THE CHAKRA HOUSE · field of energy, transformation, and intelligence. ... “Chakras are the sacred energy centers within you that carry you toward greater aliveness and realization

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A Healing Toolkit for the Chakras

Discover How You Can Begin to Heal & Balance the Chakras

With Energy Medicine Prescriptions

A Beginners Guide


Jules Blythe

Master Energy Practitioner

Holistic Life coach

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What is a chakra? Lets talk chakras! Number one question for starters: What is a chakra? Where to start with your knowledge of chakras - A simple description to form the foundation of your knowledge of your energy body.

Energy Centres A chakra is an energy centre of your body. In sanskrit it means a wheel of light. They have been talked about in spiritual writings for over 4,000 years, thought to have originated in India. In our technological age of “seeing is believing” it has been discovered that there are nerve ganglia coming off the spine at the points of the body where the chakras are reported to exist.

“Even though the body appears to be a material object, in reality it’s a field of energy, transformation, and intelligence. When we look beyond

the molecules that make up the matter of the body, we see fields of energy.” – Deepak Chopra

Discs of Information A chakra acts like a disc within a computer and holds a vast amount of information. They are portals to both your personal and spiritual

development and growth. You can use the chakras as psychological and/or spiritual stepping stones to balance and harmony. They influence so many aspects of your whole life:

Safety, security, finances, home and family, fear, relationships,

emotions and feelings, health, guilt, confidence, self-esteem and motivation, shame, love, forgiveness, compassion, communication

and personal expression, insight, connection to Higher Self, Universe, God, and so, so, much more!…..

“Chakras are the sacred energy centers within you that carry you toward

greater aliveness and realization. As the architecture of the soul, they provide an important map for your wholeness and evolution.” – Anodea Judith

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The Energy Body We talk about the seven chakras of the body, but in fact there are chakras above us and below us and in our hands. Here we focus on the 7 main chakras of the body. These chakras organise your vital energy: life force, prana, chi. These chakras form your energy body. They spin, oscillate, pulsate and vibrate. This is why we talk about vibrations and frequencies, colour and light. The chakras receive information from the outside of you through your experiences, actions, what you eat, drink, see, hear, smell, touch and perceive. All your senses. They receive information from the inside from your thoughts, feelings and emotions. The main currents of energy move up and down within the body. They also move in a current from the inside outwards and this is how you express yourself in the Universe. They receive and emit energy. The upward current is towards the heavens and your connection to All that Is and the downward current is towards the Earth and is your place of manifestation. When one chakra is out of balance it can affect the whole energy system.

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What is a blocked or out of balance chakra? I want to keep this very simple, it is the best way. So, following on from the first lesson introducing you to the world of chakras, lets now look at chakras that are blocked or out of balance.

These beautiful energy centres of your body are in motion, they spin, oscillate, vibrate and pulsate. Sometimes they can move too fast and sometimes too slow, there are even times when they can go into reverse. When the chakra is balanced it vibrates at it’s correct frequency. The chakras hold a vast amount of information and the energy within them is expressed through your thoughts, feelings and emotions that in turn become characteristic behaviour. If the frequency changes then characteristics change. Remember you are receiving energy from the world around you and emitting energy from within you. For example: The Root Chakra is the energy centre that contains the information: safety, security, manifestation, physical health, stability, prosperity and presence (to name a few). When the chakra moves too fast or too slow these characteristics change and become excessive or deficient. We then experience stress, exhaustion, worry, lower immune system, fear and insecurity…….

What does it feel like to be blocked or out of balance? As the energy of the chakras flow, if there is an imbalance in one it can affect another, blocking the energy and even the whole system can be effected. You can feel that life becomes out of balance. You may struggle with your finances and employment. You may experience conflicts and upsets in relationships. Your health can suffer. You may feel completely uninspired, bored and feel a distinct lack of purpose or direction in your life. You can lack confidence and self-esteem and not be able to express yourself fully. In the Energy Medicine Prescriptions in this book you will find the descriptions of the feelings that occur when each chakra is out of balance and the beauty of all that is waiting for you when the chakra is in balance.

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When I asked the question in the group, “What percentage of the ‘real you’ do you express?” the answer came back as about 50%! – think about the difference to your life if you accessed and manifested that other 50%!

When The Energy is Flowing in Balance you Open to a World of Abundance

When the energy is flowing and in balance you open to a world of abundance. You begin to manifest your plans and dreams. You discover more pleasure and connection with others. A world of choice is open to you. One of the biggest lessons of life is that all your answers lie within. The chakras are the keys to the life you are meant to live, one of joy, love, connection and abundance on all levels. The Universe wants this for you! Not only have I studied this subject for the past 30 years, I have seen the magical difference it makes to people’s lives, those of my clients and particularly in my own. I do the work daily!

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Chakra Healing Toolkit

Energy Medicine Prescriptions

There are many natural methods for healing and balancing the Chakras. I especially like to use vibrational/energy medicine that resonates with the energy of the chakra e.g. Bach Flower Remedies, Essential Oils, Pranayama Breathing techniques, Visualisation, Crystals, Affirmations and Bodywork (yoga, tai chi, qigong).

These are all ways that you can empower yourself to bring about balance and harmony to your life.


What lies before us and what lies behind us

are small matters compared to

what lies within us.

And when we bring what is within

out into the world,

miracles happen


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Root Chakra:

How are you feeling? If you are feeling symptoms of fear, stuck in an unfulfilling lifestyle and insecure this energy is moving too slow. If you are feeling stressed, exhausted and agitated this energy is moving too fast. Your Root Chakra is crying out for healing and balancing! Your body is speaking to you all of the time.

Balance in the Root Chakra These are a few of the main characteristics of balance in the Root Chakra, this is what you can look forward to and what is waiting for you to claim:

Groundedness and Connection to Mother Earth

Full of vitality, strength and health

Respectful and content with your body

A sense of safety and security

Contentment with life

Manifesting abundance on all levels

Presence in the here and now

Claiming the Right to Have and To Be Here

Prescription for Healing & Balancing the Root Chakra When you need to feel more grounded and less in the clouds take Bach Flower Clematis

BREATHING: Take your breath to the root chakra area and breathe in the colour ruby red.

CRYSTAL: Smoky Quartz, Red Carnelian, Red Jasper, Tigers Eye, Obsidian

ESSENTIAL OIL: Cedar, clove, cypress, marjoram, sandalwood

YOGA THERAPY: Pindasasana – Child Pose, Vrksasana – The Tree, Vajrasana – Thunderbolt


I am safe I am secure I am centred and grounded

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I am abundant I am protected I am full of health and vitality I am respectful of my body I am rooted and I flow I am a co-creator with the Universe I am manifesting my best life

Bring more earth energy into your life – gardening, walking – connecting with nature

Massage the feet

Explore: Ayurveda, Juicing, Reflexology, Mantra Meditation

Earth Teach Me to Remember

Earth teach me stillness as the grasses are stilled with light.

Earth teach me suffering as old stones suffer with memory.

Earth teach me humility as blossoms are humble with beginning.

Earth teach me caring as the mother who secures her young.

Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands alone.

Earth teach me limitation as the ant which crawls on the ground.

Earth teach me freedom as the eagle which soars in the sky.

Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall.

Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.

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Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life.

Earth teach me to remember kindness as dry fields weep in the rain.

Ute, North American

“You must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being. This true essence is beyond the Ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no

one, and full of magic, mystery, and enchantment.” Deepak Chopra

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Sacral Chakra

How are you feeling? If you are feeling over-sensitive and emotional this energy is moving too fast. If you are feeling a lack of passion and pleasure in your life, feeling bored and in fear of change then this energy is moving too slow. Your Sacral Chakra is crying out for healing and balancing! Your body is speaking to you all of the time.

Balance in the Sacral Chakra These are a few of the main characteristics of balance in the Sacral Chakra, this is what you can look forward to discovering:

A flow with life Embracing and welcoming change Emotional intelligence Nurturance of self and others Healthy and loyal Friendships Healthy boundaries Ability to enjoy and share pleasure Appreciation of the simple pleasures of life Sensual expression Enjoying sexual expression in relationship Passion and Creativity The Right: To Feel

Prescription for Healing & Balancing the Sacral Chakra BREATHING: Breathe the colour Orange, like a beautiful sunset into the Sacral Chakra, imagine the glow and the warmth flowing inside you.

CRYSTAL: Amber, Carnelian,

ESSENTIAL OILS: Bergamot, Neroli, Orange

YOGA THERAPY: Makarasana – The Crocodile, Marjariasana – The Cat, Deviasana – The Goddess Pose


My body is sacred I value and respect my body

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I open to pleasure My emotions are the language of my Soul I am a co-creator with the Universe I am creative and creativity flows through me My senses are alive, aware and connected I am a creative and radiant soul I am passionate about my amazing life I feel energised every day I am unique and joyful I am radiant with joy I awaken my passion for life

Movement for flexibility – yoga, dance, tai-chi, Qi gong, Belly Dancing

Sensuality – use all your senses to experience more of life. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Connect with the senses in Mindfulness during all activity e.g. eating

Be informed by emotions rather than controlled by them

Drink more water – natural detox

Get moving – Life is a Journey, through change we evolve and grow, feel moved through your emotions, feel alive, connected and passionate about your life.

Quotes for the Sacral Chakra:

If someone has offended you, insulted you or disappointed you – Let it go!

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If you are remembering all the ways you have been hurt or forgotten – Let it go!

Ask yourself what good does it do for me to hold on to this?

What is soft is strong: “Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. What is soft is strong.” Lao Tzu

Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions - Dalai Lama

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Solar Plexus Chakra

How are you feeling? If you are suffering from low self-esteem or a lack of confidence or feeling trapped and have poor self-discipline then this chakra is moving too slow. If you are feeling controlling, dominating, over competitive, restless and overactive, this energy is moving too fast. Your Solar Plexus Chakra is crying out for healing and balancing! Your body is speaking to you all of the time.

Balance in the Solar Plexus Chakra These are a few of the main characteristics of balance in the Solar Plexus Chakra, this is what you can look forward to discovering and feeling:

Responsible, dependable Good self-mastery Positive sense of self Confident Enthusiastic Inner contentment Self approval and acceptance Able to meet challenges Willing to take risks Spontaneous and playful Sees the possibilities in life Open to opportunities

Prescription for Healing & Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra BREATHING: Breathe the colour yellow into the Solar Plexus and visualise an expanding ball of golden yellow sunshine.

CRYSTAL: Citrine

ESSENTIAL OILS: Citrus, lemon, grapefruit, lime

YOGA THERAPY: Marjariasana – The Cat, Virabhadrasana – The Warrior 1

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I am strong standing in my personal power today.

I am proud, confident and happy with myself.

I choose to move forward in life.

I am courageous, courage flows through me.

I live my life with integrity.

I respect and care for myself.

I am able to make decisions and choose with awareness, I can always choose again.

I trust my worthiness.

I am worth of the very best in life.

Activities for the Solar Plexus Chakra

1. Expand your comfort zone and take more risks in life – Read Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers

2. Give yourself space in your life to explore, and to learn. 3. Adopt good posture to give space to your solar plexus. When we

lack in confidence we can close down the energy of this centre through bad posture, folding in on ourselves. Sit and stand strong, try not to fold your arms over this centre blocking the energy flow. Unless you feel you are with someone who is negative or dragging your energy down (energy vampires!).

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4. Make a list of daily goals and cross out each one as it is accomplished and feel a sense of achievement.

5. Set a reasonable intention at the beginning of each day, and exercise your will to accomplish it.

6. Know that you can control: words, actions, ideas, play, mistakes and that you cannot control: friends ideas, others words, actions of others, others mistakes and others play.

Quotes for the Solar Plexus Chakra:

Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of your future – Deepak Chopra

Be flexible and open and flowing in your responses. Respond rather than react.

When you take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and behaviors, you get your power back.

You never realise how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. Recognise your inner strength it is always there for you.

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Heart Chakra

I love the heart chakra, it is our place of healing, teaching and balancing. It is the centre of our energy body and the place we can truly call home.

How are you feeling? If you are feeling a little lost, wondering about your direction in life, lonely or rejected and holding on to past pain then this chakra is moving too slow. If you are feeling judgmental, blaming others and feeling like a victim, this energy is moving too fast. Your Heart Chakra is crying out for healing and balancing! Your body is speaking to you all of the time.

Balance in the Heart Chakra These are a few of the main characteristics of balance in the Heart Chakra, this is what you can look forward to discovering and feeling:

Thoughtful and gentle Helpful and considerate Affectionate, compassionate and kind hearted Empathetic, concerned for the wellbeing of others Self-loving and Self-Acceptance Peace loving Centred and balanced Contented and at ease with oneself Open to Love Able to give and receive Generous and Kind Grateful and appreciative Forgiving and understanding

Prescription for Healing & Balancing the Heart Chakra BREATHING: Pink or green into the heart centre.

CRYSTAL: Rose Quartz, Aventurine

ESSENTIAL OILS: Rose Otto, Geranium, Lavender

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YOGA THERAPY: Natarajasana – Lord of the Dance, Utkatasana – Chair of the Heart, Pranayama – Breathing (alternative nostril breathing) Work with the breath – Pranayama (yogic breathing


AFFIRMATIONS: I am loved, I deserve to be loved. I am love.

My heart is filled with Divine love and compassion

I share my love with those that surround me

I am love, I am peace, I am light

Love opens and heals me

My core is pure and innocent

I willingly let go of the past and forgive myself and others I love

Activities for the Heart Chakra

1. Declutter your home: drawers, shelves, cupboards, surfaces. 2. Create a sense of spaciousness in your home. 3. Each evening practise the act of gratitude as you give thanks for

all you have in your life. 4. Create a journal of abundance and notice all of the wonderful

miracles around you each day. 5. Invite more gratitude, forgiveness and generosity into your life. 6. May all your intentions come from Love.

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Quotes for the Heart Chakra:

Practice love until you remember that you are love – Swami Sai Premananda

Allow courage to flow from your heart and feel contentment within as you realise nothing is lacking in your life and be happy in what you have.

Keep heart open, allowing things and people to come and go. Release the temptation to hold on to anything. Whatever is meant for you will not pass you by. Both things and people are with us for a season, a reason or a lifetime. We don’t know which one, so flow with love and trust in the Universal Wisdom.

Act without expectation of return, give willingly and without an agenda but from the heart.

Take the time to do the things that make you happy and give you a sense of freedom.

Your purpose was never to become anything other than what you already are!

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The Throat Chakra

I love helping my clients with the energy of the Throat chakra it is our

place of connecting with others, our world of relationships and how we express our unique creative force in this world. It is here we speak and live in our truth, that means being true to ourselves, freeing ourselves to live authentically.

How are you feeling? Do you have difficulty expressing yourself, do you feel misunderstood or disrespected? - then this chakra is moving too slow. Do you feel uncomfortable with silence and feel irritable and find yourself complaining? - If so, this energy is moving too fast. Your Throat Chakra is crying out for healing and balancing! Your body is speaking to you all of the time.

Balance in the Throat Chakra These are a few of the main characteristics of balance in the Throat Chakra, this is what you can look forward to discovering and feeling:

Confident to speak and share thoughts and feelings Healthy communication with others Making space to listen to inner guide Communication with inner self Good listener Good sense of timing and rhythm Living life creatively Respectful of others need for space Healthy boundaries and able to say No Faithful and honest friend so self and others Stand up for yourself appropriately Trust yourself Content to have silence

Prescription for Healing & Balancing the Throat Chakra

BREATHING: Breathe into the throat chakra with the colour sky blue

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CRYSTAL: Turquoise, Aquamarine

ESSENTIAL OILS: Quietening – Lavender, Stimulating – Patchouli

YOGA THERAPY: Ardha Matsyendrasana – Sitting Spinal Twist, Bhujangasana -The Cobra


I speak in alignment with my most authentic Truth

I express my thoughts genuinely and with clarity.

I communicate my feelings with ease.

I listen with interest.

I am a divine receiver.

Vowel Sounds of the Chakras

Practice the Throat sound of eeeee in the shower!

Root – O as in oh

Sacral – U as in rule

Solar plexus – A as in father

Heart – Ay as in play

Throat – E as in seed

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Activities for the Throat Chakra

Fill your home with sounds that please you in all your varying moods. Play music of all kinds. Listen to the energy of your home

Chanting and toning – lead to purification

Channel writing deepest self-expression from inner core – keep a journal.

Prayer – the ultimate form of communication

Think before you speak:

T –is it true

H – is it helpful

I - is it inspiring

N - is it necessary

K - is it kind

Have a conversation with someone where you don’t talk about yourself.


Say No when you need to. Honour yourself.

Drink herbal teas, smoothies and green drinks.

Drink lots of water.

Learn how to be alone without being lonely. Create sacred space for yourself to feel in peace.

Go for walks alone to be at one with the quiet and your thoughts.

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Quotes for the Throat Chakra:

Don’t swallow your words. Don’t agree to lie for others. Don’t associate with word twisters.

Listen without defending

Speak without offending

Speak up for your self

Let your voice be heard

Speak your feelings

“The Simple Path Silence is Prayer Prayer is Faith Faith is Love Love is Service The Fruit of Service is Peace” ~ Mother Teresa

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The Third Eye Chakra

It all gets very exciting at the Third eye chakra. It is our place where we enter our inner realm, the gateway to wisdom. It is here that we free ourselves of illusion and denial, we recognise the recurring patterns of our lives. We learn to release from the self-limiting beliefs that hold us back and connect to our gift of visualisation and intuition. The Third Eye opens to see things in a new light, new perceptions that can lead to a new way of Being and creating a beautiful and magical life.

How are you feeling? Do you feel that you suffer from a lack of self-trust, do you doubt yourself, do you feel pessimistic? - then this chakra is moving too slow. Do you feel preoccupied, obsessive and have disturbing thoughts that make you lose sleep? - If so, this energy is moving too fast. Your Third Eye Chakra is crying out for healing and balancing! Your body is speaking to you all of the time.

Balance in the Third Eye Chakra These are a few of the main characteristics of balance in the Third Eye Chakra, this is what you can look forward to discovering and feeling:

Strong perception and instinct


Penetrating awareness and discernment

Creative imagination

Good memory and retention

Good dream recall

Ability to visualize

Has a guiding vision for life

Lives with hope, faith and trust

Senses the magic of Life


Knows there is more to life that what you experience through the physical senses

Not afraid to live their dreams

Lives in the Light

Trusts the messages from within

Has a confident relationship with their Guide

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Prescription for Healing & Balancing the Third Eye Chakra BREATHING: Breathe the colour indigo into the brow centre filling it with the energy of connection to a deep inner wisdom. Mindful breathing helps to cleans and balance the chakras

CRYSTAL: Amethyst for wisdom and protection, Lapiz Lazuli for enlightenment and truth. Carry, wear, hold during meditation or place under your pillow.

ESSENTIAL OIL: Frankincense, Geranium

In oil burner. Also, dab a drop with your finger onto the brow to connect with the pineal gland.

YOGA THERAPY: Tratak – Candle gazing, Garudasana – Eagle Pose, Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutations To ground negativity and open to higher awareness.

AFFIRMATION: I trust my intuition.

I nurture my spirit.

I am on my spiritual path.

I walk in truth, and allow truth.

I am open to the ideas and perspectives of others.

I learn from my experiences.

I am open to hearing guidance.

I see Divine Light in everybody.

I openly see the world through loving eyes. Beauty and wonder surround me.

I am constantly expanding my awareness.

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Activities for the Third Eye Chakra

Use healing properties of colour.

Colour meditation.

Feng Shui: Introduce light into home – lamps, candles, mirrors, crystals

Appreciate and open your awareness to beauty all around you.

Work with your dreams – symbolic images. Connect with your dreams: sometimes you are connecting to teachers from other realms even if you don’t remember.

Third Eye Kiss can be an experience you feel in the depths of your soul and can often be felt for several days. Kiss the centre of a person's forehead with thoughts of love and compassion. It activates the pineal and pituitary glands giving the receiver a sense of security and

wellbeing. x Beautiful x Happy, loving, kisses x

Quotes for the Third Eye Chakra: Be a witness, not a judge. Focus on yourself, not on others. Listen to your heart, not the crowd.

“Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behaviour. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain.” Eckhart Tolle

Remember – Three eyes, two to look and one to see.

“If your eyes are open you will see the things worth seeing.” – Rumi

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“The Soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” – Caroline Myss.

“The thought manifest as the words: the word manifest in the deed: the deed develops into habit: a habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings.” Buddha

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The Crown Chakra Healing

The Crown chakra is our place to be a channel for loving thoughts, kindness and compassion. It is where we share our positivity with others in gentle ways. This beautiful energy is connected with the heavenly realm. Here we may live each day in appreciation of the sacred. The Crown opens us to be mindful and aware and to live with Grace in our heart and soul.

How are you feeling? Do you feel depressed or low in mood, is your glass half empty? - then this chakra is moving too slow. Do you feel that you have to be a perfect to be loved, do you over-complicate your life? - If so, this energy is moving too fast. Your Crown Chakra is crying out for healing and balancing! Your body is speaking to you all of the time.

Balance in the Crown Chakra These are a few of the main characteristics of balance in the Crown Chakra, this is what you can look forward to discovering and feeling:

Spiritual connection

Filled with love, compassion and forgiveness

Recognition of the Oneness of All Things

Seeing beyond the Physical Dimension






Conscious Living


Intelligence, presence and Understanding

Living in the Now

Open-mindedness, ability to question


Ability to reflect and discern

Ability to “let go” and live in the NOW

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Prescription for Healing & Balancing the Crown Chakra

BREATHING: Violet or White light in through the crown of the head down the spine to the base of the spine. Brings in the energy of recognising the light in yourself and others.

CRYSTAL: The Crown Chakra resonates with the colours violet and white. Amethyst is a beautiful healing crystal for all the chakras, so if you only buy one let this be the one!

ESSENTIAL OIL: Lavender, Frankincense, Jasmine

YOGA THERAPY: Savasana – The Corpse, Ardha Padmasana – Half Lotus (or cross legged position on the floor) taps into Higher Consciousness and calms and balances the Crown Chakra.


I am a Divine Being

My Soul is infinite and boundless

I am forever evolving, growing and expanding

I trust the whisper of Angel’s voices as I sit in silence

I am a being of light and love

I am at one with the Universe

I live my life through my Higher Self

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Activities for the Crown Chakra Bring more conscious awareness into your home – be aware of how you treat others.

Create a sacred space for yourself, even if it only an altar filled with images and items that bring you joy and peace.

Set 10 minutes a day to Honour the Divine in your life however that may be for you

Make time to view the night sky, the Moon and the stars and be aware of the beauty and magnificence of it all. Let wonder be a part of your thoughts and vocabulary.

Meditation: Awareness of the breath.

Mantra meditation Chant Om/Listen to Om chant. Om is:

Sound of All Sounds

The Sound of the Universe

The Sound of Creation

The Beginning of Life

Pronounce – ah/oh/mmm/silence

Every experience is an opportunity that can lead us to Love, always look for Love in every experience. Nothing can dim the light which shines

from within so let it shine.

Every day your Soul offers you loving guidance. Are you reading the signs?

Re-establish your spiritual connection whatever that means to you.

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Quotes for the Crown Chakra:

“Our journey is about being more deeply involved in life and yet less attached to it” – Ram Dass

Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are.

Do not force solutions – allow solutions to spontaneously emerge.

“Uncertainty is essential, and your path to freedom” – Deepak Chopra

Become awake and aware to live a life of constant amazement it’s a beautiful way to live. Just Be!

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be”. Lao Tzu

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Creating Your Life from the Inside Out Use the above to create your own practice, to nourish and balance your Soul energy and so create the Life you were meant to live! Creating a Life of Flow! You will resonate at a higher frequency and attract to you the same, thus flowing in resonance with The Law of Attraction.

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly!”

You can begin today to heal your life from the Inside Out. ~ Jules

Jules Blythe is a former Corporate Training & Development Consultant and now runs her own practice in France working online as a Master Energy Practitioner and Holistic Life Coach. She helps people to become empowered to create their lives from the Inside Out and to discover their True Purpose, so that they can create more, peace, love and happiness in their lives. .

Contact: www.thechakrahouse.co.uk [email protected]