TH.E WESTON DAILY NEWS, C: lt. CATHCART. EuiTon. CATHCART, MCMILLAN & MORTON, PROPISIETOl S. No. 18 KAYNE STREET. CITY P lt INTERS. TERM S CASH = SOBSCRIPTION. DAILY- rWELVEMONXHS..810.00 DAILY-.IX MONTHS. 0,00 DAILY-1 UREE MONTHS. 3'5W BINGLE G >PIES.5 cents XO NEWS l>EAL.CEd.3 cents NEWS SUMMARY. It is said that English speculators are buying up milk on the Continent, roducing it, by a drying process, to powder, importing it to England and mixing it with water for uso. The last census gives the population of New Zealand, exclusive of tho military and their fami¬ lies, at 190,607. Tuero aro about 85,000 aboriginal na ives principally iu tho province of Auckland. "A special dispatch to tho Now York World," says the Cleveland Plalndealer, " which has hereto¬ fore been taking tho dispatches of tho Now York Monopoly, to-day gave in its adhesion to tho West¬ ern Associated Press." The Sultan of Turkey is building a hot-house at an expense of $100,000. He already has a houso which oost moro than that, and which, as it contains fifty or sixty women or more, wo would baye supposed it to bo hot enough for all practical purposes. A bureau for tho Mississippi Yalloy, through which all necessary information may be acquired in regard to crops, manufacturing operations, ship¬ ments and stocks, grains and flour tit different points and poriods, is to be established at St. Louis. The Northampton (Mass.) Gazelle says tobacco is a dull crop just now. Mo t of the tobacco raisers in tho vicinity have two years' crops on hand, with no more prospect of a ready sale for it now than there was a yoar ago. At Hartford, Con¬ necticut, seed leaf finds few buyers at thirty cents. The journals of Namur state that tho Marchion¬ ess DE MOM>"S and the Duchess DEL PILAU OSOBIO DE LOS Rios have been eacb fined thirty francs, by tho correctional tribunal of that town, and bad their fowling-pieces confiscated, for shooting with¬ out a license in tho Commune of Dave. A large manufacturing compauy in Chicago em¬ ploys a young lady on ly thirteen years of ago as paymaster. Sho has paid out, since May last, a quarter of a million of dollars, keeping tho time- sheets, pay-roll, and a private account-book with and lor each of three to four hundred mon em¬ ployed. A Paris correspondent write3 : "Cloaks aro to com9 back to fashion this winter. Paletots arc to be utterly given up, and all male bipeds who re¬ spect themselves and the mandates of the Jookey Club are to appear draped in the ample folds of something botween a Spanish capo and tho old military cloak." A few days since, a mulatto woman and her babe were shipped from Troy, Ohio, by an express com¬ pany, as ordinary freight. Sho was taken to the office of tho company, her woight averaged, a bil] of lading made out, and tho usual label for pack¬ ages tied round her nock with a string. When the train started, she was placed in charge of tho messenger, and arrived at her placo of destination in safety. The Columbus (Ga.) Sun of the 29th says: "Wo are gratified to be able to state that tho Catholic Fair has cleared between S3300 and 4000. This sum will be largely increased by tho sale of the remaining articles, many of which aro very v lim¬ bs«, to bo disposed of on Tuesday evening. The Fair has provod the brilliant success which it rich- ly deserved. We believe this is tho largest sum ever obtained in Columbus by a similar enterprise." From tho Fernandina Courier we learn that the Florida Annual Conference convened at Quincy on the 16th ult., Bishop MOTTIEBE presiding. From the proceedings wo learn that the vote for chang¬ ing the name of the Church was 41 ayes to 2 nays. Monticello was fixed upon as tho place of holding the next session of thc Conference. Tho Rev. O. A. MYERS was appointed to tho pastoral charge ol the Church at Fernandina. It waa mentioned yesterday that advicos from Havana, Cuba, report a monetary crisis, from thu want of specie, which has been exported or hoarded. The Bank of Bossior bas suspended payment and closed its doors; also the Bank of ALmacmea de Regla (known as Fesscr's), Bank del Comme rei o (known as Zellas), and Bank dc San Jose. For several days there bad been a run on the Spanish Bank, which had, on the 15th instant, $3,303,757 in specie in its vauits with which to pay ita paper issue, or bills amounting to $3,653.150. Rev. W. H. MTT.TUJBN, the blind Episcopal clergy¬ man, entertains some hopo of recovering his sight. Eminent oculists have informed him that so many are the new facilities for examining the eye, that, in their opinion, a double operation upon the right eye would enable him not only to distinguish ob¬ jects, but, perhaps, read coarse type. Rov. Mr. M. intends going to Europe in tho spring, to consult an oculist at Berlin, whose reputation, in that specialty, is world-wide. News from Saigon (India) to the ena of October, reports great damago to the rice fields, caused by elephants which appeared in large numbers in the environs of Baria. Already, during tho month of September, they had obstructed the rood from Bieu-Phuoc during several hours. Ono of tho bridges between Baria and Cau-thi-way gave way under one of these animals, which had not for a long time been soon in such numbers in thia dis¬ trict. It is a nice thing to go to war, be victorious, and bring your enemy to terms by assessing upon him all tho expenses, and a margin to spare. Tho late Prussian campaign against Austria cost $12,000,000, which tho Emperor has levied upon bis enemies, thus : Austria, $28,000,000 ; Bavaria, $12,000,00ü ; Saxony, $7,000,000; Wurtemberg, $3,200,000; Baden, $2,400,000; Frankfort, $2,400,000; Hesse Darmstadt, $1,200,000. Total, $50,200,000. Being the whole stun, and a round $14,000,000 of profit beside. Not a bad summer's work. The Knoxville Whig, of the 19tb ult., says: "We are authorized to say that, after Monday next, a regular train will run to and from Clinton, on tho Knoxville and Kentucky Railroad, with a passen¬ ger car attached, for tho accommodation of travel¬ lers and freight. This is the opening up of a now and great channel of trade and travel, which will not again be checked until we are connected with Louisville and Cincinnati, and this will be at no distant day. In two yoars more we shall be in connection with South and North Carolina, start¬ ing out from Morristown." A colony of freedmen, consisting of throe hun¬ dred hoads of families, comprising about two thousand men, women and children, is to bo estab¬ lished west of New Smyrna, thirty miles south of Fernandina. They come from South Carolina, and are in charge of General ELY. The Govern¬ ment gives them one month's subsistence and transportation, and they supply themselves with two. The country which thoy are to occupy is well adapted to cultivation, has a fine range for cattle, and abounds in fish, oysters and game. Colonel SpaAGTTE, commanding the District, has guaranteed military protection, and with thiB military super¬ vision, toge .her with well directed industry, their condition must be greatly i nproved. They will leave Charleston, S. C., ne^t month in steamers for New Smyrna. The exportation of sugar from Puerto Rico dur¬ ing the past year bas amounted to 128,834,740 pounds, the value of which is calculated at four nd a half minions of dollars. Coffee to the value jo millions of dollars, and cotton to half a mil- >8well the total sum of the exports which aount to nearly nine millions. The ion of thes$rade has been with the ^over ninety-four million pounds ^whilst to the next best cus- venty-three minion pounds ]>le that very little coffee ^markets, only eighty- to England three LAUGEST CIRCULATION.-Thc DAILY NEWS publishes ll-e Official List of Let¬ ters re:»«iain;; in thc Posloßcc at thc end of oirli vr<A-. agreeably l" Inc following suction or' thc New Postoßce Lair, as the newsooper haring thc largest circulation in thc Ci'// of Charleston: SECTION r». And Ix- it further enacted. That Hate of lot¬ ter» remaining uucnilod for ia any Postónico in any city, town or villngc. where a newspaper shall bc printed, shall hereafter be published once only in thc nowspapor which, being publiahod weekly or oftener, shall hove the largest circulation within rango of delivery of tho said office. JOS" AU comm unications intended for publication in Ulis journal must bc addressed to Ute Editor of the Daily News. No. 18 llayne-strccl, Charleston, S. C. JSusnicss Communications to Publisher of Daily News. llVcaniioi undertake lo return rejected communica¬ tions. Adocrtiscmenis outside of thc city must oe accompa¬ nied vcith thc cas'i. CHARLESTON. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1367. OUR NEW POEM. THE CHAIU.ESTON DAILY NEWS bills its renders (his morning a happy New Year, and does so in a new dress. Heretofore wc ap¬ peared in royal quarto, now tn imperial folio. Upon tho first enlargement ol' Tnt: NEWS we determined upon an eight-page sheet, being thc form most generally in use in all large cities, both in Europe and ou this Continent. That form offers many advantages over the four sheet paper, and an experience of years hus pronounced in its favor. Our opinion on lliis subject has not changed: but the reading public of this city, always having been accus¬ tomed to four-page sheels, seemed unwilling to surrender their preference for the old custom. We thus had continual solicitations for such a change from our patrons. The advertisers all wished to have their announcements on thc outside half of thc paper. None wanted to be "stuck away" on the inside. To obviate this difficulty ive have at last yielded to a general desire of our friends and-havc entered Tur. NEWS on a new four-page race, for which wc would bespeak the same regard and pa¬ tronage, our old octavo friend so largely en¬ joyed. The Old "NEWS," in retiring (with its venerable friend, 1SGC), tenders its most polite and heartfelt acknowledgments to a very large circle of readers, friends and well-wishers, and hoping that, it has not been here in vain, respectfully solicits their continued counte¬ nance for its new-born bigger brother-the large four-page sheet, commencing with this, tho first day of the year 18G7. NEW TEAS. Another grain of sand has fallen from the hour-glass. Another station on the highway ol life has been reached by the weary pilgrim. An¬ other unit, of life is gone, and death is by one year nearer to all of us. It is a time for thought- for solemn reflection. Have we progressed during the past three hundred and sixty-five day»? Are we wiser or better! nas thc growth of years brought soothing to the troubled spirit ? Have we learned to calm oui passions, and to open our hearts and hands to thc promptings of heaven-born charity ? These are meditations and interrogatories naturally suggested by the season, and happy lliose our readers whose conscience will answer them in the affirmative. How is it with our City? How with our State? Again thc cry : "Watchman, what of the night? Is it long yet to the morning's golden dawn ?" Where are wc now ? Have we progressed since last wc heard the annual watchman's cry ? Wc then were under mili¬ tary rule. Our rulers since have become civil, but still we enjoy a military guardianship. Our representatives wero knocking at thc door ol Congress then ; wc now have concluded to remain quietly and peaceably at home, awaiting developments. Thc future then was dark and gloomy ; it is cloudy still, but he of hopeful temper may already see the dawn of a brighter day. The National Executive has remained true to the South (i. c. true to the fundamental law of thc land), and now another buckler will be held up for our defence in the declarations of the highest judicial tribunal in the country. We may reasonably, therefore, hope that t he day of deliverance is nearer, by twelve months to-day, than it was January 1, 1SC0. We have nothing to boast of, and cannot flatter ourselves with any great degree ol prosperity. The crops were short ; thc people arc poor-many of them suffering for the necessaries of life. Our debts are great-our resources fe\~, and tues heavy, almost be¬ yond endurance. We wish we could give a brighter coloring to the picture, but the truth is not always, indeed not generally, pleasant. We would tell our people be patient-trust and hope, and all will come right. We have, unquestionably, much also to be thankful for, and at a solemn season like the present it beconieth all of us to humble our¬ selves before the great Searcher of hearts, and return thanks to the Giver of all good for His grace and manifold mercies toward us. A happy New Year wc wish to all our read¬ ers ; and may it bc our privilege to address them many times more, and theirs to read, for long years to come, our annual lucubrations. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH.-We give below, as a matter of public interest, the state of the vote upon the constitutional changes proposed for adoption at the last Gene¬ ral Conference, viz : the change of name to " Episcopal Methodist Church," and the intro¬ duction of lay delegates into the legislative as¬ semblies of the Church. It will be seen that the sentiment in favor of these changes is im¬ mensely preponderant, but as the General Con¬ ference required a majority vote of three- fourths, it may yet be lost : Change of Nome. Lay Repre¬ sentation. _ , Ayes. Noa. Ayes. Noa. Kentucky.45 7 47 4 Louisville.35 31 57 10 Missouri.28 30 40 13 BL Louis.28 12 19 10 Arkansas.25 7 27 4 Little Rock.24 19 ie 29 Indian Mission. 7 00 7 00 Texas.27 00 26 1 West Texas.23 00 23 00 East Texas.30 0 80 0 Northwest Toxas.28 03 26 00 Pasiflc.27 8 401 Virginia.64 ; *-64 76 24 Western Virginia.15 7 211 North Carolina.66 3 4822 Halfitm.61 2 47 7 Tennessee.55 48 68 41 Momphis.78 43 65 51 MiSMSstppl..36 52 30 45 Mobile.21 46 38 30 Georgia......109 3 117 12 Montgomery.54 12 60 10 Florida.41 2 40 3 South Carolina.104 6 103 7 4|lii7 4|1414 356JÍ 353>i The Columbia Conference casting about 12 votes, the Louisiana Conference castmg about 75 votes, and the Baltimore Conference casting about 100 votes, are yet to be heard from. It is believed that the first and last named will be unanimous for both changes, but everything teems to indicate that a majority vote of the Louisiana Conference will be cast against them. Tho Tallahassee Sentinel says: "We saw, yester¬ day, the subscription book of the pastor of the African M E. Church for tho erection of a largo and comfortable building for the worship of that congregation in this city. Many of our prominent Bhavo contributed one hundred dollars 'this church. This, _WANTS._ WANTED-A SITUATION AS CLERK, by a young man who has had experience tn busi¬ ngs; can conic W«U rccommondod and iniluouco country trade. For Jurthor particulars address C. W:. through th» Poslortice. 2* December 31_ ¿VA A /-T-WANTEB A PARTNER, HÖÖ V/\J Vj. with a cash capital of FIVE THOU- 9,ANI> DOLLARS, to wort; a Sea Island Plantation on Wadmalnw. Tour miles trom Rockville Tho Plantation consist*) ot :il>0 acres. 17> of which ha« produced ISO pounds o' the tin<wt Sea Island Cotton to tho »cn». Thu Plantation will bc managed by tho proprio.- lu per¬ son, who has boca more successful lu tho prceont culti¬ vation than most others. Refer to Messrs. O'ilEAlt. ROPER ,t STONEY, South Commercial Wharf. December Mt_fmw?__ XsTANTED.-A~ STEAMY RESPECTABLE VV FEMALE wishes a situation os Nursery Gov¬ erness, in sonic family travelling to Florida, Cuba or Eu¬ rope, this winter, or would go as an attendant on a cick lady. Tho best of references givou and required. Apply, stating terms and timo of departure, to L. A. S. Docember 24 mwf Charleston. S. C., F. O. AK TED- A GOOD COOK AND LAUN¬ DRESS, to go to Society Hill. S. C.. Tho best rof- orcuces required, and tito best wages ]inld. Apply ono door cast of RUTLEDGE in WENTWORTH STREET, south side._3*_December 23 ANTED_A BOOKKEEPER, OE FIFTEEN years" practical experience, desires a SITUATION. In thcniesntime. any one having books to bo written up, balanced or adjusted, accounts made out. Sc., can have the same done, ina neat aud intelligible manner, ou ap¬ plication at this office, or at the ofilco of WM. HARRAL, No. 17 Hayno-strecL _5_Docember 27 ONE OP THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE in thc culture »nd management of Rice, wishes a situation as Manager and General Superintendent. For further information, apply to Messrs. G. H. INGBAHAM and T. L. WEBB. No. 1* Vanderhorst Wharf. SST Georgetown Times and Savannah Republican copy and send bill tc this oflioc. December 2'J_,_sinth3» A" GENTS WANTED FOR THE LIEE, LETTERS, SPEECHES, tc of Hon. ALEXAN¬ DER H. STEPHENS, by Honry Clevcland.'Esq., late editor of thc Augusta (Ga.) Constitiitionoltst Send for Circulars and soe our terms and a fuU description of tho work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Corner 7th and Main streets, Richmond, Va. Docember 27 Imo* REWARDS. ASUITABLE REWARD WILL BE PAID for the recovery of a small CHESTNUT MARE, li hands high, with two white foet and white in tho face. Strayed from W. H. Slaklcr, then at Eight Milo Bottom. Had on her a bridle and army saddle. Apply at this oQlcc. G_December 27 FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD WILL BE paid for tho rccovcrv (or information that may lead to tho recover} ) of TWO HOltSES stolen from tho Btablc of JAMES M. RHETT, Green Pond. S. C., on the night of thc 20th inst. Both are brown bays; not in very good order; one 15JÍ ha- ds high, 10 years old, long toil; thc other 12 years old, IS hands high, toil docked, but hair has grown quito long, a rough coot, and a Northern horse. Apply at this olüce. December 26 F0U8D. SILVER PLATE FOUND-A PIECE OF SILVER PLATE, belonging to some of tho Taylor family, was taken from a negro some time sinco, which can bo had by proving proporty and paying for adver¬ tisement. Apply at this office. November 23 EDUCATIONAL. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. MRS. E B. WHITE, No. 3 LEGARE STREET. WILI _givo instruction in VOCAL AND INSTRUMENT¬ AL MUSIC to a limited number of Young Ladies whe are not connected with her School, thc exercise« ol which will bo resumed on TFt'iineädoy, tho 2d of January, January 1 1* THE EXERCISES OF MISS E C. SIMONS' SCHOOL WILL BE RE SUMED at her residence, No. 10 MARY STREET, on Thursday, 3d January, 1867. January i _1 THE EXERCISES OF THE MISSES BRODIE'S SCHOOL WILL BI resumed To-morrow, January 2d. 1807, at No. 2; Coming street. 1* Januory 1 MADAME A. 91. FBL'GAS' ENGLISH AND FRENCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ANT BOYS YT7TLL BE OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, QD JANUARY, ? V at No. 90 CALHOUN STREET, four .doors coat Meeting street. N. B. Girls will be prepared for tho Normal School, and BoyB for tho High School. For terms (which oro moderate) and other particulars apply as above. JOST Private instruction in French given to young la¬ dies. etu3 December 29 MISS JULIA V. ROACH npAKES LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE TO HER FRIENDS JL AND PATRONS that tho exercises of her School wül bo resumed on Wednesday, January 2d, at her residence, No. 13 Society street. Terms.-English (higher branches), S10 per quarter. Primary Instruction, S8 per quarter. Vocal Music and the rudiment* of Drawing taught free of charge. References-W. Gilmore Simms, LL. D., E. T. Winltler, D. D., Hon. N. Russell Middleton, Rev. John L. Girar- dean. tuths7 December 18 HOME SCHOOL FOR BOYS. rriHE EXERCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WILT, Bi A. resumed ou the SECOND MONDAI'IN SEPTEM¬ BER, and continue ten months. The number of pupUi is limited to twelvu. Thc Principal is a graduate in honors > Cambridge. England, and has had more than twenty year ' experience as a teacher in the south. Careful and thorough instruction will bc given in thc LATIN and GREEK CLASSICS, French and Spanish, with a completo course of English studies, including Mathematics, Commercial, Arithmetic, and Bo ik-Koop- ing. Pupils will be treated in all respects as members ii hil family, and will receive tho undividod caro and atton'.ii n of thc Principal tn the preparation of their various st ti¬ dies. References.-To tho Faculty of tho South Carolina Uni¬ versity, and to present and former patrons. For terms and further particular», address the under¬ signed. RICHARD FORD, A. M. Columbia, AugUBt, 1800. stuth August ll WM. WALLIS "ÏT7TLL REOPEN HIS COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ON VV Wednesday. 2d of January, 1867. «B-No. 685 KING STREET, corner of Morris street December 31 2 DR. HENRY M. BRUNS, BEGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUB¬ LIC that he wiU open a CLASSICAL MATHE¬ MATICAL, ENGLISH and FRENCH SCHOOL, on the 2d January next, at No. 88 Wentworth street A Ufe devoted to tho education of youth (twenty-flvo years of it os Principal of the High School of Charleston), he trust* will secure for him tho confidence of those who may honor him with tho training of their sons. Dr. BRUNS will give private instructions in tho Classics and Mathematics to young gentlemen who may wish to review those studies preparatory to College, or who mav wish to be carried on in tho highor branches of the same. He 1B also prepared to take a few boys to board on rea¬ sonable terms. For further information, apply to himself or to R. S. BRUNS, No. 2S Broad stroot. December 19 _Dec. 19. 20, 31. Jan. 1, 3 ST. PHILIP'S STREET SCHOOL. THE EXERCISES OF THIS fjCHOOL WILL BE RE¬ SUMED on WEDNESDAY, thc 2d of January, 1867. Applications for the odmisston of children will be re¬ ceived ot the School-house on and after that day, between the hours of 9 and 10 A. M. For tho present," not more than two children from each family will be received. In consequence of the want of sufficient funds, the Commis¬ si oners will be obliged to roquiro each pupil to pay for the books and stationery nsod by them. By order of the Board. E. MONTAGUE GRXMKE, November 26_mg 8_ Secretary. MRS. M. E. TOOMER'S SCHOOL WILL BE OPENED JANUARY 2, 18Ö7, AT NO. 17 PITT STREET. Terms made known on application. A share of public patronago is respectfully solicited. December 24 rnwrB* WOFFORD COLLEGE, SPARTAN BURG O. H., S. C. HPHE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTEENTH X Collegiate year wül begin on Tuesday, 8th January, 1867, with a Faculty of six Professors. The Preparatory School, under the immediate supervision of the Facul¬ ty, will also begin at tho same time. Tuition and contingent foes in advance, per year, $64.00 Board, payable monthly, about.12.00 Bills payable in specie, or its equivalent in currcnoy. _A. M. SHXPP, President. December 14 fmwll su THE EXERCISES OF REV. D. X. LA FAR'S SEMINARY, AT CORNER OF CALHOUN STREET AND RUTLEDGE AVE¬ NUE, wül be resumed on Wednesday, 2d January. Pu¬ pils living in the more distant parts of the city, and who are desirous of attending this Scminarr, will now be en¬ abled to do so through the present railway Acuities. December 29 3 THE EXERCISES OF REV. A. T. PORTER'S SCHOOL WILL BE RE¬ SUMED on Wednesday. 2d January, at tho School Building, ASHLEY-STREET, ono door aboyo C°nnon- strcet_fmw4_ Deoember 28 DANCING SCHOOL. MONS. BERGER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HTS patrons and the public in general that ho will re¬ sume his Tuition in Dancing on tho 2d ofJanuary. Boarding Schools and private families attended to as usual. Apply at No. 12 GLEBE STREET. December 27_ GfCRMAN LANGUAGE. APRACTICAL GERMAN TEACHER IS NOW FORM¬ ING DAY AND EVENING CLASSES for instruc¬ tion in GERMAN. Terms moderate. For particulars, apply at HOLMES'- BOOK STORE, Comer Klug and Wentworth streets. December 23 6 _HIGH SCiTiyOL OF CHARLESTON. nTTHE EXEHCISI1- OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE I- resumed on Tie Inesday, 2d of January. Instruc¬ tion given in Greek, Latin, French. Mathematics, and the higher branches of English. Terms $10 por ouarter, In advance. No extra charge for French or Stationery. W. R.KTNGMAN, December 24_11 gul _Principal. MRS. CARROL, HAVING RETURNED TO THE CITY, OFFERS HER servicos as Teacher of tho Piano and Vocal Music. Apply at No. 81 WENTWORTH STREET. December 20 INSTRUCTION ON PIANO. MRS. H. E. BRYAN WILL GIVE INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO to a limited number of Pupils. Term* moderate Apply at No. 63 MEETING STREET. December 4 MISS A. L. SALOMON, HAVING LOCATED IN WENTWORTH STREET, ono door cast of the Artesian Well, has resumed tho instruction of ORNAMENTAL WORK, in tho various branches, ootnpriaing WHITE AND COLORED EM¬ BROIDERY, Tapestry and Tufted Work, Wax Fruit and Flowers, Oriental and Grecian Painting, Sholl, Leather, Hair and Paper Flowers, Braiding, Knitting, Netting and Crotchet. All coders executed with promptness. MUS- LINS and LACES renovated. Also, FLUTING and CRIMPING done to order. Terms moderate. Apply at her RESIDENCE Deoember 13 Imo HOTELS. VICTORIA HOTEL, P. OPDEBECK.".. ;.Proprietor. ,18 NOW OPENED ON THE EUROPEAN been remodelled and- refurnished og public, transient visitors, or ) luxuries1 of a FIRST-CLASS tho comforts of MEETINGS. CITY COUNCIL, rpiíli REO OT,Alt Ml'.ETlNG KUI, BE HEED ON L To-Storrw, ¡¿ii instant, In CotiucU Chamber, at 5 o'clock P. M. \\. ll. SMITH, january 1_1 Clerk Council. TUB LADIES' PDEIi SOCIETY. AMEETING OF TUE MEMBERS AND EMENDS of this Society will bc held at the Doposltorv, Chal¬ mers street, TcMerraw, Jil January, at 1 P. M. A thorough reorganization and au Election Oülccrs will tait.1 placo at this nicotine. Ey order ol' tho President. 1 January I i7'ö'.'T».~i\ GRAND LODGE Ol' TUE STATE OF SO. CA., 1 C1M1J.KSTOK. January 1. 18C7. I THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THIS R. W. Grand Bodj aro requctftod to meet thc M. W. Mas¬ ter on tho following evenings, at half-past 7 o'clock, for tho purpose ol' installlnR tho officers of thc subordinate Lodges, viz: Tuesday, 1st, Jefferson. No. 4; Wednesday, 'id. South Carolina, No. 1 ; Thursday, 3d, Howard. No. 3; Friday, 4th, Marion, yo. '2, and Sunday, Otb, Schiller, No. 30. Ey order ol* tho M. W. O. M. JOI1N H. HONOUR, JB., M. D., ^January 1_4_Grand Score; a-y. I.O.O.F. GRAND LODGE OF THE 8TATE OF SO. CA., 1 CtUJUJU.-roti, December 31, 18G6. J THE '26TH ANNIVKRSARY OE TUE INTRODUC¬ TION of the Order Into this State will bc celebrated nt Odd Fellows' Hall, comer of King and Libirty streets, Thù Day, at 10 o'clock, A. H. Addressee will bo dolivorcd and appropriate music sung. Tho public, and esjeclally the ladies, aro respect¬ fully Invited to attend. 15y ordor: JOHN H. HONOUR, .Tn.. M. D.. January 1 2_Grand Secretary. JEFFBRSON LODGE Wo. 1, I. O. O. JF.~~ THE REGULAR MEETING OF THIS LODGE WILL be hold TAii Evening, 1st inst, nt 7 o'olock. A punc¬ tual attendance is desired, as tho installation of tho offi¬ cers for the ensuing term will take place. By order. WILLIAM E. MILLIGAN, January 1_1 Recording Secretary. RAMSAY CHAPTER, No. »7, R.-.A-.M... THE REGULAR MONTHLY CONVOCATION OF Ulis Chapter will bo held at Masonic Hall, This Event¬ ing, ut 7>< o'clock. Companions oro requested to bis punctual. By ordor M.-.E.\H.\P.\ GEO. H. INGRAHAM. Jr., January 1_1_Secretary. GHARLESTOIÏ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Of ODD FELLOWS. THE ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF THIS ASSOCIA¬ TION will bo hold at thc Odd Follows' Ha 1 Thii Evening, 1st «îistïnt, at 7 o'clock. A full and pnnctua attendance is particularly requested, as tho election o officers for the ensuing tenn and other important bust ness will bo transacted. Bro. L. P. ASHBY -will deliver an appropriate Address All members of tho Order aro fraternally invited to at toBd. WM. CREASER, Secretary. January 1 1 ROBERT EMMET CIRCLE. A"T*. MEETING OF YOUR CIRCLE THIS . , EVENING, at P. M., at Masonic Hall, Apune tuai attendance ls earnestly requested By ordor. * JAMES POWER, January 1_Centre. CHARLESTON FIRE ENGINE COMPARCS ._ ATTENTION ! m HE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF YOUI A Company will bo held at your Hall This Evening, 1st inst, at 7 o clock precisely. By order. -^O. McLEAN. January 1_1 Secretary v- em., C. F. E. CO. VIGILANT FIRE EKGl . .2 COMPANY. A ^fP,?0,T REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING ¿X. at Vigilant Hall, State street. This Evening, at o clock precisely. A full and punctual attendance is dc sired, as business of importance will bo brought forwan for your consideration. By order. JOHN T. HUMPHREYS, January 1_1_Secretary. CHARL'TON TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY XLVI. ANNIVERSARY THE FORTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY MEETING Ol the Society will bo held at tho Rooms of thc BOCK doty on This Afternoon, January 1st, 1867, at hali past 3 o clock. Members orj enjoined to be punctual ld attendance a tho Annual Election of Officers will take place, and otho Important business transactod. By order of the President. Januny 1 2 CF. B. BREMER, Secrotary. ELMORE MUTUAL INSURANCE"CoT TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUEST OF . JL number of tho Cash Capital Stockholders, represent mg sums sufficient for the purpose, a meeting of th Stockholders of thiB Company will bo held on Thursday January Sd, 1867, at U o'clock M., at the Office of tb Company, Broad street. By order of the Board of Directors. JOSEPH WHILDEN, Secretary. December 21_ jiec 21. 25, 29. jan 1 3 PORT HOYAL RAILROAD. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLT KRS will bo hold in the buil(ung of the Allcndol High School, on the Second Saturday in January next, s ll o'clock, A. M. J. c. DAVANT, November 22 40 Secretary. TO RENT. SEA ISLAND PLANTATION TO RENT FOI ONE, TWO OR THREE YEARS.-AU that valuabl SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, known as Pa! metto Hall, on Chlsolm's Island, at the head waters c st. Helena Sound, containing 1000 acres of cleared land having necessary buildings, ic Terms easy. Apply t WILLIS & CmsOLM, January 1_tm_North Atlantic Wliarf. TO RENT, THE DESIRABLE THRJEI STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, No. 45 Ese Bay, containing ten aquare Rooms, Cistern, WcU, Par try. Double Kitchen, Has, und all nocossorv convenience on the premises. Apply to J. McCABE, No. 30 Broad street. January 1_tuths3 TO RENT, THAT TWO-STORY BRICE WAREHOUSE. No. 85 Church street, a few door above Broad, capable of storing 1000 bales of hay. Anni at SHIP'S PRESS, comer Anson and Havne streets December 29_ " stnth3 TO RE NT-FINE STORE TO RENT northeast corner QUEEN AND CHURCH STREETS under Commercial House. thatn3 December 27 TO RENT, A YERY CONVENIENT RESI DENCE, with largo Lot, Stables, Carriage and Woo. Houses, and a gjod, roomy Kitchen. House contains si- good Rooms, one Dressing Room, Tantry, icc, ic, witj gas fixtures and fino Cistern of good wclL In Uppe Wards, within two minutes' walk of City Railroad Lo high and dry, and situation healthy. Possession elvo! 1st of January next Apply ct THIS OFFICE, December 14 fru E.ARE CHANCE FOR GARDENERS AN I HORTICULTURISTS.-An ORCHARD to be rente within a halfmile of Stateburg. S. C., and ia miles of th Claremont Depot, on the Camden branch of tho Soutl Carolina Railroad. Situated on the high hills of Santec in ono of the healthiest (having long been tho Summe residence of plantera) aa well as best and surest fruit producing regions of' the Southern country, this ofle Bhonld be very attractive. The Orchard, covering a spaci of 30 acres, contains about 5000 Poach trees, 500 Pears, ani 700 Apples. There ia a good Dwelling House, contain! ni four rooms, with all necessary outbuildings for th accommodation of a family, and houses for the accommc dation of laborers. There is a Church, and a Postóme will soon be established within half a mile of the pla« The trees are selected with a specialview to the Northen market and are in full bearing, being from 5 to 8 year old. Tho most liberal terms will bo given to any on bringing skill and capital. There ls a Grapery, contain lng 30 vines, of foreign varieties, under glass, in ful bearing, until the last year, when it was neglected There is a Propagating House and Nursery Beds for frni and ornamental trees, and about 160 acres of good lani for the cultivation of corn and cotton, belonging to tb tract which can be obtained. The Orchard and accès Bernes will bo rented or worked upon shares. Apply ti .TAMES R. PRINGLE, Factor and Commission Merchant Adger'B North Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. December 13 _ thain. COTTON AND CORN PLANTATION TC RENT, in Sumter District, 8 milos west of Sumte village. The Wilmington and Manchester Railroad rum through the tract and a station on the tract and withii 2 miles of the settlement. Location perfectly healthy Water perfectly pure and sweet. Good accommodation for 150 to 200 negroes. About 1000 to 1200 acres of arabl land, cleared and under fence-fences in tolerably fal: condition. Good dwelling house, containing 6 rooms and all necessary outbuildings, as stab'es, barns, kitchen storerooms, &c. There are some laborers now on thi place who might be Induced to remain, as they are at tached to the place. Will be sold, if desired, or rent« for a term of years, parties can examino the place b; applying to JOHN B MOORE, at Ststeburgh, 8. C. Trac contains 3300 acres. Sixty hands haye been successful!; worked on the place. Good cotton and corn land for th. middle country. Tho proprietor of this place invite propositions from parues desiring to Invest incottoi planting os to cultivating this plantation on shares. December 13 thstu TO RENT_A ABWAND WELL PIMSHKI TWO-AND-A-HALF-STORY BRICK HOUSE, With < large square rooms, 2 largo attics and 2 dressing rooms pantry and piazza, cistern, and all necessary accommo tiona for servants, situated in Trombo Place, near thi corner of Broad and Rutledge streets.' Apply on thi premises to C. C. TKUMEO. inw2 December 31 mo RENT, A VERY DESIRABLE THREE X STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, at No. Georgi street containing six upright rooms, with dressini rooms attached, pantries, etc Every room bas gas fix tores in good order; siso, a kitchen, servants' rooms, i large yard, and all other necessary outbuildings in per¬ fect order, with Veli and cistern. Rent will be moderah to a good tenant. For particulars, Inquire of P. ZPSTIN, southeast corner of King and Wentworth streets. December 29 THE MOUSE Wo. 18 DEE- J^^f^S^1' opposite tho Arsenal, cratsmlng eight ^°In¿^th gas throughout On tho premisesarl kiSh a i^Sîl ' ^u25f¿h0Dse: also, a fine wea sad cistern, ^^fPfy of fruits grapes, peaches, pears and flS SfT»íf« largo vegetable garden aUacÉsdT suffidonttc raise all the vegetables needed for a large family Thi F"-^ THE BEAUTIFUL AK» CA- PACIOT/S STOKE, comer King and Sc^íety street suitable for any business. Appryto J "WWHS, Dumber 3 MANTOTJE & CO. K^riT' A "FA RM SITUATED ON COOP- -*. ER River, eight miles from the dtv, contmnine 404 acres, between GO and 70 of which have been planted the past summer. On it ls a comfortable Dwelling, Kitchen. Barn. Stablo, and negro Houses. Apply at thia Office. December 8 _ stathm TH>^K!V'r' THREE ROOMS AND KTTCH« JL EN, at No. 46 HABEL STREET. December 22 rrtO RENT, ROOMS OR HALF OF HOUSE "^bec^ber30etT8tre6t,neTE*,,tBay- Apply ** nonso' mo RENT.-OlfJBB ROOM IN A GENTEEL JL private family. Also KITCHEN and Servants' rooms For particulars apply at this Office. Ko^berM FOR SALE. DESIRABLE GROCERY STAND FOR t. kALE.-A DESIRABLE CRO0ERY STORE, situ- atedto Msxkot street, between King and Mooting, with Wxfcires, Stock and Good Wfflofthe concern. ^,r fui thar partirmiara apply at this office December 29 FVB. SALE,-A SUPERIOR TOP BUGGY w--£äi*i**f SF301 HARNESS, can bo bought 3^^ly by applying to WM. T. ELFJE. jg^ghgflg _No. 00 Anson-street "PODALE, A SraoLARS HIP IN A PHYLA- «SF^Çi" ISWÖ of Modldne and Surgery. This Scholarship entitles students to fcdl Jostmcnort^ EL8".*?^ ci?0 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ombrac¬ ing Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Materia MedSs. Canister. Obstetrics,a^Dtsoasefof W^mexfandClS*. T '.PlÎSi-ipîes *nd *Tc*k» of Medicine and Patholo¬ gy. AetWa iaoneof tho tart Medical Universities^ Btiwrtng medicine far a scholarship. Apply at IEE umce- _ . ? Dooember 15 ATJ?J£T7£ SALE-A FINK FARM, IN , GpOSE CREEK PARISH, COTtslntaw, 62 acres ¿f land, 34of which are cleared and undeir fence; ttobal- anceweU wooded. Thlsplaoe ls situated 16 mflca froL, C^frl^t£P* 5?°?° State Rood, and irltbia a quarter of a mlle of tho Northea«U3m Railroad. Thore is a fino «rt chard on tho place. For information apply to ftn» . Dr. H. BAER. »gnberll No, 131 Mwtingsí¿»t FINANCIAL* GOLD ! «OLD!! GOLD ! ! ! WANTED. GOLD. SILVER. BANK BILLS UNITED STATES COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES UNITED STATES 7-30 BONDS STOCKS, BONDS, fcc, or all kinds, pnrchased at highes! rate?, yAjnjjlEWM MORELAND, Broker, No. 8 Brood street. December G fmw 2mos LOST. LOST, A POCKET-BOOK WHILÜ GOING from King street to Market and Meeting streets, containing $14 in money, a note from James Bell for $07 7W-100, payable 1st January, and other papers. The Ander can keep tho money by returning the note and papers, as tho note has boon stopped payment. Tho finder »111 leave tho note at this office. January 1 2 _COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP. ~ THE FIRM OF H. OLIVER k CO. IS THIS DAT dissolved by mutual consent. Either party is au¬ thorized to UBC tho name of the Arm in liquidation. H. OLIVER, JNO. STROHECKEH, January 1_3_R. McCARREL. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING ASSOCLVTED WITH thamselves in business Mr. C. C. PLNCKNEY. Jr., will continue thc practico of Law and Equity undor tho firm of MEMMINGER, JERVEY k PINCK- NEY. Offices No. 60 Brood street. January 1 tuO MEMMINGER k JERVEY. LAW NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE BECOME PARTNERS TN the practico of Law and Equity. Olllco No. 21 Broad str«*t. B. C. PRESSLEY. SAMUEL LORD, JE. January 1 tu.hO CHARLES INGLESBY. NOTICE. IHAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH ME TN business my brother, LEE HOWARD, under tho name and firm of S. L HOWARD k BRuXUER. January 1_6 S. L. HOWARD. COPARTNERSIOP. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP under the na no and stylo of GRAESER, LEE. SMITH & CO., for tho transaction of a COTTON FACTORAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, Office on NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. Wo offer our best services as heretofore to our friends «nu ino public generally. C. A GRAESER. GEORGE W. LEE. A. SYDNEY SMITH. , " " CHARLES SPENCER. Charleston, S. C., January 1, 1867. 6 DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP^ THE COPARTNERSHIP EXISTING IN THIS CITY under the nome of SALAS k CO. is this day dis¬ solved by its limitation. Mr. F. P. SALAS will uso the name of thc firm only in liquidation. SALAS k CO Charleston, 31st Decembor, I860. January 1 j5 W" _ COPARTNERSHIP. E, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE THIS DAY formed a copartnership in this city under tho name and Btyle of BONAFONT k SALAS, for tho trans¬ action oía General and Commission business as well as for the importing and exporting of produce, at No. 118 East Bay street, and have granted to Mr. RAMON SALAS our full power of Attorney. JOSE BONAFONT. _ _ , , .V FRANCIS P. SALAS. Charleston, 1st January-, 1867. 15 January 1 _ COPARTWERSIUP NOTICE. WrE"H'\%3TTHIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH US VV Mr. BENJ. F. HUGER, as a Partner in our firm , ,"", JNO- FRASER k CO. January 1, 1867. _tnths3* January! NOTICE. THE COPARTNERSHIP OF GONZALES, WOOD¬ WARD & CO. is dissolved by mutual consent. Either of thc undersigned will use the name of thc firm in liquidation. A. J. GONZALES. W. T. J. O. WOODWARD. January 1. 4_P. J. ESNARD. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CONTINUE THE GENE¬ RAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING BUSINESS in this city under his own name. p. J. ESNARD J"°TI_ tutbse NOTICE. mHE FIRM OF W. T. BURGE k CO. HAS THIS DAY X expired by its own limitation. W. T. BURGE has sold out hiB interest in sold CoDart- norshtp to A. J. DEMAREST and J. R. BOYL8TON A. J. DEMAREST, the late Copartner of the said" firm is alone authorized to close the affairs of said firm and sign its name in liquidation. W. T. BURGE January 1_(3_A. Z. DTJMCAREST. DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP mHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING X between M. H. NATHAN and ISRAEL OTTOLEN¬ GUI. under tho name and style of CATHAN k OTT0- LENGUI, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. M. H. NATHAN will continue the business on his own account, and is authorised to sign tho name of tho firm in liquidation. M. H. NATHAN ISRAEL OTTOLENGUI. TN RETIRING TjMtOM THE FIRM OF NATHAN & OTTOLENGUI, X I return thanks for the patronage extended to me and solicit a continuance of tho same for my former nerti ncr, M. H. NATHAN. I. OTTOLENGUI January 1_ tnfs3 DISSSOLUTION. rjlHE COPARTNERSHIP OF COLBURN, HOWELL* X CO., Insurance Agents, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. j, H. COLBURN S. S. HOWELL, January 1 H. E NICHOLS. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CONTINUE THE IN¬ SURANCE BUSINESS at No. ll Broad street, under the name of COLBURN k HOWELL. ._, . J. H. COLBURN. January 1 2 S. S. HOWELL. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A Copartnership under the firm name of MARSHALL BURGE k BOWEN, for the purpose of carrying on tho WHOLESALE DRY GOODS BUSINESS at No. 153 MEET¬ ING-STREET. E W. MARSHALL. ». W. T. BURGE. O. A. BOWEN. Charleston, January 1,1867. tuthslmo January l J. R. BOTLSTOS IS FULLY AUTHORIZED AND EMPOWERED AS MY Attorney to settle tho affairs of tho late firm of W T BURGE & CO., and for that purpose to use the name ol said firm in liquidation. A Z. DEMAREST January 1,1867. 6 January i NOTICE. THE FIRM OF CRANE BOYL8TON k CO. IS THIS DAY dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner ia authorized to sign tho nome or the firm in liquidation JOHN G. CRANE. J. REID BOYLSTON. WM. H. TOWNSEND. HENRY BOYLSTON, Jr. SAM'L J. CORRIE. January 1,1867. tuths _COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, SUCCESSORS TO CRANE, X BOYLSTON i CO., have this day formed a Copart¬ nership under the style of J. R. BOYLSTON & CO for tho transaction of tho WHOLESALE DR if GOODS BUSI¬ NESS, at No. 45 HAYNE STREET, corner Market street J. REID BOYLSTON. ALBERT Z. DEMAREST. HENRY BOYLSTON, Jr. " , ^ SAMUEL J. CORRIE. Charleston, January 1,18S7._12 January 1 DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP^ riTHE FIRM OF DEMAREST 6c RUMLEY IS DIS- X SOLVED by mutual consent C. J. DEMAREST te alone authorized to sign the name of tho firm m liquidation. JOHN RUMLY December 27 tbstuS* C, J. DEMAREST REMOVALS. _J. A. THOURON H^sS0 ST^EIT0M VEMgg* T*V* _ A. H. ABRAHAMS dc SONS AVE REMOVED FROM VENDUE RANGE TO THE large and spacious Store formerly occupied by Messrs^ courtney. Tennent & Co.. N¿. 36 HAYNE City and Country Merchants wishing to take advantage °f.^T,uiarket. will do well to give na a call ot No 35 HAYNE STREET, whore moy vdlT and a general ¿asor? ment of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN GOODS and CLOTH- isia, all of which are consigned. Wo also shan have Regular Sales at Auction. Con¬ signments solicited. By attention and promptness in busi¬ ness,we hope to meeta share of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon na heretofore. . A. H. ABRAHAMS & SONS, December 5 wfrnlmo No. 36 Hayna street. BOARDINGa SINGLE GENTLEMEN WISHES B ARD .JJ.5.eiítí.v^ Tho best of reference' given. Address C. P, D., Charleston, 8. O. January-1_ ¿* B0T.« -^1- KA3EL.AH IS PR¿> PARED to receive Boarders, at No. 146 Meeting etoeet. up a tobra, Her many friends and acquamtances will please bear this in mind. Decemb^lS MISCELLANEOUS. CARD. THE LATE FIRM OF & N. HART & CO., OF Charleston, 8. C.. lost all their Account Books at ^'burningof Columbia, S. C., oa the 17th of Fobruarv. 1866. The surviving partners solicit all who are aware of being theirdebtors (whether or not the exact amount of indebtedness be known) to place with either of the partners some evidence of their obligations, at their very earliest convenience. The most liberal indulgence will be extended. Mr. a N. HART can be »ought at tie office of Hart& Co., corner King and Market streets. «-The Carolina Times (Orangeburg), Barnwell Senti¬ nel, Sumter Nows and Columbia Carolinian will copy for one month._6 mwa January 1 GRAESER, LEE, SMITH & CO., Cotton Factors, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. C. CA. GRAESER. G. W. LEE, of Sumter. A SYDNEY SMITH. CHARLES SPENCER, of Bishopvülo. January 1 tuths2mos ISRAEL OTTOLENGUI, STOCK, NOTE, BON®, AND is .;.::'yt.;¡ 'til.: '.'.¡-.¡i:; MONEY BEOKEE, No. 22 BROJLD-STREET, Cliaa?lestorL> S. C. January I- .J lt BBEWSTER & SPRATT, Attorneys at Law & Solicitors in Equity OPPICE No. 98 BROAD STREET. Novembers 6LQTH1NG. PARKER & CHILD, DEALERS IN Clothing and Fumisliing doods, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, No. 103 KÄST HAY STREET. December 21 Imo Under thc Anioricm Hotel. OIL. CLOTHING . SAILORS' OUTFITTINO DEPOT. PARKER & CHILI), Nc?. 103 East l$av. December 21 Imo" FALL IND WLWGUliS" AT THE OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND OF Edgerton & Richards, NO. DU DROAD STREET. rriHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS I Olid thu public generally that he ia now receiving his Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, CONSISTING OF : BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS Black and Fancy Cossiniorcs, in great variety of styles Beaver and Pilot Cloths Plain and Figured Velvet, Silk and Casaimere Vestings. All of which aro of the best FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE. THE BEST GUTTERS in the country, who, from his extensive experience, both ic El TO 1 As Successor of Edgerton & Richards MEASTJRE BOOKS, AND CAN FTXT. ORDERS FROM THEIR FORMER CUSTOMERS AT A DISTANCE "WITH SATISFACTION. J. S. PHILLIPS. December 1 Imo DORBAIM & MENKE. perren $Ücit>cvutasi)ev, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 180 KING STREET, THIRD DOOR ABO VE ITORLBECK'S ALLE? HAVE JUST. RECEIVED THEIR NEW STOCK Ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consulting of th. Unest FRENCH AND ENGLISH BROADCLOTHS, DOE SKINS, and a nul variety of the neatest and latest styli patterns of CASHMERES, VELVETS, SILKS, fcc. Beaver and Esquimaux Cloths, for Overcoats, and aral supply of Medium Grade Cloths and Cassimeros for Bu ainess Suits. They are now prepared to make up Garments as cheap ly aa can be done in any Northern city, and finished 1: the latest and most fashionable styles, or in any style tha maybe desired. They respectfully invite their friends and the pnblic t< call and examine thc stock for themselves. AR orders wUl be promptly executed and gocd fits one prompt workmanship will be guaranteed. November 10 stuth2mo CALL _A.T No. 85 BROAD STREET AND EXAMINE A FINE LOT OF ELTONS AND Ll 7 SUITS OF WHICH WILL BE MADE TO ORDER A3 Forty Dollars. JAMES MCCORMICK, November 27 MERCHANT TALT r.R. JAMES MCCORMICK, MERCHANT TAILOR, WHOLESALE AND ttF.TAJL DEAJ-ZTi IN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, No. 35 BROAD STREET. July 28 Cmos CHARLESTON. 8. 0. EARHART, WHITFORD & CO., ÜANUFACTÜREBS AND WHOLESALE DEALER! IN " FINE, MEDIUM, A MERIGAN EXPRESS BUILDING, NOS. 65, 67. 6: XX. and 61, Hudson street, near Duane, New York. T. P. GARHABT. W. H. WHITFORD. J. B. VAN WAGENEN. December 10 Gmo A. T. HAMILTON. DRY GOODS, ETO. LOUIS COHEN. NO. 24=8 King Street, BETWEEN HASEL AND MARKET STS. EESPECTFULLY INVITES THE ATTENTION Ol THE PUBLIC to bis varied Stock of DRY GOODS, JUST OPENED, AT MUCH REDUCED PRICES- DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. 5000 YjJ&DS BLACK AND WHITE POPLINS, at'lSe With a large variety of other DRESS GOODS ranging ot the same price. ,. Our TRISH POPLINS and SILK GOODS are worth th« attention of customers and those seeking styles and va¬ riety, combined with cheapness. The attention of th« Ladles is particularly requested to the some. The Linen Department is well supplied in SHEET TNG and SHIRTING LINENS, with a large assortment e: TOWELLINGS, oU of the most popular brands, and ai much reduced prices. CLOTH AND CASSIMERE DE¬ PARTMENT. Those socking such will find my 6-a BLACK ANC COLORED BROADCLOTHS at $2.50 to be a very fine article, PRINTS & DOMESTICS DEPART« .MENT.. 2000 YARDS OF COLORED MADDER PRINTS, at 12j.'c. per yard, ls offered. BROWN GOODS.-STRIPED SHTRTTNGJAND TIOK- INGIj, proportionably cheap. BLANKETS AND FLANNEL DE¬ PARTMENT. 20 PIECES 34 FINE SALISBURY FLANNEL, at 80c. per yard. With large lot of other brands. ALSO, VERY CHEAP, A very large lot BLANKETS, tri White and Colored, is offered at from %i per pair and upwards. Particular at¬ tention is paid to the CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPART¬ MENT, In 7111011 will be found the Latest Stylos and Beat Fabrics In Material and Trimming. LACE GOODS DEPARTMENT. 1500 FRENCH LACE COLLARS aro offered at 15c. each. Genuine Cluny, Guipure and Brussels Lacee, ai very low figures. 1000 pieces English and French BONNET RIBBONS, In various widths, at very low prices. LADIES- AND MISSES- HATS, Ostrich Feathers and Flow««, in gjeat variety. HOSIERY AND GLOVE DEPÀRT- MENT., - In thia line wül be founds wen and carefully selected Stock of HOSE AND HALF HOSE, for Ladies, Genta and Chflrtmn, Best of KID GLOVES for Ladies and Gentle.' men, Just received at very low prices. Also, Berlin Ca»- simere and Lined Thread and Silk Gloves, very reasona¬ ble. Having just REPLENISHED HY STOCK in all Its dit- ferett departments,! can assure those In wast of any¬ thing in my Una, that they wul find Inge assortments in every class of GOODS, and at snob rates that wul defy competition. v; ...... A coil la respectfully ooUclted. LOUIS COHEN, NO. 343 KING STREET, Between Hasel and Market streets, December 17 DRY GOODS, ETC. . miS, BÂRG NEW GOODS! GOODS! Just Received, at the », WEBB i CO. No. 287 King street, BANCROFT'S OLD STAND. WE WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR VERY LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF FAHY AND STAPLE DM GOOKS, Most of which has just been purchased by one of tho Firm ut much lower pricea than we hare yet been able to show tins season. Our city and country friends, and the public generally, are respectfully invited to examine OUR STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. We win guarantee all Goods at the lowest market prices. Some Goods we are offering at very low prices, SUCH AS: Per Tard. UNEN CRASH, for Towels, at. 10c- BLEAOHKD LINEN CRASH at.. UKc VERY GOOD LONGCLOTH at. 12Kc GOOD SHIRTING LONGCLOTH from.IT to 28c. GOOD BROWN SHIRTINGS at 7 yds. for.»LOO CALICOIS at. 12Kc. A FEW MOURNING CALICOES. » Uttle dam¬ aged, at. 12>»0. NEW STYLES AND BEST QUALITIES, at .I6«Í,18JÍ, 20to26o. ONE CASE OF ASSORTED PURPLE PRINTS. ranging from.30 to 30c. 4-1 PURPLE PRINTS, English. 4-4 BROWN MTvm PRINTS, Frensh. We have also opened entirely now and very dsstrstla patterns, in all of the very best makes ofPRINTS. FURNITURE PRINTS AND WHITE AND COLORED FURNITURE DIMITY. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. WE WOULD OALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR TWENTY-FIVE CENT COUNTER, which contains a Toriety of Gooda at almost half price, consisting of a *»w plecas of DELAINES, COLORED WORSTED PLAIDS. COLORED CASHMERE FLATOS, STRIPE P0PLTK& STRIPE LUSTRES, PLAID LUSTRES, for Mourning, Together with other DRESS GOODS, which are very cheap at twenty-five centa. ALSO TO OUR THIRTY TO THIRTY-FIVE (SENT COUNTER, which contains an assortment of CASHMERE PLAIDS. WORSTED PLAIDS. STRIPS POPLINS, PLAIN AND MIXED POPLINS, PRINTED MXBXHOB, A FEW PIECES OF PLAIN MERINOES AND STRIPED DaLATNES, double width, which we now offer st 30 ta 36 cents-original prices 60 to 65 cents. We also invite attention to many other styles) ot DRESS GOODS that wo have marked down ha similar proportions: ENGLISH MERINOES AND COBURGS. FRENCH MERINOES, from..KLOO to 1.25 and «1.40. Some of the pieces are very cheap in all »>»«/fo. FULL LINES OF EMPRESS CLOTHS IN ALL COLORS, in Drabs, Slates, Royal Purple, FranchBtae. Mazarine Blue, Maroons, &c, Ac which we wlB sell cheap : together with almost every style of DRESS GOODS usuallyjbrought to this market WE ABE SHOWING FULL LINES OF GOODS XH EVERY OTHER DEPARTMENT. CLOTHS AND FLANNEL DEPABTMENT, BLANKET DEPABTMENT. NE V STYLE HOOP SKEETS IN THE BSST MAKES. BLACK GOODS AND SXLK GOODS DEPART¬ MENT. We are offering a beautiful line of Colored Silks sad. foll one of Black Silks in all qualities. CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPABTMENT. HOSIERY AND GLOVE DEPABTMENT. Full Unes of English «nd Gorman Hoalary. Two fall Unes of French Kid Gloves in every number:. .OUR LINEN AND DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT wlU bs. found well stocked with an the most nsofsu. articles mr family and housekeeping purposes; together vfth avery other article to be found in our line, which wa wm sell at the lowest market prices far CASH OR CITY AC¬ CEPTANCE. Our country friends can make their purchases) Say order, or should they visit the city, we win bo glad to have them call on us. N. R-SAMPLES AND PRICE L»TS asst fra« of Bharge to any part of the State. I Be suro and can st t n 9 OW hlffH «W «Wi V) NO. 287 XING STREET, (Bancroft's Old Stand). PAINTS, OILS, ETC, ALBEE & WAEBEN, Wholesale and Retail DKAIXBS ZN PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND COLORS. KEROSENE LAMPS AND FIXTURES. We are now offering oar Stock of GOODS, Which is complete, AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICE- City and Country Merchants ara respectfully invited to gire us a cai! before purchasing elsewhere. sro. * HATNX mm, Man ¿»-a» BSBnar- Deceraber 17 ISM

The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1867-01-01. · "Aspecial dispatch to tho NowYork World," saystheClevelandPlalndealer, "whichhashereto¬ forebeentaking tho dispatches

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Page 1: The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1867-01-01. · "Aspecial dispatch to tho NowYork World," saystheClevelandPlalndealer, "whichhashereto¬ forebeentaking tho dispatches








NEWS SUMMARY.It is said that English speculators are buying up

milk on the Continent, roducing it, by a dryingprocess, to powder, importing it to England andmixing it with water for uso.

The last census gives the population of NewZealand, exclusive of tho military and their fami¬lies, at 190,607. Tuero aro about 85,000 aboriginalna ives principally iu tho province of Auckland."A special dispatch to tho Now York World,"

says the Cleveland Plalndealer, "which has hereto¬fore been taking tho dispatches of tho Now YorkMonopoly, to-day gave in its adhesion to tho West¬ern Associated Press."The Sultan of Turkey is building a hot-house at

an expense of $100,000. He already has a housowhich oost moro than that, and which, as itcontains fifty or sixty women or more, wo wouldbaye supposed it to bo hot enough for all practicalpurposes.A bureau for tho Mississippi Yalloy, through

which all necessary information may be acquiredin regard to crops, manufacturing operations, ship¬ments and stocks, grains and flour tit differentpoints and poriods, is to be established at St.Louis.The Northampton (Mass.) Gazelle says tobacco

is a dull crop just now. Mo t of the tobaccoraisers in tho vicinity have two years' crops on

hand, with no more prospect of a ready sale for itnow than there was a yoar ago. At Hartford, Con¬necticut, seed leaf finds few buyers at thirty cents.The journals of Namur state that tho Marchion¬

ess DE MOM>"S and the Duchess DEL PILAU OSOBIODE LOS Rios have been eacb fined thirty francs, bytho correctional tribunal of that town, and badtheir fowling-pieces confiscated, for shooting with¬out a license in tho Commune of Dave.A large manufacturing compauy in Chicago em¬

ploys a young lady on ly thirteen years of ago as

paymaster. Sho has paid out, since May last, a

quarter of a million of dollars, keeping tho time-sheets, pay-roll, and a private account-book withand lor each of three to four hundred mon em¬

ployed.A Paris correspondent write3 : "Cloaks aro to

com9 back to fashion this winter. Paletots arc tobe utterly given up, and all male bipeds who re¬

spect themselves and the mandates of the JookeyClub are to appear draped in the ample folds ofsomething botween a Spanish capo and tho oldmilitary cloak."A few days since, a mulatto woman and her babe

were shipped from Troy, Ohio, by an express com¬

pany, as ordinary freight. Sho was taken to theoffice of tho company, her woight averaged, a bil]of lading made out, and tho usual label for pack¬ages tied round her nock with a string. When thetrain started, she was placed in charge of thomessenger, and arrived at her placo of destinationin safety.The Columbus (Ga.) Sun of the 29th says: "Wo

are gratified to be able to state that tho CatholicFair has cleared between S3300 and 4000. Thissum will be largely increased by tho sale of theremaining articles, many of which aro very v lim¬bs«, to bo disposed of on Tuesday evening. TheFair has provod the brilliant success which it rich-ly deserved. We believe this is tho largest sumever obtained in Columbus by a similar enterprise."From tho Fernandina Courierwe learn that the

Florida Annual Conference convened at Quincy onthe 16th ult., Bishop MOTTIEBE presiding. Fromthe proceedings wo learn that the vote for chang¬ing the name of the Church was 41 ayes to 2 nays.Monticello was fixed upon as tho place of holdingthe next session of thc Conference. Tho Rev. O.A. MYERS was appointed to tho pastoral charge olthe Church at Fernandina.It waa mentioned yesterday that advicos from

Havana, Cuba, report a monetary crisis, from thuwant of specie, which has been exported orhoarded. The Bank of Bossior bas suspendedpayment and closed its doors; also the Bank ofALmacmea de Regla (known as Fesscr's), Bank delComme reio (known as Zellas), and Bank dc SanJose. For several days there bad been a run onthe Spanish Bank, which had, on the 15th instant,$3,303,757 in specie in its vauits with which to payita paper issue, or bills amounting to $3,653.150.Rev. W. H. MTT.TUJBN, the blind Episcopal clergy¬

man, entertains some hopo of recovering his sight.Eminent oculists have informed him that so manyare the new facilities for examining the eye, that,in their opinion, a double operation upon the righteye would enable him not only to distinguish ob¬jects, but, perhaps, read coarse type. Rov. Mr. M.intends going to Europe in tho spring, to consultan oculist at Berlin, whose reputation, in thatspecialty, is world-wide.News from Saigon (India) to the ena of October,

reports great damago to the rice fields, caused byelephants which appeared in large numbers in theenvirons of Baria. Already, during tho month ofSeptember, they had obstructed the rood fromBieu-Phuoc during several hours. Ono of thobridges between Baria and Cau-thi-way gave wayunder one of these animals, which had not for a

long time been soon in such numbers in thia dis¬trict.

It is a nice thing to go to war, be victorious, andbring your enemy to terms by assessing upon himall tho expenses, and a margin to spare. Tho latePrussian campaign against Austria cost $12,000,000,which tho Emperor has levied upon bis enemies,thus : Austria, $28,000,000 ; Bavaria, $12,000,00ü ;Saxony, $7,000,000; Wurtemberg, $3,200,000;Baden, $2,400,000; Frankfort, $2,400,000; HesseDarmstadt, $1,200,000. Total, $50,200,000. Beingthe whole stun, and a round $14,000,000 of profitbeside. Not a bad summer's work.The Knoxville Whig, of the 19tb ult., says: "We

are authorized to say that, after Monday next, aregular train will run to and from Clinton, on thoKnoxville and Kentucky Railroad, with a passen¬ger car attached, for tho accommodation of travel¬lers and freight. This is the opening up of a nowand great channel of trade and travel, which willnot again be checked until we are connected withLouisville and Cincinnati, and this will be at nodistant day. In two yoars more we shall be inconnection with South and North Carolina, start¬ing out from Morristown."A colony of freedmen, consisting of throe hun¬

dred hoads of families, comprising about twothousand men, women and children, is to bo estab¬lished west of New Smyrna, thirty miles south ofFernandina. They come from South Carolina,and are in charge of General ELY. The Govern¬ment gives them one month's subsistence andtransportation, and they supply themselves withtwo. The country which thoy are to occupy is welladapted to cultivation, has a fine range for cattle,and abounds in fish, oysters and game. ColonelSpaAGTTE, commanding the District, has guaranteedmilitary protection, and with thiB military super¬vision, toge .her with well directed industry, theircondition must be greatly i nproved. They willleave Charleston, S. C., ne^t month in steamersfor New Smyrna.The exportation of sugar from Puerto Rico dur¬

ing the past year bas amounted to 128,834,740pounds, the value of which is calculated at fournd a half minions of dollars. Coffee to the value

jo millions of dollars, and cotton to half a mil->8well the total sum of the exports which

aount to nearly nine millions. Theion of thes$rade has been with the

^over ninety-four million pounds^whilst to the next best cus-

venty-three minion pounds]>le that very little coffee

^markets, only eighty-to England three

LAUGEST CIRCULATION.-Thc DAILYNEWS publishes ll-e Official List of Let¬ters re:»«iain;; in thc Posloßcc at thc endof oirli vr<A-. agreeably l" Inc followingsuction or' thc New Postoßce Lair, as thenewsooper haring thc largest circulation inthc Ci'// of Charleston:SECTION r». And Ix- it further enacted. That Hate of lot¬

ter» remaining uucnilod for ia any Postónico in any city,town or villngc. where a newspaper shall bc printed,shall hereafter be published once only in thc nowspaporwhich, being publiahod weekly or oftener, shall hove thelargest circulation within rango of delivery of tho saidoffice.

JOS" AU comm unications intended for publication inUlis journal must bc addressed to Ute Editor of theDaily News. No. 18 llayne-strccl, Charleston, S. C.JSusnicss Communications to Publisher of DailyNews.

llVcaniioi undertake lo return rejected communica¬tions.

Adocrtiscmenis outside ofthc city must oe accompa¬nied vcith thc cas'i.



THE CHAIU.ESTON DAILY NEWS bills itsrenders (his morning a happy New Year, anddoes so in a new dress. Heretofore wc ap¬peared in royal quarto, now tn imperial folio.Upon tho first enlargement ol' Tnt: NEWS we

determined upon an eight-page sheet, beingthc form most generally in use in all largecities, both in Europe and ou this Continent.That form offers many advantages over thefour sheet paper, and an experience of yearshus pronounced in its favor. Our opinion on

lliis subject has not changed: but the readingpublic of this city, always having been accus¬

tomed to four-page sheels, seemed unwilling tosurrender their preference for the old custom.We thus had continual solicitations for such a

change from our patrons. The advertisers allwished to have their announcements on thcoutside half of thc paper. None wanted to be"stuck away" on the inside. To obviate thisdifficulty ive have at last yielded to a generaldesire of our friends and-havc entered Tur.NEWS on a new four-page race, for which wc

would bespeak the same regard and pa¬tronage, our old octavo friend so largely en¬

joyed. The Old "NEWS," in retiring (with itsvenerable friend, 1SGC), tenders its most politeand heartfelt acknowledgments to a very largecircle of readers, friends and well-wishers,and hoping that, it has not been here in vain,respectfully solicits their continued counte¬nance for its new-born bigger brother-thelarge four-page sheet, commencing with this,tho first day of the year 18G7.


Another grain of sand has fallen from thehour-glass. Another station on the highway ollife has been reached by the weary pilgrim. An¬other unit, oflife is gone, and death isby one yearnearer to all of us. It is a time for thought-for solemn reflection. Have we progressedduring the past three hundred and sixty-fiveday»? Are we wiser or better! nas thcgrowth of years brought soothing to thetroubled spirit ? Have we learned to calm oui

passions, and to open our hearts and hands tothc promptings of heaven-born charity ? Theseare meditations and interrogatories naturallysuggested by the season, and happy lliose oíour readers whose conscience will answer themin the affirmative.How is it with our City? How with our

State? Again thc cry : "Watchman, whatof the night? Is it long yet to the morning'sgolden dawn ?" Where are wc now ? Havewe progressed since last wc heard the annualwatchman's cry ? Wc then were under mili¬tary rule. Our rulers since have become civil,but still we enjoy a military guardianship. Ourrepresentatives wero knocking at thc door olCongress then ; wc now have concluded toremain quietly and peaceably at home, awaitingdevelopments. Thc future then was dark andgloomy ; it is cloudy still, but he of hopefultemper may already see the dawn of a brighterday. The National Executive has remainedtrue to the South (i. c. true to the fundamentallaw of thc land), and now another buckler willbe held up for our defence in the declarationsof the highest judicial tribunal in the country.We may reasonably, therefore, hope that t heday of deliverance is nearer, by twelve monthsto-day, than it was January 1, 1SC0.We have nothing to boast of, and cannot

flatter ourselves with any great degree olprosperity. The crops were short ; thc peoplearc poor-many of them suffering for thenecessaries of life. Our debts are great-ourresources fe\~, and tues heavy, almost be¬yond endurance. We wish we could give a

brighter coloring to the picture, but the truthis not always, indeed not generally, pleasant.We would tell our people be patient-trustand hope, and all will come right.We have, unquestionably, much also to be

thankful for, and at a solemn season like thepresent it beconieth all of us to humble our¬selves before the great Searcher of hearts, andreturn thanks to the Giver of all good for Hisgrace and manifold mercies toward us.A happy New Year wc wish to all our read¬

ers ; and may it bc our privilege to addressthem many times more, and theirs to read, forlong years to come, our annual lucubrations.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH.-Wegive below, as a matter of public interest, thestate of the vote upon the constitutionalchanges proposed for adoption at the last Gene¬ral Conference, viz : the change of name to" Episcopal Methodist Church," and the intro¬duction of lay delegates into the legislative as¬semblies of the Church. It will be seen thatthe sentiment in favor of these changes is im¬mensely preponderant, but as the General Con¬ference required a majority vote of three-fourths, it may yet be lost :

Change of Nome. Lay Repre¬sentation.

_ , Ayes. Noa. Ayes. Noa.Kentucky.45 7 474Louisville.35 315710Missouri.28 304013BLLouis.28 12 1910Arkansas.25 7274LittleRock.24 19 ie29Indian Mission. 7 00 7 00Texas.27 00 26 1WestTexas.23 00 2300EastTexas.30 0800Northwest Toxas.28 03 2600Pasiflc.278401Virginia.64 ; *-64 7624Western Virginia.15 7211North Carolina.66 34822Halfitm.61 2 477Tennessee.55 486841Momphis.78 43 65 51MiSMSstppl..36 523045Mobile.21 46 3830Georgia......109 311712Montgomery.54 12 6010Florida.41 2403South Carolina.104 61037

4|lii7 4|1414356JÍ 353>i

The Columbia Conference casting about 12votes, the Louisiana Conference castmg about75 votes, and the Baltimore Conference castingabout 100 votes, are yet to be heard from. Itis believed that the first and last named will beunanimous for both changes, but everythingteems to indicate that a majority vote of theLouisiana Conference will be cast againstthem.

Tho Tallahassee Sentinel says: "We saw, yester¬day, the subscription book of the pastor of theAfricanM E. Church for tho erection of a largoand comfortable building for the worship of thatcongregation in this city. Many of our prominent

Bhavo contributed one hundred dollars'this church. This,


by a young man who has had experience tn busi¬ngs; can conic W«U rccommondod and iniluouco countrytrade. For Jurthor particulars address C. W:. throughth» Poslortice. 2* December 31_¿VAA/-T-WANTEB A PARTNER,HÖÖV/\JVj. with a cash capital of FIVE THOU-9,ANI> DOLLARS, to wort; a Sea Island Plantation onWadmalnw. Tour miles trom Rockville Tho Plantationconsist*) ot :il>0 acres. 17> of which ha« producedISO pounds o' the tin<wt Sea Island Cotton to tho »cn».Thu Plantation will bc managed by tho proprio.- lu per¬son, who has boca more successful lu tho prceont culti¬vation than most others. Refer to Messrs. O'ilEAlt.ROPER ,t STONEY, South Commercial Wharf.December Mt_fmw?__XsTANTED.-A~ STEAMY RESPECTABLEVV FEMALE wishes a situation os Nursery Gov¬

erness, in sonic family travelling to Florida, Cuba or Eu¬rope, this winter, or would go as an attendant on a cicklady. Tho best of references givou and required. Apply,stating terms and timo of departure, to L. A. S.Docember 24 mwf Charleston. S. C., F. O.

AKTED- A GOOD COOK AND LAUN¬DRESS, to go to Society Hill. S. C.. Tho best rof-

orcuces required, and tito best wages ]inld. Apply onodoor cast of RUTLEDGE in WENTWORTH STREET,southside._3*_December 23

ANTED_ABOOKKEEPER,OE FIFTEENyears" practical experience, desires a SITUATION.

In thcniesntime. any one having books to bo written up,balanced or adjusted, accounts made out. Sc., can havethe same done, ina neat aud intelligible manner, ou ap¬plication at this office, or at the ofilco of WM. HARRAL,No. 17 Hayno-strecL _5_Docember 27

ONE OP THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCEin thc culture »nd management of Rice, wishes a

situation as Manager and General Superintendent. Forfurther information, apply to Messrs. G. H. INGBAHAMand T. L. WEBB. No. 1* Vanderhorst Wharf.SST Georgetown Times and Savannah Republican copyand send bill tc this oflioc.December2'J_,_sinth3»A"GENTS WANTED FOR THE LIEE,

LETTERS, SPEECHES, tc of Hon. ALEXAN¬DER H. STEPHENS, by Honry Clevcland.'Esq., lateeditor of thc Augusta (Ga.) Constitiitionoltst Send forCirculars and soe our terms and a fuU description of thowork. Address

NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.,Corner 7th and Main streets, Richmond, Va.

Docember 27 Imo*


for the recovery of a small CHESTNUT MARE,li hands high, with two white foet and white in tho face.Strayed from W. H. Slaklcr, then at Eight Milo Bottom.Had on her a bridle and army saddle. Apply at this

oQlcc.G_December 27

FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD WILL BEpaid for tho rccovcrv (or information that may lead

to tho recover} ) of TWO HOltSES stolen from tho Btablcof JAMES M. RHETT, Green Pond. S. C., on the nightof thc 20th inst. Both are brown bays; not in very goodorder; one 15JÍ ha- ds high, 10 years old, long toil; thcother 12 years old, IS hands high, toil docked, but hairhas grown quito long, a rough coot, and a Northernhorse. Apply at this olüce. December 26


SILVER PLATE, belonging to some of tho Taylorfamily, was taken from a negro some time sinco, whichcan bo had by proving proporty and paying for adver¬tisement. Apply at this office. November 23



AL MUSIC to a limited number of Young Ladies wheare not connected with her School, thc exercise« olwhich will bo resumed on TFt'iineädoy, tho 2d of January,January 1 1*


SUMED at her residence, No. 10 MARY STREET,on Thursday, 3d January, 1867.January i _1


resumed To-morrow, January 2d. 1807, at No. 2;Coming street. 1* Januory 1


BOYSYT7TLL BE OPENED ONWEDNESDAY, QD JANUARY,? V at No. 90 CALHOUN STREET, four .doors coat o¡Meeting street.N. B. Girls will be prepared for tho Normal School,and BoyB for tho High School.For terms (which oro moderate) and other particularsapply as above.JOST Private instruction in French given to young la¬dies.etu3 December 29

MISS JULIA V. ROACHnpAKES LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE TO HER FRIENDSJL AND PATRONS that tho exercises of her School wülbo resumed on Wednesday, January 2d, at her residence,No. 13 Society street.Terms.-English (higher branches), S10 per quarter.Primary Instruction, S8 per quarter. Vocal Music andthe rudiment* ofDrawing taught free of charge.References-W. Gilmore Simms, LL. D., E. T. Winltler,D. D., Hon. N. Russell Middleton, Rev. John L. Girar-dean.tuths7 December 18

HOME SCHOOL FOR BOYS.rriHE EXERCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WILT, BiA. resumed ou the SECOND MONDAI'IN SEPTEM¬BER, and continue ten months. The number of pupUiis limited to twelvu.Thc Principal is a graduate in honors > Cambridge.England, and has had more than twenty year ' experience

as a teacher in the south.Careful and thorough instruction will bc given in thcLATIN and GREEK CLASSICS, French and Spanish,with a completo course of English studies, includingMathematics, Commercial, Arithmetic, and Bo ik-Koop-ing.Pupils will be treated in all respects as members ii hilfamily, and will receive tho undividod caro and atton'.ii nof thc Principal tn the preparation of their various st ti¬dies.References.-To tho Faculty of tho South Carolina Uni¬versity, and to present and former patrons.For terms and further particular», address the under¬signed. RICHARD FORD, A. M.Columbia, AugUBt, 1800. stuth August ll

WM. WALLIS"ÏT7TLL REOPEN HIS COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ONVV Wednesday. 2d of January, 1867.«B-No. 685 KING STREET, corner of Morris streetDecember 31 2

DR. HENRY M. BRUNS,BEGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUB¬LIC that he wiU open a CLASSICAL MATHE¬MATICAL, ENGLISH and FRENCH SCHOOL, on the2d January next, at No. 88 Wentworth street A Ufedevoted to tho education of youth (twenty-flvo years of itos Principal of the High School of Charleston), he trust*will secure for him tho confidence of those who mayhonor him with tho training of their sons.Dr. BRUNS will give private instructions in tho Classicsand Mathematics to young gentlemen who may wish toreview those studies preparatory to College, or who mavwish to be carried on in tho highor branches of the

same.He 1B also prepared to take a few boys to board on rea¬sonable terms.For further information, apply to himself or to

R. S. BRUNS, No. 2S Broad stroot.December 19 _Dec. 19. 20, 31. Jan. 1, 3ST. PHILIP'S STREET SCHOOL.

THE EXERCISES OF THIS fjCHOOL WILL BE RE¬SUMED on WEDNESDAY, thc 2d of January, 1867.Applications for the odmisston of children will be re¬ceived ot the School-house on and after that day, betweenthe hours of 9 and 10 A. M. For tho present," not morethan two children from each family will be received. Inconsequence ofthe wantof sufficient funds, the Commis¬sioners will be obliged to roquiro each pupil to pay forthe books and stationery nsod by them.By order of the Board.

E. MONTAGUE GRXMKE,November26_mg 8_ Secretary.MRS. M. E. TOOMER'S SCHOOL

WILL BE OPENED JANUARY 2, 18Ö7, AT NO. 17PITT STREET.Terms made known on application.A share of public patronago is respectfully solicited.December 24 rnwrB*

WOFFORD COLLEGE, SPARTANBURGO. H., S. C.HPHE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTEENTHX Collegiate year wül begin on Tuesday, 8th January,1867, with a Faculty of six Professors. The PreparatorySchool, under the immediate supervision of the Facul¬ty, will also begin at tho same time.Tuition and contingent foes in advance, per year, $64.00Board, payable monthly, about.12.00Bills payable in specie, or its equivalent in currcnoy.

_A. M. SHXPP, President.December 14 fmwll suTHE EXERCISES

OF REV. D. X. LA FAR'S SEMINARY, AT CORNEROF CALHOUN STREET AND RUTLEDGE AVE¬NUE, wül be resumed on Wednesday, 2d January. Pu¬pils living in the more distant parts of the city, and whoare desirous of attending this Scminarr, will now be en¬abled to do so through the present railway Acuities.December 29 3THE EXERCISES

OF REV. A. T. PORTER'S SCHOOL WILL BE RE¬SUMED on Wednesday. 2d January, at tho SchoolBuilding, ASHLEY-STREET, ono door aboyo C°nnon-strcet_fmw4_ Deoember 28DANCING SCHOOL.MONS. BERGER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HTSpatrons and the public in general that ho will re¬sume his Tuition in Dancing on tho 2d ofJanuary.Boarding Schools and private families attended to asusual. Apply at No. 12 GLEBE STREET.December 27_


HOLMES'- BOOK STORE,Comer Klug and Wentworth streets.December 23 6

_HIGH SCiTiyOL OF CHARLESTON.nTTHE EXEHCISI1- OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BEI- resumed on Tie Inesday, 2d of January. Instruc¬tion given in Greek, Latin, French. Mathematics, andthe higher branches of English. Terms $10 por ouarter,In advance. No extra charge for French or Stationery.W. R.KTNGMAN,December24_11 gul _Principal.MRS. CARROL,HAVING RETURNED TO THE CITY, OFFERS HERservicos as Teacher of tho Piano and Vocal Music.Apply at No. 81 WENTWORTH STREET.December 20

INSTRUCTION ON PIANO.MRS. H. E. BRYAN WILL GIVE INSTRUCTION ONTHE PIANO toa limited number of Pupils. Term*moderate Apply at No. 63 MEETING STREET.December 4

MISS A. L. SALOMON,HAVING LOCATED IN WENTWORTH STREET,ono door cast of the Artesian Well, has resumedtho instruction ofORNAMENTAL WORK, in tho variousbranches, ootnpriaing WHITE AND COLORED EM¬BROIDERY, Tapestry and Tufted Work, Wax Fruit andFlowers, Oriental and Grecian Painting, Sholl, Leather,Hair and Paper Flowers, Braiding, Knitting, Netting andCrotchet. All coders executed with promptness. MUS-LINS and LACES renovated. Also, FLUTING andCRIMPING done to order.Terms moderate. Apply at her RESIDENCEDeoember 13 Imo


P. OPDEBECK."..;.Proprietor.,18 NOW OPENED ONTHEEUROPEANbeen remodelled and- refurnished

og public, transient visitors, or) luxuries1 of a FIRST-CLASS

tho comforts of


rpiíli REO OT,Alt Ml'.ETlNG KUI, BE HEED ONL To-Storrw, ¡¿ii instant, In CotiucU Chamber, at 5

o'clock P.M. \\. ll. SMITH,january 1_1 Clerk oí Council.


AMEETING OF TUE MEMBERS AND EMENDSof this Society will bc held at the Doposltorv, Chal¬

mers street, TcMerraw, Jil January, at 1 P. M. Athorough reorganization and au Election oí Oülccrs willtait.1 placo at this nicotine.Ey order ol' tho President. 1 January I

i7'ö'.'T».~i\GRAND LODGE Ol' TUE STATE OF SO. CA., 1

C1M1J.KSTOK. January 1. 18C7. I

THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THIS R. W.Grand Bodj aro requctftod to meet thc M. W. Mas¬

ter on tho following evenings, at half-past 7 o'clock, fortho purpose ol' installlnR tho officers of thc subordinateLodges, viz: Tuesday, 1st, Jefferson. No. 4; Wednesday,'id. South Carolina, No. 1 ; Thursday, 3d, Howard. No. 3;Friday, 4th, Marion, yo. '2, and Sunday, Otb, Schiller,No. 30. Ey order ol* tho M. W. O. M.

JOI1N H. HONOUR, JB., M. D.,^January1_4_Grand Score; a-y.


CtUJUJU.-roti, December 31, 18G6. J

THE '26TH ANNIVKRSARY OE TUE INTRODUC¬TION of the Order Into this State will bc celebrated

nt Odd Fellows' Hall, comer of King and Libirty streets,Thù Day, at 10 o'clock, A. H.Addressee will bo dolivorcd and appropriate music

sung. Tho public, and esjeclally the ladies, aro respect¬fully Invited to attend.

15y ordor: JOHN H. HONOUR, .Tn.. M. D..January 1 2_Grand Secretary.JEFFBRSON LODGE Wo. 1, I. O. O. JF.~~THE REGULAR MEETING OF THIS LODGE WILL

be hold TAii Evening, 1st inst, nt 7 o'olock. A punc¬tual attendance is desired, as tho installation of tho offi¬cers for the ensuing term will take place.By order. WILLIAM E. MILLIGAN,January 1_1 Recording Secretary.RAMSAY CHAPTER, No. »7, R.-.A-.M...THE REGULAR MONTHLY CONVOCATION OF

Ulis Chapter will bo held at Masonic Hall, This Event¬ing, ut 7>< o'clock. Companions oro requested to bispunctual.

By ordor M.-.E.\H.\P.\GEO. H. INGRAHAM. Jr.,January 1_1_Secretary.


THE ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF THIS ASSOCIA¬TION will bo hold at thc Odd Follows' Ha 1 Thii

Evening, 1st «îistïnt, at 7 o'clock. A full and pnnctuaattendance is particularly requested, as tho election oofficers for the ensuing tenn and other important bustness will bo transacted.Bro. L. P. ASHBY -will deliver an appropriate AddressAll members of tho Order aro fraternally invited to attoBd.WM. CREASER, Secretary.January 1 1


EVENING, at 7« P. M., at Masonic Hall, Apunetuai attendance ls earnestly requestedBy ordor. * JAMES POWER,January 1_Centre.CHARLESTON FIRE ENGINE COMPARCS._ ATTENTION !

m HE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF YOUIA Company will bo held at your Hall This Evening,1st inst, at 7 o clock precisely.By order. -^O. McLEAN.January1_1 Secretary v- em., C. F. E. CO.VIGILANT FIRE EKGl . .2 COMPANY.

A ^fP,?0,T REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING¿X. at Vigilant Hall, State street. This Evening, ato clock precisely. A full and punctual attendance is dcsired, as business of importance will bo brought forwanfor your consideration.By order. JOHN T. HUMPHREYS,January 1_1_Secretary.

CHARL'TON TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETYXLVI. ANNIVERSARYTHE FORTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY MEETING Olthe Society will bo held at tho Rooms of thc BOCKdoty on This Afternoon, January 1st, 1867, at halipast 3 o clock.Members orj enjoined to be punctual ld attendance atho Annual Election of Officers will take place, and othoImportant business transactod.

By order of the President.Januny 1 2 CF. B. BREMER, Secrotary.ELMORE MUTUAL INSURANCE"CoTTN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUEST OF .JL number of tho Cash Capital Stockholders, represent

mg sums sufficient for the purpose, a meeting of thStockholders of thiB Company will bo held on ThursdayJanuary Sd, 1867, at U o'clock M., at the Office of tbCompany, Broad street.By order of the Board of Directors.

JOSEPH WHILDEN, Secretary.December21_ jiec 21. 25, 29. jan 1 3PORT HOYAL RAILROAD.

AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLTKRS will bo hold in the buil(ung of the AllcndolHigh School, on the Second Saturday in January next, sll o'clock, A. M. J. c. DAVANT,November 22 40 Secretary.


ONE, TWO OR THREE YEARS.-AU that valuablSEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, known as Pa!metto Hall, on Chlsolm's Island, at the head waters cst. Helena Sound, containing 1000 acres of cleared landhaving necessary buildings, ic Terms easy. Apply t

WILLIS & CmsOLM,January1_tm_North Atlantic Wliarf.

TO RENT, THE DESIRABLE THRJEISTORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, No. 45 EseBay, containing ten aquare Rooms, Cistern, WcU, Partry. Double Kitchen, Has, und all nocossorv convenienceon the premises. Apply to

J. McCABE, No. 30 Broad street.January 1_tuths3TO RENT, THAT TWO-STORY BRICEWAREHOUSE. No. 85 Church street, a few doorabove Broad, capable of storing 1000 bales of hay. Anniat SHIP'S PRESS, comer Anson and Havne streetsDecember29_



TO RE NT-FINE STORE TO RENTnortheast cornerQUEEN AND CHURCH STREETSunder Commercial House. thatn3 December 27

TO RENT, A YERY CONVENIENT RESIDENCE, with largo Lot, Stables, Carriage and Woo.Houses, and a gjod, roomy Kitchen. House contains si-good Rooms, one Dressing Room, Tantry, icc, ic, witjgas fixtures and fino Cistern of good wclL In UppeWards, within two minutes' walk of City Railroad Lohigh and dry, and situation healthy. Possession elvo!1st of January next Apply ct THIS OFFICE,December 14 fru

E.ARE CHANCE FOR GARDENERS ANIHORTICULTURISTS.-An ORCHARD to be rentewithin a halfmile of Stateburg. S. C., and ia miles of thClaremont Depot, on the Camden branch of tho SoutlCarolina Railroad. Situated on the high hills of Santecin ono of the healthiest (having long been tho Summeresidence of plantera) aa well as best and surest fruitproducing regions of' the Southern country, this ofleBhonld be very attractive. The Orchard, covering a spaciof 30 acres, containsabout 5000 Poach trees, 500 Pears, ani700 Apples. There ia a good Dwelling House, contain! nifour rooms, with all necessary outbuildings for thaccommodation of a family, and houses for the accommcdation of laborers. There is a Church, and a Postómewill soon be established within half a mile of the pla«The trees are selected with a specialview to the Northenmarket and are in full bearing, being from 5 to 8 yearold. Tho most liberal terms will bo given to any onbringing skill and capital. There ls a Grapery, containlng 30 vines, of foreign varieties, under glass, in fulbearing, until the last year, when it was neglectedThere is a Propagating House and Nursery Bedsfor frniand ornamental trees, and about 160 acres of good lanifor the cultivation of corn and cotton, belonging to tbtract which can be obtained. The Orchard and accèsBernes will bo rented or worked upon shares. Apply ti

.TAMES R. PRINGLE,Factor and Commission MerchantAdger'B North Wharf, Charleston, 8. C.December 13_


COTTON AND CORN PLANTATION TCRENT, in Sumter District, 8 milos west of Sumtevillage. The Wilmington and Manchester Railroad rumthrough the tract and a station on the tract and withii2 miles of the settlement. Location perfectly healthyWater perfectly pure and sweet. Good accommodationfor 150 to 200 negroes. About 1000 to 1200 acres of arablland, cleared and under fence-fences in tolerably fal:condition. Good dwelling house, containing 6 roomsand all necessary outbuildings, as stab'es, barns, kitchenstorerooms, &c. There are some laborers now on thiplace who might be Induced to remain, as they are attached to the place. Will be sold, if desired, or rent«for a term of years, parties can examino the place b;applying toJOHN B MOORE, at Ststeburgh, 8. C. Traccontains 3300 acres. Sixty hands haye been successful!;worked on the place. Good cotton and corn land for th.middle country. Tho proprietor of this place invitepropositions from parues desiring to Invest incottoiplanting os to cultivating this plantation on shares.December 13 thstu

TORENT_A ABWANDWELL PIMSHKITWO-AND-A-HALF-STORY BRICK HOUSE, With <large square rooms, 2 largo attics and 2 dressing roomspantry and piazza, cistern, and all necessary accommotiona for servants, situated in Trombo Place, near thicorner of Broad and Rutledge streets.' Apply on thipremises to C. C. TKUMEO. inw2 December 31mo RENT, A VERY DESIRABLE THREEX STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, at No. UÎ Georgistreet containing six upright rooms, with dressinirooms attached, pantries, etc Every room bas gas fixtores in good order; siso, a kitchen, servants' rooms, ilarge yard, and all other necessary outbuildings in per¬fect order, with Veli and cistern. Rent will be moderahto a good tenant. For particulars, Inquire ofP. ZPSTIN,southeast corner of King and Wentworth streets.December 29

T° THE MOUSE Wo. 18 DEE-J^^f^S^1' opposite tho Arsenal, cratsmlng eight^°In¿^th gas throughout On tho premisesarl kiSha i^Sîl ' ^u25f¿h0Dse: also, a fine wea sad cistern,^^fPfy of fruits grapes, peaches, pears and flSSfT»íf« largo vegetable garden aUacÉsdT suffidonttcraise all the vegetables needed for a large family Thi

F"-^ THE BEAUTIFUL AK» CA-PACIOT/S STOKE, comer King and Sc^íety streetsuitable for any business. Appryto J "WWHS,Dumber 2» 3 MANTOTJE & CO.

T° K^riT' A "FARM SITUATED ON COOP--*. ER River, eight miles from the dtv, contmnine 404acres, between GO and 70 of which have been planted thepast summer. On it ls a comfortable Dwelling, Kitchen.Barn. Stablo, and negro Houses. Apply at thia Office.December 8


TH>^K!V'r' THREE ROOMS AND KTTCH«JL EN, at No. 46 HABEL STREET. December 22rrtO RENT, ROOMS OR HALF OF HOUSE"^bec^ber30etT8tre6t,neTE*,,tBay- Apply ** nonso'

mo RENT.-OlfJBB ROOM IN A GENTEELJL private family. Also KITCHEN and Servants' roomsFor particulars apply at this Office. Ko^berMFOR SALE.


kALE.-A DESIRABLE CRO0ERY STORE, situ-atedto Msxkot street, between King and Mooting, withWxfcires, Stock and Good Wfflofthe concern.^,r fuithar partirmiara apply at this office December 29

FVB. SALE,-A SUPERIOR TOP BUGGYw--£äi*i**f SF301 HARNESS, can bo bought3^^ly by applying to WM. T. ELFJE.jg^ghgflg _No. 00 Anson-street"PODALE,A SraoLARSHIP IN A PHYLA-«SF^Çi" ISWÖ of Modldne and Surgery.This Scholarship entitles students to fcdl Jostmcnort^EL8".*?^ ci?0MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, ombrac¬ing Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Materia MedSs.Canister. Obstetrics,a^Dtsoasefof W^mexfandClS*.T '.PlÎSi-ipîes *nd *Tc*k» of Medicine and Patholo¬gy. AetWa iaoneof tho tart Medical Universities^Btiwrtng medicine far a scholarship. Apply at IEEumce-

_. ? Dooember 15

ATJ?J£T7£ SALE-A FINK FARM, IN, GpOSE CREEK PARISH, COTtslntaw, 62 acres ¿fland, 34of which are cleared and undeir fence; ttobal-anceweU wooded. Thlsplaoe ls situated 16 mflca froL,C^frl^t£P* 5?°?° State Rood, and irltbia a quarter of amlle of tho Northea«U3m Railroad. Thore is a fino «rtchard on tho place.For information apply to

ftn» . Dr. H. BAER.»gnberll No, 131 Mwtingsí¿»t




UNITED STATES 7-30 BONDSSTOCKS, BONDS, fcc, or all kinds, pnrchased at highes!

rate?, yAjnjjlEWM MORELAND,Broker, No. 8 Brood street.

December G fmw 2mos


from King street to Market and Meeting streets,containing $14 in money, a note from James Bell for$07 7W-100, payable 1st January, and other papers. TheAnder can keep tho money by returning the note andpapers, as tho note has boon stopped payment. Thofinder »111 leave tho note at this office.January 1 2


THE FIRM OF H. OLIVER k CO. IS THIS DATdissolved by mutual consent. Either party is au¬

thorized to UBC tho name of the Arm in liquidation.H. OLIVER,JNO. STROHECKEH,

January1_3_R. McCARREL.NOTICE.

THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING ASSOCLVTED WITHthamselves in business Mr. C. C. PLNCKNEY.Jr., will continue thc practico of Law and Equityundor tho firm of MEMMINGER, JERVEY k PINCK-

NEY. Offices No. 60 Brood street.January 1 tuO MEMMINGER k JERVEY.


THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE BECOME PARTNERS TNthe practico of Law and Equity. Olllco No. 21



IHAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH ME TNbusiness my brother, LEE HOWARD, under tho

name and firm of S. L HOWARD k BRuXUER.January1_6 S. L. HOWARD.

COPARTNERSIOP.THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY FORMED ACOPARTNERSHIP under the na no and stylo ofGRAESER, LEE. SMITH & CO., for tho transaction of aCOTTON FACTORAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSIONBUSINESS, Office on NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF.Wo offer our best services as heretofore to our friends«nu ino public generally. C. A GRAESER.


, " "CHARLES SPENCER.Charleston, S. C., January 1, 1867. 6

DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP^THE COPARTNERSHIP EXISTING IN THIS CITYunder the nome of SALAS k CO. is this day dis¬solved by its limitation. Mr. F. P. SALAS will uso thename of thc firm only in liquidation. SALAS k COCharleston, 31st Decembor, I860.January 1 j5


E, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE THIS DAYformed a copartnership in this city under thoname and Btyle of BONAFONT k SALAS, for tho trans¬action oía General and Commission business as well asfor the importing and exporting of produce, at No. 118East Bay street, and have granted to Mr. RAMON SALASour full power of Attorney.

JOSE BONAFONT._ _ , , .V FRANCIS P. SALAS.Charleston, 1st January-, 1867. 15 January 1


JNO- FRASER k CO.January 1, 1867. _tnths3* January!NOTICE.

THE COPARTNERSHIP OF GONZALES, WOOD¬WARD & CO. is dissolved by mutual consent.Either of thc undersigned will use the name of thcfirm in liquidation. A. J. GONZALES.W. T. J. O. WOODWARD.January 1. 4_P. J. ESNARD.



NOTICE.mHE FIRM OF W. T. BURGE k CO. HAS THIS DAYX expired by its own limitation.W. T. BURGE has sold out hiB interest in sold CoDart-norshtp to A. J. DEMAREST and J. R. BOYL8TONA. J. DEMAREST, the late Copartner of the said" firm

is alone authorized to close the affairs of said firm andsign its name in liquidation.W. T. BURGEJanuary1_(3_A. Z. DTJMCAREST.

DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIPmHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTINGX between M. H. NATHAN and ISRAEL OTTOLEN¬GUI. under tho name and style of CATHAN k OTT0-LENGUI, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.Mr. M. H. NATHAN will continue the business on hisown account, and is authorised to sign tho name of thofirm in liquidation. M. H. NATHANISRAEL OTTOLENGUI.

TN RETIRINGTjMtOM THE FIRM OF NATHAN & OTTOLENGUI,X I return thanks for the patronage extended to meand solicit a continuance oftho same for my former nertincr, M. H. NATHAN. I. OTTOLENGUIJanuary 1_ tnfs3

DISSSOLUTION.rjlHE COPARTNERSHIP OF COLBURN, HOWELL*X CO., Insurance Agents, is this day dissolved bvmutual consent. j, H. COLBURN


name of COLBURN k HOWELL.._, .


THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED ACopartnership under the firm name ofMARSHALLBURGE k BOWEN, for the purpose of carrying on thoWHOLESALE DRY GOODS BUSINESS at No. 153 MEET¬ING-STREET.E W. MARSHALL.


Charleston, January 1,1867. tuthslmo January l


IS FULLY AUTHORIZED AND EMPOWERED AS MYAttorney to settle tho affairs of tho late firm of W TBURGE & CO., and for that purpose to use the name olsaid firm in liquidation. A Z. DEMARESTJanuary 1,1867. 6 January i


THE FIRM OF CRANE BOYL8TON k CO. IS THISDAY dissolved by mutual consent. Either partneria authorized to sign tho nome or the firm in liquidationJOHN G. CRANE.J. REID BOYLSTON.WM. H. TOWNSEND.HENRY BOYLSTON, Jr.SAM'L J. CORRIE.January 1,1867. tuths

_COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.rpHE UNDERSIGNED, SUCCESSORS TO CRANE,X BOYLSTON i CO., have this day formed a Copart¬nership under the style of J. R. BOYLSTON & CO fortho transaction of tho WHOLESALE DR if GOODS BUSI¬NESS, at No. 45 HAYNE STREET, corner Market street


" , ^SAMUEL J. CORRIE.Charleston, January 1,18S7._12 January 1

DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP^riTHE FIRM OF DEMAREST 6c RUMLEY IS DIS-X SOLVED by mutual consentC. J. DEMAREST te alone authorized to sign the nameof tho firm m liquidation. JOHN RUMLYDecember 27 tbstuS* C, J. DEMAREST


H^sS0ST^EIT0M VEMgg* T*V*_

A. H. ABRAHAMS dc SONSAVE REMOVED FROM VENDUE RANGE TO THElarge and spacious Store formerly occupied byMessrs^ courtney. Tennent & Co.. N¿. 36 HAYNECity and Country Merchants wishing to take advantage°f.^T,uiarket. will do well to give na a call ot No 35HAYNE STREET, whore moy vdlT and a general ¿asor?ment ofDOMESTIC and FOREIGN GOODS and CLOTH-isia, all of which are consigned.Wo also shan have Regular Sales at Auction. Con¬signments solicited. By attention and promptness in busi¬

ness,we hope to meeta share of the patronage so liberallybestowed upon na heretofore..

A. H. ABRAHAMS & SONS,December 5 wfrnlmo No. 36 Hayna street.

BOARDINGaSINGLE GENTLEMEN WISHES B ARD.JJ.5.eiítí.v^ Tho best of reference' given.Address C. P, D., Charleston, 8. O.January-1_ ¿*

B0T.«-^1- KA3EL.AH IS PR¿>PARED to receive Boarders, at No. 146 Meetingetoeet. up atobra, Her many friends and acquamtanceswill please bear this in mind. Decemb^lSMISCELLANEOUS.

CARD.THE LATE FIRM OF & N. HART & CO., OFCharleston, 8. C.. lost all their Account Books at^'burningof Columbia, S. C., oa the 17th of Fobruarv.1866. The surviving partners solicit all who are awareof being theirdebtors (whether or not the exact amountof indebtedness be known) to place with either of thepartners some evidence of their obligations, at their veryearliest convenience. The most liberal indulgence willbe extended.Mr. a N. HART can be »ought at tie office of Hart&Co., corner King and Market streets.«-The Carolina Times (Orangeburg), Barnwell Senti¬nel, Sumter Nows and Columbia Carolinian will copyfor onemonth._6 mwa January 1

GRAESER, LEE, SMITH & CO.,Cotton Factors, Commission and

Forwarding Merchants,NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF,


CA. GRAESER.G. W. LEE, of Sumter. A SYDNEY SMITH.CHARLES SPENCER, of Bishopvülo.January 1 tuths2mos


ANDis .;. ::'yt.;¡ 'til.: '.'.¡-.¡i:;


Cliaa?lestorL> S. C.January I- .J lt

BBEWSTER & SPRATT,Attorneys at Law & Solicitors in EquityOPPICE No. 98 BROAD STREET.Novembers



Clothing and Fumisliing doods,WHOLESALE AND BETAIL,

No. 103 KÄST HAY STREET.December 21 Imo Under thc Anioricm Hotel.


. SAILORS' OUTFITTINO DEPOT.PARKER & CHILI), Nc?. 103 East l$av.December 21 Imo"



Edgerton & Richards,NO. DU DROAD STREET.

rriHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDSI Olid thu public generally that he ia now receivinghis Stock of


BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHSBlack and Fancy Cossiniorcs, in great variety of stylesBeaver and Pilot ClothsPlain and Figured Velvet, Silk and Casaimere Vestings.

All of which aro of the best


THE BEST GUTTERSin the country, who, from his extensive experience, bothic ElTO 1

As Successor ofEdgerton & Richards



J. S. PHILLIPS.December 1 Imo

DORBAIM & MENKE.perren $Ücit>cvutasi)ev,




Unest FRENCH AND ENGLISH BROADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, and a nul variety of the neatest and latest stylipatterns of CASHMERES, VELVETS, SILKS, fcc.Beaver and Esquimaux Cloths, for Overcoats, and aralsupply of Medium Grade Cloths and Cassimeros for Buainess Suits.They are now prepared to make up Garments as cheaply aa can be done in any Northern city, and finished 1:

the latest and most fashionable styles, or inany style thamaybe desired.They respectfully invite their friends and the pnblic t<call and examine thc stock for themselves.AR orders wUl be promptly executed and gocd fits one

prompt workmanship will be guaranteed.November 10 stuth2mo







November27 MERCHANT TALT r.R.




No. 35 BROAD STREET.July 28 Cmos CHARLESTON. 8. 0.




A MERIGAN EXPRESS BUILDING, NOS. 65, 67. 6:XX. and 61, Hudson street, near Duane, New York.



LOUIS COHEN.NO. 24=8 King Street,




DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT.5000 YjJ&DSBLACK AND WHITE POPLINS, at'lSeWith alarge variety of other DRESS GOODS ranging otthe same price. ,.Our TRISH POPLINS and SILK GOODS are worth th«attention ofcustomers and those seeking styles and va¬

riety, combined with cheapness. The attention of th«Ladles is particularly requested to the some.The Linen Department is well supplied in SHEETTNG and SHIRTING LINENS, with a large assortment e:TOWELLINGS, oU of the most popular brands, and aimuch reduced prices.CLOTH AND CASSIMERE DE¬

PARTMENT.Those socking such will find my 6-a BLACK ANC

COLORED BROADCLOTHS at $2.50 to be a very finearticle,



INGIj, proportionably cheap.


20 PIECES 34 FINE SALISBURY FLANNEL, at 80c.per yard. With largelot of other brands.

ALSO, VERY CHEAP,A very large lot BLANKETS, tri White and Colored, isoffered at from %i per pair and upwards. Particular at¬tention is paid to the


In 7111011 will be found the Latest Stylos and BeatFabrics In Material and Trimming.LACE GOODS DEPARTMENT.

1500 FRENCH LACE COLLARS aro offered at 15c.each. Genuine Cluny, Guipure and Brussels Lacee, aivery low figures.1000 pieces EnglishandFrench BONNET RIBBONS, Invarious widths, at very low prices.LADIES- AND MISSES- HATS, Ostrich Feathers andFlow««, in gjeat variety.


In thia line wül be foundswen and carefully selectedStock of HOSE AND HALF HOSE, for Ladies, Genta andChflrtmn, Best of KID GLOVES for Ladies and Gentle.'men, Just received at very low prices. Also, Berlin Ca»-simere and Lined Thread and Silk Gloves, very reasona¬ble.Having just REPLENISHED HY STOCK in all Its dit-ferett departments,! can assure those In wast of any¬thing in my Una, that they wul findInge assortments in

every class of GOODS, and at snob rates that wul defycompetition. v; ......

A coil la respectfully ooUclted.


Between Hasel and Market streets,December 17


. miS, BÂRG


Just Received, at the

», WEBB i CO.No. 287 King street,



FAHY AND STAPLE DM GOOKS,Most of which has just been purchased by one of thoFirm ut much lower pricea than we hare yet been ableto show tins season.

Our city and country friends, and the public generally,are respectfully invited to examine OUR STOCK beforepurchasing elsewhere. We win guarantee all Goods atthe lowest market prices.Some Goods we are offering at very low prices,

SUCH AS:Per Tard.




rangingfrom.30 to 30c.4-1 PURPLE PRINTS, English.4-4 BROWN MTvm PRINTS, Frensh.We have also opened entirely now and very dsstrstla

patterns, in all of the very best makes ofPRINTS.FURNITURE PRINTS AND WHITE AND COLORED



TWENTY-FIVE CENT COUNTER, which contains a

Toriety of Gooda at almost half price, consisting of a *»wplecas of




Together with other DRESS GOODS, which are verycheap at twenty-five centa.




A FEW PIECES OF PLAINMERINOES ANDSTRIPEDDaLATNES, double width, which we now offer st 30 ta36 cents-original prices 60 to 65 cents.We also invite attention to many other styles) ot

DRESS GOODS that wo have marked down ha similarproportions:

ENGLISH MERINOES AND COBURGS.FRENCH MERINOES, from..KLOO to 1.25 and «1.40.Some of the pieces are very cheap in all »>»«/fo.FULL LINES OF EMPRESS CLOTHS IN ALL

COLORS, in Drabs, Slates, Royal Purple, FranchBtae.Mazarine Blue, Maroons, &c, Ac which we wlB sellcheap : together with almost every style of DRESSGOODS usuallyjbrought to this marketWE ABE SHOWING FULL LINES OF GOODS XH




MENT.We are offering a beautiful line of Colored Silks sad.


Full Unes of English «nd Gorman Hoalary.Two fall Unes ofFrench Kid Gloves in every number:..OUR LINEN AND DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT wlU bs.

found well stocked with an the most nsofsu. articlesmrfamily and housekeeping purposes; together vfth averyother article to be found in our line, which wa wm sellat the lowest market prices far CASH OR CITY AC¬CEPTANCE.Our country friends can make their purchases) Say

order, or should they visit the city, we win bo glad tohave them call on us.

N. R-SAMPLES AND PRICE L»TS asst fra« ofBharge to any part of the State.

I Be suro and can stt

n9 OW hlffH «W «Wi V)

NO. 287 XING STREET,(Bancroft's Old Stand).


Wholesale and RetailDKAIXBS ZN




FIXTURES.We are now offering oar Stock of

GOODS,Which is complete,



City and Country Merchants ararespectfully invited to gire us a cai!before purchasing elsewhere.

sro. * HATNXmm,Man ¿»-a» BSBnar-

Deceraber 17 ISM