its hands full of positive events for Push America. Congratulations and big thank yous are in order to the ladies of Alpha Omicron Pi for winning War of the Roses, as well as to the ladies of Gamma Phi Beta, Chi Omega, and Gamma Alpha Omega for their support and involvement in the week.

Under the direction of our Secretary, Devon Mahon, we were also able to successfully execute our first annual Empathy Dinner. Both brothers and family members were served a meal of which they had to eat with their “disability”. Both family and brothers experienced an awesome evening full of laughter and meaningful lessons.

The successful Push America events were just the beginning of the semesters’ successes. From Pedals for Push and successful brotherhood events, to our chapters first date party this semester has been full of amazing memories we are excited to continue this spring. As the exiting Archon I am excited to finish out this successful year and wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. I look forward to continuing to serve as Archon for a second term next semester and continue to help plan awesome and memorable events!


Zach Libby

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GIVE A PUSHWEEKEND Article and Photos by Dominick Washburn

I would not miss another., and I’m glad I didn’t. It was an amazing experience that I would not trade for the world.

I was able to bond with brothers from across the region while helping others. I was also able to capture some nice imagery of the weekend, which I think says more than I pos-sibly could about the event.

I would love to share the photos I took with you, I hope you enjoy them.

~ Dominick Washburn

As a graphic design student, I have many open-ended as-signments, but when I was asked to do a project on a “public service” organization, I knew instantly that I would choose Push America. The one catch was that I’d have to shoot any photos I would be using on my own. This brought me down for a moment, but only until I found out that Give a Push weekend happended to fall at the ideal time to gather materials that I’d need for the assignment. I couldn’t help but think that it was meant to be. I had also missed the past years GAP weekend and I had told my self at that point that

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Archon: Zach [email protected]

Vice Archon: Devon [email protected]

Treasurer: Coeben [email protected]

Secretary: Branden [email protected]

Warden: Jason [email protected]

Historian: Jack [email protected]

Chaplain: Conor [email protected]

Please feel free to contact any executive council member with any questions you might have.

PEDALS FOR PUSHIn November, our chapter hosted its third annual War of the Roses. The lovely ladies of Alpha Omicron Pi, Gamma Phi Beta, Gamma Alpha Omega, and Pi Beta Phi competed for the title of champion. Alpha Omicron Pi, yet again, took first place this year. The most exciting portion of the week was our first ever Pedals for PUSH event. As a chapter, members rode 2 stationary bikes for a period of 36 hours, switching on and off throughout the day and night. Ladies earned points for their chapters by attending. This, along with interest of students passing by, made this one of the weeks most successful events. Pedals for PUSH, among other events, made for a great week.

Joe Olcomendy, Head of the War of the Roses committee, had this to say about the week: “People stepped up and put effort into that week, and without them it wouldn’t have happened. Participating sororities enjoyed the events, and we have a good grasp on how to make next year even better.” This semesters Associate Member Class was fully involved in the weeks action, even riding along side active brothers through the night during Pedals for PUSH. New members, as well as active members displayed fantastic leadership at events, further proving that Pi Kappa Phi is a fraternity of Leaders by Choice.

Article by Jack Salo and Dominick WashburnPhotos by Dominick Washburn

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EMPATHY DINNERThis past semester, during the Septembers family weekend events, our chapter hosted its first empathy dinner. The event began with a short description of Push America and the manner in which would be served. Brothers and their guests chose disabilities at random from a deck, each cor-responding with a way of simulating that disability. The eve-ning began in a jocular manner, but as the night progressed brothers and guest alike began to realize what a burden it could be to to have these disabilities. More than seeing their own inability though, they saw others around them that they could help, proving that one should look past the prefix of the word disability and see a persons abilities. and a brief talk about Push with the parents. The nights activities con-cluded with a debriefing of sorts in which we asked brothers and their guests to describe their experience.

The testimony of those in attendance was unanimous, they now understood, even just a small amount, of what it means to have their particular affliction (even if it was only fictional). From this experience, members and their guests

were able to move past a sympathetic point of view and gain empathy as they were able to experience a walk in another’s shoes. Describing the dinner, Branden Thomas, our Push America chairman, stated “It is easy to sympathize, but it is extremely difficult to actually empathize with people who have disabilities.” Some disabilities given to members and their guests at the dinner included: arthritis, blindness, and paralysis among others.

New members were present at the dinner, so it allowed them to see a different side of the fraternity than the day to day activities. Parents were also able to see firsthand what their son is involved in. and exactly how important Push America is to Pi Kappa Phi. This being the first time host-ing an empathy dinner only served to increase the electric energy in the air: even the staff of the restaurant were gain-ing interest in the nights actives. In short, the dinner was a success, and this we as a chapter look forward to future events to support Push America and spread awareness that disability shouldn’t mean can’t.

Article by Jack Salo and Dominick WashburnPhotos by Dominick Washburn

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Alumni Spotlight:Life on the road is fantastic. It can get tough living out of a suitcase but with

the experiences that come with the job, its all worth it. I just started traveling but already have seen some of the coolest parts of the country like the Capital and where our great fraternity was founded at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. You also get to meet incredible people everyday, people that have already had a lasting impression on my life and whom I would no doubt consider close friends

Graduating from college has most definitely changed my perspective on college and life overall. It has no doubt made me realize how important it is to live life to the fullest. The main thing I have learned is to just embrace every new experience possible and try to enjoy everything, watching the movie Yes Man will sum this up more! I’ve also learned how important it is to hold your co-workers, family and friends close and make sure they know how much you love them. They are the support that keep you going and get you through any rough times that you may encounter, and letting them know will forever change your life for the better. I can’t really answer if life outside of college is much different as my position this year has kept me very close to the college life, just without the homework which I can promise you is amazing!

One last thing I’d like to do is try and ease any thoughts that any parents or Associate Members may have. Joining Pi Kappa Phi is the best decision you could ever make. One that you will look back after college and say wow, I’m glad I did that. My mother was against me joining a fraternity in college. She was, and still is, very aware of the stereotypes of American fraternities and was concerned for my grades and general well-being. I can promise you though that you (or your son) have picked the best organization possible to associate with. I had the opportunity this summer to work at the National Headquarters. While I was there, I got to see all the behind-the-scenes work that goes on and how Pi Kappa Phi really does exist to provide men the opportunity to get something more out of college and to try and better themselves and grow as Men of CLASS.

Adam Roose former Chapter President