The Cessation of Miraculous Gifts

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  • 8/14/2019 The Cessation of Miraculous Gifts



    Memorial Parkway church of Christ (Huntsville, AL) (July 2008)


    The Cessation of Miraculous Gifts

    Christianity 101: Lesson 12Introduction

    A. We live in a confused religious world. So often, we are told conflicting things

    about the same subject; thus the large number of churches around us, all

    teaching different things about the same subjects. Sadly, so few are willing

    to be honest or even open when it comes to thinking about a subject in view

    of Gods Word.

    B. One of those topics is our subject for this lesson. As per our assignment in

    this series, we will be looking at miracles.

    1. Recently, I was listening to a program by a denominational preacher, as

    he introduced a series on miraculous gifts. I was eagerly anticipating his

    lessons for many reasons, but one reason was because of this lesson


    2. I was upset, though, when he began the series by showing the listeners

    two stacks of books. Remember that I was listening to this sermon, so I

    couldnt see what he was doing, but it seemed like he had a stack on

    either side of the pulpit.

    3. He introduced the series and said that this was an issue with which he had

    struggled for many years. I thought that was fine to admit. People need

    to know that preachers struggle from time-to-time, too.

    4. Then he told them what the books were. One stack, he said, was from

    authors that believed that miraculous gifts are still available and used,and that we should be seeking our miracle. The other stack was by

    writers who said that, no, miraculous giftsat least in the way they are

    described in the NThave no place in the church today.

    5. Now here is the part that upset me. I listened to most of that series

    despite what the preacher did next. He told the listeners that he had

    struggled with the issue, BUT he felt that it was time to preach on it. He

    wanted to consider both sides (which is fine), but (now notice) he wanted

    to just see where we end up. To give a basic summary, he was saying

    that he still didnt know if there were miracles today, but he was going to

    preach on it anyway and just see where he ended up. Thats truly sad!6. Tonight we are going to examine miracles, most specifically in the NT, and

    then we will do our best to answer the question as to whether or not NT

    miraculous gifts are still available and used today. I know we can find the

    answer to that question in the NT.

    C. Before looking at modern claims and the Bible, lets make sure we

    understand what we are talking about.

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    1. As with so many other words, the word miracle is used in dozens of

    different ways today, and those usages can cloud our thoughts as to what

    we are thinking about when we talk about miracles in the Bible.

    2. Some use the word often when something amazing happens. We often

    hear it thrown around in the world of sports. If one team defeats another

    that it was not supposed to beat, we refer to it as a miracle victory. Wetalk of miraculous comebacks or catches. I think we understand that we

    are using the word miracle in that way just to refer to something amazing.

    3. More often, though, people use the word miracle in reference to

    something medical. Most specifically, we will hear the word used in

    reference to the birth of a baby. Hes our little miracle,or That was a

    miracle are statements we hear often just after the birth of a baby. While

    totally amazing and awe inspiring, birth happens all over the world every

    day. It is amazing, but it is not a miracle.

    4. Some of you know that our oldest child, Mary Carol, is adopted, while

    Turner, our son, is not. Because he was born after we were told we could

    not have children, many call him a miracle baby. It was amazing, but it

    was not a miracle.

    5. So, just what are we speaking of when we refer to something as a

    miracle? Bernard Ramm gives this definition that I think is short, but

    accurate: A given, transcendent, supernatural act of Gods power. Lets

    break that into its parts briefly:

    a. Given. A miracle is an act that can be reported. While we may not

    be able to explain it completely, there are details that are a part of the


    b. Transcendent. It is above the ordinary. We sometimes speak of

    someone in sports having a transcendent moment when he or she hasa great game. From that use of the word, we can get something of the

    meaning. It is out of the ordinary. More than that, it is above the


    c. Supernatural act. This is where we remove such things as the birth

    of a child from the realm of a miracle. Having a child, while amazing,

    is a natural action. The same is true of great feats of athleticism.

    While they may be amazing, and I, personally, may not be able to do

    them, they are still natural acts. A supernatural act is something that

    is removed from the realm of acts of nature.

    d. Gods power. When we read of something in the Bible that is amiracle, it might have been done through the agency of man, but the

    miracles could not have happened without God. They are acts from


    6. If I may, let me give one more similar definition. This was written by

    George Fisher in his Manual of Christian Evidences. He defined miracle in

    this way: A miracle is an event which the forces of natureincluding the

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    natural powers of mancannot of themselves produce, and which must,

    therefore, be referred to a supernatural agency.

    a. I wanted to add this definition because of one thing Fisher pointed out,

    b. He makes mention that a miracle cannot be done by the natural

    powers of man. He admits in that definition that man can do miracles

    (or, rather, he couldin certain times), but not because of mans ownpower. A miracle only comes from the supernatural; it only comes from


    D. With the word defined, let us take the next few minutes to discuss miracles in

    the Bible, and then tackle our question: have miracles as they occurred in the

    Bible ceased, or can men still perform miracles with Gods aid and sanction?

    I. First, lets notice the Biblical Classifications of Miracles.

    A. In 1998 Wayne Jackson made a list of several types of miracles

    recorded in the Bible. (This list is included in an article upon which I

    relied heavily for this lesson.) He then listed them with just a few of

    each type. All told there are ___ miracles according to ____ recorded in

    the Bible. So the following examples of each type of miracle are by no

    means meant to be exhaustive of the type.

    1. Firstly, there are supernatural acts of creation. Obviously, the

    clearest example is found in Genesis 1-2. God spoke everything

    material into existence and those things came to be. Psalm 33:9

    teaches, For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it

    stood firm. Creation from nothing by the power of words is a


    2. Secondly, there were, as brotherJackson words it, miracles which

    involved a temporary and localized suspension of laws regulatingnature. As we think of this category, we might list events such as

    Jesus stilling the storm on the Sea of Galilee, or God causing the

    sun to stand still so His army would win a grand victory.

    3. The third category, and the one that so many still attempt to claim

    to perform, involved physical healing of the body. This was done by

    Jesus and His apostles, as blind people were given sight, lame and

    maimed were healed completely, and those who had issues with

    bleeding were healed.

    4. Next, and in extension of physical healing, were those instances

    where the dead were raised. Elijah raised the dead in the OT,Jesusraised Lazarus, a widows son, a centurions daughter and others.

    Paul raised Eutychus. The most famous, though, was the

    resurrection of Jesus Himself, which serves as the basis of belief in

    Him, as Paul reminded us in a powerful way in First Corinthians 15.

    5. Fifthly, there were many miracles in the NT that dealt with

    exorcising demons from those who were afflicted. At times, these

    were connected with physical maladies, too. Maybe the most

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    healing and then, at a later service, someone comes to the stage

    and says, The next week I started to get better, or Within a

    month the problem was gone. Do you not find it interesting that

    the effects of the miracles in the Bible were immediate?

    4. Add to that, the miracles performed in the NT had more than just

    temporary interest. 2000 years later, not only are we still talkingabout these miracles, we are still affected by them. They still hold

    our interest and build our faith. Modern claims of miracles might

    hold some interest for a few weeks, months, or even a few years,

    but usually that interest is no more than the neighborhood or town

    in which the claim was made. The miracles of the NT hold the

    interest of the world two millennia after the fact.

    5. Add to that, every miracle was subject to perception by one or more

    of the human senses. There was not some mystical effect; the

    effects were real and discernable. It is worth noting that these

    effects did not even need a second opinion! The results were

    obvious. For example, when Jesus turned water in wine, it was

    tasted and noted to be the best (John 2:9).

    6. Add to that what might be the most important factor for when we

    turn our attention to modern claims: there is not possible secondary

    source or cause. For example, we have the ear of the servant of

    the high priest that was cut off in a brutal fashion. Jesus did not

    sow it back on. He simply touched the ear and it was fully restored.

    There is no other way to explain this type of action than as a


    7. Finally, add to our list that miracles in the Bible were done with a

    moral and worthy motive involved. There was not a financialmotive, as is so often the case with claims today. The miracles

    were done with the idea of proving God was powerful, that the

    words spoken were from Him, and with the healing of the people in

    mind. One example comes from the life of Peter and John. When

    Peter healed a lame man, there was no money involved. In fact,

    Peter wasnt interested in money, since he didnt have any!

    III. That Leads us to a Key Word: Confirmation

    A. Mark 16:20 teaches us the reason for the miracles performed by Jesus

    and those with Him: And they went out and preached everywhere,while the Lord worked with them, and confirmedthe word by the signs

    that followed.

    B. We also have the same idea in Hebrews, near the beginning of that

    great book of belief. Hebrews 2:3-4 speaks of the word, spoken

    through the Lord, was confirmed unto us by them that heard; God also

    bearing witness with them, both by signs and wonders, and by

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    manifold powers, and by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His

    own will.

    C. In both references (Mark 16 and Hebrews 2) the word confirmed

    comes from the same Greek word.

    1. The word, bi-bye-ah-o, according to Strongs can mean, to make

    firm, establish, confirm, or make sure.2. According to Colin Brown, the word carries with it the idea of

    evidence that establishes the validity of the divinely-given word.

    D. So, if the miracles confirmed the word, then they accomplished their

    purpose and there is no reason to even attempt to perform miracles


    IV. C essation

    A. With all that in mind, let us not turn our attention to our theme for the

    evening: have miracles ceased or do they continue to be performed?

    B. Before answering that question, let me quickly dismiss one thing. I

    have heard people say things to this effect: If we could just have

    miracles,or bigger miracles today, more people would believe and

    come to Jesus. I think we can dismiss that quite easily for one very

    simple reason: there is no way we could ever do greater miracles than

    those Jesus did, and not many believed Him! Miracles confirm the

    word and we have the records of dozens of miracles to help us

    establish our faith in Jesus.

    C. Now, as we begin to answer our question, lets turn to the end of the

    Gospel according to John. Near the end of that book, John wrote his

    purpose statement. John 20:30-31 tells us that Jesus did many signs

    which were not recorded, but that the ones in John are written thatyou may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. The words

    are written translate one Greek word that carries with it the idea of

    written in the past, but with an abiding effect. In commenting on this

    passage, A.T. Robertson said John,has had precisely this effect of

    continuous and successive confirmation of faith in Jesus Christ through

    the ages. Why do we bring that up? Because if the recording of these

    miracles is what God, through John, gave us to believe in Jesus, then

    why would we need miracles today? These miracles continue to be in

    the Bible, confirmed and true, and should be sufficient to help us

    establish and grow in our faith in Jesus.D. But the teaching of miracles ceasing is more fully discussed in two

    other passages in the NT that we want to spend the balance of our

    time studying.

    1. The first is rather lengthy, and runs from First Corinthians chapter

    12 through chapter 14. We will focus our attention on certain

    verses only in chapters 12 and 13.

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    a. In 12:8-10, there are nine spiritual gifts listed. Those verses say,

    For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and

    to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit,

    to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of

    healing by the one Spirit, and to another the effecting of

    miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another thedistinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and

    to another the interpretation of tongues. We dont have time

    this evening to discuss what each of these means, but suffice it

    to say that, if there are miraculous gifts today, they would all fall

    under one of these 9 categories.

    b. Now, from that list, Paul uses 3 in chapter 13, representative of

    the entire list. Most scholars say that the 3 mentioned in

    chapter 13 (prophecies, tongues, and knowledge) were

    considered by some in the first century to be the best gifts. In

    other words, those who were blessed with these miraculous gifts

    had an even more special miraculous gift than the others. Keep

    that in mind.

    c. Paul goes on in chapter 13 to teach that these gifts would cease.

    Some do not think these have ceased, but many will concede

    that they will end. So we need to figure out when they will end,

    or if they have already.

    d. Read with me from verses 8-13: Love never fails; but if there

    are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are

    tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done

    away. For we know in part and we prophecy in part, but when

    the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was achild, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a

    child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For

    now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know

    in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully

    known. But now faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the

    greatest of these is love.

    e. In verse 9, you will notice that Paul says that the spiritual gifts

    were made known in part. In other words, they were made

    known in a gradual way. The word translated in part can have

    its meaning expanded to the part as opposed to the whole,which helps us as we look further into these verses. Now, Paul

    says that these in part things will be done away with. Since

    these in part things are the supernatural gifts, the Bible is

    saying that these gifts would cease. But the question again is


    f. The chapter goes on to say, When that which is perfect is

    come. Perfect is better translated complete or whole.

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    J.B. Phillips translates this part of the verse: When the Complete

    comes, that is the end of the Incomplete.

    g. Brother Wayne Jackson, again in his work that I have used

    heavily as a source says, So, we may reason as follows:

    Whatever the in-part things are partially, the whole is, in

    completed form. But the in-part things were the spiritual giftsemployed in the revealing of Gods will (word). Therefore, the

    whole was Gods will (word)as conveyed through the gifts

    completely revealed.

    h. In other words, what Paul is saying is, These gifts are being

    used to confirm or prove the revelationthe Word of God. When

    the revelation is complete, there will be no more need for the

    gifts and they will cease. W.E. Vine said about this: With the

    completion of Apostolic testimony and the completion of the

    Scriptures of truth (the faith once for all delivered to the saints,

    Jude 3), that which is perfect had come, and the temporary

    gifts were done away.

    2. The other passage we will look at more briefly is found in Ephesians

    4. In this passage, Paul is speaking of several kinds of gifts, but he

    specifically mentions spiritual gifts. Note verses 7-8: But to each

    one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christs gift.

    Therefore it says, When He ascended on high, He led captives, and

    He gave gifts to men. In the next verses, we are given a list of

    some of the works that Jesus gave some to do: apostles,

    prophets, etc.

    a. We are then told, at the conclusion of the list in verse 12, for

    the perfecting of the saints. The word perfecting means,complete qualification for a specific purpose. Arndt and

    Gingrich give it this way: to equip the saints for service.

    b. Now, as in First Corinthians 12 and 13, we are again told of the

    duration of these gifts. Verse 13 tells us they will be until we all

    attain to the unity of the faith. The word Until (or till in

    other translations) carries the idea of a certain amount of time

    up to which something was to last. In this case, we would have

    the desired amount of time, assigned by God, through which

    these gifts were to last.

    c. So what was the time frame God assigned? Until there is a unityof the faith. The faith, as we often see it in Scripture, means

    the entirety of the Gospel system. In other words, Paul was

    teaching that these gifts were to last until the entire Gospel

    system was unified. We might say it better this way: the gifts

    were to last until the NT was completed as a unit.

    3. One final thingsthat comes as a result from these two passages.

    Keep in mind that those who performed these miracles were

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    allowed to do so by the power of God and the words they spoke (if

    they had gifts of prophecy or tongues) were divinely given. In other

    words, the words spoken by those with these gifts were just as

    binding as the words being divinely penned that would come to us

    as the NT. So what? If miracles are still going on, then the words

    being spoken are binding and the NT is not the final word from God.This clearly violates Jude 3 and other passages which teach us that

    the NT was finished and unified.

    E. So, from a careful and honest examination of the NT record, we can

    determine that miracles were a certain activity for a certain time and

    were not neededand did not continueafter the collection of the NT


    1. There are some who say, and I have read several articles from

    people who have said similar things to this, Well, if we had

    miracles today, more people would believe. Why would God end

    that which would cause people to believe?

    2. There are two responses we may give:

    a. First, it is worth noting that not everyone believed the miracles

    that were done in the Bible. Even those who witnessed first-

    hand the miracles done by Jesus, Peter, Paul, and others did not

    believe. So, if we had miracles today, it would not necessarily

    mean we would have more believers.

    b. Second, we need to teach people to respect and love the Biblical

    record. The miracles that are recorded in the Bible bear witness

    to the fact of Gods power, love, provision, providence, care and

    compassion. If we who love the Bible would do our best to

    preach not just the specifics of the miracles, but also the Godbehind the miracles we would be more effective, I think in

    bringing people to Him through the record of those miracles.


    A. We do not have miraculous gifts today. They were for a specific time.

    B. But the same God Who gave those gifts is still just as powerful and just as

    ready to save.

    C. He may not have His word confirmed through miracles today, but we have

    the Bible, complete and filled with all we need to be saved and live for Him.

    D. Have you given your life to the Father?