BRAIN IMAGING NEUROREPORT 0959-4965 & Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Vol 12 No 9 3 July 2001 1879 The cerebellum is involved in predicting the sensory consequences of action Sarah-J. Blakemore, CA,2 Chris D. Frith and Daniel M. Wolpert 1 Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology and 1 Sobell Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Neurology, University College London, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK 2 Present Address: INSERM Unit 280, Mental Processes and Brain Activation, 151 Cours Albert-Thomas, 69424 Lyon Cedex 3, France CA Corresponding Author Received 21 March 2001; accepted 11 April 2001 We used H 2 15 O PET to examine neural responses to parametrically varied degrees of discrepancy between the predicted and actual sensory consequences of movement. Subjects used their right hand to move a robotic arm. The motion of this robotic arm determined the position of a second foam-tipped robotic arm, which made contact with the subject’s left palm. Using this robotic interface, computer controlled delays were introduced between the movement of the right hand and the tactile stimulation on the left. Activity in the right lateral cerebellar cortex showed a positive correlation with delay. These results suggest the cerebellum is involved in signalling the sensory discrepancy between the predicted and actual sensory consequences of movements. NeuroReport 12:1879–1884 & 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Key words: Cerebellum; Forward model; Internal model; PET; Prediction; Sensorimotor control INTRODUCTION It has been proposed that information about our motor commands is used to distinguish the sensory consequences of our own actions from externally produced sensory stimuli [1–3]. In order to achieve this, some kind of central monitor [1] or internal forward model (Fig. 1) has been postulated [2,4]. Forward models capture the forward or causal relationship between actions and their sensory consequences by using an efference copy of the motor command to make a prediction of the sensory conse- quences of the movement. This sensory prediction is com- pared with the actual consequences of the movement and, depending on its accuracy, can be used to filter sensory information. Self-produced sensations can be accurately predicted on the basis of motor commands and as a result there will be a low level of sensory discrepancy resulting from the comparison between the predicted and actual sensory feedback. This accurate prediction can be used to cancel the ensuing sensation. In contrast, externally gener- ated sensations cannot be predicted on the basis of effer- ence copy and will therefore be associated with a higher level of sensory discrepancy. Such a system can be used to cancel out or attenuate sensations induced by self-gener- ated movement, thereby accentuating sensations originat- ing externally, such as contact with objects. We have previously demonstrated that the perception of a self-produced sensation is related to the accuracy of the sensory prediction made by the forward model. Using a robotic interface we firstly demonstrated that self-produced and externally produced tactile sensations are perceived differently [5]. Subjects consistently rated a self-produced tactile sensation on their right palm as being significantly less ‘tickly’, intense and pleasant than an identical stimulus produced by a robot, supporting the demonstration that people cannot tickle themselves [6]. Second, we examined the perceptual effects of altering the correspondence be- tween self-generated movement and its sensory conse- quences. This was achieved by introducing delays of 100, 200 and 300 ms between the movement of the left hand and the tactile stimulus on the right palm. In a further condition, trajectory rotations of 308, 608 and 908 were introduced between the direction of the left hand move- ment and the direction of the tactile stimulus on the right palm. The result of increasing the delay or trajectory rotation was that the sensory stimulus no longer corre- sponded to that which would be normally expected based on the efference copy. Therefore as the delay or trajectory rotation is increased, the sensory prediction becomes less accurate. The results showed that subjects reported a progressive increase in the ‘tickly’ rating as the delay was increased between 0 ms and 200 ms ( p , 0.0005) and as the trajectory rotation was increased between 0 and 908 ( p , 0.01). These results suggest that the perceptual at- tenuation of self-produced tactile stimulation is due to a precise attenuation of the sensory stimulation, based on specific sensory predictions, rather than a non-specific attenuation of all sensory signals. The perceptual attenuation of self-produced tactile sen- sations could be due to gating of activity in somatosensory cortex. Neurophysiological data demonstrate that neuronal

The cerebellum is involved in predicting the sensory consequences

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0959-4965 & Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Vol 12 No 9 3 July 2001 1879

The cerebellum is involved in predicting thesensory consequences of action

Sarah-J. Blakemore,CA,2 Chris D. Frith and Daniel M. Wolpert1

Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology and 1Sobell Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Neurology, UniversityCollege London, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK

2Present Address: INSERM Unit 280, Mental Processes and Brain Activation, 151 Cours Albert-Thomas, 69424 Lyon Cedex 3,France

CACorresponding Author

Received 21 March 2001; accepted 11 April 2001

We used H215O PET to examine neural responses to

parametrically varied degrees of discrepancy between thepredicted and actual sensory consequences of movement.Subjects used their right hand to move a robotic arm. Themotion of this robotic arm determined the position of asecond foam-tipped robotic arm, which made contact with thesubject's left palm. Using this robotic interface, computer

controlled delays were introduced between the movement ofthe right hand and the tactile stimulation on the left. Activity inthe right lateral cerebellar cortex showed a positive correlationwith delay. These results suggest the cerebellum is involved insignalling the sensory discrepancy between the predicted andactual sensory consequences of movements. NeuroReport12:1879±1884 & 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Key words: Cerebellum; Forward model; Internal model; PET; Prediction; Sensorimotor control

INTRODUCTIONIt has been proposed that information about our motorcommands is used to distinguish the sensory consequencesof our own actions from externally produced sensorystimuli [1±3]. In order to achieve this, some kind of centralmonitor [1] or internal forward model (Fig. 1) has beenpostulated [2,4]. Forward models capture the forward orcausal relationship between actions and their sensoryconsequences by using an efference copy of the motorcommand to make a prediction of the sensory conse-quences of the movement. This sensory prediction is com-pared with the actual consequences of the movement and,depending on its accuracy, can be used to ®lter sensoryinformation. Self-produced sensations can be accuratelypredicted on the basis of motor commands and as a resultthere will be a low level of sensory discrepancy resultingfrom the comparison between the predicted and actualsensory feedback. This accurate prediction can be used tocancel the ensuing sensation. In contrast, externally gener-ated sensations cannot be predicted on the basis of effer-ence copy and will therefore be associated with a higherlevel of sensory discrepancy. Such a system can be used tocancel out or attenuate sensations induced by self-gener-ated movement, thereby accentuating sensations originat-ing externally, such as contact with objects.

We have previously demonstrated that the perception ofa self-produced sensation is related to the accuracy of thesensory prediction made by the forward model. Using arobotic interface we ®rstly demonstrated that self-producedand externally produced tactile sensations are perceived

differently [5]. Subjects consistently rated a self-producedtactile sensation on their right palm as being signi®cantlyless `tickly', intense and pleasant than an identical stimulusproduced by a robot, supporting the demonstration thatpeople cannot tickle themselves [6]. Second, we examinedthe perceptual effects of altering the correspondence be-tween self-generated movement and its sensory conse-quences. This was achieved by introducing delays of 100,200 and 300 ms between the movement of the left handand the tactile stimulus on the right palm. In a furthercondition, trajectory rotations of 308, 608 and 908 wereintroduced between the direction of the left hand move-ment and the direction of the tactile stimulus on the rightpalm. The result of increasing the delay or trajectoryrotation was that the sensory stimulus no longer corre-sponded to that which would be normally expected basedon the efference copy. Therefore as the delay or trajectoryrotation is increased, the sensory prediction becomes lessaccurate. The results showed that subjects reported aprogressive increase in the `tickly' rating as the delay wasincreased between 0 ms and 200 ms ( p , 0.0005) and as thetrajectory rotation was increased between 0 and 908( p , 0.01). These results suggest that the perceptual at-tenuation of self-produced tactile stimulation is due to aprecise attenuation of the sensory stimulation, based onspeci®c sensory predictions, rather than a non-speci®cattenuation of all sensory signals.

The perceptual attenuation of self-produced tactile sen-sations could be due to gating of activity in somatosensorycortex. Neurophysiological data demonstrate that neuronal

Page 2: The cerebellum is involved in predicting the sensory consequences

responses in somatosensory cortex are attenuated by self-generated movement [7]. Using fMRI we examined theneural basis of the differential perception of self- andexternally produced tactile stimuli in humans [8]. Wefound an increase in activity of the secondary somatosen-sory cortex and the anterior cingulate gyrus when subjectsexperienced an externally produced tactile stimulus ontheir left palm relative to a self-produced tactile stimulus.In order for somatosensory cortex activity to be attenuatedto self-produced sensory stimuli, these stimuli need to bepredicted accurately. The cerebellum is a likely site for aforward model that provides predictions of the sensoryconsequences of movements, which are compared with theactual sensory feedback from movements. This hypothesishas been supported by neurophysiological [9,10], func-tional imaging [11] and computational [12,13] data. Func-tional imaging studies have shown that distributed regionsin the cerebellar cortex are activated during motor learning[11,14,15]. One of the main proposed uses of a forwardmodel is for motor learning, which can be achieved bycomparing the predicted consequences of an action to theactual result and updating the prediction accordingly [16].

In our fMRI study, there was less activity in the rightcerebellar cortex associated with a movement that gener-ated a tactile stimulus than with a movement that did not[8]. This pattern suggests that activity in the cerebellumdepends on the speci®c sensory consequences of a move-ment. We therefore proposed that the cerebellar cortexmight be involved in signalling the sensory discrepancybetween the predicted and actual sensory feedback. Theaim of the present study was to test this hypothesisdirectly. To this end, PET was used to examine the brainresponses to parametric increases in the level of sensory

discrepancy resulting from the comparison between thepredicted and actual sensory feedback of movements. Toachieve this, a robotic interface was used to vary thecorrespondence between self-produced movements andtheir sensory consequences. Subjects were scanned whileproducing a tactile sensation on the palm of their left hand,by moving a robotic arm with their right hand. By usingtwo robots so that the tactile stimulus could be deliveredunder remote control by the subject, delays of approxi-mately 0, 100, 200 and 300 ms were introduced between themovement of the right hand and the tactile stimulus on theleft palm. In all conditions the motion of the right handdetermined the tactile sensation on the left palm. Only thetemporal correspondence between the action of the righthand and the sensory effect on the left palm was altered.The 0 ms condition corresponds to the normal situation inwhich subjects use their right hand to move a physical rodacross the palm of their left hand. As the delay is increasedthe resemblance to the normal situation decreases, andhence the forward model's sensory prediction becomesincreasingly inaccurate. Thus brain activity that correlateswith the delay must be associated with the sensorydiscrepancy between the predicted and actual sensoryfeedback from the movement. Based on the proposal thatthe cerebellar cortex signals the sensory discrepancy be-tween the predicted and actual sensory feedback, it waspredicted that blood ¯ow in the cerebellar cortex wouldincrease as the delay increases.

MATERIALS AND METHODSSubjects: Six healthy right-handed male volunteers (meanage 24 years; age range 8 years) gave informed consent forthe study, which was approved by the National Hospitalfor Neurology and Neurosurgery Ethics Committee. Con-sent was obtained from all subjects prior to participationaccording to the declaration of Helsinki. Permission toadminister radioactive substances was obtained from theAdministration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Com-mittee (ARSAC) UK.

Procedure: Subjects lay supine in the scanner with theirleft forearm laid on a ¯at surface with the palm vertical.Subjects gripped a lightweight rod (radius 0.5 cm andlength 4 cm) with the thumb and index ®nger of their righthand. This rod was attached to an optical encoder (Phan-tom Haptic Interface, Sensable Devices, Cambridge, MA,USA), and subjects were required to move it sinusoidally(frequency 2 Hz and amplitude 1.5 cm) in the verticaldirection. The motion of this rod determined the positionof a torque motor, on which was mounted a tactilestimulus constituting a piece of soft foam, which madecontact with the subject's stationary left palm (Fig. 2). Themotion of the rod held in the right hand was transmittedto the foam-tipped motor thereby ensuring that the motionof the right hand determined the tactile stimulation on theleft palm. The robot was controlled by a PC and itsposition was updated at 1 kHz. By delaying the transmis-sion between the encoder and torque motor, computercontrolled delays of 0, 100, 200 and 300 ms were introducedbetween the movement of the right hand and the move-ment of the tactile stimulus on the left, constituting thefour experimental conditions. Subjects practiced the sinu-







External influences(e.g. delay)

Actual sensory feedback

Predicted sensory feedback(corollary discharge)

Fig. 1. A model for determining the sensory consequences of a move-ment. An internal forward model makes predictions of the sensoryfeedback based on the motor command. These predictions are thencompared to the actual sensory feedback to produce the sensorydiscrepancy signal. Self-produced sensations can be correctly predictedon the basis of the motor command, and there will therefore be little orno sensory discrepancy between predicted and actual sensory feedback.As the sensory discrepancy increases (for example by introducing a delaybetween movement and its sensory consequences) so does the likelihoodthat the sensation is externally produced. By using such a system it ispossible to cancel out the effects on sensation induced by self-motionand thereby distinguish sensory events due to self-produced motion fromthe sensory feedback caused by the environment, such as contact withobjects.


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soidal movement until they were pro®cient at producing it.Subjects were informed that the movement of their righthand would produce the movements of the tactile stimuluson their left palm in each condition. However, subjectswere not informed of the presence of delays between themovement and the tactile stimulation. Each subject under-went 12 PET scans in a single session, comprising threereplications of each of the four conditions. The order ofconditions was randomised and counterbalanced withinand between subjects. Scanning took place in a darkenedroom and subjects were asked to keep their eyes closedthroughout.

Data acquisition: All subjects underwent both PET andMRI scanning. A Siemens VISION (Siemens, Erlangen)operating at 2.0 T was used to acquire axial T1 weightedstructural images for anatomical coregistration. PET scanswere performed with an ECAT EXACT HR� scanningsystem [CTI Siemens, Knoxville, TN] in 3D mode withsepta retracted. The axial ®eld of view was 155 mm,providing whole brain coverage including cerebellum. Avenous cannula to administer the tracer was inserted in anantecubital fossa vein. Approximately 350 MBq of H2

15O in3 ml normal saline were loaded into i.v. tubing and ¯ushedinto subjects over 20 s at a rate of 10 ml/min by anautomatic pump. After a delay of � 35 s, a rise in counts

could be detected in the head that peaked 30±40 s later(depending on individual circulation time). The intervalbetween successive administrations was 8 min. The datawere acquired in one 90 s frame, beginning 5 s before therising phase of the head curve. Correction for tissue andhelmet attenuation was made using a transmission scanfrom 68Ga/68Ge sources at the start of the scanning session.Images were reconstructed by ®ltered back projection(Hanning ®lter, cut off frequency 0.5 cycles/pixel) into 63transverse image planes (separation 2.4 mm) and into a128 3 128 pixel image matrix, with a resulting pixel size of2.4 3 2.1 3 2.1 mm, and a resolution of 6 mm at full widthhalf maximum.

Statistical analysis: Functional imaging analysis usedthe technique of statistical parametric mapping, implemen-ted in SPM99 (http://www.®l.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm). For eachsubject, a set of 12 PET scans was realigned and thenstereotactically normalised [17] into the space of Talairachand Tournoux [18]. The scans (72 in total) were thensmoothed with a Gaussian kernel of 12 mm full-width halfmaximum.

The analysis of functional imaging data entails thecreation of statistical parametric maps that represent astatistical assessment of condition-speci®c effects hypothe-sised by the experimenter [19]. The effects of globalchanges in blood ¯ow between conditions were modelledas a confound using a subject-speci®c ANCOVA. SPM99was used to identify brain areas where activity waspredicted by delay between the movement and the tactilestimulation. To this end, delay, as recorded by a computer,was used as a covariate and regression with this covariatewas calculated for every voxel in the whole brain. Theamplitude and frequency of the movements in all condi-tions, which were recorded by the computer, were mod-elled as confounds in the analysis. Therefore rCBF that wasrelated to movement frequency or movement amplitudewas removed. The signi®cance of the regression wasdisplayed in a SPM[t] map, which was then transformedinto an SPM{Z} and thresholded at a Z-score of 3.09( p , 0.05 uncorrected). We carried out a small volumecorrection (SVC) [20] on the p values of the ensuingmaxima on all predicted brain regions. We report onlythose that survive this SVC (radius 7 mm, corresponding tothe spherical region of the right cerebellum predicted fromour previous fMRI results [8]) at p , 0.05.

RESULTSRegions that showed a positive covariance between rCBFand delay: The results of the covariate analysis demon-strate brain regions whose rCBF shows a positive regres-sion on delay between the movement of the right hand andthe tactile stimulation on the left palm, after rCBF thatrelates to movement frequency and movement amplitudewas removed. The regression analysis from all six subjectscombined demonstrated a signi®cant (Z� 2.82; p , 0.05SVC) positive regression on delay in the middle rightcerebellar cortex (coordinates 38,ÿ56,ÿ34 in Talairach andTournoux [18]; margin of VI and Crus I in Schmahmann etal. [21]). In single subject analyses all six subjects showedthis positive relationship between delay and activity in theright cerebellum. However in one subject this right cerebel-

Subject’s left hand

Optical encoder

Subject’s right hand

Foam-tipped roboticmotor

Fig. 2. Diagram of experimental set-up. The subject gripped a light-weight rod with the thumb and index ®nger of their right hand. This wasattached to an optical encoder and subjects were required to move itsinusoidally (frequency 2 Hz and amplitude 1.5 cm) in the vertical direc-tion. The motion of this robot determined the position of a foam-tippedrobotic motor touching the subjects' left palm. Thus, the motion of theright hand determined the tactile stimulation on the left palm. In allconditions, subjects were required to move the rod held in their righthand sinusoidally, which, via the two robots, produced the same move-ment of the tactile stimulus on their left palm. By delaying thetransmission between the encoder and robotic motor, computer con-trolled delays of �0, 100, 200 and 300 ms were introduced between themovement of the right hand and the movement of the tactile stimulus onthe left, constituting the four experimental conditions.


Vol 12 No 9 3 July 2001 1881

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lar activation was only present at a lower signi®cancethreshold. The localisation of the cerebellar activity differedslightly in each subject (Table 1). Figure 3 shows the regionof the right cerebellar cortex that showed a positiveregression with delay using the combined data of allsubjects. Right cerebellar cortex blood ¯ow is plottedagainst delay, as recorded by the PC, in Fig. 4. No otherbrain regions showed a signi®cant relationship with delay.

DISCUSSIONThe present study sought to investigate how rCBF ismodulated by parametric perturbations of the correspon-dence between self-generated movements and their sen-sory consequences. Activity in the right lateral cerebellarcortex (the border of VI and Crus I [21]) was positivelycorrelated with delay between the movement of the righthand and the tactile stimulation on the left palm. Under alldelays the right hand made the same movement and theleft hand experienced the same stimulus. Only the tempor-al relationship between the action of the right hand andthe sensory effect on the left hand was altered. It isproposed that as the delay increases the forward model'sprediction of the sensory consequences of the movementbecomes less accurate, and thus the sensory discrepancybetween predicted and actual sensory feedback increases.Therefore, these results support the proposal that thecerebellar cortex is involved in signalling the sensory

discrepancy between predicted and actual sensory conse-quences of movements.

That activity in the right cerebellar cortex showed apositive correlation with delay is consistent with the theorythat the cerebellum is a component of a system thatprovides precise predictions of the sensory consequencesof motor commands [12,13]. The main input to the cerebel-lum, the climbing ®bres from the inferior olive, has beenproposed to act as a comparator between intended andachieved movement, signalling errors in motor perform-ance and neurophysiological data [10]. Evidence for thiscomes from electrophysiological studies demonstrating thatneurons in the inferior olive of cats respond to passivelyapplied cutaneous stimuli but not to similar stimuli pro-duced by a voluntary movement of the cat (except whenstimuli were unexpectedly encountered during movement[9]).

Our data are also in accordance with previous functionalimaging data demonstrating that various foci in the cere-bellar cortex are activated during the early [11,14,15] andlate phases of motor learning [15]. The region of thecerebellar cortex that was correlated with delay in thepresent study is strikingly similar to the cerebellar regionsactivated during the early stages of motor learning in tworecent functional imaging studies (employing PET [22] andfMRI [15]). In terms of the forward model, activation of thecerebellum early in learning might correspond to the errorsignals between the predicted and actual outcomes ofmovements, which are used to re®ne the forward model'spredictions and guide the acquisition of new internalmodels [16]. It is possible that the cerebellar activationfound in the present study signals the sensory discrepancy,which is used to update the forward model's predictionsaccording to the new contingency (the presence of a delay)between movement and its sensory consequences. How-ever, it is unlikely that learning of the delays would occurin the present study for two reasons. First, the experimentwas relatively short: many more trials would be requiredfor learning of a time delay to take place [23]. Second, thedelays were presented to the subjects in a random order. It

Table 1. Localisation of the cerebellar blood ¯ow that showed apositive regression with delay in each subject.

Subject Coordinates (x,y,z) in cerebellum Z value

1 40,ÿ48,ÿ34 1.962 40,ÿ68,ÿ40 3.363 50,ÿ70,ÿ50 2.554 10,ÿ72,ÿ42 2.485 36,ÿ36,ÿ50 3.076 34,ÿ30,ÿ20 3.73

Fig. 3. Axial slices through the region of the middle right cerebellar cortex (38,ÿ56,ÿ34; VI/Crus I) that showed a signi®cant ( p , 0.05) positiverelationship with actual delay in all subjects combined when movement frequency and amplitude were used as confounds in the analysis.


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is likely that learning could only occur if the subjectrepeatedly experienced the same delay.

The region of the cerebellum activated in the presentstudy is very close to a region activated in a PET study inwhich subjects lifted objects using a precision grip [24].Forward model prediction is crucial for the production ofanticipatory grip force modulation required to manipulateobjects with speed and precision, which has been asso-ciated with the cerebellum [25]. The ®ndings of Kinoshitaet al. [24] support the suggestion that the right lateralcerebellar cortex is involved in processing the sensorypredictions made by a forward model. Our data suggestthe role of this area is to compare and signal the discre-pancy between the sensory predictions and the actualsensory feedback of movement.

Cerebellar activity has previously been related to move-ment frequency [26] and amplitude [27]. However, boththese movement parameters were recorded and removedas confounds in the analysis of the present study. Thus, thecerebellar activity observed in the present study did notrelate to the frequency or amplitude of the subjects' move-ments, and must have related to the delay between themovements and their sensory consequences, as this was

the only component of the paradigm that signi®cantlychanged between conditions.

One potential question concerns the lack of correlationbetween activity in the somatosensory cortex and delay. Inour previous fMRI experiment, we found that the somato-sensory cortex is more highly activated by tactile stimula-tion that was externally produced than by self-producedtactile stimulation [8]. However, the BOLD response insomatosensory cortex was attenuated by all self-generatedmovement: these areas were activated equally by move-ment that did result in tactile stimulation and by move-ment that did not. In other words the movement-relatedsomatosensory gating did not seem to depend on thespeci®c sensory consequences of the movement, but in-stead was associated with all self-generated movements.On the basis of these fMRI results it would be predictedthat the somatosensory cortex would show the same levelof activity as long as movement occurs. In the presentstudy movement occurred in each condition so we wouldnot predict that activity in the somatosensory cortex wouldcorrelate with delay.

In contrast, on the basis of the fMRI results we wouldpredict that activity in the cerebellum would depend onthe speci®c sensory consequences of movement. Our psy-chophysical experiment described above suggests thatsensory gating is very sensitive to the consequences of themovement since very small delays modulated the percep-tion of the tactile stimulus [5]. Our fMRI data suggestedthat the cerebellum might be involved in processing thespeci®c sensory consequences of movement. In contrast toactivity in somatosensory cortex, right lateral cerebellarcortex activity was not attenuated as a general consequenceof all movement in our fMRI experiment. Instead, this areawas differentially activated by self-produced movementthat resulted in tactile stimulation and by self-producedmovement alone. This pattern suggests that activity in thecerebellum depends on the speci®c sensory consequencesof a movement, a hypothesis that is strongly supported bythe current PET data.

CONCLUSIONThis study was designed to test the hypothesis that thecerebellum is involved in predicting the sensory conse-quences of action, and in signalling the sensory discre-pancy between the predicted and actual sensory feedbackfrom actions. PET was used to examine neural responses toparametrically varied degrees of sensory discrepancy be-tween the predicted and actual sensory consequences ofmovement. This was achieved by introducing varyingdegrees of delay between self-generated movement and itssensory consequences. As the tactile stimulus divergestemporally from the motor command producing it, theforward model's sensory prediction becomes less accurate,so the sensory discrepancy between the predicted andactual sensation increases. Activity in the right lateralcerebellar cortex showed a positive correlation with thedelay between the movement of the right hand and thetactile stimulation on the left. This supports the proposalthat the cerebellum is involved in signalling the sensorydiscrepancy resulting from the forward model's compari-son between the predicted and actual sensory feedbackfrom movements.

0 100 200 300 400 500Delay (ms)










m b






Fig. 4. Graph to show the signi®cant (p , 0.05) positive relationshipbetween blood ¯ow in the middle right cerebellar cortex (38,ÿ56,ÿ34;VI/Crus I) and delay between the movement of the right hand and thetactile stimulus on the left palm in all subjects combined. The correlationcoef®cient between delay and cerebellar blood ¯ow was r� 0.57.


Vol 12 No 9 3 July 2001 1883

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Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust and McDonnell Foundation. S-J.B. was supported by aWellcome Trust 4 year PhD Programme in Neuroscience at University College London.


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