THE DAILY NEWS. l*ar«rest Circulation-THE DAILY NEWS BBINQ THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE¬ COGNIZED AS HAVING THE LASGEST CIR¬ CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE Lff*T OF LETTERS REMAIN¬ ING IN THE POSTOFFiCE AT THE END OF EACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS¬ IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LA W. Rango o if Thermometer at the News Office. Friday. 8 A. M. 8.1 12 M. 87 3 P. M. 87 0 P. M. 85 LOCAL MATTERS. CHMAP A-T> VMR TISING. THE CHABLESTON NEWS, the circulation of which ia about twice as large aa that of any other,paper published in South Carolina, is the best advertising medium for all business men, For persons who want intuitions or servants; who want houses or apartments, or have them to rout; who want or who offer board and lodg¬ ing; who have lost or found articles of value, THE NEV;* has no equal; and ia crdGr that all classes may have their wants supplied, we have adopted the following scale of CHEAP ADVEB- TISEMBMTS, payment for which must invariably be made when the order is given: Advertisements of situations wanted by or offered to clerks, governesses, tutors, work¬ men, mechanics, house-servants, porters, shop- boys, cooks and washers; board and lodging wanted or offered; apartments wanted or to let; articles lost or found; houses, shops, offices and warehouses wanted or to let, and miscella¬ neous wants of all kinds. For each insertion of advertisements of the classes specified : Not exceeding THREE UNES or 30 words... .25 cents 41 Fous, LINKS or 30 words.40 «« FIVE LINKS or 40 word o.50 " AU advertisements to bo inserted at these rates mnst be prepaid and delivered at THE NEWS office by 9 P. M. MEETINGS THIS DA Y. Typographical Union, at 8 P. BI. J AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. JEPFOBDS A Co. will sell at 10 o'clock, at «orner Queen and Meeting street», balanoe of contents of grocery «tore. KNOX, DALV & Co. will sell at ll o'clock, at their store, Irish potatoes. THE PILOT BOAT JOHN B. WILDER, of Savan¬ nah, commanded by Captain H. M. C. Smith, . arrived here yesterday afternoon, having been -on a abort cruise. THE MARINERS CHUBGH.-There will be ser- yi<«8 ip the Mariner's Church, Church-street, to-ùorrow, Sunday, at naif-past cen o'clock in the morning, and four o'clock in the afternoon. THE BLOB RIDGE RAILROAD.-The attention of contractors ls directed to the advertisement .of the Board of Directors ot the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, inviting bids for the com¬ pletion of that great public work. THE STATE COD HT, JUNE 25-HON. R. B. ^BPENTEB PRESIDING.-Ip the Common Pleas yeate.aoy the call of the City Issue Docket waa continued, ano. «Me8 Ko8. m to No> 150 disposed of. No c».* of public interest was tried. COLORED CLERKS IN THE POSTOFÏTOE.-THE NEWS a few nays since mentioned the appoint¬ ment of a colored man as clerk in the postof¬ fice. Yesterday another colored man, Norman Montgomery, commenced work aa clerk. The first appointee is nearly white, while the latter 4s of the bornt ember shade. NAUTICAL ACCIDENT.-The Wilmington, N. C., Journal of yesterday says: The government bnoy tender, a small craft from Charleston, arrived in the harbor below yo3torday with her centre board broken. The captain came up to the city for the purpose Of obtaining the services of tbe revenue cutter Moccasin to tow har up. The Moccasin leaves, we believe, for that purpose this morning. BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION.-The State Con¬ vention of the Baptist denomination,in South Carolina will hold its forty-ninth anniversary with the church in Yorkville, commencing on Thursday, July 22d, at 10 o eic ck A. M. Rev. L. R. Qwaltney was appointed to preach tbe Introductory Sermon; Rev. G. W. Dickett, Alternate. Charity Sermon by Rev. E. T. Wickler ; Rev. Richard Furmaa, alternate. Dava LABELS.-We desire to call the atten¬ tion of druggists in the city and throughout the State to the peculiar facilities of THE NEWS Job Office for printing all kinds of drug labels, prescription blanks, Ac,, at the shortest no- tioe, and in a style'unsurpassed anywhere in the ooontry. Our stock of outs, borders and fancy type is unusually large and choice. Cali and examine specimens of work. THE TILL-TAPPERS AT WORK.-Day before yesterday several small colored boys managed to get into the hardware store of Mr. Morton, on Meeting-street, near Market, and while try¬ ing to get at the till they got hold of some convenient arti les. such as knives, ftc., and decamped. THE NEWS bas repeatedly thrown out warnings to storekeepers, never to leave their places of business unguarded, as there are a band of small thieves loose in the com¬ munity, who are al ways on the alert for op- ; portnnities. _,._ HOTEL ARRIVALS, JONE25- V7iark'$ton Botel. P. Cantwell and ann,- D. R. Smith, A. M. Mar- Ein, South Carolina; C. Brian, New York; G. E. Upton, wife and son, Cant. D. W. Pole, U. S. A.; E. N. Luelle, Connecticut; Miss Boheme, Misa Langford, J. A. Eustis and servant, Beau¬ fort; Wm. A. Jackson and lady, Boston; H. J. Jay, Massachusetts. Pavilion Hotel-S. Montgomery, Newberry; A. Holaton, eirene; C. Jones, South Carolina; A. DoBdot, Philadelphia. BURGLARIES.-Every day we are called upon to publish an account of a burglary or an at¬ tempt at such made m our city; and few arresta aro recorded. The force of night-watchmen is about fifty, .aatlrcfly too small, no, matter how vigilant its member» may be, to thorough ly protect tho people from the depredations of «fie borg!*** who infest tbe city, and make tba ownership Of «Ii aaovoble property YOttr «OOertain. Under ?existing ctrcaraeUnceo, ibo only remedy tor our citÜKms ia to bo on the alert, and to treat ali intruders to a dose of shot. ,tJ »asl ?)?.'' i'.-'.. .! 4t" -'-i" COÍVOBRO HIGHWAYS.-The mharba are in¬ fested with a gang ofrngjo boys who gertórally keep themselves watt ont of sight until ame «nance is afforded to carryout their nefarious «ehernes. Whoa "baaineas" i, dnit in the woods, they take tbe etty in thoi* TattKsi^onto to town -rob and return fe tost* eamphg ground and divido the spoils. Their ptineipvi ..game- is tba,hardworking feq». hand, reajo t^à tetarte, whom they fleece on pay day. Day bwore yfta_ torda* a toiling aoiiwed woman, who jttat drawn hw three watha* «ragas, was robt»» hw hard earnings. AKOTHXB GERMAN PAT EH.-We axe informed that there «rill be shortly started by Messrs. O. G. Brokmann, Ernest Beyer and ». Handers, a German paper, to he issued semi-weekly, aud called the ** Suedhcher Correspondent. " It will not be a party paper, but will represent the interests of the Germans and the commer¬ cial «cd industrial interests of the South. AssATTivr ON DSTBOTITS BRED.-Yester day fonr tars belonging to tho monitor Saugus, re¬ cently arrived in our har nor, rowed one of her officers np to the dock, and soon after deserted. The Captain the monitor applied to the detective office to have them captured. Offi¬ cers Reed and Coates were detailed for the duty and sallied out iu hot pursuit. They over¬ took tho runaways making time several miles beyond the New Bridge, Ashley River, and re¬ turned with them "in limbo." Offlcor Reed undertook, in obedience to orders, to put them back on tbe monitor, and when on his way out in the Btream they fell upon him aud beat him badly, taking care to keep bim in a position in the boat while administering tho "drubbing," so that he could not resort to his "arms." They were finally oarned to tho vessel and im¬ mediately put in irons. UNITED STATES COURT, J ONE 25.-HON. GEO. S. BEÏAJT, PBESIDINQ.-Ihe following matters were disposed of in this court yesterday : In Equity.-Fiedericb J. Smith, a«Bignoe in bankruptcy, vs. Charles H. Rico and others. Bill foi sale of real estate. Ordered to be taken pro confesso, and the assignee to sell the real catato in question and pay sundry creditors, who aro to prove claims beforo the Registrar. J. R. Anderson & Co. vs. Riker & Sires. Order suspending salo by assignee granted until further order of the court. In Bankruptcy.--The caso of A. T. Stewart and others is oontinued until ll o'clock Wed¬ nesday. John Heffron was finally discharged in bank¬ ruptcy. The petition for final disobarge of B. J. Sin¬ gleton waa referred to the Registrar to report, ar>d final hearing ordered for 10th of August, 1869._ TEE CITY OFFICES.-There are any num¬ ber of aspirants for the city offices, but who are on the cards of the Mayor and of T. J. Mackey, we, like all outside ot a very limited number, do not know. The election on the night of the sixth of Joly promises to be a very animated affair. It is gen¬ erally believed by those who are to do the most of the talking that tho discussion will be heated, and prolonged to a late hour. This discussion will, however, not be over all of the offices, but only over those connected with the Police De¬ partment, there being matters connected with the administration of this branch of the city government and the aspirants to the offices ol it, whioh, we learn, will be thoroughly ventila¬ ted and will oconpy the entire session. Report hath it : That both factions of the Council will imite upon Major Willoughby, an ex-Federal officer, and unanimously elect him Captain of Police. That neither of the present Lieutenants wil be re-elected; but who are to be placed in office report docs net Bay, stating, however, thai two colored men will be put in nomination. That the office of Clerk of Council will prob ably be filled by a native of Charleston. That there are five white candidates for th< office of City Inspector. That the position of City Attorney is sough for by only one person-C. C. Bowen and D. I Corbin reinsing to run for it. If all the rumors be true, there will he an; number of word-duels at tho next meeting o the Council. REPOBTKBS' CBTJMBS."-Monday next will h the anniversary of the bombardment of Foa Moultrie by Commodore Parker's fleet in 1776 The public schools will give a holiday in hone of the day. Rev. Bishop Wightman will "preach at th Spring-street Church to-morrow morning. It is expected that the Holmes' Lyceum wi! be ready for opeolng on the first of July. It is bruited round that colored men are t supplant several faithful clerks in the Unite States Marshal's office. The county cansas will soon be taken-th canvassers will probably start about the fire proximo. Report says the late James Murdoch ha left the Hibernian Society a handsome legacy The velocipede mania is subsiding io on city, as it ia everywhere ehe. An ungainly fence on Calhoun, near King street, has been replaced by a substantial brio waU. "Canvassing," "wire-pulling" and "wranj ling5'are camed en with an intensified intérêt just now. The drum corps, with its hundred male an female vagrant followers, which annoyed tb residents in the vicinity of Broad and Rut ledge streets so mach at night last summei has appeared again. Can't it be prohibited c removed to remoter parts ? A party of yoong lads hailing from Charles ton and Savannah, calling themselves "sharp er boys," are in Jacksonville, Fla., kicking u a row, stealing money an i the like. The excursion of the steamer Emily aroon the harbor, thia afternoon, affords a fine oj portunity to escape from the beat of the cit; and enjoy for a few hours the cool sea hreezi on the water. _ QüABAHTUNS AMD THE PUBLIC HXALTK.- Among matters demanding the utmost care i their administration, there are none that azei such vital importance aa tba lawa and regal tiona whioh sra necessary to secure a commt nity against the invasion of disease. No di can expect to have a lasting prosperity ania the public mind oan be assured that tl chances of human life in auch locality are aboi up to the average of healthy situations. Ol community, whioh ta slowly bot surely red Berating from an extreme depression, stant in urgent need or ali the aid whioh can poa« hly be given her, and to assist in her elevatic the establishment of a confidence in her m qualified healthfulness ia highly necessary. These remarks axe made lu reference to r ports which aie now daily reaching us on ti arrival of vessels from Havana and Matanzi at the quarantine stations ol Now York, Ha mi ton Roads, Savannah end other places in th country, whose crews have suffered severe from the scourge of yellow fever. Thia teri ble malady, so fatal to abe Caucasian, baa vi ited os in times past in Ita sharpest form. W have often thought, perhaps erroneously, thi the old quarantine station waa so near tl town aa frequently to be a source of dangs and that we were occasionally indebted to i proximity and thé want of severe regulation in reference to tba communications alla««« to and from the vessels lying there, ft tba existence of tho disease among u It ft quarantine is to bo worth any-thing, should ba so regulated and located as to gil aanaarabaohite security as possible. Wbi wa Hunk it ts tbs purpose of tba authorities I do their beat, we would salt the presei quarantine station, near Fort Johoaon, is n< too close for safety f Tba military aothoritk when m power kept the veas als we!! down! the roads, and proposed tt» send vessels had] affected to 8torio Inlet, fbi* fol point ia ot true quarantine station, the cady «»«««Sty bi inga want of depth on tba bar stoke** Wm sela, but euch aa constitute ors*. Wwt Indi traders, we should «appose, 00uW sksytfaO get into Steno harbor. \ .. \Uu\ ':;. '.V: '. V Sps1i»g->trcet Church »nd RÎT. J. ft. , TO THE KDirOR OF THE NEWS. BB your issue of last Saturday appears another characteristic invectivo from tho pen ofthat meek Christian Pastor of Spring-street Church. We trish to oall attention to tho spirit of his lotter, and to the fact that bo does not reply to, or even deny, one of the statements we made in reference to Spring-street Church, or the McGee will o use. He asserts things that we never uttered or thought of, and then la¬ bors, like a "mountain in travail," to disprove them. When did we ever claim any rigid to Spring-street Church as a "trustoe?" Whoo did we take it or hold it by "bayonet" or sell it out? This is a "man of stra.v,"ol hiH own cre¬ ation-a spider's web, spun out of his own bowels. But I will not invoke the shadow of Blackstone and Marshall, or ask, with Donna Julia. "Antonia, where's my pocket handker- cuiel?" Perhaps his "country friends," for whose benefit he says ho write*, wUl appreciate his learned and classical allusions, and they may be enlightened by bis statement that "Chief Justice Chase presides over the Temple of Strife," and that he made a "speech over the graves of the Confederate and Federal dead at Magnolia." But his oily friends, doubtless, have a differ¬ ent opinion of the United States Supreme Court, and also know that ho never made a speech, or was present, at the decoration of either Confederate or Federal dead at Mag¬ nolia. Tho whole reply of Mr. Pickett reminds us of tbe "souttle flab." whose habit ie, when ata loss for means ot défonce, to stir up a cloud of rde in the water, and then scoots out of sight. Thus Mr. P. dips biB pen in gall, stirs up a cloud of invective words and cpitbots, and darts out, saying: "1 have dono with tnese men." Well, discretion is the better part of valor. Tho simple facts in regard to Spring-streofc Church ate these : It had been occupied by the Confederates as a military storehouse for two years before the oity fell. Alter tho sur¬ render the trustees and official members ot the Methodist Churches in Charleston requested Colonel Woodford to issue a-military order turning over to oui care their churches and parsonages in the city, which he 4*d. A plan was then agreed upon that we should bold religious sei vices for the white Methodists at New Bethel, and Spring-street should bo opened for the colored. Ibis waa done for two reasons : First, to provide another needed Elace of worship; and second, to prevent its eing occupied again by the military. At this time (March, 1865.) there was not a preacher of the South Carolina Conference in the city. Every one had fled. Bev. F A. Mood had run the blockade to Nassau; Revs. Mr. Meyuardie and Bogers had left with the retreating army "The ahepTierdt were acatr tered and the flocks were smitten," and not one pastor returned for nearly seven months. Dui ing this hot and sickly summer, we serv¬ ed the people, white and colored, according to the plan agreed upon, to the beal of our ability, and so far as the white people at New Bethel are concerned, to their satisfaction, as the fol* lowing testimonial will show, an original copy of which was handed me by the secretary: "CHA.BLE8TON, January 2, 1866. M Whereo»% Bev. T. W. Lewis, Missionary of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, who has had, at our request, pastoral oversight of our chur?h, and now at his request baa been re¬ lieved, " Resolved, That we, the official members, tender to bim our thanks for his faithful labors in our midst, and that we devoutly pray that the b'essing of God may be with bim and his family. "Signed In behalf of the brethren. "WK. B. Moo UK, Secretary. At a quarterly mooting, composed of all the official members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, m this city, held in September, 1865, Dr. T. Rozar, preaid.ng elder, and J. Chamberlain, secretary, a vote was passed "continuing the use of Spring-street Church to the congregation ot colored people under my oharge worshipping there," and that body has never asked us to vacate Spiing-street Chnroh from that day to the time we volun¬ tarily surrendered it. We kept it in as good repair as we found it, using it only for a place of worship for the colored people, who have worshipped there ever- since the church was built, aud suoh otheis, white and oolored, as pleased to come. Bev. Mr. Loyal raised $100 to help seat the grove at "Tivoli Garden" in Marob, 1868, which was a condition to the congregation at purchase ul*i«»to?*"xjflt mm+I'l+HT lir? K«kôâ show the "title deed," wnion, he says, is re> quisite in snot} oases. About the "McGee will," referred to by Mr. P., we wiU only say Spring-street Church or tbe M. E. Church South are not so much as named in it, but we doubt not every heir will receive bis por¬ tion in dne time. The Court of Equity will decide, and not Mr. P., who may be more learned in novel quotations than Blackstone. In regard to '^military authority" and tbe "bayonet," so frequently referred to, we have only to say there has been no other authority in this State till Governor Scott's inaugura¬ tion, and in the oity till Mr. Pillsbury became Mayor. The keeping of Spring-street Church a little longer than Mr. P. and his friends desired, but no longer than the Quarterly Confiarenoe of the Methodist Episoopal Church Sooth allowed, is the whole head and front of our offence. And now, Brother Pickett, if your present course does not bring in the "Dollars for re¬ pairs," and printing your phillipios against your co-workers in the Gospel, try a more ex¬ cellent way, "Let ua have peace." T. W. LEWIS. BUSINESS NOTICES. A Goon TUBS is done our readers when we commend to them the American House, Bos¬ ton. The same judicious management is con¬ tinued which has rendered it so popular in the Pftat, _^ Go TO GEORGE Liri LI & Co. for fine black cassimere pants, $8. tuthslmo June 1' Go TO GEO BOX LITTLE & Co. for white linen duck suits, worth twenty dollars, for $18. Jane 1 tuthslmo CofflTKBBBATB RECORDS.--The Survivors' As¬ sociation, with the view of collecting and pre¬ serving statistics and historical material of the war, would be glad to he allowed to make conies of any original papers relating to the forces famished by South Carolina to the Con¬ federate army or navy, master rolls, reports of battles or accounts of individual interest. These papers wUl be carefully recorded by th« association, and when desired, the origi¬ nals will be returned. They would also be glad td receive the names «nd military record of those who were killed or died in the service from Charleston,Dis¬ trict, and will- rurnish* bianka fa» «he purpose. The Committee on Records will receive Shy suoh papers. irjf*- ..-I H C. IRVINE WALKER, No. 3 Broad-street. T G. BARKER, »J. 15 ßroad-street. , GEO. p. BRYAN. No. 85 Broad-street. THOS. MoCRADY, foot of Bao-atreet. F. K HUGER, N. E. Railroad Office. June 12 8tuth6 -pHOTOQRAPII C0L.OHl.fO. PERSONS WISHING TO H aVE PHOTOGRAPHS tintad with care'and taute can Have meir orders promptly flüfod by leaving tbcia at Holme«' Bosk House. Written directions ahould in «ach«aa» be fAfttt as.'to tbe styl« Cf colorta* preferred. Ht*'*. : .saos*' KUKU oe satur VfiatTABXJKS, /kl ,. FRUITS, j ry© ? « rm* ê na-n« > jjl Sljirt* an) /arntsijing (föoofcs. FINK WUITB MIIIKTS.--TIIIÍ CELE- BUA TED 8T»R SHIRTS, tn all Biz«?, ready made or made to order, at 8ro Tl'8 Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Meeting-street, opposite the Market. FANCY 8TKIPKOPKHCAI.K SHIKTS. of tho boat quality and lu assorted patterns, at SCOTT'S Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Mee lin i?-street opposite the M ar li et. INDIA GAUZE SI HUTS. FuOM 31 TU 44 inokcB, at SCOTT'S Ueut'emen's Furnishing store. Meeting-street, opposite tbe Market. LISLE TUUKAD Mil UTS, WITH LONG and short Sleeves, in all sizes and gradep, at SOOiT'8 Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Meeting-street, opposite the Market. DRAW I«'US, IN LINEN ANO JEANS, in all s'ses, and warranted to ut, at SCOTT'S GentlemeVs Furnishing Rt« at?, j Meeting-street, opposite tbe Markur. GKNTbKMKBl'S 1^1 RI fr: V ANO PA« KU COLLARS-a specialty. The best stook. in price, stylet quality or quantity. Tho following styles cons tun tty on band, viz: broadway, Vander¬ bilt. Best, Jockey, Snow Flake, Boz, shakespeare, Dickens, Boston tfacht Club. At 80OTV3 Gontlemon's Furnishing Store, Meating-street, opposite the Market. ft RAli'8 PATES NT MO UL li KD ORIH.NT VX COLLAR; also the latest Btyle Paper Collar, called the KhYSTONE, manufactured by the Key¬ stone Collar Company. At SCOTT'S Gentlemen's Furnish.mr Store, Me nt log-street, opposite the Market. LIN KN AND PAPUtt CUFFS, IN ALL styles and sizes. At 8COTT'* Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Meeting-street, opp. sito the Market. HOSIERY - U!fOLI«H ANO GERMAN HALF HOSE, in Cotton and Lisle Thread. At SCOTT'8 Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Moot lng-street, opuosite the Market. NECKTIES AND C:;AVA'» 8_A FULL ltne of the latert styles of NECKTIES, CRA¬ VATS, SCARFS and BOWS, Buring Stocks and Na¬ poleon Tie«. At SOOT I'd Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Meeting-street, opposite the Market. HAN UK KUI III« FS, IN LIN KN AND SILK, ready hemmed tor immediate use. At scon's Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, _Meeting-street opposite the Market. UMBHKLLAS, IN COTTON, SCOTCH Gingham, Alpaca and Silk all sizes and prices. At SCOTT'S Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, Meeting-street, opposite the Markot. January 1 6mos FINE SHIRTS TO ORDER, A BPJCCIALTY, AT BLACKWELL'S, Mo. 319 KING-STREET, June 17 thututmo One door below Harket. aa- _ Sarongs Panhs HB SOUTH CAROLINA T LOAN & TRUST COMPANY OFFICE OF DEPOSIT OF SAVING'S OPEN DAILY from O A. M. to 3 P. AI. AT uu, ON WEDNK8DAY AND SATURDAY «VENINOS, from 7 to 0 o'clock, tn HA8BL-8TBBBT, SEAR OF HAYDEN'S STORE. OSS-INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS AT THE BATE OF SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM. GBO. S. CAMERON, President. THOMAS R. WARING, OASHUB. April 23 fl Bwamoa Slate Jl&nrrttKttttttt. ?jglXKCUTIVK DEPARTMENT. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN A, ) * I TBEAJSmnt DftPAUTMEÎfT. _... CotuMBifi s. 0.. June 18. 38C0. ) THE INTEREST DOE ON THE BONDS OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN A, ginee July lat, 1867, will be paid on and after Joly 1st, 388».- at the Bank¬ ing House ol H. H. K Í MPToN, No. 9 Nassau- air at. New York, and at the Treasury Ornee, at Columbia, S. a TSE INTEREST DUE "ON THE RE3I8TERED STOOK OP TBE STATE, since July 1^1867, will be paid at tho Treaaury Dm>a^ent ill Columbia only. NILES &: ? ASK KB, 77 Treasurer State South Carolina. Jone 18_-. Sj -..y_U JjllfJBCPTIVM. DKPARIMENT. «KlrA tfSj&tip ! itt uB9K9-fl9ft TM*T'll rf PWBT 98 STAI'B TREASURY OFFICE, I " - B. 0.. Jone 16,186». i UNDER T0E ACT FOB THE CONVERSION OF THE STATE 8P0UUXTIKS, the Treasurer of the «tate ia pro oared to Issue Booda bearing 8iz Per Cent, interest, payable acm i- ann nally for reata tored .week. Bond« are prspared for »WO, S500 and siooo. Fract'onp. may *~e returned in cerf Ifbates of stock. Person dasiroun pf cocvorttntr thole Stock lato Bonds, will please present their certificate* at this office, with name endorsed noon the kook (wit- Person«; having Coupon Bonds d«wirous to procure BeRfstered itoek in »cu fhereof, will please présent the aime to thia office wick ÜUUlylUonaV M A ß ? Where riles canoola* «odla MOTPnto tranaapt their bnrinAçs at tbisefflbs, ii 5* prsicraMe «bat the auna should ba tr*as*cl*d tiwwça »om* authorized agant. NILE* G, PAUK EB. JED« V JU ¡ . TreSHBr«. Sooth Carolina. Á , i AflOOipNTAMJ!, , MTAärPIfBlto A»D ëtitfMÉAt Á0MNTt (wnai'i&ajar.i til* fStvito) aSfín^rrWa1^MÍD w^iN^thstr uooa'fc >j»wt^a^;i»ii«i»*f ffeSsa mtíttÁ m LWJSSTRKET, «tnetly oai Baad at abe lowact market Micas. BiliiHatlI «atka^i 5ûicîïon $alc-f onkî) (Boobs. STATEMENT OF BONDED GOODS lt o maiming tn WarehOMt over Throe Tears, to be Sold at Auction, BY OBOES OF A. G. MACKEY, Collector of the Port, THURSDAY, JULY Stn, 1869, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., AT THIS CUSTOM HOUSE. DEBO HIPTIOM OF GOODS. WÜRBE riioM. DATE OF IMPORT CON¬ SIGNEES. E. M. J. Selvas J. J. M. 90C8 and 9009 Five pkga Brandy, 105 gallons Ono caso Cigar*, 96 lbs. Two pipea Oin, '¿'¿0 gallona Bark Bona Fido steamer Isabella In bond from Now York E. Umbolt K. O. Warn bersil Llvorpool Havana Tan. 3, 18C6. Fob 10, I860. Mar. 1G, 1800 0 £ Mustln J Selvas Ronnoker & Glover. June 17 thatuO July 3, 6, 8, ^ailroaHs. ?jgL.UK IUDOB UAILHUAD, IBSWBWSJSMSSMBBMSBSBÍÍ* ^ JBaMfcjBHBt -i-*Hiwi^toj«< THE ATTENTION OF CONTRACTORS IS INVIT¬ ED to tile work of completing the Blue Ridge Ttuil- ro ul in south Carolina, from Anderson, South ('aro- Una, to Knoxville. Tennessee, a distance ol one hun¬ dred and tl ty-two mile* to budd. The Ixeoutivo Committee of the Board of Direct¬ ors ls prepared to enter into negotiations with res¬ ponsible person?, who may desire to undertake tho work. Payments will bc made in first mortgago (7j per cent, currency bonds of the company, recured by the guarantee of the »tate of South Carolina, for tho punctual payment of both principal and interest. T he mortgage rovers unencumbered property ot the Company, which cost throe ai d a quarter millions of dollars li gold, ?nd embraces flit y miles of road com¬ plete n d in naming order. Demi ed Estimates, Plans, Profiles and Specifica¬ tions will be read v for inspection by JUNK 1,1860 Meanwhile, approximate q ian ities and other infor¬ mation concerning the work may be obtained by ap¬ plication to Colonel JAMES P. LOW, the Chief En¬ gineer of the Co ipaoy, or to the undersigned, at Columbia, South Carolina. H. K. 80OTT, Chairman of Executive Committee. N. B. The time for opening the bids for the con¬ struction of this Boad is fixed for the 8th day of JULT next, at 12 M.. at Columbia, 8. C. Bids will be received by the Executive Committee un to that date. ll Jane 26 gUUTH CAllOUSA KA1LRUAU. GENERAT, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I CHARLESTON, 8. C., April 9, 1869. I ON AND AFTER SUf-DAY, APRIL lim, THU PASSKEOBB TRAINS ot the South Oarolti a Rail¬ road will run as follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Lear« Charleston.8.80 A. 04. Arrive at Augusta.4.45 P. M. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Memphu Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery anf »rand Junction. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.,.8.80 A. Ja. Arrive at Columbia.6.1« P. M, Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Rail¬ road, ano Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.9.00 A. M.. Arrive at Charleston.S.10 P. M. Leave Columbia.7 45 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.5.10 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS (8UNDATB EXCEPTED. I Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M, Arrive at Augusta........6.10 A. M. Connecting with trama tor Memphis, Nanhvilb and Hew Orleans, via Grand Junction. leave Augusta.4.10 P. Al Arrive at Charleston.4.00 A. K. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. IHUNBAÏS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.5.06 P. St Arrive at Columbia.4.46 A. M Connecting («undaya excepted) with Greenville ant Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.6.60 P. M, Arrive at Charleston.6.30 A. M. SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.8.9S P. m. Arrive at Bum merrilie. 1.(0?. M, Leave Summervale..».g.gg M. " ' CAMDEN" B RANOHV Camden and Columbi« Passenger Trails on MON. DATS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, connects with up and down Day Passengers at Ringville. Leave Camden.6.36 LIL Arrive at Columbia.11.00 A. M. Leave Columbia.***..3.20P.M. Arrive at Camden.7.95 p. M. Signed) H. T. PEAKE, April 10 General Suoenntendent. --------a--^I Progs, Chemicals, (Etc. FEVER AND AOUE, IB MP » FROM WHICH MANKIND BUFFER En W|X/^ over a large part of the globe, ia the W\ MS /consequence of a diseased action in .-.ITH ^Ë^Sthe system, Induced by the poison jM ona tniasm or vegetable decay. Thia W exhalation ia evolved by the action of solar heat on wet aoilt and rises with the watery vapor fi om it. While the ann la below the horizon this vapor lingera near the earth'* surface, and tba virus is taken with lt through the lungs m to the blood. There it aéra aa an Irritating poison on tba Internal viscera and excreting organs of thc body, lhe liver becomes torpid and fails to secrete not only this viras, but alao the bile from tho blood. Both the virus and the bile accumulate in th» circu¬ lation, and produce vio ent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the kidneys, and the stomach (sympa¬ thize with the liv ,r. and become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our organism, as li in an at¬ tempt to exoel th» noxious Infusiou, concentrates the whole blood of the body in the internal excreto¬ ries to force them to cast lt out The blood le ave* the surfaoe, and rushes to the central organs with congestive violence. This ia tho CbilL But In this effort it latia Then the Fever follows, in which the blood leave* th« central organs and rushes to the surface, aa it bi another effort to expel the irritating poison through that ether great excretory-the skin. In ibis also it nils, and toe system abandons the attempt exhausted, and watta tor the recovery of strength to repeat the hopeless effort another day. These are the Sta of paroxysms oi Fever and Ague, buch constitutional disorder will of course under¬ mine the health if it ls not removed. We have labored to find, and have found an anti¬ dote, v.!2p.< AYKtl'S A CIUK CfJAK, Which neutralises this malarious poison in the blood, an-i stlmulatei; the tiver to expel it from Abe body. As it should, so lt does oem this afltcMng disorder with perfect certainty. And lt does more« or rather does what is of mare service to those sub- {.ct to this infection. If taken in season lt expels s from the ayatem aa it la absoroed, sad. thus keeps those who uae.lt free tram Ita attack»; beeps th» sys - Um in health although expoaivl tr. »he disease. Con- sewfcaPtti it not only eurea,- but protects from, tho great variety of affections which are induced by ibis -^rrr"** influence, such as RsSaWeat Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, Bilious Headache. Bilious Forera, fcenralgi», atism, Gout» Blindness, Toothache, lanche, i. Asthma, Palpitations Painful Affections of lbs spleen. Hyttertó,, coho, Paralysis, and Painful Afoot ons i f tba Stomach and Bowel«, all of which, when arcing frcmibie cause,'will ba found to as¬ sume, more or lase, th« intermittent type. This "AGUE CURR." removes »he cause cf thea« derange- menin «rd cures the disease. lhis lt accomplishes by stlmulsting the excreto¬ ries to expel the virus from the system; aud these organs by de«rees become habited to do this, their eQlce. of their own accord. Hence arises what wo term acclimatation. Time may accomplish the sam« end, but olten I fe is not long onougb, or is sacrificed In the attempt, while this ' Agua Cure" does lt at once, and with safety We bave great re son to be¬ lieve this is a surer a* weil ss safer remedy for the wholexlass of diseases which are caused ny the mi¬ asmatic in ectl n. than any other wh(ch has beau discovered; and it has still another im pei tani ad¬ vantage to the paulie, which la, that lt ia oneap as weil aa good. PREPARED BT Dr. «I. O. AY Kit Ai Co., Lowell, »lass Practical and Analytical Chemists. Pfioe One Dollar per bottle. Sold at Wholesale, by >?? DOWIK A- MOISB, charleston, Benth Carolina, And by BsAafi Drugglste everywhere. Jape2< pee ? ; stwthjaoa Tptt B » M DROOL * " \\t JUST BEVBIV&D, OKIMAVlVr * CO.'* JPMKPAHATl<W*Si IODIZED SYRUP OW HOB8E KADISH VEGETABLE CAPSULES OF HATXtX) SYRUP OP HYPOPKGiJPHlTE OF LXMK. GUARANA POWDERS. All fresh from Part*, and for sal« by :_JP*. H. May t r ¡c. , «Soe m MEBTINO-STBEIÍT. rpo mamoYM onmajiM ., OSK TAB DOUB^ll WXILLED .ai ttlÂ^Î^SalÊÎ'' lt... I |M -.L, -.-« éÉtíÉ m " AA *IIJ.BWÍ, WKKM. WK wm^paw- «ara mm, wy \«aVas.BAÍ*. Mar« Mowin: lines, ftquor*, (Etc. fen (IQ PROM gil V<=> J. A. MILLER, PARIS. JfA MKS A. MI LL K R'S ».CHICKEN COCK WHISKEY, We are Agonts of tue abovo celebrated and well known brand of JAMES A. MILLER'S CHICKEN COdK OLD BOURBON WHlttKRY, which is tbo Q KNut v E AR < IOLE, and offer lt to the trade, war¬ ranting lt to «ive entire satisfaction, lt is manufac¬ tured, copper diBttlled, of the best grain and pure qualities-improves br age. especially in the South¬ ern climate. A large stock constantly on hand, of different ago» and prices; cooperage of the most superior. For sale in lots to suit purchasers, by COBB, DOLHONDE ti CO., bole Agents for the South, No. 37 Natchez-street, New Orleans. Or HENRY COBIA A CO., Sub-Agents, Charleston. 8.0. June 16 Imo B O U J A S S O N , FRENCH HATTER, No. ll* KINChSTBBET, BEOS TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE public that be is now prepared to Clean, Press and make new aU styles of Beavers, btraw, Silk and Panama HATS, at a very low figuro. Jone W 6* gOUTHKRN LAUDS WAJITKl).* W. C. ALDEN & CO., REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 3*>¿ PINE-SIBEET. NEW YORK CITY. THE ABOVE FIRM HAVE ESTABLISHED A Special Department for the Buying and Selling of Southern BEAL ESTATE, City and Country. They have placed Mr. J. M. MOBOAN (late of Charleston, S. C.,) at the head of this branch ot their business. Parties wishing to sell property in the New York market will find lt to their advantage to address the above Arm. Wff MORatN Tfitra tn Mu», fl A Tor»nm« As Pow, Charleston, 8. C. June 7 DAG Imo * EFIHED FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY PROCTER & GAMBLE, CINCINNATI. ÄS-*«V your"Grocer Aw our Brand of Laird In these Packages. Packed in 3 lb, 5 lb, io lb Caddies; 60 lb Cans for shipment Cheapest mode for selling Lard. Fend for Price List. Poid by Grocers la Charleston. May g_pao_ stathams piANOSt PI A so sri GOLD MEDAL FOB 1868 HAB JUST BE£* AWARDED TO OHAS. M. STLEFF FOB THE BEST PIANOS NOW MADS, OVEß BALTIMORE, PHILADEL¬ PHIA AND NEW YORK PIANOS. OFFICE AND WABEBCOM, No. 7 N. LtBGBTt* STREET, ABOVE B A LT IM OR E -ST BE ET, B A LT 1 MORIS, Md. STIEFF'S PIANO1 BAVE ALL TSE LATE?! Improvement, including the Acfaffe treble, ivor; fronts, and thé Improved French Action, fully war¬ ranted tor five, years, with privilege of exchanu« within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory tr purchaser. 'Second-handcd Pianos and Parlor Or aans Alway« on band from $50 to $300. Baron*** WHO tLLVt ou» rtAltos DI tree: General Robert E. Lee,. Lexington, Va. General Robert Ransom. Wilmington, N. 0. General D.H. Hill, (harlot te, M. C. Oovernor John Leécber, Lexington. Va. Messrs. B. Barwell k Sous, CLurlotte, N. C.. Fe¬ male Seminary. C. B. Ktodiok, romalo College. Kitttall's Springs, Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. ' Max 8treko*ch, Italian Opera. M mum*.Pleweri *i Sena, saantar, s. c. Charles Spencer, Charleston, fl. O. Send KOractréuter. Term» liberal. October M .' m <*iî gflpwyj ?" t y T, ia ir At Ie ia M is Y . « BKOKMR, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS¬ SION^ MEJUCUAM. BALES OF BEAL SÍTATE, STOCKS, BONDS. SE ÍIÜBITIKS AND PERSONAL PKOPEBTY ATTENDED tp, r «e>. MW BtOl*>*? flMl ©HABLKSTON, g. O. " mmrmSaiam, snrKY »ow*, w. J. iiAOBAVB. as* I JAMESOOSfXlUk, IV IV WAUKO. lt«. faction Sau». Administrator's Safe-Hy order of Judge of Probate. BY JEFFORDS & < 0. Will bo sola JHH DAT, the 2«tb instant, st ir O'clock, at tho corner of Meeting and Queen- THE CONTEN TS OW THE IROOtRY \ND BAB, kept by the la o John Mehrtoos, ooutistlng of * ct oleo wlork of GRoCERIR*, LlQUuB", Cit »0KB- HY, FIXTURliH, Ac._ June For sale on Account of Whom it may Con¬ cern- Twenty four Barrels Potatoes, with¬ out Reserve. KNOX, DALY & CO,, No. 190 Meeting-street, corser Went* won la, Will sell THIS DAV, above, commencing at U o'clock, A. M. Terms cash. June 26 Valuable Real lístale at Auction. W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. By virtue of an order of Kale to me directed, by the Hon. Gooree S t ryan. Judge of the United States Dietriot Court for tue Pis.riot of ou th Carolina, I will offer for bale at public auction, at the Old Post- offlc*\ foot of Broad-street, on THURSDAY, July 1st, at ll o'clock, A. M. ALL THsT PLAÑIA HON OR TRACT OF LAND, on tito Wando River, about niue mi T fr un Charles¬ ton, known us Woodville, containing four hundred] acres, more or less. ALSO, ALL THAT PLANTA t ION OR TRACT OF LAND" known us tho Darby Tract, situated in the rear of tho Four Mile Houso, on the piank road, containing torty-four acres of nigh laud and eifjht acres of marah land, moro or less. ALSO, . , ALL THAT LOT OF LAND, with «he Buildings, situated on the west bide of Mechanic-street, tn the Vil'age of Rikersvlile, measuring and containing on tho front aud back liaos each ninety feet by three hundred feet in depth. AISO, ALL THAT LOT OF i.f.ND, with the Building thereon, situate at the corner of th« Main Road and Division-street, In the Village of Rikersvlile, mea« surfng and containing in front on Division-street ninety feet, and In depth- feet; butting and bounding east on Msio Road, wost on Nortaesatera Railroad track, south on Division-street, and west on lands of A. Carsten. ALSO, ALL THOSE TWO LO Td, known as Lot B and Lot O, In the plan of tho Village of Btkersvlile, mide by John L. Branch. Lot B containing about one and one-quarter actes, and Lot O containing about twenty-one asrea of Marsh Land, as will appear by reference had to Bald plat. j ALBO, ALL THAT PL ANTAI I JJ* OE TRACT OF LAND, opposite the Quarter Heme, on tho plank road, about five miles from Charleston, containing one hundred] and sir (106) acres, more or less. ALSO, TWELVE LOTS in the Town of Ravenel, oitnato on the Charleston and Havanna» Railroad, about fifteen miles from Char leaton, fronUatg on Meilard- street, ami measuring on said front line two bandos» and ten feet each, and containing from four to aoven acres each, as msy be seen by tho piat of said Vil¬ lage. Terms-One-third cash ; balance in two equal suc¬ cessive annual instalments, secured by bond of par- chaser and mortgage of the premises Building« to be Insured and policy assigned. Purebasera to pay for papers and stamps. LOÜH Mo LAIN, Assignee for D. Biker. O*- To WHOM rr MAT CONcans.-Tho lion creditors of D. BIKER, Bankrupt, are noreby noti¬ fied tba* pursuant to an order of court, dated March 26th, 1869, they are required to prove and establish their liens before J O. CARPENTER, Esq., Regis¬ trar, on or before Joly 1st, 1869, er else hs debarred from any benefit arising from the deere« to bo mode, in this case. LOU M MaL UN, v June 19 Bwíthl Assignee D. Rikor. ^Haci)itirt9i Castings (Etc, "jyjr KKTIN G-STREET FOVKDRY. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING! THE IMPROVED ii itv '4-1 cl i tia MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Cf various abe* on hand IMPROVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CORM MILLS, SUGAR MILLS, SUGAR BOILERS ?ND PANS, of all sises .««».. xiuKHüi fuwtJis AN JJ un* UKARING, from » ta 16 feet in diameter IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PBESS8S for Hsnd- power, Saw and Rice Milla MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all, descriptions made to order Particular attention paid to HOU8E FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOR BUILD- « INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERN COVERS. SASH WEWBl'S, é*, 4c. WILLIAM 8. HENESSY, MACHINIST AND FOUND ÉR. No. 314 MEETING-STREET, Î CHARLESTON, CL Angus18 raves J) SI CK N I X IRON WORK» ti. <>; JOHN F. TAYLOR «fe OÖ-1 ' ?# SU0CS8S0B8 TO CAMERON 6t CO.» Engineers Boilermakers &em Nos. 4, 6, 8,10 and M PRITCHA TREfSTS, (NEAB THE 1>BÏ 1XXJK,), Charleston, S. C» STEAM ENGINES AND BO LLERd-MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE. \ RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF BYBBY DESCRIPTION. f5 SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND QEAB1S« IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS, CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND IN IBON Ott BRASS. We guarantee lo furnish ENGINES and BOILR»« of good quality and power, and at aa low rates »un be bad hi New Tork, Baltimore or Philadelphia. i ? ....... i¿¿ ¿. ya,,.. i AOSNT8 FOU ¡jo Ashcrofts Low-water 'Detector, THE ONLY PERFECT SECtJSÏTY AG AtflfÖT DAMAGE FROM MW WATER IN THE BOILER, MMPJiMS PROMPTLY ATTKNùXt* TO. Mayar, ?. 9*o mm

The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1869-06-26. · 2017-12-16 · fromthe scourgeofyellow fever. Thiateri blemalady,so fatal toabeCaucasian,baavi itedosin timespastinIta

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Page 1: The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1869-06-26. · 2017-12-16 · fromthe scourgeofyellow fever. Thiateri blemalady,so fatal toabeCaucasian,baavi itedosin timespastinIta

THE DAILY NEWS.l*ar«rest Circulation-THE DAILYNEWS



Rango o if Thermometer at the NewsOffice.


8 A. M.


12 M.


3 P. M.


0 P. M.



THE CHABLESTON NEWS, the circulation ofwhich ia about twice as large aa that of anyother,paper published in South Carolina, is thebest advertising medium for all business men,

For persons who want intuitions or servants;who want houses or apartments, or have themto rout; who want or who offer board and lodg¬ing; who have lost or found articles of value,THE NEV;* has no equal; and ia crdGr that allclasses may have their wants supplied, we haveadopted the following scale of CHEAP ADVEB-

TISEMBMTS, payment for which must invariablybe made when the order is given:Advertisements of situations wanted by or

offered to clerks, governesses, tutors, work¬men, mechanics, house-servants, porters, shop-boys, cooks and washers; board and lodgingwanted or offered; apartments wanted or tolet; articles lost or found; houses, shops, officesand warehouses wanted or to let, and miscella¬neous wants of all kinds.For each insertion of advertisements of the

classes specified :Not exceeding THREE UNES or 30 words... .25 cents

41 Fous, LINKS or 30 words.40 *«

«« FIVE LINKS or 40 wordo.50 "

AU advertisements to bo inserted at theserates mnst be prepaid and delivered at THENEWS office by 9 P. M.

MEETINGS THIS DA Y.Typographical Union, at 8 P. BI.

J AUCTION SALES THIS DAY.JEPFOBDS A Co. will sell at 10 o'clock, at

«orner Queen and Meeting street», balanoe ofcontents of grocery «tore.KNOX, DALV & Co. will sell at ll o'clock, at

their store, Irish potatoes.

THE PILOT BOAT JOHN B. WILDER, of Savan¬nah, commanded by Captain H. M. C. Smith,

. arrived here yesterday afternoon, having been-on a abort cruise.

THE MARINERS CHUBGH.-There will be ser-yi<«8 ip the Mariner's Church, Church-street,to-ùorrow, Sunday, at naif-past cen o'clock inthe morning, and four o'clock in the afternoon.

THE BLOB RIDGE RAILROAD.-The attentionof contractors ls directed to the advertisement.of the Board of Directors ot the Blue RidgeRailroad Company, inviting bids for the com¬pletion of that great public work.

THE STATE COD HT, JUNE 25-HON. R. B.^BPENTEB PRESIDING.-Ip the Common Pleasyeate.aoy the call of the City Issue Docket waacontinued, ano. «Me8 Ko8. m to No> 150disposed of. No c».* of public interest wastried.COLORED CLERKS IN THE POSTOFÏTOE.-THE

NEWS a few nays since mentioned the appoint¬ment of a colored man as clerk in the postof¬fice. Yesterday another colored man, NormanMontgomery, commenced work aa clerk. Thefirst appointee is nearly white, while the latter4s of the bornt ember shade.

NAUTICAL ACCIDENT.-The Wilmington, N.C., Journal of yesterday says:The government bnoy tender, a small craftfrom Charleston, arrived in the harbor below

yo3torday with her centre board broken. Thecaptain came up to the city for the purpose Ofobtaining the services of tbe revenue cutterMoccasin to tow har up. The Moccasin leaves,we believe, for that purpose this morning.BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION.-The State Con¬

vention of the Baptist denomination,in SouthCarolina will hold its forty-ninth anniversarywith the church in Yorkville, commencing onThursday, July 22d, at 10 o eic ck A. M. Rev.L. R. Qwaltney was appointed to preach tbeIntroductory Sermon; Rev. G. W. Dickett,Alternate. Charity Sermon by Rev. E. T.Wickler ; Rev. Richard Furmaa, alternate.

Dava LABELS.-We desire to call the atten¬tion of druggists in the city and throughoutthe State to the peculiar facilities of THE NEWSJob Office for printing all kinds of drug labels,prescription blanks, Ac,, at the shortest no-tioe, and in a style'unsurpassed anywhere inthe ooontry. Our stock of outs, borders andfancy type is unusually large and choice. Caliand examine specimens of work.

THE TILL-TAPPERS AT WORK.-Day beforeyesterday several small colored boys managedto get into the hardware store of Mr. Morton,on Meeting-street, near Market, and while try¬ing to get at the till they got hold of someconvenient arti les. such as knives, ftc., anddecamped. THE NEWS bas repeatedly thrownout warnings to storekeepers, never to leavetheir places of business unguarded, as thereare a band of small thieves loose in the com¬munity, who are al ways on the alert for op-

; portnnities._,._

HOTEL ARRIVALS, JONE25- V7iark'$ton Botel.P. Cantwell and ann,- D. R. Smith, A. M. Mar-Ein, South Carolina; C. Brian, New York; G. E.Upton, wife and son, Cant. D. W. Pole, U. S.A.; E. N. Luelle, Connecticut; Miss Boheme,Misa Langford, J. A. Eustis and servant, Beau¬fort; Wm. A. Jackson and lady, Boston; H. J.Jay, Massachusetts.

Pavilion Hotel-S. Montgomery, Newberry;A. Holaton, eirene; C. Jones, South Carolina;A. DoBdot, Philadelphia.

BURGLARIES.-Every day we are called uponto publish an account of a burglary or an at¬tempt at such madem our city; andfew arrestaaro recorded.The force of night-watchmen is about fifty,

.aatlrcfly too small, no, matter how vigilant itsmember» may be, to thorough ly protect thopeople from the depredations of «fie borg!***whoinfest tbe city, and make tba ownership Of«Ii aaovoble property YOttr «OOertain. Under?existing ctrcaraeUnceo, ibo only remedy torour citÜKms ia to bo on the alert, and to treatali intruders to a dose of shot. ,tJ

»asl ?)?.'' i'.-'.. .! 4t" -'-i"COÍVOBRO HIGHWAYS.-The mharba are in¬

fested with a gang ofrngjo boys who gertórallykeep themselves watt ont of sight until ame«nance is afforded to carryout their nefarious«ehernes. Whoa "baaineas" i, dnit in the woods,they take tbe etty in thoi* TattKsi^onto to town-rob and return fe tost* eamphg ground anddivido the spoils. Their ptineipvi ..game- istba,hardworking feq». hand, reajo t^à tetarte,whom they fleece on pay day. Day bwore yfta_torda* a toiling aoiiwed woman, who jttatdrawn hw three watha* «ragas, was robt»»hw hard earnings.

AKOTHXB GERMAN PATEH.-We axe informedthat there «rill be shortly started by Messrs.O. G. Brokmann, Ernest Beyer and ». Handers,a German paper, to he issued semi-weekly, audcalled the ** Suedhcher Correspondent. " Itwill not be a party paper, but will representthe interests of the Germans and the commer¬cial «cd industrial interests of the South.

AssATTivr ON DSTBOTITS BRED.-Yester dayfonr tars belonging to tho monitor Saugus, re¬

cently arrived in our harnor, rowed one of herofficers np to the dock, and soon after deserted.The Captain oí the monitor applied to thedetective office to have them captured. Offi¬cers Reed and Coates were detailed for theduty and sallied out iu hot pursuit. They over¬

took tho runaways making time several milesbeyond the New Bridge, Ashley River, and re¬

turned with them "in limbo." Offlcor Reedundertook, in obedience to orders, to put themback on tbe monitor, and when on his way outin the Btream they fell upon him aud beat himbadly, taking care to keep bim in a position inthe boat while administering tho "drubbing,"so that he could not resort to his "arms."They were finally oarned to tho vessel and im¬

mediately put in irons.

UNITED STATES COURT, JONE 25.-HON. GEO.S. BEÏAJT, PBESIDINQ.-Ihe following matterswere disposed of in this court yesterday :In Equity.-Fiedericb J. Smith, a«Bignoe in

bankruptcy, vs. Charles H. Rico and others.Bill foi sale of real estate. Ordered to betaken pro confesso, and the assignee to sellthe real catato in question and pay sundrycreditors, who aro to prove claims beforo theRegistrar.

J. R. Anderson & Co. vs. Riker & Sires.Order suspending salo by assignee granteduntil further order of the court.In Bankruptcy.--The caso of A. T. Stewart

and others is oontinued until ll o'clock Wed¬nesday.John Heffron was finally discharged in bank¬

ruptcy.The petition for final disobarge of B. J. Sin¬

gleton waa referred to the Registrar to report,ar>d final hearing ordered for 10th of August,1869._TEE CITY OFFICES.-There are any num¬

ber of aspirants for the city offices, but whoare on the cards of the Mayor and of T. J.Mackey, we, like all outside ot a very limitednumber, do not know.The election on the night of the sixth of Joly

promises to be a very animated affair. It is gen¬erally believed by those who are to do the mostof the talking that tho discussion will be heated,and prolonged to a late hour. This discussionwill, however, not be over all of the offices, butonly over those connected with the Police De¬partment, there being matters connected withthe administration of this branch of the citygovernment and the aspirants to the offices olit, whioh, we learn, will be thoroughly ventila¬ted and will oconpy the entire session.Report hath it :That both factions of the Council will imite

upon Major Willoughby, an ex-Federal officer,and unanimously elect him Captain of Police.That neither of the present Lieutenants wil

be re-elected; but who are to be placed in officereport docs net Bay, stating, however, thaitwo colored men will be put in nomination.That the office of Clerk of Council will prob

ably be filled by a native of Charleston.That there are five white candidates for th<

office of City Inspector.That the position of City Attorney is sough

for by only one person-C. C. Bowen and D. ICorbin reinsing to run for it.If all the rumors be true, there will he an;

number of word-duels at tho next meeting othe Council.REPOBTKBS' CBTJMBS."-Monday next will h

the anniversary of the bombardment of FoaMoultrie by Commodore Parker's fleet in 1776The public schools will give a holiday in honeof the day.Rev. Bishop Wightman will "preach at th

Spring-street Church to-morrow morning.It is expected that the Holmes' Lyceum wi!

be ready for opeolng on the first of July.It is bruited round that colored men are t

supplant several faithful clerks in the UniteStates Marshal's office.The county cansas will soon be taken-th

canvassers will probably start about the fireproximo.Report says the late James Murdoch ha

left the Hibernian Society a handsome legacyThe velocipede mania is subsiding io on

city, as it ia everywhere ehe.An ungainly fence on Calhoun, near King

street, has been replaced by a substantial briowaU."Canvassing," "wire-pulling" and "wranj

ling5'are camed en with an intensified intérêtjust now.The drum corps, with its hundred male an

female vagrant followers, which annoyed tbresidents in the vicinity of Broad and Rutledge streets so mach at night last summeihas appeared again. Can't it be prohibited cremoved to remoter parts ?A party of yoong lads hailing from Charles

ton and Savannah, calling themselves "sharper boys," are in Jacksonville, Fla., kicking ua row, stealing money ani the like.The excursion of the steamer Emily aroon

the harbor, thia afternoon, affords a fine ojportunity to escape from the beat of the cit;and enjoy for a few hours the cool sea hreezion the water.


QüABAHTUNS AMD THE PUBLIC HXALTK.-Among matters demanding the utmost care itheir administration, there are none that azeisuch vital importance aa tba lawa and regaltiona whioh sra necessary to secure a commtnity against the invasion of disease. No dican expect to have a lasting prosperity aniathe public mind oan be assured that tlchances ofhuman life inauch locality areaboiup to the average of healthy situations. Olcommunity, whioh ta slowly bot surely redBerating from an extreme depression, stantin urgent need or ali the aid whioh can poa«hly be given her, and to assist in her elevaticthe establishment of a confidence in her mqualified healthfulness ia highly necessary.These remarks axe made lu reference to rports which aie now daily reaching us on tiarrival of vessels from Havana and Matanziat the quarantine stations ol Now York, Ha miton Roads, Savannah end other places in thcountry, whose crews have suffered severefrom the scourge of yellow fever. Thia terible malady, so fatal to abe Caucasian, baa viited os in times past in Ita sharpest form. Whave often thought, perhaps erroneously, thithe old quarantine station waa so near tltown aa frequently to be a source of dangsand that we were occasionally indebted to iproximity and thé want of severe regulationin reference to tba communications alla«««to and from the vessels lying there, fttba existence of tho disease among uIt ft quarantine is to bo worth any-thing,should ba so regulated and located as to gilaanaarabaohite security as possible. Wbiwa Hunk it ts tbs purpose of tba authorities Ido their beat, we would salt tí the preseiquarantine station, near Fort Johoaon, is n<too close for safety f Tba military aothoritkwhen m power kept the veasals we!! down!the roads, and proposed tt» send vessels had]affected to 8torio Inlet, fbi* fol point ia ottrue quarantine station, the cady «»«««Sty biinga want of depth on tba bar stoke**Wmsela, but euch aa constitute ors*. Wwt Inditraders, we should «appose, 00uW sksytfaOget into Steno harbor.

\ ..\Uu\ ':;. '.V: '. V

Sps1i»g->trcet Church »nd RÎT. J. ft.

, TO THE KDirOR OF THE NEWS.BB your issue of last Saturday appears

another characteristic invectivo from tho penofthat meek Christian Pastor of Spring-streetChurch.We trish to oall attention to tho spirit of his

lotter, and to the fact that bo does not replyto, or even deny, one of the statements wemade in reference to Spring-street Church, orthe McGee will o use. He asserts things thatwe never uttered or thought of, and then la¬bors, like a "mountain in travail," to disprovethem. When did we ever claim any rigid toSpring-street Church as a "trustoe?" Whoodid we take it or hold it by "bayonet" or sell itout? This is a "man of stra.v,"ol hiH own cre¬ation-a spider's web, spun out of his ownbowels. But I will not invoke the shadow ofBlackstone and Marshall, or ask, with DonnaJulia. "Antonia, where's my pocket handker-cuiel?"Perhaps his "country friends," for whose

benefit he says ho write*, wUl appreciate hislearned and classical allusions, and they maybe enlightened by bis statement that "ChiefJustice Chase presides over the Temple ofStrife," and that he made a "speech over thegraves of the Confederate and Federal dead atMagnolia."But his oily friends, doubtless, have a differ¬

ent opinion of the United States SupremeCourt, and also know that ho never made aspeech, or was present, at the decoration ofeither Confederate or Federal dead at Mag¬nolia.Tho whole reply of Mr. Pickett reminds us

of tbe "souttle flab." whose habit ie, when ataloss for means ot défonce, to stir up a cloud ofrde in the water, and then scoots out of sight.Thus Mr. P. dips biB pen in gall, stirs up acloud of invective words and cpitbots, and dartsout, saying: "1 have dono with tnese men."Well, discretion is the better part of valor.Tho simple facts in regard to Spring-streofc

Church ate these : It had been occupied bythe Confederates as a military storehouse fortwo years before the oity fell. Alter tho sur¬render the trustees and official members ot theMethodist Churches in Charleston requestedColonel Woodford to issue a-military orderturning over to oui care their churches andparsonages in the city, which he 4*d. Aplan was then agreed upon that we shouldbold religious sei vices for the white Methodistsat New Bethel, and Spring-street should boopened for the colored. Ibis waa done fortwo reasons : First, to provide another needed

Elace of worship; and second, to prevent itseing occupied again by the military.At this time (March, 1865.) there was not a

preacher of the South Carolina Conference inthe city. Every one had fled. Bev. F A.Mood had run the blockade to Nassau; Revs.Mr. Meyuardie and Bogers had left with theretreating army "The ahepTierdt were acatrtered and the flocks were smitten," and notone pastor returned for nearly seven months.Dui ing this hot and sickly summer, we serv¬

ed the people, white and colored, according tothe plan agreed upon, to the beal of our ability,and so far as the white people at New Bethelare concerned, to their satisfaction, as the fol*lowing testimonial will show, an original copyof which was handed me by the secretary:

"CHA.BLE8TON, January 2, 1866.M Whereo»% Bev. T. W. Lewis, Missionary of

tho Methodist Episcopal Church, who has had,at our request, pastoral oversight of ourchur?h, and now at his request baa been re¬lieved,

" Resolved, That we, the official members,tender to bim our thanks for his faithful laborsin our midst, and that we devoutly pray thatthe b'essing of God may be with bim and hisfamily."Signed In behalf of the brethren.

"WK. B. MooUK, Secretary.At a quarterly mooting, composed of all theofficial members of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch, South, m this city, held in September,1865, Dr. T. Rozar, preaid.ng elder, and J.Chamberlain, secretary, a vote was passed"continuing the use of Spring-street Churchto the congregation ot colored people undermy oharge worshipping there," and that bodyhas never asked us to vacate Spiing-streetChnroh from that day to the time we volun¬tarily surrendered it. We kept it in as goodrepair as we found it, using it only for a placeof worship for the colored people, who haveworshipped there ever- since the church wasbuilt, aud suoh otheis, white and oolored, aspleased to come.Bev. Mr. Loyal raised $100 to help seat the

grove at "Tivoli Garden" in Marob, 1868,which was a condition to the congregation atpurchase ul*i«»to?*"xjflt mm+I'l+HT lir? K«kôâshow the "title deed," wnion, he says, is re>quisite in snot} oases. About the "McGeewill," referred to by Mr. P., we wiU only saySpring-street Church or tbe M. E. ChurchSouth are not so much as named in it, but wedoubt not every heir will receive bis por¬tion in dne time. The Court of Equity willdecide, and not Mr. P., who may be morelearned in novel quotations than Blackstone.In regard to '^military authority" and tbe"bayonet," so frequently referred to, we haveonly to say there has been no other authorityin this State till Governor Scott's inaugura¬tion, and in the oity till Mr. Pillsbury becameMayor.The keeping of Spring-street Church a little

longer than Mr. P. and his friends desired, butno longer than the Quarterly Confiarenoe of theMethodist Episoopal Church Sooth allowed,is the whole head and front of our offence.And now, Brother Pickett, if your presentcourse does not bring in the "Dollars for re¬pairs," and printing your phillipios againstyour co-workers in the Gospel, try a more ex¬cellent way, "Let ua have peace."



A Goon TUBS is done our readers when wecommend to them the American House, Bos¬ton. The same judicious management is con¬tinued which has rendered it so popular in thePftat,

_^Go TO GEORGE LiriLI & Co. for fine black

cassimere pants, $8. tuthslmo June 1'Go TO GEOBOX LITTLE & Co. for white

linen duck suits, worth twenty dollars, for $18.Jane 1 tuthslmo

CofflTKBBBATB RECORDS.--The Survivors' As¬sociation, with the view of collecting and pre¬serving statistics and historical material of thewar, would be glad to he allowed to makeconies of any original papers relating to theforces famished by South Carolina to the Con¬federate army or navy, master rolls, reportsof battles or accounts of individual interest.These papers wUl be carefully recorded by

th« association, and when desired, the origi¬nals will be returned.They would also be glad td receive the names

«nd military record of those who were killedor died in the service from Charleston,Dis¬trict, and will- rurnish*bianka fa» «he purpose.The Committee on Records will receive Shysuoh papers. irjf*- ..-IH

C. IRVINE WALKER, No. 3 Broad-street.T G. BARKER, »J. 15 ßroad-street., GEO. p. BRYAN. No. 85 Broad-street.THOS. MoCRADY, foot of Bao-atreet.F. K HUGER, N. E. Railroad Office.June12 8tuth6


PERSONS WISHING TO HaVE PHOTOGRAPHStintad with care'and taute can Have meir orderspromptly flüfod by leaving tbcia at Holme«' BoskHouse. Written directions ahould in «ach«aa» befAfttt as.'to tbe styl« Cf colorta* preferred.Ht*'*.: .saos*'

KUKU oe saturVfiatTABXJKS,

/kl ,. FRUITS, j

ry© ? « rm* ê na-n« > jjl

Sljirt* an) /arntsijing (föoofcs.FINK WUITB MIIIKTS.--TIIIÍ CELE-

BUATED 8T»R SHIRTS, tn all Biz«?, readymade or made to order, at

8roTl'8Gentlemen's Furnishing Store,Meeting-street, opposite the Market.

FANCY 8TKIPKOPKHCAI.K SHIKTS.of tho boat quality and lu assorted patterns, at

SCOTT'SGentlemen's Furnishing Store,Mee lin i?-street opposite the M ar li et.


Ueut'emen's Furnishing store.Meeting-street, opposite tbe Market.

LISLE TUUKAD Mil UTS, WITH LONGand short Sleeves, in all sizes and gradep, at

SOOiT'8Gentlemen's Furnishing Store,

Meeting-street, opposite the Market.

DRAW I«'US, IN LINEN ANO JEANS,in all s'ses, and warranted to ut, atSCOTT'S

GentlemeVs Furnishing Rt« at?,j Meeting-street, opposite tbe Markur.

GKNTbKMKBl'S 1^1 RI fr: V ANO PA« KUCOLLARS-a specialty. The best stook. in

price, stylet quality or quantity. Tho followingstyles constun tty on band, viz: broadway, Vander¬bilt. Best, Jockey, Snow Flake, Boz, shakespeare,Dickens, Boston tfacht Club. At

80OTV3Gontlemon's Furnishing Store,

Meating-street, opposite the Market.

ft RAli'8 PATESNT MOULliKD ORIH.NTVX COLLAR; also the latest Btyle Paper Collar,called the KhYSTONE, manufactured by the Key¬stone Collar Company. AtSCOTT'S

Gentlemen's Furnish.mr Store,Me nt log-street, opposite the Market.

LINKN AND PAPUtt CUFFS, IN ALLstyles and sizes. At

8COTT'*Gentlemen's Furnishing Store,

Meeting-street, opp. sito the Market.

HOSIERY -U!fOLI«H ANO GERMANHALF HOSE, in Cotton and Lisle Thread.

At SCOTT'8Gentlemen's Furnishing Store,Moot lng-street, opuosite the Market.

NECKTIES AND C:;AVA'» 8_A FULLltne of the latert styles of NECKTIES, CRA¬

VATS, SCARFS and BOWS, Buring Stocks and Na¬poleon Tie«. At SOOT I'd

Gentlemen's Furnishing Store,Meeting-street, opposite the Market.

HANUK KUI III« FS, IN LIN KN ANDSILK, ready hemmed tor immediate use. At

scon'sGentlemen's Furnishing Store,

_Meeting-street opposite the Market.

UMBHKLLAS, IN COTTON, SCOTCHGingham, Alpaca and Silk all sizes and prices.At SCOTT'S

Gentlemen's Furnishing Store,Meeting-street, opposite the Markot.

January 1 6mos




June 17 thututmo One door below Harket.

aa- _







ON WEDNK8DAY AND SATURDAY«VENINOS, from 7 to 0 o'clock, tn



GBO. S. CAMERON, President.THOMAS R. WARING, OASHUB.April 23 flBwamoa

Slate Jl&nrrttKttttttt.?jglXKCUTIVK DEPARTMENT.


_... CotuMBifi s. 0.. June 18. 38C0. )THE INTEREST DOE ON THE BONDS OF THESTATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN A, ginee July lat, 1867,will be paid on and after Joly 1st, 388».- at the Bank¬ing House ol H. H. K ÍMPToN, No. 9 Nassau- air at.New York, and at the Treasury Ornee, at Columbia,S. aTSE INTEREST DUE"ON THE RE3I8TEREDSTOOK OP TBE STATE, since July 1^1867, willbe paid at tho Treaaury Dm>a^ent ill Columbiaonly. NILES &: ?ASK KB, 77Treasurer State South Carolina.Jone18_-. Sj -..y_U



uB9K9-fl9ft TM*T'll rf PWBT 98

STAI'B TREASURY OFFICE, I" - B. 0.. Jone 16,186». iUNDER T0E ACT FOB THE CONVERSION OFTHE STATE 8P0UUXTIKS, the Treasurer of the«tate ia pro oared to Issue Booda bearing 8iz PerCent, interest, payable acm i-annnally for reatatored.week. Bond« are prspared for »WO, S500 and siooo.Fract'onp. may *~e returned in cerf Ifbates of stock.Person dasiroun pf cocvorttntr thole Stock latoBonds, will please present their certificate* at thisoffice, with name endorsed noon the kook (wit-

Person«; having Coupon Bonds d«wirous to procureBeRfstered itoek in »cu fhereof, will please présentthe aime to thia office wick ÜUUlylUonaV M A ß ?

Where a» riles canoola*«odla MOTPnto tranaapttheir bnrinAçs at tbisefflbs, ii 5* prsicraMe «bat theauna should ba tr*as*cl*d tiwwça »om* authorizedagant. NILE* G, PAUK EB.JED« V JU ¡ . TreSHBr«. Sooth Carolina.

Á , i AflOOipNTAMJ!, ,

MTAärPIfBlto A»D ëtitfMÉAt Á0MNTt(wnai'i&ajar.i til* fStvito)

aSfín^rrWa1^MÍD w^iN^thstr uooa'fc>j»wt^a^;i»ii«i»*f ffeSsa mtíttÁm ví LWJSSTRKET,

«tnetly oai Baad at abe lowact market Micas.BiliiHatlI «atka^i

5ûicîïon $alc-fonkî) (Boobs.STATEMENT OF BONDED GOODS

lt omaiming tn WarehOMt over Throe Tears, to be Sold at Auction,BY OBOES OF

A. G. MACKEY, Collector of the Port,THURSDAY, JULY Stn, 1869, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., AT THIS CUSTOM HOUSE.






E. M.

J. Selvas

J. J. M. 90C8 and 9009

Five pkga Brandy,105 gallons

Ono caso Cigar*,96 lbs.

Two pipea Oin,'¿'¿0 gallona

Bark Bona Fido

steamer Isabella

In bond fromNow York

E. Umbolt

K. O. Warnbersil


Tan. 3,18C6.

Fob 10,I860.Mar. 1G,1800

0 £ Mustln

J Selvas

Ronnoker& Glover.

June 17 thatuO July 3, 6, 8,




ED to tile work of completing the Blue Ridge Ttuil-ro ul in south Carolina, from Anderson, South ('aro-Una, to Knoxville. Tennessee, a distance ol one hun¬dred and tl ty-two mile* to budd.The Ixeoutivo Committee of the Board of Direct¬

ors ls prepared to enter into negotiations with res¬ponsible person?, who may desire to undertake thowork.Payments will bc made in first mortgago (7j percent, currency bonds of the company, recured bythe guarantee of the »tate of South Carolina, for tho

punctual payment of both principal and interest.T he mortgage rovers unencumbered property ot theCompany, which cost throe ai d a quarter millions ofdollars li gold,?nd embraces flit y miles of road com¬plete n d in naming order.Demi ed Estimates, Plans, Profiles and Specifica¬tions will be read v for inspection by JUNK 1,1860Meanwhile, approximate q ian ities and other infor¬

mation concerning the work may be obtained by ap¬plication to Colonel JAMES P. LOW, the Chief En¬gineer of the Co ipaoy, or to the undersigned, atColumbia, South Carolina.

H. K. 80OTT,Chairman of Executive Committee.N. B. The time for opening the bids for the con¬

struction of this Boad is fixed for the 8th day ofJULT next, at 12 M.. at Columbia, 8. C. Bids will bereceived by the Executive Committee un to thatdate. ll Jane 26



ON AND AFTER SUf-DAY, APRIL lim, THUPASSKEOBB TRAINS ot the South Oarolti a Rail¬road will run as follows :

FOR AUGUSTA.Lear« Charleston.8.80 A. 04.Arrive atAugusta.4.45 P. M.Connecting with trains for Montgomery, MemphuNashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery anf

»rand Junction.FOB COLUMBIA.

LeaveCharleston.,.8.80 A. Ja.Arrive atColumbia.6.1« P. M,Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Rail¬

road, ano Camden train.FOR CHARLESTON.

Leave Augusta.9.00 A. M..Arrive at Charleston.S.10 P. M.Leave Columbia.7 45 A.M.Arrive at Charleston.5.10 P. M.


Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M,Arrive at Augusta........6.10 A. M.Connecting with trama tor Memphis, Nanhvilb

and Hew Orleans, via Grand Junction.leave Augusta.4.10 P. AlArrive at Charleston.4.00 A. K.


Leave Charleston.5.06 P. StArrive at Columbia.4.46 A. MConnecting («undaya excepted) with Greenville antColumbia Railroad.

Leave Columbia.6.60 P. M,Arrive at Charleston.6.30 A. M.

SUMMERVILLE TRAIN.Leave Charleston.8.9S P. m.Arrive at Bummerrilie. 1.(0?. M,Leave Summervale..».g.ggM.


Camden and Columbi« Passenger Trails on MON.DATS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, connects withup and down Day Passengers at Ringville.Leave Camden.6.36 LILArrive at Columbia.11.00 A. M.Leave Columbia.***..3.20P.M.Arrive atCamden.7.95 p. M.Signed) H. T. PEAKE,April10 General Suoenntendent.--------a--^I

Progs, Chemicals, (Etc.FEVER AND AOUE,

IB MP » FROM WHICH MANKIND BUFFEREn W|X/^ over a large part of the globe, ia theW\ MS /consequence of a diseased action in.-.ITH ^Ë^Sthe system, Induced by the poisonjM ona tniasm or vegetable decay. ThiaW exhalation ia evolved by the actionof solar heat on wet aoilt and rises with the wateryvapor fiom it. While the ann la below the horizonthis vapor lingera near the earth'* surface, and tbavirus is taken with lt through the lungs mto theblood. There it aéra aa an Irritating poison on tbaInternal viscera and excreting organs of thc body,lhe liver becomes torpid and fails to secrete notonly this viras, but alao the bile from tho blood.Both the virus and the bile accumulate in th» circu¬lation, and produce vio ent constitutional disorder.The spleen, the kidneys, and the stomach (sympa¬thize with the liv ,r. and become disordered also.Finally, the instinct of our organism, as li in an at¬tempt to exoel th» noxious Infusiou, concentratesthe whole blood of the body in the internal excreto¬ries to force them to cast lt out The blood le ave*the surfaoe, and rushes to the central organs withcongestive violence. This ia tho CbilL But In thiseffort it latia Then the Fever follows, in which theblood leave* th« central organs and rushes to thesurface, aa it bi another effort to expel the irritatingpoison through that ether great excretory-the skin.In ibis also it nils, and toe system abandons theattempt exhausted, and watta tor the recovery ofstrength to repeat the hopeless effort another day.These are the Sta of paroxysms oi Fever and Ague,buch constitutional disorder will of course under¬mine the health if it ls not removed.We have labored to find, and have found an anti¬dote, v.!2p.<AYKtl'S ACIUK CfJAK,

Which neutralises this malarious poison in theblood, an-i stlmulatei; the tiver to expel it from Abebody. As it should, so lt does oem this afltcMngdisorder with perfect certainty. And lt does more«or rather does what is of mare service to those sub-{.ct to this infection. If taken in season lt expelss from the ayatem aa it la absoroed, sad.thuskeepsthose who uae.lt free tram Ita attack»; beeps th» sys -

Um in health although expoaivl tr. »he disease. Con-sewfcaPtti it not only eurea,- but protects from, thogreat variety of affections which are induced by ibis-^rrr"** influence, such as RsSaWeat Fever, ChillFever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache,Bilious Headache. Bilious Forera, fcenralgi»,atism, Gout» Blindness, Toothache, lanche,i. Asthma, Palpitations Painful Affections oflbs spleen. Hyttertó,, coho, Paralysis, and PainfulAfoot ons i f tba Stomach and Bowel«, all of which,when arcing frcmibie cause,'will ba found to as¬sume, more or lase, th« intermittent type. This"AGUE CURR." removes »he cause cf thea« derange-menin «rd cures the disease.lhis lt accomplishes by stlmulsting the excreto¬ries to expel the virus from the system; aud these

organs by de«rees become habited to do this, theireQlce. of their own accord. Hence arises what woterm acclimatation. Time may accomplish the sam«end, but olten I fe is not long onougb, or is sacrificedIn the attempt, while this ' Agua Cure" does lt atonce, and with safety We bave great re son to be¬lieve this is a surer a* weil ss safer remedy for thewholexlass of diseases which are caused ny the mi¬asmatic in ectl n. than any other wh(ch has beaudiscovered; and it has still another im pei tani ad¬vantage to the paulie, which la, that lt ia oneap asweil aa good.

PREPARED BTDr. «I. O. AYKit Ai Co., Lowell, »lass

Practical and Analytical Chemists.Pfioe One Dollar per bottle.

Sold at Wholesale, by >??

DOWIK A- MOISB,charleston, Benth Carolina,And by BsAafi Drugglste everywhere.Jape2< pee ? ; stwthjaoa

Tptt B » M DROOL* "


All fresh from Part*, and for sal« by:_JP*. H.

May t r ¡c. , «Soe m MEBTINO-STBEIÍT.

rpo mamoYM onmajiM

., OSK TAB DOUB^ll WXILLED.ai ttlÂ^Î^SalÊÎ''lt... I |M -.L, -.-« éÉtíÉ m " AA*IIJ.BWÍ, WKKM. WK wm^paw- «ara mm, wy

\«aVas.BAÍ*.Mar« Mowin:

lines, ftquor*, (Etc.




We are Agonts of tue abovo celebrated and wellknown brand of JAMES A. MILLER'S CHICKENCOdK OLD BOURBON WHlttKRY, which is tboQ KN ut v E AR < IOLE, and offer lt to the trade, war¬ranting lt to «ive entire satisfaction, lt is manufac¬tured, copper diBttlled, of the best grain and purequalities-improves br age. especially in the South¬ern climate.A large stock constantly on hand, of different ago»and prices; cooperage of the most superior.For sale in lots to suit purchasers, by

COBB, DOLHONDE ti CO.,bole Agents for the South,

No. 37 Natchez-street, New Orleans.Or HENRY COBIA A CO.,Sub-Agents, Charleston. 8.0.

June 16 Imo

B O U J A S S O N ,


BEOS TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THEpublic that be is now prepared to Clean, Press andmake new aU styles of Beavers, btraw, Silk andPanama HATS, at a very low figuro.Jone W 6*




THE ABOVE FIRM HAVE ESTABLISHED ASpecial Department for the Buying and Selling ofSouthern BEAL ESTATE, City and Country. Theyhave placed Mr. J. M. MOBOAN (late of Charleston,S. C.,) at the head of this branch ot their business.

Parties wishing to sell property in the New Yorkmarket will find lt to their advantage to address theabove Arm.Wff MORatN Tfitra tn Mu», fl A Tor»nm«

As Pow, Charleston, 8. C.June 7 DAGImo *



ÄS-*«V your"Grocer Aw our Brand ofLaird In these Packages.Packed in 3 lb, 5 lb, io lb Caddies; 60 lb Cans for

shipment Cheapest mode for selling Lard. Fendfor Price List.Poid by Grocers la Charleston.Mayg_pao_ stathams

piANOSt PI A so sri





STIEFF'S PIANO1 BAVE ALL TSE LATE?!Improvement, including the Acfaffe treble, ivor;fronts, and thé Improved French Action, fully war¬ranted tor five, years, with privilege of exchanu«within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory trpurchaser. 'Second-handcd Pianos and Parlor Oraans Alway« on band from $50 to $300.

Baron*** WHO tLLVt ou» rtAltos DI tree:General Robert E. Lee,. Lexington, Va.General Robert Ransom. Wilmington, N. 0.General D.H. Hill, (harlot te, M. C.Oovernor John Leécber, Lexington. Va.Messrs. B. Barwell k Sous, CLurlotte, N. C.. Fe¬

male Seminary.C. B. Ktodiok, romalo College. Kitttall's Springs,Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans, La.


Max 8treko*ch, Italian Opera.Mmum*.Pleweri *i Sena, saantar, s. c.Charles Spencer, Charleston, fl. O.Send KOractréuter. Term» liberal.OctoberM .' m <*iîgflpwyj ?" t

y T, ia ir At Ie ia M is Y . «




«e>. MW BtOl*>*?flMl©HABLKSTON, g. O.

" mmrmSaiam,snrKY »ow*, w. J. iiAOBAVB. as*I JAMESOOSfXlUk, IV IV WAUKO. lt«.

faction Sau».Administrator's Safe-Hy order of Judge ofProbate.

BY JEFFORDS & < 0.Will bo sola JHH DAT, the 2«tb instant, st irO'clock, at tho corner of Meeting and Queen-THE CONTEN TS OW THE IROOtRY \ND BAB,kept by the la o John Mehrtoos, ooutistlng of *ct oleo wlork of GRoCERIR*, LlQUuB", Cit »0KB-HY, FIXTURliH, Ac._ June 2«

For sale on Account of Whom it may Con¬cern- Twenty four Barrels Potatoes, with¬out Reserve.

KNOX, DALY & CO,,No. 190 Meeting-street, corser Went*

wonla,Will sell THIS DAV, a« above, commencing at Uo'clock, A. M.Terms cash. June 26

Valuable Real lístale at Auction.W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS,Auctioneers.By virtue of an order of Kale to me directed, by theHon. Gooree S t ryan. Judge of the United StatesDietriot Court for tue Pis.riot of ou th Carolina, Iwill offer for bale at public auction, at the Old Post-offlc*\ foot of Broad-street, on THURSDAY, July1st, at ll o'clock, A. M.ALL THsT PLAÑIA HON OR TRACT OF LAND,on tito Wando River, about niue mi T fr un Charles¬ton, known us Woodville, containing four hundred]

acres, more or less.ALSO,

ALL THAT PLANTA t ION OR TRACT OF LAND"known us tho Darby Tract, situated in the rear oftho Four Mile Houso, on the piank road, containingtorty-four acres of nigh laud and eifjht acres of marahland, moro or less.ALSO, . ,ALL THAT LOT OF LAND, with «he Buildings,situated on the west bide of Mechanic-street, tn theVil'age of Rikersvlile, measuring and containingon tho front aud back liaos each ninety feet by threehundred feet in depth.AISO,

ALL THAT LOT OF i.f.ND, with the Buildingthereon, situate at the corner of th« Main Road andDivision-street, In the Village of Rikersvlile, mea«surfng and containing in front on Division-streetninety feet, and In depth- feet; butting andbounding east on Msio Road, wost on NortaesateraRailroad track, south on Division-street, and west onlands of A. Carsten.ALSO,

ALL THOSE TWOLO Td, known as Lot B and LotO, In the plan of tho Village of Btkersvlile, mideby John L. Branch. Lot B containing about oneand one-quarter actes, and Lot O containing abouttwenty-one asrea of Marsh Land, as will appear byreference had to Bald plat. jALBO,

ALL THAT PLANTAI I JJ* OE TRACTOF LAND,opposite the Quarter Heme, on tho plank road, aboutfive miles from Charleston, containing one hundred]and sir (106) acres, more or less.ALSO,

TWELVE LOTS in the Town of Ravenel, oitnatoon the Charleston and Havanna» Railroad, aboutfifteen miles from Charleaton, fronUatg on Meilard-street, ami measuring on said front line two bandos»and ten feet each, and containing from four to aovenacres each, as msy be seen by tho piat of said Vil¬lage.Terms-One-third cash ; balance in two equal suc¬cessive annual instalments, secured by bond of par-chaser and mortgage of the premises Building«tobe Insured and policy assigned. Purebasera to payfor papers and stamps. LOÜH MoLAIN,

Assignee for D. Biker.

O*- To WHOM rr MAT CONcans.-Tho lioncreditors of D. BIKER, Bankrupt, are noreby noti¬fied tba* pursuant to an order of court, dated March26th, 1869, they are required to prove and establishtheir liens before J O. CARPENTER, Esq., Regis¬trar, on or before Joly 1st, 1869, er else hs debarredfrom any benefit arising from the deere« to bo mode,in this case. LOUM MaLUN, vJune 19 Bwíthl Assignee D. Rikor.

^Haci)itirt9i Castings (Etc,"jyjrKKTING-STREET FOVKDRY.


THE IMPROVEDii itv '4-1 cl




xiuKHüi fuwtJis AN JJ un* UKARING, from » ta16 feet in diameter

IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PBESS8S for Hsnd-power, Saw and Rice Milla

MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all, descriptionsmade to order

Particular attention paid to




CHARLESTON, S« CLAngus18 raves

J) SI CK N I X IRON WORK» ti. <>;




Engineers Boilermakers &emNos. 4, 6, 8,10 and M PRITCHA TREfSTS,


Charleston, S. C»






We guarantee lo furnish ENGINES and BOILR»«of a« good quality and power, and at aa low rates a«»un be bad hi New Tork, Baltimore or Philadelphia.

i ?....... i¿¿ ¿. ya,,.. iAOSNT8 FOU ¡jo

Ashcrofts Low-water 'Detector,THE ONLY PERFECT SECtJSÏTY AGAtflfÖT


MMPJiMS PROMPTLY ATTKNùXt* TO.Mayar, ?. 9*o mm